Doctor Yily De Los Santos launches an awareness campaign on plastic surgery, “Changes begin inside e

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Doctor Yily De Los Santos launches

an awareness campaign on plastic surgery, “Changes begin inside each heart, not in the operating room”

With more than 14 years of experience in the world of Plastic Surgery, Doctor Yily de Los Santos feels more committed than ever to the well-being of each of her patients.

“Changes begin inside each heart, not in the operating room”, she’s known by this phrase on her social media Her campaign promotes awareness about plastic surgery: identifying the type of surgery, the risks, and committing to the before and aftercare, balanced diet, and exercise, are some of her recommendations to get started

Dr. Y is always willing to do her best to change her patients’ lives, she makes sure that any aesthetic procedure is taken with responsibility, as she thinks that plastic surgery is not a “magic solution to be well”. Instead, she believes that each surgery should be performed once the patient feels good with their overall health of mind and body, considering that self-esteem is a priority before the scalpel.

Doctor Y states that plastic surgery such as Liposculpture, Tummy Tuck and Facial Surgery, among others, must be the consequence of the beauty of each woman as a whole. While allowing them to strengthen their safety and well-being She emphasizes the importance of establishing a link of trust between surgeon and patient, which consequently results in effectively meeting the expectations of each patient.

Commitment, inspiration, and responsibility are the words that describe her mission as a Plastic Surgeon. After a life of challenges and adversities, she feels proud to be a Dominican, her commitment to building her brand has positioned her as one of the best plastic surgeons in the Dominican Republic.

Her medium-term goal is to become a Dominican Republic renowned plastic surgeon While continuing to promote self-love and inspiration to women who also want to change the life of others.

If you want to know more about Doctor Y, learn about success stories and schedule an appointment, you can find her on social media as @yilyplastica, @yilydelossantos, and on her Facebook fan page: Dra

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