Careersuccess issue 2 2015

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ou left your job as a PA to launch a training company. Very brave indeed did this come about?

There is a saying “you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with”. I can honestly say that I have had the opportunity to stand on the shoulders of giants. I was fortunate enough to work with extraordinary people with very high standards and a passion for excellence. I was also afforded many growth opportunities. This exposure ignited my own desire to make a difference in the lives of others and enhanced my drive when it came to service excellence. Raising the Standards was born out of this desire. My company assists clients through various mechanisms from project coordination to training solutions to improve their customers’ experience. How did you feel when you launched it? I was both excited and terrified. The first fear I had to conquer was not having the security of a guaranteed monthly salary. However, since then I have learnt that this is a false sense of security anyway. Things are continuously changing and there is no such thing as a life-long guaranteed position. What kind of message do you think this sends out to PAs as a whole?

Spotlight on the

remarkable In this issue we meet Bianca Filmater

The message that I often share with PAs in training sessions is that they are in the best career to prepare them for any future role. The opportunities for growth and learning in the PA profession are tremendous because the role is so diverse. What kind of message does this send out to executive leaders about PAs? Hopefully it sends the message that leaders should not underestimate the importance of the position or individuals that are in this profession. Their ability to shift seamlessly from expert event planner to office psychologist should be recognised. Now let’s focus on you: Tell us the most interesting thing about you. This is a tough question but I will give it a bash. I’m not great at anything sporty except for playing pool. I used to be so good that I played in a men’s A-league team. I guess I should add that was in my misspent youth. What do you want out of life? What everyone wants I guess. I want to know that my life made a difference in the lives of others and that I fulfilled my purpose of encouraging and empowering others to reach their full potential. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? It would definitely be the need to ‘overthink’ things when I have made a mistake. I really have to work hard on this. It wastes too much time and definitely drains creative energy. Every hard-working PA must have an outlet - What do you do for fun? The 3 Bs - a book, a bubble bath and a glass of bubbly is the ultimate outlet for me. I also love dressing up in costume so I arrange dress up parties for my 11 year old daughter which gives me an excuse to put on a wig, tiara and princess gown.

careersuccess magazine issue 2 2015

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