2015 Fall & Winter Guide to Dripping Springs

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DJHG JLQ $QWLTXH *LQ 7UHDW\ 2DN $JHG 5XP LV PDGH entirely from sugar cane from the last operating sugar PLOO LQ 7H[DV 7KH IXWXUH SODQV IRU WKH IDFLOLW\ LV WR KDYH WKH FRFNWDLO KRXVH RSHQLQJ LQ 'HFHPEHU 7KH SODQV IRU WKH restaurant has it featuring Central and South AmeriFDQ VPRNHG PHDWV QRW 7H[DV EDUEHFXH DQG &HQWUDO 7H[DV UHJLRQDO IRRGV LQFOXGLQJ 7H[ 0H[ 7H[DV DQG *HUPDQ RIIHULQJV ĂœVR ZH FDQ H[SUHVV RXUVHOYHV Ă? VDLG Barnes. 7KH\ KDYH SODQV IRU IXWXUH OLTXRUV WRR ([SHULPHQWV may include whiskey, rye, malted scotch type whiskey, brandy and “you name it‌we want to be suSHU H[SHULPHQWDO Ă? DFFRUGLQJ WR /DPE 7KH HQWKXVLDVP DQG SDVVLRQ EHKLQG ZKDW 7UHDW\ 2DN is now and what it will be in the near future is evident LQ MXVW YLVLWLQJ RQ VLWH 7KHLU HIIRUWV LQ GLVWLOOLQJ ZRQ them the 2014 Micro-liquor Spirit Jade “Distiller of WKH <HDU Ă? DQG WKH\ DUH RQH RI WKH PRVW GHFRUDWHG LQ the state. “We feel our history is just beginning since we moved to Dripping Springs‌we know the plans DUH D ORW RI UHDFK EXW LWĂšV ORWV RI IXQ GRLQJ LW Ă? VDLG Barnes. With all the new products and experiments in EHYHUDJHV 7UHDW\ 2DN RQ WKH RGG QXPEHUHG VLGH RI )LW]KXJK ZLWK WKH HYHQ DGGUHVV ZLOO EH DQRWKHU SODFH to visit for tourists and locals alike.




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