Why do my teeth hurt?

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Why do my teeth hurt?

A toothache can be caused by a range of issues from a hard piece of food lodged in the gums to a bacterial infection to a broken tooth. Some may come from temporary gum irritation, but others may be due to a condition that requires emergency dental services to address the underlying cause and pain

Any pain in or around the tooth can be considered a toothache. Excessive pain can be due to infection or irritation of the tooth’s pulp, a soft material housing many blood vessels, tissues, and nerves. Mouth and dental problems cause serious toothaches that won’t get better over time. As such, they require an emergency dentist in Brossard.

Possible reasons why your teeth hurt

Toothaches can be caused by damaged filling, repetitive motions that can wear down the enamel or the teeth, and a long list of other factors Here are some of the most common:

○ Tooth decay - Decay occurs when the tooth structure demineralizes because of bacteria on the dental hard tissue. It’s the most common reason for tooth pain. Not flossing or brushing regularly and excessive consumption of sweet

and starchy food make you susceptible to tooth decay. Failure to treat this condition could lead to gum disease and tooth loss.

○ A broken tooth or fracture - A cracked tooth can be caused by a physical injury or when you bite something too hard or crunchy.

○ An abscess or bacterial infection in the pulp - When bacteria enter the tooth, they can cause a painful infection that requires emergency dental services Without immediate treatment, the condition may develop into an abscess and affect the jawbone. Over-the-counter painkillers are not enough to numb the pain caused by infections, so make an appointment with a dentist

○ Teeth grinding or clenching - Clenching or grinding your teeth when you’re stressed or sleeping can cause pain because these actions put too much pressure on your teeth. It also makes you susceptible to developing TMJ disorders Consult a dentist about these problems for corrective and preventive treatments, such as a night guard.

○ Pregnancy - Pregnant women may experience tooth pain because of increased progesterone levels. If you’re pregnant and experiencing toothaches, see a dentist to help with your symptoms.

○ Your diet - Regularly consuming acidic foods can lead to tooth sensitivity as the acids erode the enamel That makes your teeth sensitive to hot and cold

○ Gum infections - Gum infections can cause tooth pain because they make teeth sensitive.

You should seek emergency dental services when you notice these symptoms:

● Sharp pain with constant throbbing

● Pain when applying pressure to the tooth, like when biting down

● A headache or fever

● Swelling around the tooth

● A foul odor from the mouth

● Bad-tasting drainage from an infected tooth

● Trouble swallowing and breathing.

Will the pain improve on its own?

Some toothaches caused by pain around the tooth (such as irritated gums) may get better without visiting an emergency dentist in Brossard. Just avoid chewing around the affected area, consume soft food, and avoid very hot or cold and sweet foods when you’re experiencing sensitivity.

But if the pain does not go away after several days, it’s time to see the dentist. Only a dental professional can address and treat the problem

Make an appointment with Alpha Clinique Dentaire Montreal. We offer emergency dental services for many issues, such as knocked-out teeth, toothaches, lost or damaged filling, infections, and broken teeth

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