Diversity Journal - Nov/Dec 2014

Page 42



Madeline Elias Tax Office Managing Partner BDO USA, LLP I am today—particularly my belief that anything is possible through hard work and perseverance, and my belief in working together. The great people I’ve worked with have provided opportunities for advancement, and my strong professional relationships give me support when I need it.

How My Heritage Values Fuel My Success: Family and hard work are values at the root of my Cuban heritage. My family left communist Cuba with nothing to come to America and build a better life. My parents, who didn’t speak English when they arrived, grew and triumphed by supporting each other, accepting change, and working hard. Their example shaped who

How My Company Supports Me…and How I Pay it Forward: BDO has great organizational values. One of its core values, People First, provides a framework for creating true partnerships—both within the organization and with clients—for the good of all involved. Committed to providing the best person for the job, the firm invests in its people through training and mentoring programs, as well as a women’s initiative, that provide space to share ideas and identify role models within the firm. I participate in BDO’s programs and

initiatives, and in mentoring programs across the Miami community—a location that gives me a unique opportunity to mentor many Hispanic professionals. The Best Career Advice I’ve Received and the Advice I Offer Others: Early in my career, a mentor told me that to advance, you have to prove you can do the job first. I took this advice to heart, and have always put in extra time and work—even if it didn’t always result in immediate rewards. My advice to someone looking to advance in his/her career is this: 1) Don’t fear change, embrace it— you’ll gain new perspective, learn new skills, and meet new challenges; 2) Never set boundaries for yourself— if you work hard, you can achieve any goal you set for yourself; and 3) Surround yourself with people who share your values. PDJ

ERNST & YOUNG LLP Ted Acosta EY Americas Vice Chair–Risk Management Ernst & Young LLP How My Heritage Values Fuel My Success: Perhaps the most important value or principle I’ve embraced from a young age is to lead with the achievements resulting from my hard work and to never rest on my laurels or expect favorable treatment. My formula for both academic and professional success has been to be judicious about learning. I am tireless in this endeavor, and believe in applying myself to each task with the intent of doing the best job possible. I make sure not to make recognition or rewards my goal. To my surprise, rewards and recognition have come my way.



The Best Career Advice I’ve Received and the Advice I Offer Others: The best advice I received was to network—to get to know different people within the organization, the client base, the industry, and the community. My advice today would be similar, but I would add that one should network with integrity and substance. The most compelling people I’ve ever met, and still remember, were authentic and knowledgeable about their craft. Not everyone is a natural, social expert. Confidence comes from within and from one’s accomplishments and values. PDJ

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