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Start reading aloud: $OH[D GLVSOD\V WKH ÂżUVW VHQWHQFH

for you to read. Read the sentence and then tap on Next. Pause if you must: The next screen displays the

second sentence. Read that one and tap on Next. If you need to stop, tap Cancel. Otherwise, keep going. Let Echo listen: Continue the process until you get

through through all 25 sentences. At the screen for the last sentence, tap on Complete. +RSHIXOO\ \RXÂśOO QRZ ÂżQG $OH[D PRUH UHVSRQVLYH DQG less apt to misunderstand your questions and requests. If further voice training is required, start a new session with another round of 25 sentences. Each round of voice training serves up a unique set of sentences, so it may be helpful to go through at least a couple of sessions to train Alexa on different phrases. Add more voices: What if more than one family

member talks to Alexa? Naturally, each person has his or her own individual style of speaking. First, add each person as a member of your Amazon Household, if you haven’t already done so. To do this, tap on Settings. Scroll to the Accounts section and tap on Household 3URÂżOH )ROORZ WKH VWHSV WR DGG VRPHRQH WR \RXU Amazon Household. To switch your Echo device to another account, say: “Alexa, switch to [person’s name] account.â€? That person can then kick off the voice training and go through the round of 25 sentences. Each member of the household can complete the voice training, one by one. If you lose track of which account is the active one, just say: “Alexa, which account is this?â€? Alexa tells you the name of the current account. She’s nice like that.




Hopefully, you’ll now ďŹ nd Alexa more responsive and less apt to misunderstand your questions and requests.

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