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Advertising Directory Maxi Price Chevrolet..................................................28 Ms. Dot’s Diner............................................................16 Next Level.....................................................................26 Perkins Chiropractic...................................................19 Premier Carpet & Duct Cleaning.............................13 Providence Golf Club.................................................26 Ragin’ Vapors...............................................................21 Red Carpet Salon..........................................................9 Scenic Cleaners............................................................18 Shahi Grill....................................................................11 Shields Collision..........................................................19 Smoothie King.............................................................16 Southern Security Mortgage........................................1 Spot On Security...........................................................4 Tandor ..........................................................................16 Team Pest USA............................................................23 Wild Wing Cafe...........................................................13 Wilkes Custom Cut.....................................................11

Alpha Nails...................................................................2 American Garage Door...............................................5 American Roof Specialist...........................................8 Bear Creek............................................................... ....7 Bulldog Football Schedule........................................20 Ole Macdonald’s........................................................24 Davis Family Orthodontics......................................21 Dime4Dollar..................................................... .........21 Elegant Furniture........................................................7 Express Lube & Auto Repair....................................12 GA Rodent Removal.................................................19 High Tech...................................................................27 IFixScreens.com........................................................18 Joes To Go..................................................................17 Live, Laugh, Love......................................................25 Loganville Wireless...................................................25 Maid in the USA.......................................................13 Malcolm Cunningham Hyundai..............................2





Watermelon Cooler Slushy Ingredients


4 cups cubed seedless watermelon 10 ice cubes 1/3 cup fresh lime juice 1/4 cup white sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt

In a food processor, blend watermelon, sorbet, and lemon zest until very smooth. Stir in 1 1/2 cups cold water; cover and refrigerate until very cold. Serve over ice and garnish with watermelon wedges and mint.




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Slow-Cooker Barbecue Ribs Directions

Ingredients 4 pounds pork baby back ribs salt and pepper to taste 2 cups ketchup 1 cup chili sauce 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 4 tablespoons vinegar 2 teaspoons dried oregano 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 1 dash hot sauce

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). 2. Season ribs with salt and pepper. Place in a shallow baking pan. Brown in oven 15 minutes. Turn over, and brown another 15 minutes; drain fat. 3. In a medium bowl, mix together the ketchup, chili sauce, brown sugar, vinegar, oregano, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, and salt and pepper. Place ribs in slow cooker. Pour sauce over ribs, and turn to coat. 4. Cover, and cook on Low 6 to 8 hours, or until ribs are tender.









“Outdoors Without Limits” US profit 501(c)3 (EIN/Tax ID #26-3046142) Welcome to Outdoors Without Limits, a unique 501C (3) organization that empowers people to reach their potential in a setting that breaks down barriers and removes stereotypes in the great outdoors! Outdoors Without Limits (OWL) is all about providing education and opportunities. We want to educate those with disabilities about activities in the outdoors while offering them the OPPORTUNITY to participate. Through our community chapter system, chapter opportunity events and our National Ultimate Adventure program we are able create an abundance of outdoor related recreational activities.We accomplish our mission through teamwork. This person-to-person bond fosters hope, confidence, self-esteem and independence in people with disabilities. And for our non-disabled partner, we see attitudes and spirits change through the life changing experiences they help us provide. The goal of OWL is simple. We will continue to stay the course in developing OWL. We will make any and all needed organizational improvements possible in our efforts to change and hopefully save lives. We will continue our efforts in recruiting community chapters, participants, members, volunteers, partners, event opportunities, family involvement, chapter awareness, disability awareness, and educational opportunities etc. Outdoors Without Limits (OWL) has and is experiencing major growth and success. While we’re extremely proud of our accomplishments thus far, we realize our mission is not complete. With this said, we will continue to focus our attention on continued development and future successes. Having new and good people involved is crucial to our mission, growth, community chapter system and overall organizational success. OWL is a very clean and open organization in which we are very proud of. While revenue is extremely important and needed, we refuse to let the dollar interfere with our mission.


As an example of this, membership with OWL is an elective, not a requirement. What we do is not about memberships, it’s about the opportunities we provide in order to accomplish our mission, change and hopefully save lives. In 2012 we had a complete and total overview and analysis completed by an outside firm. Needless to say this covered every aspect associated with OWL. Simply put, nothing was left out. As a result of this, several organizational and design changes were made. All of which contributed greatly and allowed OWL to have a record breaking 2012. Chapter recruitment increased, we more than doubled our National Ultimate Adventure events, new disabled participation increased by 176% and our overall attendance increased 236% (not a bad year at all). In 2013 and 2014, we again set records in all categories. Due to the growth of OWL 2015 will most assuredly be another record setting year. We are increasing our number of Ultimate Adventure events, we have expanded into additional states and have established additional OWL chapters. What you to know is this; OWL is like a big ole happy family (everybody helping everybody). We take pride in this and it doesn’t take long to see it. Our motto is simple, “if someone attends an event and they leave without feeling like part of the OWL family, then we not only failed them, we failed OWL”. Here are to old sayings I want you to think about. I use these all the time when evaluating OWL, “A precious stone cannot be polished without friction, nor will anything be perfected without trials” and “There’s a price to pay if you want to make things better, and a price you’ll pay for leaving things as they are”. Unlike many organizations OWL has one simple mission in that we want to change and save lives of people. It doesn’t matter if their disabled or not. We are totally inclusive and believe that everyone regardless of their disability should have the opportunity to participate. We know


that we cannot accomplish our mission without volunteers. Volunteers have been and will continue to be the key to our success. OWL greatly appreciates involvement from anyone and everyone. I tell people involved all the time that “as an OWL family member it’s their fault if they don’t bring new ideas and needed change to our attention. We must have input (positive and negative) in order to be pro-active, improve and be successful. Yes, I am the founder of OWL, but please don’t think for one minute that I have all the answers, “I don’t have and never will”. OWL is dedicated to its mission and more than willing to better itself and serve by making any contributing improvements and changes that need to be made. We are successful because of the folks who are involved and are helping OWL make a difference. After all, this is, “where the rubber hits the road”. Simply put, we recognize our community chapters as key partners. It’s our responsibility to make sure they have what they need to be successful. We know that volunteers want to be volunteer’s not full time fundraisers. The design of our chapter program allows this to happen. As a way to thank our chapters for their efforts we are always implemented new idea’s and structure changes to benefit them. The cost of fundraising merchandise purchased by National for chapter “Awareness Benefit & Dinners” is not marked up. This is a savings that passed on to the chapter. Chapters are not charged for un-used product. They can return it or use it later. Chapters receive 30% of net revenue from their hosted chapter “Awareness Benefit & Dinner” (banquet). These funds are used to host and pay for their community events. It’s a fact, chapters will host more events when they can pay for them. If chapters host additional pre-approved fundraising events they receive 50% of the net revenue each time. If chapters co-host an “Ultimate Ad-

venture” national event the same 30% percentage split applies. Chapters are allowed to donate a maximum of $1,000 per fiscal year to other non-profits organizations serving the disabled within their communities. This benefits our chapters and their communities greatly. In an effort to establish better overall communications and data collection, OWL has purchased a Drupal web/data base system. This new system has been implemented and is currently collecting and sorting data. The overall website design/appearance will be changing soon. Within any organization, partner recruitment is usually needed and is a key element to success. As of this point, OWL has no national partners. The simple fact is, OWL has not solicited national partnerships at this point. This organization has been built within grass roots support efforts. We wanted to develop and grow OWL first within an effort to able to prove our success. With a lot of commitment, patience and hard work we are finally in the position to begin major partner solicitation. This said, OWL has chosen the marketing firm 33 North Sports and Entertainment Agency out of Atlanta, GA. as our marketing coordinator/partner. The fact is, growth cost money. We’re dedicated to our mission as well as future development and expansion. We look forward to the recruitment of new community chapters, participants, volunteers and partners. We look forward to expanding OWL into additional states and we’re excited about the possibilities of doing so...! We would appreciate your involvement within OWL. OWL needs your help so get involved and make OWL your family and organization. I look forward to answering any questions you might have. The best way to catch me is by cell at 803.480.0167. Please feel free to call me at any time.











Georgia Bulldogs 2015 Football schedule ULM

Sept. 5

Athens, GA


at Vanderbilt

Sept. 12

Nashville, TN


South Carolina

Sept. 19

Athens, GA



Sept. 26

Athens, GA



Oct. 3

Athens, GA


at Tennessee

Oct. 10

Knoxville, TN


Missouri (HC)

Oct. 17

Athens, GA



Oct. 31

Jacksonville, FL



Nov. 7

Athens, GA


at Auburn

Nov. 14

Auburn, AL


Georgia Southern

Nov. 21

Athens, GA


at Georgia Tech

Nov. 28

Atlanta, GA


SEC Championship

Dec. 5

Atlanta, GA




















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