Artifex Blue Personal Financial Management

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You r Sy stem f or Com p r eh en si ve Per son al Fi n an ci al M an agem en t

Fee-On ly Pr ivat e Wealt h an d Bu sin ess Advisor s Sin ce 2007 ar t if exf in an 855.752.6644

You 've don e a gr eat job cr eat in g per son al w ealt h You've worked hard to create a career, personal life and investments to help you live the life you want. If you are like many of us, you may not have a clear, cohesive strategy to manage, maintain and grow your wealth for the next phase of your life - whether it's "work optional", full retirement, or some other goal you've set out to accomplish. There's no doubt that we live in dynamic and ever-changing times. The characteristics of investment markets, the economy, tax laws, the health insurance landscape, and careers are in a constant state of flux. You may be asking questions like "are my investments all working together to get me where I want to go?" "Am I certain that I've taken the necessary steps to minimize taxes?" "Will I have enough money to carry me through retirement?" "Do I have the proper insurance coverage, and am I paying too much for it?" "When should I start to draw on Social Security to help me with my retirement goals?" Among many other questions. The problem with financial planning today, is that too many financial planners treat it as a "point in time" and a static solution. As you may be aware, life is not a straight line from point A to point B. The fluid environment we live in demands a wealth management program that can be evaluated and adjusted as needed to ensure that you are staying on track. More like a GPS system, and less like a map. As an independent, fee-only wealth management firm, we work with individuals and families to create and manage their overall wealth. We've seen the obstacles that successful wealth creators face when trying to establish a road map for the future. And we've never believed that financial planning is a "one and done" process. That's why we created Artifex Blue, our comprehensive, integrated planning solution to help you maximize your options, create a successful future transition, and to seamlessly coordinate your investment and personal financial planning goals. We've combined the resources of our Artifex Intelliplan wealth planning service with our integrated investment management platform to provide you with the tools and resources to feel confident in your future, for one convenient fee.

Ou r Solu t ion - an in t egr at ed syst em f or per son al w ealt h m an agem en t

Wit h r ecen t advan cem en t s in t ech n ology an d ou r st r on g r elat ion sh ips w it h pr ovider s su ch as Goldm an Sach s Per son al Fin an cial M an agem en t , w e've cr eat ed a u n iqu e an d cu st om ized solu t ion f or ou r clien t ele. In addit ion t o ou r h ist or ically st r on g in vest m en t m an agem en t an d f in an cial plan n in g capabilit ies, w e n ow of f er a st at e-of -t h e ar t solu t ion f or m an agin g w ealt h . Deliver ed t h r ou gh you r per son al Gu ideCen t er , you h ave a seam less, con sist en t pr ocess t o st ay in con t r ol of you r f in an cial f u t u r e.

Ou r Gu ideCen t er is you r f am ily 's h u b f or all t h in gs f in an cial, in cor por at in g t h e elem en t s of you r per son al an d bu sin ess asset s.

Ou r in n ovat ive Fin Lif eÂŽ pr ocess

We start with the behavioral side of finance, and help you to evaluate your existing decision-making patterns as well as specific personal goals and objectives. These goals become the core of the financial plan scenarios.

We then work with you collaboratively to create a customized plan to accomplish your goals, while considering tax, risk, estate and asset management strategies to maximize your results.

From there, we work together to establish a cohesive investment strategy across all of your assets, and implement solutions from among our in-house and best-in-class money management providers, such as Dimensional Fund Advisors, Blackrock, and Goldman Sachs Investment Management.

At this point, your Financial Control Scorecard is created within your GuideCenter, so that you can keep track of your progress on all of your financial goals.

Finally, we mutually create your Priority Action List, which governs task priorities and accomplishments over the coming months and years. This is updated at our semi-annual review meetings going forward.

The result is a consistent, ongoing process that involves you and your entire Artifex team on a regular basis to ensure that your financial and personal life goals are being met. The technology is innovative, and state-of-the-art, but what makes it valuable is the systemized process that we deliver with Artifex Blue. We provide what has been lacking in the fianancial services indsutry up until now - a program that removes the traditional obstacles to meaningful financialplanning and overcomes the lack of intertia that can set in after the initial planning work has been completed. In addition to these tools, you receive support and guidance from our team of experienced tax, financial, investment and risk consultants. We become your family's personal CFO office.

Wit h Ar t if ex Blu e, you 'll r eceive t h e f ollow in g ben ef it s -

A dedicated team of tax, investment, business, and financial planning specialists to support your personal wealth management strateg and help you to live your "One Best Financial Life." Our team is comprised of CFP's, Tax specialists, Certified Investment Management Analysts, and risk consultants. Additionally, our founding partners have advanced degrees from The Ohio State University and Harvard University.


Additional resources and support provided by Goldman Sachs Personal Financial Management, a world-leader in investment, technology, and capital resources.


An objective, independent approach that is not conflicted by outside incentives, such as product commissions or payments from product sponsors.


Artifex Financial group is a client fiduciary and we are members of NAPFA, the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors so your interests always come first.


We have focused our energies and investments in technology, staff, and resources to make your life easier and well-coordinated.


You can meet with us at your business, one of our offices in Columbus, Dayton, or Cincinnati, or virtually utilizing our first-class web conferencing systems.


Artifex Financial Group is an independently registered advisor with the SEC with a clean compliance history.


You'll achieve peace of mind knowing that your Artifex team is orchestrating all of the moving parts of your financial life and acting as the personal CFO for your family.

Resou r ces t o lear n m or e

View t h is qu ick video on t h e pow er of t h e Gu ideCen t er an d h ow it h elps ou r clien t s gain con t r ol of t h eir f in an cial llives.

Lear n abou t t h e pow er of ou r Fin LIf eÂŽ per son al f in an cial m an agem en t pr ocess t o h elp you live you r " On e Best Fin an cial Lif e."

Ou r Fou n din g Par t n er s Dar r en Har p, AIF速 Darren has been in the financial services profession for over 20 years. Before co-founding Artifex Financial Group in 2007, he served various roles in the Private Wealth Management Groups at Fidelity Investments and Fifth Third Bank in the Washington D.C., Cincinnati and Dayton, OH markets. Darren is experienced in retirement income planning, tax planning, and business process improvement. Darren holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Miami University at Oxford, Ohio, and a Master of Business Operational Excellence from the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University. He also holds the Six Sigma Black Belt Certification. In his free time, he enjoys Buckeye football and basketball, Blue Jackets hockey, golf, spending time with his wife, Kelly and their nieces, and learning new ways to help businesses grow. He is a member of The Ohio State University Buckeye Club and TPC Rivers Bend Golf Club.

Dou g Kin sey, CFP速, CIM A速


Doug has over 25 years in financial services and has been a CFP速 certificant since 1999. Additionally, he holds the Certified Investment Management Analyst certification from the Investments and Wealth Institute. He is a graduate of The Ohio State University and also completed the University of Chicago Booth School of Business Investment Management Education Program. Doug earned his Master of Liberal Arts degree in Strategic Management from Harvard University.

In his free time, Doug enjoys boating, fishing, golf, cycling, reading, OSU sports, and Blue Jackets hockey. He is a supporter of The Ohio State University, Harvard University, and the Ohio University Bobcat Club. He is a member of the Harvard Varsity Club, Harvard Alumni Clubs of Columbus and Cincinnati, the Harvard Club of New York, and several local business organizations, including the Columbus Metropolitan Club. Doug's wife, Rebecca Butler is the Exectuvie Vice President of Columbus State Community College, and they split their time between Dayton and Columbus, Ohio.

Abou t Us

Watch this brief video about our commitment to serving as a fee-only fiduciary for our clients.

Artifex Financial Group is a fee-only wealth management firm that was founded in 2007 by Doug Kinsey, CFP®, CIMA® and Darren Harp, AIF®. We focus on the financial planning, tax and investment needs of individuals, families and business owners in the central and southwest Ohio area.

We promise you straight talk, independent and objective advice, open access, the highest professional standards, and an excellent value for your money.

Artifex Financial Group is an independent affiliate of FinLife Partners, a division of Goldman Sachs Personal Financial Management

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