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For Your Children

As we head into 2023, our reporter Jo looks at fun resolutions for children to make this new year.

Join a New Club Whether your child fancies trying acro dance, martial arts or football, what a perfect time to give a new club a try. Clubs give them a chance to learn a new skill and find something fun that they’re good at while developing physical and mental skills. Groups can help build confidence and the opportunity to make new friends. Many will offer a free taster or trial session.

Get Cooking

We all know how hard it is to get kids to try different food. As a New Year’s resolution, experiment by cooking together, making new dishes to encourage them to tuck into something different. You can research meal options on the internet to see if anything takes their fancy, involving suggestions to try new ingredients or international dishes.

Be Active

It is so important for our children to be physically active but with so much to do inside, it’s hard to get them to go out. Therefore, a great New Year’s resolution is to get them moving. Whether it’s going to play football once a week, swimming or encouraging more jumping on the trampoline, these are terrific ways to ensure all stay healthy while having fun. Involve some technology as well; step counts and apps such as Strava can be excellent ways of encouraging older children to gauge their progress.

Help with the Pets

Whether your family have a cat or dog, rabbit or goldfish, there is something the children could do to help with their pet. Aim to build responsibility and learn respect for animals. Organise a rota to feed, clean or walk them. If they haven’t got their own pet, helping with a friend or neighbour’s furry friend is an option and they will bond with the pet too.

Be Kind Daily

Being kind is so important to the people around us and one act of kindness a day is a great resolution. Whether that is to a sibling, school friends or a random stranger, it will encourage good behaviour and leave them feeling happier. They could do a good deed, give a compliment or help others when needed.

Be More Eco-Friendly The importance of being more eco-friendly to help prevent climate is on families agenda's at the moment. Your child could aim to be more eco-friendly during 2023. Whether that’s by ensuring they use the recycling bin and they put the correct items in the right bag. Or focus on reducing the energy bills by switching off personal devices or consoles for a while. They could also look for items in the house to reuse and repurpose, encouraging more eco-led decision making for all ages.

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