Graphic Design Portfolio

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My name is Disty Ghatanti, you can call me Disty. I am graduated from visual communication design at Binus University, majoring in new media. Passionately have a will to learn and explore more about graphic design fields, especially in editorial design. I am flexible in working independently or on a team, as needed by the task at hand. I look forward to contributing my skill and knowledge at your company. Here are my collection of project that I have done in the recent years.

Digital Artwork

Digital Artwork

Digital Artwork Big Cola This is the first assignment that was given to make photo into vector. We were asked to tracing the object one by one manually using Adobe Illustrator.

Digital Artwork Caricature This assignment is to create caricature using our own face. I choose Alice in the Wonderland because I like the theme.

Typography &Pos -ter


Typography Wim Crouwel

Massimo Vignelli

Binus Festival Redesign a poster using modular and column grid with 2 type of fonts.

Poster Art&Wine Festival A invitation poster for celebration of good food, great drinks, outstanding culture community for wine lovers, and cool art.

Poster Summarecon Employee Gathering The purpose of this poster is as a notification for an event that Summarecon hold. Because this is a music performance, I use guitar as graphic element.

Poster Save Water The purpose of this poster is as reminder for all employees to use enough water efficiently. The hand symbolizing us, meanwhile the earth inside water means saving water is the same as saving earth.

World Peace Day The purpose of this poster is to commemorate September 21th as World Peace Day.

Editorial Des -ign

Editorial Design Gogirl! In this assignment we were asked to create a magazine consists of 6 spreads including cover and the contents. We can freely choose to what kind of magazine and make the article of it.

Editorial Design

Editorial Design

Editorial Design UNSW In this assignment we were asked to redesign a booklet from UNSW.

Editorial Design

Editorial Design

Editorial Design Nyonya Manis The purpose of this assignment is to design the creative process book of branding manisan pala Nyonya Manis, consists of 26 pages. I used red from logo as main color.

College The -sis

College Thesis Pesona Puspa Bangsa A book about the national flower of Indonesia. The contents of book is created and illustrated by me.

College Thesis

College Thesis

Website Des -ign

Web Design GAMIO The purpose of this assignment is to design website of an E-commerce that we made.

Web Design Festival Film Solo FFS is a film festival that being held every year as a celebration event for the development of indie movies in Indonesia. This is the website I design for FFS community. I use wayang as background, which is one of Java indigenous culture.

Web Design Personal Website This is my first time learning how to use Dreamwaver. I create it simple because i could only do some basic things.

Infograp -hic


Jl. Otto Iskandardinata I No. 11 Kampung Melayu, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur

Sekolah Nasionalis dan Pluralis berstandar Nasional dan berpotensi sekolah bertaraf International. Berdiri pada tahun 1981 dan telah terakreditasi dengan predikat "A".

Terciptanya sekolah berprestasi berdasarkan iman dan taqwa, ilmu pengetahuan, dan teknologi, sosial budaya.

1. Berdisiplin dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. 2. Melatih dan menerapkan tentang IPTEK. 3. Menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan potensi siswa melalui kegiatan intrakurikuler dan ekstrakurikuler.

- Memenangkan kompetisi IPA tingkat kecamatan dan Kotamadya sebanyak 7 siswa - Juara III lomba band "Fortelation SMAK 7'' - Peraih medali Perunggu kejuaran Taekwondo Pelajar Disorda DKI Jakarta - Juara I Sumo Robo Senior Champion 2013 - Juara III Junior Putra Under 51 "East Borneo Open Taekwondo Championship 2013"

POSITIONING Untuk remaja laki-laki dan perempuan yang berumur 14-18 tahun, Cahaya Sakti merupakan Sekolah Menengah Atas, yang memberikan pembelajaran ilmu pengetahuan kepada siswa didik baik dibidang akademis maupun pembentukan karakter, karena Cahaya Sakti memiliki guru-guru berpengalaman yang baik dibidangnya dan lewat pencapaian sekolah yang sudah terbukti akan prestasinya di bidang akademis dan non akademis.

Ilmu dan fasilitas


Lokasi strategis


Dekat dengan rumah


Beasiswa bagi siswa yang berprestasi


2% Uang sekolah yang relatif mahal Banyak siswa yang diantar dan membawa mobil pribadi sedangkan lapangan parkir sangat minim, mengakibatkan antrian yang panjang dipintu masuk terutama pada pagi hari

Dengan memberikan potongan harga khusus untuk menengah kebawah Diberlakukannya larangan mobil pribadi untuk memasuki area sekolah Laki-laki dan perempuan berusia 14-18th

Urban menengah kebawah

Urban menengah keatas

Perluasan gedung dan area sekolah serta peningkatan standar kualitas mutu tenaga didik agar lebih baik lagi.

Sekolahan ini berharap dapat menuntun kita lewat ilmu-ilmu yang diajarkan agar siswa menjadi seseorang yang tidak hanya cerdas tapi juga baik dalam berperilaku seperti cahaya yang melenyapkan kegelapan sehingga dapat berjalan lurus.

Perisai bersudut lima berwarna merah yang berarti siap membimbing dan melindungi siswa dengan senang hati. Lingkaran berbentuk rantai memilik arti upaya keras yang ditempuh secara terus menerus dalam usaha memberikan ilmu. Peta Indonesia dan buku memiliki arti bahwa Cahaya Sakti ingin berbagi ilmu lewat instansi resmi berupa sekolahan yang berada di Indonesia dan untuk seluruh rakyat dengan beragam budayanya.

Brand Essence dari sekolah Cahaya Sakti adalah IPTEK Popularitas Brand Cahaya Sakti dapat dibilang cukup terkenal didaerahnya karena lokasinya yang strategis Opportunity yang dimiliki oleh sekolah Cahaya Sakti dapat dibilang cukup menjanjikan, terutama dibidang iptek dan non-akademis

Tujuan dibuatnya infograďŹ k ini adalah sebagai media informasi ringkas tentang segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan sekolah Cahaya Sakti, mulai dari visi misi, sejarah terbentuknya, keunggulan, fasilitas sampai hasil survey. Hal bertujuan untuk menarik minat pembaca terhadap Cahaya Sakti dan mengetahui apa saja informasi didalamnya.

Cahaya Sakti This is an infographic I design for Cahaya Sakti Senior High School. The purpose of making this infographic is to gathering data that will be use in rebranding the school.

Brand Iden -tity

Brand Identity Cahaya Sakti The rebranding of Cahaya Sakti Senior High School that are based on infographic. I create the new logo and use a part of it as graphic element to design the stationery.

Brand Identity Fishy In this assignment we were asked to create a logo and make a brand identity of it. Fishy is a seafood restaurant, and like it's name I create the logo to looks like a fish. I use a part of logo as graphic element to decorate things.

Brand Identity Man Revolution The purpose of this assignment is to create a clothing brand. (MR) Man Revolution is a premium man clothing that targeting young adult. For the brand logo, I create it clear and firm to make it feel masculine. The concept of this brand is modern minimalist.


Packaging Teh Kotak In this assignment we were asked to make an extension from a product and the packaging of it. Teh Kotak is well known as tea readyto-drink product in carton. I make the packaging of the sachet version of it.

Paper Toy -s

Paper Toys Gambling With The Devil An assignment to make paper toys. We were asked to create it with a certain theme.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.