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Struggles Every College Student Knows

1. 8 a.m. classes


You will be amazed at what you can do in five minutes. Just set a timer and do some basic organizing chores: put papers in the right folders, delete those extra files you don’t need on your laptop and so on. It’s a simple way to always stay de-cluttered.

No comment. Just, sigh.

2. What is sleep? Getting good grades, having a decent social life and sleeping well seem to always be in competition in a balanced life. For some reason sleep is always the first out the window.


I saved the most important tip for last. We always seem to overlook sleep and view it as a choice rather than a necessity. Sleeping well is not only crucial to your performance, but it’s also very important for your health. To get a good night sleep, set a sleeping time and stick to it no matter what. Customize when to sleep according to your schedule, but always ensure to get at least seven hours of rest.

4. Difficult professors You must’ve come across that particular professor that you just can’t seem to please. You can have William Shakespeare write a paper for your English Literature course and they still won’t like it.

5. Hell week 3. Getting grouped with slackers When you have to carry the workload of three other people because no one wants to put in the work.

Hell week is when even Satan sits back cheering on the professors. It’s when all midterms, assignments and projects are due IN THE SAME WEEK. Not cool at all.


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