The Courier - April 2022

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Easter Sunday April 17

April 2022

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN |

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on the



Peace' Diocesan Phase of Synod Ends

Pope, World Bishops, Consecrate Humanity, Russia, Ukraine to Immaculate Heart of Mary


Pope Francis, Bishop John M. Quinn and faithful of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester pray an act of consecration for humanity, and particularly Russia and Ukraine, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


WINONA - Pope Francis invited all the bishops, priests, and the faithful of the Catholic Church to join him in pronouncing a solemn Act of Consecration of humanity, and Russia and Ukraine in particular, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

On March 25, 2022, the Feast of the Annunciation, Bishop Quinn pronounced the Act of Consecration after celebrating Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. Desiring to capture the unity that we have with

Consecration, cont'd on pg. 4

ROCHESTER - On Sunday, March 13, a group of Synod facilitators and members of the Diocesan Pastoral Council and Synod Team met for Mass with Bishop Quinn at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Rochester as a way to close the diocesan phase of the Synod on Synodality. After Mass, they gathered to pray, to reflect on their experience of the synodal process in the diocese, to listen to feedback that has emerged from the synodal consultation meetings across the diocese, to dialogue about the current reality of the local church and the signs of the times, and to discern the Holy Spirit’s call for the diocese on the path of synodality. They discussed the fruit of the “listening sessions” that were held throughout the diocese, and facilitators spoke of both the positive and negative things that they experienced. A great deal of emphasis was placed on the need for interdependency between our pastors and lay leaders. The priests of our diocese are tasked with many responsibilities, and it is necessary for us to work together with the pastor to assist

Synod, cont'd on pg. 11

INSIDE this issue

Toward Communion

50 Years of Priesthood page 8

Divine Mercy Sunday page 11

page 12

Minnesota Catholic Conference

The Courier Insider


Inside the Capitol Economic & Criminal Justice, Roles of Parents & Schools

Larger Surplus Affirms Need to Provision Families

The big news at the Minnesota Capitol is that our state government has a budget surplus for the ninth consecutive year. What was expected to be a $7.7 billion surplus is now up to a record $9.25 billion in excess revenue collection. As can be expected, the debate about what to do with the money has fallen into the usual zero-sum game of income tax cuts versus new spending. The Minnesota Catholic Conference is proposing we break the Gordian knot and provide direct economic relief to Minnesota’s most important producers—our state’s families. Concretely, this means creating a Minnesota Child Tax Credit that is fully refundable and distributed monthly. A similar federal child tax credit (now expired) raised thousands of children out of poverty. This call stems from the Church’s social teaching on subsidiarity, which states that “public authorities have the duty to sustain the family, ensuring that it has all the assistance that it needs to fulfill properly its responsibilities. The family does not exist for society or the State, but society and the State exist for the family.” (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, no. 214) Seeing that the people of Minnesota are consistently able to generate surplus wealth for the state, MCC is urging lawmakers to create a permanent fiscal policy that honors the work and societal role of parents who generously sacrifice to raise the next generation. Minnesota should take the initiative and support families increasingly burdened by the rising costs of living and inflation. People make decisions about whether to have children in part based on the economic outlook, so we should do what we can to remove barriers from family formation. Every Saint Has a Past, and Every Sinner Has a Future

Even in today’s job market that is desperate for workers, an arrest record can cast a per-

petual shadow over a person. Employers often disqualify a job seeker based on his or her criminal history without asking any further questions about the applicant’s rehabilitation. We must ask whether holding individuals in a state of perpetual punishment for low-level crimes—especially after the judicial system has concluded they should begin rebuilding their lives—serves any positive criminal justice purpose. In their document, “Restoration, Rehabilitation, and Responsibility” (2000), the U.S. Catholic Bishops encouraged lawmakers to embrace approaches to criminal justice that rehabilitate, heal, and restore, not just punish. It is based on these principles that the MCC co-sponsors the Minnesota Second Chance Coalition, which advocates for a dignified criminal legal system that promotes healing, repair, accountability, and belonging for individuals, families, and communities. The coalition is calling for the passage of the Clean Slate Act (H.F. 1152), a bipartisan bill that would create an automatic expungement mechanism for certain non-violent, petty criminal offenses. MCC Supports Bills That Uphold Proper Roles of Parents and Schools

Across the United States, heated debates are occurring within school boards meetings and state legislative hearings about the respective roles of parents and teachers in public education. Many parents are becoming increasingly concerned that their rights are being subsumed by schools and bureaucrats who have grown comfortable using schools as ideological platforms to correct the allegedly unenlightened views that are instilled in children by their parents. Left unchecked, these incursions into parental rights will only increase in scope and severity. Here in Minnesota, the Senate Republican Caucus has responded to these concerns by advancing a package of bills called the “Parents Bill of Rights.” In general, the Minnesota Catholic Conference supports these legislative efforts to protect parental rights in education. Parents are the first educators, responsible for ensuring the ethical, religious, and skills training for their children so they can nurture their Capitol, cont'd on pg. 12

The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 113 - 4

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

April 2022 w The Courier w

Articles of Interest

Pathways TEC 72___________________________5 National Child Abuse Prevention Month_____5 Catholic Schools Updates_________________6-7 'Encounter, Listen, and Discern'___________8 'Conversation About Jesus'__________________9 World Youth Day________________________10 Diocesan Headlines____________________11-12

The Holy Father's Intention for

April 2022 Health Care Workers We pray for health care workers who serve the sick and elderly, especially in the poorest countries; may they be adequately supported by governments and local communities. Officials Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of Winona-Rochester, announces the following: Parochial Vicar Rev. Luis Vargas: appointed Parochial Vicar of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Rochester, effective February 1, 2022. Ecumenical Officer Rev. Michael Cronin: appointed Ecumenical Officer for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, effective March 1, 2022. Permanent Diaconate Rev. Andrew Vogel: appointed Director of Spiritual Formation for the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, effective March 1, 2022. Social Concerns Ms. Bridget Becker: appointed to a six-month term on the Diocese of Winona-Rochester Social Concerns Committee, effective February 1, 2022. Ms. Sally Burns: appointed to a six-month term on the Diocese of Winona-Rochester Social Concerns Committee, effective February 1, 2022.

Child Abuse Policy Information

The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507-454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

Ms. Margaret Hake: appointed to a six-month term on the Diocese of Winona-Rochester Social Concerns Committee, effective February 1, 2022. Ms. Maria Stumpf Ahmed: appointed to a two-and-ahalf year term on the Diocese of Winona-Rochester Social Concerns Committee, effective February 1, 2022.

Corrections The article Wendy Shepherd Receives Thomas P. Coughlan Award, which appears on page 12 of The Courier's March 2022 issue, includes a claim that the aforementioned award was named after the first deaf US priest. In fact, the award was named after the only District 7 member to become president of Serra International. Where to Find The Courier

An online version may be viewed at courier/index.html

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Pray for Ukraine

Bishop John M. Quinn

�ear Friends in Christ, Ukraine

Over the past month, the whole world has watched with outrage and sorrow at the suffering of the Ukrainian people, as Russian troops invaded their country. Our hearts go out to those who have been killed, injured, have fled their homeland, or are trapped with no access to food or basic supplies. We also question how this senseless violence is possible in our modern world. We search for answers as to why political leaders would shatter people’s lives by an invasion, causing such death and destruction. Many of us thought Europe was finally at peace after World War II, and especially after the Cold War. However, we see that in our fallen world where men and women can still choose evil over good, peace is never guaranteed or absolute. Our hearts are still prone to temptation and we are all in need of conversion every single day. It is easy for us to pass judgement on others, but the Season of Lent teaches us that we too are sinners and must not only work toward our daily conversion, but pray

Chrism Mass

For the past two years, our annual Chrism Mass has been a much smaller affair than normal. In 2020, it was a private Mass with only myself and a few assisting ministers, and in 2021 all our priests were invited, as the Chrism Mass is the annual occasion for the presbyterate to publicly renew their priestly promises. This year, however, we are once again inviting all priests, deacons, seminarians, consecrated men and women, school administrators, and

diocesan employees, to the Chrism Mass. I have also asked pastors to invite two representatives from each parish to come and attend this diocesan celebration. In addition, the Chrism Mass will be open to the public. Since seating will be limited due to the number of people being invited, we will also be livestreaming the Mass, for all those who would like to participate that way. The Chrism Mass is truly a diocesan celebration, for at it the priests gather together with their bishop in order to renew their commitment to serve the Church and the People of God; and it also includes the blessing of the Oil of the Sick and the Oil of Catechumens, and the consecration of the Chrism oil. These oils will afterwards be distributed to all the parishes in the diocese, and other places where the sacraments are celebrated, to be used throughout the year. The Chrism Mass is a beautiful opportunity to gather together as a diocese to give thanks for the gift of the ministerial priesthood and to witness the blessing of the new sacred oils that God will use to impart grace to His people. The 2022 Chrism Mass will be held the Monday of Holy Week, April 11. The Mass will be at 4:00 pm, and will take place at Pax Christi Parish in Rochester. The livestream of the event can be found on our diocesan YouTube and Facebook pages, both of which can be found on our website. All are invited to this annual celebration. Bishops and Rector Dinner

The 2022 Bishops and Rector Dinner will be held Friday, April 22, at the Rochester International Event Center, with a social at 4:30 pm, and dinner and program at 5:30 pm. After a two-year hiatus, with the 2020 dinner cancelled and the 2021 dinner virtual, our 2022 dinner will once again be in-person, with guests invited to purchase seats and

tables in order to support our diocese’s Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) Seminary. IHM seminary has been forming men for the priesthood since 1948, and it is because of your generous support that we are able to continue the education and formation of seminarians not only from the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, but also from 14 other dioceses across the Midwest. The Bishops and Rector Dinner is the seminary’s main fundraiser of the year, and we are grateful that this year we are able to once more return to its normal format. The honoree of this year’s Immaculate Heart of Mary award is Archbishop Thomas Gullickson, an alumnus of IHM Seminary who was ordained for the Diocese of Sioux Falls. Since his ordination in 1976, he has not only served at parishes and schools in his home diocese, but he also spent the majority of his priesthood in the diplomatic corps in Rwanda, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Israel, and Germany. He eventually was ordained a bishop and served as apostolic nuncio in multiple countries, including islands of the Caribbean, Switzerland, and the Ukraine. Archbishop Gullickson will be speaking about his experiences serving the Church around the world, and will also be sharing with us about the Church in the Ukraine, a country that has garnered much attention in the last month. I encourage you to support the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary and make plans to attend the 2022 Bishops and Rector Dinner. For more information on purchasing tickets or providing a sponsorship, please see the IHM Seminary website, Baccalaureate Mass

Catholic schools exist to assist parents in passing on the Catholic faith to their children. Not only do they teach academic subjects such as math, history, and English,


but they do so in an environment of faith. Faith is meant to be lived, and in order for children to learn to live the faith and make it their own, they need credible witnesses, adults in their lives who not only profess the faith, but who most importantly put it into practice in their daily lives. Here in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, we are blessed to have many Catholic schools, serving children Pre-K through high school, and those college-age and beyond at St. Mary’s University in Winona. We are privileged to have among these institutions many fine educators and administrators who truly care about teaching the next generation in a faith-filled environment. It is because of them, and the parents who support and send their kids to our Catholic schools, that we are able to offer Catholic education across southern Minnesota. Every year it is a joy of mine to celebrate the Baccalaureate Mass in the spring. This Mass is for all graduating seniors from our four Catholic high schools: Cotter in Winona, Lourdes in Rochester, Loyola in Mankato, and Pacelli in Austin. This year, this annual celebration will be held Wednesday, April 27, at St. Augustine Parish in Austin at 11:00 am. All graduating seniors and their families are invited to attend. At this Mass, each graduate will receive a blessed crucifix, and we will pray for all these seniors, that they may take their experience of Catholic education and use it to bring Christ to the world. Blessed are you!

From the Bishop

Rejoice in Hope

for the conversion of others as well. That is the only way to attain true peace in the world: for Jesus Christ to reign in everyone’s hearts. Pope Francis has asked several times for faithful all around the world to pray and fast for the situation in Ukraine and the Ukrainian people who are undergoing such suffering at this time. On March 25, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, I joined with Pope Francis and bishops throughout the world in consecrating Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I celebrated a special Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, and prayed the prayer of consecration in union with our Holy Father. I also continue to call upon all people of good will to offer prayers and sacrifices for those in the Ukraine, and for an end to the violence and terror there, so the Ukrainian people may once more live in peace. For those who would like to donate toward the needs of Ukraine, you can still contribute to the annual collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe, which was taken up on Ash Wednesday. This source of funding will be the main way that the U.S. Catholic Church continues to assist the people of Ukraine. In addition, there are other organizations that are assisting with relief efforts as well, including Catholic Relief Services and the Knights of Columbus.

Sincerely in Christ,

+ John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona-Rochester

The Bishop's Calendar is on Page 4.

April 2022 w The Courier w

Consecration, cont'd from pg. 1


Pope Francis, Bishop Quinn requested that the Act of Consecration be pronounced at the exact time that Pope Francis did so. A livestream from the Vatican was set up in the front of the Cathedral and, after the Rosary was said by the faithful, they all prayed the Act of Consecration together. In making this prayer, the whole Church begs Our Lady, Queen of Peace, to obtain peace for our world. In consecrating ourselves and all humanity (especially Russia and Ukraine) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we are entrusting everything to the protection, guidance, and intercession of Our Lady. As Our Blessed Mother and the Mother of Jesus, Mary takes all that we have, then adds her grace and presents it to her Son. We pray that by consecrating ourselves to her Immaculate Heart, we will one day be with her and her Son, Jesus Christ, in heaven. Peter Martin is the director of the offices of Life, Marriage & Family and Communications for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.

Pope Francis has encouraged the faithful to pray the Act of Consecration repeatedly in the coming days. The official English translation appears in the blue text box on this page. A recording of the livestreamed Mass and Act of Consecration at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart can be viewed on the Facebook pages of both the Cathedral and the Diocese of Winona-Rochester: cathedralwinona/ and facebook. com/DioceseWinonaRochester/.

Bishop's Calendar April 1, Friday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU 2 p.m. - Funeral Mass for Harlan Kern, Father of Rev. Jason Kern - St. Joseph Church, Owatonna 6 p.m. - Teach RCIA - Cathedral, Winona April 2, Saturday 9-11 a.m. - Diocesan Social Concerns Human Trafficking Presentation - Zoom April 3, Sunday 10:30 Mass - Cathedral, Winona April 5, Tuesday 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Clergy Personnel Board 3:30 p.m. - IHM Seminary Bishop's Advisory Board Meeting - IHM Seminary, Winona April 6, Wednesday 6:30 a.m. - Lauds & Mass - IHM Seminary, Winona 7:30-8 p.m. - Sacrament of Penance Cathedral Parish Mission, Winona April 7, Thursday 3:30 p.m. - Zoom with MN Bishops & Jason Adkins from MCC April 8, Friday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU 7:30-8 p.m. - Sacrament of Penance Cathedral Parish Mission, Winona April 9, Saturday 11 a.m. - Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders, Riley Becher & Cullen Gallagher - Pax Christi Church, Rochester April 2022 w The Courier w

O Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, in this time of trial we turn to you. As our Mother, you love us and know us: no concern of our hearts is hidden from you. Mother of mercy, how often we have experienced your watchful care and your peaceful presence! You never cease to guide us to Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Yet we have strayed from that path of peace. We have forgotten the lesson learned from the tragedies of the last century, the sacrifice of the millions who fell in two world wars. We have disregarded the commitments we made as a community of nations. We have betrayed peoples’ dreams of peace and the hopes of the young. We grew sick with greed, we thought only of our own nations and their interests, we grew indifferent and caught up in our selfish needs and concerns. We chose to ignore God, to be satisfied with our illusions, to grow arrogant and aggressive, to suppress innocent lives and to stockpile weapons. We stopped being our neighbour’s keepers and stewards of our common home. We have ravaged the garden of the earth with war and by our sins we have broken the heart of our heavenly Father, who desires us to be brothers and sisters. We grew indifferent to everyone and everything except ourselves. Now with shame we cry out: Forgive us, Lord! Holy Mother, amid the misery of our sinfulness, amid our struggles and weaknesses, amid the mystery of iniquity that is evil and war, you remind us that God never abandons us, but continues to look upon us with love, ever ready to forgive us and raise us up to new life. He has given you to us and made your Immaculate Heart a refuge for the Church and for all humanity. By God’s gracious will, you are ever with us; even in the most troubled moments of our history, you are there to guide us with tender love.

We now turn to you and knock at the door of your heart. We are your beloved children. In every age you make yourself known to us, calling us to conversion. At April 10, Palm Sunday 10:30 Mass - Cathedral, Winona April 11, Monday of Holy Week 4 p.m. - Diocesan Chrism Mass - Pax Christi Church, Rochester April 12, Tuesday 1-4 p.m. - Theology I Seminarian Evaluations April 14, Holy Thursday 7 p.m. - Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona April 15, Good Friday 12 p.m. - Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona

this dark hour, help us and grant us your comfort. Say to us once more: “Am I not here, I who am your Mother?” You are able to untie the knots of our hearts and of our times. In you we place our trust. We are confident that, especially in moments of trial, you will not be deaf to our supplication and will come to our aid.

That is what you did at Cana in Galilee, when you interceded with Jesus and he worked the first of his signs. To preserve the joy of the wedding feast, you said to him: “They have no wine” (Jn 2:3). Now, O Mother, repeat those words and that prayer, for in our own day we have run out of the wine of hope, joy has fled, fraternity has faded. We have forgotten our humanity and squandered the gift of peace. We opened our hearts to violence and destructiveness. How greatly we need your maternal help! Therefore, O Mother, hear our prayer.

their homes and their native land. May your Sorrowful Heart move us to compassion and inspire us to open our doors and to care for our brothers and sisters who are injured and cast aside. Holy Mother of God, as you stood beneath the cross, Jesus, seeing the disciple at your side, said: “Behold your son” (Jn 19:26). In this way he entrusted each of us to you. To the disciple, and to each of us, he said: “Behold, your Mother” (v. 27). Mother Mary, we now desire to welcome you into our lives and our history. At this hour, a weary and distraught humanity stands with you beneath the cross, needing to entrust itself to you and, through you, to consecrate itself to Christ. The people of Ukraine and Russia, who venerate you with great love, now turn to you, even as your heart beats with compassion for them and for all those peoples decimated by war, hunger, injustice and poverty.

Star of the Sea, do not let us be ship- Therefore, Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we solemnwrecked in the tempest of war. ly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the Ark of the New Covenant, inspire projects Church and all humanity, especially Russia and paths of reconciliation. and Ukraine. Accept this act that we carry Queen of Heaven, restore God’s peace to out with confidence and love. Grant that war may end and peace spread throughthe world. out the world. The “Fiat” that arose from Eliminate hatred and the thirst for revenge, your heart opened the doors of history to and teach us forgiveness. the Prince of Peace. We trust that, through Free us from war, protect our world from your heart, peace will dawn once more. To the menace of nuclear weapons. you we consecrate the future of the whole Queen of the Rosary, make us realize our human family, the needs and expectations of every people, the anxieties and hopes of need to pray and to love. the world. Queen of the Human Family, show people Through your intercession, may God’s the path of fraternity. mercy be poured out on the earth and the Queen of Peace, obtain peace for our world. gentle rhythm of peace return to mark our O Mother, may your sorrowful plea stir days. Our Lady of the “Fiat”, on whom the our hardened hearts. May the tears you Holy Spirit descended, restore among us shed for us make this valley parched by the harmony that comes from God. May our hatred blossom anew. Amid the thun- you, our “living fountain of hope”, water der of weapons, may your prayer turn the dryness of our hearts. In your womb our thoughts to peace. May your maternal Jesus took flesh; help us to foster the touch soothe those who suffer and flee growth of communion. You once trod the from the rain of bombs. May your moth- streets of our world; lead us now on the erly embrace comfort those forced to leave paths of peace. Amen. April 22, Friday 8 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary’s University 4:30 p.m. - IHM Seminary Bishops & Rector Dinner - Rochester International Event Center

April 30, Saturday 10:30 a.m. - Confirmation - St. Joseph Church, Owatonna; with Christ the King, Medford; and Sacred Heart, Owatonna

April 23, Saturday 11 a.m. - Confirmation - Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Blue Earth; with St. John Vianney, Fairmont; Holy Family, East Chain; and St. Mary, Winnebago

May 1, Sunday 2 p.m. - Confirmation - Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester

April 24, Divine Mercy Sunday 11:15 a.m. - Confirmation/RCIA - Mankato Newman Center Parish

April 16, Holy Saturday 8 p.m. - Solemn Easter Vigil - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona

April 26, Tuesday 11:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Safe Environment Training for DOW-R Presbyterate - St. Joseph the Worker, Mankato

April 17, Easter Sunday 11:15 a.m. - Solemn Easter Mass - CoCathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester

April 27, Wednesday 11 a.m. - DOW-R Baccalaureate Mass - St. Augustine Church, Austin

April 19, Tuesday 7 p.m. - Liturgy of the Word - St. Joseph Church, Owatonna

April 28, Thursday 12:30 p.m. - Holy Hour & Bishop’s Cabinet 3:30 p.m. - Zoom with MN Bishops

April 20, Wednesday 7 p.m. - Confirmation - Resurrection, Rochester

April 29, Friday 1:30 p.m. - IHM Seminary Finance Council Meeting - Pastoral Center, Winona 7 p.m. - Confirmation - St. Francis of Assisi Church, Rochester; with St. Pius X, Rochester

April 21, Thursday 10:30 a.m. - Mass - Rochester Catholic Schools - Lourdes High School, Rochester

May 2, Monday 7 p.m. - Confirmation - Crucifixion Church, La Crescent; with Holy Cross, Dakota; and St. Patrick, Brownsville May 3, Tuesday 11 a.m. - Deans Meeting - St. Theodore, Albert Lea 3 p.m. - Clergy Personnel Committee May 4, Wednesday 7 p.m. - Confirmation - St. Mary Church, Caledonia; with St. Olaf, Mabel May 5, Thursday 9:30 a.m. - Holy Hour 10:30 a.m. - College of Consultors Meeting May 6, Friday 6 p.m. - Confirmation - St. Joseph the Worker Church, Mankato; with Ss. Peter & Paul, Mankato; Holy Family, Lake Crystal; and Immaculate Conception, St. Clair May 7, Saturday 11 a.m. - SMU Commencement - Winona

Pathways TEC 72 Dana Petricka

Director of Youth Ministry and Faith Formation

pulled into the parking lot in front of Ss. Peter & Paul Church in Mankato for the Pathways TEC 72 retreat, not sure what the weekend would entail. I had heard about TEC for many years as a youth minister, and my sister had made a TEC, but I had not. I was instantly greeted by enthusiastic volun-

teers who were obviously on fire for Jesus Christ, and I felt at home. The weekend was filled with many beautiful surprises, and I left with a deeper appreciation for the community of the Church and my relationship with Jesus. We were blessed at TEC 72 by having the largest Pathways TEC (the TEC in southern Minnesota) we have ever had. Below are some testimonies from teens who attended Pathways TEC 72.

I was so blessed to have had the opportunity to attend TEC. TEC stands for “Together Encounter Christ,” and that was what the retreat was all about! We were one with Christ. I got to know so

many new people, and by the end of the weekend, left with a ton of close friends. Going into the retreat, I wasn’t sure about it because I didn’t really know what to expect. I am so glad I went, though, and I definitely recommend others to go! You may be thinking, ‘I don’t go to church’ or ‘I don’t even pray,’ but that doesn’t matter. The TEC family community is so welcoming, and you’ll feel right at home!

Youth Ministry & Faith Formation

Together Encounter Christ


- Olivia Anderson

To be honest, I mainly went to TEC because girls from my church were going, but also because I had heard many good things about TEC retreats. I was nervous and somewhat skeptical about the TEC experience, but I went along with it and I’m glad that I did! I got to meet new people, grow in my faith, and, most importantly—have fun! The TEC retreat was certainly a test of my character and helped me grow as a person, in my friendships, and in my relationship with Christ. I would certainly recommend the TEC experience to anyone!

Pathways TEC 72 - Mankato 2022 (L to R) front row: Eli Ellendson, Harrison Gibbs, Erin Krahn, Bella Soderberg, Olivia Anderson, Laura Deml, Linda Miller, Jill Kubicek, Marlene Houg, Janet Fasnacht, Elena Lopez, Cody Henrichs, Troy Anderson, James Konz. Middle Row: Shannon Reker, Sarah Denn, Shannon Diaz, Nicole Henrichs, Alex Carlin, Amber Konz, Lily Schammel, Hailey Schumacher, Adam Kampa, Grace Cooling, Sara Backes, David Oolman, Erin Reinhart. Back Row: Gabe Tietema, Fr. Thomas Niehaus, Dana Petricka, Jim Cowan, Alexis Haggerty, Carey Simmons, Derek Kubicek, John Suchanek, Sophie Thomas, Beverly Miller, Maria Therese Miller, Olivia Oolman, Danny Wood, Gina Hubly, Delbert Oldham, Rachel Uher, Thomas Lambrecht, Maddy Chavez, Desiree Hinojosa, Destiny Villarreal, Pam Konz.

- Laura Deml

TEC is open to all teens and adults ages 16 and up, and if you have never made a TEC before, I encourage you to join us for TEC 73 next year! Please pray for the TECites (those who just made their first TEC) that we may continue to live in the love that Jesus Christ has for us.

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month By MARY HAMANN

What’s happening in the Diocese of WinonaRochester to protect the most vulnerable? • • •

We report all allegations of abuse directly to law enforcement and cooperate with civil authorities on all investigations.

Our diocese has a designated Victim Assistance Coordinator whose primary role is to accompany survivors and provide resources for their healing journey.

We also have an independent review board, consisting primarily of lay members. The role of the review board is to review allegations and make a recommendation to the bishop regarding the suitability for ministry. We train adults on how to maintain a safe environment and how to report concerns.

We train minors in parish religious education programs and in Catholic schools to identify warning signs of abuse and inappropriate behavior, as well as how to report abuse.

By following all of our diocesan policies and procedures to create safe environments, we can maintain a culture of protection and healing.

What’s happening nationally to protect the most vulnerable? •

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has two bodies committed to the influence of policies regarding child and youth protection: the Committee on the Protection of Children and Young People where all members are bishops, and the National Review Board in which all members are lay people who have elements of expertise in the field of child and youth protection.

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• • •

There is a Victim Assistance Coordinator and Safe Environment Coordinator in every diocese. The Annual Audit, currently conducted by StoneBridge Business Partners, evaluates the success of child and youth protection procedures, and trainings throughout the audit year. Diocesan Review Boards are in place in every diocese to review allegations of abuse and advise the bishop.

All adult volunteers, clergy, and staff must receive safe environment training. All children must receive safe environment training.

Mary Hamann manages the Diocese of WinonaRochester's Safe Environment Program.

April 2022 w The Courier w

St. Mary's School, Worthington

Catholic Schools


Seventh Grade Coming Soon to

Gratitude and Hope

Submitted by JACKIE PROBST

t’s hard to believe that the third quarter of the 2021-2022 school year is just around the corner! St. Mary’s School has been blessed beyond measure once again. We are very excited to share our big news for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year: St. Mary's School will be adding seventh grade to our existing preschool through sixth grade program. Eighth grade will be added for the 2023-2024 school year. These additions have been discussed over the years, but have not come to fruition until now. Current families have expressed their strong desire for their children to continue their education at St. Mary’s School, especially with the way our world is today. The problems of the world will require prayer, sacrifice and Christian love in action in order to be solved. Parents and families are the primary teachers of these actions, but Catholic schools offer reinforcement of these ideals and help the students put them to practical use.

at St. Mary's School, Caledonia Submitted by REBECCA STUTZMAN

�t. Mary’s School in Caledonia has had an exciting,

eventful, and knowledgeable school year! The theme for the year is “Looking Back with Gratitude and Looking Forward with Hope.” The first half of the school year we focused on Gratitude. After many difficulties, obstacles, and changes over the past couple of years, it was important for us to stop and reflect on the good things God has given us. We showed gratitude for God and His works, His creation, the past, and the present. The second half of the school year we are focusing on Hope. We strive to put our hope and trust in God. We show hope in God, within ourselves, our future, and for eternal life. Each month a grade level shares the monthly focus, plans and completes a service project with the school, and picks a fun dress up day for all students and staff! Throughout the year St. Mary’s School has been blessed with several different activities and events for the students. In the fall, all of the students were able to attend a Fall Field Trip! The younger students went to a pumpkin patch, while older students went to a corn maze. The weather was perfect and it was a great way to start out the school year. During the winter months, the students went on a Winter Field Trip! Younger students painted the snow with colors and older students went sledding. The students are looking forward to a Spring Field Trip!

We are very thankful that our school year is back to normal. Our students have been able to attend school each and every day this year, growing in their faith and gaining in academic achievements. We have been able to hold our annual fundraisers. We were able to gather for our popular Pizza Bingo night and our Annual Read-a-Thon. It is through these gatherings that our SMS family bonds strengthen. As always, we are grateful for the support we receive from our school families, alumni and St. Mary’s Church parishioners. Whether it be through prayer, volunteering, or financial support, we thank you. Jackie Probst is the principal of St. Mary's School in Worthington.

Donation To Help Pacelli Students With Tuition Costs Submitted by KANE MALO

The sixth grade students started a Pop-Up shop for the school. The store is open every Friday, all items are $2 or less, and each month the money raised goes toward a different cause. The store has been a huge success! The store has raised over $2,000 for local charities, families, and school events. This has been a great way for students to give a little, while making a big difference. The school spirit continues to increase! The school celebrated Catholic Schools Week with whole school activities. We had a Sledding Day, School Olympics, Community Speakers, Trivia, Bingo, and a Lip Sync. We even have a brand new Blue Jay mascot show up for all the fun! The school also celebrated 2-22-22 by wearing tutus and ties and singing 2 songs at 2:22 p.m. The Curriculum Fair and Open House proved again to be a successful event for the students, families, and community. Some students portrayed people from history in a live wax museum, some students presented different science experiments, and some students created beautiful artwork to decorate the gym. This event is a great way for students to showcase to others what they are learning at St. Mary’s. Rebecca Stutzman is the principal of St. Mary's School in Caledonia.

April 2022 w The Courier w

Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

AUSTIN - The Dugan-Scallon Foundation, created by Helen Scallon Mears upon her death, has created a new scholarship program to benefit students of Pacelli Catholic Schools. Throughout her life, Helen felt a close connection to St. Augustine Church and the Pacelli Catholic Schools because they provided her an excellent education and gave her a solid foundation to meet life’s challenges. Helen Scallon Mears was born November 24, 1917, in Austin to John “Jack” Scallon and Mary Dugan Scallon. She had a younger brother John F. Scallon. Helen attended Columbus Catholic School in Austin and graduated Salutatorian from St. Augustine High School in 1935 (renamed Pacelli in 1956). She attended the College of St. Theresa in Winona for two years, then transferred to the University of Minnesota, where she graduated in 1939 with a degree in business administration. Helen worked for US Bank in Minneapolis for ten years before moving to California. In California she volunteered with many benevolent organizations. Helen enjoyed travel and took trips around the world in the 1960s. She treasured her time spent in Minnesota every year with her family. For many years, Helen and her brother John, spent summers in Austin and winters in California. Helen was active in the St. Augustine Council of Catholic Women and was a volunteer at Sacred Heart Care Center. Helen was also an accomplished Bridge player and played into her 90s. Helen’s brother John passed away in 2016 at the age of 95. Helen passed away at the age of 103 in 2020. The Foundation honors the life and legacy of Helen Mears with the establishment of this scholarship program. Kane Malo is the principal of Pacelli Schools in Austin.

Crucifixion Robotics Team Wins Awards at State Competition

Rochester Teacher Honored for Work in Education By SAMANTHA BORING

(ABC 6 NEWS) – A Rochester Catholic School teacher was recently recognized for her work in education. Emily Heydon was awarded the MINNDEPENDENT's Honor Teacher Award. Heydon has worked at St. Pius X School since 2014 teaching kindergarten. "Right from a really young age I knew I wanted to be a teacher," St. Pius X School kindergarten teacher Emily Heydon said. Heydon grew up in Rochester and graduated from Rochester Catholic Schools. She wanted to be a teacher just like her mom and

Crucifixion School's robotics team, Seven Silly Sixth Graders L to R: (front row) William Docan-Morgan, Quinten Gerardy, Ethan Wert, Thomas Paulson, (back row) Rachel Falat, Hope Docan-Morgan, and Alivia Ritter

the top six for the Championship Award which sends one team to Houston, TX, for being the most well rounded team! FIRST LEGO League Challenge is an international robotics program for students ages 9-14. The program was created to get young people excited about science and technology and teach them career and life skills. Students develop STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills and practice

fell in love with early childhood education. She was nominated by the principal of St. Pius X School and she said she was shocked when she found out she won because she had no idea she was nominated. "There are so many outstanding teachers that we have in our system and there are so many across the state and so to know that I have been picked from the state as a winner it is just that extra confidence that you have where it has been a really tough few years of teaching," Heydon said. From teaching kindergarteners with all kinds of personalities to teaching during COVID, Heydon has adjusted to fit her students' needs. "We do lots of incorporation of actions when we do sounds and that was my big thing that changed my way of teaching with them and just being really big with my voice and having to do it that way to help them," Heydon said. She's continued to keep her drive and passion for teaching no matter the struggle.

Cotter Schools to Purchase WSU West Campus Buildings

Submitted by JANA KORDER

WINONA - Cotter Schools and Winona State University have announced an agreement for the sale of the university's West Campus properties - Tau Center and Maria Hall. The university has hosted a residential learning environment on the West Campus since the 1990s. However, the university's Comprehensive Campus Master planning process has reflected a shift in direction, with a preference for developing one central Main Campus living community. In July 2021, WSU President Scott R. Olson announced the university would be acting on its long-term plan to create a cohesive residence life community, and all on-campus students would reside on the Main Campus starting fall semester 2021. In October 2021, the West Campus properties were offered for sale through the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities surplus property process.

"Winona State is the highest-ranked public university in Minnesota according to the U.S. News Best Colleges list of the best regional universities, and that’s because we are laser-focused on our students' success - whether that be in the classroom or in their living environment," said Olson. "The West Campus has been a great addition to WSU for close to 30 years, but today’s students are telling us they want a different style of living and learning environments, such as the ability to walk to classes, the library, concerts, competitions, and events.” Cotter Schools has been vocal about its own plan to create one campus for all Cotter students. "The purchase of these buildings will allow us to move closer to our overall goal of having one campus for all Cotter students," said Mary Eileen Fitch, President of Cotter Schools. "We continue to strive for academic excellence, and to fulfill our mission of challenging students to achieve their full potential and use their lives in service of others. We are

engineering principles, while realizing the value of hard work, innovation, and working as a team. For more information about FIRST LEGO League Challenge in Minnesota, contact Cheryl Moeller, executive director for High Tech Kids at, 612-718-2230, or visit

Catholic Schools

ST. PAUL – The top 66 out of 417 Minnesota High Tech Kids FIRST LEGO League Challenge robotics teams competed on February 26, 2022, at the Boston Scientific FIRST LEGO League Challenge State Championship at Washington Technology Magnet School in St. Paul, Minnesota. Team # 25741, Seven Silly Sixth Graders, from Crucifixion School in La Crescent, Minnesota, won two awards - first place in Robot Design and second place in Robot Performance. These awards are given to teams with the best robot design process with sound mechanical principle and highest score of the robot performance rounds. This team also placed in


"It is just one of those things that I've really realized that you can't really be a teacher until you know your students so building those relationships incorporating what they like because they are all so different," Heydon said. And for her, it's her students that keep her going each day. "All of those little milestones and you're just like yes you're getting it we are moving on and they are doing such a great job that it just makes you feel so good that you are like okay we are getting it you are helping them and just seeing their growth when you look back," Heydon said. Heydon is one of two teachers in Minnesota to receive this award. She will be honored at a celebration for the MINNDEPENDENT 2022 Private and Education Awards celebration on May 1. Samantha Boring is a reporter for ABC 6 News. This article is reprinted with permission from KAAL-TV, LLC A Hubbard Broadcasting Company.

fortunate to be able to provide quality, faith-filled educational experiences to interested students at an affordable price. We are grateful that our students can learn, serve, and grow in quality learning spaces, and we recognize these opportunities are only possible due to the generosity of others.” In December 2021, Cotter announced plans for a new kindergarten through grade six elementary school on the current site of Loretto Hall, Cotter’s former residential center. Definitive future use of the Maria Hall and Tau Center have yet to be determined. The Cotter Schools Board of Directors is enthusiastic about the acquisition of these properties as they relate to strategic planning initiatives and the desire for all students to be on one campus. "As we look to the future of Winona State, we’re excited about the opportunity to invest strategically in our campus and to provide the kind of living spaces students want," said Olson. "This is all about prioritizing environments that will contribute to student success and allow us to continue serving the needs of our students for generations to come." Jana Korder is the director of communications for Cotter Schools in Winona. She may be contacted for more information at

April 2022 w The Courier w

Lay Formation & RCIA


The Synodal Path of

'Encounter, Listen, and Discern'

As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt down before him, and asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

-Mark 10:17

�enten Greetings, Friends in Christ!

As you may know and may have been part of yourself, our diocese is participating in the synodal process initiated by Pope Francis this past fall. “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission” is a two-year process of listening and dialogue for our worldwide Catholic Church. Our Holy Father has invited the entire Church to discern and move forward in a direction that is decisive for its life and mission: “It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium.” This journey, which follows in the wake of the Church’s renewal proposed by the Second Vatican Council, is both a gift and a task: by journeying together and reflecting together on the journey that has been made, the Church will be able to learn through Her experience which processes can help Her to live communion, to achieve participation, to open Herself to mission. Listening and dialogue sessions were held at parishes across our diocese during the months of January and February as part of the “diocesan phase” of the synod. The synodal process will conclude in 2023 as bishops from across the world meet in Rome to discuss and discern the “path of synodality” for our Church to take in the coming years. In reviewing the background for the synod, I read the homily that Pope Francis gave at the Mass for the “Opening of the Synodal Path” on October 10,

2021. I think that his reflections in the homily offer us a most valuable and fruitful way to view how we, as disciples, and our Church are to relate to our sisters and brothers in the world. In his homily, Pope Francis reflects on that Sunday’s gospel reading, the story of “the rich young man” (Mark 10:17-21). He notes, first, that the gospels often describe Jesus as being “on a journey” as he “walks alongside people and listens to the questions and concerns lurking in their hearts. He shows us that God is not found in neat and orderly places, distant from reality, but walks ever at our side. He meets us where we are, on the often rocky roads of life.” He, then, asks “all of us, Pope, bishops, priests, religious and laity” if we are willing to embrace this same “style” of our God “who travels the paths of history and shares in the life of humanity.” He invites us during this synod process, as a Christian community, to walk “on the same road … together,” and to prepare ourselves for the “adventure of this journey.” Then, through the lens of this story, our Holy Father proposes this “road” that we as a Church are called to travel together as we look to Jesus: “First, he encounters the rich man on the road; he then listens to his questions, and finally he helps him discern what he must do to inherit eternal life. Encounter, listen and discern.” Encounter

The gospel story begins with an “encounter” between Jesus and this “rich young man” who comes to him, kneels down, and asks a profound question: “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus is “completely present” to this young man and understands that such an important question “requires attention, time, [and a] willingness to encounter.” As our Holy Father observes, “Jesus did not hurry along, or keep looking at his watch to get the meeting over.”

Congratulations to the 42 candidates and 10 catechumens (now elect) who progressed toward membership in the Catholic Church at the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion, held at Queen of Angels Church in Austin on March 6, 2022. Those present at the event were only a portion of more than 140 individuals from 25 parishes in the Diocese of WinonaRochester who are currently preparing to be received into the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. The remainder of Lent will be a final Period of Purification and Enlightenment for the new elect, who will be baptized at this year's Easter Vigil.

April 2022 w The Courier w

Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

As I read this, I couldn’t help but think of the number of times that I do exactly that in situations where I’m feeling rushed, busy, or distracted. But, Jesus understands that “someone’s life can be changed by a single encounter.” Do I realize this as I go about my day? That an unplanned encounter with another might change their life, for better or for ill? Can I, like Jesus, never give in to “indifference” but allow another’s presence to have my undivided focus and concern? Pope Francis invites us “to become experts in the art of encounter. Not so much by organizing events or theorizing about problems, as in taking time to encounter the Lord and one another.” We must devote ourselves “to prayer and to adoration” where we will encounter our Risen Lord anew, and as a Church “to hearing what the Spirit wants to say.” Then, led by prayer and the Spirit we will be open to the fresh possibilities and “new paths” that each genuine encounter with our sisters and brothers opens to us. Listen

In the gospel story, as we’ve noted, Jesus pauses to really listen to this man who approaches him: “Jesus simply listens, for whatever amount of time it takes; he is not rushed.” He does not dismiss him or offer a quick, generic response, and then continue on his way. Rather, he listens not only with his ears, but also with his heart, and this allows the man to “tell his

Synodal Path, cont'd on next page

Cardinal Tagle: Evangelization Isn't Complicated;

It's 'a Conversation About Jesus'

Missionary Discipleship

Susan Windley-Daoust

Director of Missionary Discipleship


VATICAN CITY, Feb. 19, 2022 (CNA) - Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle has encouraged people not to be intimidated by the concept of “evangelization,” but to remember that it can be a simple human interaction or conversation among friends, family, coworkers, or social media followers. “Sometimes we make things very complicated – 'evangelization.' It is a conversation. It is a conversation about Jesus,” Tagle said Saturday night in his closing remarks for the Vatican’s priesthood conference. “Simple human interaction or conversation centered on the Word of Life that fosters unity, I think needs to be encouraged in our time, especially in families, schools, workplaces, recreation centers, hospitals, social media, during coffee break, and simple gatherings of friends,” he said. Tagle, the prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, was asked to give the closing speech on Feb. 19 for a three-day Vatican conference on the theology of the priesthood. Pope Francis opened the conference on Thursday with a reflection on his more than 52 years of priesthood. In a very animated speech, Tagle said that “mission forms community, which in turn becomes the flame that fires up other missionaries.” The cardinal shared that one of the youth delegates at the 2018 Synod of Bishops on young people had told him that her friends’ experience of the Church was of priests who were “angry, impatient, unapproachable” and who “criticize persons during homilies and talk always about rules.” Tagle added that hearing testimonies like this prompted him to reflect on joy in the lives of the baptized. “There are many reasons why we feel tired,

Synodal Path,


Catholic News Agency

empty and joyless. But I asked myself: Is it possible that one reason for the loss of joy in a baptized person or a minister of the church is the lack or weakening of the sense of mission?” he said. “Without a commitment to mission, the priesthood of the baptized or consecrated life and the ministerial priesthood are deprived of joy. Why? Because the priesthood of Christ is intrinsically linked to his mission.” Tagle’s speech marked the end of the livestreamed summit “For a Fundamental Theology of the Priesthood,” which took place Feb. 17-19 in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall. The symposium was first announced in April 2021. Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for Bishops, organized the meeting together with the France-based Research and Anthropology Center for Vocations. The third and final day of the conference was dedicated to “Celibacy, charisms, and spirituality.” “The priesthood of Jesus is completely missionary and continues to be so for He intercedes eternally for his brothers and sisters before the Father in the heavenly sanctuary,” Tagle said. “Jesus' priesthood is a wholly missionary life. Remove mission, there will be no joy, no joy, in those who share in the priesthood of Christ in baptism, in other states of life, and in the ministerial priest-

cont'd from pg. 8

barricaded in our certainties,” but to “listen to the world, to the challenges and changes that it sets before us.”

story [and] to speak freely.” Such a “true encounter arises only from listening.” As followers of Jesus, we are called to listen to “his word along with the words of others.” We bring our attention to God’s living word to our experiences of listening to “the questions, concerns and hopes” of our sisters and brothers. We must allow people “to express themselves, to walk in faith even though they have had difficulties in life, and to be part of the life of the community without being hindered, rejected, or judged.” Our Holy Father cautions that such deep listening may be “a slow and perhaps tiring exercise” and that we may be tempted to seek “artificial and shallow and pre-packaged responses.” He encourages us not to “soundproof our hearts” and not to “remain

The “encounter” and the “listening,” however, are “not ends in themselves, leaving everything just as it was before.” Rather, these practices allow us to be challenged and changed, and “to advance on a journey.” In the gospel story, through his listening to, and dialogue with, the young man, Jesus sees his true goodness and wants to lead him deeper into holiness. Through discernment, he seeks “to lead him beyond the mere observance of precepts … [and] to discover that he cannot attain happiness by filling his life with more religious observance, but by emptying himself, selling whatever takes up space in his heart, in order to make room for God.” The Church’s synodal process is a “spiritual” and “ecclesial discernment that unfolds in adoration, in prayer and in dialogue with the word of


hood.” Tagle reflected on Jesus’ words in the Gospel of John: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” “The ones Jesus loves are the ones he sends,” Tagle noted. “Dangerous love. The more he loves you, the more he sends you.” The 64-year-old cardinal from the Philippines said that being called to “belong to Jesus and share in his mission” is not a matter of “creating or promoting one's own project, but of participating in God's salvific plan in the missions of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.” “It is the joy, not of inventing one's message, but of proclaiming what one has heard, seen, looked upon and touched of the word of life. It is the joy, not of boasting of one's knowledge of the Lord, but of humbly being led by the Holy Spirit's testimony to Jesus,” he said. “It is the joy, not of being obsessed with achievements, degrees – ‘Oh, I have a doctorate, you only a master's degree. I deserve the cathedral. You deserve a village parish.’ – That's not joy. It’s obsession with achievements.” “It is the joy of gratitude to Him who makes weak and sinful disciples strong by His grace. We wish every baptized Christian would experience the joy of being a disciple missionary,” he said.

God.” Our prayer and reflection on scripture guides our discernment and “brings light to that process,” allowing it to be “a grace-filled event … guided by the Spirit.” Through this prayerful, Spirit-led process, we are called, as was the rich young man, “to empty ourselves, to free ourselves from all that is worldly, including our inward-looking and outworn pastoral models, and to ask ourselves what it is that God wants to say to us in this time. And the direction in which he wants to lead us.” In closing, Pope Francis invites us through this synod process to be “pilgrims in love with the Gospel and open to the surprises of the Holy Spirit … [and] not miss out on the grace-filled opportunities born of encounter, listening and discernment." Deo Gratias! Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, "You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me."

-Mark 10:21

April 2022 w The Courier w

Young Adults


World Youth Day

Push Yourself. Be a Pilgrim! By FR. THÈ HOANG

�orld Youth Day. A million thoughts

and images flooded my mind as I was asked to share my experience of going to World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain,

April 2022 w The Courier w

and Poland. I could go on and on about the wonderful experiences that I had and some of the difficult experiences as well. I just want to focus on God’s invitation to me when I was a seminarian, to go to Spain and Poland. I had never ever traveled outside of the country in my life and the thought of traveling outside of the USA was scary, but God asked me only one question: “Do you trust me?” I responded to God that I did but I didn’t need to leave home in order to trust him. Boy, was I ever wrong. I met so many people from so many countries and so many youth on fire for Jesus. I kept asking myself if this was real because in my parish there weren’t a lot of youth that attended Mass. During World Youth Day, the experience was the total opposite. So many young people praying the rosary and attending Mass in various languages. The look of faith and great joy was found on so many faces. It made me really slow down and take a deeper look at my faith. Do I truly believe in Our Lord and do I live the joy of the gospel?

Aaron Lofy

Director of Young Adult Ministry

I learned true authentic joy from the Church in Africa. I learned to be easy going with the beautiful leisure culture of the Spaniards. I learned about the pride and strong faith of the Polish people as they talked about St. John Paul II and St. Faustina. These can be your experiences of a greater Catholic Church than the one that we are used to seeing in our own backyard. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and be a true pilgrim for Jesus as you travel from your family and friends to have an encounter with Jesus in a different manner. Our brothers and sisters in Portugal are waiting for your arrival, and Our Lady of Fatima is anxious for you to have this great experience! Fr. Thè Hoang is the pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Waseca.

Obituaries Happy Easter from the W-RDCCW!

Sister Helen Diane McGuirt, OP, formerly known as Sister Ina Marie, died on Friday, March 18, 2022, at the Dominican Life Center in Adrian, MI. She was 82 years of age and in the 64th year of her religious profession in the Adrian Dominican Congregation. Sister Helen Diane was born in Chicago, IL, to Paul and Dorothy ( H e n l e y ) McGuirt. She graduated from Aquinas High School in Chicago and received a Bachelor of Philosophy degree in English from Siena Heights College (University) in Adrian; a Master of Arts degree in elementary education from DePaul University in Chicago; and a Master of Pastoral Studies degree in pastoral leadership from Aquinas Theological Institute in Dubuque, IA. Sister spent 21 years ministering in education in Toledo and Cincinnati, OH; Chicago and Oak Park, IL; and Winona and Tracy, MN. She served seven years as a religious education coordinator in Winona. Sister ministered three years as a pastoral minister in Meadowview, VA, and five years at St. Elizabeth Parish in Ravenna, KY. She also served 18 years as an advocate/counselor for Bristol Regional Mental Health in Abingdon, VA. Sister became a resident of the Dominican Life Center in 2012. Sister Helen Diane was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by a sister, Mary Ina Otten of Cleves, OH, other loving family and her Adrian Dominican Sisters. A Mass of Christian Burial was offered in St. Catherine Chapel on Wednesday, March 23, 2022. Prayers of Committal were held in the Congregation Cemetery. Memorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 E Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, MI, 49221.



�n incredibly Happy and Blessed Easter to everyone!

Alleluia, He has Risen! We do not have control over the weather, but we do have some control over our lives. Are we doing all we can to advance God’s Kingdom on earth? We do not want to put off to tomorrow what we can do today. My mother always said: “Do not put off what you can do today to tomorrow for tomorrow never comes.” We need to practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy and one of the ways to accomplish this is to get involved in the Council of Catholic Women. Our works in leadership, spirituality and service help to reach all people. When the bishops requested women to do this, they knew the power women have.

I would like to thank two women who stepped up to take on the Family/Community and Legislative/Anti-pornography Commission Chairs. God bless them. You are invited to attend our W-RDCCW Board meeting on April 6, 2022, at St. Columban in Preston, beginning at 9 a.m. W-RDCCW (Winona-Rochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women) will have a convention on August 13, 2022, at Litomysl. The day will be filled with information for you to take back to your parishes and families. By Christ’s death and resurrection, He opened the gates of heaven for us, and to get there we must continue the works that are expected of us.


Eleanore Jones is the president of the Winona-Rochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

Most Rev. John M. Quinn

50 Years of Priesthood On March 17, 2022, St. Patrick's Day, Bishop John M. Quinn celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. To mark the occasion, diocesan staff accompanied Bishop Quinn on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, WI, where the group toured the grounds, prayed the Rosary and Stations of the Cross, spent time in private reflection, and attended Mass celebrated by Bishop Quinn.

New Lectors

Congratulations to seminarians (pictured L to R) Isaiah Olsem, Timothy Welch, Jordan Danielson and Benjamin Peters, who received the Ministry

of Lector on February 27, 2022, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona! Also pictured are Diocese of Winona-Rochester Director of Vocations Fr. Jason Kern, and Bishop John M. Quinn.

Spring Fling St. Patrick Church 604 Adams St. in Brownsville Saturday, April 23, 2022

Philly Cheese Steak Dinner served 4:30 - 7 p.m. Meal: $13. Sandwich only: $10 each.

Also, Silent Auction and Basket Raffles 3-6 p.m., Big Ticket and Quilt Raffles drawn at 6, kids' games, bake sale. Info:

cont'd from pg. 1

him in living out the life of the Church. The fruit of the listening sessions was that a great deal of questions were raised and people were heard. We all recognize the need to evangelize, but the difficulty in a hierarchical Church is that most people believe that it is up to the priest, the deacon, or the sister. The hope that many people have is that this process will continue to bear fruit in the Church. The fear is that nothing will happen. Each representative present recognized the need for people to be pro-active with the results of the listening sessions, and we pray that the Holy Spirit will continually call people forward to take positions of leadership. Now that the diocesan phase is ended, the Diocesan Synod Team will summarize the results in a ten-page document and send it to USCCB, where

Synod facilitators and members of the Diocesan Synod Team reflect on the diocesan phase of the Synod on Synodality at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Rochester.

it will be compiled and then sent on to Rome with the rest of the summaries from the dioceses of the United States. An executive summary of the ten-page diocesan document will be shared with parishes.

Peter Martin is the director of the offices of Life, Marriage & Family and Communications for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. April 2022 w The Courier w

April 2022

Divine Mercy Sunday

in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester April 24, 2022

Adams † Sacred Heart † (507) 502-3321 † 2:30 p.m. Divine Mercy Service Austin † Queen of Angels † (507) 433-1888 † 2 p.m. † Divine Mercy prayer service † All are welcome. Elba +Oratory of St. Aloysius + 105 N. Main St., Elba + 507932-3294 (Office) + 2-3:15 p.m. Holy Hour (Doors open at 1) + Prayers + Chaplet Fairmont † St. John Vianney † (507) 235-5535 † 2:30-4 p.m. Holy Hour † Exposition † Adoration † Chaplet † Confession Janesville † St. Ann † (507) 234-6244 † 9-10 a.m. † Adoration † Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30 † Mass at 10 Lake City† St. Mary of the Lake † (651) 345-4134 † 10:45 Adoration † Confession † Rosary † Chaplet † Benediction

Mankato † Ss. Peter & Paul † (507) 388-2995 † Beverly (507) 594-9076 † 2:30-4 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament † Confession throughout † Chaplet of Divine Mercy † Messages from St. Faustina’s Diary † Holy Rosary † Consecration to the Divine Mercy † Benediction New Richland † All Saints † (507)-234-6244 † Saturday, April 23 † 4-5 p.m. Holy Hour (main church) † Adoration at 4 † Chaplet of Divine Mercy 4:30 † Mass at 5 Owatonna † St. Joseph † (507) 451-4845 † 3-4 p.m. † Adoration † Divine Mercy Rochester † Resurrection † (507) 288-5528 † 12:45-4 p.m. † 12:45 Video about St. Faustina (Fr. Zenk Hall) † 2-4 p.m. Devotions in Main Church † Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction † Rosary † Chaplet of Divine Mercy † Quiet prayer † Confessions Saint James † St. James † (507) 642-8305 † (507) 375-3542 † 3:30-5:30 p.m. † Adoration † Confession † Chaplet (at 3) † 5:30 Benediction

The Courier

The Televised Mass Is Offered Every Sunday Sioux Falls - KTTW Channel 7 at 7 a.m.

Slayton † St. Ann † (507) 8368030 † 2-3:15 p.m. † Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament † Confessions (2-3) with 2 priests † Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3 † Benediction Waldorf † St. Joseph † (507) 234-6244 † 7-8 a.m. Holy Hour † 7 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament † 7:30 Chaplet of Divine Mercy † Mass at 8 Waseca †Sacred Heart † (507) 835-1222 + 3:30 p.m. Exposition † Confession † Chaplet Winona † Cathedral of the Sacred Heart † Lynn Kujak † 507-450-0112 † 2:30-4 p.m. † Exposition † Welcome † Divine Mercy message † Chaplet † Rosary † Benediction Worthington † St. Mary † (507) 376-6005 † 2-3 p.m. † Adoration † Prayers at 3 † Chaplet † Procession † Benediction

Sioux City - KPTH Channel 44 at 8:30 a.m. Mankato - KEYC Channel 12 at 7:30 a.m. Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 NEYC at 9:30 a.m. Digital Channel 7 (DirecTV) or Channel 11 (DISH) KMNF at 9 a.m. Rochester/Austin/Mason City KIMT Channel 3 at 7:30 a.m. MyTV 3.2 at 9 a.m. Twin Cities - WFTC Digital Channel 29 or Channel 9.2 at 11:30 a.m. Southeastern MN - HBC Channel 20 at 3 p.m. (repeated Wed. at 3:30 p.m.) Winona/La Crosse/Eau Claire - WLAX/WEUX Channel 25/48 at 7:30 a.m. and on our website, (click "Weekly Mass")

Capitol, cont'd from pg. 2 gifts and serve the way God intended. Social entities such as the Church and state can subsidize parents in their role, but never replace them as—according to the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church—the role of parents “is incapable of being entirely delegated to others or usurped by others” (CSDC #239). The cornerstone of the Parents Bill of Rights, S.F. 2909 (Eichorn), states that schools must not withhold information about their child’s well-being or education and would require schools to have a regular system for notifying families of activities at school. A second bill, S.F. 2666 (Benson), would require that access to each class syllabi be made available to parents within the first two weeks of the educational term. A third bill, S.F. 2575 (Gazelka), would require schools make all instruction materials available to parents and provide reasonable accommodation to alternative instruction if requested by parents. The fourth bill, S.F. 1525 (Chamberlain), creates educational savings accounts for students who choose to opt out of public schools. An ESA is like a debit card that parents can use to craft an educational plan for their child. That may include nonpublic school, homeschool, or some combination thereof. If you like your public school, you can keep it. But if a child is not being served well by the public school system, they should be able to take their allotted tax dollars and put them to use in a way that brings about flourishing. “Parents have the right to choose the formative tools that respond to their convictions and to seek those means that will help them best to fulfill their duty as educators. . . . Public authorities have the duty to guarantee this right and to ensure the concrete conditions necessary for it to be exercised” (CSDC #240). We hope all Minnesota Catholics will join their voice in support of these important bills.

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