Dialogue Magazine October 2018 Issue

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ISSN 0215-7837 No. 2 / XLI / 2018 STT: 231/SK/DITJEN PPG/STT/1976 25 Oktober 1976 Chairmen Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo Dr. J. Bismoko Vice Chairmen Dr. Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A. YB Gunawan, M.A. Editors-in-Chief Barli Bram, Ph.D Mega Wulandari, M. Hum. Proofreader Erik Hammarlund Managing Editor Fransisca Reza Editors Marsha Prawatya, Margaretha Yola, Sefty Pardosi, Emmy Meuthia Reporters Herman Yosef, Marcellino Julius, Gregoriana Janu, Monica Devi, Fransisca Reza, Tutur Nur Utami, Annisa Agra, Rebecca Sarah Ayu, Hedwig Tiara Artistic Team Hatta Gunawan, Annisa Agra, Hedwig Tiara Cover Photo Hedwig Tiara

This magazine is published by English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta Editorial Address:


Universitas Sanata Dharma Mrican, Tromol Pos 29, Yogyakarta 55002 Phone (+62 274) 515352 Mobile (+62) 822 2686 2244 Email dialoguemagz.usd@gmail.com Instagram dialoguemagz_usd Issuu https://issuu.com/dialoguemagazine5

A LETTER FROM EDITOR FROLIC ESCAPADE We are all part of the world and we are blessed with another year of endless possibilities. Of course, it’s up to us to decide whether we want to explore the possibilities before us or not. There are a handful of extraordinary youngsters who have grabbed that opportunity and gone the extra miles. We share their frolic escapades to get your engine running. Dialogue Magz celebrates the groundbreaking achievement of Sanata Dharma’s ex-President of BEM, Herman Yosef Cahyono, who set his victory in Koko Cici Jogja 2018. His endless love to pluralism has driven him to fight the stereotype of Chinese people in Indonesia. Our Real Talk tackles the topic of studying abroad. Three lecturers had left their close-knit backgrounds to experience life as foreign students in other countries. Similarly, four PBI students embarked on a two-week Overseas Teaching Practicum Program to Thailand and Myanmar. They bring fun education to the whole new level. We can also be captivated by the story of Neida Aleida, the lead vocalist of HiVi, who bid goodbye to her hometown to achieve one of her dreams in the UK. Roaming across the country, Dialogue tries to explore how school life in Australia goes. The targeted school to be discussed in this edition is Mount Gravatt State High School in Australia. Make sure you also check out our Wanderlust article to see Avalokitesvara in Riau that remains a welcoming escape from the hustle and bustle of the big cities of Indonesia. I was really charmed by its enchanting statues and pagodas. Wherever we are in the world, let’s make the best of what it has to offer. Hopefully our exciting articles in this edition can get help you ready for the next journey ahead. Dialogue magazine also wants to express a warm gratitude for Bapak J.B. Gunawan for his dedication to PBI USD and also Dialogue Magazine. This edition is a special tribute for him.

Cheers, Mega Wulandari Editor-in-Chief mega@usd.ac.id

Contents 02






Real Talk


Cover Story


PBI Updates






School Life






Dialogue Corner


Up Close and Personal


Painting with Words








Flash Fiction



Talking about a Frolic Escapade Herman YC: Grasp Your Position, Set Your Goal, and Seize It! Discovering Myanmar and Thailand

The Key of the Better Future: Learn How to be Discipline HiVi!: Rely on Technology and the Importance of Education Mount Gravatt State High School EEC Speaking Club: Bringing the Delight in Speaking Chiasmus: Let’s play with words, before words play you Journalism over Coffee

An Epoch-Making Path: Drs. Yohanes B. Gunawan, M. A. Dare to Dream, and others poems

Avalokitesvara Temple: The Biggest Pagoda in Southeast Asia Viva La Passionista for Indonesia: Juan Kolemar Cahya The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy A Piece of Peace Problematips

Revision: We would like to apologize for the unintentional error in the No. 2/XXXIX/2017 Dialogue Magazine edition. The writer of the article entitled My Lazy Way of Promoting Indonesian Culture is from SMA Regina Pacis Surakarta.

DREAM AND DISCOVER: A Fantastic Journey of Living Abroad Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed.


Living abroad was my biggest dream ever since I was introduced to English in junior high school. Although I grew up in a rural area in the southern part of Yogyakarta, I was always wondering what it’s like to live in a different country. I kept on dreaming of it because I believed that living abroad could be anyone’s dream. I finally had that chance when I got a Fulbright Scholarship to study in the United States for 2 years. Living there gave me new experiences, opportunities, and of course challenges.

Compiled by Seftyana Pardosi Student of English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University

One thing I noticed during my first few weeks living in the US was that spending years of studying and teaching English still had not given me immunity to language panic. I had my shares of language confusion, although after a while I began to grow accustomed. I began to be more confident speaking with native speakers and people from different countries with different accents in my day-to-day interaction. The adaptation to new-to-me cultural differences really took time, but, in the end, it became the most rewarding experience. Furthermore, studying as a foreign student among natives also posed a challenge. I found myself juggling between studying, getting used to the language, and getting to acclimate myself in a foreign country. The good thing was that the people I met, particularly in Arizona, were nice and friendly. I did not feel like a complete stranger. I am now happily back to my home, families, and friends. But if I have another chance, do I want to go back to the US? Yes, there’s a small part of me that misses the place, the culture, the nuance, and the time I spent there. Living abroad has its challenges, but it surely will be a fantastic journey for everyone. Dream and discover it!

Brilliant Boston

Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. Studying English and living in Boston, Massachusetts, USA have been enriching, invaluable and unforgettable. For around two years, I had a golden opportunity to learn a lot of English and various cultural aspects of Bostonians – thanks to the Kelly Elizabeth Stephens Memorial Scholarship. My experiences in Boston have enriched me for sure. There particularly at Boston University, I was challenged to enrich – to better my English optimally. What I had gained as an international student has been priceless or invaluable, too, since I would become more able to share it with others who are still learning English now. Lastly, classical music and snow would continue to stay in my memory. Watching a live concert performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra was like a dream, but – luckily it was real, not imaginary at all. Touching snow for the very first time in the winter in brilliant Boston would also be tough for me to forget. How excitingly freezing!


other smaller stations, but would still go to Eindhoven.” So, when everyone else was busy getting out, we both were just there sitting inside the train and made virtually zero movements. I was so exhausted after flying for about 8 hours with a few hours of waiting from the Philadelphia airport that I didn’t have much energy left with me.

Don’t get settled! (with only one or two languages!) Nelly Martin, Ph.D.

When Elinor Ochs and Bambi Schieffelin challenged the mainstream approach of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) back in 1982, they argued that language is the most important device that can grant one with full membership in one’s society. In order to prove this very statement, I learned it in a rather interesting way!

Luckily, there was a Dutch woman who informed us that we needed to vacate the train because it stopped its service. We needed to switch the train from this station to Eindhoven. There was someone who had committed suicide from the train so the train driver needed to stop their operation for a further investigation. That was it. My inability to speak Dutch (almost) failed me.

This funny and silly moment happened to me when I was traveling to the Netherlands back in June 2009. It was not my first experience traveling to the Netherlands (NL), yet I still didn’t master Dutch, the official language of the country. I was too comfortable with getting by only with English, as many people could function just fine with it. I did not encounter any significant difficulty particularly in the public facilities, such as the train station, restaurants, etc.

What did I learn from this incident? A lot, of course! But I would love to share one piece of wisdom in this occasion. To all Dialogue readers, don’t get settled with only the languages you are currently able to speak. Explore, study, and master more, while you are still young and full of energy and excitement. I am living proof that our membership in one community largely and significantly depends on our ability to speak the language, among other crucial benefits that being bilingual or multilingual, could offer to us.

When I needed to buy a bus or train ticket to travel to other city or other countries, the officers were able to function in English. Thus, I, at that time, did not find any pressing need to seriously study Dutch. I was too confident with my English, until my husband and I were facing an incident that required our Dutch ability. It was a trip from the Schiphol airport to my husband’s apartment in Eindhoven. As the distance was quite far from each other, we needed to pass by a number of stations before we could finally arrive in Eindhoven. We were in the midst of our conversation when we heard the train driver announced something and quite long at that only in full Dutch. No other languages were being delivered to the non-Dutch speakers. Another argument and critique can be made, of course, that the NL train system was non-accommodating to the non-Dutch speakers. Yet I will pursue this argument and critique save it for another piece. With our survivalist and adventurous guts, we freely translated the announcement into our own understanding, “Ah, this train may switch its route from Utrecht to


Photos: Nelly Martin’s facebook, Barli Bram, Yuseva Illustrations: Veraholera and Macrovecttor at freepik Layout: Hatta Edit: Emmy


Herman Yosef Cahyono: Grasp Your Position, Set Your Goal, and Seize It!

At first, Herman was troubled when participating in Koko Cici Jogja pageant because it felt as if he was marking himself as a Chinese. He thought that it was not quite right as he always uphold pluralism in every way he can. However, after getting the opportunity to talk to Sujiwo Tedjo, he realized that before we did something, we needed to accept our condition first. Sujiwo Tedjo himself said that we would not know where our destination was if we did not know where our origin was.

Photo by Hedwig

Armed with a new resolution, as an Indonesian with Chinese blood, Herman wanted to promote pluralism to the society by joining Koko Cici Jogja pageant. He wanted to show that Chinese people in Indonesia are also part of Indonesia citizen. In addition, Herman also wanted to highlight that Indonesia was born not because of the sacrifice of one ethnic only, but because of the effort and struggle from many groups. Therefore, our unity should not be broken because of particular issue on pluralism.

Written by Margaretha Yola Arindra Student of English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University


n March 2nd 2018, Sanata Dharma University, especially English Language Education Study Program got a joyous news. In a pageant called Koko Cici Jogja 2018, Herman Yosef Cahyono, an ELESP student batch 2014 was pronounced as Koko Jogja 2018. Many ups and downs have happened in the process of winning the pageant and thus, can be an inspiration for the readers.


Herman also added that his experiences as a model in the entertainment industry and as a member of several organizations became one of the key points to participate in the Koko Cici Jogja pageant. He felt that his confidence was boosted up and he took the opportunity before him. ELESP, as the place where Herman does his study, also helps him to win the pageant. Firstly, the close relationship between the faculty members and the students makes him able to share many perceptions and do consultations over and over again. Second, the tradition of integrating reflection in the teaching and learning activities makes him develop into a mature person. Moreover, critical thinking, public speaking, concern for the society, and how to appear in front

COVER STORY of the public appropriately which are important in the pageant have been earned in the courses in ELESP. The value of Pancasila and how to speak Bahasa Indonesia properly which made him win the pageant were also taught in ELESP. Above all, the support from his friends is very meaningful for Herman. He really is thankful for his friends that he met in ELESP. All the happy and sad experiences with his friends makes him who he is now, Herman who is Koko Jogja 2018.

clear rationale. In the end, he said that we need to grasp our position, set our goal, and determine how we seize it. Don’t be afraid to fail! Herman’s achievements will not stop as Koko Jogja 2018. He wants to continue to spread the value of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika to the wider society. Therefore, he hopes to enter Koko Cici Indonesia pageant in 2020. So, let’s continue to support him!

Photo by @kokocicijogja at Instagram

Behind the joyous moment of being pronounced as Koko Jogja 2018, there were difficult and worrisome moments. The first one happened in the quarantine week. Herman’s grandfather passed away and he was torn between continuing his quarantine and attending his grandfather funeral. In the end, his parents let him choose what he wanted to do as long as he would not lost both of the things that were important for him. Thus, he chose to stay in the quarantine and prayed for his grandfather from afar.


Pageant (n): kontes Uphold (v): menjunjung tinggi Boost up (v): menaikkan Genuine (adj): asli, murni Seize (v): menggapai, meraih


1. From the beginning Herman was determined to enter Koko Cici Jogja pageant. (T/F) 2. Herman’s experiences as a model in the entertainment industry brought him into winning the pageant. (T/F) 3. Herman was having a hard time when he was in the quarantine because of his grandfather opposition. (T/F) 4. Many of Herman’s friends supported him in the final night of the pageant. (T/F) 5. Herman wishes to become Koko Indonesia in 2020. (T/F)

Layout: Hatta Edit: Marsha

The second most memorable moment is the final night of the pageant. Herman felt nervous and anxious, therefore he prayed on the stage right before question and answer session. At that time, he realized that all of his achievement as Koko Jogja 2018 was not only his effort, but also his family and friends, and the Almighty God. Even after the pageant, their support still there for him. Photo by @kokocicijogja at Instagram

“Find your genuine motivation and your life goal,” Herman said to Dialogue. He learnt this from Rm. Robertus In Nugroho, S.J., S.S., B.S.T., M.Hum., M.P.P. He said in doing something we must have a clear goal and state the indicators of success precisely. Don’t let yourself do something without


Discovering Myanmar and Thailand in The Overseas Teaching Practicum Program Written by Hedwig Tiara Swayambhu Student of English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University

Traveling to another country has always been an interesting thing to do. It becomes even more exciting as we learn many things that have not been discovered before. These things can be done at one time once you apply for Overseas Teaching Practicum. The purposes of this program are to give an opportunity to the students to have an alternative teaching practicum program in a bigger scope (ASEAN) and to develop good relationships with others.



arlier this year, in March 2018, four undergraduate students had a chance to do their teaching practicum or Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) in Myanmar and Thailand. There were two students who went to Myanmar, Aureliana Ardhia Widya Cahyani and Hedwig Tiara Svayambhu and the two others, Karola Ratu Hening and Ruth Manuela Adi Pratami got a chance to go to the white elephant country, Thailand. Along with them, there were also four masters’ students and four lecturers, Mr. Barli, Miss Retno, Mr. Markus, and Mr. Cons, who supervised the students.

Institute of Higher Education, St. Aloysius Gonzaga. This school accommodates students from ages 5 – 21 years old to study English language. However, both Dhia and Hedwig were only responsible to teach students whose ages were 5 – 12 years old. When they stayed in Taunggyi, they started their day at 7 a.m. to have breakfast together with the Jesuits. Then, they went to the school around 8 a.m. and started the first session of their class at 8.30 a.m. The second session of the class started at 11 a.m. and ended at 1 p.m. After that, they had their lunch break and started working on the lesson plan for the next day.

This year’s program was the first time Sanata Dharma University has held a cross-country teaching practicum. Thus, there were many things that had to be prepared before the departure, starting from reserving the tickets until preparing teaching materials to be used there. Yet, all the hard work was paid off once they arrived in Myanmar and Thailand. They met many inspiring people, learned new culture, made friends with local people, and – of course, had a good time travelling when they had day off.

Of course, staying in Myanmar for only two weeks was not enough for them. They felt like they found new family there and it made them hard to leave that ravishing city. The people at the school were incredibly nice, especially the students! They were all excited to have new teachers from different country. They were all curious about the changes that Sanata Dharma students brought to the class. Moreover, the Jesuits that they met there were amazingly friendly. They could tell silly jokes but sometimes they also discussed serious matters. They took care of all the students from Sanata Dharma.

During Dhia’s and Hedwig’s stay in Myanmar, they lived in a house owned by the Jesuits which is called Faber House. Yet, they spent most of their time at the school, the

Since this program is really valuable, let’s just hope that there will be a second batch next year! So, for all of the students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, you better prepare yourself from now on!

Ela dan Karola who stayed in Xavier Learning Centre also felt the same way. They found out that this program

Upcoming Events

November 2018

October 2018

The 5th International Language and Language Teaching Conference

Break Time 2018

was really beneficial for their future. They got to meet many inspiring people; they met some Indonesians and even Australians who worked there. They managed to share and learn from each other even despite the occasional language barriers. They also challenged themselves to prepare the teaching and learning activities in an interesting way.

December 2018

Voluntary Teaching

Play Performance

November 30th, 2018 7

more info: http://www.usd.ac.id/fkip/pbi

Photo: Hedwig and other overseas PPL Team Layout: Hatta Edit: Sefty


Learn How to be Disciplined Written by Joy Christian Purnomo Student of SMK Leonardo Klaten, 1st Winner of Writing Competition in English Action Days 2018


haracter education is important as the foundation of behavior in society. With good character comes a responsibility to pass or teach those characteristics to the next generations. From my personal experiences, I know that the millennial has lost a lot of good behaviors, such as respecting others, speaking the truth, and being discipline. Kids often forget that they are still young, and even some of them have become “adults” at a younger age. If we as the pioneers do not do anything, the end of the nation will sooner come. It is okay to be the first to act. As the old people said: “If not now, when? If not us,

who?” We cannot wait for another generation to fix this problem. We have to do something now. But, what can we do? One solution I would like to offer is to teach young people how to be discipline, because discipline is one of many aspects to build a good character.

forgets how to be discipline. The only thing I could say to describe the situation is nightmare. We need to understand that discipline has a gigantic role in society. Rules exist to teach society how to be disciplined. Without the rules, there will be chaos everywhere. A country without rules is not a peaceful country, but rather a disaster. Rules could keep existing if we, as the member of the society, obey them. Rules are meant to be obeyed, not to be broken. That is why it is important to teach how to be discipline at a young age, and the best place to do so is at school.

First of all, I want you to open your imagination. Imagine if someday, you walk to a school. At that school, nobody obeys the rules. There is trash everywhere, students fight each other, teachers come late to class, and so on. Imagine if someday, the generation Making the students act disciplined 8

Photo by Mariana Setiawan

The Key for a Better Future:


is not hard if they realize why they need to be disciplined. The problem is, most of the students do not know why they need to be disciplined. Teachers often give punishments to those who do not obey the rules. But, to teach how to be disciplined, it is not the punishments that matter. The one that matters is the rule itself. By introducing the rules of behaving that exist in a society, the students know what a rule is and they will understand why it is important. As an example, teaching kids that they should not make any noise while eating should prevent them from doing the same thing as they grow up, because they know that it is not polite in the Indonesian society. Many small things we teach them when they were younger would prevent them to do so as an adult. We could teach them to be honest, to believe in God, to pray, and to respect others.

it makes the students feel guilty, but it our country, Indonesia, has a good also helps the school. character in every single part of its society. Discipline is not how we Punishment is the best way to fear the punishments, but how we teach students. Teachers these days understand why the rules were made. should change that mindset. It is To understand why the rules were not the punishment that teaches made, we have to understand how the the students, but the rules. If we society works. That is why children want to give our children better need examples to understand how characteristics, we should teach them will society works. the rules that will start their journey of exploring society. By building By those explanations, the solution their integrity slowly but surely, they I offer to teach good character is to will develop a good character by introduce them the rules and be the improving their discipline. They obey example for them. If we could grow the rules because they know why their discipline, it will take us into they are important, not because they the better future, where every one fear the punishment. It is important of us obeys the rules of behavior, to understand how the students thus leading us to the glory of our think, so that they can think of the nation: Indonesia. The only thing solutions. A good character not only that prevents us from getting there is comes from the heart, but also from our mindset. Change your mindset, the good example. As the part of and let us start taking actions to build their society, we should be able to our nation. be a good examples for the children However, those strategies will so that they understand how to be not work for teens, as teens had discipline by obeying the rules. Glossary become naughtier than before. As Obey (v): mematuhi, menaati for teens, we should not give harsh In conclusion, being disciplined Society (n): masyarakat punishments as soon as they disobey is important in the society. To Gigantic (adj): sangat besar the rules for the first time. First, we build discipline in kids, we should Pioneers (n): pelopor, pemimpin should understand why they disobey introduce them to the rules as soon Punishment (n): hukuman the rules. Then, we give them a light as they are ready to become a part punishment as a warning for them so of society. Understanding their way that they would not repeat it again. of thinking could make us able to Giving physical punishment is not create a solution to their problems, good either, because it only tires also helping them at the same time. Exercise 1. In order to support character them, and they will repeat it again However, teaching is not enough in education, not only do we need the anyway. Giving a light punishment building good character. Therefore, theory but also good examples. (T/F) and slowly increasing the punishment we should be an example for them. 2. Rules are meant to be broken. should make them obey the rules, If we cannot show a good integrity (T/F) because they know that the next in front of them, then all of these 3. A country without rules is a disaster. (T/F) punishment waiting for them will be teachings will be useless. Give the 4. Giving harsh punishments is heavier than before. As a replacement theory, then show the example. For effective to teach students to be for physical punishment, we could me, that is the best way to support discipline. (T/F) ask them to help the librarian, the character education. Be disciplined gardener, or the other school staffs in every aspect in life. Obey the rules that could need some help. Not only and respect others. Let’s show that Layout: Hatta Edit: Yola 9


Rely on Technology and the Importance of Education


Photo: HiVi!’s 2016 single “Pelangi”

Written by Alfonsa Vina Kanasya Student of English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University

CELEB-BUZZ “Remaja” HiVi was still promoting their single, “Remaja” in April 2018, and soon they will release their next single that might be the last single from “Kereta Kencan” album. A brief story about “Remaja:” the video was taken using a smart phone. It conveys a message that we can be productive even using a simple stuff. Ilham said, “We think that all the millennials always use their phone everywhere. Therefore, we use it for our video so there’s a message that you can use your smart phone for positive things.” Febri also stated that to be productive by using our smart phone and relying on technology, it is just about mindset and willingness to start to create something new. Education and Teachers In their opinion, education is really important and should possessed by every human being. Nowadays people can learn from anything and anywhere, but this can go too far. We don’t really know about things iVi is an Indonesian pop we learn. Whether it is true or not, band that consists of Ezra or good for us or not. That’s why Mandira (guitar, vocal), the best way to develop ourselves is Febrian Nindyo (guitar, vocal), Ilham Aditama, (vocal) and Nadhia “Neida” Aleida (vocal). They started their journey in Indonesian music industry in 2009 by releasing their 1st album, “Say Hi! to HiVi!”. Their songs such as “Orang Ke 3”, “Mata ke Hati”, “Curi-curi” and “Indahnya Dirimu” made them become well-known in the industry. On March 2016, one of their vocalists, Dalila Azkadiputi decided to resign from the band. They continued their journey by searching for a new vocalist and they finally met Nadhia “Neida” Aledia. Neida officially became HiVi’s vocalist together with the release of their newest single, “Pelangi”.



through formal education. Education is not only about subjects such as math and science, but also about public speaking, teamwork, and other soft skills. Education is also the very first step of a ladder where people understand their life. It’s an important process so later in life we will survive and be able to appreciate other people. The impacts will be felt later when we are getting older. It will help us to survive the real ‘jungle’. For Ezra, a teacher is the most influential people in his life. He believes that without teachers, we can’t be like who we are right now. Teachers teach us to be a better and helpful person for our surroundings. While Febri and Ilham thought that a teacher is a hero. Ilham said that actually he can learn from everybody he meets in his life, “Everybody is a teacher. But if you talk about the real teacher in school, I think they’re the real hero,” he said.


A chance to be a teacher in a day Neida said that she’s more interested in teaching little kids. In her opinion, it’s the foundation of everything. “Basic learning such as languages and friendliness are very important.” Ezra wants to be a visiting lecturer one day. He wants to share his experiences in his profession to all students. As for the subject, he wants to teach sports. For Febri, he wants to teach Javanese culture. Ilham wants to teach physics, even though he needs to learn the subject first.

to burden her parents. She said the first thing to understand before you study abroad is the concept that it is hard to live alone and be independent in another country. It’s important to make sure that you are ready to live alone abroad. This fan of Corinne Bailey Rae shared that in her university, the tests are essays, which is why vocabularies and references are important. “They (the lecturers) like sophisticated words. More references mean better scores,” she explained. About the accent, she said that it’s normal for British people to see international students, so they will try to talk slower and help you understand. Neida herself prefers the British accent rather than American accent. “It is more formal when you use British English.”

That was the first time she learned English. She used to listening to American songs, American TV shows, and when she gets older, she started to watch Harry Potter. Neida has a plan to take her Master’s Degree. This time, she’s going to make it alone. She used to learn French, and this year she will start again.

Ezra’s Master Degree Ezra got his bachelors degree from Swiss German University (SGU). He got a degree of Sarjana Teknik (S.T.) or Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng). Neida’s study abroad in England Starting 2017, he studied Master of Neida just finished her study and was Industrial Engineering in University working in an agency in Jakarta when of Indonesia. “One word: Exciting!” the offer to be a vocalist came. She Ezra declared. Ezra’s concept was was studying business in University simple, that learning is a process of Gloucestershire, London, England that can go on forever, everywhere, and graduated in 2.5 years. Moreover, and for everyone. He said that a she got a cum laude title! She took master’s degree is actually the same summer courses to shorten her Neida’s childhood was fulfilled by as bachelor’s degree. The difference study there because she didn’t want Disney channel and Nickelodeon. is that for a master’s degree, all the



lessons were mixed with the real experiences both from lecturers and friends. While in the bachelor’s program, we are still ‘guessing’, and everything is just based on theories. It might be clear, but if we don’t experience the problems directly, we won’t understand completely. Entering a master’s program means we’ve already gone through the problems from a bachelor’s degree. In a master’s program, the learning process is also more dynamic because the classmates already have had experiences in their career. “The study is more real, specific, and related to the condition. So it is based on experiences,” Ezra said in the end of his interview. Then he laughed.

year since “Kereta Kencan” released. Now, they are preparing for the third album. Febri said that the producer has been chosen, and now they are in progress to compose new songs for their upcoming album.


Willingness (n): kemauan Influential (adj): berpengaruh Sophisticated (adj): canggih Upcoming (adj): yang akan datang

Exercise “Just enjoy your college life…”

– Ezra

“Enjoy your moment, finish the study, and don’t forget to play.”

– Febri

“Learn a lot, not just the things that you like because you might like it in the future, or it might be useful for you.”

Search the words which meaning are described below 1. Continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship (par. 4) 2. Able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities (par. 2) 3. Clearly defined or identified (par. 11) 4. Write or create a work of art, especially music or poetry (par. 12) 5. Use of a source of information in order to ascertain something (par. 8)

– Neida The Final Word and Messages from HiVi “And don’t forget to play.” Time flies, it’s been 9 years since the – Ilham release of “Say Hi! To HiVi!” and a

Photo: Singo TJ Layout: Hatta Edit: Yola


Mount Gravatt A sneak peek to high school life in Australia Written by Annisa Agra Inggitajna Student of English Language Education Program Sanata Dharma University

Roaming across the country, Dialogue tries to explore how school life in Australia goes. The targeted school to be discussed in this edition of Dialogue is Mount Gravatt State High School, a school located at 42 Loreburn Street, Mount Gravatt, Queensland.


Photos: Mount Gravatt SHS official website Layout: Agra Edit: Sefty

State High School



ount Gravatt State High School (MGH for short) was founded in 1960. It is a co-educational government secondary school with an average of approximately 1200 students ranging from grade 8 to grade 12. The school is nestled in the foothills of Mount Gravatt Mountain, which makes the school surrounded by beautiful green scenery. The school itself has received an award as Brisbane’s greenest and healthiest school in 2005. Some other achievements that the school had received are the 2015 State Winner Showcase Awards for Excellence in Schools and School of Excellence in Dance. The daily schedule of Mount Gravatt State High School differs a lot from high schools in Indonesia. The study at MGH starts from 08.30 to 14.30 with a morning assembly. On Monday and Wednesday, the morning assembly is conducted in the hall with all students present. For any other days, the morning assembly is conducted in class in which students are divided into smaller groups. The main reason of conducting the morning assembly is to keep the students updated on any news around the school. However the news are not limited to internal news only, MGH always makes sure that their students are informed to news around the world. After morning assembly, students will be dismissed to go to their respective class. The first class starts at 09.00, and in one day there is a total of 4 classes. The duration for each class is approximately 50 minutes with an interval around 10 minutes between the first and the second class. There is a morning tea break for around 30 minutes between the second and third class. There is also a lunch break for around one hour between the third and the fourth class. Junior students (grade 8, 9, and 10) are

expected to have a total of 7 different subjects which consist of 5 compulsory subjects and 2 subjects of their own choice. Meanwhile, the senior students (grade 11 and 12) are expected to have a total of 6 different subjects that consist of 2 compulsory subject (English and mathematics) and 4 subjects of their own choice. There is a wide variety of subjects that the students can choose, categorized as followed: Arts, Business and Economics, English, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, ICT and Design, Languages, Mathematics, and Science. In each category there are a number of subjects offered. Students are free to choose any subject that interests them. The choices given by the school let students to explore their skill and knowledge. There are two special school rules that need to be followed by all academicians at MGH. One of the rules is that no one is allowed to use their phones during school time. The intention of the rule is to let academicians focus on social interaction between each other. In urgent cases, if the family needs to reach the student during school hours, they would have to call the front office. The front office will then check which class the student is attending and inform the teacher and said student about the call. Another rule is that students always need to be on time to class. However, unlike any other schools in general, MGH doesn’t facilitate the school with any school bell. Students are expected to know their own schedule and be responsible for coming to their respective class according to the scheduled time. To support the variety of students’ skills, once a year MGH organizes a performing arts night, talent quest, swimming carnival, cross country, athletics carnival, etc. These events are created to facilitate the students in


expressing their talent and abilities. In addition to all those events, there is also a presentation night. In presentation night, students with extra achievements, be that in academics or non-academics, will be given appreciation for what they have done for the past year. Parents will also be invited to come to the presentation night to witness their children’s achievements. Holding onto their motto Digna Petamus, which means to seek worthy things, MGH proves themselves to focus not only on students’ academic competence. Mount Gravatt State High School believes that students’ abilities are not only limited to their academic competence, but also to many different fields that can be discovered. Therefore MGH seeks to highlight every ability that the students have and allow them to follow their own interests and dreams.

EEC SPEAKING CLUB Bringing the Delight in Speaking


ave you ever felt bored while trying to improve your English skill on your own? I think sometimes you can have those kind of problems when you learn English. Well, you don’t have to worry about it anymore! You can put EEC Speaking Club into your enlightment list to enlighten your English skill. Let’s see how it works for you!

Delighting Activities

A lot of activities in EEC Speaking Club meetings can lead you to comfortable ways of learning English. It’s normally held on Saturday afternoon in the Student Hall of Sanata Dharma University every two weeks during the semester. Sometimes, it was also held in a other good places like cafes. Many interesting topics are discussed there and it doesn’t make the members bored! It makes them to feel a native-like environment where everybody using English for their conversations. However, they don’t need to feel anxious to speak English since mistakes are forgiven here. The members will be guided by the competent EEC instructors who will encourage them to be more confident to speak. Beside that, the members will have various activities like playing some games or having group discussions. Sounds pretty good, right?

Written by Fransisca Reza P Student of English Language Education Study Program Santa Dharma University Yogyakarta

About EEC Speaking Club

This is an English speaking community which was first established in 2017 by the English Extension Course (EEC) of Language Institute in Sanata Dharma University. It was Sarah Schaffer, one of EEC’s foreign lecturers who first initiated this community as an informal regular meeting among EEC students to increase the ability to speak English. Later, it became one of the EEC’s programs organized by Ibu Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, the director of EEC. She is helped by two coordinators, Daniel Ari Widhiatama and Erik Hammarlund as the EEC instructors. This community provides many useful experiences of speaking for anyone. I guess you may be suprised about ‘anyone’ here. It means that this community is open for public! EEC had already made it into a community service, so that everyone can join this community and it is free of charge.

As time goes by, this community is getting bigger and now has many members. They come from very different institutions and backgrounds. Some students from various universities, NGO staff, and even Junior High School students have already been a part of this community. Therefore, this community tried to spread its wings by having a new program called “EEC Speaking Club Goes to Campus” starting this year. It aims to invite more people to join this community. It’s in accordance with this community’s expectation, so that it can go to more places and bring benefits to wider society.






Dialogue has got a chance to experience the great delight of this community by joining a session called “NgabubuRead”. NgabubuREAD was a special event because it coincided with Ramadhan moment. The theme was taken from a word “Ngabuburit”. It means “waiting for the afternoon or breakfasting time”. NgabubuREAD brought a precious message where EEC and Sanata Dharma University as the organizer of this community want to be a part to achieve the tolerance of all religions. They are fairly open and always uphold it. Moreover, they also had a special way to start the discussion activity; that is an extensive reading session using graded readers books with the collection of The Indonesian Extensive Reading Indonesia (IERA). Finally, this meeting was closed with a breakfasting session together.

Progressive Platform for You

Photos: EEC’s Documentary Layout: Agra Edit: Yola

I’m sure that EEC Speaking Club is a progressive platform for you! By meeting new people here, you and the other members will augment their knowledge and become more open-minded and confident! Getting many friends from very different backgrounds becomes an easy thing because there are always new members joining in every meeting. If you feel excited and wanted to know more about this gorgeous community and its further activities, you can always find their latest updates on Instagram (@eec_englishspeakingclub), Facebook (English Extension Course Sadhar), and also via Whatsapp (+62 82136742656) if you want to join their events. So, what are you waiting for? Come share, speak your voice, and feel the experience of EEC Speaking Club!



Enlighten (v): mencerahkan Uphold (v): menjunjung tinggi Augment (v): menambah

1. What is EEC Speaking Club actually? 2. When the meeting normally conducted? 3. What will this community bring to its members? 4. Mention the members’ backgrounds in the community! 5. Why “NgabubuREAD” becomes a special event? 6. What message that brought in “NgabubuREAD” ?


Chiasmus: Let’s play with words, before words play you Written by: Laurentia Sumarni, S.Pd., M.Trans.St. Lecturer of English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University

Have you ever listened to an inspiring speech which leaves a lingering effect on you? Have you ever been intrigued by a speaker’s creative and thoughtprovoking word play? What do you feel when you read the famous quote by John F. Kennedy which sends such a strong message? Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind. Do they ignite your sense of patriotism and world peace? On social media, stickers containing wise words pour onto your newsfeeds, warning gullible girls to “never let a fool kiss you—or a kiss fool you,” against playboys prowling the city. A love-struck boy may shoot the Cupid arrow to an unassuming girl unaware of his ulterior motive by saying: “Do I love you because you are beautiful? Or are you beautiful because I love you?” The newly-married couple frustrated by a child’s tantrums might find comfort in this quote: “The value of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults.’ On a much personal level, you might find encouragement upon reading this quote: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” So, what are these repeated phrases which evoke a lasting effect on us? Great speakers have used this rhetorical device since ancient times to make a

noteworthy point. Well, let me introduce you to…(drum roll)... chiasmus / kaɪˈæzməs/. Conversationally, chiasmus is a “crisscross” figure of speech in which similar words are repeated in reverse sequence for special effect. Chiasmus (diagonal arrangement of ideas and grammar) is also known as antimetabole (diagonal arrangement of exact words). Chiasmus shows up in ancient Sanskrit, Chinese, Mesopotamian, and Egyptian texts. Socrates in 395 BC wrote: “Bad men live that they may eat and drink, whereas good men eat and drink that they may live.” In 1665, Moliere summed it up: “One should eat to live, not live to eat.” You encounter these verses in the Bible: “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first (Matthew 19:30)” and “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted (Matthew 23:12). In popular songs, Snoop Dogg sings “with my mind on my money and my money on my mind,” and Eminem raps “I ain’t acid rap but I rap on acid.” Such a frolicking word play to escape your mundane routines, eh? Chiasmus can bring great impact. In the 1980s, President Soeharto introduced a slogan that still rings true today: “Memasyarakatkan olah raga dan mengolahragakan masyarakat, (roughly translated into ‘to publicize exercise and to exercise the public’)” which was followed by a massive nationwide campaign for Senam Kesegaran


Jasmani (Physical Fitness Aerobics) every Friday in schools and government offices all across the country. What is chiasmus good for? What is the pattern? Andrew Dlugan said that “One way to breathe life into your speeches is to craft memorable phrases that will linger on the lips of your audience, and a great tool to help you achieve this goal is chiasmus.” To make a chiasmus, the first clause containing two words A and B is followed by the second clause containing the same words, but in a reverse order. Graphically, it looks like this:

More famous examples are the motto of Alexandre Dumas’ The Three Musketeers “All for one, and one for all”; and Horton the elephant’s signature phrase in Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hatches the Egg: “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant.” Motivational speeches would say “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail” or “Quitters never win and winners never quit.” To a friend who acts obnoxiously, you can say: “You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy.” So, what are you waiting for? Escape from ordinary and try chiasmus for a frolicking escapade.



Direction: Draw a line from The Clause on the left to The Sub Clause in the right 1. It’s nice to be important but… 2. She went to church, … 3. Love as if you would one day hate, … 4. “It is not the oath that makes us believe the man, … 5. “You forget what you want to remember, … 6. “Let us never negotiate out of fear, … 7. Love what you do, ….

a. but to the bar went he. b. and do what you do. c. but the man the oath.” d. it’s more important to be nice. e. but let us never fear to negotiate.” -John F. Kennedy f. and you remember what you want to forget.” - The Road g. and hate as if you would one day love.

Glossaries Words

Photo: Creative Common LIbraries Layout: Agra Edit: Sefty

intrigued gullible prowling ulterior evoke mundane


to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual or mysterious easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say to move around quietly in a place trying not to be seen or heard, such as when hunting a secret purpose or reason for doing something to make someone remember something or feel an emotion very ordinary and therefore not interesting

Sources: http://sixminutes.dlugan.com/chiasmus/ http://examples.yourdictionary.com/chiasmus-examples.html http://www.judymarcus.com/blog/2017/5/30/chiasmus https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/fancy-words-rhetoric/chiasmus



Journalism over Coffee Written by Fransisca Reza P. Student of English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University

Recently, Dialogue Magazine has already organized an event called “Journalism Over Coffee” or people might mention it as JOC. It is a workshop that brings the participants to know more about journalism in a pleasing way but still has insightful discussion. JOC presents the expert speaker that can educate the participants not only about journalism but also other interesting topics. Moreover, this event is held in some fascinating places like a cafe, so it won’t be boring! :) Currently, JOC, which has already become one of the settled programs of Dialogue Magazine, had been done twice since its firsttime event as JOC #1 that was held this year on March. Back then, JOC #1 had invited the speaker that came from the alumni of ELESP who has a successful career as a journalist in The Jakarta Post, Agnes Kenya ‘Anya’ Winanti. She had spoken about her career experience and the perks of being a young journalist based on her knowledge. She also made the situation in Prada Coffe Argulo more relaxed and all the participants can enjoy the discussion and get many advantages from this event. After the good triumph of JOC #1, Dialogue Magazine continued to spread the journalism education by organized the next workshops, JOC #2, lately on 21st of August 2018. It was held in Deskcovery Cafe which was near the campus. Beside that, there’s something


different from the previous event of JOC. This time, JOC brought the expert speaker who is an experienced radio announcer and TV host for five years. She is Tika Yusuf, who’s just finished her Masters by taking Career Development and Coaching Studies in University of Warwick, England. Moreover, now she’s been doing on the largest European Union research and innovation programme, “Horizon 2020”. Such a great achievement that she can get in her life! In JOC #2, Tika Yusuf talked about some topics consisted of journalism in radio broadcasting media and career development based on her experience and research. A-very-fanatic-fan who always want to meet her everyday, threatened by stranger, and was a teacher in the program “Indonesia Mengajar” are some of the many unique stories that she shared in JOC #2. Other than that, she also educated the participants about tips to build their career development. One of her quotes, ”Career is not just about following your passion, it is how we prepared ourself to get many good chances in our life.” This was quite true for most of the participants and it could motivate them to develop their own successful career. Also, she educated the participants to be critical in receiving all of the information that came from the existing media. Last but not least, she gave special tips to Dialogue members to survive and keep the existence of our lovely magazine in the middle of millenialls nowadays! Finally, JOC #2 finished with smiles in all of the participants’ faces. Fyi, besides getting some insightful knowledge, they also got a free drink when attending the discussion in this wonderful event! Fascinating, right? Then, just wait for us to comeback on JOC #3, see you!!

Photo: Hedwig Layout: Hatta Edit: Monica


eing a journalist, or at least learn about journalism itself might seem difficult for some people. When we were talking about journalism, people might presume that we are going to talk about something which has severe, serious, and heavy topic. In fact, our lovely magazine has already made an innovation which can resist the stereotype that does exist until now.

Photo: Kelana DMC (http://bit.ly/2Iks7FM)

Drs. Yohanes B. Gunawan, M. A. “If you don’t climb the high mountain you can’t view the plain.” -Pak Gun’s favorite proverb-

Dedicating ourselves to something we love is a blessing. At least we make one of our dreams come true. What makes it a blessing is when it turns out to be something blessed to other people. Not wanting to keep it as our own story, Dialogue in this very special opportunity wants to introduce someone who makes us blessed to be in Sanata Dharma University, especially in English Language Education Study Program.

Written by Gregoriana Nobilio P. & Rebecca Sarah Ayu Student and Alumni of English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University

22 9


t was such an honor for Dialogue to get a chance to write a story about Drs. Y.B. Gunawan, M. A., friendlily called Pak Gun, a lecturer and Dialogue former Editor in Chief. As one of the active members, Dialogue Magazine wants to express a warm gratitude for his dedication to English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) and absolutely for maintaining the existence of this magazine. Having been teaching for about 38 years at English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, Pak Gun has many strings to remember. Starting from getting his “Sarjana” degree from IKIP Sanata Dharma--now known as Sanata Dharma University-- in 1980 until, finally, he started his career as a member of ELESP teaching staff in 1981. In order to deepen his knowledge, Pak Gun, then, was sent to study abroad at American University, Washington, D.C by English department of Sanata Dharma University and got his Master’s

Photo: Pak Gun’s Personal Photograph

An Epoch-Making Path:


Besides enjoying teaching in classroom, Pak Gun also shared his knowledge and had fun with his writing hobby all at once through Dialogue Magazine. For him, Dialogue can be a media for both young teachers and learners to seek and treasure English in a fun way. Therefore, he enjoyed giving beneficial information like news, knowledge, tips, and even language lessons as a whole package. Furthermore, being a Dialogue Editor in Chief triggers his responsibility to work with a deadline that for most people seems hard to deal with. Committing to something does need passion. As the Editor in Chief of Dialogue Magazine, Pak Gun has tied his passion to give something useful to his students and Dialogue readers in

All in all, after the long journey teaching at English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University, Pak Gun does not want to stop sharing his knowledge. Perhaps after retiring, Pak Gun will still be able to teach through writing English lessons informally on social media, for example, or formally

Photo: Pak Gun’s Facebook

Of course as one of senior lecturers in ELESP, Pak Gun has experienced bittersweet moments of becoming a lecturer. To someone who is affectionate like Pak Gun, getting unexpected or unpleasing things is nonsense, but who knows he’s actually got one. With a very humble smile on his face, he remembered that he’d once received a critique from one of his students because of his mellifluous voice. “Don’t make me sleepy in class, Sir”, Pak Gun tried to mimic the student. Despite being angry, Pak Gun took it as a positive suggestion that teachers should always find ways to make their students interested, enthusiastic, and active. This might be difficult but he again said that nothing is impossible.

publishing a book that can be used by the young learners to learn and enrich their English skills. Spending time working with Dialogue and the other members makes Pak Gun wiser, more hard working, and aware that publishing a magazine requires good, long preparation, but that we have to do it professionally and quickly. He hopes that Dialogue will always belong to those who love learning English in an easy and fun way.

Glossary Epoch-Making (adj): Memiliki dampak yang luar biasa di masa depan Self-efficacy (n): Kepercayaan diri untuk mampu menyelesaikan sebuah tugas Affectionate (adj): Penuh kasih sayang Mellifluous (adj): Memiliki suara yang lembut Perkiness (n): Semangat yang membara


Exercise 1. What is the main idea of the passage? 2. What does “turn out” in line 2 paragraph 1 mean? 3. For him, sharing things with your head may confuse you but if you do it with your heart, it will not betray. The pronoun “it” refers to…… 4. Try to make one sentence from each glossaries of this passage! 5. After reading the whole passage, what can you infer about being a teacher?

Layout: Hatta Edit: Yola

What is actually teaching for you? You might have heard a proverb that says, “Teaching means you learn twice and when you teach, you share.” This proverb probably can describe the reasons why Pak Gun dedicates his life to teaching. For this 64 year old teacher, young people are those whose skills can be boosted and they are able to contribute things that might not be done by the elders. By teaching, he is able to work, communicate, and learn together as a big group to improve each English competence. That is actually how teaching works.

general. His concern is to build young people’s self-efficacy to show them that everything is possible and we can do it. Maybe because of this huge perkiness, Pak Gun never finds real obstacles during his time running the magazine. For him, sharing things with your head may confuse you but if you do it with your heart, it will not betray.

Photo: Pak Gun’s Facebook

degree in 1985.

Painting withWords Run, Sweetheart, Run! By Rebecca Sarah Ayu A student of Sanata Dharma University Run my sweetheart, from anything that makes you unhappy and worthless of life Run my sweetheart, from anyone who hurts your heart and just let the knife put in your life Run my sweetheart, from people who neglect your beautiful glitter when you have all the power in life Run the hell, sweetheart! Don’t ever settle for anything less, anything less than your true fire.

Just Okay By Rebecca Sarah Ayu A student of Sanata Dharma University We cried and we felt like everything wouldn’t be okay We fell and we thought everything wouldn’t be okay But then between our tears and bruises the universe whispered to stop crying in our deep alley For the dream lies upon the lives of those who will always give it another try with the thought that everything is always, always going to be okay



Dare to Dream By Ira Luik A student of Duta Wacana Christian University We all have things that are worth believing for Dream that we want to accomplish Apart from your comfort zone And achieve what you’ve been yearning for Storm is absolutely coming The blue sky is absolutely changing Worst things are always disturbing Yet those kinds of storms will never shake a sturdy tree Remember what your purpose is Don’t let yourself fall into the ground Don’t let people give you a black rose Only you can save your life

A Dreamer By Liana Masela Everyone is a dreamer Tell yourself, who you want to be It ain’t easy to be a dreamer Tell your heart, which way you have to take If you fail, just keep on dreaming Let the failure guides you into the right way Let it makes you to be strong Let it prepares you welcoming your day

A sun would never stuck in the dark Hoping there is a way to escape A shade of dream beyond the murk Just do it and catch the star

Don’t give up on what people said You don’t need to tell them, keep it Don’t be afraid You have to show them, prove it

Illustration: Unknown Layout: Agra Edit: Marsha

Dream what you want for yourself Because dreaming is a part of life When you believe in yourself It makes you become what you are


Photo by MLDSPOT (http://bit.ly/2MS2mxz)

Avalokitesvara Graha: The Biggest Pagoda in Southeast Asia T

anjung Pinang on Riau Island isn’t a big city but it has the biggest pagoda in Southeast Asia, called Avalokitesvara Graha pagoda. This pagoda has another name called Guan Yin Pagoda. The local people there call Avalokitesvara Graha pagoda one thousand statues pagoda. The reason is because it has a lot of statues. So people assume that those statues are just like a thousand statues. To reach this pagoda, people

don’t need any specific vehicle because it’s located on the side of the road. They can use any vehicle they want, such as motorcycle, car, or even public transportation. Besides, they don’t need to spend money to enter this pagoda. Many tourists from Asia, especially countries with Buddhist majorities, come here to see or even to pray. Most of them are from China, Japan, Korea, or even Vietnam.


Photo by Hesty Desviani (http://bit.ly/2xqZL8D)

Written by Ruth Eliana Fransisca Student of English Education Department, Duta Wacana Christian University


Avalokitesvara Graha has a long distance to get to the main pagoda. From the gate, visitors still need to go along the road and they can choose either to walk or use their vehicle to get there. Just like passing the road in the countryside, it’s peaceful and calm. The atmosphere is really nice as you can see cornfields on each side of the road. Sometimes they also plant dragon fruits as well or even tangerines when they are celebrating Chinese New Year. Those fruits are planted by the monks who live there.

Goddess or Divine statues but monks’ statues. They are a thousand ancestors of the monks. However, Avalokitesvara Graha pagoda succeeds to attract many people; either locals or foreigners. It has shown the great and beautiful scenery with Southeast Asian design. It’s a unique and an amazing place to visit. People who visit this place will feel calm as they witness a creation of God mixed with the touch of humans. The green scenery and the blue sky make it completely amazing. Layout: Hatta Edit: Emmy

When visitors reach the main pagoda, they will see a big open door. On the right side, they will be shown a big Kwan Im Goddess statue that is sitting on the golden lotus. Under the statue, there is a smaller Kwan Im Goddess statue with the offerings and incenses put altogether. The monks always replace them every day with the new ones and clean the table of the offerings. Visitors don’t need to bring their own offerings because they’re already served on the table under the statue. Hence, they can pray peacefully.

Photo by For Sharing Knowledge (http://bit.ly/2OF7qad)

Photo by tempat.me (http://bit.ly/2QMEvCf)

Even though the door is opened, people can still smell the strong scent of the incense. Yet, it could make people feel calmer and peaceful. One of the monks in this pagoda said that the scent of the incense could make people who have a bad feeling feel better and more peaceful. That is the function of the incense. Later at the next opened door, people can directly see the outside of the pagoda. That is a door towards a thousand statues. However, people have to walk a bit more to that place. They will face a big white gate with the big statue on the top that looks really wonderful. This gate is really huge and wide, just like a Gwanghwamun gate in South Korea. Here, people can have an amazing feeling because of the atmosphere and the environment. They can feel and hear the sound of the wind blowing. Then, after they pass the gate, they can see a thousand statues in front of them. Before, it was open for all people so they could approach the statues and take a picture. But now, it has a fence. So it confines people from getting near the statues. Still, people are able to see a thousand statues clearly. They aren’t Buddhist 27

Viva La Passionista for Indonesia :

Juan Kolemar Cahya

Photo by Juan Kolemar

Written by Marcellino Julius and Marsha Prawatya Students of English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University


Layout: Hatta Edit: Yola

Music genre had grown to be very diverse these days, ranging from calming soft tunes of easy listening music to the upbeat electronic music. EDM (Electronic Dance Music) that has been gaining a lot of interest lately, is one of the popular alternatives for musicians to make a unique composition, like mixing EDM and acoustic, or even up to traditional music. It might sound wild, but a singer songwriter Juan Kolemar Cahya has proven this to be a music breakthrough.



in English meaningfully. Like “King of My Life”, “Hot and Cold”, “Let’s Get Lost”, “You’re So Beautiful”, and “Listen”. Following the release of his first album, Juan then released his single “Untuk Indonesia” in collaboration with his friends Cezzy and Tippen, where he turned his concern for the issues happening in Indonesia into a piece of expressive Furthermore, developing his interest art with a fusion of pop acoustic, in music, he started to make his own hip-hop, and EDM. original songs. Finally, his album entitled “EVERYDAY” was released With Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as the in 2017. It consists of nine exquisite song’s inspiration that represent songs, from pop acoustic, ballad, to the true Indonesia, the music video hype electronic dance tracks. But and lyrics for “Untuk Indonesia” that is not all, Juan proved that fusing shows the beauty and “luxury” of totally different music genres into coexistence. one song will give unexpected twists for the listeners and, of course, “Lalu sapa, tersenyumlah making the song more unbelievably Karena kita Indonesia good to listen. If you listen to track Satu bahasa satu bangsa number 9, “Listen”, it first started Kita Indonesia with a clean acoustic sound and Merah putih, Garuda Juan’s soulful voice which can sooth Satu Indonesia” me like a silent night. But as the song progresses, the beats complement Juan and friends created the music the song’s flow perfectly, flawlessly video for that song, which you can dragging the acoustic-track-at- access on his YouTube channel. first into another genre, EDM, as They chose Jogja to be featured in atmospheric layers of synths emerge their music video for Jogja is a city in for a vibey beat drop. which both local and outside cultures stand out unmistakably. For that His songs are also aren’t exclusively reason, Jogja could even be referred created to Indonesian ears, as there as a mini Indonesia. Other than that, are five songs which lyrics are written the music video tries to portray the uan, who is a graduate from English Language Education Study Program of Santa Dharma University, moved to Yogyakarta to study but simulteneously he also got a chance to build up his passion and his love for music. He joined Sanata Dharma Choir and also a band in his study program.


life of Indonesian people who live in harmony. So, for those who still have any hesitancy in life, you can learn from Juan Kolemar Cahya who is now living his passion for music and studies equally. You can find Juan Kolemar Cahya on both Spotify and Youtube. Layout: Hatta Edit: Mega


Dragging: menyeret Coexistence: kehidupan bersama Fusion: perpaduan Emerge: muncul Unmistakably: jelas


1. “Untuk Indonesia” is Juan’s single which expresses________. 2. _______ and ________ are Juan’s friends who collaborated with him to for single “Untuk Indonesia”. 3. Juan is a _____________ study program of _________________ University graduate . 4. ______ is the city featured in “Untuk Indonesia” music video. 5. ________ market is the real example of coexistence in life.




he novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, or abbreviated as H2G2, takes us into the story of an Englishman Arthur Dent, his alien-like best friend Ford Prefect, another human being Trillian, Zaphod Beeblebrox, and Marvin as they travel through in space and time while also trying to discover the meaning of life. The reader is immersed into a universe filled with bureaucratic evil aliens, electronic books, and wacky gadgets with Douglas Adams assuring us “Don’t Panic”. The novel follows the journey of two human beings who survived Earth’s destruction by the alien race, the Vogons, to build a hyperspace bypass. Written by a humorist and satirist, Douglas Adams included several satires particularly on the topic of philosophy and religion. Several jabs are

made here and there about humankind’s view of their philosophy and their take on religion. Adams also provided several insightful reflections on the human condition which ignite the subtle question of what the meaning of life really is. In this novel, Adams explicitly conveyed humans as beings who are never happy pretty much most of the time. There are movements being done to simply address this problem but the simplest movement seems to circulate around “small green pieces of paper”. Even then humankind seems to still be unhappy. Although this novel was written a long time ago, I feel that this portrayal of human beings can be used to reflect on our own condition in coexisting on this planet. This reflection helps us to remind ourselves of our essence as people. Not only that, Adams also used satire to show how things that matter to us are actually insignificant to other people. For example, the protagonist of the novel, Arthur Dent, really cared about his house that he was willing to lie down in front of a bulldozer in order to boycott the demolition of his house. This may seem like a big concern for Arthur but it is merely a small insignificant concern for the aliens and therefore Arthur’s concern is ignored.

Title : The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Author : Douglas Adams Pages: 224 Language : English Publisher : Pan Books Published : October 12th, 1979





What I like about this book, personally, is how fearless Adams is in showing us his opinions and critiques regarding the humankind and their morality. It takes a lot of time and extensive knowledge to be able to convey your offensive opinions into seemingly harmless strings of sentences. I particularly like how he started the novel by making fun of humans and earth. The sentence ‘Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-eight million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.’ is a great

opening sequence. My attention was immediately drawn and I spent longer than I was supposed to snickering at those sentences. I mean, equating the human race to ape-descended life forms plus the statement of how we think digital watches are really great is really funny, in a satirical way. This book is suitable for all ages, ranging from teenagers to adults. This 224-page book is intriguing and immersive with smartly crafted words by Douglas Adams. This book is full of peculiar adventures with serious weighty undertones that invite the readers to look and reflect on their lives while still being humorous. On a side note, if you are looking for book that is philosophical but still funny in an ironic way; this is the book for you.

Reviewed by Monica Devi S

Student of English Language Education Program Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta



Wacky (adj): Aneh Jabs (n): Tusukan Insightful (adj): Secara Mendalam Subtle (adj): Secara halus Portrayment (n): Penggambaran Coexisting (v): Hidup berdampingan Absurdity (n): Kekonyolan Boisterously (adv): Secara ribut/keras Snicker (n): Terkikik Undertone (n): Makna terselubung

Use the Words in the Glossary to Fill in the Blanks 1. I don’t know how to operate the new phone, it seems ....... to me. 2. The story is cheerful with dark ..... 3. She is annoyed by the ...... of the situation.


Illustration: Unknown Layout: Agra Edit: Marsha

The use of English language in this book is simply smart. Adams managed to craft English letters that directly critique the absurdity of human lives while also being a little subtle about it. The events in the novel are oftentimes exaggerated for it to appear humorous. The humor in this story is not the ones that make you laugh boisterously, rather it is the kind of humor that seems dry and random but is actually clever when you think about it.

A Piece of Peace Written by Theresia Marsha Prawatya Student of English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University


omewhere far, far away and icy, lived a small family of penguins. They were one amongst thousands families sharing an island to live and to protect one another. It was a perfect home for them. They had unlimited stock of food, the weather was just always perfect, there was harmony— and also, there was Benedict, the most curious youngster in the whole land.

“But you said we have everything. We have food, good friends, and nice place to stay! So it is not everything?” Only distant voices of fellow penguins and the crashing waves were heard as once again, his son’s question defeated him. So he tried to divert his thoughts into another matter, which he should’ve known better that he’ll regret his choice of words.

Illustration by @helenahannyk

“So, why can’t we fly like the Petrels, dad?” For probably over a hunded times already that day, little Benedict threw another question to his father once again. The father looked down to the pair of dark marble-like eyes looking up at him in undying excitement. He could only tilt his head a little bit in awe as he answered, “you see, son, we can’t have everything in life.”

“Me too, dad! If we can’t fly now, at least we can swim! We should see what it has for us to discover!!!”, Benedict excitedly screamed on the top of his lungs as he skips his way fast towards the sea.


Layout: Hatta Edit: Mega

“Well.. I really do wonder about what’s beyond the skies and the seas.”


“No no no no no!” Quickly, his father went ahead of him, blocking his way that made him fall back to the cold ice. But none of it broke Benedict’s desire to explore. He got back on his feet fast, those curious eyes looking up at his dad’s once again.


“Then this must be it. Isn’t it?!”


“Uh.. well, when I told everyone of what I found, they didn’t believe me.”

“AAAAAA—what are you?! AAAA!!!”

“We really should see now, dad!”

Taking turns, Benedict and the other youngling he just bumped into screamed their lungs out in panic.

“No, it’s dangerous out there. Don’t you remember what I told you about the Sealions, Sharks and Orcas?”

“EEEEEK I’m a leopard seal! Can we stop screaming now? Because I think I’m not that shocked anymore- EEEK!”

That matters again. It was the only matter that was able to bore jumpy little Benedict.

“Right, me too.”

“Yes, dad..” He said weakly because he knew he was definitely powerless about it. “Now that’s my boy. I have to get some food now, yeah? You will be a good boy and play with your friends while you wait for dinner time.” “Yes, dad..” Seeing his son’s sorrowful back waddles away, he just knew what would restore his son’s spirit. So he lightly said, “wait for me, I’ll bring back dinner alongside some discoveries from the sea!” And he was right, Benedict turned his back happily hearing that. Waving one of his flippers to his dad. “I’ll be waiting, dad!” But even after long he waited, his dad hasn’t come back yet. He asked other returning penguins, but none of them saw his dad. So he set his mind, to follow his dad into the ‘discovery’. Benedict paddled and waddled his flippers far into the wide ocean, but not even a sight of his dad could be seen. And to make it worse, his home was no longer in sight, also. So fear started to creep inside his fearless self. He tried to turn back, flapping his flippers fast to get him moving, until

And then there was a good three seconds of silence. “Hi, I’m Leo the Leopard Seal! And you are?” “Benedict the Penguin. Nice to meet you!” “Nice to meet you too, bud! What are you doing out here? You shouldn’t be here, right?” “Yeah, but I’m looking for my dad—“ “You really sound like a very fun friend. I don’t need more explanation. Come! I have something cool to show you!” Long gone were his dad’s warnings, as they dived into the deep blue cold sea. Everything was new and splendid for Benedict, until he could only gasped in fascination at what he saw. There they were, stopping in front of a humongous temple made of stone. “What is this, Leo?” “I’m not sure either. But I heard my grandma talking about the mystery of Temple of Peace. Legends said that if the doors manage to open, there will be peace all over the world if you bring the Golden Flower to life!”


“Well I do, Leo! All we need is to prove them.” Leo seemed unsure for a while, before he finally placed his flipper on one of the doors. “We should put an end of this, since our kinds don’t live together in peace—“ “Us, as friends, will be the proof. Let’s do this, buddy.” Immediately after Benedict touched the remaining door, light washed over the dull stone, leaving it gleaming brightly as the doors rumbled open. Back on the land, one father was busy skipping around, his voice that was heavy with concern tore the silent evening sky. “Has anyone seen my son? Please, anyone! Has anyone seen Benedict?!” No one answered as nobody could find him also. Until someone far away yelled, “Barty, look! There he is!” But before even he could feel relief completely, he heard murmurs, also panicked screams. “Sharks!! And the Leopard Seals following him!”, “there are the Orcas too!” “Dad!!” Benedict called out for his father. “I’m coming, son!” He rushed to the waters, but before he could even jump, Benedict was lifted to the surface, revealing him standing on top of a huge orca. “I’m fine, dad! Look what I discovered in the sea! This, is the Golden Flower from The Temple of Peace!” And starting from the moment Benedict planted the flower to the land, any kind of fear, terror, or desires to prey, were replaced by only joy and peace covering the island of tranquil heaven.


B Hey! Are you still doing your assignment? Are you having any difficulties in writing your thesis? Or Are you having a trouble with your life, love, and friendship? Have you ever felt confused or desperate over your relentless problems? I think you are lucky enough to read this article! I am going to tell you the way to hack your life, face all your problems easily and get what you want. BUT REMEMBER, following these tips will change your way of thinking, your life, and others. Read the following paragraphs carefully and do it patiently when you are ready. Good luck! Written by Herman Yosef Cahyono Student of English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University

elieve it or not, basically, there is no problem in life. Problems don’t exist in this world! To illustrate this, imagine a tree that stands still in the middle of a land. Is it a problem? The answer is: NO! The tree will not be a problem until someone plans to turn that land into a soccer field. There is no problem in life, unless humans create the problem itself because of their motives. If that person planned to turn that land into a garden, he would be supported by the tree. Lots of people are trapped because they didn’t know their purpose. For example, a young lady was about to leave for work when her motorbike refused to start. She ended up spending her day in a repair shop and took a leave of absence. Her decision reflected that she has lost her purpose as she forgot that she could use many other ways to get to her office, such as by driving her own car, by ordering a taxi, or by using public transportations. Don’t fix a problem that is actually not your real problem. REALIZE AND SET YOUR PURPOSE-that’s the first tip. Next, I want you to think about one particular sacred word: “TRY.” It is indeed a simple word but it creates a complicated emotion for those who are in the process of doing it. Trying might seem easy to do in the beginning, but it is very difficult to be committed to retrying. Therefore,



the second tip I am telling you is to not only try, but to KEEP TRYING! Trying makes you learn but trying again and again makes you successful. It has been proven by successful people all over the world. J.K. Rowling, the author of “Harry Potter”, was rejected by 12 different publishers. Colonel Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, was rejected 1.009 times by different takers. James Dyson, the developer of a bagless vacuum cleaner, failed 5.126 times in creating that machine. My point is don’t stop trying since the next try might be your success story. If you need more motivation to do that, you can watch the cartoon movie “Meet the Robinson” and you will bring the deep meaning of a phrase “keep trying” to the next level.

Bonus tips: • Think positively “nothing is impossible”, don’t lose your goal • Failure is luck. When Thomas Edison failed to turn the light bulb on, actually he found a way turn the light bulb off, right? • Big thing demands big effort. Collecting $500.000 is exhausting right? But what do you feel when you drive your own Lamborgini Aventador, bought by your own money?

Third, BE SMART. It is not related to IQ, it’s about the way we reflect our efforts. After you try and you see the result, identify what should be done, then try again. One of the skills needed in the 21st century is creative thinking. Use your creative and innovative mind! Remember this, trying doesn’t mean continuing to repeat your mistake. Identify your previous trials, look for any possibility to improve, learn from others, decide what to do, and then do it. Reading Dialogue Magazine like you are doing now is one of the ways to sharpen your creative thinking process because you are learning from other people’s idea.


Realize and set your purpose, keep trying, and be smart. If you do it seriously and persistently, you will get anything you want in this world! If you haven’t achieved your desired outcome, it means you have to repeat the second and the third tips. Do it and don’t give up. You are training yourself to be powerful! When you can make up your mind, you can change yourself. And when you change, you influence your surroundings. It means you have chances to change the world. Remember Albert Einstein? I.R Soekarno? J.K. Rowling? Colonel Sanders? They have their own way to change the world. How about you?

Assignment (N): Tugas Relentless (Adj): Terus menerus Persistently (Adv): Dengan gigih Make up your mind (idiom): membuat keputusan


Layout: Hatta Edit: Emmy

1. What is Problematips about? 2. How many times did James Dyson fail in creating a bag-less vacuum cleaner? 3. What is the first tip to face the life problem based on the article?

Photo by David Beatz on Unsplash


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