Five reasons why dental implants are a preferable choice

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Five reasons why dental implants are a preferable choice

Bridges and dentures are not the only restoration options for missing teeth anymore. A dentist may recommend dental implants in Montreal if they think you are a good candidate and believe that this type of treatment can benefit you. Dental implants are not new, but their popularity has risen now that more dentists and orthodontic clinics offer them as alternatives to traditional teeth replacement methods. Here are reasons why a growing number of patients are getting dental implants: 1. They are long-term solutions. Dental implants in Montreal should last over 30 years and possibly a lifetime with proper care. During this time, they help reduce your risk of bone resorption, preserving your jawbone and facial and jaw structures. Dental implants offer a stronger and more permanent solution to tooth loss when compared with dentures or partial dentures, which must be replaced every five to eight years. You can’t go wrong with dental implants if you want a long-term restoration. The implant is a root for the crown or artificial tooth, so it is implanted into the jawbone. It is made of biocompatible material (such as titanium) so it should be safe to merge with your jawbone. 2. Convenience

Dentures can be a hassle because you have to remove them when you brush and floss. Dental implants allow you to brush and floss like you normally do. It’s just like taking care of your natural teeth. Implants essentially become a part of your body, so you never have to worry about losing them. 3. Eat whatever you like An orthodontic clinic often lists dietary restrictions for patients who wear bridges or dentures. There is no such list for dental implants. You can eat whatever you want without worrying because dental implants do not shift or move in the mouth. That said, you may want to take it easy on extremely hard and crunchy foods to avoid damaging the artificial tooth or crown. 4. Stronger bite force High-quality dental implants in Montreal are stronger and tougher, especially when made of titanium. That means you can bite more confidently and chew comfortably without worrying about them becoming dislocated or shifting. 5. They look and feel natural Tooth loss can have a significant negative impact on self-esteem, as it often causes aesthetic concerns and psychosocial issues. Dental implants solve this problem. They feel like your real teeth but are stronger and more aesthetically pleasing. That means you can smile, laugh, speak, eat confidently, and overcome self-image issues caused by missing teeth. Of all the restoration methods available, only dental implants replace the roots of missing teeth. By replacing the roots, they prevent bone loss and ensure that the remaining teeth don’t shift. Success rates are high with a carefully planned treatment and custom care plan. Now that you know the reasons for getting dental implants, it’s time to make an appointment with an orthodontic clinic to determine if you’re a good candidate. If you lose a tooth due to an accident or disease, you may experience bone loss, problems with speech, and difficulty chewing. These complications can be avoided by getting a dental implant to replace the lost tooth. Dental implants in Montreal can improve your appearance, let you enjoy the foods you love, improve your oral health, and give you back your confidence. Alpha Clinic Dentaire uses high-quality implants that eliminate the need for dentures and sticky adhesives. We also offer mini implants, which can be a good alternative in cases where traditional implants are not feasible. Schedule an appointment to find out if this type of tooth replacement solution is the right choice for your particular case.

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