Mobile Product Architecture: The Church of New Hope

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LITERAL MOBILITY: OBSOLESCENCE RECYCLABLE ARCHITECTURE Through new innovations in materials like plastic that could easily be reused over time, architecture became a product that had a temporal state. Scraps became an element that helped create designs and even, improved the material through its usage. Remolded plastics like the products to the left became great examples in how something so flexible could reused to not only make a seamless surface, but also any shape or form possible. As soon as architecture used this idea, efficient works that saved the environment and cut costs down helped make more affordable housing.

“we now have enough 24sT ALUMINUM in war SURPLUS and scrap, and iT is beTTer SCRAP, acTually having a liTTle higher alloy conTenT and preferable qualiTies--aT a much lower price Than you have been paying.” -buckminsTer


“Designing a New Industry”. Pg. 87



Figure 2.5: Monsanto Plastics Advertisement showing the many options available for kitchen ware including different forms and colors. The idea was to promote the material plastic, as a new flexible option for product design.

As products became thrown away and recycled when it became out of date or just worn, it opened up possibilities of scrap and junk yards that allowed for great benefits in not only saving costs, but also in preserving history. Every product has some connection to time that helps tell a story. The idea of this historic piece being recycled repeats history coincidently.


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