Diocese of Wau Lent Study Guide

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O God, you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth, and sent your blessed Son to preach peace to those who are far off and to those who are near: Grant that people everywhere may seek after you and find you; bring the nations into your fold; pour out your Spirit upon all flesh; and hasten the coming of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Prayer for Mission from Morning Prayer.)

Our Diocese’s partnership with Lui Diocese in South Sudan is about “those who are far off,” and the direct experience of going there simply is not available to vast majority of us. Here is one reason for encouraging all our missioners to be extravagant in telling their experiences, which they have done expertly over the years. There is this Lent also the possibility for a spiritual connection with believers in the Episcopal Church of Sudan, through a web-based resource from Wau Diocese. Wau is 250 miles northwest of Lui, and its major tribes are Dinka, Balanda, and Jur Chol, not the Moru people whom we know in Lui. Even so, for us to use this Lenten devotional guide (click on the link at the Wau homepage, wau. anglican.org) is to come closer to knowing something direct about spirituality in South Sudan.

Some recently returned missioners found this resource online, and they have suggested to Lui’s other partners, in the Diocese of Lund (Church of Sweden) and Blackmore Vale Deanery (Church of England) that we might all use the devotions together, strengthening unity through the bonds of prayer. I intend to follow the Wau Diocese Lent Study Course for 2013 myself, week-by week. Though it is designed for groups, it can easily be adapted for personal use. Some parallel resources are available on the Diocese of Missouri website (diocesemo. org). I commend this little book to you this Lent.

February 2013

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