Ph.D.-afhandling: ’Multimedia Journalism and narrativ flow’

Page 205


2) Comprehending different ways of seeing the work process and how knowledge, skills and other attributes are developed and maintained in work performance can influence how multimedia production is implemented and organised in editorial rooms. Awareness among editors, journalists and other professional groups concerned with the different perceptions of multimedia production could help to assemble teams and working groups that ‘fit together’ or challenge each other. The purpose might be to create teams where the participants learn from each other’s competencies in the different sub-processes. This could be one among many means that can be implemented to increase expertise and professional development among employees. 3) The phenomenographic approach can be employed to map different phenomena, allowing researchers to use the conclusion(s) in educational situations, both in academia and in continuing professional development. Both students and professional media workers need interpersonal skills and consciousness about the variations in how media workers understand their lifeworld, open up to new ways of perception and consequently progress and work in new ways. Powerful economic forces and rapid technological development has pushed multimedia journalism into a field of constant development. Both the practice and the content of multimedia feature productions are changing and taking new forms even as I write, making this an especially challenging field of study. Therefore, additional studies are crucial to understanding the complex processes that take place in online media rooms and media institutions.

Notes 1

Boolean search for ”Journalism AND phenomenography” in AAU’s library data base, separate searches in Taylor and Francis’ journals and Sage journals and Google Scholar search. 2 Term suggested in email by Vivien Hodgson/Ference Marton in feedback on the article.


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