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INSIDE COVER Sarah intro

Gina et al

Philippa Cahill, December 2018 I was initially given the job of transcribing the original texts from the Dreamweavers project for them to be made into a publication. Once I got over the first hurdle of figuring out what each bright and hurriedly scrawled piece said, I grew to love each individual story. The stories here impacted me in so many different ways. From simple exclamations such as “I ate chalk,” to detailed depictions of their understanding of life and death, the children’s writing provides us with a sincere and vivid snapshot of the different young minds of Dublin 15. I wanted their work to be published in a way which did it justice, and suggested to Sarah that we pair some of the pieces with simple illustrations which would match the brightness and youthfulness of the writing. Projects such as this bring us closer to a better understanding of our community and its inner workings; it helps us to understand that each and every person has a story that deserves to be shared and appreciated. I am very proud to have been a part of the documentation of this project, and hope that this book brings to light the different lives and backgrounds that weave together to form Dublin 15.

Gina Faustino, December 2018 Sarah Beirne, Draíocht’s Children and Youths Art Officer approached me in 2012 and asked could I develop an art project that would be carried out simultaneously in 3 different schools, the resulting work to be exhibited in Draíocht for the participants, their families and the wider community. The outcome was Dreamweavers - StoryHoops. Each child would weave their own story hoop using only themselves and their life as inspiration. They each had one hoop, and wool fiber was used to create hand felted ropes that were the backbone of each child’s StoryHoop. Their stories were written in English and any other languages the child might know. The StoryHoops were created visually by weaving fabric strips that were intrinsic and special to them (favourite colour, baby blanket, old Halloween costume, mum’s wedding dress). The significance of the fabrics chosen often showed the level of importance and meaning that didn’t always transpire in the written work alone. The fabrics changed often within the weaving process: representing another birthday or a life changing event, a wedding, divorce, death, new school, new sibling. Their dreams, future aspirations and important pets or people they loved were noted on tiny “post its” and were pinned or stitched to the StoryHoop’s fabric. The power of this series of workshops came from the stories the children told, the feeling, honesty, reality and self-reflection made each StoryHoop unique. I told them my life story when I met them and showed them my StoryHoop, but I never expected this art collaboration to become a life changing project for me. Whenever possible now, I strive to recreate this project: show the child I am a real human being and not a mythical character, and find a voice for their stories and a way to share them. Their stories and dreams marked me in such a way that they have become part of my own story. The confidence and pride the exhibition brought to those that participated and their families I can never erase from my mind.

Sarah Beirne Children and Youth Arts Officer Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nec egestas orci. Sed quis arcu vitae nisi ultrices porta. Cras vestibulum orci nibh, in dignissim lacus condimentum in. Maecenas sed augue eget sapien lobortis sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque efficitur semper ipsum ut ullamcorper. Mauris non gravida nisi. Fusce vitae magna facilisis, porta magna a, porta nunc. Phasellus vehicula massa ligula, et commodo sapien molestie in. Nulla id gravida diam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus sapien sem, porta in ex sed, convallis aliquam ligula. Aliquam gravida leo a ante semper, eget gravida quam accumsan. Praesent mollis nisi eget dui accumsan, et ultrices massa fringilla. Fusce imperdiet vulputate mattis. Etiam dictum quam vel interdum sollicitudin. In leo est, pulvinar at sagittis nec, volutpat sit amet sapien. Gina Faustino Project Artist Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nec egestas orci. Sed quis arcu vitae nisi ultrices porta. Cras vestibulum orci nibh, in dignissim lacus condimentum in. Maecenas sed augue eget sapien lobortis sagittis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque efficitur semper ipsum ut ullamcorper. Mauris non gravida nisi. Fusce vitae magna facilisis, porta magna a, porta nunc. Phasellus vehicula massa ligula, et commodo sapien molestie in. Nulla id gravida diam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus sapien sem, porta in ex sed, convallis aliquam ligula. Aliquam gravida leo a ante semper, eget gravida quam accumsan. Praesent mollis nisi eget dui accumsan, et ultrices massa fringilla. Fusce imperdiet vulputate mattis. Etiam dictum quam vel interdum sollicitudin. In leo est, pulvinar at sagittis nec, volutpat sit amet sapien.


I was born early at 28 weeks on the 27/1/01 in Coombe Hospital. I weighed just over 2kg and I was so small I could fit in my dad’s hand. My Mam was born in Malaysia and Malaysia is a tropical country. My Dad was born in Hong Kong. It is known for its tall skyscrapers. My first pets were a pair of yellow goldfish I adored called Ying and Yang. I looked at them every day swimming around the bowl. Good thing I didn’t scream and shout when they died! I learned to ride a bike when I was 7, my bike was black. I went to Phoenix Park to practice. I enjoy drawing at the weekend or holidays when I have plenty of time. I am sometimes engrossed in drawing. I love summer holidays and sometimes I go to Malaysia or Hong Kong. I like winter because if it snows I can have a snowball fight with my friends. I also love winter because it’s my birthday and I like getting presents. There is nothing to equal the satisfying thrill of a birthday. Sometimes I have chilli on chicken, noodles, or other delicious food. I don’t like when it’s spicy! In Malaysia everything is served with chilli.

Hi my name is Jack. This is my story. I was born on 6th February 2001. I first cycled without stabilizers when I was five years of age. My future dream is to become a singer. I love to swim and it’s one of my favourite things to do. I loved my first day of school. I ran in Santry in 2011. I put my hand in peanut butter when I was 2. I am a fan of Germany. I want to learn piano. When I was two I pressed the bell button in the lift. I got caught in the toilet in second class. I love poppies. I have around 17 medals for football. I used to play pan drums. I loved my bicycle. My favourite singer is Elvis. I love to run. I love my computer. I absolutely hate Brussel sprouts.

My name is Jane Burke. I was born in Ireland Dublin on the 5th September 2000. I got a dog called Lilly when I was 3 years old. My brother died when I was little and his name was Kevin. I made my communion when I was 7 years old in St Luke’s Church. My sister had a baby girl called Ellie. My other brother died in 2009 his name is Patrick. My sister had a baby called Connie-Mae. I want to be a teacher in Ladyswell NS. My favourite football team is Man United. My favourite football player is Robin Van Persie he plays for Man United. My favourite colour is blue, green, gold, and pink.


I was born in 2000. I want to be a footballer. I play for St. Mochta’s. I moved when I was 7. I made a cake. I won my first medal. I was the captain for St. Mochta’s. I learned to ride my bike. I want to be a business man and a footballer. I climbed a tree. Hastily I entered the world one week early on the 25th of July 2000 at 3.50am in the Rotunda Hospital Dublin Ireland. I came out with a mop of black hair and dark brown eyes and when I came home my sister said, “Baby go back.” My name had to be changed to Odie because my sister could not pronounce my real name Odette and now everyone calls me Odie. We got my first dog Eddie from the pound. While I was sleeping in my crib he would always watch over me! My first fish was Flipper. He/she was a small goldfish that I loved with all my heart. My first birthday I got a rocking horse that was chestnut brown and had a black leather saddle and blue eyes. I still have him ‘til this day. I got my first shoes they were black and brown. I couldn’t walk so I just crawled in them. Our first family holiday was in Portugal. We went when 9/11 happened. You couldn’t get in the airport unless you had your plane tickets. I remember my first snow day. We went to the park with Eddie and I was in my big squashy pram. My first step was in our back garden. My parents were overjoyed as I was very late walking. My first word was Dada. My dad was overjoyed that my first word was Dada and I imagine that my mam was annoyed but I still love her. My brother was born on the 24th of June 2004 in the Rotunda Hospital. That morning me and my sister were rushed to my grandparents’ house. I started school and my teacher was Catherine and our SNA was Mary and I got very annoyed because I didn’t get to sit beside Ciara. I moved to where I live now in Castleknock. I remember I didn’t want to leave my old house so I threw a tantrum. In 1st class I got Ruth as my teacher! She loved art! The walls were always covered in art! I went to Finland and the Arctic Circle, and my mam loved it so much she wanted to live there. I got my first bike for Christmas. It was pink and purple and I was exhilarated to ride it. For my 8th birthday we went to Disneyland Paris. I adored it there! On my 9th birthday I got an acoustic guitar from my granddad and I haven’t even been to a lesson even though he told me he’d only give it to me if I went to lessons. In 3rd class I got JP as a teacher and we did so much sports with him. In 5th class I got Marie Therese we did a lot of music and drama. She is one of the best teachers I have ever had! My dad finished the Race Across America we were so glad to see him because we hadn’t seen him for 3 weeks. I won my first art competition at an orchestra’s concert in Tallaght.


Hello my name is Greta. I was born on 22nd of March in Albania. My favourite book is Holes. When I was 3 years old I went on a white horse. My first pet was a cat called Lucy. My favourite singer is Katy Perry. I went to England, Albania, Hungary, Croatia, Austria, and Montenegro for my holidays. I have a teddy bear since I was born. My name is Jordan. I like archery, baking, and athletics. My favourite colour is turquoise as I couldn’t decide between green or blue so I chose turquoise as it’s in the middle of both of them. I was born in Dublin on the 11th October 2000 in the Coombe Hospital on a cloudy Wednesday in Autumn. I was an early baby as I was meant to be born in the Summer. My favourite socks were grey and red and extremely cozy and soft. I used to wear them all the time night and day. My mum Patricia keeps our house in shape as if she didn’t our house would be the most disorganised, frantic and chaotic place in the whole world. My dad Andrew gives me my pocket money. Thank god he does, as if he didn’t I would be as broke as our country! My first trip abroad was to Majorca which was very sunny and hot but there were lots of mosquitos. I remember when I got off the plane the sun was gleaming brightly in the blue sky, a smile spread over my face as it was the first time I saw the sky so bright. I broke my arm when I fell off a small wall, it was intensely painful and I cried for hours on end. I broke two bones and I was in Portugal at the time. I met Odie and Ciara at the library crèche on the Navan Road which was really fun and sometimes after we used to go to McDonalds as it was right beside it. My first bike was red and had cartoons on it. I fell a lot of times off it but I eventually got the swing of it. Starting school in C.E.T.N.S in 2005 was torture for my parents as I was crying and wouldn’t let go of them. My teacher was Catherine and she was a really good teacher and she always had smoothies. One of my favourite hobbies is cooking and baking, I especially like baking cakes as they are easy to make and are tasty. I got a bow and arrow from Santa. It’s my favourite and looks old-school. I wanted to do archery after Susan from Narnia as I liked her and her bow and arrow. I made my Communion on the 2nd of May 2009. I enjoyed it very much only that the Communion bread tasted like cardboard.


Born in Ireland, 2000. I went on holidays. I won a dance competition on holidays. I loved strawberry short cake. I learned how to ride a bike. My dog Max farted when I gave him pizza. I held a snake in the circus. I made my First Communion. I got my first pair of Converse. I had the best party in Whitechapel when I was 10. I cut open my ear. My class got split up when I came into 6th class. I did my entrance exam for Blakestown.

I was born in Our Lady’s of Lord’s Church on the 30th June 2001. I had a problem with my body. I left the hospital in August. I got baptised while I was in the hospital. I had my first birthday party when I was 1. I stopped wearing diapers when I was 3. When I was 6 I got my first piece of pizza. In 2007 I heard that we were moving. I cried the most. We moved September 2007. I started in Ladyswell 2007. I got my first Christmas present on the 25th December 2007: a diary. In 2007 I learned how to ride a bike on my own. I started to take baths on my own when I was 8, 2009. In 2010 I got my interest in singing. In 2011 I learned how to make hot chocolate. In 2011 I was allowed to use the kettle. In 2011 I learned how to knit.

My name is Daniel. I am 12 years old and I was born in Romania. I’ve always wanted to be a football player. I now play for my school team. The first goal I scored for my school team was when I was in 5th class, I was eleven back then. When I get older I would like to be a football player or a solicitor.

My name is Casey. I was born on the 19/9/00. I got my first dog when I was 2. I got my first gold pair of earrings. I set the kitchen on fire. I started school. I made new friends. I made my communion. I got another dog. I got 2 fish. I joined dancing. I went to my first competition. I learned how to go on skates. I had my first ever sleepover. I sprained my wrist on my skates. I split my head open. I went to robotics in 5th class. I played in the football league in 5th class. I started 6th class. I started doing football. I started doing more dancing. I started drawing more.


I was born in 2000, the year of the dragon. I heard my first Eminem rap and now I want to be a rapper. In 2008 I made my communion. In 2004 I got my first quad. In 2012 I got my appendix taken out. In 2012 my granddad died.

I was unexpectedly born on the 2nd of October 2000 in Mount Carmel Hospital on a windy and rainy morning at 10am. My first word was Mama when I was 10 months old. My first unsteady steps were at the age of 11 months old in my grandparents’ house. I may have stumbled along the way but I managed it! I had a dog called Sam. His breed was a Collie cross Spaniel. His fur was black with a white patch on his chest. I was obsessed with my hurl. It had a pink grip and a pink and white helmet to match it. I felt like a hurling princess. I adored my communion dress the moment I saw it I let out a yelp of excitement. I was 8 years old making my communion and I felt like a princess! I had a favourite pair of navy jeans when I was 10 years old, I loved the spiral design on them. My first time to swim was with my dad aged 8 months in Coolmine Swimming Pool. I got a shock at first and then I started bawling crying. I was screaming the Leisure Centre down! When I was 8 I got a new pair of roller skates which my mam had to give out to me for going on them in the house! They were green with yellow stars. When I was 3 I adored Barney. I used to sing and dance to the songs on it in front of the TV. I loved playschool so much. When I would walk into it every day a smile would spread over my face as I walked in through the doors. I had a friend called Zara we played every day together.

My name is Nicole. I am 11 years old, I was born on the 27th June 2001. I got baptised in St Lukes Church. My first dog was called Max. My first birthday I got loads of dolls. I learned how to walk and talk. I started school in Ladyswell National School. I lost my first baby tooth at 4. Went to Africa at 5 years old it was fun and I got to build a house. I dreamed about being a vet. Got another dog called Triksey, she was a Shitzu. Went to Spain with my family. Wanted to be an artist. Started going centre with my mates. Going to make my Confo this year in 6th class.


My name is David. I live in Clonee. I am 11 years old. I was born in Louth. I went to ITB to build robots and I got a certificate. I got put into a different class before I went to 6th class. I have one brother and two sisters. I used to live in Louth before I moved to Dublin. I got my first phone when I was 8. I did a play in 2nd class on Cinderella. I live in a house with two storeys. I was born in Ireland on a sunny morning on Thursday the 8/2/01. I was wrapped in a fluffy green blanket weighing 11lbs 13oz. My real name is Pietro but my mam changed it to Ben before I was born. It was embarrassing for my mam and dad because when she changed it she never told anyone so when she, me, and my dad went home the banners, presents, cards, and even the cake was in the name Pietro! I was lucky to go to my mam and dad’s wedding. They carried me down the aisle and my mam’s flowers were pink her favourite colour. I am half Italian. My dad is Italian. I used to go to my grandparents every summer and it was always awesome because my grandparents always brought me around Italy and every time we went I was even more excited than the trip before. I love them. My first baby tooth came when I was six months old and everybody cheered especially my Nana and Grandad. They were so happy that they booked a flight to Ireland and came over for the weekend. I started school when I was four in Catherine’s class. I was extremely nervous. My mam cried all day long and her eyes were bright red because of that. I was more scared of her than school. I love playing with my granddad’s pigeons he has over 200 birds in his loft. I play with them and my granddad’s neighbour has chickens too which I feed and collect the eggs and eat them for breakfast. I tasted chocolate for the first time when I was five which is pretty embarrassing because lots of people I know tasted chocolate younger than me. I had long curly hair and when I got my first hair cut I thought I was bald. I lived in Meath for 7 years and I loved my garden. I used to watch frogs and I used to have cats. They lived under my shed, and for some reason I called every cat Max.


I was born on 11 December 2000. I want to go to The Olympics when I’m older. I love One Direction like crazy! I used to sing in a pot when I was younger. I want to go to Australia and swim. When I was younger I twisted my neck. The first pair of red Converse I had were high tops. When I was 4, me and my mum ironed the clothes. I would iron them first with my toy iron and then give them to her. Every year I go to Romania. I would wear my mum’s wedding dress. I love Hollister clothing. I ate chalk. I love the book Stanley by Peter Gunning. I knew my best friend for 11 years.

Hi my name is Grace. I was born in Ireland on the 1st of January. I have one brother and two sisters. I am preparing for my Confirmation on the 31st of May. I am really excited. I don’t like to play golf because I can’t. My first dog was a Staff. It was a boy. Now it has passed away and I really miss him. When I was 5 my sister gave me cheese but it was gone off. Now I don’t like cheese or eat it anymore. When I was younger my favourite programme was Teletubbies. My favourite fruit is strawberry and apples. My least favourite fruit is pineapples. My lucky jeans are blue. I love sleeping in my nanny’s house. When I was going into 6th class our whole class got split up. I prefer my old class. I am afraid of the dentist. I don’t know why. 2 years ago we tried out for St. Philip’s Got Talent. We worked really hard, then we won it. My first ever concert was Westlife, I really enjoyed it. When I was 9 in P.E. I fell trying to do a crab, it was pretty fun. When I was 7 I started gymnastics. I came 2nd in the All Irelands. 4 weeks ago my dog had 12 pups. When I get older I want to be a person who does nails and hair.

I was born in Dublin on the 15th of September. I started school. I started swimming. I scored my first goal. I got my first medal. I joined Peregrines. I got my first bike. I made the gaelic team. I reached my goal in swimming. I got an A on my test. I made a cake out of KitKat. I made the cricket team. I read a really good book. I saved a goal. I went to the Dublin match. I read one good book. I got an iPod and an iPad. I got a puppy.


I was unexpectedly born on the 5th of October on a quiet, peaceful night at the Rotunda hospital in Dublin. I have always had a funny and well geared sense of humour. I make all my friends laugh. When I was very young, I fell asleep at school. I don’t think I was the only one. I got my first console when I was 7. I still have it with me today. My big plan is to keep it until I am a grown up and then sell it. I went on my first water roller coaster when I was 5 and I was shivering with fear! When I was 8 I experienced my first car crash. I was so scared I thought my heart would burst out of my body. When I was 10, my brother murdered my goldfish, Goldie. I cried many a moon after that! I went swimming for the first time when I was 9. I completely refused to get into the water because I was terrified! My favourite band or music group is Busta Rhymes. Keep on rapping, bro! My best friend when I was 7 all the way to 11 moved away last year to America. School will never be the same again. When I grow up, I want to be a pilot or a racecar driver, and hopefully earn a lot of money. When I was a baby, I used to have a blue blanket that I used to love very, very much. When I was 4, I had a friend who loved spicy food and wearing glasses. I tried my first spicy food at his house. It was chilli curry. I loved it! I visited Santa’s grotto with him. I was horrified to find out his face and beard was false! Recently, I went to Egypt with my family. The weather was boiling. It was so hot, you could fry an egg on the bonnet of a car! (I tried). I went to Sudan also. I really enjoyed it and got to see all of my family. My brother was born when I was 3. We love playing Xbox 360 together. My sister was born when I was 6. She loves doing her make-up. I used to have 2 puppies at my house in Sudan. Their names were Tatara and Fafara. I got my first phone when I was 9 years old. It had no games on it. That was a short reminder of all the important events that unfolded before me. Enjoy!

I like to play the PS3 and play with friends. I also like to sing. I have been to Spain twice: When I was 7 and when I was 11. My granddad died when I was 11. I was extremely sad when I found out. The scariest thing that ever happened to me was when I nearly drowned, but my aunty saved me.


Hi my name is Sope. I was born on the 31st of May in Rotunda Hospital where I met Exaucee. I was potty trained when I was two. I shaved my hair fully when I was 7. My biggest dream was to become a lawyer so any time my mom didn’t get me what I want I’ll sue her. I lost most of my front teeth when I travelled to America. I dreamed of being an athlete and I won a lot of medals and trophies. I thought paint was eggs now I never eat it. I got my first phone and I break it the same day. I learned how to walk when I was 8 months. I learned how to ride a bike without stabilizers when I was 5. I wanted to become a chef but any time I make food my brother he always rates me two out of ten. I always wanted to go and visit my cousins in Australia. I learned how to sing high notes when I was only five. I lost my first tooth and I got 20 euro. When I was small, me and my dad visited a lot of countries. I broke my leg while running, but I came fifth.

I was born in Romania. I am 13 years old. I started walking when I was 9 months. I started to ride the bike when I was 4. I love football. My favourite football team is Real Madrid. My sister was born in Ireland. I like all the sports. I started to go to school in Romania.

In November 2001, I made my parents extremely proud by taking my first steps. I fell over quite a few times before I got the hang of it, and when I did I walked over to my dad and gave him a big hug. On my 1st birthday, people came from miles around to share that special moment with me. I was spoiled rotten on that day and was showered with presents from my parents, my aunts, my uncles, and my grandparents. When I was 3, I skipped joyfully to Daisy Chain Montessori in Miltown, wearing my favourite yellow trousers. I enjoyed my time there greatly, as the teachers there were really kind to me! When I was in 1st class, I stuck my finger in a pencil sharpener thinking that my finger would become a pencil, but it didn’t! I started GAA at St. Brigid’s when I was 6. At my first match I scored 7 points. Everyone was really proud! I started watching Formula 1 because the amazing supercars fascinated me. I loved it so much I made racecar noises everywhere I went! It annoyed everyone so much!


My name is Enoch. I was born in Ireland on August 29 th, 2000. When I was nine months I had my first walk. I walked all around the house. After a few months I had my first word and it was ‘mam.’ When I was one I had a big party I got a big cake. When I was two my sister was born, I didn’t like her she was always crying. When I was five I wanted to be a bus driver. When I was seven I wanted to be a race car driver. When I was eleven I wanted to be a footballer. Now I want to be a famous actor.

My name is Zaynab. I was born in the millennium: the year 2000. My dad is from Libya in North Africa, and my mum is Irish. I come from a big family; there are five of us: two boys and three girls. I speak English and Arabic. I travel to Libya every summer to visit my grandmother, aunties, uncles, and cousins. I have travelled to many countries such as England, Italy, and Switzerland because there are no direct flights to Libya. My Irish granny lives in Offaly and I love going to visit and stay with her. My granny is friends with Niall Horan’s granny. My favourite place to go on holiday is Turkey. When we go to Turkey we do lots of fun activities. A few years ago in Turkey we went paragliding. It was exciting. I love Libya also and it is a nice place to go on holiday. I could not travel to Libya when the war was on. My father’s family said it was so scary. They had to stay inside all the time because of the shooting and the bombing. Libya is ok now. I went back last year for my uncle’s wedding. Weddings in Libya go on for one week. I am really looking forward to going to Libya this summer because my cousin Hannah is getting married. It will be the biggest and most exciting wedding and the wedding will be in August. I will be starting secondary school in September. I am looking forward to it because I have two older sisters in the school, but I will miss Educate Together.

Once upon a time lived a girl called Chloe. She wanted to be a famous dancer. She kept going to dance lessons to be a famous dancer called Fit Teens. But she quit to do taekwondo. She was very good at it so she stayed doing it. Her first belt was white. She got a yellow belt because she kept going on to her next belt and got better and better she won lots of medals and it gave her a lot of confidence.


My name is Shannon. I was born in Ireland, Dublin on the 24th of November 2000. My Granda got me my first dog Cody. She was a Springer Spaniel. I moved house to Carpenterstown. My little brother Daryl was born. I got my first pram. It was a plastic ladybug red pram. My nanny got it for me. I got my ears pierced at six months. I got little stud earrings. I moved to Huntstown. I got my first Baby Born doll and the eyes fell out. I moved to the house I live in now. I became friends with Conor. I learned how to go on a bike. I started school in Ladyswell NS in Early Start. My first teacher was Ms. Cahill. I was trying to make marshmallows and nearly burned my house down. I wanted to be a hairdresser and cut me and my brother’s hair. I made my Communion. I became friends with Nicole, Casey, and Leah.

I was born late on a boiling hot summer’s day in Dublin in the Rotunda Hospital. I came home to a quiet and cosy house in Blanchardstown where I met my wild and suspicious dog Murphy, he was worried he had been replaced! I moved here to Dunboyne when I was 4 and couldn’t wait to see my bedroom. I quickly decided I wanted my bedroom walls to be green and I put Hulk stickers on the walls when the paint was dry. I thought it was so cool. My Granny and Granddad bought me an amazing toy tractor that was red and yellow. I had plastic golf clubs I played with in my Granny and Granddad’s back garden with my Granddad, he always won. My Dad bought me my first Liverpool jersey when I was six in Elvery’s Sports and it had my second name and number six on the back. I speedily collected all the Mr Men and had every single one from the collection, my favourite was Mr Strong. By the age of four I had a Spiderman obsession, I knew all the villains, watched all the movies and cartoons and read all the magazines. I had a gigantic car collection I brought everywhere my favourite was a little red one with black windows and white stripes on the front of the car.I had a miserable holiday in France. It rained six of the seven days we were there. It was all muddy so we played dominos in our caravan. I had a Match Attacks addiction: four packets a week €3.20 out of my wallet. On holidays in Malta I got a different bouncy ball from the machine every night. I went to see Ireland VS South Africa in rugby in the Aviva Stadium with my dad. For my twelfth Christmas we had a giant tree. I had a sore stomach from eating sweets, and the family were all around the fire.


My dad was a vet who travelled around the countryside working with cattle and horses. He did this no matter what the weather was like, even if he was drenched from head to toe. Sometimes my dad would bring me to the veterinary practice. I moved to Dublin because my dad had a new job. I went to a child minder called Nuala. When I was one I got stomatitis. I couldn’t eat and I had to go to the hospital. We moved house to Littlepace in August 2002. My sister Ainhoa (pronounced I-no-a) was born that January, my life was to take a turn. I remember walking into the hospital with my dad. I saw my mom and my sister. When I walked out with my dad I can remember looking at the pine trees swaying in the breeze. My dad told me I would be staying the night in my best friend’s house, while arrangements were made for the new born baby. I loved playing with Lola. It was because I loved playing so much that I ended up with an injury. I was in the playground jumping from block to block (I wasn’t supposed to) when I hit my two front teeth off a block. One of them went back into my gum. I visited the dentist a lot after that. My sister was baptized in 2003. A few weeks later my great granny died, that was the first time death was explained to me. I thought life was a circle going around in spirals. You would start young on the outside then work in, getting older and older. When you got to the centre you would fall into a hole, die and go to heaven. I started horse riding. The first pony I rode was called Shay. He was very bouncy! I started school at C.E.T.N.S. My parents taught me to read before the teacher when I was five. On my eighth birthday I got to get a surfing lesson in France where we have a summerhouse. I went to Disneyland with my family and my cousin. We explored every corner. We even found boring bits. During the Summer 2010, I visited the place where my granny spent her summers. I climbed my first tree without branches. During Easter I went to Mallorca. I saw both the sun and the moon rise over the sea.

My name is Minh. I was born in Dublin. I am from Vietnam. I have two sisters. My great granddad died last year. I am 11 years old. When I was 5 I got a bike. I made my First Holy Communion in 2nd class. I went to England when I was 7. I learned how to cycle at 6 years old. When I was 2 I could walk. I am making my Confirmation this year. When I was 7 I wanted to be a footballer. I got my first dog at the age of 7. I don’t like it when it rains. I love it when it’s sunny.


I have a younger brother called Fiachra. He is in 3rd class. He likes maths. He would love to play for Munster in the future. He plays for Coolmine and St. Brigid’s. When I was one or two years old I went to live in America. I sat next to the Statue of Liberty. I didn’t know that it was famous because I was too young. My very first rugby match was against Navan. We won by three points. I got sent off for tackling.

Hello my name is David and I am 12 years old. Hello, I am born in Ireland Co. Dublin, thank you. Hello I had a dog called Lucky he was just a puppy. Hello I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Hello my favourite food is soup and I like chicken nuggets. Hello my favourite dog is Huskies. Hello I love my family and uncles and cousins. Hello I have a two storey house and I really love it.

I was unexpectedly born on a dark spring day in Temple Street Hospital and 8am in March. My hair started off pitch black and gradually turned blonde. My eyes started off greeny blue and one day magically they were stormy blue. I spent a long time climbing to the peak of the brown and black stripy tiger sofa. I went on a plane journey to Sunny Spain’s Majorca Resort and wasn’t allowed to go in the pool. I finally found out how to scuttle around on the floor like a crab. My parents installed an enormous, secure stair guard to stop me from climbing up there and finding out what was in the dark rooms upstairs. I played with some of the presents that magically appeared under the large decorated tree in my living room overnight. I got scared of water because I thought I was going to drown in the murky depths. My first ever birthday I thought I was going to explode, especially when my mam came out of the middle of nowhere with a HUGE chocolate cake with a flickering candle in the middle of it. I loved my first day at the brilliant Toddlers Inn but at first I was so horrified with the fact that I was going to be playing and sharing with other children. The day my brother was born was the worst day of my life. I made my first friend in crèche but was bitten very hard by them on the back of my ear. I said my first real word in front of my mam and dad and the two of them argued for ages over whether I said Mama or Dada but I said it again a week later and proved them both wrong by saying ‘Mine.’ I wanted to drive a big red bus with the number 77 on it because it was the exact


replica of my friend’s toy. I went to school for the first time and was so scared because my mam had left me in a classroom full of strangers. I loved big tall brown dinosaurs because it seemed cool to me at the time. I started swimming lessons in the middle of autumn and was always freezing when I got out of the pool. I was given a reading book and already knew how to read so I read the adult parts of the book instead.

My name is Cillian Skelly. I was born on the 15th of November, 2000. I was on the school quiz team from 3rd class to 6th class. In 2011, I met President Michael D. Higgins. My first word was ‘bee.’ My first concert was Blink 182. I cried all day in Junior Infants. There was an obsession with Scoobies in 3rd class that I never understood. Our cat, Snoopy, came to our garden when I was 4. In November 2011 we bought our dog, Buddy. Snoopy sadly passed away. Around Christmas 2011, I fell out with my cousin Shaun. I went to Portugal with my mam and cousins. Shigeru Miyamoto made me want to design video games. My favourite teacher was Ms Connelly in Senior Infants. I was accepted into Colaiste Pobail Setanta. I burned my feet on the path in Portugal. Me, my mam, and my cousin saw the Tutankhamun exhibition in the RDS. I am doing a computer gaming course in DCU. We made the most brownies in school. I got my brown belt in karate. An owl and a falcon perched on my wrist in the Bloom festival. My friend James moved away during the summer holidays between 3rd and 4th class. I got to the finals of Philip’s Got Talent in 2011, but I didn’t make it this year.

My name is Benel. I was born in Ireland. My first birthday was very nice, we had a party and I got presents. I went to England because I had not seen my family in a long time. I was drumming in front of my church. It was spectacular and I was really nervous. When I was 8 years old I made my Holy Communion and I had a party with my family. I moved schools and house. It was really scary and I was going to miss my friends. My baby brother was born in October. It was a really exciting day for my family. I came home from France by myself. I was really scared. My aunty dropped me to the airport and I flew back to Ireland. I was really scared and worried.


My dream is to be a singer. I had my first party when I was 3 in my house. I fell on my cake. When I was 1 I got my ears pierced. My sister was born in the toilet. My biggest dream was to be a doctor. I got a doctor kit when I was 3. I remember I got a doll when I was 2. I named her Lily. When I was 5 I wanted to be a chef. I always helped cook and I got burned. I fell off my roller blades when I was 8. I ate chocolate when I was 8. I got my first phone when I was 9. I got potty trained when I was 3 in July 15th. I learned to use the computer when I was 7. Ngai na lingaki na zala chantez. Na salaki fet na ngai na 3 san na ndaku na ngai. Na qwayaki na gato na ngai. Tango na zalaki 1 litoyi na ngai ezalaki na ba bijou. Sr na ngai a botamaki na toilet. Ngai na lingaki na zala docter na 3 san. Na zwakaki juwena ngai tango na zalki 2 san nkombo na ye ezali Lilliane. Tango na zalaki sanc san na lingaki na zala chef na edaki mama na ngail na ko ca ci te. Na qwayaki na skata na ngai na 8 san. Na lyakaki chocolat na 8 san. Na zwakaki telephone tango na zalaki 9 san. Na subaki ngai moko na 3 san na toilet. Na kokai ko etilise tableau na 7 san.

My name is Laurelle. I came to Ireland in 2004. I didn’t know how to speak English. I was born in Cameroun. I was good at football in first class. I was always alone. I always read books in school and sometimes at home. I love my family always. I got loads of medals on sports day. Mon non se Laurelle. Je te venir a Irelande a 2004. Je ne parle pa angle. Je te ne a Cameroun. Je te bain a le football con je te a class premiere. Je te tourjour sel. Je tourjour lit a l’ecole a la maison. J’eime ma famile tourjour. Je pren boucour de me medal a sport.


I went to a swimming party. I had a 9 years old birthday party. I had a new bicycle. I went to Funtasia for my sister’s birthday. I had a barbecue. I went to the beach. I went to Cork with my aunty. I went on a school tour to Crystal Maze. I taught my cousin how to walk. I was jumping up and down when my mom told me something. My mom and dad went to Nigeria. I got new clothes. I got a new phone. I got split up.

Before I was even born my Mum and Dad bought me a cute pair of purple socks. I was born in Serbia on the tenth of the tenth at ten o’clock at the beginning on the new century (two thousand). I used to love walking with my Mum and Dad during the evening when it gets dark and looking up at the glimmering stars in the colourless sky. When I was 3 I stuck a peanut up my nose. It was extremely funny, but not for me. I was so embarrassed I became as a red as a tomato. My favourite scarf (when I was little) can barely go around my neck now. I used to wear it every day trying to look like a grown-up. I love going out with my family on a sunny day. There is nothing to equal the satisfying thrill of having a great time with your family. My family is undoubtedly very loving and caring to me and they are something I will treasure forever. I remember my first time in the swimming pool with my Dad. He held me slightly over the water while I was kicking the water and splashing it everywhere. When my first tooth fell out I felt like I was separating away from my childhood. It felt like the first step to responsibility. I will never forget the first day I came to Ireland. It was raining relentlessly and the sun was nowhere to be seen. In a 4th class chess competition I won 3rd place. I was overjoyed because I was the only girl to win a medal. When I was smaller violets used to grow on a small green area outside my apartment. I would usually pick them and give them to my preschool teacher. She would put them in water and I would feel so proud of myself that she liked the gift I got for her. When my grandma died I didn’t understand what had happened to her. I knew I would never see her again but I didn’t know where she had gone. I still have something to remember her by. She left me jewellery that used to belong to her. When I was living in Serbia I used to love picking daisies and giving them to my mum. There would be thousands of them on a field and I would sometimes make flower chains.


My name is Phi. I am 11 years old. There is 4 people in my family. I live in Dublin, I was born there. I am the youngest in my family. I go to Ladyswell National School. My 6th class teacher is Ms. Hughes. My favourite hobby is football. I play for my school team. I support Manchester United. I went to Vietnam when I was 7 and it was lovely there. I had my first dog when I was 7. I went to Australia when I was 9 and it was really hot. I made new friends in 5th class. My mum went to Vietnam on January 8th, 2013. It was really sad. My granddad died in Vietnam on January 10th, 2013. My mum was heartbroken. My mum was so excited when she found out she was having her first child. After a long, hard, 24 hour labour I finally crawled into the world on Thursday 12th October 2000 in Hollis Street Hospital. I was born a millennium baby. I was born along with four of my cousins! We were all babies together, all grew up together and are still best friends. I used to love cuddling up to my parents and would always clamber into their bed until I was about five. In 2004 we all clambered (my dad, my pregnant mum, a moving van, our car, and me who wouldn’t stop crying) into a new three bedroomed house in Dublin 7. My brother Dylan was born on the 5th August 2004. It took me a while to adjust to being a sister. My dad is a major part of my life and would and still does take me on adventures. He has a great sense of humour and I love him loads. My mum is a huge part of my life and is still one of the kindest people I know. She is always there for me and I know she always will be. In 2005 I became a sister for the 2nd time on the 15th June. I remember coming home and seeing big new toys on the counter that my dad had bought for me and Dylan. Then we went upstairs and met Isobel. Almost 8 years later and we still fight but we love each other loads. The first time I was away from my parents was when they went to Poland for a week. I stayed with my cousins but missed them loads. I think in first or second class I banged my head really badly in the yard. I had a huge bump and had to go home early. I wanted to be a lot of things while I was growing up but mainly I wanted to be an artist and a drummer. I would always draw pictures of me drumming. As I grew older I grew interested in food and for a while wanted to be a chef. When I was in 3rd class I had a great child minder named Davy. She was from Maritius and always used to cook us noodles after school. She used to bring us sweets and she was really kind. In 4th class I went on a terrible camping trip. We did nothing, the people were mean and we walked for three hours just to get to a small shop.


One slightly sunny morning on the 18th of April 2001 at 11.10am in the Rotunda Hospital Dublin Ireland, I was born. When I was born I had black thick hair and blue eyes, that’s why my mam and dad decided to call me Ciara (Irish) meaning dark. I wanted to marry a boy across the road from me, Adam was his name. My favourite hobby was playing “peek a boo” with the mirror! I also made up my own language. ‘Muh sime le Ciara’ meant ‘My name is Ciara.’ When I was 7 months old, that was when my first tooth came, during the night. I had all my teeth by Christmas 2003. I get a lot of ear infections and have been in the hospital about 5 times. They are extremely painful! I walked at 14 months. I cycled my bike for the first time when I was 4 outside my house. My first sleepover was when I was 5 in Alice’s house. I started roller blading when I was 5. I hated swimming when I was younger. The first time that I ever swam was October 2006 in the Navan Road Swimming Club. At 19 weeks I ate rice and a Petit Filou. At 7 months I fed myself for the first time, and held my own cup. The most important things in my life are family, friends, One Direction, sport, music, acting, singing, school, reading, and my dog Penny. My mam is an amazing woman. She is the one who keeps our house running every day! She works really hard during the day and then really hard at home as well! My dad is a brilliant man and he also works extremely hard. He works for Aer Lingus and his shift is from 5am-2pm! He loves us all so much and he is always there for us. Although we argue 24/7, my brother is a lovely person those very rare few times that we don’t argue. He is a fantastic brother who cares about his family.

I flew to Russia on a plane for the first time when I was one year old, which was a long and exhausting journey. I got a friendship bracelet from my friend in crèche. She had a matching one, so we would always walk together showing it to everyone. I had a hamster. Her name was Russian: Marusia. She used to always run in her yellow wheel. I had a beautiful black and white hairband. I wore it everywhere I could, but once I lost it. I was crying and screaming because I wanted it to so much. A few days later my awesome Dad found it behind the sofa. Nobody knows how it got there. At home we speak only Russian, not to forget the language, my mum says. For the first time I held a real frog, it was in Russia. Me and my friend Anastasia were in her garden at the pond. We were catching frogs with a net, but we couldn’t catch any. When


we finally did, we saw that there was a hole in the net so the frog jumped out, right at me. So I just caught it, it was so slimy and disgusting. My magnificent Mum teaches me Russian at home. It’s hard and boring. I don’t mind though because it might help me in the future. I went on a huge waterslide in Turkey when I was four. While I was riding I thought it would never end. I was terrified. I had a favourite blanket. It was bright blue with yellow stars on it and so soft. I couldn’t sleep without it, it was my precious blanket. I won a trophy in school for skipping. I was so tired after it and my face was burning red. I won a gold medal in gymnastics. Can you believe it?! I couldn’t! It was the best day of my life. I couldn’t stop smiling. I tried so hard and got what I wanted to. I play the piano since I was ten years old. It is quite hard, but I try my best. I saw a jellyfish in Bulgaria. It was just swimming by the shore. My dad wasn’t even afraid to touch it! I drew a smiley face when I was 3. Not perfect, but something. I was only 3. I want to be an artist when I grow up. I love painting and drawing. I caught butterflies in Russia. I caught them with nets. They’re actually fast so it’s hard to catch them, but I did catch some. I had a dress, my favourite which was a magnificent colour, black and purple. I was only allowed to wear it on special occasions because it’s very beautiful. My first gymnastics leotard for the competition was velvet black, after that I had a pink one, but I still think the black leotard is special because it’s my first competition leotard and I won first place wearing it. I learned swimming in Bulgaria. My granddad showed me. I went skiing in Russia in winter. I fell over a few times. but then I got the hang of it and stopped falling. Hurray!

Sarah Beirne, Children and Youth Arts Officer, Draíocht, December 2018 At Draíocht, our work goes far beyond our programming of events. We help people of all ages to make space for art in their lives. Working collaboratively with artists, we journey with thousands of people to enhance their lives through arts events, projects and initiatives. This book represents one such journey, that of the book creator Philippa, the project artist Gina and the 71 pupils who, using a hula-hoop and wool fiber become cultural producers themselves and part of an artistic process that puts them at the very centre of Draíocht’s programming. The StoryHoops and the written stories were collectively exhibited in an installation piece in Draíocht’s Ground Floor Gallery, in February 2013. The exhibition was beautiful, the hoops were colorful and fun, but the most dramatic impact of the exhibition came with reading the many different stories of the children whom took part. The three participating schools represented the wide socio-demographic spread that is Dublin 15. We have a large foreign national community, so there were stories written in many languages of the world. Stories of war and immigration, of traditions and religion, of tooth aches and birthday parties, at times deeply moving and at times hilariously funny. Individually, they are stories of the things that make up the life of an 11 year old in Dublin 15. Collectively they give us a glimpse, in a moment of time, of whom our young people are, what they think, what they believe and hope for. We believed that these stories are a unique and important documentation of children in Ireland. The publishing of this picture book represented that belief. Here Philippa Cahill has carefully created colourful, wonderful, reimaginings of their stories through her beautifully crafted original illustrations and arranged around the original project photographs and stories.

THANKS & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: DreamWeavers Book Illustration & Editing: Philippa Cahill DreamWeavers Book Graphic Design: Alex Cahill The Participating Project Principles, Teachers & Pupils of:: Ladyswell National School. Mulhuddart, Castleknock Educate Together National School, Castleknock & St. Philip The Apostle Senior National School, Mountview DreamWeavers: StoryHoops Project Development & Facilitator: Gina Faustino DreamWeavers: StoryHoops Project Development & Management: Children & Youth Arts Officer Sarah Beirne StoryHoops Photographs: Andrew Carson & Gallery Photography: Tom Lawlor Additional Thanks To: Draíocht staff & Draíocht’s Funders, Fingal County Council & The Arts Council Of Ireland

Sarah Beirne, Children and Youth Arts Officer, Draíocht, December 2018 At Draíocht, our work goes far beyond our programming of events. We help people of all ages to make space for art in their lives. Working collaboratively with artists, we journey with thousands of people to enhance their lives through arts events, projects and initiatives. This book represents one such journey, that of the book creator Philippa, the project artist Gina and the 71 pupils who, using a hula-hoop and wool fiber become cultural producers themselves and part of an artistic process that puts them at the very centre of Draíocht’s programming. The StoryHoops and the written stories were collectively exhibited in an installation piece in Draíocht’s Ground Floor Gallery, in February 2013. The exhibition was beautiful, the hoops were colorful and fun, but the most dramatic impact of the exhibition came with reading the many different stories of the children whom took part. The three participating schools represented the wide socio-demographic spread that is Dublin 15. We have a large foreign national community, so there were stories written in many languages of the world. Stories of war and immigration, of traditions and religion, of tooth aches and birthday parties, at times deeply moving and at times hilariously funny. Individually, they are stories of the things that make up the life of an 11 year old in Dublin 15. Collectively they give us a glimpse, in a moment of time, of whom our young people are, what they think, what they believe and hope for. We believed that these stories are a unique and important documentation of children in Ireland. The publishing of this picture book represented that belief. Here Philippa Cahill has carefully created colourful, wonderful, reimaginings of their stories through her beautifully crafted original illustrations and arranged around the original project photographs and stories.

THANKS & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: DreamWeavers Book Illustration & Editing: Philippa Cahill DreamWeavers Book Graphic Design: Alex Cahill The Participating Project Principles, Teachers & Pupils of: Ladyswell National School. Mulhuddart, Castleknock Educate Together National School, Castleknock & St. Philip The Apostle Senior National School, Mountview DreamWeavers: StoryHoops Project Development & Facilitator: Gina Faustino DreamWeavers: StoryHoops Project Development & Management: Children & Youth Arts Officer Sarah Beirne StoryHoops Photographs: Andrew Carson & Gallery Photography: Tom Lawlor Additional Thanks To: Draíocht staff & Draíocht’s Funders, Fingal County Council & The Arts Council Of Ireland

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