Smart Solar PR Campaign

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MIKE MUELLER Idea Engineer

REBECCA RICE Idea Engineer


CONTENTS Executive Summary situation analysis Environmental Scan barriers and opportunities competitive analysis target market campaign goals media overview creative evaluation and measurement budget campaign summary

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executive summary

A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR CALIFORNIA With unprecedented incentives for consumers to invest in alternative energies and a growing trend towards “green� living, California is in the midst of a unique and exhilarating time in its history. Our state has the opportunity


to lead the nation and set an example for all Americans that solar energy is a viable, affordable, and exciting alternative to traditional means of energy production. Now, more than ever, consumers are eager for information on what options they have for making these energy alternatives a part of their daily lives. It is time for a fundamental change in the way we think about what

powers us. Smart Solar is the home energy solution Californians have been waiting for. The Idea Factory has prepared a comprehensive campaign to truly change the way Californians think about their energy needs. We are confident that our agency can help Smart Solar to become an industry leader in home solar solutions.

Our campaign outlines strategic recommendations for building Smart Solar’s brand identity and advertising the PV solar product to the most logical and profitable markets in California. Supported by extensive research, our campaign parallels Smart Solar’s goals for becoming an industry leader in customer service and providing quality product to valued consumers.

SHEDDING NEW LIGHT With ever-increasing importance, the internet has quickly become a necessary (and invaluable) tool for companies to communicate directly with consumers. Our agency has developed online tactics for reaching a highly targeted audience—all with measurable results. Our online strategy drives traffic directly to the new Smart Solar website, which will feature a simple and hassle-free customer experience. We have outlined these tools extensively in our online section.

Promotions are another way of targeting the campaign message to precise locations offering the best return on your investment. Our campaign will help position Smart Solar as the number one consumer choice for PV solar by producing innovative promotional materials and events, each driven by the specific goals of your company. Finally, our plans to use traditional advertising such as television, radio, and outdoor media, will ensure expansive brand awareness across a diverse target market. Carefully selected media purchases will maximize reach and frequency while increasing brand awareness.

WHERE WE SHINE Our prior experience with “green” clients like Ford and Chipotle gives us an edge on other agencies. We understand that “going green” offers benefits to the consumer beyond just the environmental impact. We have listened to Smart Solar’s specific and unique needs and have developed a campaign that is conducive to your brand goals and ideals.

This campaign represents creative, innovative, and budget-friendly marketing solutions to help position Smart Solar as an exciting new force in the California PV solar industry. Get ready, Smart Solar, to have your day in the sun.


situation analysis Business Description


Smart Solar is a new California residential solar provider that sells and installs custom solar solutions. The company has been in development since 2007 and incorporated in January, 2009. To date, Smart Solar has installed 32 test projects and will open its doors for business on July 1, 2009.

Solar energy solutions are also ideal long-term investments. By utilizing solar, a homeowner can significantly lower or eliminate electricity bills, increase the home’s overall value, and move closer towards complete energy independence.

Solar is one of the most stable and profitable investments that a homeowner can make. Business Week estimates that installation of a home solar system provides a return on investment (ROI) of 15%


As a young company, implementation of a new logo will be one of most important first steps towards building brand awareness amongst consumers. Each of these logo options pairs clean, simple design with iconic imagery to quickly and effectively communicate Smart Solar’s positioning strategy.

Since the company installs exclusively in California, Smart Solar fully understands state regulations and is better prepared to handle the needs of California homeowners than most national installers. An emphasis on customer service makes the transition to solar simple and straightforward every step of the way.

Unique Benefits


Transitioning to solar is an important step to ensure a better environment for future generations. Statewide financial incentives have brought down the cost of solar installation to within reach to millions of new consumers.

Homeowners can benefit from tax rebates providing them with up to 30% off the overall installation cost. Additional financing options from solar installers are also available to help offset initial cost.

Point of Difference Smart Solar considers all aspects of the PV solar industry by using only the highest quality solar panels, equipment, and the most reputable installers. Most importantly, Smart Solar knows the transition to solar energy can seem overwhelming for consumers and prides

itself in providing superior customer service. With confusing paperwork and a lengthy application process, Smart Solar recognizes the need to simplify the customer experience by offering unprecedented customer service to help guide the homeowner through an often complex process. By focusing on outstanding customer service, Smart Solar will join the ranks of Zappos, JetBlue, and Starbucks- where satisfied customers are considered the company’s greatest asset.

Changes in Customer Demands The biggest factor in anticipating future customer demands will likely come from the limited funding available for homeowners as residential solar installation continues to rise. In order to continue to meet the financial needs of its customers, Smart Solar must heavily promote alternative financing options as a solution.


environmental scan PRICE


California currently leads the nation in providing financial incentives for new solar installations. The California Solar Initiative offers an average 20% reduction in cost to homeowners for installation of PV solar systems.

Smart Solar sells and installs grid-tied PV (photovoltaic) systems, which produce electricity by converting energy from sunlight into direct current within the PV panels. After being converted to AC (alternating current) by an inverter, the power can be used throughout the home in the same way as traditional energy sources.

Although the cost of installation varies depending on the size and scope of a project, several factors can be used to estimate the overall initial investment including size and type of equipment, and labor costs for installation. What makes solar installation so appealing is its ability to save—and even generate— money for the homeowner, which can subsidize and, over time, even help pay for the initial investment. Solar installation also increased the value of a home, with an estimated $20,000 of added resale value every 1,000 Watts of power produced by PV panels.


With grid-tied PV systems, Smart Solar customers utilize already existing meters and distribution lines to store, monitor, and distribute power both to the individual home and other customers within the program provider’s (energy company) grid. This system of storage and redistribution is what allows PV solar customers to profit from excess energy production.

Using two-way (sometimes called “net”) metering, a grid-tied system will send surplus power out to the grid during times of excess production. Conversely, the system provides supplemental, non-solar power when the customer’s electricity demands exceed the system’s solargenerated output.

PLACE As the second sunniest state in the country, California is an obvious location for widespread utilization of solar technology. In fact, California leads the nation in cumulative installed PV capacity with 9.1 Watts per person. These numbers continue to rise as government-funded financial incentives have made solar installation a viable and accessible option for homeowners statewide. The graph below demonstrates the top 12 California counties for residential solar installations between January of 2007 and March of 2009.

PROMOTION Existing promotions within the California PV solar industry include the use of YouTube channels and other online promotional tools. For example, Solar City has several YouTube videos encouraging people to convert to solar. Solar City also uses a referral system on their website to “tell a

friend� about solar. They also utilize social media such as Facebook and MySpace as tools to spread the word about solar and direct people to their websites.



Single Family Homes


1.54 M

294 K

Total Solar Conversion



1.05 M

274 K



931 K

167 K


Los Angeles

10.36 M

1.77 M


Orange County

3.12 M

629 K


San Diego

3.14 M

563 K


San Francisco

824 K

127 K


San Mateo

156 K

156 K


Santa Clara

739 K

311 K



832 K

157 K




C Fi usto To nanc mer tal ial sol inc ser vi c e ar sol ntive e uti on s s

Although each customer experiences unique installation obstacles based on specific project demands, there are several common barriers which prevent potential customers from applying for and installing PV solar panelling.



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The Application Process

the time factor


Applying for residential solar installation follows a very specific process required for approval from both Program Administrators (utility service providers) and the government (for financial reimbursement). Consumers demand personalized consulting with knowledgeable consultants who can help through the application process from start to finish.

Applying for and receiving approval for solar installation can take several months. Consumers expect frequent and timely updates on the status of their application as well as an up-front, realistic timetable for completion.

As Californians continue to take advantage of financial incentives offered by the California Solar Initiative, funding will become increasingly less available for consumers. It is vital that solar installers, like Smart Solar, offer attractive alternative financing and leasing options for consumers to offset the initial cost of a residential solar system.


COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS In order to remain competitive in the PV Solar market, The Idea Factory recommends that Smart Solar implement the following consumer programs:

A place in the solar system

• Free installation consultations • Supplemental financing options • Incentive-based customer referral programs • Individual online accounts for customers to track and manage their install • Online solar savings calculator • Quarterly email newsletter • Live online chat with customer service representatives

To succeed as a new company, Smart Solar must consider competition from alreadyestablished PV Solar installers and tailor business practices to clearly distinguish itself in an ever-expanding marketplace.

* Customers can login to individual accounts and track the status of projects, schedule installation, and monitor their solar system’s output. ** Power Purchase Agreement: Financing option where another party pays for and owns the solar installation and then sells energy to resident under long-term contract to consumer with guaranteed, fixed rates.

Of the 133 active PV solar installers in California, Smart Solar faces primary competition from Solar City and REC Solar.



• • • •

• Manufactures and installs to national market • PPA financing** • Email solar expert consultants • eNewsletter

Free Solar Consultations Leasing Options Tell-a-friend online email form Customer Accounts for tracking install process*


Target Market california dreamin’ The Smart Solar campaign will target existing homeowners in California. Major counties targeted include Alameda, Contra, Fresno, Orange County, San Diego, San Francisco, Sacramento, Santa Clara, Los Angeles, and Ventura.

THE SOLAR CUSTOMER • Homeowner • Californian • Taxpayer • Average age = 35 • $100,000 average income • Pays appx. $30k/yr in taxes


California residents live extremely active lifestyles. Constantly working to balance responsibilities and activities, many homeowners struggle to find convenient and costeffective ways to limit their household’s negative impact on the environment.

Additionally, the California Solar Initiative, which offers tax incentives for residential solar installation, is part of a growing statewide effort to encourage Californians to adopt cleaner, alternative energy sources.

Such initiatives include the popular tax and roadway incentives for motorists who buy and drive hybrid vehicles. This growing trend towards living a “greener” lifestyle has increased public awareness of environmental issues and spurred statewide growth in eco-friendly business development. By illustrating both the financial and ecological benefits of PV solar, our campaign will resonate with our busy target market by appealing to both their wallets and hearts.

expensive alternatives to traditional means of energy production. Most importantly, as a socially conscious and forward-thinking population, our target market is constantly looking towards the future. Out campaign will stress the importance of leaving a cleaner and greener world for future generations: our clients’ children, grandchildren, and beyond: leaving behind a legacy of love and light for the future as well as the present.



The primary target market for Smart Solar consists of new, forward-thinking and environmentally conscious homeowners. With an average age and income of 35 $100,000, respectively, our target market includes mature, financially motivated, and successful homeowners who enjoy the uniquely diverse California lifestyle.

The secondary target market is made up of retiring California baby-boomers. Boomers are traditionally an environmentally conscious population, many with activist backgrounds who continue to work on preserving the planet for future generations.

Smart Solar customers, concerned with rising energy costs, are open to exploring newer, less

this group has a strong desire to demonstrate their commitment to a greener planet – both to their neighbors and themselves. Not only are the baby boomers socially influential, they also account for nearly 30% of the entire U.S. population and represent an annual spending power of over $2 trillion dollars, making them the wealthiest generation in the United States. The boomer’s social and environmental awareness, combined with their spending power, makes them a key secondary market for Smart Solar to target.

Many members of this market are leaders in their community and have the ability to significantly influence their peers. Fueled by their generation’s environmental and social activism,


CAMPAIGN GOALS generate 180 Installations Per Month

position smart solar as customer service leader

The success of Smart Solar’s entrance into the PV marketplace hinges upon the company’s ability to generate sales revenue.

Applying for the financial incentives offered by the California Solar Initiative can be a complicated and burdensome process. Smart Solar must take advantage of this opportunity to position itself as an easy, start-to-finish complete solar solution. Our campaign will illuminate the superior customer service that Smart Solar offers.

In order to achieve Smart Solar’s goal of $30 million in sales by December, this campaign will must drive sales of180 installations per month at an average price of $33,500.


Create Brand Awareness with Target Market

Drive traffic to website

As a new entry into the PV solar market, creating brand awareness is of utmost importance. The diversity of our campaign strategies will maximize reach and frequency to reach our target market over numerous media outlets.

The website is home to all of Smart Solar’s resources and is an integral component in the sales process. On the website potential customers will be able to learn everything about financing, projected savings, how solar works, and will find options for contacting a customer service agent directly. Driving web traffic will be integrated into every aspect of our campaign.

media OVERVIEW Each aspect of the “Get Smart” campaign has been carefully considered to maximize reach and make efficient use of the budget.

Online Website: A user friendly, content-rich website will act as the hub of Smart Solar’s online presence. Social Media: Our online campaign will take advantage of social media platforms as an inexpensive supplement to our website (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter). Fan pages will allow a platform for influential consumers to use word of mouth to increase brand awareness. Ad placement/sponsorships on websites: By placing ads on websites such as HGTV and CNN, we will be able to reach the consumer and immediately draw them to the website while they have a computer in front of them. Online media advertising (Hulu): Using ads on Hulu will increase the likeli-

hood that the viewer will pay attention to the message. Since, there is only one commercial per ten minutes, viewers will be much more likely to focus on each message. Hulu offers localized media buys to ensure our campaign reaches its California audience.

baby-boomer target market. Ads with humorous yet persuasive copy will help deliver our “Get Smart” campaign message while directing customers to our 1-800 number and the Smart Solar website.


Direct mail

As a major component of our campaign, promotional efforts offer exciting and innovative ways of reaching customers in a highly targeted setting.

Direct mail is advantageous for its ability to reach a highly targeted audience.

Including: Trade show and event appearances Sponsored Speaking events with author Thomas Friedman Roofing partnership with The Solar Bus YouTube Contest

Radio/TV Utilizing a more traditional media outlet will ensure that the message crosses over to our

Including: Event invitations Promotional items (stickers, etc)

Public Relations Our public relations strategy will involve sending out press releases and pitch letters to the specified newspapers and magazine publications. This will increase brand awareness and inform the public of upcoming events. Since emailing these releases is free, it is a great way to optimize the budget.


ONLINE Website: The website will be the most important feature of the whole campaign. Not only is it the face of Smart Solar; it is also the portal through which to collect information from customers and make a great first impression of the superior customer service that makes Smart Solar unique. The design of the website will focus on creating an intuitive user experience. It is important in the second age of Web 2.0, to keep the site as clean and simple as possible, making it easier for the customer to find what they want without becoming overwhelmed by too much clutter. A clean website with light coding also helps pages load faster and will result in better search engine optimization.

FEATURES: • • • •


Forms and rebates Solar Calculator Testimonials Live Customer Service Chat

• Intro to Solar Video/Animation • Newsletter and Event Sign-up • Links to our social media networks

Solar Calculator

Search Engine Optimization

Sponsorships/Ad Placements

When people do their own research on solar energy it is important that Smart Solar shows up on the very first page. We will optimize keywords like “solar energy California” and “solar contractors California” as well as general words like “solar”.

Carefully researched online ad placements will drive web traffic from customers within our target market. Sites include CNN, HGTV, and Parade of Homes.

In a very simple and easy to use form, the solar calculator will provide anyone with a tool to calculate savings. The calculator will pull data from both Google and real estate databases to estimate how much a customer will save. With one click, users will see an estimated electricity bill showing the cost difference between solar energy and traditional electricity. Consumers will also see the financial benefits over a 25-year period. By using the calculator, homeowners will be able to automatically guess their power usage based on the size of their property. They will also be able to see if their house is positioned for optimal sunlight. Below the graph will be an estimation of the homeowner’s monthly payments with solar minus the savings in electricity to see what their new total monthly payments will be in five year increments. It will also showthe decrease of their carbon footprint year by year. This will be the most intuitive solar calculator on the web.


Hulu The Hulu campaign breaks away from traditional media and is more conducive to measurability. It also offers the advantage of more precise audience targeting. Since programs are offered on-demand, there is more control over changes in media placement strategies Specific targeting and more control mean that results can be more efficiently measured than with traditional television. The campaign will select shows that appeal to the target market as well as geo-locate IP addresses to ensure the ads are only reaching Californians. There is no way to fast-forward through ads on Hulu and with only one 30-second spot every 10 minutes, there is little clutter from other advertisments. Ads on Hulu are less intrusive since the content is free. As a result, people will be more receptive to the advertisments. Another benefit is that Smart Solar will be able to use the same commercials produced for regular television advertisement on Hulu. This will cut production costs.


online directory listings Smart Solar will be listed as a provider on and to ensure the company is appearing in all possible consumer searches for PV Solar installation.



The use of popular social media sites will create an online platform for two-way communication. Here we can gauge people’s interest as well as hear feedback from customers or potential customers.

Blogs provide a great way to connect with the people who are writing about topics that they are passionate about. We will connect with bloggers who write about solar energy, housing improvements, investments, and environmental issues. We will sponsor blogs to promote our website and our state-of-the-art solar calculator.

SOLAR HOUSE VISUALIZER This online feature will allow homeowners to upload a picture of their house and visualize how different solar options would look on their home.


promotions The Solar Bus This bus will appear at our main target communities’ local fairs. The bus itself will attract attention and resonate across both of our target markets: environmentally conscious homeowners and, of course, the baby-boomer generation. At the bus, there will be information about the benefits of solar. Displays of basic statistics will be set up to show the impact of harmful emissions to the planet. The bus demonstration will also feature an actual example of how a local homeowner has benefited from solar. The combination of simple statistics and concrete examples will resonate with our logical consumer.

The primary objective of the solar bus is to spread the word about the importance of solar energy for California. Along with the bus, we will have our “Smart Experts” there to answer any questions about PV solar. The “Smart Experts” are another way to feature our superior customer service over our competition. This will assist Smart Solar in building a reputation among potential customers and throughout the targeted communities.

Roofing Partnership As solar installation requires a roof under seven years old, a partnership with this statewide roofing contractor will bring business to both the roofing company and Smart Solar.



This is an ideal partnership since State Roofing Company’s values parallel those of Smart Solar. They pride themselves in a quality job complimented with exemplary customer

service. This is one of Smart Solar’s greatest assets. In addition, Smart Solar and State Roofing Company both work exclusively in California. “We take great pride in our exemplary performance as roofing contractors and pay close attention to customer satisfaction”- State Roofing Systems

YouTube contest The YouTube contest will give the public an opportunity to get involved with the environmental movement and to find out more about Smart Solar. Most of all, it will get people talking throughout our target communities in California. The prize of free solar installations will motivate plenty of applicants to start thinking solar and generate traffic to our website. The YouTube contest will be centered around the theme: What does green mean to you? The public will submit their videos to the contest and the winner will be get up to $25,000 in free Smart Solar installations for their home. The winning video will also be featured on the Smart Solar website

event marketing presenters are key to team with since they help to support the overall solar industry, thus benefiting Smart Solar as a company. !

Solar Power International 2009: America’s largest solar event

“Solar Power International attracts a wide range of participants both from inside and outside the solar industry. 40% of registered attendees hold CEO, president or other executive management positions. 79% of registered attendees recommend or make final decisions about their company’s purchase of products.”

Smart Solar will attend Solar Power International 2009. It will cost $3,300 for a 10’10 space. Attendance will ensure Smart Solar’s ability to meet and exceed current industry standards. Smart Solar must constantly be aware of the latest trends and consumer concerns and expectations regarding the transition to solar.

“The attendees come from all segments of the solar value chain including manufacturers, integrators and installers, large and small customers, architects and builders, and policy makers.”

Thomas Friedman Lecture Series

Proceeds from the event go to SEPA and SEIA- two non-profit presenters. These

The author’s newest book, Hot, Flat and Crowded, is currently a best seller-- especially among many of the target market. The premise of his book is directly in line with the mission of Smart Solar. Smart Solar can utilize this charismatic author to promote solar energy. Being able to capture

that environmentally conscious audience immediately after the speech is an incredible opportunity. It is also an ideal method to get the brand out there by providing something valuable to potential customers for free. It is an nonintrusive way to get the word out about Smart Solar as well as capture an already captivated audience. Smart Solar will offer 100 VIP passes on its website to a randomly selected group of people who submit their contact information. These passes would allow people to meet Thomas Friedman before his speech at the VIP reception. 
 The speeches will be held at University of San Diego (USD), University of California Irvine (UCI), University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), and Stanford. Each campus is located in close proximity to our target counties and can hold 4,000 people.




AUDIO PLAY INVESTMENT BANKER: So, I see you have about an extra $30 thousand dollars you should invest.

For the television campaign, we will run ads on local cable channels including news channels such as CNN, and Fox News, as well as HGTV and MSNBC. The use of traditional television placements in addition to online tactics is important because it will extend reach beyond just the internet.

BILL: Yeah I heard about this company called Enron, why don’t you put it all in there, I got a good hunch. INVESTMENT BANKER: Great Bill, I had the same hunch. I will put that over today. SOUND: BUZZ ANNOUNCER: Investing in Enron...not smart

The spots will be the same as those on Hulu and will focus on the “Smart/Not Smart” theme. There will be two separate ads; one that is appealing to people interested in solar as a financial investments, and one for people interested in solar as a environmental investment.

ANNOUNCER: Investing in solar ANNOUNCER: Take advantage of the California’s tax credits for solar energy while they last. Business Week estimated that by switching to solar energy you earn a 15% return annually. Smart Solar is Calfornia’s easiest way to install solar solutions in your home. Check our our website at or call 1-800-GO-SOLAR to learn more about how much money will save.

radio Our radio spots will be both humorous and informative, following the same “Smart/Not Smart” formula of the online and traditional television spots. Radio offers the advantage


of 60-second spots, allowing our advertising to cover lots of valuable information. With lots of busy roadways in California, radio is a perfect way to reach our target market while they are captive in their cars.

public relations Press releases will be distributed based on the following topics:

Thomas Friedman lectures

Press release distribution: Los Angeles Times (Readership: 739,147) San Francisco Chronicle (Readership: 339,430) San Diego Union-Tribune (Readership: 269,819) Sacramento Bee (Readership: 253,249) Contra Costa Times (Readership: 180,605) Alameda Sun (Readership: 22,000) Orange County Register (Readership: 236,270) San Mateo County Times (Readership: 24,417) Santa Clara Weekly (Readership: 30,000) Ventura County Star (Readership: 91,627) Fresno Bee (Readership: 139,649) 
 Riviera Magazine (San Diego, Orange County, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Napa-Sonoma)

An announcement release will be sent out to publicize the upcoming Thomas Friedman speeches in surrounding communities. The release will explain that attendees must RSVP on the website in advance.

Business story feature release This will be distributed to business and financial publications including Business Week, Business 2.0, Entrepreneur, Money Week, Forbes, and Fortune. A business story feature will help to increase awareness and instigate conversations about the brand and product. Smart Solar will be positioned as an emerging new business with a strong commitment to customer service and feature its efforts to make the solar transition as seamless as possible.


OUTDOOR and MORE SMART/NOT SMART STICKERS These stickers serve as promotional materials in addition to providing opportunities for guerilla advertising tactics. Distributed in pairs, the stickers can be affixed to any suitable surface to make a statement about environmentally friendly (and unfriendly) situations. A subtle web address acts as a teaser to direct traffic to the Smart Solar website.

DIRECT MAIL Invitations to the Thomas Freidman speeches will be distributed through a basic direct mail campaign. The invitations will direct people to the Smart Solar website where there will be a form to RSVP.


solar panel billboard with energy savings running tally Much like the popular anti-tobacco billboards, these billboards will feature solar panels with a running tally of how much money the consumer could be saving on their electricity bills. BRANDED SOLAR-POWERED LED KEYCHAINS These novelty keychains will be handed out as promotional materials and feature three major components of the Smart Solar campaign: functioning solar power production, the “Get Smart� campaign message, and the Smart Solar logo.


EVALUATION AND MEASUREMENT attached to handouts enabling tracking of customers as they enter the code into the website. At the events, there will also be a sign up list to learn more information about Smart Solar as well as schedule a consultation. The list will provide real-time feedback to the effectiveness of the event.

Overall, we will be able to evaluate and measure our tactics by monitoring online analytics. We will also measure the volume of phone calls to sales representatives during our campaign. From our online strategy of search engine placement and optimization, as well as our sponsorships and ads on websites, we will be able to track exactly where traffic is coming from. For special events and outdoor promotions there will be a unique promotional code


The Idea Factory uses a version of payfor-performance with a base rate of $1,000 per month. Beyond the base rate, Idea Factory will charge 3% of Smart Solar’s estimated 30% profit margin upon successful achievement of the sales goal. If Smart Solar does not reach its target sales goal, then the commission drops to 1.5%. If Smart Solar sells less than 30% of the target goal, there is no commission. Example: Campaign goal of $30 million in sales Your estimated profit at 30 %: $9,000,000 Idea Factory commission of 3% of profit: $270,000 Idea Factory base rate: $90,000 Smart Solar total profit: $8,640,000

BUDGET Radio $600,000






Print $300,000





Media Spending

Spending By Month






650000 325000

26% 8% 18%

Media Web Marketing

AugustSeptember October November December

Radio Online Television Print Promotions Outdoor






$1,232,000 $1,027,000 $1,155,000









November $993,000


December $877,000

Total $1,002,000





























Ad Words



































Magazine/Local Newspapers














Direct Mail














$178,000 $1,027,000




CAMPAIGN SUMMARY The Idea Factory has formulated this campaign to create brand awareness for Smart Solar and to direct California consumers to Smart Solar for their energysaving needs. Our vision is that consumers will go to Smart Solar as the simple alternative to other PV competitors. The campaign is designed to appeal to both the logical financial side of consumers as well as the earth-loving, environmental, and emotional sides. The media choices have been designed to optimize the budget and provide the best possible return-on-investment for Smart Solar. We look forward to implementing this campaign and watching Smart Solar build its reputation as California’s residential solar leader.


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