Cover Story: Crickette Tantoco

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The name Crickette Tantoco has always spelled out charisma, character, and confidence—and that equals perfection in our book METRO

The Beauty Issue

June 16- July 15, 2009

EXCLUSIVE! Louis Vuitton on the beach

CRICKETTE TANTOCO After years of Shopwise, she’s now happily retired, relaxed and frankly, doesn’t really give a damn

C Consummate



makeup by JOSEPH FRANCIA | hair by GENE

Gown by Rosa Clara

44 \Metro Society October 2013

rickette Tantoco, at first, looks very intimidating. Clad in a figure-flattering dress, the wellknown business woman looks every inch a highly competitive entrepreneur. She holds key positions in companies that carry brands such as Shopwise and Payless Shoe Source, so it’s easy to think that Tantoco is sternly all about work. It comes as a pleasant surprise, then, when she talks about how she handles her jobs. “My days are never the same, although there are tasks that are routine such as responding to emails. But if I were to describe them, I’d call them serendipitous.” She tells how there is a natural flow in her days. “It’s all about finding a formula that works. There’s a lot of trial and error involved. There’s a flow, though.” She sticks to understatements while describing her workdays. Being a mother and wife, the businesswoman is surely an expert at multitasking. Tantoco downplays all this, perhaps not even intentionally. Here is a woman who has done a lot without ascribing an over-inflated sense of importance to her accomplishments— Tantoco stays grounded, relaxed, and humble. The business woman’s choice in fashion also tells of what her days are like. There’s a subtlety to how she dresses. Perpetually on the go, she admits that she’s not big on frill. “I’m a neo-traditionalist with a little bit of modern and eclectic. Since I’m always moving around and doing things, my clothes have to be very functional. I also have this shrug I use all the time because it’s versatile and useful. I’ve had it with me for several years and it’s still a staple in my closet.” Crikette also admits that in a way, that shrug also functions as some sort of security blanket. Her favorite designers favor the elegant, modern, and simple. “My favorite designers are Jill Sander, Balenciaga, and Nicole Miller.” Any woman would indulge in shopping, but Tantoco does so while keeping the usefulness of her purchases in mind. “I shop by bulk, ‘one time big time.’ My clothes are all very practical and versatile.” She clearly knows what works well for her. Shopping in bulk lets her mix, match, and coordinate her wardrobe, which functions for her busy lifestyle. High-powered women are often perceived to be in sleek clothes and sky-high heels, but the business woman admits that she likes dressing down, especially when she’s with family. “I go in jeans or khakis paired with ballet flats.” Everyone in the Tantoco household is always on the go, Tantoco adds. For this reason, they’ve set a special time to bond. “We spend a lot of time at the dinner table. My husband, kids, and I always talk a lot. That’s when we really get to bond.” Things get even more laidback in Tantoco’s household. “After a hectic work week, my family and I just chill. My kids are busy too; they’re all grown up. At home, we have what we call ‘pajama day.’ It’s usually on a Saturday and that’s another way we all get to bond and just rest.” Living life in the fast lane compels the business woman to take as many


Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort and Spa


Gorgeous, gorgeous sisters P 250


breaks as she is allowed. She values “me time,” family time, and a good escape. “When I have time, I go paddle boarding or I walk a lot. Reading is another favorite activity of mine. I don’t discriminate when it comes to books. But since I read for pleasure—I read to escape—I do not like nonfiction. Unless it’s really inspiring, I’ll stick to works of fiction. I’m also not a big fan of selfhelp books, but other than that, I pick up almost anything.” There’s nothing contrived in the way Tantoco shares details about activities she finds fun and relaxing. It’s easy to see that all of these are seamlessly assimilated into her lifestyle. “To unwind, I like watching movies. I like The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The imagery of the whole thing is just really good. I also like 300 because aside from being action-packed and having good visuals, it’s about honor. Chick flicks are also fun. As you can see, my movie list is also as varied as my choices in books. A good movie is a good movie. My favorite is Gone with the Wind because it’s just so epic. It’s this struggle of this strong woman who’s very misunderstood. Scarlet O’Hara is deemed selfish, ambitious, and a bit of a flirt, but she’s actually very generous. You can’t fault her for being how she is because she firmly stuck to how she wanted to live her life. The way her life unfolded in the film is just beautiful. How she stood up to challenges is admirable. The character reminds me a bit of my mother, actually.” On the subject of her mother, Tantoco speaks with much pride. “My mom is the biggest in my life. She’s a really tough woman who taught us to be strong. My father died when my siblings and I were very young, but despite that, I think my mother did an awesome job raising all of us. She instilled in us a lot of values. She also showed us the value of being strong and independent. There was always this emphasis on how we should be true to ourselves and follow what we want. She told us to not pay attention to what other people may say or think. She was a very modern kind of mom. Having her impart those things to us was very liberating. She would also let us pick up her books. That’s why I got into reading. Our early exposure to books is something that has helped me and my siblings grow as well. Looking back, I can say that my mom was a cool mom. She’s really hip.” Upon saying this, Tantoco smiles, as though she remembers something endearing about her mother. “As much as she’s hip my mom was also very, very strict. I was grounded all four years of high school!” She laughs at this memory. “ I am thankful for it, though.” After successfully bringing in foreign brands that are now household names in the country, Tantoco clearly has accomplished a lot outside her life as mother and wife. But she is quick to dismiss the usual perception people may have of her. “There’s a disconnect between the way I look and the way I actually am mainly because at work, I have to look a certain way. If a person knows me well enough, it’s much easier to get past that facade. I’m very candid, very off the cuff.” It may be said that Tantoco Tantoco, with her confidence and strong sense of values, is clearly as inspiring as any movie heroine.

45\Metro Society October 2013

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