The Courier - June 2022

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Sacred Heart of Jesus June 24

June 2022

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN |

Welcome Bishop Barron! WINONA, June 2, 2022 – Today, the Holy See announced that Pope Francis has appointed the Most Rev. Robert E. Barron, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, as the ninth bishop of the Diocese of WinonaRochester. His installation Mass has been set for Friday, July 29. Bishop Barron, born on November 19, 1959, in Chicago, spent his childhood in Detroit and then in a suburb of Chicago. Bishop Barron studied at Mundelein Seminary in Chicago and at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., before being ordained a priest on May 24, 1986. After serving as an associate pastor for three years, Bishop Barron was sent to study at the Institut Catholique de Paris where he completed his Doctorate of Sacred Theology. Bishop Barron served as professor of theology at Mundelein Seminary from 1992 to 2015 and also served as its president-rector from 2012 to 2015. Bishop Barron launched his Word on Fire Catholic Ministries in 2000 and has been broadcast extensively throughout the world. His 10-part documentary, Catholicism, aired on public television in the United States and he is the first priest since Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen to have a regular national program on a commercial television network. Bishop Barron, through his clear teaching and love of the Gospel, has been able to share the truth of the Gospel to millions through the internet and, in particular, social media. Barron’s Word on Fire website hosts daily blog posts, weekly articles and video commentaries and Bishop Barron has over 3.1 million Facebook followers, 517,000 YouTube subscribers, 349,000 Instagram followers, and 198,000 Twitter followers.

SSND to Sell Mankato Property By PETER MARTIN

On receiving the news of his appointment, Bishop Barron said: “I am overjoyed and humbled to receive this new assignment as the ninth bishop of Winona-Rochester. I look forward immensely to getting to know the good people, priests, and pastoral ministers of the diocese. I will have to brush off my Chicago winter coat, which has remained unused for the past six years in Santa Barbara! My fondest hope is that I might be a good spiritual father to all the Catholics of southern Minnesota." “I am filled with joy that Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Robert Barron as the ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester,” said Most Rev. John M. Quinn. “His commitment to evangelization and missionary discipleship will bear great fruit in the coming years.”

More Coverage on pg. 2

MANKATO - In March, the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) Central Pacific Province announced that they would be selling the property at Our Lady of Good Counsel in Mankato and that the sisters will move to Benedictine Living Community in Shakopee. “As School Sisters of Notre Dame, we are committed to meeting urgent needs,” said Sister Debra Sciano, Provincial Leader. “That often includes change. Our congregation’s history has been full of change and so will our future. We rely on prayer to lead us always, especially in times of transition. We count on your support and prayer during these times and assure you of ours.” Since 2014, the SSND have been working on a Visioning Process based on continuing their mission in light of current realities. “Of utmost importance is the sustainability of our mission guided by dialogue, collaboration, community life, service, prayer and communal discernment, ecological sensitivity, and openness to change,” said Sciano. “The initial goal of the SSND Good Counsel Work Group was to find quality healthcare, ideally in the Mankato area, in a facility that kept the sisters together and was financially feasible,”

SSND, cont'd on pg. 6

INSIDE this issue

Happy Anniversaries! pages 4-5

Welcome to the Catholic Church! pages 10-11

Growing a Youth Group page 13

Articles of Interest

Happy Anniversaries!_______________________4


Ministry Days_____________________________7

The Courier Insider

From Our Graduates______________________8 Catholic Schools Updates__________________9 Welcome to the Catholic Church!__________10 Meet Father James Burns________________12 Bishop Robert Barron (L) and Bishop John M. Quinn (R) at a June 2 press conference at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester. Credit Bryan Rodriguez of Ark. agency.

A Message from Bishop Barron

On June 2, Bishop Robert Barron released the following statement on the Word on Fire website.

riends, I am overjoyed and humbled to learn that Pope Francis has appointed me the ninth bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester (Minnesota). The bishop of a diocese is, first and foremost, a spiritual father to the priests and people who have been entrusted to his care. My prayer this morning is that the Lord will give me the grace always to be a good father. The bishop is also, as Pope Francis often teaches, a shepherd with the smell of the sheep—out in front of the flock in one sense, leading the way, but also with the flock, giving encouragement, and in back of the flock in order to gather in those who have fallen behind. I pray also for the grace to be just that kind of shepherd to the Catholics of southern Minnesota. It has been an extraordinary privilege these past seven years to serve as auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, where the priests and people received me, from the beginning, with warmth and enthusiasm, and where I had the good fortune to observe close up the ministry of Archbishop Jose Gomez, one of the great churchmen on the scene today. Watching him govern the largest Archdiocese in the country was a master-class in ecclesial leadership. It is with real sadness in my heart

that I take leave of the good people of the Santa Barbara pastoral region. Together, we made our way through fire, flood, mudslides, and COVID, and I will never forget your kindness to me and never cease to draw strength from your faith. Many might be wondering what this means for the important work of Word on Fire. The short answer is that it will certainly continue! Through our gifted staff, we will keep bringing you regular videos, interviews, articles, sermons, and daily reflections. We will press forward with the Word on Fire Institute, the Word on Fire Bible series, the Liturgy of the Hours initiative, our many books and YouTube shows, and more exciting things coming down the pipeline. I am grateful to all of you who follow and support Word on Fire, using our content to form yourselves and share the Catholic Faith. I thank God each and every day for you. It is a blessing for me to work with you to introduce people to Jesus Christ and invite them to share all the gifts he wants his people to enjoy. Please pray for me as I begin this new adventure under the Lord’s providence, and pray for all the good people of the WinonaRochester diocese. Look for further introduction to Bishop Robert Barron in The Courier's July 2022 issue.

The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 113 - 6

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

June 2022 w The Courier w

Growing a Youth Group___________________13 Refugee Thank






The Holy Father's Intention for

June 2022 Families We pray for Christian families around the world; may they embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives.

Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of Winona-Rochester, announces the following: Vice Chancellor Mr. Andrew Brannon: reappointed to a four-month term as Vice Chancellor of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, effective May 1, 2022.

Child Abuse Policy Information

The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507-454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

Diaconal Ministry Deacon Preston Doyle: transferred to diaconal ministry at Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Mankato, effective May 1, 2022. Where to Find The Courier

An online version may be viewed at courier/index.html

To be added to the home delivery list free of charge, readers should send their names and addresses to: Diocese of Winona-Rochester The Courier 55 W Sanborn St. Winona, MN 55987 or

Pray for Deacon Michael!

Bishop John M. Quinn

�ear Friends in Christ, Ordination

On Friday, June 24, I will have the privilege of celebrating the presbyteral ordination of Deacon Michael Churchill. After two years of no priestly ordinations, I, along with our entire diocese, am excited to once again have a new priest of Jesus Christ who will minister to the people of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. Our local Church in southern Minnesota is blessed with many people in a variety of vocations, who do wonderful work in building up the Body of Christ. However, it is only the priest who can confect the Eucharist and bring Christ’s healing mercy to penitents in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. A priest is not a priest for himself, but for the People of God, and without priests, we do not have the Eucharist, Jesus, in our midst. Deacon Michael Churchill entered seminary after earning a nursing degree, and once he is ordained a priest, he will continue the healing ministry of Jesus Christ to those who are broken and

Eucharistic Revival

The national three-year Eucharistic Revival will officially begin on the feast of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ, Sunday, June 19. In the Diocese of WinonaRochester, we will begin this revival with our diocesan Ministry Days on June 14-15. At this annual two-day event, the keynote presentations and discussions will focus on the Eucharist, and we will gather to not only celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but also Holy Hours and a Eucharistic procession. The first year of this Eucharistic Revival will be the diocesan year, where the focus will be on larger events and assisting parishes in preparing for the second year, the parish year. Our desire is to not simply involve all parishes in this renewal of Eucharistic faith, but to reach

individual families and small groups, so that all those in the pews can come to a deeper faith in Jesus Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament. The Real Presence of Jesus Christ is truly transformative, and the hope is that through the Revival, many more people will be able to not only say they believe that Jesus Christ is really present in the Eucharist, but will experience His personal love for them through the Eucharist. Our diocesan Eucharistic Revival Team has been meeting and will be helping to guide our diocese as it embarks on the Eucharistic Revival. The Eucharistic Revival webpage is now live on our diocesan website, and the various events and initiatives will be listed there. In addition to Ministry Days, this summer there will also be a Eucharistic Retreat in August, where all adult Catholics are welcome to come and be renewed in their faith in the Eucharist. For more information on Ministry Days, the Eucharistic Retreat, or the Eucharistic Revival in general, visit dowr. o r g / E u c h a r i s t i c Re v iva l / index.html, or contact Dana Petricka at dpetricka@dowr. org or 507-858-1272. Indian Boarding Schools

Last year, international attention was drawn to the issue of Indian Boarding Schools when unmarked graves were discovered on the site of an Indian Boarding School in British Columbia, Canada. Since then, we have become increasingly aware of how many of the schools in North America set up for educating Native Americans, featured deplorable conditions that were unsafe; lacking in adequate resources; and utilized practices that deprived children of their family, language, culture, and heritage.

These boarding schools were run by the federal government, but in many instances were staffed by Catholic and other churches. In order to help the Native population find healing from this traumatic part of their past, it is important to first acknowledge the painful reality of what happened. It is only then that all involved can confront the injuries and abuses that occurred and seek and find healing. Here in Minnesota, the Catholic bishops are committed to working with Native American tribes in order to listen to their experiences, and share historical information that we have about the boarding schools. Many of the schools were run by religious orders and the diocese has little information on the schools and students who attended them. However, since a meeting last December among bishops, diocesan and tribal leaders, a process has been established to collect what information the Catholic dioceses do have, and these records will be made available to leaders of the Native American tribal governments. It is my hope that although we cannot erase the wounds inflicted on the Native American people through the Indian Boarding Schools, the Church can facilitate a process of healing that only Jesus Christ can bring. Dobbs Supreme Court Case

Last month the leaked draft of a highly anticipated Supreme Court decision made national headlines. In the case Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, justices are weighing whether the State of Mississippi can ban abortions before 15 weeks. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the State of Mississippi, Roe vs. Wade would effectively be overturned. Abortion legislation would be left up to


individual states, who could limit or completely ban abortion. Since this draft was leaked, we have sadly seen how committed to violence many people are for the “right to choose,” a euphemism for killing a child in the womb. It is true that women s o m e t i m e s become pregnant in traumatic and painful circumstances, but the answer is not to kill the baby, who is innocent and deserves the right to life. Instead, we are called to support the mother and her child, to provide assistance so that the woman can bring her baby into the world and either have the resources to raise her child herself, or give her baby to a couple who is prepared to provide a loving and nurturing home. Even if Roe vs. Wade is struck down, fasting and prayer for the conversion of hearts and protection of life is still necessary. Individual states could continue to permit abortion, and we will remain a deeply volatile and divided society until our culture acknowledges that every human life is precious, and no one has the right to take another person’s life, regardless of whether that person has been born or is in the womb. Let us pray for the protection of all human life, work to help mothers in unexpected pregnancies, and seek to bring healing to individuals and our society that has been so wounded by abortion.

From the Bishop

Rejoice in Hope

suffering in spirit. Originally from St. Finbarr in Grand Meadow, Deacon Michael recently completed his theology studies at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Upon ordination, he will be assigned to Pax Christi in Rochester and Ss. Peter and Paul in Mazeppa, and will be a priest chaplain two afternoons a week at Lourdes High School. Our diocese is blessed to be getting a new priest with a heart of love and service. All are welcome to attend Deacon Michael’s ordination, which will be held Friday, June 24, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It will be at 2:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. For those unable to attend in person, the Mass will also be livestreamed, on the Cathedral and Diocese’s Facebook pages, and the Diocese’s YouTube page. Please pray for Deacon Michael during his final days of preparation, and as he begins his priestly ministry. Blessed are you!

Sincerely in Christ,

+ John M. Quinn Apostolic Administrator Diocese of Winona-Rochester

The Bishop's Calendar is on Page 4. June 2022 w The Courier w


Happy Anniversaries!

Rev. John Traufler (65 years a priest) was born in Chatfield, to John and Edna (Coty) Traufler. He studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and completed his theology degree at St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, MN. On June 1, 1957, Father Traufler was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Edward A. Fitzgerald. Father Traufler served as Assistant Pastor for the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, St. Theodore in Albert Lea, St. Catherine in Luverne, St. Pius X in Rochester, St. John Vianney in Fairmont, and also provided pastoral care at Our Lady of Mercy in Guckeen. As Pastor he served at Holy Family in East Chain, St. Peter in Hokah, St. Adrian in Adrian, St. Mary in Ellsworth, St. Gabriel in Fulda, Holy Cross in Dakota, Precious Blood in La Moille, St. Mary in Winnebago, and Mater Dolorosa in Delvan. On July 1, 2003, Father Traufler joined the rank of senior priests of the diocese. Rev. Joseph Hennen (55 years a priest) came to the Diocese of Winona in 2014 and is a retired priest of the Diocese of Honolulu, HI. Father Hennen was born in Ghent, MN, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hennen. He completed his studies at the Crosier Seminary in Onamia, MN; the Crosier House of Studies in Fort Wayne, IN; and the Catholic University in Washington, D.C. On June 3, 1967, Father Hennen was ordained to the priesthood for the Crosier order. Father Hennen also attended the College of New Rochelle and earned a Psychology Degree, is a licensed substance abuse counselor and professional counselor in Family and Marriage, and ministered in an adolescent drug treatment program in New Jersey. As a priest of the Diocese of Honolulu, Father Hennen served as Pastor of Malia Puka o Kalani in Hilo, on the Big Island. Since his arrival in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Father Hennen

Bishop's Calendar

June 1, Wednesday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Minnesota Catholic Conference Board Meeting - St. Paul June 4, Saturday 5 p.m. - Confirmation - St. James Church, St. James, with St. Mary Church, Madelia June 5, Sunday 2 p.m. - Confirmation - Christ the King Church, Byron; with Holy Family Church, Kasson, and St. John Baptist de la Salle, Dodge Center June 7, Tuesday 11 a.m. - Prayer and Priest Pension Plan Board Meeting - Pastoral Center, Winona June 2022 w The Courier w

has assisted in multiple parishes around the diocese, most notably as Parochial Administrator of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Harmony, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Canton, and St. Olaf in Mabel. Father Hennen currently serves as chaplain of Madonna Towers in Rochester.

Rev. Andrew Olsem (55 years a priest) was born in Dundee, to Andrew and Margaret (Dorpinghaus) Olsem. He studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and then completed his theology degree at St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, MN. On May 27, 1967, Father Olsem was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Edward A. Fitzgerald. Father Olsem’s assignments as Parochial Vicar were at St. Casimir in Wells, St. Stanislaus Kostka in Winona, St. James in St. James, St. Pius X in Rochester, St. Joseph in Owatonna, and St. Mary in Worthington. As Pastor, he served at St. Martin in Woodstock, St. Mary in Lake Wilson, All Saints in Madison Lake, St. Mary in Worthington, St. Francis Xavier in Windom, Sacred Heart in Heron Lake, and Sacred Heart in Brewster. Other notable assignments include Parochial Administrator for St. Anthony in Westbrook, St. Augustine in Jeffers, St. Joseph in Good Thunder, and St. Matthew in Vernon Center; faculty for Fitzgerald Middle School in Mankato; and moderator for the Council of Catholic Women. On August 4, 2009, Father Olsem joined the rank of senior priests of the diocese.

Rev. Anthony Pick (55 years a priest) came to the Diocese of Winona in 2011 and is a retired priest of the Diocese of Sioux City, IA. Father Pick was born November 20, 1941, to Lawrence and Ceil (Pletschette) Pick in Alton, IA. He received his early education at St. Mary's School in Alton, graduating in 1959.

June 9, Thursday 3:30 p.m. - Zoom meeting with MN Catholic Bishops and MCC Jason Adkins June 11, Saturday 10-12:30 p.m. - Prayer and Diocesan Pastoral Council Meeting - Rochester June 12, Sunday 8:30 a.m. - Mass of Celebration - St. Olaf Church, Mabel June 13, Monday 5 p.m. - Catholic United Financial Clergy Golf Dinner - Willow Creek Golf Course, Rochester

He attended Holy Cross College Seminary in La Crosse, WI; Loras College in Dubuque, IA; Creighton University in Omaha, NE, receiving a Master of Science in Education; and Mount St. Bernard Seminary in Dubuque, IA. Father Pick was ordained June 3, 1967, at the Cathedral of the Epiphany in Sioux City, IA, by the Most Rev. Joseph Mueller. Upon ordination, his assignments were in Fort Dodge, Emmetsburg, and Boone (1971-1975); Gilmore City (1976-1982); Lidderdale and Glidden (1982-1985); Sutherland and Primghar (1985-1992); Royal and Everly (1992-1999); and Coon Rapids, Dedham, and Glidden (1999-2011). He also served as diocesan secretary for the National Catholic Rural Life Office and chaplain for the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Father Pick retired in 2011 and now lives in Slayton and assists at parishes in the western end of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. Rev. Eugene Stenzel (55 years a priest) was born in Wells, to Simon and Loretta (Kalis) Stenzel. He studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and then completed his theology degree at Mount Saint Bernard Seminary in Dubuque, IA. On May 27, 1967, Father Stenzel was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Edward A. Fitzgerald. Father Stenzel’s assignments as Parochial Vicar were at St. Pius X in Rochester, Queen of Angels in Austin, St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester, and the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. As Pastor, he served at St. Mary in Geneva, St. Aidan in Ellendale, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Currie, St. Anthony in Westbrook, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Easton, Mater Dolorsa in Delavan, St. John the Baptist in Minnesota Lake, and St. Casimir in Wells. Other notable assignments include instructor for Lourdes High School in Rochester and Pacelli High School in Austin and member of the Diocesan Liturgy Commission. On January 6, 2010, Father Stenzel joined the rank of senior priests of the diocese and in the spring of 2017, Father Stenzel became an Associate of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

June 14, Tuesday 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. - DOW-R Ministry Days - St. Mary’s University, Winona

June 15, Wednesday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. - DOW-R Ministry Days - St. Mary’s University, Winona June 19, Sunday 10 a.m. - Last Mass - St. Mary Church, Winnebago June 21, Tuesday 5:30 p.m. - Dinner with Deacon Michael Churchill and His Parents

June 23, Thursday 8:30 a.m. - Mass - Diocesan Pastoral Center, Winona 1 p.m. - Holy Hour and Cabinet June 24, Friday 2 p.m. - Ordination to Priesthood Deacon Michael Churchill - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona June 26, Sunday 11 a.m. - Rural Life Mass - Adrian July 10, Sunday 1 p.m. - Last Mass and Reception Holy Family Church, East Chain

Rev. Dale Tupper (55 years a priest) was born in Rochester, to Donald and Catherine (Cassidy) Tupper. He studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and then completed his theology degree at St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, MN. On May 27, 1967, Father Tupper was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Edward A. Fitzgerald. Father Tupper later attended the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN, and received a Master of Education. Father Tupper’s assignments as Parochial Vicar were at St. Casimir and St. Stanislaus Kostka in Winona. As Pastor, he served at St. Vincent de Paul in West Concord, Holy Family in Kasson, Queen of Angels in Austin, and was the first Pastor of Holy Spirit in Rochester. Other assignments include instructor for Cotter High School in Winona; chaplain for Catholic Activities of Youth Organizations in the Diocese, Cabrini Home in Winona, and Boy Scouts of America; principal for Loyola High School in Mankato, Cotter High School in Winona, and Lourdes High School in Rochester; Vice Rector for Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona; editor and associate publisher for The Courier; Director of the Diocesan Office of Communications; assisted with ministry at Resurrection in Rochester; Diocesan Coordinator of SEARCH; missionary in Korea as an associate member of the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America in Maryknoll, NY; member of the Presbyteral Council; and Dean. On July 1, 2015, Father Tupper joined the rank of senior priests of the diocese, and he continues to write in his retirement. His latest books are Sacred Silence, The Holy Spirit, in the Era of the Secular and The Risen Christ and the Final Day, in the Era of the Secular. Both are available from Fr. Tupper or through Amazon Books. Rev. John Wilmot (45 years a priest), son of William and Maureen, was ordained for St. Joseph’s Foreign Mission Society (Mill Hill) in his hometown of Mullingar, Ireland, July 30, 1977, by the Most Rev. John McCormack at the Cathedral of Christ the King. Principally, Father Wilmot studied for the priesthood at the Society’s colleges in the Netherlands and England, earning STB, MA (Louvain) degrees. Midway through his studies he also had three years teaching experience in East Africa. Father Wilmot served as a missionary priest in Zaire, now Congo, and Pakistan. He entered the Diocese of Winona for ministry in 1993 and was incardinated in 1999. Father Wilmot’s assignments as Parochial Vicar were at St. Pius X in Rochester; the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, which included his being chaplain and instructor for Cotter High School; and Immaculate Conception in Wilson. As Pastor, he served at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Easton, St. John the Baptist in Minnesota Lake, St. Joseph the Worker in Mankato, Holy Family in Lake Crystal, St. Bernard in Stewartville, St. Bridget in Simpson, St. Mary in Lake City, St. Patrick in West Albany, St. Columbanus in Blooming Prairie, Sacred Heart in Hayfield, and Holy Trinity in Litomysl. On August 2, 2021, Father Wilmot joined the ranks of senior priests of the diocese.

Rev. Charlie Collins (40 years a priest) was born in Owatonna, to Irvin and Rachel (Byrne) Collins. He attended the University of Minnesota and William Mitchell College of Law, and practiced law four years with the Louis Ohly Law Firm in Rochester. He completed his seminary studies at the Pope John XXIII Seminary in Weston, MA. On June 21, 1982, Father Collins was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Loras J. Watters. Father Collins’ assignment as Parochial Vicar was at St. Augustine in Austin. As Pastor, he served at St. Patrick in LeRoy, St. Finbarr in Grand Meadow, Christ the King in Byron, Holy Family in Kasson, and St. Pius X in Rochester. Additional assignments include instructor for Pacelli High School in Austin; Parochial Administrator of St. Mary in Madelia, Holy Family in Lake Crystal, St. Katherine in Truman, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Canton, and St. Olaf in Mabel; member of the Presbyteral Council; and Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith for the Diocese of Winona. On June 26, 2017, Father Collins joined the ranks of senior priests of the diocese. Rev. Timothy Reker (40 years a priest) was born in Worthington, to Alvin and Marjorie (Gerken) Reker. He studied classical humanities and philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary and Saint Mary’s College in Winona and theology at the North American College and the Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. He later returned to the Gregorian University and completed an STL in Biblical Theology. On June 21, 1982, Father Reker was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Loras J. Watters. Father Reker’s assignments as Parochial Vicar were at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona and St. Pius X in Rochester. As Pastor, he served at St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester, St. Theodore in Albert Lea,

and St. James in Twin Lakes. Other assignments include chaplain for Saint Mary’s College in Winona; Rector of Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona; Director of Vocations, member of the Pastoral Planning Advisory Team, Diocesan Censor, and Director of the Permanent Deacon Formation Program, and Dean, all for the Diocese of Winona; and Executive Director of the Secretariat for Vocations and Priestly Ministry for the National Council of Catholic Bishops. Father Reker is currently Pastor of St. Joseph the Worker in Mankato and Holy Family in Lake Crystal; Canonical Administrator of Loyola Catholic Schools and Calvary Cemetery in Mankato; and a member of the College of Consultors, Diocese of Winona-Rochester Finance Council, and Presbyteral Council.


Rev. Msgr. Thomas Cook (25 years a priest) was born in Austin, to Richard and Cecilia Cook. He studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and then studied at the North American College while completing an STL in Dogmatic Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Italy. On June 17, 1997, Monsignor Cook was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. John G. Vlazny. Monsignor Cook’s assignments as Parochial Vicar were at St. Adrian in Adrian, Our Lady of Good Counsel in Wilmont, St. Anthony in Lismore, St. Kilian in St. Kilian, and St. Pius X in Rochester. As Pastor, he served at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Easton, St. John the Baptist in Minnesota Lake, St. Mary in Madelia, St. James in St. James, St. Katherine in Truman, St. Felix in Wabasha, St. Agnes in Kellogg, and St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester. Other assignments include instructor at Lourdes High School in Rochester; member of the Presbyteral Council and Diaconate Assessment Committee; Associate Vocations Director, Vocations Promoter, Moderator of the Curia, and Director of the Permanent Diaconate, all for the Diocese of Winona; and chaplain for the Serra Club of Wabasha County. In 2012, he was named Chaplain to His Holiness. Monsignor Cook is currently serving in the Dicastery for the Clergy in Vatican City.

June 2022 w The Courier w



cont'd from pg. 1

said Sister Mary Kay Gosch, Campus Administrator. “In time, through interviews, tours and other research, it became evident that the hope of living in one facility, at Our Lady of Good Counsel or elsewhere in Mankato, was not possible.” The move of SSND from Our Lady of Good Counsel in Mankato to Benedictine Living Community in Shakopee will situate the sisters between Mankato and the Twin Cities. The sisters will be dearly missed. They have been in our diocese for over 150 years and have taught in over 35 schools and shared the Gospel with generations of faithful throughout the Diocese. We have been so honored to have them a part of our history! It will be hard to see them go, but we are happy to report that the sisters aren’t leaving the Mankato community completely. While fully retired sisters will be moving, currently active sisters will remain in Mankato to continue helping within the community and at Loyola Catholic School. In honor of their 150+ years of service to the Diocese, we share with you a couple of paragraphs from the Chronicle of the Ss. Peter and Paul, Mankato, reprinted here with the permission of the School Sisters of Notre Dame North American Archives, Milwaukee, WI: It was between seven and eight o’clock in the evening of August 30, 1865 when the mission sisters, accompanied by best wishes and blessing, left their beloved motherhouse. Their journey lasted from Tuesday evening until the following Sunday afternoon. From Milwaukee they went to LaCrosse by train; from there by steamboat to St. Paul, where Father Sommereisen awaited the sisters and led them to the bishop who, in shared joy, imparted his ecclesiastical blessing. They left again after receiving encouraging words from the bishop, promises of

June 2022 w The Courier w

Image courtesy of the School Sisters of Notre Dame North American Archives, Milwaukee, WI. prayer, and his blessing. Now the hardships of the journey really began. They were obliged to take the stage coach. The roads were mostly poor so that one received hard bumps which were repeated much too often during the three days. The weather was favorable, but because of lack of rain, the roads were so dusty that neither the horses, nor the driver, nor the passengers could see each other. For this reason, it was necessary to halt often so that the travelers and horses could drink as it was really suffocating. Father Sommereisen had promised his parishioners that he would have the long-desired sisters there by Saturday evening. As it was Sunday evening before they reached Mankato, the farmers, who had come here for Sunday services, filled with expectation, had not become weary with hoping and waiting. At last the joyful cry arose: “They’re coming!” The streets of the beautiful town of Mankato were trimmed with branches and flags. The Catholic people broke out into loud shouts of “Welcome!” and accompanied the two mail coaches in which were the travelers and their luggage, to the Catholic church. Before them went a number of citizens on horseback.

The place for the sisters to get out was also the church. Now, for the first time, the patient crowd saw School Sisters of Notre Dame. Since holy Mass could not be offered any more on that same day, the pastor gathered the congregation about him to say the Rosary, after which he gave benediction with the Blessed Sacrament. At the completion of the prayers, the sisters were led into their dwelling, which was on the first floor under the church. The home of the sisters was barely furnished with the most necessary things. The motherhouse had, therefore, sent along all that was required. With the arrival of the sisters, the first school was established in Mankato. The close quarters of the school did not accommodate the attendance from far and near; it was necessary to limit the attendance to those children who were to be instructed for confession and Holy Communion – of whom there were many. There were also a number of boarders and music pupils who applied and were accepted, so that the total number of children was close to 250. Peter Martin is the director of the Office of Life, Marriage & Family and the Office of Communications for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.

Ministry Days Returns to SMU Susan Windley-Daoust

Director of Missionary Discipleship

he diocese warmly welcomes you back (or for the first time!) to Ministry Days at Saint Mary's University, June 14-15. The focus for this year's Ministry Days is the National Eucharistic Revival, which begins the following weekend, on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. We are honored to have two fantastic keynote speakers, Fr. Tom Margevicius, the director of worship for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, and Kristin Bird, the executive director of Burning Hearts Disciples ( apostolate in

Oshkosh, WI. We also have wonderful local presenters from different parishes speaking on eucharistic spirituality expressed in their parish or apostolate! We will be blessed to be together for two days, in person, for the first time in three years. The Eucharistic Revival is a national initiative that is, first and foremost, about encountering the Lord and deepening our daily reliance on him through the gift of the Eucharist. Secondly, it is about sharing that received gift through our lives, in our own personal missions to the world. We are excited to begin with an opportunity to remember and cherish who the Eucharistic Lord is to each one of us, and brainstorm together on how we live as a Eucharistic people. We do hope and pray that people will “Encounter Jesus Anew,” beginning at this conference! If you have ever wondered if Ministry Days is for you: whoever you are, the answer is yes! Although

many people attending are parish priests and staff, we have a lot of lay people attend who are interested in the future of the Church as well. The Eucharistic Revival has many opportunities for deepening faith, spiritual renewal, and sharing the joy of the gospel. We encourage everyone to be involved! If you are curious, this conference is for you…and you can attend one day if you can’t take off for both. Please register at the link on the advertisement on this page by June 6, if possible. If you have any questions about the event, please contact me, Susan Windley-Daoust (, or Todd Graff ( We look forward to learning, sharing, dining, collaborating, and, most importantly, worshipping together with all of you!

Missionary Discipleship

June 14-15, 2022


Run Alpha In-Person Training

Regional Director Brittany Williams & Susan Windley-Daoust August 27 - 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. St. John Vianney Church, Fairmont Save the Date! Registration coming soon!

June 2022 w The Courier w


From Our Graduates

Catholic Schools

Being able to attend a Catholic School from Kindergarten through Senior year has been a great blessing. I think Catholic education creates a special opportunity to teach kids how to incorporate faith into their everyday life. Treating others with respect is a strong pillar of Catholic education. As I grew up I was taught that we are all a result of God’s love and we are all created in God’s eyes no matter our differences. We are all made in God’s image and are called to live out our faith throughout our life. This concept is hard to grasp especially at a young age, but my Catholic education has taught me how to see Christ in others. I was fortunate enough to attend Holy Spirit Catholic School, Kindergarten through eighth grade. Every Wednesday we would celebrate Mass. My friends and I would play our instruments and sing. Not only did this opportunity help me become more involved within our school community, but it helped me to grow stronger in my faith. I had the opportunity to incorporate my faith into my schooling, but I was able to form a strong moral and character base with the support of my grade school. Being able to go to a school that is able to celebrate God’s love is a great experience. Not only does Catholic education help encourage faith, but it helps to build strong self-discipline. Growing up in a community where you are expected to see Christ in everybody creates a strong sense of self-discipline. You become aware of what is happening around you and you form the ability to help recognize and celebrate others for who they are as a child of God. My Catholic education has taught me self-discipline all throughout my years in school. When I was younger I didn’t like doing homework when I got home so I made sure I finished most of it in school. When I got older I understood the importance of time management the busier I got. Nobody else will be able to motivate you to get everything done; a lot of that motivation comes from within. Without learning the importance of self-discipline I would not be where I am today nor would I be able to manage my time as well. I think the best lesson my Catholic education has taught me is the importance of community. The Catholic schools I have attended have amazing communities filled with people who just want to support me and my passions. As I have gotten older I realized how blessed I am to have such a supportive community around me including my friends, teachers and other RCS families. I truly would not be where I am today without my Catholic education. It has taught me the importance of self-discipline, time management and what it is to be a daughter of Christ. I am blessed to have gotten the opportunity to receive a Catholic education for 13 years and I will be forever grateful for that opportunity. -Molly Kesler Lourdes, Rochester

Cotter students are blessed with the ability to be active members of our school community, and I have worked hard to take full advantage of this unique opportunity. Only at Cotter can I sing in the choir, play trumpet in the band, excel in three sports, distribute Holy Communion at Mass, and organize blood drives, all while succeeding academically in AP and honors June 2022 w The Courier w

classes. My involvement in numerous extracurricular activities has molded me into a well-rounded individual, one who has learned to manage a busy schedule, work hard, and live a life of service to others. More importantly, I gained family. Be it my basketball teammates, soprano section, or incredible teachers and coaches, I could not be more grateful for the relationships I have built here at Cotter. I truly believe they will last a lifetime. These extracurricular activities have also given me the opportunity to act and speak for my school, a community that I am honored to represent. I am so proud to be a Rambler! Cotter has prepared me to succeed academically, athletically, and in the arts, at college and beyond. Had I not participated in these activities, I would have missed out on wonderful friendships formed, values learned, and my favorite high school memories. The life lessons I learned through participation in these extracurriculars will travel with me as I embark on my future endeavors. Cotter has helped me develop my faith life and grow closer to God through religion classes, all school masses, and prayers to start each class. I am blessed to have had the experiences of a lifetime, here, at Cotter Schools. -Megan Morgan Cotter, Winona

Catholic education, a powerful education, which means more than words. The Rochester Catholic Schools values the importance of community. I have been a part of the school system since Kindergarten through twelfth grade. Now that I am almost a graduating senior at Lourdes High School, I can easily say community has been relevant all throughout my life. We truly live by many parts, one body. Teachers were with me every step of the way in anything I needed. In grade school they helped me gain more knowledge in my subjects in school. Throughout high school, teachers have always been by my side academically and during the days I need assistance with challenges inside and outside of school. The four years of high school, I have been a three sport athlete. Athletics have always been a crucial part of my life in and outside of school. I love to compete and belong to a team setting. It gives me a sense of belonging, accomplishment, and routine within my daily life. It gives me role models to look up to within my life, such as coaches and teammates. At every game, practice, and volunteering, community is always present. Classmates, teachers, and parents are always cheering the team on at every game in order to help us succeed. This is the true meaning of Catholic education. As students we feel valued inside and outside of the classroom. We are included and feel like we belong in every matter. There is assistance everywhere. Everywhere within the Rochester Catholic Schools there is assistance in anything a student needs. No matter if it is assistance counting numbers or emotional assistance, it is everywhere. The phenomenal teachers value our Catholic education as much as we do. They are here to help in any way possible. In seventh and eighth grade, I needed assistance in math. Math was never my strong suit in school. My math teacher set up time with me one on one to make sure I understood the material. This reveals dedication of our teachers within Catholic education. There is work put in by everyone, to make sure everyone succeeds. Faith: it is an important part of people’s lives to live by. Within Catholic education, practicing and living out our faith is secured within our curriculum. In

Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

the classroom, before, and after school we start our day with prayer. We practice our rules and structure in a faith-based format. Faith is everywhere within our Catholic education. It benefits the students in living out our lives in a positive structure. In my life, faith has always been relevant. During high school my faith has grown tremendously and still is. At Lourdes High School, faith is in my front pocket in everything I do, with my friends, academics, and athletics. As a three sport athlete, we pray before every sporting game and play for God, who gave us the privilege to play the game. In conclusion, Catholic education has not only helped me grow into a better person living in a community with my faith, but continued to structure my life. It has developed me into a person I would have never become if I would have not had the amazing friends, teachers, and community surrounding me every day. I will never forget the impact Catholic education has engraved in these thirteen years of my life. Education is truly a blessing, especially living out faith in a loving community every day. -Elizabeth Pike Lourdes, Rochester

I’ve been at Pacelli Catholic Schools since pre-K. My siblings attended Catholic schools as well. First, in Winona, where my mom grew up, and then at Pacelli when the family moved to Austin. For my mom, it was never an option to attend public schools. As a Cotter graduate who married a Pacelli alum, she knew the value of a faith-based education. While none of my teachers, past or present, would say I am or ever was a perfect student, I have grown to appreciate my Catholic education. From learning math, science, and English, to learning what few public school students do, religion, I am happy to say that I have grown physically, spiritually, and mentally. I have undergone a transformation from the scared kindergartener staring at the huge seniors, into the current senior I am today. Over the past 14 years I have met amazing teachers, learned how to serve my community, and, above all, learned how to be kind to those around me. I have had amazing people teach me how to be a good person, most choosing to teach by example. Throughout my time at Pacelli I have grown to see and understand differences in the world today. I have learned how to adapt and overcome a variety of situations and problems. I know my faith will continue to guide my decisions in life. “Growing up” at Pacelli means I have come to appreciate the small community. I love the tight-knit community where everyone is known by their first name and is encouraged to do their best and improve upon themselves daily. The ability to spend time getting to know the people around me has limitless benefits. Students at Pacelli learn about one another and learn from their life experiences. The main thing I have enjoyed about Pacelli is the people who are in the community. Outside of school, parents, older and younger siblings, and even

Graduates, cont'd on next page

Graduates, cont'd from pg. 8

grandparents know who I am. Oftentimes they have encouraged me in sports, and now encourage my future endeavors. Community means caring for all those around us. In the past year, Pacelli has lost an incredible teacher, father, and friend. Shortly after, a well-known grandfather lost his battle with cancer. The loss of these two men had a significant impact on the Pacelli family. The losses brought the community closer as they mourned. Faith eases the pain of their passing, and the knowledge that they will always be with us, comforts us. It is the same faith and community experiences that make Catholic education so important. Parents trust schools to share the same values and expectations practiced at home. I know my parents had to make sacrifices to offer me this education. One time my mom was asked to explain why she would spend “so much money” on an education that was free elsewhere. Her response: Ignorance is more expensive. Catholic education prepares students to enter society well prepared to work, think, and make the community around them better. -Luke Weaver Pacelli, Austin

Spring Receives Promising Principal Award Submitted by ANNEMARIE VEGA

ROCHESTER, MN - Lourdes High School Principal Mary Spring has been named recipient of the inaugural 2022 Promising Principal Award from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota (SMU). She was honored for this achievement at the annual Character Recognition Awards luncheon presented by Synergy & Leadership Exchange and hosted by SMU on May 17, 2022. The award recognizes a principal who models character-based leadership and has served in this role for under five years. It was one of several distinguished awards presented at the event, which cel-

Honoring Our Virgin Mother Submitted by ANDY POTERUCHA

s our 2021-2022 school year winds down, we are reminded of the many blessings we have been able to share with each other as we begin to return to the “normal” experiences in our schools. At St. Francis of Assisi School, we welcomed back many traditions that had been put on hold during the pandemic as well as instituting new traditions. Our entire school was able to take a pilgrimage to the Church of the Resurrection for the May Crowning. We celebrated Mary with beautiful flowers, music, prayers, and intentions. This was the first time in three years we were able to take this pilgrimage to honor Mary. As I walk through our hallways and engage with students about different happenings in their lives, I am constantly reminded of the important role mothers play. Many of our students are very anxious to

Higher Education: Time for Change By FATHER JAMES BURNS

�or the last few decades, there has been great

debate around the need for higher education to examine its assumptions and the dominant paradigms under which it has labored. In the early 1990s, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen spoke of the need for disruptive innovation and has applied that concept to the need for higher education to change. There are even more reasons and challenges today: changing student populations, debt loads, inflation, shifting expectations from students and their parents for a greater return on investment, the need for practical as well as theoretical education, increased student services, and so much more. While the pandemic didn’t cause these challenges, its impact has shocked a stressed industry. The numbers have been staggering since the start of the pandemic. Students attending college have dropped by 1 million nationwide, leaving all schools competing for fewer students. In Minnesota, the state Office of Higher Education reported that the total undergraduate enrollment has plunged by almost a third. Shifting demographics over the next

ebrates “the statewide achievements of schools and organizations building character strengths and ethical leadership skills in its participants” ( "Saint Mary's School of Education is eager to support Catholic schools. One way is to support the development of strong leaders. We are honored that Ms. Mary Spring, Principal of Lourdes High School, is the inaugural recipient of the Promising Principal Award," said Michael Hahn, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of the School of Education. Ms. Spring served as Assistant Principal at Lourdes in the 2019-2020 school year. She then became Interim Principal before accepting the permanent position of Principal in the 2020-2021 school year. Ms. Spring was instrumental in launching a partnership with SMU’s Program for Advanced College Credit to offer college courses on the Lourdes campus beginning in the fall of 2022. She began as a member of the Lourdes teaching faculty in 2003 and has taught in both the English and Religion departments. Ms. Spring holds a Masters in

share stories about their lives and the important people in their lives. One particular conversation with a first grader, who shared with me all that her mother does for her on a daily basis, caught my attention. From washing her clothes, making her lunch, or bringing comfort to her when she is upset, she was so grateful to have such an amazing mother! I reflected on how my own experiences with my mom really shaped who I have become as an adult. How truly blessed are we all to have not only our own mothers in our lives, but also Mary, the Mother of God, to give us guidance and direction. Earlier this year, Pope Francis shared that Mary is the road we must travel to reach Jesus. We must be able to find fulfillment in the Mother of God. This concept echoed throughout the Mass and our school over the past few weeks. Mothers are so important to not only children, but everyone. A mother’s influence and presence throughout our lives is vital to finding fulfillment. Mothers are our first teachers who give hope, understand us, and love us unconditionally. As we continue through this month of Mary, we are thankful for her trust in God, her Son, and her presence in all our lives.

few years portends greater pain points for higher education. All doom and gloom? Not at all. Optimism, hope, and future success is possible, but only if action replaces conversation, and a hard look at the data and its implications replaces theoretical musings alone. What will we, the leaders of the nation’s institutions of higher learning, do to ensure our schools remain vital, true to mission and in service of the countless students we plan on educating for decades? Saint Mary’s University recently announced changes to our academic portfolio in Winona. Transition plans are in the works for all students to complete their chosen degrees. Unfortunately, this very difficult decision to reduce the number of majors also meant a painful reduction in 13 faculty, who have been given more than a year’s notice. I am the first to acknowledge that change is upsetting. It is being felt by our entire community. This is very difficult for our faculty, for our students, and for our alumni. We are working with students and faculty through this transition and are committed to assisting them in all the ways we can. We have


Change, cont'd on page 13

Educational Leadership from the University of Notre Dame's Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program and a Masters in Secondary Education from Seton Hall University's Educational Partners in Catholic Schools (EPICS) Program. “Ms. Spring embodies the Rochester Catholic Schools’ values of excellence, character, and community in her role at Lourdes. She is an exemplary principal who is dedicated to the success of our students, and she is very deserving of this award,” said Annemarie Vega, President of Rochester Catholic Schools. Annemarie Vega is the president of Rochester Catholic Schools.

Andy Poterucha is the principal of St. Francis of Assisi School in Rochester. June 2022 w The Courier w


June 2022 w The Courier


June 2022 w The Courier

A Priest, a Psychologist and a University President:

Meet Father James Burns

Q) You’ve said that a Catholic university should never be afraid to ask tough questions. Can you expand on that?

Catholic Schools



The following interview appeared in The Catholic Spirit, newspaper of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis on May 16, 2022. It is reprinted here with permission.

ather James Burns has been recognized as an outstanding Minnesota leader. He relies on his psychology doctorate, his priestly formation and his Lasallian values in his role as president of St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, which includes a Minneapolis campus with bachelor’s completion and graduate programs in business, health and human services, and education. “I’m always interested in attending talks and being part of the intellectual life,” said Father Burns, 55, a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. During the bustling graduation season, he reflected on the value of a Catholic education. Like several Twin Cities Catholic high schools, St. Mary’s was established by Christian Brothers, who were founded by St. JeanBaptiste de La Salle, whose mission is described as “Lasallian.” Q) Tell me about your childhood in St. Paul. A) I grew up on the West End of St. Paul, the Fort Road-West Seventh Street area, in the parish of St. Francis de Sales. Our social life as a family circled around the parish. Everybody knew everybody. We played basketball in the alleyways. Dodgeball, Kick the Can, boot hockey. Q) You went on to become a priest and a licensed psychologist. How did your psychology background serve you as a priest?

A) I was in Boston for my doctorate when the clergy abuse crisis happened, and we did some initial landmark work at Boston University looking at the effects of the abuse crisis in the life of the parish. We coined a term called “spiritual post-traumatic stress.” It’s the effect of the abuse crisis coupled with the wholesale closing of parishes. The experience people were having was a lot like what we would see in post-trauma. June 2022 w The Courier w

A) If we’re grounded in goodness and we’re seeking the truth, and we know, by our tradition, that truth is knowable — it’s not some abstract thing that God is hiding from us — there isn’t any respectful question that should be off limits. And we should bring in people who have different opinions because, if what we are looking for is the truth, it will emerge from that. Having those two people with varying perspectives engage in dialogue can offer incredible insight. Q) What’s the hardest thing about being president of a college?

We found that some people were still growing spiritually in dynamic ways. They found a way to grow through that. Others didn’t. Q) What was the difference?

A) In post-trauma, world concepts and views are shattered. Those who were able to reconstitute those concepts and have a broader understanding of the human condition could dive in more intentionally. They used it as an opportunity to really dig in, making sense of suffering — as opposed to those who had a more cursory approach to faith. Q) Would a psychology degree serve every priest?

A) I wish every priest had more tools to understand the challenges that the faithful are dealing with, so they can take a step back and try to have a more immediate evaluation of the situation rather than reacting. It’s that pause. Sometimes people can come at a priest and it can be very jarring, so it helps to be able to say: “I don’t have to have all the answers right here. I can just listen — and listen for the messages underneath what I’m hearing.” We sometimes say: The issue is not the issue. Q) As president of a Catholic university, you have a unique vantage point on the value of a Catholic education. Can you speak to this?

A) There’s a direct connection to how a person leads ethically and what Catholic education is supposed to be about. Fundamentally, a Catholic education is inspired by Christ, who is the best role model. If Christ is the center of Catholic education, then naturally will emerge the opportunity to challenge the dominant paradigms we see and ask: What does it mean to be a good person? What is ethical? We want to help our students experience God’s grace, his presence, even if they aren’t of any faith. We view them with a God-like perspective. We try to convey: “You are of inestimable value because you are you.”

A) One of the hardest things right now is really staying true to the mission of a Catholic university in the midst of challenging enrollment times. Not to allow solely enrollment — or the financial condition — to drive the mission, but the mission to be clear. Sometimes you can’t do everything you may want to do. Q) That brings us to the news that St. Mary’s is cutting 11 majors over the next few years, which will mean laying off 13 faculty members. Can you speak to that decision?

A) To ensure financial stability and a bright future, we needed to make difficult decisions, specific to the size of our undergrad college in Winona. We reviewed majors that have low enrollment, meaning not in demand by students. We will phase those out over time, which will allow us to invest and focus on majors that are of greatest interest for students and employers and that we can deliver especially well. Our Lasallian Catholic mission calls for a practical education rooted in character formation along with a deep grounding in liberal arts. Students will continue to be required to take liberal arts courses as part of their core requirements including theology, history and English, they just won’t be offered as majors. This well-rounded core coupled with in-demand majors and virtue formation prepares students for excellent careers and ethical lives of impact and service. Q) Lasallian tradition identifies 12 virtues of a good leader, including gentleness, patience, silence and humility. What keeps you humble?

A) I’m regularly humbled by the thoughtfulness, the sincerity and the deep understanding of many of the folks here at St. Mary’s, a number of whom report to me directly. When I’m consulting with them, I’m realizing, “I may have a direction or a way that I think would be helpful — and as a leader you have to have a vision — but it’s always better when you can bring in those other voices.” Humility allows you to shift your original thinking and incorporate things that are often better or make the experience or idea more rich. I rely a lot on the staff who work with me, day in and day out. We challenge each other — that’s what humility allows. You can be respectfully challenged without diminishing the other person. That’s a key to a successful, humble leader.

Father James Burns, cont'd on page 13

Growing a Youth Group 13 Dana Petricka

Youth Ministry

Director of Youth Ministry and Faith Formation


�he seeds of the St. Mary’s youth group were sown

in August 2021 when eight teenagers attended the Totus Tuus summer program which was held at St. Mary’s of the Lake in Lake City. Among those in attendance were eight teenagers who were greatly inspired by the entire experience. They enjoyed learning and discussing their faith, praying together, attending Adoration, playing games and laughing with each other as well as getting to know the Totus Tuus team members. “I really liked the close fellowship we got to experience with teens from our church, and with these amazing college-aged leaders throughout this program,” said one high school senior from the group. “St. Mary’s hasn’t had a youth group for many years. It was very refreshing to have these conversations and fellowship with other teens from our parish.” When Totus Tuus concluded, the group was disappointed that the experience was over and jumped on a suggestion made by Rachel Raths, the parish youth coordinator, to continue the experience as a monthly youth group. In the following months, they had a few planning meetings to brainstorm the mis-

Father James Burns, cont'd from pg. 12

Q) Generosity is another virtue on the list. A) Humility and generosity are tightly linked because a person who’s truly humble recognizes how much has been given from God and wants to share that back. When we truly realize the immensity, we’re in awe of what God has done for us and then reflect on what we have to give. Throughout the day in my own prayer, I try to call to mind things I’m grateful for. You have to be deliberate about it at first, but gratitude can punctuate your day. It’s a great antidote to becoming negative or overly critical. Q) A new batch of graduates is now heading out into the world. How do you think this class is different having been shaped by COVID?

A) No one would’ve wished for or wanted COVID, but it happened. God works miracles even through the most desperate circumstances. We believe in providence. Bad things happen so that greater good comes of it or greater evil may be avoided. A greater good that came of it is I see the students being more resilient, more adaptive. Even if they missed major milestones, they learned how to turn that into gratitude for what they have rather than becoming resentful for what they don’t have. It’s allowed them to communicate in a whole new way about challenges and be not just sympathetic but be problem solvers in a holistic way.

sion of the youth group and the meeting format. In the end, they decided that the group’s focus would be on fostering friendships and fellowship between teens at St. Mary’s, as well as growing in faith together. The teens wanted the name to have personal meaning and to reflect their mission while creating a fun acronym. They decided upon “St. Mary’s Atoma Teens” - Atoma means “indivisible” in Greek. This held special meaning for them because of their mission of fellowship. The members of the group refer to the meetings by its acronym, SMAT, and its members as “Smatters”. Since then, the original group of eight teens has met monthly at St. Mary’s, each meeting being highly anticipated. They begin the evening with pizza or other fun foods and conversation to share highs and lows from the past month. Then they play games which they brought or learned from the Totus Tuus leaders, followed by some form of Bible study, prayer, or Lectio Divina. The group plays a few more games before closing the night with a final prayer. Recent meetings have ended with the Divine Mercy Chaplet or Rosary for the teens’ personal intentions and for an end to the war in Ukraine. The Atoma Teens have also hosted activities


cont'd from pg. 9 the unequivocal support of our Board of Trustees and have received great support from community leaders, industry partners, and many alumni. When asked what the biggest challenge a university president faces, I have said that it is staying true to the mission. In our case, the mission of a Lasallian Catholic university is to remain committed to a practical, Christian, and human education in the midst of very challenging enrollment trends. It is a sensitive balance between paying close attention to enrollment, which drives our financial picture, and fulfilling our mission. The mission remains our North Star, but its realization depends on financial sustainability. Our Lasallian Catholic mission offers an educa-

outside of their monthly meetings. These include hosting a pancake dinner for the Faith Formation students and serving donuts after Sunday Mass, raising $400 for Ukrainian refugees. For their next gathering, they will hike and picnic together at Frontenac State Park. The youth parish coordinator, Rachel Raths, is the adult leader and coordinates the food, travel, and meeting dates for the busy teenagers. She is greatly appreciated by the group, and she likewise values the teens. “I am proud of these young men and women who took the opportunity they were given at Totus Tuus and have expanded on it, coming together not only to have fun, but to share their faith with each other and the community around them. They are a shining example of the future of our Catholic faith. I'm also proud that they let me share in all the fun!” The Atoma Teens’ goals include continuing the amazing fellowship and expanding in number. Since the formation of the group, several more teens have joined their monthly gatherings, and anyone who is interested is welcome to attend. Every member is excited to see how God continues to work within the group, encouraging them to share their faith and friendship with other teens, both in their own parish and in the wider community. tion rooted in virtue formation along with a grounding in liberal arts. All students will continue to be provided the liberal arts and will be required to take these courses as part of their core requirements including theology, English, and other humanities classes, even if they won’t be offered as majors. This well-rounded core, integrated with in-demand majors and virtue formation, prepares students for excellent careers and ethical lives of leadership, character, and service. Saint Mary’s is joining other universities who have already taken action and are now able to advance their educational missions. They serve as exemplars, role models who leaned into change and the new disruptive paradigm. I firmly believe our actions, as difficult as they were, will set a bright future course for Saint Mary’s, our current students and future students for generations to come. Father James Burns is the president of St. Mary's University of Minnesota in Winona.

June 2022 w The Courier w

Catholic Charities


You Can Play a Role in

Refugee Resettlement �orced to flee because they are fac-

ing persecution, refugees come seeking a safe and stable place where they can rebuild their lives and once again thrive. Since 1975, Catholic Charities has been serving newly arriving refugees through our Refugee Resettlement program, addressing the most fundamental needs of all new refugees such as access to shelter, food, clothing, income, medical care, education, and employment. Over these past 47 years we have seen different populations of refugees arrive in our community seeking refuge, from Vietnam, Cambodia, Sudan, Somalia, Myanmar, and most recently from Afghanistan. On September 30, we received our first Afghan evacuee family. The young couple arrived expectantly and we were left scrambling to find them a place to stay. Housing in Rochester is a significant challenge, and finding a landlord who would be willing to rent to an Afghan evacuee who had no renter history in the US, no credit score, and currently no job, was a difficult task. However, even more overwhelming was knowing we were expected to get 15 to 20 more families in the next month or two. Every family that comes through our agency is met by a staff member at the airport who welcomes the family as they arrive, and transports them to where they will be staying. In recent months, most arriving families have been first taken to a local hotel until permeant housing can be found for them. Waiting for them at the hotel, is a room with a kitchenette which has been stocked with food by our wonderful grocery group, volunteers who purchase a week’s worth of groceries for each arriving family. In addition to the groceries is a warm culturally appropriate cooked meal ready for the tired travels which was prepared by volunteers who are from their same cultural community or similar culture. Along with food, prior to their arrival, the case manager has ahead of time laid out bags for each member full of hygiene products, writing supplies, and toys and little goodies for the kids. At the hotel, the case manager gives the arriving family a home and safety orientation and helps familiarize the family with their room.

June 2022 w The Courier w

After a night’s rest, the case manager is back the next day to check on the family and provide further orientation and in some cases a trip to the local grocery store for family members to pick out other items they might be needing from the pocket money they receive. The first several days are a whirlwind of activities as we work with the family to enroll in food, cash, and medical assistance, apply for their social security card, take the family to our clothing store, and register their kids in school and the parents in English classes. Over the next month, we work with the family to help them find and secure permanent housing. Through donations we collect from the community, we assist in setting up their apartment with household furnishings, beds, bedding, cookware, dishes, and cleaning supplies. We also work with the family to connect them to medical care through Public Health, enroll them in an employment services program, and provide transportation to initial appointments. Much of our time is also dedicated to giving cultural orientations to newly arrived families on topics ranging from U.S. laws, health, employment, budgeting and personal finances, immigration status, education, personal safety, hygiene, and cultural adjustment. We also provide a bus orientation which includes taking them on the city bus and riding the buses they would need to take to get to English classes or medical appointments. In the midst of all these, we conduct home visits with the family to check on their well-being and assess how their adjustment is going. In the 90 days that we are able to work with a family enrolled in our Reception and Placement services, our goal is to empower them with the knowledge and skills that will assist them on the road to self-sufficiency. When our first Afghan family arrived, we took them to several different apartments until we found one that both met their needs and was safe and affordable. We were thrilled to find a place that would rent to us. Yet, by this time we had more families that had arrived and more were on their way. In talking with the property manager, it was

John Meyers

Director of Refugee Resettlement Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota

discovered that she had over 15 units in this complex available! It was truly an answer to prayer that we were not only able to find an apartment that was affordable, safe, and located right downtown, but that there would be enough units for all of our Afghan families that would soon arrive. On a cold December, we moved 13 families into their apartment units in one day! Since then we have had six more families arrive and for all of them we have been able to secure a permanent place for them to live. In addition to finding housing, we were able to connect each Afghan family we resettled in Rochester with a community sponsor group. These groups consist of, churches, mosques, and other organizations that wanted to walk alongside an Afghan family for six months as the family resettles in the community. These groups have played a huge role in the success of our Afghan families resettling well in the community. How You Can Help

There are many ways you can get involved. You can become part of our grocery group and purchase grocery items for newly arriving families, help us set up apartments, or form a community support group to work with a refugee family; check out our website for more ways to help and get involved. Also, if you are a landlord or own a rental property, we are always in need of places to rent for newly arriving families. Feel free to send me an email with any questions or about volunteering at

Thank You, Donors! Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

�s spring ends, we look forward to the season of

summer. We have received many gifts from God. Stewardship expresses a basic attitude of gratitude to God for all His many gifts to us. As stewards, we are called to use these gifts to further God’s kingdom.


Since our kick-off, the following parishes have met their goals for the 2022 Catholic Ministries Appeal: All Saints Immaculate Conception St. Ignatius New Richland Kellogg Spring Valley Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Immaculate Conception St. Mary Winona St. Clair Lake Wilson Holy Family Sacred Heart St. Patrick Kasson Owatonna LeRoy Holy Spirit St. Adrian St. Rose of Lima Rochester Adrian Lewiston St. Ann Slayton St. Bernard Stewartville St. Finbarr Grand Meadow St. Francis of Assisi Rochester

In Saint Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, he says, “Let me say this much: He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully. Everyone must give according to what he has inwardly decided; not sadly, not grudgingly, for God loves a cheerful giver. God can multiply his favors among you so that you may always have enough of everything and even a surplus for good works.” As we continue our stewardship journey, let us remember this message and prayerfully allocate our time, talents, and treasures and share them with others. Thank you to those that have accepted the invitation to express your gratitude to God by being one of the 4,116 people who has chosen to make a commitment to share your stewardship of treasure through the 2022 Catholic Ministries Appeal. The goal this year is $1,975,000 and currently $1,393,106 has been pledged/received. If you have not donated yet, please consider doing so today! It is through faithful parishioners like you that the message of Christ will be spread throughout the Catholic diocesan community. Thank you for returning to God some of the gifts He has given you. God bless you.

Catholic Foundation

Monica Herman


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In the Diocese

Sister Mary Myles Schwahn, 90, professed in 1952, died April 26, 2022, at Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mankato. Sister Mary Myles (Adeline Schwahn) was born near Strasburg, ND, in 1931. She graduated from St. Benedict High School in Strasburg, where her teachers were the School Sisters of Notre Dame. She entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame in 1950 and professed first vows in 1952. With the exception of one year in St. Paul and five years in Northfield, her 22-year Catholic School teaching experience was in North Dakota and Montana. She began working in parish ministry in 1974, and most of her service was also outside of Minnesota in South Dakota and North Dakota, primarily in rural parishes. She concluded her active ministry in the Diocese of New Ulm at St. John’s, Faxon Township, and Holy Redeemer, Renville, both rural parishes. Her parish ministry work encompassed student religious education, adult and family education, parish administration and pastoral ministry. She commented, “I love my work in rural ministry. There’s no place I’d rather be.” Sister Mary Myles was a member of the 70-year Jubilee class at Good Counsel. Sister Mary Myles’ Funeral Liturgy was held May 10, 2022, with Father Gene Stenzel as presider. She is survived by two sisters, Kathy Reimer and Rose Powell; and one brother, Larry; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame; and was preceded in death by her parents, Leopold and Katherine (Nicholas) Schwahn; one brother and one sister.

Sister M. Bernelle Taube, 90, professed in 1953, died April 29, 2022, at Mayo Clinic Health Care System Hospital, Mankato. Sister Bernelle (Cecilia Taube) was born in Cannon Falls, and grew up in the New Trier area of Minnesota. She attended Good Counsel Academy, graduating in 1950. She entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame that same year and professed first vows in 1953. Her entire active ministry was devoted to teaching primary aged children in several Minnesota Catholic Schools. She especially enjoyed preparing children for First Communion and First Reconciliation. In the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, she taught at St. John the Baptist, Mankato (1965-66) and Crucifixion, La Crescent (1972-77). She invested herself fully wherever she taught and, as a result, developed a strong network of friends, colleagues and former students, with whom she kept in contact, mainly through letter-writing. She concluded her years in ministry as an all-around volunteer at St. Dominic, Northfield. Sister Bernelle’s Funeral Liturgy was held May 4, 2022, with Father Joe Fogal as presider. She is survived by one brother, Brother Bernard Taube, SCJ; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame. She was preceded in death by her parents, Henry and Gertrude (Tutewohl) Taube; two sisters and a brother who died at birth.

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Sister Maris Stella Waselak, 97, professed in 1947, died April 30, 2022, at Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mankato. Sister Maris Stella (Dorothy Waselak), a native of Northeast Minneapolis, was born in 1924. She entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame in Mankato in 1944, after becoming acquainted with the sisters through a youth choir in her parish. Her early active ministry involved teaching at all levels, concluding as a teacher of business courses. She had various roles of service at Good Counsel Academy in Mankato, as well as the SSND motherhouse. In the academy she taught business courses and helped with secretarial and accounting work. Beginning in 1976 and continuing until full retirement in 2007, Sister Maris Stella filled a variety of roles at the motherhouse, including serving as the telephone operator/receptionist and distributor of mail. She also served on the motherhouse clerical staff. She was a member of the 75-year SSND Jubilee class – and an avid Minnesota Twins fan. Sister Maris Stella’s Funeral Liturgy was held May 10, 2022 with Father John Kunz as presider. In Father Kunz’s earlier service as chaplain to the SSND Motherhouse and academy, he came to know Sister Maris Stella during her time there. She is survived by nieces and a nephew; and her sisters in Community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame. She was preceded in death by her parents, Joseph and Mary (Rymarchick) Waselak; two sisters and two brothers.

Bishop Robert Brom, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of San Diego, died May 9, 2022, at the age of 83. Bishop Brom was ordained a priest of the thenDiocese of Winona in 1963. Among his diocesan assignments, he served as rector of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, rector of IHM Seminary, and vicar general of the Diocese of Winona. In 1983, he was appointed Bishop of Duluth and was transferred to the San Diego Diocese in 1989. He retired in 2013. His funeral was on May 17, 2022, at Saint Therese of Carmel Church in Del Mar Heights, CA. Sister Ronan Degnan, 95, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Assisi Heights, Monday, May 9, 2022. Rosemary Ann Degnan was born November 9, 1926, in Lewiston, to Bernard and Ellen (Ronan) Degnan. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1945, received the name of Sister Mary Ronan, and made perpetual vows in 1950. She earned a B.S. degree in math in 1954 from the College of St. Teresa, Winona. She further completed an M.A. degree in secondary education in 1960 from Catholic University, Washington, D.C., and continued post-masters work at the University of Connecticut from 1969-70.

In 1947, Sister Ronan began her extensive teaching ministry mainly in secondary education at parochial schools in Chicago, IL; Portsmouth and Columbus, OH; and Albert Lea, Austin, Owatonna, Sleepy Eye and Winona, MN. She then transitioned into college education, becoming an instructor at the College of St. Teresa in Winona in 1970 and then teaching math at community colleges in Colorado Springs, CO, in 1971 for 20 years. After a long tenure, she retired in 1991 and became a volunteer for women’s issues. Throughout the course of her ministries, she was actively involved in the community and Church, joining a number of committees including the Women’s Commission, Vocation Committee, Domestic Violence Prevention Center, Ecumenical Social Ministries, and ESL tutoring. She retired to Assisi Heights in 2002. Survivors of Sister Ronan include her Franciscan Sisters, with whom she shared life for 77 years; one sister, Katherine Degnan; one brother, Charles Degnan; and numerous nieces and a nephew. She was preceded in death by her parents; brother, Ronan Degnan; and three sisters, Jeanne, Bernadine, and Patrice Degnan. A private Funeral Liturgy was held at Assisi Heights on June 1, 2022. Her body has been donated to Mayo Clinic for research. A private burial will be held sometime in the future. Suggested memorials are to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Mission Advancement, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901.

Sister Margaret Boler, 89, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Assisi Heights, Tuesday, May 10, 2022. Margaret Ann Boler was born January 19, 1933, in Rochester, to John and Gertrude (Spencer) Boler. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1951, received the name of Sister Mary More, and made perpetual vows in 1956. She earned a B.S. degree in elementary education in 1965 from the College of Saint Teresa, Winona. She further completed an M.S. degree in social work in 1977 from the University of Illinois, Chicago, and received her License in Clinical Social Work in 1980. She continued to receive additional certifications in religion studies from the College of St. Teresa, Winona, 1969; humanities I, II, III from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1971; theology and scripture from Weston Jesuit Theological Seminary, Cambridge, MA, 1995; and Clinical Pastoral Education from Interfaith Ministries, Providence, RI. She completed an internship at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Boston, MA, 1996. In 1953, Sister Margaret began her extensive teaching ministry in education at parochial schools in Golden Valley, Rochester, St. James, Fulda, and North St. Paul, MN; Chicago, IL; and Portsmouth, OH. She served as a principal at St. Gabriel and St. Peter in MN from 1967-74. She began working as a social worker in Chicago, IL, after receiving her master’s degree and was employed by Lutheran Social Services of Illinois from 1978-1984. She then returned to teaching junior high in Chicago, IL, from 1984-87. From 1987-94 she became a coordinator of human resources at Assisi Heights. Upon completing her term there, she pursued further education from 1994-97 and became a hospice chaplain in Baltimore, MD, from 1997-2007. After a long tenure, she retired to Rochester to volunteer in 2007. Throughout the course of her ministries, she was actively involved in the community and Church joining a number of committees including the Board of Education, Parents Club Board, Philosophy of Rel Education Committee, Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis, Reporting to Parents Committee Chair, Pupil Testing Committee, Logan Square Neighborhood

Obituaries, cont'd on page 17

Obituaries, cont'd from pg. 16

Sister Janel Crumb, 90, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Assisi Heights, Thursday, May 12, 2022. Kathryn Mae Crumb was born May 7, 1932, in New Richland, to Winfred and Mary (Chicos) Crumb. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1951, received the name of Sister Mary Janel, and made perpetual vows in 1956. She earned a B.S. degree in elementary education in 1963 from the College of St. Teresa, Winona. She further completed an M.S. degree in education with a concentration in art in 1968 from Winona State University, and continued postgraduate study at the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, from 1971-72. In 1953, Sister Janel began her teaching ministry in elementary education at parochial schools in Rochester and Winona, MN, as well as Chicago, IL, until 1967. She transitioned to teaching college art education and becoming a resident advisor at the College of St. Teresa, Winona, from 1967-76. She taught elementary education in Las Animas, CO, from 1976-78. And from 1979-81 she became an administrative assistant for the Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission in Colorado Springs, CO. She co-founded LaPuente Home for the homeless in 1981 while also working at San Luis Valley Christian Community Services in Alamosa, CO, until 1987. After that, she took a sabbatical between 1987-88 at Our Lady of Solitude House of Prayer, Black Canyon City, AZ. In 1988, she served as a director of Grand Valley Catholic Outreach, Grand Junction, CO, until 1989, then moved to Albuquerque, NM, to assist the homeless population until 1993. She was a volunteer at parishes/shelters for the homeless and for justice and peace in Bernalillo and Albuquerque, NM, from 1993-2002. Throughout the course of her ministries, she was actively involved in the community and Church serving as a Chapter Delegate and joining a number of committees including the Social Justice Committee, Corporate Investment Task Force, Alternative Retirement Committee, Loretto Community Disarmament Committee, Justice & Peace Network, Cojourner Advisory Council, Chapter Recommended Task Force: Properties & Service to the Poor, Congregational Liturgy Committee, and Committee for Disadvantaged Students. She resided on the Board at LaPuente Home, Friends in Time, and Tierra Madre, as well as on the National Board and as a Colorado State Coordinator at

Sister Ancel Fischer, 85, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Assisi Heights, Wednesday, May 18, 2022. Monica Vivian Fischer was born April 28, 1937, in Morgan, to Roman and Clara (Groebner) Fischer. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1957, received the name of Sister Mary Ancel, and made perpetual vows in 1962. She received her licensure in nursing (LPN) from the St. Marys School of Practical Nursing, Rochester, in 1956. In 1959, Sister Ancel began her nursing ministry in Rochester, then expanded her practice to Denver, CO, and Portsmouth, OH, until 1975. She served as the director of health services at the College of Saint Teresa, Winona, from 1975-78. After that, she returned to practicing as an LPN in Marshall, between 1978-91. She then accepted the role of congregational health care coordinator at Assisi Heights, Rochester, from 1991-94. Still remaining at Assisi Heights, she transitioned to the role of nurse escort from 1995-2017. In 2017, she officially moved to Assisi Heights to become a Clinic Companion. Throughout the course of her ministries, she was actively involved in the community and Church joining a number of committees including the Central Area Forum, Cojourner Committee, and Chemical Dependency Committee. She also served on the Board of the Women’s Shelter in Marshall, MN, and was involved in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults at Holy Redeemer Parish, Marshall. Survivors of Sister Ancel include her Franciscan Sisters, with whom she shared life for 65 years; one brother, Cletus Fisher; one sister, Dolores Fischer; one sister-in-law, Barbara Fischer; three nieces; two nephews; and three cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers, Joseph and Jerome Fischer; and sister, Lorraine Fischer. A private Funeral Liturgy was held at Assisi Heights on May 25, 2022, followed by burial at Calvary Cemetery. To view the funeral, go to Suggested memorials are to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Mission Advancement, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901. Father Edgar Jerome Schaefer of Sun City, AZ went to be with our Lord on May 21, 2022. He was born February 7, 1923, in Weimer Township, to Joe and Magdaline Schaefer. Mass of Christian Burial was on Friday, June 3 at St. Joachim & Anne Catholic Church in Sun City, AZ. Monsignor James Ambrose McCauley died Sunday, June 5, 2022, at 91 years old. He was born on November 8, 1930, to John and Ella (Scanlon) McCauley near Caledonia. His father was killed in a hunting accident eleven months later. His mother and five children moved to Hokah shortly thereafter because she wanted her children to have a

Catholic education at St. Peter’s School. Father McCauley graduated from St. Peter’s High School, St. Mary’s University in Winona and the Seminary at Catholic University in Washington, DC. He earned additional degrees from Tulane University and Gonzaga University. Father McCauley was ordained a priest in 1956 and served St. Theodore’s in Albert Lea, St. Stanislaus in Winona, St. Peter and Paul in Hart, St. John’s and Pax Christi in Rochester, St. Bridgett’s in Simpson, St. Margaret’s in Mantorville, Christ The King in Byron, St. Joseph’s in Owatonna, St. Mary’s of the Lake in Lake City and St. Joseph’s in Theilman. He taught at Cotter High School and served as Principal at Cotter and Lourdes High Schools. He was asked by Bishop Waters to start a new parish in Rochester that was dedicated in 1973 and named Pax Christi. While the church was being built, Mass was held at Skate Country, Assisi Heights, Madonna Towers and in private homes. He retired from active ministry in 1999 but continued to “fill in” at various parishes on a weekly basis until he suffered a stroke in 2008. Even after his stroke, he continued to celebrate Mass in his chapel at his home on a weekly basis and at the nursing home in Caledonia. He enjoyed winters in California with his sister for many years and faithfully celebrate Mass on a weekly basis there in “The Colony” in Murrieta. During COVID-19, he celebrated mass outside on his deck overlooking the Mississippi River. Father McCauley was active in various organization such as the Knights of Columbus, Rochester Exchange Club and Human Rights Commission. He won the Upper Midwest Golden Gloves Boxing Tournament while in college and won many trophies in golf. He played baseball while a student at St. Mary’s. He coached the Cotter High School Golf Team that won the state championship and was inducted into the Cotter Hall of Fame along with his team. He, also, took flying lessons and made a solo flight. One of his highlights as priest was when a baby he had baptized at St. Joseph’s in Owatonna, Jason Kern, was ordained a priest 25 years later. He frequently stated that he “happily made the decision to become a priest and never looked back”. He often asked young men if they had ever considered being a priest just as Father Hodapp asked him when he was in high school. Father Will Thompson was one of those young men whom he had asked. He truly enjoyed his 66 years as a priest. Father McCauley is survived by his sister-in-law, Margaret McCauley; several nieces and nephews: Colleen McCauley, Debra McCauley, Diane McCauley, Janet McCauley, Mark McIntryre, Michelle McIntyre Crommelin, Jay McCauley, Clint McCauley, Laura (John) McCauley, Carrie McCauley Newcome and several great nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his parents, John and Ella McCauley; brothers, Maurice (“Mac”) McCauley, Joe McCauley, and Cornelius (“Con”) McCauley; sister, Mary Ellen McCauley McIntrye; nieces, Sheila McIntrye Marble and Kathryn McCauley; and nephews, Timothy McIntrye and John McCauley. Father McCauley’s funeral was held at Pax Christi Catholic Church in Rochester on June 13. Presiders were Bishop John Quinn, Father Matt Wagner, Father Joe Fogal and Rev. Msgr. Gerald A. Mahon. Burial was at St. Bridgett’s Church Cemetery in Simpson. His request is that memorials be given to St. Peter’s School, the Priest’s Retirement Fund and the IHM Seminary in Winona.


In the Diocese

Association, Chicago Alliance for Neighborhood Safety, Poverty Commission, Properties Committee, Testament Committee, Life Development Committee, Franciscan Fund Task Force, Long Range Planning Committee, Challenge II Committee, Cojourner Advisory Council, and Saint Marys Hospital Sponsorship Board. She retired to Assisi Heights in 2011. Survivors of Sister Margaret include her Franciscan Sisters, with whom she shared life for 72 years; one brother, Frank Boler; one sister-in-law, Elizabeth Boler; and 15 nieces and 15 nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers, John, Paul, Joseph, and James Boler; and sister, Virginia Flicek. A private Funeral Liturgy was held at Assisi Heights on May 19, 2022. Burial will take place this summer during a family reunion. To view the funeral, go to Suggested memorials are to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Mission Advancement, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901.

Ribbon Peace Project. She retired to Assisi Heights in 2003. Survivors of Sister Janel include her Franciscan Sisters, with whom she shared life for 71 years; one brother, Richard Crumb; and a sister-in-law, Anita Crumb. She was preceded in death by her parents; brothers, John, Harvey, Charles, Thomas, Thornton, Maxon, Dennis, Robert Crumb; and sisters, Dorothy, Margaret, Jeanice and Genelle. A private Funeral Liturgy was held at Assisi Heights on May 26, 2022, followed by burial at Calvary Cemetery. To view the funeral, go to Suggested memorials are to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Mission Advancement, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901.

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In the Diocese


Happy Father's Day from the W-RDCCW! By ELEANORE JONES

appy Father’s Day to all fathers living and dead and to those who serve in a fatherly capacity. Through this month of June let us remember St. Joseph whom God entrusted to raise His Son. We can take so many virtues of his and apply it to our times. Here is a prayer of an Act of Consecration to St. Joseph, by St. Bernardine of Siena: “O my beloved St. Joseph, adopt me as thy child. Take charge of my salvation; watch over me day and night; preserve me from the occasions of sin; obtain for me purity of body. Through thy intercession with Jesus, grant me a spirit of sacrifice, humility, self-denial, burning love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament,

and a sweet and tender love for Mary, my mother. Saint Joseph, be with me living, be with me dying, and obtain for me a favorable judgment from Jesus, my merciful Savior. Amen.” June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is beautiful that it follows the month of May, Mary’s month. You could put up a prayer space in your homes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as you did in May for the Blessed Virgin Mary. This would be a good practice to show our children and grandchildren the beauties of our faith. Think about why you belong to the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) and share our best kept secret, membership to NCCW. How were you invited, and did it make you feel welcomed, important, and special? Share with other Catholic women about how NCCW keeps you connected to like-minded women, how you can make an impact and develop leadership, and how you are blessed to belong to NCCW.

W-RDCCW's next board meeting will be on July 13. All women are invited to attend. Our W-RDCCW Convention will be at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Litomysl, on August 13, 2022, meeting beginning at 9 AM. Our morning speaker will be Father Randal Kasel, pastor of the Churches of St. Paul in Zumbrota and St. Michael in Pine Island, who will be speaking on Preparing for Eternity, and in the afternoon we will hear from Patrick Norton, originally from India, speaking on Sister Annella, OSB and St. Teresa of Calcutta. The NCCW Convention is in Minneapolis on November 2-6, 2022. Exciting and enjoyable tours are being planned and awesome gifts will be included in the registration bags. Mark your calendar. Eleanore Jones is the president of the WinonaRochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

Minnesota Catholic Conference

Inside the Capitol

Combatting the Throwaway Culture from Womb to Tomb �

Opposing Pro-Abortion Policies

s the legislative session winds down, lawmakers are pushing bills that energize their supporters ahead of the election. This was visible on May 12 when the Minnesota Senate Democrats attempted to vote on nine bills, some of which promoted pro-abortion ideology. Fortunately, each attempt failed the procedural vote. The cornerstone of the nine-bill package, S.F. 731, goes by the “Protect Reproductive Options Act.” The Minnesota Catholic Conference (MCC) opposes this bill because it codifies the right to an abortion until birth without any restriction, thereby denying prenatal justice to unborn children who are then discarded at will. Their second bill, S.F. 1205, would remove the Women’s Right to Know protections that safeguard mothers seeking an abortion by requiring the physician to share the medical risks of abortion, the gestational age of the baby, and access to state-sponsored materials that share alternatives to abortion. Other proposals included mandating insurance coverage of contraception (S.F. 1884), and increasing funds for the state’s Family Planning Grant which gives money straight to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion facilities (S.F. 644). The Minnesota Catholic Conference opposes June 2022 w The Courier w

such bills that promote a throwaway culture. We must work together as Catholics and all people of goodwill to ensure we never just talk the talk, but that we are truly walking with moms in need. We can do this by supporting our local pregnancy resource centers and promoting profamily policies such as increasing funding for the state’s Positive Alternatives Grant program. Opposing the Legalization of Assisted Suicide

With our partner organization, the Minnesota Alliance for Ethical Healthcare, MCC continues supporting principled end-of-life care and advocating for compassionate alternatives to legalizing physician-assisted suicide (PAS). For seven years in a row, we have stopped the PAS bills from even being brought up for a full vote in committee. This year was no different, as H.F. 1358/S.F. 1352 was not heard in committee. Pope Francis has spoken out against the legalization of PAS, saying, “we can and must reject the temptation, also induced by legislative changes, to use medicine to support a possible willingness of the patient to die, providing assistance for suicide or directly causing death by euthanasia.” The Catechism also teaches that PAS and “whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of

handicapped, sick or dying persons…is morally unacceptable” (CCC, 2277). Instead, Catholics are called to create principled care models that support the medical needs of all people. Protecting the choices of a few by legalizing assisted suicide would endanger the health care choices of all. The Alliance has built bipartisan opposition to PAS while also promoting authentically compassionate care. The Palliative Care Advisory Council bill (H.F. 2517/S.F. 2400) would fully fund the Council, allowing it to fulfill its purpose of analyzing barriers to greater palliative care access. The Palliative Care Definition bill (H.F. 3148/S.F. 2912) would modify the state statute to accurately define palliative care, which could help expand access to palliative care insurance coverage in the future.

Action Alert

To learn about ways you can support a culture of life, visit:

19 In the Diocese June 2022 w The Courier w

June 2022

The Courier

The Televised Mass Is Offered Every Sunday Sioux Falls - KTTW Channel 7 at 7 a.m. Sioux City - KPTH Channel 44 at 8:30 a.m.

Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Litomysl will hold their 50th Annual Summer Festival on Sunday, July 31, beginning with a Polka Mass at 10 a.m. Festivities begin at 11 a.m. with food outside and many children and adult games with thousands of prizes to win. Used a bit items in the Parish Center, as well as a Silent Auction. Garden produce and baked goods (prune, poppyseed & apricot buchty). Live Music. Something for everyone!! Everyone is welcome! Holy Trinity Church is handicapped accessible.

Litomysl is 8 miles south of Owatonna on Co. Rd. 45, then 2 miles east on Co. Rd. 4 (SE 98th St) to 9946 24th Ave SE, Owatonna. Call 507-456-7671 for more information. Website:

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, to be led by Fr. Kurt Farrell on March 13-14, 2022, should contact Fr. Farrell at for more

Anyone interested in joining a information.

USCCB to Celebrate

Relgious Freedom Week June 22-29, 2022

from WASHINGTON - Religious Freedom Week takes place June 22-29. It begins with the feast day of Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, includes the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and ends with the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. The theme for this year is Life and Dignity for All. This year, as we approach the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is especially mindful of the debates around our country about abortion. The Catholic Church plays a crucial role in bearing witness to the gospel of life and serving all who will be affected by these discussions and their outcomes. The USCCB provides “Pray-ReflectAct” resources at ReligiousFreedomWeek - one for each day on different religious liberty topics; this year, they focus on themes that intersect with life issues. Moreover, the USCCB’s Committee for Religious Liberty has collaborated with the Office of International Justice and Peace to raise awareness about religious liberty in China and in solidarity with people through-

out the world who suffer for their faith. Domestically, a major area of concern continues to be freedom for Catholic institutions, such as schools, hospitals, and child welfare service providers, to carry out their missions with integrity. In particular, protecting Catholic adoption and foster care will become even more vital, as we take new steps in building a culture of life and dignity for all in the United States. To build a culture of life and dignity for all, the Church must support women and children. In 2020, the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities launched Walking with Moms in Need. This initiative ministers at the local level by having parishes be places where pregnant and parenting women can find support and accompaniment. Through prayer, education, and public action during Religious Freedom Week, the USCCB continues to advocate for the essential right of religious freedom for Catholics and for those of all faiths. To connect with the USCCB’s Committee for Religious Liberty, please text FREEDOM to 84576 and sign up for First Freedom News, the committee’s monthly newsletter.

Mankato - KEYC Channel 12 at 7:30 a.m. Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 NEYC at 9:30 a.m. Digital Channel 7 (DirecTV) or Channel 11 (DISH) KMNF at 9 a.m. Rochester/Austin/Mason City KIMT Channel 3 at 7:30 a.m. MyTV 3.2 at 9 a.m. Twin Cities - WFTC Digital Channel 29 or Channel 9.2 at 11:30 a.m. Southeastern MN - HBC Channel 20 at 3 p.m. (repeated Wed. at 3:30 p.m.) Winona/La Crosse/Eau Claire - WLAX/WEUX Channel 25/48 at 7:30 a.m. and on our website, (click "Weekly Mass")

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