Diversity Journal - Jul/Aug 2009

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Profiles IN in DIVERSITY Diversity JOURNAL Journal PROFILES

2009 International in DIVERSITY Diversity AWARDS Awards INTERNATIONAL Innovation INNOVATION IN

AWARDS OF Excellence EXCELLENCE Awards of presented in alphabetical order

American AmericanAirlines Airlines• •AXA AXAEquitable EquitableLife LifeInsurance InsuranceCompany Company • Ecolab •• Ecolab Georgia Power • Power Harrah’s Entertainment • ITT Corporation • Georgia • Harrah’s • ITT Corporation • KPMG LLP • National Grid • Northrop Grumman Corporation • • KPMG • National Grid • Northrop Grumman Corporation • Pitney Bowes Canada • Sodexo •

Earl G. Graves Award for Leadership Award of The award loudly recognizes and demon- thousands of “hits” on our internal Diversity site, a testaExcellence Th

stra the value American Airlines places strates on diversity excellence. It highlights Mr. Graves’ contribution to the diversity of thought and encourages employees to continue the legacy of diversity leadership. It also acknowledges the value of displaying diversity and inclusion leadership within our company and the community. Beginning this year, the award will annually recognize an employee(s) at any level, within any workgroup, who embodies the essence and impact of Diversity Leadership. It will communicate to all employees that the company values diversity and inclusion and wants to honor those that achieve this professionally and personally. Communication has gone to all employees through our internal web portal, quarterly company publications, mass emails and our Leaders Call generating awareness and encouraging employees to nominate through a peer nomination/application form. We have a large number of nominations and the interest in the award has generated 30

PRO Pro F f Ii LES les Ii N n DI Di VE ve RSIT rsit Y y JOURNAL Journal

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ment to how the award has elevated visibility within the diversity space. The person selected is a reflection of our former Chairman of the Board of Directors Diversity Committee, Mr. Earl G. Graves, who exhibited a strong commitment to leadership, commitment to diversity, vision, legacy of work, conscience, and purpose. This award is a very visible recognition presented to an individual who has achieved notable and measurable business contributions through innovations which link to diversity and corporate citizenship initiatives. The top employees will be recognized and the recipient will receive an engraved crystal award mirroring the inaugural 2008 award given to Mr. Graves. It will be presented by our President & CEO during a celebratory ceremony and the winner will also receive an Aircraft Dedication plaque placed on an AA aircraft, along with recognition on the company internal Web site PDJ and quarterly publications.

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