T206 group treatment

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BRAD and JOE are packing up some last minute fishing supplies. We see them putting bait boxes, sleeping bags, and other supplies into a medium sized SUV. A very nice sports car pulls up to the driveway and Brad’s brother in-law, STEVEN, gets out. The three greet each other and Brad introduces Joe to Steven. Joe acknowledges Steven as the big time movie producer. The guys start putting Steven’s bags into the car. … As the opening credits roll, we see the SUV driving through winding roads going further up into a mountain. The three guys are sitting in the car talking about their family lives, jobs, hobbies, and joke around for a while. Joe is driving and turns on the radio in the car. There is no radio reception and Brad throws in a CD. All of them begin singing along with the song… The car pulls into a small shantytown in the Colorado Mountains. Brad and Joe discuss how they go ice fishing every year but never spend time in the town. As they drive through the town they see some people out on the streets staring at their car. The guys see the MOUNTAIN RANGER, whom they are acquainted with from previous visits, and stop to talk to him… As they continue to drive we see them pull up towards a small cabin by a frozen lake. The three men get out of the car and breath in the fresh mountain air. We see them walk into the cabin with all of their stuff and they throw it all down on the floor. Brad opens up a bottle of scotch and pours three glasses on the rocks. The men get ready for a relaxing weekend as they cheer. After the men are settled into the cabin they decide to go out for walk to collect firewood. On their walk the three get split up. As Brad walks around collecting firewood he walks towards the frozen lake to check out the thickness of the ice. When he gets close to the lake he sees a body lying partially under the ice, frozen and lifeless. We see the rest of the scene through what appears to be a hidden camera. Brad franticly calls over to Steven and Joe to show him the dead body. The men stand there in shock, contemplating what to do. We see them start to cut through the ice to try and get the rest of his body out. They assume that the guy must have fallen through the ice while alone and got stuck underneath. Brad is very nervous and fidgety… The next day we see the three men driving into the shantytown. They are not sure how long the man they found has been dead and they are nervous about being outsiders in the town. We see them enter a bait shop, as they enter a woman walks out, looking at them with fear and suspicion. In the bait shop they overhear a couple of the workers gossiping about a missing old man who lived in the town. The men get worried, decide not to buy any supplies, and exit the shop quickly… Joe is throwing the last few logs into the fireplace in the cabin. Steven and Brad are sitting by the fire talking about the dead man they found. They decide to not tell anyone because they are afraid of being accused of being responsible, because they are outsiders. There is a knock on the door. We see the Mountain Ranger at the door. He comes in to talk to the men about any suspicious activities they may have noticed. The men finish

talking with the ranger and the fire is dying out. As the ranger leaves the cabin, Brad offers to go out and get some more firewood… The next day the three guys decide they need to actually get fishing supplies and they drive towards town. As they drive into town they see the Ranger’s truck on the side of the road. There is blood on the window. The men get out of their car and go inspect the truck only to find the Ranger lying there dead. He appears to have been brutally stabbed to death. We see the men start to get very worried and frantic. They decide not to go into town and head back to their cabin… The men are in their cabin at night. We see the inside of the cabin through a camera perspective. They are thinking about leaving and heading home before more weird things start to happen. They all have an empty scotch glass next to them as they sit around a small table. Joe is starting to act very weird and both Steven and Brad try to calm him down. We can see they are nervous as well. Steven goes out to get more firewood. Brad decides to go to the car and get another bottle of scotch. We see Steven come back to the cabin to find Brad standing in a pool of blood. The blood is not his own. Brad does not know where Joe is… A couple days have passed since the three men arrived in the small town. They have found a dead body, an abandoned ranger truck, and Joe is missing. Brad is starting to lose his cool; we see that he cannot handle all of the recent events. Steven is trying to stay calm and get the both of them out of the town. We see Steven try and calm Brad down, it is not working. Steven leaves the cabin and walks down the road. There is a small hidden hut that he walks into. Inside we see multiple television monitors all viewing the inside of the cabin and different parts of the town… Brad is alone in the cabin. He is not stable and we see him talking to himself. There is a noose hanging from the ceiling of the cabin and a chair underneath it. We see Brad’s feet on the chair. His feet kick the chair out from under him. His body is suspended and swinging. His feet twitch then stop and hang still… Steven and a few crew people are in the hut when they witness Brad kill himself. Steven freaks out and runs out of the hut. We see Steven running to the cabin. He enters the cabin and tries to get Brad down. It is too late for Brad and Steven falls to his knees as he begins to weep. We see a man sitting at a typewriter. He is smoking a cigar, which is almost at its end. The man has an evil grin on his face. We see him grab a glass of scotch and take a sip. He presses his lips together from the strong taste of the scotch. He starts to type and we see him typing the words, “THE END”…

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