DBSE Conference 2023 - Abstracts and biographies

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Dionne Abdoelhafiezkhan

Dionne Abdoelhafiezkhan is is known for bringing people together in her unique, playful way. She was born in Rotterdam and raised in Amsterdam. She has a wealth of cultures with a Catholic French mother and a spiritually Muslim Surinamese father with roots in Trinidad and Persia. She has a black belt in taekwondo and played tennis at a high level for years, which taught her at a young age to get the best out of yourself and to deal with different people.

During her master’s degree in business administration, she founded her own organization (Hi5) at the age of 22, which is now IZI Solutions (IZI) focuses on social innovation to achieve sustainable solutions for social issues. She is also the co-initiator of the Black Manifesto (Het Zwarte Manifest) which is a call to action to combat institutional anti-Black racism and promote Black emancipation in the Netherlands. And in 2016, she won the Black Talent Achievement Award.

Daphina Misiedjan

Dr. Daphina Misiedjan is an assistant-professor in human rights and the environment at International Institute of Social Studies (ISS/EUR). Dr. Misiedjan specializes in issues concerning human rights and environmental justice. Her current research looks climate justice in the context of the Dutch overseas territories and environmental justice in the local Dutch European context. Besides her academic work, she is committed to making academia an environment where more communities can thrive. She is the initiator of the Black Scholar and Expert Conference, has co-founded the Dutch Black PhD Experience 7 years ago and is a member of KNAW’s Young Academy.

Prof. dr. Foluke Adebisi

They said ‘no road’, we say ‘the road is made by walking.’

Foluke Ifejola Adebisi is a Professor at the Law School, University of Bristol. Her scholarship focuses mainly on the relationship between theories of decolonisation and how they do and can interact with legal knowledge. Thus, her scholarly work is concerned with what happens at the intersection of legal education, law, society, and a history of changing ideas of what it means to be human. She has written widely in this area. She also edited a special issue for the Law Teacher journal on decolonisation in 2019. She found and runs Forever Africa Conference and Events (FACE), a Pan-African interdisciplinary conference. She blogs about her scholarship and pedagogy on her website ‘Foluke’s African Skies’. Her monograph “Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge: Reflections on Power and Possibility” was published by Bristol University Press in of March 2023.

Opening From 11:00-12:00 CET

Meester Kwame Agyapong-Ntra

I’m Kwame Agyapong-Ntra (40), born in Ghana and raised in Amsterdam Zuidoost. I arrived in the Netherlands at age 9. One of my most significant personal achievements was my rapid journey from VMBO (preparatory vocational education) to VWO (pre-university education) in just 2 years during high school. While pursuing my VWO diploma, I faced the challenge of being a young black student, encountering skepticism from some teachers about my potential. Collaborative projects with another black classmate often received less recognition than they deserved. Even at university, I often double-checked my exam grades due to a tendency among some instructors to grade my work unfairly compared to my white peers.

These experiences fueled my determination to support young individuals from an early age in their educational and talent development journeys. Through my organization, Scientia Potentia Est (SPE), we empower young people through educational activities, ensuring they unlock their full potential. In June 2023, I was honored as “Amsterdammer of the Year” by Mayor Femke Halsema. This recognition allows me to inspire Black youth in Amsterdam Zuidoost to achieve greatness with determination and support, making a significant impact on society

Vernon Chatlein

Vernon Chatlein is a percussionist and composer with an extensive colorful palette. Originally from Curaçao, he spent two years in Cuba to study music. He then moved to the Netherlands to further study under the godfather of Curaçao jazz, Randal Corsen. On his solo debut Peace, Love & Music he set the tone for his current music, in which he connects jazz and Latin with Antillean rhythms.

Kofi and Court

Van geluid naar gebaar: doof en trots/From sound to signs: deaf and proud

Kofi, a 24-year-old professional, has made his mark in the IT world for years. However, he recently discovered his true calling: creating fun and humorous sketches in sign language, which he enthusiastically shares on social media. Kofi also has a role as an actor at TYD, in which he plays various characters in short films. His passion for creativity and his versatile talent make him a valued artist and entertainer.

Court, most recently the face of the T-Mobile Sign Language campaign, is a 22-year-old music interpreter who loves translating songs into sign language. He enjoys sharing his creative translations on social media. Moreover, he travels through Europe to share his passion during live performances. He brings music to life for the deaf and hard of hearing with a touch of charm and enthusiasm, and his lively personality makes him loved by a wide audience.

Panels, workshops, discussions

Black Epistemologies and Geographies

From 12:00- 13:15 CET

Eduardo Campbell Bethancourt

From Enslavement and Segregation to a Government Agency for Black People: How the Afro-Panamanian Movement Achieved Institutional Representation

From enduring enslavement in the 1500s to enduring an apartheid system in the 1900s, Afro-Panamanians have faced centuries of institutional and socio-economic discrimination. However, the twenty-first century ushered in new political opportunities for this historically marginalized group through the establishment of the National Secretary for the Development of Afro-Panamanians (SENADAP) in 2016.

This achievement was the result of the unwavering dedication of the Black movement, which tirelessly lobbied for change. SENADAP’s primary objective was to address the deficiencies within the country’s institutions and develop public policies aimed at improving the lives of Black Panamanians.

This presentation will delve into the strategies employed by the Afro-Panamanian movement to embrace the creation of SENADAP. Utilizing insights from social movement theory and literature on institutional change, I will demonstrate how the Afro-Panamanian movement harnessed the dynamics of public preference, political access, and international politics to realize their objectives.

Emmanuel Akwasi Adu-Ampong

“You wouldn’t know it unless you did this tour “: how tourism activates cultural memories of slavery and colonial heritage

Slavery and colonial heritage are considered sensitive because of what they signify and the varied emotional responses their memorialisation evoke. How then does tourism, associated with hedonism, translate and narrate the past of slavery and colonialism? I contend that tourism is more than just an economic activity of entertainment. Instead, tourism as a set of socio-cultural practices and performances plays a powerful role in everyday process of constructing, de-constructing and re-constructing slavery and colonial heritage.

Drawing on fieldwork at slavery and colonial tourism sites in Ghana, Suriname, Brazil, Germany and the Netherlands, I trace the ways in which tourism creates transformative liminal spaces in which plural cultural memories of the past are activated, contested and negotiated in an ongoing emergent process of becoming. Thus, I argue that tourism, beyond commodifying the past, performs important sociocultural, political and memory work in ongoing societal debates on dealing with slavery and colonial heritage.

Zawdie Zandvliet

Indigenous, Maroon and Enslaved people responses to Dutch acts of land grabbing in 18th century Suriname

Meredith Overman

Exploring the role of food within the household: enabling community action and advocacy through photovoice

Parents and other caregivers play a fundamental role in establishing and supporting their children’s dietary behavior. Through a case study about the role of food within the household involving female caregivers from Amsterdam, I will walk you through the world of photovoice. Photovoice is a participatory research methodology developed by researchers Wang and Burris in 1997, where participants become co-researchers, and capture their experiences and needs to create change within their community.

Within health promotion, photovoice is an often-used research method to foster participant and stakeholder engagement and change within a community. However, does this method enable community action and advocacy leading to significant and sustainable change?

During this presentation, participants will gain insight into the theoretical underpinnings of photovoice, understand how this method can be applied to research practices, and explore practical considerations and challenges.

My research focuses on land grabbing by the Dutch Empire in 18th century Suriname. In this project responses by Indigenous, enslaved and Maroons to acts of land grabbing by White European colonial settlers and planters are at the forefront. By using Black radical thought, Black feminist thought and decolonial, Black and Indigenous ecological thinking to look at archival material and complementary source material, this research aims to tell a social history of land grabbing in colonial Suriname that shifts the focus from the plantation to the plot to include the voices, experiences and acts of not just white Europeans, but also of Indigenous, enslaved and Maroons.

Rupankar Dey

Finance is the catalyst of change: Bridging the Access Gap to Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services for Women with Disabilities in Uganda through an Intersectional and Capability Approach

In Uganda, women with disabilities have long faced formidable barriers to accessing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. This study investigates the complex factors influencing their access to SRH and family planning (FP) facilities.

This research highlights the pivotal roles of education and financial independence in improving SRH and FP access among these women. By empowering them through education and economic autonomy, it has witnessed a transformative shift, enabling greater control over their reproductive health choices.

Yet, findings reveal a deeper complexity, with factors such as disability category, age, and religious beliefs intersecting to shape access to crucial resources. These insights stress the importance of tailored interventions that acknowledge the diverse facets of these women’s lives.

In the pursuit of comprehensive sexual and reproductive well-being, recognizing and honoring these diverse identities is paramount. This research contributes to the broader discourse on inclusivity, advocating holistic approaches to empower Ugandan women with disabilities, enabling their full participation and integration into society.

Maureen Mguni and Phyll Livaha

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Legislation in Europe– Protection or Racial Profiling?

Female circumcision (FC), also known as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or Female Genital Cutting (FGC) has been identified as one of the most serious human rights violations women are exposed to in many countries. Victims of FGM/C are classified under the criterion for special protection needs, and as a “vulnerable group”. FGM/C is covered under the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) which provides that states should offer adequate and effective protection against serious forms of ill-treatment. The Children Act 1989 of the UK places the protection of children as paramount.

However, findings from a UK PhD study suggest that the inception of the Mandatory Duty to Report FGM, introduced by the Serious Crimes Act 2015, which was supposed to protect children, inopportunely led to the mothers being seen as criminals. “Anti-FGM/C” laws are discriminatory when it comes to “race” because they criminalise “FGM/C” but do not address other types of genital alterations such as aesthetical genital surgeries.

Basia Diagne

Healing Hands in the Aftermath of Humanitarian Crisis: Uncovering the Role of Traditional Healers as Care Providers in Amhara, Ethiopia

Across humanitarian settings and complex emergencies, the importance of community-based interventions in gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response programming is increasingly recognized alongside formal clinical interventions. However, there remains a research gap in understanding the role of traditional healers in humanitarian crises response, particularly in the aftermath of the conflict in Northern Ethiopia from 2020 to 2022.

Guided by the theoretical framework of medical pluralism, my research investigated the availability of formal and informal care for GBV survivors, specifically mental health care, in the Amhara region of Ethiopia, with a critical focus on the role of traditional healers within the continuum of care for survivors of GBV in the Amhara region.

Decolonial hype

From 13:15-14:30 CET

Manaar Mohammed

Healing Medical racism as an everyday practice: skin-tone emojis and the materialising of race(ism)

Race science is not only a historical relic, but also an active member of the present. This becomes evident when one follows the usage and history of skin-tone modified emojis. Introduced by Unicode in 2015, these emojis are designed according to the Fitzpatrick Skin Phototypes, a scale used by dermatologists and other medical practitioners. Amid accusations of medical racism and calls for newer, more accurate scales, the Fitzpatrick scale remains in use and was subsequently codified into emoji for its perceived neutrality.

Through this scale, an insidious form of medical racism persists, through which unsuspecting patients are racialised and offered the “most suitable” treatments. Following from this, users of such emoji must choose from limited options, thereby often relying on racial logics to do so. Thus, this presentation unravels skin-tone modified emojis as complex technological objects through which users enact race and (consciously or unconsciously) reproduce race science.

From 12:00- 13:15 CET
and Individual Health

Nozizwe Dube

Unveiling the intersectional underpinnings of racial profiling in equality law

In February 2023, a Dutch Court of Appeal banned ethnic profiling by the Royal Marechaussee as it is racially discriminatory. In October 2022, the European Court of Human Rights issued a landmark ruling Basu v Germany, whereby it held that racial profiling constituted a violation of the prohibition of discrimination.

The emergence of racial profiling cases on a national and supranational level necessitates an interrogation of how profiling is conceptualised in equality law and jurisprudence. While courts and legislation insist on defining and mapping complex instances of profiling onto a single racial ground, the reality shows that such cases often concern the intersection of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, and other characteristics. By narrowly conceptualising profiling, the underlying intersectional discrimination is overlooked, and the entirety of the discrimination not fully acknowledged.

This presentation reconceptualises profiling as a form of intersectional discrimination. A critical analysis of equality provisions, national and supranational profiling cases will illuminate relevant shortcomings that form the basis for recommendations for equality law and jurisprudence.

Alana Helberg-Proctor

“Race”, diversity, and medicine in the Dutch context

Light-coloured skin is often said to be ‘easier’ for dermatologists to work with, and dark-coloured skin is more difficult to diagnose. This study aims to map how dermatologists experience care for patients with skin colour, and how guidelines, education, technology, and reference materials can be more inclusive regarding skin colour diversity. Addressing this is essential to produce knowledge, technologies and guidelines that take diversity into account so that everyone can receive good care. However, operationalizing diversity thinking around ethnicity is difficult with many pitfalls.

In this article, I critically unpack this problematic from the viewpoint of both dermatologists and perspectives in post-colonial science and technology studies (STS).

Sustainability, climate change, the environment

From 13:15-14:30 CET

Mubita Simataa

Cultivating Success: Innovating Business Models for Sustainable Farming

In the 21st century, our world faces critical challenges like climate change, resource depletion, and economic issues. Sustainable agriculture and food production practices can help us use resources more efficiently, reduce harm to the environment, and create systems that benefit society as a whole. Sustainable Business Model Innovation (SBMI) is crucial here. It means finding better ways to do food business that not only make profits but also benefit a wider range of people, including customers, suppliers, the environment, and society.

While there’s some research on this, scholars still need to focus on how different groups work together to create these new business ideas in the industry. This collaboration is essential for solving the complex problems the industry faces. This study attempts to address this gap by depicting the various elements, interrelations and interactions in the agro-food industry towards sustainable farming.

Javina Bijl Climate Justice in the Dutch Caribbean; Looking at Climate Justice Movements in the Context of Postcolonial Relations

All are invited to join this interactive session about climate change in the Dutch Caribbean, where I will elaborate on my ongoing research about the various ways in which individuals and NGOs call on the government to take climate action. This climate justice movement provides new insights into the concept of environmental justice and helps to understand the complex relationship between the European and Caribbean parts of the Kingdom, highlighting the implications of the post-colonial structures that have resulted in structural socio-economic disparities.

During this session, we will share ideas and insights regarding desired directions for future climate policies and litigation: what are the most effective and coherent strategies for future climate change mitigation and adaptation policies? How can these strategies acknowledge historical injustices and pave the way for future reconciliation?


Jonathan Moniz

Fugitivity in Humanity: Refusing the Entrapment of Deep and Malleable Whiteness

I focus on disrupting the worlding whiteness produces where all geographies, institutions, and systems are affected in different and indirect forms. White institutions and systems present as public goods, embedded with a carceral and plantation logic that shape the categories of humanity and environment. As Black feminists and radical thinkers assert, the label of human is contested, bearing rights and privileges, but we can also think of it as enclosed space. By unpacking the apparatus that denies opportunities for the plurality of social visions included in the plethora of Black experiences and knowledges, we create fugitive possibilities for alternative societal constellations and norms.

Recognizing humanity as a white product I attempt to think through alternative conceptions of being that embrace Zakiyyah Jackson’s proposal to be more than human, to embrace the thingification and animalization that holds other worlds that affirm our lives and relationships to each other and the world.

Documentaries & workshops

Amal Barre Walking in Place – Erased But Not Lost (13:15 – 14:30)

Walking in Place is a documentary project that investigates the role of urban renewal policy in the displacement trajectories of families across past and present cycles of place erasure. The project positions everyday stories and experiences as historical moments while reflecting on how stories and the people that create them need stable places to preserve and protect their existence. It is a dance in our memories of the past, our understanding of the present, and our imagination of the future. Walking in Place on Walker Street film features a Des Moines - based jazz musician who tells the story of his

The home was one of many homes in the neighborhood lost to the construction of I-235, a major highway construction that runs through the heart of the City from the 1960s. The lot that once housed the family home is now part road and part parking lot.

Nimco Hersi Never Seen: Navigating Dutch Society as a Black deaf women (15.30

– 16.45)

In Never Seen, Nimco Hersi shows how she navigates through Dutch society as a black, woman, Muslim and deaf. What obstacles does she encounter within the white deaf community and where does she draw her strength

Mandipa B. Ndlovu and Prof. Shuaib Lwasa Strategies for Resilient Growth in Historically Black Communities (15:30-16:40)

The introspective lab on exploring sustainable growth in Black territories is a research probe aimed at addressing the political, economic, cultural, and contemporary challenges faced by peoples in Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America. The lab aims to explore innovative pathways for reasserting identities and nurturing resilience for political, developmental, and financial independence. The research question is: “How can historically Black territories navigate oppressive legacies that act as obstacles to building resilient, financially independent futures?” The lab will explore strategies for proactive resilience narrative building in historically Black territories. Ideas will focus on cultural and historical memory, economic diversification, sustainable development, and empowerment of marginalised communities. We will also explore emerging industries like renewable energy, creative arts, and ecotourism to bolster economic resilience and create new employment opportunities.

The ‘Introspective Lab on Exploring Sustainable Growth in Black Territories’ proposes a transformative and forward-thinking approach to investigating the political, economic, cultural, and other contemporary challenges faced by peoples of Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Given the reconfiguration of the geopolitical order in these regions, the lab aims to unpack innovative pathways for positively reasserting identities while nurturing resilience for political, developmental, and financial independence. The central research question guiding this lab is: “How can historically Black territories navigate oppressive legacies which uphold current obstacles to build resilient, financially independent futures?”

Acknowledging the persistent effects of colonialism, imperialism, and systemic geopolitical inequalities, the lab seeks to identify feasible strategies for proactive resilience narrative building in historically Black territories. By embracing diverse perspectives, the lab aims to generate comprehensive solutions that highlight unique learnings, challenges and potentials of each territory. From the lens of cultural and historical memory, the lab will allow participants to examine opportunities for economic diversification, sustainable development, and empowerment of structurally marginalised communities. It will investigate ways to leverage natural resources, cultural assets, and indigenous knowledge to foster self sufficiency, thus reducing current dependence. The lab will also delve into the potential of emerging industries, such as renewable energy, creative arts, and ecotourism, to bolster economic resilience and create new employment opportunities.

Lab participants can expect to be probed on their mindsets around systemic biases, learn adaptable lessons unique to historically Black territories, and think deeply about expediting the process of transformation and development in these regions. With an emphasis on collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity, the lab endeavours to inspire actionable solutions that will catalyse sustainable growth for historically Black territories.

AI, Computer Science and Neuroscience

From 16:45-17:55 CET

Candace Moore

Big Data and Differences: Beware of Biases?

This talk will include a demonstration examining synthetic data on patient brains as well as demographic and social data. An informative exercise on data analysis will be performed. Computational tools for tabular data analysis in general will be discussed. Ultimately, detecting differences in brains based on categories like gender and race, has both merit and dangers. We will discuss how can we safeguard against producing racism while optimizing patient health when this type of big data becomes AI driven algorithmic diagnosis.

Cindy Steward

Breaking the Bias: Addressing Social Biases in Neuro-Medically Implemented AI

Artificial natural language models, such as ChatGPT, have gained widespread popularity across various professional domains. This thesis aimed to investigate the extent of social biases present within artificial models and whether these biases pose challenges when implementing them in the field of neuroscience and neurology. A ChatGPT-3.5-powered system was developed using Python to analyse case studies presented as prompts and responses. Various factors, including race, gender, and residency, were organized across seven neurological disorder classes.

Data analysis, encompassing descriptive statistics, linear regression, and Pearson’s correlation analysis, was conducted to examine several output variables, including word count, paragraph count, mentions or references to gender, and mentions or references to race. Collectively, the results suggest that artificial models like ChatGPT may be significantly influenced by the aforementioned variables and may exhibit a bias toward a North American perspective. Overall, this thesis underscores the importance of identifying biases and conducting further research to explore specific safeguards and additional factors that may impact artificial models before considering their (neuro)medical implementation.

Emaediong Akpan

‘WE DIGITAL NOW’: Unveiling the new face of GBV in Nigeria

Gender-based violence (GBV) has evolved into a pervasive issue for Nigerian women and girls. This has increased since the COVID-19 pandemic and despite the opportunities that digital technology offers, its use in Nigeria has emboldened existing gender inequalities and birthed new forms of violence. As the world transitions to digitalisation, the forms of violence that harm women and girls are also transitioning, surprisingly, digital technologies are aiding them to take on new guises.

Although the internet offers concrete opportunities to combat GBV and other types of gender inequalities, these technological advancements have made it increasingly easier to perpetuate these crimes, resulting in a dogged perpetuation of violence against women and girls. This problem appears to have been normalised and it is a concerning reality that should not be ignored nor can it be addressed using reactive measures or legal frameworks that do not evolve with technological advancements.

Monique Steijns

An inconvenient conversation on data driven technology and society

By now we all know (?) ... The use of data driven technology such as AI brings along dangerous risks for marginalize groups in society. Black people, poor people and women are more vulnerable for data driven systems. So why are policy and legislation on such systems not driven by Human Rights but by economic benefits? What would policy and legislation on data driven technology look like if civil society were able to determine this?

Is the conversation on data driven technology really a technical issue that we need to battle or should it be a discussion based on the underlying social constructs in our societies? We will talk about these and more questions during the presentation of the research project

Black Women in Politics

From 16:45-17:55 CET

Raissa Biekman, Natalie Nede, Fatihya Abdi, and Carla Kabamba

An authentic & riveting dialogue across the political spectrum

In het Nederlandse politieke systeem strekt het politieke spectrum zich uit over verschillende onderwerpen en uitgangspunten. Daarbij zijn andere elementen zoals identiteit en gender bijzondere kenmerken in de belichaming van volksvertegenwoordiging en politieke structuren. Personen van kleur zijn immers vandaag de dag nog steeds ondervertegenwoordigd op de verschillende politieke lagen. Toch bestaan ze en gaan Fatihya Abdi (raadslid PvdA), Raïssa Biekman (Tweede Kamer beleidsmedewerker, D66), Carla Kabamba (raadslid Lijst Kabamba) en Nathalie Nede (raadslid ChristenUnie), 4 zwarte vrouwen, met elkaar in gesprek over hoe identiteit, het politieke proces en leiderschap elkaar kruisen in hun werk.

1. De grote vraag blijft hierin: Hoe bouwen zij vanuit hun positie aan een betere politieke, inclusieve toekomst?

2. Hoe maak je een goede start in de Nederlandse politiek als zwarte vrouw?

3. Waar begint en eindigt de besluitvorming in het proces van volksvertegenwoordigers en wat kun je hierover meegeven

4. Wat betekent zichtbaarheid in jouw rol en hoe zijn er verbeteringen nodig?

5. Hoe daagt jouw persoonlijke leiderschap op in de democratie en waar neemt jouw politieke perspectief de overhand?

Finding Joy in Academia as Racialized Academics

Academics of color in the Netherlands and Belgium work in predominantly white spaces where they may experience institutional, explicit, and implicit forms of racism and discrimination. Such experiences relegate to and keep academics of color in the margins of the university.

Hence, our ‘Joy in Academia’ team, an initiative by academics of color from Utrecht University, Hasselt University, and VU Amsterdam, is developing a podcast (coming early 2024) in which we interview academics of color about how they define and practice a radical sense of joy.

In our brainstorming session, we want to know more about how you define and find joy in academia, and how our podcast can reflect the interests of our fellow academics of color. We welcome early and established scholars to brainstorm on the topic of joy. Join our session and help us make this podcast a communal effort!

Closing Start
16:45-17:55 CET
a conversation #DBSC Brainstorm session From

Prof. dr. Sennay Ghebreab

Ghebreab is a renowned scientist known worldwide for his interdisciplinary and socially engaged work in the field of AI. He focuses on identifying ways in which AI systems reflect or reinforce existing inequalities in society. He is also committed to using AI systems to help combat these inequities.

Prof. dr. Michael Sharpe

Who’s Looking for the Man in the Mirror?: A Comparative Perspective on the Professional Journey of a Black Academic

Dr. Daphina Misiedjan is an assistant-professor in human rights and the environment at International Institute of Social Studies (ISS/EUR). Dr. Misiedjan specializes in issues concerning human rights and environmental justice. Her current research looks climate justice in the context of the Dutch overseas territories and environmental justice in the local Dutch European context. Besides her academic work, she is committed to making academia an environment where more communities can thrive. She is the initiator of the Black Scholar and Expert Conference, has co-founded the Dutch Black PhD Experience 7 years ago and is a member of KNAW’s Young Academy.

Karpachii Performer

Under his stage name Karpachii, Michael Wanga makes music with strong acoustic, Caribbean influences. Starting as a b-boy in Curaçao, Michael trained his explosiveness and strength for years. By taking steps in the theater, he experienced a different, intuitive application of his language as a performer. He uses the spirituality of his homeland to achieve a new translation of his identity - in rhythm and movement.

Closing From 18:00-19:00 CET

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