Diversity Journal - Sep/Oct 2006

Page 26

Larry O’Donnell President and Chief Operating Officer

“With Larry as our most vocal coach, we started from a simple perspective of identifying vulnerabilities and opportunities.” Carlton Yearwood, chief ethics and diversity officer

“When you spend time with and work with a variety of people every day, you begin to see there is an amazingly rich variety to the ways

just the way it was around our place. “Later on, when I was a senior in

other. The crafts were like that. Each

high school, my dad singled out a spe-

seemed to draw talent from a particu-

cial work assignment for me. He gave

lar community, with their own values,

me the job of finishing construction on

language and work ethic.

five houses that were nearing comple-

“So really, early in my work life, I

tion. He told me, ‘Learn the job and

saw that people could make or break

learn the people.’ It was a challenge I

your business, and that learning how to

never forgot.

move a team of varied, talented people

“I had to figure out how to put

you can look at getting things done.” Larry O’Donnell


who were truly different from each

together, motivate and manage work

toward a single, common goal was crucial to being successful.

teams that did different things—

“I found out that our customers

plumbing, cement work, carpentry,

were different, too. Each of the soon-to-

cabinetry—and that had tradespeople

be owners of the homes we were build-

Profiles in Diversity Journal September/October 2006

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