Tower 1972

Page 1


a spiritual anthology

the book introduction









64-75 76-109

yet always here .. .









the people ruth fecych, editor-in-ch ief pattea charette karen christensen lainie holstein deborah dawn jackimek jean knecht carlyle lewis, cover photograph dorothy healy, advisor


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the tower, 1972




there is a special warmth about the Westbrook campus. it radiates from a spiritual light and this body of people is its unified source. such a light begins with the glow of candlelighting and gently fades at commencement but it is never extinguished. each candle at those events is representative of the individual , yet each is a vibrant flame toward unification. through our comings and goings, we would hope that a part of us will remain behind to inspire others towards individual expression and meaningful unity.




an ardent woman and winter seclusionwhat a nation! iss a translated by robert bly


. . . and this is the weaving of human living : of whose fabric each individual is a part: each is intimately connected with the bottom and the extremest reach of time : and not one of these things nor one of these persons is ever quite to be duplicated nor replaced : but each is a new and incommunicably tender life, wounded in every breath , sustaining, for a while , without defense, the enormous assaults of the universe. from let us now praise famous men by james agee and walker evans



" i daresay you haven't had much practice," said the queen . . . " why, sometimes i've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. " lewis carroll


dr. james f. dickinson president of the college

t i~ is customary to consider a yearbook as an hisoncal record of the academic year, a book of sou~.enirs that calls to mind the people who for this parICUiar space of time have come together in this Place to make common cause in pursuit of their several educational objectives. as such, it is a sentimental journey that will grow in emotional impact as the tides of passing years ebb and flow. but it can also be considered a kind of hope chest. You, the students who people these pages , have Corne to westbrook to prepare for the future , some ~~ the study of technical skills, all in the pursuit of understanding of self and others that is the mark 0 the educated person. t rnay the enthusiasm , the exuberance , the empathy , .he eagerness and the earnestness that are manifest In these pages be always characteristic of your lives as You seek fulfillment in the years to come . and rnay this volume be a constant reminder of these 9ood years of discovery and promise at westbrook college. james f. dickinson , president



mr. richard bond , dean of the college


miss mary lou kiley , dean of students


mr. guy debrun, business manager

mrs. marion mangion, librarian


mrs. dorothy healy,

dr. myron hager,

director of development

d irector of admissions

mr. kenneth jacobsen, superintendent of buildings and grounds

miss helen paine, bursar

miss nathalie alward, director of alumnae affairs

mr. stuart Schettler

miss sue lawrence '67

mr. charles zerby

admission assistants


mrs. reta rumrill recorder and secretary

mrs. isabelle brown

to the dean

assistant, dean's office

mrs. helen grant secretary to the development office

miss deborah bedard '71 secretary to the nursing department


mrs. gertrude hansen secretary in admissions

mrs. annetta kornetsky secretary to the president

assistants mrs. tamara Ieavitt '70 secretary, alumnae office


miss marilyn goodreau, secretary, dental hygiene

mrs. florence gilman, bursar's office


mrs. maxine woodbury, assistant librarian

mrs. beryl lord, assistant to bookstore manager

dr. richard levy, consulting psychiatrist

mr. brian clemons, bookstore manager


mrs. helene mcgorrill, head resident

mr. wayne bruns, director, saga food service

rnrs. ina thompson, mrs. thelma andrews, mrs. caroline westcott, mrs. eleanor dawson, mrs. hazal knight, mrs. ruth loveless, mrs. alice burdin.

house directors


"the courage to be" tillich



photo by sarah whitney '70


miss phyllis elhady



mr. richard roberts, chairman

mr. john teahan



mr. theodore perry


mrs. nancy dill


language and literature

mr. stephen halpert

mr. roger garrison chairman



mr. george barr

miss eleanor johnson


miss sandra jackson


mr. richard simmons

language and literature

mrs. ashby rocha


mr. arthur freundlich

mr. william jordan

miss rose Iambertson



social studies

mr. vaughn twaddel, chairman


photograph by carlyle lew is


mrs. thelma adams

miss elizabeth honan

miss adah russell


miss ann googins miss ann roberts

business education

mrs. freda schilling


the sciences

mr. edward hooghkirk

mr. john gordon


mr. carlyle lewis mr. douglas vollmer chairman

mr. a lfred lambe rt


miss deborah pratt chairman

mrs. rhoda pitk in


miss claire nadeau


mrs. janet tiedemann


miss eileen bateman



mrs. alice malmude mrs. suzanne hardy



miss diane curl, chairman

miss ellen cuttita

dental hygiene 50

mrs. carole long mrs. bonnie vaughan

mrs. " zabol " mokri


dr. charles cushing

dental hygiene

miss ilene biller

dr. delwood damboise


physical education

mrs. jean miller, chairman


mrs. jane wacker, mrs. jean miller, miss patricia smith






autumn autumn's a dowager for whom death courteous must wait while she counts diamonds in the spider's webs and polishes once more her marigolds. at teatime she puts on her aster silk, the purple kind that bloom at michelmas and pins a shell pink sprig of balsam at her throat. she knows her heart is rickety and old, arthritic fingers feel the coming storms but she is proud and lovely to the killing frost. eleanor noyes johnson


night window

where light leaks out to a square on the lawn, insects stir one last note then sleep. g. barr

freshmen who are you, little i (five or six years old) peering from some high window; at the gold of november sunset (and feeling: that if day has to become night this is a beautiful way) e.e. cummings



a vibrant flame

toward unification







... yet always here these means for a new design, new strength , touching the same ground where you first moved barefoot kicking up dust. yevushenko

" ... i would like to end with a poem that pin-points the issue. i don 't know who wrote it, but i know that the setting is in london, on the eve of world war II. german armies were poised on poland's border, tensions were high in all of europe ... it was a period of anx iety and forebod ing , and growing antagonism . in th is setting , in london's hyde park, the poem


describes a conversation : s ittin in the park, i heard an old man say , 'would you rather see your foe lifted high or l ifted low? reply, reply. would you rather see your foe suffer harm or suffer change? on a point as needle small trembles all. ' it was strange, on the evening of alarm, thus to hear an old man say." e.b.c.

elizabeth babbott conant november 11, 1971 78

" . .. the second thing was that bell. it started out innocently enough- just a humorous reminder that the pacifists were in charge. but soon that bellringing began to have a life of its own, and it escalated to an importance totally out of proportion ... can we keep this from happening? can we keep the bells out of our conflicts? can we, can you, i, keep the long perspective despite the temptation to cannonize the symbol? can we take the part of the widow on grindstone island and try to bring our group, whatever group it may be, back to sanity? if we can, we will be the peace-makers, for in the heat of a conflict, it is often the bell which destroys us." e.b.c.


" .. . we should celebrate women's discovering themselves; celebrate the awakening of women and her awareness of her role. we now need more than ever these qualities in life- her humanity; her closeness to the body; her kinship with the feelings people have and her acknowledgement of the importance of emotion. then we will have a very wonderful period for women. begin with self-knowledge; with cultivation of individual gifts; then pour them back into the group."


anais nin january 17, 1972

"The teaching professions needs to attract and retain men and women of high purpose, particularly those more willing to give (of themselves) than to receive (from others). And while expertise born of informed judgement and academic stature is vital to performing the teacher's role, the truly great challenges of teaching go far beyond substantive credibility grounded in degrees. "

greg macfarlan february 23, 1972


rabbi rosenberg march 8, 1972


joanna featherstone march 16, 1972


brass spittoons clean the spittoons, boy, detroit, chicago, atlantic city palm beach . clean the spittoons. the steam in hotel kitchens, and the noise in hotel lobbies, and the slime in hotel spittoons: part of my life. hey, boy! a nickel a dime a dollar, two dollars a day. hey, boy! a nickel a dime a dollars two dollars buys shoes for the baby. house rent to pay. church on sunday. my god! babies and church and women and sunday all mixed up with dimes and dollars and clean spittoons and house rent to pay. hey, boy! a bright bowl of brass is beautiful to the lord. bright polished brass like the cymbals of king david 's dancers, like the wine cups of solomon. hey, boy! a clean spittoon on the altar of the lord. a clean bright spittoon all newly polished, at least i can offer that. com 'mere, boy! langston hughes


the art of

robb johnson the westbrook gallery westbrook college portland, maine march 22 ¡ may 6, 1971









jan plan on the job experience




me d. techs.






library moving day



I. allard

j. knecht

n. wilson

paper construction from art and music of the seventies visual melodies, page 106 karen walker '73 nervous insistence, above carol everett '72 depression, left karen walker '73




"then it doesn't matter which way you walk, " said the cat. "------so long as i get somewhere, " alice added as an explanation. " oh , you 're sure to do that," said the cat, "if you only walk long enough." lewis carroll



I. bradford, sec retary ; I. allard, president, c . d ani el, treasure r, I. franchi, vice president

student council I. allard I. franchi c. daniel I. bradford c. everett d . cartier c. porter j. mcauliffe f. urbanowicz p. rodenbaugh c. stone a. kennett n. pettengill g. jacob f. clough p. rodgers d. alcorn j. hope I. williams


judicial board j . russell , presiding officer k. sullivan , recorder d. demers I. keeney I. foster

I. allard , ex-officio dean kiley, ex-officio


junior deans

lisa williams- president mary clancy carole cranford judy dumart judy fitzpatrick kathy harper Iinnea johnson joan mcauliffe michelle monmany nancy porter gail ronty pat shaughnessy kris smith-peterson rose staples shelley weinrieb


tower -1972 editor in chief assistant ed ito r faculty editor senior editor

freshman editor I iterary editor art edito1 activities editor photography editor

day hop editor co business managers chief, production staff

ruth fecych la inie holstein karen christensen assistant: robin dugan faith taylor assistants: sandy bruso kathy porter sue walsh assistant: deborah Iabbe debbie jackimek jean knecht assistant: ellise levine mary howe assistant: jean waitt pattea charette assistants: diane daggett nancy kellner kay-oon pearngam, carol everett jeanne darcy, debbie henderson betty compagna


chorus d. alden p.candy m . clancy j . fangmann r. fecych n. fresch m. haystay n . hussey b. knight

j. larrabee m.lewis I. martin, president n . mcphilimy b . pierce I. rawding t. ward j. weed m. wray

miss phyllis elhady , director



masque and candle edgar lee masters ' spoon river anthology november 18-19, 1971

p. dickens c. mcbain d. bosse I. williams c. baade d . kennedy p. perrino d. ladue j. heitman h. norwood e. tucker m. harriman


retailing 118








basketball team 1971-72 lynn allard gail baston bernadette bezerra margie crowell jackie haitmann janet hope anne miller jane seavey ann spillman patty tripp 127



i am on a lonely road and i am traveling looking for the key to set me free oh the jealousy, the greed is the unraveling it's the unraveling and it undoes all the joy that could bejoni mitchell




nancy porter

tina urbanowicz

liz goodwin 134


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gail jacob

Iinnea johnson

cynthia humphreys

deborah henderson


I inda foster

dianne alden


gail nicholson, rachel bartlett, marie fox,

heide clark

martha jones

judith smith, heide clark

cecile gonnevi lie denise boucher 139

donna brown

brenda dufault


audrey hanson

karen christensen lois bond joanne heywood 141

marydee russell

lynn martin

freida sherrard

catherine o'leary jane deane

sandy foster

kathy harper

carol bangs 143


carolyn belanger

I inda lawton


joan mcauliffe

joan white

donna peschel


susan randall michelle monmaney

janet hope, judy johnston 146



paula donahue

sue walsh


debbie starkey

meredith botka

rhonda stark 148


lynn siulinski

debbie alcorn 149

aleen evans

jane merriman

gail ronty 150

rose staples

debbie kingsbury

ruth vessey

alexina mcmahone

sandy bruso 152

sue grindle

patricia bartholomew

diane rosse sam mcbain 153

nancy wilson


evelyn Iachance

jean wa itt

alice markland karen haley

marie robichaud deborah long, janet keefe

nancy o'donnell 156


cathy berry

susan Iamontagne 157

amy kennett

karen young

mary mack

pam rodenbaugh faith taylor

ellie brown

kathy porter

linda franchi

brooke gerrior

lynn allard 160


jeanne darcy

pattea charette 161

anne archer

maureen gray

nancy rope

helen freeman

alexandra bowdoin

norma harriman

kathy brooks 163

peggy o'toole

betty compagna

hirut lemma

judy fitzpatrick

carolyn hale

nina knight 165

zena cymbalski

pam libby 166

susan kennedy

debbie alden


linda wholley

anne wegener

ann barker 167

dee dee gaudette

denise gagnon 168

hope norwood

jacqueline lee jane dolliver

cheri tolman

ellen redmond 169

leslie simonds

ellise levine gail baston

bonnie wilcox

I inda danforth

lisa williams

kathy koehler

nancy kellner 171

charlotte adams

lorraine paul

diane daggett

marilynn walsh

kay-oon pearngam

candy stone

mary gilman

elaine holstein

cathy daniel 174

shahan mcintyre

sandra bowie

carol everett

kris smith-petersen

nancy newberth

fran clough

denise cartier

linda conti

carolyn hendry denise hill

cindy scholar

marilyn lewis

susan I ibby, joan regan

sue travis

carole cranford

barbara Iajoie

ginger manoogian






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althea lazarus


annie peterson

beverly baker

nancy desjardins

judy sears


ruth fecych brenda martin

WEs'ra COLLE r;,Ollnded i


judy dumart

karen gillespie mary clancy

mary howe bess porterfield


jesse all ing

mary ellen cross

jane russell 184

marie matijczyk

louise cohen

janet balick i 185

marilyn gulin

carole noddin

deborah dawn jackimek

beth doerfler 187

kimberly foote '71

susan adams

joan malley 188

nancy hussey nancy kenoyer


kathy su II ivan


elen dewhirst jean knecht

pam rogers


i am waiting to get some intimations of immortality by recollecting my early childhood and i am waiting for the green mornings to come again youth's dumb green fields come back again and i am waiting for some strains of unpremeditated art to shake my typewrite r and i am waiting to write the great indelible poem and i am waiting for the last long careless rapture and i am perpetually waiting for the fleeing lovers on the grecian urn to catch each other up at last and embrace and i am waiting perpetually and forever a renaissance of wonder lawrence ferlinghetti

cathy blanchard 193

class data CHARLOTTER. ADAMS R.F.D. 2 Gor~am , Maine 04038 General Studies Day Hop lnterdorm Sports 1. 2. SUSANJ.ADAMS 29 Cliff Avenue Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107 General Studies Linnell lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; House Council, Treasurer 2. DEBORAH A. ALCORN 28 Deloss Street Framingham, Massachusetts 01701 General Studies McDougall House President 2 ; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Volleyball 1, 2 ; Work Award 1, 2. DEBORAH J. ALDEN Broad Cove Road Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107 Retailing Day Hop DIANNE P. ALDEN Hardy Hill Lebanon , New Hampshire 03766 General Studies Proctor Campus Guide 1, 2; Chorus 1, 2 ; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Volunteer Teaching 2; Dining Room Committee 1. LYNN M . ALLARD Blackberry Hill Road Berwick, Maine 03901 Liberal Arts McDougall I nterdorm Sports 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 1, 2 ; Freshman Class President 1; Student Council President 2 ; Jonathan Smith Scholar 2 ; College Council 1, 2.

JANET A. BALICKI 70 North Elm Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 General Studies Linnell lnterdorm Sports 1, 2 ; Campus Guide 1, 2 ; House Council 1 ; Dorm Treasurer 1; Medical Technology Club 1, 2; Work Award 1, 2; Social Stud ies Student Committee 2. CAROL ELAINE BANGS R.F.D. 3 Buxton, Maine 04038 Nursing Linnell ANN BARKER 42 Church St. Old Orchard Beach, Maine 04064 Dental Hygiene Day Hop JDHA 1, 2. PATRICIAN. BARTHOLOMEW 11 Hunt Street Portland , Maine 04103 Nursing Day Hop RACHEL ANN BARTLETT 3 Nye Street Saco, Maine 04072 Nursing Day Hop Dean's List 1. GAIL BASTON Kings Court Box 245 Ogunquit, Maine 03907 Executive Assistant McDougall CAROLYN ANN BELANGER 29 New Portland Road Gorham, Maine 04038 Executive Assistant Day Hop

JESSE T. ALLING 1323 Roosevelt Ave. Pelham Manor, New York 10803 General Studies Hersey

MARY ALICE BELLEVUE 24 Locke Street Saco, Maine 04072 Retailing Day Hop Dean's List 1, 2.

ANNE R. ARCHER 116 North Street Portland , Maine 04101 Retailing Day Hop lnterdorm Volleyball 1; Tennis Team 1, 2 ; Retailing Club, President 1; Dean 's Li st 2.

CATHERINE ANN BERRY Port Road Kennebunk, Mai ne 04046 Medical Tec hnology Day Hop Medical Technology Club 2.

BEVERLYJ . BAKER 3 Birchwood Terrace Groveland, Massachusetts 01830 Nursing Proctor Fire Ward en 2; lnterdorm Sports 1' 2. 194

COLLEEN S. BLAKE Staples Point Road Freeport, Maine 04032 Medical Techno logy Day Hop Medical Technology Club 1, 2; Vice-President of M.T . Club 2; Dean 's List 1, 2.

CATHY E. BLANCHARD 4 Chesterford Road Wincheste r, Massachusetts 01890 General Studies Goddard House Council , Social Chairman 2 ; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2 ; Dean 's List 2. DIANE JEANNIE BOISSONEAULT 9 Stuart Street Saco, Maine 04072 Medical Technology Day Hop Medical Technology Club 1, 2; Dean's List 1. LOIS ELIZABETH BOND 200 Poplar Avenue West Springfield, Massachusetts 01089 Medical Technology Hersey lnterdorm Field Hockey 2; Work Award 1, 2; Medical Technology Club 1, 2; Dean's List 1. MEREDITH LESLIE BOTKA 37 Main Street Livermore Falls, Maine 04254 Retailing McDougall DENISE M. BOUCHER 23 Dartmouth Street Biddeford, Maine 04005 Nursing Day Hop ALEXANDRA BOWDOIN 97 Old Sudbury Road Wayland , Massachusetts 01 778 General Studies/OP McDougall SANDRA L. BOWIE 3 Old Neck Road Scarborough, Maine 04074 Executive Assistant Day Hop Work Award 2. KATHLEEN L. BROOKS Prince's Street Yarmouth, Maine 04096 Medical Assistant Day Hop DANNA E. BROWN Chapman Street Bethel, Maine 0421 7 Retailing McDougall Chorus 1 ; Library A ide 1, 2; Retailing Club 1; Dean 's List 1, 2. ELOISE T. BROWN Box 116 North Waterfo rd, Mai ne 04267 Executive Assistant Godd ard lnte rd o rm Sports 2.

SANDRAJ. BRUSO Deer Grass Lane Concord, Massachusetts Liberal Arts Ginn lnterdorm Sports 1; Tennis Team 2; TOWER Editor 2; Campus Guide 1, 2; House Council 1, 2. JOYCE E. CARTER 316 Ferry Road Saco, Maine 04072 Executive Assistant TOWER Staff 2.

Day Hop

DENISE T. CARTIER 382 Ferry Road Saco, Maine 04072 Medical Assistant Day Hop Day Hop Vice-President 2; Dean's List 1; TOWER 2; Work Award 1; Student Council 2. PATRICIA E. CHARETTE 85 Lincoln Street Westbrook, Maine 04092 General Studies Day Hop TOWER 1, 2; Symphony Usher 1, 2; Dean's List 1, 2. KAREN CHRISTENSEN 205 W. Craig Hill Drive Rochester, New York 14626 Medial Assis tant Proctor TOWER, Faculty Editor 2; Dean's List 1, 2 ; Work Award 1, 2. MARY N. CLANCY East Sebago, Maine 04029 Medical Technology Proctor House Chairman 2; Junior Dean 2; lnterdorm Sports 2; Chorus 1, 2; Campus Guide 2; Student Council 2 ; Ski Team 1, 2 ; Work Award 1, 2; Georgetown Conference 2; Medical Technology Club 1, 2; Dean 's List 1; House Council 2. HEIDE H. CLARK 146 Brighton Avenue Portland, Maine 04102 Nursing Day Hop FRANCES P. CLOUGH 224 State Street Bangor, Maine 04401 Liberal Arts Melville House President 2; Studen Council 2; Fencing Team 1, 2. LOUISE R. COHEN 1886 Beacon Street Waban, Massachusetts 02168 General Studies Linnell House Council 2; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Social Chairman 2 ; Winter Weekend 1, 2 ; Campus Guide 1; Volleyball Team 1, 2.

ELIZABETH M. COMPAGNA 8 Therrien Avenue Saco, Maine 04072 Executive Assistant Day Hop TOWER 2; Dean's List 1, 2; Work Award 1, 2. LINDA J. CONTI 101 Richmond Road Belmont, Massachusetts 02178 General Studies Linnell CAROLE E. CRANFORD 15 Columbia Street Brockton, Massachusetts 02401 Dental Hygiene Ginn Chorus 1, 2; Junior Dean 2; JDHA 1, 2; Campus Guide 2 ; Student Council 2; Georgetown Conference 2; Dean's List 2. MARY ELLEN CROSS 920 Sawyer Street South Portland, Maine 04106 Liberal Arts Day Hop ZENA CYMBALSKI R.F.D. 1 Box 49 Surry, Maine 04684 Retailing Melville DIANE A. DAGGETT 62 Mechanic Street Bath, Maine 04530 Dental Hygiene Hersey TOWER, Photography 2. LINDA LEE DANFORTH R.F.D. 3 Center Street Groveland, Massachusetts 01834 Nursing Hersey Dean's List 1, 2. CATHY E. DANIEL 26 Mason Road Newton Centre, Mass. 02159 Liberal Arts Ginn Chorus 1, 2 ; Student Council Treasurer 2 ; Westbrook News 1; Chamber Chorus 1, 2; Georgetown Conference 2 ; Weekend Committee 2 ; Campus Guide 1; Social " 0 " President 1, 2; Dean 's List 1, 2. JEANNE A. DARCY 99 Central Street South Weymouth , Massachusetts 02190 General Studies Ginn TOWER Business Manager 2 ; House Council 2. BEVERLY A. DAY Kings Street Pinepoint, Scarborough , Maine Nursing Day Hop JANE E. DEANE 338 Ferry Road Saco, Maine 04072 Executive Assistant Day Hop Dean's List 1.

DENISE M. DEMERS 90 Maple Avenue Andover, Massachusetts 01810 Retailing McDougall lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Judicial Board 2; Campus Guide 1, 2; Retailing Club 1; Symphony Usher 2. NANCY A. DESJARDINS Box 54 Redstone, New Hampshire 03866 Retailing McDougall Library Aide 1, 2 ; Symphony Usher 2; Retailing Club 1, 2; Dean's List 2. ELEN J . DEWHIRST 30 Church Street Merrimac, Massachusetts 01860 Liberal Arts Melville Academic Affairs Committee 1; Student Council 1; Social Environment Committee 1; Pals 1; Volunteer Tutor 1; House Council1 ; Campus Guide 1, 2 ; Diningroom Committee Chairman 2; Masque and Candle 2 ; Work Award 2; Dean 's List 2. 2 ; Dean's List 2. PENELOPE DICKENS 51 Noyes Street Concord, New Hampshire 03301 General Studies Goddard Masque and Candle 2 ; lnterdorm Sports 2. ANNE L. DINSMORE 98 Foreside Road Falmouth , Maine 04105 General Studies Day Hop Masque and Candle, President,

2. SUSAN B. DOERFLER 610 Lower Lane Berlin, Connecticut 06037 Nursing Ginn Photography Club 1; BROOK 1. JANE A. DOLLIVER West Main Street Ellsworth, Maine 04605 Dental Hygiene McDougall JDHA, Parliamentarian ; Dean 's List 2. PAULA DONAHUE 113 Abby Lane Portland , Maine 04103 General Studies Day Hop BRENDAJ . DUFAULT 7 School Street Sangerville, Maine 04479 Medical Assistant Linnell Work Award 1, 2; lnterdorm Sports 1; Dean 's List 1, 2. 195

ROBIN E. DUGAN 14 Englewood Lane Warwick, Rhode Island 02888 Nursing McDougall TOWER 2 ; Student Faculty Review Board 2 ; Symphony Usher 2 ; Dean 's List 1.

JUDITH A. DUMART 38 Old Farm Road Needham, Massachusetts 02192 General Studies Ginn lnterdorm Sports 1, 2 ; Junior Dean 2 ; Campus Guide 1, 2 ; Georgetown Conference 2 ; Eye and Ear Clinic 2. ALLEEN 0. EVANS 25 Holly Street Portland , Maine 04103 Nursing Day Hop Dean 's List 1. CAROL I. EVERETT 17 Hillside Avenue Falmouth , Maine 04105 Medical Assistant Day Hop Day Hop Chairman 2 ; Dorm Sports Manager 2 ; Georgetown Conference 2 ; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2 ; Social Committee 2 ; Student Council 2 ; TOWER 1, 2 ; Work Award 1; Dean 's List 2. RUTH M. FECYCH 37 East Front Street Milan , Ohio 44846 Liberal Arts Melville Chorus 2; Symphony Usher 2 ; TOWER , Editor-in-Chief 2 ; Dean 's List 1, 2. JUDITH G. FITZPATRICK R.F.D. 2 Box 203 Waterville , Maine 04901 Dental Hvaiene Ginn Junior Dean 2 ; JADHA 1, 2 ; Campus Guide 2 ; Student Council 2 ; Georgetown Conference 2; Dean 's List 1, 2. LINDA T. FOSTER 25 Rocky Hi l l Road Cape Elizabeth , Maine 04107 Execu tive Assistant Ginn Judicial Board 2. SANDRA N. FOSTER 25 Rocky Hill Road Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107 Executive Assistant Day Hop MARIE FOX 64 Ba iley Ave . Portland , Maine 04103 Nursing Day Hop 196

LINDA A. FRANCHI 16 Westcliff Road Weston , Massachusetts 02193 Medical Assistant Ginn Student Council 1, 2; Freshman Class Treasurer 1; Student Council Vice-President 2 ; Campus Guide 1; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2 ; Weekend Committee Social Chairman 2; Georgetown Conference 2 ; Varsity Field Hockey 2; Pal Program 1; Dean 's List 2. HELEN M. FREEMAN 15 School Street Brunswick, Maine 04011 Medical Assistant Day Hop DENISE A. GAGNON 7 Daytona Street South Portland , Maine 04106 Dental Hygiene Day Hop JDHA 1, 2 ; Dean 's List 1. FRANCES GAUDETTE 140 William Street Portland , Maine 04103 Dental Hygiene Day Hop JDHA 1, 2. BROOKE GERRIOR 904 Broadway South Portland , Maine 04106 Executive Assistant Day Hop KAREN J . GILLESPIE 2 Bow Street Danvers, Massachusetts 01923 Liberal Arts Proctor lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Pal Program 2 ; St. Joseph School (teaching) ; Independent Study 2 ; Work Award 1, 2 ; Fire Warden

2. MARY L. GILMAN 2 Elmwood Hill Lane Rochester, New York 14610 General Studies Ginn Symphony Usher 1 ; House Council 1; House Treasurer 1; Dean 's List 2. CECILE M. GONNEVILLE Louden Road Saco, Maine 04072 Nursing Day Hop ELIZABETH M. GOODWIN 10 Forest Park Portland , Maine 04101 Executive Assistant Day Hop Work Award 2 ; National Secretaries Association Scholarship ; Dean 's List 1, 2. MAUREEN A. GRAY 263 Arcadia Boulevard Springfield , Massachusetts 01118 Dental Hygiene Linnell House Secretary 1 ; Fire Marshall 2 ; House Council 1, 2 ; Campus Guide 1; JDHA 1, 2.

SUSAN M. GRINDLE East Main Street Conway , New Hampshire 03818 Retailing McDougall Chorus 1; Campus Guide 1; House Chairman 2; Symphony Usher 2; Dean 's List 2. MARILYN GULIN 82-70 Street Brooklyn , New York 11209 Nursing Hersey lnterdorm Sports 1, 2 ; Student Council2. CAROLYN A. HALE 106 Mithcell Road South Portland , Maine 04106 Medical Assistant Day Hop KAREN L. HALEY Maine Street Old Mystic, Connecticut 06372 Dental Hygiene Goddard JDHA 1, 2; lnterdorm Sports 1, ; Campus Guide 1, 2 ; Symphony Usher 1, 2. AUDREY M. HANSON R.F.D . 1 Ellsworth, Maine 04605 General Studies McDougall KATHRYN A. HARPER 618 Court Street Keene , New Hampshire 03431 Dental Hygiene Proctor lnterdorm Sports 1; JADHA 1, 2; House Council 2; Junior Dean 2; Georgetown Conference 2; Dean 's List 1, 2. NORMA E.' HARRIMAN R.F.D . 1 Bay View Street Yarmouth , Maine 04096 Medical Assistant Day Hop Chorus 1; lnterdorm Sports 1. DEBORAH L. HENDERSON 10 Union Street Hingham , Massachusetts 02043 Nursing Ginn lnterdorm Sports 1, 2 ; TOWER Business Manager 2 ; Campus Guide 2 ; Social Chairman 2. CAROLYN B. HENDRY 18601 Muncaster Road Derwood, Maryland 20855 General Studies Ginn Chorus 1; Faux Pax 1, 2 ; Campus Guide 1, 2 ; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2 ; Tennis Team 1, 2 ; Symphony Usher 2. JOANNE M. HEYWOOD 59 Greenwood Avenue Winthrop, Maine 04364 Medical Assistant Hersey Social Director 2 ; lnterdorm Hockey 2.

DENISE J . HILL 15 Edgemere Road Hamden, Connecticut 06517 General Studies Ginn lnterdorm Sports 1. LAINIE HOLSTEIN 30 Robin Road Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033 Liberal Arts Proctor lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Social Chairman 2; House Secretary 1; TOWER, Assistant Editor 2; Pal Program 2; House Council 1, 2. JANET C. HOPE New Harbor, Maine 04554 Retailing McDougall lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; House Vice President 2; Sports Manager 2; Student Council 2 ; Work Award 1, 2; Dean's List 2. MARYS. HOWE 4421 D Bon Rea Drive Matthews, North Carolina 28105 General Studies Hersey lnterdorm Sports 1; Campus Guide 1; TOWER Activities Editor 2. CYNTHIA L. HUMPHREYS 1 Hill Street Topsfield , Massachusetts 01983 Executive Assistant Ginn lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; BROOK 1; Campus Guide 1, 2; Field Hockey 2; Lacrosse 1, 2; Pal Program 1. NANCY R. HUSSEY Montague Road Sunderland , Massachusetts 01375 General Studies Linnell Chorus 1, 2; Ski Team 2; Campus Guide 2 ; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Symphony Usher Chairman 2 ; Dean's List 2. DEBORAH D. JACKIMEK 23 Gates Street Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040 General Studies Goddard TOWER Literary Editor 2 ; Fire Warden 2. GAIL E. JACOB Old Queen Anne Road Chatham , Massachusetts 02633 Nursing Linnell lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Dorm ViceChairman 2; Campus Guide 1, 2. LINNEA JOHNSON 135 High Street Berlin , New Hampshire 03570 General Studies Hersey Junior Dean 2.

JUDITH M . JOHNSTON Damariscotta, Maine 04543 Retailing McDougall lnterdorm Sports 1; Dean 's List 2. MARTHA E. JONES 16 Clifton Road Falmouth, Maine 04105 Nursing Day Hop Varsity Volleyball1, 2.

LORENA F. KNIGHT 2400 Marie Le Neuf Trois-Rivieres, Quebec , Canada Liberal Arts McDougal Basketball Team 1, 2; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Lacrosse Team 1; Dean 's List 2.

JANET E. KEEFE R.F.D. 2 Wells, Maine 04090 Nursing Day Hop LINDA G. KEENEY 85 Belridge Road Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033 Nursing McDougall Judicial Board 2. NANCY J. KELLNER 5 Free Street Camden, Maine 04843 Dental Hygiene Melville Pal Program 1; JDHA TOWER 2 ; Dean's List 2.

BRENDA L. KNIGHT 63 Sweet Avenue Mexico, Maine 04257 Medical Assistant McDougall Work Award 1, 2; Dean 's List 1, 2.



SUSAN KENNEDY 20 Charles Road Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107 Retailing Day Hop AMY S. KENNETT Star Route Bethel , Maine 04217 Nursing Hersey lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Dorm Chairman 2; Dean's List 1. NANCYJ. KENOYER 55 Black Point Road Scarborough, Maine 04074 Retailing Proctor Campus Guide 2 ; Dean 's List 2. KIMBERLY KIDD 2712 S. Grove Street Arlington , Virginia 22202 Liberal Arts Ginn DEBORAH E. KINGSBURY West Surry Road Keene, New Hampshire 03431 General Studies Linnell lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; TOWER 2; Campus Guide 1; Softball 1; Volunteer Teaching 2; Work Award 2. JEAN A. KNECHT Wildwood Street Cumberland Foreside Portland , Maine 04110 General Studies Day Hop TOWER Art Editor 2; Symphony Usher 1.

KATHERINE M. KOEHLER 57 Foley Street Manchester, Connecticut 06040 Dental Hygiene Ginn JD '-IA 1, President 2. DEBORAH LABBE 27 Sanborn Street Portland, Maine 04103 Medical Assistant Day Hop EVELYN M . LACHANCE 30 East Diane Drive i<"lene , New Hampshire 03431 C ~neral Studies McDougall Library Aioe 1, 2; Pal Program 2; Symphony Usher 2; Dean 's List 1' 2. BA::!BARA A. LAJOIE 36 Mt. Vernon Avenue Augusta, Maine 04330 Dental Hygiene Ginn SUSAN M. LAMONTAGNE 15 Winter Street Kennebunk, Maine 04043 Nursing Day Hop LINDA L. LAWTON 323 Marshall Street Ridgewood , New Jersey 07450 General Studies Ginn ALTHEA LAZARUS 247 North Maine Street Rochester, New Hampshire 02867 Dental Hygiene McDougall House Social Chairman 2 ; JDHA 1, 2 (Secretary 2) ; Dean 's List 1' 2. JACQUELINE LEE Collins Pond North Windham , Maine 04062 Dental Hygiene Day Hop JDHA 1, 2; Dean's List 1. DEBORAH A. LEETE 679 Bloomfield Avenu e Bloomfield , Connecticut 06002 Retailing McDougall lnterdorm' Sports 1, 2. 197

HIRUT LEMMA P. 0. Box 1734 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia General Studies Goddard ELLISE J. LEVINE 657 Long Hill Road Briarcliff Manor, New York 10510 Liberal Arts Proctor Chorus 1; TOWER 2 ; Masque and Candle 2 ; Campus Guide 2 ; Pal Program 2. MARILYN LEWIS 16 Edmund Street Springvale , Maine 04083 Retailing Day Hop , PAMELA L. LIBBY 344 Pine Street South Portland , Maine 04106 Executive Assistant Day Hop Dean 's List 2. SUSAN T. LIBBY 894 Sawyer Street South Portland, Maine 04106 Dental Hygiene Melville DEBBIE L. LONG 188 Foreside Road Falmouth , Maine 04105 Nursing Day Hop GAIL E. LUND 12 Falmouth Road Falmouth , Maine 04105 Medical Technology Day Hop Medical Technology Club 1, 2 ; Dean's List 1. LINNEA B. LUNDWALL Pojac Point Road No. Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852 General Studies McDougall MARYJ . MACK 1473 Westbrook Street Portland, Maine 04102 Executive Assistant Day Hop Chorus 1, 2 ; BROOK 1. JOANNE H. MALLEY Box 66 York , Maine 03903 Nursing Day Hop VIRGINIA D. MANOOGIAN 21 Central Street Westbrook, Maine 04092 Retailing Day Hop ALICE M. MARKLAND Route 195 Storrs, Connecticut 06268 Nursing Hersey lnterdorm Sports 1, 2. 198

SUSAN E. MARSH 192 South Street RFD 1 Gorham, Maine 04038 Retailing Day Hop

ALEXINA C. McMAHON Gran ite Street Yarmouth , Maine Nursing Day Hop Dean 's List 1, 2.

BRENDA M. MARTIN Old Post Road Kittery, Maine 03904 Dental Hygiene Linnell JDHA 1, 2 ; Diningroom Committee 2.

JANE E. MERRIMAN 120 Woodville Road Falmouth , Maine 04105 Medical Assistant Day Hop Intercollegiate Badminton 1.

LYNN C. MARTIN 17 Hoover Avenue Caribou , Maine 04736 Executive Assistant Proctor Chorus 1, President 2 ; House Treasurer 1; House Council 1 ; Work Award 2 ; lnterdorm Sports 1 ; United Fund Drive 2 ; Orientation Committee 1 ; Chamber Chorus 1, 2 ; Campus Guide 1, 2. MARIE A . MATIJCZYK 31 Water Street Kittery , Maine 03904 Nursing Day Hop Dean 's List 1. CAROLE A. MAURICE 6 Bond Street Biddeford , Maine 04005 Executive Assistant Day Hop JOAN L. McAULIFFE 38 Bedford Avenue Laconia, New Hampshire 03246 Retailing Ginn Chorus 1 ; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2 ; Junior Dean 2 ; Vice-Chairman 2; Retailing Club 1; Bookstore Committee 1, 2 ; Eye and Ear Clin ic 2 ; Campus Guide 1, 2 ; House Council 2; Student Council 2; Work Award 1, 2. CHERYL C. McBAIN 17 Lovell Road Lynnfield , Massachusetts 01490 Liberal Arts Goddard Masque & Candle 2 ; lnterdorm Sports 1; Campus Guide 1, 2. SHAHAN MciNTYRE 51 Frost Street Framingham , Massachusetts 01701 General Studies Melville lnterdorm Sports 1 ; Social Cha irman 2. SUSAN E. McKENNA 314 Ludlow Street Portland , Maine 04102 Retailing Day Hop

MICHELLE P. MONMANEY 2 Erin Place Orono, Maine 04473 Medical Assistant Ginn Chorus 1 ; lnterdorm Sports 1; Junior Deans, Secretary-Treasurer; Campus Guide 2 ; Community Affairs . DONNA J . MORGAN 1278 Warwick Neck Avenue Warwick, Rhode Island 02889 Dental Hygiene McDougall JUDY MORRILL 51 A Portland Street Bridgton, Maine 04009 Medical Technology Day Hop Chorus 1; Varsity Volleyball_ 1; Varsity Field Hockey 1 ; Med1cal Technology Club 1, 2. NANCY ROSE NEWBERTH 472 Main Street Newington, Connecticut 06111 General Studies Melville Chorus 1. GAIL F. NICHOLSON Summit Road Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662 Nursing Day Hop CAROLE J . NODDIN 145 Union Street Calais , Maine 04619 Nursing Hersey lnterdorm Sports 2 ; Dean 's List 1. HOPE E. NORWOOD Norwood Street Warren , Maine 04864 Dental Hygiene Hersey lnterdorm Sports 1, 2 ; Volleyball Team 2 ; JADHA 1, 2 ; Dean 's List 1, 2. PATRICIA A. O'BRIEN 76 Wellwood Road Portland , Maine 04103 Executive Assistant Day Hop NANCY T. O'DONNELL 8 Pleasant Street Kennebunk, Maine 04043 Nursing Day Hop Dean 's List 1, 2.

CATHERINE O'LEARY 158 Auburn Street Portland, Maine 04103 Liberal Arts Day Hop

ELIZABETH A. PRICE 19 Autumn Street Manchester, Connecticut 06040 Dental Hygiene McDougall

PEGGY A. O'TOOLE 62 South Adams Street Manchester, Connecticut 06040 Dental Hygiene Linnell House Council 1; Student Council 1; JDHA 1, Co-chairman 2.

SUSAN RANDALL 232 Foreside Road Falmouth Foreside, Maine 04105 Medical Assistant Day Hop Student Council 1.

LORRAINE E. PAUL 4 Thurlow Avenue South Paris, Maine 04281 Dental Hygiene Ginn JDHA 1, 2. KA YOON PERNGAM Quarter 209 Fort Suranaree, Korat, Thailand Executive Assistant Melville TOWER 2; Work Award 1, 2; Dean 's List 1. DIANNE T. PENDLETON Riverside Avenue Camp Ellis Saco, Maine 04072 Retailing Day Hop Work Award 2; Dean's List 1, 2. DONNA J. PESCHEL Haley Road Kittery Point, Maine 30905 General Studies Linnell ANN H. PETERSON King George Drive Boxford, Massachusetts 01921 Retailing Ginn Campus Guide 1, 2; Varsity Volleyball Team 1, 2. KATHRYN PORTER 6 East Street Lexington, Massachusetts 02173 General Studies Ginn House Chairman 2; House Council 2; Student Council 2; TOWER, Assistant Senior Editor 2; Georgetown Conference 2. NANCY J. PORTER 1054 Washington Street Bath, Maine 04530 General Studies Melville Junior Deans, Vice President 2; Campus Guide, Chairman 1, 2; Masque and Candle 2; Pal Program, Chairman 1, 2; House Council 1; Symphony Usher 2; Dean 's List 1. BESS PORTERFIELD 38 Ocean House Road Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107 Liberal Arts Day Hop Dean's List 2.

ELLEN REDMOND 22 Kinsley Street Stoughton, Massachusetts 02072 Executive Secretary McDougall lnterdorm Sports 1; Dean's List 2. JOAN A. REGAN 366 Park Avenue Portland, Maine 04102 Dental Hygiene Day Hop JDHA Vice President 1. MARIE E. ROBICHAUD R.F.D. 2 Box 423 Wells, Maine 04090 Nursing Day Hop PAMELA RODENBAUGH 22 Pinecliff Drive Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945 General Studies Goddard Dorm Vice-Chairman 2; House Council 1, 2; lnterdorm Sports 1; Dorm Secretary 1; Campus Guide 1; Georgetown Conference 2. PAMELA A. ROGERS 1700 Westbrook Street Portland, Maine 04102 General Studies Melville Chorus 1; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Fencing Team 1, 2; Campus Guide 2; Dorm Secretary-Treasurer 2; Dining Room Committee 2. GAIL RONTY 69 Nobscot Road Weston, Massachusetts 02193 General Studies Ginn lnterdorm Sports 1; Field Hockey Co-Captain 1; Volleyball 1; Lacrosse 1; Student Council Representative for Dorm-House Council 1; Community Affairs Committee 1; Student Council Representative for Freshman Class 1; Pal Program 1, 2 ; Maine Medical Volunteer 1; Junior Dean 2; Campus Guide 2; Woodford School for Trainable Children 1; TOWER, Sports Editor 2.

NANCY A. ROSE 12 Maplewood Road Toaksbury, Massachusetts 01876 Dental Hygiene Linnell JDHA 1, 2; Dean's List 2. MARCIA D. ROSSE 38 Hunnewell Road Scarboro, Maine 04074 General Studies Goddard lnterdorm Sports 2; Masque & Candle 2. JANE F. RUSSELL 16 Kent Street Newburport, Massachusetts 01950 Liberal Arts McDougall lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Campus Guide 1; Varsity Basketball 1, 2; Judicial Board, President 2. MARYDEE RUSSELL Scottow Hill Road Scarborough, Maine 04074 Retailing Melville Retai I Club 1; Dean 's List 1, 2. CYNTHIA J. SCHOLAR 602 Preble Street Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107 Nursing Day Hop JUDITH L. SEARS Meddybumps Lake Woodland, Maine 04694 Nursing Proctor Dorm Vice-Chairman 2; Ski Club 1, 2. PATRICIA A. SHAUGHNESSY 26 Lafayette Avenue Hingham, Massachusetts 02043 Dental Hygiene Hersey lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Junior Dean 2; Varsity Bowling Team 1, 2; JDHA 1, 2; Campus Guide 2; Dean's List 2. FREIDA SHERRARD 36 Curtis Road Portland, Maine 04103 Executive Assistant Day Hop LESLIE E. SIMONDS 391 Bristol Street Northfield, Illinois 60093 General Studies Hersey LYNN M . SIULINSKI 221 Harriet Street South Portland , Maine Executive Assistant Day Hop ELISSA SMITH 86 Four Winds Road Portland, Maine 04102 General Studies Day Hop 199

JUDITH SMITH P. 0. Box 5027 Portland, Maine 04102 Nursing Day Hop KRISTIN SMITH-PETERSEN 36 Westfield Road West Newton, Massachusetts 02165 Executive Assistant Linnell Chorus 1; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; Softball Team 1; Ski Team 1, 2; Tennis Team 2; Junior Deans; House Council 2 ; Campus Guide 1' 2. ROSE M. STAPLES 51 Lamb Street Westbrook, Maine 04092 Executive Assistant Day Hop Junior Dean, Publicity Officer 2; Student Council, Day Student Representative, Secretary Pro Tern 2; Georgetown Conference 2; Tutorial Program, Chairman 2; Chairman of Student Representation 2; Academic Affairs Committee 2; BROOK 1; Work Award 1, 2; Campus Guide 2; Independent Study 2; Dean's List 1, 2. RHONDA J. STORK 59 King Street Groveland, Massachusetts 01834 Dental Hygiene Ginn Dean's List. DEBORAH A. STARKt:V 26 Plaisted Road York, Maine 03909 Executive Assistant McDougall lnterdorm Sports 1, 2. DEBORAHJ . STEVENS 490 Arcade Avenue Seekonk, Massachusetts 02771 Detnal Hygiene Hersey lnterdorm Sports 1, 2. FRANCES E. STONE 625 Washington Street Duxbury, Massachusetts 02332 Dental Hygiene Hersey House Chairman 2. KATHLEEN P. SULLIVAN 1141 Concord Street Framingham, Massachusetts 01701 Dental Hygiene Ginn JADHA Treasurer 1; House Council 2; Judicial Board 2. 200

FAITH H. TAYLOR Seven River Street Concord, Massachusetts 01742 General Studies Ginn Fire Warden 1; Fire Chief 2; Varsity Volleyball 2; TOWER Senior Editor 2.

ANNE D. WEGENER 167 Main Street Lisbon, New Hampshire 03585 General Studies Ginn Chorus 1, 2; Lacrosse 1, 2; Retailing Club 1; Campus Guide 1, 2; Work Award 2.

SUSAN TIMBERLAKE Wing Road Westford, Massachusetts 01886 Medical Technology Goddard Dean's List 1.

LINDA A. WENGEN 56 Washington Street Stoneham, Massachusetts 02180 Dental Hygiene McDougall l nterdorm Sports 1; Intercollegiate Bowling 1, 2; JDHA 1, 2.

CHERYL TOLMAN Ash Point Drive Owl's Head, Maine 04854 General Studies-Social Science McDougall lnterdorm Volleyball 1, 2; Dean 's List 1. SUSAN A. TRAVIS 55 Deer Hilf Avenue Westbrook, Maine 04092 General Studies Day Hop Chorus 1; Dean's List 1. JUSTINE URBANOWICZ 1 Claremont Road Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Dental Hygiene Goddard House Chairman 2; Student Council1, 2; House Council1 , 2; JDHA 1, 2; Georgetown Conference 2; Bolwing Team 2. RUTH E. VESSEY 59 Lafayette Street Portland, Maine 04101 Nursing Day Hop JEAN D. WAITT 17 Eastern Avenue Rochester, New Hampshire 03867 Dental Hygiene Linnell JDHA 1, 2; D.H. Convention Chairman 2; Campus Guide 1; lnterdorm Sports 1; Dean's List 1. 2. MARILYN L. WALSH Box 6 Gray, Maine 04039 Executive Assistant Day Hop NANCY G. WALSH 425 Westland Avenue Cheshire, Connecticut 06410 Dental Hygiene McDougall SUSANNE E. WLASH 93 Authors' Road Concord, Masschusetts 01742 General Studies Ginn Class Secretary 1; TOWER 2; Tennis Team 2.

JOAN WHITE 1 Mitchell Road South Portland, Maine 04106 Dental Hygiene Day Hop JDHA 1, 2; Dean's List 1, 2. LINDA M. WHOLLEY Pico Beach Box 725 Mattapoisett, Mass 02739 Dental Hygiene Proctor House Council 1; Student Council Representative 1; lnterdorm Sports 1; JADHA 1, 2. BONNI J. WILCOX R.F.D. 2 Newport, New Hampshire 03773 Nursing Hersey Dean's List 1, 2. CAROL E. WILLIAMS 73 Brackett Street Portland, Maine 04102 Dental Hygiene Day Hop JDHA 1, 2; Work Award 1, 2; Dean's List 1, 2. LISA J. WILLIAMS Rt. 302 Box 83 North Windham, Maine 04062 General Studies Hersey Junior Dean President 2; Class Vice-President 1; Campus Guide 2; Student Council 1, 2; Georgetown Conference 2; Drug Education Committee 1; Masque & Candle 2; Community Affairs Committee Chairman 2; Chorus 1; Symphony Usher 1; Dean 's List 1 ; Faux Pas 1. NANCY WILSON 4853 Candy Lane Manlius, New York 13104 General Studies Goddard lnterdorm Sports 1. KAREN L. YOUNG 13 Goodwin Road Beverly Farms, Mass 01915 General Studies Goddard Pal Program 2; lnterdorm Sports 1, 2; House Reasurer 1; House Council 1, 2; Campu s Guide 1, 2; Dean's List 2.

the tower westbrook college portland, maine

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