The Role of Graphic Design in Social Awareness

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Whose woods these are, I do not know. . . BIG WIND - blow me

Design Brief: Project 1 grds 760 winter 2012

“Lights, shadows, noise, TV and phone interruption, gawkers, accidents, lost views and plummeting property values, and more...” “We felt sick at the end of every day . . . like we had to get away and take a break from the twirling blades and the surreal atmosphere.” Sue Sliwinski, Sardinia, N.Y., 2005



Vermonters have always prided themselves on being green without trying too hard. It’s just part of the lifestyle where mother nature is queen even when she is not always welcome during subzero nights and endless winters. Such is the life of the Vermonter, a fiercely independent people who take pride in their pristine green mountains. While much of its beauty remains untouched, Vermont may appear as the land of milk and honey but that does not mean that it should be forced to litter the landscape with wind farms just because they are a cleaner energy alternative to fossil fuels.

“They are shocked at the noise. It is unnatural and rhythmic, intrusive and unpredictable.” Eric Rosenbloom

Windmills harken back to the days of Don Quixote and the beautiful old Dutch windmills of lore. However, the windmills, or wind turbines of today are not anything like that of yesteryear. Yes they are a clean source of energy in that they emit very little gases or pollutants into the atmosphere, but they do have many hazardous and environmentally detrimental side effects that not only adversely affect wildlife but also destroy mountain ridge lines and emit a deafening, disorienting and constant whirring noise.

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