Iredell Living Magazine July 11

Page 14

© 2011 Shane Greene Photography

© 2011 Shane Greene Photography

© 2011 Shane Greene Photography

doesn’t it? With regular guidance from Dr. Patel and Amy Bolling, his nurse practitioner, it is. Typically, patients meet with Dr. Patel or Amy once a month. When patients come in with medical conditions related to their weight problems, Dr. Patel is often able to bill the patient’s insurance company.



IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT FAT In 2000, obesity moved beyond smoking as the number one preventable cause of death in America. We spend over $40 billion on weight loss products, yet 66% of us are overweight or obese. “And we’re not getting much better” Dr. Patel explained. “In the next 30 years the number of obese adults will double. Childhood obesity is up 66% in the last ten years. People need to think about themselves over the next 30 years—where do you want to be?” The list of medical problems that are caused by being overweight is staggering. We all know about diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, but the list also includes gall bladder problems, thyroid problems, osteoarthritis, depression, back pain, joint problems, and more. Obesity increases the mortality rate of every cancer and increases the risk of developing some cancers, such as breast, colon, prostate, kidney, esophageal, and endometrial cancer in post-menopausal women. Obesity is a serious medical condition. THERE ARE NO MEDICATIONS FOR LIFE-LONG TREATMENT Dr. Patel provides his patients with handouts that define the parameters of his program. The initial appointment takes a little over an hour. Various measurements are taken, not just of your waist and hips, but measurements that determine how much activity your body needs to make a difference in your weight loss. Establishing your resting energy expenditure (REE), which tells how many calories your body burns at rest doing nothing; your activity thermogenesis, or the number of calories you burn during physical activity and exercise, and then knowing the thermogenic effect of food, can help you understand all the areas of your diet and exercise routine that you can tweak to increase your level of success. Appointments are made monthly; blood work is done every three months, when appropriate. The program is adaptable for different patients and their overall health, but the basics are the same. And the goals of immediately beginning to improve your overall health, eliminating certain medications, and learning how to stay healthy and at your optimum weight for the rest of your life are emphasized throughout your work with Dr. Patel and his team.

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