January 19 - February 1, 2024 The Log Digital Edition

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Ask an Attorney .............. 6 Brokerages & Dealers .....23 Ask an Attorney .............6 Catalina ........ 16 BizarreConnection ........................... 3 Classifieds ......................35 Brokerages & Dealers ... 24 Community ..................... 4 Catalina Connection ..... 14 Fast Facts ....................... 4 Classifi eds .................. 30 FishRap ........................ Community ..................20 4 FishRap ....................... 18 Marine Directory ............33 Marine Directory ......... 28 News Briefs ...................... 9 News............................ Briefs ................... 18 4 Sailing Sailing ......................... 16

FISH P. 6RAP P. 21

NO.1148 1224 NO.

Our 50th Year









$20 $70 Current fee

JANUARY FEB. 19 - FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH1,4,2024 2021

New fee under Gov’t Proposal


overnor Gavin Newsom’s proposed 2021-22 budget, released Jan. 8, includes a proposal to raise the vessel renewal fee from $20 every two years to $70 every two years to help stabilize a $52 million deficit in the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund. P. 8 fter a long day at work, it is comforting to know there is a place we can kick back and enjoy a drink and some light fare while looking out at the sites on Long Beach Harbor. P. 11


A Proposed Budget Includes Potential 250% Increase In Vessel Registration Fee




n January of this year, he three-year pilot project launched by Dana Point was recogthe port district and eco-engineering he Port ofcompany Long Beach will receive million nized as the first Whale ECOncrete will$283 demonstrate from the federal government to assist in building Heritage site in North and study a new design of ECOncrete’s inter“America’s Green Gateway,” a rail project America and one of four locking Coastalock Tide Pool Armor inthat two will difhe Coast Guard Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance has published CG-CVC Policy Letterby the World enable one of the nation’s move in the world ferent locations onbusiest Harborseaports Island, atoman-made 23-03 Change 1, “Covered Small Passenger Vessel” Fire Safety Interim Rule Implementation, which P. 20 more cargo by trains, speeding deliveries the11 Cetacean Alliance. peninsula only a few hundred feetacross wide. P. includes updates to reflect the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year national supply chain, easing congestion and lessening 2024. P. 13 local environmental impacts. P. 14



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THE LOG | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | 3



Fishing at Disneyland

By: KATHERINE M. CLEMENTS ANAH EIM — You’re probably familiar

In the late 1950s, there was a location within Tom Sawyer Island called Catfish Cove. Park attendees could borrow one of Huck Finn’s rods and reels and a can of worms and fish for catfish and river perch at the Cove. The idea was that you would bring your catch over to the nearby Aunt Jemima Pancake House (now the River Belle Terrace) to have it stored on ice until you left for the day. The decision to close that feature of the attraction was ultimately finalized because cast members would find fish in random areas of the park that were causing the stench of, well, dead fish. But before they cut the line for fishing in the park, visitors would rent a pole, bait their own hook and try to catch a bite. R iver s of A mer ic a wa s a lway s meant to symbolize America’s interior waterways, but during a 2010 refurbish-

Wikimedia Commons image

with Tom Sawyer Island, an attraction at Disneyland that was inspired by Mark Twain’s classic novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. While most are acquainted with Twain’s stories, you might not know that the classic attraction was once open for fishing.

ment, Disney’s Imagineers made the references explicit, redesigning landscaping to suggest four rivers – the Mississippi, Columbia, Potomac and Rio Grande. The Mississippi has a lot of willows and taxodiums, very gray, green, and

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droopy. The Columbia is representative of the Pacific Northwest with dark, rich brown soil and firs, pines and redwoods. Then the attraction transitions into the Potomac, dotted with birches and trees that change color, not just in the fall, but

constantly throughout the year. Lastly, it slips into the Rio Grande, which is the backdrop to Big Thunder Mountain, and decorated with a kaleidoscope of reds and oranges, along with lots of grasses and Manzanita amid a desert-type landscape.

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4 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG


COMMUNITY Have an opinion about something you read in The Log ?

King Tides are Coming to Dana Point

By: LOG STAFF DANA POINT— Brace yourselves for a tidal wave of excitement as the Ocean Institute rolls out their popular marine adventure, King Tide Tide Pool Hikes.

A king tide is an exceptionally high tide that occurs when the moon’s and the sun’s gravitational forces align during specific phases of the lunar cycle. While tides regularly rise and fall due to the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun, king tides are associated with the closest approach of the moon to the Earth and the alignment of the sun, Earth and moon. This exclusive experience

coincides w ith the celestial spectacle that brings us Perigean Spring Tides. The upcoming king tides promise extreme highs and lows, creating a tidal symphony reaching 1-3 feet higher than average. These extreme high tides can lead to temporary flooding in low-lying coastal areas, especially when they coincide with storms or heavy rainfall. Additionally, king tides can offer a glimpse into future sea-level rise scenarios, as they provide a preview of higher water levels that may become more common with climate change.

A Celestial Dance Unveiled:

Spring Tides: Spring tides

are a type of tide that occurs during the new moon and the full moon phases of the lunar cycle. Spring tides occur when the sun, Earth and moon are aligned, forming a straight line. This alignment happens during the new moon and full moon phases, a configuration known as syzygy. During these phases, the gravitational forces of both the moon and the sun combine to create higher-than-average tidal bulges on Earth. This results in more significant variations between high and low tides. Perigee: Perigee refers to the point in the orbit of an object, such as a moon or satellite, where it is closest to the celestial body it is orbiting. Approximately every 28 days, the moon

cozies up to Earth, intensifying gravitational forces and giving us extreme highs and lows. This rare c onv e r g e nc e o f celestial events, k now n a s k i ng tides, opens a window of opportunity for tide pool enthusiasts. Conversely, the opposite point in the moon’s orbit, where it is farthest f rom Ear th, is called apogee. Together, perigee and apogee describe the two extreme points in the moon’s orbit.

Image courtesy of the Ocean Institute


Write to: The Log Editorial, 3980 Sherman Street, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92110 Thelogeditor@maritimepublishing.com.

Image courtesy of the Ocean Institute; NOAA image

On Board with J.R. Johnson

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6 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG




ask a maritime attorney


By David Weil

California’s Boating and Fishing News

What are the laws regarding rescues at sea?


I recently read a social media post about a rescue at sea that was successfully performed by a boat owner who was in the vicinity of the boat in trouble. The post said nothing about the legal requirements of a recreational boater to render assistance to a vessel in distress, so it raised a few questions in my mind about our responsibilities as boat owners. Is the duty to render assistance a “custom of the sea” or is it an actual legal requirement? Are there penalties for failing to render assistance? What if I damage the other boat or injure someone during the rescue? David Weil is the managing attorney at Weil & Associates (www. weilmaritime.com) in Seal Beach. He is certified as a Specialist in Admiralty and Maritime Law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization and a “Proctor in Admiralty” Member of the Maritime Law Association of the United States, an adjunct professor of Admiralty Law, and former legal counsel to the California Yacht Brokers Association. If you have a maritime law question for Weil, he can be contacted at 562-799-5508, through his website at www. weilmaritime.com, or via email at dweil@weilmaritime.com.


ANSWER: The short answer is BW yes - you must render assistance to a vessel in distress, and you can go to jail for failing to do so! This is an area where boaters and landlubbers face a different set of laws. O n la nd , you gener a l ly have no duty to assist a person in distress. The law simply requires that if you choose to render assistance, you do so w ithout acting negligently. The evaluation of “negligence” in this case depends a lot on who and where you are and Please see ATTORNEY, PAGE 7

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W R ITE TO: 3980 Sherman Street, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 313-4322

E D ITO R I A L /CR E ATI V E Publisher Dave Abrams dave@maritimepublishing.com General Manager Tammy Poole tammy@maritimepublishing.com Operations Manager Kathleen Ford Kathleen@maritimepublishing.com Editor Katherine Clements Katherine@maritimepublishing.com Design/Production Meredith V. Ewell Contributors JR Johnson, Bob Vanian, Catherine French, David Weil, Capt. Pat Rains

A DV E R TI S I N G S A LE S Susanne Krikham-Diaz susanne@maritmepublishing.com (714) 315-4171

Is your pet as avid a boater as you? Send The Log pictures of your four-legged first mate. Email your photo, contact information and a description about your pet and boat to thelogeditor@maritimepublishing.com

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Cute Pup Reporting for Duty Advice from this expert: Stand tall, wear your personal floatation device, stay focused, and look cute.

Starla Started Young!

Rosemary’s Smile Says it All

This adorable pup is a natural on board. Starla takes her “deckpaw” role very seriously.

“Rosemary enjoys hikes ashore at Two Harbors with Laurel and Mike Martin,” said Rosemary’s parents in an email to the Log.

Copyright 2023, all right reserved. No part may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the publisher.

The Log’s taken you all over California ... Now it’s your turn to show us where you’ve taken The Log. Email your photo, contact information and details about your trip to thelogeditor@maritimepublishing.com

The Log Goes to Cape Town, South Africa! “My name is Nikki Hopkins,” said Nikki in an email to the Log.” I’m a native of California, and my husband is South African. For the past 10 years (give or take) we’ve gone to Cape Town for Christmas. During Covid, we bought a sailboat here in San Diego, and it’s been one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. We grab a copy of The Log and read it all the time. Snapped this picture over the holiday break from a lookout called “Chapman’s Peak.” It’s the perfect viewpoint of “Hout Bay” behind me.”

POSTMASTER : Send address changes to The Log, 3980 Sherman Street, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92110 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One year, $39.00 by third class mail. Subscriptions are transferable but not refundable. Call us at (619) 313-4322. The Log is published every other Friday and distributed throughout Southern California.

THE LOG | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | 7


Attorney From page 6

the nature of the distress. A licensed physician will be subjected to a different standard, and “Good Samaritan Laws” in most states provide some protection against civil liability for certain people who render assistance, but for the most part, assuming you did not cause the incident, you will incur no liability if you just ignore it. On the water, lawmakers in this country and throughout the world have recognized the unique perils associated with a nautical emergency, and the “custom” of rendering assistance to fellow mariners is an established part of international maritime law. In the United States, federal law (46 USCS sec. 2304) requires the master of any vessel subject to U.S. jurisdiction to “render assistance to any individual found at sea in danger of being lost,” so long as the assistance can be rendered without endangering the rescuing vessel or individuals on board. This law is a part of an international treaty (the International Convention on Salvage, 1989) which extends the obligation to mariners throughout the world. California has a similar maritime assistance statute, (Harbors and Navigation Cod sec. 656), which requires “the operator of a vessel involved in a collision, accident, or other casualty” to render assistance, so long as the operator “can do so without serious danger to his or her own vessel, crew, and passengers.” A careful comparison between these laws reveals a different approach between California and federal law. The California statute imposes the obligation on a vessel operator “involved” in an incident, whereas the federal and international provisions apply to all vessel operators. Regardless, the question of whether a vessel operator on California waters is “involved” in an accident is not clearly spelled out, so in practice there is little difference. Similar to the non-maritime “Good Samaritan Laws,” the state and federal maritime assistance laws both provide for immunity from civil liability so long as the assistance is not rendered in a grossly negligent manner. However, state and federal maritime assistance laws are notable because they include criminal sanctions for failure to comply with the law. Failure to render assistance under federal law will subject the captain to a fine of up to $1,000, imprisonment for not more than two years, or both. Violators under state law will face a similar fine and the possibility of up to six months in jail. In the end, regardless of the criminal sanctions or the protection from civil liability, the “Custom of the Sea” has always called for mariners to render assistance to each other. Everyone who works or plays on the water and who encounters another vessel in distress understands that they may be next in line to suffer a casualty, and the maritime as-

sistance statutes simply provide a formal framework for a process that is second nature to most boaters. David Weil is licensed to practice law in the state of California and as such, some of the information provided in this column may not be applicable in a jurisdiction outside of California. Please note also that no two legal situations are alike, and it is impossible to provide accurate legal advice without knowing all the facts of a particular situation. Therefore, the information provided in this column should not be regarded as individual legal advice, and readers should not act upon this information without seeking the opinion of 4C an attorney in their home state.

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8 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG



In October, I gave a seminar on Mexico Cruising Itineraries. Someone asked, “Since we’re heading to Mexico in January, is there any reason not scoot up to the northern end of the Sea of Cortez first, then slowly cruise our way south starting from there?” “Sorry. First, it will still be winter there, meaning cold air and sea temperatures. Second, it’s just the start of the season of northers.”


Winter and early spring weather affects boating in the north end of the Sea of Cortez, sometimes with worse conditions than it brings to Southern California and the Pacific side of the Baja down to Magdalena Bay. A unique weather pattern called a Plateau High can develop over the mountain plateaus of mid and southern Nevada, and that area of high pressure forces the surface winds to flow outward from the center. For boaters in northwest Mexico, winds that originated in the Nevada Plateau are felt as cold and dry, blowing from the north toward the south and southwest. Of course, most of the time you’ll find good cruising and fishing weather. Not every breath of wind from the north came from Nevada. Sometimes it’s just a short-duration blast of north wind that spilled over from a winter storm sliding down from the Pacific Northwest. But when a Plateau High settles in, as it can from late January through March, then those north winds in northern Mexico tend to increase (15 to 28 knots or more) and can blow steadily, day and night, sometimes lasting five or six days with no respite. That ’s c a l led a “Nor t a da” or a “Norther.” When a true Norther blows, it can rake Baja California’s Pacific coast down to about Magdalena Bay, and in the elongated Sea of Cortez, a strong Norther can affect the whole 700-mile length. Northers usually start in the far upper Sea of Cortez, right where that boater had thought to start cruising. This north end is infamous for extreme tidal ranges at the spring and neep tides, and combined with shallow coastal areas on the mainland side, those new northers can menace boating even for the locals. Then that little Norther may build in strength and spread laterally to include the outside of Baja. They taper off in strength as you look south. True Northers rarely reach south of Isla Cerralvo on the Baja side or south of Punta Mita on the mainland side.


A Norther’s gale-force winds and big square seas can disrupt navigation for commercial ships, so they can easily inhibit movement for us relatively small cruising yachts and recreational sport fishers. Seeking shelter, we get securely anchored or plugged into a cozy slip, but

after that it’s difficult to unplug a nd go elsewhere. You’re kind of stuck. As a Norther persists, the sea sur face and horizon can actually become obscurred by salty blue-white spume. Visibility drops to zero. Boat w indows are glazed in salt. That’s Santa Rosalia’s harbor entrance is open only to the south. Note white caps from the Norther blowing 30 what’s cologuially called knots. Santa Rosalia provides reliable shelter during a Norther, both as an anchorage and in its small marina. However, Santa Rosalia is one of the popular spots that get filled up quickly when a Norther is a Blue Norther. But for us cruising predicted. fol k s , when we ge t pinned down for days on end, can’t poke our noses out, can’t even get ashore, that’s when the screaming starts – on the VHF radio, across the galley at each other, and screaming into the wind-blasted heavens: Stop Blowing! Seriously, the reasonable approach is to know (a.) when a Norther is going to start and (b.) where to head for shelter before it does.


Watch U.S. weather reports for the first signs of a potential Norther in Mexico, i.e. a zone of high pressure (perhaps 1039 millibars or higher) that gets stationary over mid to southern Nevada. If a Plateau High is setting up, watch it like a hawk, and if a Norther is starting to blow, look for postst on both forecast areas: Baja Outside; Sea of Cortez. Subsequently, high-w ind warnings may be posted for land traffic traversing the desert and mountain passes, such as big rig trucks that get blown over. If you have access to the internet, go to www.nhc.noaa. gov/text/MIAOFFPZ7.shtml which is marine weather for the entire coast of Mexico issued by NOA A, broken down into Shelters from a Norther are sporatic throughout Pacific Baja and the Sea of Cortez. Here are some to keep in mind during winter cruising season. segments. Look at the Sea of Cortez segment’s three sections: Northern, Central, Southern. marinas to seek shelter before a Norther offer the most reliable Norther shelter, The web program www.Windy.com starts blowing on the outside of Baja and plus access to town supplies and Hwy 1, shows very precise and granular spot inside the Sea of Cortez to Topolobampo. however the bay’s east side may get some forecasts that take into account terrain Port Captains often close their ports to refraction waves. features like canyons that can create vessels departing into dangerously bad Bahia Asuncion: Decent shelter if the localized wind funnels into the Sea of weather, but boats can always enter, es- Norther isn’t too strong from the NE. Cortez, not only Northers but Elefantes pecially to seek shelter from bad weather. Cedros Island: Anchor inside the too. However, consider that after a blow starts, deeper east half of Cedros Harbor, or No internet access? Boaters the best shelters might already be filled. outside the harbor south of the south with amateur radio can tune into the Ensenada: The enclosed yacht basins breakwater. Chubasco Net 7.192 Khz (lower sideband) of Marina Coral and Cruiseport Village Santa Maria Bay: Anchor well into for an excellent 15- to 20-minute marine Marina are excellent Norther shelters. the north curve of the bay, away from weather report at 0750 PST and DST. At Docks in the north end of Ensenada Punta Hughs and outside breakers at the end of the report, hams can ask for harbor are also good. the shallow estuary mouth, or anchor a more precise or spot forecast for their San Quintin: South of the big sandspit anywhere below the tall western hills exact location. You don’t need a ham that forms this 2.5 n.m. wide outer bay, except directly below the landmark license to listen in; many dozens do. anchor off the sandspit’s middle or east notch. Expect sand aboard if you anchor end. This has room for 20 or 30 boats. NORTHER SHELTERS Turtle Bay: Anchorages in the north Here are 26 of reliable anchorages and and east sides of this nearly circular bay Please see MEXICO REPORT, PAGE 17

Courtesy Point Loma Publishing


Photo Pat Rains

Northers: Where to Go when the North Winds Blow

THE LOG | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | 9



news briefs By Log Staff

LOCAL Bart Hall Show hits San Diego Mid-February DEL MAR— The 2024 Bart Hall Show will

roll into Del Mar from Feb. 15-18. The event is one of San Diego’s most significant fishing, boating and outdoor recreation shows. The event will bring a full day of family fun and kids 15 and under get in free. The convention will include archery and air gun ranges, fly-fishing demos, knot-tying demonstrations, gold panning and a line-casting contest for kids. The floors will be lined with booths featuring acres of fishing tackle, rod and reel manufacturers, boats, marine accessories, kayaks, international resorts, art, fishing apparel and gear, vehicles, RVs, Overland and more. It will feature a trout pound for kids to fish in, sponsored by Mammoth Lakes, as well as: the Ultimate Air Dogs, presented by Turners Outdoorsman and the Great American Duck Races, presented by Convict Lake Resort and Jon Pettey Goldsmith. Additionally, the event will serve educational purposes with hundreds of seminars from fishing experts on four stages: Accurate Stage, Okuma Bass Tank, Daiwa Stage and Mammoth Lakes Stage. Follow t he Ba r t Ha ll Show on Facebook for the latest information at https://www.facebook.com/ barthallshow

STATE/NATIONAL/ INTERNATIONAL Division of Boating and Waterways Now Accepting Grant Applications for Shoreline Erosion Control and Public Beach Restoration Program California State Parks’ Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) is now accepting grant applications from government agencies to help slow, stop or reverse the impact of erosion on California’s shoreline. The deadline to submit applications for the Shoreline Erosion Control and Public Beach Restoration programs is noon Feb. 1. Federal, state, regional and local government agencies use Shoreline Erosion Control grants to build structures that protect public infrastructure in developed shoreline areas against wave erosion and Public Beach Restoration grants to place sand on eroded beaches strategically. In fiscal year 2022/23, the following three projects were approved under the Public Beach Restoration Program: • $11,500,000 for a project in Encinitas and Solana Beach. • $2,900,000 for a project in Orange

County, including Seal Beach, Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. • $1,085,000 for a project in San Clemente. Grant funding is available through a competitive process. To apply for the fiscal year 2025/26 grant, an agency must submit a formal application to DBW requesting funding for a specific project phase (feasibility study, design or construction) along with a resolution from its governing body authorizing the application for grant funding. Projects are allowed for financing through the state’s budget process. Individual projects, if approved, would be notified of available funding in June 2025. Applications for both grant programs

must be submitted to DBW through its Online Grant Application System (OLGA). Before applying, the division encourages new applicants to view a 45-minute webinar that provides detailed instructions on creating an account in OLGA and navigating the system. Sections 65 through 67.4 of the Harbors and Navigation Code (HNC) authorize DBW to study erosion problems, act as shore protection adviser to all government agencies and plan, design and construct protective works when the legislature provides funds. In addition, HNC Sections 69.5-69.9 authorizes the division to pursue and promote federal and local partnerships to restore, enhance and nourish publicly owned beaches through

the cost-effective engineered placement of sand on the beach or in the nearshore environment. Additional information about the application process is available on DBW’s website at dbw.parks.ca.gov/Erosion-RestorationGrants. For questions on the process, please contact DBW Project Manager Casey Caldwell at (916) 902-8824.

ABYC Announces Board Members, Award Recipients at Annual Meeting ABYC celebrated its 70th anniversary with Please see NEWS BRIEFS, PAGE 17

A BIG “THANK YOU” TO OUR SPONSORS! Your continued support makes the annual San Diego Bay Parade of Lights possible.


Flagship Cruises and Events The Marine Group The Bali Hai Restaurant Tom Ham’s Lighthouse USS Midway Royal Caribbean International Silvergate Yacht Club Southwestern Yacht Club Sheraton Harbor Island San Diego Unified Port District Hornblower Cruises Dona Jenkins Maritime Docs Coronado Yacht Club San Diego Marine Exchange San Diego Yacht Club

Shelter Cove Marina Kona Kai Resort & Spa The Sheraton Hotel & Marina P&E Marine Jeff Brown Yachts Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego San Pasqual Winery Safe Harbor Marinas H&M Landing San Diego Working Waterfront Novamar Insurance Group Marina Cortez Cohn Restaurant Group Best Western Island Palms

You can find our complete list of sponsors and links to their websites at sdparadeoflights.org. Please support all of our sponsors who make this parade possible (and feel free to thank them when you patronize their business).

10 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG


“Green Fishing” – Better for you, the fish and the environment

For the Fish Ethical fishing techniques prioritize sustainable practices that limit environmental impact, support the health of fish populations and promote responsible resource management. This year, try practicing catch and release by carefully releasing a non-targeted or undersized fish to ensure their survival and the fishery’s success. When releasing a fish, use proper handling techniques to minimize stress and injury to the fish. Wet your hands before handling the fish to reduce the removal of its protective slime coating. This coating helps

Anglers should also use selective gear that targets specific species, avoid bycatch of non-target species and choose fishing gear that has minimal impact on the seafloor and other habitats. Species-specific equipment is often designed to target a particular type of fish, reducing the likelihood of catching unintended species (bycatch). This helps protect non-targeted and potentially vulnerable species from unnecessary harm. Gear designed for a specific species can allow anglers to target only those fish that are legal to harvest, within size limits and other regulations. This promotes sustainable and responsible fishing practices. Additionally, using appropriate gear can minimize stress on the fish during the catch-and-release process. For example, specific hooks or lures are designed to cause less damage, making it easier to release the fish unharmed. Anglers should adhere to size and bag limits set by fisheries management authorities to prevent overfishing. Respect regulations on the minimum size of catchable fish. Fisheries management authorities establish bag and size limits to ensure that fishing activities do not deplete fish populations beyond sustainable levels. Adhering to these limits helps preserve the abundance and diversity of fish in a given area. Size limits are set to protect fish that have not yet reached reproductive maturity. Allowing these individuals to grow and reproduce contributes to the sustainability of the population. Healthy fish populations play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. Overfishing or targeting specific size classes can disrupt natural interactions within ecosystems, leading to cascading effects on other species and the environment. In addition to these productive adjustments, anglers should also: • Avoid fishing in ecologically sensitive areas, such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, and spawning grounds by using maps or technology to identify and steer clear of protected areas. • Follow seasonal fishing restrictions to protect species during their spawning seasons and abide by closed seasons to allow fish populations to reproduce and replenish. • Choose seafood products that have been certified as sustainable by organizations like the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and support fisheries that follow ethical and sus-

Image courtesy of Nako

As we ease into the new year, it’s a good time to reevaluate fishing practices and make adjustments that result in more ethical and environmentally friendly outcomes for fish and their habitats. Green fishing is an umbrella term that includes sustainable and environmentally friendly fishing practices that aim to ensure that fish populations are harvested at a rate that allows them to replenish naturally, minimizing the impact on the ecosystem and maintaining healthy marine environments.

protect the fish from infections and parasites. Keep the fish in the water as much as possible. Minimize air exposure, as prolonged exposure can be harmful. If you need to take a photo, have the camera ready before lifting the fish. And lastly, keep fish horizontal. When lifting the fish for a photo or release, support its body horizontally and avoid holding it vertically by the jaw, as this can strain the fish’s internal organs.

Nako, a company specializing in tungsten rigs and weights, offers tungsten products that benefit the angler and the environment. tainable practices.

• Stay informed

about local regulations and guidelines for ethical fishing and participate in educational programs and initiatives that promote responsible fishing practices.

For the Environment

Image courtesy of Nako


Nako’s tungsten ball jog heads are 40% smaller and 200% more sensitive than the lead-made jig heads.

Use gea r w it h a lower environmental impact, such as circle hooks that reduce the likelihood of gut-hooking fish. Choose eco-friendly alternatives to traditional fishing gear, such as biodegradable fishing lines, eco-friendly lures made from sustainable and biodegradable materials and tangle-free equipment, such as tangle-free hooks or lines, that reduce the likelihood of snagging and can minimize the risk of damage to underwater habitats. Always properly dispose of old or damaged fishing gear to prevent it from becoming marine debris. Recycling programs may be available for certain types of equipment. The popular replacement found across the fishing industry in recent years is using a tungsten steel alloy, which is far denser than lead. Lead is a toxic metal that can be harmful to both aquatic life and human health. Tungsten produces more sound underwater. It has a better feel on underwater objects and produces a smaller bait profile like small bait fish. Consider minimizing the use of lead sinkers and weights, as lead can harm aquatic ecosystems. In addition to tungsten, bismuth has gained popularity as a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative because it is less toxic than lead. It has been used to produce fishing sinkers, jigs and other tackle components. When lead-based

fishing gear, such as sinkers and jigs, get lost or discarded in the water, it can leach lead into the environment. This can adversely affect fish, invertebrates and other organisms. Lead can accumulate in the tissues of aquatic organisms through a process called bioaccumulation. Fish and other marine species exposed to lead in their environment may get the metal in their bodies over time. It can disrupt food chains, interfere with fish reproduction and is harmful if consumed by humans through the fish. It’s better for all who fish to move away from lead-composed gear. In addition to these productive adjustments, anglers should also: • Try handline fishing. This involves using a single fishing line with a lure or bait. It is a simple and low-impact method that reduces the risk of entanglement and bycatch. • Choose bait options that are sustainable and have minimal impact on the environment. Some anglers use artificial baits to reduce the need for live bait. Adopting these green fishing practices contributes to the conservation of marine ecosystems, supports sustainable fisheries and helps maintain the long-term viability of fishing as a livelihood and recreational activity.

THE LOG | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | 11





Drink and Dine in Long Beach Harbor

Schooner or Later, a long-time favorite among locals, is adjacent to Long Beach Shoreline Marina. of Japanese-inspired California treats, such as tuna rolls, shrimp with noodles, seared fish and other tasty seafood dishes. A s you entice your palate with awesome eats, sip a fruity cocktail while looking out at the water and yacht mar ina f rom the outdoor deck. On most evenings, you can sit back at the Boathouse and listen to live guest musicians play a variety of folk, Latin and light rock while you enjoy your cocktail and dinner. M a t t S k y, H u g o Fe r n a n d e s , K a t i e Nestled in the corner of a canal in Long Beach Harbor is the exotic Asian fusion restaurant Jade on the Ferrara and Adam Water. Lasher are just some of the local guitarists and singers you restaurant Jade on the Water, which boat with a group of friends, drop anchor will enjoy as boats ply the water in the brings culinary fantasy to life in a wide near your favorite bar or restaurant and background. range of mouth-watering house special- turn your night into a little adventure? If you are in the mood for a light ties. Jade’s menu features an Asian fusion Cruising through Long Beach Harbor lunch, sample the menu of gourmet fast selection of vegetarian, vegan and glu- on your own boat naturally opens up food at Saltwater Deck, just off Ocean ten-free dishes. greater opportunities for enjoyment than Boulevard – right on the sand! The quirky For breakfast, consider starting with if arriving by land. You can find free beach setting has helped this gem of a Hawaiian French toast made with sweet anchorage space near the southern end restaurant distinguish itself as a unique Hawaiian bread, fresh bananas and of the harbor at Oil Island White, which meeting place for boaters, cyclists and whipped cream, dusted with macadamia is protected from the open ocean by an families coming back from playing in the nuts. For dinner, you can choose from outer jetty surrounding San Pedro Bay. water. a long list of starters including mixed Anchor a safe distance from the Featured recently on KTLA 5 News, tempura, calamari strips and vegetar- man-made island, using your chartplotSaltwater Deck lives up to its motto, “We ian egg rolls. For the main course, the ter or paper chart as a guide to varying don’t make fast food; we make great food long list of choices include Mongolian depths around these structures. You will as fast as we can.” Menu items include beef, honey walnut shrimp, orange miso find the late afternoon winds to be much their classic burrito, a grass-fed cheese- salmon, salt and pepper crispy beef and calmer than the wind at the opposite end burger with chips and purple coleslaw, more. Dinner at Jade’s often includes live of the bay at Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro. pastrami breakfast sandwich, burgers, entertainment with jazz, rock and folk Whether by foot, bicycle, auto or boat, quesadillas, their “Italiano” sandwich musicians creating a warm atmosphere. there is boundless fun and tantalizing with salami and mortadella and more – As you look out across the harbor restaurant menus waiting for you in Long each for under $18. from some of these dining venues, you Beach Harbor. Plan your day or weekend Tucked into a quiet corner of a canal will observe a popular mode of travel to well, and enjoy one of the greatest, most near Second Street is the Asian-themed these fun places. Why not bring your own fun locations on the West Coast!

Bill Morris photo

After a long day at work, it is comforting to know there is a place we can kick back and enjoy a drink and some light fare while looking out at the sites on Long Beach Harbor. Restaurants and bars line the harbor particularly along Second Street near Pacific Coast Highway, an area that has evolved into a must-see destination for fun eating and dining. Hopefully, before you sit down to relax with that margarita next to the water, you will first have enjoyed some of the cultural and educational sites surrounding the harbor. The Aquarium of the Pacific features a wide variety of California ocean life, plus samples of tropical sea life as well. In the Tropical Pacific Gallery, you will experience a close encounter with the oceanic wildlife of the South Pacific island of Palau, observing sea turtles, zebra sharks, porcupine puffer fish and other enthralling, venomous creatures. The historic ship Queen Mary is another venue you will want to visit. Entry to the ship is free, although you can opt for a guided tour to get more out of your visit. Themes include the Queen Mary Passport with Steam and Steel Tour, Queen Mary Passport with Glory Days Tour, and even a Paranormal Ship Walk Tour! After a long day of fun in Long Beach Harbor, you can enjoy dining at any one of several fine restaurants overlooking the harbor, particularly around the vicinity of Marina Drive at the southeast corner of Long Beach. One local favorite is Schooner or Later, which features a casual outdoor setting where you can sip a cocktail and enjoy hors d’oeuvres, a short-order plate such as fish and chips or a burger and fries, and either a beer or a glass of wine. Schooner or Later has seating both indoors and out on deck, where you can share lively conversation as yachts come and go, meandering through the marina. Whether you desire a fine California wine or a craft beer, this gem of a restaurant can meet your culinary needs and tastes in a fun, scenic setting. Another highly rated eatery is the Boathouse on the Bay, listed No. 1 on the Yelp list of Long Beach restaurants. This delightful restaurant offers a panoply

Bill Morris photo


12 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG


Anchoring Blues By BILL MORRIS

Once in a great while, we find ourselves trying to anchor under the most challenging of circumstances. Of all the places where I have anchored around the world, my worst anchoring nightmare was not too long ago at Little Fisherman’s Cove, Catalina Island. For those of you who have anchored in that tranquil, little corner of the larger Isthmus Cove, Little Fisherman’s faces a swell from the west but also gets a strong breeze from the isthmus lying to the south. So when our boats naturally nose into the wind, the swell has our boats rocking crazily, dumping plates of food from the dinette table onto the cabin sole and fraying our nerves like exposed hot wires. The solution for most of us, of course, is to deploy a stern anchor towards the beach, forcing the bow into the swell, calming the vessel’s movement and allowing us to relax. Anchoring bow to the swell with a cross-wind greatly reduces or totally stops the pendulum, offering crew a quieter, more peaceful stay at anchor. Anchoring properly in a cross-wind, however, requires practice and, just as important, agreement among all skippers in the limited space to follow the same anchoring practice. On this particular occasion, I had anchored my 1966 Cal 30 sloop “Saltaire” fore and aft and was quietly sipping a cup of coffee below decks when I heard an anchor chain being dropped into the cove not far from my vessel. I immediately jumped up to the cockpit and saw a 40-foot ketch with its skipper dropping a single anchor into the shallows. After he was done, I politely asked if he needed help with this stern anchor. “What stern anchor?” he replied,

grinning arrogantly. I explained to him there is no written rule about anchoring procedures in Little Fisherman’s or anywhere else in the Channel Islands for that matter, but our local custom in this cove is to anchor fore and aft to keep from banging into each other. An intense exchange of words, some of which would have made Captain Bligh blush, ensued for a few seconds until The New Guy flipped me off and finally went down below without having set a stern anchor. As morning yielded to noon, the southerly breeze began building up through the Isthmus, and the errant vessel slowly began to wander in my direction. I popped up again into the cockpit and yelled, “Hey, your boat is getting too close! Hurry up and do something!” The New Guy popped his head out of the companionway, flashed me a scowl and angrily stomped toward the foredeck. I was hoping he would get in his dinghy and drop a stern anchor near the beach. So what the heck was he planning to do with the bow anchor? Shortening the chain would still keep his boat within swing range of my boat and lengthening the chain could have had him hitting another boat on his port side. Slowly, The New Guy began cranking up the bow anchor. Within a few minutes, he had stowed the anchor and was underway out of the anchorage. While I was happy to see the embittered skipper leave, a part of me wished he had simply followed local practice and set a stern anchor, assuming he had one onboard. I can’t imagine any ocean-going vessel without a minimum of three anchors, each with ample chain and nylon rode, stowed aboard. As I reflected on The New Guy’s

Fishing Tip: Look for Birds, Dolphins, and Structures when Offshore Fishing

untimely departure from Little Fisherman’s Cove, I wondered, did he know how to set a stern anchor? And if not, how many other sailors out there still need to learn this important skill?

Setting the Bow Anchor The first, most critically important step in anchoring is selecting the spot to drop the bow anchor. When anchoring in a cross-wind, your goal is to point at a more or less 90-degree angle into the swell while temporarily allowing swing room for the cross-wind. Your depth sounder will tell you how much chain or rode you will need to pay out for the bow anchor, with a three-to-one ratio being the absolute minimum. Nat u r a l ly, a phy sic a l ob s t a c le downwind of the vessel makes this procedure all the more challenging. Such an obstacle could be another vessel, a coral or stone reef or worse, a cliff with sharp, protruding rocks ready to attack the hull like cutlass-waving pirates. Drop the bow anchor at your selected spot, allowing for a bit of hull drift, depending on wind speed. If possible, pay out a bit less chain than you actually plan to use, perhaps slightly more than a two-to-one ratio. Naturally, wind speed, tidal current and sea bed conformation will dictate how much chain you need initially. After setting the anchor, spend a few minutes observing the boat’s position. If you detect anchor drag, either pay out more chain or reset it a little farther upwind. When you set off in your dinghy with the stern anchor, you need to be assured of your main vessel’s safety, plus the safety of surrounding boats as well.


Birds, dolphins, and underwater structures can be valuable indicators for offshore fishing, helping anglers locate productive fishing areas. Birds, such as seagulls and terns, are often attracted to schools of baitfish near the water’s surface. Spotting flocks of diving or circling birds can signal the presence of feeding fish below. Predator fish like tuna or mahi-mahi may be driving baitfish to the surface, creating an opportunity for anglers. Dolphins and birds often work together to feed on schools of fish. Birds

Setting the Stern Anchor Before dropping the stern anchor, be sure to tie the rode to a rear deck cleat. With the dinghy secured to the side of the main vessel’s hull, hang the stern anchor on the dinghy’s transom and pay out the chain and rode into the dinghy between the thwart and the transom, right under your feet, keeping the rode attached to the main vessel. Next, proceed to the spot where you intend to drop the stern anchor, paying out nylon rode and then chain as you close the distance. Drop the stern anchor right off the transom and row back to the main vessel. Once back aboard the mothership, you can fine-tune the anchoring arrangement by adjusting the two anchor rodes for best angle into the swell. To retrieve the stern anchor, first untie the rode from its deck cleat and pull the dinghy up to the anchor as you haul up the anchor chain and rode. Setting and retrieving the stern anchor takes more work than the bow anchor, but a stern anchor can be the key to happiness when anchored bow to the swell in a cross-wind. It takes practice, but it pays off.

Submit your favorite boating, fishing, and sailing stories to be featured in the Log Newspaper! Email: thelogeditor@ maritimepublishing.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/ TheLogNewspaper/ Instagram: @thelognewspaper

are attracted to the same baitfish that dolphins are pursuing. Dolphins feed on schools of baitfish, such as sardines, herring or anchovies, and when anglers see dolphins “boiling” at the surface, it indicates they are actively feeding in an area where big game fish are present. Lastly, floating structures, such as logs, kelp paddies or trash, can serve as gathering points for smaller fish and other marine life. Larger predatory fish often patrol these areas in search of prey. When targeting offshore species, trolling near underwater structures or along the edges of underwater features can be effective and allows anglers to cover a large area and present baits at various depths. Happy Fishing!

THE LOG | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | 13

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Changes to Implementation of Fire Safety Interim Rule on Small Passenger Vessels By: LOG STAFF

The Coast Guard Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVC) has published CG-CVC Policy Letter 2 3 - 03 C h a nge 1 , “C over e d Sm a l l Passenger Vessel” Fire Safety Interim Rule Implementation, which includes updates to reflect the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (2024 NDA A). The NDAA is a U.S. federal law that specifies the budget, expenditures and policies related to the Department of Defense (DoD). The NDAA is passed annually and authorizes funding for the military, defense programs and national security initiatives. The 2024 NDAA requires Officers in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI) to delay enforcement of the means of escape requirement in 46 USC 3306(n)(3)(A)(v) until April 1, 2024, for “overnight fishing charters.” In addition, the NDAA allows enforcement to be delayed until as late as Jan. 1, 2026, for “overnight fishing charters” that have submitted plans to alter their vessel to meet escape requirements to their cognizant OCMI. Escape requirements for fishing charters typically refer to safety measures and procedures that are in place to ensure the well-being of passengers in the event of an emergency. The specific requirements may vary depending on the location, the type of fishing charter and the regulations set by maritime authorities. The interim rule implemented fire safety regulations for “covered small passenger vessels,” defined as small passenger vessels with overnight accommodations for passengers or operating on an oceans or coastwise route, excluding fishing vessels and ferries. In particular, the interim rule eliminated the option for “existing vessels” (as defined in Subchapters K and T) to comply with the means of escape requirements applicable to them on March 10, 1996. Thus,

all covered small passenger vessels, regardless of age, are being brought up to current standards for means of escape design and arrangement. Title 46 of the United States Code primarily deals with carrying out and securing the safety of individuals and property on board vessels subject to inspection, including covered small passenger vessels (as defined in subsection (n)(5)); the Secretary shall prescribe necessary regulations to ensure the proper execution of, and to carry out, this part in the most effective manner for the design, construction, alteration, repair and operation of those vessels, including superstructures, hulls, fittings, equipment, appliances, propulsion machinery, auxiliary machinery, boilers, unfired pressure vessels, piping, electric installations and accommodations for passengers and crew, sailing school instructors and sailing school students. For the full definition of the code, please visit https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/ text/46/3306. “Overnight fishing charters” are defined by the 2024 NDAA as vessels with overnight accommodations for passengers carrying a passenger for hire engaged in recreational fishing on board. The policy also addresses other means of escape details, special consideration by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection and operating with six or fewer passengers. A copy of CG -CVC Policy Letter 23-03 Change 1 is available on CG-CVC’s website at https://www.dco.uscg.mil/ Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Prevention-Policy-CG-5P/ Inspections-Compliance-CG-5PC-/ Commercial-Vessel-Compliance/ CG-CVC-Policy-Letters/. The U.S. Coast Guard recommends that vessel owners or operators contact their local marine inspection office with vessel-specific questions. General questions may be submitted via CGCVC@ uscg.mil.

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14 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG


Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility will make cargo movement cleaner, more efficient By: LOG STAFF LONG BEACH — The Port of Long Beach will receive $283 million from the federal government to assist in building “America’s Green Gateway,” a rail project that will enable one of the nation’s busiest seaports to move more cargo by trains, speeding deliveries across the national supply chain, easing congestion and lessening local environmental impacts. The funding was awarded for the Port’s Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Mega Grant Program. The $1.567 billion project is the centerpiece of the Port’s on-dock rail construction improvements. Moving cargo by on-dock rail – directly moving containers to and from marine terminals by trains – is cleaner and more efficient, as it reduces truck traffic. When the new facility opens, no cargo trucks will visit. Instead, smaller train segments will be brought to the facility and joined into a full-sized train. “Reliable and efficient transportation of goods is crucial for keeping our economy thriving while protecting the air we breathe,” said U.S. Sen. Alex Padilla. “The Port of Long Beach is a leading international hub for transporting major cargo and this project will slash truck emissions while supporting economic growth and efficiency. Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we are strengthening our supply chain while creating jobs and improving air quality in near-port communities across the region.” “This is a home run and significant investment for Long Beach and trade across the country,” said U.S. Rep. Robert Garcia. “This grant will create over 1,000 local jobs and 13,000 jobs nationwide. As the former mayor of Long Beach, I know how impactful this project will be in supporting the supply chain while reducing

harmful pollution for families here at home. We are grateful to President Biden and Secretary Buttigieg for their support and partnership.” “This Mega grant – which follows California’s $158.4 million award for the Pier B On-Dock Rail project as part of a historic investment in supply chain infrastructure earlier this year – shows the power Governor Newsom’s and President Biden’s infrastructure packages can have when working together,” said California Transportation Secretary Toks Omishakin, who led a state delegation to Washington, D.C. over the summer to engage with top U.S. transportation officials about increased investments in California’s ports. “I thank the Biden-Harris administration and California’s congressional leadership for this award, which will lead to a more efficient supply chain and economic benefits that span the entire country.” “I want to thank the Biden-Harris administration, Secretary Buttigieg, and the U.S. Department of Transportation for awarding the Port of Long Beach this landmark $283 million infrastructure investment, ensuring that our Port will remain a national leader in goods movement while creating thousands of quality local jobs,” said Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson. “The Pier B rail project represents a vital infrastructure investment that will improve the Port of Long Beach’s sustainability and efficiency, bringing us up to 35% on-dock rail capacity in our terminals and improving the air quality for our residents.” “The impact this funding will have on developing this project of national importance is staggering,” said Port of Long Beach Chief Executive Officer Mario

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Port Receives $283 Million For ‘America’s Green Gateway’

Cordero. “This is a facility that will help move cargo more efficiently to homes and businesses across America and from U.S. producers to overseas markets, resulting in systemwide benefits to the supply chain. We’d like to thank the U.S. Department of Transportation, Senator Alex Padilla, and Congressman Robert Garcia for recognizing the significance of this project and making a significant investment in sustainable, efficient cargo movement.” “Moving more cargo with less environmental impact is the focal point of our approach to business,” said Long Beach Harbor Commission President Bobby Olvera Jr. “The Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility, ‘America’s Green Gateway,’ will do this while easing traffic on regional roads and improving air quality. It’s also vital to help meet the environmental goals outlined in the Clean Air Action Plan. We are grateful for this funding and thank the California Department of Transportation, our partner agency, for this grant application.” Due to the importance of the Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility to the national supply chain, the Port continues to seek funding partners for

the project. The California State Transportation Agency – CalSTA – in July 2023, announced a grant of $158 million from the Port and Freight Infrastructure Program to help fund the Pier B project as an essential part of the state’s cargo movement strategy. The federal government previously awarded almost $105 million to the project. The Port has secured over $640 million in grant funding for Pier B. Construction is expected to begin next year. The new facility will more than double the size of the existing Pier B rail yard from 82 acres to 171 acres and more than triple the volume of on-dock rail cargo the port can handle annually, from 1.5 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) to 4.7 million TEUs. The yard also will feature a depot for fueling and servicing up to 30 locomotives simultaneously and a full-service staging area to assemble and break down trains up to 10,000 feet long. The project will be built in phases, each improving cargo flow, with completion expectedby 2032. View the project fact sheets and more information on the project page https://polb.com/port-info/projects/#pier-b-on-dock-support-facility.


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THE LOG | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | 15



SC Social: Silent Disco! SAN CLEMENTE — On Feb. 9 from 5-8 p.m., the city will host a silent disco at the Community Center, 100 N. Calle Seville. This dance features three separate DJ stations so dancers can tune in to the one that fits their vibe best. Music will be played through headphones provided at the event. In addition to dancing, there also will be games, pizza, a photo booth and more. For more information visit san-clemente.org/scsocial or call (949) 361-8264.

Catalina Island

about women and Black, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous and other persons of color who contributed greatly to the field of aviation in Southern California. The venue for this event is the Billie Jean King Library, 200 W. Broadway. The reception begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by the program at 6 p.m. Complimentary parking is available at the Broadway Parking Structure, 332 W. Broadway. This is a free event. For more information, please visit https://www. longbeach.gov/lgb/ about-us/100th/.

Dana Point Nature Interpretive Center Docent Walk - Whale Walk & Talk

San Pedro Monthly Sunset Sail

Newport Beach Gray Whale Migration off Newport Beach Winter/Spring Special NEWPORT BEACH — From now until April 30, Newport Landing Whale Watching is offering a $20 cruise special. Tens of thousands of gray whales migrate annually along the Newport/Laguna Beach coastline from the summer feeding

Avalon Library Book Club CATALINA ISLAND — On Jan. 30, from 6-7 p.m. the library will host Off the Island Book Club. Join the library as it relaunches its monthly book club. They’ll discuss what the club has been reading throughout January and a few possible book choices to read in the months ahead. Snacks will be served. For more information, please visit https://www.lovecatalina.com/event/ off-the-island-book-club/1734/.

Long Beach History Walk— Long Beach Airport’s 100th Anniversary LONG BEACH — The Long Beach Airport

will host a free presentation on its recent report, “Long Beach Airport and Southern California: A Brief New Aviation and Aeronautics History (1900s-1980s),” on Jan. 25 at 5:30 p.m. Join authors Dr. Alison Rose Jefferson and Dr. Philip S. Hart who will discuss significant milestones in Long Beach’s rich aviation history, including the establishment of the municipal airport, and some of the lesser-known stories Pexels Image

DANA POINT — On Feb 10 from 9-11 a.m., there will be a Whale Walk and Talk. All walks will start at 9 a.m. from the center on Scenic Drive and will last approximately one-and-a-half to two hours. Participants will learn about the offshore world that borders Dana Point as whale season approaches. The walks will continue until May. For more information, please email dpnaturalsource@danapoint.org.

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Dana Point

San Pedro SAN PEDRO — Sail San Pedro Bay for the Los Angeles Maritime Institute’s first monthly Sunset Sail of 2024 on Jan. 20 and watch the sunset from the deck of a tall ship. Guests can sit back and relax or become part of the crew – your choice. Don’t forget to bring a picnic to enjoy as long as there are no glass bottles. Tickets are $60 for adults and $30 for children. Participants will board at W. 6th St. and Harbor Blvd. For more information, please visit https:// lamitopsail.org/january-sunset-sail/.

and water. All levels are welcome, but please note that this event will take place if weather permits. The yoga class is presented by the Redondo Pier Association, Memorial Care Miller Children’s and Women’s Hospital Long Beach and Cancer Support Community South Bay. For more information, please visit https://redondopier.com/ free-outdoor-yoga/.

Ventura Valentine’s day Seaside VENTURA — On Feb. 14, Ventura Harbor Village invites lovers to spend their evening at the village for an assortment of date night ideas. Here is an example of a perfect day with your special someone:

Waterfront Walk: Take hand-in-hand walks along the picturesque waterfront, where gentle waves create a backdrop that’s nothing short of magical. Seaside Dining: Indulge in a diverse array of culinary options, from cozy seafood cafes to waterfront restaurants. Tasty Dessert: Satisfy your sweet tooth with delectable desserts, whether gourmet chocolates, an ice cream sundae, or authentic French pastries. Sweetheart Sunset: As dusk falls, find a cozy spot to witness the sunset over the Pacific Ocean and the Channel Islands.

Redondo Beach Perfect Memento: Explore the charming Free Outdoor Yoga on the Redondo Beach Pier REDONDO BEACH —On Feb. 9, the Redondo Beach Pier will host a free yoga class from 10-11 a.m. by at Fisherman’s Wharf at the west end of the pier. Yogis are asked to bring a yoga mat, towel

boutiques and shops nestled to find the perfect memento to commemorate your special day and celebrate the uniqueness of your love. For more information, please visit https://www.venturaharborvillage.com/ event/valentines-2024/.

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San Clemente

grounds in the Bering Sea to the winter grounds of the Baja California lagoons and then back, traveling during the months of December, January, February, March and April. For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit https:// www.visitnewportbeach.com/events/ gray-whale-migration-20-whale-watch/.

16 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG


Catalina Connection Second Seafloor Survey of Dumpsite Off Coast of Southern California Completed

As part of ongoing efforts to understand the scale of the environmental impact of industrial waste dumping off the coast of Southern California, researchers from UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography revisited two industrial undersea dumpsites in April 2023 to identify objects discarded on the seafloor. L ed by Scr ipps oceanog raphers Sophia Merrifield and Eric Terrill, the 2023 survey used a deep water autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) with state-of-art synthetic aperture sonar and a remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) with a high definition video camera, both capable of working up to full ocean depth of 6,000 meters (19,600 feet). The expedition took place with support from the U.S. Navy’s Supervisor of Salvage and the Office of Naval Research. Between the 1930s and 1970s, the site was a known location for industrial dumping, including byproducts from the manufacturing of the pesticide DDT. It was initially surveyed using robotic vehicles by the same team in April 2021. The second survey aimed to extend seafloor maps using higher resolution acoustic sonar imaging techniques, applying video imaging systems to classify objects in a previously mapped debris field and collecting observations of deep-sea ocean currents. The 2023 survey mapped 350 square kilometers (135 square miles) and recorded more than 300 hours of video footage. The 2021 survey, published in Environmental Science and Technology, documented thousands of barrel-sized objects organized in lines across the basin. Imagery collected in 2023 along debris lines found most objects to be multiple types of discarded military munitions and pyrotechnics. Barrels discarded due to industrial dumping and several old fishing vessels also were found. The barrels on the seafloor disposal were concentrated in two locations, not spread across the dump site. “The resolution of the sonar provided by the U.S. Navy Supervisor of Salvage provides us an unprecedented map of the seabed which will take some time to fully appreciate and analyze,” said Terrill.

The Navy also will review the findings to determine the best path forward to ensure that the risk to human health and the environment is managed appropriately and within applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Additionally, scientists mapped whale falls, which are sunken whale carcasses. Seven whale falls were confirmed with video imagery, but the sonar data suggests more than 60 may exist in the footprint of the survey data collected by the AUV. A whale fall is a term used to describe the ecological event that occurs when the carcass of a whale or other large marine mammal falls to the ocean floor. When a whale dies, its body eventually sinks to the seabed, providing a localized, concentrated source of organic matter in the deep ocean. Whale falls play a significant ecological role by supporting unique and specialized communities of organisms. “The number of whale falls seems quite high relative to previous models of how many may occur on the seafloor off California,” said Scripps Oceanography marine biologist Greg Rouse, who has studied the ecosystems around whale falls. “However, the skeletons were mainly in very low oxygen water that likely slowed decomposition markedly and the burial rate by sediment may also be very slow there. This would mean the whale falls may have accumulated over many decades.” The science team also deployed a seabed mooring at a location known as Dumpsite No. 2, outfitted with a deep ocean current meter and oxygen sensor. This mooring w ill measure seabed currents to help scientists better understand transport mechanisms that might impact the contaminated sediments. “Our survey provides an opportunity to develop and apply analytical techniques to acoustic and optical imagery over wide areas,” said Merrifield, an observational physical oceanographer who specializes in ocean robotics. “We anticipate these datasets will inform additional studies addressing impacts of dumping activities on the marine food web.”

T he s u r v e y w a s funded as part of a c om mu n it y proje c t suppor ted by t wo U. S . s e n a t or s , t he late Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla, and t wo represenatives, Mike Levin and Alan Lowenthal. The National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) awarded $5.6 million to the project in 2022 t o f u r t her c h a r a c terize, monitor and r e s e a r c h p o t e nt i a l ecosystem impacts of the DDT dumpsite. A n a dd it iona l $6 million, directed by Feinstein and Padilla, was awarded through NOA A in September to fully assess contamination from DDT and other pollutants along with bioremediation mitigation strategies.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography/UC San Diego


The U.S. Navy has received the 2021 and 2023 survey findings. According to a statement from the Navy, “These munitions are likely a result of World War II-era disposal practices. While disposal of munitions at sea at this location was approved to ensure safe disposal when naval vessels returned to U.S. ports, the Navy follows Department of Defense guidance for the appropriate disposal of munitions that aligns with state and federal rules and regulations.”

CURV-21 is a 6,400-pound Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) with an HD video camera that is designed to meet the Navy’s deep ocean salvage requirements down to a maximum depth of 20,000 feet of seawater. This ROV was used in the 2023 seafloor survey deployed from R/V Ocean Valor.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography/UC San Diego

Researchers mapped 135 square miles and found many discarded military munitions.

Sample munitions seen in images from a remotely operated vehicle during the 2023 seafloor survey of the San Pedro Basin. The survey data follow ongoing studies by UC Santa Barbara’s David Valentine, who discovered concentrated DDT in the sediments in 2011 and 2013 and visually confirmed 60 barrels on the seafloor. Valentine is currently mapping DDT in sediments collected across the San Pedro Basin as part of the same project as the seafloor survey. “The preliminary findings of our analysis of sediments are showing that bulk dumping of DDT acid waste was the norm, that DDT immediately entered the environment and was likely not in barrels,” said Valentine, who, in a 2019 study, characterized the disposal of

DDT waste as inherently sloppy. “Once dumped, DDT spreads at the seafloor, expanding its footprint to at least the base of the Catalina slope. We are finding that original DDT remains abundant in the seafloor today, in absolute and relative terms.” The E nv i ron ment a l P rot ec t ion Agency (EPA) also has stated that most DDT found at offshore dumpsites was likely deposited through bulk-dumping rather than containerized barrels. The Merrifield and Terrill survey confirms the agency’s previous archive investigation based on historical shipping manifests and aerial photographs.

THE LOG | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | 17


Mexico Report From page 8

off the eastern sand dunes. Los Cabos: Slips in the interior marinas at both Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo provide good Norther shelter. Cabo Los Frailes: The nar row ledge on the south side of this landmark headland has room for maybe six boats. Costa Palmas Marina: the north opening breakwater might get closed out, but if you can get in before that, this would be a lovely place to shelter for a week. La Paz: The enclosed yacht basins at Marina CostaBaja and Marina Palmira offer the best Norther shelters in town. The linear anchorage fringing El Mogote peninsula has promise. Isla San Francisco: The Hook anchorage has Nor ther shelter but windblown sand may come over the low spot. San Evaristo: The North Cove has small Norther shelter. Bahia Gato Y Toro: Gato Cove has 5-boat shelter below the pink sandstone formations. Isla Carmen: La Sa lina Bay is sheltered from Northers, room for a dozen boats. Puerto Escondido: Norther shelter is found at the bay’s north end but away from the Windows, also in the back marina basin and the residential channels. To avoid danger, it’s OK to anchor or tie up temporarily in the Elipse and the outer Waiting Room. San Juanico: I’ve seen 20 sailboats tucked into the north end during a

Norther. Bahia Concepcion: Santispac Bay is the largest Norther anchorage, but also try El Burro and El Coyote bays. Isla San Marcos: Norther shelter is in the island’s big south bay, but gypsum may blow aboard. Santa Rosalia: This entire little harbor is good shelter from Northers, the only such shelter in many miles. Puerto Don Juan at LA Bay: This small anchorage in the upper Sea of Cortez has the best Norther shelter in many miles, room for up to about 40 boats. (See photo.) Isla Gonzaga: Willard Bay is shielded from Northers but very tidal, so also try Cinco Pedsos off the island’s eastern peninsula into Gonzaga Bay. San Felipe: Anchor in the small shoaly marina’s north corner. P uer to Pena sco: The enclosed harbor has good Norther shelter, but the marinas and docks in the north end are better than anchoring in the deep middle. Cabo Tepoca: Anchor east of the headland and south of the town. San Carlos: The enclosed yacht basins at Marina Real and Marina San Carlos are best in a Norther, but anchoring in Bahia San Carlos usually works. Guaymas: Marina Fonatur Guaymas and the anchorage area in the north end of Guaymas harbor provide good shelter during Northers. Topolobampo: The anchorage just insider Punta Santa Maria and the basin east of the ferry terminal are best, but also Marina Topolobampo at the end of the secondary channel is also good shelter in a Norther. This is about as far down as most Northers are problematic.

News Briefs From page 9

members and industry leaders. ANNAPOLIS, MD — The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) marked its 70th anniversary, welcomed new board members and honored award recipients at its Jan. 8 annual meeting. The event is a highlight of ABYC Standards Week, when experts from various sectors of the marine industry review and update safety standards related to the design, construction and repair of recreational boats.

ABYC Board Chair Jeff Wasil and President John Adey briefed attendees on ABYC’s initiatives and acknowledged the volunteers dedicated to boating safety. Capt. Amy Beach, director of U.S. Coast Guard inspections and compliance, also addressed the gathering. Beach noted, “A recent study found NMMA Certified Boat(s) using ABYC standards are much less likely to be involved in accidents involving serious injury or fatality than non-certified boats. The USCG cannot accomplish its safety mission alone, and we’re thankful to have such long-standing partnerships as ABYC.” The 2024 board of directors were elected, including Scott Croft of BoatUS, Sean Hatherley of Navico Group and Randall Lyons from the Massachusetts Marine Trades Association. Hatherley expressed his admiration

for ABYC, highlighting its role in setting industry standards and its international recognition by groups like the International Organization for Standardization and the Coast Guard. He stated, “Without the level of education and training provided, many companies, large and small, would not be successful today. The industry is constantly changing, and ABYC has everything covered to make sure boats are built to safe standards and high quality.” The meeting concluded with ABYC’s annual award ceremony, where the following recognitions were presented:

• Lisa Esposito of IYRS School of

Technology and Trades received the Bolling Fortson Douglas Memorial Award. • Jason Stimmel from Suzuki was honored with the ABYC Service Award. • Mike Jendrossek, retired USCG, received the Horizon Award. • Craig Scholten from ABYC was awarded the Skip Moyer Leadership Award. Additionally, Tom Marhevko from NMMA was acknowledged for his contributions to the ABYC Technical Board. Augusto “Kiko” Villalon received an Industry Icon Award and an Honorary Past Chairperson Award. For a comprehensive list of ABYC’s board of directors and further information about the organization, visit www. abycinc.org.



1. 4.

“Eye” logo network Top garment

9. 12. 13.

Neighbor of Neb. Exclamation of relief Vavavoom

--- Solo (Harrison Ford character) E.g. the Red Cross Supporting structure Hits lightly Ring Captain Jack Sparrow actor Convulsive condition Finished Homo sapiens Automobile Pleasantly warm National boys’ gp. Semblance Especially valued Postponed Sagging Filmmaker Woody --Stock-market debuts Indignant expression “--- the Voice of the Lobster” (Lewis Carroll poem) 48. Transgress 49. Uprisings 50. First lady 51. So far 52. Amphetamine 53. Whiskey variety

14. 15. 16. 18. 20. 21. 23. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 33. 34. 35. 38. 39. 40. 42. 45.

DOWN 1. 2.

Food container Pocketbook

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 17. 19. 21. 22. 24. 25. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 41. 43. 44. 46. 47.

Free neighborhood paper Subdued Upholstery filler “--- Believer” (Diamond/Monkees) Rotational speed measure “---’s the thing...” (Hamlet) Cry of exultation Tales In tune How soon? Interest charge MD Walking in space Rhythmic beat Instantaneous Stove parts Criticize harshly Total Current measure (Abbr.) Computer junkie Ramallah-based gp. Kindergarten-age Girl Scout J.R.’s mother in “Dallas” Hard stone Formerly known as shell-shock Apex Weeding implement Creeper Perceive

Crossword solution on page 22

18 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG


Sailing Regatta 101: The Formal Notice of Race By: KATHERINE M. CLEMENTS

By definition, the NOR for regattas is a formal document that serves several important purposes in the context of sailboat racing. The formality of the NOR is designed to ensure clarity, fairness, and the smooth functioning of the regatta. Standardized and formal language helps create consistency across different events. By using commonly understood terms and phrasing, sailing events can adhere to established practices and facilitate understanding among sailors, race officials and organizers. The NOR is responsible for establishing the legal and organizational framework for the regatta. It outlines the rules, conditions and procedures that govern the event. This formality helps ensure that all participants, organizers, and stakeholders are on the same page regarding expectations and requirements. A formal NOR also helps ensure fairness and consistency in the conduct of the regatta. The NOR helps prevent participant misunderstandings and disputes by providing clear rules and guidelines. This element is particularly important when dealing with diverse fleets and classes of boats.

Pexels image

Have you read the exceptionally formal language summarizing a Notice of Race (NOR) for sailing regattas? A NOR uses formal vocabulary with words like “shall” and phrases like “governed by the rules as defined by” to ensure clarity and precision in conveying important information. Regatta organizers must provide participants with clear instructions and rules to avoid misunderstandings and ensure fair and consistent competition.

The NOR is designed to align with and reference the relevant racing rules and regulations established by governing bodies such as World Sailing (formerly the International Sailing Federation or ISAF). This ensures that the regatta is conducted in accordance with internationally recognized standards. Additionally, there is the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), which is a set of rules established by World Sailing and outlined within a NOR to govern sailboat racing. The rules are designed to ensure fair competition, safety and sportsmanship during sailing races. The latest version of the Racing Rules of Sailing is published in a document known as “World Sailing’s Racing Rules of Sailing.” In addition to outlining rules, the NOR is responsible for noting important


safety information and requirements. Formality in conveying safety instructions is crucial to safeguard participants and minimize the risk of accidents or incidents during the regatta. The all-encompassing NOR is the primary means of communicating event details to participants, including racecourses, start times, scoring systems, protest procedures, fees and any social or ceremonial events associated with the regatta. Lastly, a formal NOR helps address legal and insurance considerations. By clearly outlining the terms and conditions of participation, liability issues and insurance requirements, the NOR helps protect the interests of both participants and organizers. The NOR contrib-

utes to standardization across regattas. This allows participants, race officers and other officials to easily recognize and understand the key elements of the document, regardless of the specific location or organizing authority. A formal NOR conveys professionalism and accountability on the part of the organizing authority. It reflects a commitment to organizing a well-managed and well-regulated regatta. The formality of the Notice of Race in Regattas is essential for creating a structured, fair and safe racing environment. It provides a clear set of guidelines and expectations, promotes consistency in race management and helps ensure a positive and competitive experience for all participants.

The Log Calendar Do you have a boating class or nautical event you’d like publicized in the Log’s Calendar section?


www.sailingsupply.com 2804 Canon St. San Diego, CA 92106

Email details to thelogeditor@maritimepublishing.com

THE LOG | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | 19


CHOC Regatta, Final Leg of Sunkist Series, Ends in February By: KATHERINE M. CLEMENTS

CORONA DEL MAR — The Sunkist Series

includes one-design racing for Inside Classes on four Saturdays a year and PHRF and one-design racing for Outside Classes on four Sundays a year, typically spanning four months from November to March.

The regatta will be governed by the rules defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), which includes the competing classes, except that the Southern California PHRF MIR Rule (Section 8) will not apply. These events are open to members in good standing of clubs or organizations affiliated with the Southern California Yachting Association (SCYA) or any national authority associated with the sport of sailboat racing. Inside Classes: Harbor 20 (A, B & C), Thistle, Lido 14 (A & B), ILCA, Adult Naples Sabot and any other one-design “dinghy” class under 20 feet in length with five or more boats entered before

Log archive image

The series-ending event takes place Feb. 3-4 at the Balboa Yacht Club for the annual Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) Regatta. The CHOC Regatta is a fundraiser that uses the December Sunkist Series races to provide an opportunity to compete for additional awards and contribute to CHOC.

the day of racing. Outside Classes: PHRF and one-design keelboat classes 20 feet or greater in length with five or more boats entered before any day of racing.

including one for the boat that generates the most significant dollar contribution to CHOC, will be handed out after each day of racing. For the complete Notice of Race, please visit https://www.regattanetwork.com/html/calendar.php.

Inside classes competing in the CHOC Regatta must pay a fee of $25, and Outside Classes must pay $50. CHOC awards,

The Ba lboa Ya cht C lub (BYC), formerly known as the Southland Sailing Club, started in 1922 with a small group

of sailors who wanted an active organization with an emphasis on family sailing. Today, the BYC is among the leaders in yachting and still honors its dedication to family sailing. For more information about the BYC, please visit https://www.balboayachtclub.com/Home.

Finalist for 2023 Rolex Honors Announced By: LOG STAFF

Three men and three women have been chosen as finalists for U.S. Sailing’s 2023 Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year Awards. The annual rundown of the year’s “best in the U.S.” represents many accomplished sailors from various disciplines and at different stages of their respective careers. Finalists earned consideration by dominating their respective classes and showing true variety in their sailing accomplishments. All six of these sailors represent a unique pathway to the sport. They have demonstrated on-the-water excellence at international and national events, bringing global recognition to sailing while representing the U.S. in 2023. Some of these sailors were selected based on their consistent, exceptional performances throughout the calendar year and some were chosen for their signature win(s) at major events.

Finalists for U.S. Sailing’s 2023 Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year award:

Betsy Alison – Well known to many in the sailing community, Alison is a five-time Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year and multi-discipline World Champion. While Alison spent many years coaching the Para Sailing Team, a major hip surgery due to cancer in 2022 made her eligible to compete as a para sailor. Alison won the Women’s Hansa 303 at the 2023 Para Sailing World Championships held on Lake Braassemermeer in her first regatta since surgery and first para sailing event as a competitor. Erika Reineke – The 2017 Rolex Yachtswoman of the Year is in contention for another Rolex in 2023. Reineke’s successes this year include representing the U.S. at the Olympic Test Event and her stand-out performance at the Pan American Games, securing a gold medal. Reineke was also a member of the US SailGP team, helping them to a win in Cadiz this year. Christina Wolfe – Christina Wolfe is an accomplished offshore sailor, with thousands of offshore miles under her belt. Wolfe is best known for her double-handed sailing, which she does often with her husband, Justin. In 2023, Wolfe

achieved 1st Overall ORC, 2nd Overall IRC and Double-handed Line Honors in the Rolex Middle Sea Race, first female skipper overall in the Rolex Fastnet Race and first in IRC 2 at the De Guingand Bowl, all doublehanded.

Finalists for U.S. Sailing’s 2023 Rolex Yachtsman of the Year award: Charlie Enright – As skipper, Enright led the 11th Hour Racing Team to become the first American team to win The Ocean Race in 2023. It was his third shot at the elusive Ocean Race Trophy; the win had been over 10 years in the making for his team and over six years for 11th Hour Racing. Steve Hunt – Professional sailor and coach Steve Hunt has wildly succeeded in the Etchells and J/70 fleet. As a tactician and primary trimmer, Hunt helped win the 2023 Etchells North Americans, Etchells Nationals and J/70 European Championship – the first American team to win the latter. Hunt made the podium at two world championships: silver at the J/70 World Championship and bronze at the 2023 Etchells World Championship. Hunt is also notable for his work

with High School Sailing, where he has coached and mentored many. Allan Terhune Jr. – Terhune’s success as skipper of the American Lightning team was demonstrated in wins at the 2023 Lightning North American Championship and 2023 Pan American Games. Along with Sarah Chin and Madeline Baldridge, the American contingent placed first or second in all 10 races during the Pan Am Games, making the medal race meaningless. but even more exciting as they won that as well, marking the first U.S. gold medal in Lightning class at the games since 1999. Terhune also succeeded in the 6 Metre and MC Scow classes, coming in first at the 6M World Championship as a tactician and winning both MC Scow Nationals and Midwinters. The 2023 U.S. Sailing Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year Award winners will be announced and presented with specially engraved Rolex timepieces at a presentation during the 2024 National Sailing Programs Symposium on Feb. 1 at the Savannah Yacht Club in Savannah, Ga.

20 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG

TOP CORNER The Whitefish are Coming “It’s the time of the year when we are required to shift gears from cod mode to whitefish and sculpin. Lets us say...the quality of the whitefish has been quite impressive as of late ! #danawharf @ danapointharbor”

Dana Wharf Sportfishing Facebook photo




Ocean Institute Spearheads Innovative White Sea Bass Re-population Program By: LOG STAFF

The mission of OREHP is to explore the feasibility of using cultured marine finfish to enhance local WSB populations. The process involves spawning and rearing WSB at a hatchery in Carlsbad, followed by the transfer of juvenile WSB to 13 grow-out facilities throughout Southern California. The Ocean Institute is actively participating in this program by contributing to the re-population efforts of this prized local sportfishing species. One key aspect of the program involves marking each WSB with a small tag the size of a broken piece of mechanical pencil lead. Anglers are encouraged to help the cause by returning the heads of the WSB to scanning sites so that scientists can analyze tags under a microscope. This

Workers and volunteers unloading juvenile white seabass into a pen at the Ocean Institute in Dana Point. information provides valuable insights into the fish’s origin, birth date and more, contributing to ongoing research and conservation efforts that will support the rehabilitation of the species. According to Jessica Brasher, director of husbandry at the Ocean Institute, “The importance of [Ocean Institute’s] involvement in WSB re-population extends beyond the environmental impact.” Brasher continues, “The program serves as a proof of concept for restoration models, engaging the public and anglers in hands-on, accessible science happening in their community. Proceeds from fishing licenses contribute to funding programs like OREHP, further highlighting the interconnectedness of environmental

Image courtesy of The Ocean Institute

White seabass play a role in marine ecosystems as a predator species. They help control the populations of smaller fish and invertebrates, contributing to the overall balance of the ecosystem. Due to overfishing and habitat degradation, there have been concerns about the declining populations of white seabass in some regions. Several conservation efforts and management practices have been implemented to ensure sustainable fishing practices and the preservation of white seabass populations.

Image courtesy of The Ocean Institute

DA N A P O I N T — The Ocean Institute announced its continued commitment to the Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program (OREHP), an initiative aimed at boosting wild fish populations, particularly the White Sea Bass (WSB). This experimental hatchery program, operated in collaboration with Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute (HSWRI), is meant to reflect the Ocean Institute’s environmental conservation and community involvement.

White seabass pen.

conservation and community support.” The care of the WSB and pens is mainly volunteer-driven. Ocean Institute staff, interns and volunteers, including those from the New Vista Career Academy, work to ensure the well-being of the fish. The New Vista volunteers, as part of an employment training program for adults with autism, play a crucial role in the project, bolstering participants’ skill sets. Gerry Padilla, an Instructor at career academy, shared his appreciation for the opportunity, saying, “We have benefitted wonderfully from the WSB program. In the service of aiding people with autism in their efforts to develop skills, we have had access to tasks that involve applica-

tions of basic math, measurements, data tracking and animal care ...we are deeply grateful to be a part of the WSB program.” The Ocea n Institute is f ur ther engaging the public in the program by offering the Hatch & Release Program Tour, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the WSB pen. Tours officially began Jan. 13, with weekday and weekend options. Participants can become marine scientists for a day, contributing to valuable research on WSB while learning about their crucial role in ocean health. For tour details and reservations, please visit https://oceaninstitute.org/ events-old/category/wsbt/.

THE LOG | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | 21


Guided Tours Offer Tailored Fishing Experience

There is a solution for those interested in fishing, but lacking the resources, and for those who want to test their skills at guiding tours through their favorite fishing spots. The concept was created by an angler, for anglers, using a format similar to Airbnb. Initially founded by Stuart Jordan and Ben Roberson over the summer of 2021, Guide Book Co. is a web application that allows users to interact with a guide through messaging. Much like searching for a place to stay on Airbnb, Guide Book offers opportunities for users to browse various forms of fishing and the guides that know them best before choosing a tour. After Jordan and Roberson watched their service begin to take shape, Perry Azevedo joined the team as a co-founder and chief product officer, building the first version of the service’s platform. The three combined their expertise and qualifications and now manage the service as

“I’m a fly fishing guide and love the critical thinking [and] innovation side of founding a startup,” said Roberson. “Stuart enjoys the business side of things and is a passionate outdoorsman and Perry is a guide with tons of entrepreneur experience and has built apps before.” The process starts with users per using the var ious g uide profiles and trip descriptions to learn what to expect from a hosted day on the water. Guides are sprinkled throughout the nation (with a few in Canada) with expertise in different techniques locations, and types of trips. The user will select the days they want to book according to the guide’s calendar, request the trip and finish the process by paying for the booking. The action is then on the guide. Once the guide accepts the booking, the two can message to fine-tune details such as where to meet and what to bring. After their day on the water, the guest is prompted to leave a review for the guide and also given the option to leave a tip for the service. While guided tours are familiar to the fishing industry, Guide Book is unique because it has eliminated the waiting game for a busy guide. Current and future anglers can benefit from guided tours in numerous ways. They can provide knowledge on local spots and what locations fit best during


Dana Wharf Sportfishing Facebook photo

Muy Bonito! “Wait what?!! Some very welcomed surface action on quality bonito right out of the gate this morning aboard the @sumfundp. Flylined sardines and sniper style jigs got the bites on the jig stop! Stay tuned!....”

Image courtesy of Guide Book Co


a team. The goal for this year? Developing a smartphone app.

what seasons; they can offer access to prime fishing locations because guides often can locate private or lesser-known sites. The y ’re a l so a good learning experience because guides can provide valuable insight i n t o fi s h i n g techniques, bait selection, reading water conditions and other tips. Additionally, equipment is generally provided when participating in a guided tour, so it’s a great opportunity for new a ng ler s c u r iou s about the spor t to learn more without making a big initial investment. Anglers often feel safe with a guide as they are experts who prioritize safety. And the most creative part is the customized experience. Guides tailor the fishing experience based on the angler’s preference and skill level. From fly fishing to deep sea, a guided tour is customized to individual preferences. A bonus – it takes away the stress of logistics and planning and opens the door to networking and joining a new community. Roberson began fly fishing in his early twenties and has been fishing or dreaming about fishing every day since. He focuses his attention on growing Guide Book by spending most of his day talking to and learning about guides nationwide. Jordan is part of a family of avid hunters and fishermen and has loved the outdoors since childhood. In a previous job, he oversaw the operations, sales and services of a company division, managing a 30-person team across the U.S. and internationally. All these years later, Jordan’s favorite outdoor activity is

Image courtesy of Guide Book Co

Welcome the new year with new experiences. Booking a guided tour tailored to your skills, goals and interests is possible through a blossoming startup. The opportunity for adventure is open to all anglers.

still sharing adventures with people. He loves fly fishing for trout on small streams in Wyoming. Azevedo is an entrepreneur, designer and developer by trade who has spent the past decade helping startups with digital product design and development through Prota Ventures, an investment group he helped co-found. Together, the trio hopes to reinvent the tour guide process. Beyond fishing, the Guide Book service plans to expand into other guided outdoor sports, including paddle sports, rock climbing, hiking and more. For anglers of all experience levels – the expertise and direction of a professional fishing guide can help you can gain new skills, reel in impressive catches and enjoy an unforgettable water adventure. For more information, please visit https://guidebookco.com/.

22 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG


san diego fish report GOOD FISHING BEING FOUND BETWEEN WINTER WEATHER SYSTEMS! By Bob Vanian of 976Bite.com

The first couple of weeks of the 2024 fishing season are in the books and the New Year has brought with it some recent stormy weather in the way of gale force winds, high seas and a bit of rain. The good news is that the days of good weather have been providing good coastal and island fishing with water temperatures holding in the low 60’s in quite a few areas. That is some relatively warm water considering the stormy weather we have experienced during the first couple of weeks of the New Year. There has not been any recent news about bluefin tuna offshore but I do not know of anyone who has been out looking. With water temperatures holding around the 60 to 63 degree range at some of the local offshore banks off Point Loma it would not be such a big surprise if there were some bluefin tuna to be found in offshore waters within 1.5 day range of Point Loma. The last reports of bluefin were from about a month ago when there were some bluefin around the 182 Spot, 302 Spot, off the stretch of coast between La Jolla and Encinitas as well as down the Mexican coast outside of both Punta Colnett and San Martin Island. A reminder to anglers is that the

annual rockfish closure on the United States side of the Mexico border went into effect on New Years Day and that the closure will remain in effect until April 1, 2024. During this time period anglers wishing to fish for rockfish will need to do so in Mexican waters. An additional reminder is that the fishing for sheephead on the United States side of the Mexico border will be closed until March 1, 2024. Please refer t o the Department of Fish and Wildlife website for all the details about the various closures at www.wildlife.ca.gov. Los Coronado Islands have been a productive area for those wishing to get away from the rockfish closure in United States waters and do some rockfish fishing. The rockfish fishing around Los Coronado Islands has been good and productive rockfish areas have been at the hard bottom to the northwest, north and northeast of North Island in the 25 to 60 fathom depths and at the South Kelp Ridge below South Island in the 25 to 45 fathom depths. If you are out fishing in the region of Los Coronado Islands it might be a good idea to keep a lookout for signs of bonito or yellowtail activity in the region of Los Coronado Islands and at the Flats area outside of the Bull Ring at Tijuana. Further down the Mexican coast

more and more sportboats out of San Diego Bay and Mission Bay will likely be targeting rockfish, lingcod and yellowtail on 1.5 day trips to fish the waters in the Punta Colnett region. Horizon out of H&M Landing fished a recent 1.5 day trip to the Punta Colnett region and had 9 anglers catch their limits of assorted rockfish and 18 lingcod.

pounds being reported. Most yellowtail hookups have been on yo-yo iron or surface iron that are fished around areas of bait found in 14 to 40 fathoms. Good choices for yo-yo iron include Salas 6X and Salas 6X Jr. jigs in scrambled egg color. Good choices for surface iron include Tady 45 and Salas 7X light jigs in blue and white, mint and sardine colors.

The fishing along the San Diego County coast has been highlighted by some surface fishing activity in the La Jolla area with fair numbers of big bonito biting along with an occasional yellowtail. There was also a recent catch of a yellowtail off Imperial Beach. In addition to the yellowtail and bonito, the fishing up and down the San Diego County coast has been good for a mix sand bass, calico bass, sculpin, whitefish and an occasional halibut.

Full story will be found online. Bob Vanian is the voice, writer, and researcher of the San Diego-based internet fish report service called 976-Bite which can be found at www.976bite.com. Vanian also provides anglers with a personal fish report service over the telephone at (619) 226-8218. He always welcomes your fish reports at that same phone number or at bob976bite@aol.com.

Productive areas for the sand bass, calico bass, sculpin and whitefish include the Imperial Beach Pipeline, the hard bottom to the northwest of Buoy #3 at Point Loma, the Green Tank, the Variety Kelp at the lower end of La Jolla, the upper end of La Jolla, Solana Beach, Leucadia, South Carlsbad, the Barn and San Onofre. There have also been a few halibut biting off San Onofre drifting sandy bottom near structure in 35 to 50 feet. La Jolla remains the best place for a chance at a coastal yellowtail with an occasional nice sized yellowtail to 35

Solution from CROSSWORD, PAGE 17



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Kiss YourKatch www.976BITE.COM Kiss YourKatch Kiss YourKatch Bob Vanian’s 976-BITE FISH REPORTS

Send U Best Shs Your ot by

For Internet Reports Visit www.976bite.com For Personal Reports Call (619) 226-8218



Jan 25, 2024

This fish got its New Year kiss. Better late than never!

The Log’ss taken you all over California ... Now it’s your turn to show us where you’ve taken The Log. Email your photo, contact information and details about your trip to thelogeditor@thelog.com Deadline: January 25, 2024 Prints or high-res digtal photos are preferred. email to: thelogeditor@ maritimepublishing.com You certify that the photograph you are submitting to FishRap’s “Kiss Your Katch” gallery promotion is original to you, and that FishRap’s use of the photograph will not violate any laws or rights of any other person or entity, including, without limitation, any copyright rights or rights of publicity or privacy. You agree to indemnify and hold FishRap harmless from any claims arising from use of the photograph.


66’ VIKING 2014 - Impeccable condition, 1,800hp Cat C-32 60’ M2 POWER CAT 2007 - Twin MAN power, 2 staterooms, 52’ ABSOLUTE FLY 2015 - Immaculate, 3 cabins + crew/guest, ACERTs, 4 double cabins, 5 heads, new Seakeeper, new tender 2 heads, Kevlar construction, total refit of soft goods & paint, Volvo IPS 600s w/ joysticks at both helms, 425 hours, hydraulic low hours. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. swim platform, very well equipped. Alan Baron (949) 933-2112. & outboard, incredibly equipped. Bob Steel (949) 422-2633. D ST JU UCE D RE


42’ SABRE EXPRESS 2017 - Bristol condition, a rare find on the west coast, very well equipped with twin Volvo IPS 500s, LLC owned. Steve Besozzi (949) 355-4644.

44’ RIVIERA 440 SPORT YACHT 2012 - Excellent condition, ready to go, all new interior bedding & soft goods, dive tank compressor, watermaker. Todd Sherman (714) 325-8181.

83’ BURGER 1967 - Once in a lifetime special vessel, kept in state of the art boathouse, cared for by knowledgeable yachtsman, up to snuff bright work. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800.


52’ TIARA SOVRAN SALON 2006 - Original owner, upgraded Cat diesel C15s 850 hp, only 465 hrs, watermaker, recent electronics upgrade. Todd Sherman (714) 325-8181.

40’ CABO CONVERTIBLE 2005 - Excellent condition, recent CAT services, watermaker, fuel polishing system, davit, inverter. Todd Sherman (714) 325-8181.

48’ SWAN 2001 - World-renowned Swan quality, one of the finest builders ever, Frers design, 2 private cabins, 2 heads, carbon fiber rig, electric winches. Bob Steel (949) 422-2633.


55’ COMPASS PILOTHOUSE 2000 - Impeccably maintained, CAT engines, low hours, full beam master, roomy salon, comfortable aft deck. Michael Gardella (619) 540-4444.

48’ SEA RAY SEDAN BRIDGE 2000 - Popular model, 3 52’ VIKING SPORT CRUISER / PRINCESS 2000 - Nice blend of staterooms, 2 heads, large flybridge, cherry interior, full dinette, power and economy for extended cruising, great visibility, wide great maintenance & care. Todd Sherman (714) 325-8181. side decks, roomy flybridge. Steve Besozzi (949) 355-4644.



50’ DELTA 1993 - Interior refurb 2014, bow/stern thrusters 2016, new heads 2020, engine top ends rebuilt & turbos serviced 2023. Vic Parcells (206) 229-3134


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New and Used Boats, Engines, Gear and Services

G E T R E S U LT S ! $205

To place an ad, call the classified experts at: 800-887-1615 or visit our website: thelogclassifieds.com Email: classifieds@thelog.com AD DEADLINE: Monday, January 29th @ 5PM NEXT ISSUE: February 2nd


THREE MONTH photo ad. BOAT-4-SALE SPECIAL! Six months (13 issues). Includes 30 words, (6 issues). Includes 30 words + photo. photo & featured ad upgrade. (Boats for sale only) $105 Three month text only ad.


ONE MONTH photo ad. (2 issues). Includes 30 words + photo. $45 One month text only ad.


PRICE PICKUP! Run your ad in a 2nd category for HALF the normal price! Call for more info: 800-887-1615

Note: Additional words over 30 accepted at the rate of $0.75 per word.


MID-CENTURY GLASPAR: All new/restored to period, 2019/20 then garaged. New keel, stringers, interior decks, LP, upholstery, trailer. Yamaha 25, new rigging and accessories. $15,800. Call 714-325-2440.


18.50’ ALUMINUM GREGOR CENTER CONSOLE, 1998 50 hp. four stroke Mercury two years old apx. 200 hours, custom T-Top, six rocket launchers, custom bow cushion with canvas sun shade, Pacific steel galvanized trailer, new tires including spare, Humming Bird fish, speed, depth, and temp,new canvas covers, never in salt water $16,950 OBO. robwbader@gmail.com



25’ GRADY WHITE 247 ADVANCE 2000: Great condition. Dry stack stored. Two 150hp Yamaha saltwater engines, 10 years maintenance records. Aluminum Trailer. Don’t need trailer? Reduce price $4,000. $46,500. 949-599-6469.

31’ SEA RAY SUNDANCER 310 1999: REDUCED! $37,500. Repowered in 2015 with NEW Marine Power 350 hp twin engines. Brand new Raymarine Radar with 9” screen. Brand new AIS. Upgraded full cockpit bimini & canvas cover. Includes 9’ Achilles tender with Nissan 5hp outboard engine. Contact Jack: 323-422-8966


17’ BOSTON WHALER MONTAUK 2017: Low hours. 2017 4-stroke Honda 90. GPS, VHF, new galvanized trailer, boat cover. In excellent condition. $21,500. Contact Vince: 562-7067997 or 310-378-8275. Email: vinced1@cox.net

Considered one of the most sophisticated express boats of her class! Too many updates to list.$24,900. Shoreline Yacht Group, Robert: 949-632-5318, robert.yachtsales@gmail.com 20’ SKIPJACK 1969 CUDDY CABIN w/1969 Arroyo trailer, I/O, 350 chevy, new batteries/water pump, double Bimini, captain seats, bait-tank, trim tabs. Trailer has full set of new tires. $4,300. 626-705-5112.

18’ DUFFY 2001: Well maintained, seldon used. 2 heaters, blankets, 4 pillows, stereo, full boat cover. **SOLD**

22’ DUFFY BAY ISLAND 2019 W/SLIP NEWPORT HARBOR. HEATED. Excellent Condition, upgraded. Black exterior, canvas top. 120v 3000w INVERTER. Slip: $750mo. NEW BATTERIES. $59,000 incl/tax. OR BEST OFFER. Duff: 949-903-6794


33’ CHRIS-CRAFT CORSAIR HERITAGE EDITION 2006 $139,000 Many upgrades Redondo Beach slip available Jack 323-422-8966


36 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG


Log Classifieds POWERBOATS

2005 CHAPARRAL SIGNATURE 350: Both engines and electrical systems completely overhauled. New batteries, canvas and vinul. Bait-tank, davit, pole holders and many extras. Runs great. Newport Beacg marina. $103,500. 949-244-3316

TO PLACE AN AD, Call 800-887-1615, or online at thelogclassifieds.com


40’ SPINDRIFT SUNDECK TRAWLER 1985 Flybridge, dual helms, sundeck, gorgeous wood throughout. Twin Caterpillar 3208 diesels. Premium Redondo Beach slip available with approval. $89,000 Shoreline Yacht Group, Jack: 323-422-8466, jack@shorelineredondo.com

38’ CHRIS CRAFT COMMANDER 1966: Fiberglass. Repowered (40hrs). Good for fishing/liveaboard. GPS, AIS, VHF, fish finder, chartplotter. New interior upholstery. Recent yard work completed. Sleeps five adults. **SOLD**

Place your ad today! Call Jon: 1-800-887-1615

1958 “LANI KAI” 45’: Recently an inspected vessel. Asking $5,000.00 obo. View at Newport Sea Base at 1931 W Coast Hwy. Go to www.newportseabase.org/boats-for-sale, or call 949-402-8730.


49’ BENETEAU GRAND TURISMO 2017 In truly immaculate condition with significant upgrades and improvements throughout. 3 staterooms. 330 hours. Professionally maintained. LLC owned. $749,000. Shoreline Yacht Group, Ben: 310-293-7497


36’ LUHRS CONVERTIBLE 2007 Immaculate new listing. Extremely well equipped one owner vessel. Diesel sipping Cummins 425hp with just over 1,000 hours. $240,000. Shoreline Yacht Group, Paul: 949-306-7135, cap10paul@aol.com


1989 PACE/OCEAN CONVERTIBLE 40’ $99,000. Fresh 6V53T’s, New generator, 2 staterooms. Contact Mark Mowery, Allied Yacht Brokerage (949) 548-9999

42’ CARVER SUPER SPORT 42SS 2006 The Perfect Sport Cruiser. In beautiful condition and expertly maintained with many upgrades. Volvo disels with 621 hours. $330,000 Shoreline Yacht Group, Steven: 310-720-6999

is a remarkably comfortable boat, with two double staterooms, two heads and showers, and a third statroom/office. An aft cockpit leads directly into a large salon, with a full galley. A roomy pilot house and an open flubridge and sun deck finish the arrangement. The boat is on a mooring. Has peen a perfect, comfortable liveaboard and vacation getaway. Reduced to $109,000. Call for further details/photos: 949-500-3440

46’ CHRIS CRAFT CONSTELLATION 1967: Wood boat twin cat diesels 2 heads 1 shower highly restored surveyor estimate value $89,000 - $153,000 asking $135,000 master cabin headroom 6’. Message questions to: 707-495-7014

50’ CRUISERS YACHT, 2000 Professionally maintained. Hauled out in February with a full survey, bottom paint, new 16.5kw generator, new underwater lights. New electronics on both helms. Too much to list. Asking $275,000. 714-296-8531

HARD TO FIND WEST COAST MARQUIS 59: With Twin Rolls-Royce 825 hp MTUs! Super clean, meticulously maintained & loaded with over $100,000 in upgrades/extras. LLC held!! $669,500. sailBL4life@gmail.com 619-750-2630.

47’ LIEN HWA ACMY 1987 Very spacious, light and bright. Sleeps 6. Aft sundeck with full wet bar, sink and icemaker, much more. $129,000. Shoreline Yacht Group, Dee-Ann: 424-298-1123, deeanndavis.shorelineyacht@gmail.com

67’ MIKELSON 1994 Twin Detroit 8V92 eight cylinder twin turbo diesels. This boat is almost ready! Just got out of the yard. Tons of work has just been done. Unfortunately aging owners and health issues have made this a project for someone looking for a great boat for a great price. $219,000. 602-684-2288, delayeyauction@aol.com.

THE LOG | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | 37


TO PLACE AN AD, Call 800-887-1615, or online at thelogclassifieds.com







Los Angels Harbor n (310)834-7113 85’ CUSTOM MOTOR YACHT 1945 The ULTIMATE Yachting and Entertaining Experience! An eclectic work of art that defies description with a rich history. $CALL$. Shoreline Yacht Group, Steven: 310-720-6999

50’ TRI


Well suited for Liveaboard, Channel Islands Charter or world-class “comfort cruising”. Fully equipped, professionally maintained, comfortable cruise accommodation for 12. 30+ year owner. Delivery Ready! $219,000/obo. 808-630-6084, gomorrishi@gmail.com

Spacious and comfortable with sleeping accommodations for 6+. This is a lot of boat for the money. A great value. $49,500. Shoreline Yacht Group, Steven: 310-720-6999.

25’-30’ SLIPS

Redondo Beach n (310)376-0431

30’ - 40’ SLIPS

San Pedro n (310)732-2252

TAKING RESERVATIONS Coronado n (619)435-5203


97’ AZIMUT 1990 Beautiful & luxurious, with classic lines and enormous entertaining space. Liveaboard slip in Marina del Rey transferrable with marina approval. $760,000. Shoreline Yacht Group, Nick: 310-748-5409, yachtbroker@pacbell.net.

50’ MOORING FOR SALE. Unobstructed. Premium corner and closest mooring to Lido clubhouse. Maintenance by South Mooring. Potential expansion to 55’. Great location/investment. $56,500. Text 310-880-7244.

16’ JOEL WHITE HAVEN 12 1/2: Gaff-rigged sloop, strip planked Atlantic white cedar on stream bent oak frames, bronze fastened. $12,000/obo. Contact scarpy47@aol.com, 619-694-7696

MARINA OWNED BOATS Sailboats for sale ranging from 22ft to 30ft, located in Los Angeles Harbor in Leeward Bay Marina: 310-830-5621 & Pacific Yacht Landing: 310-830-0260

Visit us at


118’ YACHTFISHER CONCEPT 1992/2024 Jack Sarin design, 24’9 beam, 6’ draft, twin 1450hp diesels, twin 50Kw Northern Lights, 5 staterooms, 6300 gallon fuel, 900 gal water, 400 gal holding, naiad stabilizers. $5m. Jeremy Anderson: 949-943-9994, MrSportfish@gmail.com

BOATS WANTED Let us sell your boat! We have the expertise to get the results you desire. From attracting buyers through the sale and closing, we have you covered. Call 310-748-5409

25’ BENETEAU 25 FARR DESIGN 1998 A winner with extensive GREAT sail inventory. “Radical Departure” has been DRY sailed and is in exceptional condition. Trailer, motor included. $16.500 Dennis: 949-500-6453

60’ DENCHO MARINE PERFORMANCE 1984 HALF-PRICE SALE Built for someone who would like to race but also cruise to Mexico with the family. $49,995. Shoreline Yacht Group, Bill: 949-466-2206, mrforsythe@hotmail.com.

AVALON MOORINGS FOR SALE 30 ft. to 130 ft. Inside/Outside www.avalonmooringsforsale.com

310-544-4667 310-795-2311 n

You can place your Log classified ad by calling 800-887-1615, emailing classifieds@thelog.com, or directly online at www.thelogclassifieds.com

38 | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | THE LOG



TO PLACE AN AD, Call 800-887-1615, or online at thelogclassifieds.com




LONG BEACH SLIPS & END-TIES 25’-50’: NO LIVEABOARDS. Harbor Light Landing Marina, views of downtown and Queen Mary. Call 619807-7245. Email: lance@harboryc.com

Yacht Haven Marina

310 834-6892 • www.yachthaven.org


50’-60’ for $810/mo. AL LARSON MARINA Slips & Moorings Buoys from 25’ to 55’, at $10.00/ft. Closest Run to Catalina. Beverages & Snacks Sold in Office. 310-832-0526 or 1046larsomarina@gmail.com

BALBOA ISLAND SHORE MOORING FOR SALE: North Bay Front near Garnett Ave. $37,500. Please call 949-466-3919.

BAYSIDE VILLAGE MARINA Prime back bay location in Newport Beach. Slips and storage. Call for availability. 949-673-1331 www.baysidevillagemarina.com

Yacht Haven Marina

310 834-6892 • www.yachthaven.org ISLAND YACHT ANCHORAGE: LOS ANGELES HARBOR. 25’-50’ SLIPS AVAILABLE. SOME LIVEABOARD. CALL 310-830-1111.


LOW PRICE SLIPS - LA HARBOR $9.00/ft - Sailboats $12/ft - Multihulls Detached dock - No utilities Leeward Bay: (310) 830-5621 MARINA CORTEZ - SAN DIEGO: Stunning location, improved amenities. 10’ - 120’ slips, end ties, and side ties. 30’ Slips available NOW. Call 619-291-5985.

REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL: Detailoriented and meticulous, Contact Aayeesha Essue to begin your journey buying, selling, or investing. Transform your dreams into concrete achievements. 424-371-7312 | aessue@theagencyre.com | Lic #2129008

L.A. HARBOR Pacific Yacht Landing: 310-830-0260 25’ slips @ $11.00/ft. 26’-32’ slips @ $12.00/ft. 33’-45’ slips @ $13.00/ft., End-Ties @ $14.00/ft.

L.A. HARBOR Leeward Bay: 310-830-5621 25’ slips @ $11.00/ft. 26’-32’ slips @ $12.00/ft. 33’-45’ slips @ $13.00/ft., End-Ties @ $14.00/ft.

NEWPORT BEACH’S NEW LICENSE PROGRAM offers 16 onshore and offshore City-owned moorings to the public in a variety of sizes. Applications for the initial licenses will be accepted through March 1, 2024. 949-270-8159

HELP WANTED BOAT CAPTAIN & DISPATCHER NEEDED: San Pedro. US Water Taxi. We are looking for a Boat Captain. Must have 100-Ton Master (required). For more information call 310-5198230 or email jflores@watertaxius.com.

BRAND NEW MARINA: Slips 25’-75’. Private, quiet harbor, close to the beach, shopping, restaurants, parking, & more. Call 714-840-5545 or email info@huntingtonharbourmarina.com.

LIGHTHOUSE YACHT MARINA: 1ST & 2ND MONTH 1/2 OFF (With This Ad), 34’ END-TIE FOR CAT OR TRI + 25’ TO 50’ SLIPS. L.A. HARBOR. Water/electricity/dock box included. Showers, laundry, pario area. Gated, clean & quiet, lockers. Close port to... Catalina. Berth 205-B, 1300 Anchorage Rd, Wilmington. Call Barbara: 310-834-9595. www.lighthouseyachtmarina.com. Email barbgmarina@gmail.com.



NEWPORT BEACH SLIPS AVAILABLE Main Channel, Balboa Island near the ocean. Duffys, Sailboats, or Powerboats up to 68 feet. Call 949-688-0299 for size availability and any questions. PIER 32 MARINA, SAN DIEGO BAY: Call for slip availability 619-477-3232 or email office@pier32marina.com. POINT LOMA MARINA - SAN DIEGO: Call for slip availability. Call 619-718-6260 or email office@pointlomamarina.com. SAN DIEGO MOORING COMPANY: Visit our website for information & application www.sandiegomooring.com or call 619-291-0916. WANTED - 45’ OR LARGER MOORING in FField, Newport Beach. Call 949-279-5048.

MEXICAN CASITA WITH 4 ACRES Mexican stone “casita” & 3 out buildings on nearly 4 acres with 300’ beachfront in Baja. New certified survey available. 24/7 Guard. Corporation owned and approved for marine businesses, etc. See video, Fiesta del Mar: https://tinyurl.com/yc7eks5c $300,000 • Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja MX • capnernie1@aol.com

KOZWEL BOATWORKS IS HIRING!! We have the following positions open: • Marine technicians • Engine builder • Parts Dept. Manager / Sales • Warehouse help • General Shop help / apprentice Contact: Kelliw@kozwel.com 714-432-1771

BOATING COURSES/SCHOOLS BECOME A MASTER MARINE SURVEYOR Best in business. NAVTECH/US Surveyors. Marine surveyor courses. 1-800-245-4425, www.navsurvey.com. Commercial & recreational available.

CLUB MEMBERSHIPS AMERICA’S BOATING CLUB: Many boating education courses. San Diego, Oceanside & Newport Beach. Raft-Ups, Sail races, On-Water Training, BBQs & fun. Not For Ptofit. New Members Welcome. Website: www.sdsps.org, Email: log@sdsps.org CONVAIR SAILING CLUB: 21 ft. Victory & 23 ft Ensign sailboat fleets. Not for profit annual membership club. Regattas and socials, sail any time. New members welcome, training provided. info@convairsailingclub.com

THE LOG | January 19 - February 1, 2024 | 39


TO PLACE AN AD, Call 800-887-1615, or online at thelogclassifieds.com


SOUTH SHORE YACHT CLUB is accepting new member applications for the 2024 yachting & sailing season. Established in 1957 and based in Newport Beach, the club hosts monthly social, sailing, racing and cruise events throughout the year. If you enjoy having fun on the water, this is the Yacht Club for you. www.southshoreyachtclub.wildapricot.org



WANTED TO BUY: Powerboats 1986 and newer, running or not, up to 34’ in length. We will help with removal from your slip. Call Al for more info: 800-613-5410.

YACHT DELIVERY DELIVERIES, INSTRUCTION, and all other professional Captain services. Sail, power. www.KeithEricson.com, 619-275-3839, San Diego Skippers Association



USCG CERTIFIED CAPTAINS Deliveries, Charters, Instruction. From Alaska to Panama. Multiple deliveries Hawaii to California, Atlantic crossing, Caribbean, Mediterranean. www.SanDiegoCaptains.com Captain Nikolay Alexandrov 858-531-1175 Captain Assen Alexandrov 858-531-4788

CUSTOM FABRICATED WINDOW TREATMENTS for any shape window. Blinds, Roman shades, Roller shades, Cellular shades. 310-308-1844, 888-771-5309, boatblinds@prodigy.net, www.boatblindsinternational.com

1974 DETROIT DIESEL 671 MARINE MOTOR WITH TRANSMISSION: Ran fine before removal from trawler. Best Offer + Steel Wheeled cart for additional $300. 858-344-4224. I BUY USED MARINE ELECTRONICS: Text photos or call 619-962-6969. Email rickabristol@gmail.com.

SAILBOAT GEAR 2000 GOOD USED SAILS! Listed at minneysyachtsurplus.com More info? Email minneys@aol.com Open Thurs-Fri-Sat. 9 to 5 & By Appt.

BOOK NOW FOR NORTHBOAT SPRING DELIVERIES to WA/Canada/Alaska! Availability in March, April & May. Don’t beat yourself up - leave it to an experienced 200t Master. Inquire for other services Capt. Harley Sheffield: 360-499-6116, porttoport.yachts


USCG LICENSED CAPTAIN available for deliveries & charters of sail or motoryachts. English / Spanish fluent. Mechanically handy. CPR / First Aid certificates. Call Capt. Dustin Conlon 858-988-9023 or email Oceanonearth@gmail.com

100-TON MASTER with over (15) years’ experience is available to help with yacht maintenance, yacht management, charters, private excursions, delivery, instruction or whatever need you might have. Primarily NB. 714-574-4065

3M CUSTOM INTERIORS & CANVAS Marine interior design, fabrication. Enclosures, affordable custom mattresses, window replacement, exterior and interior cushions, carpet and canvas. 25 years experience. Serving San Diego to LA. 858-329-1140, 617-791-0910, www.3mcanvas.com, threemcanvas@yahoo.com.

CORONADO YACHT MANAGEMENT:San Diego’s Yacht Care Specialists - Custom Yacht Management Packages, Cleaning / Detailing, Captain Services, Charter Coordination, Yacht Delivery, Boat Handling & Sailing Lessons, Vessel Improvements. 858-630-6630, Info@CoronadoYachtManagement.com

USCG LICENSED 100-TON MASTER Delivery, Lessons, Private Captain. Sail/Power. Over 196,000 documented Intl blue water miles. Well respected in the marine industry. Many dozens of references. Jeffry Matzdorff: 323-855-0191, earthakat@msn.com. www.offshoredeliveryskipper.com.



Maritime Institute offers USCG certified courses in all aspects of vessel operations, including deck, engineering and safety, along with USN certified courses for MSC Government Vessels. Our Norfolk campus is an approved GWO training facility for the offshore wind industry. Our professional staff of instructors and credentialing specialists will make sure you get the training you need to advance in your career.


maritimeinstitute.com • 866-300-5984

FOR ALL YOUR MARINE POWER NEEDS PROUDLY SERVING GREATER SAN DIEGO, HAWAI’I, AND GUAM The team at Hawthorne Marine Power has a unique understanding of the wants and needs of vessel owners and the engineering crews who run them. From marine engines to generator sets, power solutions and genuine Cat® parts, Hawthorne Marine Power provides a one-stop solution to keep you up and running. Plus, we’re backed by the global network of 500 Cat dealers, so anywhere the sea takes you, we have you covered.

ASK US ABOUT • Advanced marine diagnostics • Advanced mechanical repairs • Customer Value Agreements (CVAs) Options • Mobile service • Marine engine rebuilds and repairs • Performance analysis reviews • And much more!



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