Destined Magazine

Page 25


upac was once quoted saying, “but I know for a fact that had I had a father, I’d have some discipline. I’d have more confidence. Your mother cannot calm you down the way a man can. Your mother can’t reassure you the way a man can. My mother couldn’t show me where my manhood was. You need a man to teach you how to be a man.” These are definitely some powerful words by one the world’s greatest rappers and I have got to say, I agree with him. The impact of a father is immense. Father’s are not just those big guys in our lives that teach us how to ride a bike or use us as a human puppet when we were babies whenever our moms were not looking but they are some of the greatest teachers in life. As a young woman that has grown up with her father, whenever I speak on this particular subject, it is a special. My dad has been my greatest support in life. He is the strongest man I know and the best dad God could have blessed me with. He raised me and my 3 siblings and has always been there for us anytime we needed him (even in those times when we thought we did not). So being the curious person I am I asked my dad what it means to be a father and his response allowed me to reflect further. “Being a father means that I am exercising my manhood. Even though a father is associated with being the main disciplinarian of the house, he is definitely much more than that. He is a person who cares, supports, chastises, advises and ultimately protects.” A father holds protection as a key component in life for his family. This protection comes in the form of being the breadwinner, the man of the house and the first hero his child encounters. We often hear of over-protective fathers (and I am sure the girls can relate to this) but have we ever thought why? We can often pin it down to the male ego or pride but have you ever thought it could be because a father has to wait to be connected with his child? A father’s love is deep and very different to a mother’s. Now, many people around the world have not had a good or real experience of having a father. But whether you believe it or not, we have access to another love that will never fade or waver. So I want you to imagine an everlasting father, a father that does not count your wrongs or never lets you down. A father that knows you so well, he knows how many hairs are on your head, how many tears you have cried and how many thoughts go in and out your mind every day. I know, what an overwhelming thought right? But is it really that hard to believe? Whether

you are reading this because you call God your father or you are just curious or confused about it all, having a basic understanding of God’s role as a father can help you understand the basic principles of fatherhood. So why is God the father? God has many names that attribute to who he is but father is just one of them. He is father because he is the creator of all things. For some, it can be hard to imagine God as a father. You cannot physically touch him or see him and you will not hear his voice as you would a regular dad. But that does not mean he is any less of a father. In fact, he does exactly what our fathers do but 100% better. How is he the father? Firstly, God is known as the everlasting father. This means that he will never go away. Even when you think he is not there, he is there. This also means, just like a father should, he listens to your problems. So how does he listen? The beauty of God is that he already knows your inner most deepest thoughts and desires but he still wants that daily communication with you. Why? Well, how else do you build relationships? As a father who listens, God also loves to speak. This is a reflection of how a father guides his children. God’s form of communication can come through any shape or form. For example, he can speak through people, different situations and circumstances, your environment and the Bible. This communication can also explain God’s protective nature. As a father, God provides a shield of protection that does not necessarily stop the troubles of life but covers you to limit and fight against the blows. God also sacrifices like a father does. This can be shown by the selfless act of Jesus on the cross. Now you may not fully understand why and how this act was significant or even selfless but what is important to know is that it shows the lengths God will go to, to make your life the best it can be, even if you are not aware of it. Parents are always more aware than their kids and often see the outcomes and consequences of situations before they happen. They use their wisdom and experience to keep us grounded and these are attributes that God exercises daily with us. However, the most important point to know is that, like many fathers that have been separated from or awaiting the arrival of their kids, God’s greatest delight is to be reconciled with his children. But our delight is in the fact that we have a heavenly father - An eternal father that will not leave us or forget about us, even if we do the same to him.


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