Die Matie – 10 April 2019

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Maties mik vir twee in ’n ry bl. 16


KuKo dragged through drama


Bookchella! the charity ‘jol’ of the 9 year Nuutste kopkrapper binne 11 Style Indaba brings good tidings 12

JONK EN JOLIG Studente ondersteun die Maties-rugbyspan wat eerskomende Maandag in die finaal gaan speel. FOTO: Erin Walls

Recycling not a total waste



he recycling system at Stellenbosch University (SU) is a complex animal, and many students don’t know where their cast-away coffee cups, food containers and plastic bottles end up. There are, however, statistics to answer these questions. About 40%, or 41 496kg, of the total waste that passed through the SU main campus during February 2019 was “recovered”. This is from a total amount of 103 093kg of waste produced by the campus. This statistic takes on quite a serious air if it is considered that only 16% of that total amount was recycled material, with the remaining 24% being so-called “organic waste”. During February, approximately 61 tonnes of waste produced (60% of the total) went straight to the landfill. Waste produced on campus is gathered from various collection points situated on and around

campus by WastePlan, a South African company specialising in commercial and industrial waste management and recycling services. This waste is mainly collected via the three-bin system, where clear bags are used for recyclable materials, black bags for non-recyclables and green bags for food waste and composting. From here the bags are taken to WastePlan’s Stellenbosch Main Recovery Facility (MRF) and organic/food waste is sent to Agri-Protein, where it is used for fly larvae farming. At the MRF, all bags are opened and further sorted through. Although black bags are destined for the landfill, they are searched for any salvageable recyclables. It is here that the SU recycling system runs into a considerable hiccup. According to Freddie Wentzel, Stellenbosch MRF manager, contamination of waste is a major problem. To explain, Wentzel opened a few bags that were collected at the MRF for Die Matie to

inspect. All the clear bags opened by Wentzel were “contaminated”, which meant that all possible recyclables contained therein were rendered unrecyclable, due to the mixing of food waste and other substances like coffee with the recyclable materials in the bag. According to Wentzel this is the case with most “recyclable” bags. He added that coffee cups are especially problematic in these cases. A simple coffee cup spilling leftover coffee over recyclable material is enough to render a bag contaminated and unfit for recycling by MRF. Contaminated bags are sent to the landfill along with black bags. Some recyclables are salvaged from contaminated bags, but Wentzel said that these were mostly plastics and cans. Official spreadsheets provided to Die Matie by Thulani Mhlontlo, WastePlan National Data Supervisor, show that the percentage of general waste sent to landfill was especially high during the months

of August, September, October and November of last year, a peak time in campus activity. In August last year, the percentage of total waste sent to landfill was 64%, followed by 61% in September, 71% in October and 72% in November. The average total amount of waste documented for these months was 114 704kg per month. A landfill site just outside of Stellenbosch is used. It is however, set to close in two years when it fills to its maximum waste capacity. According to John de Wet, Manager: Environmental Sustainability at Facilities Management, the closing of the landfill could pose a potential problem. “The waste will then have to be transported very far and that will cost a lot more money,” he said. “It sounds like it [the new landfill site] is going to be near Atlantis. Transport is going to cost a lot more.” According to De Wet, this is one of the reasons why Facilities Management has set the goal to reach

a stage where all waste is sorted, with 80% being recycled and only 20% going to the landfill. “This is a goal we want to reach over five years starting this year. We did scale down on awareness campaigns over the past two years but we are going to pick it up this year. This has a lot to do with behavioural change, so we have to inform everyone on how the system works, so that we can send less waste to the landfill.” He added that Facilities Management wants to reduce the impact on the environment as well. Dannica Pedro, who works in the Sustainability Department at Facilities Management, said that waste on campus, firstly, must be reduced. “Secondly, reuse items such as water bottles as much as possible. Our last resort is to recycle. We urge everyone to reduce the amount of single-use plastics being generated. This will make a huge impact.”



‘Smart’ to describe a city THE Stellenbosch Wine and Country Estate has a plan to give innovation a new meaning by introducing an innovation hub. This new hub will cover land that they donated to Stellenbosch University (SU), which makes up 30 of the 253 hectares of land on which the Stellenbosch Smart City will be developed. The donated land is located 17 km away from Stellenbosch Central, in Klapmuts. With the innovation hub residing near the university, students at SU will not have to travel far for the use of its facilities. There is said to be an agreement between SU and the Stellenbosch Wine and Country Estate, granting SU the capacity to use the donated land for enhancing tertiary education. This may include new sports, recreational, arts and culture, and any

other tertiary instruction supporting facilities and infrastructure. Anita Nel, Chief Director: of Innovation and Business Development at SU, and CEO of Innovus, has stated that the establishment of the innovation hub will aim to provide alternative space for expanding the University’s LaunchLab business incubator. Innovus at SU promotes entrepreneurship, job creation, and product development. LaunchLab, an Innovus initiative, offers opportunities and guidance for prospective entrepreneurs from well-equipped personnel in the business world. The future establishment of the innovation hub looks to advance these platforms, as well as SU commercialisation.

– Lolita de Abreu

US vier die interessante DIE afgelope week het die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) meer as 3000 grade en diplomas aan welverdiende studente oorhandig. Agter elke graad is daar ’n storie en talle studente is deur diep waters om hul graad te verwerf. Eric Atmore, ’n 62-jarige PhD-student, het homself nooit as akademies bestempel nie, maar tog het hy sy doktorsgraad verwerf. Die graad is vir hom ’n vorm van selfvervulling. Atmore is die direkteur van die Centre for Early Childhood Development (ECD), ’n nie-winsgewende organisasie. Sy tesis is die eerste van dié tipe en het gehandel oor die ECD-beleid in Suid-Afrika. Jessica Fouche het na verskeie uitdagings haar graad in BCom (Bedryfsielkunde) ontvang. Tydens haar studies is Fouche gediagnoseer met ’n rare leerprobleem en sy het gesukkel met angstigheid. In die vyf jaar wat sy by die US studeer het, het sy twee gewapende rooftogte oorleef. Fouche het in haar derde jaar van kursus verskuif. Boonop het sy in haar finale jaar geboorte gegee en na haar kind

omgesien. Terselfdertyd was sy voorsitter van die Industrial Psychology Society (IPS) en het op die Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe Studentekomitee gedien. Xander Kritzinger het sy MA (BMus) behaal. Kritzinger se navorsing het gehandel oor hoe puberteit seuns se sang beïnvloed. Dié unieke onderwerp lê Kritzinger na aan die hart, aangesien hy self tydens puberteit probleme ervaar het met sy sang terwyl hy betrokke was by die bekende Drakensberg Seunskoor. Kritzinger beplan om volgende jaar sy studies voort te sit met ’n PhD in musiek by die US. Kwame Donkor is afkomstig van Ghana en het vanjaar sy MA (BEng) cum laude verwerf. Op skool was Donkor ’n gemiddelde student totdat sy pa hom gedwing het om na skool drie uur per dag voor die boeke deur te bring. Hendri Herbst, die blinde Paralimpiese swemkampioen, het sy MA (Regte) ontvang. Hy is tans besig met sy doktorsgraad aan die Regsfakulteit. – Dominique Fuchs

No-show not April Fools joke THE first event planned for the Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW), which was supposed to take place on the Rooiplein from 1-5 April, was cancelled with no reason given and no communication about the cancellation. Because this information session, which was intended to kick off the week’s activities, was scheduled to take place on 1 April, students arriving at the Rooiplein thought that an April Fool’s prank was being played on them. The Stellenbosch University (SU) Palestinian Solidarity Forum (SU PSF), a newly formed society, held various events on campus from Monday 1 April until Friday 5 April to raise awareness about the international IAW. Simoné

Smit, Events Co-ordinator of the SU PSF, shed some light on the situation. According to Smit, she received a “detailed explanation” from the SRC regarding how to reserve the Rooiplein for an event. Despite following the procedure, she was informed by Nicky Adams, SU Commercial Rentals and Promotions Officer, on the day of the event that the SU PSF “did not follow necessary protocol.” Martin Viljoen, SU spokesperson, said that the Promotions Office tried their best to still process the application to use the Rooiplein despite it being “very short notice.” “The organisation then decided to withdraw their application to use the Rooiplein,” Viljoen said. – Amber Paynter

KuKo dragged through dance drama W KATHRYN VAN DEN BERG

ith Sêr Acapella season around the corner, SU’s culture committee (KuKo) is planning the launch of the season with a SU Acapella (SUAC) dance. KuKo is incorporating Drag as the theme of this year’s SUAC dance. This decision has caused upset from Sêr leaders and HK members on campus resulting in the termination of some SUAC collaborations. The dance has been advertised on Facebook as being a collaborative effort between KuKo, Irene and QueerUs. During a meeting on 22 February between KuKo and Irene representatives, it was agreed that the workload of organising the event would be split with KuKo doing the majority of the organising. This agreement between Irene and KuKo was threatened after the publication of the advertising for the event. According to Tamodein Princewell, the Irene HK of culture and welcoming, the Irene leadership “was approached by concerned members of the Stellies community” and “as a residence, we are sensitive to the opinions of other people”. It is for this reason that Irene decided on 2 April to withdraw from the SUAC collaboration. “We [Irene] pulled away not because it is a drag event, but because of people complaining about the theme,” Princewell further explained. “This year we [KuKo] decided to do drag race because we are the arts and culture society of campus, and so want to represent as many cultures on campus as possible,” Blain Josephs, the chairperson of KuKo, explained. Josephs approached the QueerUs society to hear how they feel about the situation, after meeting with Princewell and Ingrid Heÿdendrÿch, Prim of Irene. Paul Joubert, Vice Chair of QueerUs, said that he was

DRAG OR DRAB? The cover photo of KuKo’s facebook page is the official advert of the SUAC dance. Photo: Facebook/KuKo approached by Josephs with concerns about possible offences that the Queer community could take to the theme of this year’s SUAC dance. Because drag falls under the Queer category, Joubert explained QueerUs society’s involvement in the event by stating the following: “They [KuKo] wanted us to man a glitter station at the dance, which we are doing. We also suggested to Blane that we give out pamphlets at the dance to clarify the difference between drag and cross dressing.” Josephs makes it clear that the intention of this theme is to celebrate Drag and in so doing, educate people on this sub-culture. “Drag is for everyone,” Josephs said. When asked about Irene’s choice to withdraw from co-organising this event because of the potential offence of the theme, Josephs expressed his concern by saying that some “people are very selective about the issues they are willing to face.” One student expressed her concern to Josephs about the theme via email. Antonia Smallberg, Metanoia’s Acapella leader, likens the

theme of Drag to “an Afro party where everyone puts on Afros for the fun of it, instead of appreciating what hair means to the African community”. Acapella leaders were not consulted on the theme of the dance before it was advertised. “Surely there was one person on KuKo or QueerUs that saw an issue with this theme because it is quite blatant and I think they have failed in their duties to protect the rights of the Drag community,” explained Smallberg. She further expressed her dissatisfaction with this theme in saying that, as an Acapella leader, she will not personally be going to the event because she does not support it and doesn’t think that any good can come from it. Cornel Engelbrecht, Dagbreek’s Acapella leader, was contacted for comment on this choice of theme. “I don’t think someone who is a part of the drag community would be offended by someone else trying it out,” he said. Engelbracht says that he is not very informed about the drag community, and that it is “for this exact reason that a discussion should be opened”.

A whirlwind of support for cyclone survivors ERIN WALLS

UNASA and the Zimbabwean Society have teamed up to reach out to the Stellenbosh community to collect donations for those who are affected by Cyclone Idai. Cyclone Idai has affected large parts of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi, with it being the deadliest cyclone that the countries have experienced in the last three decades. Luke Waltham, chairperson of the Stellenbosch Chapter of UNASA, said, “Together with the Zimbabwean Society, we started the collection with the aim to help gather items which will help those who are suffering from the effects of the cyclone. With the help of the Student Representative Council, Amnesty and the BA society, who decided to join in and assist us with our campaign.” “Essentially, we want to collect as many items as possible. The United Nations is organising a truck to collect

STUDENTS STANDING IN SUPPORT Lauren Stevenson and Minenhle Nxumalo donating goods to support cyclone victims. Photo: Erin Walls all donations which will be sent to the Mozambique and Zimbabwe embassies in Johannesburg, who will then distribute the items accordingly to areas affected.” Jessica Strydom, a student who donated, said that she donated simply because she wanted to “help”. “I do not think that people realise the extent of how badly affected peo-

ple are from this cyclone.” Clothes, non-perishable foods or stationary can be deposited in boxes that are currently located outside the SRC Office in the Neelsie. Other places are BASC Office in the BA building, TSS Via SRC student wellness (MELT) as well as the LLL intern house on Victoria Street. Donations close on 15 April.


10 April 2019


Contesting the campus connection NICOLE NASSON & MIA VAN DER MERWE


aties Wifi, the campus Wi-Fi, is only accessible at faculties and university facilities, but not at residences and private student organisations (PSOs). In response, Stellenbosch University (SU) launched a project to install Wi-Fi routers in residences and private student organisations (PSOs) accomodation so that students have access to the internet even when they are in their rooms. Hein Swanepoel, SUNCOM Senior Director, said all residences have been notified of the project and installation is underway. According to Swanepoel, there were a few residences who requested Wi-Fi and that is how the idea for the project came about. Brandon Hughes, Simonsberg’s Prim, recalls how it all started at Simonsberg. In 2016, Chris de Villiers and Dwaine Saunderson, two Simonsberg roommates, wanted to install a router just for themselves, but were warned against it by the IT Department as it would disrupt the already implemented Wi-Fi infrastructure which distributes the campus Wi-Fi. However, the idea for residences and PSOs to have their own WiFi was not disregarded. Hughes said, “[de Villiers, Sauderson and the IT Department] had a meeting and through communication with [each other] the IT Department decided to do a pilot project of Wi-Fi in Simonsberg.” Hughes continued to say that the Wi-Fi was and still is a work in progress since they were the first residence to receive Wi-Fi and was thus using a prototype. “As far as I know, we were the first residence to get Wi-Fi,” Hughes said. Once the Wi-Fi at Simonsberg

DIE ROOIPLEIN HOU ‘N GEHEIMSINNIGE SWART BOKS Mense wat deur die swart boks op die gras sit. FOTO: Charles Palmer OLYMPUS STILL USING LAN CABLE TO ACCESS WIFI Wade Baarties, Vice Prim, uses cable to access the internet. PHOTO: Mia van der was refined, distribution to other residences and PSOs began. Wilgenhof, Serruria and Harmonie are three of the residences to receive Wi-Fi, with Serruria and Harmonie only recently receiving Wi-Fi, while Wilgenhof has had theirs for 2 years. According to Mika Engelbrecht, Serruria’s Prim, Serruria is happy with the Wi-Fi and have had no problems thus far. Engelbrecht commented on the effect the new Wi-Fi has had on the residents. “It was a bit of a challenge because everyone came to the dining hall and sat on their phones for the Wi-Fi. Obviously, you could work in your room with the LAN ports, but you’d meet people there who were on their phones for the Wi-Fi too and it was just easier to connect and have that personal interaction compared to everyone being in their rooms. It’s quieter now.” Olympus is one of the PSOs who haven’t received the new WiFi. Wade Baaties, Olympus’ Vice Chairperson, said that their HK house almost bought their own router as they weren’t notified of the SU Wi-Fi project. “There’s a small little piece that

actually connects to the [campus] Wi-Fi and doesn’t connect to the rest of our rooms. The only way we are able to access MatiesWifi via our laptops is through an Ethernet cable, which then becomes very problematic because we have to be within the length of the Ethernet cable.” Rebecca Pitt, Monica’s prim, said that they also don’t have WiFi and it’s been a back and forth affair for months. Monica was promised installation in March, but then the installation was postponed to April. Swanepoel disclosed the existence of a list of which residences get Wi-Fi next. The list is ordered according to unknown criteria, but Swanepoel assumed infrastructural work, distance from campus and accessibility as probable factors. “Some residences have old networks and we need to upgrade the whole infrastructure and wiring.” He revealed that it is not always easy to gain access to residences during the year. Therefore, they prefer to work during the holidays, especially in the case of female residences, as security is a priority. Installation completion is expected around the June/July vacation.

Die sleutel tot bewaring ZAHLÉ ELOFF

LESSONS in Conservation (LiC) is ‘n ten volle geregistreerde nie-winsgewende organisasie wat deur hul Besturende Direkteur, Dean Carlisle, gestig is. LiC is verlede jaar gestig en word deur studente bestuur met die doel om mense, veral skool leerdes, oor omgewingskwessies en die belangrikheid van bewaring op te voed. Op Donderdag 4 April het hulle by Trumpet Tree ‘n geleentheid aangebied waar hulle die gemeenskap oor LiC ingelig het en betrokkenheid aangemoedig het. Eugene Greyling, die Distriksbestuurder, het die Wes-Kaap se bekendstelling aangebied en het vertel van LiC se opvoedkundige lesse aan die jeug en minderbevoor regte gemeenskappe. “Ons doel is om die jeug ‘n geleentheid te gee om hul eie lewens en die gemeenskap van binne te verander,” sê Candice Denner, die lid vir Administra-

Swart boks op die groen gras CARLA VISAGIE

’N Swart skeepshouer wat studente al vir ’n geruime tyd aan die wonder het op Die Neelsie se grasperk is op Maandag 8 April geopen vir studente om oor die etensuur te kom besigtig. Die skeepshouer bevat ’n kunswerk wat van “kamera obscura” tegnologie gebruik maak, ’n natuurlike optiese verskynsel wat plaasvind wanneer ’n beeld van ’n toneel aan die ander kant van ’n skerm deur ’n klein gaatjie as ’n onderstebo en omgekeerde beeld op ’n oppervlak teenoor die opening geprojekteer word. Die projek se naam is “Obskure Stellenbosch” en is ontwerp deur Charles Palm, ’n derdejaar BA(Skone Kunste) student aan US met die doel om studente met nuwe oë na die kampuslewe te laat kyk. “Ons almal beweeg deur die spasie van eerstejaar na vierdejaar toe en ons kyk nie rêrig daarna nie. Studente is meestal op hul selfone of besig om te gesels met hul vriende en hulle kry nie regtig ’n geleentheid om te kyk na die spasie op ’n objektiewe manier nie,” het Palm gesê. Volgens Palm is die breër betekenis agter die werk om gesprekvoering aan die gang te sit en om ’n bydrae te maak op ’n kreatiewe

manier, waar studente ’n spasie het om ’n emosionele reaksie by kykers uit te lok. Palmer beoog om die installasie twee keer ’n jaar op die Rooiplein te hê. Dit gaan oop wees vanaf hierdie week tot aan die einde van Mei. Volgens Palmer is die projek deel van’n groter projek van die Visuele Kunste departement om ’n visuele regstellingsproses by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) te begin. Dié projek is begin deur prof Elmarie Costandius, ’n medeprofessor en koördineerder van die Meestersgraad in Kunsonderwys by die departement Visuele Kunste. “Die projek stel voor om die kritieke en sosiale potensiaal van die kunste verder te benut om hierdie kwessies op ’n oop manier te ondersoek” lui die inligting oor Visual Redress-projek op die webtuiste van die departement Visuele Kunste van die US. Volgens Lenelle Henning, ’n tweedejaar BA (Geesteswetenskap)-student met Visuele Studies as vak, dien die projek as ’n manier om oor probleme te praat. “Projekte soos hierdie is ’n kreatiewe en innoverende manier waarop studente ’n deursigtige en toeganklike kommunikasie platform gegun word,” het Henning gesê.


Links tot regs, Cllint Cupido, Candice Denner, Eugene Greyling, Renier Basson. FOTO: Zahlé Eloff sie en Skenkerverhoudinge by LiC. “In Afrika is ons so bevoorreg in terme van wild en die natuurlike hulpbronne wat ons het,” het Greyling in die aanbieding gesê . Denner sê dat die mees effektiewe manier vir die LiC om te kan groei en alles wat dit uitgesit het om te bereik, deur vrywilligers en skenkers is. Denner het ook gesê dat die aangeleentheid ‘n groot sukses

was en dat die lootjies goed gaan. Vir diegene wat in ‘n minder toegewyde rol belangstel word dit voorgestel dat hulle by Friends of Lessons in Conservation (FLiC) aansluit. Hierdie organisasie poog om ongelooflike geleenthede bekend te stel om mense bewus te maak oor wat gedoen kan word om die ryk biodiversiteit in Suidelike Afrika, en hopelik eendag, die wêreld, te bewaar.

Professionele, bekostigbare tikwerk, redigering en vertaling van alle relevante dokumente. Alle tikwerk word gedoen in Word. Kontak asseblief Helma Zeelie vir ‘n gratis kwotasie by (023) 5418812 of WHATSAPP 0823266660. Voordele van die gebruik van my dienste: 1. Tikwerk sonder spelfoute. 2. Tikwerk sonder grammatikale foute. 3. Jy kan meer tyd spandeer aan jou studies, wanneer



professionele tikster.







Taking more than just a percentage P LARA VAN HEERDEN

imp My Book in Die Neelsie has recently come under fire from Stellenbosch University (SU) students who are unhappy about how the second-hand bookseller deals with their money. Pimp My Book provides students with the opportunity to sell their used textbooks, and is a popular option on campus. However, there have been complaints this year about delays in notifying students that their books have been sold, as well as in the receiving of payments, which students can collect as soon as their books have been sold, particularly with regards to the consignment system. At Pimp My Book, students are notified via email or SMS that their book has been sold. The student is then requested to send their banking details to Pimp My Book in order for the money to be transferred, but students can also go to the store and collect the cash. Samantha van den Berg, a second year BCom Management student, gave Pimp My Book one of her textbooks in 2018 to sell on her behalf. Van den Berg said that she didn’t get contacted for a year and went to ask at the beginning of 2019 if the book had been sold. “It had been sold, but I hadn’t been contacted about the money,” Van den Berg said. According to her, the employees at Pimp My Book could not find her or her information on the

BOOK SHOP BARGAIN HUNTING Patrick Moehrke browsing Pimp My Book. PHOTO: Lara van Heerden system. Van den Berg said that these employees were “not very helpful” and she went home to look for the original receipt in order to take it to Pimp My Book as they would then have to refund her. When she went back, they told her to go back to the store later in the week as they did not have the cash to pay her. “I did get the money eventually, but it was just long and drawn out,” she said. Wianda Gilliland, an Honours

student in Journalism, had a similar experience. She went to the Pimp My Book store in Die Neelsie during peak season this year. Pimp My Book allegedly could not purchase her book but said that they would take it on consignment and place it on the shelf. Gilliland said, “They literally gave me a little piece of paper ripped out from an exam pad and said that I should put [my] name and contact details on there.” They did not ask her anything about banking details.

Toyota borg Woordfees; Steve bly weg

year, but he did not receive cash for these books. They did, however, give him a receipt and sent him a follow-up email requesting his banking details, which he then provided. About a month later, he went to the Pimp My Book store and enquired as to why he had not been paid yet. Moehrke produced the receipts for his books and said that he then immediately received payment from Pimp My Book. “I should have probably acted a bit sooner, but I didn’t,” Moehkre added. Mhesano explained that students have three options when wanting to sell a book. They can either sell it to Pimp My Book and receive cash immediately, place it on consignment where students leave their books on the shelves and are informed when it has been sold after which they can collect 70% of the selling price. The last option is PimpWallet where students receive credit for selling their textbook to Pimp My Book. “This year I did have issues with [payment] as my head office did not do the payment,” Mhesano said. He added that they spend one day a week, usually a Friday or a Saturday informing people that their books have been sold, but that they try not to inform new people if the previous week’s customers have yet to receive their money, resulting in delays.



WOORDFEES is van nou af tougherer. Nadat Toyata SA mede-naamborgregte vir Stellenbosch se “jool vir oumense” bekom het, staan die Woordfees nou amptelik as die Toyota US Woordfees bekend. Toyata is een van die maatskappye wat verlede maand in die nuus was nadat hulle as borg van Afrikaans is Groot (AIG) onttrek het. Die rits ontrekkings volg op ’n twiet uit 2014 van Steve Hofmeyr, wat by AIG gaan optree, wat hewige reaksie op sosiale media ontlok het. “Dit het ’n verdelende krag geword en ons bly polities neutraal,” sê Lettie Labauschagne, hoofbestuurder van bemarkingskommunikasie by Toyota SA, oor die borgskapontrekking. Sy beklemtoon egter dat die Woordfees-borgskap “heeltemal onverwant aan Afrikaans is Groot (AIG)” is. Volgens Marais is die ideaal in enige samelewing dat die kunste totaal onafhanklik moet wees. “Saartjie [Botha] sê altyd: ‘Sonder kunstenaars is ons nie en sonder borge kan ons nie.’ Dit is gewoon die werklikheid van die kunsomgewing,” sê Danie Marais, woordvoerder van die Woordfees. Die Toyota-borgskap is nie ’n ding wat oornag gebeur het nie meen Marais. “Die Woordfees maak al vier

“A week or two went by and I got an email from them; just one sentence saying please provide us with your banking details,” Gilliland said. She replied with her banking details and asked if her book had been sold. She apparently did not receive any response on her email and, after a week, sent another email stating that she had not yet received any payment and she again asked if her book had been sold. After a few weeks, she went to the store and asked them to check on the system if her book had been sold, which it had. According to Gilliland, Simba Mhesano, an employee of 10 years at Pimp My Book, told her that the EFT system was down, but that they did not have the cash at that moment, and she should come back the next morning. Gilliand did go the next morning, after being reassured that they will definitely have the cash when she returns, but they still did not have the cash. This time, she was told to return at lunch time on the same day. When she returned at lunch time, the money was still not ready for her to collect and the employee had to “scramble for a few coins in his own wallet”. A third year BCom Actuarial Science student, Patrick Moehrke, also had delays in receiving his payment. Pimp My Book bought two of his textbooks in February of this

STEVE HOFFMEYR FOTO’S: Twitter/ steve_hofmeyr en ToyotaSA jaar lank voorleggings. Ons wou altyd graag ’n voertuigborg kry. Nie net om op die langtermyn in te koop op die fees nie, maar ook om ’n vervoerborg te kry vir die pendeldiens en so aan,” sê Marais. Labauschagne sê dat hulle nog seker is hoe die borgskap aangewend gaan word nie en dat hulle nog “die fynere detail gaan [...] uitwerk”. Sy voeg ook by dat die Woordfees ’n wye gehoor dien en dat daar baie geleenthede is wat hulle kan ondersoek. En die kanse dat Steve Hofmeyr by die Woordfees optree? Volgens Marais het Hofmeyr nie die laaste paar jaar aansoek vir die fees gedoen nie. “Mens moet maar elke aansoek op meriete hanteer. Dis nie asof die Woordfees ’n Steve-standpunt het om te maak nie.” Hofmeyer was in 2014 by die

Woordfees waar hy met Deon Meyer in gesprek was oor sy boek Laaste dans, Drienie. Met navraag of Hofmeyer van plan is om in te skryf vir volgende jaar se Woordfees, het Johan Victor, Hofmeyr se regsverteenwoordiger, gesê: “Mnr. Hofmeyr het nog nooit amptelik versoek om aan die Woordfees deel te neem nie aangesien daar oënskynlik nie aptyt vir “country” musiek of pop-musiek is by die Woordfees nie. Na alles is die Woordfees inderdaad ’n ‘KUNSFEES’! [sic] “Mnr. Hofmeyr het nie tans ’ʼn boek wat gereed sal wees vir publikasie voor die datum van sluiting van “aansoeke” om by die Woordfees 2020 op te tree nie en voorsien hy dus nie dat hy sal aansoek doen om aan die 2020 Woordfees deel te neem nie.”

10 April 2019



chase the



Saterdag 11 Mei 2019 Val de Vie Estate Kom rek en strek vroegoggend saam met ons in die buitelug in ’n reeks oefeninge wat jou tot rus sal laat kom en jou kop sal skoonmaak. Alles teen die agtergrond van die pragtige Val de Vie buite die Paarl. Die program begin net voor sonsopkoms met strek- en ontspanningsoefeninge, gevolg deur Pilates teen dagbreek en ’n lyfkondisioneringsessie. Ons sluit af met op-en-wakker-dansoefeninge.

haal asem • strek • dans • herhaal Kaartjies en oornagverblyf beskikbaar by Quicket.co.za

@WomensHealthSA @WomensHealthMagSA Women’s Health South Africa




Bly warm gedurende die winter DESLENE PRINS

families wat nie warm klere of kos het om tee eet nie, wat nog te sê van speelgoed of ’n warm vuur waarby hulle kan sit. Meeste koshuise het liefdadigheidsprojekte waarby hulle betrokke is wat kleure en kos skenk aan liefdadigheidsorganisasies. Help om ’n verandering te bring. Sit sal jou boonop laat goed voel om ’n bydra te lewer.


inter is op pad en saam met winter kom die winter blues. Daar is egter ’n paar wenke wat jy kan volg om seker te maak dat dit altyd lente bly vir die Stellenbosse student: Kamp in jou kamer Ons is almal steeds kinders in ons harte. As jy verveeld is, gryp jou komberse en ’n paar stoele en maak vir jou ’n tydelike tent net soos in jou kinderdae. Kry iets lekker om te eet en miskien ’n paar glase wyn of ’n warm sjokoladedrankie en verdwyn na jou eie klein wêreld. Jy kan selfs ’n nuwe fliek of ’n nuwe TV-reeks op jou skotrekenaar aflaai en van jou tent ’n teater maak.

Gaan kyk ’n US-Kooroptrede Universiteit Stellenbosch spog met een van die beste universeitskore ter wêreld. Hulle hou nou en dan opvoerings wat gratis is om te gaan kyk. Hou jou oor op die grond en as jy hoor van ’n opvoering, gaan luister gerus na die bevaamde koor.

Maak ’n vreugdevuur

’n Vreugdevuur, ook betekend as ’n bonfire, is iets wat jy en jou vriende maklik kan maak. Maak natuurlik eers seker dat julle dit op ’n veilige manier doen. Verkieslik ver van huise of lang gras af. Kuier lekker saam met vriende om ’n warm vuur en braai ’n paar malvalekkers. Dit is een manier wat beslis die winter blues sal oplos. Besoek ’n nuwe restaurant Stellenbosch is vol wêreldklas-restaurante wat almal interessante style en kulture laat saam smelt. Kry ’n groep vriende en toer in

YSIGE WINTER NET OM DIE DRAAI Heléne Leonard maak haarself gereed vir die winter en hou haarself besig met ’n lekker warm koppie koffie in die hand. PHOTO: Armin Prinsloo Dorp- of Kerkstraat af. Moenie bang wees om nuwe dinge te probeer en geniet nie. Ondersteun wintersporte Daar is baie wintersporte om van te kies hier in Matieland. Buiten rugby is daar hokkie, basketbal, sokker, tennis, atletiek, skaak, netbal, pluimbal en fietsry.

Alhoewel ons almal lief is vir ’n Varsitybeker-Maandag, is daar talle ander sporte waarby jy kan aansluit of ondersteun. Ondersteun Maties by elke geleentheid wat verskaf word. Blykies van goedsinnigheid Skenk van jou ou klere of speelgoed. In die winter is daar talle

The Snow-White Project ERIN WALLS

FROM Pageant queen to post-graduate student in marketing, Andeline Wieland is now making a name for herself in the dress rental business – all for a good cause. The Snow-White Project has accumulated over R50 000 for local charities in the surrounding Stellenbosch area. Andeline started The SnowWhite Project in 2012, were, over time, she set out to ask girls to donate their dresses, either from friends or fellow pageant competitors, were she would rent them out and all profits would go to charity. “I did pageants all over representing Namibia, including winning Miss Continental in Las Vegas in 2017,” she explained. “I realised during my time of pageants, I had accumulated many dresses from competitions with no real purpose anymore. It all really started in my res. Girls would see I had dresses and would ask to borrow them and soon I began to see the opportunity to rent them out.” “I understand that some girls have a sentimental attachment to their dresses, but if you begin to think about the impact that one dress could make to someone who cannot afford to buy one, the dress sitting in the back of your cupboard suddenly begins to seem useless,” she said. Not only could you make a difference to a single girl, but to hun-

Probeer ’n warm jogaklas Miskien is dit glad nie wat jy verwag het om te lees nie, maar joga is ’n gewilde manier om van spanning ontslae te raak. As sport en strawwe oefening nie eintlik jou ding is nie, kan joga ’n ander opsie wees. Behalwe dat dit jou soepelheid verbeter, is joga ’n goeie toevoeging tot ’n oefenroetine. Daar is spesifieke posisies in joga wat ontwerp is om krag te verbeter en spiere op te bou. Die Hot Yoga Studio in Andrigastraat gee spesiale afslag vir studente. Daar is selfs ’n skedule asook ’n lys van die verskillende tipe jogas en hul pryslys is op die webwerf te vinde.

dreds of children. “Last year I raised over R16 500 for Durbanville children&#39s home,” she said. Some of the charities that have been helped include The Hannah Foundation, which is a non- profit that supports communities with services such as soup kitchens, libraries and job development. Andeline also did a pencil drive, to supply stationary to schools in

the local area, as well as sponsoring the Santa Shoebox Project. “I try to cater for everyone, for all shapes, sizes and tastes, whilst remaining affordable. Everyone deserves to feel beautiful and I hope that this business can help achieve that,” Wieland explained about her business. If you’re interested in renting, donating or supporting, follow her Instagram: @thesnowwhiteproject.

“Ed Sheeran lyk as of hy nou net toetsweek gehad het.” – – Ingenieurswesestudent “This is the Rooiplein. I have no idea why they call it the Rooiplein.” – A colour blind tour guide “The most lethal drinking game is the one with Philosophy 314. Every time something doesn’t make sense you take a sip”. – Extremely confused student “Not everyone is a ten. But you cannot always be a ten. Sometimes you are a three.” – Third year international studies student regarding BASK ratings of lecturers “Wat is daardie ding se naam waarop mens tik?.” – Derdejaar BA-student in Humarga op soek na Word “As ek nie om jou kan hardloop nie, hardloop ek oor jou.” – Aggressiewe hokkiespeler “It’s only the beginning of the term and it’s already starting to go downhill like a girl on De Lapa stairs”. – Student in the bib


A TRUE CINDERELLA STORY Adeline Wieland owns hundreds of dresses. She hires the dresses out and gives money to charity. PHOTO: Erin Walls



Regisseur: Clint Eastwood Met homself, Bradley Cooper Gradering: 3/4 #ExplainaFilmPlotBadly: OU oompie wat verslaaf is aan dwelms en stadig ry. Vir ’n ernstige misdaaddrama is The Mule verbasend snaaks en opwindend. Dit is als te danke aan Clint Eastwood se unieke optrede as die bitter ou oompie, Earl Stone, ’n tuinboukundige wat besluit om sy werk te los om ’n afleweringsbestuurder te word vir die wrede Meksikaanse dwelmkartel. Met so ’n opsomming klink die fliek heel absurd, maar Eastwood se volwasse regisseurswerk vul die fliek met ’n diep sin van realisme. Met sy laaste paar flieks het Eastwood homself herbevestig as een van hierdie era se “meesters van spanning” en dit kom sterk deur in The Mule. Jy kan verwag dat jou naels gaar gekou gaan wees teen die einde van die fliek. Die fliek se ontwikkeling is stadig en klinies, maar dit is vol drama en spanning. Dit word nooit vervelig nie. Eastwood speel ’n

rol wat hy al voorheen in flieks soos Gran Torino gespeel het: oud en knorrig. Al is Eastwood glad nie soos hierdie karakters in die regte lewe nie, lyk hy baie gemaklik om sulke rolle te vertolk. Ons word voorgestel aan Bradley Cooper se karakter, Colin Bates, ’n DEA-agent wat op soek is na Earl Stone. Colin Bates se verhaal is ’n algemene een wat ons almal al ’n honderd keer gesien het en ongelukkig bevat sy tonele min oorspronklikheid. Daar is baie min tyd bestee aan die ontwikkeling van Cooper se karakter, wat ’n mens minder laat omgee oor sy doel in die fliek. Al doen Cooper sy bes as akteur, voel mens dat die skrywers nie vir hom genoeg goeie materiaal gegee het om mee te werk nie. Hy is nietemin ’n puik en mooi akteur.Hierdie fliek is nie perfek nie, en het nie verlede jaar veel pryse gewen nie, maar dit is nog steeds ’n fliek wat die moeite werd is om te gaan kyk, veral as jy van Clint Eastwood hou. As jy van The Mule gehou het, sal jy ook van die volgende flieks hou: Gran Tourino (2008), The Good the bad and the Ugly (1966) en Heat (1995).


10 April 2019


Campus Closet: A grand affair at graduation Linné du Preez went out and about to report on some of the trending outfits at this year’s graduation. Elrie Golach captured these stunning moments on camera. ,




SIMPLE but so stylish. Hannah Edwards looked very elegant in her plain, loose fitted olive green dress. She decided to pair her dress with olive green high heeled shoes. She also went for a plain and simple hair style and also kept her jewellery minimalistic. The colours suit the yellow BAband quite well. We can thus see that Hannah took a plain-Jane approach, but still looked sleek, elegant and stylish.

THE men looked very handsome in their suits and ties. Some male student wore jeans with buttoned-up shirts, for a casual look, while others opted for a propper tailor-made suit. The colour scheme of suits and ties were very fascinating. Lu-Wayne Botes looked dashing in his baby blue button-up Shirt with a matching baby blue tie and black pants. Lu-Wayne might even start a new trend with his matching shirt and tie.

THE semi-formal cocktail dresses were all over the show in different colours, styles, lengths and designs. Nicole Kernelle was rocking one of these semi-formal dresses, and she looked gorgeous in the fitted, nude colour, knee-length dress. The peplum around her waist definitely added a more formal look. She also chose the sleek, straight hair style with a middle path and she looked very classy.

PINK COUTURE PANSHE Javas looked fashion-forward in this pink outfit, one could immediately see that she has her own style. She was dressed up from head to toe, her hair was curled in a loose wavy way and even her long white nails and glitter makeup was on fleek at graduation. The pink pants had a little slit at the bottom which placed focus on the black, pointed, high heels that rounded her outfit off perfectly for this event.

THE LADY IN YELLOW SHE’s got the degree, she’s got the style, and she’s got the attitude. Zen Matle looked stunning in her shocking yellow, wrap dress. One could spot her from a mile away, she was absolutely glowing. Yellow has been a very popular colour for the last few years and when looking at her, we can see why. She decided to add gold earrings, a neckless, and bangles to bedazzle her outfit further.

healthy living Henry Le Roux, the lifestyle manager of @orgca, gives healthy, cheap food recipes for students A CLUCKING FUN EVENT This weekend saw another of Stellenbosch’s classic residence events take place: the Helshoogte Hoenderdag. Having taken place every year for approximately four decades, this year it was an afternoon filled with dancing, DJs and drinking. PHOTO: Supplied



INGREDIENTS 200g of Grabouw boerewors 2 Fried eggs Cream cheese Broccoli 1 Tomato

INGREDIENTS 4 Eggs Butternut blocks Black kidney beans Cream cheese 1 Tomato



Fry the boerewors for 10 minutes first (with some water), adding the eggs in the last 5. You can either boil the broccoli in the same pan or separate it from each other. Season it with black pepper or cayenne pepper for anti-inflammatory properties, and add cream cheese and tomato at the end.

A very satisfying meal. Fry four eggs as the base of your scrumptious fold–over. Pre-cook your butternut or boil it for 15 minutes on the side. To fill the inside, simply add the butternut, 1/3 tin black kidney beans, 1 tomato and a few scoops of cream cheese. Finish it off with a season of black pepper.

BLUEBERRY PANCAKES INGREDIENTS 3 Eggs 1 Banana Handful of blueberries Sesame seeds Cream cheese Almonds METHOD Mash the banana before adding sesame seed and the 3 eggs. Cut blueberries and add it to the mix. Whisk until smooth. Fry each layer over medium heat with oil of choice.You can add any topping you like, from peanut butter, to jam or cream cheese. I used cream cheese and almonds in this case.

A E V I TA S S P E R M B A N K M I N I M U M R E Q U I R E M E N T: D E G R E E / D I P L O M A ( O R R E G I S T R AT I O N ) A L L C U LT U R A L G R O U P S W E L C O M E


C O N TA C T G R E G ( S P E R M B A N K ) TEL :021 506 4136 E M A I L : S P E R M B A N K @ A E V I TA S . C O . Z A



Dag & Nag

Van Coke en kie by Grand West


Willow-Ruby van der Berg gesels met Francois van Coke oor musiek, vriende en ’n lekker kompetisie vir al ‘Die Matie’ se lesers.

y ken hom dalk net as die stem van ons generasie of as ’n beoordelaar op die nuutste seisoen van The Voice, maar Francois van Coke is beslis ’n veteraan in die Suid-Afrikaanse musiekbedryf. Deur die jare het Van Coke met Suid-Afrika se beste musikante saamgewerk om van ons gunsteling hits te skep en nou sleep hy al hierdie vriende en medekunstenaars saam met hom Kaap toe waar Francois van Coke en Vriende op 3 Mei by Grand West gaan optree. “Dit is ’n 2 uur lange show met songs oor die afgelope 16 jaar. Ons speel ook ’n paar ander, maar meeste van die tunes is samewerkings waarvan ek deel was gedurende my loopbaan. “Ek was baie gelukkig om te werk aan groot hits saam met Karen Zoid, Jack Parow, Die Heuwels, Fokofpolisiekar, Van Coke Kartel en het al saam met almal anders op die line-up geskryf en die verhoog gedeel. “Ons het die show nog net een keer gedoen en dit was in Pretoria verlede September. Dit was ’n hoogtepunt in my loopbaan en ek weet dit was ook ’n hoogtepunt vir mense wat live musiek luister en kyk. Ons kom met massiewe klank, ligte en produksie. Dit gaan ’n onvergeetlike aand wees, belowe,” het Van Coke gesê. Francois van Coke en Vriende het verlede jaar afgeskop en

wolf geskryf wat ons by die show sal speel, onder meer. Ons wil die show verbeter, groter maak en konstant vernuwe, so hopelik word dit ’n jaarlikse instelling,” het hy gesê. So, as jy lus is vir ’n nostalgiese aand wat rock soos net hy kan, is Francois van Coke en Vriende beslis nie iets wat jy wil misloop nie. In Francois an Coke se eie woorde: “Hoop ek sien jou by die show. Wees slim, wees braaf en swot hard!” So, maak seker jy kry daardie kaartjie by Computicket.

KOMPETISIE VIR ALMAL Dinge het geruk en rol by Francois van Coke en Vriende verlede jaar. FOTO: Henry Engelbrecht geskiedenis gemaak met ’n ongelooflike rock-optrede in Pretoria voor ’n uitverkoopte gehoor van 8 500 mense. “Dit het nogal gevoel soos ’n prestasie, dit was die grootste show wat ons al ooit aangepak het en dit het gewerk! Die aand was ’n moerse ervaring en ons sal dit weer vir die mense in die Kaap wil gee. So, ek hoop almal van Stellenbosch maak die mission om te kom,” het Van Coke opgewonde gesê. Jack Parow, Majozi, Fokofpolisiekar, Early B, Die Heuwels Fantasties, Arno Carstens, Laudo

Wees bly want Bouwer kom weer Bosch toe GABRIELA VILJOEN

JA, jy het reg gehoor. Die Straatligkinders – met hoofsanger Bouwer Bosch – kom ná sewe jaar weer ’n draai in Stellenbosch maak en hulle wil saam met jou dans, draai en arms in die rondte swaai. In November verlede jaar het Straatligkinders hul ses jaar stilte verbreek met die bekendstelling van hul nuwe album, Verdwyn. Dié aankondiging het gepaardgegaan met die bekendstelling van die enkelsnit en musiekvideo, “Wonder”. As dié tong-in-die-kies-video net ’n voorsmakie van hul optrede is, kan jy ’n onvergeetlike aand verwag. Straatligkinders toer nou deur die land met hul nuwe musiek, met ’n spesiale Stellenbosch-optrede by Aandklas op 12 April.

“Daar word gesê dat jou beste album gewoonlik jou eerste album is omdat jy jou hele lewe al daaraan skryf, maar ons is baie opgewonde om ons stories en ervaringe van die laaste ses jaar met die wêreld te deel,” het Bouwer Bosch, hoofsanger van die groep, gesê oor die toer. Betekenisvolle lirieke, unieke klanke en baie persoonlikheid is wat die groep deur al die jare so helder laat skyn en die nuwe album stel ook nie teleur nie. Moenie die volgende dag “Wonder” en spyt wees nie, kom maak “Krake” in die mure van Aandklas soos wat jy saam met die Straatligkinders sing en dans. Kaartjies vir die aand beloop R50 per persoon en is beskikbaar op Quicket.co.za.

Liebenberg ( haal asem) Coenie de Villiers, Riana Nel en Van Coke Kartel gaan die verhoog deel met Francois en Die Gevaar om vir ons ’n onvergeetlike rock-konsert te bring. Van Coke het ’n spesiale verbintenis met elkeen van hierdie kunstenaars, aangesien hy al saam met elkeen van hulle gewerk het en hulle almal vriende is wat hy oor die jare gemaak het. Met 16 jaar agter die rug is daar min mense wat die bedryf so goed ken soos Van Coke. “Dit het ongelooflik baie verander oor die jare. Toe ons begin

het, was dit CD’s, flyers en toer in ’n bus deur die land, sonder laptops. Nou is dit streaming, boosted posts op Facebook en Instagram, baie vlugte met laptops en selfone wat konstant gebruik word. So, almal se lewens is anders,” het Van Coke opgemerk. Van Coke is egter nog lank nie van plan om dit rustiger te vat nie. Hy maak altyd seker dat ons iets het om na uit te sien. “Ek gaan ’n nuwe album bekendstel met ’n paar nuwe collabs op en sal seker dan van hulle wil speel by die show. Ek het ’n song saam met die manne van Spoeg-

Finansies is vir meeste Maties die grootste probleem as dit kom by kwaliteit vermaak. So, jy het drie keuses, dalk vier: Bedel, by ma en pa of ryk pelle. Steel, bietjie van jou happy hour- of Neelsiebegroting. Leen dit iewers en belowe om later terug te betaal. Die vierde keuse is Die Matie wat twee kaartjies na Francois van Coke en Vriende gaan weggee aan ’n gelukkige wenner. Vir meer inligting kan jy ons Facebook-blad besoek.

On Wednesdays we go to poetry launches WILLOW-RUBY VAN DER BERG

THIS term, academics should be a top priority but some might feel somewhat “otherwise occupied”. Tonight, professor Sally-Ann Murray who is the chair of the English department at Stellenbosch University, is launching her volume of poetry Otherwise Occupied at Exclusive Books in Cavendish Square. An acoustic band, Gravel Road, will perform live from 17:30. Everyone attending can enjoy a glass of wine before the reading and the interview between Sally-Ann Murray and the critic and poet, Joan Hambidge. “I see it as a little celebration. That is my spirit, that is my mood,” said Murray. Murray is also the author of the award winning novel Small Moving Parts. This novel follows the life of a girl who lives in Durban, as Murray did before relocating to Stellenbosch. She mentions the space she finds herself in and her

day to day experiences as well as her interest in contemporary women’s writing as a great influence on her work. “A poet always takes, selects, recasts, reconfigures. So, let’s take my own transplant from Durban, take the new things I see, new people, snippets of conversation heard on the Cape wind and use all of that. It is however quite difficult being a white middle aged female you know. “You imagine that people might already know what type of poems she will write and I don’t disappoint. Those are reassuring, safe poems in a way. A poet worth her salt is however not interested in comfort or safe. Therefore, a large portion of poems are discomforting, raucous and poems that vloek and won’t make everybody happy,” said Murray. Otherwise Occupied is a diverse collection of poems that sets out to experiment and make a cultural noise to those who want to listen.

“I think that this is going to show a woman who is: yes, she’s intellectual, it doesn’t make apologies for that – some of the poems are difficult, but there is also in this collection a powerful experiential and affective claim as well. It says: Here is a woman trying to be this and this and this and sometimes, oh my gosh, she’s not managing, and that’s not to ring your hands and say: ‘ag shame’, but it’s to say: ‘Okay, this poet is actually tackling ideas about what it means to be relationally female in difficult situations.’ “The poems are often recalcitrant, sometimes they shout or are quite noisy with not only cultural angst, but also the noise in the poet’s headspace. I’m quite torn because I love beauty and the idea of a beautiful lyrical poem, a poem that is beautifully balanced. I have however come to understand that I can find beauty in a supposed wretchedness, beauty in the jagged messy page,” said Murray.


10 April 2019

The New Voice in jazz



ometimes the best things in life happen spontaneously. That is how it was for New Voice Sextet, an up and coming jazz group who started with, in the words of drummer, David Jones, “one epic jam session”. They then decided to take it from there. New Voice Sextet, established last year, consists of Mark Lynch (saxophone), Brent January (guitar), Dillon Cornelius (bass guitar), Melisizwe “Melli” Plaatjie (keyboard), Igar Johannes (trumpet) and David Jones (drums). The members are all music students at Stellenbosch University (SU). With New Voice Sextet they aim to explore new and exciting sounds. The “new voice” in their name refers to their aim to bring something different to the table. “We’re all classically trained musicians, and for us, in a classical environment, it’s a new way to express. Jazz is not too common, or relevant in Stellenbosch yet, so it’s also about bringing a new voice to the stage,” Lynch explained. The band started with a spontaneous gig. Some of the members were asked by a lecturer to accompany Babalwa Mentjies, the accomplished jazz singer, who was doing a lunch hour concert in the

SEXY SEXTET New Voice making sweet music at the Konservatorium. PHOTO: Katya Zoio Neelsie last year. “We knew about each other, but we have never played together. Afterwards, we were just like, ‘wow, we should do this again’. And then some other guys heard about it and sat in on a rehearsal. We all just started jamming together,” Jones said. With gigs and concerts on the horizon, and possibly an album later this year, this group is dreaming big. New Voice Sextet focuses on instrumental jazz, and mostly play original compositions. They emphasise that they prefer not to categorise their music into one specific genre as it draws from a wide

variety of styles and is essentially one big fusion of genres. Amongst others, they list free jazz, traditional African jazz, blues and funk as some of their biggest influences. “But actually, we just play what we want and explore our sound as much as we can. We don’t try to imitate anyone. We just do us,” Plaatjie said. “Our music is more focused on freedom of expression than limiting it to a single genre,” Lynch added. “The band is this creative environment – we all have something different to express, and the way the different styles blend is quite unique.” Their writing process is characterised by spontaneity and

exploration. “Someone will literally just come up with a riff, or a chord progression. It’s not written out, but that’s what keeps it fresh – we are always open to more ideas,” Jones explained. Plaatjie emphasised the freedom in their style by naming the improvisation sessions as his favourite part of playing together. “Sometimes we just come to the session and jam and see what comes out of it. We’ll have a starting point, then we just go mad.” The band members also emphasised that New Voice is much more than just a few musicians playing together every now and then. “It’s easy to just play music with a group, but to play and have conversations without speaking, is rare. And I think that’s what we have. It’s special to know that you can convey what you’re thinking without verbally saying it, but as a language in music,” January said. “It’s a kind of outlet for us – we can sit for two, three hours and just play. It keeps us sane,” Jones echoed. Plaatjie summed it up as “Every time we play together it’s a mad experience.” The New Voice Sextet promises to bring something fresh and exciting to the Stellenbosch music scene, so keep your eyes open for this epic ensemble!

Bookchella! the first chapter of many more FERN BAMBER

IF you like good music, art and supporting charities, be sure to attend the fundraising event ‘Bookchella!’ on 14 April, which will be held at the Stellenbosch University Gallery (GUS). The fundraiser, titled Chapter 1, is the first of a concert series which intends to raise money for new literacy and library projects that attempt to help primary schools in Kayamandi. The foundation, TH Children, which is in charge of the project, will use all profits from the event to renovate the library of Ikaya Primary School, and to fund a book club. Several popular artists and groups will be performing at the event like the well-known Stellenbosch based Anglo-Afrikaans band, Uncle Spike Die Matie spoke to Michael Burke, Francois van Wyk and Lood van Niekerk from the band this weekend. Uncle Spike is very excited for the event and encourages fans to attend Bookchella! “Quite a large segment of our shows are fundraising,” said Burke. Van Wyk also appreciates the “arty vibes,” as he calls it, of such events. They are moved by the cause and wish to ensure the success of the initiative. “As university students we all value education. We love the bib, so we should try to give these children a special one of their own,” said van Niekerk. The band sees the event as an opportunity to use their passion to help others in need. Kloudink, DJ Joe McDoe and

Matthew Rodriguez will also join them on the stage. Nathan Levinrad, vice-chairperson of the Tony Houz (TH) Children’s foundation and society at Stellenbosch University, provided some insight on the aims of the organization. Founded in 2015, the organization “creates programs to support schools and communities in Townships,” explained Levinrad. “What was first just academic support has recently come to include arts and craft classes, sustainability projects and, most recently, a leadership program and book club.” Reflecting a result in their efforts, the marks of the grade 6 learners of Ikaya Primary school have improved by 10% in both English and Mathematics. In the past, the membership fees paid by SU students for the society sign up process have sufficed in financing the organisation’s programs, but their financial needs have increased. This is why events like Bookchella are so important, as they also function as a means to gain support from students and allow them to learn more about the cause while having fun. “This is why Bookchella is about so much more than just a jol,” said Levinrad. The combination of great music, drinks, and raising funds for a noble cause cannot help but ensure an exciting and enjoyable afternoon and evening. Admission fee is R50 online and R60 at the door.

LET’S GO WILD Caroli Burger and Jess Mathews were just two of the many who enjoyed the art department’s Into the Jungle Quad Party on Friday. The final year art students made their efforts into a spectacular display of lights, games, music and cheap booze that all promise to fund the graduation exhibition, GradEx, at the end of the year. PHOTO: Lwandiso Botozo

The great magnitude of Magnifique ERIN WALLS

MAGNIFIQUE is the name on everyone’s lips when the topic of a night out comes up. They are an events and lifestyle brand. Their most recent event was From West to East that consisted of solo acts and DJs at Aandklas. The up and coming band, Menagerie, had the crowd buzzing and singing along with reggae, rock and alternative tunes. Die Matie sat down with Dane Hong, creator of Magnifique. “It originally started as a passion project of mine in 2017 – I never expected it to become a business. It was just a wild plan at the time,” he said. Hong started out as a DJ in Cape Town, who has performed at techno festivals such as the renowned Spilt Milk in the past. “I wanted to show people that the vibe in Stellenbosch can equally match Cape Town,” he said. “The first event that ever took place was the Boutique Deli, where we made the upstairs of Happy Oak seem like a market place. “We started throwing hiphop events to jazz events to having bands. “Our vision right now is to diversify the crowds of Stellenbosch, to bring everyone together to have a good time, as well as taking on more social responsibility to create awareness surrounding issues in Stellenbosch. “When we host the events with a cultural theme, I’m hoping people will see it as invitation to immerse themselves in that culture, respectfully. We show appreciation to cultures,” Hong said. Next up for Magnifique is Back to the 2000s on 17 April at Happy Oak. The Mac Miller tribute is on 10 May, and it is focused on raising awareness about mental health issues.

NUWE AFRIKAANSE FLIEK Marius Weyers as Piet in Die Seemeeu, ’n verwerking van Anton Tsjekof se gelyknamige toneelstuk, wat op Vrydag 5 April landswyd in fliekteaters begin speel het. Dit is Christiaan Olwagen, regisseur van Kanarie en Johnny is nie dood nie, se nuutste fliek. Die Seemeeu het verlede jaar by die Silwerskermfees sewe nominasies ontvang en Cintaine Schutte, wat Masha speel, het weggestap met die toekenning vir beste vroulike byspeler. FOTO: Verskaf



sê: Spanwerk verg volharding IN my huis was sport altyd aan die orde van die dag. Ons het altyd een of ander sport saam gespeel. In hierdie omgewing het ek geleer wat dit verg om saam met ander mense te werk. Dit het gepaard gegaan met positiewe kommentaar, asook kritiek so elke nou en dan. Dit is na aanleiding hiervan, tes­ ame met my sportbeoefening op skool, wat ek geleer het wat spanwerk behels. Spanwerk is enigiets van liefdesmaats na sportspanne. Dit is baie dikwels nie maanskyn en rose nie. Dit verg harde werk en groot toewyding van alle partye teen­ woordig. Dit word ook nie ten volle bemeester of volkome volgehou nie, want ons is maar mens. Sonder om nou ál die moontlike clichés op te haal, maar spanwerk gaan gepaard met suiwer en volkome kom­ munikasie. Dit moet egter saam met ’n plan gaan. Dit is wel belangrik om nie die plan wat jy in jou kop uitgedink het op die an­ der partye af te dwing nie. Die besmoontlike plan sal altyd deur meer as een mens uitged­ ink word. Dit behoort ook nie noodwendig almal betrokke gelukkig te hou nie. Dit behoort eerder te beoog om die groter doel van die span te dien. Elke spanlid het sekere sterk- en swakpunte. Dit sal deurlopend ontdek en getoets word. Spanlede moet mekaar se swakpunte soveel as moont­

lik probeer wegsteek of aanvul en hulle sterkpunte beklem­ toon. Dit beteken dus dat selfs al hou jy nie van ’n spanlid se persoonlikheid nie, dat jy in die spanverband hulle sterkpunte sal bevorder en nie hulle swak­ punte uitbuit nie. Dit is ook in spanwerk waar jou integriteit en lojaliteit ge­ toets word. Ons het almal buite spanverband ons eie verplig­ tinge. Jou toewyding aan die span kan egter nie ontbind elke keer wat dit moeilik met jou gaan nie. Natuurlik kan dit soms op en af gaan, want die lewe kry mens soms onder, maar soms moet jy (met bep­ lanning) net ’n bietjie volhard. Ek glo dat dit uiteindelik die moeite werd sal wees om te dink dat jy deur ’n ingewikkel­ de tyd kon kom, sukses behaal en nie jou span in die steek ge­ laat het nie. Spanne is daar om mekaar op te bou, selfs in die kritiek wat hulle uitdeel. Steun dus op jou span en maak seker dat hulle weet wanneer jy swaarkry sodat hulle jou ten volle by kan staan. Selfs al maak jy soms droog, is dit lekker om te weet dat jy ’n span het waartoe jy met jou probleme kan gaan. Hulle sal jou waarskynlik daa­ roor aanspreek, maar uitein­ delik sal hulle jou help om die probleem op te los. Vertrou jou span en geniet hulle terwyl jy nog die geleen­ theid het.

KLAGTEPROSEDURE EN FOUTRAPPORTERING / COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE AND REPORTING ERRORS Die Matie is onderhewig aan ’n gedragskode wat by die SR-lid vir Media beskikbaar is. Alle klagtes word deur ’n regsdosent ondersoek, waarna Die Matie voor die Mediaraad kan verskyn. Klagtes moet volgens die uiteengesette prosedure binne veertien dae ná publikasie aanhangig gemaak word. Die Matie subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the code,

please contact the Ombudsman. You may also lodge an internal complaint or report factual errors by contacting the SRc member for Media. Also following the procedure explained above. Die Matie is accountable to its readers and will correct errors where necessary. Please send any complaints to the paper’s ombudsman/ public editor, George Claassen, at gnclaassen@sun.ac.za or 083 543 2471.




E-POSADRES diematie75@gmail. com POSADRES Langenhoven Studentesentrum; Privaatsak X1; Universiteit Stellenbosch; Matieland; 7602 WEBADRES w w w.diematie.com FACEBOOK w w w.facebook.com/ diematie OPLAAG 5 000 VOLGENDE UITGAWE 30/04/2019 SPERDATUM 26/04/2019 ADVERTENSIES Dané Dooge diematieads@gmail.com


Amber Oliver



ENGLISH SUB-EDITOR Nicholas Carroll AFRIKAANSE SUBREDAKTEUR Mart-Marié Serfontein NUUS Kathryn van den Berg STUDENTELEWE Heléne


DAG & NAG Willow-Ruby van der Berg SPORT Anke van der Merwe

MEDEWERKERS TEKSREDIGERING Wynand Conradie, Josh Myburgh, Lemuel Blignaut, Fern Bamber, Dominique Fuchs, Amber Paynter, René Esterhuyse, Zahlé Eloff DRUKWERK PaarlMedia

Zoë Human

GORRELKOP Ernstig groen Gorrel is sommer nou ook op die groentrollie. Gorrel het een van daai ysterstrootjies wat al die bek­ endes adverteer en Gorrel stap darem al jare lank kampus toe. So buiten Gorrel se (Alan) Winde laat Gorrel nie veel on­ veilige gasse uit nie. Gorrel wag nou net vir al die grootkoppe by die universiteit om ook op te vang. Varsitybekerfinaal Gorrel kan nie wag vir volgende week Maandag nie! Gorrel se gunsteling rugbys­ pan speel vir die vierde agter­ eenvolgende jaar in die Varsity­ bekerfinaal. Hopelik kan hulle weer die beker huis toe bring, dan het hulle darem ’n goeie verskoning om so dikwels klas mis te loop.

Journalist of the edition

Quad parté sonder die gay Gorrel mis ’n Quad Party vir niks. Behalwe dat Gorrel wens daar was al een in die eerste kwartaal gewees, het kunsstudente met die tema Into the Jungle bewys dat hulle die coolste monkeys in the jungle is en weet hoe om ’n party te gooi. ’n Interessante blonde kn(aap) het Gorrel genader en wou weet of Gorrel “hou van ouens“. Gorrel het skaars nee gesê en die kn(aap) het al twee van Gorrel se pelle die­ selfde vraag gevra. Gorrel voel baie gevlei, maar al is Gorrel ’n seksuele wese, stel Gorrel meer be­ lang in Gorrelette as in Gorrels. Die kn(aap) was glo ontsteld omdat die Quad Party gewoonlik ’n mekka vir ons queer broeders en susters is, maar hierdie keer was hulle skoonveld. Waar was al die gays?

Brynley van Aardt Read Brynley’s article on the front page. She is a BA (International studies) student.

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10 April 2019



Luke-warm contemplations of Freedom Day MOTSOARI NTHUNYA

The point of departure, perhaps, is for the writer to concede ignorance : this opinion piece if not found satisfactory to the readers standards or expectations, then the writer asks, for lack of better word or phrase, that you define or categorize it as “a kind of [premature] masturbatory release” of a born free average university student. Njabulo V Zwane puts it that “the past is never a thing of the past. It is passed down and around like a gourd of beer or any kwaai piece of music”. Thus, Human Rights Day is not and cannot only be a day reserved for taking cognizance of the pastor past injustices. There is a further obligation to each citizen on Human Rights Day to recognize the specter of violence that continues to haunt South Africans, more especially the precarious lives who are vulnerable to “gratuitous violence” daily. Somewhat dialectical and controversial, Dambuzo Marachera suggests that “there are many shades of black but the only true one is that of the have-nots?” if, for a moment, one accepts this hypothesis, which we can agree is both exclusionary but relevant through invoking class relations in Post-Apartheid South Africa. One must digress here because there is the temptation to reference Post-Apartheid South Africa only as South Africa because the inclusion of the term ‘post-apartheid’

“invokes that which it seemingly negates, namely, apartheid”. However, it is evident that the spatiotemporal we occupy has pervasive links that continue to exist between apartheid and post-apartheid. These links are characterised by identity, gender, race, class, geographical location, inclusion and exclusion. Then, Marachera’s hypothesis becomes important in the context of South Africa as it shifts the paradigm of the notion of freedom being homogeneously experienced. The disruption/interruption of the preconceived notion of freedom requires us to find new modes of imagining, articulating, framing and representing freedom. Perhaps, Ishtiyaq Shukri’s character Leila in his second novel I See You, provides us with the right intervention for new modes when she asks her audience “How free do you feel? A layperson’s understanding of Marxism is sufficient to infer that in a society

marked by high levels of inequality, a response to the above question by majority of the citizens will probably be in the negative. It cannot be disputed that the material conditions of a person determine the level of freedom one enjoys. Personally, I do not feel very free. My answer is not informed only by my material conditions but taking into considering the millions of people that are denied these basic human rights and freedoms daily. Substantial progress in Post-Apartheid South Africa has been made and entrenched our Constitution to provide freedom, basic human rights and social rights to those who were previously denied. However, the knowledge that others are denied these basic human rights should unsettle even those who sleep with a copy of the Constitution under their pillow. This coming Freedom Day gives me an opportunity to contemplate with the little freedom I feel as to what freedom means. Surprisingly, I turn for solace to the man dubbed ‘the most dangerous thinker in the West’, Slavoj Zizek who reminds us that “we feel free because we lack the very language to articulate our unfreedom”. *Motsoari is studying LLB and describes himself in the words of Lady Caroline Lamb when describing Lord Byron: “I am mad, bad and dangerous to know”.

Why do Muslim women cover themselves? ZEENAT BARDIEN

I will begin by stating that Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance and devotion to the will of God. I mean, did you know that when we greet one another we say, “Peace be upon you”? Did you know that we get rewarded for smiling? So, if Islam is so peaceful, why are women forced to cover themselves you ask? Let me tell you: We are not forced. We choose to cover ourselves because we see the beauty in the command. We choose to submit ourselves to the will of God because we feel the beauty in the command. We choose to be identified as Muslim females who are highly ranked in Islam. According to the Holy Qur’ān, we are to cover ourselves because “That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused.” (33:59) Being “abused” refers to not being harmed, i.e., the verse in total means to be known as being a Muslim to avoid being harmed. Being “known” in this context refers to being identified as a Muslim. Being identified as being honest, trustworthy and full of strength. Being identified as promoting peace. Being identified of knowing our worth as females. “Abused” here refers to remaining safe from any trouble or affairs that which does not concern us. Therefore, covering ourselves is a blessing from God. An honour, for God only instructs us to

do that which will benefit us in this world and in the Hereafter. Furthermore, along with modesty of the outer garments, modesty within the inner self should also be displayed. We are to demonstrate acts of kindness, friendliness and respect. We are to make people feel welcome. We are to show you the beauty of Islam by displaying good character because Islam is beautiful. Our God is beautiful. His creation is beautiful. You reading this, you are beautiful. Let these words resonate in your mind: Muslim women are not oppressed. Muslim women are protected. So, the next time you see a Muslim female in class, ask her how she’s doing. I am pretty sure that she will respond with a warm smile. She might even offer you a samoosa or two! *Zeenat is a second-year BSc student. She is the secretary of the Muslim Students Association and also part of Maties Rugby.

Procrastination station Down


2. How many pages are there in this edition of Die Matie? 3. Where do you carry a six packer? 5. Prof se maatjie. 7. Daar is ’n resensie van hierdie fliek op bladsy 6. 8. Where Maties play sport. 10. ... and the Butterfly. Coffee shop in Stellenbosch. 11. Buurdorp van Stellenbosch. 12. Maties Miss Varsity Cup 2019. 13. "Dis altyd ... in die oë van die Stelleboschstudente." 17. Time of year when you eat hot cross buns.

Opgestel deur SZ Minnaar

1. ... Craven Stadion. Waar die Varsitybeker-eindstryd gespeel gaan word.

4. Arguably the prettiest street in Stellenbosch. 6. City of Oaks in Afrikaans. 9. Building shown on page 14. 10. Colour of the container in front of the AI Perold building. 14. Christiaan Olwagen se nuutste fliek. 15. The Happy Oak before it was The Happy Oak. 16. Local Instagram page for fashion slaves. 18. Waar gaan Francois van Coke en sy vriende optree? 19. "... is vir sterre."


Indaba: A modern look

Janique Amber Oliver interviewed Viwe Benxa and Milan Smedley to discuss the history behind their fashion.


o-founded in May 2017 by Bagcine Gabelana, a final year BA (Social Work) student, and Viwe Benxa, also a final-year BA student in Social Work, Style Indaba proved to be more than ‘the new kids on the fashion block’. By stepping away from stigma and stereotype, they aimed at creating a platform that would promote and display distinctive and versatile style on campus. Benxa expressed that they view style as relative; moreover, there is an element of effort and confidence that plays a big role in completing any look. “I think that there is a difference between looking good in what you are wearing and actually dressing fashionably,” expressed Milan Smedley – a member of Style Indaba and second-year BA (International Studies) student. Essentially style is a subjective notion but not everybody is fashionable, and so Benxa and

Gabelana saw an opportunity to page. To document a range of style narrate the stories that stand out. you would need a group of indiAs one can attest, there are viduals who see style in a different many facets to the average stu- way and think about fashion in a dent’s routine – academics, socials unique way. and socialising. “Being versatile makes up a There is much to consider and large part of what we are as a to account for, both in room for a group and who we are as a group shift, or in a new focus, and Style and how we perceive people in Indaba as a unit wanted new mean- terms of their style,” stated Benxa. ing to be atVersatility was tached to life the word Benxa on campus, “Being versatile makes up a presented as the specifically collective identilarge part of what we are as fier for their style. breaking the stigma sur- a group and who we are as a Even as memr o u n d i n g group and how we perceive bers, their style is campus befixed or rigid people in terms of their style.” not ing only one as they change it experience. on a daily or on a Hence, “to change the narrative”, weekly basis. noted Benxa, also expressing that “We change our own style and Style Indaba is not an exclusive or we complement each other’s,” elitist clique, but rather a commu- expressed Smedley. And even in nity of people who love fashion, that change, they remain true to care about fashion and put in the the notion “fashion forward” and effort to look fashionable. “trendy” – in addition, this conStyle Indaba are all the people stant evolving creates a ripple efwho are featured on the Instagram fect on campus style as people are

THE NEW KIDS ON THE FASHION BLOCK The Style Indaba team in their outfit of the day (OOTD). PHOTO: Monique le Roux

either inspired by their style or motivated to dress well. Style Indaba is determined to break down the stereotype surrounding “basic”, “cut-out” looks and instead emulate individuality and influence the way we as students think about and feel about everyday fashion. According to Style Indaba the big misconception is that being fashionable is based on brands or owning expensive items where the reality of it is being able to put together separate items in a unique way and wearing it confidently. Style Indaba certainly did not expect people to replicate their style or what is trending, but rather to draw inspiration from their looks and what’s in trend and make it their own. According to Benxa,“this is what else Style Indaba is doing in terms of moving in a certain direction,” . They have not prepared a set of rules for campus to follow but rather set a standard, which gives campus the choice to adopt or reject the fashion. Instead of enforcing a linear movement, they encourage people to remain true to who they are but also challenge them by stepping outside of the norm. The name was not difficult to get, but the process of attaching meaning or content to it was, explained Benxa. Style Indaba refers to style news, and reporting on campus style - “it’s just specific enough to be memorable,” stated Smedley. The idea was to break away from the routine Stellies pages and have a name that is “just off the trail enough for people to remember if they have heard the name before” expressed Smedley. There is a mental checklist they have from which they deduce whether a look is Style Indaba approved or not. It is normally an 80% ratio of well-dressed to poorly dressed, or an 80% overall win on a specific good look. A pre-set is not predetermined for the day as you cannot predict or influence people to dress a certain way on a certain day. Therefore, they refrain from themes and use their own opinion and discretion. “People that people look up to are really starting to get into fashion, like everyone cares about their Gucci or whatever,” expressed Smedley. The fashion scene has expanded as more artists from the movie or music industries have started to care about fashion, and it has become a sort of status symbol in modern day society. Similarly, relatable and affordable brands have become more competitive with what they put out there “your Mr. Prices, your Cottons and Factories” are starting to promote the bloggers and influencers we follow, hence trying to close the communication gap between unattainable fashion (high fashion) and easy accessible fashion (fast fashion). There is a constant evolution within the fashion industry where trends go “out of fashion” and new trends take over.

Styled in five steps Viwe Benxa and Milan Smedley styled their look of choice in the following five steps:

Styled by BagcineGabelana

Styled by Viwe Benxa

Styled by Shenka Naidoo

Styled by Milan Smedley

‘Die Matie’ styled by Style Indaba

1. Orange beanie 2. Striped blue shirt 3. White t-shirt 4. Black pants 5. Orange sneakers with white socks

POSE Viwe Benxa (top) and Milan Smedley (bottom) PHOTOS: Monique Le Roux 1. Brown/beige Codroy jacket 2. White T-shirt (tucked in) 3. Blue jeans with a black belt 4. White socks 5. Black/khaki one stars


BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Editors from Die Matie with members from Style Indaba posing together on campus. PHOTO: Armin Prinsloo



Kleynhans gaan groot op verhoog Dané Dooge het by oud-Matie Elsa Kleynhans gaan inloer oor die lewe ná BRekLLB. Armin Prinsloo het haar gekiek.


p 26 Februarie 1993 is Elsa Tirsa Kleynhans in Middelburg, Mpumalanga gebore. Dié bruinoogdogtertjie het almal op die dorp vermaak met haar optredes. Sy het gesing, gedans en toneel gespeel én sy het aan verskillende sportsoorte deelgeneem. Wat akademie betref, het sy nege onderskeidings in matriek behaal. Almal ken so iemand. Daai een vriendin of vriend wat blyk om enige iets te kan doen – en puik te kan doen. Na skool het Elsa besluit om BRekLLB aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) te studeer. “Aanvanklik het ek selfs aansoek gedoen vir drama, maar nooit die guts gehad om die oudisie af te lê nie. BRekLLB was my derde keuse, na BCom (Regte). Ek het so drie weke voor klas moes begin die toelatingskantoor gebel om te hoor of ek eerder vir BRekLLB kan inskryf,” sê sy. Al het Elsa iets geswot wat stereotipies baie ernstig en moeilik lyk, het sy redelik min klas toe gegaan en was sy maar rustig oor haar studies. “Ek het skelm Reza de Wet gelees in die bib, of geslaap, en myself verdiep in enige kreatiewe aktiwiteit wat my voorgedoen het,” sê sy. Sommige mense is mal oor wat hulle swot en weet dit is wat hulle eendag wil doen. Ander mense is weer nie so seker nie en nadat hulle geswot het, doen hulle iets heel anders. Elsa is een van die laasgenoemdes. Nadat sy haar BRekLLB-graad in 2016 voltooi het, het sy by die Waterfront-teaterskool in Kaapstad drama gaan swot. “Ek het reeds in my tweede jaar besef, eintlik na my eerste ekonomie-klas, dat ek hoegenaamd glad nie belangstel in enige van my modules nie,” sê sy. Hoekom het sy nie van kursus verander nie? “Uitstekende vraag. Ek was op die punt om dit te doen. Baie kere. Dis seker maar daai simpel

‘maak klaar waarmee jy begin en sê dankie vir die tannie en eet jou groente’-dogma wat my gekeer het. My gemaksone en vrees vir ’n onvoorspelbare industrie het nie juis gehelp nie. Ek bewonder matrikulante wat braaf genoeg is om hulle passie te volg,” sê sy. “Dit het vir my vyf jaar van intense karakterbou gevat. ’n Mens raak ook so opgesweep in universiteitslewe dat jy vergeet waarmee jy besig is tot eksamentyd. Dan sit jy Saterdagaand in ’n verlate Neelsie met ’n styrofoam-houer vol koue tjips en huil. “Een van daai aande het my liewe ma my herinner aan die drome wat die Here van kleindogtertjietyd af in my hart geplaas het. Ek het daardie drome en Hom begin vertrou,” sê sy. Met die stand van Suid-Afrika se ekonomie en werkloosheidsyfer, sal meeste mense van die ouer

generasie beklemtoon dat iemand met soveel potensiaal, soos Elsa, wasted potential was. Elsa voel die teenoorgestelde. “Dit sou wasted potential gewees het om nie iets skeppend te doen nie. Regte en rekeningkunde is edel beroepe – vir iemand anders. Ek sou ’n heel gangbare prokureur gewees het en ’n decent CA, maar hoekom sal ek iets doen waaraan ek nie toegewy is nie? Ek sou seker wou kinders hê net om te ontsnap na my lady of leisure bestaan,” beweer sy. Elsa erken egter dat sy bewus is dat die laaste ding wat Suid-Afrika nou nodig het, is “nog ’n aktrise”. Pieter-Dirk Uys, beter bekend as tannie Evita Bezuidenhout, het dit glo gesê by ’n onderhoud wat Elsa bygewoon het. “Ek wil deel wees van die uitvoerende kunste. Die ideaal is om op die verhoog of skerm te wees.

Hy het [dit gesê] en dit is waar! Ek wil altyd stories vertel, maar ek is bereid om enige skakel in daardie proses te wees,” sê sy. In 2018 het sy Die Doop geskryf wat by die Teksmark opgevoer is. Vanjaar by die Woordfees was Elsa se produksie, De Badt, deel van die Fringe-program. “De Badt is ’n donker komedie wat die lig en donker van ’n persoonlike geskiedenis omlyn. Dit volg twee vroue se stories. Een leef in 1900, tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog en die ander een in 1960, tydens Apartheid. Die derde aktrise vertolk “Hettie”, die huishulp wat alles bymekaar moet hou,” verduidelik Elsa. “Ek was nog altyd gefassineer met familiegeskiedenis. Watter erfenis lê in jou bloed? Kan ’n mens dit ontsnap? Verder het die rol van die vrou in ’n patriargale bestel my ook aangegryp. Tydens die oorlog

is die mans weg en ’n vrou se ware krag kan sy uiting kry. Dit in teenstelling met ’n 60’s-huisvrou wat net ’n nuwe hoover wil hê en nie betrokke wil raak by enige soort nasionale “debat” nie. Hoe verander ons invloed so drasties in 60 jaar?” vra Elsa. Elsa is nie spyt is oor haar keuse nie. Daar was egter een keer wat sy spyt was en gedink het sy moes dalk eerder die regs- of rekeningkunde wêreld betree het. “Dit was na ’n slegte oudisie aan die einde van Januworry toe ek die laaste bietjie donkersjokolade in my kas as ontbyt/middagete geëet het en nie melk of koffie gehad het nie. My prokureur-vriendin het mooi nuwe skoene gekoop. Nadat die suiker ingeskop het, het ek beter gevoel,” skerts sy. “Hierdie is nie ’n maklike industrie nie. Daar is moerse teleurstellings en jouself bewys en wag vir ’n e-pos wat nooit kom nie, maar ek sal eerder iets doen wat my gereeld laat huil as iets wat my verdoof,” sê Elsa. Sy sê ook uitdruklik dat al swot jy miskien iets waarvan jy nie hou nie, as jy amper klaar is, moet jy dit maar net eenvoudig voltooi. “Ek sou nie voorstel dat jy ophou studeer net omdat dit nie lekker is nie. Ek belowe dat daar baie dae is wat my passie net voel soos werk. Daar is ook roetine en lang ure en herhaling en uitdagings en admin. As jy een jaar besig is [met jou swottings] en daar is iets anders wat jy met jou hele wese wil doen – staak jou studies en volg dit na. “Natuurlike aanleg help jou, maar enige nering vereis tegniek en kontakte. Gaan bekwaam jouself! Dit is ’n risiko, so praat met mense wat jy vertrou en wat jou regtig ken. Bid en dink en mediteer daaroor. Herroep daai kleintyd-drome. Ek wil glo dat daar ’n perfekte deur is vir almal, al is dit nou ’n gordyn,” sê sy De Badt gaan van 24 tot 27 April in Kaapstad by die Galloway-teater ’n speelvlak hê. Elsa hoop ook om dit na ander feeste te neem.


10 April 2019


Gardeo Isaacs se oë op Olimpiese Spele W LEMUEL BLIGNAUT

at vanjaar se opwindende Varsity Atletiekseisoen betref, mag Noord-Wes Universiteit (NWU) dalk met die koek weggeloop het, maar in Potchefstroom is Gardeo Isaacs van Maties weg met die kersie. Hy is as die Victor Ludorum gekroon ná hy die mans 400 m-finaal gemaklik gewen het, met ’n blitsige tyd van 45.70. Die 20-jarige BCom (Bestuursrekeningkunde)-student sê: “Die tyd wat ek gehardloop het, was ʼn doel vir die seisoen. Ek was verbaas en baie bly toe ek hoor dat ek as Victor Ludorum gekroon is, maar die verbasing was nie te groot nie. Dit is ʼn goeie tyd, en ek het geweet dat dit baie punte vir die span sou inbring.” Hy het die afgelope naweek ook aan die USSA-kampioenskappe deelgeneem, waar hy weereens goud gewen het in die 400 m en waar die 4x400 m-span waarvan hy ʼn lid is ook

geseëvier het. Toe Die Matie hom gevra het watter kompetisie hy dink beter gegaan het, het hy gesê hy reken dit was Varsity Atletiek. “Ek het beter tye gehardloop, en was toe ook heeltemal gesond gewees.” Die moeilikste les wat hy oor die tien jaar wat hy nou al deelneem aan atletiek, eers as ʼn hoogspring atleet, en toe ʼn 400 m hardloper, geleer het, is “om nooit op te hou oefen nie, nooit op te gee nie, en geduldig te wees. Jou harde werk sal vrug dra op die ou einde.” Sy fokus lê nou by die SuidAfrikaanse senior kampioenskappe later die maand, asook die voorbereiding wat vir daardie kompetisie gedoen moet word. “As ek een persoon moes kies wat die grootste invloed gehad het om my te bring tot waar ek nou staan, sou dit my afrigter, Heinrich Fortuin, wees.” Isaacs voeg by: “Hy is daar as dinge nie goed gaan nie, as hulle goed

UITSTEKENDE USSA Isaacs spring uit die blokke weg in sy 400 m-wedloop. FOTO: Maties Highperformance gaan, hy berei my net uitstekend voor vir elke wedloop. Hy is al vir vier jaar, sedert die einde van graad 11, my afrigter.” Hy het gesê hy gaan sy bes probeer

om vir die wêreld kampioenskappe die jaar te kwalifiseer, en dan volgende jaar die grote: Tokyo 2020, wat natuurlik die Olimpiese Spele is. Verskeie Matiesatlete mik om daar

Hoë Prestasie-area bied meer ruimte, meer ‘gains’ LEMUEL BLIGNAUT

LEDE wat na die lang vakansie in Maties gimnasium se Hoë Prestasie (HP) area ingeloop het, moes twee keer kyk om seker te maak hulle is op die regte plek. Daar het ʼn paar drastiese veranderinge plaasgevind, met vele meer wat op pad is. Daar is oor die afgelope twee jaar R8 miljoen in die gimnasium belê, met nog R5 miljoen wat die jaar belê gaan word. Francois Kotze, bestuurder van Maties Gimnasium, sê die korttermyn plan is om al die bestaande fasiliteite op te gradeer, in Stellenbosch sowel as by die suster fasiliteit in Tygerberg. Hulle wil onder andere die jaar nog die mansbadkamers heeltemal oordoen. Kotze meen dit het nou nog “half ’n koshuis van 1980 look and feel”. Daar is ook planne om nog ʼn

gimnasium aan die noordekant van kampus oop te maak, in die area van die fakulteit ingenieurswese. Van die veranderinge wat oor die laaste ruk by die gimnasium aangebring is, is dat die HP-area se uitleg verander is, en die toerusting, sowel as balke en gewigplate opgegradeer is. Daar is ook nog toerusting aangeskaf. Gardeo Isaacs van Maties Atletiek het gesê: “Ek is baie beïndruk met die nuwe toerusting, en hoe dit jou oefen vermoëns verbeter.” Die verandering aan uitleg is gedoen om die breiers toe te laat om meer spanne terselfde tyd in die HP area te laat oefen. Nico Koutakis, ʼn krag- en kondisioneringafrigter by Maties Sport het gesê: “Ons kan nou drie spanne hê wat gelyktydig met dieselfde soort oefenmetodologie besig is. As breier is dit nou baie makliker om te doen wat jy moet doen. ’n Span kom in en hulle het net ’n uur om te oefen.

As hulle rondstaan en vir toerusting wag, mors hulle tyd.” “Studente-atlete is eers studente en dan atlete. Hul akademiese verpligtings is ’n prioriteit gedurende die dag,” beklemtoon Sean Surmon, hoof van Maties Sport se HP-eenheid. “Daarom moet ons slimmer en meer doeltreffend oefen in die tyd wat ons wel met hulle het.” “Daar is nou ook baie meer toerusting. Waar die student net 45 min tot ʼn uur het in die sport groep, kan hy nou sy volle kondisionering doen in daardie tyd, in plaas daarvan om dit te stoot na 1h15, of 1h30,” voeg Kotze by. Hy sê die gimnasium laat Maties Sport toe om vir drie sport kodes op ʼn slag te bespreek, wat sê dat daar elke oggend êrens tussen 70 en 80 atlete oefen. Met die verbeteringe, hoef nie een van hulle meer rond te staan en te wag vir toerusting nie.


10 April

10 April

17:30 | Vesta vs Capri (M)

ASTRO B 20:30 | Oud Studente vs Irene 21:00 | Metanoia (M) vs Dagbreek II 21:30 | Huis Visser vs Eendrag II

11 April

20:30 | Oude Molen vs Medies (M) 20:30 | Olympus (W) vs Monica 21:30 | Aurora vs Olympus (M) 21:30 | Simonsberg vs Academia (M)

INFOGRAPHIC Janique Oliver

Maties Basketball gets their head in the game at USSA KESIA ABRAHAMS

ATHLETICS ACTION The Maties Athletics USSA team came fourth at the USSA championship held over the past weekend. They received 14 medals in total. Northwest University came out on top with 29 medals in total. University of Pretoria came in second with 27 medals and University of Johannesburg placed third with 20 medals. PHOTO: Francois Lombard

AFLOS AKSIE Isaacs met die aflosstokkie in die 4x400 m-mansaflos. Die span wat goud gewen het, het bestaan uit Isaacs, Wynand Du Toit, Liam Pietersen en Adrian Taylor. FOTO: Francois Lombard

MATIES Basketball played in the semi-finals of the Western Cape USSA qualifiers. The women’s team played against CPUT, while the men’s team played against UCT in the championship at UCT. It was a nail-biting event for Maties as the scores were worryingly close for the entirety of both games, but, despite this, both matches ended in victory for Maties Basketball as the men won 64-63 and the women won 52-49. Lerato Ngakane, Captain of the Women’s team, said that Friday night’s game was certainly not the easiest as it was the third game that the team had played that week. Corinne Moussi, a player from the Maties Women’s team said that the match against CPUT was a tough game that required

mental toughness throughout. “I am glad we pulled through especially as a team during the last quarter and got that win,” Moussi said. She went on further to state that their coach’s efforts could not be downplayed, and that the team still has unfinished business for the championship as they had lost 53-50 against UCT. Maties Men’s team showed great resilience during their game against UCT. Prior to the game, UCT Men’s team was the defending Western Cape USSA champions, but, as they were now defeated by Maties, the title of champions was up for grabs and Maties Men appear to be very close to attaining that title. Nonetheless, it is quite an exciting time for Maties Basketball as both teams have qualified for the finals.


Miss Maties Varsity Cup crowned DESLÉNE PRINS


his year Miss Varsity Cup is back with a bang! After taking a short break in this year’s season, the Miss Varsity Cup and the Miss Varsity Shield competitions have rebranded and are now looking towards a bright new future. Lethukwenama Letsoalo, Miss Maties Varsity Cup 2017, and one of the organisers of this year’s Miss Maties Varsity Cup campaign, explained that the Miss Varsity Cup and the Miss Varsity Shield competitions are run nationally by the Miss Varsity Cup brand. Nationally, there is a subcommittee that organises the Miss Varsity Cup campaign, but each university runs their own Miss Varsity Cup or Miss Varsity Shield competition to determine who they will send as a representative of their university. According to Letsoalo, there is no standardised judging documentation or criteria on which the universities decide who to crown as their Varsity Cup representative. It is up to each respective university to decide on what criteria they judge the competitors. It was decided by the Miss Maties Varsity Cup committee that this year the judging criteria would work as follows: 50% of the vote would be based on the judges’ scoring, 20% on community outreach, 20% on social media interaction, and 10% on peer assessment. This year Miss Maties Varsity Cup’s community outreach involved working in collaboration with the L’Abrie De Dieu Safehouse, otherwise known as the Stellenbosch Safehouse. The Stellenbosch Safehouse is an organisation that has been serving the community of Stellenbosch

since 2008 and its services include sheltering abused women and children, the provision of social services, and reintegration into the community. Miss Maties Varsity Cup also started the discussion on the #selfesteemchallenge. The challenge focuses specifically on the effects of social media and how it influences how we view ourselves and others. In the end, the aim is to create a sense of understanding, tolerance and respect for others and ourselves. Miss Maties Varsity Cup’s social media pages plan on starting a video series soon where the discussion will be opened. They hope to create a movement that will keep growing. Ayabonga Zantsi, reigning Miss Maties Varsity Cup, said that she would encourage young women to enter the Miss Maties Varsity Cup competition. “I would like to emphasize that this competition is about so much more than how you look on the outside. It is about growing and developing as a person through working with other women throughout your journey; it is about making a positive impact in society through tackling some prominent issues that we and others face on a daily basis, and its such an amazing learning opportunity,” Zantsi said. “It’s an opportunity for young women to be empowered by being given the opportunity to pursue their passions with fellow like-minded women. This competition gives you an opportunity to make a difference in society by giving you a wider platform and a bigger audience to serve. It gives you an opportunity to make your voice heard on the societal issues we face.” Next up for Zantsi is to represent Maties on a national level at the Miss

Varsity Cup competition. She will be competing against all the other winners from the respective universities, to be crowned Miss Varsity Cup 2019.

FLOWER CROWN Ayabonga Zantsi being crowned. PHOTO: Francois Lombard

ALL SMILES The princesses were all smiles at Monday’s game. PHOTO: Erin Walls

FABULOUS WINNERS Bella Gioia (left) was crowned first runner up, Miss Maties Varsity Cup Ayabonga Zantsi is in the middel and on her right stands the second runner up, Talitha Erasmus. Gioia studies BCom Marketing and Logistics. Zantsi has a background in Occupational Therapy. Erasmus studies BSc Conservation Ecology. PHOTO: Maties Sport

Maties sit vir Shimlas ore aan in semi’s ANKE VAN DER MERWE

DIE eindtelling staan op 47-5 vir Universiteit Stellenbosch se eerste rugbyspan in die semi-finaal van die Varsitybeker reeks na hulle die span van Universiteit van die Vrystaat geklop het. Aangesien die Universiteit van Pretoria (Tukkies) vir Noord-Wes -universiteit (Pukke) in hul semi-finaal met 24-17 geklop het, gaan Tukkies teen Maties volgende Maandag op Danie Craven dinge uitspook. Met Springbok, Pieter-Steph Du Toit en oud-Springbokke Kobus Wiese en Breyton Paulse op die pawiljoen, moes Maties behoorlik ’n goeie vertoning oplewer. Schalk Brits het, met sy rooikaart seker in sy sak, ook op die pawiljoen gesit. Jan Boland Coetzee, wat onlangs sy ere-doktorsgraad aan US verwerf het, het glimlaggend op die veld rondgestap. Shimlas het die wedstryd afgeskop en die eerste skrum het binne die eerste minuut plaasgevind.

MIK-EN-DRUK Agterspeler Anton Du Toit duik oor die doellyn vir sy tweede drie. FOTO: Luke Thorrold Beide spanne was sterk, maar die bal het aan Maties behoort. Losskakel Jordan Chait van Maties, het die eerste strafskop misgeskop. Binnesenter Chris Smit en skrumskakel Logan Boonzaaier het ’n goeie breek gemaak, maar agsteman Stephan Streicher het die bal onder die pale verloor. Na ’n vyfmeter skrum

het Anton Du Toit (15) in die 12de minuut gaan druk. Chait het oorgeskop en Maties loop toe 7-0 voor. Junior Springbok Daniël Jooste (2) het die bal agter die doellyn in die 20ste minuut geplant. Met Chait se skopskoen het die telling na 14-0 oorgerol. Ben-Jason Dixon (7) het in

die 30ste minuut gaan druk, maar Shimlas het ’n wit kaart gevra. Na die televisieskeidsregter gekyk het, is alles goedgekeur. Chait het regs verby geskop en die telling was teen halftyd 19-0. Kaptein Christiaan Massyn (6) het toe net daarna gaan druk en hy is ook aangewys as Player That Rocks. Chait

was sekuur met sy skop en het die telling na 26-0 laat styg. Du Toit het later nog ’n drie gaan druk en met Chait se oorskop die telling op 33-0 laat staan. Dixon het in die 56ste minuut by Shimlas se doellyn ’n geelkaart gekry, en ook nie sy eerste een van die seisoen nie. Shimlas se Ruan Kramer (3) het gaan druk net nadat Dixon afgestuur is. Losskakel Lubabalo Dobela het regs verby geskop en die telling het op 33-5 gestaan in die guns van die Maroen Masjien. Met ’n uitstekende skop oor die veld van Smit, het Edwil van der Merwe (11) in 61ste minuut gaan druk. Hierdie drie het hom die Steers Kinging Moment verseker. Reinhardt Fortuin (22) het oorgeskop om die telling 40-5 te maak. Die televisieskeidsregter het in die 77ste minuut besluit dat Maties suksesvol gedruk het met HJ Luus wat oor die doellyn geval het. Fortuin het die eindtelling op 47-5 laat staan.

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