Knee Deep Collection Dorothy Fagan Fall 22

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Knee Deep

“Each painting in the Knee Deep Collection begins with the emotion of the present moment. With translucent colors, I dive into the ow with chakraaligned pigments.

Each canvas a mirror of the Light within aligns our chakras, as we feel uplifted by our own re ection.”

Knee Deep

“My paintings hold a precious balance between darkness and Light.
In them we feel emotions, kinetic energy of ickering light and shadow. Pulsing, our sparkling radiance shimmers brilliant colors.”
“Pinks help us call in divine abundance when balancing primal human survival. When used with greens, we stimulate the ow of energy to the heart center.”
“Diptychs help regulate the ebb and ow of life.
A matched pairing of yin and yang, a diptych displayed together balance each other.
When displayed across the room om each other, each stands as a complete work of art, yet reaches out to embrace the ow of people throughout the room.”

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