ITN-DCH Case Study III - Castle of Donaustauf

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ITN-­‐DCH Case study III Castle of Donaustauf

HISTORY The township of Donaustauf is situated 10 km in the East of Regensburg (southern Germany). The small city is dominated by the ruins of the castle Donaustauf. The castle sits on a hilltop, approximately 100m above the Danube. It is the oldest castle menLoned in documents within the area of Regensburg. Between 914 and 930, several records can be found that menLon a castle which is called Stauff (castellum quod dicitur Stuffo). It is assumed that the castle was erected by Bishop Tuto of Regensburg (893– 930), as a defence against the Hungarian invasion. However, archaeological excavaLons revealed that at least the North-­‐Eastern part of the hilltop was forLfied about 500 B.C. already. Donaustauf castle (credit Andreas Boos).

STRUCTURE Over the centuries, sector forLficaLons have been built to protect the castle. In other words, the hill on which the castle stands was forLfied from top to boWom and this forLficaLon was adapted to the different needs of the Lme. The oldest part dates back to the 11th century, the last strengthening was carried out in 1620. To protect the central part of the castle, six gates were built (A-­‐F). Only four of them are visible today. The most impressive gate is the most inner gate to the bailey castle (gate F). The entrance is covered by two groin vaults that are separated by a wide arch. In the first floor of the building even today the castle chapel is sLll visible.

DATA AVAILABLE There is already a set of data available which was recorded by ArcTron3D (ITN-­‐DCH partner). This dataset can be used within this project as a state of the art dataset and compare it to the newly gathered data. This set contains aerial pictures taken with an ultra light paraglide trike and survey data of the walls in the castle area. The wall dataset was gathered using a laser-­‐scanner and SfM-­‐Data. Gate F



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The airborne technology will be used to create a model of the hilltop and the landscape. The landscape model will include the hilltop of the castle, the Danube, the town and part of the backcountry. The data-­‐acquisiLon will be done using the ultra light paraglide trike and a Nikon D800E camera. For smaller areas of importance or to fill possible holes in the ground mesh, a UAV can be used. A ground plan using GPS sensors and/or laser scanners and the total staLons could also be useful to verify and update exisLng plans as well as to georeference the object for further detailed studies of the chapel and the gate. Made of Romanesque fabric, Gate F is one of the most interesLng parts of the castle. Therefore, a detailed and precise documentaLon of it should be done. Different methods of terrestrial laser scanning, terrestrial photogrammetry and even airborne photogrammetry, using the UAV, can be applied. On the preserved walls of the chapel there are traces of painLng, daLng back to the 12th It might be interesLng to try to figure out the whole story of the painLng and the story that is depicted. Linking the painLngs of the chapel wall with other content or even bringing the figures back to life will be a challenge for the task that concern the intangible CH part of the project. The chapel itself is of great historical value, being one of the few Romanesque chapels within the region since it sLll has some of the original plaster such as capitals, columns, arches, etc. Structured light scanning (SLS) methods in comparison to photogrammetry and infrared/hyperspectral imaging can be applied to document this part. 4D models of the gate would also be a possible task for the project fellows using exisLng e.g. informaLon taken by some rough sketches by the American painter Joseph Mallord William Turner and other arLsts integrated with 2D and 3D Content.

ACQUISITION PLAN Techniques available •  Structured light scanner •  Laser scanner •  Photogrammetry (aerial and terrestrial) •  Surveying techniques

OBJECTIVE The main goal of this case study is to integrate all the techniques and informaLon available in a disseminaLon plagorm. Geometric data, as well as historical an intangible informaLon should be included.

Merian: Kupferstich von 1644

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