R3 stem cell therapy for cartilage defects | Dr David Greene

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R3 stem cell therapy for cartilage defects |

Dr David Greene


Have you ever experienced hitting your elbow, knee, or other joints while playing? Did you ever face any trauma from a bike accident injury, slip, and fall, etc.? Usually, people ignore such happenings considering that they would automatically soothe. But, often, these hits cause chronic pains. These chronic pains occur because you may have damaged your cartilage during the injury. This cartilage damage is known as a cartilage defect.


What is the proper and non-surgical treatment of cartilage defects?


Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy – The Only Proper Treatment for Cartilage Defects


3 active

Diagnosis & Symptoms of Cartilage Defects

3 • Stiffness

Cartilage is a firm connective tissue that is an important structural component in the body. It comprises cartilage cells and a matrix.

There are mainly three different types of cartilage present in the human body.

Elastic Cartilage is flexible cartilage and found in the ears and nose.

The elastic cartilage provides firmness and elasticity and it gives shape to the ear in the upper glass which acts as a valve closing when you’re eating, blocking any swallowed food from entering your

Hyaline Cartilage is smooth yet tough, with minimal flexibility that allows smooth joint functioning. Hyaline cartilage is the most common type of cartilage and it caps the bones of synovial

Fibrocartilage is robust and flexible but not smooth.

Fibrocartilage is a tapas form of cartilage and it is what makes up the discs of the spine and the meniscus and the knee joint.


Functioning of Cartilage

3 therapy can treat cartilage damage.

Major Causes of Cartilage Defects

3 arthroscopic procedure.

The innovation of Amniotic Fluid Stem Cell Therapy to Treat


3 arise any rejection or resistance to these cells in a human body.


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