DLSS 2014 Careers Guide

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Deakin law sTuDenTs’ socieTY careers guiDe 2014

Disclaimer This publication is provided free of charge from the Deakin Law Students’ Society (DLSS) on the understanding that the editors, all contributors and any other persons relating to this publication are not responsible for the actions of readers based on information, error or omission in the publication. The views given in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the editors, DLSS or Deakin School of Law. All information was correct at the time of printing, however given the importance of the applications that students are making, all students are advised to confirm the information before making an application due to the fast paced nature in which emails change, application requirements change, people’s positions change and other career related information changes. © 2014 Deakin Law Students’ Society Inc With the exception of articles containing a named author and/ or firm, organisation or corporation, all copyright, expect where provided for under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), vests in the Deakin Law Students’ Society and may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the permission of the Deakin Law Students’ Society. Please contact the current Deakin Law Students’ Society President for permission.




 President’s Welcome  Editorial


Your Application

 Preparing a Resume  Top 20 CV Tips  The Interview Process


Volunteering & Internships  Get that Law Internship  The 6 Week PwC Experience  My work experience with a criminal Queens Council  Projects Abroad Human Rights Office  PILCH – ‘An Opportunity to Help’  Legal Aid Indonesia  Criminal Law Work-Experience  The Aurora Project


Private Sector Employer Profiles


Government Employer Profiles


Family Law Employer Profiles


Comparing Career Pathways

 Regional Pathway  A Regional Experience  Think Outside Melbourne  State Government Pathway  Federal Government Pathway


Further Resources



inTroDucTion 

 President’s Welcome The Australian legal profession is changing, as such are the fortunes and opportunities for law students. Once a specialist qualification, every year a larger number of students are undertaking a bachelor of Laws or similar Juris Doctor program. A resulting effect of such a trend is an increased difficulty for law graduates to find work in a ‘traditional’ law environment. Further, as these ‘traditional’ commercial law employers undertake processes of restructuring within their firms and recruiting practices, such graduates opportunities may not exist in the same capacity they once did. As such, many law students are being forced to ask themselves, “now what do I do?”, how do you make use of your law degree if there are no jobs on offer? Answering this question can be difficult and there is no blanket advice that can be given, as each individual’s value system and beliefs will determine how to answer this. The advice I can give though, is to examine the reasoning behind why we are asking ourselves such a question in the first place. In an era where businesses are rapidly expanding and are looking to hire more people accordingly, too many law students still unfortunately perceive the only desirable outcome upon finishing their law degree is to seek employment in a strictly law orientated firm. As students, we all need to evaluate this mindset. There are an abundance of both legal and non-legal career opportunities out there for Australian law students, the key to obtaining them though is by adopting a mantra whereby 6

we are willing to look for them, and not to simply be resigned to a mindset where we perceive only jobs in law firms as the major outcome at the completion of our degree. The search for opportunities needs to be constant within our thinking, and as such we will never be burdened with the questions of “now what?” The increase in career opportunities for law students within many areas of business has been the recognition by firms that many law students have the ‘soft’ skills required to be successful in many different vocations and practice areas. Skills such as good communication, negotiation, leadership, entrepreneurship and time management are all skills that employers are looking for regardless of the industry. The result has been to make law students a desirable commodity for any potential employer. This guides purpose is display to you some of those opportunities that exist away from a strictly legal pathway. Whether it is in finance, banking, accountancy, professional services or management this guide has it covered. Importantly please remember though that this publication is only a guide, and not an exhaustive list of pre-determined vocations that are recommended for law students. There are many new and exciting opportunities that exist out in the business world today, perfectly suited to the skills and attributes of law students. To find them though, we first need to be willing to look. Seth Ryan President

 Editorial As law students, we have embarked on one reer options and opportunities that are still of the longest and most challenging of all available to them regardless of the current university degrees. It is a journey of both time graduate market. and effort, and can be an exercise in discipline and persistence. But where exactly does this As such, during the compilation of this Carespected qualification lead you in your future reers Guide, my officer Natalie NG and I have career? The answer to that question is that it is endeavored to showcase a diverse range of completely up to you! employers and career pathways; all of which seek law graduates. While we have tried to It comes as a surprise to most law students be comprehensive with our guide, we would that a law degree is considered to be a fairly like to encourage students to supplement this generic qualification by most employers. Out- guide with their own research; you may just side of its direct application to a career in law, find a career path you never dreamed existed! the most enviable aspects of a law degree are the plethora of transferable skills that it cul- It is a renowned fact that over 50% of law stutivates. These desirable characteristics range dents do not go on to practice law. Nonethefrom our reading and writing abilities to our less a study of 2013 graduates by Graduate logical based reasoning skills. It is pivotal for Careers Australia reported that 78.5% of law both students and graduates to realise and ac- graduates were in full time employment. This cept that a law degree is much more versatile is an incredible number. So keep an eye out for then perhaps they first envisioned, and not to opportunities and always remember that when artificially limit themselves when commencing reading articles such as the one titled above, their career or applying for graduate jobs. or considering your own career, the future is never as bleak as it may seem. With publications such as ‘[i]t is the worst time in living history to be a law graduate’ be- The Industry Portfolio and DLSS would like to ing released in Lawyers Weekly last year – it wish all students and graduates the best of does make one pessimistic about the future. luck as you continue through the completion Undoubtedly last year was a tough year to be of your degree and in your exciting transition a law graduate, particularly those applying from student to graduate! to enter commercial law firms. But it is exactly for this purpose that the Careers Industry Michael Castricum Portfolio of the DLSS was created – so as to VP Careers Industry expose law students to the multiplicity of ca-


Your applicaTion 

 Preparing a resume Your resume is essential in the application process and should summarise and highlight the most positive and relevant aspects about you and your experiences. Its main purpose is to get you an interview. An employer may only scan your resume briefly, so it is essential that the format and the layout enable them to quickly understand what you have to offer. Make it clear, concise and targeted to the job or occupational field for which you are applying.

 Ten basic tips  Assess your skills and abilities – know yourself and what you have to offer.

 Prioritise your information stating the most important and most relevant first.

 Decide what type of resume you want to write and how you are going to use it.

 Target your strengths, skills, experience and accomplishments to match the employer’s requirements.

 Research the employer and gather  Ensure that information is set out clearly information about the vacancy and understand and is free from spelling mistakes. what the employer is looking for.  Present information in terms of benefits to the employer, not the benefits you want.

 Your resume should be no longer than three sides.

 Each section in a resume should be  Use good quality plain paper if asked to presented in reverse chronological order (most provide a hardcopy. recent experience first).

 Constructing your resume Suggested headings for your information and some examples of the information to include: Personal Details - name, address, email, telephone, mobile Career Objective or Personal Statement - What do you want to do? What level? Who with? Where? Education or Academic Qualifications - dates attended, name of institution/course, subjects/ majors 9

Relevant Skills – Eg. teamwork, problem solving, communication. Employment and Work Experience - dates, name of employer, job title, roles/responsibilities, skills Professional Development - dates, name of qualification and institution, brief description Interests, Achievements or Extra-curricular activities - other relevant examples to enhance your resume, give examples that indicate that you are a ‘well rounded person’ Referees - name, job title, contact details of 2 or 3 referees

 The different types of resume Reverse chronological - This is the most widely used type of resume. It lists your qualifications and experience outlining major points only. This is not suitable if you have unexplained gaps in employment history. Functional - Highlights the wide range of skills and abilities you have developed through your education, work experience and other activities. It is generally far more detailed than the Chronological type. Targeted - Targeted towards a particular position and in some cases it can be so specific that it also addresses selection criteria. Customised – Uses specialised fields such as teaching philosophy, clinical placements, etc.

 Further assistance Resume Builder: www.deakin.edu.au/resume Use our online tool to help build your resume. Use the resume checking service at the Careers and Employment Centre on your campus.


 Top 20 CV Tips AUTHOR Tom Wilson Preparing the perfect CV can seem daunting at first but it is an immensely beneficial skill which can drive your career into the fast lane. Designing and perfecting an ace CV isn’t just about ticking a box on an application form, it’s about marketing yourself to employers and this is a skill you will need not just for when you are job hunting but also in the workplace as you seek to climb the professional ladder.

Below are my top 20 tips for cultivating a CV that will make HR salivate. This advice is general and based off my experience so always check with an HR rep from the firm you are applying to as they will know best what they are looking for in a Graduate and always seek feedback on your CV from multiple sources as you will likely find the approach that best suits you will come from taking various snippets of advice from different sources.

 Getting started 1. Get started early!  Creating a CV takes time so don’t expect all  The CV you send to employers should be of your achievements and experience to come the end result of months of scrutinising and to mind when you write it for the first time. perfecting.

2. Have a hard look in the mirror.  Take a hard look at yourself by putting yourselves in the shoes of employers. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a candidate?  This can often be the hardest part of crafting your CV but once you’ve done it you will have a pretty clear idea of where you stand.  Ideally I recommend having this hard look in the mirror once a year comparing the state of your current CV with your desired professional goals.

 Imagine how much easier it is to have this hard talk with yourself a year before you are applying for the dream job. This way you have a year to iron out any weak spots on your CV. It’s also a great idea to attend a careers fair a year in advance and ask HR for a blunt assessment of what you need to work on.  Once you’ve done this you will actually have a much better idea of where you sit in the pecking order and also what you bring to the table for employers. Essentially what is your comparative advantage, what do you do that other people cannot!


3. Make your layout work for you.  Be creative with your layout, use it to emphasise your strengths rather than highlighting your weaknesses.

 If you have work experience which is particularly relevant to an employer in addition to your job at Maccas it’s worth separating where these entries appear on your CV.

 Think about a “Legal/ Accounting/Zoology Professional Experience” heading in addition to your “Professional Experience” heading.

4. Consider including an “awards and achievements” section.

5. Start off large and then slim it down keeping the final product succinct.

 Many employers love seeing academic and professional excellence. If you can package that for them in an appropriate heading on your CV they will likely be very much obliged.

 You will often find you are applying to a large variety of industries. It’s an excellent idea to have an unrefined CV which includes everything that can then be slimmed down to focus the CV on a particular employer.

 This can seem daunting at first but with a little thought various achievements will come to mind. This is one section which won’t happen overnight so keep plugging away at it.  Also be proactive here. Often you may be an inadvertent high achiever. If you get a good assignment or exam mark back don’t be afraid to email your lecturer and find out where you ranked, you might be surprised to find your essay received the highest mark or that your final mark ranked in the top 5% for the subject.

 Generally 3 pages was the length I was told to keep the CV to but this will depend on the employer (hint: this is an excellent question to ask an employer at a careers fair!).  At the same time resist the temptation to stretch the margins. Having a large amount of “white space” on your CV is important as it shows you can convey the salient parts of your application without feeling the need to cram it full of information.

6. Include your contact details!     You don’t need to take up half a page with overly-specific directions to your house but don’t make it a painful experience for HR to contact you.

7. Ensure your name stands out from the pile.  There’s no need to put your name in size 30 font and red ink but always ask whether your CV invites employers to pick your CV up out of the pile.


8. Consider including an “interests” section.  At first glance this might seem like a waste of space as you struggle to fit your bulging trophy

cabinet of awards on the same page as your extensive career history as a fast-food checkout kid, but employers want to work with people that share their values and who they can talk to without wanting to chop their ears off. Having an interests section shows employers what you are about and facilitates discussion on topics of mutual interest (just imagine sitting in an interview and finding out your interviewer shares your passion for Lawn Bowls!).

9. Avoid the passive voice.

10. Seek feedback from multiple sources.

 Employers want Graduates who are

 Always seek feedback on your CV from

proactive and succinct. Avoid phrases like “was a key facilitator in effecting change” in preference for more active sentences like “facilitated key changes by co-coordinating national guideline development”.

multiple sources as you will likely find the approach that best suits you will come from taking various snippets of advice from different sources.

 Tailoring it to a specific employer 11. Go straight to the horse’s mouth: Ask HR what they want!  Many large firms send their HR to a variety of careers fairs and on campus presentations.

These are a great opportunity to have a quick chat with HR, put your name into their head inception style and get some key feedback for styling your CV.  It’s hard to generalise but typically it is good to have a chat to HR where you introduce

yourself (full name) ask your pertinent and intelligent question (make sure the answer isn’t on the firm’s website!!) and then thank them for their time and wish them luck with their recruitment. Trust me this will leave a much more favourable impression than subjecting the poor HR rep to an ad nauseum diatribe about your ability to play chess blindfolded.

12. Tailor your CV to each employer.  Tick the boxes your employer is looking for and make it easy for them.  If an employer wants to see strong academic achievement, relevant work experience, other

professional experience and community involvement then it might be a good idea to have each of these points as a heading.


13. Consider incorporating catchword values from a firm’s website into your CV.  I haven’t verified this with HR but I have heard that some firms that receive thousands of applications have programs that search for the presence of a firm’s core values in the CV.

 Remember this works best when there is a

 Even if this isn’t the case it is probably best

 Having a strong knowledge of your

to demonstrate your alignment with these values anyway!

achievements will make this process easier until it becomes second nature.

logical and clear connection between one of the achievements on your CV and the value in question.

14. Consider ditching the “skills and abilities” section.  This is a controversial topic and I’ve heard opinions both ways on this one.  The advice I received for law firms when I

 I like this method because it is efficient

was applying was to avoid having a dedicated skills/abilities section in the CV in favour of actively demonstrating these skills/abilities when describing the responsibilities/duties you performed in your professional or volunteer experience.

space wise and actively linking these skills/ qualities to your professional/volunteer experience will inadvertently prepare you for behavioural type questions you may encounter come interview time (ie tell me about a time you demonstrated stewardship).

15. Don’t fib, it’s a mugs game.  The temptation when first faced with the

 Needless to say you cannot have a CV which

seemingly herculean task of starting your CV is to embellish. I’m not a fan of this because I believe your CV should be a celebration of your achievements but also more generally your life choices.

includes every single thing you have ever done so you do need to be selective and tactical in deciding which information to present and how to present it.

 If you don’t own every word that’s on that

 At the same time if there’s something you

CV it’s likely to shine through and affect your application (and that’s even before you consider the extremely serious ethical implications of providing misleading information on your CV: Think of being told to pack up your desk because of a fib you told to get the job even after you’ve successfully worked there for several years!).

think could seriously affect your relationship with your employer if it came to light once you’ve scored the job, I would highly recommend disclosing: It will ensure you really own your application and don’t undermine your ethical integrity.


 Sending it off 16. Ask: Does my CV flow logically? Your CV is an excellent opportunity to show employers that you have an organised mind and can sift through information while presenting it in a logical and organised manner, so do so!

17. Get it checked. Some HR will come out to campus to specifically check CVs, I highly recommend attending one of these sessions with a final(ish) draft of your CV. Find what they like and don’t like about your layout and the information itself.

People who have successfully survived and even prospered in the meat-grinder of Graduate recruitment are often only too happy to pass on some general tips they have picked up along the way. They may also provide a useful insight into how to best structure an application for the firm they work for.

You know your boyfriend’s older sister who started working a few years ago at a firm you are interested in applying to? Why not send them a quick email asking them for their general impressions on your CV. If they feel inclined towards giving extensive advice then so much the better!

Remember to say please and thank you. These people are busy and they are helping you out of the generosity of their hearts. So remember to be courteous and you will likely have more success.

18. Print it: See what it looks like in hard copy. Make sure the “highlights” of your CV really catch the eye of anyone that looks at it.

After an initial screening process many HR will print off all the shortlisted candidates’ CVs and sift through them so ensure your CV looks great in both hard and soft copy.

Also a good idea to number each page just to play it safe. Could also be a nifty idea to put your name in the header of the document so it appears on each page.


19. PDF PDF PDF! Never send in a document that is part of your application as a word document unless you cannot avoid doing so or the firm specifically requests a word document. PDFs look much more professional and mirror the way correspondence occurs in the real world. For those firms (you know who you are!) with pesky online application systems that have ridiculously low upload file size limits, try scanning a printout of your CV in black & white to see if this produces a smaller file size (this tips works well for your academic transcript as well).

20. Review your CV before your interview. Remember to look at your CV again before any interview you might get and expect to spend at least part of the interview discussing the highlights of your CV. Keep in mind that not every firm will ask you about the same parts of your CV so know it like the back of your hand and know how you can apply it to answer the types of questions they will throw at you. Good luck with your applications Deakinites!


 The Interview Process When you apply to several different employers across the Industry, expect to encounter a variety of Interview types, all designed to test whether or not you are a good fit with the firm.

 Most Common Types of Interviews 1. Phone Interview This is a quick and easy way for a potential employer to test your communication skills, and also validate information provided by you on your resume. Following this phone conversation, usually with a member of HR staff, you may be shortlisted, and proceeded onto the next stage of interview.  Things to remember  Make sure you are in a quiet area where there will be no distractions, no excessive back ground noise, and no issues with phone reception.

 Make sure your phone is in perfect working condition, charged and that you are not already in a call close to the scheduled time of phone interview.

 Leave ample time for the phone call.

2. Face-time Interview Typically, this is the next stage of the interview process, if you are fortunate enough to be shortlisted from your phone interview. HR staff will arrange a time for you to come into the firm’s office and meet with recruiting staff in a formal, sit-down interview.  Things to remember  Make sure to arrive punctually.  Make sure you are dressed in appropriate business attire.  Make sure you are aware of who you are meeting, including full names and position titles.  Make sure to be adequately prepared for questions and always DO YOUR HOMEWORK.  Have a full understanding of what the role entails


 Here are some steps you can take to ensure you stand out from your peers during the interview process  Do your research on the company and the interviewer, so as to be able to ask questions regarding their current work or cases. This shows genuine interest and insight into the position.  Despite how prepared you think you may be, it is always a good idea to review both the job description, and your own resume the day before your interview. This way, you will be able to quickly locate and highlight key points that the interviewer may ask you to elaborate on.  While it is important to remain professional at all times during your interview, you will present the best version of yourself if you relaxed, friendly and are confident in your abilities. If possible, try to include some small topics of general conversation with your interviewers, and be honest about your personal interests (within reason). You may find someone on the interviewing panel can relate to something you might say or have included on your CV.  In response to FAQ’s such as… ‘Name a time you have been presented with a challenge, and you have had to work to overcome it.’ … in a way that is specific to you personally, by providing a real example. It is always best to avoid generic answers or clichés.

3. Behavioural Based Interviews These are interviews that focus on your experiences and your behaviour, when faced with a specific situation. These type of interviews are often regarded by students with trepidation and dread. There are however, some ways to tackle this complex style of interview:  Think of some specific examples that demonstrate your competence and problem solving skills

 Try to develop a structure in which you will provide your answers. While you do not want your answer to sound rehearsed, it is important that it comes across as clear, cohesive, and easy for the interviewer to follow.

 Also look at how in this situation, you showed your flexibility, creativity, organisational  Try to break it down into: skills and teamwork. 1 the situation 2 the task 3 what action you took 4 the ending result or outcome


4. Task-Oriented Interviews This unique type of interview is utilised by some employers to gage an initial indication of competence in a specific area. The exact task or exercise will depend on the position or industry in which you are choosing to apply, however it could vary from writing, numeric testing or problem-solving skills. An employer may ask you to take a short test online to deduce your technical skills. Alternatively, a firm may require you to come into the office and participate in a group presentation to demonstrate your communication skills and ability to adapt to a team environment. This is another style of interviewing that many students regard as difficult and daunting. There is not a lot that you can do to specifically prepare for this task. It is best to try and relax and approach it with an open-mind and be prepared to be flexible in applying your skill-set to the assigned task. Your results on and online test will be verified at the next round of interviewing, during further testing in an ‘assessment centre’. Therefore, it is important you complete the requirements to the best of your own ability, and independently.


VolunTeering & inTernships 

 Get That Law Internship These days it is important for all graduates to gain experience while studying and Law students are no exception. While there are formal seasonal clerkships available to students in their penultimate year, there are many other opportunities for Law students to gain valuable experience and meet the course requirement of 30 days professional work experience in a legal environment.

 Why should I do an internship? An internship gives you the opportunity to:  boost your employability and competitiveness when applying for professional positions  identify your talents  gain work experience relevant to your intended future career  build professional networks  develop insight into career paths in your field  acquire and apply practical and professional workplace skills and knowledge  gain confidence and a mature perspective  acquire a professional referee. (Note that the terms ‘internship’, ‘placement’ and ‘work experience’ are often used interchangeably.)

 So…how do I get an internship? Your chances of getting an internship will be enhanced if you carefully follow these steps: Identify opportunities - Consider your interests, strengths, weaknesses and career goals to identify the kind of internship experience you are seeking. Identify potential hosts. Create a proposal - Plan your internship proposal and include it in a tailored cover letter and resume Contact possible host organisations - Plan your approach to contacting potential hosts. Make an appointment to discuss and negotiate your internship. Interviews and offers - Prepare thoroughly to make the right impression during interviews and when following up on offers. 21

 Should I be paid? Fair Work Australia state that students are able to work in a voluntary capacity provided:  It is for a Not For Profit organisation OR  The student is getting credit towards their course (i.e. part of the 30 days professional work experience requirement). Note that 30 days is the maximum number of voluntary days if it is a ‘for profit’ organisation and it must be accredited by the Faculty. See the Law school website at http://www.deakin.edu.au/buslaw/law/students/professionalexp/what-counts.php for details of what counts as professional experience.

 Some tips for Law students Marlene Ebejer, Law Lecturer and Law Clinic/Placement Coordinator at Deakin offers the following tips for students looking for internships:  Keep an eye out on the Deakin Law website as sometimes opportunities for placements come up and we post them on our website  I always talk about networking, going to community legal centres and putting your name down to volunteer. Make a personal visit rather than call and get a form.  Be open to travel and not expect a role to come up in your neighbourhood.  Attend local law association meetings, become a student member of the Law Institute of Victoria - get an update email from them each week, this includes information about the association meetings.  When you attend the meetings identify yourself as a law student, meet the president and see if an announcement can be made to say you are looking for work experience.  Attend court hearings and speak to lawyers – let them know you are a student who is keen to learn. Information on law opportunities through Deakin can be found at: http://www.deakin.edu.au/ buslaw/law/students/employment.php


The Young Lawyers Section of the Law Institute of Victoria also gives some tips:  Research law firms and practice areas that interest you: See LIV directories; LIV Accredited Specialists listing; Vic Bar website; consider cold/warm calling barristers or emailing them for paid and unpaid opportunities.  Contact local firms to see if they need ad hoc assistance.  Consider positions in Regional areas.  Apply for jobs within the profession: Paralegal; Administration / reception; Filing; Discovery  Seek out volunteering opportunities - www.clcvolunteers.net.au and www.probonoaustralia. com.au. (see Jobshop websites for links to other Links)  Get involved with the Young Lawyers Section and one of our 8 Committees. The above opportunities could certainly lead to seasonal clerkship opportunities.

 Need some help… You can get internship help from Jobshop (Deakin’s Career and Employment service) including:  Online information and tips  Online jobs board  Resume and cover letter reviews  Meeting with a careers counsellor to plan your internship strategy  Help with interview skills Simply register on our website at http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/jobs-career to find out how.


The 6 week PwC experience Jackson Parker (final year Commerce/Law student)


Personal experiences have taught me that many law students either neglect or are unaware of the many career avenues available to them. One such avenue, that I would highly recommend to fellow law students, is the professional services industry. I recently spent 6 weeks working in the PwC Corporate Tax team in Melbourne as a Vacationer and it has been the most enjoyable and enlightening work experience I have undertaken to date. By way of background, PwC is one of world’s leading professional services firms, with 776 offices globally employing over 180,000 people.

of basic tax law and wouldn’t be capable of completing any of the work I was assigned. So when one of the guys in my team said “don’t be intimidated by other people’s knowledge, no-one expects you to reinvent the wheel, just have a go” I instantly felt more at ease. Taking that advice into my third week especially helped because I now felt not just capable of doing work I was given, but requesting work I was interested in completing. From then on my time at PwC really did fly and before I knew it the program was over. Looking back on it I can’t believe how much I learnt in such a short period of time. They really did cram the equivalent of 2 years of law school into a 6 week crash course on how to not just be a tax lawyer, but also think like a business person. This was primarily a result of the wide variety of work from which you could choose to get involved with and I was fortunate to work on 3 major projects. Firstly, I helped coordinate a proposal for work that spanned 8 countries. I also worked on a tax due diligence for a global conglomerate looking to acquire an Australian multinational and lastly was part of a team who advised on the tax aspects of a multi-million dollar transaction. This was easily the most exciting and complex piece of work I came across. I was required to learn about a very niche area of foreign tax law, review and advise on the enforceability of a contract, research ATO rulings/determinations and ultimately help put together the final deliverable that was given to the client.

My first week was a blur. I completed a lot of “on-boarding” activities to get familiar with how the firm operates and then predominantly sat in on meetings, whilst trying to pretend I had a clue what everyone was talking about. Every second word was an acronym and everything sounded the same – it really was another language I needed to learn. Interestingly though, the hardest part of my first week was going from staring at the white walls of Deakin’s library, to a nice view of the city and not be constantly distracted from the work I had been assigned. Thankfully, by the start of week two all of my nerves began to settle and I began to feel more comfortable as I got to know more of the people in my team - everyone was really welcoming and approachable. I started completing some more complex tasks and also received some great advice that I remembered throughout the rest of the program. My biggest fear before starting, and even during my first week, was that I had only completed 12 weeks Additionally, I also spent a fair bit of time work24

ing in Tax Controversy – a sub-division of Corporate Tax – helping some of Australia’s largest companies manage their disputes with the ATO. Finally, the other Vacationers and I were also given an assignment to complete over the 6 weeks and it turned out to be one of the highlights of the program. We were required to learn about how Australian CGT interacts with the operation of Australia’s Double Taxation Treaties and how that may influence a nonresident mining entity’s decision about investing here. We then had to present our findings to the entire team which was a little daunting, but well received (we hoped). Apart from working, there were also a lot of fun events to attend and experiences to have. Sometimes I struggled to keep up with all the calendar invites I was receiving. For example, I was lucky enough to attend the Mining Council of Victoria’s Christmas Lunch and mingle with some of the preeminent figures in the industry, which was a real thrill given my own interest in the mining and energy sector. Also, the firm-wide James Bond Christmas Party and the Corporate Tax Team White Party were

highlights and a great chance to get to know everyone outside of work. Additionally, all the Vacationers firm-wide got to participate in a mini-amazing race around the city. This was a great chance to get to know some of the people in other service lines, share experiences and learn how the firm operates as a whole. Overall, even though the learning curve was steep, I had a great time during my 6 weeks at PwC. It was a great chance to further develop my skills, create new friendships with like-minded people and finally put the tools I have learnt in law school into practice. Getting some experience with a firm like PwC should definitely be a consideration for all law students; particularly those interested in commerce, as a way to taste the many paths a law degree can take you on. As for myself, after the 6 weeks I was offered; and happily accepted, a grad spot for 2015. I now can’t wait to finish my final of year study and begin my career – where the work starts again.


My work experience with a criminal Queen’s Counsel (QC) AUTHOR Chanel Mercurio


s all of you know, the Deakin Law degree me to look through phone records and make requires us to complete 30 days of legal a chart of who contacted who and where they work experience. Despite my efforts to were calling from. obtain a paralegal job or even volunteering work in a Community Legal Centre, nothing was From going through the transcripts and makavailable. ing a chronology of events you also get to undertake discovery and become very familiar I didn’t have any connections in the legal world with the case. From here Phil sought advice in Melbourne, but after talking to extended from me and the other student regarding what family, a friend of my boyfriend’s uncle said we thought the strengths and weaknesses his boss used a QC called Con Heliotis who of the case were. This discussion continued he could put me into contact with. While Con throughout the trial as we reflected on each didn’t have any cases in Melbourne over De- day’s events and discussed a strategy for going cember/January (generally a quiet time), an- forward. This was the first time I got to see a other QC in his Chambers called Philip Dunn jury empaneled. was happy enough to take me and another student on. The second case I worked on was in a completely different field. It was a double murder, From mid-January till early in the semester I held in the Supreme Court, which went on volunteered my time, working between 2-5 for over 3 months. The volume of transcripts days a week. While I wasn’t paid the experi- and documentation were considerably larger ence, opportunities, networks and practical than the last trial. There were reports from skills I learnt were priceless. forensics going into detail about all DNA tests, gun-shot residue and various other reports When I started working for Phil, he had just compiled on entry and exit holes and gunshot started a 1 month drugs trial. The client was angles. We worked very closely with the solicicharged with possession of a commercial tors, given the sheer size of the case and once quantity of an illegal drug. While the initial again between all of us we developed a chrointerviews with the client had already been un- nology, which continually got added to. It was dertaken, we had not yet started the trial. I got also important in this case to create a table to help prepare a chronology of events which highlighting the contradictions in everyone’s’ is at the centre of every trial. This document statements and the contradictions between helps make sense of all events and puts them statements, as often people made more than into a time sequence, so you can see (given one. In this trial my role also involved discovery police transcripts) where everyone is and what including getting backdated train timetables, they are doing and who they are contacting be- note taking from each court sitting which we fore, at and after the event. This also required would later discuss, observe jury reactions to 26

evidence, empanel a jury, assist and sit at the bar table, create documents to hand to the jury and develop a case strategy and closing arguments. I also got to participate in a view, which is something I had only learnt about in evidence law. Phil loved listening to my thoughts on how the trial was going and we would all throw ideas around about how to best approach each argument (especially the closing) and where we could tear apart the prosecutions argument.

Being able to share my opinions and seeing this used throughout the trial was one of my favourite aspects. There are more opportunities to shadow and volunteer for QC’s and barristers out there than you think, especially if you are willing to work for free. I thoroughly recommend you putting yourself out there and making a cold call. You will more likely than not find someone happy to take you on.


Projects Abroad Human Rights Office AUTHOR Sarah Charters help them apply for either permanent refugee status or permanent residency within South Africa. This was very difficult, especially as their stories were so horrific and the reality is that if they were sent back to their country of origin, their lives would be put at serious risk. Handing over a completed application to a refugee and his son from Rwanda, however, was possibly one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. PAHRO also takes on cases from Bonnytoun, which is a male juvenile facility. One such case I got to work on was for a 15 year old boy who had murdered someone with a screwdriver in a gang related attack. It was an experience I doubt I could have received in Australia, which made it both exciting yet slightly overwhelming.


ast year when all my friends were applying for clerkships, the only thing I could think about was how I could get legal experience without stepping foot into a big law firm. I had previously done internships in commercial firms and HATED them and so wanted to do something a bit different in lieu of a clerkship. This is why I spent January 2014 in Cape Town, South Africa, volunteering for the Projects Abroad Human Rights Office (PAHRO), as a human rights/law intern.

Interns also have a chance to participate in PAHRO’s social justice department. Here we got to work in various community programs throughout Cape Town. For example, we helped teach children in a township life orientation skills and abused women in a shelter processes such as how to obtain a free divorce or a custody agreement. One of the most eye opening experiences would be visiting female and male juvenile detention centres, Vredelus and Bonnytoun. Here we would teach classes and interact with the children with the aim There are two main divisions within the office of showing them that they have options upon – legal services and social justice. Two main release. While the children are only between areas I focused on within the legal department the ages of 13-18, they have committed very were immigration and criminal law. During my serious crimes. It doesn’t take long to realise, internship I got to work with various refugees however, that all of these children are victims who had fled countries like Rwanda and the of circumstance and grew up in a cycle of gang Democratic Republic of Congo. My job was to related violence and mentality. 28

Due to the very intense subject matter of the work, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Projects Abroad is thus very good at making sure you have fun and relax while in Cape Town. They organise weekly events with all the other Projects Abroad volunteers from different projects such as teaching and surfing. For example, they organised a three day tour along the Garden Route where we got to go on a safari, walk with lions and become locals at the Beach Bar. Another favourite social was going to Mzoli’s in a township on Australia Day. It was basically a huge party filled with dancing and a traditional

African barbeque. I would definitely recommend this experience to anyone interested in an alternative career path. It was the best possible decision I could have made to help me decide where I want to work after I finish law school. For more information see http://www.projects-abroad.com.au/ destinations/south-africa/law-and-humanrights/.


PILCH -‘An opportunity to help’ AUTHOR Dean Balassis


or some people the idea of accumulating 30 days professional experience seems daunting, especially if you are still questioning whether or not you would like to work as a lawyer upon graduation. With the current state of the economy it cannot be understated how vital it is as a law student to begin building the skills you will use when in the workforce, with the market continually becoming more competitive and with the increasing number of law schools around Australia this means that every student needs to be seeking opportunities that set them apart from the pack. Although it seems that many students are content pursuing a seasonal clerkship or to work as a paralegal in a law firm to accumulate the requisite professional experience to graduate, the possible alternative of volunteer work is on the rise.

be given to barristers working pro bono for one of PILCH’s clients, however not all days are that busy! Other times you may find yourself in the faithful copy room, but regardless of what you are doing there is a kind of warmth in knowing that all of the time you spend helping the lawyers and staff at PILCH go towards the promotion of an improved legal service for the general public – a service which is provided to those who would otherwise go without legal representation. Unfortunately, with limited resources it means that not everyone can get access to free legal assistance, however every minute you contribute as a volunteer at PILCH means that you are contributing to the provision of a service which would otherwise not be provided. Not every career opportunity gives you a chance to give back to the community, therefore if you ever get the opportunity to give back I wholeheartedly recommend you take it – you will learn so much not only about yourself, but also about some of the difficulties that other people in the community face day to day. Being given the chance to contribute to an incredible organisation like PILCH has left me in awe at some of the incredible things that we, as future potential lawyers, can contribute to.

Speaking from personal experience, the opportunity to help those who are disadvantaged or marginalised is an incredibly humbling and rewarding experience. Organisations such as PILCH, which provide people with an opportunity to access free legal assistance, can only run through the assistance of their volunteer lawyers and staff. The experience can sometimes be challenging in the way each client or case needs to be handled, however those are all part of the enjoyment! The role of PILCH in consolidating and coordinating pro bono work is crucial in ensuring Every single day of volunteering at PILCH is access to justice for the disadvantaged and different; some days may involve you writing a disenfranchised. I encourage all legal organiresearch memo for one of the referral lawyers, sations to join PILCH and contribute in a tangiwhilst others may be spent compiling briefs to ble way to a socially just community.


Legal Aid Indonesia Author Lachy Rees | Job Melbourne law firm


y internship at LBH Yogya was an incredible experience of everything new – the Indonesian legal system was brand new to me, working with real-life clients and courts was new, let alone being my first experience of living and working full-time in a different language. Add in the opportunity to be immersed in such an amazing culture for 6 weeks and it’s an experience that I will always remember. My internship was an incredible and eye-opening experience. LBH co-ordinates and assists many different organisations, and during my internship I was invited to attend meetings to plan new community advocacy campaigns, mediations between workers claiming underpayment and their employers, a hearing before a consumer tribunal (a pretty new concept in Indonesia at the time), teachers’ protest marches, and a factory workers’ picket line. One of the most amazing experiences was tagging along to a packed courtroom for the first hearing of a class action brought on be-

half of the people against multiple government agencies regarding their response to the 2006 earthquake – I believe this was Indonesian legal history in the making, and I was lucky enough to be there. Fast-forward to 2013 and I am a solicitor in the Health group in a mid-tier firm in Melbourne, acting for both doctors and hospitals in a wide range of different matters including personal injury compensation claims, Coroner’s Inquests and professional disciplinary matters. Whilst an office in Melbourne is definitely a long way from the streets of Yogya, my internship really helped to develop skills that are critical for my current work. The experience of working in a different language and an environment where concepts we take for granted don’t exist or are hard-fought helped to develop my listening and other people skills, written skills, big-picture thinking and provided me with first-hand experience of the role of the law in empowering people who otherwise have little by way of material or perceived wealth.


Criminal law work-experience AUTHOR Shai Sommer


n November 2013 I was fortunate enough to work full time at a boutique criminal law firm for two months. During those two months, I was introduced to the world of criminal law and the life of a boutique law firm. Working in this firm has opened my eyes to the day-to-day life of a criminal lawyer in addition to the working atmosphere of working in a boutique firm.

may not be as high as commercial, the work itself seems far more riveting. I remember asking the lawyers countless times, “What is this one about?” which was my way of asking about the backstory and offences in each file. Given that offences could be anything as minor as a driving offence to as serious as a sexual assault, every file entailed a different story and a distinctive approach that needed to be taken in it’s management. Each and every file was As a legal administrator, I was tasked with unique in its duration and magnitude, which general administrative tasks (such as answer- made the work all the more fascinating. ing phones, writing dictations and filing) in addition to more substantive tasks such as Due to the boutique nature of the firm, and no, representing the firm in a settlement meet- boutique does not mean lesser, I was able to ing, research on various procedural and legal truly enjoy every day in the office. Working in a matters, drafting formal legal documents and small open office allowed me to become close meeting clients whom were being charged friends with my co-workers and for them to with all sorts of offences. Correspondence oth- truly get to know me. I felt comfortable asking er legal offices, filing documents in court and questions, making jokes and not being scared booking conferences with incarcerated clients of the possibility I would make a mistake became second nature on the job. (which I obviously did). Criminal firms, as I discovered, don’t usually work on million dollar cases. Rather, most the work is done on much lower sums. Nevertheless, whilst the dollar figure on the invoice


Working in this boutique criminal firm has made me realize that a boutique firm is the right place for me. It is the best work experience I have done to date.

IN N t Pe gUS So U N a r. Io D ea AT AN y IC h h Pl c ac AP ar e M

LegaL, anthropoLogy & SociaL Science internShipS

AurorA NAtive title iNterNship progrAm the aurora native title internship program introduces law, anthropology and some social science (archaeology, cultural heritage, environmental management, history, human geography and sociology) students and graduates to career opportunities in native title, land rights, policy development, human rights, social justice and indigenous affairs more generally. The program aims to provide assistance to the legal and research staff at under-resourced and over-worked Native Title Representative Bodies (NTRBs) as well as at various other organisations working in these areas, including Indigenous corporations, government bodies, community groups, not-for-profit, policy organisations and others. There are two intakes for interns annually, during the summer and winter university breaks, for five to six weeks (with some flexibility). Internships are offered Australia-wide and we seek applicants who have a keen interest in some or all of the above mentioned areas.

ntrBs and other host organisations are located in: Adelaide, Alice Springs, Brisbane, Broome, Cairns, Camooweal, Canberra, Darwin, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Karratha, Kununurra, Melbourne, Perth, Port Hedland, Sydney and Thursday Island.

Longer paid placements Paid opportunities are available to students and graduates as well as to qualified solicitors, anthropologists and archaeologists, usually following on from an Aurora internship. Placements can start at two months and may continue for up to one year. Duties, conditions and remuneration vary from position to position.

applications Applications for winter and summer internships open in March and august each year.

More information For more information and to apply, visit our website at: www.auroraproject.com.au/ nativetitleinternshipprogram A full account of the research into NTRBs and recommendations that led to the establishment of the Program can be found at: www.auroraproject.com.au/ sites/default/files/2005_april_report_exec_summary.pdf


priVaTe secTor emploYer profiles 


About Do more. Achieve more. Be you.

tively. Or faster. It’s just what we do.

Studying is nearly done. University is coming to an end. It’s time to become the person you imagined yourself to be. Whatever that is, Accenture can help.

Why choose us?

Accenture offers careers in a diverse range of different fields. In fact, whatever your degree, there will be a career here to match. We do everything from technology to business consulting. That means there’s room to move. Room to grow and to develop your career – working with talented people, on projects that are quite literally, changing the way business is done.

We’ll help you develop. Whether it’s an average of 67 hours of training a year, the dedicated career counsellor we assign to every individual or access to some 20,000 online courses – our goal is to make you more prepared and better equipped to become the best you can be. We offer open access to global resources and technical intelligence. You will be able to tap into a very extensive network of talent and experience, to help us cultivate world-class ideas.

We don’t know how you will fit in just yet. That’s up to you. What we do know is that as long as you have the passion and the drive to become the person you imagined yourself to be, then Accenture has environment and opportunities to match. Don’t settle. Don’t compromise. Be you and watch what happens.

We’re all about our people. Each one of us – and we have approximately 259,000 across 120 countries – is here because we have something to bring to the business. Each one of us is valued and respected, and each one of us knows where they fit in, and where they want to go.

What do we do?


Put simply, Accenture solves client problems. Problems that range from “How do we make our website work better?” to “How do we develop a global talent sourcing strategy?”. Accenture works with clients every day to streamline processes, make visions reality and make things work better. Or more cost effec-

Graduates that have a clear idea of who they want to be. We’ll provide the support, exposure and recognition, we just need you to take ownership and use it to become the person you want to be. We’ll give you a career path, you just have to pick the direction!




How to apply

Information & Communications Technology

For application dates please refer to this link: www.accenture.com/grads

Degrees/Disciplines Further information All degrees

Position Locations ACT - NSW - QLD - VIC - WA

Programs and Deadlines • Accenture Adventure • Internships (6 months, Jan-Jun/Jul-Dec) – Applications dates: January – June 2014. • Graduate Program


EMAIL: gradrec@accenture.com PHONE: +61 2 9005 5000 fb: www.facebook.com/accentureaustralia t: www.twitter.com/accenture_aust

ANZ Bank

About There are infinite career paths before you. The trick is working out which one is right for you.

ever before. You’ll be able to have real involvement guiding ANZ through this growth period.

The ANZ Graduate Program gives you the opportunity to experience a broad range of roles across ANZ – for example Relationship Management, Product Design and Technology to Business Analysis, Risk Assessment and Retail Banking. By giving you experience across multiple roles, you’ll be better equipped to choose the career that’s right for you.

What We Offer • Training and development • Challenging roles • Attractive remuneration and rewards • Extensive support • Outstanding career opportunities.

Industry Why ANZ? Banking & Finance, Financial Services As a graduate at ANZ, you’ll get the chance to make a difference in ways you never thought possible. We’re an organisation that’s focused on our people. Our environment is built on fostering the skills, talents and interests of all our staff and ensuring that great work is rewarded. We hire graduates who we believe will have lasting careers with ANZ.

Degrees/Disciplines All degrees; Regardless of your degree, our online ‘Career Finder’ will work with you to find a role that suits your skills.

Position Locations Australia and New Zealand

The ANZ Vision

Programs and Deadlines

We’re in an exciting period of growth as we work towards becoming a super regional bank. We’re broadening our global presence by leveraging off our strong in Australia, New Zealand and across Asia. This means that we are able to offer our employees access to a greater knowledge base and more opportunities than

• ANZ Summer Intern Program (8 weeks, Nov-Feb) • Graduate Program »» The ANZ Graduate Program is professionally designed to give you the opportunity to experience a broad range of roles. 37

ANZ Bank

How to apply »» 18-month development program »» Rotations across numerous roles »» In-depth orientation and business-specific inductions »» Work on a project and present to senior ANZ executives »» Networking opportunities across ANZ


Online at www.anz.com/graduates

Further information EMAIL anzgrad@anz.com PHONE 1800 000 075


About Moving a Nation

strong determination to deliver results.

Aurizon is a top-50 ASX-listed company offering rail and road-based freight transport and infrastructure solutions right across Australia. Previously known as QR National, Aurizon has solid foundations established from more than 147 years of rail freight industry experience.


Our Commitment to Safety At Aurizon, safety is our number one priority. The safety of both the public and of our staff is something we strive to improve every day. We operate under the ‘ZERO Harm’ program with a vision ‘to be world-class in safety’. Our goal is ‘ZERO Injuries - Nobody gets hurt’. Graduate Journey

Transport and Logistics

Degrees/Disciplines Aurizon has opportunities for graduates with degrees in various disciplines including but not limited to: • Engineering • Commerce / Business • Human Resources • Communications and Marketing • Safety • Environment • IT • Law

Aurizon offers graduates diversity, flexibility, professional challenge, and exciting career development. Along with a competitive salary we connect you with technical and peer networks across Australia, supportive environment, dedicated mentor, heath and wellbeing initiatives and social events.



We are confident that our Graduate Program will help you turn your degree into a career. Highlights of the program include:

We look at more than just your academic grades. What we look for in our people is a deep commitment to safety and integrity, innovative thinking, passionate leadership and a

Position Locations

Programs and Deadlines

• Grad Trek – Explore our regional locations in order to gain a holistic view of the scale and breath of our operations 39


How to apply • Development – Participate in a structured 2 year development program helping you gain the skills and confidence you need to be successful • Rotations – Experience on the job training whilst working on various projects across many locations around Australia • Mentoring – Build strong networks at different levels throughout the organisation • Showcase – Work in multi-disciplined teams presenting innovative solutions to create cost savings or income generation for Aurizon’s future


Job alerts are a great way to find out about new positions that suit your skills, experience and areas of interest. Simply sign up at aurizon. com.au/careers and we’ll email you when a role specific to your search field is advertised. Applications open early in the year for the following year’s intake.

Further information EMAIL majorskills@aurizon.com.au – key contact Careers Helpdesk PHONE 13 23 32

Bain & Company



Since Bain was founded, we have worked with over 4,600 clients in virtually every industry and capability area. We work with top management to beat their competitors and generate substantial, lasting financial impact.

Bain & Company are Consultants with industry experience across: Airlines & Transportation, Oil & Gas, Private Equity, Retail, Financial Services, Healthcare, Telecommunications, Metals & Mining & Media.

Bain & Company is a global business consulting firm with offices in all major cities. We help management make the big decisions: on strategy, operations, mergers & acquisitions, tehnology and organization.

Degrees/Disciplines All disciplines are eligible to apply.

Position Locations

When someone asks what we do at Bain, it’s tempting to point out our four-decade track record for helping to transform the world’s great companies into sharper, smarter, better versions of themselves. It’s true; our mission is to help management teams create such high levels of economic value that together we redefine our respective industries.

Bain & Company have 50 offices in 32 countries around the world. These include offices in: Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Jakarta, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo, Mumbai, Istanbul, Madrid, London, Amsterdam, Moscow, etc.


Summer Internship are available through the: Bain’s Associate Consultant Internship.

It’s not just about GPAs and Magna Cum Laudes. We’re looking for all-rounders — independent thinkers who thrive as part of a team. We recognize that everyone is different and everyone will bring their own unique experiences and perspectives to the team, but here are the essential skills we’ll be looking for: Problem Solving, The ability to lead, Results delivery and passion.

Programs and Deadlines

Application dates will be made available during 2014 at: http://www.joinbain.com/ apply-to-bain/other-advanced-degrees/ default.asp.

How to Apply Apply online at: http://www.joinbain.com/ apply-to-bain/what-bain-looks-for/default.asp


Bain & Company

Further Information For more information please contact us at Australia.recruiting@bain.com.  


Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

About The Boston Consulting Group is a global management consulting firm and the world’s leading advisor on business strategy. We partner with clients from the private, public, and notfor-profit sectors in all regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their enterprises. Our customized approach combines deep insight into the dynamics of companies and markets with close collaboration at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients achieve sustainable competitive advantage, build more capable organizations, and secure lasting results. Founded in 1963, BCG is a private company with more than 80 offices in 45 countries. We seek to be agents of change — for our clients, our people, and society overall.

Seeking BCG’s continued rapid growth demands that we attract exceptional people. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds.

even when there is no obvious solution. Quite simply, we are looking for the talented people who will play a part in developing BCG’s next breakthrough ideas.

Industry BCG have Consulting experience across a wide range of industries, including: Automotive, Consumer Products, Energy & Environment, Insurance, Media & Entertainment, Private Equity, Metals & Mining, Technology, Retail and Telecommunications.

Degrees/Disciplines BCG are looking for well-rounded candidates, as such a Commerce degree is not a precondition to a graduate program. Many new hires come to us from a non-traditional background. BCG bases its decision to hire a candidate on your curiosity, your willingness to develop, and your appreciation of teamwork, as well as more traditional criteria such as the amount of work and leadership experience you have, and scholarships or distinctions you have earned.

Position Locations To build the strongest and most creative team, we recruit high achievers from colleges and universities around the world. Our only requirements are that you are seeking an intellectually stimulating career and are ready for the continuous challenge of finding insight—

With more than 80 offices worldwide, BCG has offices in: Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Perth, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Tokyo, New Delhi, Johannesburg, Tel Aviv, Stockholm, London, Munich, Brussels, Wash 43

Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

How to Apply ington, New York, Los Angeles.

Apply online at http://www.bcg.com/join_bcg/ apply/default.aspx

Programs and Deadlines Further Information BCG Summer Internships are available. BCG has a large Graduate Recruitment Program. For application dates see the website: http:// www.bcg.com/careers/default.aspx


Contact David Upton - +61 3 9656 2100 Online http://www.bcg.com/contact.aspx Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ TheBostonConsultingGroup


About BDO is one of the largest full service accounting and advisory networks in Australia and globally. We excel at creating strong relationships with clients who are seeking a combination of technical excellence with a specialised range of services and a desire for outstanding client relationships. Our ability to create and maintain outstanding relationships is based on our understanding that each of our clients is distinctively different, and it is their unique needs that drive our distinctively different approach. Our clients tell us it is the way we listen to them, work with them, and how we see them, that makes our approach distinctively different.

and verbal communication skills • Solid academic achievement • Previous customer focused work experience, accounting or non-accounting related • Extracurricular activities • Team skills, commercial awareness and problem solving Motivation for continuous learning

Industry Accounting, Auditing and Advisory

Degrees/Disciplines Commerce, Accounting, Finance and Law.

Position Locations Your Career. Your Journey. Your BDO. At BDO we will provide you with a career roadmap for your entire learning and development journey. We provide you with the room you need to grow personally and professionally, but most of all, we make sure that you don’t compromise the individual you are in order to have an awesome career.

Seeking • A degree with an accounting major • Strong interpersonal skills Written

BDO’s global network provides advisory services in 147 countries, with over 56,000 people working out of more than 1,200 offices worldwide. In Australia there are offices in: Melbourne, Perth, Darwin, Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide and Hobart.

Programs and Deadlines Graduate Program If you are a final year student or have recently completed your degree in Accounting, Law, or Finance and you think BDO is the firm for you.



How to Apply We offer a Vacation Employment Program for penultimate year students to gain practical and valuable experience with us during the summer holidays. Our Vacationer Program will enable you to enhance your skills and gain exposure to a broad range of disciplines and the services we provide and you’ll be paid for your efforts. For application dates please visit http://www.bdo.com.au/careers/programsand-dates#sthash.im5XqdnG.dpuf


Apply online at http://www.bdo.com.au/grads

Further Information Tel +61 3 9603 1700 Email Reception.Melbourne@bdo.com.au  

BHP Billiton

About The BHP Billiton Foundations for Graduates Program is unmatched in the resources sector. Throughout the Program, our graduates are offered unique opportunities to learn and excel in their day-to-day work, engage with exceptional leaders, build a global network of colleagues and work with educators from some of the world’s leading business schools. It’s a challenging and rewarding learning experience that attracts quality graduates from around the world. Best in class development opportunities Our Program smoothly transitions our graduates from university to a work environment and includes a variety of learning styles to meet the needs of our diverse graduate population.

The Program’s two residential elements provide you with the opportunity to hear from a number of BHP Billiton leaders and set you up to apply your learnings practically in your everyday work.

Seeking We recruit graduates from a variety of disciplines to work across teams, businesses and geographic locations. At the conclusion of the Program, you will have gained exposure to exceptional leaders, grown personally, developed professionally, and established sustainable professional networks that will contribute to your career with us.

Industry Mining and Energy

In addition to learning at work and excelling in your day-to-day activities, you’ll complete a number of work-based, team and experiential activities to help you build your functional base, develop decision-making, communication and stakeholder engagement skills, and learn what it takes to be an inclusive leader at BHP Billiton.

Degrees/Disciplines Engineering, Science & Exploration, Health Science and Business

Position Locations VIC – WA – NSW – SA - TAS

We partner with engaging and energetic facilitators affiliated with some of the world’s leading business schools in Melbourne, Santiago, Houston and Johannesburg.

Programs and Deadlines Our Foundations for Graduates Program aims to develop our future leaders and technical 47

BHP Billiton

How to apply experts, and has recently been redesigned to capture new learning technologies and content to maximise the learning experience. The Program equips graduates with the tools and experiences needed to establish and build a fulfilling career with us.

Graduate applications open via the website in February for commencement in January the following year. Undergraduate applications open via the website in July for commencement in November the same year.

Further information As a graduate on our Program, you will be challenged and offered unique opportunities to: • learn and excel in your day-to-day work • participate in a number of work-based team and experiential activities • grow personally and professionally in a dynamic, inclusive and supportive culture • gain exposure to world-class operations • engage with exceptional leaders • extend your network with global colleagues.


Please visit www.bhpbilliton.com/graduates

BP Australia



BP at a glance

Mining & Energy, Shipping and Sales.

BP is one of the world’s leading international oil and gas companies. Through our work we provide customers with fuel for transportation, energy for heat and light, lubricants to keep engines moving, and the petrochemicals products used to make everyday items as diverse as paints, clothes and packaging.


World – Class Program There is one energy we value above all else – yours. At BP, you will discover support, training and encouragement to achieve professional heights, you will discover opportunities to work on some of the most exciting and technically challenging projects our industry has to offer and you will discover an amazing career ahead of you.

Engineering & Science: Chemical, Electrical, Electronic, Environmental, Environmental Science, Mechanical, Mechatronic Commercial: Accounting, Business/ Commerce, Economics, Finance, Logistics/ Supply Chain, Procurement, Project Management, Sales/Marketing, Law

Position Locations Operations in over 80 countries, including: Belgium, France, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, United States, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Angola, Oman, etc. In Australia: Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.

Seeking Programs and Deadlines If you are a graduate who wants to create a brighter future for the world while gaining career defining experience, then join our worldclass company! We are looking for graduates with drive, enthusiasm and ambition – graduates who are open to new possibilities, new technologies and new thinking. Graduates like you!

Every day in our unique environment, you’ll have the chance to enhance your knowledge — stretching your skills to the full and gaining valuable, real-world experience. We offer a variety of programmes for graduates interested in developing a rewarding, long-term career in engineering, science or business. For more information on graduate opportunities refer to the BP website.


BP Australia

How to Apply • 2015 Graduate Programme – applications open late February 2014

Apply online via http://www.bp.com/ausgrads

Further information Vocational Opportunities: A 12-week structured vacation internship programme will set you on the path to developing a successful, long-term career – whether you want to gain professional experience in our corporate office or gain access to world-class experts and technology in one of our refineries.


Website www.bp.com/ausgrads

Commonwealth Bank

About TURN ON, TUNE IN, AND TAKE PART. Could this be your opportunity to shine? Every year, the Commonwealth Bank takes grads from universities all over Australia. For us, this means new ideas, fresh thinking and huge potential. Most importantly, for YOU, our Graduate Program means the chance to do something really fantastic with your career. To shine like never before! INTRODUCING THE GRADUATE SHOW There’s no better way to understand our Graduate Program than to hear from the people who have been through it. That’s why we’ve created the Graduate Show. You can hear from some of our talented grads, find out what they loved about the program, how they found the overall experience, and what they’re up to now. What makes the Commonwealth Bank different? As you’ll see in the Graduate Show, there are all kinds of reasons why our grads love being part of our team. Some include:

• Being able to contribute all sorts of skills – not necessarily related to banking • Being part of a business that’s going places, with 45,000 employees all over the world • The extensive training, mentoring and development that’s given to all staff to help them grow • The chance to work with some inspirational people and thought-leaders. On top of all this, our program is awardwinning. For the last four years, the Australian Association of Graduate Employers has named us as the Top Graduate Employer in the Commercial and Retail Banking sector in their Candidate Survey. We think that speaks for itself.

Seeking We look for well-rounded candidates who have successfully balanced university, work experience and extra-curricular activities. Other skills essential to working successfully with us include the ability to work in a team and a desire to learn and drive your own career. Most importantly, we look for your motivation to work in the Financial Services industry and with us.

Industry • Having the chance to work in different teams and departments, and identify which career path best suits them

Banking and Finance


Commonwealth Bank


How to apply

Accounting, Actuarial Studies, Building/Construction, Business/Commerce, Communications/Media, Economics, Engineering – Other, Finance, HR/OH&S, Information Systems, IT/ ICT, International, Business/Relations, Law/ Paralegal, Mathematics/Statistics, Project Management, Psychology, Sales/Marketing, Sciences.

Online application > Online testing > Telephone interview > Assessment centre > Offer

Position Locations

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about our Graduate or Summer Intern Programs.

Most of our roles are located in Sydney, with some opportunities available in Melbourne, Brisbane and in regional areas.

Find out more and apply online (only) at: http://www.commbank.com.au/ summerprogram

Further information

Email graduaterecruitment@cba.com.au Phone 1800 448 880

Programs and Deadlines How does the Graduate Program work? You’ll start with us in February, but the length of your program varies based on which business area you choose. How does the Summer Intern Program work? Our 10-week program gives you a taste of what it’s like to work with Australia’s best bank. You’ll be given full support and training to help you decide if CommBank is the right fit for you.



About Our people are our most valuable assets. Each year we recruit around 500 outstanding graduates for the in-demand Graduate Program to inject new ideas and energy into Deloitte.

153 countries and generates revenue of more than $US28 billion annually.

Graduate employees start with us in early March and early July. Each new employee is paired up with a ‘Buddy’ and a counselling manager to help with a smooth transition into Deloitte life.

Deloitte is always on the lookout for people with relevant university degrees, superior problem solving skills, a strong desire to achieve, work experience, extra-curricular activities, team/leadership experiences and strong interpersonal skills.

We provide the right kinds of tools and training to ensure all our graduates can achieve career success through mentoring, peer support, elearning events, online training and Deloitte’s own development program called D.Academy.


Industry Accounting, Professional Services & Auditing

Degrees/Disciplines Our seven Signals, our innovation, and our commitment to a diverse and collaborative culture set us apart. You’ll be joining a firm with a relentless drive and passion for world class client service and a sense of shared responsibility for our place in our local communities. What we do

Accounting, Actuarial Studies, Business/Commerce, Creative Arts/Design/Performing Arts, Economics, Engineering - Computer/Software, Design, Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, Mechatronic, Finance, HR/OH&S, Information Systems, IT/ICT, Law/Paralegal, Mathematics/ Statistics, Project Management, Sales/Marketing, Sciences

Position Locations

Deloitte is a leading advisory, audit, tax and consulting firm. Our 6,000+ team of professionals serve Australia’s largest publicly owned companies, family and private businesses, and all three tiers of government.

Australia Wide

Globally, Deloitte has over 195,000 people in

We offer the following opportunities for tal-

Programs and Deadlines



How to apply ented students. Deloitte Development Program: The Program is a one or two-day interactive program, offering you professional development, an insight into life at Deloitte and the opportunity to secure a summer vacation position. If you are an undergraduate student in the first year of your degree, you are eligible to apply. Summer Vacation Program: Spend three to eight weeks from November to February gaining exposure to client work, our award-winning learning programs, and social events, with the prospect of securing a Graduate position with the firm. If you’re in your penultimate year at university you are eligible to apply. Graduate program: Join Deloitte for a career that will stimulate, reward and motivate you like no other. Surrounded by a large peer group, you’ll be supported by a dedicated mentor and counselling team who will work with you to build your technical and business skills.


Applications for our 2015 Graduate and 2014/15 Summer Vacation Programs will open online on Wednesday 19 February 2014. For further information and to apply for our programs, please go to our website: www. graduates.deloitte.com.au

Further information www.graduates.deloitte.com.au fb: www.facebook.com/DeloitteAustralia t: @green_dot and @audeloittian yT: www.youtube.com/user/DeloitteAustralia

Ernst and Young (EY)

About At EY we want you to be yourself. We want you to bring your intelligence, energy and integrity into our business. Think how much further you’ll go surrounded by people who encourage you to express your ideas and who’ll respect your opinions. Join EY and shape your career. Turn your hard work and studies into the future you want. You’ll have all the coaching, formal training and leadership development you need to progress quickly. You’ll have experiences that will set you up for success, both now and in the future.

through new experiences with leading clients in different industries.

Seeking There are a number of criteria we look for in our employees. If these describe you, you can relax in the knowledge that you’ll feel comfortable within our working environment. People who excel We’re not only looking for high academic achievers, we want you to demonstrate leadership through extra-curricular activities and community involvement. People with integrity

Using the knowledge you’ve gained from your studies, you’ll help all types of companies, from entrepreneurial start-ups to multinationals. And, in the process, you’ll build your reputation as a trusted business advisor and develop relationships that you’ll draw on for the rest of your professional career. Future leader? Be an EY Graduate Put your knowledge to the test. Build your technical skills. Expand your network. As a graduate, you’ll connect and share with your talented global peers and learn from senior leaders. Get early responsibility, support and training. Gain confidence and technical skills

We want you to have a clear sense of personal and professional accountability and to show you are committed to doing the right thing. People who demonstrate respect We look for people who recognise the value of different backgrounds and points of view. By respecting these differences we enrich our perspectives, which helps us build strong relationships and enhance the services we provide to our clients.


Ernst and Young (EY)

People who are good at working in teams

Position Locations ACT - NSW - QLD - SA - VIC - WA - NZ

We look for evidence that you are good at listening, learning, sharing, developing and working with others, including those that are different from you. People with energy, enthusiasm and the courage to lead We want you to be passionate and excited about the opportunities at EY and what your future holds.

Programs and Deadlines Career Compass Program Closing Dates: • Brisbane: 28 August • Melbourne, Sydney & Perth: 4 September • Real Estate Advisory Placement Program Closing Dates: • Melbourne: 9 September

How to apply People with determination and personal ambition We look for people who want to strive to be their best. We recognise the importance of personal and career development and have framework in place to provide you with the right learning, experiences and coaching.

Industry Accounting, Professional Services & Auditing

Degrees/Disciplines We’re interested in talented students and graduates from many disciplines, including: accounting, actuarial, business, commerce, economics, engineering, finance, information systems, law and science.


Join EY and create your future. Apply online at: www.ey.com/au/careers/apply

Further information EMAIL careers@au.ey.com PHONE 02 9248 5555


About Live. Learn. Discover. Achieve At KPMG, we’re committed to providing an open and friendly environment for our graduates that offers long-term growth, constant challenge and generous rewards. It’s a philosophy that will continue throughout your career with us and touch every stage of your development. We call it ‘Live. Learn. Discover. Achieve.’ Our culture and values As one of the world’s leading professional services firms, we cut through complexity to help organisations in over 150 countries to work smarter, grow and prosper. Here in Australia, we employ around 5,200 people across 13 offices and work with some of the most high profile public and private names. Our open and friendly culture encourages you to explore and share new ideas, and build a successful and individual career at your own pace. Your learning and development Our people never stop learning.

and ambitions are the foundations on which all graduate careers are built at KPMG.

Seeking At KPMG we’re open minded about people. Our standards are high but we’re interested in more than just academic records. We’re looking for talented people. People who are team players, progressive thinkers and can communicate their ideas with passion. People who keep on learning, who want to be leaders in their profession and who want to make a difference.

Industry Accounting, Professional Services & Auditing

Degrees/Disciplines At KPMG we want people who are ready to go beyond. We deliberately recruit across a range of degree disciplines, skills, abilities and backgrounds. We want diversity, passion and ambition. We’re interested in you, not just your academic record. We have hired graduates specialising in: accounting, actuarial studies, commercial law, econometrics, economics, engineering, finance, HR/behavioural science, IT/Info systems, law, psychology, science, political science and statistics.

Forward thinking development and growth programs to support your personal interests 57


Position Locations

What sets us apart

ACT - NSW - QLD - SA - VIC - WA - NZ

We’ll support you with great training, development programs and a dedicated mentor.

Programs and Deadlines KPMG Vacationer Program KPMG’s Vacation Program is a great way to gain practical work experience and get an insider’s view of the career opportunities available in one of the world’s leading professional services firms. The vacation program is offered to undergraduates in the penultimate year of their degree. Through this program, you’ll discover what it’s like to become part of a professional team and explore the areas best suited to your skills and aspirations. The vacation program has summer openings in our Brisbane, Gold Coast, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide offices. Our Perth office offers both summer and winter vacation employment. Applications open end of February. KPMG Graduate Program The Graduate Program is the first step in an exciting career with us.


We’ll offer you a career pathway that allows you to develop at your own pace. Through our global network, we offer real opportunities for overseas secondments. Our Corporate Citizenship programs will give you the opportunity to use your skills for the benefit of the wider community.

How to apply Once you’ve decided to apply for a career with KPMG, you can apply online. You’ll receive a confirmation on submission of your application. If you do not receive this, please email gradrecruiting@kpmg.com.au.

Further information URL: http://www.kpmg.com/AU/en/careers/ Graduates-Students/Pages/default.aspx EMAIL: Gradrecruiting@kpmg.com.au

Macquarie Group

About Macquarie Group is a leading provider of banking, financial, advisory, investment and funds management services. Our global operations include offices in the world’s major financial centres. We combine entrepreneurial drive with deep industry and regional expertise and robust risk management. This gives our clients and investors’ confidence, and allows us to deliver innovative products and services and strong investment returns. Macquarie’s main business focus is making returns by providing a diversified range of services to clients. Macquarie acts on behalf of institutional, corporate and retail clients and counterparties around the world. We have expertise in specific industries, including resources and commodities, energy, financial institutions, infrastructure and real estate. Founded in 1969, Macquarie now employs more than 13,900 people in 28 countries. At 30 September 2013, Macquarie had assets under management of $A385 billion.

Seeking Macquarie seeks high calibre candidates who have a strong interest in the financial services sector, knowledge of current market activity, a genuine interest in working at Macquarie, and the desire to be inspired as part of a success-

ful team. We recruit well rounded individuals demonstrating a strong track record of academic performance and involvement in extra-curricular activities, and/or participation in community based initiatives. In particular we look for: • high levels of motivation and initiative • above average analytical skills • excellent communication skills • entrepreneurialism • creativity • a strong sense of integrity • genuine interest in financial services • team players

Industry Macquarie’s business is structured into six operating groups and four service groups. The relevant operating groups include: Banking and Financial Services Group; Corporate and Asset Finance Group; Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities Group; Macquire Capital; Macquire Funds Group; Macquire Securities Group. The Service Groups provide the framework, infrastructure and spport that the operating groups require to manage their business.


Macquarie Group

Degrees/Disciplines Relevant disciplines include: Actuarial, Accounting, Business, Commerce, Computer Science, Computer/Software Engineering, combined Commerce disciplines such as Commerce/Law, Commerce/Engineering, Engineering, Economics, Finance, Financial Planning, Information Technology, Law, Marketing, Mathemathics, Physics and Science.

Position Locations Macquarie now employs more than 13,900 people in 28 countries. Macquire have 70 offices worldwide. Macquire headquarters are in Sydney; with other major office in: Melbourne, Auckland and London.

2014/2015 Summer Internship program application dates: • Melbourne office: Applications close Thursday 3 July 2014 • All other offices: Applications close Thursday 24 July 2014 Apply online at: http://www.macquarie.com. au/mgl/au/about-macquarie-group/careers/ graduates

How to Apply Macquarie only accept online applications. Please refer to this link: http://www. macquarie.com.au/mgl/au/about-macquariegroup/careers

Programs and Deadlines Further Information Both a Summer Internship and 2015 Graduate program are available. Applications for the 2015 Graduate program close Thursday 3 April 2014.

INTERNSHIP Macquire internships typically runs for 10-12 weeks from the end of November to February. There may be variations to this based on each business group and their individual requirements.


Telephone: +61 3 9415 4137 Freecall: 1300 554 096 Facsimile: +61 3 9473 2500 Email: web.queries@computershare.com.au Website: computershare.com/au


About Meltwater helps businesses drive growth and build brands. Meltwater’s online intelligence platform analyzes billions of digital documents daily to extract precise, timely business insights that help more than 20,000 companies understand their markets, engage their customers, and master the new social business environment. With offices in 27 countries, Meltwater is dedicated to personal, global service built on local expertise.

impact our expansion throughout Asia Pacific. Growth creates opportunities, so after building your client portfolio we tap your entrepreneurial spirit again. You have the opportunity to build your own team that you coach and develop, inspire and mentor. Career paths for successful managers include the challenging responsibility of taking over or setting up your own business unit.

Seeking The Right Opportunities The key to our success is giving opportunities to the right people with the right attitude, focusing on an individual’s potential rather than their experience. We have successfully developed graduates into managers across five continents, and company policy is that we promote from within. We believe that sales is the best school of management, therefore our opportunities begin in our Sales Department. In sales you face challenges every day and you learn the life skills and professional skills necessary for strong management.

We employ university graduates from all disciplines, seeking those with: • Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills • Accomplished outside of academics • History of holding leadership positions • Ambition and initiative • Keen interest in business and current affairs.

Industry Online media and market intelligence.

Degrees/Disciplines At Meltwater you will be on the front line, presenting our services to executives of all industries, successfully negotiating contracts, and acquiring and building your own client portfolio. Sales is the most important aspect of any business, and you will be able to directly

All disciplines are eligible to apply.

Position Locations With offices in 27 countries, there are offices 61


Programs and Deadlines in cities such as: Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Tokyo, Beijing, Bangalore, Kuala

See website for more details.

How to Apply Further Information Lumpur, Cape Town, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich, Paris, Hamburg, Stockholm, London, Vancouver, San Francisco, Atlanta, Miami, Boston, New York, Atlanta, etc.

Please visit: www.meltwater.com/careers for information on how and when to apply.

Further Information Website: www.meltwater.com/careers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ MeltwaterGroup Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/ MeltwaterGroup



About You bring the ambition. We’ll bring the opportunity.

always ready to learn, then we’ve got an opportunity to match your ability. We seek out

Home to over 12,000,000 customers and 50,000 people operating more than 1,750 stores and Service Centres globally, the National Australia Bank Group is a truly diverse business.

the brightest minds from a range of disciplines and encourage you to take centre stage – sooner rather than later.

Seeking Your potential’s met its match. Our 18-month Graduate Program gives you a taste of the range of opportunities we have to offer. Guided by a comprehensive learning and development program, you’ll have access to Senior Leaders, mentors, and soft skill workshops in our award winning learning academy. You’ll also receive support from a range of networks within the business. Fast track your career. The only way to truly understand us is to get hands-on experience across a variety of our business units. That’s why we design our rotations around real roles, involving you in meaningful work and projects that have a genuine influence on our business. So whatever career pathway you decide to take, you’ll be given every opportunity to reach your potential. Ready to shine? Here’s the spotlight. If you see yourself as having leadership potential and you’re passionate, confident and

Here’s a quick overview of what we’re looking for: To be eligible, you’ll need to have: • Completed an undergraduate or postgraduate degree within the past three years (ie 2011, 2012, 2013) or be due to complete by 25 January 2014 • A Grade Point Average of 65 or more – about a credit average • An Australian or New Zealand citizenship or Australian Permanent Residency when you apply. • Some of the other attributes we look for in prospective graduates are: • A positive attitude and an enthusiasm to learn from others • Interesting life experience (maybe you’ve travelled or worked in the community or perhaps you’ve got some interesting extracurricular passions) • Confidence, reliability, honesty and flexibility • Solid communication and interpersonal skills 63


• Leadership potential • A general understanding of NAB.

tion to you, your skills and your experience – so make sure you put your best self forward.


What’s really important is that you know what stream you want to specialise in. You’ll need to nominate your chosen stream on the form, you can only nominate one and you can’t change your mind once you’ve submitted your application. So take the time to read through the different streams and have a think about which stream appeals to you most and best suits your strengths and interests.

Banking and Financial Services

Degrees/Disciplines All degrees; preferably in combination with/ related to Commerce

Position Locations VIC – NSW

Programs and Deadlines

We also strongly recommend that you get your application in early. The system gets really busy in the last few days and leaving things to the last minute can create delays. We start reviewing applications as soon as they come in.

Applications open 17 Feb 2014

How to apply

Find out more at: http://www.nab.com. au/about-us/careers/graduate-careers/ application-process/recruitment-steps

Online application form

Further information Your application form is the first step in our screening process. It’s also our first introduc-


Website: http://www.nab.com.au/about-us/ careers/graduate-careers Email: graduate_careers@nab.com.au Phone: (03) 8634 0006

Pitcher Partners



Work +

We look for students who are passionate and committed to self-development, possess excellent interpersonal skills, can demonstrate initiative, and are keen on working with interesting small to medium enterprises.

Working at Pitcher Partners is quite unique – it’s a place where you make lifelong friends and where you feel as though you really belong. Pitcher Partners genuinely care about their staff – that’s why we were recognised for being one of the Top 50 Companies to work for in Australia. A day at Pitcher Partners goes something like this Work + Opportunity – lots of technical training and resources to support and encourage your professional and personal development because Pitcher Partners believe that their people are their most valuable resource. Work + Variety – great exposure to a variety of different work and different clients and the chance to really get close to those clients, because Pitcher Partners believe that’s how you learn. Work + Fun – regular social and sporting events and the encouragement to develop and maintain your hobbies and outside interests because Pitcher Partners believe that a balanced lifestyle produces happy, healthy staff who work better and smarter.

Industry Professional Services, Accounting and Audit

Degrees/Disciplines Accounting, Business/Commerce, Information Systems, IT/ICT, Law/Paralegal

Position Locations NSW - QLD - SA - VIC - WA

Programs and Deadlines Graduate Program When – The graduate program begins in March/April each year. What – Our graduates are given incredible opportunities, and training and development experiences, including attending the National Graduate Training Program in Queensland. Why – The graduate program at Pitcher Partners gives students in their final year of university, or recent graduates, an opportunity 65

Pitcher Partners

How to apply

How to apply

to work with a variety of clients, partners and divisions, as well as experiencing the culture of the firm.

You will need to apply online via our current vacancies page: https://fsr.cvmail.com. au/pitcher/main.cfm. The online application requires you to upload your resume and academic transcript. It should only take you 20 minutes to complete your application.

Vacation Program When – Students in their penultimate year join the firm during their university holidays commencing late November for six weeks work experience. What – This unique program provides students with a variety of experiences including the opportunity to gain real life work experience, technical and professional development training, exposure to the friendly Pitcher Partners’ culture, career information sessions, networking events and much more. Why – To give students the opportunity to gain some valuable work experience while still at university and the chance of securing an early graduate position with the firm.


Further information URL: www.pitcher.com.au EMAIL: careers@pitcher.com PHONE: (03) 8610 5000

Procter and Gamble (P&G)

About Looking to establish a rewarding, challenging and exciting career? If you’re a talented graduate, intern or experienced hire we want to develop you as a future leader and successful professional. As the world’s largest consumer goods company, with an extensive brand portfolio, we have a global vision – one that you can be part of.

what you can achieve here. See the world International assignments and travel are a part of life at P&G. We have a number of graduate roles in Singapore, our regional head office.

Seeking Whatever your degree discipline, if you join P&G you’ll benefit from our ‘build from within’ philosophy – we’ll help you get to where you want to be and you’ll enjoy real responsibility from day one. Whether you’re overseeing a brand with $20 million sales, or working on a project with a global impact, you’ll also be supported through coaching and on-the-job training, equipping you to make the most of any challenge that comes your way.

Could you be the next P&G leader? You just might be. If you have the following: • Strong leadership experience • Well-rounded life experience • A desire to learn and achieve • Ability to work well with others • An innovative and analytical mind

Industry Be a leader, sooner Consumer Goods We’re all about the development of you as an individual, a leader and as a successful professional. We’re not looking for a quick fix. Our focus is on developing talented future leaders across all areas. No matter what your degree discipline, our ‘build from within’ philosophy will see you get to where you want to be. We hand you real responsibility from the moment you walk through the door. It’s the best way to learn. Just think, as a graduate you could be overseeing a brand with $20 million sales, or working on a global project. There’s no limit to

Degrees/Disciplines All disciplines. Bachelors & Masters students are encouraged to apply.

Position Locations Australia wide and Singapore.


Procter and Gamble (P&G)

Programs and Deadlines

How to Apply

Graduate opportunities are available. See website for application dates.

Apply online at: www.experiencepg.com/ australia

Internship: P&G offers an 8 week paid internship over the summer holidays. We don’t believe in giving you ‘busy work’. Our interns take on real projects that are vital to the growth of our business. And when your internship is complete, you present your final project recommendations to senior management. For more information refer to: http://australia. experiencepg.com/home/interns.html

Further Information


URL: http://australia.experiencepg.com/ home/home.html FB: https://www.facebook.com/PGCareersANZ




To discover the potential of your career, you need the right opportunities in an environment which inspires you to be your best. Like the opportunity to develop your talents and those of others, to be your open and authentic self, and to make an impact in a place where creating value, contributing to society and performance matters. The skills, insights and experiences available to you at PwC provide that opportunity, wherever your passions may take you.

As a member of our team, you will be encouraged to use your strengths, ask questions and have relevant, meaningful conversations with your clients and colleagues to develop the types of relationships that provide opportunities for mutual growth.

Across our global network, we embrace differences and offer opportunities to extend individual strengths, interests and career goals. We work hard to realise and discover potential for our clients, who range from start-ups to the largest global organisations, governments and other not-for-profit organisations. We also contribute our skills and expertise to helping to solve some of the biggest challenges facing our society, and to have a voice on issues that matter. We are known for delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services, but our portfolio is growing all the time with opportunities in new markets and new ways to serve existing markets. We have a hunger for growth and we care about our clients, the community and our team.

Our people come from diverse educational and cultural backgrounds, but they have one thing in common - they would like to advance an enduring career within a global network. PwC provides world-class learning and development opportunities, market-leading flexible work options and trusted, industry-focused services. Our people focus on building great relationships and creating value with our clients. We are looking for candidates who demonstrate and have: • Personal drive and motivation • Creating and innovating • Contributing to team success • Professional impact and influence • Commercial awareness and technical expertise • Presenting and communicating information • Deciding and initiating action • Adapting and responding to change • Planning and organizing PwC will consider applications from candidates of all degree disciplines.



Industry Professional Services

Degrees/Disciplines All degrees.

Position Locations VIC – NSW – ACT – SA – TAS - WA

Programs and Deadlines Vacation Program Our Vacation Program is designed for students looking to kick-start their career early. The program is available to students from any degree background in their second-last year of university. It enables you to put what you’ve learned into practice and gain valuable work experience, so you can see first-hand what it’s like to work for a professional services firm before you graduate. For more information on the Vacation Program: pwc.com.au/ vacationprogram

before you graduate. It enables you to put what you’ve learned into practice and gain valuable work experience, so you can see firsthand what it’s like to work for a professional services firm before you graduate. We fill the vast majority of our graduate roles via our Student Programs (e.g. vacationers, trainees). For the few remaining graduate roles, PwC will be hiring graduates through channels typically used in experienced hire recruitment (such as LinkedIn and other social media channels, university engagement and direct targeting for niche skills and university degree backgrounds). Applications to the Graduate Program are no longer accepted. Preview Program The PwC Preview Program is a three-day development program that helps bridge the gap between university and the workforce. The program is open to well rounded individuals who want to experience what it might be like to work for a professional services firm, regardless of your degree background, university year, or career aspirations.

Graduate Program We know that it’s not just about PwC choosing you, but also you choosing us. That’s why we provide a number of opportunities to meet us and get all the information you need to make an informed career decision. PwC encourages students to apply to our Student Programs 70

You’ll receive three days of business and employability skills workshops and the opportunity to network with business leaders. You’ll also have the unique opportunity to work with one of our PwC Foundation charities and see corporate responsibility in action.


How to apply

Further information

Apply online at: http://www.pwc.com.au/ careers/student

Fb: http://www.facebook.com/ pwcaustudentcareers Url: http://www.pwc.com.au/careers/student/ programs/


Westpac Bank



Westpac Group is a family of some of Australia’s best loved financial services brands, including Westpac, St George, Bank of Melbourne, BankSA, BT Financial Group and RAMS.

First of all, you need passion – passion to challenge your potential. You also need to share our values on Delighting Customers, One Team, Integrity, Courage and Achievement If you have these qualities, you will also need:

When you join Westpac Group you’ll become part of not just Australia’s first bank but also Australia’s first company. We’re a company with almost 200 years of history and a vision to now be one of the world’s great companies, helping our employees, customers and the community to prosper and grow. As a Westpac Group graduate you can Launch your career with one of the world’s most sustainable companies • Gain true multi-brand exposure across our brands and core service functions • Be part of an awesome graduate team with buddies, mentors and dedicated champions all here to support you • Build a network like no other across our Group of 37,000 people in Australia, New Zealand and around the world • Be in the driving seat for your career. • The support and ‘Access to all Areas’ is provided; deciding the direction you choose to take is up to you.

• To have finished your study in 2011, 2012 or 2013 • A strong academic background • A relevant university degree for the program that you’re applying for • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Leadership qualities, demonstrated by employment history or extra-curricular activities • A commitment to excellence • Work experience in customer service or related industry

Industry Banking and Finance

Degrees/Disciplines Our graduate programs for 2015 are within four key business areas and most of these areas accept a degree in any discipline.

Position Locations VIC – QLD – NSW – SA – WA 72

Westpac Bank

Programs and Deadlines

How to apply

Internship: The Westpac Institutional Bank Summer Internship Program provides an opportunity to gain insightful paid work experience in one of Australasia’s leading specialist financial services managers and distributors.

Apply online at: http://graduates. westpacgroup.com.au/Apply#.UuIVONIzHIU

Graduate Program

Further information URL: www.westpac.com.au/graduates INDUSTRY: Banking & Finance EMAIL: graduate@westpac.com.au PHONE: 1300 130 548

We offer structured 1 and 2 year graduate programs within various business areas spanning the full spectrum of financial services, from day to day retail banking to some of the biggest commercial deals in the world. Applications open Monday 3rd of March 2014, keep an eye out for more information.


goVernmenT emploYer profiles 

Australian Federal Police (AFP)


What you can expect to do

The AFP Graduate Program will comprise of the following components:

AFP Legal graduates rotate through the four teams within Legal, as well as rotating through two business areas in the broader AFP during the graduate program. These rotations allow graduates to gain a variety of skills and fully understand legal operations.

• Induction Program; • Graduate Support Program; • Monthly Discussion Groups; • Meetings with Senior Executive Staff; • Learning and Development opportunities; and • Minimum of three work rotations across the organisation. AFP – Legal

Over the course of the graduate year, graduates will undertake research tasks for all legal officers and draft less complex correspondence, legal documents and instructions under the supervision of the relevant specialist coordinator within the team. Each rotation is for a minimum of five weeks.

What we do How we will develop you AFP Legal comprises professional legal and support staff, who provide legal advice and assistance to all areas of core business for the AFP, both domestically and internationally. How we support the AFP Legal provides advice on a variety of diverse matters including, but not limited to, complex law enforcement matters, claims and civil litigation against the AFP, commercial matters and management of information by the AFP, including freedom of information (FOI) issues, privacy, and responses to subpoenas and summons to produce.

Legal is committed to developing its graduates by: • maintaining excellence among its legal officers • providing opportunities for its lawyers to undertake development opportunities both with AFP Legal and, where available, with the broader AFP.


Australian Federal Police (AFP)


Programs and Deadlines

If you are a university graduate, with a minimum three year degree, then the AFP Graduate Program might be for you.

Graduate Program – Applications open early March and close in April.

Industry Government and Public Sector

Degrees/ Disciplines Legal is looking for graduates with: a Bachelor of Laws or any legal related degree.

Candidates who are successful in the 2014 AFP Graduate Program will begin with the AFP in February 2014. The program will run for a 12 month period and is targeted to meeting the requirements of specific business areas which have identified the benefits and value of employing a Graduate and to developing the graduate’s skills within their business area.

How to apply Position Locations All positions are located in Canberra. You will need to be prepared to relocate to Canberra at your own expense if you are successful in gaining a position with the AFP.

Applications open each year in March for commencement in February of the following year. Applications must be lodged online via Jobs@AFP (http://www.afp.gov.au/jobs/currentvacancies.aspx). Late applications will not be accepted.

Further information: EMAIL: graduate@afp.gov.au URL: http://www.afp.gov.au/jobs/graduateprogram.aspx


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)


APRA’s work involves

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) gives you diverse opportunities and experience across the entire financial services industry: banking + insurance + superannuation.

• monitoring institutions’ financial position and outlook; • assessing risks in financial institutions; • licencing new financial institutions; and • enforcing directions to protect policyholders, depositors and superannuation fund members.

Start your career with a view from the top, and help shape the future of Australia’s financial services industry. Introducing APRA APRA is the prudential regulator of the financial services industry and oversees banks, credit unions, building societies, life and general insurance companies and reinsurance companies, friendly societies and most of the superannuation industry. We currently supervise institutions holding approximately $4.2 trillion in assets for almost 23 million Australian depositors, policyholders and superannuation fund members. Opportunities exist for graduates in front-line supervision of banks, insurance companies and superannuation funds, as well as part of highly specialised teams including policy, statistics and risk areas that provide advice and consulting services to front-line supervisors.

What we offer graduates As a graduate you’ll benefit from a tailored training program, a special ‘buddy’ system, a mentoring program and the opportunity to rotate to another APRA division in your first year with us. Remuneration is performance linked at APRA. In addition to annual remuneration increases, you will be eligible for annual performance bonuses after a 12-month qualifying period as a reward for your effort and commitment. APRA also has a generous study support program that includes financial support and time off for study and exams. After a successful 12-month traineeship period you will be promoted to the role of Analyst. At APRA progression is based on performance, not tenure. Promotions are available to the right people – even without a vacancy being available. It’s our policy.


Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)


Position Locations

APRA is interested in recruiting the very best, and in return offers a stimulating and challenging environment as a world class financial regulator with unmatched exposure to the Australian financial services industry.


We seek skilled professionals with integrity interested in helping shape financial services in Australia to better protect policyholders, depositors and superannuation fund members.

Industry Government and Public Sector, Banking and Finance

Degrees/Disciplines Accounting, Actuarial Studies, Business/ Commerce, Economics, Finance, Law/ Paralegal, Mathematics/ Statistics


Programs and Deadlines Graduate Program: Applications for the 2015 Graduate Program will open on 24 February 2014 and close on 4 April 2014

How to Apply Apply online via this link: http://www.apra. gov.au/aboutapra/workingatapra/pages/ graduate-program.aspx

Further information EMAIL: recruitment@apra.gov.au PHONE: 02 9210 3000 URL: www.apra.gov.au; http://www.aviewfromthetop.com.au/

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

About ASIC is Australia’s corporate, markets and financial services regulator. We contribute to Australia’s economic reputation and wellbeing by helping to ensure that Australia’s markets are fair and transparent, supported by confident and informed investors and consumers.

Other Benefits ASIC also provides:

We offer you a unique opportunity to work at the cutting edge of the market.

• In-depth training and development calendar • Flexible working arrangements to balance your professional and personal needs • Financial assistance towards further study (including university, legal admissions, CPA and short courses) • A very competitive starting salary

Our Program


As an ASIC graduate, you will participate in a 12 month, structured, rotation program that is tailor made to suit your degree. We will place you in a number of business areas during the year so that you will experience a variety of work and can grow your skills.

Graduates that wish to make a real difference in your career and work alongside highly skilled people.

Industry Government and Public Sector

From day one, you will be doing meaningful and challenging work. Our formal development program includes our graduates coming together for induction, mid-year and end-ofyear programs, so that you can develop strong networks with your peers. We also provide targeted, specific, technical training and on-the-job training to ensure that you are up to date with all current practices and have the necessary skills to progress your career.

Degrees/Disciplines You will be able to utilise your degree in Law, Commerce, Accounting, Economics, Business, Finance, Management (Traralgon VIC only) and HR (Traralgon VIC only) to make a real difference to the financial and real economies.

Position Locations We have graduate positions in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Traralgon (VIC)


Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

Programs and Deadlines

Further information

Graduate Program: Applications for the 2015 ASIC Graduate Program open on 24 February and close on 18 March 2014.

URL: www.asic.gov.au/graduate EMAIL: graduateprogram@asic.gov.au

How to apply Applications for the 2014 ASIC Graduate Program open late February close in March for the following year.


Australian Tax Office (ATO)

About Sketch your future with the ATO graduate development program: • Complete different work rotations over 12 months • Be guaranteed a permanent position after successfully completing the program • Start on a salary over $57,000 • Enjoy flexible working conditions • Receive excellent superannuation benefits • Join an international leader in tax administration. We are a large, dynamic, progressive and innovative organisation. We deal with individual taxpayers, small and large businesses, non-profit organisations and tax agents. Our work addresses aggressive tax planning, superannuation, globalisation, cash economy and also supports the delivery of community benefits.

• act professionally • communicate effectively • perform the technical aspects of working in law, finance and accounting • commit to supporting each other, our APS values and our contribution to the Australian community.

Industry Government and Public Sector, Finance

Degrees/Disciplines This year applications will be open for those with a bachelor degree or higher in the following areas: Law, economics, accounting, business, commerce, e-commerce, banking and finance, statistics.

Position Locations We have offices located throughout Australia and employ over 24,000 employees.



Programs and Deadlines

The right skills

Features of the graduate development program include:

We are looking for successful law, finance and accounting graduates who can: • think strategically • achieve results • manage relationships

• joining the ATO, a leader in tax administration • completing interesting work relating to your field of expertise • taking part in an intensive, challenging 81

Australian Tax Office (ATO)

How to apply 12-month program • receiving lots of training and development opportunities • experiencing two work rotations in areas that suit your skills • possibly participating in client contact experiences • receiving support from a dedicated program manager, mentors and buddies • benefiting from flexible working conditions that promote work/life balance • receiving excellent working conditions and great superannuation benefits • a permanent job on successful completion of the program • starting on a salary of over $57,000.


Applications open early March and close in April. Visit www.destination.ato.gov.au and follow the ‘apply now’ link. We encourage applications from all areas of the community, including Indigenous candidates and applicants with a disability.

Further information website: www.destination.ato.gov.au email: graduateprogram@ato.gov.au facebook: www.facebook.com/ato.gov.au twitter: www.twitter.com/ato_gov_au

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

About The Policy Graduate Program is for applicants from all academic backgrounds and prepares successful candidates for a career as a generalist policy officer. Policy graduates work to advance Australia’s interests across a broad range of areas — from security to human rights to international trade, and represent Australia in a formal capacity while serving overseas.

courses designed to build upon and give graduates the opportunity to fill gaps in their academic studies. Graduates also have an opportunity to travel interstate to make calls on peak industry bodies and government officials.

The Corporate Graduate Program is for applicants with commerce, accounting, human resources, ICT or similar qualifications. The program prepares graduates for a career managing the department’s human and financial resources, assets and programs. When serving overseas, corporate graduates assist in the management of the mission’s financial, human and property resources, and provide consular and passport assistance to Australians.


Both policy and corporate graduates undertake a two-year professional development program in Canberra, combining work placements with formal training modules. This enables our graduates to develop a broad knowledge and understanding of the Government’s foreign and trade policy priorities, the international environment and the department’s financial and corporate context. The program commences in February with a comprehensive induction program and a first placement. The graduate program includes a block of

On completion of the program, graduates take up a longer-term placement in the department and become eligible to apply for overseas postings.

As a dynamic agency working in a complex environment, the department is looking for graduates from varied backgrounds. We are looking for graduates with high-level analytical and communication skills. People who are adept at working in teams. Practical, results-oriented people who are able to work under pressure, occasionally in difficult environments, meet tight deadlines, and who are pro-active in getting out and about and making contacts. We are looking for graduates with a strong record of academic achievement, as well as extra-curricular activities in whatever form that might take, be that paid work supporting yourself through university, involvement in community groups and events, or a range of other activities. We are looking for graduates who have a genuine interest in international issues and understand the contribution Aus83

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

tralia can make internationally. Successful applicants will have a strong record of academic achievement and usually have honours, combined or higher degrees. However, academic qualifications are not the sole criterion for selection. Applicants will also be assessed on the quality of work experience, extra-curricular achievements and community activities. The department is looking for graduates who are: • talented and highly motivated • good communicators • strategic thinkers and practical problem solvers • team players, flexible, adaptable and resourceful • sensitive to, and appreciative of, difference and diversity.

Corporate graduates have had degrees in commerce, accounting, human resource management, arts, ICT and business administration.

Position Locations ACT – Canberra

Programs and Deadlines Graduate Program – 2 years 21 February – 18 March 2014. Applications accepted online for 2015 Graduate Program.

How to apply Graduate programs will be advertised on the department’s current vacancies webpage from around February/March each year. Interested people should monitor this site closely around this time because late applications will not be accepted.

Industry Government and Public Sector

Degrees/Disciplines In recent years DFAT policy graduates have had degrees in Antarctic studies, architecture, arts, Asian studies, business, commerce, communications, computer science, economics, international relations, language studies, law, medicine and science.


Submission of written applications using our online application form is the first stage in the application process. Candidates should put every effort into the preparation of their application and provide as much detail as possible about their studies, work and voluntary experiences, and any other activities they have been involved in.

Further information Please visit: http://www.dfat.gov.au/jobs/ graduates/

Office of Public Prosecutions (OPP)

About The OPP offers challenging and interesting work, with many opportunities for learning and advancement. Office of Public Prosecutions (OPP) staff are based in offices in Melbourne’s legal precinct and at a regional office in Geelong. Staff from Melbourne and Geelong prosecute in regional courts throughout Victoria. Office of Public Prosecutions (OPP) solicitors prosecute the State’s most serious criminal matters, and provide advice on and influence law reform. The matters are often high-profile. OPP legal and legal support staff work across a range of areas such as advocacy, appeals, commercial crime and fraud, corruption, culpable driving, drugs, early resolution, homicide, mental impairment, organised crime, policy and advice, proceeds of crime, and sex offences. In addition to legal and legal support staff, OPP employees also include social workers – who assist witnesses and victims – and corporate services staff working in: audio visual, facilities management, finance, human resources, information technology, library, projects and performance, and registry. The OPP is committed to supporting and developing its staff. The varying complexity of the

work provides excellent development opportunities for junior solicitors who are exposed to increasingly difficult matters as they gain experience. Junior Solicitors are mentored by Senior Solicitors, Solicitor Advocates, Legal Prosecution Specialists and Directorate Managers. The Office of Public Prosecutions (OPP) usually offers legal traineeships to law graduates each year for a period of 12 months, generally commencing in March/April. Completion of a legal traineeship is one method through which law graduates can become eligible to be admitted to practice as an Australian lawyer. Only law graduates (Bachelor of Laws or Juris Doctor) who have not previously been admitted to practice are eligible for legal traineeships. The office originally commenced its Articled Clerkship Program in February 1998. The comprehensive program was established to provide participants with an interesting and challenging learning experience. Since 2009, articles have been replaced by legal traineeships. The Legal Traineeships Program has been designed to encompass a number of rotations through a range of legal practice areas within the OPP. On completing the program, trainees will be familiar with a range of legal practice 85

Office of Public Prosecutions (OPP)

Programs and Deadlines areas dealt with by the OPP. The OPP complies with the Law Institute of Victoria’s Legal Traineeships Guidelines.

Seeking Employees are recruited using the principles of merit and equity to identify the applicant who best meets the requirements of the position and the OPP values. We value diversity and adhere to equal opportunity legislation. We do not discriminate against candidates based on irrelevant or protected personal characteristics.

The OPP generally offers a Legal Traineeship Program (formerly Articled Clerkship program). Applications for the 2015 traineeship program are open until August 2014. Assessment centres and interviews will be held during September 2014. Offers will be made during or after late September 2014. Traineeships will commence in March 2015. The recruitment process will comply with both the Victorian State Government and the Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) guidelines, ensuring an open, fair and transparent process for all applicants.

How to apply Industry Government and Public Sector

Degrees/ Disciplines Law, Criminal Law

Position Locations VIC – Melbourne and Geelong


Applications can be made via the Careers with the Victorian Government website: http://jobs.careers.vic.gov.au/jobtools/ jncustomsearch.viewFullSingle?in_ organid=14123&in_jnCounter=222445068

State Government of Victoria



The Victorian Government is responsible for public schools, health, policing, roads and traffic, public housing and business regulation.

Accounting, Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences, Business/Commerce, Communications/ Media, Economics, HR/OH&S, Law/Paralegal, Sciences

There are a number of pathways for graduates to find employment with the Victorian Government. These include the Victorian Public Service Graduate Recruitment and Development Scheme (GRADS). If you’re a recent graduate looking for a great career opportunity, diversity of work and a chance to make a difference to the way Victorians live and work, this graduate scheme might be for you.

Seeking We recruit high potential graduates who want to contribute to Victoria’s future, and we consider the whole person when assessing applicants: your values, skills, work experience, involvement in extra-curricular activities (for example, in sport or as a volunteer), and other community interests. We are looking for graduates with the following values: Responsiveness, Integrity, Impartiality, Accountability, Respect, Leadership and Human Rights.


Position Locations Positions available throughout Melbourne.

Programs and Deadlines GRADS Program: Just for graduates, this 12 month generalist program includes placements across VPS departments and an extensive learning and development program. Apply online via: http://graduates.vic.gov.au/apply#

Internships There may be opportunities for university students to undertake work experience or internships with Victorian Government departments. This can vary from department to department so it is best to contact Human Resources in each department that interests you to request further information. See more at: http://graduates.vic.gov.au/ opportunities-for-graduates/internships-andwork-experience

Government & Public Sector


State Government of Victoria

How to Apply In February or March of each year, we invite online applications for the graduate intake into the Graduate Recruitment and Development Scheme. Details of the intake are also published on this website, in the press and at major universities, careers expos and fairs. Find out more at www.graduates.vic.gov.au Some public sector agencies do their own graduate jobs recruitment in specific discipline areas. Other graduate opportunities with the Victorian Government are available on our jobs board throughout the year. Graduates are welcome to search this board, at any time, and to apply for vacancies online.


Transport Accident Commission (TAC)



A career at the TAC offers a challenging, satisfying and rewarding experience.

Personal Injury Law, Compensation, Road Trauma Claims, Road Trauma.

Our people have direct contact with those involved in the trauma of a road accident. This calls for sensitivity, discretion, judgment, cooperation and empathy. For this reason, we look for people with a strong customer service ethic and a professional approach to their work. People who are committed to achieving their own career goals, as well as helping us achieve our vision to set world-class standards in road safety and personal injury insurance.

Degrees/Disciples Law, amongst other degrees relevant to the job description.

Position Locations The TAC is currently located at 60 Brougham St, Geelong. Positions are also available in the Melbourne office.

Programs and Deadlines If you want to explore the exciting career opportunities available to you at the TAC, this is the perfect place to begin.

Seeking Strong values are particularly important to the TAC to achieve our mission and our vision, and so, with the help of our employees, we’ve developed five shared values. These values are central to our business culture, and guide us in the way we work with our clients, providers and each other. They are: Integrity, Unity of Purpose, Dignity and Respect, Innovation, Accountability and Responsibility.

Graduate Program: The TAC offers an exciting Graduate Program from which recent university graduates can launch their careers. The program duration is two years and places graduates into our claims division, based in Geelong. Legal Graduate Trainees: The TAC offers an innovative and dynamic Legal Graduate Traineeship program every year for approximately 3 successful candidates. The program is designed to ensure that a Legal Graduate Trainee develops significant, direct experience in Personal Injury law and is equipped to manage a portfolio of cases by the end of their clerkship. 89

Transport Accident Commission (TAC)

How to Apply Seasonal Positions are also available and provide prospective Legal Graduate Trainees with an opportunity to develop a relationship with the TAC, while gaining exposure to Personal Injury law.


Graduate positions are advertised via this link: http://careers.tac.vic.gov.au/ctw/en/ listing/ For more information follow this link: http:// www.tac.vic.gov.au/about-the-tac/workingfor-the-tac/seasonal-clerkships-and-legalgraduate-traineeships

Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office (VGSO)

About VGSO offers solicitors an excellent opportunity to work across a diverse range of challenging and thought-provoking advice and litigation matters including, but not limited to, merits and judicial reviews in Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT), the Supreme Court and High Court; government procurement; coronial inquests; prosecutions in the Magistrate’s Court; and exclusive advice on constitutional law and Charter of Human Rights issues. Many of the matters in which we advise and represent government are highprofile and attract public attention and comment. You will be constantly challenged and called upon to use the full range of your legal abilities, negotiation skills and litigation strategy, with an emphasis on professional development. Our Traineeship Program offers you a unique foundation for a rewarding career as a lawyer, whether in government or private practice. You will work on interesting, high-profile matters, with a great deal of autonomy and responsibility.

Clerkship Program. The Seasonal Clerkship Program is the ideal opportunity for you to explore what the VGSO has to offer and gain practical legal experience. By participating in a Seasonal Clerkship Program you will acquire insight into a career in government law, meet our people, experience our collegiate and professional culture and understand the variety of work completed at the VGSO.

Seeking The VGSO is looking for individuals who are in their penultimate year of study, motivated, have exceptional interpersonal skills and lead balanced lives with varied interests.

Industry Government and Public Sector

Degrees/Disciplines Law

Position Locations VIC

You will work with talented, highly-motivated and enthusiastic colleagues, who will help to mentor and guide you.

Programs and Deadlines Traineeship Program

The Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office will also once again be offering a Seasonal

The role of a Trainee Lawyer with the VGSO 91

Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office (VGSO)

is wonderfully diverse, constantly challenging and extremely interesting. As a Trainee Lawyer, you will gain exposure to various facets of the legal system, with three-month rotations through four of our five Branches: Government & Public Law, Commercial, Property & Technology, Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Victoria Police, and Workplace Relations & Regulatory Compliance. 2015 Traineeship Recruitment and Selection Calendar The VGSO is offering a number of positions commencing March 2015. Applications open July 2014, and close August 2014.

sonal Clerkships are subject to the LIV guidelines. VGSO adheres to these guidelines and will be making offers in October 2014. Applications Open July 2014 and close August 2014.

How to apply View the ‘Current Opportunities’ on the VGSO website by following this link: http://vgso.vic. gov.au/working-vgso/current-opportunities

Further information For further details about our programs please contact:

Seasonal Clerkship Program 2014 Seasonal Clerkship Recruitment and Selection Calendar All dates in relation to the recruitment of Sea-


Alana Hill, Human Resources Advisor Level 25, 121 Exhibition Street Melbourne VIC 3000 tel + 61 3 9032 3020 fax + 61 3 9032 3049 email ua.vog.civ.osgv@secruosernamuh URL: http://vgso.vic.gov.au/working-vgso/

Victorian Law Reform Commission

About The Victorian Law Reform Commission has six part-time Commissioners and a Chairperson. Each of the Commissioners works intensively on one or more projects in ‘divisions’ of the Commission. All Commissioners are involved in decision making about the recommendations in reports published by the Commission.

variety of administrative and secretarial duties for senior executive staff within a sensitive and confidential environment. • Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills, and experience in liaising effectively at senior levels with government and non-government agencies.

Industry Law Reform

The Chairperson and part-time Commissioners are appointed for terms determined by the government. The Commissioners are supported by staff who organise and undertake consultations, research, write and publish the Commission’s publications

Degrees/Disciplines Law; as well as any degree complementary to the position description.

Position Locations Melbourne

Seeking Programs and Deadlines As our ideal candidate, you will have: • Well-developed writing skills including the ability to communicate complex issues in a simple, accurate and logical way. • Well-developed research skills (including the use of electronic research tools) and experience in policy development. • Demonstrated initiative and organisational skills including the ability to co-ordinate tasks, set priorities and work to deadlines with minimal direct supervision. • Demonstrated ability to undertake a wide

Position availabilities are advertised through the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s website – follow this link for more information: http://www.lawreform.vic.gov.au/about-us/ working-with-us.

How to Apply Apply through the Victorian Government Careers website when vacancies arise. Check position availabilities via the above link under the ‘Programs and Deadlines’ heading.


Victorian Legal Aid

About We offer rewarding career opportunities for people with a passion for social justice and improving the lives of disadvantaged Victorians.

and contribute to overall strategic objectives of team and program areas.

Industry Victoria Legal Aid is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive workforce. We encourage Aboriginal Australians and people from culturally diverse backgrounds to apply for positions within our organisation. We will make reasonable adjustment, where possible, for people with disabilities.

Seeking We are looking for candidates who: • can demonstrate a commitment to social justice, human rights and our values • have a basic knowledge of civil, family, youth and criminal law and the skills to research, analyse and apply different areas of law as required • have the ability to represent legal aid clients and to undertake advocacy in courts and tribunals, and with other relevant agencies • can demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate with people from culturally diverse backgrounds • have the ability to identify and understand legal and crosscultural issues facing socially and economically disadvantaged clients • can work collaboratively with others 94


Degrees/Disciplines Law

Position Locations Melbourne, Broadmeadows, Dandenong, Frankston, Ringwood, Sunshine, Ballarat, Bairnsdale, Bendigo, Geelong, Horsham, Morwell, Shepparton and Warrnambool.

Programs and Deadlines New Lawyers Program: The New Lawyers Program is offered to first and second-year lawyers over two years. The 2014 program commences on Thursday 4 September 2014. Applications for the 2014 program open on Friday 21 March 2014 and close at midnight on Wednesday 16 April. Internships: Contact your nearest Victoria Legal Aid office to find out what volunteer opportunities currently exist. Note: applications to regional offices have a higher probability of success.

Victorian Legal Aid

How to Apply To apply for the New Lawyers Program, follow this link: http://www.legalaid.vic.gov. au/about-us/careers/new-lawyers-program/ how-to-apply-to-new-lawyers-program Internships You must complete a Volunteer application form and provide the names of two referees for the purpose of a reference check. This form

should be emailed to the office you would like to volunteer at. If you are a student and volunteer over the age of 18 you must apply for a Working with Children Check. This is required irrespective of whether or not any work with children is intended or anticipated. For more information please refer to this link: http://www.legalaid.vic.gov.au/about-us/ careers/volunteering-and-work-experience


WorkSafe Victoria

About Program Structure Graduate roles are permanent positions within a two year graduate program. Each graduate has their own unique program designed to develop organisational and industry awareness and core WorkSafe role competencies within this time. Graduates report to one designated ‘host team’ in an area relevant to their academic studies. Work rotations are tailored for graduates by their host team to build operational understanding of the whole organisation – these rotations are flexible and are geared towards each graduate’s chosen career pathway. Work…Learn…Develop In the first year, graduates contribute to the operational or service-level work of their host and rotational teams. This work is heavily supplemented by a structured learning and development program. In fact, we expect that up to 50% of a graduate’s working time during the first year will be spent on learning and development activities. Learning and development may involve shadowing experienced employees, working on projects, networking with other graduates, cross-organisational committee work, rotational reports, presentations and attendance at off-job training courses. 96

In the second year, graduates are assigned to more complex operational and project work, generally in their host team and with less emphasis on structured learning and development.

Seeking Your personal qualities and genuine enthusiasm for the work that we do is just as important to us as academic results. In addition to your formal qualifications we will consider your achievements in previous work, recreation and community experience and other uniquely positive attributes that you can bring to our organisation. Successful graduates will be expected to uphold our organisational values: Constructive, Accountable, Transparent, Effective and Caring and will stand out by demonstrating the following competencies: • Adaptability — listens to others and uses initiative to act within known boundaries • Conceptual thinking — draws on past experience and makes connections. • Driving improvement initiatives — uses initiative and identifies improvements. • Stakeholder (customer) support and service — follows up, listens, interprets and establishes needs. • Tactical and analytical thinking — organises information, sees

WorkSafe Victoria

Degrees/Disciplines interdependencies and sets priorities. • Working in a team — acts cooperatively within a team and actively seeks input from others. • Seeks to understand the needs of other teams — utilises organisational and industry awareness as well as the formal structure. • Building relationships — makes contacts when required and builds connections. • Information gathering — asks questions and explores anomalies.

Law, amongst other degrees relevant to the position description.

How to Apply Email the following to graduates@worksafe. vic.gov.au:

• The completed graduate application form (this must be submitted in Word format, please do not convert to PDF) • Your resume (including cover letter) Industry • An electronic copy of your most recent academic transcript (ie. copy There are three core streams of work in our of the original or copy with university organisation: Our Health and Safety business logo e.g. online version / email) unit works with employers to make workplaces safer for their employees and visitors, the You will receive an email response to confirm teams in our Injury Support and Service busi- that we have received your application. In the ness unit ensure that when accidents do hap- interest of being environmentally friendly, pen, injured workers receive the best possible please do not send hard copy applications. care and services and the Business Service divisions enable the work of our Health and Further Resources Safety and Injury Support and Service teams. Email: graduates@worksafe.vic.gov.au Position Locations Website: http://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/ careers/careers-at-worksafe/our-graduateVIC program


Australian Government Solicitor the leading lawyers to government

Can you see yourself at AGS? What is AGS?

The Australian Government Solicitor (AGS) is by far the greatest single provider of legal and related services to Australian Government agencies. We are one of Australia’s largest national law practices, with an office in every capital city. AGS is a statutory authority and a government business enterprise operating on a fully commercial and competitive basis. We successfully compete for much of our work against Australia’s top-tier law firms. We also undertake tied work (non-contestable) in the areas of constitutional, national security and public international law as well as in relation to Cabinet matters. As the leading lawyers to government and wholly dedicated to government, we assist the Attorney-General as First Law Officer to ensure that the Australian Government has access to high-quality legal and related services that will advance the national interest.

What does AGS offer its graduates and lawyers?

AGS lawyers are involved in approximately 40 specialised areas of law directly related to the work of government. We have an unmatched practice in the High Court as well as representing our clients in the Federal Court and other jurisdictions. We offer our graduates and lawyers exciting career opportunities by providing: – varied and stimulating work with the opportunity to work on highprofile matters – the opportunity to work closely with clients from the very start of your career – outposts to a range of practice areas and locations – access to some of the foremost legal minds in the country – supportive colleagues and excellent working conditions – a development program tailored to hone your legal practice and business skills – work life balance and lifestyle.

Applications open Tuesday 4 March and close Friday 18 April 2014. Go to ags.gov.au for details You are also welcome to contact Debbie Kazolis, Lawyer Development Adviser T 02 6253 7510

Why choose our National Graduate Program?

The National Graduate Program is a 12-month training and development program which, upon successful completion, is expected to culminate with a placement as a practising lawyer within AGS. The program typically has the following components: – orientation program commencement – exposure to 1 or more of the 3 internal AGS practice areas of Dispute Resolution, Commercial and Office of General Counsel – an outpost to a government department or agency – an opportunity to pursue a pro bono placement – sponsorship towards an external program of practical legal training necessary to complete the requirements for admission to legal practice – prescribed in-house training on topics of substantive law and client service together with other AGS seminars and forums – peer support and mentoring, including a structured supervisor and buddy system together with wider mentoring support of our Lawyer Development Adviser.

www.ags.gov.au | @AGSgovLawyers

familY law emploYer profiles 

Berry Family Law

About Berry Family Law is a firm specialising solely in the practise of family law and divorce law and is acknowledged as having forged a solid reputation in this area of law. The professional team consists of thirteen lawyers, eight of whom are Accredited Family Law Specialists.

Recognising this • Maurice Blackburn has entered into an alliance with Berry Family Law to support the clients of Maurice Blackburn in preference to other Family Law specialists in Melbourne; • Clients are referred from numerous sources, including existing and past clients, accountants, lawyers, barristers, valuers, psychologists, and psychiatrists. To better serve our clients we have offices in the Melbourne CBD and Williamstown. Over a period of more than three decades in which our principal has practised family law, we have forged relationships with an extensive array of forensic accountants, valuers, psychologists, financial advisors and lenders to offer a total focus on the practise of family law, defacto law and the law pertaining to same sex couples. Our extensive knowledge and working history


of both family law and defacto law is also highlighted by a number of our lawyers regularly lecturing at the request of The Law Institute of Victoria and Leo Cussen Institute. We pride ourselves on staying up to date with publications, precedents and legal software, enabling us to look after our clients’ cases efficiently and effectively.

Seeking Family law is a challenging field of law, which requires its practitioners to actively delve into difficult cases regarding vicissitudes of life and deal with a variety of issues. They must recognise that no day will be the same as another and leave all of their own problems at the door, on a daily basis. First and foremost, we seek people with an exceptional attitude. Candidates for work experience placements, particularly, must be interested and prepared to do tasks that may not necessarily seem exciting from the outset. We have been fortunate in the past to have work experience trainees getting stuck in to the work and doing things with good grace. Berry boasts a friendly camaraderie and so fitting into the firm culture is an important prerequisite for those who work with us. Helpfulness, a great personality and being well-rounded overall will stand you in good stead.

Berry Family Law


Programs and Deadlines

Law - Family

We regularly take in students for work experience placements from the Leo Cussens Institute.

Degrees/Disciplines In the past, we have hired mature age law students, students with a background in health and social work as well as exceptional candidates in general.

How to apply You must be a student undertaking the Leo Cussens PLT course to be considered for a work placement with our firm.

Position Locations Further information VIC – Melbourne, Williamstown Melbourne Level 4, 552 Lonsdale Street Melbourne 3000 Phone: +61 3 9399 7090 Fax: +61 3 9600 1419


Lander & Rogers

About Welcome to Lander & Rogers. We’re a successful, forward thinking, growing law firm, with offices in Melbourne and Sydney. We offer a distinctively happy workplace, achieved through selectively recruiting people who think and act collaboratively. We invest in the professional and personal growth of our people and ensure a healthy work life balance is achieved. Our areas of practice • Corporate • Commercial Disputes • Family & Relationship Law • Insurance Law & Litigation • Property, Projects & Infrastructure • Workplace Relations & Safety • WorkCover

different people. We don’t expect that you’ll be a gun at all of these things straight away, but when we meet you at interview we’ll be curious to learn more about your potential to handle these things in the future, based on the skills and experience you’ve already built through studying law (combined with other disciplines like arts, commerce and science) and any legal and non legal part-time work, volunteer work and university activities you’ve tackled.

Industry Government and Public Sector

Degrees/Disciplines Law


Position Locations

We aim to recruit and retain law students who have a friendly and down to earth style of engaging with others. We see this as important to your success in working with your clients and colleagues, and critical to the preservation of our happy workplace.


You’ll also need intelligence to tackle the most interesting of legal scenarios, energy to absorb new concepts and changing laws, and a willingness to work productively with lots of 102

Programs and Deadlines Seasonal/Summer Clerkship Program Our seasonal/summer clerkship program is a law student’s key opportunity to gain first hand experience of the law in practice, and our working environment.

Lander & Rogers

How to apply In Melbourne, 30 - 35 law students join us each year for our four week single-rotation seasonal clerkship held in the uni holidays in Nov/Dec, Jan/Feb and June/July. In Sydney 5 - 6 law students join us for a 12 week summer clerkship with two rotations, held in the uni holidays in late November until mid-February. The clerkships are the time to test run what you’ve learned at uni (with the reassurance of a safety net), and a perfect chance to gauge whether or not Lander & Rogers offers the type of working environment that’s the right fit for you. Melbourne Applications open: Applications close: Interviews: Offers made:

15 July 2013 4 August 2013 September 2013 8 October 2013

Graduate Program

Applications for our 2015 graduate positions will open and close around June/July 2014. However, our aim is to recruit all of our graduates under the LIV priority offer system and, therefore, our graduate positions are filled via our seasonal clerk program. Should additional opportunities become available for graduates who have not completed a seasonal clerkship with us, we will add further information on this page at a later date. Please send your letter of application, CV and academic results via cvMail.com.au to Laura Grant, Graduate Resourcing Consultant.

Further information Please visit: http://www.landers.com.au/ Careers/Lawstudents.aspx

Contact Laura Grant | Graduate Resourcing Consultant +61 3 9269 9333 lgrant@landers.com.au

We invest a huge amount of time in ensuring our graduates experience a first rate introduction to the law, and are shown an exciting path forward with the firm following qualification. It’s a full and exciting year of learning, and a great opportunity to form strong working relationships and friendships with a diverse range of people across the firm. 103

Slater & Gordon

About A career in the legal industry can be a rewarding and challenging adventure. Slater & Gordon have more than 1200 staff in over 70 locations across Australia and 10 offices and 480 employees across the United Kingdom, so chances are there is an opportunity waiting for you. At Slater & Gordon our employees are at the heart of our company. Their dedication, creativity, innovation, energy and motivation represent the driving force of our success. Slater & Gordon is committed to helping employees reach their full potential through continuous training and development. This empowerment leads to innovative ideas and the confidence to make them happen.

litigators whether acting for individuals or groups.

Seeking We foster an environment where people are encouraged to ‘give it a go’, where reward comes to those who demonstrate enthusiasm, creativity and innovation. We value integrity, honesty, openness, personal excellence and mutual respect, and we are united in our passion and commitment to providing outstanding client service.

Industry Law

Degrees/Disciplines We offer our employees the opportunity to move ahead rapidly in their career to enable them to meet their professional goals with a supportive and structured career path. Our employees have access to a wide range of benefits and incentives to assist them in their personal and professional development.


Position Locations VIC – NSW

Programs and Deadlines We have a compassionate culture that extends to both our clients and employees. We are proud of our history. Our commitment to social justice issues has led to the development of our national reputation as successful


Graduate Program Slater & Gordon’s Graduate Traineeship Program is an exciting and rewarding 12 month placement for law graduates to gain the experience and knowledge to become a practising Lawyer

Slater & Gordon

within our Firm. During the 12 month program, participants complete their Practical Legal Training through the College of Law, whilst working full time within one of our many practice areas. The program is designed to allow Graduates the opportunity to work closely with senior practitioners and gain invaluable experience by working on complex matters and projects. We are proud to have fostered the growth and shaped the careers of many Graduates in our history; some of who still remain employed by the Firm. Positions in our 2014 program was filled by candidates from our internal sources.

In NSW, the placements run for 8 weeks over the summer break from November to February. Only students in their penultimate year of study will be eligible. As a Seasonal / Summer Clerk, you will be allocated to a combination of our firm’s practice areas. During your time with the firm you will be exposed to a wide range of experiences such as preparing court documentation, meeting with clients, attending court & mediations/ conciliations and drafting correspondence. In addition, you will work alongside our talented team of legal practitioners and develop a range of new skills.

Seasonal/Summer Clerkship Seasonal / Summer Clerkships provide students with the opportunity to experience firsthand what it is like to work at Slater & Gordon. The Slater & Gordon Clerkship Program is held in Victoria (Seasonal Clerkship Program) and NSW (Summer Clerkship Program). In Victoria, the Firm has three intakes each year in January/February, June/July and November/December and the placements run for four weeks.

Our Seasonal / Summer Clerk intakes for 2014 are listed below. VICTORIA July 2014 Applications for Seasonal Clerkships in Victoria open August 2014 Applications close at 11.59pm. September 2014 Interviews for Seasonal Clerkships commence October 2014 Offers Made


Slater & Gordon

How to apply All applications must include the following attachments: Current CV Cover Letter Recent Academic transcripts Applications for Victoria should be made to seasonalclerks@slatergordon.com.au Due to the overwhelming response we receive, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Further information Please visit: http://www.slatergordon.com.au/ careers/


comparing career paThwaYs 

 Regional Pathway


hile it may not be every students’ first choice of Career pathway, be careful to not rule out the option of practicing in a rural area, before you first take a closer look at the opportunities that are at hand for young graduates. Many young graduates who land jobs in large, top-tier firms in the city complain of the medial tasks that make up the day. In contrast, young lawyers practicing in regional Victoria handle their own clients and cases right from their graduate year. In the 2009 ‘Report into Rural, Regional and Remote Areas Lawyers Survey’ the Law Council of Australia recorded that 44% of lawyers practicing rural areas were born in capital cities, and the number is only growing.

The benefits of working in a regional area  Diversity  Client Relationships  Multiple Areas of Law  Autonomy  Work life Balance  Cost of Living  Being a part of the Community


 A Regional Experience AUTHOR KIM MCFARLANE

 Area of Practice

Current position Co-chair of Regional and Suburban Young Lawyers Committee of the LIV. Australian lawyer/solicitor advocate at Tyler Tipping & Woods in Victoria.

I predominantly do criminal law, however, I also have practised in family law, commercial litigation, elder law and family violence matters. I am a solicitor advocate which means not only do I take instructions from clients and provide relevant advice and/or draft documentation, I also appear in court on behalf of my clients in varying matters from criminal law, family law, family violence and personal safety intervention orders and at mediations.

 Why did you choose to work in a Regional Area? I worked as an Electorate Officer for a Member of Parliament during university and I knew that I wanted to represent people and utilise my acting skills in presenting arguments and a case on behalf of an individual who cannot.


 How did you get your start in the industry? Bachelor of Arts at Deakin University Bachelor of Laws and Masters in Global Business Law at Latrobe University. Is aspiring to become an Accredited Specialist in Criminal Law.

I found it very important to network throughout university. When I was working for the Member of Parliament I was introduced to some criminal barristers who became mentors. My mentors advised me to look for a job in regional Victoria as I would be handling my own files and appearing in court earlier in my career. Consequently, I utilised the fact my parents had a country retreat and applied to one of the country firms in Gippsland and coincidentally the one I applied to knew one of my mentors who I had as a referee. I had an interview and was offered the job and five years later I am still practising in regional Victoria.


 Think outside Melbourne AUTHOR Stephanie Davies

Your career in regional Victoria. The graduate recruitment market is shrinking – everybody knows that. Everybody’s talking about it, and if they’re not talking about it, they’re sick of hearing about it. Whatever category you fall into, there’s no escaping the fact that the city job you’ve been planning for will be harder to get, if it still exists.

With this in mind, students are being encouraged to look to regional areas for employment. For many of us, this seems like the less appealing option. However, a regional career can offer lifestyle and job satisfaction that easily rivals one in the city.

A regional career is as good, or better, than one in Melbourne. Working in a regional area, even in a graduate role, has many advantages above and beyond those offered by large inner city firms, such as:  Variety – many regional firms offer a variety of practice areas, ranging from family law, to estate planning, to property and commercial law. Once you’ve finished uni, despite the fact that you’ve studied multiple areas of law, your practical experience will be limited to only a few. Working in a regional area offers the opportunity to experience multiple areas of law and work out what you really like.  Autonomy – as regional firms tend to be smaller, there is a higher demand on graduates to use their skills for a variety of responsibilities. This could mean running files, appearing in court, meeting with clients and attending settlements in a variety of areas of law, rather than spending days assisting with discovery.  Mentoring – again, as regional firms tend to be smaller, you’re likely to be one of a small group of graduates, rather than one of 15 or 20. This means that senior staff and partners have more time to assist you with tricky matters and foster your skills as a lawyer.


Living outside Melbourne is not boring. There are huge advantages to living outside of Melbourne, even at the start of your career.  Cost of living – renting a property in Melbourne is an expensive exercise, and buying a property seems like a distant fantasy for many of us. Property prices and rent, depending on where you choose to live, can be as little as half the price of an equivalent property in Melbourne.  Commuting time – those Metro delays? Not an issue outside Melbourne. That 45 minute peak hour commute from your outer suburbs house to the CBD? Could be as little as 10 minutes. And parking is easier and cheaper (or free).  There’s a great variety of sporting and cultural events on offer. Geelong has AFL matches, the Golden Plains and Meredith Music Festivals are a short drive from both Geelong and Ballarat, and the Bendigo Art Gallery hosts regular critically acclaimed exhibitions, just to name a few.  It’s easy to get involved with your community: sporting, cultural and community service groups are popular and an easy way to get to know people. There are also Law Associations, which are part of the LIV, for lawyers in regional areas: check out http://www.liv.asn.au/ForLawyers/Sections-Groups-Associations/Law-Associations.  Regional towns, particularly major centres such as Geelong, Bendigo and Ballarat, also have an enviable range of pubs, cafes, restaurants and nightspots on offer.  And, if you really can’t cope without Saturday night in the city, VLine offers reliable, affordable and comfortable transport to the city on a regular basis, often with travel times of less than 2 hours.

Big firms aren’t just in the city. Lastly, regional firms offer huge opportunities to students and graduates. However, if you’re absolutely set on working for a large firm, remember that many of them are based in regional areas, or have regional offices. For example: Slater and Gordon, Maurice Blackburn, Ryan Carlisle Thomas, the TAC and Harwood Andrews are all large employers with a presence in regional Victoria.


 State Government Pathway AUTHOR SEJAL AMIN

 How did you get started in the Industry? I have worked in various roles, prior to being successful in my current role as a lawyer. I worked whilst studying at university as a residential assistant, residential assistant coordinator (formerly known senior residential assistant) and as an administrative officer for a boutique migration law firm.

Course Bachelors of Law and Bachelors of International relations, La Trobe University. Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, Leo Cussen Institute.

After completing my Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, I found it difficult to obtain a first-year lawyer position. Soon after being admitted to practice I started volunteering at the International Students Legal Advice Clinic that was run by the Western Suburbs Legal Service. I also commenced working as an administrative officer in the Youth Legal Service of Victoria Legal Aid. I then moved into a Paralegal role within the same service. After 18 months, I secured my current lawyer position with Victoria Police. I believe my work and volunteer experience were instrumental in obtaining this position.

Current Position I currently work as a lawyer for Victoria Police, in a newly established unit that focuses on prosecuting intervention orders.

 Where do you see your position taking you in the future? My short-term goal is to diversify into other jurisdictions and enhance my legal skills. My long term goal is to advance my career in social justice.

 Do you have any advice for students thinking about pursuing a career with the Police Force or the Public Service? Don’t stress if you don’t get the dream job you want straight away. Focus on the steps you are taking to reach your desired career goal. From each step you will gain invaluable work experiences that will assist you in the long run. Remember to never give up, keep on applying, and keep your options open.


 Federal Government Pathway Author MARIKO

 How did you get your start in the Industry? After graduating from university, I spent some time overseas before taking up a position as a lawyer at a top tier law firm in Sydney.

 Why did you apply to DFAT?

Current position Desk Officer, Trade Policy Section at Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

I’ve always been interested in international relations and politics and DFAT was a natural choice. The opportunity to have a diverse career, learn a new language, work on intellectually stimulating issues and to serve overseas were also very appealing to me.

 How have you used your qualifications/ experience during your time in DFAT?


I’ve been able to apply my legal qualifications pretty much from my first day at DFAT. My first placement was in the Sea Law, Environment Law and Antarctic Section, where I provided legal advice on international and domestic law, treaty interpretation and assisted with developing legal policy advice. My current placement in trade does not require me to apply my legal qualifications so directly, but the analytical and drafting skills I developed as a lawyer have been very useful.

Combined degrees in Arts (Hons) and Law from UNSW.

 Has the reality of working in DFAT differed from your perceptions of what it was going to be like?

Former positions at DFAT Desk Officer, Sea Law, Environment Law and Antarctic Section.

The professional development opportunities provided in the graduate program have exceeded my expectations. During the first year, graduates are taken offline to undertake two months of extensive academic and practical training in areas such as economics, international law, foreign policy and negotiation skills. Academics from leading Australian and UK universities provide the training, making it a really valuable and stimulating experience.


 What has been the highlight of your career with DFAT so far? My career at DFAT is still in its infancy. However, highlights so far have been the legal policy work I did on maritime delimitation and illegal fishing issues; and being part of the Australian delegation for the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations.

 As an economist/ accountant/lawyer etc, why would you recommend DFAT over other career options? Yes, absolutely. The diversity and opportunity to work in fascinating legal areas such as the law of the sea, international humanitarian law and sanctions are persuasive reasons to pursue a career at DFAT. One of the other major benefits of a career at DFAT is that officers are encouraged to move around the department, meaning that it’s difficult to be pigeonholed, particularly early on in your career.


 Further Resources The DLSS The DLSS committee at Burwood campus is made up of law students, for law students! We strive to support you through your degree. The DLSS is here to make the long road as enjoyable as possible and ensure that you have a smile on your face whilst you are juggling assignments, exams, work commitments and the all important social side to life. Whether it be keeping a high distinction average, receiving a winner’s trophy for a law competition, getting your foot in the door at the ‘dream job’ or making the most of the party scene at university, we are here to make it happen!

The Industry Portfolio is dedicated to exploring all career pathways available to students. For any further information feel free to contact us and we will gladly do our best to answer your queries! If you or anyone you know have had experiences you would like to share with us that involve following an alternative career pathway with your law degree, we would love to hear from you!

Do not hesitate to contact

Michael Castricum VP Careers Industry  vp-careers-industry@deakinlss.org Natalie NG Officer Careers Industry  careers-industry1@deakinlss.org

The Commercial portfolio is dedicated to managing sponsorship relationships with commercial law firms, and informing students of everything they need to know about seasonal clerkship. For more information on seasonal clerkships contact The VP of Careers Commercial  vp-careers-commercial@deakinlss.org


Jobshop Jobshop, located in building B, in the Careers and Employment Centre, is an invaluable resource for Deakin Burwood students. They offer:  career planning and education  employment information  job application checking, career workshops, online resources and email help  interview and assessment centre coaching.

Visit the website to keep updated on careers events and news around campus! Contact Shehani De Alwis, for any further queries at: s.dealwis@deakin.edu.au; or call Jobshop on: 03 9244 6250

Online Resources Deakin Websites  DLSS: www.deakinlss.org  School of Law: www.deakin.edu.au/law  Student Life: www.deakin.edu.au/studentlife/careers  My Course My Career: http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/jobs-career/my-course-my-career Graduate Job Websites  LIV Careers: www.careers.liv.asn/au  My Career: www.mycareer.com.au/jobs/-/legal  Seek: www.seek.com.au/campus/index.ascx  CareerOne: www.careerone.com.au  Graduate Opportunities: http://www.graduateopportunities.com  Unigrad: http://www.unigrad.com.au/home/  Graduate Connection Australia: http://www.gradconnection.com.au/

Law Bodies  Law Institute of Victoria: www.liv.asn.au  Law Council of Australia: www.lawcouncil.asn.au  Board of Examiners: www.supremecourt.vic.gov.au click ‘board of examiners’.  Continuing Professional Development: www.supremecourt.vic.gov.au click ‘continuing professional development’  Federation of Community Legal Centres: www.communitylaw.org.au  Australian Law Students’ Association: www.alsa.net.au 116

sponsorship 


Realise and discover the potential of your career. The opportunity of a lifetime

Your career is yours. You choose it. You live it. You make it happen.

Programs for graduates

Programs for students

Graduate Careers at PwC

Vacation Program

We know that it’s not just about PwC choosing you, but also you choosing us. That’s why we provide a number of opportunities to meet us and get all the information you need to make an informed career decision.

Grow your skills, relationships and networks by embarking on PwC’s Vacation Program. Get real exposure to the firm with the potential to join us as a graduate the following year.

PwC encourages students to apply to our Student Programs before you graduate. It enables you to put what you’ve learned into practice and gain valuable work experience, so you can see first-hand what it’s like to work for a professional services firm before you graduate.

Preview Program


We fill the vast majority of our graduate roles via our Student Programs (e.g. vacationers, trainees). For the few remaining graduate roles, PwC will be hiring graduates through channels typically used in experienced hire recruitment (such as LinkedIn and other social media channels, university engagement and direct targeting for niche skills and university degree backgrounds). Applications to the Graduate Program are no longer accepted.

Consult, advise, assure, protect – what would you like to do with your career? PwC’s Preview Program is a three day development program designed to help you understand where you’d like to grow your career as well as enhancing your employability skills. pwc.com.au/previewprogram

Technology Academy Expand your networks, build on your technical and commercial skills and find out where a technology career at PwC could take you. pwc.com.au/technologyacademy

Trainee Program Would you value a head start to your career? Have the best of both worlds and complement your academic studies with relevant work experience through the PwC Trainee Program, all while receiving both professional and financial support. pwc.com.au/traineeprogram


Apply today pwc.com.au/careers

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linkedin.com/complany/pwc-australia twitter.com/PwC_AU facebook.com/PwCAUStudentCareers

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ANU Legal Workshop your pathway to Legal Practice The ANU Legal Workshop is Australia’s largest university-based legal practice program. We provide practical legal training in the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (GDLP). Becoming a Practitioner (BAP) is the first part of the program and is a 5 day pre-requisite face-to-face intensive offered in cities Australia wide. We also offer: > flexible on-line delivery > your choice of 20, 40, 60 or 80 day placement > direct or reciprocal admission to legal practice nationally > substantial credit towards an ANU LLM.

Becoming a Practitioner (BAP) Face-to-face intensives for 2014: Adelaide 26 May 2014 Darwin 16 Jun 2014 Perth, Melbourne & Sydney 23 Jun 2014 Brisbane, Canberra & Wollongong 30 Jun 2014 Sydney 25 Aug 2014 Melbourne 1 Sep 2014

We have an efficient and friendly administrative team who are available to answer any questions students may have about the program. Many of our academic staff are practising lawyers.

Canberra 8 Sep & 17 Nov 2014

Information W law.anu.edu.au/legalworkshop/gdlp T 02 6125 4463 E lwsa@law.anu.edu.au

Townsville & Wollongong 1 Dec 2014

Perth, Sydney & Toowoomba* 24 Nov 2014

Adelaide 15 Dec 2014 * Subject to change


A5_PLE Flyer 2014.indd 1

10/02/2014 9:26:34 AM

 Leo Cussen Centre for Law Practical Training Course (Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice) The Leo Cussen experience enables law graduates to learn how to practise law in a professional, yet friendly and engaging environment. Our Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice is comprehensive and well respected by legal employers. Employers may sponsor their graduate employee to do the course. Successful completion of the Practical Training Course (PTC) entitles you to apply for admission to the legal profession as an Australian Lawyer which, in turn, entitles you to practise as an Australian Legal Practitioner in any Australian jurisdiction.

Practical Training Course Onsite or Online – Your Choice Online delivery offers flexibility to those who have work or family commitments and who enjoy the discipline of learning within a small online community. The Onsite course suits those looking for a training experience with face to face teaching and learning. It also suits those on overseas student visas. Online trainees attend for intensive teaching blocks and mentor consultations during the course. In the Onsite course you attend each business day from 9am to 5pm. In the full time Online course, you will need to commit at least 25 hours a week to your PTC work. We also offer a part time Online PTC.

Features of the Practical Training Course (Online and Onsite) • Building of practical legal skills in a broad range of practice areas • Mentoring by in-house legal training staff who guide your professional development • Visiting legal practitioners as instructors • Current Matter file program – run simulated client files within your own PTC ‘law firm’ • Extensive advocacy training • Collegial environment with the opportunity to build friendships and professional networks that can last your entire career • Clinical Experience Program with Victoria Legal Aid (onsite PTC) • Professional Placement • Employment Register for graduates • FEE-HELP available

Course Details and Application 24 weeks including three weeks Professional Placement Two intakes a year (Online and Onsite) commencing January and July. 2014/2015 Later applications July intake: are accepted and Apply by 9 May 2014 January 2015 intake: considered in order of Apply by 21 November receipt. 2014 123




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