Dawson Trail Dispatch July 2021

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Wildfire Causes Released Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development advises that conservation officers are continuing enforcement to protect Manitoba’s natural resources including compliance checks for fisheries, addressing illegal hunting, and supporting wildfire prevention and suppression. Conservation officers have been busy with the high number of spring fires conducting wildfire investigations of human caused fires. In total, there have been 14 fires investigated including in the Whiteshell and Marchand. Two out of four of the Whiteshell fires were determined to have been caused by railway with metal fragments from a passing train, while the other two are still under investigation. The Marchand fire is also still under investigation. From April 1 to June 9, a total of 30 charges and 39 warnings have been issued under the Wildfires Act. During the burning permit season, April 1 to Novevember15, burning permits are required for any burning, with exception of fires in an approved fire pit. Any person lighting a fire that requires suppression, may be liable for suppression costs and or fines. Call 911 or the toll-free TIP line at 1-800-782-0076 to report any forest fires or any resource offences.

Piney Receives Funds for Critical Asset Registry The RM of Piney is one of seven projects recently approved for funding through the Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP). Through this program, the Government of Canada is investing $288,240 in seven new projects in Manitoba communities through MAMP, delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities on behalf of the federal government. The program helps municipalities strengthen local infrastructure planning and decision-making by increasing local asset management capacity through investments in activities such as asset management training, technology and software enhancements and information sharing. Through the program, the RM of Piney will receive $50,000 for an asset management policy and critical asset registry. The $110-million Municipal Asset Management Program, delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada, has invested in more than 962 municipal asset management projects.

July 2021


Power Outage Culprit!

I’m sure that you all remember that we had some pretty powerful thunderstorms last month. Lightning had been streaking across the sky, the thunder had been rolling by in a near constant roar and the rain, well, the rain was coming down so heavy that many folks were considering building an ark... if only the lumber prices weren’t at an all-time high we might have.

Despite, or maybe because of it, my family and I were able to sit out on our covered deck and take in some of the beauty that one of the storms provided. Also, during these heavy rain showers is when I discovered that my covered deck had two leaks in the ceiling. As the dark clouds were rolling towards my home and the rain had started to fall upon the yard, my family and I were sitting in our living room and watching the Marvel Avengers movie Endgame. While my wife and I had seen this movie previously with our oldest son, this was the first time for our youngest two. We had all been happily pulled into this amazing tale and awesome special effects when the unthinkable happened.

There is a part in the movie where the Avengers are battling Thanos, the big bad villain of the movie, and they are losing. Iron Man stepped up and opened what appeared to be a type of electricity collector on the back of his suit. Iron Man shouted to Thor, the god of lightning and yelled, “Thor, hit me!” Thor raised his muscular arms and began to draw upon the power of lightning and began to pull in massive amounts of lightning from the sky; his eyes were lit up and electricity was crackling through and around his entire body as he continued to draw in even more power and that, my dear readers, is when the power in my home went out.

As my family and I sat in the sudden darkness of our living room we realized that Thor had caused the power outage! Thor was the reason why our power would not be on for several hours. Thor was the reason that we were sitting in the darkness laughing. Never, in the history of our movie viewing, has a scene been so well timed and fit in so well with our current reality. I’d like to offer my sincere thanks to the hydro workers that worked through the night to get our power back on and to let them know that the bill for repairs and damages should be sent to The Avengers, attention Thor. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.

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