Contact Dr. Granirer for Remedies for GERD & Acid Reflux

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CONTACT DR. GRANIRER FOR REMEDIES FOR GERD & ACID REFLUX Do you suffer from stomach pain, nausea, burping, heartburn, difficulty in swallowing, or sore throat? If so, then you may be one of the millions of sufferers of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) also known as acid reflux disease or heartburn. The lower oesophageal sphincter or LES is a valve between your stomach and oesophagus that keeps food and stomach acids from going back up your throat. Another reason for this occurrence is pressure applied to the abdomen from bending, lifting, obesity, or pregnancy. Natural remedies for Acid Reflux can help in treating the problem. Causes of GERD and Acid Reflux Eating onions, chocolate, peppermint, high-fat or spicy foods, citrus fruits, garlic, and tomato-based products Citrus juices, alcohol, and caffeinated and carbonated drinks Eating before bedtime Being overweight Eating large portions Smoking Wearing tight-fitting clothing or belts Pregnancy Dr. Louis Granirer is committed to give you individualised care and therapeutic healing solutions at the Holistic Chiropractic Center in NYC. In order to achieve efficient Acid Reflux and GERD Remedies, he specialises in Nutrition Response Testing, a method for better wellbeing that may be directly related to your GERD 1133 BROADWAY SUITE 802 - NEW YORK, NY 10010 (212) 243-6663

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