Prospectus & handbook 2015 16

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serving the communities of Upper Wharfedale, Langstrothdale and Littondale

Welcome to Kettlewell Primary School The Governors and staff would like to welcome you and your child to our school. We hope that this booklet will be helpful and informative to present and prospective parents alike, and we look forward to working closely with you to ensure that your child‘s time with us is happy and fulfilling. At Kettlewell Primary School, everyone is treated as an individual. Children are taught in small mixed aged classes. Each Key Stage has its own classroom and our dedicated EYFS/KS1 and KS2 teachers and teaching assistants are supplemented by specialist subject teachers from Upper Wharfedale Secondary School for Food Technology, Music, PE and French. The children benefit from co-operative working with a cluster of 6 local schools, particularly for team sports, Drama, Art and DT and shared trips. Free home to school transport is provided throughout Upper Wharfedale, Langstrothdale and Littondale for all children living more than 2 miles from school. Extended hours can be provided through WOOSH (‘Wharfedale Out Of School Hours’) at Upper Wharfedale School. Transport from Kettlewell School is provided to the club. We aim for each child to leave our school happy, fulfilled and well prepared for the next stage of their education. OUR VISION At Kettlewell School everyone is happy and thriving: the best we can be. We aim to provide an inclusive, safe, and inspirational environment to create:  SUCCESSFUL, LIFELONG LEARNERS who enjoy learning, make good progress and achieve their full potential, regardless of ability, gender, social/economic background or ethnicity. 

CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALS who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives, with confidence in their own abilities and how to use and apply them.

ACTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS who make a positive contribution to society. We value and respect all members of the school and wider community and we demonstrate that every child really does matter by teaching them well and expecting the very best from them.

STARTING SCHOOL Most children will start school in the September of the school year in which they are five. However, we have many options that will make your child’s transition to school as smooth as possible.  Between the ages of 3 and 4 we invite pre-school children to join us for one afternoon each week during the summer term to take part in activities with our younger pupils. We then build this up to a full day prior to the summer break and to prepare the children for starting school in the autumn term.  Children may start school in the term following their fourth birthday if both parents and teachers feel that this is in the child’s best interests.  In exceptional circumstances, parents may wish to delay their child’s entry to school until later in the school year until the term following their fifth birthday.  During the first term children may, by mutual agreement, initially attend school for the mornings only, gradually “building up” to full days as they mature and become more confident;  Home visits by the teacher can also be arranged if parents feel that this would be helpful. If you are considering Kettlewell Primary School, we invite you to come and discuss these options with us, so that the best possible arrangements are considered for your child. We will be happy to show you around, introduce you to the staff and pupils and answer any questions. We have a very experienced EYFS/KS1 teacher, who is supported by an excellent Higher Level Teaching Assistant. Together they will ensure that your child has the best possible introduction to school life. Here’s what our new EYFS parents had to say: “My 4-year old son started in Reception at Kettlewell School in September 2014 and was completely happy from day one. A major part in this was the opportunity for children to attend for half a day and then a full day, before starting full time. What also makes Kettlewell so special is the way all the staff really get to know pupils on a friendly, one to one level and are able to more closely tailor their learning experience. Being a very close knit village school, all the children, of all age groups also play together really well and look out for each other which has certainly helped my son settle in so happily.” “Kettlewell Primary School has been great for our family. The advantages of being a small school shine out: my son is good at numeracy so at times, he has completed work alongside children from the year above, and done so without moving desk, let alone classroom. In other areas he's struggled and the small class size, and nurturing environment really benefits him. School-home communication is amazing - you really know what's going on and we're invited in regularly to be a part of school, through World Book Day sessions, Sports Day, Easter Hunts and many other events. We moved house in January of Reception Year, so my son moved from a large urban primary school to a small rural one - it's the best decision we've ever made, and my son is more confident and happier as a result." TEACHING, LEARNING AND THE CURRICULUM

Teaching and learning is at the heart of our school life. Through engaging and exciting learning experiences we guide students to achieve their full potential and develop a responsible and independent attitude towards their work and role in the wider community. We encourage students to take ownership of their learning and develop core skills, for example literacy, throughout all subject areas. Pupils are taught primarily in two classes Key Stage One (4+ to 7 years) -Reception, Y1 & Y2  Key Stage Two (7+ to 11 years) - Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6

Each Key Stage has their own distinct teaching and learning areas. The KS1 classroom has been specifically built and equipped to match the differing needs of our youngest pupils. We have built an outdoor sheltered classroom area for our Foundation stage/KS1 pupils to enable us to fulfill all the requirements of the curriculum and participate in guided play and during this year we have a brand new purpose built outdoor area leading straight from the classroom. KS2 benefits from a main classroom, together with a smaller one which is used to support learning in smaller age and ability groups, particularly in literacy and numeracy. We set out to ensure that the needs of all pupils are met by offering progressive sequences of learning based upon every pupil’s current abilities. In this way we can ensure that each pupil is challenged and extended, thereby maximising the opportunities afforded within mixed age classes. Our ICT capacity is extensive, with all pupils having ongoing access to an individual laptop. ICT skills are taught as an individual subject, embedded throughout the curriculum to enrich pupils’ skills as independent learners. Our long term curriculum planning is premised upon the 2014 National Curriculum specifications. Here we aim to ensure that all subject requirements are fully embraced within a four year rolling programme for foundation subjects and yearly plans for Literacy and Numeracy. TARGET-SETTING At Kettlewell Primary School pupils are set personalised termly targets that are appropriately challenging and manifest high expectations for all learners. A structured “Accelerated Reading” programme operates throughout the school which allows each pupil to progress by reading a wide range of stories, poetry, play scripts and information books at a level appropriate to their reading ability. Pupils are given the opportunity to read in school each day, and are encouraged to take their reading scheme books home. In Years 3, 4 and 5 SATs papers are used in the summer term to assess each pupil’s reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation attainment against national standards. Throughout Key Stage 2 children are given ongoing opportunities to develop their skills and confidence in test conditions. This enables teachers to more accurately track their progress and next step learning needs whilst at the same time better equipping all pupils to demonstrate their true potential under test conditions. 2015 PERFORMANCE DATA pupils achieving level 4 or above in reading: 100% pupils achieving level 4 or above in writing: 100% pupils achieving level 4 or above in maths: 100% pupils making at least expected progress in reading: 100% pupils making at least expected progress in writing: 100% pupils making at least expected progress in maths: 100% pupils achieving level 5 or above in reading: 100% pupils achieving level 5 or above in writing: 100% pupils achieving level 5 or above in maths 75%


•Children will begin with Letters and Sounds • Children will learn 44 different sounds over the year! • We use Jolly Phonics, Nessy Phonics and Letters and Sounds to support our learning • Reading scheme is followed in school and children will bring home a library book for reading every day • Spellings are sent home weekly for KS1 and in the Summer term weekly for EYFS. At Kettlewell Primary School we meet the National Curriculum Programme of study for each curriculum subject and in the infants this is through a thematic and topic based approach. Please refer to our website for our current topics.

Quote from Ofsted: “Reading is taught well and pupils gain a lot of pleasure from reading a wide range of fiction and nonfiction books. They have a good grasp of the sounds letters make (phonics), which gives them confidence in reading new words. Teachers provide activities across the curriculum which require pupils to draw on their good reading skills.” June 2015


LITERACY Teaching and learning in KS2 is fundamentally premised upon the 3 core strands within the National Curriculum: Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening. Within reading we deliberately set out to ensure that pupils can not only read words accurately, fluently and with expression (phonics and decoding skills) but also that they can read for understanding. Comprehension skills including inference, prediction, summary and critical evaluation are therefore progressively developed throughout. Within writing, we combine the basic components of grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting with an equal regard for exploring, critiquing and actively creating different forms of fiction and non-fiction genres. NUMERACY We develop each pupil’s ability to understand numeracy and use and apply mathematical thinking through a progressive range and balance of practical, mental and written activities. All children progressively learn and develop their skills in using number and calculations, shape, space and measures and data handling. We use a diverse range of techniques to ensure that children can use and apply their evolving knowledge and skills in problem solving contexts.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Pupils are taught R.E. on a modular basis, and this is incorporated into cross-curricular themes when relevant. The syllabus includes major world faiths and moral issues and we are not biased towards any particular faith. Parents may choose to withdraw their children from R.E. but are encouraged to contact the class teacher regarding further details of content before doing so. SCIENCE

Our teaching in both KS1 and KS2 ensures that pupils learn to observe, explore and ask scientific questions about the world and beyond. We take a practical approach wherever possible to allow pupils to use, apply and extend their knowledge of the three main strands:  Scientific Enquiry we are working to develop pupils’ skills in more generic scientific investigative skills including posing scientific questions, identifying variables, planning investigations, collecting and compiling data (with and without ICT), analysing results, drawing conclusions and suggesting investigative improvements.  Life Processes and Living things– Animals and Humans, Keeping Healthy, Circulation & Movement, Living things and thier Habitats, Life Cycle of Plants, Changes and Reproduction, Evolution and Inheritance.  Materials & their Properties–Classifying solids, liquids and gases, Rocks & Soils, Reversible and Irreversible Changes, Separating solids and liquids, Insulation and Conduction, States of Matter and Properties and Change of Materials.  Physical Processes–Electricity, Forces & Magnets, Light and Sound, The Earth and beyond HUMANITIES We aim to broaden pupils’ horizons by encouraging an interest in the world about them, the past, the present and the future. Our history and geography teaching embraces the core skills, knowledge and understanding as specified within the National Curriculum and then seeks to bring learning alive through cross-curricular themes, incorporating literacy skills. ART & DT Opportunities for Art & Design Technology are carefully planned to support and extend the work in other curriculum areas such as History and Geography. Pupils work with a range of materials, both in 2D and 3D, to develop their creativity, skills and techniques. MUSIC The children develop their appreciation for music through singing, performing, composing and listening. This is delivered by a specialist teacher from Upper Wharfedale School. Individual or group tuition can be organised with peripatetic music teachers for the violin, guitar, piano, woodwind, recorder or singing. P.E We have an excellent sports field and also benefit from the specialist facilities at our partner secondary school, including the swimming pool. Pupils have full opportunities to develop their core skills in agility, balance and coordination and then develop these further through structures engagement in invasion games, dance, gymnastics, striking and fielding games, athletics and swimming. This is delivered by a specialist teacher from Upper Wharfedale School.

Quotes from Parents Parent of a Y4 and a Y5 pupil: “We recently moved to the area and the school has been fantastic in helping the children settle in to a new area and the school. They love going to Upper Wharfedale each week for their PE and sports but especially enjoy the swimming. They have enjoyed so many more opportunities in a smaller school than they did in a larger school.” Parent of Y2 and a Y5 Pupil: "The children get a lot out of going to UWS for PE and Sports. The facilities are great, enabling them to enjoy sports that they wouldn't normally be able to in a primary school environment, such as swimming. It also will help the older children have a smooth transition to the local secondary school if they go on there as they will already be familiar and comfortable in that setting. " SOCIAL, MORAL, SPIRITUAL and CULTURAL AWARENESS and BRITISH VALUES SMSC provision is an integral part of planning and delivery, including:  Beliefs  Moral conflicts  “Right and Wrong”  Active participation  Cultures and traditions  Fundamental “British values” of democracy, law, liberty, tolerance and respect SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS & INCLUSION At Kettlewell we offer equal opportunities for all pupils, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity and background. All our pupils are special and their performance is, therefore, carefully monitored. Sometimes, it may be of benefit for individuals or small groups to work with support teachers or assistants to enhance their progress. All necessary interventions are carefully monitored and communicated to parents. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs M McLellan and the Assistant SENCo is Mrs J Laidler-Smith, both of whom are happy to discuss any particular needs of your child. The Local Authority Local Offer provides clear, comprehensive and accessible information about services available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (0—25 years). It stresses the importance of partnership working with Education, Health and Care Services. The Local Authority Local Officer can be found at: -local-offer. A link to the Kettlewell School Local Offer can be found on the school website. It informs parents, carers and young people what they can reasonably expect the school to provide for students with SEND. This includes the identification of SEN, partnership working, securing resources, support and facilities, transitions, our approaches to teaching and learning, assessment and progress, pastoral care and extracurricular activities. BEHAVIOUR & ANTI-BULLYING At Kettlewell we are committed to a caring, friendly and safe environment. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and all incidents are dealt with promptly and effectively. Parents are encouraged to take an active role in alerting staff to any cause for concern, no matter how minor it may appear. . We have high standards of behaviour and the use of our ‘Good to be Green’ system in both key stages supports this. The Positive Attitude to Learning Policy encourages Pupils to be courteous, sensitive and thoughtful towards others as well as being enthusiastic and ready to learn. CHILD PROTECTION

At Kettlewell School procedures for safeguarding children are consistent with those agreed by the Local Area Child Protection Committee and all staff are trained to identify any signs of neglect or harm. The designated members of staff are Mrs Mukherjee (Assistant Headteacher, Upper Wharfedale School), Mrs Briggs (School Manager) and Mr Taylor (Headteacher). The Child Protection Policy is available on the school website or on request. THE UPPER WHARFEDALE FEDERATION Kettlewell Primary school is in formal partnership with Upper Wharfedale Secondary School and the schools federated under a single governing body in September 2015. With Mr Taylor as Headteacher of both schools, Miss Sumner as Associate Headteacher and Mrs Briggs as School Manager, this arrangement promotes our vision for ‘lifelong learning’ and adds security and sustainability for 4-16 education in the wider community. Teachers from Upper Wharfedale School deliver high quality teaching to our primary school pupils in French, Music, Food Technology and PE, and we hold joint events such as concerts and sports days.

THE SCHOOL DAY School opens

8.15 a.m.

Registration 8.30 a.m. Morning school:

Lessons Playtime Lessons Assembly


12.00-12.30 p.m. Playtime

Afternoon school:


8.30 –10.10 a.m. 10.10-10.30 a.m. 10.30-11.45 a.m. 11.45-12.00 p.m. KS2: 12.30-1.00 p.m. KS1: 12.30-1.00 p.m. KS2: 1.00 - 3.00 p.m. KS1: 1.00 - 2.00 p.m. Playtime 2.00 p.m.–2.15 p.m. 2.15 – 3.00 p.m.

BREAKTIMES Semi-skimmed milk is available at morning break. This is usually paid for half-termly for pupils in KS2, pupils in EYFS/KS1 receive free milk. Please contact Mrs. Simpson for payment details. We have a drinking fountain and water dispenser for those who prefer water. All pupils receive a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable each day. This is funded by the government for all the EYFS/KS1 pupils and by School Fund for our KS2 children. If pupils wish to supplement this then dried fruit, cereal bars or plain biscuits are popular choices. We discourage chocolate bars, crisps and sweets. ‘Friends’ have supplied a varied selection of playground equipment. Children may like to bring small personal items with which to play. Please use your common sense when deciding what is suitable. CATERING Excellent quality meals are cooked on site by our cook, Mrs. Cherry, whose school lunches are legendary amongst pupils, past and present! We encourage all our pupils to have a school lunch as it positively adds to our school ethos of creating a friendly, family atmosphere. The children sit in small mixed-age groups with older pupils serving the younger children. Payments by cheque, cash and direct bank transfer, can be made weekly every Monday, or half-termly. Please make cheques payable to Kettlewell Primary School. Pupils in EYFS/KS1 will receive a government funded Universal Free School Meal.

AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS We offer after school club activities such as art, drama, music, gardening , booster curriculum sessions and various sporting events . Extended hours can be provided through WOOSH at Upper Wharfedale School and transport from Kettlewell School is provided to the club. HOMEWORK This is an opportunity to extend school activities at home and involve parents in their child’s learning. It should take about 15 to 20 minutes per night in KS1, rising to 30 minutes in KS2. Activities may include: - daily reading, writing, spelling and dictionary work, book reviews, number bonds/multiplication tables practice, research and listening to the News headlines. KS2 are issued with weekly Numeracy, Spelling and Literacy progressive set homework. We also offer Homework club on Monday and Wednesday lunchtimes for anyone in KS2 who wishes to attend. HOME/SCHOOL AGREEMENT All parents are sent a Home/School agreement for their consideration. This outlines ways in which pupils, parents and staff must work together effectively. Parents are asked to add their signatures to those of the teachers to indicate their support for the aims expressed in the agreement. CLUSTER EVENTS Kettlewell School is fortunate to belong to a very active and supportive cluster of six schools in the Upper Wharfedale area. Resources and expertise are shared and many events are organised throughout the year to enable the pupils of these small schools to socialise and develop friendships outside their normal school environment. Activities include the Y6 residential trip, drama and music events, technology days, sports and outdoor pursuits. Please note that for all educational visits there are specific procedures that are followed in accordance with the North Yorkshire Code of Practice. CHARGING We may, occasionally, ask for voluntary contributions to cover costs of transport and entrance fees for school visits. Children are not excluded from outings if they have not paid, as long as the trip takes place within school time. Payments are required for group or individual lessons involving peripatetic music teachers. FRIENDS OF KETTLEWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL The school is extremely well supported by The Friends of Kettlewell School and any member of the community who wishes to join the ‘Friends’ are more than welcome. Throughout the year they organise lots of fund raising events and fun activities. ‘Friends’ were the originators of the annual Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival, which is held for nine days during the summer holidays. The monies raised are shared between ‘Friends’, the Village Hall and The Church. In this way, substantial sums of money are generated for the school, for which we are very grateful. ‘Friends’ are generous in providing the children with equipment and opportunities which could normally only be afforded by larger schools. Thanks to their efforts we have a well-resourced library including the “Accelerated Reader” programme, “Abracadabra” a fully computerised library system, New Phonics resources & reading scheme books, Headphones to use with the PC’s and a fully equipped play area for our younger pupils. They also subsidise transport for educational visits, the costs of which would otherwise be prohibitive. All parents are automatically members of ‘Friends‘, so please be prepared to become involved in any way that you can!

SCHOOL DRESS CODE       

White Polo shirts or white cotton shirts Black or Grey Skirts, Pinafore dresses or Trousers Black or grey tights or socks (white socks may be worn with skirts/dresses) Royal Blue sweatshirts and or fleece Blue gingham dresses in the Summer (optional) Sensible, black shoes (no trainers please) During cold weather warm coats, hats, scarves and gloves

PE Kits: Any blue tracksuit bottoms  Navy Kettlewell Primary School PE Hoody  Navy Kettlewell Primary School polo shirt  Navy shorts  Black Plimsolls for indoors  Trainers for outdoors  Watches and jewelry must be removed and long hair must be tied back during lessons

especially PE lessons and swimming. We operate a no make-up policy. Uniform can be purchased from MC Sports, Sackville House, 15-17SackvilleStreet, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD232PB 01756 791688 Please make sure names are on all belongings! In cold or snowy weather please send your children to school in appropriate clothing and footwear, although this must be removed when in school. Hats, gloves, scarves, boots and warm, waterproof coats are essential in our exposed playground. Children will not be allowed outside to play in the snow unless they are wearing boots. In hot sunny weather the older KS2 children can bring in their own sun cream and apply it themselves when necessary and with parent consent. We advise the parents of younger pupils to apply sun cream at home. A sun hat is also necessary.

Quote from Ofsted: “Parents are pleased with the school’s work and say they would recommend the school to another parent.” June 2015 PARENTS CONSULTATIONS & REPORTS Autumn Term: Parents’ consultation evening for new pupils Spring Term: Parents’ consultation evening Summer Term: Individual Pupil Reports However, please feel welcome to make contact at any time if you have any concerns about your child, or if you wish to know more clearly what we are doing at school. Staff are usually available after school to discuss any such matters, although we would appreciate a prior appointment whenever possible. If, following discussions with staff, you feel that your concerns have not been dealt with to your satisfaction, we have a fair and impartial procedure for resolving such difficulties. Parents should contact the School Manager in the first instance, who will explain the process.

SECONDARY EDUCATION In Year 6, all pupils have the opportunity to take a selection test to determine which Secondary School they will attend. Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning tests take place in September for the boys and the girls sit a test at Skipton Girls High School which consists of an English, Maths and Verbal Reasoning Papers. Parents and pupils are informed of the results of this selection process sometime in October. Each year approximately 28% of children across the Craven District are selected for the single-sex Grammar Schools in Skipton. In our cluster the majority of pupils attend Upper Wharfedale School – our partner secondary school in Threshfield. HOME TO SCHOOL TRANSPORT North Yorkshire Passenger Transport, operate the school bus service. Free home to school transport is provided throughout Upper Wharfedale, Langstrothdale and Littondale for all children living more than 2 miles from school. If you think your children will be using the school bus then please let us know as soon as possible, and we will arrange a bus pass. Please note that your child will only be entitled to free school transport from the term they turn five, unless there are spare seats on the school bus being used by your school. Parents are often kind enough to transport children in their cars to local events. We ask for written consent from parents for their children to travel in private cars. We would also ask drivers to check that their insurance provides adequate cover and their car is regularly serviced.

Free Transport from Upper Wharfedale, Langstrothdale and Littondale by either minibus or taxi, contact us to find out more.

Kettlewell Primary School


Kettlewell Primary School, Kettlewell, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 5HX


01756 760280



Chair of Governors Val Berry Vice Chair of Governors Anne Vetch Headteacher

Andrew Taylor

Associate Headteacher

Sally Sumner

School Manager

Tracy Briggs

KS2 Teacher EYFS/KS1 Teacher

Jodi Storey Helen Newey

French Teacher

Anita Bell

Music Teacher

Bella Kidd

PE Teacher Swimming Instructor

Jude Willetts Chris Moorhouse

Cookery Teacher

Rachael Hindle

Literacy Coordinator

Teresa Canny


Alison Simpson


Janet Laidler-Smith

Teaching Assistants

Helen Barugh Sarah Vetch Mariah Cherry Charlotte Facer Fiona Naylor Linda Finnell

Cook/Cleaner/ Caretaker Mid-day supervisor Clerk to Governors

Mariah Cherry Alison Simpson Fay Maude





Mrs V Berry

Parent Governor CHAIR


12th July 2019

Teaching and LearningResources

Mrs A Vetch.

Local authority Representative VICE-CHAIR

NYCC Local Authority

12th July 2019

Teaching and LearningEnvironment, Health & Wellbeing

Mr R Barlow

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

12th July 2019

ResourcesEnvironment, Health & Wellbeing

Mrs C Birtley

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

12th July 2019

Teaching and Learning

Mrs T Briggs

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

12th July 2019

ResourcesEnvironment, Health & Wellbeing

Mrs D Chambers

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

12th July 2019

Teaching and LearningResources

Mr S Charlton

Staff Governor


12th July 2019

ResourcesEnvironment, Health & Wellbeing

Mr A Dean

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

12th July 2019

Teaching and LearningEnvironment, Health & Wellbeing

Mrs C Doubtfire

Parent Governor


12th July 2019

ResourcesEnvironment, Health & Wellbeing

Mrs M McLellan

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

12th July 2019

Teaching and LearningResources

Mr N Pearson

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

12th July 2019

Environment, Health & Wellbeing

Ms S Sumner

Co-opted Governor

Governing Body

12th July 2019

Teaching and LearningResources

Mr A Taylor



Quote from Ofsted: “Senior leaders, together with the governors, have raised pupils’ achievement significantly since the previous inspection. Pupils’ progress is good. All groups of pupils, including those with special educational needs, achieve well.” June 2015

Please come and see for yourselves - call us on 01756 760280 to book a visit.

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