Toast Vol 04: Issue 04

Page 15


COMMUNICATION: I will give it my all to communicate with all students via email, text or through the Facebook. I want to provide the best service to the students as possible and with the new DITSU website on the horizon I will use this to provide students with more regular updates. I will look into the possibilities of setting up a Services and Trading page with which I will promote events and provide a forum for suggestion or feedback from students. COMPUTER LABS: I feel that the labs that are provided for students are inadequate and that efforts should be made to accommodate the needs of students in college today as the needs of students have changed. This is not necessarily getting more computers but providing facilities for students to use their laptops or wifi for work to get done. WiFi AND INTERNET:

Q&A we ask the important questions, so you don’t have to: If you were a sandwich, what sandwich would you be? Hob Nob – The Marines for the biscuit world. You dip them and they say “THAT ALL YOU GOT?”

Being a student myself I know first-hand how frustrating the WIFI and internet are. I feel that the service that is being provided is far less than sufficient and that something should be done about this. I will work with our current service provider in order to improve the quality and service that are being provided. If this cannot be achieved I will lobby the powers that are responsible for I.S. to seek a new service provider.

The students – With them there would be no DIT or DITSU and there would be no craic!


In past experience, it took a long time to get things done but I will not let anything fall through the cracks and make sure things get done on time.

Events are a major part of the role of Services and Trading and I seek to bring Bigger and Better events to the students of DIT. There are many courses, Clubs and Societies in DIT that I will work with to provide better themed nights and expand the student base that would normally attend these nights. I will work with the colleges local pubs to have more regular smaller events for students and to provide students with opportunities to hold their own nights and events. There are some events I would like to introduce myself including, Mobsters Cabaret, Frat and Sorority party, RAG circus/carnival. Also I would like to bring back things such as the RAG Magazine which used to be an outlet for the separate colleges to advertise what was happening during RAG week, but I would expand it to go all through the year. These are but a few ideas that I have in store. VOTE HANDIBODE # 1 DIT and DITSU have faced some hard times over the last year but these hardships are going to continue. I will fight with all my heart to achieve our goals over the next year. I personally believe the best candidate to fill this position is a person who has been involved in the issues that affect students today. I believe I am that person! I will go above and beyond the call of duty to serve your needs and to fight for you!. Yours Sincerely,

Anthony Handibode

What’s the best thing about DIT?

And your biggest gripe about DIT?

Favourite joke? I saw 6 men kicking and punching the mother in-law. My neighbour said, “Aren’t you going to help?” I said “no, 6 should be enough”.

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