Prospectus & handbook 2012 doc updated nov 2012

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KETTLEWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL The magical gem at the heart of Upper Wharfedale

~serving the communities of Upper Wharfedale, Langstrothdale and Littondale~

Kettlewell Primary School - the magical gem at the heart of Upper Wharfedale The Governors and Staff would like to welcome you and your children to our school. We hope that this booklet will be helpful and informative to present and prospective parents alike. Your support and co-operation is valued throughout each stage of your child’s education. We look forward to working closely with you to make sure that your child‘s time with us is happy and fulfilling.

ABOUT OUR SCHOOL Kettlewell Primary School is set in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales National Park; it is a small school with a large family atmosphere. In October 2008, Ofsted deemed our school ‘OUTSTANDING’ in all areas. We are all incredibly proud of this achievement. The children are taught in small mixed aged classes and each Key Stage has their own classroom. The KS1 classroom has been recognised as an example of Very Good Practice with superb provision for a mixed age class and is recommended for visit by the LEA Early Years Advisors. The school is open from 8.30am – 3.00pm.

OUR VISION At Kettlewell School everyone is happy, thriving, and shining: the best they can be.

OUR MISSION To create a warm, welcoming, inclusive, safe, and inspirational environment: where expectations are high; teaching is outstanding, individually planned, tracked and evaluated; learning is lively, fun, creative, progressively challenging and rewarding; each child’s progress and achievement is celebrated - so that each child leaves the school having achieved their potential, with a love of learning, confident and well-prepared for the opportunities and challenges of secondary education. All stakeholders: pupils, parents, staff, future parents and staff, governors, the communities served by the school, cluster schools, local secondary schools and Local Authority are proud of the school and cherish it.

OUR AIMS • • •

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To be an inclusive school and to embed this into all aspects of our work to ensure that all learners are given equality of opportunity and treated fairly. To promote and achieve high standards for all by providing teaching and learning of the highest quality; ensuring continued improvement through monitoring. To treat learners as individuals and to differentiate and tailor teaching and learning to take account of their individual and special needs by setting challenging and appropriate targets that are tracked and evaluated termly by teachers and teaching assistants. To make excellent provision for learners’ physical, emotional, social, spiritual, moral and cultural needs and to have effective systems that promote high standards of behaviour. To provide for learners’ care, health and safety. To ensure that all learners benefit from a rich, broad, balanced curriculum presented in an interesting, exciting and imaginative manner with lots of opportunities for first-hand experience, practical work, investigation and learning through play. To deliver outstanding teaching of basic skills and core subjects (Literacy, Numeracy, Science and ICT) and to give great emphasis to the foundation subjects (PE, Geography, History, Art, DT, Music and RE) especially to the creative aspects including art, poetry, story, composition and performance. These will be central to our work. To make connections between subjects and to apply basic skills across the curriculum. To enliven and enrich learning through extended schools activities, visits, visitors and extensive use of our beautiful, internationally renowned environment. To give responsibility to learners and develop their self-confidence by contributing to the community. To make parents and the wider community equal partners with the school and to involve them in the evaluation of its success by providing clear information and inviting their opinions. To build an ethos marked by a welcoming, friendly, bright and lively happy place where learners feel secure. A school where good behaviour is expected and where learners enjoy growing up. To make this school a place of enjoyment where success is encouraged, rewarded and celebrated; regardless of age, gender, race or disability. Through self-evaluation to create a culture that continuously strives for perfection

At Kettlewell Primary School EVERYONE is a shining example of the best they can be

STARTING SCHOOL Most children will start school in the September of the school year in which they are five. However, we have many options that will make your child’s transition to school as smooth as possible. •

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Between the ages of 3 and 4 we invite pre-school children to join us for one afternoon each week to take part in activities with our younger pupils. More sessions may be offered during the summer term in preparation for starting school in September. Children may start school in the term following their fourth birthday if both parents and teachers feel that this is in the child’s best interests. Parents may wish to delay their child’s entry to school until later in the school year until the term following their fifth birthday. During the first term children may initially attend school for the mornings only, gradually “building up” to full days as they mature and become more confident; Home visits by the teacher can also be arranged if parents feel that this would be helpful.

If you are considering Kettlewell Primary School, we invite you to come and discuss these options with us, so that the best possible arrangements are considered for your child. We will be happy to show you around, introduce you to the staff and pupils and answer any questions. TEACHING, LEARNING AND THE CURRICULUM Pupils are taught primarily in two classesKey Stage One (4+ to 7 years) -Reception, Y1 & Y2 Key Stage Two (7+ to 11 years) - Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 Each Key Stage has their own distinct teaching and learning areas. The KS1 classroom has been specifically built and fitted out for the needs of younger children. All areas have been specially designed and equipped to match the differing needs of our youngest pupils. We have built an outdoor sheltered classroom area for our Foundation stage/KS1 pupils to enable us to fulfill all the requirements of the curriculum. The main KS2 classroom contains an interactive whiteboard, as well as a modern library with the latest computerised library technology, 30 wireless laptops and an Art and D.T. area. We also have a smaller KS2 classroom which is used to support learning in smaller age and ability appropriate groups – particularly in Literacy, Numeracy and Science. It also houses our music equipment and is used for Music teaching and assemblies. We place a strong emphasis upon English, Mathematics and I.C.T., whilst maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum. Core subjects such as Literacy, Numeracy and ICT are taught as discrete lessons and given high priority within out weekly timetable. Moreover, the key skills learnt in these subjects are then embedded throughout the curriculum which creates ongoing opportunities for pupils to use, apply and develop their learning in an exciting and relevant range of contexts. every day. We also value Foundation subjects

highly and the weekly timetable therefore includes: Science, Art, Geography, History, Design & Technology, R.E., French, P.E. and Music. Where appropriate and relevant we create cross-curricular approaches aimed at integrating children’s learning across and between different subject disciplines and above all, enhancing their learning experiences. We set out to ensure that the needs of all pupils are met by offering progressive sequences of learning based upon every pupil’s age and current abilities. In this way we can ensure that each individual pupil is challenged and extended and maximise the opportunities afforded within mixed age classes Our long term curriculum plans for all subjects in Foundation, KS1 and KS2 are regularly reviewed and always rewritten as required following the introduction of any new frameworks. Above all they are fundamentally based upon the progressive learning sequences laid down in the National Curriculum. These curriculum plans outline programmes of study throughout primary schooling, and set out to actively embrace the key skills, knowledge and understanding that children require at different ages and levels. The long term plans are available in school for parents to read. INFORMATION ABOUT EYFS/KS1 CURRICULUM • Children will begin with Letters and Sounds • Children will learn 44 different sounds over the year! • We use Jolly Phonics to support our learning • Reading scheme is followed in school and children will bring home a library book for reading • Spellings are sent home weekly for KS1 and in the Summer term weekly for EYFS. At Kettlewell Primary School we meet the National Curriculum Programme of study for each curriculum subject and in the infants this is through a thematic and topic based approach. Please refer to our newsletters for our current topics. TARGET SETTING At Kettlewell Primary School setting individual targets for all of our pupils has become an important means of focusing attention on their individual needs to raise their standards. We endeavour to find the right level of challenge so that our targets are aspirational and judgements are evidence based. Our Governors are informed regularly about the achievements of all pupils and their progress A structured reading programme operates throughout the school which allows each pupil to progress by reading a wide range of stories, poetry, play scripts and information books at a level appropriate to their reading ability. Pupils are given the opportunity to read in school each day, and are encouraged to take their reading scheme books home. A weekly borrowing system from the library allows pupils to select their own choice of fiction and non-fiction books.

In Years 3, 4 and 5, optional SATs papers are used in the Summer term to assess each pupil’s reading, writing and spelling attainment against national standards. Throughout Key Stage 2 children are given ongoing opportunities to develop their skills and confidence in test conditions. This enables teachers to more accurately track their progress and next step learning needs whilst at the same time better equipping all pupils to demonstrate their true potential under test conditions. Likewise, parents are regularly informed of their child’s progress and ways in which they can give support. LITERACY Written and spoken language development is seen as an extremely important part of the schools work. Therefore, reading, writing, listening and speaking occupy a large proportion of the day’s activities for all pupils. Teaching and learning in KS2 is fundamentally premised upon the 3 core strands within the National Curriculum: namely: Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening. These aspects together form the basis of our daily, weekly, termly and annual planning. Within Reading we deliberately set out to ensure that pupils can not only read words accurately, fluently and with expression (phonics and decoding skills) but also that they can Read for Understanding. Reading Comprehension skills including inference, prediction, skimming and scanning, summary and critical evaluation are therefore progressively developed throughout KS2. Within Writing we combine the basic components of grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting with an equal regard for exploring, critiquing and actively creating different forms of fiction and non-fiction genre based upon identifying and using appropriate stylistic features for each genre and with a clear sense of audience in mind. Pupils in KS2 regularly demonstrate their key understanding of different genre forms in Big Writes, that is independent pieces of work that they creatively and enthusiastically produce to demonstrate their learning. Speaking and Listening skills are developed as an integral part of every lesson, and in line with best practice for Teaching and learning pupils often peer assess and self-assess their own contributions and work. Drama and drama techniques are used as skills to enhance understanding and learning wherever appropriate. Our Literacy teaching in KS2 also has very clear and deliberate links with ICT and embraces cross-curricula learning opportunities to enable all pupils to better integrate and apply their learning.

NUMERACY We develop each pupil’s ability to understand numeracy and use and apply mathematical thinking through a progressive range and balance of practical, mental and written activities. Within KS2 all children progressively learn and develop their skills in using number and calculations, shape, space and measures and data handling. We use a diverse range of techniques to ensure that children can use and apply their evolving knowledge and skills in problem solving contexts. We also ensure that children understand and can use both mental and written calculation strategies fluently and fluidly as required. In addition, children are regularly challenged with mixed mathematical problem and practice tests. With detailed feedback and review this helps to ensure that each pupil develops skills in recognising the operations required and can perform skilfully, confidently and to the best of their abilities under test conditions.

A Tables Challenge takes place in KS2 throughout the Spring term each year to encourage pupils to “top up” on their tables knowledge and quick recall of facts. As in English, Years 3, 4 and 5 are assessed using optional SATs papers in the Summer term to determine each pupil’s attainment in relation to national standards. These results are communicated to parents in the annual report and at parent consultation evenings. ICT ICT is now recognised as a core learning requirement and fundamental life skill throughout KS2.The school has thirty six wireless laptops enabling each pupil to learn and develop ICT skills through progressive teaching and above all hands on experience. ICT is taught as a discrete subject and each and every ICT skill learnt is then embedded across the curriculum. This enables all children to use, apply and ever enhance their ICT competence. Equally, e-safety is introduced, explored and reinforced throughout. During the Spring of 2007 the school invested in three of the very latest high technology interactive whiteboards. We have Broadband Internet access with up to 10 Meg of super fast broadband. In 2012-13, we have introduced a highly innovative opportunity for our Year 5 and 6 pupils to undertake a fully accredited ICT course with OCR, which if successful will give them a basic GCSE qualification as part of their primary school curriculum entitlement! We are one of only a very small handful of primary schools nationally to offer this opportunity and have done so to celebrate and build on previously very successful teaching and learning achievements and essentially to take children’s learning into whole new dimensions including multimedia webpage creation. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & COLLECTIVE WORSHIP Pupils have an R.E. lesson each week. The syllabus includes Christianity, major world faiths and moral issues. Assemblies take place daily and follow a simple termly theme. They provide opportunity for thoughtful reflection. Pupils volunteer to say a short grace before lunch. Parents may choose to withdraw their children from assembly & R.E.

SCIENCE Our teaching in both KS1 and KS2 ensures that pupils learn to observe, explore and ask scientific questions about the world and beyond. We take a practical approach wherever possible to allow pupils to use, apply and extend their knowledge of the three main strands:Life Processes and Living things– Human growth & Nutrition, Keeping Healthy, Circulation & Movement, Animal Habitats, Life Cycle of Plants, Feeding Relationships, Local Flora and Fauna Materials & their Properties–Classifying solids, liquids and gases, Rocks & Soils, Reversible and Irreversible Changes, Separating solids and liquids, Insulation and Conduction Physical Processes–Electricity, Forces & Motion, Light and Sound, The Earth and beyond In KS2 we are also working to develop pupils’ skills in more generic scientific investigative skills including posing scientific questions, identifying variables, planning investigations, collecting and compiling data (with and without ICT), analysing results, drawing conclusions and suggesting investigative improvements. HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY We aim to broaden pupils’ horizons by encouraging an interest in the world about them, the past, the present and the future. Our history and geography teaching embraces the core skills, knowledge and understanding as specified within the National Curriculum and then seeks to bring learning alive through creative and dynamic approaches, employing an extremely diverse range of teaching approaches, and, enabling pupils to record and extend their learning through creative, challenging. purposeful and often cross-curricula methods and/or via real peer teaching opportunities. ART & DT Opportunities for Art & DT are carefully planned to support and extend the work in other curriculum areas such as History and Geography. Pupils work with a range of materials, both in 2D and 3D, to develop their creativity, skills and techniques. MUSIC The children develop their appreciation for music through singing, performing, composing and listening. Individual or group tuition can be organised with peripatetic music teachers for the violin, guitar, piano, woodwind, recorder or singing. P.E We have an excellent sports field, which we use for PE and Games lessons whenever the weather and playing conditions allow. We use the Village Hall on Tuesday afternoons during the Autumn Term and the first half of the Spring Term. KS2 pupils have full opportunities to develop their core skills in agility, balance and coordination and then develop these further through structures engagement in invasion

games, dance, gymnastics, striking and fielding games, athletics and swimming. Progressively throughout KS2 we are concerned to develop pupils’ individual competence and their teamwork prowess. In Upper Juniors, awareness of tactics, importance of warm ups and cool downs and fine tuning skills are all an essential part of quality teaching.

Kettlewell EWOKS, Endangered Animals and the ECO Schools Agenda For the past two years, Kettlewell Primary School has openly embraced an ECO agenda - as a joint and collaborative venture between the KS2 pupils and the KS2 teacher initially, and more recently involving the whole school and wider local community. To this end, the children actively and responsibly are facilitated in fund-raising to adopt an ever increasing array of endangered animals from WWF. More recently we embarked on the ECO schools award, linking work on Improving the Environment in Geography with wider extra curricula activities to extend and activate learning. Pupils in KS2 were so animated and excited by this learning that they readily formed the EWOKS (Environmental Warriors of Kettlewell). The children and school readily achieved the ECO Schools Silver Award. This year we hope to take this enterprise with further support from the full community and are attempting to go for the highest level of ECO school’s award – namely the Green Flag. SEX & RELATIONSHIPS EDUCATION Reproduction in plants and animals is taught in the context of life cycles in Science lessons. Sex and Relationships Education is introduced in Years 5 and 6. Lessons are based on a video which parents are welcome to view at any time. You will be invited to discuss any concerns you may have prior to the lessons which take place in the Summer term and the sessions are delivered by the school nurse. SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS All our pupils are special and their performance is, therefore, carefully monitored. Should problems arise, parents are informed quickly and action is taken to remedy the situation. Sometimes, it may be necessary to withdraw individuals or small groups to work with support teachers or assistants. If problems are more complex, we follow North Yorkshire’s SEN guidance and call upon a range of professional services and advice. Please see our policy on Inclusion. BEHAVIOUR & ANTI-BULLYING At Kettlewell we are committed to a caring, friendly and safe environment. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and all incidents are dealt with promptly and effectively. Parents are encouraged to take an active role in alerting staff to any cause for concern, no matter how minor it may appear. We have a nominated pupil/s in school representing the pupils who also alerts staff to any kind of incident. We have high standards of good behaviour. Pupils are courteous, sensitive and thoughtful

towards others. Our behaviour policy is sent to parents for information in our parent pack. Pupils have developed their own simple code of conduct:-

~Stop and Think~ INCLUSION At Kettlewell we offer equal opportunities for all pupils, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity and background. We make special provision for all sorts of different groups of pupils including those who need particular extra supporting a subject to those who need their Gifted and Talented skills challenging. All pupils should get a ‘fair deal’ and we constantly endeavour to recognise and overcome any barriers to learning. We achieved the top grade in our Inclusion Quality Mark (July 2010). We have an Accessibility Plan in our school (which is available to all our parents on request) which is updated bi-annually to ensure that our self-audit review ensures that all students are entitled to the best education regardless of any disability they might have. CHILD PROTECTION At Kettlewell School procedures for handling abuse are consistent with those agreed by the Local Area Child Protection Committee and easily available to all staff for reference. The designated member of staff is Headteacher – Lesley Taylor. Parents are more than welcome to receive a copy of the Child Protection Policy if they so require. Every child has the right to protection from abuse, neglect or exploitation and the right to have enquiries made to safeguard his or her welfare. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION All schools, including Kettlewell Primary, have to be clear and proactive about information that we will make public. Some information may not be made public and this includes personal information. If you require a paper version of any of the documents that we do publish under this scheme e.g. policies, school prospectus, then please contact the school.


School opens

8.15 a.m.


8.30 a.m.

Morning school:

Lessons Playtime Lessons Assembly


12.00-12.30 p.m. Playtime

Afternoon school: KS2 Lessons KS1 Lessons

8.30 –10.10 a.m. 10.10-10.30 a.m. 10.30-11.45 a.m. 11.45-12.00 p.m.

KS2: 12.30-1.00 p.m. KS1: 12.30-1.15 p.m. 1.00 - 3.00 p.m. 1.15 -3.00 p.m.

BREAKTIMES Semi-skimmed milk is available at morning break. This is usually paid for half-termly. Please contact Mrs. Briggs for payment details. We have a drinking fountain and water dispenser for those who prefer water. All pupils receive a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable each day. This is funded by the government for all the KS1 pupils and by School Fund for our KS2 children. If pupils wish to supplement this then dried fruit, cereal bars or plain biscuits are popular choices. We discourage chocolate bars, crisps and sweets. ‘Friends’ have supplied a varied selection of playground equipment. Children may like to bring small personal items with which to play. Please use your common sense when deciding what is suitable. DINNERS Excellent quality meals are cooked on site by our cook, Mrs. Cherry, whose school lunches are legendary amongst pupils, past and present! We encourage all our pupils to have a school lunch as it positively adds to our school ethos of creating a friendly, family atmosphere. The children sit in small mixed-age groups with older pupils serving the younger children. Payments by cheque or cash, can be made weekly every Monday, or half-termly. Please make cheques payable to Kettlewell Primary School.

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS KS2 pupils choose a club each term or half term. Popular clubs include sports, cookery, art, construction, gardening, French, board games and music. Extended hours can be provided through WOOSH at Upper Wharfedale School and transport from Kettlewell School is provided to the club. HOMEWORK This is an opportunity to extend school activities at home and involve parents in their child’s learning. It should take about 15 minutes per night in KS1, rising to 30 minutes in KS2. Activities may include: - daily reading, writing, spelling and dictionary work, book reviews, number bonds/multiplication tables practice, research and listening to the News headlines. Homework should be a stress-free experience for all. If it is not then STOP! Your child will not be in trouble! KS2 are issued with weekly Numeracy, Spelling and Literacy progressive set homework. HOME/SCHOOL AGREEMENT New parents are sent a Home/School agreement for their consideration. This outlines ways in which pupils, parents and staff can work together effectively. Parents are invited to add their signatures to those of the teachers to indicate their support for the aims expressed in the agreement. HOLIDAYS & ATTENDANCE We implore parents, wherever possible, to take holidays in school holiday periods. If, unavoidably, you cannot do so, then please ask Mrs. Briggs for a holiday request form in advance. The governing body are legally only allowed to authorise ten days holiday for individual pupils each academic year if it is deemed absolutely necessary to do so. Any absences exceeding this limit have to be recorded as unauthorised. We are incredibly proud of our 0% unauthorised absences at present at Kettlewell and we thank our parents for their support in this area. CLUSTER EVENTS Kettlewell School is fortunate to belong to a very active and supportive cluster of seven schools in the Upper Wharfedale area. Resources and expertise are shared and many events are organised throughout the year to enable the pupils of these small schools to socialise and develop friendships outside their normal school environment. Activities include the Y6 residential trip, drama and music events, technology days, sports and outdoor pursuits. Please note that for all educational visits there are specific procedures that are followed in accordance with the North Yorkshire Code of Practice 2008. A policy is available.

CHARGING We may, occasionally, ask for voluntary contributions to cover costs of transport and entrance fees for school visits. Children are not excluded from outings if they have not paid. Payments are requested for group or individual lessons involving peripatetic music teachers. NEWSLETTERS Regular half termly newsletters inform parents of curricular details, dates of forthcoming events and other important arrangements. Please search your child’s bag for them, and read and refer to them throughout the term. The most recent newsletter is always on display in both school entrance lobbies. We also have a website which is updated on a regular basis where you can find lots of other useful information.

FRIENDS OF KETTLEWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL The school is extremely well supported by The Friends of Kettlewell School and any member of the community who wishes to join the ‘Friends’ are more than welcome. Throughout the year they organise lots of fund raising events and fun activities. ‘Friends’ were the originators of the annual Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival, which is held for nine days during the summer holidays. The monies raised are shared between ‘Friends’, the Village Hall and The Church. In this way, substantial sums of money are generated for the school, for which we are very grateful. ‘Friends’ are generous in providing the children with equipment and opportunities which could normally only be afforded by larger schools. Thanks to their efforts we have a modern, well-resourced library, extra PCs, a scanner, carpets, blinds, new furniture for our new cloakroom extension and a fully equipped play area for our younger pupils. They also subsidise transport for educational visits, the costs of which would otherwise be prohibitive. All parents are automatically members of ‘Friends‘, so please be prepared to become involved in any way that you can!


White Polo shirts or white cotton shirts Black or Grey Skirts, Pinafore dresses or Trousers Royal Blue sweatshirts and or fleece Blue gingham dresses in the Summer (optional) Sensible shoes or trainers During cold weather warm coats, hats, scarves and gloves

PE • • • • • •

Kits:Any blue tracksuit bottoms Navy Kettlewell Primary School PE Hoody Navy Kettlewell Primary School polo shirt Navy shorts Black Plimsolls for indoors Trainers for outdoors

We would like our KS1 children to bring their PE kits into school EVERY Monday morning and then leave them at school for the whole week. The KS2 pupils will come to school wearing their PE kits every Tuesday. Watches and jewellery must be removed and long hair must be tied back during lessons especially PE lessons and swimming. We operate a no make-up policy. All Kettlewell Primary School uniform can be purchased from MC Sports, Sackville House, 15-17SackvilleStreet, Skipton, NorthYorkshire BD232PB 01756 791688 We cannot emphasise enough about NAMES IN ALL BELONGINGS! If a child goes home in the wrong clothing it is much easier to identify and find if IT IS NAMED. We have now designated a lost property box which will be kept upstairs in the staff room. If you can please simply write your child’s name in the label of the clothing with a permanent marker pen; which is available in Morrison’s, it would be very helpful and has a far greater chance of finding its way back to the rightful owner! Swap Shop We have a swap shop for uniform which the children have grown out of. If you have any item of uniform which no longer fits your child please bring it into the office and put it in the swap shop box. If there is anything in the box which will fit your child then you can take it. This extends to plimsolls, PE kits, sweatshirts or any item of uniform. In cold or snowy weather please send your children to school in appropriate clothing and footwear. Hats, gloves, scarves, boots and warm, waterproof coats are essential in our exposed playground. Children will not be allowed outside to play in the snow unless they are wearing boots. In hot sunny weather the older KS2 children can bring in their own sun cream and apply it themselves when necessary and with parent consent. We advise the parents of younger pupils to apply sun cream at home. A sun hat is also necessary.

PARENTS CONSULTATIONS & REPORTS Autumn Term: Parents’ consultation evening for new pupils Spring Term: Parents’ consultation evening Summer Term: Individual Pupil Reports Please feel welcome to make contact at any time if you have any concerns about your child, or if you wish to know more clearly what we are doing at school. Staff are usually always available after school to discuss any such matters, no prior appointment is necessary. You are welcome to look at your child’s work at any time. If, following discussions with staff, you feel that your concerns have not been dealt with to your satisfaction; we do have a fair and impartial procedure for resolving such difficulties. Parents should contact the chair of governors who will explain the process. Ofsted Inspection The school underwent its fourth Ofsted inspection in October 2008. The inspection was extremely successful and recognised what we already knew, that Kettlewell Primary School is very special and OUTSTANDING. All parents are entitled to a summary of the report. Should you wish to purchase the full report it is available from the school at a cost of £1 per copy. The report is also available on the internet from the Ofsted website: - Secondary Education In Year 6, pupils are required to take a selection test to determine which Secondary School they will attend. Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning tests take place in September for the boys and the girls sit a test at Skipton Girls High School which consists of an English, Maths and Verbal Reasoning Papers. Parents and pupils are informed of the results of this selection process sometime in October. Each year approximately 28% of children across the Craven District are selected for the single-sex Grammar Schools in Skipton. In our cluster the majority of pupils attend Upper Wharfedale School in Threshfield. We test Y3, 4 and Y5 pupils in the summer term using similar style papers. This allows us to inform parents of their child’s performance in these tests in their Annual Report, so that parents may make considered decisions regarding Secondary education.

Transport Craven Community Transport, operate the school bus service. Free home to school transport is provided throughout Upper Wharfedale, Langstrothdale and Littondale for all children living more than 2 miles from school and a ‘walking bus’ leaves from the centre of Kettlewell village each morning at around 8.10 a.m. and returns at 3.10 p.m. If you think your children will be using the school bus then please let us know as soon as possible, as it can take some time to arrange a bus pass. Please note that your child will only be entitled to free school transport from the term they turn five, unless there are spare seats on the school bus being used by your school. Parents are often kind enough to transport children in their cars to local events. We ask for written consent from parents for their children to travel in private cars. We would also ask drivers to check that their insurance provides adequate cover and their car is regularly serviced.


Kettlewell Primary School, Kettlewell, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 5HX

Telephone/Fax: E-mail: Website:

01756 760280

Chair of Governors

Anne Vetch


Lesley Taylor

KS2 Teacher KS1 Teacher

Jodi Storey Kate Malley

School Administrator/ School Business Manager Tracy Briggs

Teaching Assistants

David Wright Clare Oakes Mariah Cherry Lyn Picton

Specialist Instructors

David Wright Clare Oakes

Cook/Cleaner/ Caretaker/TA/ATA

Mariah Cherry

Mid-day supervisor

June Appleton

Clerk to Governors

Tracy Briggs

List of Governors at Kettlewell Primary School - As at 1st October 2012 (Tenure of office for all governors apart from the Headteacher, if he/she wishes to be a governor, is for a period of 4 years, Terms of office end on 31st August of the fourth year of office: elections co-options should be completed in the first week or so after the start of Autumn Term.)

Business Interests Chair Mrs Anne Vetch L A Governor Pike Foot, Buckden, BD23 5JA Tel: 01756 760882 Appointed December 2011 – 2015 Email: Vice-Chair Mr N Pearson Parent Governor West Deepdale, Buckden, BD23 5JJ Tel: 01756 760204 Appointed November 2010-2014 Email: Mr Richard Barlow - Community Governor Ivy Cottage, Buckden, Skipton, BD23 5JA Tel. 01756 760870. Appointed July 2012-Aug 2016 Email: Mrs M McLellan – Sponsor Governor (under review) The Village Stores, Kettlewell, BD23 5QX Tel. 01756 760221. Appointed Dec 2011-2015 Email:

Safeguarding checks

None S Dec





Partner in retail


Mr John Close Parent Governor Manningham House, Kettlewell, BD23 5RD Tel: 01756 761226. Appointed January 2012 – 2016 Email: Mrs Helen Newey Parent Governor Croft Cottage, Leyburn Road, Kettlewell, BD23 5DD Tel: 01756 761132 Appointed November 2009 - 2013 Email: Mrs Susan Beazley Community Governor Langcliffe House, Kettlewell, BD23 5RJ Tel: 01756 761180 Appointed December 2011-2015 Email:





Mrs L Taylor Headteacher/Staff. Tel. School 760280 (home 01969 662637)


Mrs K Malley Teacher/Staff



Clerk to the Governors Mrs Tracy Briggs. Wharfedale House, Kettlewell, Tel 01756 760277 Email:

Building Firm (Spouse)

9 Governors (one Governor position under review and then vacancy to be filled) – Quorum 5


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