ITN-DCH Case Study II - Carnuntum

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ITN-­‐DCH Case study II


Carnuntum Â

Site •  Former capital of Upper Pannonia, first men?oned in 6 AD and used into the 5th century •  Covers a site of 10 km² and had up to 50,000 inhabitants •  Civilian seJlement and military camp with its canabae legionis •  Only 14 % of the Roman seJlement is visible today •  The ancient seJlement area is well preserved due to the agricultural land-­‐ use in the region

Available Data •  •  •  •  •  •

Site has been studied since 19th century, resul?ng in data of variable quality Tradi?onal archaeology Geophysical prospec?on over 115 hectares Objects being digi?sed for online database Virtual reconstruc?ons and physical model of town Physical reconstruc?on of individual buildings

Gate F

Available Data

Objec?ve The objec?ve of this case study is to work on a site that func?ons on different scales – object, architecture, urban, and landscape – and has a strong temporal component. The emphasis will be not on data acquisi?on – the site has been thoroughly inves?gated – but on using data and informa?on generated by different fields of study and recombining and reinterpre?ng it in an interdisciplinary team to create new knowledge.

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