February 2-15, 2024 The Log Digital Edition

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Ask an Attorney .............. 6 Brokerages & Dealers .... 24 Ask an Attorney .............6 Catalina ........ 15 BizarreConnection ........................... 3 Classifieds ......................35 Brokerages & Dealers ... 24 Community ..................... 4 Catalina Connection ..... 14 Fast Facts ....................... 5 Classifi eds .................. 30 FishRap ........................ Community ..................20 4 FishRap ....................... 18 Marine Directory ............33 Marine Directory ......... 28 News Briefs ...................... 4 News............................ Briefs ................... 17 4 Sailing Sailing ......................... 16

FISH P. 6RAP P. 21

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Our 50th Year







FEBRUARY FEB. 2 - FEBRUARY 15,4,2024 19 – MARCH 2021



$20 $70A Current fee

New fee under Gov’t Proposal


overnor Gavin Newsom’s proposed 2021-22 budget, released Jan. 8, includes a proposal to raise the vessel renewal fee from $20 every two years to $70 every two s soonyears as we drop anchor Catalina to help stabilize a $52at million deficit in the and Watercraft Revolving Fund. Island,Harbors inevitably, someone has to go P. 8

to the bathroom – including me! But the last thing we want is to sully the beautiful surroundings with effluent from the head – or from the galley or bilge. P. 10

Proposed Budget Includes Potential 250% Increase In Vessel Registration Fee SAN DIEGO YACHT CLUB AND NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB SET STAGE FOR ISLANDS RACE


he highly anticipated Islands Race, hosted by the San Diego Yacht Club and Newport Harbor Yacht Club, is set to unfold on Feb. 9-10. Sailors will take on the challenge of this competitive offshore race, covering 142 nautical miles around Santa Catalina and San Clemente Islands. P. 17

DANA POINT PORT OF SAN DIEGO TESTING PREPARE FOR, PURCHASE, PROTECT OUT NEW TIDE POOL ARMOR RECOGNIZED YOUR 2024 FISHING LICENSE AS A WHALE AS COASTAL PROTECTION HERITAGE SITE ON HARBOR ISLAND C alifornia offers a number of different fishing license options, including disn January of this year, he three-year pilot project launched by counted, short-term and annual Dana Point wasyou recogthe port district and eco-engineering licenses, but did know that nized asmore the first Whale company ECOncrete will demonstrate you have convenient Heritage site finding in North options than a California and study a new design of ECOncrete’s interAmerica andof one of and four Wildlife locking Coastalock Tide Pool Armor in two difDepartment Fish in the to world by theone? World ferent locations on Harbor Island, a man-made office purchase If you Cetacean P. 20 it to the peninsula only a few hundred feet wide. P. 11 don’t haveAlliance. time to make San Diego CDFW License Sales Office, don’t stress. P. 20


42nd Year for Port of San Diego Day at the: Docks W BOAT




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THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 3



2024 CYBA Board of Directors and Officers


• Forms Chair – Nick Friedman

Elected officers for 2024 are:

• President – Mark P. White • Vice President – Dean West • 2nd Vice President – Leilani Wales • Treasurer – Past President Peter Zaleski

• Secretar y – James Murrell and A ssist a nt Secret a r y – Cha rles Ullman.

Appointed & Returning Committee Chairs: • Advocacy & Legislation Chair – Dean West • Annual Dinner Chair – Leilani Wales • Arbitration Chair – Dennis Moran • Boat Show Chair – Mark P. White • CYBA Newsletter Editor – George Sikich • Ethics Chair – Dean West


• Legal Seminar Chair – Peter Zaleski

• Membership Chair – Wayne Goldman

• Sponsorship Chair – Scott McNerney

Introduction of the new board, along with industry-bestowed commendations were made at t he C Y B A A n nu a l Dinner, held this year at the Southwestern Yacht Club in San Diego, which prove d t o be a g re at success wherein members and guests alike enjoyed conversation, dinner, Association programming, and entertainment.

CYBA image

The 2024-2025 California Yacht Brokers Association Board of Directors were installed mid-January with newly elected Board Members Dean West, James Murrell and Charles Ullman succeeding retiring Board Members Mik Maquire, Scott McNerney and Russ Carrington. Returning Directors Nick Friedman, Wayne Goldman, George Sikich, Leilani Wales, Mark P. White, and Peter Zaleski round out the new board.

• GEO Chair – Lelani

Past President & Treasurer – Peter Zaleski, Secretary – James Murrell, Wayne Goldman - Director, President Mark P. White, 2nd Vice President – Leilani Wales, Nick Friedman - Director, Charles Ullman – Director, Vice President Dean West & Executive Director Ty Mellott (not pictured George Sikich – Director)

Aw a r d s p r e s e n t e d during the dinner were bestowed upon: Mik Maguire and Scott McNerney for Appreciation of Service to the BOD; Past President award to Peter Zaleski; the highly esteemed 2022 Merle B. Parke Award to Mik Maguire; and the first annual GEO Women of the Waterfront Award went to the deserving Bernadine

Tr usso of Dona Jenk ins Mar itime Document Service. In other business, the date for the 2024 Yacht Sales and the Law Seminar was announced that it will be held on October 9th, 2024. California was the first state to require

brokers and sales personnel to be licensed and bonded. Since 1975 the efforts of the California Yacht Brokers Association continues to go beyond that which is required by law and offers further protection and services to the consumer. More information can be found at www.cyba. info.

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4 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG


COMMUNITY Have an opinion about something you read in The Log ?


news briefs By Log Staff

LOCAL Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services Appoints SC132 Committee Chair SAN DIEGO — Sirius Signal,

the leader in marine safety innovations, announced t hat it s CEO, A nt hony Covelli, has been appointed by the R adio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) as chair of Special Committee 132 on Electronic Video Distress Anthony Covelli Signaling Dev ices (SOS eVDSDs). effect since late 2018. Its standards have been in

On the Waterline with Jaiar

Write to: The Log Editorial, 3980 Sherman Street, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92110 Thelogeditor@maritimepublishing.com.

“It’s a great honor to have been selected to provide stewardship for this RTCM committee and the newest visual distress signaling standard,” Covelli said. “I will manage government and civilian committee members with great respect and am eager for their input to the task of maintaining the world’s standard in SOS visual distress signaling.” E d We n d l a n t z , R T C M president, is pleased to welcome Covelli as chair, noting, “His industry expertise and experience in standards development make him an ideal candidate to lead the committee and its work. Please join us in congratulating Anthony on his appointment.” The RTCM is a 501(c)(3) international non-profit scientific, professional and educational organization focused on all aspects of maritime radio communications, radio navigation and related technologies. RTCM members are organizations (not individuals) that are both non-government and government. Although started in 1947 as a U.S. government advisory c om m it t e e , RT C M i s now an independent organization supported by members from all over the world. RTCM standards are incorporated by reference into U.S. Federal Communications Commission and U.S. Coast Guard

regulations. They have been used as the basis for requirements in standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which are now mandatory under Chapters IV and V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).

Wyland’s Whale and Dolphin Adventure Art Lessons 2024 DANA POINT— Marine life artist

Wyland and Dana Wharf Whale Watching present Wyland’s Whale and Dolphin Adventure Art Lessons from Jan. 27 - April 27. Dana Whar f established Whale Watching in Orange County in 1971 and is endorsed by Wyland. The renowned artist found inspiration for his gray whale artwork during their migration to warmer waters in the winter. The experience inspired Wyland to develop the program “Art Lessons in the Wild” with Wyland’s Whale and Dolphin Adventures in partnership with Dana Wharf Whale Watching. This package for kids ages 12 and under includes an art lesson via video feed by Wyland and a free two-hour whale-watching adventure. Each child that participates (the cost is $15) will be entered in a contest to win prizes as well as a gift from Wyland just for entering. The 2024 Grand

Prize will be a framed and signed artwork by Wyland valued at up to $3,000. All children’s artwork will be judged by Wyland for a chance to win other prizes. Art lessons begin at 9 a.m. and the whale watching adventure begins at 10 a.m. The lesson is limited to 15 children, with the $15 fee to be donated to the Wyland Foundation. Additional whale watch tickets are $56 for adults and $39 for kids 12 and under not participating in the lesson (valid only on Saturdays at 9 a.m. and must be accompanied by a paid adult, two kids maximum per adult). The paid adult must be present for the art lesson and free whale watching. It is not applicable for discounts or promos. Dana Point is known as a landmark for whale sightings due to its weather, underwater canyons, shallow waters, large kelp beds and ecosystems. These optimal conditions enhance the chance to see the Gray Whales during migration. Enjoy this opportunity for your child to participate in a special art lesson and see majestic creatures in their natural environment. For reservations and or additional information, visit https:// danawharf.com/cruises-andevents/wylands-whale-and-dolphin-adventure-art-lesson/. Please see NEWS BRIEFS, PAGE 5

Letters/Online Comments RE: How the Titanic Changed Maritime History (OCT. 28- NOV. 10, 2022) “I love this thank you so much.” — Gayge

THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 5


Port vs. Left, Starboard vs. Right


The left side of a boat is called “port” due to maritime tradition and nautical conventions. An easy way to remember this is that there are four letters in both the word port and left; therefore, the port is on the left side of the boat. The term “port” has been used to refer to the left side of a ship for centuries. The origin of this convention is practical and historical. In the past, ships had a steering oar, often located on the vessel’s right or starboard side. To avoid damaging this steering oar, the ship would be docked on the left side, which then became known as the “port” side. This practice allowed a clear passage on the starboard side for loading and unloading cargo. Calling the right side of a boat “starboard” is also due to maritime t r a d it ion a nd h i s t or y. T he t er m “starboard” has its roots in Old English and Old Norse. Let’s circle back to the oar that was typically located on the right side of the

News Briefs From page 4

2024 Official Catalina Island Visitors Guide Debuts CATALINA ISLAND — The fully updated

2024 Official Catalina Island Visitors Guide is the essential trip planning tool for all visitors. The 80-page book includes detailed information on hotels, vacation rentals, attractions, restaurants and tours that are available. It also contains maps, information on camping, hiking, special events and how to get to the island. Produced by BobCo Designs, the guide is available in both hard copy and digital versions. Hard copies began to be distributed in January with the digital version now online. To view a digital copy or request a mailed copy of the 2024 Catalina Island Visitors Guide, go to lovecatalina.com/ island-info/visitors-guide/ or call 310510-1520. The guides are also slated for distribution at the Catalina Island Visitor Center on the Green Pleasure Pier in the center of Avalon, in California Welcome Centers, A A A Offices throughout the western U.S. and at consumer travel shows in Southern California.

San Clemente Shoreline Sand Replenishment Project Update SAN CLEMENTE — The U.S. Army Corps

of Engineers (USACE) has informed the city that it is actively assessing various possibilities to resume the supply of sand. Dredging operations commenced on Dec. 21 with the contractor delivering approximately ten loads, mainly consisting of cobble, gravel and shell fragments, accompanied by some sand. However, operations within the city were halted by the Contractor on Jan. 9, 2024.

boat. That oar is also called a steering oar. The Old English term for this steering oar was “steorbord,” with “steer” referring to steering and “bord” to side. Over time, this term evolved into “starboard.” The use of “port” and “starboard” prov ides standardized and unambig uous references for navigation and com munic at ion on ships, helping to avoid conf usion bet ween the left and right sides of the vessel. “Por t” a nd “st a rboa rd” a re used universally in the maritime industry to ensure clear and consistent communication among sailors and ship personnel.

In response to shared concerns about the quality of the delivered material, the USACE is exploring a range of options and action plans for the way forward. The USACE is also seeking the expertise of its technical specialists at the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) to optimize a suitable course of action for the city of San Clemente. More i n for mat ion on t he Sa n Clemente Shoreline Sand Replenishment Project is available at www.san-clemente. org/beachsand.

STATE/NATIONAL/ INTERNATIONAL America’s Boating Compass is Urging Sailors to Seek Vessel Safety Checks Before Boating Season A preseason ritual for many North American recreational boaters, Vessel Safety Checks have become part of the spring commissioning process. A ve ssel sa fet y check i nvolve s examining a boat’s equipment to ensure it meets the safety requirements and standards of relevant maritime authorities. These checks are conducted by qualified inspectors or members of organizations dedicated to boating safety, such as the United States Power Squadrons, America’s Boating Club and the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Vessel exams from these agencies have been available at no cost for many years. Jeff McKinney, manager of the USPS VSC program, explained a vessel check, how it is conducted and what happens if you fail to pass. Vessel examiners are experienced boaters with specialized

Shutterstock Image; Log archive image


training in vessel exam requirements and procedures. They are required to pass a strict test and complete a series of exams under the supervision of a certified examiner before performing safety checks on their own. During a vessel exam, examiners look for the required items the U.S. Coast Guard mandates on all recreational boats, from stand-up paddleboards to 65-foot yachts. If it floats, it can be checked. You can do a virtual VSC beforehand, which includes 15 required items plus a list of optional items. A vessel exam typically takes 40-60 minutes to complete. It allows you to revisit where your safety equipment is stored, what you have and whether anything needs replacing, like an outdated set of flares. You also can ask the volunteer vessel examiner about related items not on the list. When you request a VSC, include the boat’s location and the system will notify examiners within a 20-mile radius. An examiner will contact you for scheduling. Suppose your boat has everything needed to meet requirements. In that case, the vessel examiner will fasten a decal on your boat, denoting that your boat was equipped adequately during the Vessel Safety Check. If your boat doesn’t pass, it won’t receive a decal. However, you’ll be informed of what needs to be corrected to keep your boat and passengers safe. There’s no penalty or fine for not passing an exam. Once you’ve updated the safety deficiencies, you can request another exam. It is important to note that the Coast Guard can board your boat to conduct a Vessel Safety Check any time, even if it has a current decal. The Coast Guard often does this to train new personnel. You

could receive a citation or fine if your boat is boarded and deficiencies are found.

ABYC Sets a Date for Marine Service Technician Week The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) announced the 3rd annual “International Marine Service Technician Week,” scheduled for April 22-26. The week is dedicated to recognizing marine service professionals’ exceptional skills and commitment. “This is an excellent opportunity for the boating community to show appreciation for the technicians who keep boating safe, reliable and enjoyable,” stated Shannon Aronson, marketing director at ABYC. “Seeing businesses celebrate their team with photo sharing, special recognitions and events for staff is not only inspiring, but also a great way to highlight the importance and appeal of this career path.” Throughout the week, ABYC plans to spotlight technicians and organizations on social media, conduct daily technical challenges with prize rewards, and provide online educational opportunities. Additionally, ABYC will present the “Outstanding Technician Awards;” the council is accepting nominations with five winners set to receive VISA gift cards and other prizes. “We invite [businesses] and boaters to participate and celebrate the invaluable contributions of marine service professionals,” said Aronson. For participation ideas and to see examples from past events, visit https:// abycinc.org/page/thankyoutechs. Follow #MarineServiceTechWeek and #ThankYouMarineTechs on social media for updates.

6 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG




ask a maritime attorney


By David Weil

California’s Boating and Fishing News

2C Can you explain the public trust doctrine DARK BKGND regarding long-term anchoring?


I am a liveaboard boater and I have lived at anchor in various ports up and down the west coast. It comes with a lot of logistical problems, starting with getting back and forth to the boat while it is at anchor, but I enjoy the freedom. I am in San Diego now, but I have run into a problem here. I anchored in an area with other recreational boats anchored nearby, but I was “asked” by Port of San Diego Harbor Police to leave because I did not have an anchoring permit. When I looked into this further, I learned that those permits only allow for short term (72 hour) anchoring and long-term anchoring is prohibited. I might be allowed a longer stay (90 days) if I can establish myself as a “cruiser,” but I would still need a permit and longer term liveaboard use is prohibited. This contradicts my understanding of the law on this issue, which is that the tidelands adjacent to the California coast are owned by the public and held in trust for the use of the public. What am I missing here? David Weil is the managing attorney at Weil & Associates (www. weilmaritime.com) in Seal Beach. He is certified as a Specialist in Admiralty and Maritime Law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization and a “Proctor in Admiralty” Member of the Maritime Law Association of the United States, an adjunct professor of Admiralty Law, and former legal counsel to the California Yacht Brokers Association. If you have a maritime law question for Weil, he can be contacted at 562-799-5508, through his website at www. weilmaritime.com, or via email at dweil@weilmaritime.com.

ANSWER: Our reader is operating under a mistaken understanding BW of a legal concept known as the Public Trust Doctrine, and given his history of living aboard at anchor, I’m surprised that this is his first encounter with the authorities on this issue. Under the Public Trust Doctrine, each U.S. State is deemed to be a trustee of the tidal and submerged lands within its boundaries for the common use of the people, which means that title to lands under navigable waters up to the high-water mark is held by the state in trust for the people of that state. Under this public trust, a state’s title to its tidal and submerged lands is different from that of its dryland holdings, which may be sold or developed without any maritime Please see ATTORNEY, PAGE 7

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W R ITE TO: 3980 Sherman Street, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 313-4322

E D ITO R I A L /CR E ATI V E Publisher Dave Abrams dave@maritimepublishing.com General Manager Kathleen Ford Kathleen@maritimepublishing.com Editor Katherine Clements Katherine@maritimepublishing.com Design/Production Meredith V. Ewell Contributors JR Johnson, Bob Vanian, David Weil, Capt. Pat Rains

A DV E R TI S I N G S A LE S Susanne Krikham-Diaz susanne@maritmepublishing.com (714) 315-4171

CL A S S I FI E D S A LE S Jon Sorenson jon@maritmepublishing.com (800) 887-1615


The Log’s taken you all over California ... Now it’s your turn to show us where you’ve taken The Log. Email your photo, contact information and details about your trip to thelogeditor@maritimepublishing.com

The Log Goes to Mexico

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“South Shore Yacht Club Members go on an annual cruise to Mexico and The Log always goes with us! On this occasion, we all jammed into one stateroom to check out The Mexico Report from the January 5-18 2024 edition.”

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The Log Goes to the Galapagos Islands “Jeff and Josie Jellick recently embarked on a captivating adventure as they explored the enchanting wonders of the Galapagos Islands, off the coast of South America,” said Josie in an email to the Log. “Against the backdrop of breathtaking landscapes, they immersed themselves in the thrill of hiking along lava trails, discovering the vibrant underwater world through snorkeling, and navigating the crystal-clear waters by kayaking. They took their copy of the LOG with them! Their sailing vessel, the Sooooo Lucky, is nestled in Alamitos Bay in Long Beach, California.”

POSTMASTER : Send address changes to The Log, 3980 Sherman Street, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92110 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One year, $39.00 by third class mail. Subscriptions are transferable but not refundable. Call us at (619) 313-4322. The Log is published every other Friday and distributed throughout Southern California.

THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 7


Attorney From page 6

restrictions. The tidal and submerged lands are held in trust for the people of the State for uses involving navigation, fishing, and waterborne recreation and commerce, free from obstruction or interference from private parties. Each state is free to manage its tidal and submerged lands as it sees fit, so long as the lands are generally used for maritime purposes that ultimately benefit the public. Some states, such as Florida, have chosen to retain a significant level of management of this resource at the State level by prohibiting local municipalities from enacting certain types of regulations. California takes a different approach to the management of the trust. The California State Lands Commission was formed in 1938 to manage the public trust. The legislature subsequently enacted a statute to delegate most of the management of tidal and submerged lands to local municipalities by conveying the public trust lands to cities, counties, and other governmental agencies, including several major ports. Granted lands are then monitored by the State Lands Commission to ensure compliance with the terms of the statutory grants, but the local authorities are otherwise in charge. The management of the tidal and submerged lands requires local authorities to adhere to the fundamental premise of the trust, which as noted above is to preserve the lands for the benefit of the public and for uses that are broadly related to maritime activities. The question of whether a particular activity is within this fundamental premise is often the subject of litigation between the State Lands Commission and various local municipalities and port and harbor districts. Regardless of the nature of the activity in question, it is important to distinguish between the use of trust lands by

a “member of the public” and use by the “public.” The fact that an individual may be a member of the public does not, by itself, mean that he or she is entitled to make use of that land. This brings us to our reader and his quest for a long term liveaboard anchorage for his boat in San Diego Bay. The Port of San Diego has a long history of disputes with boat owners concerning “public” anchorages. The Port is the local entity charged with managing tidal and submerged lands within most of San Diego Bay, and they have broad discretion to determine which uses provide the most benefit to the public. The premise of the public trust doctrine does include “navigation” within the list of authorized public uses, and the designation of certain areas within a harbor as recreational vessel anchorages will certainly be characterized as the regulation of navigation. But the anchoring of one particular boat will be deemed to be for the private benefit of the boat owner rather than the “public,” in which case the Port is justified in regulating or prohibiting the activity. A boat owner with a specific question about a specific anchorage should first contact the local harbor police or port district, but if questions remain, he or she should retain an attorney experienced in land use law for more information about their specific case. David Weil is licensed to practice law in the state of California and as such, some of the information provided in this column may not be applicable in a jurisdiction outside of California. Please note also that no two legal situations are alike, and it is impossible to provide accurate legal advice without knowing all the facts of a particular situation. Therefore, the information provided in this column should not be regarded as individual legal advice, and readers should not act upon this information without seeking the opinion of an attorney in their home state.

LOG ABROAD The Log’s taken you all over California ... Now it’s your turn to show us where you’ve taken The Log. Email your photo, contact information and details about your trip to thelogeditor@ maritimepublishing.com


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8 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG



Part 1: Down Baja on Your Own?

Tips for DIY Southbound Buddy Boaters

And 2024 is likely to see the last Baja Ha Ha sailboat cruise to Los Cabos by marking its 30th anniversary. The popular group cruise was founded in 1994 by San Francisco publisher Richard Spindler. Together, these two supportive groups have over the years launched about 10,000 recreational boaters - mainly from the U.S. and Canada - into tropical cruising adventures, by first ushering them safely (usually) down the rugged outside of the Baja Peninsula, where yacht services are so scarce. Both these U.S. groups’ voyages into Mexico have always enjoyed overflowing participant interest; waiting lists are already forming, just in case. The CUBAR and Ha Ha have generated lucrative sponsorships in both countries with local, national and international companies. Financially, they’ve both done surprisingly well even after exceeding their organizers’ charitable goals, such as a new boat for the Junior Sailors or an educational scholarship for a bright Mexican youth. They’ve had participants, sponsors and rewards.

WHAT’S MISSING? Volunteers. Any club or company hoping to run an international group cruise like either the CUBAR or Ha Ha will need a dozen or two volunteers able to consistently provide a raft of valuable skills: teamwork, organizational leadership, communication skills, Spanish language, seamanship knowledge. Volunteers will be needed to fill every job from bookkeeping to booking reservations, from landing fish to landing sponsors, from stuffing goodie bags to presenting seminars, from taking minutes to just showing up with a smile where needed. By now, the Class of ’23-’24 has mostly cruised up into the Sea of Cortez or crossed over to Puerto Vallarta and the mainland cruising grounds. Southbound sail boaters will benefit from next fall’s Grand Finale of the Baja Ha Ha, hopefully to guide them past the rocks and toward safe anchorages. After this fall ‘24, I think we’ll all be voyaging south either individually or in small or large groups of “buddy boaters.”


Route & vessel limitations: Lack of diesel docks is an issue for some sm a l ler p ower boats, because they must be able to carry enough diesel to make it not only 280 n.m. (plus 20% reserve) f rom Ensena da to Turtle Bay, but also 410 n.m. (plus Stops and Hops down Baja: DIY map shows potential stops and offshore hops for getting down Baja – individu20% reser ve) to ally or in groups. run from Turtle Bay to Cabo San L u c a s . P a c i fi c Baja’s lack of reliable overnight anchorages often requires crews of slower boats to stand watch while traveling night and day until the next safe rest stop. Sailboats have an easier time running down Baja, but they can run out of wind and fuel too. Of ficial paperwork: Ever y person onboard (POB) must have their passport valid for at least 180 days, plus an FMM (formerly called Tourist Card) from https:// www.gob.mx/inm good for 180 days, plus a fishing license from https://app.sportfishingbcs.gob. mx/ppd/system/permits/. Boat owners must obtain a TIP (Temporary Import Permit) for their vessels (main hull, also for dinghy with motor, other motorized vessels or vehicles like jet ski, etc.) from Banjercito https://www.ban jercito.com.mx/registroVehiculos/ Please see MEXICO REPORT, PAGE 13

Courtesy Point Loma Publishing 2024

Sadly, the San Diego Yacht Club’s CUBAR powerboat rally down Baja that was founded in 2007 may have ended prematurely with its most recent November, 2022 event. So far, no other club or organization has stepped up to take the helm for future CUBAR voyages.

During the rest of this Mexico R ep or t c olu m n ( Pa r t 1) a n d the next Par t 2 and Par t 3, I’m offering up some local knowledge gleaned by myself and several other frequent volunteers or supporters of the CUBAR and Ha Ha southbound voyages. Special thanks to A nn K i n n e r, o w n e r of Seabreeze Naut ic a l Book s and Charts; Dave Abrams, for mer CU BA R cha i r m a n. May our tips be useful to light your path and steady your hand on the helm.

Courtesy Point Loma Publishing 2024


Welcome To Mexico: Marina del Rey yacht club volunteers relax and mingle with first timers to Mexico at one of many FUBAR shore parties.

THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 9

Newport Mooring Association photo


Mooring Fees in Newport Harbor Might See a Significant Increase By: LOG STAFF

The Newport Harbor Commission held a meeting on Jan. 10 to review their new appraisal, which would substantially increase offshore mooring fees. Very substantially. For example, a 50-foot mooring would increase from $2,004 to $11,250 per year. “During the January 10th Harbor Commission meeting, the Harbor Commission presented an increase in mooring permit fees, possibly up to 500%,” said a Newport Mooring Association (NMA) representative in an email to the Log. “This has understandably raised concerns among mooring holders.” Here is an example of how current fees are determined for the harbor:

• O ff s h o r e m o o r i n g : p r i c e p e r

squ a r e fo ot – e x a mple J06 13 40 -foot moor ing - (40’ x 20’) ~800 square foot / price per year $1,603.20 = $2.00 per foot per year

• Homeowner dock: price per square foot - example 645 Via Lido Sound - 772 square foot / price per year $432.40 = $0.56 per foot per year

According to the NMA, those with offshore moorings are currently paying the highest price per square foot per year and the city is attempting, or exploring the idea, of the big rate hike. “We assert that these proposed rate increases do not align with the city’s Local Coastal Plan Policy, which explicitly commits to keeping moorings affordable for the average boater,” said the NMA representative. The NMA released a statement – and an appeal: “The NMA has repeatedly pointed out that mooring holders already pay 5 to 10 times more than all other tideland users, including homeowners with docks and major corporations who operate marinas.

We are currently paying far, far more on a square-foot basis for the use of the same tidelands. This new report exaggerates this discrepancy multiple times over and flies in the face of fairness, and blatantly discriminates against mooring holders… In our view, this, together with the other actions of the Harbor Commission this last year, appears to be designed to destroy private mooring permits as we know them. We need your help, we need your money, and we need your involvement. It’s time to step up and be counted.” The NMA went on to list the four main cost components of obtaining a mooring permit: 1. Cost of the permit 2. Transfer fee to the city for obtaining the permit 3. Annual rent to the city 4. B i - a n n u a l m a i n t e n a n c e a n d servicing costs for the mooring balls and tackle. The NMA also explained how the value of a mooring permit in Newport Harbor can var y depending on the location and size of the mooring. A general rule of thumb is approximately $1,000 - $1,500 per foot, officials said, though more extensive moorings and single-point moorings have been valued higher. There a re approx imately 1,600 moorings in Newport Harbor, both onshore and offshore. The moorings are located in 15 mooring fields spread throughout the harbor, designated A through W. For current guest mooring and anchorage fees, please visit https:// www.newportbeachca.gov/government/ departments/harbor/harbor-fees. The mission of the Newport Mooring Association is to be attentive to protecting and promoting the rights and interests of owners of mooring permits in Newport Harbor. For more information on NMA, please visit https://newportmooringassociation.org.

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10 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG


A Clean Boat Is a Fun Boat By BILL MORRIS

As soon as we drop anchor at Catalina Island, inevitably, someone has to go to the bathroom – including me! But the last thing we want is to sully the beautiful surroundings with effluent from the head – or from the galley or bilge.

Marine Sanitation Device

Whether you choose to adhere to the letter and spirit of the law regarding human solid waste is up to you. If you have second thoughts, think of it as a moral imperative, not some arbitrary rule. As for urine, it is probably harmless in limited amounts, even in a small harbor. In a survival situation, you can even drink it. Most of the male sailors I know urinate directly into the ocean while under sail (remember your harness, mates).

Bill Morris image

Most experienced sailors are well-acquainted w ith the rules governing marine toilets, Y-valves, holding tanks and related fixtures. One big question sailors on older boats will ask is, “What do I do if my boat has no room for a holding tank and was built before holding tanks became mandatory?” The answer is simple. While the boat is within three miles of the coast, close the toilet discharge seacock and store the handle in a drawer.

The West Marine Oilsorber absorbs oil from your bilge, allowing you to pump out the remaining water into the ocean when the vessel is at least three miles from the coast. Solid waste, however, is quite a different matter. Human feces, unlike bird or fish effluent, contains highly infectious coliform bacteria. Far offshore, macerated waste discharged into the water is exposed to intense UV light and is then broken down by myriad microorganisms. But even if the law is not enough to convince us, common sense tells us not to dump fecal sewage into coastal waters. Just for the record, U.S. Coast Guard regulations forbid discharging toilets within three nautical miles of the coast. Use your holding tank as designed and empty it in accordance with the law. An alternative solution for toilet waste is composting toilets. The toilet bowl on this device has separate portals for urine and feces in the bowl, requiring men and ladies alike to sit in order to urinate. Liquid waste is collected in a separate tank for disposal, while fecal waste is allowed to dry and decompose in its own tank. A cup of peat moss may be added to provide extra biological material to aid in the decomposition process. After a few weeks of collecting and composting, the solid waste may be deposited at a pump-out facility. The Air Head, manufactured by EOS Design in Westbrook, Mass., is a completely self-contained apparatus with its own holding tank and a ventilation system to dry out waste. A bit smaller than a standard land toilet, the Air Head can be used regularly by two people for a whole month before necessitating disposal. Other manufacturers of similar systems include Biolet of Fresno, Ohio; Nature’s Head of Van Buren, Ohio; and Sun-Mar of Tonawanda, N.Y. Composting may not work for everyone, but it seems better than sailing with 20 gallons of sloshing sludge and risking a discon-

nected hose or ruptured tank beneath the v-berth.

been dropping into the oceans for eons and are all part of the ecological process.


Inside a protected, crowded harbor, though, a high concentration of organic waste causes eutrophication, a process by which bacteria and algae deplete the water of dissolved oxygen as they multiply and break down the waste. As a result, fish and crustaceans die through paralysis and asphyxiation, particularly at greater depths.

When soap breaks up oil, it does not chemically convert it into a less harmful substance. All the soap does is break up, or disperse, the oil into tiny droplets, forming an emulsion. In short, the oil is still oil. While it is true that diesel and gasoline eventually evaporate, they can still cause extensive harm to aquatic life while they are still floating on the water’s surface. Heavier petroleum distillates, such as motor oil, also gradually evaporate, but in saltwater they first emulsify to form a thick sludge that gunks up beaches, reefs and boat hulls. Evaporation after that point can take many years.

The destruction wrought by eutrophication in portions of Long Island Sound and Los Angeles Harbor, to say nothing of our lakes and rivers, was front-page news in the 1960s and 1970s. Lake Erie, once known as the “Dead Sea of North America,” saw the spread of Aphanizomenon flosaquae algae, which resembles green paint floating on the water. In recent years, owing to greater control of urban water run-off and a ban on phosphorous-based dish soaps in more than a dozen states, the health of Lake Erie, along with U.S. ports and coastal waters, has gradually been improving.

The rule with emptying bilges is easy enough to put in words, but far more difficult to follow. No oil overboard means precisely that. So why can’t we use soap to break up oil in the bilge and pump it overboard the way we toss out a stale cup of coffee? And why does the Coast Guard call soap a “dispersant”?

If your bilge contains oil or fuel, place oil-absorbing mats in the bilge to soak up the residue. The white mats have an affinity for oil, allowing you to pump the remaining water safely out of the bilge once all the oil has been removed. Even more effective is a BioSok Oil and Fuel Absorber from Johnson Pump, which biodegrades petroleum residue in the bilge, allowing you to pump the bilge into open water after the oil or fuel sheen has disappeared.

Gray Water

Small amounts of food waste dumped offshore through g ray water f rom cruising yachts have a negligible effect on the ocean’s health. Mangrove leaves, coconuts and careless land animals have

When using the galley sink, filter out as much solid waste as possible before allowing the water to drain into an anchorage. Also, avoid the use of phosphorous-based soaps, at least while your vessel is in an anchorage or harbor. On many larger yachts, gray water from sink, shower and washing machine drains is connected to a large holding tank, which can be pumped out offshore or at a dockside pump facility in the same manner as a toilet holding tank. By preventing the dumping of illegal waste in our coastal waters, we help to ensure a cleaner, safer environment for coastal and marine flora and fauna, and for ourselves as well.

THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 11


TECH TIP: Boat Monitoring Systems By BILL MORRIS

The more we streamline and centralize our vessels’ myriad navigation and propulsion systems in one place, either in the pilot house or in the nav station below decks, the safer crew and vessel are while underway on the water. The core of any vessel monitoring system must, of course, include today’s standard array of compass, GPS chartplotter, depth sounder, wind direction indicator and battery charge indicator. More advanced systems include engine monitoring, a radar screen and sensors for water and fuel levels. A small day-sailing vessel with an engine used only for propulsion and nav lights can be well served by a Victron BMV-712 Smart Battery Monitor, which features a small LED charge indicator. This diminutive instrument is easy to install and allows you to customize settings, monitor battery data on a single screen and view historical data. You can connect the circular monitor to a current shunt with 10 meters of standard RJ12 telephone cable and fuse. After installing the Victron BMV-712, take advantage of its programmable relay, which turns off non-critical loads and even starts a separate generator if needed. The Victron records battery usage patterns and critical charging events, including time left for charging, ensuring the overall health and longevity of your vessel’s battery banks. Despite its small profile, the Victron BMV-712 battery monitor and shunt can handle up to 10 amps of power, more than enough for small to mid-size vessels. You will find a wide selection of control panels at Paneltronics, from their waterproof, six-position DC toggle

Garmin image

Battery Monitoring

Compatible Garmin virtual engine monitors may be configured to display RPM, battery voltage and other data, depending on the vessel’s electrical system. and rocker switch panels to a 12-position panel with LED charge meter. Paneltronics also produces many custom designs fitted to the specific space allowance and onboard electrical grid requirements of your vessel. Pa neltronic s c a n a ccommodate virtually any onboard system with a high-quality panel or multiple-panel array, from a basic panel with six rubber-coated toggle switches and amber LED indicator lights to a large, custom panel with over two dozen switches and two charge meters. Blue Sea Systems, a name familiar to many coastal and offshore sailors, has a wide selection of 12V/24V panels covering a wide range of sizes, from a small-boat, six-position device selling for around $200 to their large, 36-position Blue Sea 8382 DC Panel. While the 8382 normally sells for roughly $1,700, you

can occasionally find it at a bargain price of around $1,300 online. X a ntrex a lso produces a broad assortment of electrical panels and controls, starting with their Freedom X/XC remote charge indicator panel, which uses a blue graphic display to indicate battery charge, load measured in watts and three battery lights. The unit is available for roughly $80 and offers peace of mind when we need a quick read on battery charge. At the upper end of their product line, Xantrex also designs and produces large, custom AC/DC panels for luxury yacht builders. Large arrays come with one or more Xantrex Gateway touchscreen panels, which are customized to meet the demands of large luxury yachts. Yet another familiar name is Sea Dog, which specializes in panels for small

boats. Their six-gang breaker-rocker switch panels come in several styles, from an LED-illuminated panel with power socket to an unlit version with a silicone rubber splash cover. Each of Sea Dog’s toggle and rocker panels comes with a push-button fuse holder on the front of the panel, allowing for quick and easy access. At under $40 for a product well known to many coastal and offshore sailors, it’s hard to imagine a better buy for a small boat. For those seeking a genuinely custom switch array on your floating palace, take a look at the electrical panels from AC/DC Marine in Carson, Calif. The company produces a long list of customizable gauges, engine panels and charging systems, giving you a choice of either traditional analog dials and Please see TECH TIP, PAGE 15

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12 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG


42nd Year for Port of San Diego Day at the Docks The annual event will feature boat tours, fishing seminars, exhibits, displays, seafood tastings and activities for guests of all ages and levels of experience. By: LOG STAFF

San Diego Fleet is the largest sportfishing fleet found anywhere in the world and has some of the most sophisticated boats in operation, capable of delivering short-range and long-range fishing adventures in the waters off Southern California and Baja California, Mexico. “Day at the Docks signals the start of the San Diego Sportfishing season,” said Sportfishing Council President Frank Ursitti. “Each year, we look forward to the event and welcoming thousands to what has become a time-honored tradition in sportfishing. Our fleet is world-renowned for its advanced technology, best-inclass captains and crews. San Diego is the epicenter of sportfishing. Day at the Docks showcases our fleet’s talent and versatility. We look forward to hosting the event.” This festival was created to appeal to the novice angler, the experienced fisherman and all those who have not

yet discovered the lure of deep-sea fishing. The day offers the opportunity to discover new adventures, explore the latest in fishing tackle and techniques, tour vessels in the fleet, take a ride on San Diego Bay, tune into fishing seminars, cooking demos or live entertainment and take part in fun, hands-on activities planned for the day. This important annual event brings the fishing and not-yet-fishing community together to mingle with captains and crews while scoping out new offerings by tackle manufacturers, marine businesses and artists. Visitors can explore the many restaurants and facilities in America’s Cup Harbor in San Diego Bay too.

Image courtesy of Day at the Docks

Day at the Docks is the largest single-day event of its kind on the West Coast. It is free to the public and loved by anglers, their families, sportfishing crews and community exhibitors. All ages are welcome.

Image courtesy of Day at the Docks

SAN DIEGO — Mark your calendar. The 42nd edition of the Port of San Diego Day at the Docks will take place on April 7 on the waterfront against the backdrop of the dynamic San Diego sportfishing fleet in Point Loma. The annual event is a celebration of the sportfishing season and maritime culture in San Diego.

Activities at this year’s event include:

• • Fleet Open House, aboard sportfishing boats;

• • Free stocked fishing areas for kids,

provided by Everingham Brothers Bait Co.; • • Fishing and boating “how-to” seminars, presented by an All-Star lineup of captains and fishing pros;

• • Exhibits by more than 200 fishing

tackle companies, boat Manufacturers and community groups; • • Marine art, apparel and accessories; • • Cooking demos by local chefs;

• • Fillet demonstrations of fish, large and small;


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THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 13


Dock Days

Image courtesy of Day at the Docks

From page 12

Servicing Large and Small Vessels for over 33 years! TWO TRAVELIFTS 35 Ton and 220 Ton �

• • Live music and entertainment;

• • Contests and prizes for

Image courtesy of Day at the Docks

casting and knot-tying;

• • Drawings for thousands of dollars in prizes, and

• • Boat rides around San Diego Bay.

Parking is at a premium around the landings, but free public parking is available on Shelter Island with free round-trip shuttle service to and from the festival offered from 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Day at the Docks is produced by the San Diego Sportfishing Council and partially sponsored by the Port of San Diego. It is the joint effort of the sportfishing fleet captains and crews, area fishing clubs, the live bait supplier, retail

Mexico Report From page 8

good for 10 years. Please renew your TIPs before they expire, and cancel your TIPs before selling your boat. This Paperwork Cha Cha takes time, so start a couple months before you want to depart south. All the marinas and boat yards require you to carry Mexican liability insurance, so get a policy prior to departure. Look for their ads in The Log. Also make sure that your existing U.S. policy will insure you in Mexico, sometimes referred to as a rider or endorsement. Route planning: (All SM & MX charts are GPS accurate.) SM 010: Overall Baja & Sea of Cortez. SM 100 & SM 300: Coastal planning. SM 110: San Diego to Ensenada. SM 111.5: Ensenada & Todos Santos Bay. MX 8080: Ensenada to Turtle Bay. Offshore hop. SM 121.1: Isla San Martin & San Quintin. SM 142.6: Turtle Bay. NGA 21011: Turtle Bay to Mag Bay. Offshore hop.

stores, area restaurants and members of the Point Loma Commercial Fishing Alliance. For complete information on Port of San Diego’s Day at the Docks activities and schedules, visit http://www.sportfishing.org.

Southbound Cruising Guides

SM 342: Mag Bay & Santa Maria Bay. NGA 21014: Mag Bay to Los Cabos. Offshore hop. SM 352: Los Cabos. Stops and Hops: Yachts must officially clear into Mexico at Ensenada. Except for the three offshore hops noted in chart list above, southbound boaters generally travel at least 3 to 5 n.m. off all coastlines and points of land. Offshore hops are (1.) from Sacramento Reef 90 n.m. to Cedros Island North, (2.) from Bahia Asuncion 180 n.m. to Santa Maria Bay, (3.) from Punta Tosca 140 n.m. to Cabo San Lucas. Diesel is usually found at Ensenada, Turtle Bay*, Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo. Good Anchorages in prevailing NW winds are usually found in Bahia San Quintin, Turtle Bay, Bahia Asuncion, Santa Maria Bay, Magdalena Bay, Cabo San Lucas. *As we go to press, the fuel dock in Turtle Bay is closed, hopefully only temporarily. However, Bahia Asuncion 50 n.m. southeast of Turtle Bay usually has diesel and gasoline at the town’s Pemex station. For fuel assistance and cruiser services, call Shari Bondy +52 (615) 155-7197. www.Bahiaasuncion.com

Mexico Boating Guide Pacific Baja, all Sea of Cortez, mainland - all 3 in 1 comprehensive cruising guidebook. 300 GPS charts of cruising anchorages too small on govt charts for accuracy. Paperwork Cha Cha, diving, fishing, eco boating. TRUSTED. Written by Pat & John Rains, experienced Mexico cruisers, USCG masters, created for southbound boaters. NO gaps, NO fluff! Updated 2023 $79.95

Cruising Ports: the

Central American Route Starts where Mexico Boating Guide ends. Covers Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, PanCan Transit. W. Caribbean, Belize, Mexico’s Yucatan & Gulf Coasts, Cayman Is., Western Cuba to Key West. 105 GPS charts, 290 color photos. Resource Directory: marinas, fuel docks, boat yards. Full index. Updated 2023 $69.95

Together these 2 guides get you from one US coast to the other!


14 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG


In Memoriam: Dona Jenkins Dona Jenkins, a beloved individual, and esteemed member of the maritime community, passed away on December 21, 2023, at the age of 92, at her residence in San Diego, California. Born on December 20, 1931, in Eufaula, Oklahoma, Dona married John T. Jenkins on May 30, 1954. John preceded her in death in July of 2010. The couple welcomed their only child, Karen Williams, into the world in San Francisco in 1955. Dona commenced her career with the Coast Guard Civil Service in 1959 in San Francisco, California. In 1965, she relocated to San Diego with her husband, who was then transferred. During her tenure with the Coast Guard, Dona held roles such as Licensing Officer for fishermen and later earned a promotion to Documentation Officer. With the closure of several Coast Guard offices under President Reagan’s administration, Dona declined an offered position in Long Beach, California, and opted for early retirement. In 1983, she founded Dona Jenkins Maritime Documentation, Inc., a

venture that flourished due to her respected reputation in the boating industry, built on years of kindness and dedication during her Coast Guard service. Dona, alongside her daughter Karen, became a founding member of AVDA (American Vessel Documentation Association). Karen served as the first Secretary/Treasurer and later as Vice President of AVDA. Dona’s legacy in the maritime community was marked by her inspirational leadership. In June of 2007, Dona and her husband John passed the reins of DJMDS, INC. to Paul and Bernadine Trusso. Dona’s legacy lives on through Bernadine, who, having been personally trained by Dona, continues to celebrate their 40th anniversary and uphold Dona’s name as a true icon in the industry. Dona Jenkins will be remembered for her enduring impact on the maritime world, her kindness, and the inspiration she provided to all who had the privilege of knowing her. She leaves behind a legacy that will be cherished by family, friends, and the maritime community. May she rest in peace.

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THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 15


Catalina Connection 42 Annual Avalon Harbor Underwater Cleanup

AVALON — The Avalon Harbor Underwater

Cleanup, one of the most popular scuba events in the state, will return for its 42nd year from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 24.

The Avalon Harbor Under water Cleanup is a tradition that started in the 1970s as a community effort to protect the health of the kelp forest ecosystems along the coast of Catalina Island. This year, Catalina Divers Supply is happy to continue that tradition alongside the Rotary Club of Avalon and USC’s Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber. As the only time scuba diving is allowed in Avalon Harbor, this cleanup gives California divers the opportunity to hop in and explore this site every year while making a positive impact by collecting debris along the way. More than 500 divers and about 100 volunteers regularly participate. Divers will enter the water starting at 9 a.m. to begin cleaning. They are required to complete their dive by 11 a.m. An awards ceremony and prize raffle will be held in the early afternoon with special recognition of partners, sponsors and volunteers. Over the years, tons of trash have been removed from the ocean with an average of 3,000 pounds of debris collected at each cleanup. By working with PADI AWARE, this event contributes to critical research on the range and distribution of marine debris in oceans around the world. With their Dive Against Debris program, PADI AWARE houses the largest underwater

Tech Tip From page 11

switches or touch-screen digital displays. While a set of AC/DC Marine gauges starts at $450, a NMEA 2000 touchscreen, multicolor display, including vessel speedometer, tachometer, depth sounder and compass with heading costs just over $1,000, a lot of value for a modest investment.

Engine Monitoring

Having a dependable engine monitoring system is essential to a successful voyage. Normally, your engine already will have a control panel installed. If you are purchasing a new engine, make sure you order the best, highest-priced control panel available, not the cheap one with so-called “idiot lights.”

Image courtesy of Catalina Divers Supply


cit i zen science database for marine debris on the planet. The Ava lon Ha rbor Underwater Cleanup provides key data to this databa se ever y year and the team at Catalina Divers Supply is eager to cont inue t hese conservation efforts. The cleanup doesn’t just r e mo v e de br i s f r om Av a lon Harbor, it also suppor ts t wo important nonprofits. Proceeds will continue to benefit the USC Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber, an essential life-saving medical facility, lo c a t e d a t Tw o H a r b or s on Catalina Island, for the treatment of injured divers. Fu nd s r a i se d du r i ng t he cleanup also will be donated to the Avalon Casino Improvement Project, an ongoing campaign for comprehensive improvements to the Casino Dive Park. Plans include rebuilding the wall and installing tables and chairs.

Image courtesy of Catalina Divers Supply

It’s the only time scuba diving is allowed in Avalon Harbor

Early bird registration for scuba divers is $45. Registration for non-divers is $30. For more information visit www. AvalonHarborCleanup.org.

The panel should have needle gauges for the tachometer, oil pressure, coolant temperature and alternator, plus an odometer-like engine hour counter. In addition to these standard features, the panel may include alarms and, yes, “idiot lights” for low oil pressure and excessive temperature. Oil pressure in the U.S. is measured in pounds per square inch (PSI), and the alarm is set by the manufacturer at the minimum allowable oil pressure for that specific model. Maximum engine temperatures also vary among diesel engines, but they all tend to lie just below 212º F, the boiling point of water. If your vessel does not have needle gauges for the engine, you can purchase marine gauges a la carte in a variety of attractive styles from Faria, Sierra,

Stewart Warner and Teleflex (makers of Morse engine and transmission controls). These gauges are waterproof and, since they are sold separately, offer you the advantage of being able to install them in whatever manner you wish, which could be a panel of your own design, tailored to fit the exact spot you have in mind. Garmin, Lowrance, Raymarine and other manufacturers of marine electronic controls offer virtual engine panels, each one with a set of graphic meters that are probably easier to read than the gauges currently installed on your boat. The bright, colorful gauges are set against a dark background, making them easy to read at night. You can access the virtual panel on your GPS chart plotter at the helm or through a remote display at the nav

station. Remote panels, such as the Garmin Remote Input Device (GRID), allow you full access to all the functions on the main panel, a feature you will certainly appreciate in the middle of a sustained full gale. The latest, top-of-the-line engine monitoring technology integrates an incredibly diverse array of systems, including depth sounder/fish finder, radar, weather, iPod and iPhone menus, Sirius SM Satellite Radio, DVD player, stereo speaker controls and various memory functions in addition to the standard GPS and engine panel displays. Check out the latest monitoring systems at your local chandlery and invest in the package best meeting your needs and the needs of your vessel.

16 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG



Wine Tasting (1 - 4p.m. along 2nd Street): For those 21 and over, enjoy wine-tasting. IDs will be checked at the time of purchase and you must be present to receive a wristband. Your wristband opens the door to drink discounts and samples at participating businesses. Tickets: Chocolate Tasting Tickets: $15 for 12 tickets Wine Tasting Wrist Band: $5 Tickets can be purchased at the event in front of Chase Bank, 5200 2nd St.

host an education discussion and walk to discuss the ongoing grey whale migration off the coast. Guests can learn about offshore visitors that can frequently be seen from the Dana Point Headlands. The discussion will focus on what types of marine mammals are seen, how to identify them, where to look and how to responsibly view marine life. The walk starts at 9 a.m. from the Nature Interpretive Center and is approximately one-and-a-half to two hours. For more information please email dpnaturalresources@danapoint. org or visit https://www.danapoint. org/Home/Components/Calendar/ Event/17146/131?curm=2&cury=2024.

Annual Youth Fishing Derby. The community is invited to celebrate the San Clemente Municipal Pier’s history and fishing legacy. Registration is required to fish! Equipment rental is supplied by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Prizes will be given for the first fish caught, the biggest, the smallest and the most fish caught. Check-in Saturday morning at 8 a.m., rain or shine. The event will take place from 9 - 11 a.m. and costs between $5 - $10. To register please visit https://secure.rec1. com/CA/san-clemente-ca/catalog/ index/999019a73a39ff1b8fb855512d7b2de1?filter=c2VhcmNoPUZpc2hpbmclMjBEZXJieQ==.

New Moon Fishing SAN DIEGO — The moon, the water, the

fish! Lake Jennings will be open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Feb. 10 for New Moon Fishing. Full-sized lanterns are required at sunset. The entrance gate will close at 8 p.m. Boat launches and rentals will be available. Ticket prices range from $5-$12. For more information, please visit https://lakejennings.org/event/ new-moon-fishing-24/.

Valentine’s Day at Humphreys SAN DIEGO — Humphreys Half Moon Inn invites lovers to slip away to its Shelter Island hideaway for a romantic getaway indulging in tropical accommodations. Guests can dip in the outdoor pool and jacuzzi, cozy up with that special someone next to the firepits, take a romantic stroll alongside the private marina and enjoy spectacular live music at Humphreys Backstage Live. Enjoy holiday-themed craft cocktails, dinner specials, romance packages and more. For more information, please visit https:// www.halfmooninn.com/experience/ events/valentines-day-dinner.

Catalina Island

Dana Point

42nd Annual Avalon Harbor Underwater Cleanup

Valentine’s Day with Dana Wharf

AVALON — Catalina Divers Supply and the Avalon Rotary Club Foundation are proud to host this annual event. This is the only time scuba diving is allowed in Avalon Bay, with 500-plus volunteer divers expected to collect trash and debris. An awards ceremony follows on the Wrigley Stage with prizes and giveaways.

Lake Open Super Bowl Sunday

For more information, please visit https://www.avalonharborcleanup.org.

Long Beach

SAN DIEGO — Footballs and fish will be caught! Lake Jennings will be open on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 11, from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bring your own boat to take advantage of the free boat launches being offered this day only. For more information, please visit https://www. sandiego.org/members/fishing/lake-jennings/events/lake-open-super-bowlsunday.aspx.

San Clemente San Clemente Day: Fishing Derby Celebrate San Clemente Day at the

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Chocolate & Wine Festival

DANA POINT — Dana Wharf will be hosting a romantic whale watching cruise on Feb. 14 from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Guests can enjoy a complimentary glass of champagne or a non-alcoholic beverage and chocolate treats while watching the sunset and looking for marine life. Tickets are $46 for adults and $29 for kids 12 and under. If you can’t make it on the 14th, there are additional cruises from Feb. 16-18 that include wine tastings and dessert bars. To book a reservation, please visit https://visitdanapoint.com/event/ valentines-cruises-with-dana-wharf/.

Whale Walk & Talk DANA POINT — On Feb. 10, the Dana Point Nature Interpretive Center will

Mark your calendar for this sweet affair, the Belmont Shore Chocolate & Wine Festival on 2nd Street; indulge in a delightful array of chocolate treats from local businesses, satisfying cravings for chocolate lovers and the whole family. Homemade Dessert Contest Have a killer chocolate dessert recipe? Enter the Homemade Dessert Contest from 12 to 1 p.m. by Chase Bank. For $10 per dessert, let judges decide the winners in categories like chocolate cakes and pie, chocolate cookies and brownies and unique chocolate treats. Awards will be announced at 1 p.m. Complete the form at the link to enter. Chocolate Tasting (1 – 3 p.m. along 2nd Street): Roam and discover chocolate and sweet treats at various businesses. Use tasting tickets to redeem samples.

For more information, please visit https://www.visitlongbeach.com/ events/chocolate-wine-festival/.

San Pedro Whale Fiesta – Cabrillo Marine Aquarium SAN PEDRO — The annual Whale Fiesta will take place at the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium on Feb. 4 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Together, Councilman Joe Buscaino and the Port of Los Angeles have added a life-size pod of inflatable whales to this annual celebration of all things cetacean. Guests can get an up-close-and-personal encounter with the 100-foot blue whale, the largest animal on the planet or step inside a humpback and gray whale. Participants also can enjoy games, crafts, guest lecturers, festive music and the famous duct tape whale contest. This is a free event for the whole family and a great way to kick off whale-watching season. For more information, please visit https://www.sanpedrocalendar.com/event/ whale-fiesta-cabrillo-marine-aquarium/.

Redondo Beach Redondo Beach Super Bowl Run REDONDO BEACH — Join more than 8,000 race enthusiasts at the Southern California Super Bowl Celebration on Feb. 11. The Redondo Beach Super Bowl Sunday 10K/5K Run/Walk is a great way to celebrate a big day in sports and enjoy the picturesque sites of Redondo Beach – the Pacific Ocean, Redondo Beach Historic Pier, the Marina in King Harbor, the Wyland whale mural, ocean breezes, fresh air and beautiful Southern California winter weather. Run, walk or stroll. There are five starting times between 7 and 8:45 a.m. To register, please visit https://redondo10k.com.

Ventura Presidents Day Weekend Live Music by Goldrush VENTURA — On Feb. 17, guests can enjoy live music on the seaside promenade stage from noon to 3 p.m. in Ventura Harbor Village. Goldrush will be singing classics from the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s and ‘90s in three-part harmonies. For more information, please visit https:// www.venturaharborvillage.com/event/ presidents-2024/.

THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 17


Sailing San Diego Yacht Club and Newport Harbor Yacht Club Set Stage for Islands Race Islands Race, hosted by the San Diego Yacht Club (SDYC) and Newport Harbor Yacht Club (NHYC), is set to unfold on Feb. 9-10. Sailors will take on the challenge of this competitive offshore race, covering 142 nautical miles around Santa Catalina and San Clemente Islands. The race, renowned for its overnight endurance test, starts off at Point Fermin in San Pedro and finishes off the coast of Point Loma in San Diego. This annual coastal race typically attracts over 30 boats, setting the stage for various competitive fleets. David Moore, sailing on the Santa Cruz 52 Westerly, expressed his excitement about the race. “This will be our first Islands Race, as last year’s was blown out. I was first introduced to the idea of the race when I met Paul Stemler while admiring his J-44 at NHYC. It was a great race concept and has resulted in a signature event for NHYC, SDYC and our sled community.” Westerly is fresh off their overall win at the 2023 Transpac Race last summer and is looking to build on that experience in the Islands Race and PV Race this winter. For Moore, offshore racing is more than a competition; it’s an opportunity for personal growth. “Every watch, every minute, is an opportunity to create an improved version of yourself. Fast is fun! Wind and waves requested!” Keith Er icson, the ex per ienced skipper of the Tripp 40 B’Quest, shared

The Isla nd s R a c e i s a crucial tune-up for the upcoming offshore season, particularly as a lead-in to SDYC’s Puerto Vallarta (PV) Race two weeks later. Many of the teams racing to Mexico will use the Islands Race to measure themselves against their competition and prep their boats for the 1,000-mile race to PV. The Islands Race format remains consistent with past years and places a strong emphasis on safety protocols to ensure the well-being of all participants.

Image courtesy of SDYC

SAN D IEGO — The highly anticipated

insights into the conditions that make the Islands Race a unique test of skill and strategy. “The weather can be so variable. Some races, the winds are strong throughout and keeping control is what keeps one safe. Others are a mix of moderate to strong winds for a while and then very light winds overnight, so the race is really won at night by working hard to keep the boat going when others can’t quite.”

Post-race, teams w ill gather on Saturday on the San Diego Yacht Club front deck for an awards ceremony. Spectators can follow the race through the YB Trackers, which provide real-time updates on the positions and progress of competing boats.

Image courtesy of SDYC


For more information, race updates and to track the participants, visit www. islandsrace.com.

The Log Calendar


Do you have a boating class or nautical event you’d like publicized in the Log’s Calendar section?

Email details to thelogeditor@maritimepublishing.com


www.sailingsupply.com 2804 Canon St. San Diego, CA 92106

18 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG


Prepare for the 59th Congressional Cup By: KATHERINE M. CLEMENTS LONG BEACH — The world’s top-match

racing skippers will return to Long Beach from April 24 - 28 for the 59th Congressional Cup regatta, a premier event on the prestigious World Match Racing Tour, presented by Long Beach Yacht Club. T he 2 02 4 C ong r e s s ion a l C up prom i se s a c t ion a nd e xc it ement . Defending champion Chris Poole (USA) will lead the line-up of competitors, including four-time Congressional Cup winner Gavin Brady (USA), who returns after a 12-year hiatus.

Also on the roster are the top 10 ranked match-racing skippers, including 2009 Congressional Cup winner Johnie Berntsson (SWE), Jeppe Borch (DEN), Eric Monnin (SUI), Mati Sepp (EST), and Nick Egnot-Johnson (NZL), plus Dave Hood (USA). The two final contenders will advance from the Ficker Cup Regatta held the prior week, April 19 to 21. During the five-day racing event, teams will compete using a fleet of uniform 37-foot Catalina keelboats, ensuring a level play ing field. The essence of the game lies in strategy and skill, with crews facing off in a double-round robin format and navigating the course in intense battles. Spectators can witness the action directly from the Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier. In 1965, the Long Beach Yacht Club (LBYC) introduced the Congressional Cup, revolutionizing match racing and leading the way in on-the-water umpiring innovation. With the World Match Racing Tour (WMRT) launch in 2000, the Congressional Cup solidified its position as a premier event. The executive director of WMRT, James Pleasance, expressed excitement about the enduring and successful partnership with LBYC. As a founding event, the Congressional Cup has firmly established itself on the international match-racing calendar. It stands as a coveted compe-

tition for aspiring match-racing cha mpions, allowing them to joi n t he d i s t i n guished list of past winners. Po ole not e d , “The Congressional Cup is one of the most difficult events to get into and even more d i ffic u lt t o w i n . The who’s who of yacht racing have all competed for a Crimson Blazer a nd a cha nce to put their name on the Congressional Cup. That is why I’ve worked so hard to get here, to compete against the best on a level playing field.” Poole debuted on the Long Beach race course in 2013 and consistently climbed the leaderboard, culminating in an undefeated performance in every match at the 2023 event. Reflecting on his approach to sailing and match racing, Poole emphasized the mindset of never doubting his ability to compete with his sailing heroes. He steadfastly believed in his potential to be among the world’s top sailors through continuous dedication to improvement. Poole highlighted the significance of mental focus and self-criticism in a sport that rewards those striving to surpass their previous

Image courtesy of Long Beach Yacht Club

“The Congressional Cup is the grandfather of match racing and brings world class sailing talent to Long Beach Yacht Club each year,” said Tony Mansour, 2024 Congressional Cup Chair, in a statement. “This year we literally have all of the highest-ranked skippers in the world flying into beautiful Long Beach, Calif. to compete for the distinct honor of the Crimson Blazer.”

Image courtesy of Long Beach Yacht Club

The Congressional Cup has a rich history dating to its inaugural edition in 1965. Over the years, it has become a key event in the match-racing calendar, attracting skilled sailors and sailing enthusiasts alike. The competition follows a round-robin format, in which each team competes against every other team before the top teams advance to the knockout stages.

achievements. The Congressional Cup kicks off on April 23 with a practice day and dinner, offering an introduction to the skippers and crews. Then five days of intense racing unfold, accompanied by nightly press conferences and social gatherings hosted at LBYC. The competition takes place off the Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier. Additionally, starting on April 26, the event will be live-streamed for those unable to witness the action in person.

LBYC has earned a reputation for exceptional hospitality and organizational prowess, leveraging the dedication and enthusiasm of over 300 member volunteers annually to orchestrate this globally acclaimed event. Since 1965, the club has been the venue where skippers converge to vie for the Congressional Cup and the revered Crimson Blazer. Much like the Green Jacket at the Masters Tournament in golf, the Crimson Blazer symbolizes triumph in one of the most distinguished yacht racing events worldwide, serving as a gateway to the America’s Cup.

THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 19


apply dur ing the Covid-19 Pandemic. Furthermore, LAYC staff, competitors, and the race c om m it t e e sh a l l c a ref ully follow this guidance. This series will be ON THE HORIZON gover ne d by t he “rules” as defined in The R acing Ru le s of Sa i l i ng (RRS) and the US Safety Equipment Requirements (USSER), US Ne a r s h o r e R a c e level, effective Jan. By: LOG STAFF 1. This race is open to yachts possessing a current Southern On the Horizon is a summarized Notice California A rea “C ” Random Leg of Race for upcoming select regattas Rating PHRF handicap. A minimum along the Southern California Coast. of three entries will be required to This column will briefly rephrase rules, establish a class. The start will be in regulations, qualifications, fees, and the vicinity of the Point Fermin buoy awards. outside Los Angeles harbor. The Race Course will be to leave Catalina Island 2024 Around Catalina to port. The finish line for all boats is between FL G and FL R at Angel’s Race (Feb. 10) Gate. Upon finishing, all competitors LOS ANGELES— The Los Angeles Yacht shall email a picture of the GPS image Club w ill host the 2024 A round of their finish time to the PRO, David Catalina Race on Feb. 10. This event Collins, at davidcollins@mindspring. is being held in compliance with all com or text (310) 310 4914. The entry the current requirements, policies, fee is $75; a current PHRF certificate restrictions, and procedures promul- must accompany all entries. Entries gated by Federal, California State, and must be received by 6 p.m. on Feb. 8. local government entities that may Late entries will only be accepted with

the approval of the Race Committee Chairman. Late entries will not be considered without a current PHRF certificate, completed necessary entry forms, and entry fees. Entries may be made by completing an LAYC Race Entry form available at www.LAYC.org or through Regatta Network. For the complete Notice of Race, please visit https://shorturl.at/itBFP.

room. Competitors and guests are welcome to use the CYBC facilities during the event. Bar Food will be available after racing in the upstairs bar area. For the complete Notice of Race, please visit https://shorturl.at/rETY2.

SCYA Midwinter Regatta 2024 (Feb. 17-18)

The Da na Point Ya cht Club a nd Southern California Yachting Association Present the 94th Annual SCYA Midwinter Regatta on Feb 24-25. The Organizing Authority (OA) for this regatta is the Southern California Yachting Association (SCYA). The Dana Point Yacht Club (DPYC) Race Committee (RC) will manage this regatta and shall appoint a Protest Committee (PC). This series will be governed by the “rules” as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. This regatta is open to boats in PHRF Spinnaker and ORR Spinnaker classes. PHRF Fleet entries must have a current PHRF rating certificate. ORR Fleet entries must have a current ORR or ORR-EZ rating certificate. The PHRF Fleet and ORR Fleet fees are $55, and the US SAILING Member Discount is $3. Courses will be selected from the Dana Point Race Chart v.8.0, which will be included in the Sailing Instructions. Post-race festivities following racing both days will take place at Dana Point Yacht Club. For the complete Notice of race, please visit https://shorturl.at/ kuyC9.

MARINA DEL REY— The Cabrillo Beach

Yacht Club will host the 2024 SCYA Midwinter Regatta on Feb. 17-18. The Racing Rules of Sailing will govern the regatta. This regatta is open to all OD boat members of SCYA or USSArecognized yacht clubs and must be members in good standing of their Class Association. Three or more races on Saturday and two or more races on Sunday are planned, weather and time permitting. One race completed as a minimum shall constitute the series. All races count toward the final score; there are no throw-out races. The racing area will be inside the San Pedro upper breakwater, approximately 0.7 nautical mile SE of Cabrillo Marina. A sailor’s meeting will be held on Feb. 17 at the CBYC Dry Storage yard at 1000 hours. Sailing instructions, plus any posted supplements, will be available online at the Regatta Network website listed below by 6 p.m. on Feb. 16. Based on the entries, trophies will be awarded after the regatta in the CBYC dining

DPYC & SCYA 94th Annual SCYA Midwinter Regatta (Feb. 24-25)


Learn to start racing sailboats as skipper or crew in just three sessions. The first session will take you through prep and your first race. The second session is about sailing faster, smarter and moving up the leaderboard. The final seminar delves into the 10 most commonly encountered Racing Rules of Sailing. Join us for one or all three talk, about an hour each. The free Saturday morning seminars are hosted by Buccaneer YC at the Holiday Harbor Boaters Lounge, 241 Watchorn Walk (Berth 34), San Pedro. For more info or to RSVP, please email thebucyc@ gmail.com.

Yacht Racing 101.1: Your First Race – 10 a.m. Feb. 17

Interested in sailboat racing? This one-hour seminar provides all the info you need to start racing, from boat prep to sailing the course. We’ll cover the equipment needed, how to find crew, joining a race, what to expect on race day

Image courtesy of Steve Aichele; Buccaneer Yacht Club

Yacht Racing 101 – Sailor to Sailboat Racer in Three Free Seminars

and how to get around the track quickly and safely. Note: You do NOT need a race boat. Most sailboat racing is handicapped and almost any boat can be competitive.

improving boat speed, managing the course and team building. New and seasoned sailors alike will learn simple techniques for becoming a contender and securing that first podium finish.

Yacht Racing 101.2: Upping Your Game – 10 a.m. March 2

Yacht Racing 101.3: 10 Common Racing Rules – 10 a.m. March 9

During this one-hour seminar, we’ll go over tips for better boat handling,

The Racing Rules of Sailing can be

complex and intimidating. But after this 90-minute seminar, you’ll know more than enough to get safely around the racecourse. Using examples and a whiteboard, we’ll break down the only 10 rules you need to know. Expect a lively discussion and an illustrated handout.

20 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG

TOP CORNER Please Meet Mr. and Mrs. GoingToWinTheHalibutDerby Courteney and Andre set sail on the Dana Pride to participate in Dana Wharf’s 2024 Halibut Derby. May the best spouse win! Dana Wharf Sportfishing Facebook photo




Prepare for, Purchase, Protect Your 2024 Fishing License Short Term Sport Fishing Licenses

California offers a number of different fishing license options, including discounted, short-term and annual licenses, but did you know that you have more convenient options than finding a California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) office to purchase one? If you don’t have time to make it to the San Diego CDFW License Sales Office, don’t stress.




One-day Sport Fishing License


Allows a resident or nonresident to fish for one specified day. Oneday sport fishing licenses are exempt from the Ocean Enhancement Validation requirement.

Two-day Sport Fishing License


Allows a resident or nonresident to fish for two consecutive days. Twoday sport fishing licenses are exempt from the Ocean Enhancement Validation requirement.

Fishing licenses are generally required in California for those 16 years of age and older unless they are fishing on a “free fishing day,” which is determined by the CDFW. Free fishing days for 2024 are July 6 and Aug. 31. The CDFW also manages fishing regulations and licenses across the entire state, and the profits from department fees help pay for fishery conservation education and other programs like the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act. Taxes on fishing equipment and licenses are redistributed back into fisheries for research and conservation efforts.

Ten-day Nonresident Sport Fishing License


Allows a nonresident to fish for ten consecutive days.

Like other fishing regulations, a fishing license is intended to protect fish populations against overfishing so that generations of anglers will have good fishing opportunities. The most obvious way to purchase a fishing license is through the official website of the CDFW. You can buy a license online, check fishing regulations that apply to your specific trip and receive a digital copy of your license. If you don’t have access to the internet, your printer is out of ink or you’re out and about, you can purchase one-day and annual licenses at other locations as well. Retailers such as Walmart, Big 5 Sporting Goods and other similar chains often have a licensing desk for purchase of fishing licenses. It’s as easy as walking and having a clerk scan your California driver’s license. Some outdoor recreation

stores specializing in camping, hiking and fishing equipment also may sell fishing licenses. Examples include REI and Bass Pro Shops, but it never hurts to call beforehand and inquire. The current fees for fishing license are listed below: In California, a resident is considered anyone who has resided continuously in the state for six months or more immediately before the date of their application for a license or permit, anyone on active military duty or any person enrolled in the Job Corps. When purchasing a fishing license, make sure to have the necessary information, such as your identification, residency status and payment method. Fishing regulations and license fees may vary, so it’s essential to be aware of the specific requirements for the type of license you need. If you happen to lose your license, there is a sma ll fee to replace it. Therefore, you should take care of your license. Never heat laminate your license because the process will destroy it. If exposed to extreme heat, the license will darken and become discolored. A discolPlease see FISHING LICENSE, PAGE 21

Log photo


THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 21


Fishing License From page 20

ored license, however, is still valid as long

as it’s readable. While a fishing license doesn’t have to be worn, it should be in your immediate possession while fishing with the exception of when you’re diving.

However, waterproof sleeves attached to lanyards and clips make it convenient to keep your license on your person and protect it from being damaged. These

sleeves can be purchased in stores or online at Amazon.com. For more information, please visit https://wildlife.ca.gov/.

365- Day Sport Fishing Licenses Title



Resident Sport Fishing


Available for any resident 16 years of age or older.

Nonresident Sport Fishing


Available for any non-resident 16 years of age or older.

Reduced-Fee Sport Fishing License – Disabled Veteran

$9.53 at CDFW Offices $9.98 from License Agents

Available for any resident or nonresident honorably discharged disabled veteran with a 50% or greater service-connected disability. After you prequalify for your first Disabled Veteran Reduced Fee Sport Fishing License, you can purchase disabled veteran licenses anywhere licenses are sold.

Reduced-Fee Sport Fishing License – Recovering Service Member

$9.53 at CDFW Offices $9.98 from License Agents

Available for any recovering service member of the US military. After you prequalify for your Recovering Service Member Reduced-Fee Sport Fishing License, you can purchase recovering service member licenses anywhere licenses are sold.

Reduced Fee Sport Fishing License – Low-Income Senior


The eligibility requirements for low-income seniors to obtain a reduced-fee sport fishing license have changed. Effective Jan. 1, 2022, reduced-fee sport fishing licenses will be available for low-income California residents, 65 years of age and older, who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Cash Assistance Program for Aged, Blind and Disabled Legal Immigrants (CAPI). The Reduced-Fee Sport Fishing License for Low Income Seniors is only available at CDFW License Sales Offices.

Free Sport Fishing License – LowIncome Native American

No fee

Available for any Native American who is a resident of the state and is financially unable to pay the fee required for a resident sport fishing license. The Free Sport Fishing License for Low Income Native Americans is only available at CDFW License Sales Offices.

Free Sport Fishing License - Mobility Impaired, Blind or Developmentally Disabled

No fee

Available for a person who is blind, developmentally disabled or mobility impaired. Your first Free Sport Fishing License must be obtained from the CDFW License and Revenue Branch. Subsequent licenses may be obtained from any license agent.

Fishing Tip: The Action of the Lure The action of a fishing lure refers to the movement or behavior that the lure exhibits in the water when it is retrieved or manipulated by the angler. Lure action is a crucial aspect of fishing, as it significantly attracts fish and triggers strikes. Different types of lures are designed to produce specific actions to mimic the natural movements of prey, enticing predatory fish. The ring at the end of the lure allows the lure to move freely and dance in the water. If you do not have the right ring at the end of your lure, it will not have as fluid of a presentation when under the water. You can also use a loop knot if your lure does not have one of those rings. A loop knot is a type of knot used

to create a secure and non-slip loop at the end of a fishing line or leader. The loop formed by this knot is often used to attach terminal tackle such as hooks, lures or swivels.

Dana Wharf Sportfishing Facebook photo


Different techniques of lure action include wobbling, darting or jerking, rolling or spinning, sinking and vibrating. The choice of lure action depends on various factors, including the type of fish being targeted, water conditions and the angler’s preferences. Anglers often experiment with different lures and actions to determine what is most effective in a particular fishing situation. Understanding the behavior of the fish being pursued and matching the lure action to their preferences is vital to successful fishing.


Not a Halibut but Don’t Fret! “Some fun bycatch on the halibut derby from Friday is this banded guitarfish. Such a cool looking fish! Released safely after the pic to be caught again! #danawharf @danapointharbor”

22 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG


Recycling Your Fishing Line


Discarded fishing lines can harm the environment and get tangled up around marine animals and birds, which can cause injuries, impaired movement, and, in some cases, fatalities. It can also be problematic for boaters and beachgoers if not correctly handled. If the line is not biodegradable, it can remain in the environment for many years, and as responsible anglers, we want to avoid anything that causes harm to our industry. Recycling your fishing line is an important step in environmental conservation. Some fishing lines can be recycled, melted down and turned into plastic pellets that can be remanufactured into fishing items, like spools and other uses. Whether fishing line is recyclable depends on the material. Most lines are made from synthetic materials and not all are readily recyclable. The only recyclable and, therefore, the most eco-friendly fishing line is a single filament nylon product like monofilament, or fluorocarbon – even if it’s a colored fishing line. A monofilament fishing line is a single-strand line typically made of nylon. Some monofilament lines are recyclable and programs and collection bins are specifically set aside for recycling them. Recycling facilities may use the collected monofilament to create new products, but we will get to that later. Fluorocarbon fishing lines are made from a type of plastic called polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). While fluorocarbon is not as commonly recycled as monofilament, some programs may

accept it. It helps to check with specific recycling facilities or manufacturers to determine their acceptance of fluorocarbon lines. I n a l a nd fi l l , these lines won’t break down over time, so they can pose problems for birds and animals tied up in them. T h a t ’s w h y i t ’s great that they can be recycled. Other lines, like braided or f used t y pes, can’t be recycled. B r a i d e d fi s h i n g lines are often made of high-streng th synthetic materials l i k e S p e c t r a o r A fishing line recycling station at Lake Piru. Dyneema. Options for braided lines may be limited, as the materials used and the collected line is then sent for in these lines can be challenging to recycling. recycle. However, some manufacturers or recycling programs may accept braided Another option is mailing in fishing lines. line. Some organizations and companies provide mail-in programs for recycling. TUF-LINE Clear Biodeg radable Anglers can collect their used line and Monofilament Leader Spool 25-Yard send it to the designated address, and Fishing Line is an acceptable choice for the organization will ensure proper anglers and is easy to get your hands recycling. on. TUF-LINE is made from a plantbased, 100% biodegradable polymer, This might be stating the obvious, which retains 100% of its strength for but fishing line can be reused for other a year after spooling your reel. When purposes if the line is still in good stored in its original, unopened package, condition. However, if the line is damaged TUF-LINE Biodegradable has a shelf or no longer suitable for fishing, it’s best to life of over five years. If your line is lost, recycle it rather than dispose of it impropTUF-LINE Bio is designed to return to a erly. But you also can use it alternatively harmless biomass within approximately for crafting, kite lines, hanging decoraseven years, with no known adverse en- tions, and even gardening. In gardening, vironmental effects. TUF-LINE can be fishing lines can create support for plants purchased at your local Walmart, most or trellises. It’s strong enough to provide bait and tackle shops or Amazon.com. stability while remaining nearly invisible, allowing the plants to take the spotlight. Many fishing locations, marinas and tackle shops have designated collection If you want to practice eco-friendly bins for used fishing lines. Anglers can fishing but don’t have a recyclable line, deposit their used line in these bins, you’ll want to make sure your unwanted

Bob Vanian’s 976-BITE FISH REPORTS


United Water Conservation District

Whether you recycle your fishing line, or purchase biodegradable line, proper disposal benefits the angler, the environment and boaters.

line is adequately taken care of to prevent any harm to others or the environment. For example, cut it into smaller pieces, less than a foot, and place it in a covered bin so animals can’t get to it. Take the bin home and dispose of it when convenient. California State Parks and the California Coastal Commission’s Boating Clean and Green program, Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, NOAA Marine Debris Program and the National Marine Sanctuar y Foundation have placed recycling containers at various locations throughout the state. In all, there are 492 fishing line recycling stations across the state. Through this recycling program, 3,274 pounds of fishing line have been collected and properly recycled. Stretched out, this line would stretch from San Francisco to Bahia Negra, Paraguay. Also, check the list of line recycling container locations or the map on the Division of Boating and Waterway’s website at https://dbw.parks. ca.gov/?page_id=29426.

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g News

The Lo

THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 23


san diego fish report GOOD WEATHER DAYS OFTEN LEAD TO GOOD FISHING! By Bob Vanian of 976Bite.com

The month of January has seen several weather systems move through Southern California which have brought strong winds, high seas, rain and lightning but anglers have been able to go out and find some fun fishing on the good weather days between storms. I do not know of any bluefin tuna activity being found in local offshore waters lately but there were a couple of private boats out looking around offshore a couple of days ago. They were out exploring by the 43 Fathom Spot and the Corner and were reporting relatively warm 61.1 degree water. As of their last report in the early afternoon, neither Skipper had seen any bluefin. I think the 61.1 degree water was a positive sign as in my way of thinking it is good news that the water has remained as warm 61.1 degrees in the middle of the winter. Hopefully that will prove to be a good indicator that we might start seeing bluefin show up in local offshore waters earlier than one might normally anticipate. An ongoing reminder to anglers is that the annual rockfish closure on the United States side of the Mexico border went into effect on New Years Day and that the closure will remain in effect until April 1, 2024. During this time period

anglers wishing to fish for rockfish will need to do so in Mexican waters. An additional reminder is that the fishing for sheephead on the United States side of the Mexico border will be closed until March 1, 2024. Please refer t o the Department of Fish and Wildlife website for all the details about the various closures at www.wildlife.ca.gov. Los Coronado Islands have been producing good numbers of rockfish for those wishing to escape the rockfish closure in United States waters and do some rockfish fishing. A productive rockfish zone has been at the hard bottom to the northwest, north and northeast of North Island in the 25 to 60 fathom depths. Another productive rockfish zone has been at the South Kelp Ridge below South Island in the 25 to 45 fathom depths. A recent three-quarter day trip to Mexican waters on Daiwa Pacific out of H&M Landing had a fish count of 20 anglers catching 132 rockfish, 1 lingcod, 5 sheephead and 62 reds. On a side note, if you are out fishing for rockfish in the region of Los Coronado Islands it might be a good idea to keep a lookout for signs of bonito or yellowtail activity in the region of Los Coronado Islands and at the Flats area outside of the Bull Ring at Tijuana. A couple of days ago, there were some breaking

bonito seen in the rockfish area out to the northwest of North Island. When the weather allows, sportboats have been targeting rockfish, lingcod and yellowtail on 1.5 day trips to fish the waters in the Punta Colnett region. ON the last trip aboard Horizon out of H&M Landing they had 9 anglers catch 90 rockfish and 18 lingcod. The fishing along the San Diego County coast has been highlighted by yellowtail activity in the La Jolla region. It has usually been hard to get the yellowtail to bite but every once in a while there are a few yellowtail caught that have been in the 15 to 35 pound range. This morning Skippers are reporting finding an increase in yellowtail activity but anglers are having a very hard time getting a yellowtail to bite the baits and jigs being presented to them. Most yellowtail hookups have been on yo-yo iron or surface iron fished around spots of bait, meter marks, sonar marks or spots of breaking fish. Most of the yellowtail activity has been found in depths ranging from 14 to 40 fathoms. Areas of bait are likely spots where yellowtail might show. The best zones to try to locate yellowtail have been along the outskirts of the MLPA closure zone at the lower end of La Jolla as well as outside of the upper end of La Jolla. Yo-yo jigs fished around yellowtail meter marks that are found around

deep bait balls have accounted for the majority of the yellowtail hookups and good choices for yo-yo iron include Salas 6X and 6X Jr. jigs in blue and white and scrambled egg colors. Surface iron has also been effective when you can cast the jig to breaking fish before they sound. Good choices for surface iron include Tady 45 and Salas 7X light jigs in blue and white, mint and sardine colors. Full story will be found online. Bob Vanian is the voice, writer, and researcher of the San Diego-based internet fish report service called 976-Bite which can be found at www.976bite.com. Vanian also provides anglers with a personal fish report service over the telephone at (619) 226-8218. He always welcomes your fish reports at that same phone number or at bob976bite@aol.com. Solution from CROSSWORD, PAGE 14

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70’ VIKING SPORT CRUISER FLYBRIDGE MOTORYACHT 2009 - 2 Seakeepers, upgraded Garmin electronics in 2019, hydraulic swim platform 2018. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800.

66’ VIKING 2014 - Impeccable condition, 1,800hp Cat C-32 70’ VIKING ENCLOSED BRIDGE 2012 - Recent survey, MTU ACERTs, 4 double cabins, 5 heads, new Seakeeper, new tender 16V-2000-M94 2600 hp, Seakeeper 26 NEW 11/22 w/ extend& outboard, incredibly equipped. Bob Steel (949) 422-2633. ed warranty 4 years/2,000 hrs. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. D ST JU UCE D RE

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THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 35



New and Used Boats, Engines, Gear and Services

G E T R E S U LT S ! $205

To place an ad, call the classified experts at: 800-887-1615 or visit our website: thelogclassifieds.com Email: classifieds@thelog.com AD DEADLINE: Monday, February 12th @ 5PM NEXT ISSUE: February 16th


THREE MONTH photo ad. BOAT-4-SALE SPECIAL! Six months (13 issues). Includes 30 words, (6 issues). Includes 30 words + photo. photo & featured ad upgrade. (Boats for sale only) $105 Three month text only ad.


ONE MONTH photo ad. (2 issues). Includes 30 words + photo. $45 One month text only ad.


PRICE PICKUP! Run your ad in a 2nd category for HALF the normal price! Call for more info: 800-887-1615

Note: Additional words over 30 accepted at the rate of $0.75 per word.


17’ BOSTON WHALER MONTAUK 2017: Low hours. 2017 4-stroke Honda 90. GPS, VHF, new galvanized trailer, boat cover. In excellent condition. $21,500. Contact Vince: 562-706-7997 or 310-378-8275. Email: vinced1@cox.net

18’ DUFFY 2001: Well maintained, seldon used. 2 heaters, blankets, 4 pillows, stereo, full boat cover. **SOLD**




25’ GRADY WHITE 247 ADVANCE 2000: Great condition. Dry stack stored. Two 150hp Yamaha saltwater engines, 10 years maintenance records. Aluminum Trailer. Don’t need trailer? Reduce price $4,000. $46,500. 949-599-6469.

2005 CHAPARRAL SIGNATURE 350: Both engines and electrical systems completely overhauled. New batteries, canvas and vinul. Bait-tank, davit, pole holders and many extras. Runs great. Newport Beacg marina. $103,500. 949-244-3316


31’ SEA RAY SUNDANCER 310 1999: REDUCED! $37,500. Repowered in 2015 with NEW Marine Power 350 hp twin engines. Brand new Raymarine Radar with 9” screen. Brand new AIS. Upgraded full cockpit bimini and canvas cover. Includes 9’ Achilles tender with Nissan 5hp outboard engine. Contact Jack: 323-422-8966

38’ CHRIS CRAFT COMMANDER 1966: Fiberglass. Repowered (40hrs). Good for fishing/liveaboard. GPS, AIS, VHF, fish finder, chartplotter. New interior upholstery. Recent yard work completed. Sleeps five adults. **SOLD**

33’ CHRIS-CRAFT CORSAIR HERITAGE EDITION 2006 $139,000 Many upgrades Redondo Beach slip available Jack 323-422-8966 20’ SKIPJACK 1969 CUDDY CABIN w/1969 Arroyo trailer, I/O, 350 chevy, new batteries/water pump, double Bimini, captain seats, bait-tank, trim tabs. Trailer has full set of new tires. $4,300. 626-705-5112.


Classic heavy fiberglass Sport Sedan modified V-hull. Spacious interior and ample cockpit space for fishing or diving. Cummins diesel. $29,000. Shoreline Yacht Group, Nick: 310-748-5409, yachtbroker@pacbell.net


36 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG

Log Classifieds POWERBOATS

1989 PACE/OCEAN CONVERTIBLE 40’ $99,000. Fresh 6V53T’s, New generator, 2 staterooms. Contact Mark Mowery, Allied Yacht Brokerage (949) 548-9999

42’ CARVER SUPER SPORT 42SS 2006 The Perfect Sport Cruiser. In beautiful condition and expertly maintained with many upgrades. Volvo disels with 621 hours. $330,000 Shoreline Yacht Group, Steven: 310-720-6999


TO PLACE AN AD, Call 800-887-1615, or online at thelogclassifieds.com


1958 “LANI KAI” 45’: Recently an inspected vessel. Asking $5,000.00 obo. View at Newport Sea Base at 1931 W Coast Hwy. Go to www.newportseabase.org/boats-for-sale, or call 949-402-8730.


46’ CHRIS CRAFT CONSTELLATION 1967: Wood boat twin cat diesels 2 heads 1 shower highly restored surveyor estimate value $89,000 - $153,000 asking $135,000 master cabin headroom 6’. Message questions to: 707-495-7014


49’ BENETEAU GRAND TURISMO 2017 In truly immaculate condition with significant upgrades and improvements throughout. 3 staterooms. 330 hours. Professionally maintained. LLC owned. $745,000. Shoreline Yacht Group, Ben: 310-293-7497

THIS BAYLINER 45 PILOTHOUSE is a remarkably comfortable boat, with two double-staterooms, two heads and showers, and a third statroom/office. An aft cockpit leads directly into a large salon, with a full galley. A roomy pilot house and an open flubridge and sun deck finish the arrangement. Boat includes 2 years use of mooring free of charge.. Has been a perfect, comfortable liveaboard and vacation getaway. Reduced: $109,000. 949-500-3440

50’ CRUISERS YACHT, 2000 Professionally maintained. Hauled out in February with a full survey, bottom paint, new 16.5kw generator, new underwater lights. New electronics on both helms. Too much to list. Asking $265,000. 714-296-8531

47’ LIEN HWA ACMY 1987 Very spacious, light and bright. Sleeps 6. Aft sundeck with full wet bar, sink and icemaker, much more. $119,000. Shoreline Yacht Group, Dee-Ann: 424-298-1123, deeanndavis.shorelineyacht@gmail.com

52’ CRUISERS 520 EXPRESS 2007 Perhaps the perfect express cruiser! Easily seats a dozen friends in the cockpit. The cabin is large and roomy. $274,000. Shoreline Yacht Group, Don: 949-274-6595, donross4yachts@yahoo.com

48’ SEA RAY SUNDANCER 480 2006 In immaculate condition. Twin Cummins QSC 8.3 540hp engines. Recent 1,000 hour service done, and much more! $420,000. Shoreline Yacht Group, Larry: 760-914-0091, ljgagnier@aol.com

HARD TO FIND WEST COAST MARQUIS 59: With Twin Rolls-Royce 825 hp MTUs! Super clean, meticulously maintained & loaded with over $100,000 in upgrades/extras. LLC held!! $669,500. sailBL4life@gmail.com, 619-750-2630.

THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 37


TO PLACE AN AD, Call 800-887-1615, or online at thelogclassifieds.com


67’ MIKELSON 1994 Twin Detroit 8V92 eight cylinder twin turbo diesels. This boat is almost ready! Just got out of the yard. Tons of work has just been done. Unfortunately aging owners and health issues have made this a project for someone looking for a great boat for a great price. $219,000. 602-684-2288, delayeyauction@aol.com.


14’2” CATALINA CAPRI SAILBOAT AND TRAILER: Sturdy day sailor with many features found on bigger boats. Boat and trailer are in excellent condition. No surprises. Over 5,000 made and still in production. $2,500. Oceanside. Call 760-641-7761.



JADA HISTORIC SAILING YACHT A unique Boat/Business Opportunity for sale. Certified for 38 passengers. Schedued haul-out week of February 26th. Must-see. Bring all offers. Asking price: $125,000. Contact: 858-633-6420.


50’ MOORING FOR SALE. Unobstructed. Premium corner and closest mooring to Lido clubhouse. Maintenance by South Mooring. Potential expansion to 55’. Great location/investment. $56,500. Text 310-880-7244.

60’ ALAMITOS BAY SLIP SUBLET through April 30, 2024. $1391 per month. Maximum 64’11” x 17’11”. Marina will measure boat. 714-406-4125

Sailboats for sale ranging from 22ft to 30ft, located in Los Angeles Harbor in Leeward Bay Marina: 310-830-5621 & Pacific Yacht Landing: 310-830-0260

Visit us at


97’ AZIMUT 1990 Beautiful & luxurious, with classic lines and enormous entertaining space. Liveaboard slip in Marina del Rey transferrable with marina approval. $760,000. Shoreline Yacht Group, Nick: 310-748-5409, yachtbroker@pacbell.net.




A winner with extensive GREAT sail inventory. “Radical Departure” has been DRY sailed and is in exceptional condition. Trailer, motor included. $16.500 Dennis: 949-500-6453



Los Angels Harbor n (310)834-7113

Let us sell your boat! We have the expertise to get the results you desire. From attracting buyers through the sale and closing, we have you covered. Call 310-748-5409

25’-30’ SLIPS

Redondo Beach n (310)376-0431

30’ - 40’ SLIPS

San Pedro n (310)732-2252


TAKING RESERVATIONS Coronado n (619)435-5203

1997 HUNTER 450 Passage NON-EQUITY 3rd usage partnership. Recently refit with new canvas, mattresses, cushions interior, ground tackle, Electronics, and much more. Includes all maintenance, slip fees, fuel, insurance, etc..909-936-4670.

50’ TRI Well suited for Liveaboard, Channel Islands Charter or world-class “comfort cruising”. Fully equipped, professionally maintained, comfortable cruise accommodation for 12. 30+ year owner. Delivery Ready! $219,000/obo. 808-630-6084, gomorrishi@gmail.com

AL LARSON MARINA Slips & Moorings Buoys from 25’ to 55’, at $10.00/ft. Closest Run to Catalina. Beverages & Snacks Sold in Office. 310-832-0526 or 1046larsomarina@gmail.com

AVALON MOORINGS FOR SALE 30 ft. to 130 ft. Inside/Outside www.avalonmooringsforsale.com

310-544-4667 310-795-2311 n

BALBOA ISLAND SHORE MOORING FOR SALE: North Bay Front near Garnett Ave. $37,500. Please call 949-466-3919.

38 | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | THE LOG


Log Classifieds

TO PLACE AN AD, Call 800-887-1615, or online at thelogclassifieds.com





Prime back bay location in Newport Beach. Slips and storage. Call for availability. 949-673-1331 www.baysidevillagemarina.com


HELP WANTED BOAT CAPTAIN & DISPATCHER NEEDED: San Pedro. US Water Taxi. We are looking for a Boat Captain. Must have 100-Ton Master (required). For more information call 310-5198230 or email jflores@watertaxius.com.

Pacific Yacht Landing: 310-830-0260 25’ slips @ $11.00/ft. 26’-32’ slips @ $12.00/ft. 33’-45’ slips @ $13.00/ft., End-Ties @ $14.00/ft.

L.A. HARBOR Leeward Bay: 310-830-5621 25’ slips @ $11.00/ft. 26’-32’ slips @ $12.00/ft. 33’-45’ slips @ $13.00/ft., End-Ties @ $14.00/ft.

BRAND NEW MARINA: Slips 25’-75’. Private, quiet harbor, close to the beach, shopping, restaurants, parking, & more. Call 714-840-5545 or email info@huntingtonharbourmarina.com.

NEWPORT BEACH’S NEW LICENSE PROGRAM offers 16 onshore and offshore City-owned moorings to the public in a variety of sizes. Applications for the initial licenses will be accepted through March 1, 2024. 949-270-8159

NEWPORT BEACH MOORING: Near harbor entrance. Single point swing, up to 60’ vessel. Easy access to public dock, beach, showers, restrooms. Long-term only. Chris: 949-355-4500 / midocean.cb@gmail.com


50’-60’ for $810/mo. Yacht Haven Marina

310 834-6892 • www.yachthaven.org ISLAND YACHT ANCHORAGE: LOS ANGELES HARBOR. 25’-50’ SLIPS AVAILABLE. SOME LIVEABOARD. CALL 310-830-1111.

LIGHTHOUSE YACHT MARINA: 1ST & 2ND MONTH 1/2 OFF (With This Ad), 34’ END-TIE FOR CAT OR TRI + 25’ TO 50’ SLIPS. L.A. HARBOR. Water/electricity/dock box included. Showers, laundry, pario area. Gated, clean & quiet, lockers. Close port to... Catalina. Berth 205-B, 1300 Anchorage Rd, Wilmington. Call Barbara: 310-834-9595. www.lighthouseyachtmarina.com. Email barbgmarina@gmail.com. LONG BEACH SLIPS & END-TIES 25’-50’: NO LIVEABOARDS. Harbor Light Landing Marina, views of downtown and Queen Mary. Call 619807-7245. Email: lance@harboryc.com

LOW PRICE SLIPS - LA HARBOR $9.00/ft - Sailboats $12/ft - Multihulls Detached dock - No utilities Leeward Bay: (310) 830-5621 MARINA CORTEZ - SAN DIEGO: Stunning location, improved amenities. 10’ - 120’ slips, end ties, and side ties. 30’ Slips available NOW. Call 619-291-5985.

Place your ad today! Call Jon: 1-800-887-1615




Best in business. NAVTECH/US Surveyors. Marine surveyor courses. 1-800-245-4425, www.navsurvey.com. Commercial & recreational available.


NEWPORT BEACH SLIPS AVAILABLE Main Channel, Balboa Island near the ocean. Duffys, Sailboats, or Powerboats up to 68 feet. Call 949-688-0299 for size availability and any questions.

PIER 32 MARINA, SAN DIEGO BAY: Call for slip availability 619-477-3232 or email office@pier32marina.com.

AMERICA’S BOATING CLUB: Many boating education courses. San Diego, Oceanside & Newport Beach. Raft-Ups, Sail races, On-Water Training, BBQs & fun. Not For Ptofit. New Members Welcome. Website: www.sdsps.org, Email: log@sdsps.org CONVAIR SAILING CLUB: 21 ft. Victory & 23 ft Ensign sailboat fleets. Not for profit annual membership club. Regattas and socials, sail any time. New members welcome, training provided. info@convairsailingclub.com

POINT LOMA MARINA - SAN DIEGO: Call for slip availability. Call 619-718-6260 or email office@pointlomamarina.com. SAN DIEGO MOORING COMPANY: Visit our website for information & application www.sandiegomooring.com or call 619-291-0916. WANTED - 45’ OR LARGER MOORING in FField, Newport Beach. Call 949-279-5048.


MEXICAN CASITA WITH 4 ACRES Mexican stone “casita” & 3 out buildings on nearly 4 acres with 300’ beachfront in Baja. New certified survey available. 24/7 Guard. Corporation owned and approved for marine businesses, etc. See video, Fiesta del Mar: https://tinyurl.com/yc7eks5c $300,000 • Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja MX • capnernie1@aol.com

We have the following positions open: • Marine technicians • Engine builder • Parts Dept. Manager / Sales • Warehouse help • General Shop help / apprentice Contact: Kelliw@kozwel.com 714-432-1771


Yacht Haven Marina

310 834-6892 • www.yachthaven.org


REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL: Detailoriented and meticulous, Contact Aayeesha Essue to begin your journey buying, selling, or investing. Transform your dreams into concrete achievements. 424-371-7312 | aessue@theagencyre.com | Lic #2129008

SOUTH SHORE YACHT CLUB is accepting new member applications for the 2024 yachting & sailing season. Established in 1957 and based in Newport Beach, the club hosts monthly social, sailing, racing and cruise events throughout the year. If you enjoy having fun on the water, this is the Yacht Club for you. www.southshoreyachtclub.wildapricot.org

THE LOG | February 2 - February 15, 2024 | 39


TO PLACE AN AD, Call 800-887-1615, or online at thelogclassifieds.com





1974 DETROIT DIESEL 671 MARINE MOTOR WITH TRANSMISSION: Ran fine before removal from trawler. Best Offer + Steel Wheeled cart for additional $300. 858-344-4224. I BUY USED MARINE ELECTRONICS: Text photos or call 619-962-6969. Email rickabristol@gmail.com.


SUZUKI 4-STROKE 2.5HP OUTBOARD MOTOR: With long shaft. Motor runs good and has about 20 hours on it. $175. Call 714-3421495 or email dwe762@gmail.com. FOR SALE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: 2stroke Nissan 3.5 horsepower outboard motor. Weighs 28 pounds. Marina del Rey or San Fernando Valley. $420. Call Don: 818-781-2111.

Marine interior design, fabrication. Enclosures, affordable custom mattresses, window replacement, exterior and interior cushions, carpet and canvas. 25 years experience. Serving San Diego to LA. 858-329-1140, 617-791-0910, www.3mcanvas.com, threemcanvas@yahoo.com.

USCG CERTIFIED CAPTAINS Deliveries, Charters, Instruction. From Alaska to Panama. Multiple deliveries Hawaii to California, Atlantic crossing, Caribbean, Mediterranean. www.SanDiegoCaptains.com Captain Nikolay Alexandrov 858-531-1175 Captain Assen Alexandrov 858-531-4788

to WA/Canada/Alaska! Availability in March, April & May. Don’t beat yourself up - leave it to an experienced 200t Master. Inquire for other services Capt. Harley Sheffield: 360-499-6116, porttoport.yachts


CORONADO YACHT MANAGEMENT:San Diego’s Yacht Care Specialists - Custom Yacht Management Packages, Cleaning / Detailing, Captain Services, Charter Coordination, Yacht Delivery, Boat Handling & Sailing Lessons, Vessel Improvements. 858-630-6630, Info@CoronadoYachtManagement.com


WATER MAKER: Village Marine Tec NF600. Will make 25 gal/hour or 600 gals/day. The system is modular so the components can be mounted in different locations. The pump is 120 VAC. Oil Filter Services tested the complete system and pickled the membranes. Pics are available. $2500 obo. Located in Laguna Hills. 714-269-7269

WANTED TO BUY: Powerboats 1986 and newer, running or not, up to 34’ in length. We will help with removal from your slip. Call Al for more info: 800-613-5410.

YACHT DELIVERY DELIVERIES, INSTRUCTION, and all other professional Captain services. Sail, power. www.KeithEricson.com, 619-275-3839, San Diego Skippers Association

for any shape window. Blinds, Roman shades, Roller shades, Cellular shades. 310-308-1844, 888-771-5309, boatblinds@prodigy.net, www.boatblindsinternational.com

USCG LICENSED 100-TON MASTER Delivery, Lessons, Private Captain. Sail/Power. Over 196,000 documented Intl blue water miles. Well respected in the marine industry. Many dozens of references. Jeffry Matzdorff: 323-855-0191, earthakat@msn.com. www.offshoredeliveryskipper.com.

You can place your Log classified ad by calling 800-887-1615, emailing classifieds@thelog.com, or directly online at www.thelogclassifieds.com

MARITIME INSTITUTE SAILBOAT GEAR 2000 GOOD USED SAILS! Listed at minneysyachtsurplus.com More info? Email minneys@aol.com Open Thurs-Fri-Sat. 9 to 5 & By Appt.

GENERAL SERVICES 100-TON MASTER with over (15) years’ experience is available to help with yacht maintenance, yacht management, charters, private excursions, delivery, instruction or whatever need you might have. Primarily NB. 714-574-4065 Log Classified ads can be easily placed by calling us at 1-800-887-1615 M-F, 8A-5P, by emailing classifieds@thelog.com, or you can place the ad via our website at: www.thelogclassifieds.com

USCG LICENSED CAPTAIN available for deliveries & charters of sail or motoryachts. English / Spanish fluent. Mechanically handy. CPR / First Aid certificates. Call Capt. Dustin Conlon 858-988-9023 or email Oceanonearth@gmail.com


Maritime Institute offers USCG certified courses in all aspects of vessel operations, including deck, engineering and safety, along with USN certified courses for MSC Government Vessels. Our Norfolk campus is an approved GWO training facility for the offshore wind industry. Our professional staff of instructors and credentialing specialists will make sure you get the training you need to advance in your career.


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