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Inside the Moon

Sports A8

Fishing A11

On the Rocks A11


Issue 666

Island Moon

The voice of The Island since 1996

January 26, 2017

For the Birds A15




Around The Island

The Island’s future

Island Development Plan Approved by Council

By Dale Rankin It will go down in Island annals as The Night of the Overturned Outhouses. We Islanders awoke Monday morning to swimming pools full of tree limbs and a backyard full of our neighbors’ lawn furniture. While most of us slept Mother Nature came sweeping in over the Gulf and reminded us who is in charge. But alas, it appears that winter here on our little sandbar is to be but a fleeting notion this year as the closest we will get to cold weather this week is the mid-50s; not exactly Brass Monkey Weather.

By Dale Rankin When the City of Corpus Christi began work on the Comprehensive Plan 2035 more than two years ago it was to be the blueprint for growth and planning across the city for the next twenty years. The city council dedicated $1.3 million to kick off the work and set up three separate committees to formulate the plan.

Uncle Sam Makes the Cover We will rebuild! Winter Texans take notice! The Island Moon and The Barrel Wine and Tapas bar are teaming up to welcome Winter Texans to The Island with a party from 4-6 p.m. this Thursday, January 26. The Moon hits the racks at noon on Thursday so if you are reading this Thursday afternoon jump in your golf cart and head over for a free appetizer buffet, special drink prices. The Barrel is under now owned by Lance Bradley and the Winter Texan party is a chance to check out the changes.

Bingo! Also on tap for Winter Texans and Islanders alike is Bingo at the Beach starting on February 2 at Schlitterbahn. It will run each Thursday night for six weeks and serves as a fundraiser for the Kiwanis Club of Padre Island. The games are called by Brent “Wildman” Rourk who has been known to inject a little humor into his bingo lingo. For sponsorships see the story in this issue.

Island resident Uncle Sam the Bald Eagle will be featured on the cover of the New York Times Magazine this week after Times photographer Dan Winters came to The Island a few weeks ago take the photo you see here. Uncle Sam, who belongs to Islander Johnathon Wood, was also featured in a photo shoot with now President Donald Trump during the campaign.

New POA Ballots Going Out This Week Annual meeting March 11

By Dale Rankin

In early January the Padre Isles Property Owners Association sent out notices to 4200 property owners which included ballots for the POA Board of Directors race leading up to the annual meeting on Saturday, March 11, 10 a.m. at Seashore Learning Center Gymnasium.

A few days after the mailing was sent a question was raised by a candidate in the race, retired attorney Marvin Jones, regarding a provision in state law which states that election notices must be sent out no earlier than sixty days and no later than ten days before the board election., that

Ballot cont. on A4

Blessing of the Fleet

Duck hunting

Boaters tied up at the Padre Island Yacht Club on Saturday for the annual Blessing of the Fleet. There was Holy Water aplenty and a blessing by club member Fred Edler and no sinkings were reported. And who do you get Holy Water? Why, everybody knows that, you boil the heck out of it!For more photos see Page A16. This duck blind is just over the 1000-foot line from homes. The question of whether to move duck hunters more than the current limit of 1000 feet from Island homes is expected to come up at the meeting of the Island Strategic Action Committee at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 7 at Schlitterbahn. There are several proposals on the table ranging from no change to a longer limit of 1500 feet. A proposal to move the limit to one mile from homes seems to have no chance of passage at city hall. The meetings are open and the public is encouraged to attend. That’s all for now folks, get out there and enjoy the weather, and say hello if you see us Around The Island.

See the special Winter Texan News on page 14 in this issue!

The first committee was to work on a general, overarching plan for the entire city, a second was to draw up a plan for downtown, and a third to plan growth for the Southside of the city. Conspicuously absent was any mention of a plan for arguably the most dynamic part of the city – The Island. Once again we were on our own. When the Chairperson of the Island Action Committee at the time, Gabi Hilpold, pressed an Assistant City Manager for an answer as to why we were ignored his response, “Because The Island is already growing and doesn’t need a plan,” drew audible groans from the audience. But rather than bemoan our fate Hilpold went to work and pushed the other twelve members of the ISAC to put in extra hours and set to work on an Island Area Development Plan. That work was carried on under ISAC Chair Greg Smith, and under the Chairmanship of Libby Edwards, with much help from members of a subcommittee, that plan was presented to the city council Tuesday for inclusion in the final draft of the 2035 plan. “We essentially updated the 2004 Area Development Plan and removed the things that were dated and added things that have changed since that plan was first developed,” ISAC member William Goldston told the council when he made the presentation of the final plan Tuesday. “This is a much better document than the 2004 version, and we are happy with the outcome.” Officially known as the Mustang/ Padre Island Area Development Plan, it is available for reading in its entirety on the city’s website, the plan involved a series of public hearings and sought to address “protection of the environment, land use, transportation, economic development, public services, capital improvements, and plan implementation.”

Island by the numbers

From the Island Area Development Plan

204,525-304,895 Increase in Corpus Christi population from 1970-2010 134-9235 Increase in The Island’s population 1970-2010 304,895-414,659 Projected Corpus Christi population growth 2010-2050 9235-26,444 Projected growth in Island population 2010-2050 24.7 miles of public Gulf beaches in the City of Corpus Christi

Demographics 70% of The Island population is in the 21-64 age group 60% of the entire population of Corpus Christi is in the 21-64 age group 15% of The Island population is under 20 years old 29% of the entire population of Corpus Christi is under 20 years old 17% of The Island population is 65 years old or older 12% of the entire population of Corpus Christi is 65 years old or older 17% of Island households have children 36% of the households in Corpus Christi have children

Education and Income 15% of Corpus Christi population that lacks a high school diploma 5% of Island population that lacks a high school diploma $49,675 Median household income in Corpus Christi $95,871 Median income on The Island


Housing 23.6% of total housing on The Island that was for seasonal, recreational, or occasional use in 2010 census $155,169-195,275 increase in median home value citywide 20112015 a 27% increase $284,900-$360,000 Increase in median home value on The Island 2011-2015 (Source: American Community Survey estimate)

Plan cont on A4

A little Island history

Raid on Progresso, South Texas is Depopulated, Don’t Mess with Old Man McAllen

Editor’s note: This is the latest in a series of stories on the Border War which launched South Texas into the front lines of a conflict between the United States and Mexico in late 1915. By Dale Rankin

By early September, 1915, there were more than 6000 U.S. Army troops stationed in the southern tip of Texas from Kingsville south. There was daily fire across the Rio Grande from both sides and the American general in charge of the Army was asking for another 2000 troops. It was a very bad time to be an American of Mexican decent in South Texas. Most of them loaded up their belongings and headed south to Matamoros where they had been promised a pardon if they would cross the border before September 16 – Mexican Independence Day –

and had been promised work at good wages. Many left crops in the field. It all left Anglos in the area nervous that the members of the Mexican diaspora knew something they didn’t. it turned out they did.

Raid on Progresso By the middle of the month the Border War was letting up enough that photographers for the Associated Press, the Chicago News and the International News Service were heading home. That was until September 24 when the town of Progresso on the American side now the favorite border crossing for Americans looking for prescription drugs and cheap liquor – was attacked by a band of about 80 raiders who crossed from the Mexican side. Progresso then consisted of a combination Post Office/General Store guarded by a three-man outpost of the 12th Cavalry.

An eight-mile stretch of the river above and below Progresso consisted of several resacas – bends in the river cut off when the Rio Grande shifted course which were covered with tall vegetation and were too swampy for the cavalry to ride horses across.

The eighty attackers were bent on fomenting an armed revolution called the Plan de San Diego that would eventually overrun Brownsville, Corpus Christi, and Austin and return Texas to Mexico. The group consisted of guerrillas and Mexican Army Regulars who Border Bandit as portrayed by Hollywood. We want McAllen's head!.jpg crossed the river by boats in the pre-dawn hours

History cont. on A2


January 26, 2017

Island Moon

History cont. from A1 and looted the store and torched it. Two of the U.S. cavalrymen guarding the post managed to escape but one, Private Richard j. Johnson, was

American Air Force in Rio Grange Valley captured and taken across the river. The firefight lasted two hours as American reinforcements arrived and the raiders re-crossed the river under the cover of fire from 100 Mexican troops on the south riverbank. The Mexicans fired more than 2000 rounds and the Americans 1000. One U.S. trooper was killed and two wounded. By 9 a.m. the shooting died out and the battle was over. The clash caused U.S. General Frederick Funston to order a battery of four mountain howitzers of the 4th Field Artillery from Fort Bliss to Progresso which arrived October 2 and dug in.

wrath of Old Man McAllen.

Johnston was listed as “Missing” for several days hoping he would be released. But it was not to be. An Army intelligence chief found out from a local Deputy Sheriff what Johnston’s fate

was. Private Johnston had been “shot four or five time” by Mexican troops and decapitated, and had his ears sliced off as souvenirs for Mexican troops – although it is unclear in what order those injuries were inflicted. His mutilated corpse was then tossed into the river where the Army was able to recover it. In the meantime the Mexican troops impaled the unlucky Johnston’s head on a stick which they then paraded along the south bank of the river for the American soldiers to see.

Don’t mess with Mr. McAllen if he’s been drinking In a raid on the same day a contingent of eight

Bad day to be Private Johnston

For good measure the Ranger Captain Henry Ransom – alternately branded a hero and a cold blooded killer – returned to the ranch and killed Bazan and a companion who had helped the bandits. “What had happened was the Rangers had found some bloody rags at their place and they killed them for lying to them,” according to a contemporary account. “These Mexicans General Blackjack Pershing and Pancho Villa at Fort were afraid that if they told the Rangers anything, the bandits Bliss 1913 would kill them. They were right covered with thick green shutters and McAllen in the middle of it and didn’t fired both barrels of his ten-gauge shotgun know what to do. You felt sorry for them.” loaded with buckshot through one of the Between the beheadings and ranchers on the shutters. The blast killed not only the bandit leader but his horse as well. The Mexican American side the events of 1915 sound much woman ran to the window, grabbed him by the like the events of today. arm and jerked him away saying, “Don't ever South Texas depopulated shoot but once from the same place and then The Progresso raid combined with the ranch move away or they'll kill you, and now they're going to kill me too.” The astounded bandits raid had enormous impact on the Border War. scattered and laid siege to the house. McAllen proved a worthy foe. He placed a gun by each window and moved around the house shooting and moving from spot to spot. Each time he fired, the Mexicans would pepper that window, but he would move on to another one and fire again For twenty minutes gunfire raged. McAllen killed another bandit and wounded three more. Finally the bandits issued forth a series bloodcurdling threats saying, “That's okay, we have 80 more men and we'll be back” then turned tail and ran. McAllen took them for their word and he got up to leave the ranch. The Mexican woman begged him not to go, saying that if they really had 80 men they would have brought them in the first place, and they were gone, not to come back. But he left the ranch and wandered out into the brush.

One of the reasons for Funston’s reaction was the sad tale of captured Private Johnson.

The cavalry was riding a Dodge A neighbor heard the shooting and tried to the Ranger station for help but the bandits

bandits went after what they considered low hanging fruit, the McAllen Ranch in Hidalgo County. There were only two people at the ranchhouse when the raiders arrived; the elderly owner James B. McAllen and his housekeeper, a Mexican woman who was a fugitive from the Revolution. The raiders told the woman to bring McAllen out of the house, saying, “We want McAllen’s head.” Realizing they meant to kill him the woman woke him from his nap, gave him a shot of whisky and a loaded shotgun, and told him he would have to fight for his life.

Ranger Captain Bigfoot Sanders, due to political pressure from the King Ranch was permanently assigned there meaning he could not chase bandits into the brush. His company consisted of fully one third of the entire Ranger force in the state. He was re-assigned to Alice and as they left King Ranch owner Caesar Kleberg outfitted them with horses, and a chuckwagon.

Things get really ugly

The windows in the front of the house were

Grave of Jesus Bazan had cut the line 56 times. Texas Rangers were soon driven to the scene in a brand new Dodge automobile and went after the bandits.

Sunday Open House Jan 29, 2:00pm-4:00pm 15950 Punta Espada Loop $411,000

A federal Bureau of Investigation agent in Brownsville wrote; “Conditions serious… present forces inadequate to cope. Danger increased by presence on other side of several thousand Mexicans who recently went from this side…the outlying districts in Texas are almost depopulated. This section being ruined my opinion is martial law with increased forces justifiable.” The Texas Ranger force in the Rio Grande Valley was only thirty-eight and was stretched to the limit. Ransom, whose orders were to kill as many Mexican bandits as he could had only fourteen men in his command. His Sergeant had recently been diagnosed with tuberculosis and was also beset with a case of raging hemorrhoids which meant straddling a horse sent him to new heights of pain.

Cover of book glorifying Ranger Captain Henry Ransom at right

Just Listed

Mexican leader Madero at the head of his forces

The Rangers went up the river to Los Ebanos, a little village on the border and arrived around four o'clock in the morning. The only light that they saw was an old Mexican woman living alone, sitting there drinking some coffee. They rode up in their Model T's and when they got out, the lady invited them in. She said, “The men you 're looking for just crossed the river about twenty minutes ago. They can't be more than two miles from here. I gave them some coffee. There was only three of them that was still alive. One of them is in awful bad shape. He's sick and another one's in bad shape, too. One had his whole shoulder shot off, but there was one that wasn't hurt. The rest of them are on the road between here and the ranch, either dead or dying.” The Rangers tracked the bandits to a nearby farm owned by a 67-year-old Hispanice man named Jesus Bazan where they had hoped to dress their wounds and water their horses. The Rangers killed two of the wounded who could not keep up with the desperados fleeing the

A week after the Progresso raid a discovery was made that was horrific even by Border War standards. Eleven Mexican bodies arranged in a row were found by the Army at Ebenezer’s Crossroads near Donna and the next day three more were found in the brush nearby. They had been killed in late September and according to press reports friends and relatives of the dead men were afraid to bury them lest they suffer repercussions. The coroner even refused to go to the scene without an armed escort. The Rangers took the blame but in light of later facts it is uncertain if they were the culprits. The shooting war on the border had reached a stalemate. Each side could hold their ground but neither could cross and occupy territory lest it cause a declared war which could quickly take on international proportions as the European powers were lining up to take sides in the looming war there. What was needed was a political solution. But before that could happen someone had to win the ongoing Mexican Revolution. Into the breach stepped the American government. Next time: Mexican bandits highjack a Brownsville train just like in a Spaghetti Western.

Send letters and photos to editor@islandmoon.com Facebook: The Island Moon Newspaper

January 26, 2017


Island Moon

Moon Monkeys Mike Ellis, Founder

Letters to the Editor

Distribution Pete Alsop Island Delivery

Alternate Facts

Coldwell Banker Advertising Jan Park Rankin Classifieds Arlene Ritley Production Manager Abigail Bair Contributing Writers Joey Farah Andy Purvis Mary Craft Christiansen Jay Gardner

In his letter to the Island Moon Newspaper (Jan 19 edition), Mr. Jeffrey F. Carlson, previous President of the POA Board, libeled me. Most specifically, he wrote that I wrote a letter to the Island Moon Newspaper (Dec 1st, 2016 edition) stating that the POA Board are, "nothing more than jack-booted thugs." In fact, I have never written, nor said that about the POA Board, nor anyone else, ever. His letter last week was an outright personal attack and a total hatchet job directed specifically against my character, my reputation and my candidacy for election to the PIPOA Board of Directors. The former POA Board President used that lie, as if I had written that they were jack-booted thugs, to justify his thesis, as follows:

Todd Hunter Dotson Lewis

"This mind-set alone shows he is not capable of working with the other Board members or the staff to improve the POA and the Island."

Ronnie Narmour Brent Rourk Photographers Miles Merwin Jeff Dolan Mary Craft Ronnie Narmour Office Security/Spillage Control (Emeritus) Riley P. Dog

His libel stated that I wrote that ugly comment about the POA's over-reaction to someone's satirical Halloween decoration in front of their Island home. In fact, it was actually a topic I posted on the Nextdoor discussion board, which the Moon decided to post as a letter to their paper, and that's fine with me.

that it was similarly disturbing that the POA warning letter told the homeowner this, as follows: "It goes without saying that we would not expect to see any future displays of this nature," and, "we do need to bring this incident to full closure." I closed my post by writing, "That (POA warning letter) was written as if the POA has any legal right to control whatever kind of holiday decorations are placed on any of our properties, whether a satirical expression for Halloween, Christmas, New Year's, Easter, the Fourth of July or whatever." And that was the extent of my post on Nextdoor, which the Moon found suitable to post as a letter for all to read, and I'm glad they did. I hope lots of people read it then, and have reread my real words now, as I stand behind all my words fully, and would make no changes today. I served our Country for a little over 30 years active duty in the U.S. Military. In doing so, I served an oath to protect our rights, as legally recorded in our U.S. Constitution. The former POA Board President, Mr. Carlson, can be as mean-spirited to me as he wants, even as published in the newspaper. He has the right to call me a malcontent, all day, all night and even in his dreams. I was willing to fight for that right, if called upon to do so, throughout my long career as a U.S. Military man. However, he crossed the line from free speech to libel, when he wrote, that I wrote, that the POA, or anyone else for that matter, is a, "Jackbooted thug." That's libel against me, and I take those words very seriously. Mr. Jeffrey F. Carlson libeled my good character and reputation, and he clearly intended to ruin my chance for being elected to the POA Board of Directors with his lies. I hope that he will admit that what he wrote about me wasn't true, by writing an open letter of apology to the editor of the Island Moon Newspaper, with a proper apology to me, for his lies. Sincerely, Robert Algeo

Drawing the Line We all want to live in a nice neighborhood and to protect the value of our properties. Brent Moore, the POA president, had a valid question worth consideration. “Where do you draw the line?” His statement was in reference to the newly mandated property maintenance requirements, which came up at our recent Meet the Candidates Night. A realtor spoke up in support of regulations to prune palms, remove toys, and keep other items like chairs and trashcans out of sight so that “our community is attractive to my clients” and to make this “an enjoyable place to live.”

Publisher Dale Rankin About the Island Moon The Island Moon is published every Thursday, Dale Rankin, Editor / Publisher. Total circulation is 10,000 copies. Distribution includes delivery to 4,000 Island homes, free distribution of 3,000 copies in over 50 Padre Island businesses and condos, as well as 600 copies distributed in Flour Bluff, 1,400 copies on Mustang Island and Port Aransas businesses. News articles, photos, display ads, classified ads, payments, etc. may be left at the Moon Office.

The Island Moon Newspaper

Nextdoor post published in the Moon

14646 Compass, Suite 3

Fortunately, that makes what I actually wrote available as real evidence to prove that he libeled me (Dec 1, 2016, Is Moon). In fact, what I really wrote bears no resemblance whatsoever, to what Jeff Carlson (previous POA President) stated that I wrote. In fact, what I really wrote did not attack the POA Board, but rather expressed my concern over their warning letter to the homeowner, who had that Halloween decoration.

Corpus Christi, TX 78418 361-949-7700 editor@islandmoon.com Facebook: The Island Moon Newspaper

Where to Find The Island Moon Port Aransas Lisabella’s Restaurant Pioneer RV Park

Sandpiper Condos WB Liquors Port A Arts

North Padre

Stripes @ Beach Access Rd. 1A

All Stripes Stores

A Mano

Angry Marlin

Coffee Waves


Moby Dicks



Doc’s Restaurant

IGA Grocery Store

Snoopy’s Pier Isle Mail N More

Carter Pharmacy

Island Italian

San Juan’s Taqueria

Brooklyn Pie Co.

Wash Board Laundry Mat

Holiday Inn

Ace Hardware

Port A Parks and Rec

Texas Star (Shell)

Public Library

Scuttlebutt’s Restaurant

Chamber of Commerce Duckworth Antiques Back Porch

Jesse’s Liquor

Subway Island Tire And all Moon retail advertisers

I wrote that I was disturbed by the POA's warning letter, in which they referred to their employees as, "those who serve," as if the POA employees were military members or law enforcement. I also wrote that I was disturbed by the POA's contention in their warning letter that they are, "bound to investigate, document and mitigate," against a property owner in this POA, as if the POA has the power of a real law enforcement agency. Furthermore, in my Nextdoor post (which the Moon posted as a letter to the editor), I wrote

Many others saw these as overreaching measures, which now include micromanaging our plants, as diminishing the joy of living here and a violation of our rights. The hotly contested pruning of palms has become the banner for those who want their property rights and their trees protected. According to our top palm tree experts, the pruning of palms is very different from other plants. Any removal of fronds will make them vulnerable to disease, high winds, cold snaps, cause the trees to decline, and ultimately it will kill them. For the facts on palms see my article in the Moon entitled “The Problem with Pruning Palms.” (2017, January 19th edition on page 13) So what is a properly maintained property? Some see it as a yard with immaculately groomed bushes trimmed into pill-boxes or square hedges. Others prefer the more natural growth of shade trees and cactus. All these perspectives come down to two kinds of judgment: objective and subjective. The requirement to fix a broken, rusted garage door or a dilapidated fence is an objective requirement needed to keep a home in good repair. However, purely aesthetic judgments on the pruning of landscapes has no such bases and is a highly subjective choice that is matter of taste, which is neither right nor wrong. Those type of choices are better left to individual homeowners. Such aesthetic mandates can backfire. One

Padre Isles Property Owners Association, Inc. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING MARCH 11, 2017 THIS NOTICE AND BALLOT/PROXY FORM REPLACES THE NOTICE AND FORM SENT EARLIER THIS MONTH THAT WAS MAILED IN ADVANCE OF THE MAXIMUM 60 DAYS ALLOWED. ANY BALLOT/PROXIES SUBMITTED ON THE PRIOR FORM WILL BE ACCEPTED, BUT ONLY ONE VOTE WILL BE TABULATED FOR EACH LOT. The Padre Isles Property Owners Association, Inc.'s Annual Meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 11, 2017, at the Seashore Learning Center Gym, 15801 S Padre Island Dr., Corpus Christi, Texas (Encantada @ Park Rd 22). Property owners will receive the audit, various annual reports on the Association and elect two (2) members to the Board of Directors for 3-year terms. You have the following options for casting your vote for Board of Director candidates and other business: Option 1: If you do not plan to attend or if you are not sure whether something might cause a change in plans, you may vote in advance by completing the Ballot/Proxy. Please fill out and mail the enclosed Ballot/Proxy to arrive at Kirk, Monroe & Klostermann, L.L.P., no later than noon on Friday, March 3rd, 2017. If you attend the meeting in person, you may revoke your proxy and vote in person if you prefer. Option 2: If you do plan to attend, you may vote at the Annual Meeting by turning in the enclosed Ballot/Proxy or obtaining a Ballot at the door and using it. NOTE: Property owners are entitled to one vote per lot.


Padre Isles Property Owners Association, Inc. OFFICIAL BALLOT BY PROXY


I authorize the Board Secretary to record my vote(s) for the following candidate(s): Three-Year Term Nominees – Vote for Up to Two Persons

 Stan Hulse Carter Tate William Kent Kerr David Dare

George Potter Dennis Sprout

Marvin Jones Robert Algeo __________________________________

The number in the BOX above equals the number of lots owned and the corresponding number of votes for this ballot. By signing below, I/we authorize the Board Secretary to cast the vote(s) indicated above.

WB Liquor


Shorty’s Place

Flour Bluff



If you cannot attend, and if you want to designate a proxy for the meeting as to other matters, you may designate one person to vote on your behalf at the 2017 Annual Meeting. You may write in as your proxy someone you know who is going to attend the Meeting or one of the above candidates, or you may check the box of one of the current members of the Board of Directors listed below:

Stripes @ Cotter & Station

Liquid Town

Woody’s Sports Center

Gratitude Gift Shop Keepers Pier House Port A Glass Studio The Gaff

Whataburger on Waldron Ethyl Everly Senior Center Fire Station Police Station Stripes on Flour Bluff & SPID

Write in__________________________ Brent Moore Nancy Tressa Leslie Hess Darrell Scanlan

Stan Hulse Cheri Sperling John “Jack” Sharlow

This Ballot/Proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed by the undersigned. If a General Proxy is made, it will be voted at the discretion of the proxy holder as to other matters arising at the annual meeting. If it is not marked, or if marked improperly, it will be counted toward a quorum only. This form must be signed in order to be valid.


Second Signature (if applicable)

Printed Name

Printed Name



Final POA Ballot

Did Ya Hear?

By Mary Craft mkay512@aol.com

Business Briefs

Physician Premier ER and TLC Medical Center are both building a facility on the Island. Both offer advanced state of the art 24 hour ER care. The Barrel is hosting a Welcome Winter Texans Happy Hour with $1 special draft beer, $3 house wine and complimentary buffet on Thursday, January 26th 4 – 6 pm. You just need to present your out of state license to indulge. Raggdoll Boutique on SPID next to the Donut Palace is closing but their Port A store will remain open. Everything is $50 and under plus store fixtures are also for sale. The Vessel Turn-In Program is taking place February 7th – 11th 9 am – 4 pm at the Laguna Madre Wastewater Facility, 201 Jester Street. The service is free and offers boats owners a voluntary method of disposing of their run-down vessels. To pre-register a vessel for drop-off, sign up at www.surveymonkey.com/r/vtipcc. Formore info call 826-3032 or 281-4706597. Dragonfly Restaurant Happy Hour is now 5 – 7pm with $5 select appetizers, $5 infusion cocktails, $3 longnecks and much more. They have daily sandwiches on homemade bread Tuesday – Friday 11 am – 2 pm. They are taking reservations for Valentine’s Day which will feature a four course menu at $48/person. Call 949-2224. The Padre Island Antique Car Show will be held at the Barrel parking lot Saturday, January 28th 11 am – 1 pm. The Port Aransas Garden Club Annual Home Tour will take place on Saturday, January 28th. Bus tours are available at 9 am and 11 am at a cost of $25. Self-guided tours are available 1 – 5 pm at a cost of $20. Tour maps are available at the Community Center. For more info visit their Facebook page. The Rotary Club Night at the Races will be held at Schlitterbahn on Saturday, January 28th 6 pm. Tickets are $35/person and available at the Veranda or from Padre Island Rotarians. Ticket includes appetizer buffet, two drink tickets and a door prize ticket. For more info email Linda Walsh at lawalshva@yahoo.com. Cita’s in Port A on Alister has been torn down and is being rebuilt and should be completed by spring 2017.

Saltgrass Steakhouse gets a 5 star rating from me not only for the food but the service and attention to detail that is unmatched. I had lunch there with Caesar, who had worked at their location in Houston, who explained what they called team servers where they make sure everyone’s plate at the table is placed at the same time. I said to him “It doesn’t seem like we are in Corpus” which is probably not politically correct but that’s what came out of my mouth. of my neighbors complied with the palm tree trimming regulation and one of his trees died as a result. Now he faces the expense of having the tree removed and replaced, which is no trivial cost when it comes to these large trees. I’ve talked to several who want to expand our current regulations beyond palm trees to disallowing boat trailers on our properties. This is hazardous ground. Similar battles have played out in homeowner associations across the country. I’ve experienced first-hand what happens when a board reaches beyond maintaining sea-walks and common areas and starts imposing matters of taste on private properties. It ended with a community so mired in restrictions that front and backyards became unusable and many found themselves stuck with diminished property values as a result. Our board says they would never go that far, but then again, they did promise me that “we would never tell you how to trim your trees and bushes.” Think about why you love this island and all the things you do here. Currently our island is dotted with a wide range of lovely homes where we have every manner of pergola and palm tree, paddle boards and hot tubs, and surfboards to fishing boats. Now consider the consequences if it were decided that all those things from barbeque grills to lawn chairs and kayaks were banned from sight. We already have the big brother practice of paid observers photographing our yards. If we continue down this path, our laid-back, beachy, no-tie zone and sense of community will become a thing of the past. Where would that leave property values? Our growing restrictions have reached beyond needed repairs to mandating a purely subjective “look” for palms trees, even if such pruning destroys them. We have to ask what’s next? Boat owners currently enjoy their boat docks and easy access to boat ramps. Would this be an enjoyable place to live if it were mandated that you had to go through the huge hassle and expense of keeping your trailers off island? Prospective owners with boats wouldn’t be nearly so eager to purchase a house here under those conditions. Realtors and property owners, please ponder

Letters to Ed. cont A4


January 26, 2017

Island Moon

Plan cont. from A1

What is in it?

Since the drafting of the first plan in 2004 exiting residential development on The Island has increased by 300 acres and commercial development by more than 200 acres. This has created pressure on policies regarding environmental issues and land use. The 2004 plan gave birth to the Island Overlay Zone which sought to regulate color, design, and scale of new development on The Island, as well as create an aesthetic pallet that eliminated certain types of signage, and regulated landscaping in an effort to make The Island an “upscale resort destination.” However, enforcement of the rules for the zone was spotty at best and with regular exceptions to the design parameters of the 2004 plan by the city council, particular with regard to siding material formally banned on new construction, the Overlay Zone rules have largely gone by the wayside. Nonetheless, the current plan continues to reach for the high ground with a wide-ranging Mission Statement: “The ultimate goal of this plan is to guide the transformation of the Mustang/Padre Island area into a world-renowned tourist, resort and residential community. The City will encourage the highest development standards within the area’s boundaries to create a unique “sense of place.” Economic development and growth will be tempered with common sense and environmental sensitivity to the significant coastal natural resources on the Islands.” The new plan devotes much attention to maintaining the Island environment, banning structures other than erosion control devices between the vegetation line and the mean low tide line on Island beaches. It also recommends an interdisciplinary site plan review process for all commercial and multi-family residential development on the Islands, in conjunction with the issuance of building permits. It also addresses beach management practices and beach nourishment policy and plans for the preservation of wetlands. It recommends that no more than 10% of land on The Island be used for commercial development, with the majority of land designated for Mixed Use Residential zoning. It also recommends: An Island visitors center Mitigation for non-residential development A ban on sexually oriented businesses A ban on manufactured homes Underground utility lines It states as policy: ISAC (Island Strategic Action Committee) will be notified of all zoning and re-zoning cases that come before the City regarding the Islands at the time of public notification. Vehicular access along the Gulf beach shall not be restricted unless necessary for public safety. Maximum overall residential density of 12 units per acre will be allowed on the bay side of State Highway 361. The bait and fishing stands located along the John F. Kennedy (JFK) Causeway are at the primary entrance to the Islands and are among the first sights visitors see of the Islands. TheCity will place a high priority on the visual enhancement of this area.

that address the need to encourage tourism and residential growth, which include: continued maintenance of the Packery Channel; and endorsement for the completion of the new bridge on Park Road 22; •

It calls for access roads along the SPID corridor from the JFK Causeway to Whitecap and additional beach access roads and the creation, where feasible, a Public Improvement District to finance capital improvements. Still to be developed are a Beach Master Plan and master plan for city parks on The Island which generally remain unusable. The ISAC is in charge of implanting the plan. Final approval of the plan on a second reading is expected at next week’s council meeting. The committee recommended that the updated plan be adopted by City Council. On September 20, 2016, the Chairman of the ISAC, advised City Council, during public comment that the updated Mustang/Padre Island Area Development Plan was ready for the formal Planning Commission public hearing/action and City Council public hearing and action. On December 14, 2016, the Planning Commission, as required by City Charter and state statute, conducted a public hearing to invite public comment on the proposed plan. The major goals and policies of the updated Plan address the following: •

Encourage protection of coastal resources;

Encourage an expanded canal system for better water exchange;

Implement the Future Land Use map;

Encourage high quality well-planned development on the island;

Encourage the use of buffer zones around residential developments for compatible land use purposes;

Encourage the City to consider the long term “ultimate” street network to serve a fully developed plan area;

Revise the collector street system on Mustang Island where the State purchased land to expand Mustang Island State Park;

Encourage walking, cycling and golf carts as alternate forms of transportation;

Support emergency egress off the island, including a second crossing of the Laguna Madre;

Develop solutions to address access and traffic congestion on SH 361 and PK 22 and improve beach access;

Promote Economic development policies

Identify Capital Improvements recommendations include the need to create a specific Beach Utilization Master Plan for all gulf beaches, additional boat ramps on Mustang and North Padre Island; improvement of unimproved but dedicated streets such as San Dollar, Tortugas and Palmira Avenue; and, Create, where feasible, a Public Improvement District to finance capital improvements.

ALTERNATIVES: 1. Denial of the proposed Mustang/Padre Island Area Development Plan with suggestions to Planning Commission and the Island Strategic Action Committee. 2. Adoption with changes per City Council.

Ballot cont. from A1 meant the ballots were delivered eight days too early to comply with state rules. Also problematic with the first ballot, in one place it stated “vote for three candidates” and in another said “vote for two candidates.” The correct number is/was two candidates for the two seats that are up for grabs; one being that of Stan Hulse who is running for re-election to the three-year term, and a second seat being vacated by Cheri Sperling who is not seeking re-election to the seat. The erroneous early ballot is now being supplanted by the new ballot which will mailed in the next two weeks. “People who voted with the first ballot sent out do not have to vote again,” said. POA Executive Coordinator Maybeth Christensen. “Unless they voted for three candidates in which case they will need to submit the new ballot.” Christensen said about 200 of the original ballots sent out were returned due to incorrect addresses and those will be corrected for the new mailing. Property owners get one vote for each parcel of property they own. While there are about 5200 separate pieces of property inside the POA due to ownership of multiple pieces of property there are only about 4200 voters. The re-mailing process will not incur additional mailing costs to the POA because a notice – without a ballot included – was already scheduled prior to the March 11 meeting.

What you need to know Here is what you need to know to vote: •

Only owners of property inside the POA boundaries are eligible to vote.

If you returned the first mailed ballot and voted for only two candidates you do not need to submit another ballot.

If you returned the first ballot and voted for three candidates you will need to vote again.

If you have not voted return the second ballot, which will soon arrive in the mail. The mailing address is on the ballot: Kirk, Monroe, & Klostermann. The ballot must be postmarked by noon, March 3.

You may also bring the ballot with you to the March 11 meeting.

You may vote at the March 11 meeting without bringing a ballot but this is discouraged because it makes it difficult to canvass the votes quickly at the meeting.

Streets and Transportation Sand Dollar Street is currently platted and includes some underground infrastructure already in place, the plan calls for it to be paved and finished to relieve traffic pressure on SPID. It also calls for an Island-wide system of bicycle paths integrated into the planned Islandwalk canal that will flow under the proposed Park Road 22/SPID Water Exchange Bridge, on which it places a “high priority.”

Develop Public Services policies that stress the need to continue a high quality beach maintenance program, pursue park development funds, adopt stormwater master plan, and support for facility development related to water, wastewater and other infrastructure;

In this issue Disregard the ballot we have printed in the past two issues of the Island Moon as they are now obsolete. Use the third version included in this issue on page A3.

Behold the Taxman Cometh

January 31 is the Deadline

The last day to pay your 2016 property tax bill without penalty and interest will be on Tuesday January 31st. Accounts not paid by January 31st become delinquent on February 1st, per the Texas Property Tax Code 33.01, according to Nueces County Tax Assessor-Collector Kevin Kieschnick.

Letters to Ed. cont. from A3 what would happen to our property values in the future as prospective buyers weigh the significant cost of insurances, taxes, and higher POA dues against an ever growing number of restrictions, mandates, and fines that would straight-jacket control over their own property. Sales and the value of our properties would go down, not up. So, maybe opening doors and giving homeowners a voice and protecting their rights is more important than drawing lines. Instead of paying plant police to find fault with our yards, maybe we could put those funds to work protecting our properties and reducing theft on the island. Marta Sprout -- Island

Palms Thanks for the great article The Problem with Pruning Palms by Marta Sprout. This brings to light a question. Did the POA Board consult a horticulturalist before making up their palm tree maintenance rules? The reason I ask: after having our two palm trees pruned to the POA standards last April one of them died not three months later. Pete and Jo Allsopp

POA: A Differing View A different (and I hope majority view) of the Padre Isles Property Owners Association (the POA) 1. The POA, its Board and its employees, are there for the benefit of our Community. From the Articles of Incorporation: “ the corporation is organized exclusively for the promotion of social welfare, including the following: providing facilities for the protection, security, pleasure, recreation and furthering the benefit or common good of all of the property owners and residents of the Padre Island Number 1, Padre Island Number 2 and the various units of Padre Island--Corpus Christi subdivision located in Nueces County, Texas; the preservation thereof as a marina type community of the highest quality; owning, constructing, operating, acquiring, developing, maintaining, repairing, replacing and protecting, as on a non-profit basis in furtherance of the aforesaid purpose of common areas, including but not limited to: greenways, recreation areas, canals, bulkheads, seawalls, seagates, lighting, parks, roads, streets, curbs, gutters, drainage facilities, water access areas, boat ramps and any other facilities or property which shall be owned by it and located in the above described subdivisions; the administration and enforcement of any deed restrictions covering such property in accord with the terms thereof including the assessment and collection of maintenance fees and charges as provided thereunder. 2. An Owners Association is necessary because people will have differing views on what is acceptable and what is not, and may require some inducement to be convinced to adhere to the accepted norms (same reason we have laws). 3. It is not an easy or pleasant job to deal with people as described in 2 above. 4. Primarily because of item 3 above I am very grateful for the Members of the Board of the POA who volunteer to give their time and energy on behalf of our community. I am also very grateful for the employees who are charged with implementing the articles and bylaws of our Association. My experience has taught me that both the Board and the employees will always have someone unhappy with them and will seldom receive thanks for jobs well done. A few suggestions to those currently so disenchanted with our POA: 1. Communication is a two way street. Always good to consider that if you're having trouble that maybe it's you. 2. Nowhere could I find the bylaws or articles that it is the job of the POA to “respect homeowners gifts.” Sorry, I'm not saying it's not a nice thing to do, just that it's not their job. Maybe another of those things that work both ways. 3. If anyone is interested in really taking on the issues affecting our Community you might want to look to the Island Strategic Action Committee. Probably just me, but millions of tax dollars for canals, bridges, and lights that benefit only developers, sections of the beach being closed to vehicles, lack of proper police

protection, and the fact that the Committee is staffed almost exclusively with individuals that benefit from development worry me a lot more than uncut palm trees, and trailers parked in yards (not to minimize these items). Again; thank you POA Board and employees. I appreciate the work you are doing! Mike Linnane.

Governor Perry a Solid Nominee Texas and energy are synonymous with one another. Most Americans probably think of the Lone Star State as an oil and gas economy with a lot of heft, and for good reason. The industry supports tens of thousands of jobs in the state and helps power one-third of the country. But what many don’t know is that my state’s energy dominance isn’t confined to oil and gas alone — in recent years, Texas has become a leader in renewables, thanks in large part to former Gov. Rick Perry. Today, my state generates more wind power than any other, and is experiencing explosive growth in solar power as well. If growth continues at the current rate, Texas will soon be a national leader. Put another way, our state has benefited from an all-of-the-above, diversified energy strategy spearheaded by Gov. Perry. As the President-elect’s choice to take the helm of the Department of Energy, I have no doubt he will build on his successful track record in Texas to spur energy growth across the country. As governor of Texas for 14 years, Perry managed a state with a budget and bureaucracy larger than the Energy Department. His sensible approach to regulation kept unnecessary redtape out of the way, allowing job creators and innovators the room to thrive. During his tenure, he also championed and signed legislation that created a renewable portfolio standard and helped jumpstart wind energy production in the state, empowering Texans with more energy choices. In Houston, for example, residents have a menu of more than 100 rate plans to choose from, with varying levels of renewable power. Of course, an all-of-the-above energy strategy isn’t just about the economy. It’s about pioneering more energy solutions that work for everyone. Gov. Perry never prioritized traditional energy production at the expense of innovation and research. Where some might have seen an either/ or proposition — protecting the environment at the expense of growth — Rick Perry saw an opportunity to promote a climate of innovation and smart regulation. Under his leadership, Texas pursued cuttingedge technologies that led to a boom in shale oil production, helping create thousands of jobs and making energy more affordable for Texas families along the way. Promoting an all-of-the-above energy policy doesn’t just power our lives and drive economic growth. It’s a national security imperative too. While Congress took a big step forward last year by lifting the crude oil export ban, more must be done to embrace American energy for the future, and reduce our allies’ dependence on volatile, foreign sources of energy. That means streamlining and expediting the review and approval process to help American energy — like liquefied natural gas — get to international markets. And it should also include a continued push toward the next gamechanging breakthrough by supporting fiscally responsible research and development of both traditional and new energy sources. Gov. Perry is the right man to get it done. Texas is the pre-eminent case study in what can be accomplished in energy production, and it’s only natural that the Trump administration should tap the man whose leadership led to that success. By nominating Gov. Perry as our next Energy secretary, President-elect Trump chose someone who knows how to shake the cobwebs off a lumbering bureaucracy and pave the way for the next North American energy renaissance. The guiding principles of his tenure — smart regulation, encouraging innovation, and growing every aspect of energy production — continue to benefit Texans now. As Energy secretary, I have no doubt he will build on them to the benefit of the American people. Senator John Cornyn

Your Chance to be a Caption Writer

Those who wish to skip the line and the wait should utilize our no fee online E-Check option. Just have your checking account number and routing number nearby when logging in. Click blue link below for access: https://actweb. acttax.com/act_webdev/nueces/ If you choose to come in, help us reduce your wait time by bringing your tax statement with you when paying your bill. Those who wish to not wait in line and have a paid receipt mailed to them may use our drop box located on the 3rd floor by the tax office. Please include a check and the statement(s) for the property(s) being paid. If you need additional information, please feel free to call my office at 361-888-0230, Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Boat Owners!

Do you own a boat with a cabin and would you like to make some money with it? We have slips and are looking for boats to use for charters. If you have a boat and are interested in an entrepreneurial opportunity call 361 332-9978.

Editor’s note: We decided to try something a little different this time here at the Word Factory. This painting by Nancy Hopp Heart will be on display at the Art Center of Port Aransas for the next month and for some reason we thought it needed a caption. Write us one and e-mail it to us at editor@islandmoon.com or go to our Facebook page at theislandmoonnewspaper and tell us what you think these two are saying. The winner gets a free copy of the Island Moon.

January 26, 2017

Island Moon

Stuff I Heard on the Island


By Dale Rankin

Dan McQueen.

It seemed pretty simple when I read the City Charter last week after the resignation of Wet Behind the Ears Mayor

By the numbers

Tides of the Week Tides for Bob Hall Pier January 26 - February 2



26 26


High /Low

Tide Time

Low High

7:40 AM 4:39 PM

Height in Feet

Sunrise Moon Time Sunset

-0.7 1.3

7:18 AM 6:05 PM

Rise 6:06 AM Set 5:09 PM

4 1



8:15 AM


7:17 AM

Rise 6:54 AM


High 5:00 PM


6:06 PM





8:50 AM


7:17 AM

Rise 7:39 AM


High 5:19 PM


6:07 PM

Set 7:01 PM




9:26 AM


7:16 AM

Rise 8:22 AM


High 5:37 PM


6:08 PM

Set 7:59 PM





7:16 AM

Rise 9:03 AM


High 2:13 AM


6:08 PM

Set 8:58 PM



-0.4 0.7

7:16 AM

Rise 9:43 AM

6:09 PM

Set 9:57 PM


7:15 AM

Rise 10:23 AM


6:10 PM

Set 10:57 PM


7:14 AM

Rise 11:03 AM


6:11 PM

Set 11:58 PM

12:02 AM

10:04 AM


High 5:55 PM





High 3:38 AM





High 6:13 PM



High 5:08 AM




High 6:30 PM




High 6:48 AM




High 6:45 PM


10:45 AM


12:21 AM

11:29 AM

12:55 AM

0 3



0.0 0.9



12:22 PM

6:04 PM


12:03 AM



Moon Visible


0.3 0.9

City Charter Sec. 12. Vacancy in Office of Mayor. (a) In the event of death, resignation, permanent disability, forfeiture of office, recall or impeachment of the mayor, or if for any reason a vacancy shall exist in the office of mayor, the council member elected at large who received the highest number of votes in the last regular election shall immediately become the mayor. Councilman Joe McComb would be Mayor right? Ahhh, but not so fast Charlie Brown. When the Legal Eagles at City Hall got finished with the wherefores and therefores and spewed their final dicta nothing was as it seemed and instead of one mayor between now and a May election we will have at least two as various council members take their turn as Mayor Pro Tem. Ours is not to reason why. Before the ink was dry on the Once and Former Mayor’s handwritten resignation letter we had six – count ‘em six – candidates lined up to run for the largely ceremonial seat which pays little and offers little above a bully pulpit over and above the powers of a regular council person. As of this writing the candidates in no particular order are: former At-Large Councilman Chad Magill; Former Mayor Nelda Martinez; Current At-Large Council member Joe McComb; former At-Large Councilman Mark Scott; perennial candidate for just about anything Ray Madrigal; and newcomer Larry White who this week extolled his experience as an engineer in announcing his run, seemingly oblivious to the fact that it was the questioning of McQueen’s background as an engineer that caused him to flake out and head for the hills only a week before. Oh ye givers of political wisdom and foresight send us yet another engineer from on high! It’s an interesting mix in that two of the six – Magill and Martinez are less than three months from defeat and Mark Scott with fourteen years on the council looks like he may have to swim upstream against term limits to fight his way onto the ballot. McComb seems to me to be the big winner already as he gets to run for mayor without having to give up his council seat – a free bite at the apple.

So what does it mean for The Island? It seems to me that from a strictly political

Send letters and photos to editor@islandmoon.com Facebook: The Island Moon Newspaper

standpoint The Island is sitting pretty. Island voters, through the Island United Political Action Committee, endorsed Martinez in November and therefore had little to expect from McQueen’s tenure. I am told that the IUPAC plans to hold meet the candidate nights on The Island but does not plan to do an endorsement leaving the Island vote wide open – at least in the first round. It is too early to handicap the race but with six candidates running it seems the likelihood of a runoff election is very high. The toughest part of a race for candidates in a run-off election is to get their voters to the polls a second time, but voters in Island precincts historically vote early and vote often and will turn out in higher numbers than the rest of the city in both the first election and a run-off. Island voters will be highly sought after and in fact, there is a good argument to be made that the island vote could swing the election. A fact not lost on the candidates many of whom have been keeping the phone lines to The Island hot in the past two days. There are currently 7354 registered voters on The Island, and in November 4957 of them voted, a 67% turnout, while the rest of the city voted at 54%. Those numbers reflect the high historic turnout for Island voters and should be in the ballpark for the scheduled May 6 (Saturday) Special Election and any subsequent run-off. The question is how the vote might split in view of no endorsement from the IUPAC. If the November voting is any indicator McComb, Magill, and Martinez should fare well with Island voters. In November Michael Hunter was the largest vote getter among the At-Large candidates on The Island (voters could vote for three candidates), with 2005 Island votes, McComb was second with 1708 Island votes, Magill third with 1656 Island votes, and Martinez beat McQueen 4102 to 2662 on The Island. But that may not be exactly an applesto-apples comparison since Magill and Martinez had the IUPAC endorsement while McComb did not. Further, look for the Big Daily to jump in early behind Martinez who they endorsed last time and only last week chided voters for “electing the wrong person.” They seem to have high confidence in their collective wisdom at the Big Daily but their endorsement last time out didn’t do Martinez much good as she lost to McQueen by 7954 votes out of 79,518 votes cast. Back before the city elections were moved to November, a change pushed for by Martinez, historically voter turnout for them was about 25,000, as compared to around 60,000 for gubernatorial cycles and 100,000 for Presidential cycles. That number could rise some in May with a heated mayoral race but it would be a surprise if turnout for a run-off approached that number. So if the November numbers for The Island are in the ballpark the Island vote could be in the neighborhood of one in five total votes. The big question now is whether Island voters, in the absence of an IUPAC endorsement process, will splinter leaving us hugging thin air. Early indications are that this mayoral race will be one of the ugliest in recent history; the candidates know each other very well. Here’s guessing that while the Island vote may split in the first round of balloting, if there is a runoff Island voters will unite behind one candidate and swing a big hammer in deciding the final outcome. Let the race begin.

The Great Windstorm of 2017

One Bite and You’re Hooked! All You Can Eat Fried Shrimp Wednesdays 5 - Close Prime Rib Thursdays 5 - Until They're Gone Mini Golf Great Food Seafood, Steaks, Salads, Burgers & Full Bar Open 11am - 2am • Kitchen Closes at 1am 2034 State Hwy 361

361-749-TACO (8226)

Islander Jonathan Wood's quick camera captured the odiferous aftermath of winds gusting up to 50mph last Sunday. Notice the lack of extreme closeups. Way to stay downwind, sir!


January 26, 2017

Island Moon

Senior Moments

Concorde- Supersonic Commercial Aircraft By Dotson Lewis Special to the Island Moon Dotson’s Note: I was intrigued by the French its supersonic program, citing budget and Concorde from the time it first landed at DFW environmental concerns. It was now up to (Dallas-Fort Worth) in September 1973. A few Western Europe to make supersonic airline of you younger (much) Moon Monkeys may not service viable before the Soviets. Tests remember the Concorde which was a supersonic continued, and in 1973 the TU-144 came to the French aircraft. The plane which made the West to appear alongside the Concorde at the historical landing was enroute from Caracas to Paris Air Show at Le Bourget airport. On June Paris. This landing took place before the new 3, in front of 200,000 spectators, the Concorde DFW airport was open for commercial traffic. flew a flawless demonstration. Then it was the Andrea Ahles, writer for the Fort Worth Star TU-144’s turn. The aircraft made a successful 360-degree turn and then began a steep ascent. Telegram, contributed to this article. Abruptly, it leveled off and began a sharp descent. Some 1,500 feet above the ground, it The first Concordes with commercial broke up from overstress and came crashing passengers, simultaneously took flight From into the ground, killing all six Soviet crew London’s Heathrow Airport and Orly Airport members and eight French civilians. outside Paris, on January 21, 1976. The London Soviet and French investigators ruled that pilot flight was headed to Bahrain in the Persian Gulf, and the Paris to Rio de Janeiro via Senegal error was the cause of the accident. However, in in West Africa. At their cruising speeds, the recent years, several of the Russian investigators innovative Concorde’s flew well over the sound have disclosed that a French Mirage intelligence barrier at 1,350 miles an hour, cutting air travel aircraft was photographing the TU-144 from above during the flight. A French investigator time by more than half. confirmed that the Soviet pilot was not told that the Mirage was there, a breach of air regulations. After beginning his ascent, the pilot may have abruptly leveled off the TU-144 for fear of crashing into this aircraft. In the sudden evasive maneuver, the thrust probably failed, and the pilot then tried to restart the engines by entering a dive. He was too close to the ground, however, and tried to pull up too soon, thus overstressing the aircraft.

In the above photo, guests of the International Charity Gala, are gathered outside of an ‘Air France Concorde’ for a party to dedicate Dallas-Fort Worth airport’s runways in September 1973. The flights were the culmination of a 12-year effort that pitted English and French engineers against their counterparts in the USSR. In 1962, 15 years after U.S. pilot Chuck Yeager first broke the sound barrier, Britain and France signed a treaty to develop the world’s first supersonic passenger airline. The next year, President John F. Kennedy proposed a similar U.S. project. Meanwhile, in the USSR, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev ordered his top aviation engineers to beat the West to the achievement.

DFW Airport-Concordes There were immense technical challenges in building a supersonic airliner. Engines would

In exchange for Soviet cooperation in the cover-up, the French investigators agreed not to criticize the TU-144’s design or engineering. Nevertheless, further problems with the TU-144, which was designed hastily in its bid to beat the Concorde into the air, delayed the beginning of Soviet commercial service. Concorde passenger service began with much fanfare in January 1976. Western Europe had won its supersonic race with the Soviets, who eventually allowed just 100 domestic flights with the TU-144 before discontinuing the airliner.



ByAbigail Bair As you may have noted from earlier columns, each day I take my dog (Stadler) on a long bike ride. I call it the dog jog. Some of you have had a few questions about how this works. Essentially, Stadler wears a harness to which I attach a leash. I put on my helmet (even though it makes me look like a big purple marital aid), climb on Gertrude (my bike), and Stadler drags us right on down the road. It’s only really dangerous when she’s fresh and raring to go. After about a mile, she settles into the jog and I start pedaling. Or at least this is what usually happens.

Last Sunday dawned bright and blustering. I don’t like doing the dog jog when it’s windy because it's a thousand times more difficult to pedal. Gertrude is many things, but aerodynamic is not one of them. In fact, over the years, I’ve adapted her to be even less streamlined than originally designed (imagine Old Ironsides trying to win the Tour de France). I've added anything that might slow Stadler – we’ve got a wicker basket, and an emergency bell that is supposed to alert pedestrians to dive out of the way. Unfortunately, the bell dings so cheerfully that people think something nice is coming rather than a giant black dog running flat out in pure stupid dog joy. Folks are often startled and angry when reality screams past them. Dogs are endorphin junkies. There’s no real nice way to say it. When Stadler thinks it’s time to go, she acts like a heroin addict in a long line at a methadone clinic. She dog hops straight up into the air. She tries to help me put on my shoes, even though she very clearly has no idea how shoes work. She attempts to herd me out the back door, going in and out of her dog portal just to show me how one gets outside in case I forgot during the night. If she doesn’t get her fix, she follows me hopefully for hours and then pouts for the rest of the day. Petulance, thy name is dog denied.

The Concorde was not a great commercial success, however, and people complained bitterly about the noise pollution caused by its sonic booms and loud engines. Most airlines declined to purchase the aircraft, and just 16 Concordes were built for British Airways and Air France. Service was eventually limited between London and New York and Paris and New York, and luxury travelers appreciated the less than four-hour journey across the Atlantic.

Because of huge chocolate eyed sadness followed by sessions of extreme dog jerkiness, I rarely deny Stadler her run. Sunday was no exception. I’ve since looked up the weather, and the wind was blowing at about 32 mph in three directions. I’m not sure how this is possible, but it sure happens a lot in Corpus, which is probably some kind of BermudaTriangle-style-hell-vortex.

In 1965, the French arrested Sergei Pavlov, head of the Paris office of the Soviet airliner Aeroflot, for illegally obtaining classified information about France’s supersonic project. Another high-level Soviet spy remained unknown, however, and continued to feed the Soviets information about the Concorde until his arrest in 1977.

tank, creating a fire that led to engine failure. The fatal accident–the first in Concorde’s history–signaled the decline of the aircraft. On October 24, 2003, the Concorde took its last regular commercial flight.

Braniff’s Concorde Service

Capt. Ken Larson-In Left Seat On December 31, 1968, just three months before the first scheduled flight of the Concorde prototype, the fruits of Soviet industrial espionage were revealed when the Soviet’s TU-144 became the world’s first supersonic airliner to fly. The aircraft looked so much like the Concorde that the Western press dubbed it “Konkordski.” In 1969, the Concorde began its test flights. Two years later, the United States abandoned

Braniff International Airways DFW was one of only four U.S. airports to have scheduled Concorde service; Braniff commenced scheduled Concorde service from Dallas to Washington from 1979 to 1980, using British Airways and Air France aircraft temporarily re-registered to Braniff while flying within the United States. British Airways later briefly flew Concorde to Dallas in 1988 as a substitute for its ordinarily scheduled DC-10 service. In the Spring of 1980, the decision was made to withdrawn SST service from Dallas/Fort Worth. Braniff's last Concorde flight was an Air France Concorde in June of 1980. About 60 people were on board for the final Braniff flight.

Concordes Grounded Concorde would sail on for another 13 years for both British Airways and Air France (although only British Airways managed to make it profitable). In 2003, both airlines grounded their fleets and put them in museums.

Default to pirate Half an hour later, left knee swelled up like an eggplant. It became clear that I was going to have to lie around and ice it if there was going to be any chance of mobility the next day. I’ve long held the philosophy that sometimes, when the chips are down, it’s best just to default to pirate. I got an ice pack and a tumbler of Sailor Jerry. Here is the conversation that ensued with my friend, Amber: Me: Stadler wrecked us on the dog jog. She’s pretty contrite. She just tried to give me her rawhide treat, but I was putting bacon in the oven, so she probably just wanted to trade. Dog is a jerk. I’m drunk and I need a nap, but it’s four p.m. I’m screwed.

Me: Sailor Jerry. S. Fub. Fun. I mean fun. Because spelling is a thing.

On July 25, 2000, an Air France Concorde crashed 60 seconds after taking off from Paris

en route to New York. All 109 people aboard and four on the ground were killed. The accident was caused by a burst tire that ruptured a fuel

Clearly horror movies have taught me nothing, because right when the joy hit me like a skillet to the face is exactly when I should’ve started worrying. Stadler saw another dog walking with what appeared to be a nice young couple. My dog is well trained. She knows that she has to “mind her business” when we’re on the run. On this day, however, she decided to try to say hello. This would’ve been okay, had her leash not caught in the front brake while we simultaneously got hit by a hard gust. I went right over tea kettle. Being old means that, when you fall, you have to lie there for a minute and try to figure out if everything is still attached and movable. The poor kids thought I was going to die. Stadler did, too. She got really concerned and stuck her nose in my face. Eventually, I got up a with just a few cuts, gross road rash, and some deep bruises. We wobbled home.

Amber: (20 minutes later) What are you drinking

Stadler and Gertrude

need to be twice as powerful as those built for normal jets, and the aircraft’s frame would have to withstand immense pressure from shock waves and endure high temperatures caused by air friction. In the United States, Boeing tackled the supersonic project but soon ran into trouble with its swingwing design. In England and France, however, early results were much more promising, and Khrushchev ordered Soviet intelligence to find out as much as possible about the AngloFrench prototypes.

but I was tired of pedaling, going slowly and basically the entire canine species. Instead of doing the responsible thing and slowing us down, I instead started pretending that I was the Millennium Falcon and the Stadler was a TIE fighter. I might have been kind of swerving all over the road, chasing my dog. I may have also been singing the “Imperial March,” punctuated with laser noises. Whatever. The sun was out. The day was glowing. Everything was easy and nothing hurt.

The first few miles were all directly into the gusting, and we went slowly. I had to take Gertrude down to second gear and grimly pedal. Stadler was high on endorphins (puppy smack) and didn’t even seem to mind that her ears were blowing behind her head like black hairy bastions. If her ears represented a country in the Olympics, it would definitely be one where they really like yaks and are still cook with burning poop. They're tough looking ears.

Me: (40 minutes later) I just made the bed half naked because all my bits got hot. I might also have had to tie a scrap of fabric around my head Rambo style to get it done. Fitted sheets are stupid. It takes a million minutes to figure out which way they go. I’m gonna put on x’s with a Sharpie. Am: DON’T MARK YOUR SHEETS WITH A SHARPIE. Me: (15 minutes later) Do I have a piece of fabric tied around my head like Rambo (sends picture) Am: HAHAHAHAHA! Yes, but it's not like Rambo. It has little flowers all over it. Me: (30 minutes later) I’m bad at drinking. Am: You are not good at drinking. This is TRUE.

Mistakes were made

Me: SHHHHHH. I am awesome at drinking. I’m the drinking Rambo. SULTANA RAMBINA!

We made it about 8 miles before I gave it up. It seemed like no matter which direction we went, we headed directly into the vortex…. until we headed for home. At that point, the forces were at behind us, and my back acted like a sail, propelling us forward at a high rate of speed. Admittedly, I should’ve braked,

That’s evidently when I passed out. I woke up the next morning, drank a lot of water, looked at my text messages, and then I checked my bedding. There is a neat, black X in all four of the corners of the fitted sheet. Sultana Rambina may not be terribly helpful, but at least she can find a Sharpie. That's further than I ever get.

January 26, 2017


Island Moon

Island Moon on a Spoon

Mediterranean Seafood Paella 1 Package Goya Culantro & Achiote

By Chef Vita Jarrin

Whether by land or by sea Macgruff the crime hound will interrupt his siesta on the sette to make sure no one can steal your extra rawhide shoes or tennis balls. He's got big plans for them.

1 Tsp. Coriander

Occasionally, I love to go through my older cook books and revisit my favorite recipes. I came across one of most used Mediterranean cook books I own and found my go to Seafood Paella recipe.

1 Tsp. Granulated Garlic

Paella by definition is a Spanish rice dish that incorporates, saffron, chicken, seafood and of course rice. It is typically cooked and served in a large shallow pan, where the rice cooks with seafood stock or chicken stock and absorbs all the flavors while the rice cooks and becomes creamy but not mushy.

½ C Fresh Lemon Juice or Concentrate

It’s also a show piece for guests, because if done correctly the seafood is added towards the end, so it doesn’t over cook and it allows you to place the shell fish such as clams, mussels, shrimp etc., right on top of the rice in a circle. Once you add the lid and the shell fish steams, it makes for an amazing presentation. This week I wanted to share with you this recipe because it’s one of my favorite one pot dishes. If you prep all of your ingredients in advance, it takes about an hour to make but it’s so worth it. Another reason this dish is amazing, is because like many of my dishes, it’s versatile. Therefore, if you wish to use crawfish instead of shrimp or chunks of lobster and scallops along with the Calamari, you can. You can add peas, or Moroccan spices… the important thing is to use ingredients and spices that impart texture as well as flavor.

1 Tsp. Kosher Salt ½ Tsp. Black Pepper ½ Tsp. Harissa Powder or Cayenne 3 Tbs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Seafood Marinade: ½ C Fresh Lemon Juice or Concentrate

Cooking Directions: Marinate the chicken and it’s ingredients as well as the seafood for 30 minutes. Prep your veggies and lobster tail. For the tails, it’s best to cut the top of the shell and the bottom with scissors and pull the meat out. If using mussels, clean the beards by pulling them off and discarding them. In a shallow large pan, or sauté pan, heat oil and add onions, garlic, scallions, red pepper and sauté till slightly tender. Add the rice stir until the sides have a white color to them. Add the chicken mixture with the marinade and cook until chicken looks partially brown. Add the spices, the tomato sauce and stock. Stir. Once it starts to boil, reduce to a simmer. Let cook for about 20 minutes until the rice is tender and

Because this recipe uses lemons to marinate the chicken and fish prior to cooking, it cooks with the lemon juice and it gives this dish a tangy bite, which marries really well with the chicken and seafood.

Seafood Paella 1 medium onion diced 6 scallions chopped 1 Sweet Red Pepper diced 4 chicken thighs diced 1 Package Seafood Salad from grocery store 2 Lobster Tails 2 C Medium Grain White Rice Pinch of Saffron 1 Qt Kitchen Basics Seafood Stock 1 Can Red Gold Petite Diced Tomatoes w/ Green Chilies

then place the seafood all around the pan as if you were making a design. Add the mussels on the outside, the seafood, then the shrimp… Get creative. Cover and let the seafood steam for about another 12- 15 minutes. The liquid should be absorbed and if the bottom of the rice got a little toasty, that’s ok. It’s technically considered the best part of this dish because it has the most flavor. It’s called Socorrat. Sometimes this part of the dish, determines how good the paella really is. ;)

Tip of the Week:

1 Tsp. Salt ½ Tsp. Black Pepper

Chicken Marinade:

If you make this dish the day before, it actually tastes more flavorful the following day. It allows all the flavors to marry and come together. The ideas are endless. Most importantly… Enjoy yourself, get creative, try new things have fun!!! Happy Eats!

1 Clove Garlic Grated 2 TBS Paprika













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January 26, 2017

Island Moon

SPORTS Sports Talk Special to The Island Moon

Unbelievable Sports Hoaxes By Dotson Lewis Special to the Island Moon the civil records in Almonte's birth place in the Dominican Republic and found his birth Dotson’s Note: Has anything in sports ever certificate. What did it reveal? Almonte was seemed too good to be true? Has there ever actually 14, two years older than the age limit been a story or moment that made you wonder for Little League ball. As a result, his team's if there wasn't some sort of foul play involved wins were stripped, and his father, Felipe, was behind it? Have you ever witnessed the effects charged with falsifying a birth certificate. of a prank or a hoax on your favorite player 3-The Curious Case of Sidd Finch or team? Instances like this remind of us how On April Fool's crazy sports can get sometimes. They're proof of how real the obsession with fame and fortune Day in 1985, Sports truly are in athletics today. However, they also Illustrated decided make for some pretty great stories. So I decided to have some fun to collect the best seven of them for your with the holiday by reading pleasure. You may wonder why seven. taking a look at a I have many more, but ran out of space. Gus baseball phenom by Turner who is the associate managing editor of the name of Sidd Complex's print magazine contributed to this Finch. They claimed he could throw a article. fastball 168 MPH. 7-Ivan the Imaginary They said he was a yogi, and an orphan. Who exactly was Finch? The writer of the story, George Plimpton, said Finch was a rookie pitcher in the New York Mets farm system, and after the article was released, excited Mets fans were clamoring for more information on the upcoming phenom. However, there was just one problem. Finch didn't actually exist at all. Plimpton and Sports Illustrated had made Finch up as an elaborate prank, even printing a followup article on April 8 to announce his retirement. On April 15, they eventually announced Finch to be a fake. But if anyone had taken a hard look Coming in at 6'8", 230 lbs., Ivan Renko carried at the first article they may have seen that Finch a lot of weight for someone who didn't actually was too good to be true all along. The subhead exist. However, the fictitious product of Bobby for the original piece read "He's a pitcher, part Knight's imagination still managed to show up yogi and part recluse. Impressively liberated on various recruiting services, each of which from our opulent life-style, Sidd's deciding claimed to have seen Renko play before, while about yoga - and his future in baseball. "Take providing in-depth analysis of his playing the first letter of each word and what do you style and abilities. Confused? Well, that's the get?” “Happy April Fool's Day- ah fib." As if point. Knight created Renko before the 1992- Mets fans weren't tortured enough. 93 season as a means of embarrassing the so2-Run, Rosie, Run called recruiting experts, claiming that he had picked Renko up out of Yugoslavia, and was looking forward to having him on the team for the upcoming season. Remember when Jimmy Kimmel went down to SXSW one year and interviewed people about a bunch of bands that didn't exist? Essentially, Knight pulled the same trick here.


How would you feel if you were told that you were being traded or transferred away to a foreign country for your job? If you've ever experienced those emotions before, you'll understand what Kyle Kendrick went through when he was punked in 2008 by his Philadelphia Phillies teammates and managers. Staged by fellow pitcher Brett Myers, Kendrick was told by former manager Charlie Manuel that he was being traded away to the Yomiuri Giants in Japan. Can you imagine the doubletake Kendrick must've done when he heard the news? They even had Kendrick's agent in on the joke, who confirmed the deal to Kendrick when the pitcher called him to double-check the story. Of course, a few minutes later everyone started cracking up, and told Kendrick it was a joke. Still, it goes down as one of the best clubhouse pranks ever.

5-Here Comes the Bride

During the 1990's, Dennis Rodman did whatever he wanted. The star power forward was talented on-the-court, but even more explosive off of it, as his exploits quickly became the stuff of legend. However, his craziest moment may have come in 1996 when Rodman was out promoting his autobiography, “Bad As I Wanna Be.” You all know of Rodman's famous picture in a wedding dress, but do you know why he did it? In an interview about his book, Rodman revealed that he was going to get married to a beautiful and brilliant woman the next day. But no one knew who it was. A day later, Rodman showed up to a New York bookstore wearing his now-famous wedding dress. The idea? Rodman had decided that he was going to marry himself, and his bride-to-be was revealed to be just another one of his outrageous publicity stunts.

4-Little League World Scandal In 2001, a young New York pitcher by the name of Danny Almonte took the Little League baseball world by storm, as the rising fireballer led his Bronx teammates to a third-place finish in the Little League World Series, largely on the strength of his considerable talent. Almonte lit up the competition during the LLWS, throwing 75 MPH fastballs, notching 62 Ks, and even throwing the first perfect game in the tournament since 1957. All, presumably, as a 12-yearold. However, suspicions about Almonte's age eventually accompanied his newfound fame, and Sports Illustrated eventually tracked down

When it comes to cheaters, Rosie Ruiz is iconic, as the former New Yorker once famously crashed the Boston Marathon in 1980 by exiting the race, and then re-entering down the course to cross the finish line in first. However, it wasn't merely a prank on Ruiz's part. She was truly out to trick people into believing she had won. After taking the red tape, though, many were immediately suspicious of Ruiz, who didn't appear to be physically exhausted from the race, and struggled to recall specific details about the marathon. Eventually, Ruiz was outed by two Harvard students who recalled seeing her come out of the crowd about a half mile down from the finish line. After an investigation by Boston athletic officials, they declared the initial runner-up Jacqueline Garreau to be the winner, and disqualified Ruiz.

1-The Invisible Girl I believe we are all familiar with the specifics of Manti Te'o's fake girlfriend, Lennay Kekua. Indeed, the catfishing tale has become something of a legend in college football, even after a few years have passed since it happened. After numerous media outlets reported the death of Te'o's grandmother and girlfriend on September 11, 2012, Te'o's insistence to play through tragedy became part of the college football season's annual folklore. Apparently, his girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, had died after a car accident and a bout with leukemia. She was a student at Stanford. After the season ended, though, the part about Te'o's girlfriend was found to be false. Deadspin broke the story, detailing all the falsehoods of his tale, and essentially outing Te'o as either victim or a perpetrator of this ruse. Eventually, public opinion sided with Te'o, as he vehemently maintained his innocence throughout the scandal, saying he had been tricked by Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, a family friend who had posed as Lennay Kekua over the phone and online with Te'o. Tuiasosopo admitted that he had fallen in love with Te'o and was using the Kekua identity as a means to get closer to him. Neither man was charged with any crime in the proceedings, but we imagine that Te'o has kept his distance from Tuiasosopo since. Dotson’s Other Note: If you were looking for something about the NFL and/or the Super Bowl in ‘Sports Talk’ this week, sorry about that. I’ll do a full blown NFL Super Bowl article with some suggestions: ‘How to watch a football game and enjoy it more.’ In the meantime, if you have a favorite sports hoax story which is not listed above, please send it to me. Your comments, suggestions, questions and concerns regarding Sports Talk articles are greatly appreciated, please call the Benchwarmers at 361-560-5397 weekdays, Mondays thru Fridays, 5-7 PM, or contact me. Phone: 361949-7681 Cell: 530-748-8475 Email: dlewis1@ stx.rr.com Have fun -30-

Send letters and photos to editor@islandmoon.com

Everything He Had By Andy Purvis Special to the Island Moon Someone once said, “If success turns your head, then you were facing the wrong direction.” Not this guy; he always knew where

Dallas had drafted a kid named Randy White that they wanted to convert to linebacker, and Cotton felt Shane would not get a fair shake. In 1977, Nelson signed with the Buffalo Bills, as a rookie free agent. In his first season, #59 led the Bills in tackles by setting a team record with 168 tackles, 3 sacks, 3 forced fumbles, and one fumble recovery, in a 14-game season. The Bills’ players and coaches voted Nelson defensive MVP as a rookie. “That was an award I won three times in my six years at Buffalo (77, 79, 81),” said Nelson. He was also voted to the 1977 NFL’s All-Rookie Team. By 1979, the NFL draft would bring nose tackle Fred Smerlas and linebacker Jim Haslet to the Bills. These two along with Nelson would form the famed “Bermuda Triangle,” a place where running backs entered but never left. With the unique qualities of each of the three individuals, they were able to dominate the inside of the Bills’ 3-4 defense. In 1980, the Buffalo defense was ranked No. 1 in the NFL.

Shane Nelson he was going. He was listed at 6 feet 1 inch tall and weighed around 233 pounds, but those stats didn’t measure his heart. His ticker weighed a ton. He was a good-looking guy, a big dreamer from a small Texas town and pure as the driven snow. He was smart, tough and some said so fast he could catch a shooting star. His mom Nancy was a saint and his dad Austin was a fan of westerns and sports movies. The story goes that Shane’s dad named him after the famous western movie entitled “Shane” starring Alan Ladd as the good guy and Jack Palance as the ultimate bad guy. His older brother was called “Gipper” and I will let you figure that out all by yourself, but here’s a hint: Knute Rockne. Every spring, thousands of wide-eyed kids tried out for their local high school football team. In case you haven’t heard, football is king in Texas. It was no different in Mathis, Texas. Shane Nelson not only lettered all three years as a fullback and defensive end for the Pirates, but he also excelled as a catcher on the baseball team and was a basketball forward as well. A 12-1 record his senior year, where he once scored six touchdowns in a single game against Woodsboro, propelled him to be chosen All-South Texas Fullback. He was also named to the All-Defensive and All-Offensive Teams and was presented the 1973 Mathis High School Athlete-of-the-Year Award.

After six full seasons in the NFL, Shane Nelson retired when injuries began to catch up. At a time when the medicine was not as good, a ruptured Achilles tendon coupled with major knee surgery ended his career. “I gave everything I had,” said Nelson. “My heart still wanted to play, but my body couldn’t write the check to play at the standards I expected for myself. The pride in playing the game and excelling on the field was my love and passion for the game. I didn’t play for a paycheck, so when I couldn’t perform at my standards, it was time to walk away.” Nelson moved back to South Texas after football and created Huddle for Success, a company that specializes in helping large companies set up strategic plans on how to accomplish their goals, both personal and business. There is no doubt that God moves people in and out of our lives. I met Shane through a friend named Mondo Camina. The only thing we had in common was our love for football, but that was enough. Two guys from different places became instant friends. Shane had a weekly sports talk radio show at the time and had guest hosts like local sportscaster Dan McReynolds and Camina. Eventually he asked me to join him and excited, I said “Yes.” This was my chance to live my childhood dreams through his experiences. “Shane & Andy’s Insider Sports” debuted in January of 1993. Along the way we took our show out into the public with the help

Buffalo Bills Bermuda Triangle, Shane Nelson, Fred Smerlas & Jim Haslet On to Waco The next stop for Shane was Brenham, Texas, home of Blinn Junior College. Sure, some of the bigger schools had called. He was told he would sign a scholarship with Texas Tech, but that never materialized. Maybe his size had steered them away. Still he played and the longer he played, the more folks noticed. Shane earned a spot on the Southwest Junior College All-Conference Team at the linebacker position. By 1975, Baylor Head Coach Grant Teaff had successfully recruited Nelson for the Bears. Nelson hit the weight room, got stronger, and fell asleep each night in front of a projector watching film as his dreams got bigger in Waco, Texas. It’s hard to measure desire. Great athletes have the ability to put their bodies and minds in a place where most people refuse to go. “It’s like your eyes come together as one,” said Nelson. Your focus on success exceeds your desire for safety. You must be willing to give up your body to play this game. You don’t end up being a linebacker by mistake. It was only a matter of time before Shane became Captain of the Bears and later a member of Baylor’s All-70’s Decade Team. Shane was given one other job. “Coach Teaff wanted me to recruit Mike Singleterry to come to Baylor,” said Nelson. “He knew one of his team captains and dominant players could help influence Mike to sign with the Baylor Bears.” The rest is history.

Turned down the Cowboys Two years later, Shane was invited to an open tryout camp for the Dallas Cowboys. Eighteen hundred athletes showed up but only one was offered a contract by Gil Brandt of the Cowboys, Shane Nelson. Nelson had run a 4.52 in the 40-yard dash, but incredibly, he said “No thanks.” Baylor assistant coach and former Raider’s quarterback, Cotton Davidson, convinced Shane to tell the Cowboys he would think about it overnight. Davidson knew that

of local businesses like Andrews Distributing, Pizza Hut, Special Olympics, and United Way. We were also able to bring some of the best of the best from the sports world to the Corpus Christi air waves. One October, I followed Shane and his family back to Blinn. He was being inducted into the Junior College Football Hall of Fame. I was proud to sit with his parents and his wife Shannon and kids. My dad used to tell me that the most important number in our life is not how many years you have lived but how many true friends you have acquired. Shane Nelson is my friend. He gave me my start in radio and expanded my horizons in regards to writing. He was there at my request at business meetings to inspire my employees and never asked for a penny. He signed autographs at both of my book-signing events. We have laughed until we cried and shared our sorrow for friends and family we have lost. The award-winning NFL Films became part of Americana under the leadership of the late Steve Sabol. Through Sabol’s vision, and his love for music, film, and football, he created the lasting images of this great game. He also used “The Voice” of NFL Films, John Facenda to narrate these specials. That’s how Shane got the nickname “Dr. No.” Facenda stated with Nelson at linebacker there was “No hole, no gain.” He may be the NFL’s Dr. No but to me and every other person, he has always said “Yes.” Andy Purvis is a local author and radio personality. Please visit www.purvisbooks. com for all the latest info on his books or to listen to the new radio podcast. Andy’s books are available online and can be found in the local Barnes & Noble bookstore. Andy can be contacted at purvis.andy@mygrande.net. Also listen to sports talk radio on Dennis & Andy’s Q & A Session from 6-8 PM on Sportsradiocc.com 1230 AM, 96.1 FM and 103.3 FM. The home of the Houston Astros.

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January 26, 2017


Island Moon

The Traveling Moon Gets Around

Say hey, Moon Doogie. Lizzie the Island Moon's official news hound and alarm system headed out to the Intercoastal Waterways and the Packery Channel last weekend. She has adapted admirably to the luxury boat lifestyle, as did Jan, who drank her wine through a straw. Safety first! Send us a photo of your Island dog at play.

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January 26, 2017

Island Moon

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15958 Punta Espada 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 car garage. 2,575 sq. ft. Upgraded granite, lots of lighting. Double oven. $386,000. Charlie Knoll 361443-2499.

Beach Club 3rd floor 2 bedroom, 2 bath w/view of pool, pond and Gulf. Nicely furnished. Great investment property. Short term rentals allowed. Call Cheryl 563-0444.

15101 Cane Harbor 3/2.5/2 waterfront home located at the end of Cane Harbor. 2,615 sq. ft. Outstanding backyard with pool. Amazing views. $920,000. Call Charlie Rouzer 949-3015.

Beachfront Condos! Incredible views of the Gulf of Mexico. Floor to ceiling windows. #805–1/1 top floor. #202—2/2 corner unit. Carrie 361-949-5200.

15233 Reales 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage waterfront home. Fresh exterior and interior paint. 1,667 sq. ft. $339,000. Charlie Knoll 443-2499.

Nicely updated Village on the Greens townhome. Now allows short term rentals. 3-2.5-2 + loft. Master down. Walk out your door to the pool. Call Cheryl 361-5630444.

New Construction by R.T. Bryant. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage. 1,854 sq. ft. of living area. Close to beach. Quiet area. $269,000. Call Terry 549-7703.

Open Sunday 1/29/17 2‐5 p.m.

Surfside Condos #121 first floor unit, steps from the pool and beach. 2/1 in the rental program. Fully furnished. Call Shonna 510-3445 or Cheryl 563-0444 for more information.

15821 Punta Espada 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 car garage. 2,500 sq. ft. Room for a pool. East facing backyard. Upgraded granite, lots of lighting. $375,000. Charlie Knoll 361-443-2499.

2322 Louisville Great Flour Bluff location. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage w/2,511 sq. ft. of living area. Split bedrooms, two dining areas. Granite. $300,000. Charlie Knoll 361-443-2499.

Sale Pending


Condos, Condos, Condos

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Compass Condo 2-2-1 on water. Being sold unfurnished. 2nd floor unit, elevator. Move in ready. Call Cheryl 563-0444 for an appointment. $219,900.

15202 Main Royal 3/2/2 East facing with 90’ on the water, a covered boatlift, open floor plan with 2 dining areas, $389,900. Call Cindy Molnar 549-5557.

Nice Canal Townhome. Open plan 3/2.5/1. Master down, boat lift, electric & roll down shutters. Large decks. 13901 Mingo Cay #8. Call Pam Morgan 361-215-8116.

15821 Vincent 3/2/2 interior lot home. New carpet in bedrooms. Freshly painted. Open airy floorplan. Granite countertops in kitchen. Call Cheryl 563-0444.

13953 Blackbeard 3/2/2 waterfront home with 1,589 sq. ft. North facing exposure. Open airy floorplan. Deck and dock set up for sailboat. $293,000. Charlie Knoll 361-443-2499.

14901 Canadian Mist 4/2.5/2 with 2,342 sq. ft. of living space. Backs up to a pond and the golf course. Two stories with master located down. $270,000. Charlie 443-2499.

Marquesas #401 2/2 unit Great complex $184,900

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Call Charlie 443-2499 or Terry 549-7703 to view!

15350 Yardarm — 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath waterfront home with two living areas and two dining areas. Boat dock. Tile roof, stucco construction. $399,000. Terry 5497703.

13830 Hawksnest Bay completely updated inside/out 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2 dining, 3 living, over 4500 sq. ft., $699,900. Cindy Molnar 549-5557 to preview.

13722 A La Entrada 3 bedrooms, 4 baths, 2 car garage w/3,769 sq. ft. located on a wide canal. Gourmet kitchen, dramatic fireplace, cathedral ceilings, office & more! $1,150,000. Charlie 443-2499.

Great Mustang Island 2/2 condo, updated, covered veranda, pool/spa, private beach access, short term rentals apply, $180,000. Call Dorothy 361-5638486.

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New One Story home by RT Bryant offers three bedrooms, two full baths. Large master, hurricane windows, tile floors, granite counters. $244,900. Terry 549-7703.

New Golf Course construction. Enjoy incredible views from this 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 car garage home with 2,315 sq. ft. Tile throughout. Call Cheryl.

Sale Pending

Great investment! Duplex each with 3/2/1, plus an oversized RV/ Boat garage. 12’x73’x15’. Spacious open floor plans. Ceramic tile. Carrie 361-949-5200.

13914 Mingo Cay 1 bedroom, 1 bath waterfront condo with boat slip, covered patio and washer/ dryer hook up in unit, $115,000. Call Cindy Molnar 549-5557.

Portofino #407 4th floor corner unit w/3 bed., 2 baths, 1,406 sq. ft. of living space. Wonderful beachfront complex, great pool. $190,000. Cheryl 563-0444.

Gorgeous 3/2/2, 2014 built at quiet South end, no thru traffic. Split bedrooms, open floor plan, sharp MBR suite, superb kitchen. 1,658 sq. ft. Mark 688-4320.

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Wonderful 3-2.5-3 new construction. Corner lot. Room for a pool. 2254 sq. ft. Bonus room. Tile floors. Mudroom and butler’s pantry and much more. Cheryl.

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