Dr David Greene's Stem Cell Therapy to Treat Cartilage Damage

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Dr David Greene's Stem

Cell Therapy to Treat Cartilage Damage



This therapy is the only proper treatment for cartilage damage. It treats the damaged Cartilage, which can't be possible with any other method than regenerative medicine therapy, said Dr. David Greene r3 Stem cell. Saving a patient from pain and hassle by knee transplant or invasive surgery Some of the amniotic fluid stems are said to be - a highly effective and powerful treatment for inflammation and cartilage damage. These stem cells restore the cartilage damage and make a person active again.


If someone ever hits their elbow or other joints due to any accident, people usually ignore it in the first place, but later they suffer from severe massive pain. These pains occur because maybe you have damaged your Cartilage during an accident. This damage is known as a cartilage defect.


Cartilage is a soft and firm tissue with a flexible bone. It is a connective tissue that can be found in different body parts.

• Joints between bones, like elbows, knees, and ankles

• Ends of the ribs

• Between the vertebrae in the spine

• Inside the ears and nose

• Bronchial tubes or airways

• The Cartilage can get damaged in any body part due to an accident, bone disorders, etc.


Common symptoms of cartilage defects are joint pain, locking, swelling, stiffness, and a clicking or grinding sensation. The treatment and diagnosis of cartilage defects are challenging for surgeons. Articular cartilage injuries are prevalent and have the potential to progress to osteoarthritis left untreated. Diagnosis of cartilage

damage is difficult, but various symptoms can do it.


Cartilage serves numerous functions in the body. Cartilage covers the bones of synovial joints, such as the knee joint, to make movement easier by reducing friction and aiding in shock absorption. Cartilage connects the bones of some joints, such as the vertebral column discs. It also gives the ear and nose shape and supports the trachea. Unfortunately, cartilage lacks nerves and blood vessels, so when it is injured, it does not heal quickly with traditional treatment methods. Cartilage damage can only be treated with regenerative stem cell therapy.

Diagnostic Tests

ELASTIC CARTILAGE is a type of flexible Cartilage found in the ears and nose. The elastic Cartilage provides firmness and elasticity to the ear in the upper glass, which acts as a valve closing when you eat, preventing any swallowed food from entering your windpipe.

HYALINE CARTILAGE is smooth and challenging, with little flexibility, allowing for smooth joint function. The most common type of Cartilage is hyaline Cartilage, which covers the bones of synovial joints.

FIBROCARTILAGE IS solid and flexible, but it is not smooth. Fibrocartilage is a type of tapas cartilage that makes up the discs in the spine, the meniscus, andthekneejoint.


Cartilage defects can occur due to various factors such as age, pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, birth abnormalities, acute injury to the knee, or an underlying bone disorder.

Cartilage damage is not the same as arthritis; their treatments are also very different. An isolated cartilage defect, such as that found in ears, is not commonly repairable because no underlying bone is attached to the fragment.

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