Diabetes Treatment with Stem Cells | Dr David Greene r3 Stem Cell

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a Promising Treatment of Diabetes
Dr David Greene R3 Stem Cell www.r3stemcell.co


A study by the International Diabetes Federation in 2021 revealed that approximately 537 million adults (20-79 years) are living with diabetes. Researchers have found a potential cure to treat Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes through an innovative method of stem cell therapy. Dr. David Greene's R3 Stem Cell is one of the leading centers that have excelled in treating diabetic patients with stem cell therapy.

What Is Diabetes? How Is It Treated?

Diabetes is an umbrella term for diseases where the body cannot produce or use insulin, the hormone helping food convert into energy. An estimated 37.3 million people (11.3% of the US population) have diabetes, and 8.5 million people (23%) are unaware and undiagnosed.

There are three many types of diabetes:

- Type 1: Auto-immune disease

- Type 2: Hereditary and Lifestyle factors

- Gestational Diabetes- Occurs during pregnancy

What is Stem Cell Research?

Stem cells are a form of cell that is yet to develop a specific set of traits. And the research covers the scientific study of these stem cells. Nevertheless, the research has opened up a broad spectrum of possibilities to cure diabetes.

Stem cells are used for ongoing research to help explore ways our bodies process sugar and answer questions about the root cause of diabetes.

What is R3 Stem Cell Therapy? Is Dr. David Greene’s R3 Stem Cell a Potential Cure?

The retired orthopedic surgeon David Greene founded R3 Stem Cell, offering cutting-edge regenerative medicine therapies. Dr. David Greene’s R3 Stem Cell Centers of Excellence are staffed with experienced and compassionate providers. Treatments include bone marrow, adipose, amniotic, PRP, and umbilical cord tissue.

R3 Stem Cell To Cure Type 1 Diabetes

David Greene, Orthopedic Surgeon, Aims To Cure Type 2 Diabetes

Characterized by the body’s inability to produce insulin; therefore, it necessitates daily injections of insulin. Although the researchers and experts of R3 Stem Cells haven’t found a complete cure, proven cases of patients without insulin

injection use are observed.

In 2017, researchers analyzed studies published between 2006 to 2016, comprising 342 patients who received stem cell therapy. While not everyone responded to the treatment, improved glucose control and reduced insulin dependency were observed.

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