Local churches in the city of veroia 2016 18

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Η εθθιεζία ηεο Βέξνηαο ηδξύζεθε ην 50-51 ΜΥ από ηνλ Απόζηνιν Παύιν. Ο πξώηνο Ναόο θαηαζηξάθεθε ην 1860 θαη ζηα εξείπηα αλεγέξζεθε ν Ιεξόο Ναόο πνπ αθηεξώζεθε ζηνλ Αγ. Αληώλην. Ξαλά θαηαζηξάθεθε ην 1898 από ππξθαγηά. Υηίζηεθε μαλά ην 1904 σο ηξίθιηηε βαζηιηθή θαη εγθαηληάζηεθε από ηνλ Μεηξνπνιίηε Κσλ/λν. Αξγόηεξα πξνζηέζεθαλ 2 θακπαλαξηά. Δθεί θπιάζζνληαη ηα ιείςαλα ηνπ Αγ. Αντωνίοσ θαη ε θάξα ηεο Αγ. Ιεξνπζαιήκ. Η αγηνγξάθεζε νινθιεξώζεθε κε δσξεέο. Η νλνκαζηηθή ενξηή ηνπ ενξηάδεηαη ζηηο 17 Ιαλνπαξίνπ θαη ζηηο 1 Απγνύζηνπ, γηα επθνιία ζηελ κεηαθίλεζε ησλ πηζηώλ. The church of Veroia was founded in 50-51 AD by St. Paul. The first temple was destroyed in 1860 and at the ruins the new temple was rebuilt that was dedicated to St. Antonios, the protector of the mentally disturbed. The temple was destroyed again in 1898 in a fire. The temple was built again in 1904 in the type of 3-aisled Basilica and was opened by the bishop Constantine. Later, 2 bell towers were added. The relics of St. Antonios and St. Jerusalem are kept there. The Hagiography was completed by donations. His name day is celebrated on January the 17th and August the 1st, for the convenience of the pilgrims. http://discoververia.gr/agios-antonios/


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