TCC GH Digital Photography Week One

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Beginning Digital Photography

Dorothy Dean

Exposure Triangle â—?

Aperture+Shutter Speed+ISO= Exposure triangle

Shutter Speed ●

The speed the shutter opens and closes

Expressed in fractions of a second ●

1/250th, 1/60th, etc

Slow shutter speeds allow for more blur

Fast shutter speeds freeze motion

Aperture ●

Size of the opening in the lens

Expressed in numbers ●

f2.2, f5.6, etc

Smaller number means larger opening, larger number means smaller opening Large apertures make bokeh, shallow depth of field Small apertures give deeper depth of field

Depth of field ●

● ●

The amount of the image that is sharp in your image Always parallel to the film plane Controlled by size of aperture and amount of zoom


Term hold over from film days

Describes the sensitivity of the sensor

Expressed in 100's ●

100, 200, 400, 800, etc

High ISO's create “noise” in the image, so keep your ISO as low as possible

Exposure Triangle â—?

Aperture+Shutter Speed+ISO= Exposure triangle

Choosing Metering ●

Center weighted- takes the average value of the center of the image Spot- takes the value of a small spot Matrix- averages the value of the entire frame

Camera Settings

Camera Operations Pull out your cameras! This one's hands on.

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