The Courier - August 2018

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The Transfiguration of Jesus August 6

"Truly Blessed!" August 2018

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN

Leandra Hubka to Be Consecrated to a Life of Perpetual Virginity

On Saturday, September 15, Bishop Quinn will consecrate LEANDRA HUBKA to a life of perpetual virginity, lived in the world. All are welcome to attend this public ceremony at 10:30 a.m. at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. One of the oldest forms of consecrated life in the Church, consecrated virginity is little known and understood today. Therefore, we aim to acquaint our readers with this vocation and the Rite of Consecration in this month’s Courier. The following is Leandra's account of her journey to be a consecrated virgin for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.

� en years ago, I had never even heard of consecrated virginity, much less considered the vocation for myself. Growing up,

and all the way through college, I assumed that I would one day get married and have kids. However, little did I realize that the Lord was instead calling me to a spiritual marriage with His Son. Since I first heard the call to consecrated virginity in June of 2011, the Lord has continually drawn me to Himself through prayer, the Sacraments, and serving His Church. I have experienced the Lord’s love for me, and the certainty that

Blessed, cont'd on pg. 10

Study: Catholic Education Linked to Self-Control


WASHINGTON, D.C., Jun 10, 2018 (CNA/ EWTN News)--Catholic elementary school students, regardless of race, sex, or socioeconomic status, have more selfcontrol and self-discipline than their peers enrolled in either public schools or non-Catholic private schools, a recent study by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute found. The study examined two surveys of the behavior of thousands of elementary school students enrolled in public, Catholic, and non-Catholic private schools. According to the teachers in the surveys, students at Catholic schools engaged in fewer “externalizing behaviors,” meaning they did not fight, get angry, act impulsively, or disturb ongoing activities as frequently as students at other schools. What’s more, Catholic school students are “more likely to control their temper, respect others’ property, accept their fellow students ideas, and to handle peer pressure.” This is true across demographic lines. According to its website, the Fordham Institute promotes educationSelf-Control, cont'd on pg. 12

INSIDE this issue

Go Deep and Go Out!... page 7

What Is a Consecrated Virgin?

RCS Welcomes Haidee Todora!

page 11

page 12

The Courier Insider


DOW-R Canonist: Read Guide to Consecrated Virginity with Discernment

Articles of Interest

Building a Foundation...___________________4 ...An Enduring Mission____________________6 Go Deep and Go Out!____________________7 Marriage

August, 2018 w The Courier


Steubenville Revealed_____________________9


WASHINGTON, D.C., Jul 16, 2018 (CNA) - A new Vatican instruction on the role of consecrated virginity has drawn criticism from an American group, which says that a key paragraph of the document could lead to confusion. At issue is whether entering the Church’s “order of virgins” requires that women actually be virgins. On July 4, the Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life made public Ecclesiae Sponsae Imago, an instruction about consecrated virginity in the Church. The instruction drew criticism from the Lansing, Michigan-based U.S. Association of Consecrated Virgins, which put out a statement that criticized the document, calling it “intentionally convoluted and confusing.” The group said the document seems to say that “physical virginity may no longer be considered an essential prerequisite for consecration to a life of virginity,” and called this implication “shocking.” The association is a voluntary organization of consecrated virgins in the U.S. According to its 2015 statistics, it has 97 voting members and another 34 associate members. “There are some egregious violations of chastity that, even if not strictly violating virginity, would disqualify a woman from receiving the consecration of virgins,” the association said. “The entire tradition of the Church has firmly upheld that a woman must have received the gift of virginity – that is, both material and formal (physical and spiritual) – in order to receive the consecration of virgins,” the statement added. The controversial paragraph of the document, #88, instructs that: “it should be kept in mind that the call to give witness to the Church’s virginal, spousal and fruitful love for Christ is not reducible to the symbol of physical integrity. Thus to have kept her body in perfect continence or to have practiced the virtue of chastity in an exemplary way, while of great importance with regard to the discernment, are not essential prerequisites in the absence of which admittance to consecration is not possible.” It continues: “The discernment therefore requires good judgement and insight, and it must be carried out individually. Each aspirant and candidate is called to examine her own vocation with regard to her own personal history, in honesty and authenticity before God, and with the help of spiritual accompaniment.” Jenna Cooper, a [Winona] Minnesota-based canon lawyer who has been a consecrated virgin of the Archdiocese of New York since 2009, told CNA that the Vatican’s instruction must be read carefully to be understood. “I don’t see this as saying non-virgins can be virgins. I see this as saying in cases where there is a real question, it errs on the side of walking with women in individual cases for further discernment, as opposed to having a hard-dividing line to exclude women from this vocation,” Cooper told CNA. “The presumption of the document is that these are virgins who are doing this (consecration),” she said. “An important thing to do though is to read the questionable paragraph in context with the rest of the document,” she continued. “The instruction talks a lot about the value of virginity, Christian virginity, the spirituality of virginity.” Cooper also said that the document can’t be


Our Mother and Our Model_____________10 What Is a Consecrated Virgin?______________11 RCS Welcomes Haidee Todora!____________12 ...Safer Than Ever_________________________13 Active Aging Programs Are Changing Lives___14 A Catholic Judge?_______________________15 Global Headlines_________________________16 Diocesan Headlines________________________18 Diocesan Calendar_________________________20 Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of WinonaRochester, announces the following appointments: understood as a change in Vatican policy. “The nature of this kind of document as an instruction doesn’t change the law that it’s intended to explain,” she said. The rite of consecration itself is the law, while the instruction is meant as “an elaboration for certain disputed points,” Cooper said, adding “It’s just giving you further guidance in places where existing law is vague.” In Cooper’s view, the document’s “more generous description” of the prerequisite of virginity is “allowing for people in difficult situations to continue some serious discernment.” One disputed paragraph, she thinks, was meant to apply to “difficult cases” where a woman cannot answer whether she is a virgin according to a strict standard. She cited cases where women might have lost their virginity without willing it or against their will, or out of ignorance. Women might have “committed grave sins against chastity but not actually lost their virginity in their minds” Judith Stegman, president of the U.S. Association of Consecrated Virgins, praised the document, saying it “responds well to many questions” about consecrated virginity in the Church. She lauded its emphasis on the consecrated virgin’s “mystical espousal to Christ as key to this bridal vocation of love that images the relationship between Christ and the Church.” However, she reiterated that paragraph 88 was a “confusing statement.” Immediately after the document was published, she said, “we began to receive comments from readers stating, ‘Whoa! Physical virginity is no longer required for the consecration of virgins!’” As for difficult cases, Stegman said, “If a woman has been violated against her will and has not knowingly and willingly given up her virginity, most would hold that she would remain eligible for consecration as a virgin. Such a case would require depth of good judgment and insight carried out in individual dis-

Discernment, cont'd on pg. 19

The Holy Father's Intention for

August 2018

The Treasure of Families That any far-reaching decisions of economists and politicians may protect the family as one of the treasures of humanity.

Tribunal Judge Rev. Msgr. R. Paul Heiting: currently Pastor of St. Gabriel Parish in Fulda, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Currie, and St. Anthony Parish in Westbrook; in addition to his current assignments, reappointed First Instance Judge for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester Tribunal for a sixyear term, effective August 1, 2018. Deans Rev. Msgr. Gerald Kosse: currently Pastor of St. Leo Parish in Pipestone, St. Joseph Parish in Jasper, and St. Martin Parish in Woodstock; in addition to his current assignments, appointed Dean of the Worthington Deanery for a five-year term, effective July 1, 2018.

Very Rev. Mark McNea: currently Vicar for Clergy, Rector of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, and Pastor of St. Casimir Parish in Winona; in addition to his current assignments, appointed Dean of the Winona Deanery for a five-year term, effective July 1, 2018. Deacon Deacon Pat Fagan: currently serving as a deacon at St. Joseph Parish in Owatonna and Christ the King Parish in Medford; appointed to diaconal ministry at the same parishes for a six-year term, effective July 2, 2018. Catholic Charities Board of Trustees Mr. Tim Shea: appointed to the Catholic Charities Board of Directors for a three-year term, effective July 1, 2018.

Corrections On page 5 of our July 2018 issue, we congratulated five parishes for having met their CMA 2018 goals since the kick-off. In reality, these were the five who had met their goals since our June printing. At the time of our July printing, 23 parishes had met their goals since the kick-off. The Courier regrets this error.

Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at www.dow. org under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 109 - 8

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor

Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the diocese subscribe through their parish. Periodicals postage paid at Slayton, MN Postmaster.

Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

Go and Make Disciples! Missionary Discipleship

One of Pope Francis’ themes throughout his pontificate has been that of missionary discipleship, and how we as a Church are to be permanently on mission bringing the good news of Jesus Christ and His Church to the world. At our annual Ministry Days in June, clergy and lay leaders from across the diocese gathered to learn how missionary discipleship is being lived out here in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, and how we can become better missionary disciples in our parishes, schools, workplaces, and communities. The topic of missionary discipleship was discussed in depth at a national meeting last summer, at the US Bishops’ Convocation of Catholic Leaders in Orlando, FL. That gathering, which included delegates from across the country, including several from the Diocese of WinonaRochester, looked at how the Catholic Church in the US can better engage and equip our people to be missionary disciples, people who have

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar

encountered the joy of Christ and seek to bring others into relationship with Him as well. Forming missionary disciples involves several steps, the first of which is personally encountering Jesus Christ. Once one has experienced the joy of knowing our Triune God – through prayer, the Sacraments, and recognizing God’s grace at work in the various circumstances of life – then one can develop a personal relationship with the Lord. As one strives to cultivate a life of prayer and discipleship, it is important to be accompanied by individuals along the way, and remain firmly rooted in the community of the Church, the Body of Christ. We are not alone on our journey of striving for holiness, and the support of mentors and the wider community of faith is necessary for an authentic relationship with Christ and His Church. With this firm foundation of faith, one can then be sent on mission, bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to the whole world. Evangelization in DOW-R

One way that the Diocese of Winona-Rochester has been evangelizing this past year is through St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE). SPSE is comprised of teams of Catholics who literally bring the Catholic faith to the streets. They set up tables on street corners and offer to pray with people who walk by; give out medals, rosaries, and information on Catholicism; and answer any questions people may have about the Church or simply share their faith story. SPSE started in 2012 with a dozen groups but now boasts over 330 teams both in the US and other countries, with more constantly being added. Here in the Diocese of WinonaRochester, we have several teams in cities throughout southern Minnesota. Deb McManimon from Owatonna

August 2, Thursday 10 a.m. - Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George Reception into the Noviate - Alton, IL August 16, Thursday 10:30 a.m. - Religious Sisters of Mercy Final Profession of Vows - Saginaw, MI August 22, Wednesday 1 p.m. - Holy Hour 2 p.m. - Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting

is the Regional Director of Evangelization Teams for SPSE and has been instrumental in building up SPSE in our diocese. Starting last fall, Deb has been joining me and our Winona FOCUS missionaries in evangelizing on the corner by my residence and the Winona State University campus. SPSE provides a wonderful way to witness to our Catholic faith and share the joy that comes from an encounter with Christ and His Church. If you are interested in becoming involved with SPSE, you can contact Deb McManimon at deb@stpaulse. com, and she can put you in touch with a team or help you start a new one. Training is provided and no experience is needed – just a desire to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others! Our diocese also has several programs designed to help our youth encounter and form a relationship with Christ. Totus Tuus once again has teams of young adults traveling around the diocese, spending a week at parishes leading camps for children of all ages. In July, the Diocese of Winona-Rochester hosted the Steubenville North Conference in Rochester, where hundreds of youth from not only our diocese, but also surrounding states, gathered for a weekend of inspiring Catholic speakers, engaging music, Eucharistic Adoration, and the opportunity to receive the Lord’s mercy and grace through the Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist. Camp Summit is another opportunity for youth, and this year there are two weeks of the camp being offered, due to such a great demand in previous years. While Camp Summit is for middle school-age campers, there are also ways for high school students and youth ministers to participate as well. I am grateful for the staff and the many volunteers who make Camp Summit possible! It is always a blessing to see our youth on fire for Christ, and it is

August 23-25, Thursday-Saturday Region VIII Bishops Provincial Meeting August 25, Saturday 5 p.m. - Mass of Installation for Pastor, Fr. Jonathan Fasnacht - St. Luke Church, Sherburn August 26, Sunday 11 a.m. - 150th Anniversary Mass - St. Joseph Church, Good Thunder August 28, Tuesday 8 - 9:15 a.m. - Teach at SMU


important for us adults to help our youth live out the gift of faith in their homes and parishes, and to become integrated into their local Church communities once they return from these enriching faith experiences.

Real Presence Radio, so others can benefit from Catholic radio in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester!

As of May 31, the Diocese of Winona-Rochester now has a new medium for evangelization – radio. Real Presence Radio is a lay apostolate that offers engaging Catholic programming, and seeks to strengthen marriage, increase the practice of the faith, promote vocations and the dignity of the human person, and support goals of the local diocese. Real Presence Radio recently bought station 970 AM out of Austin, which can be heard throughout most of our diocese. Not only does it provide nationally aired EWTN programming, but the station also provides information on local activities, and features both priests and laity from our own diocese. Fr. Thompson is a regular co-host, and several of our priests and diocesan staff, including myself, have been on the air to talk about a variety of topics, including St. Paul Street Evangelization, our new co-cathedral, and marriage and family life. If you haven’t already done so, make sure to tune into 970 AM when you are in the car or at home, to learn more about your faith and what is happening in our diocese. Because of costs associated with buying a new radio station, Real Presence Radio is appreciative of any financial gifts you can give to fund this new apostolate in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. Both large and small amounts are of great assistance to Real Presence Radio’s evangelization efforts. For more information on Real Presence Radio, its apostolate, programming, and how you can support this organization, visit Please spread the word about

It is with great joy, that on Saturday, September 15, I will consecrate Leandra Hubka to a life of virginity, during the Rite of Consecration of Virgins, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. After much prayer and discernment, Leandra has accepted the call from the Triune God to live a life of total consecration. Consecrated virginity is a great gift to the Church, as those in the Order of Virgins are consecrated by their bishop to be a spouse of Christ, living a life dedicated to Christ and His Church. They are a sign of the love the Church, the Bride of Christ, has for Christ, and a reminder of how all members of the Church are called to live lives of holiness, placing Christ above all other things. In our culture, consecrated virginity is a radically counter-cultural reality. To give witness to the life to come, by living as a celibate and a virgin, is a great grace and is a blessing to our diocese. Please keep Leandra in your prayers, as she prepares to give her life totally to Jesus Christ, as her spouse and bridegroom. All are welcome to attend this 10:30am Liturgy on September 15, the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Real Presence Radio

August 30, Thursday 8 - 9:15 a.m. - Teach at SMU

September 4, Tuesday 8 - 9:15 a.m. - Teach at SMU 11 a.m. - Holy Hour 12 p.m. - Presbyteral Council Meeting September 6, Thursday 8 - 9:15 a.m. - Teach at SMU 10:30 a.m. - St. Paul Street Evangelization - Corner of 8th and Main Streets, Winona

Consecrated Virginity

From the Bishop

�ear Friends in Christ,

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona-Rochester

September 7, Friday 5:15 p.m. - Rededication of the Consecration of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester to the Immaculate Heart of Mary - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona September 8, Saturday 12 p.m. - Prayer Service at the Memorial for the Unborn - St. Mary’s Cemetery, Winona 4:30 p.m. - Blue Mass - Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester August, 2018 w The Courier

Catholic Foundation


Building a Foundation With the Four Pillars of Christian Stewardship

The following article is borrowed from the Archdiocese of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Pillar One: Hospitality “When I was a stranger, you welcomed me” (Mt. 25:35). Jesus Christ teaches that whenever we welcome one of the least of our sisters and brothers, we welcome Christ Himself. Parishioners of a stewardship parish seek to see the face of Christ in one another. With special vigilance, parishioners must seek out and welcome new members to the parish family. A stewardship parish is a welcoming parish regardless of the parish demographics: large or small – urban, suburban or

rural. We are all prodigal children longing to be welcomed home. In a hospitable parish, parishioners and guests feel they belong and are appreciated. This is especially true if they were ever absent from the church. Hospitality leads to a sense of ownership among parishioners. This ownership and personal involvement fosters a sense of “belonging.” When parishioners experience a warm and sincere welcome, they in turn become open to give themselves to others. God is love. God gives His love to each one of us. As God loves us, He calls us to love one another. This Divine Love flows through the heart of the faithful steward to love others. When we are recipients of such love from others, we are attracted to follow this example. When others welcome us, we are open to welcoming others. This desire to welcome others is yet another gift of God. The most vibrant stewardship parishes are those in which parishioners know they are welcomed, which fosters a sense of ownership and personal involvement in lived stewardship to the parish family. Pillar Two: Prayer

A stewardship parish strives to nourish the soul through prayer. “Prayer is as necessary to our souls as food is to our bodies” (Characteristics of a Christian Steward). Prayer and the sacraments dispose a soul to receive God’s abundant graces, which are necessary to grow in holiness. It is through prayer that we nurture our personal relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. While parishioners find great fulfillment in giving themselves to parish life, prayer purifies and intensifies the intention of the steward. Prayer increases our yearning to receive the source and summit of our Catholic faith, the Eucharist. As a parish family, we gather together to worship and praise God in the Mass. Nourished by the Word of God and the Eucharist, we are strengthened as a parish family to go and to serve the Lord. Stewardship is a lived response of the disciple to follow this command. There is a deep connection between the

August, 2018 w The Courier

Eucharistic celebration and stewardship. One of the prefaces of the Eucharistic prayers says, “Lord, our desire to thank you is itself your gift.” The Third Eucharistic Prayer states, “All life, all holiness comes from you through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, by the working of the Holy Spirit… And so, Father, we bring you these gifts. We ask you to make them holy by the power of your Spirit, that they may become the body and blood of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, at whose command we celebrate this Eucharist.” All we are and seek to become is strengthened and becomes more perfect through the Eucharist. It is in the Eucharist where we again recognize our total dependence upon God for everything. All that is good is a gift from Him. It is not that we have loved Him, but that He first has loved us by giving His Son. In both our personal and communal prayer, we turn toward God to discern properly our talents and gifts. In a steward’s response, we place those gifts at the service of God and one another. At the heart of the steward’s prayer is the petition, “Thy Will be done.” Pillar Three: Formation

As the steward grows in the life of prayer, God reveals Himself more intimately in this personal relationship. The steward also sees that the gifts received from God are to be shared and not buried. The steward remains deeply rooted in humility, recognizing that the gifts one has been given come not from self, but from God. Those gifts are to be shared with others. Here lies the heart of the steward’s personal response as a disciple – to share what one has received and to share with a generous, grateful and loving heart. This formation of each individual becomes

Monica Herman

Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

part of the formation of the parish community. As members of the Body of Christ, the parish recognizes that it has a call from God to give. Inherent within each individual is the need to give – to move from selfishness to selflessness. This formation is a life-long journey of conversion. The stewardship parish journeys constantly in this formation of conversion As one grows more deeply in this formation to a life of stewardship, the more deeply one loves as God loves us. This is true for the individual steward and for the stewardship parish. Such formation is a formidable task, involving education of the mind and conversion of the heart. To know the “stewardship way of life” does not make one live a “stewardship way of life.” Formation includes quality education, but the knowledge itself is not enough. Ongoing Catholic education, (for children and adults), is important if we are to grow in our lives as stewards. This formation should include a proper knowledge and understanding of stewardship since it is a primary means to lead the faithful to holiness. Catholic schools, Parish Schools of Religion, youth ministry programs, adult education offerings and parish stewardship committees are wonderful and essential places where this faith formation begins. Yet, it is foolish to think that these are the only parish organizations responsible for this faith formation of parishioners to grow. Every parish organization has a role to play in nurturing the faith formation of the parishioners. It is in this collective parish effort and the grace of God at work


Since our kick-off, the following parishes have met their goals for the 2018 Catholic Ministries Appeal: All Saints, New Richland

Resurrection, Rochester

Christ the King, Byron

St. Ann, Janesville

Good Shepherd, Jackson

St. Ann, Slayton

Holy Family, Kasson

St. Anthony, Westbrook

Holy Redeemer, Eyota

St. Columba, Iona

Immaculate Conception, Kellogg

St. Finbarr, Grand Meadow

Immaculate Conception, St. Clair

St. Francis, Rochester St. Ignatius, Spring Valley St. John Nepomucene, Winona

St. Joseph, Lakefield St. Joseph, Waldorf St. Luke, Sherburn St. Mary, Chatfield St. Patrick, LeRoy St. Patrick, West Albany St. Pius X, Rochester

through our sincere efforts that faith formation thrives. The meaning of faithful stewardship and how to live this way of life is at the core of the disciple’s response to the gift of faith we freely receive from our loving God. Pillar Four: Service

Members of a stewardship parish are ready to minister to varied needs of their own parish family as well as the needs of the wider community and Church. Just as the members of a family come together to help one of their own, a stewardship parish family serves those who are hurting or in need, doubting or seeking salvation. The parish family also comes together to celebrate, thank and to return God’s gifts—all are needs of parishioners. Like a blood family, the parish family stands ready and eager collectively to wrap their arms around their brothers and sisters when they suffer in trial and/or celebrate special events in their lives. “God so constructed the body, that there may be no dissension in the body, but that all the members may be concerned for one another. If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members share its joy” (1 Cor. 12: 24b, 25-26). Parishioners seek the parish family as a primary community to serve and to be served—to give and to receive. If a parishioner finds they can serve and be ministered to, they have little need to search elsewhere for this fulfillment. Likewise, they have recognized a place where their service is appreciated and utilized for the good of the Church. But the members of a stewardship parish recognize that they also have a need to give beyond their own members only. They have a need to serve and to give in the diocese, the community and the Universal Church. Failure to have this understanding leads to a selfish parochialism, which is life draining to a parish stewardship way of life. This is a challenge to some parishioners, who are willing to serve their own, but not outsiders. Interestingly, if this is the mindset of a particular parish, chances also exist that such a parish does not embrace fully the first pillar of a stewardship parish – namely, hospitality. The pillar of service is an opportunity for the parish to put into concrete practice the other three pillars mentioned earlier in this document: hospitality, prayer and formation. To say one is a stewardship parish is not enough to make one a stewardship parish. True stewardship parishes practice all four of these pillars, with Jesus Christ as the model and the foundation from which the pillars arise.

August, 2018 w The Courier

Lay Formation & RCIA


A New Office, A New Face,

An Enduring Mission Jesus wants evangelizers who proclaim the good news not only with words, but above all by a life transfigured by God’s presence. -Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, #259

� he theme for this year’s diocesan Ministry Days gathering, A Church on

Fire ~ A Church on Mission: Living As Missionary Disciples, relates to a recent statement of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (“Living as Missionary Disciples: A Resource for Evangelization”) and to last summer’s Convocation of Catholic Leaders, which had as its theme, The Joy of the Gospel in America. This landmark event gathered church leaders from Catholic organizations and dioceses across the country “for a strategic conversation … on forming missionary disciples to animate the Church and engage the culture.” Our more local Ministry Days brought our diocesan leaders - clergy, religious, and lay - together to explore and discuss how we can live out, in our diocese, Pope Francis’ call to be “a community of missionary disciples … permanently in a state of mission.” A major step in this direction is to establish the diocesan Office of Missionary Discipleship, Lay Formation and RCIA. With Dr. Susan Windley-Daoust joining our diocesan staff as the director of missionary discipleship [see her column in this issue], the Office of Lay Formation and RCIA will now be part of this new diocesan office and effort. Dr. Windley-Daoust, Camille Withrow (administrative assistant and program associate), and I (director of lay formation and RCIA) will work together to staff the office. The task of this new office is to form missionary disciples for gospel witness. We seek to strengthen our diocesan Church’s ministry in terms of four aspects of evangelization and discipleship (drawing on the U.S. Bishops’ statement, “Living As Missionary Disciples”): •

Encounter - To invite others to experience the person of Jesus Christ, and his saving love.

• • •

Accompany - To walk in love and companionship with others on their spiritual journey. Community - To worship and witness together as Christ’s Body.

Send on Mission - To always move outward in healing and hope to the broken people and places of our world.

As we begin our work together, allow each of us to offer a word of introduction about ourselves… Susan Windley-Daoust

Greetings and peace to all of you! I am incredibly happy to be able to work getting more people to know and witness to the peace and joy of Jesus Christ. I grew up in the South (with four childhood years in the Panama Canal Zone), and fell in love with studying theology when I signed up for a religion course by accident at my liberal arts college, Mary Washington College in Virginia. I went on to study and earn an M.A. and Ph.D. in theology at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, and moved into college teaching at the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul) and Saint Mary’s University in Winona for a combined 22 years, teaching students, researching and writing books. At one point, I received training in spiritual direction, and occasionally serve in that capacity. I have also been involved in the Catholic Worker movement, a home for ex-offenders named Dismas House, a special needs adoption organization named Reece’s Rainbow, and most recently, Saint Paul Street Evangelization. In the midst of all that life, I am grounded by my marriage to my husband, Jerry, and we are raising our five children: Ben (18), Maria (16), Julia (13), Alex (11), and Matthew (8). I made a decision to leave teaching based on the spiritual vacuum I was seeing in the rising generations of young people, combined with God moving my heart to bring people to a more direct encounter with the Christian God through his Church. In retrospect, I see a lot of experiences in my past preparing me for this work, and the fingerprints of the Holy Spirit alive and on the move in this diocese. I am excited to get started.

Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

Camille Withrow I am so grateful for the almost five years I have worked for the diocese serving primarily the offices of Catholic Schools, Faith Formation, and RCIA. To be able to work with the wonderful, faithful, and dedicated people of our diocese has been a great joy and blessing for me. I moved to Minnesota from New Jersey eight years ago to finish my Bachelor’s degree at Minnesota State University - Mankato. Shortly after moving, I met my husband, Grant, while going through RCIA at a parish in the Twin Cities area. Grant became my RCIA sponsor, and has continued to accompany me on my faith journey since. We have two daughters, Eliana (4) and Gianna Faustina (2), who light up our lives and bring us such happiness. While RCIA has been a great passion for me since being received into the Catholic Church seven years ago, I am also very excited to start working in the areas of missionary discipleship and lay formation as well. I very much look forward to getting to know many of you better! Todd Graff I have been blessed and privileged to serve in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester for the past 28 years. Originally, I worked with Catholic Charities to provide leadership and service for our diocese in giving witness to and living out the church's social mission and ministry in southern Minnesota. Since 1999, I have directed the programs and activities of the diocese relating to lay formation and, since the spring of 2017, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). In this role, I strive to accompany lay women and men in the diocese as they seek to live out their Christian vocation in the world more deeply, and to guide and prepare them for more faithful and effective lay leadership in the Church. I was blessed to grow up in a very diverse and wonderful family of 13 members in southwestern Nebraska, but have also lived in the St. Louis area, Omaha, Boston, Milwaukee, and Chicago. My greatest source of joy and my primary vocation is to be a husband to my wife, Laurie, and a father to our six children: Isaac (26), Jesse (24), Nathan (18), Samuel (18), Viva (16), and Hannah (15). As a staff, we feel very blessed to share in the mission of our local Church as, formed in Christ’s love and sent forth by His Spirit, we seek to proclaim and give witness to God’s saving mercy. We are excited to begin this new journey of discipleship and witness with all of you, our sisters and brothers in Christ. Deo Gratias!

Faith is God’s gift and … it grows thanks to the faith and charity of evangelizers who witness to Christ. As they travel through the streets of the world, the disciples of Jesus need to have a love without limits, the same measure of love that our Lord has for all people. We proclaim the most beautiful and greatest gifts that He has given us: His life and His love.

August, 2018 w The Courier

-Pope Francis, Message for World Mission Sunday 2016

Go Deep and Go Out! Susan Windley-Daoust

Director of Missionary Discipleship

reetings, everyone. My name is Susan WindleyDaoust, and I am the new director of missionary discipleship for the diocese. I look forward to meeting all of you. A lot of people have asked me what “missionary discipleship” means. Why, I am glad you asked! I will give you an answer. But I don’t want to define missionary discipleship first; I want to talk about Jesus. If we thought deeply about who Jesus Christ was and is, we would know what missionary discipleship is. Because Jesus is the reason we are all here. God created an astoundingly intricate cosmos, from beautiful vistas that make us gasp to the tiniest atom, without which nothing would exist--not because God needed to create, but because he chose to for no reason but love. When we say God is our creator, that is another way of saying God is love! But despite all this, our first parents chose to reject God by deciding they wanted to be God, and rejected their dependence on God. This original sin twisted humanity’s relationship with God in dramatic ways, with the ultimate consequence being our death. But this is not the end of the story. The Father sent his Son, incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, on a search and rescue mission. He healed, taught, and loved us to his own death on a Roman cross—a death that saves us from our own death and opens that full and glorious relationship with God through him. Raised from the dead, we are called to life in the Resurrected Christ, to accept the gift of new life through repentance and in faith. This astounding news is the ground of our lives as Christians. It is why we are alive, and why we live. Missionary discipleship, in part, is making this how we live.

Evangelist’s Corner with Deb McManimon,

St. Paul Street Evangelization

With the summer in full swing, St. Paul Street Evangelization teams have been out in communities across Minnesota. What a blessing it is to share our faith and God’s love with those who stop by to talk to us, and give free materials and sacramentals. We have been settings up tables and mobile prayer stations from Walmart entrances, to farmer’s markets, to county fairs, to street corners, to the Peace Plaza. We were even able to go out to Como Park with Archbishop Hebda. Laura stopped by our prayer station last week and shared that her

As essential as that proclamation is—that Jesus is Lord, and he is the same yesterday, today, and forever—that’s not all! Part of the Easter is the fulfillment of the promise made prophetically in the Old Testament (Joel 2:28-32) and by Jesus himself: that he would send us the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, and we will receive power to share this astounding news to all nations, to the ends of the earth. This is our (very, very big) mission. And we accepted it—and were empowered for it—at our baptism. As Pope Francis never tires of saying, this is a mission of joy. Joy is a gift of the Holy Spirit and the mark of sharing the astounding news. Good news is accurate to the Greek, but we English-speakers think of good as something weak—something merely nice. This is not nice news—it’s astounding and transformative. It is a genuine joy to share it with others. And they need the hope that Jesus Christ brings! But… many Catholics are very challenged in sharing the astounding news. We feel uncomfortable, unsure of the details of our faith, pretty certain others can do it better, and we don’t want to ruffle feathers. What we need to recognize is that we are called to share the gospel out of love, with words and through action. Evangelization is a loving act. We live in a world where people are spiritually dying and too many step back and say, “Well, it is their choice.” People do have that freedom, but we also need to make sure spiritually sick people are offered the medicine that is the Divine Physician himself, Jesus Christ. And it can be easier than you think. Missionary discipleship, in the end, is about leading people to encounter Jesus Christ, and, through him, the fullness of the faith held by the Church he ordained. The Holy Spirit gives us the courage and often the words to share the astounding news with others, and prepares the way by working in the heart of the recipient of God’s word. Archbishop Kurtz (of Louisville, KY) helpfully shortened our common call to eight words: missionary discipleship is to experience Christ and to witness to Christ.

husband needed prayers for recovery from his recent heart surgery. We also prayed for her comfort and peace and talked about God’s love for her and her husband. We gave her a blessed miraculous medal for her and her husband and she was very thankful. She was visibly comforted. One little girl asked if we would pray for her dad, who was in jail. We all prayed for her dad right then and there, and her face lit up with a smile. What a blessing it is to go out through the doors of our churches and meet people where they are! We have local teams in Winona, Rochester, Mankato, Owatonna, and Pipestone. In his homily on July 15, Pope Francis’s told us we are all called to be missionary disciples through our baptism. Wouldn’t it be amazing if

Missionary Discipleship

Embracing Missionary Discipleship


At this year’s Ministry Days, I said it is key to go deep and go out, at the same time. These two movements feed each other. We are all called, constantly, to a deeper conversion to the life of Christ. So let us commit to go deep. Pray a little more, or differently. Read scripture and let it speak to you. Be more deliberate and open in your receiving of the sacraments. I especially encourage everyone to deliberately call upon the Holy Spirit, and ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to best grow in your faith, your vocation, and your call to spread the gospel. But let us also commit to going out. I will not mince words—we live at a time when Americans are less likely to identify as religious (or a member of a church community) than any time in history. A large number of those people grew up as Catholic. Additionally, the youngest generations do not embrace the full call of the proclamation. We need to understand what has changed culturally, and why. But all the more reason we must seek every way possible, and likely new ways, to bring the gospel message to those who need God. You, individually, cannot reach everyone. But you can reach the person or persons God has called you to reach. Missionary discipleship exists to accompany you and teach you how. Look at it this way: God has a plan of salvation for every individual human person. You are part of God’s plan for someone. Maybe more than one. All you have to do is what God wants, and no more than that. And that will be a genuine joy. Maybe easy, maybe difficult: but still a joy. There is much planned and getting planned for the next year and more, but the biggest message for today is: Jesus Christ has called us in this moment, at this time, knowing all of our challenges and limitations. He has given us the Holy Spirit to support and enable our ability to grow and share the gospel with the people we meet. All things are possible with God. We are not alone. We have God, we have each other. No matter how difficult things get, we are blessed beyond all telling. Please contact me if you wish to discuss missionary discipleship and evangelization. I will be speaking with all pastors and many Catholic organizations in the coming months, as we seek to understand how to move from maintenance to mission--and not just any mission, but the Great Commission. Until we meet, blessings and peace!

Catholic in Recovery

we had a team in every parish? This can happen. It starts with knowing that sharing our faith with others is something that we should all be doing and then learning how to do it. If you are interested in learning more or going out with a team, check out our Midwest Team site at www.

If you are a Catholic in recovery from alcoholism, narcotics, pornography, or other addictions, and you want to be on an email list alerting you to a new program called Catholic in Recovery, please contact Director of Missionary Discipleship Susan Windley-Daoust at There is an effort to bring the founder of this group, meant to support and supplement 12 step programs, to the diocese to help begin such a program, and we want people in recovery to know of the opportunity. August, 2018 w The Courier

Life, Marriage & Family


Marriage Enrichment Opportunities � ecently, I was speaking with a man who was recounting how his recent divorce came to be. A number of times in his all-too-common story, he used the words, “It just kind of happened.” Sadly, that’s the case for a lot of things in our busy lives. Several months ago, I stepped on a scale at the doctor’s

U.S. Bishops Call for National Prayer Effort Against Abortion WASHINGTON, Jul 19, 2018 (from— Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan, archbishop of New York and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on ProLife Activities, issued a statement today inviting all people of good will to join in a prayer campaign that the change in the U.S. Supreme Court will move our nation closer to the day when every human being is protected in law and welcomed in life. Cardinal Dolan's full statement follows:

As soon as Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement, pro-abortion groups began lobbying the U.S. Senate to reject any nominee who does not promise to endorse Roe v. Wade. While the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops does not support or oppose the confirmation of any presi-

August, 2018 w The Courier

office and confidently predicted my weight. To my surprise, I was ten pounds off! “It just kind of happened” to me too! Life got busy; exercise kept getting “reprioritized” as I promised I’d “get to it tomorrow,” until the scale let me know it was time to get back in shape. Even though it might seem like it, none of us have it easy. No matter what our vocation is in life, to “be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48) is difficult for all of us! I want to point out a few opportunities that are being offered for married couples so that the deterioration of their married love does not “just kind of happen” to them. The fifth Annual Married Couples retreat will take place Friday and Saturday, September 28-29 in Lanesboro. We are asking couples to book their own lodging (in one of Lanesboro’s many bed & breakfasts, perhaps?), and the retreat will take place at a beautiful, tranquil location outside

dential nominee, we can and should raise grave concerns about a confirmation process which is being grossly distorted by efforts to subject judicial nominees to a litmus test of support for Roe v. Wade. And we must pray. Each Friday, from August 3 - September 28, 2018, I urge all people of good will to join me in prayer that this change in the U.S. Supreme Court will move our nation closer to the day when every human being is protected in law and welcomed in life. The USCCB Call to Prayer network will share prayers and educational resources and an invitation to fast on Fridays for this intention. May Our Lady of Guadalupe intercede for the healing of our nation and our people from decades of abortion on demand. Call to Prayer materials will be accessible at Those wishing to join this nineweek prayer effort can sign up at www.usccb. org/pray to participate in this and subsequent Call to Prayer initiatives via email or text message.

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

of Lanesboro. The retreat will offer you and your spouse a unique opportunity to grow closer to one another as you both grow closer to God. The retreat directors will be Peter & Theresa Martin, and the theme of the weekend is Silence. Learn more at If you can’t make it to that retreat, Worldwide Marriage Encounter is offering two upcoming retreats: one in Kasson and one in Windom (see the ad for the date). Just as exercise and diet help to reverse the effects life can have on our bodies, a marriage retreat can help revitalize your relationship with your spouse! I can’t encourage marriage retreats enough! As I heard someone wise say recently: “It’s much cheaper than marriage counseling!” The annual Marriage Anniversary Mass takes place this year on Sunday, September 16, at Good Shepherd Church in Jackson. What a great way to celebrate your own marriage or that of your parents or grandparents! Anniversaries of all milestones are honored! Please register at!

Revealed Ben Frost

Director of Youth & Young Adults, Communications and Public Relations

�Steubenville uly 13-15, 2018, marked another transformative Conference for the Diocese of Winona-

Rochester. Nearly 300 of our students and chaperones joined forces with 1,800 other participants at the annual event, which takes place at the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester. The event started on a Friday with strong thunderstorms lingering in the early afternoon, but the weather could not detour the energy-filled teens. Four buses picked up participants from around the diocese, while other parishes met the larger group at the Civic Center. This year’s theme was Revealed, taken from 1 John 4:9:

In this way the love of God was revealed to us: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him.

The keynote speakers honed in on this verse throughout the conference. Those presenters included Sarah Swafford, founder of Emotional Virtue Ministries; Steve Angrisano, a Christian musician; Brian Greenfield, a speaker with Hard as Nails Ministries; Cooper Ray, a Christian musician; and Father John Burns, a priest for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Music was led by the band Sonar. This year’s conference also provided an opportunity for students to serve those in need through an initiative called Share the Glory, which benefited the Safe Haven Foster Shoppe, an organization that provides essential items to foster children. Currently, in Minnesota, more than 11,000 children are in foster care, and the items collected at Steubenville Rochester certainly will provide great relief. Highlights from this summer’s conference

included dynamic talks, powerful worship music, and, most importantly, an encounter with Jesus through prayer and Sacraments. Every day, confession lines stretched far as students encountered the mercy of God. Eucharistic adoration was offered through both main stage opportunities as well as a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament reserved. Mass was offered every day, with a good number of priests concelebrating. Bishop James Powers of the Diocese of Superior, Wisconsin, was present for a portion of the event and was the main celebrant at the Saturday Mass. Bishop Quinn also took time out of his schedule to support the students at Steubenville. He heard confessions on Saturday night and was the main celebrant at the closing Mass on Sunday. During his homily, he encouraged the young people to make Jesus their most important priority, as he related to the gospel story of the apostles traveling from town to town with little baggage.

Youth & Young Adults



“Sometimes, like in the gospel, we start going out with too much” he told the participants. “What is it these three days have told you to let go of? What is it you need to leave behind? What is it that is weighing you down?” He proceeded to invite the students to go forth from the event with changed hearts. Like the apostles going two by two, Quinn invited the students to build community with each other and grow as disciples of Jesus. The Steubenville Youth Conference in Rochester continues to be a great source of grace for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. The event continues to grow as many new parishes consider attending. The diocesan youth office invites you and your parish to join us for future conferences. This event will have a great impact on your child’s faith and infuse life into the local youth program. For more information about Steubenville, contact the youth office at the diocese or visit

August, 2018 w The Courier

Our Mother and Our Model

10 � Vocations

his month we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary on August 15. As Catholics, we believe that Mary was assumed into Heaven at the end of the course of her life. Her entire body and soul was assumed by God into the heavenly realm. This incredible truth follows the logic that death is a result of sin. Death causes the soul to separate from the body at the moment of one’s passing from this life, but in Mary, who was without sin, this did not take place. Mary’s Assumption is a great sign of hope for believers in that, even at the end of our lives, God has a plan to bring us to Himself. Let us strive to be without sin so we might attain that perfect union with God fulfilled in Heaven! As the seminarians finish their summer assignments this month and return to seminary, and as our new seminarians begin their journey of discernment of God’s call to the priesthood, I ask your prayers for these young men who have given their “Fiat” to God. Like Mary, they are conforming their will to that of God’s and surrendering their plans to the plans of the Master. Often this journey is filled with questions and difficulties that arise because of human weakness. Your prayers aid in helping calm the fears and dispel the


cont'd from pg. 1 despite my sins and weaknesses, the Lord is asking me to give my life completely to Him, holding nothing back. This is, in fact, what all Christians are called to do, but a consecrated virgin lives as a bride of Christ in a more radical and visible way. She lives a life dedicated to Christ and His Church, as a sign of the Church’s love for Christ and a reminder of the heavenly wedding banquet in the world to come. Although I was born and baptized in Wisconsin, I grew up in Rochester, where I was homeschooled and where my family attended Holy Spirit Parish. It was after reading Surprised by Truth - stories of 11 converts to the Catholic Faith - when I was in high school that I desired to learn more about the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church, and why she believed what she did. Thus, I attended the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, graduating with a double major in Catholic Studies and Music. During this time I not only intellectually learned more about Catholicism, but my spiritual life deepened as well. I began to go to daily Mass, pray the rosary, participate in Eucharistic Adoration, more frequently go to Confession, and began spiritual direction. Spending a semester studying in Rome was especially formative, as it immersed me in an environment steeped in Catholicism, and I was surrounded by students who were serious about their faith, including many who were discerning the priesthood or religious life. To this day, some of my closest friends are those with whom I studied in Rome. But it wasn’t until after I graduated from college that I first heard of consecrated virginity, and even then I didn’t consider it as something to which the Lord might be calling me. However, during the year between graduating from college and starting graduate school, I spent an increasing amount of time in prayer, especially in Eucharistic Adoration. It was at the end of this year that I distinctly sensed the Lord calling me to be a consecrated virgin. I had not thought of consecrated virginity since first hearing about it several months prior, nor had I seriously considered entering any form of consecrated life up to that point in my life. Nonetheless, the call was clear, and I was sure that the Lord was calling me to be His bride as a consecrated virgin. At that time, however, I was preparing to move across the country to begin graduate school. Since con-

August, 2018 w The Courier

Rev. Jason Kern Director of Vocations

lies of the enemy who attacks with discouragement and doubt. Mary’s victory in the Assumption reminds us of her powerful role in the mystery of salvation and her power over the sin and suffering in this life. By growing closer to Our Lady you grow closer to the fullness of grace that is poured out into the world through Mary by the Father. The Father gave us Mary as our Mother and our model to show us how to live united to Jesus, her son and Lord. We look to Mary now and always as our intercessor and as our Heavenly Mother who protects her children and aids us with the graces of her Son in incredible ways. As you pray for our seminarians this month through the intercession of Our Lady, please also read the great articles about Consecrated Virginity and Leandra Hubka who will consecrate her virginity to the heart of Jesus next month! This beautiful ceremony will take place at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart; you are welcome to come! God has given us another gift in this vocation to consecrated life and Leandra will serve the church throughout her life in whatever manner God calls her. Please keep Leandra in your prayers.

secrated virginity is meant to be lived in a particular diocese under the diocesan bishop, I did not initially approach any diocese about my vocation. Instead, I began to live a life of prayer and service to the Church while pursuing graduate studies and working part-time, trusting that if I was indeed called to be a consecrated virgin, my desire to live this way of life would continue, and my vocation would fall into place in God’s timing. Thus, while busy with school, I also continued going to daily Mass; began praying the Liturgy of the Hours, the official prayer of the Church prayed by priests and religious; took time every day to be with the Lord in prayer; prayed the rosary; continued meeting with my spiritual director; regularly went to Confession; and was active in various ministries in my parish. During this time, I did consider other vocations, including both active and contemplative religious life, and the possibility of marriage. However, I always found myself realizing those other vocations were not right for me, and I would inevitably come back to the vocation of consecrated virginity lived in the world. Ever since I had begun to purposefully live the lifestyle of a consecrated virgin, it seemed to fit like a glove, and I felt very much at peace with living and serving the Lord in that way. After moving back to Minnesota in 2013, I began to formally inquire about the possibility of becoming a consecrated virgin in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. After speaking with a few priests, and working with the Vocations Director, Bishop Quinn accepted me as a candidate for consecrated virginity in the summer of 2015. During the past three years of formation, I have deepened my knowledge about consecrated virginity in particular, consecrated life in general, and how a life of consecrated virginity is concretely lived in the world. Additionally, since a consecrated virgin living in the world is to be of service to the local Church according to the wishes of her bishop and her gifts and talents, I not only serve the Church through my job at the diocese as an administrative assistant, but I also am active in my parish, the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, in a variety of ways. Now that I am about to be consecrated, I can say without a doubt that the Lord in His providence has led me to this vocation of consecrated virginity and has prepared me for it in countless ways. I am indebted to the Lord for His mercy and to all the people He has placed in my life to help me discern and respond to His call to give myself to Him as His bride. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine being where I am today, but I would not have it any other way. I am truly blessed!

The Rite of Consecration in 6 Steps By JENNA COOPER The Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity is a solemn constitutive blessing, meaning that it establishes the one who receives it as a “sacred person” within the Church. The consecration of a virgin always takes place during a Mass, and must be celebrated by a bishop. Although the Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity is its own unique ceremony, some parts of it are similar to a wedding and other parts are parallel to an ordination. Because consecrated virginity is a vocation deeply connected with the local diocesan Church, ordinarily it takes place in the Cathedral. Likewise, since consecrated virginity is meant not only for the benefit of the one to be consecrated, but also for the good of the whole Christian community, the faithful are always invited to attend. The main parts of the Rite of Consecration are: The Calling of the Candidate – The bishop calls the candidate by name, and she responds with a verse taken from the Old Testament book of Daniel: Now with all my heart I follow you, I reverence you and seek your presence. Lord, fulfill my hope: show me your loving kindness, the greatness of your mercy. Often the candidate will take up a lighted candle, as a reference to the wise virgins of the parable in Matthew 25:1-13. Once the candidate is called forward, she moves from her seat in the main part of the Church to one within or nearer to the sanctuary, symbolizing the fact that she is now to be set apart for a sacred purpose. The Bishop’s Questions – Following the homily, the bishop asks the candidate the following questions: •

Are you resolved to persevere to the end of your days in the holy state of virginity and in the service of God and his Church?

Are you resolved to follow Christ in the spirit of the Gospel that your whole life may be a faithful witness to God’s love and a convincing sign of the kingdom of heaven?

Are you resolved to accept solemn consecration as a bride of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

By answering “I am” to each question, the candidate shows the bishop and the assembled community her desire to be consecrated and her willingness to embrace the responsibilities of her vocation. The Litany of the Saints – Once the candidate has stated her intention to be consecrated, the Litany of the Saints is sung. The version used in the Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity includes special prayers for the virgin to be consecrated, her family, and all those in consecrated life. Usually during the litany, the candidate lies face down in front of the altar as a dramatic sign of her desire to offer her entire life to God. The Propostitum – After the Litany of the Saints, the candidate kneels before the bishop, places her hands in his, and says: Father, receive my resolution to follow Christ in a life of perfect chastity which, with God’s help, I here profess before you and God’s holy people. This action is called the “propostitum,” which roughly translated from Latin means “holy resolution.” The propostium is a more ancient precursor to the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience that today’s nuns and religious Sisters make. The Prayer of Consecration – The most important and most beautiful part of the Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity is the prayer of consecration itself. A pious tradition holds that this prayer was originally written by St. Matthew the Apostle, but what is known for sure is that the wording of this prayer has remained almost unchanged for thousands of years. Presenting the Symbols of Consecration – After the prayer of consecration, the newly-consecrated virgin is presented with three symbols of her vocation: a veil, as a sign of her consecration; a ring, to show that she is now a bride of Christ; and a book containing the prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours, to remind her of her new obligation to “pray without ceasing” for the Church and the salvation of the world.

What Is a Jenna Cooper

Tribunal Coordinator & Judge

consecrated virgins normally remain within the diocese where they were consecrated, they prayerfully intercede for the needs of the diocese in a special way, and they dedicate themselves to the service of the local Church. Historical Background

�anon 604 in our current Code of Canon Law describes consecrated virgins as women who:

…expressing the holy resolution of following Christ more closely, are consecrated to God by the diocesan bishop according to the approved liturgical rite, are mystically betrothed to Christ, the Son of God, and are dedicated to the service of the Church.

S co t. C ns e ec ci ra lia te w d vir as gin a .

That is, most fundamentally, a consecrated virgin is a woman who, out of love for God, renounces the possibly of marriage and family life in order to give her entire heart to Jesus in a radical way. The Church considers a consecrated virgin to be a “bride of Christ” because she freely offers herself, and all the love she would have given to a husband and children, to Christ alone for the glory of God and the salvation of His people. Often we think of nuns or religious Sisters as traditionally called “brides of Christ,” but one unique aspect of the vocation of consecrated virginity is that consecrated virgins are consecrated by the bishop as a part of the diocese, rather than professing vows to a religious superior as part of a religious community. Because of this,

Ask a Canon Lawyer

Consecrated Virgin?


Consecrated virginity actually is the oldest recognized form of consecrated life in the Catholic Church, predating religious life by several centuries. The choice of life-long virginity is praised several places in the New Testament, and one of our earliest references to consecrated virgins as a distinct group within the Church can be found in St. Ignatius of Antioch’s letter to the Smyrnaeans, written around the year 100 A.D. Later Church Fathers, such as St. Cyprian and St. Ambrose, wrote extensive treatises on this form of consecrated life, and primitive versions of the Rite Jenna was consecrated in New York, 2009. of Consecration to a Life of Virginity appear in our oldest written liturgical records. Well-known consecrated virgins from the early Church include the prayerfully discern the best way to serve the Church martyrs St. Agnes, St. Agatha, St. Cecilia, and St. Lucy. in conversation with their bishop, each consecrated Before it was historically possible for a woman virgin taking into account her own unique gifts and to enter a religious order and become a nun, she talents as well as the specific needs of her diocese. could offer her life to God as a consecrated virgin. Another one of a consecrated virgin’s most But with the rise of monastic religious life beginprimary obligations is prayer. Consecrated virgins ning in the sixth century A.D., the practice of conattend daily Mass wherever this is possible, and secrating women living “in the world,” or spend time in silent personal prayer each day. outside of monasteries, gradually fell But, in particular, consecrated virgins Do into disuse until it was discontinhave a special duty to pray the Divine you que ued in the Middle Ages. However, Office, also called the Liturgy of the h cano s t i o n ave a the Rite of Consecration to a Hours. The Liturgy of the Hours is n la abo you u w Life of Virginity was preserved the official prayer of the Church, t that to s w o u l d for posterity by a handful of which is made up of psalms e h e r e answ l i k e religious orders, who continand other Scripture passages, j c o o e ? E m ered ued to use this special liturwhich is meant to be prayed at per@ a gical ceremony in conjunci certain specific times each day. l with dow . tion with their contemplative o At her consecration, a conse" que C o u r i rg nuns’ solemn profession of crated virgin is presented with stio e r n" the vows. a breviary (the book which coni n subj In the twentieth century tains the prayers of the Divine ect line there was a great interest in Office), and she is formally com. restoring some of the liturgical missioned to pray in the name of practices of the Church’s first few the Church. centuries, and one result of this was that the Vatican II document Sacrosanctum The Value of Consecrated Virginity Concilium called for a restoration of the Rite of A consecrated virgin can bring many blessings to Consecration. So in a situation somewhat simiher diocese, first of all by her prayers, but also in lar to the re-introduction of permanent deaher life of service. However, on a more fundamental cons, the vocation of consecrated virginity level, the real “purpose” of consecrated virginity is lived “in the world” was restored to the to remind the whole Church that our greatest goal in life of the modern Church. life is to be united with God in Heaven forever. By living as a spouse of Christ, a consecrated Way of Life virgin anticipates what will be the reality for all the faithful in Heaven, where they “neither marry The Rite of Consecration states nor are given in marriage but are like the angels” that consecrated virgins are called (Matthew 22:30). to spend their time “in works of Consecrated virgins serve as a witness and penance and of mercy, in aposreminder to the fact that Christ is the ultimate fulfilltolic activity and in prayer, ment, not only of the longings of the human heart, according to their state of life but also of all time and history. Like the Bride in the and spiritual gifts.” Concretely, book of Revelation, consecrated virgins are called this means that although conto love Christ so completely that their whole lives secrated virgins don’t all have constantly echo the cry: “Come, Lord Jesus!” (cf. one common mission such Revelation 22:17, 20) as teaching or nursing, they

August, 2018 w The Courier

Catholic Schools


RCS Welcomes

Haidee Todora! Submitted by CATHY FOX-DILLON

fter conducting a national search and extensive application process for highly qualified candidates, Rochester Catholic Schools (RCS) was very pleased to welcome Mrs. Haidee Todora to the RCS leadership Team to serve as the director of schools, effective June 1, 2018. "It is with great excitement and enthusiasm that I accept the position as director of Rochester Catholic Schools. My mission is to teach and model our Catholic faith while mentoring and guiding our youth. I look forward to working with my new RCS family to develop the unique gifts of each and every child. I am truly honored and accepting of God's plan for me in this next phase of my life,” said Mrs. Todora. Mrs. Todora comes to RCS from St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School in Port Arthur, TX, where she has served since 2007, leading as principal since 2011. She credits her administrative successes to the University of Dallas, where she received her training and Catholic Education Leadership Certification; her affiliation with the University of Notre Dame and the Latino Enrollment Institute; and completion of the Catholic School Management's Strategic Management and Development program. Mrs. Todora has served as the chairperson for the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department accreditation team and as a mentor principal for the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE, University of Notre Dame). She holds a Master of Science in kinesiology from Lamar University, as well as a Master Certification in fit-

Self-Control, cont'd from pg. 1

al excellence for every child in America via quality research, analysis, and commentary. It is often described as a conservative think-tank. While the study is encouraging, CATO Institute expert Corey A. DeAngelis warns that it is not causal, (as there was no real way to create a control group), and there could be other factors for a child’s good behavior than the type of school he or she attends. Still, DeAngelis says there are reasons to believe that Catholic schools in particular could provide an environment to develop a sense of selfdiscipline. “Religious schools may have a competitive advantage at shaping character skills because students are not just held accountable to teachers – they are also held accountable to God,” DeAnglis told CNA. August, 2018 w The Courier

Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

ness and human performance from the University of Houston. She is a recipient of the 2017 NCEA (National Catholic Education Association) Lead, Learn, Proclaim Award. Devoted to the teachings of the Gospels, Mrs. Todora has been endorsed by the Church of St. Catherine of Siena as a valued and involved member in good-standing. Impressively, Mrs. Todora's most recent accomplishment is managing disaster recovery and reconstruction efforts for Hurricane Harvey, which devastated her school and community this past year. With a diverse and distinct background, Mrs. Todora brings a wealth of knowledge and has been credited with increasing enrollment and reducing deficit through sound education prac-

DeAngelis also speculates that the close-knit nature of many Catholic schools could foster an environment which would further benefit its students. “Children are more likely to feel engaged and interested in a school with a strong school culture,” he explained. One Catholic school system with a strong culture is the Cristo Rey Network. Cristo Rey schools exclusively serve underprivileged students, and the majority of its students are students of color. Its unique Corporate Work Study Program puts Cristo Rey students to work in an office environment to pay their tuition. The average Cristo Rey student is about two grade levels behind their peers, but despite this, about 90 percent of graduates will enroll in college. Cristo Rey Network CEO Elizabeth Goettl credits the high standards set by Catholic educators for this result. “Catholic school students may exhibit more self-discipline and self-control than their peers in other schools because of the consistent and high

tices integrated with Catholic values, mission and traditions. Known for her positive and motivational leadership style, she is committed to offering a myriad of learning styles to adjust teaching strategies to meet the needs of each child. With confidence, RCS Trustees Co-Chair Fr. Peter Schuster shared, “On behalf of the entire Rochester Catholic Schools system, I want to welcome Haidee Todora as the director of schools. We are delighted with her enthusiasm, passion, proven leadership, and strong sense of Catholic identity in moving RCS into the future. Let us all keep Haidee in prayer and wish her well as she embarks on her new journey in the Rochester community.” A career athlete, Haidee (pronounced “Heidi”) is also a personal fitness trainer and enjoys exercise, sports and coaching young people. Haidee and her husband, Ray, have one son, Collin, a senior student at Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School. When the Todora family is not visiting potential colleges in the great white north, they are fans and caddies for Collin on the golf course as he competes in tournaments. In conjunction with the Diocese of Winona-Rochester and RCS Leadership, Mrs. Todora is looking forward to serving the RCS community in continuing the strong legacy and deep traditions of Catholic schools. Cathy Fox-Dillon is director of schools administrative support for Rochester Catholic Schools. expectations set for such behaviors by all of the adults in the school,” Goettl said. These behaviors are then modeled by older students as well as teachers, which Goettl believes has a trickle-down effect on other students. The Fordham Institute’s study is positive news for those in favor of school choice programs. Sr. Dale McDonald, PBVM, Ph.D., the director of public policy and educational research at the National Catholic Educational Association, told CNA that she supports these programs, as “the child should not be punished for the parents’ inability to pay.” DeAngelis, the CATO expert, had similar thoughts. “We already allow well-to-do families to send their children to religious schools. We shouldn’t prevent disadvantaged groups from sending their kids to religious schools just because they do not have the financial means,” he told CNA. “Poor families should be able to freely exercise their religions even if they need a voucher to do so.”

New Solutions Make Our Schools

Mary Hamann

Safe Environment Program Manager

�ur schools must remain proactive instead of

reactive when dealing with incidents of inappropriate behavior that lead to avoidable issues. When we maintain an environment in which students are comfortable sharing their concerns about their school climate, we gain the ability to address issues early on, before they spiral out of control. With this in mind, the Diocese of WinonaRochester will roll out the STOPit K12 Solution (for incident reporting) and STOPit Incident Monitoring Service (for incident management) in our Catholic schools for grades 3 through 12 in the fall of 2018. STOPit describes its K12 Solution as the easy, fast, and anonymous mobile app for students. With this phone app, students can: • Report incidents anonymously

• Submit photo or video evidence

• Communicate anonymously with administrators with STOPit Messenger

• Stand up for themselves and their peers without risk of reprisal

Students download the app on their phones, which allows them to report anonymously any improper behavior, pictures, texts etc. to their school's central location. A web app or phone hotline service can also be used to report any bad or unsafe activity in case a cell phone is not available. 100% anonymous, 100% of the time. Students can report any behavior that causes concern for one's well-being, including: • Bullying/Cyberbullying

• Inappropriate Student/Teacher Relationships • Violence/Threats • Hazing

• Weapons Possession • Substance Abuse

• Intolerance/Discrimination • Self-Harm

STOPit is also a powerful deterrent, leading students to think twice before making bad decisions.

STOPit Incident Monitoring Service (IMS) ensures your urgent reports are acted on immediately, managed by a team of trained professionals. STOPit IMS features:

• 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year monitoring • Reporters who remain anonymous

• IMS operators who will provide the maximum amount of information possible to law enforcement, to enable them to conduct an investigation based on the anonymous information • English and Spanish operators standard, with more languages available upon request

Bishop John Quinn’s devotion to the funding of these two programs demonstrates his support of the Safe Environment Program for all of our students and young people. In addition to the Circle of Grace program, which educates our students to recognize their own personal boundaries, this anti-bullying (anti-bad behavior) app now provides students additional opportunities to report unsafe experiences and behaviors. STOPit is one more avenue for us to demonstrate our commitment to a safe environment in our Catholic schools.

the cries A Prayer for Healing Victims of Abuse �earsisters

�od of endless love, ever caring, ever strong, always present, always just: You gave your only Son to save us by his blood on the cross.

Safe Environment

Safer Than Ever


�entle Jesus, shepherd of peace,

join to your own suffering the pain of all who have been hurt in body, mind, and spirit by those who betrayed the trust placed in them.

of our brothers and

who have been gravely harmed, and the cries of those who love them. Soothe their restless hearts with hope, steady their shaken spirits with faith. Grant them justice for their cause, enlightened by your truth.

oly Spirit, comforter of hearts, heal your people's wounds and transform brokenness into wholeness. Grant us the courage and wisdom, humility and grace, to act with justice. Breathe wisdom into our prayers and labors. Grant that all harmed by abuse may find peace in justice. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. ©2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops August, 2018 w The Courier

Catholic Charities

Active Aging Programs Are 14

Changing Lives

�he Active Aging Programs of Catholic Charities of Southern MN (CCSOMN) are

providing health and wellness opportunities and experiences that are changing lives. The programs are evidencebased, which means that they have been researched and studied, and have proven outcomes to help build peoples’ confidence in managing their health conditions, to increase physical activity levels and to reduce health care costs. Programs serve all people, regardless of faith tradition, and are free of charge. The overall goal of these programs is to improve the quality of life and help people live independently longer. The programs are offered in 35 communities throughout the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, quickly expanding to additional communities and on track to serve nearly 1,800 participants in 2018. Exercise programs are some of the most popular classes available. Trained leaders provide SAIL (Staying Active & Independent for Life), Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program, A Matter of Balance and Fit & Strong! Each program provides exercises to improve strength, flexibility and endurance, along with social connections, and some also help problemsolve and provide education. One SAIL participant said, “The class is fun to socialize. I enjoy laughing with the leaders and the group. It is a positive experience in every way and helps me maintain my strength.” Others found they are stronger and able to do more daily activities that used to be hard for them. Another SAIL participant said, “SAIL has made a

August, 2018 w The Courier

huge difference in my life! I am strong and have better balance. I can do household projects with more ease; cleaning and painting are not a problem for me now. SAIL has made a positive impact on my mental and physical wellbeing.” Participants of these programs are encouraged to work at their own pace by increasing activity and modifying exercises to meet their ability. For those who want to learn ways to better manage their own health, Active Aging Programs include health and wellness classes that support caregivers and those managing ongoing health conditions. These interactive classes provide tools to better care for yourself and the complex symptoms and issues people face, whether managing their own health or caring for someone else. Melissa has struggled to manage chronic pain, and recently became a trained leader in Living Well with Chronic Conditions and Living Well with Chronic Pain. After being discharged from an outpatient pain rehabilitation program, Melissa felt she needed more support to actively cope and manage her pain at home. She was introduced to the Living Well programs and found that the programs offered a toolkit of strategies that she could use to manage her pain at home. This remarkable discovery has helped Melissa better manage her pain and maintain a better quality of life. Melissa leads classes in her community and is passionate to share the toolkit with others to help manage their conditions. The Powerful Tools for Caregiver classes are transformative for many participants. Leaders report that participants have discovered better communication techniques to use with the loved ones they are caring for. By using “I” messages, rather than the more accusing “you” messages, and the Aikido style of communication, participants are finding it easier to talk with their loved ones and express themselves.

Diana Madsen

Associate Director of Active Aging Programs Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota

The classes have helped participants understand that caring for a spouse or loved one with a chronic condition often changes what has been normal in a relationship. By realizing new normal patterns, they can increase patience in caring for and improve communication with loved ones. Active Aging Programs offer opportunities for adults to improve their health and remain independent in their homes longer. Many programs are already scheduled in local communities, but if you are interested in hosting a program in your community, please contact our staff. Volunteers are the key to the success of our programs, and volunteerism promotes positive well-being. If you enjoy helping others and you are comfortable being in front of a group, or you have an interest in health and wellness, then you might be a candidate to become a program leader. CCSOMN provides free training, supports volunteers, and recognizes volunteers in their role serving others. As an added incentive, mileage reimbursement and supplemental insurance is also available. The Active Aging Programs are funded, in part, by a Live Well at Home Grant provided by the MN Department of Human Services, as well as the Corporation for National & Community Service, MN Board on Aging and Greater Mankato Area United Way. For questions about these programs, to find a program near you and request one in your community, or to volunteer, please see our website at www. or contact Diana Madsen at 507-459-0426 or

Jason Adkins

Executive Director Minnesota Catholic Conference

resident Trump has selected Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court left by Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement. Unless something damaging emerges from his background, Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed. Judge Kavanaugh has highlighted the importance of his Catholic faith in his personal life. But he will likely indicate in his confirmation hearing that his faith convictions do not and should not have an impact on his judicial decision-making. He will stipulate that when deciding cases, it is his responsibility to say what the law is, not what it should be. His nomination raises the question whether there can be such a thing as a Catholic judge? Or is good judging merely a matter of technical skill, like fishing, where one’s religion has no role in the task? Transcending Today’s Judicial Politics

The Church (in the United States) does not support or oppose candidates for office, including judges. Catholics can, however, turn to Church tradition for guidance in arriving at their own conclusions about the merits of candidates. Here, as on many topics, St. Thomas Aquinas provides remarkable wisdom. As a judge’s main responsibility is to apply the law to specific cases, the interpretive methods a judge uses to identify the applicable legal rule are paramount. According to St. Thomas, judges should judge according to the law as written, noting that the act of judging is nothing other than rendering a decision about what is just (ST II-II, q. 60, art. 5). The written law is an attempt to codify acts that are just by their nature or by agreement among persons. Quoting St. Augustine, St. Thomas highlights that once a legislator establishes the law, “judges may judge no longer of them, but according to them.” In other words, ignoring the written law usurps the legislator’s role in determining what is just when the written laws are created. But, St. Thomas continues, “[j]ust as the written law does not give force to natural right, so neither can it diminish or annul its force, because neither can man’s will change nature.” Therefore, “if the written law contains anything contrary to the natural right, it is unjust and has no binding force.” In cases of unjust laws, or those laws that when observed perpetrate an injustice contrary

to nature in their effects, St. Thomas says that “judgement should be delivered, not according to the letter of the law, but according to the equity which the lawgiver has in view.” Here, St. Thomas transcends all the contemporary legal debates about, for example, “originalism,” “textualism,” “legal realism,” and the “living constitution.” Depending on their judicial office, judges are not necessarily mere legal technicians—umpires calling balls and strikes, in Chief Justice Roberts’s famous analogy. Judges can also be agents of equity. To do justice means that a judge must, on occasion, correct inequity, whether it is perpetrated directly by a statute, or in its effects. To do so effectively, however, means the judge must have the character, knowledge, and wisdom to be an agent of justice and equity. The judge’s equitable power is not an invitation to lawlessness.

15 Faith in the Public Arena

A Catholic Judge?

A Catholic Judge?

So where does that leave Judge Kavanaugh? Is he a Catholic judge, or a judge who happens to be Catholic? Liberal senators and activists committed to preserving the abortion license, and intuitively grasping that judges, inevitably, impose normative values on legal rules, will grill Judge Kavanaugh about his Catholicism, because they fear it will threaten cherished legal victories related to, among other things, abortion and same-sex marriage. Conservatives will howl that this is an impermissible religious test for public office. But a judge’s religion, personal convictions, and background are relevant if a judge is required to authoritatively render judgments to achieve justice. Supreme Court nominees are wise to skillfully sidestep them, but the questions, rightly directed, are not out of bounds. These questions should not, however, descend into bigotry, and politicians who overstep the bounds of civility or respect should be held accountable. Judge Kavanaugh, like the other Catholics who have served on the Supreme Court, will have to forge his own jurisprudence and reconcile his faith commitments and role as a judge. A Catholic judge serves with virtue and does not perpetrate injustice in rendering decisions. But there is no specifically “Catholic” theory of legal interpretation, and no prescribed Catholic handbook for being a judge. Still, Judge Kavanaugh and other Catholic jurists may consider rediscovering the wisdom of St. Thomas to transcend yet another false either/or dichotomy in contemporary politics.

Join Catholics across the United States for nine weeks of prayer, fasting, and education from Friday, August 3, to Friday, September 28. This “Call to Prayer” initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops leads up to the start of the next Supreme Court session (the first Monday in October). The focus is on prayer and fasting for an end to abortion while educating the public about how the Roe V. Wade decision is not health care, is bad law, and fails women. You can register today by visiting www. to receive a weekly email or text reminder to pray and fast along with a fact about Roe to share with others, including your two U.S. senators. August, 2018 w The Courier


World Youth Day Seal of Confession Contest Welcomes C h a l l e n g e d i n Australia Catholic Filmmakers

In the World

PANAMA CITY, PANAMA, Jul 23, 2018 (CNA) - A Catholic film ministry has opened a contest for the 2019 World Youth Day to encourage young cinematographers to create short movies promoting truth, beauty, and goodness. “We’re looking for any opportunity to nurture the next generation of young movie makers, video artists, and those looking to showcase their story through the powerful medium of film,” said Suzanne Haugh, founder and director of Goodness Reigns. The name of the contest is “Share the Story,” and includes four categories – top film for teens 18 and under, top film for adults over 18, best video with original music, and best profile of a current charity or missionary. The winner of each category will receive $1,000. The contest is officially part of the World Youth Day 2019 in Panama City, Panama. Selected films will be shown at the youth event on January 22-27. The films can be up to 7 minutes long, and submissions for all categories are due by midnight October 15. The submissions will be critiqued based on the filmmakers’ ability to communicate the message, engage with youth, develop

August, 2018 w The Courier

original content, and prompt reflection. The topics may include teachings of the Church, the lives of the saints, and stories from the bible. The films may also portray the sacraments, social justice concerns, and missionary outreach. Goodness Reigns, a Kentucky-based organization, has participated in the previous three World Youth Days in Madrid, Rio, and Kraków. Organizers said the contest promotes a “missionary dynamism,” and also helps filmmakers improve their craft and build connections. “If we can also help connect these budding directors to industry professionals who can help improve their craft or technique, then that’s a bonus!” said Haughs. A contest winner in 2011, Gabriel Castillo is one of those people. In addition to sharing spiritual reflections on a YouTube channel for more than 10 years, Castillo developed Goodness Reigns Film School – a free, online resource for cinema instruction. “Sometimes it’s about knowing that as an aspiring filmmaker, you are not alone,” said Castillo. “Goodness Reigns has fostered an amazing community of young filmmakers, who can share their ideas – and their faith – with World Youth Day and the Church as a whole.” More information about the “Share the Story” contest can be found at

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, Jul 12, 2018 (CNA/EWTN News) - The Australian state of Victoria has said a recommendation by the royal commission that it pass a law requiring priests to break the confessional seal to report cases of child sex abuse requires further consideration. Victoria attorney general Martin Pakula said July 11 that the government needs to further consider 24 of the 317 recommendations made to the state by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Pakula said the state government accepted 128 recommendations, and another 165 in principle, according to The Guardian. He told ABC radio that the proposal to require the breaking of the seal of confession “needs a degree of national agreement.” The Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, and Tasmania have already adopted laws making it illegal for priests to fail to report the confession of a child sex abuse crime. In South Australia, priests who fail to report child sex abuse which they learned of while hearing a confession will face a AUD 10,000 fine ($7,400) beginning Oct. 1. Like Victoria, New South Wales is subjecting that recommendation to further consideration, though it accepted 336 of the royal commission's recommendations. The New South Wales government said last month that “whether or how the offence will apply to members of the clergy where the information about an offence was gathered through religious confessions is a complex issue that has been referred to the Council of Attorney's-General for national consideration.” The Catholic Church in Australia has vehemently opposed the imposition of laws mandating reporting from the confessional. Many priests have said they would go to jail before violating the seal. The Code of Canon Law states that “The sacramental seal is inviolable; therefore it is absolutely forbidden for a confessor to betray in any way a penitent in words or in any manner and for any reason.” A priest who intentionally violates the seal incurs an automatic excommunication. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “every priest who hears confessions is bound under severe penalties to keep absolute secrecy regarding the sins that his penitents have confessed to him,” due to the “delicacy and greatness of this ministry and the respect due to persons.” Archbishop Christopher Prowse of Canberra-Goulburn has said that “Priests are bound by a sacred vow to maintain the seal of confession. Without that vow, who would be willing to unburden themselves of their sins?” “The government threatens religious freedom by appointing itself an expert on religious practices and by attempting to change the sacrament of confession while delivering no improvement in the safety of children,” he said. “Sadly, breaking the seal of confession won’t prevent abuse and it won’t help our ongoing efforts to improve the safety of children in Catholic institutions.” Archbishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney has said that “priests will, we know, suffer punishment, even martyrdom, rather than break the seal of Confession,” which he called “a privileged encounter between penitent and God.” Clerics are not the only critics of the new legislation. Andrew Wall, a member of the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly, said forcing priests to break the seal of confession oversteps an individual’s “freedom of association, freedom of expression and freedom of religious rights.”

Study Questions Shroud of Turin Authenticity



In the World

ROME ITALY, Jul 18, 2018 (CNA/EWTN News) - A study on the Shroud of Turin based on bloodstain pattern analysis used to investigate crime scenes has sparked fresh debate on what is believed to be Christ's burial cloth, saying the marks left by the blood flow are not authentic. The study, “A BPA Approach to the Shroud of Turin,” was published July 10 in the Journal of Forensic Sciences. In comments to CNA, the leading author, Dr. Matteo Borrini, said that after doing extensive experiments, the results show that bloodstains flowing from Christ's wrists and a spot where he was stabbed in the side with a spear “are not the blood stains of a man who was crucified.” The stains “are not realistic” in terms of the direction blood would flow from those type of wounds, he said, adding that he believes that “the stains were done artificially.” Professor Paolo Di Lazzaro, the director of research at the International Center of Sindonology in Turin, said Borrini's methods, while sound, would require more time and “specific attention” to details in order to be “scientifically valid and authoritative.” Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia of Turin noted that the study “does not affect the spiritual and religious meaning of the shroud as an icon of the Passion and death of the Lord,” adding that “no one can deny the evidence that contemplating the shroud is like reading the pages of the Gospel [and] tells us about the Passion and death of the Son of God.” Archbishop Nosiglia said numerous studies have been done which either prove or disprove the authenticity of the shroud. In 2017, for example, a study was done suggesting that the blood on the shroud was that of a "torture victim." However, regardless of the outcome of such research, the archbishop said the guiding principle of any research ought to be “neutrality.” “If one begins with a preconception and directs the research toward proving it, then it will easily be confirmed,” he said, adding that operating on the basis of a preconception “nullifies the neutrality proper to science with respect to personal convictions.” Borrini, a forensic anthropologist teaching at the Faculty Science of the the School of Natural Sciences and Psychology at the John Moores University in Liverpool, is Catholic and is an expert in bloodstain pattern analysis. Borrini collaborated in his research with Luigi Garlaschelli, a chemist and professor at the University of Pavia, who is also a member of the sceptic educational organization the Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Pseudosciences. Based on BPA (bloodstain pattern analysis) tactics used to analyze the shape and flow of bloodstains on objects, clothing or bodies involved in a crime scene, the study is the first to apply BPA techniques to the Shroud of Turin. Among the most well-known artifacts believed to be connected with Christ’s Passion, the Shroud of Turin has been venerated for centuries by Christians as the burial shroud of Christ, and has long been

subject to intense scientific study to ascertain its authenticity, and the origins of the image. Appearing on the 14-foot long, three-and-ahalf foot wide cloth is a faintly stained postmortem image of a man – front and back – who has been brutally tortured. The image becomes clear in a haunting photo negative. It has been venerated by thousands of pilgrims and numerous popes. Borrini and Garlaschelli first presented their study at the 2014 meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. The study was then read by a panel of anonymous experts in the field, who commented on the research and offered suggestions. The two were then required to respond to the comments made as part of their formal article on the study, which was reviewed by the same anonymous panel before its publication last week. As part of their research, Borrini and Garlaschelli conducted numerous experiments on both live human volunteers and mannequins using BPA methods, which use geometrical techniques to reconstruct the angle of the splatter from each drop of blood when it meets a surface. This method “is only physical, and morphological,” Borrini said, explaining that it focuses on “the study of the pattern, the shape of the bloodstain and the distribution of the bloodstains; the physical, geometric distribution.” “We tried to recreate the flow of the blood and the dripping of the blood from a wound. In this case, the wound from the wrist created by the nails, or the blood from the wound on the side, the wound that was directly done by the spear that was used on the torso of Jesus Christ according to the Gospels. So we reproduced the blood flowing from these two different wounds,” he said. To track the blood flow, they used a device created to represent arteries and veins which had been damaged by a nail during a crucifixion, and analyzed what direction the liquid, which represented blood, would go and what pattern it would make. While some might argue that the speed of blood flow or a person's health might impact the pattern of the stain, Borrini said that in this case, only the direction matters. “If the blood were dripping slower or faster, this would not affect the direction,” he said. “The direction of the blood flow is affected by the position of the body and of course by gravity, because of course,

any liquids or solids move according to gravity, so they have to follow the law of gravity.” This “is why we realized there was an inconsistency in some of the stains, because some of the stains apparently did not follow gravity.” For example, Borrini said some of the results showed that the man whose image is imprinted on the shroud would have had to be standing vertical, rather than horizontal, for the blood flow patterns to make sense. “For me the shroud is not authentic,” he said, but stressed that he is a Catholic who has taught at several pontifical universities, “and I maintain that we do not need the shroud in order to be Christians, to be Catholic.” “I did this study, I reached this conclusion, and I feel absolutely in line with the thought of the Catholic Church, and I continue to be strong in my Catholic faith.” “If someone thinks that I did this work because I am an atheist, it is absolutely untrue,” he said, explaining that the study was balanced, because while he is Catholic, Garlaschelli, his research partner, is an atheist. However, despite Borrini's insistence on the validity of his scientific research, the results of his study were met with criticism. Di Lazzaro noted that studies with live human volunteers usually take place on people who are healthy and clean, he said, noting that blood might flow differently on someone who is dirty and who has been sweating, or who has been dehydrated. “It is not possible to think of reproducing realistic conditions of the way blood drips on the body of a crucifix without considering all of these factors, which influence in a strong way how blood drips,” he said. Nosiglia urged a different emphasis. “The shroud, which is an object of faith, helps faith itself because it opens the hearts of those who approach and contemplate it to be aware of what was the Passion of Jesus on the cross and therefore of the greatest love that he showed us by suffering terrible physical and moral violence for the salvation of the whole world,” Archbishop Nosiglia said. This, he said, is the reason that millions of people, both now and in the past, have come to the shroud from all over the world to venerate it and to pray, in order to “draw hope for their everyday life." August, 2018 w The Courier



In the Diocese

Sister Moira Tighe, 93, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Assisi Heights on June 29, 2018. Mary Margaret Tighe was born July 16, 1924, in St. James to Emmett and Mary (Mathews) Tighe. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1944 from St. James Parish in St. James. Sister Moira made first vows in 1947 and perpetual vows in 1950. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in dietetics from the College of St. Teresa, Winona, in 1947 and a Master’s Degree in institutional administration from Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, in 1958. She was a registered dietitian through the American Dietetic Association. S i s t e r Moira worked in dietetics at Mayo ClinicSaint Marys Hospital for 44 years. She served as a clinical dietitian (1947-50), administrative dietitian (1950-57), assistant director dietitian (1957-65), associate director of dietetics (1965-71) and director of dietetics and dietetic internship (1971-91). In 1998, Sister Moira was honored by the American Dietetics Association with a Recognition of Service Award for longtime contributions to the professional group. She retired in 1991 and continued to serve as a volunteer at St. Marys

until she moved to Assisi Heights in late 2017. Sister Moira is survived by her Franciscan Sisters, with whom she shared life for 73 years. She was preceded in death by her parents and two brothers: Fr. Emmett Tighe and Fr. John Tighe. A Funeral Mass was held Monday, July 9, 2018, in Lourdes Chapel at Assisi Heights. Burial was at Calvary Cemetery, Rochester. Memorials are suggested to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Mission Advancement, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901. Sister Lorraine Mosso, SSND, 92, professed in 1947, died July 4, 2018, at Good Counsel. A native of St. Paul, she entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame in 1944 and professed first vows in 1947. She served as an intermediate and upper grade teacher and principal, and worked with retired sisters and in other areas at Good Counsel. Her final years in ministry were spent first in human resources and then in activities at Regina Medical Center, Hastings. In the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, she taught at Sacred Heart in Heron Lake and St. Felix in Wabasha. She retired to Good Counsel in 2001. She is survived by her brothers Bill and Tom (Lois); her niece and nephews and their families; her friends, colleagues and former students; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates.

She was preceded in death by her parents, William and Lorain (Krumheuer) Mosso; and her brother, Earl. Her funeral liturgy, with Father Eugene Stenzel as presider, was held Thursday, July 12, in Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel, followed by burial of her cremains in the Good Counsel cemetery.

Sister Virgeen Ernster, 86, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Assisi Heights on July 7, 2018. Patricia Mary Ernster, was born December 24, 1931, in Caledonia to Ray and Philomena (Thery) Ernster. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1953 from St. Peter Parish in Caledonia. Sister Virgeen made first vows in 1955 and perpetual vows in 1958. She received a diploma in accounting from Winona Secretarial School in 1970 and a certificate in health care supervisory management from Winona Area Technical School in 1974. Sister Virgeen served as treasurer and/or business manager at several places in Minnesota: St. James Nursing Home, St. James; St. Anne Hospice of Winona; and Grace Home, Graceville. She also served as treasurer at St. Francis Convalescent Home in Denver, CO; Insurance Clerk at St. Joseph Hospital, Bloomington, IL; and financial aid assistant at the College of St. Teresa in Winona. Sister moved to Assisi Heights in 1989 and served as business office assistant for three years, before becoming treasurer for the Assisi Heights Community until her retirement. Sister Virgeen is survived by her Franciscan Sisters, with whom she shared life for 65 years; a sister, Virginia Albert of Caledonia; and several step-

Home at Last

nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents and a brother, Donald Ernster. A Funeral Mass was held Monday, July 16, 2018, at 11:00 in Lourdes Chapel at Assisi Heights. Burial was at Calvary Cemetery, Rochester. Memorials are suggested to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Mission Advancement, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901.

Sister Mary Butzer, SSND, 84, professed in 1954, died July 9, 2018, in St. Paul. A native of Mankato, she entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame in 1952 and professed first vows in 1954. She served as a primary, intermediate and upper grade teacher who also was responsible for school and parish music, worked with retired sisters and in other areas at Good Counsel, was involved in parish ministry, and, in retirement, in neighborhood outreach. In the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, she taught at Crucifixion, La Crescent; St. Mary, Madelia; and St. Joseph-St. John and SS. Peter & Paul, Mankato. She is survived by her brothers Paul, Karl, Luke, Stephen and Thomas; her sisters Susan Henning and Gretchen Jewison; her nieces and nephews and their families; her friends, colleagues and former students; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, John and Frances (Rock) Butzer; her brothers Jack, Mark and Matt; and her sister Judy Small. Her funeral liturgy, with Fr. Joseph Fogal as presider, was held Wednesday, July 18, in Our Lady of Good Counsel Chapel, followed by burial of her cremains in the Good Counsel cemetery.


August, 2018 w The Courier

EDGERTON--On Saturday, June 30, nearly 50 volunteers, Catholic Daughters officers, and friends gathered at the soon to be “Casa de las Casas” for the dedication of the Habitat House. This build in Edgerton by Habitat for Humanity had been an uphill battle. Well over 300 sweat equity hours were given by the Casas Family (the homebuyers) and so many others from St. Leo Parish, the communities of Edgerton and Pipestone, and friends. As an organization, the Minnesota Catholic Daughters of America raised $10,000 to assist with the build. At the time of this writing, the hope is that the family will be officially moved in by the third week of July. While the build and the cost overcame multiple hurdles and ups and downs,

Gracie and Hugo Casas and their family remain joyful and grateful for their new home, which was blessed by Msgr. Gerald Kosse and Sr. Anna Marie DeVos at the dedication. Pictured L to R: (row 1) Gen Lustfield, Patt Johnson, State Regent Evonne Seivert, First Vice State Regent Marlys Knuth, Second Vice State Regent Mary Pufall, State Secretary Bonnie

Hein, (row 2) Annette Weisbeck, Jean Eich, Elaine Fenicle, Rita Lear, (row 3) Jeaneen Nelson, Rosann Fenicle, Sue VanMoorlehem (obscured), Lynette Domeyer, Lenore Domeyer. Trish Johnson is the director of faith formation for the Tri-Parish of St. Joseph, St. Leo and St. Martin.

Rita Lear is a member of Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Queen of Peace #1558, Slayton.

Discernment, cont'd from pg. 2 cernment with the bishop, as is discussed in paragraph 88.” “It is not such cases, however, that are most common, and if the intention of paragraph 88 was to address situations such as rape, it could have done so directly, without compromising the essential and natural requirement of physical virginity for the consecration of a virgin.” “In our society, questions of eligibility for the consecration of virgins are raised by those who have given up their virginity, perhaps only one time, and who have later begun again to live an exemplary chaste life.” she said, saying the document “should have indicated that these women do not have the gift of virginity to offer to Christ.” “They may make a private vow of chastity, or enter another form of consecrated life, but the consecration of virgins is not open to them.” The association cited the introduction to the Rite of Consecration to a Life of Virginity, which consecrates a virgin as “bride of Christ” so that she might be “an eschatological image of the world to come and the heavenly Bride of Christ.” The association’s statement also acknowledged that the prerequisites for consecration are not changed by the instruction. Cooper also praised the instruction as “a very positive development for this vocation.” “One thing I’m particularly happy about is I think it does an excellent job articulating the values of this vocation for the wider Church,” she said. The Vatican estimates there are now more than 5,000 consecrated virgins worldwide.


We Ignited the Spirit Within Submitted by JEANETTE FORTIER

FAIRMONT--More than 120 women from the six dioceses of Minnesota attended the 20th Biennial Conference of the Province of St. Paul & Minneapolis, June 25-26, in Fairmont. The event began with leadership training provided by members of the National Council of Catholic Women, and featured outstanding performances for CCW-We’ve Got Talent; dynamic speakers: former NCCW President Sheila Hopkins (on NCCW’s history and the magnificent programs we offer) and Janette Howe (on Seven Sisters Apostolate); and a spirited celebration of the Eucharist with Bishop John Quinn, Father Andrew Beerman, and Deacon Matthew Wagner. This event was hosted by the Winona-Rochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and St. John Vianney Parish CCW. Pictured on left: Dianne Vangness, Ellen Pearson, Bev McCarvel, Katie Koziolek. Pictured on right: Valerie Ehlenfeldt, Eleanore Jones, Jeanette Fortier, Rosanne Buehler. See those smiles? You can join in the enrichment and fun on Saturday, October 13, at Sacred Heart Parish in Owatonna, during the women's conference sponsored by the CCW and DOW-R. Jeanette Fortier is the president of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester Council of Catholic Women.

August, 2018 w The Courier

SUBMISSION to the calendar Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer Mass for Life & Marriage is held at St. Mary Church in Winona the first Thursday each month at 8:30 a.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage & Religious Liberty is held first Saturday each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. (after Mass for Life & Marriage) in the Cathedral's Adoration Chapel, 360 Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and a rosary offered. All welcome. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion is held 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (delegate of Planned Parenthood) at 76 W 3rd Street in Winona. Contact: Patti (507) 429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese are held daily in parishes throughout the diocese. Info: Cor Jesu is held at the Cathedral in Winona, 7-9 p.m. the first Friday each month, September through May. Cor Jesu is an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, Confessions, and music in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All are welcome to attend! For more details, search for Winona Cor Jesu on Facebook, visit, or call Kristopher Kaufman (859-7601619) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041).

Traditional Latin Mass Chatfield, St. Mary, 1st & 3rd Sun. 1 pm Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm Wabasha, St. Felix, Saturdays 9 am

The Televised Mass

Other Events Wilmont Park, Wilmont August 11, Saturday 5th Annual OLGC Tractor Cruise 2018. 9 a.m. registration. 10 a.m. tractor cruise. 12 p.m. pork loin meal (all welcome, even non-cruiseparticipants). Tractor entry fee $200. Hay wagon ride-along $30/person or $60/family. Event supports Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School Fund and St. Mary's School, Worthington. Info and registration at facebook. com/OLGCschoolfund or call St. Mary's School (507-376-5236), Isaac Joens (507-360-4793), Philip Joens (507-350-9271), Andrea Reetz (507360-3873) or Shelly Spartz (507-3605393). St. Mary Church, Winnebago August 12, Sunday St. Mary Parish will celebrate their 125th anniversary beginning with 10 a.m. Mass, program to follow, and a meal served at noon. More info at Pax Christi Church, Rochester August 17-19, Friday-Sunday Growing in the Holy Spirit. Lumen Christi Charismatic Prayer Group hosts this Catholic Charismatic Renewal retreat for anyone who has participated in a Life in the Spirit Seminar or has received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Focus on perseverance, spiritual growth

Offered as a service for the homebound every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC, Channel 10 (Rochester) at 9 a.m.; KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30 a.m; & KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Attn: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987.

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Capellán en la Mayo Clinic, Rochester Tel. 507-266-7275

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. James, St James Tel. 507-375-3542

Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313

Padre Ubaldo Roque Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary’s, Worthington Tel. 507-440-9735

Padre Javier Ibarra IVE Párroco de SS. Peter and Paul, Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo 11 am Sun. 1 pm Sun. 7 pm Sat. Austin, Queen of Angels Owatonna, Sacred Heart St. James, St. James 11 am Sun.; 5:15 pm Fri. 11:45 am Sun. 12 pm Sun. Windom,St.FrancisXavier Lake City, St. Mary Pipestone, St. Leo 2:30 pm Sun. 6:30 pm each 3rd Sat. 2:30 pm Sun. (bilingual) Worthington, St. Mary Madelia, St. Mary Rochester, St. Francis 7 pm Sat.; 11 am Sun.; 10 am Sun. Noon Sun. & 7 pm Thurs. 6:30 pm Tues. & Fri.

August 2018

• The Courier

and commitment to service of the Church with presenter Fr. Eduardo Gomez-Rivera from the Archdiocese of Zaragoza, Spain! 6:30-9:30 p.m. on Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Saturday, 1-6 p.m. on Sunday. Three-day event is $20 early registration, $25 after August 3. Payment can be made via check at the door, but registration is required. Info: lucyslight24@gmail. com or 507-282-8542. Lincoln Secondary School, Lake City August 24-25, Friday-Saturday Feed My Starving Children MobilePack held in the high school gym. Contact for details. Church of the Resurrection, Rochester September 4 - October 2, Tuesdays Grieving with Great Hope, a new Catholic grief support program, will be held 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Father Zenk Hall. The program includes a DVD format, small group discussion, and time for prayer and reflection. It is for anyone grieving the death of a loved one. Please register by calling the church office (507-288-5528) or register online (www.rescathroch. org). The church is located at 1600 11th Ave SE in Rochester. More info at St. Ann Church, Janesville September 7-9, Friday-Sunday Fall Festival kicks off with a golf tournament on Friday; for details, call Jim Schultz (507-340-7613). Saturday features a chili & soup supper at 5, followed by bingo and a meat raffle. Bidding on theme baskets and bucket raffle that night also. Sunday, the famous Turkey Dinner follows 10:00 Mass. $12 adults. $6 kids 5-12. Free under 5. Following the meal, the servant and live auction starts at 1 p.m. Kids' games and bidding on bucket raffle and theme baskets. Bidding closes at 1:30. There will be a beer garden both Saturday and Sunday, and the youth group will sell pop, candy, chips and ice cream both days as well. Info: St. Anthony Church, Lismore September 9, Sunday St. Anthony Parish Bazaar & Craft Auction. Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Turkey dressing, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, tea rolls, coleslaw, assorted desserts and beverages. Live auction starts at 1:45, with Big Ticket drawing done during auction. Auction features homemade crafts, home decor items, unprocessed hogs, pork and beef bundles, and much more. Baked goods available at the Country Store. Games for adults and kids from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. St. John Church, Johnsburg September 9, Sunday Fall Dinner served 3:30-6:30 p.m. Turkey/Ham menu. St. Mary of the Lake Church, Lake City September 9, Sunday Chicken BBQ Dinner with all the trimmings, served 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 419 W Lyon Ave in Lake City

St. Mary Church, Houston September 9, Sunday Fall Chicken-Q served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Carry-outs available. 1/2 chicken, potato salad, beans, bun, pie, bars, coffee & milk. $10. Raffle tickets also available for cash & hand-crafted item. Need not be present to win. 202 S Sheridan St. in Houston. Baymont Inn, Kasson September 14-16, Friday-Sunday Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Revitalize your marriage! More info at or 507-227-8229. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona September 15, Saturday Consecration of a Virgin. All invited. Bishop Quinn will consecrate Leandra Hubka to the life of perpetual virginity at 10:30 a.m. Good Shepherd Church, Jackson September 16, Sunday Marriage Anniversary Mass 2 p.m. All couples, regardless of anniversary milestone, and their family & friends invited! Register at St. Adrian Church, Adrian September 16, Sunday Fall Dinner served 4-7 p.m. St. Felix School, Wabasha September 16, Sunday St. Felix Parish and School will host their annual Fall Festival from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the auditorium and school grounds. Fresh mini doughnuts, grilled chicken dinners, the farm store, general and specialty auctions, bingo, a bounce house, minnow races, kids' games, tootsie roll booth, many raffles, tons of prizes, and so much more. All proceeds go to St. Felix School. More info: 651-565-4446. St. Ignatius Church, Spring Valley September 16, Sunday 43rd Annual Fall Festival & Barbecued Chicken Dinner 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Baked potato, cole slaw, roll, coffee, lemonade and homemade pie. $11 half chicken meal. $8 quarter chicken meal. Also, a silent auction from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and a raffle for prizes, including a quarter beef and half hog. A general store will offer garden produce and baked goods. Kids' games planned.

Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Mazeppa September 16, Sunday Fall Bazaar, featuring ham & turkey dinner served 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. $12 adults. $5 kids 5-10. $1 4 & under. Bingo, raffle, country store and kids' games. St. John Baptist de la Salle Church, Dodge Center September 23, Sunday 26th Annual Turkey Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., following 10 a.m. Mass. Raffle tickets for sale, silent auction, bake sale, kids' games, quilt raffle, bingo. $10 adults. $5 kids 6-10. Preschool free. Take-outs available. All tickets sold at the door. Handicap accessible facility. 20 2nd St. NE in Dodge Center. Lanesboro September 28-29, Friday-Saturday 5th Annual Married Couples Retreat will be held at a beautiful hideaway outside of scenic Lanesboro. More information and registration at St. Matthew Church, Vernon Center Annual turkey dinner with all the trimmings (including homemade pie), served family style 4-7 p.m. $10 adults. $6 kids (free under 4). Sacred Heart Church, Owatonna October 13, Saturday Diocesan Women's Conference 9-3. Info: St. Mary Church, Minneiska October 14, Sunday St. Mary's Parish will host a Texasstyle French toast breakfast from 9:30 to noon, following 8:30 a.m. Mass. French toast; sausage; apple sauce and coffee, milk or juice. Adults $7. Kids 6 & under are $3. Bake sale and ticket drawing at noon. Shalom Hill Farm, Windom November 16-18, Friday-Sunday Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Revitalize your marriage! More information at or 507-227-8229.

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