New-York Tribune #3543 (25 August 1852)

Page 1



B111.1..NUS, CORHI-R or SPBl'Ct AMD t» BAB BIB-. OIIOaiTB THB BTTT "Ul yat delivered to Citv Subscnbers for 1_4 Cents per week; ean pay in advance at tbe D . wben they prefer, ihey copiea, ; aix tnnnths .rr a year at tne same rate. Bing.e Mail Burracnbara, Five Dollar* per auntun ia advp-ee. Biihat-rirtH.ri taken Ibr aix. meet.i t.trthiee




alio* ed aoy

II NfCW-YOItK, WKKKI.Y Tltllll'NB, COl'NTRY. VKKT LAROK PAPK.R, KOR TIIE Uie fow pnc* ot even Satvrdav M >a*uiaa,at or twenty ie* fo'll", e'.| «*a_num i.. advaive. Kght tlie ' pap-r in no eu*e i~.,,..- addreaa for ti", *nd AdvertiseffleaM it wWh », ., r ispa.d. m *»shert vt Ul .#-. charged SOcent* per Ime each lusertion.


b *>0t» t

Pl^ SapaWUhrd



every TttttlAt and Kainav mominf. Price kl *a* anmun Two e»j ies for »'> Ten for k»\. Advertlaeaaeata, 6 cent* a Un* foi each iusertion.

TIIK NEW-YOKK TItlBl'NE roa ri-BopEAK iircci.atioh, for LlyU put.hV d r>r '.be MpBllM* "f etwl. Mail .S'esmer rfiilsa n-py. ur %l * v .-. tO rvnv jvart 0. Pnr.-'.J erpoul Oreat Br.taJi, or t-l to ll.e Continent, postnge included. >

THK m:\v.yokk tkibkxe roaCAt.iroRiaiA, OBBOOii




uaaarica IM_BBB>

lapablisbtd un tbe deparrnra of eacb Mail Sleaincr fof Qaii.i rrice 61 eents pf r e.-pv ^^ OREELKY i. McELRATH, P.iMiahers.


Bnfo~A~lTwXY. raEATER^The

pnlilif ii refpectfully infonm*.! that thn Theater wtll bf f j, u,-ri for tbe or. MONDAY. tl.» *>'.h imt. The Ladi.f aad G.-ntlemen eniued at thn EatablUhment are r* ,,-.i!»il to aiaemblf ln the Oreen tluo-a on Thuraday next, Aug 2b, at 11 o'eloeh in the foreeoon. THOMAS BARRY, Stage Manager.



1 jBaBIBBB, a,...tnrie* ( S«re<ar,|*»-_ fcoBBOl Wee-kly Meeting of lhe IV l.inul K.foiin.-fbe f.ienri.ol the llMU.tsU-ad Btll" will Uke place Mil.tary I

P. J.


Hall. B,.werv. otpoaile Bprlng at,



Ry order: EVENINO, .llth lnst, at «L.o'clock. W. RYCKMAN, ) O II. i:\ANS, '-Committee. _V.'M V. BARR, S

Special Notices.

ATl.ANTK ""OT r*ollretol'onel«nee-..-Steamal.ip fn t.iveipr<,l la uisehargiiiit und.-r general order, at now


tb.- footof ( ni.alst.. Ci.Dsigneea t.ill piaaaa *eud permit* on bcaid, aud t-. ot their gi«..ia ¦ K. COLLINS k Co.

B-V)a <CENTRAL RAILROAD Bar* llepfi'a Kxpreaa.Via of NEW-.lT'R.SEY. Twice daily from New-York to Ea*8 A. al. and I o'aloek P. M. at o'clock Pa ton, Leaving Oaic* No. 71 Broadway, New-York._^^^ _

~t*7 Ta l.nmlirr llealera..A young Man well uqu.mtrd with tbe lurnhnr husineas wis*ie. tu obtaln .ituaa

laleiman in a lumber, wood, or coal yard. Batlilartory refeience given 11 req-ii.ed. Addreaa C. H., at this office. ttT Altenllon! Altentloot-SsottaDdOrahara Asaoeiatlona furniihed with Plags, Banners, Transpveaetes, MILLER. al their old ataud, No. tc, by ACKKRMAN tFulton and Ann st*. 101 Na***u at, between Intelllaenre Offirn and l.aber QT" Kmlcrant Kxrh ium' , Noa. 2q and /? Canal-st., New-York..Thl* offie* la erttt'.liahed b» Uib Commiasioners of Emlgratioa. srbere ean always be found large nun.bers of Laborera and Berv-Mits at very low rates of wages, and person* ean hav* thelr ordera filled by wnting to the Superinteudent and sendlag th* amount nacutaary to pay the paasa^e of lhe partie*





tacuirod. No fees ehaiited to employers.

JAS. P KAOAN 8nperintendent

ia Croton "r*** To Hratlfi of Knmllle...There exuu troulilesorre to wairr-I.e g.i.usol ll.e intestina1 wonu. so




can ramuve frotn the water and eon-

veit it ioto a baiml.-*a beverage l-y usnis the P.IROCS i.Iass KIl.TtR.sold atOotblc 11 al 1, No. ll(i BroUway. fm $1 aa By prncunng one you wiil aave anuch troul.le. Nun.erou. .ertlticaiea frumdiatinguiabed pliyiiciaua, csrtifyitrg to the above asscrtion, can beahowu.

tr and manatachea in au week., by aiair.K ORAHAM'B Orgnent. Itta perfei tly harmless tothe ak' wili not ata'n tbe tlrsb. i'rire, large bottlea, ill mi.hII. .'8. cents Sent to any part ol tlie country. 11 O.

t.RAHAM, No. 18J Ann st_ hair hu an tST Vlinlliv ol Ihr Funeilon*. Theecoi.omy, and lu.portani lunctioi. to render lt tbe ofanlmal tals fact lti Phviiolet many people, through ignoraac* triatmont af tbat which oberwi.s loay. are cialeaa f I theoinsiiiri.t Thoae threataned witb n.igi.i be a pui.. ipal lalilneia oi wiu ae hair may bennhealtby, and etlap through aad sold by llyperion Klmd InveLtedItt* reglect, ihould uietbe No. the be*t 2TI Waahington st. W I1.I.IAM ROOLK. care for ii.cipieut laldi.ess, rectorer aad, lhat can be f. i .'. May ba had of A B. k D Bands, No lOOKulton-at; Ruahton Clark, t Co., No. 271, and Rice&i Bmlth, No. 121 Broad¬ way ; Car) t Co.. Nu '.')¦> Pe.rl-st.; and b. dmgguU aud

paraMMra throughout tb* world._ Aaaoclatlaa, Na.'JJ..Tha tW ladualrtnl llame are n..ii!.».i tbat a Meeting will matiihe.a ol thia Aaaociatlon ba beld on tl.e insi.. at 10 o'clock A M at No. 1K3 Buweiy, for tbe purpo** of drawing for the choice nf Lot*.

N. B Any ni.-inoer de.irous ofwilhdrawlng from lhe Aasoolatlon must do so on the next regular uieetiaf. By oroei of lha Assoeiation. P Ot Y, >Committee. M ( HAMf'k'RS. OEO 8. APPLK.TON.)



publis ot NawPJKRIKS OK CONCERTS ecfi'iuereed by be, in June laat, and d.-ferred after her aeciud appearanre by tbe aiterations then uiakiug ln MKTROPOLITAN HALL tahic). hu eow undrrgutie many tmportant aiterations, ania i.Kivi- rBOBI BBTBABCa .rom bROADWAY arlll be oouipleted for the oe.-asion of the Klltsr ORAND CONCKRT, wblch will take plae.-

1 ip.. (li.ily ancounees Jry York. intenti.n ot reiumin* the

Tl'ESDAT, Sept 7, 186Z

MADAMK ALBONI will be assisted by BIONOR ROVKBK, BIONOR SAN OIOVANNI, and SIONOR ARD1T1. With a Orand Orehestra. Conductor.8i«. Arditi. Ttcketa.On* DoDar. Rftserved 8*.ta- Two Dollar* Ttcketa for R.-xeryed Seats can be piuiu.ed at WILLIAM HALL At bON'.S Music St. re. cainer P.rk-place, Broad¬ ean be seen. way, tt) ere a ol tbe Hall Ttcket* tor all other part* of tbe HallJtprice One Dollar.) for wlileli a s*at 1* *l»o *et-ured, ean be bad at BAML'EL C. JOLI.IL'B Music Store, No. 300 Broadway. Door* on*n at bi o'clock Concert to tommance precisely M 8 o'clocB._



1, Al- TK.BNoON .nd K.\ K-

tn SATI BOAT. Baatembai KUMD BC NINO. tbe aSiKRICAN Mt SICAL the Military C1ETY af NEVA'-YOBK O" wl.uh occaslon Bc, 11...,. it Nt-t. re k, Brooklyn. Troy, Philadelphla. moat thelr volunteered kmdeat a*uner, in lhe poaaibl* ttave, traluableaarvieea. Thia aplai did coiiibinatloi! of military band*-* combmaHuu never tt loi* atiemptfti in tbis lot.ntry -will lotin a ORANi' MILITARY OBCHESTRA _.. ...

IWB buudied lualruruent*, reed, bra** and pereaiBtaav wil! play several fMcea, ov.rtures. wa.i.-ea, laiups. Ihey aaaasaaa wiil. he entire .tiatgit. ot tba or.i.eatrv basid-i .. i fer e*t h baad. VocaLid u.t-utal petfotnieisel tbe highest poruwili giveiheu . t..i,.ntaendUieirwrtcti,aml ia a*. laiitv i_i» in ...a^itiit up oa* of tl . BBeat *)f


Cl fROORAMMES I ver t Ir.eii lo the pi y |m I .r. willbestated ina few daya. . | .:s tO the Atteiatoon acd Evening p -rfoni..ces, -

o cents


gardin.^wkdnesday ^ASpTLX performed celeV^ KNIRO. baSMl

tii* ->, »!l be K1btatfd opera, enitled /A||pA Ca.nille Mm*. fleury J«_f Aiirhocpo. D.ibiu.av Bimdolo.ManabaoB Rma.M.ue P.iot | Tti »-:*¦'* '-tta i»n b* had at tle prioclp.1 luteia, Mu»ie Ptan ai.d ai Caatle Oardca. P*rlaiuiaiioe toaitnen** at 8




4PASTLE A(iARDKN-THREE The oelebrated BA\ EL \



BAMILY.-THe tublu- is most rtwpectfuliy inf*imed that thoar etniaetrt arustaa, tk* Raval a»atnily. are enga*ed to apn, fjr three t-.ighta. and pualtively i.o MONDAY. Aai V TIKSDAY. 31st, and W I >r. I *!>A .', Seet, 1. ui their mo*'. a'traoure and eel*bf*lr-i t. tr.ia nmeiits. Ttie |etf.*.naree of th**e pre»l ¦ e totk, is t>oiii*rtuBaU»s|. o( nosesaliy coafioed pat BM H*:.-e thie* nigbuin cun**sa-ooe of etu*e«x>eat*Mciherei ie*. wl.tch raei.ot .>* p-mtpiocti. Thean*> * ian.,. . Mooday, Aug SO, bas l*vn geaaroualy apsroaWiataaiJaa -. texti Vatuily for thskaaaBt aad ntli.f ol tbe asortuaai. lurterei. by thelate calau itea* tire ia Maalraal. advsrlissmtnti. rtaU|«rt., .i-nn la'jira




,ii> UARDEN.-Jonn S_fto!« wasar.-THia EVENINO. Auguat 88, to ooa»-


at* I.*_>»


. tarph p, wtth tbe Oveitui* ol L* Ba.-caroi*. I llww.d t.y the I'umedv ol

MAT.H IN THK DABK. ..Mr Hsle I'ra'nee Mdntyra.Mrs Vernon


<--i*d*dbyaBAtLKr DlVEBTIfEMKNf ad* witb tha (iMredy of

I* .


r> i t


THE \ AI.K.T DE SHAM. ..ttaknioef.Mra Drew Capt Trevot .Mi. Reynold* ...

pv,;uet 1.)

Band of sixteen Perfonnera every MONDAY, WEDNEI¬ DAY and FRIDAY AFTERNQON8, eoromancing at 4 o'cloek P. M. Should the weather ba unffvorabie, the Conce*t wlll take place tha oext fair day



iS.t\Ti Pnblications PLEASANT BOOK for OUT OK

TOWN -Tblf day publlihed, *1 MMKRTIME IN THE COINTRY, hy Rov. R. A. WltLMOTT. 1 vol. lbmo. bii cent*; forming the NEW YOLIME OP APPLETON'I POPULAR LIBKARY. Br. II.i't ' Journal' it an tttrt,t.'*ptrlr,r w -i low book." [I-orilon Athanr-jTl. Fal tr. or>-rf\,aa.,ra| fft-fl k.v*. p»il.*takit,f an I rnl'a'.-aaaan ofai. ard-i.* ati.lantol indnttur*; II* Ih* p'j*U' y»un« and (*.| p», ik l| Il.j. ,.!.!, ,.l iran aml «r...¦,,.,.; ,,('« iB'1 I' *.-'and So'ithrr'a lit-rirr VX r I, wnrth'a out ol I "

IVa inr.a t nn.j-ii* any book rri'irr filtini tn !««>!.¦ f, ta. ,., tl * brt'itilul |iy |irt, rot* rownr,) countrf par».,ra>._»i la,. Ifawffj IV.>r I.

Juit pabllthed, uniform with the ahove, "THK. BOOK OF BNOR8"byTiUCK_B_... "JOIRNEY TO KATMANDI ." by Ou, h .vt. 'LITTLE PEDLINOTON AND THE PEDLIN'GTONIANS." by t "THE INOOLllSBY LEOENDS." by B.irium. " tla» Uaarterry," !_c _c. Piperi fram D. API'LETnN CO, No. 200 Broadway.




rerdv. new editioni of tbe following wurk*: TU KWICK ABROAD, or, A Toar ln FraBce. By O W M R yaeSSa Superbly itnitrated by oharacJaristic engraMBga, by Pne*y>cen_ MABKL. the Child ofthe Battle Fteld. Elega-itly ilhur* frsted. Pr.-e M eert* MAN\ERS; -f, The Child of Crime. A work of deep Ictereit. Pnr. ¦ eent*. ( I LEBTUaE or, L'ghts and ShMows of I^ndon LifeF;. I. I. B sccba-H. Kijat illiutrat'coa Price 50 cent*. BOBE AHIKCRI". or. The Rutnad Oam**tcr. By E L. Four illo.t.-.'n.tji. Pnre VI rent*. ¦ VSTEB.ES AND MlSKRIr.SOFNEW-ORLEANS. B% N*d Bui.tlme. Hu ia»t and be*t wo.k. Price ibcta T'.M KINO. u.e Cebbabl Hifhwaynun. Bythe*!. t1 -rt Capt. n Fawke." ' Claude Duvai," kc. Baauiifnlly illusirated. Price 2b eeat*. 1



PLETON ^ CO., No. 200 Broadway, bave juit publUI.ed. I I' COPNTRY LETTERS-K.dlted hy Profei.or B-, National ('luervatcry. 1 iol., 12i_e. P_;>er cover, N cents; ck ih. '.'< cent*. *o f. !1 offtf tl, la-paful fl.on.h'.-tn. h q,n»t A ,!.ari7,i,.| U* -oiu-'a ptcSarff. faraafi i,.i.|ii|-, t,,l pur* arntnnm*, .. »¦ ...lo ,: «*r. latUhatd*. T.. rraJ it dort oaa f""d »» » '.>*'' [N. Y. ULtera^r " W* hBVfbtfB tfrrralaly turpri'rd l.y tli* *nter_un'n>.nt *re I.-.. rifiivfd 1, »kn i ovrr tbia work. lt it a ¦.. rlri,t« nff niotx nuntry !if* m a ii.oi.nta noia. r»|'r,n ..I tln. Sttlr. tt i diaifff f»m Ihi |iffl ar*rld Oammxit, tka S i.l ih* ftn ,lj, roral o,< afalinaf, ti.-i wfrefartt aith l*»,> fvthref trarraai-. I.rin tha inttrraaN <af th* work, whi, Ii a« thrown into tli* l,a,ia. ,v...... 1.-j .rr writun ta our won I.l »nir with i.o f*ar of ant... bfksrf L.a f*ff| al*ay* uiturallr, watb a frrtt drtl i.l nraa and inpl i, poarr. A Vaif offOMt holBOT flflfa thoai luriim tfaeakmrttnai aaxxxtmta." lK»*nu.* i1.--..


NK tl.l.V

CATTAIN HAWNK. By tbe author of " Tom King." OR.M.-1Y ii BACKKR,(lateThotBBsOrmsby.) Publishers, No 12 Ann st


Pl ..
















aa i'i y Kit.y .*r.

Ciiofon Uall.


J. J



¦.;. !.riiii__aBtic path

application. I'flYllcAL THEORY OF ANOTHER LIFE tl. AI.I.YNS RITI'AL OK KRK.K.MASONIU. $V BOCHEFOUI Al I.H'S MAXIMS. |1. Published and for aale by W. OOWANS, No. 17 Kfltoa-st.



UBERTH to CO, Music 257 reeaest the

Depot, pablia to ln*pe*l

Broadway Ti. ?.,

their lmmensa stock of Muaie fot Volee, Piano, for 2, 4,6,1 handa, for Organ, Vlolta, \ iolonee'lo, Harp, Orehestra, lia, In every style, fr.r Tlrtuosos aod beglnners. The freatests*. leelioB Ic U-e l'nited 8t\te*, of t''""1,0"0 worth. Order* of Forelim and Aaaarlaaa Mas'i will he attoadad to wiib


Scmetling for th* Y..ung. C

ntent* of

K .1 DL V N U.M BER ofthe STAND-


ARD BKAKKR-Au Illuatratvil Maga/ino. 23 cents per hi.nuin. Tbe Boy in the Fieture.Cit. B 1* Kesditm, a Dislugie The Kire Antiihilat.r. Cut Ti* aml theCat Bird-2Cuta, A tu a .lew.Cut.






**.h BlVM tn $2eni.. to invr.t with th* adfarB .. baa 'uveated tbi like, ln :li* tnanufattua I'.-rle are-- r. w <n ,.--.v- Beered n ar'l paying a

ti a

flrit year.

. .-torr rr t.t Cnexr-eptiuoal rrferrnee* g.vea and reir*f>. Addrea*, with real usme, Box No. i,Jdl Le*r*r Post Offce

¦al ..-

* a^d't;"iial rtptal :. ,i i an*. n a-ut» tart-B * ttanle art':).- of H**dwirr T'ae b>i*in*«* n ta'r ani p'.-'rab'e, and pati weil. S'rck rray be t«l*n ,n l^-ti mm*. ind upward fo tht *Vv* 11 lr,iret«, for furthtr iifcnnalon, J, otfi:f of thn


W A N T E D.T» g<>

AI)\ EikT^KK

Ji.lef derlri us tf procurinf fint-clafi Proteitant and cther-ervaott of *-.*rv capaciry. ara re*pec-f;i 'y inl.irmed tl-*v .-an fine a larre and tupert^r teieetion wiih unexoepti naMr ^i!» -»-'*rrrr. t., -iie mo<t re*p*otable privve 'i _. li.ea ftMANMN'J', No li'Tll _ry*t B.w.klyn.

Lady who School in Parl*. ard



I ha* be*n Principal f a *cme ol th* fiiet A-jdemifi in Nt w- York for t-airn y*.i-i :i deairou-iof ir.akint anrcncement ai Kr-nch T-^toher


Shr alao ariihee co plac. ber ith* r ln a rrhaxil or .r-c N a Sctaool wh*re br eoald aid in the initructloo of his native tongue. Addreas O A , Tnbune Oflice.


th'ni nrw wan'rd hy ever* triveler, hotel. boerdirg, snd houwkeeper; rasily carried. <;alck islei. large pr Pl* Oood *al*tmen rtn mtke .*' to $i'' per risk. Call cr addreaa No iII Bowery.

RICHARl) BROWN, who left Ballac ndred laat Marchtwelre mouth* at/., Counly Kllkaony. Irflaad If ba wall rail at Nn. _l Morton tt., be will bear tjiae-

ti ing to hw adtmtaxe.

DK\ ANY-Kmirral'd fnim lreland five yevf aro; hn Bvad st Rroome Ci. and »h»n last hfird from wu at Sjraeote, Wett. Hn age 1* ahont 21 Any lofrrnatloo ln rrrnrd to him wlll be fladly reeeived by hii

brolher, OII.Bt.RT DEVANY,

Drjden. Tomikmi C>,


N. Y.


k been for mme year* a very rncceitful Teatlie:, w ,b*t to term an e«_age_ifnt In :i Pchool, cr a* OfVfSBSf 1 bl a rrlva:.- ftn.ilv .^-.e wll ittrit :n th- axnoot brmrb**, wl:i. Fnnch, Mu*io, an.l Drawinf- and F»i_tan<. -atiiltrturv reerenct* ...a be ilven. Addr.-u M. II. B.,

Ntw -YoihToft-Offiee.







ED K;r»'. cltt* Coik*. 8eanittre«*ea Chamberroaidi, Waitreaaea and Seivaatfof all work. Excel'ect fltaaflaw ready at No. 148 Oraud tt. ¦ Hoo*e. None need apply KaicynotDry Ooodi Joblung who arr r_penenc*-<l and can control good tradf. Adilr>«« Box hUPoet Oflicf. now


th* work, fii.i !.. I..rm tl.r rratmal* lurn, i.-tt,-ra. TlarT tr.wrilt.-ii *« rua* wraild writ* with u* l»»r ,.f i-nt-i t.^forr lin jy llatyt MtaraPr. t,i«ort,in*« wilh a «ratt dral,.! »j-inlit!it.-Ht un frapl.ic powrr, witli aa oicaamna! baifl. ritrtv,.|anir. nr a fr^blr p»««tf wl. li l.r aiitln 1 tak*- tl I'- ¦!¦'. "i r'ai ,.|a»»y. A »*.l. of aju.rth'-n,..r ..ii.-i. -1 .wt itMliiulLr aktl, lartof mannrra. [.V«w-Yort FotL .

LATBI v PVBLtBBBD: THE BOOK OK 8NOBS. By Wm. Thsckeray. 16mo, Cii.lla '¦ r.-r.t. A BTEP KROM THE NEW WORLD TO THE OLD AND BACK AOAIN, wilh Thoughuon tlie Oood and Evil ln Both. By Prof H. I'. Tappsn. ^vclt limo. $171. TIME AND TIDE; Or, Strlvs and Win. By A. 8. R/>e, authnrof "J&mei Monljoy," kc, _c. 12mo. Paper, -'jOc ; ciotli "'<¦ ADR1AN: A Rorrsnce. Ry O. P- R- Jarass acd M. D. Pleld. 8*.. oi.d ecltton. Paper, 4, cloth, I .



TBOURAND I oafla of the 8KVKN NIOHTS OOTHAM S.Id in One lleek-" .Tne Secon 1 Kdiilon mw illu*lration*. No work on '2b cri.ti, wilh reidy.onlyLue hai met tuch a trrniend., ,* sale. lt i* a Nrw-Yoik .« IkioI that every one ought to read, that they may t> tliniii al.iv p-'tterl in Nrw-York myiteile*. Bl NNELL «. I'RH K. Pul.luben, No. 151 Kulton-ft. nVe at workt of Dante. Taftn. Bor-aeto, \ery low ptlcr*. the Oalileo. Muraton, Vuvi Palcl, Ariotto. Bijaiiio, MsUtaaio, Bonbo, Aretliio. Mselnav.-I.i, Bentevogli,., Banzi Cellint snd Ouioeiaidinl. many athen .f the Tuahiitchln, Ocltioni, be*t Italian » liteis, coinpriiini ovrr 300 volf neatly ta ,_nd CHARLE8 B NORTON, in half morocco. IrvL.g Bookitora-, No.71 I'naiubfi-it. The Odd Krllowi Mannal. IN




Sept. ,'., Philadelphia. will pul, llh on THK ODD Pl LLOIVS MANi'AL, IllnstraMiil tho and Oovernment of Uie Oider, and tha Huloiy, Ptlrciplei IcstiucMooi and Dutieiof fvr-y Degref, Ststion snd O.lice in Odd Kellowihip, with dirritiuui for lajni-' Corner Ston. i. Hall* aod other public ediDedicatlug Cematenea Chapeli, Funeral and Pnnrinifii, Formt lor e

relitioia, Apprala. _c. A>«o Ode*, with Butlc for1 varinui ibiinri*. K.uiU ilifhed wilh sumfruui fngravin. of the KtnMrmi, -e. By Hev A. B <;r.«la. Sini e tha f doptloe of tlie revted woik a great want bai been ,x|<enrtiied in the Order uf a complete Minuai. f.r tbe gnidance ol ltf membera whii-h, whi'e it thould rl.ia idate fvory ftrp at d de^ree, from tbe init'atory to tbe !ii*_»-»t rauk, nii«l t. lor accuracy nnd t'delity, bo who'ly dopei'iisf.'e Thii bai been tbe t*m of ti.e author and publltbrr*m the preparation of the woik. Tbf wlmle ii compnied ia a larso l2mo. vo'ume oi ^4 pagr*. printed and bound m llie mort per:ect manner. Taa iliuatmlo-i contiitof ¦ iteel froutupiu.- and title page, with rearly one hundred hvhly lioubed wood engravloi*. Pnce I' btl per ropy. Agf nti lolicited from every county . nd town tbiougliout tbe l nijn, lo whom a liberal uiKOunt i-i

wiil be allowed._


to I'nole'il'abio. By i H. Vl'iley, oi North Carolina. Tbit . the iirealoit book all mi-am, and raad lt. Pnof'. c-.-uti itby rtlboday. vulv Publith.d ard foriala by No. :<s Chrttnut tt Phllidelpfus. T. B. l'E'IKK-OV S**t K*.l;or M*,a nrj Pnm tl.e l\ hair an at «. nr.* a.i lh* trtd.t.e. t »k.cL h»-r mti* (ama * PaJ rtrrn »j-tr.a -i.-e* II * 'II'-tlrat,. B*. ol Wh* t, tkttt trr raf.frf wortby 1 « . patat»a, iad tl.- |,.-.,ly to \i,t mractiff >'i ol tk* hoek. Hr. WN> RVff f TffT Sllhmt r''.».» "' .* m Mr«. S,ow«,»iad it w,!l h* r^ad w.vh iit*irtt»« the [ro fuftaiao of*Soutlain, and on« alrer.iy t popultri'. Krom f-r Peopl*. A.)., ,»tr. York. Pt.l "1 h ¦>. tl-rSoiiili it tk* pro.lan!a n ..! ,' H w'-r.t'. o.J-- Alai.^ice A.*.*tti.'l»ii.t*oi Berth Carohnt.tutla.r .oaourd m t >*:» spif **.n. an i* « ,fhj t itr^l prrutal. .t-»t.*n.. lu. tn l*< 'tl** Kor tala by a'l Nfwi Agent* and PenoJical dsalen throa ^honttl'f country. A f plendld Menn, -ate i H-nry Cliy.





PORTRA1T. TVTEAOLE'S CORRECT ASHHENRY LAND, ii tli* day pnbllihed. ar.d n.otl re*poctfully dedicat.<i to llie people ol the l nited State*. by tl.e publiiiur, T. B PETERSON,

_L1 ar.dmagr.liKertpic'.iiroof

heiUmt-it.. Fh ladelpliia. T. B. PETEKSON n imly proiid to bf able to present to lhe Amencan l'i Bf-B, s I true. » fitthful. to superb s metinral, of tie nol .'e itatfiman, for wboie death a nati.n V


in. um*.

Thisl^sutiful pieturo of HENRY CLAY wsi paieted by lil llAlBBlBl fTTIITI NEH.LE, M __l fktm st Aihlaad. Kv. It ii fuli leugih, acd reprewmi him iturounded witli th,-iirr',,ia Ki.ct A iRICULtl RS, MANL'KACTl'RES, COMMK.RCE a_d the ART3, and u ti-a well hoown atti tude lif alwayi assumed w hen ad-reanug tbs Senate aod the

tolds of the Amencan Plag. to tha xh**4 of :he fignrr, lend* a b*auty acd u.akei thii not only the beat iik.cis* of Clay in exuts_aa, but one oi the moat bcauUful pieturea ir lhe worll. li .« a very large pi.ture, and wi.l bo s II a: th- VgO V'-'i* of Ona IXiiar ar.d K.tty Cea'.t a copy. lie *r whal tha liailadelpbia l'reff ny of it

People. Tha |i_»*i-l

ha* haee ifH*ar_rCky*alaal, '.' "« ¦'¦

aaut rorfat l h Mfia _,B

Bft* ..rln.rttrii




Ti.* *_|t«. -ith»ut a fraaM. fialr p*i-r. irarr*.: M ild aai li.*! b*__-oa k, . * copy »f E^rv Amama-, ¦«_. .-. fiinutt-uo *f farty, B I .1 ,a | H P.-trr l.n Ial -.1 p-akll.htd t >t.l-*.,i.l Ial f |lk ntTb* lioaa ,*»br»trdfai*_aa i» ,r ,, lt Baffkt't H, -*.> n»t.r»: aad. ,,,.,.....-. tbe*.rrttk..if' .. i_irrr.. .r tLi i .- r.« T-ir-n, r

M<riOt.«-d.'M)ki*tan.»rr t-k









.._>.*. t,,'.B-_-»-l»»i»t»>.h..*h--l. I...-.- Iti* ixmth*

,.H t,


af ti.e n a_-r..l. . Aratle t «kj^ t-frata fl:,*, l»r .aifXt* lo* i ¦ '*.*.. ****.*' r, 0,y i.f Koot 'k* aot ot* .- >.¦.... k -*.***** tb. aid *ttt«»i»*B oi ih* sr»«t T.a* ko.«ra- an trao* [OaiB Nastaiaad ol corner Sprase RRIER, Yuirnl* bv N. CI Tribune Bulldinit; ..- DEWITT k DA1, K.NPORT. ANCE. SHERM AN BTHINOBK A TOWNSLND; ADRl k CO.; »' L0N0 k BH01"11"1 U-

***ftt\\attm h CO.J Bi Nl E k BROTHER, aad »thert ln NesMork. Cc ni* f of the Portra'f *lil h» srnt to any oae bv return of ir.tll to an-y place ln t»f VuUrt Slataa. fr^s"" of p.*lt|f, on tbrir'.^.tligo,,. dollar and fifiyT. ff.°". K imENN u.ixuuu w

.'""T^ pwd.o;rtct«J,ictli.8ubh-hrr. psie, <J8 cbeitBU,^ P|uJfdal#J_l-..

recpectable Woman. Ha* good refer Apply ai No. 211 K'lsabeth-it, id tloor, back room.




mended young Woman Is an excellent Waaher and Ironer, or would do general housework. Knows her b-itiness well. Can give good reference. No objectlon to the country. Wages moderate. Apply No. 2/1


Waafa and Iron

or do to housework ofa private family, by one and as Chan.beriiiaid snd Waitreasor as Nurs* and Seamstress by tbe otber. Tliese Oirls »re vary experienced and have good city reference. Call at No. Tl 6th-av. in the bookstore. _a


HouannAin,Oir). inHaaa | "irata govd refer young


reapectable family, by. a! No 204


Ap; 1?

Hester-st., tint t! >or. Woman wants n

AN Girl AYocno pla'n American


to travel as Nurte. or with aa lnvalid. laaBBB t.r Mrs MI LL No. M llrth st, betweaa .th and 7th-ava. wants a situation in a firat private family a* Chambermatd or Waiter; laa rate BeWM or would do general housework ia aamall family. Tbe beat of city refereoi e* can be given fr >tn h-r iast place, where tl.e lived the loi thr.-r year. Caa be seen for two or tlree days, ifnjt engaged. Call .1 No. blAJ Waa). ing atrMt on tint tloor, back room.


Lady of Education, and who

wiitesa good hpnii. isdesiri. ii ofobta'oing aither of tiee or otber, fot wnich ibe could receive a lil>eral Sinara aaanaeaaatiea. Adaieis, post-paid, coi'Yisi', I'uionetc. Post-Ottice, within a week. stating lusiuess, Ur.i.s,

beit Servinti in the ,-itv are waiting fur employment ln tbe city or country, atKERRE'8 Agency; No .7 Duana rt. neir Broadway, lata No III Broadway. '

Ihmtllt*, for 'arie number of Children ofbnth l5 table alao, ot Women with In'anU. at low waget. Api'lla

texet i

estion to be mtd* at the Ofticeot tueC-tniuissiooers of f'.migikt.. n, in the Park. i* diHlroua of a .ituation ¦. Book-Keeper ln a reipectable ha.ose. l'nrle'it-ndi b<*k keepins by double entry. Salary not *o ninch an olirrt aa »n air.eabla plaee. Referencea |iveu. AdrireiiC. K offireof thi* paper_


ADVERTI8ER rpHE I method of nianufacturinr Cruclblei byImprored machinery, lms


foi whlcb a patent has been applird, and li ditly expected toiHne He wantia paitner lo inveit alwut $¦)"" in the of nrctuary moldi snd ni-chiueiy, hy which ireat numbeii>>.crucblei can be made very itrongly and bandmniely. on the patert. and iind inconia nny eurity will betbegiven invcitment. Addreis CRL'CIBLE, st lhe he n.arie hy iflici ol tlii* pspet^_



TKA( rliwically



cducatrd ard well qaa__M to coud'ict the latini to the Ennllah language, aad elocution, ai otlier brarch.-i. Term* inoderste. Ad drei*, within s wtek, O. H. E., st tht*




of * Threod and Neee.le ln one of tbe most detti nson Broadway Thebaalueaa has teea s*vertl yeara est.bii.hf.l. The stoek eonaiats ot Huaiery, u ln g.xid order. snd will bc soid cheap for casb Ad.trtia A. M Tribune OrHce. or ofa PnatiBg Eetabliifamial. a W*ealy N»wsrar*r. B.i* ar.) lab Ott laa, ail ia fjll and 8'iee**sf-tl "P*raiit o. ia t*w ode.rrl for i.l* on very tavorable terma. as t> pr. | r-tor's time is occuptsd with Jlli-r bjsioe.s. T.. a thoro'.ih praercal p.ittrr. with a mec.-rste capitkl. tbe to be m»t wuh l.oal. ve preients an opperturity ealitv ar.l aii.irew m.y belearoed op>n appitcatiun .: V S. Near York. I'AL'Mr B -S Tnl.una to \ T v ot Drv Oe. d. tbat wvuld be marketable In a Weat¬ ern Siate. llliaoia, for whtch will be given a p.ece pi pr tituatfii within three mile* of ibi* ::tv tbe balanee ln cash. Ttie stoek muat be in g x>d order. Apply to JOHN SfEPHCNS, M tbe tl. * fibisai

above enm ean eeaily I.e tnat* by any in.iut tri. u. mn. of rtspe-t.tale oAArtta. who au .ommaud a ini.ll e.pit.l (*.o begin witb) of froui tib to $V)-no ..theis

applv. by emagttig fcr the mbst.iber in the B K>k ii.magwen Agrnc. H.i'ioes*. Rsfcrein-e re.i'ilred Ku 11 .l.r.-, a. j^atpaid, toJ WCHESTl IL N r.t..;.. Ct. tn net-d


A C. A., Tribune


AY.ii Woman ANeat. x;





Cixk.ilia rerfectly underslands butlnesa l'nder.tsnri. baking snd pattty ; ia williof to asaist io washiog and ironing. OocA rity referenc* can b* given. C*nbeieeu for two .ia vi, No >> Ith at between »th and 7th avs. INDUSTBIOCS and tidt touno Wemtkt wants a ntnation aa ChanibermaM or to do ia . small pnvate latnih ls a good general housework aod understand ner dutie* weil. Caa be waiher and Ironer, seen ft.r three d*y* at No. M Nsrtli Moore-*t _

wnnls a sitimtion as t li.mbf rm.l.i; «nd to bm isr ia waihlng tnd irr.nnig. and to take are ot ei.i'.lreo i* waltir..' and plain wi.hog to make heiaell u»eful Best of etty reference a* to heneaty aod eapabulty Call at No 89 llth st, bst»a*n Mh acd th avs. lit floor, front rooin. Can be s**a for two days.

Girl AKi.spei"I'.mile aeWlog


yodng Woman wanta a situation aa Waiter or Cliamb*nuaid in a private can be given from bar oi referene* best Tl.e ity fau.ily. Can be seeo at No 23 Troy st, oear ith Pt, for last two dsyi, if Bot engsgfd

ARespectable pVe.


habita AToubo Man of u<..>.l baaUieaaretpectable

ls daKiO.isof conneclin him-- K wilh some'on nut ao much of ao bjaat aaarermaneiit iituati-n. Beat of refeieac* givsn. Atldresa N. M. B. st this office. a* 8*.'.maji


Man of Hberal edncation,


he is at present ln erobarrasied elrcumstancet, t. like to occupy a few houi. of ,th* day in writlDg, or som* uthei intellectua! emplovu.eiit, for a autable remuneration. 011 ce AddrealC I> W vt




want- u



from New-York to waH oo s family or a gtctletnsn Nu -J Nassaa-s.. U.ookl n.

Califoroia. Can be found at

to travel would accept . situation in a clsss 'ami.y, as attendaot cn a laiiy. BbaB an excellent rmbroideress Wuuld not t'.r,: to ti.s ct.untry. For reference addrea* M. S.thl* w




tiaclnng and awaiUii an eDg»rrment. ,;,.>d





lletnan .rui W'lf* f.n procu'e Board lor th* remainder <>t iheseasvt. tn . ptit ate f.-nily.a stilte of booiii. ou the Hrat I'ofi.a lia* vi*wai tb-- Hudaon River L\i'i.n u**r "t, Rorkland Co. Addree* NVAl K, ibe

vtllae* Braedweg Pest-OHice. P. S..'1'he lo;atl..n I* ei'ial to on tbe river, and accaslble twlce a day by stein.soat.


lituation will bf otlered ln a Boardin* An antwer or inrervtew ran be had on



Monday or Tuearay of Box No. HR New-






'ANTED.A H'.u-.'kfe;.er, \\ ^\

wh>. i-

thi f t! :ient. aod ean give uoexceptior.iMe refaretce* laaoeiabl miltiintbe country. Applv at the C.inton Hotel,, on Fnd»y, Htb in»t-,betwein


Pr..v-:by twof*D*ral "\T|7ANTED.Situation. House Ctuimberma'd" lt lOirls: ai


cne aa other as Waitresa or


Cbdd's Maid W juji




DEL WVAKK SE.lM Maor.y. CENTF.B HOUSE.len.rh K. Meor.y, Col.l MBIA HOUSE.L. iiarwnod. ATLANTIC HOTEL.Joaeph Mi-Makln,


l bTATEB H -TKL.Jsmes Brown, AMERICtN BOU8E ,...M. Reynolds, HOI


\f tkiechargeofaFeniBlebepartment

o.k._ -ns r ANTED.A good Pastry Cook for a country; aood retorance reqaired.. Naw-I


BeMltaJtb* AddressT. H BLAKE, Aslor IKl young . -




ILCOX. No ?JI Broadway C.n.'int By E IItbeWbr*t Ini'.itut:,,!*, Famiilo*. Teacheri and bj nrgotiatlon* ad Matt ni. Ojrpj-rcent in advance on oor y-ir canceliuon tbe re<iuiredcoinpeoiation nrocuiei van eespeciei.and aipo-iiDlf Secured by « tianiferable Check. Apply euly n»


wilh Ihe monay and full informatlon,


(rirls.N«*w 'ANTED-.ProtflBtflRt N. B-ln consequenee ofth-great

wtf v


I ro numtrrof ca.!*forrrot»rta;it " help" at th- heiect re*p_cttr.tar t Aieoey " No. 7 Carmlne *t.. eoroir bth-av., for h»lf thn ai.le l'r,.tr*fant Oirl* will be given lituatiooi in fr,- ii.ually cli»rird. Ai thu l* the only I'rotettant Offiee tl ii, a* tbe charif it Irff, aod a* all our cuttomen hava ars otticef wl.i.h frnealiy officea two the pnvilege of proc'ira rfknown to be the very be*t placef in thu clty toabove all. ai acd gcod lervaoti; and ipecti.'.le ittuatioei in b.indrediol wrvants here obuin iituationi every week. that sll tl.c leitlamilieiand withcat delay, It U exp'-cted 7 i arto No. wi.l oome wortiay ssrvints who want iltuatioai nowha*,.' -I*-. Place* .- R ;i^Chaniber»-st,_iid .reaev to-day for Mr Cooka eight Cook, a-d W ¦fhera.alaven thn* Sea".itr-t..i, and Nurfei tao wcrk i.itls, il gete l liai .heima d.. two lro_erf, aud nvetal otXier Qltlx. Ano, a

aoL.ed Waiter



a DrrGoodi Jobbing "\I A irnart. activr ltd. from It t 17 yrarsof \ * OneANTED.In 1, wh.. reaiae* with his p.irrnt.nreterred tlt.ry, ute.


tn. ttn j ru,

Address Box No. 2.112._


-ituiirion u Book-kflflp\T N*w-York tr in iomi weii-etUbllahed hou»e W'ANTED.A in

Cut bv

a' Man who ;t a good

penman aod






g'.vbaalaasa sH-euen ln any C-pabllitle*, an.l tlf bett of refrrrnce ai to eharacter snd tbn *d. AddrciiHF



T"irANTED.A Clerk in


offiee._ Dry


year- af WANTED.A Lad about 15**2**.t__a

.ie ai apprentice to the Wat. hmaktag tradf. Ap¬ 1''and-ply, V1 with reierencri, betw-en A m.lNM-ELD. No.iL'Joha-it.


ard wbo can c_-imsod an exteniive hbrral aklary will be O.A 1, Trii.ure t **

ure trade. fo whom s




15,»y- about l'J or 17 "ll^ANTED.Two > > '..*n cf sgs, t. learn Bra_* Pint__iiig aad T-ra»|. T .,



»h, .

II WALKLR Uwiatat,cer.Caatra J.RO t****J*4 an c xa





-VNTED.Experienced Canvassers, "VIT » \ to obtxin luMcnbenforrf"TheNational Portrait Oalao*t poruiarw.rk lfV-th* thf<flBja.,*__ '**""-


or wratructrea*







te m a



n a*


ia .

be na a'ao tMih Mwc .asisV V. Jl A i.s etxe. ,



in an



.ktonm you ietters

J; Re'.-trccr rv-iuired. Ffrry -





furnithtd Kooatt, wiiB


..-oo* m

H.ard, laf rt*v*ctablr familv. wn.rr thvcoraforta al tbneae c*n bf fbia n«d. Addrrtt, w.ih t.i.m, whlcli muit bf aodto W. W thi*





Uootl Boitnl aml

J* K. om*


Id a rtUred pBM of tht city. Tha va. eac.«e laige BfBBBB rt-.-ms, wiih or wuhuat bt.tiooma al* I*. i.d. tle\ iwo coiufortabla bedrooin*. Hot. told aad .h.awei ball.t ia tka ha uie. A.Kirrf, IV ALTK.rlS, Tribaaa are twc


U* tmti* u laal




and their W tvet and *i»glt Oentlassta tt Na 19 l n','0-».iBi_e, wrtt uie, u r.i a'l 'he modtia intprovemeatf, H mreof tbt beat Ixauoni and rn-*t com i.rtablt an.l well mastged Hi.atefin ihtf city. N.< ttktn Ra. ferorct* exchangrd. Cocducitd by tba Propuetor,



or rooipa furnlthed or oot; aid wilh botat or pmit* tahlr, aad ai I'nion I'tik Hoo-f, N¦* 22 art 21 IB_tt. oratcorxtr Bicad way and 51th et. Then att chotoe Io, t>l.r* nn |i <Matt *'t«*i», exten.lw baek grvaadf, op*a ai.d hraithy.

lD .

irrf tinei'. at No



th all




IN Eaat

IWhtt. Ilottat aew, Krfritnc* tichaafed.



lt:e upt-errait .. Iheclly. in a plain family, Btrlctrf Addrett E W. B Betleg pinata Ref-**rxc!.ani.d te:in*. whieb in ;.t be vny uioderate, al i'tibunt Oriice. ,

fornlt. ed

OentWuiee, Iroadwty.


anfarnlahrd. lultabU* Ihr Ftimlift ot Ba*

al No. US

Bletahsr-et, third hlooh wtttog

CHAMBKR.I.IV. R, rth Kiver Hmite. N.>. 21T I flw prrma* nrar W'**liio»ti*o ll.ik.r b* i.-.-i>ni»..>,*ttd wtth B wil *( *A W i to let wilh or without *e\. \ *o, furniilied 11

W aatm fton .1,

nent H. aider. can i-i





.ti'rv fiont Room tnd Bed room tn let. wlth Board, to Otntlrman aud hit ll'ife. at N.i 177 K.itt toutb

ilde, b«tw*ea Rutgert tnd Jr Bervon tl*.


BOARD.Pleaaant Rooma

to 4at funitiird or .lnf.n nltn.-.l, wlth full or partial B- ar.,, in a houie wlth tli tba -n. ,l-ro Imernvementa, oa* by a Freich 'annl\ whtrt lhe French It only lupled and tba E,.|h b but lltti v Frtuab le*funa|lven la .pokto, tbt avenluH. Tbe lady wlll iltc llvr itftont to Um ladlaa at the boute, or abruad Baftreactt txthanftd. Addrtra II *at .l-ll *t N¦.




8t. Mttktplart, fur itn,tle Oentlrmw, with Hoard. Oentlemen detlrnu* of hicing uleiuant and tiry n-umi, neat' furiilihrd. ti d well attrndrd to, ctn o* II fl the abova lynuiiil-er. The houte hai all the ni,',lern luiprovemtntf. Dianer hour atti Rtlerenciieachinged.



n -i ard tht-ir Wivea or a few almle be acccniD.odaled with pleafaot, air* lr..l

Oentlamea, Rjmhi*, tn a

prlvata fauiily, where U.era aie a few trlrct huardttr. Tha noiiif ronttin* all tlie modern Improvamrnt*, hot told, aud 'iii, and location pleaaant Dinner Ibr Ofiilleinea at No bl) lVr*t 2lK tt




II ith. ui ui*ait, for ,i ,.-..ii*n only..Two pleaaant l(,,,n . r, thr ...<-..a..i i! mr. at No V II hli., tt a few doora wett of Bnadwty -tdedithlt locatiin for fiatltmeu wbo teik qaietnr**, eftiniint** an.l ptiaitnency


botub anft Roome. ROOMS, atNo. 17 Bondof elfirnntly fui'iiishcl ApartJi.PURNISHED *t-ForHlngle Otitlemen. wlthont board Oentleba obtained * private firatmen driiroui of flrdlng a noma, wiib platttnt alry second iloor

ASU1TE FAMILY.' pWeantlyliT. A PRI VATE Ferry, Bn.oklyn iligbts, fecood-story mei.ts nn



ciaaahi BM, witb board, oear/itlu.v. and Addreaa M ADAME, Tnbuue Otlice.

let to

eiUed on ue or



near Fulioo would fr int young men a furoished without Board Terma ntoderat*. and ref-


Roorn, wilh



Br i.ctH.y, believed to ba among the moat deairable ali respect* to be bad in tha city Also, may be had. oneortw* s.i.iil*. rooms. Partial board lf desired. Referentes *a>



commodateit with a deairable Room .rui full Board at Br....k.fu.Mrs. HAHRIKTL. WILBON.

W.liiai. -at,


Tbis Hotel ts by far tha most airy, spaclou* and aeatial putlla btiuae la lh« Clty of Panama JOHN 0 BOWLES, FropHeto*

r.r Wasiiiogton sjuare, tt Let.To ona ortwo sinwith or without Breakfast aad Tea Kirst glr (Jer.tlemen,hi.u.e. :.., rr,ate Kngli.n and (jemian spokaii No. 1 St Clemer.t'aplsce, (McDougaJ st., between vVaverly place and ( lUitoB-placa ) _

l> OARD..Rooms tolet, with



_Board. la . house baving all lhe modera ImproveA b**em«ot for aa odio*. B*fer*n«e* rsqulrad.




1 O.-sei.



tih at

BOARDING. Embracing flm facilitiea

cf up and down-town commnnicattuos by Railroad center of baslpei* to within one block of houje. K Dedueted Much reduetlon from dowo town . Yxlrp large Rooma nn second floor, Ic Larga Oarden, 8a h, Ac. Every attention given. Apply at Ns r>H Hudaon st, near Ablugdon Park, or addrea* X. U. P , Tnnt






BOARDING--At Nob. 45 and

47 Eaat Wifa Also, tot Broadway, for a Oeotteman and A few day Room*. Oentiemen wlahlog pleasant slogla eao he boarders provldad fcr. Btla, aot aad aold water. Apply Bt No. -ttV_


lHU Eaat 15th-8t.,


wilh eommoBtuyveaact park, in a pri.aie fami.y, of spartments aitttd to faiuili**. Also twoor tbree K on.slor a.rgle Oeniiameo. Tha House laaew, witb gas, warm and cold bath*. ate. aei can be obtaiaed at No 87 lrv_|-pl*ce, oa* block eaat of I'nluc-au.uaia. dioua suitei


Hm rr*, ntttly furnlthed tnd well atten.lrd tn, wilh a BrtctIv privttt ftruily, can ,io .>,, uy ctllins at tbt tbovt number. Thc boute Iii* all tha nadein .jovrui-uori.

.Tbt houte and furniture, V^URNISHKD

ROOMS without In avery


ittpeot, I* tirtt

c'at* tnd modern i ha* hot and told beiha aad will at all tim** be mtiln (fntahle and uultt, woeld let baek parlor. Cail b* i* iu A M or after 7 P.M , tt No. 141 Chambari tt.



No. M8

f Biotdwty, enrner of ii lh at, Nnw York-I* fhlf day ru'i-iied for the rteeption ol guttfl. Itcoiittlnt two auari ,1 ii na*, rrjiiV,* with every moilern eonrtnlemt, iad lf fiirnlihrd tlnoiishout ln a ityla »f tltganae. at leaat, nut far* l.v .inj Uotrl tt. lha Clty .ifNrw-Vork. It wili hn <pt 9,i llie American and I ur-pran plai* coinblued, and tlie r*Ma,iiant and lahla d'hote wlll he ui lha mott «uperioc ci a-a r Tlie location of tlie H.r ae lt In tho c.or.tar ot tha m.'.t Inihlonttilr p. rtu.n ct tha ,n' /, and tht proprte'or, wlll iptre no rxrriliu to makt their bnito tnt of the firtt r lua .at Kiaaiily liot'If, whilt, at Ihe ia.ia time, they will ba to lectivt if gtt.l* tliiie v/ho may ttmpjrtilly nait happl th« city. N I Kamlliet and partiaa fuppli.d wilh menlf St lha ihorleitnollct..New-York, Jun* I |H_.




CO, Praprittora

and G~r^YLEiVn^"Triiil]^]rWlV-^^ applylng

I .muit Oenlle.,en *an ubtain good Board tnd pleatant ,,'t ln a iood i,*:il.hi.rlu A >u-irg tim loltuitnt' walk a'. No. Ki Stitu fl, K*rry, Biooklyo, by l.etwern Clintn and H.nry-M* H' South

H OBOKEN, NEAR tim FKRRV.A PLEASANT FURNISIIKD ROOMS LET WITH B04RDROOMS ji ROOBfS WANTKD-A OeaUamaa ^aii be irconimojiilrd wi'h gnn.tol wtlbout B. »-,i corncr of Hudaon and

few f»entlrrn*n

ApdJtmeii'*. witb or l*t (tt.Hoboktn.

loLKT. with Bmkfast and Tea, tt No. 28 Jsv tt., W'aihlngton aad Wttt, aaal i'"t North River.


Rtfritncc* exchanged.

to Kuitthle for Iarntl.fa aad timle O»oil--mrn lu a fxrtta cita hou*r. rrp'et* wlth all tfM n.odero toipruvauMiitt, No. 1 Writ Ith-*'.. Refrrencr* ex>:l angtd. and ll'ife (no chiMrrn) wi.h to procur* two or tbrea H.^ri .. t.i aa BM Baav, with water convai.ianrrt un tojun. faittitud r ,,iilurniti-rd. in t hoate frum whlcb liiey wlll bot Ire obligrd to move on tbn li it of Miy n xt. Tbt lo>:a* ton n.i.ji 'la-.ny, n.,t t:.ovn Amuy-*t, aad :t in Br> ,*l>n. wbich w iul,| not *>: sRieettsaak r, not mutn tliari live miLute*' walk trtm Fultou Ferry.) ni ihe family in the bo'itao:.,tl Le imall, rt.prjr-.hl.;. an.l t o tuutfl eniWren C-iuaanicctioni-ddr* , A Ut KKOOF BKADKR, . «. lf th.-v give ev, ry o. wiil be attr-iidtd t i. A ra,,, c-inco tut t _¦ utael family having more room

onimodations, BiJARD.With Gentle?m«n and BOARDING..Two single R OOM LET.Nu. ChaniS1NULK OENTLEand sin^lo Gentle- T WO THREE BOARD..Familics an.l lin^le TO LET.A hanilsornely furniihed Par¬ BOARDING..Fainiliaaa applying Rjcadwty. in .SOUTH HROOKLYN.. BOARD ^onoca to ltl PROPERTY toLET. Broadway. tdjoia. BROADWAY OARD DOWN TOWN..A few faort, B ply raapeetaUe [* d-atfly. Apply Fnrni-hfd Rooms tolet,with BOARD.-. HOUSE TO LET.-T»i« paaaMaasa BOARD1NU unfurnished front B OARDING..Larjre rejpooalb'e Kamily. THOMAI MORRELL, oathapriiuiaaa,


their Wive*

u I:.





tbey wai.t.


Oentiemen can b* acemmodated aod uootd at Ho. 173 f.a*i Broadway.


ber* tt.

Refere occ* exchaiiged.


nen ib

a. MEN, ora rjentlemaa aod II ifa may obtala pleaaant Rood.i w-.tb food Bnaid. at No. 178 H-daon-tt. t' n hftaB has all Lh« n.. drm ImproTtmtni*. Referencef excl.anged.

Ger.tlf men m*y obtaiv all toe eomfortsof . privat*

lor and Hedi'joni with pantnrt hetwrtn. on ucmA floor. taapii-.tte Mr and tn a iood hcatioa Terma modtrata. Apply imaMduuly at No T) Bleecktr-st., near

ae«"b cf Board will fnd dellghtful tuiteiand tlt*l* Rooma al No. ft Waat lld st, near bth-av. Beaaraaieae req-ilred. Houae nrw, with all lmproveuiaat*.



aitiia'ANTED.By Lady. a3o*ff*ta toWM.TEKRY.sjle A|act, Ro. 113 -U_sm-4tmM 2.7y esub_L*d T ii'iuT. acherinIb sem* wallfamily. > St-ry._ pnvate Scbool, «^7~" t-taatoa. i.rat.che*, loeladtng tescl.oiallthehigl.*rEi:g'.iab taacb from l6to 17 years Freach to LbMbBM TT/T ANTED. A Lad natide V-ill aW AJ-B.-Tbc UmtmUkm.road\ Omca. Trlbtiaa O\ f oil. wfcoeepar-cu H gheat leferecc** glvu. Addre** S-, Huur. OEN1N, No^^d way. well expeTEACHER, FRENCH and competent Ui«* foer y*ar* beaa r.esivd hl* aroviae*. aad ha*I'r.ivamty. k.vnr maU eaottal of aither teatwsnty. ia a^stroa*. Am«rlcui gased teat-i._g of '»«»«»« have ItydT.I-ni, ba.ine-1 tbato|»ptrt«airj; Youtily uvtag BttaMtb Tuuvror Seminary. BSCtileg*. willI y.eld *-***.*""_ jatb*|th*etty^or Lr*B Baaide* ImCitBtioe. ***> -*¦ ***** Bo__»aa*s tRa te Zt%taxAjfS*4 at Cail



aid hit Wife, a*d iwo r three ttage OeotJtmea, I'Hdatrd aith pleaaant roomi by apely n|tl -*'r,i. witbiu thiee uiioalfs walk of tke loetfl

n an





mediateiy, be eicspt tbey Umperate an.l li.duitnouf mfn. Kor ipply u.iormaiioia, in.|uire at No 61 Coortland it.

Apply at li WaUs-at.

OntriBg. Itwtuiat the Weat. crmpeieat loteacl. PaiatiBg, ti.e *old bxanche* To cieota: Mus c. Kreneh LBng'.age, aod None meet w:.l be aalarr given. llberrJ tocb acrea very refer*a<*a*. Ad«xe*pt sueli .. caa farnial. aatiifac^ry apply ACADEMY.eare Ttlbon* Btilldica^ V. B. Palmer, of fixw


can -t *.-,.,n


aod ga* ;a large or acuall rooaaa, havntg pastrlgs Fnn<y Good- andad bce«ch,me free ATTANTKD.In u*e of batha, by at No 187 ttb-st. Jobb.og Houfa, aa exoer.-ct,_d\\ P.per Ha_i;cg will that LadvTt'ucher. ANTED.A tbe with fsney good* "\V P Jrfmsr. 'ro.cuiLly convsrsaat maa Aca-iemy eaih _ad ahort

aake tt-.-maelve* gfneraUy umtul.



onSundajt. Inqnire


NowY*rk._ Wantod imO BLACK8MITHS. 1" or 12 firit-rate BUeki-iitht ReBB B "*d


ire... t v Wi rrai. to eock, privats fa- 'ralhi-useworl, or would do chamberwoik all at No. 71 Oraen-«t.. ln ly Hsigtci're'e.eoce. Plosae Can be leen ior two 8a)i. th* rear.ieecnd d.or, bnt I'.oor


areneeair.jinred. Addreaa PORTKR, Inbuna OfBcs. PARTY of (itiitl.'mi'n have now rd opportnnlty to aeeure a suit of rooma at, No.Inbft



Baglf Oenlla-



.A Oentleman, s Kbolar of sdntinsulihed L'nlveriity ha* itudy, an.l hke of Oeraiaay, who baa made fducatlon hii been for year* Profewor in with acd Kran:e. wouid any Inivrrsity or Colto enter into aa arranirniant le.e t'or the teachlnfof ancient and modern langnagas. msthematica hnti.ry. rtc etc. He eomes hnhly reaouiuiended. Box No "*i6 Post-Officf,


or in »


C tPE MAY, New Iar**v -The prjpn*to-aof the fblHotela at Cape laland have refitteil the.r est.bllshm*t.t.t this seasop. ai.d are low prepared to reeelve vialtors. tlatter themaelvea th.t Ibeir accommodatioiia .ree.mai, and in *cmr re.pecta auperiorto^. Bpnngaur ftiewpt-it, ai,d thev t*apei ttully re.)ue*t ihe traveliug publlo of N*w-YotkHnH itt vicinity top.y tb*m a viait the approaehhealtb. trg leaion, elther for pleaiure or lhe leatoratu.n of Ilt celebrated watertog place li note.|ualed far ita bathing advantsgei oo ti.e whole llne t.f coeat: tl.a i-.nnjt be the beauty it .llords for « |s> lurpaiat-.l for it*ltisafety, ar.d we w.iul.l state that a regular conneecun Itgbttul llon of Ocean Steamera leave New-Vork .t xiYlock anddail) I' M li m 11 N. R reacbing Cape lalaml the followii:g niortuog at b A. M where carriiues will always be in rr.ilirei* to convey paasengers to the dlrlerent hotela, over a fuir turopike bullt last lun.uier. The steainers of this line are compmed of tbe Saml Seymour. hi NNEBEC.Capt Chaa O. Clark. PENOB8CI' 1'.(apt. Whitack*r. Tlie itentuer is ei.ttr. ly new, built expresaly for this route, tv ith splendid sta'e-u. nis, brldal roou.i. ka Th* oth*r two iteaiucri bave bsen ttn.rougbly overh.uled. and rrtitteii with t.ew furnitura Toe fare to Cape May and Philadelphla ii $-, niealiextra. C1IAHLKS B 8ANDKORD, Agent CON0RK88 HAI.L.W.11 .Mu!*r, I'roprtetor.


'o*t iBflutftloaahlf refcrwrn-f in regard to sharacANTED.A Wtt Nurse for a younL' dter andtl.e abUUj \\ Aaaen W I HOWXLL, lhait *d, *ou-,try. Surtolk Co, L. f \ Us'.*, few hoBrVirlde by rBllread in attheUu* L_ Api ay leave their uame aod reeidence Adiir.i-W B. W._ nn iniiii-tii'Mi- OflT11'ANTED..Ui with tha \ T i.,,n Oeelleman, very well i.-fiimted "1"* ANTED.A situation byM dh tha Tonng Enslith linsurrand fully conipetent ke«p boekt, kc, wsab aad earti b



be a»,-i-,ati>i-j«la,e.i with .in«!a*, ha_d*o.>»a'a furnlthed. with Ibe .ue ot tat an.l haih. in th* *lr«*nt alona i.*.¦-- No. HH Katt I'.ith tt.. ona block abovt the Clartodja H.lcl. -tiuaiion uii*ui|._*f .1







pepaofl axperienced in a trradual- of enf of our lefl Collegei. I*

a Ia

to a lady. Would like to travel or go Bouth but panion would bave no objectlon to an engagement in the .ity or rnt.r.t. v rVirv not so much an object as a deetrsble home. Tbe blgl.**t referen.-fscan begivan. Addreaa for two d*y*

un* t. r

tocenon. a flw BMI} be bad, witb Board. in a pltaaiat .'aaik li, ui Soulh K*rrv. in a Houff kept hV ta t tt-rti. wher* lliry would bemre ol ail the a-.imfc.ta olh. u.«. R«fcr«i.c«f gr.fn aud if i-liad. Apply al No. 100


rVVg tho .We amount. or moro If reKeeH bastaaasa, witb aom- peraou quued, in the Flour and alresdy *|iab!l.h-.-d. Address K L Trlbone Ortic*.


ai to .mut in

Ha wuuid comtnenee at anv time prevuu* to the *.itui- prnd-irrd Lapy wisbes for l«t of November. Addre*f R R. N, Tnbunf Offiee. tion ,.s (rlave.neas ln a private quautied A ORADUATE of WEST POIN P, to icstruet iq all tl.* biaechea tf an Eogltth educatien rpo Would no objectlon to aaaiitwiththaaewinfand.suI or i'.r one nf for 6tf te Militar* School*. an f iigiblf ...mor aa of small Scho.l ol hi«h a tbe go


tcribar bas

t) ext*ed ta one or ra ts Cipitaltstt tt ln luch an oppomioity as i. s*ldo-n met witb. to embwk io aa proapeeteperat'cn whtch ccmbines sa/ety t*ith ai lrnmeii** H* ha**eeui**a the poa*e*sion of * fr aet o' laa! ui Nottb Carolina tabish lur yeara haa bera proritaVy work»d fer (Jo'd. with whicvi tb* srvl ti -nipregnated. b'.t ta t* \ «hot* d.'arc* from th* surface, th-* rock betcrpt- e- it.-b -o C.itiper, as tc prevent tha itamping of tae for (lold. Tbu Copper ii found In grea-ar .*> jotaaee Sjaartl ard nebne*. >h»n arywtei* 10 anv of the Eaatrrn Sttt**. Th* mm oi tlav*** u on'y wanted M carry out tbe -i.-ra-ig*maot wbich advanee will ae*ur* uoe-fuurth of the property f. r-v-r llply a fewesjs .reia't f. -t ;ot:ipi«".eg '.ils arr.njemant. Samplesof ibe or* ean be aeen, »nd full paflli nieil had, oo sppiicatkn at B1ME0N DRAI'ER'S A. B., A.-ni


AS Cook nnd





lOthav., corner of

at No. 223


thn wtll prove cotunand fnin 51 i"1 to Addr_n, (itaung iea! veiia-ent, non>- other o*rd nsnie and reiiiWnc*.) M. W Tribune Otlwe.

'1 he Oarn)K)«e Tree. .h* Snare.Cnt. What Suk*. Bl rn. Tl.e ..I tiie W'ren.Cut gutarnptioBs received at Ni*. 137 acd 683

Irouer, by



in BROOKLYN.-Deairablo

anl ROOMS- For FIFTY F'OR SALE.The stock, fixtures. BOARD Fancy WANTEI) O. INFORMATION To I'RINTEKS..Tln- whole, poii BOARD.l*arlor**, -ingle in stiits I~ LN FORMDrpo*itATION WANTED of THO-'. rarely Rootii*, laat Fkmltifla imdSinBaU.fs, BOARD.VITANTED PURCHA8E bj 0.llflRRigi iu IN-lRUirnON..A Lady. wh. has -valaet'.9M| BOARD.Waflted Eogtlsh with twdrooma, .Tho Bdvartiaar arishaato BOARD..Larjje <&?) H? .*."(WWI ile 9,000 DOWN TOWN.Al PAVINii-STONE..Wiinro.i to 8200 PER MONTH.The Favirg-Stone. Apply BOARDING 100 I peraoo PARTNER WANTED..To B.»rd.; 11,181. BSJBOdfl ipply. app'licat.i. R Dl NU..Two thi'*© (UflUflflBBfl BOA Cnmrner Retreate. PROTE.STANT SERVANTS WANT in the COUNTRY.AG.mivpry ploanant RRRRflrf BOARD BOARDING..A Silk and WANTED-In Rroadway, SALESMAN

MEN WANTED--To7eilaome-

ac<i'iaintrd with tiie p.nlit1 Ire buiinef*, an.l lbi,-

Angti.t Nnmber. Tl.e Ptandard Bta-er'i Welcome.Cut Bible Reading. No 2. 'I I.e Siury of Little Maria. cl.ap. 1-Cut.



COACHMAN MINE.- ", COPPAR hlapewer 1^ XPERIENf EDSERVANTSL.Frr> r,. ItaBaa N'xrad.irmle _*an sn.l a Protetcaat Tha beit dty nfertnces rtqui.-ed Aoplv at No 113 l.roedway.

UP COUNTRY LETTERS..D. AP- AS plnin Cook, aml good WashaT and large number of the SERVANTS..A SEA lewi*| AS Cook nnd flnker. l>y well C ITUAT10NiTWANTED.ln respec- Tl.ey

PLETON CO, No. SOO Broadway, hiva juitpubliahed. LP COINTRY LETTERS. Edlted by Prof. B-.Nationtl Obieivatory. 1 vol K'uio. Paper cover, 6Uo.; cloth, 75 centa II r laavr b**n »|r*»*hl| «irpri.»il by th* e»t»rt»inmr_t w* h*v» .l.r.. fr..i l.,..kir.f <.i*r tlua woik. It if a steffd eftk* iarid»fl* ol i guirt tuaflip liir m t iiaa.iaiiUin.iai* rr|i..n of tiiit State. tta aLaata.!. I fr.aii. fl* w.ilt. Doinraar iu. i.lrntt. tl,* fortuna* of »,,d iaIareeafM ».th tw,, ,.r ti.rrr tbf lan.ily, nral ,.,, upatioi... whach it thrown into lli* of


lig ei'*«.fer . arfie* tf -a **'>!* b*oka.-glai to Had 1 ei. n witb on* or two th.-'taad tu Ma him aad ccntrol salea. .' M," tbu. rtii-e, with refer-nee*.

.>r at UM T-uifenaaf

Hoaae, No «» Baralay* .. r*.*m, faitaS.e fcr t p*rty ,*f thr** ot lar BB8 Ger.tirn-fa or a Oaatleajt* aad hf Wlfc Alao, t-f_____l beardf ri can bf accomeiMareJ xia vacant


ChkincfB for tJttBtiuei Hlfti.




BOARD.--Two afla large


110.000 WANTED..Aboat g.--**_rful L>fnt wmt. d ln X


tlir,*,' Irentli-nien,




UlCRaaaaat_ PRICE TWO CENT& Rooma and Board at > Na Si Pultoa-fC fcr Uanataot, day aad fl.| IJOAKD..Cood &*H) M M f# .PARTNERSHIP.. *m\ MalOn V u-,-:.,4,, rarteM iSba- artlM three amgle Rooma t'»ct*'.


Sti ck


a smsll, family. ln f frat prlvtitbutt. eiart-d-ea d. uN* am! minngi« room, c«*t aodaew furaiihed, st Ho.


8TORR..flriarv. *.'-* Acd;«*>.JOHR-OR B i. t OMca.

st., on PoplarFulton Farvy,


t*e -i!k from

who aaat a qui*. rcmfrrtab't loaa, witk

aao'.ed, at No


Higkta'. nrr,



CATALOOUI (Ho. 10) of Books, just publisbtd, and to b* bad frati*

GoWANS' Am*r.r bjb

Wt a


H.* . fer f Otrtiemaa aad kif W ifa ta Lat i*i* RefvrfBffi reqelreA Aomti





Ti' .MASTFRBl'ILDER or, LIFK AT A TRADP., by Day Lse, au'bor tt ,->u_mer!ield, cr Lifa oa a Karm. 1 \o1 12-0, cloth 9 « lt a« . t « ¦», Masta* I --r «i Btararf r,. ... tut for-L tn* n»eir.r, anl rirt'i* .Th* s">ry i» pl***n| ,n.l .Bdrnkfd iln.o.t :.l [Troy Da.ty T a-,*..



tire., Mti-tia.llnf






THISjWaa-aaday) M.


Si-th and the LAST WEEK of WHITE'S ETHN OPIAN SKRENADER8, wbo. with Mia* EMMA LE3LIY.. tha Vocali.t Mr C3NNOR, the Comic Mel_dl*t, aad La Petfte TAOLIONI, will appear every aflernooa at 3 and every evening at 8 o'cloek. Tbe llrlDi 8EBPKNTS, 03TRICH, ORANO-OLTANO, ha to be lean ai uiual.



Admlnion 2b tecU: ihildren li|


|V I'hlo* tata_A rerulaf m»eting nf ti.e roiuniata' Asst>ciation wi.i ael.eld at th* Bueidway House on WEDNEd lAt F.VriNINO. tl.e Z'Hh lnsi. at lo'eloeh SILASC. HERK.'NO, Preaident. By ore. r. Lt'U* F. W.VOoWORTll, / 5 B. L. Bt lo. I'rrra lanrda Club will rpT M>e»leeiith Word naet THIS (Wedneaday) E\ ENTNG, *t Io'clock, M Hen¬ Avenue A at.d lst st All the <orner ol < House, ry ley W s and friend* ct Scctt aad Or.bata nr* inviied to be NATHANC I.Y. Preaident. r.,.,i CHAS. (i. OE \N. lat V. h .John T I'rti.P.RlilLl., Secretary. 17* <)i, wnril to Vlrtery !- WHI.- of tl.e HIRE le I ..VIII W AUD: -At* meeting of ttie KOBTOEOBUE CLI'B, tohe held at tbe Kort, eorner ITili-it and8 bth-av F.VENlNo, Amgaat 2, «t o'cio-k, of tt ITT yi u bave an oppurturuty of enrolling n. ttiecau.-fall into tbe Aa you value your rrinjlpln. et.c (.ItAllAM Prest. K. COULTEK. their advocetee, JAMES .

TII i:\TER.Chnmtvrs- TVEW 1JOOKS! NEW KOOK-?..Now

ft-TdlS EVENINO Aus. IR will be perf-raied BREACH OP PROMISE. Eben* *r Su.rltn. ..Burton M.tiMa.Mra. Siierrett Iftrrwlairli. THK ETON B')Y. To conolede with the M l.'M M Y Burton laar; OBathertiln. Johnftoo TdivTtamp.Mr. Dreii Circle ind I'erqmt, bii cnts; Second Tirr. 74 centi; Piivate Boxm %b; Oreheitra Chaira, 75 cent*. Do-wa opaa st 3 ; to oommetice at 7, o'cloek.

Conf\ ~%i REAT~AlTRACTlONS7.Free eerts at the Otto Cottage, Hobokea. by eslehrated







VOL. XJI.NO. 3,543.


aat are not




aooiith*, ll 50. Three VuV.jt ln advriB<-» re.|umxl 111 ali eacl-ng*. witb Country Nt wspapers Dailv of TM Trtb%t this o»ice wt.oae trrmi ar* l.iguer th_i thcee


Two M thr** (ingle ' .catlemea, or s Oentlamta aid WHa. can b« aeoommodaied with foli or partial Board, Ly *pp;>:r.g at No. 180 ACanUc-st




m_^ p. table Mecb_lcs. married or single.may be aecommodated on raasonablc term* Suher aad may af at No. 11 Frankfert-et

Tbe upper part of bolldtaa No Iti

of JjJ each ib by Broadway Tbeater. con*t* iug tne !' lt* pnrclp-J celilnr n 2» fttt hl|'u. Wtlliaiad rncre A dttirible ln treteo. i.toaUoa flaa ee: cr* decorated i>L» K .am cannot ba found in the city. PofHffloa dWoa to E. P. POX, oa tbe ptamiuo.

board, at No. %V> _av. House new, wttli modera im-

tive (tory hoatt ihuatad at No. Vl loth-tt, aear 1*1built exprfttlv for a hoardlng boaee, eontalnlia *b,.ut with all tht mo4rrn Irnprovtmeott, marblt maa t,e*. bathing tuh*. fat, Vc will bt bt low to t wtll caleuiated for lhe b-itln*** kttt* **..*§* and itrKn, WAT^oR, orto No. ?J* *».,

room, witb* attached, oc tha Id floor, abova Handsome fwnlshad tha parior. aoitahsa for a room* for Oeatlemen and their W ue*. A Uw Bngl* Uen_


tiamen caa be baada mely aecommodated, at No. 173 Had. .eaat, aear St Joha's-park.



to with STEAM POWER WANTED in BROOKLYN.. TJOOMS Power, to Baadyand LET,-Fiae light Rooma wah gond XV ra_*Ceotre of aornrr lrt u. tl.*- new D0p6t Bulldlnr. haata Apply to W. A. AjXJtN, «a tbe pieouaee, 19*9*4} Aiinn Kl. tt. -, Irtvaij*fs«-oa*c«. ftwr,5vB»aivilda»iy.


A GeLilemati. his W\% aad Son, d« Board, ia a genteel tarr.iJy, wtti.ia ten minate* walk of the SouUi Far*


1.1 jy






****** kWtM

on taB-tH** M te

VILHOEMORRTSANIA iiwaxrtoioa <-**'>

t* ***

*w*y*e Mk HlOHTs.A raliat-av-h***<^ Jt-.Ou*'aXi.-a*f-aaU--*la-aaa_l*_ll8lU8el'.li.MW|l«***. l___M Twut*-. autt iitarx, aai m*tm**\tM SmbSb TU",--...-. !? vra*-*. ¦._" VS *«.d U^ * is H ««". »J*^ J; Ztonnrt a nn h*-n_y art _-«_-'. .. of*** I__a ***** ea* h U* -_ br BpbMI is. W aa ai.t*s*- <nT-***v-aBty ?*^1C otfTTvlem t-d nuutl t_* «»' ftt-a-ai weotLuy uf -_»f latllf -'.. »








lj WtattaX-OtaOt Ama, ti b-n**a *t oa* eear-rt of t a tod te»«. ._W.__tg. aad lufs arlt-eg rt»A.». J _r wwpt 5 7rv.e-*vw »ea» Na D R.WJVTilN lf lunrwO-t ir|.; -


LET io

HOUSEocbwjaatamiaajt ZT^patAjOramU to



5 SaB?"*irrT1-.-E"T p-.aa-at____ _

wator. Mra. faa. *ate> *--Vii7jiiiimoxama* fmaa Ma^eeaanewa. wW M TTmAwaZSVamort aid YmrakoroWar.**),. Tht tLtA*a\mtmmpaVy**e f*»e.y fcc Ua* F_tnf*ts. ? B att****a*M_____ Xdd»as-C-T!hf a* *».


«f Jl***^**-

tbt a-<*


*** .


I. an.- tbt A _e_;.:y'-aar.iad r» a t rtc* tf nrw-1 ry *^mZam****Tt***W*x*t w DEAL DaAVs Yerrj, Wao-ua*xet U ot at A__stsr_a__ » L... ._* I.EAL. tf. LET--\t No. 42 Ano-ft.. M""i^T~SAW*.MlLL for SALE. K¦ I-IM.iBi-t.-~-' Bektmi Utta. etapai to -» J->*¦ rt__>-d af«_t 4 ««il«" *« 8_r->»_ Umm-tomaft -*- ******* 1 .: a--T iJaaat. N u | SkTlTH HlViaeON A tTe £SmO«boc_Bi ht_ A*. Tte Farm __Lta__* iboac J* ¦ a.



















ealt>*>i furn'uh«d)y LET.Haodaome .»*"*-« to a

t, wa, a**e uae la-uit




FOR l_f__.Mt.i.t:l.ra8B8BflBl*ee-'or* SALE,

Floor* and




PAILM-Tbe Koast mrt Lot Uo ltl *th-*v. B c;_f .1 i'^a leet. foar feonee bifh. bmli it tae mtr y -tw-. t


H_f maaeta. to twmtl


ifW -ilaBROW.



*-*-.*. trt Oe eemag. boata. toUa--ry w-itt t vari ewt. aiv-at: a>i bath tat txar. Fo, fartr.r parttcuiar, laipttre iereerof Nu. 5." t




R bfll e,


Rtiir-aS _*.;*>_ Co-ta-a'ar


r- tc




itr.-no' 4*i BaaaesTaB-MaRia b-re*». bam




W^I.EHLADA Lr-agx_r_i No.._* uree_e-cbal


n-t iflMM eew-akeat . il*. h*eek*a»t aad tea. far 0_*v-»a 11*aH %**l*rv\*.M w**taA*a *a» a Payaadaa Apptj a* *tra 1^ L t^" .:N

Jto T*T


!l^^!£^bB^AB_b.8a8*4fr*f._ RENT FOR SALE.A lt-e Pt/pa-fciO'.-n T| ta^vf-saaar.*. 1888. FOR trxa-M,Mt-.*a8»a»d7-t*-aw




o* wo-ilA a-m (___.ahc._ry a<W ware-boate.r»o«:**a Tbf t_y n_rakrf_n.. liwlniw w«ert raorr. V.M a_r.i aet- tae te ».**__: law, or a Farm of , t :* tun :n »xc*»aere.'» L-t>g laland piefeiseA. ii.L-_.a--J N WEiaLB. So i<7 i-wtt. SALE.A nflflll Fhrm of 20 acrea, De:*< at Zi:xnXxath. .rwted v:tt^ ot*B__s frtnc tbtlaoau* of Wii.TX. /or parnoilars >^v> Bf lesasa ELAh k BkOl HPR. Irrt^gjaa. No Ui Oroeatm-*cjy-at.


Met-a*-*- amrymata. App.J to B O PIEBCt-. Na .."4 BroaalB.y. or **d br-ik B~r.barU eJeaar-t S*a*-c_-a WaMB *v«* Hoaata. wttb afl tbe aweerePtCmAtt-prp.rratto wit btb aat katweeti >jtb-Bt. *»ut«J*5M SUk-**. talsr-ea Braad* ay aad 7w>-avs rent t**V .ent *Ak at, betsraae 7tb and h_-a»a. >* >>th-*_ Ul*. aea 5_ aad b_-a a, rei l rant '** ay. 4StB*e, M*wtaa-r. **b-*v srs.' B~****.. i.*x aaad oaimxa- Imtmeaa fr-r *i>d -_-*.* rf*ct Sl.Mii. J2d .». sittfrf* '». anc «^i*tav-«»B. _a-y. a: ww Aaa*. ..*-«. aa S. aaai ttba. >'M B-acwa*. a*. _UarNo-prtoea Alsa. a iara* Hai.J"at.."".»¦ "** rn**-"-** -kpr* aarnna af -"-i f ** Na *).****» a.'yt«.a C PIERCE, .





at Wory mo-erc


kaat ^a.t tTatoa-f-. RTa.k.'T_ Aaat a rw&-_ory ssrf mari-rt Gnt«« (.-_sa*a. *-*** wtm va-d. grape rtata enrabrwr?. Ae, firoaBi ta R___-f_. neat »6i*rnia-T*on>«. a: RmRBBB A mrpv part o* at p=r____s aai ntarV ¦Kmey oa eacb ef iaa p~-*-z.jna eax rac___x as

* -*



_>A LE.Aa eJafBDt frfla-atoDa xwi Imer.iuLi «3ca_, _r_f-ed ia tbf very etyie rta -a__s, _*. suaxis ia taa iaaai








a-**T*-l.i. Apa>*yM

furni*>bf>d aac



«* 1«5 Bowert





tiw^nrii &u.n a_d Dwelhiag Hooaaa A r*<-c chatar lor naxt t Va w -ju. A a_a_ftry i _n_-_o« r-itr.ix S« m_a* r.i New wa_ic i* :***_ ia exefauya Ar G W PLaTT K _: Clit-at irjr ra.-x




A»r.-jtt El WAM C-OOiL tu

Mraaara o- y«*_* Pa_.*> K




ht acrei of Liad. SALE.Fifry-eif ll-__a__*t>i__h. lewarl Ftewtcwa tcret


^O MECHANiCS and MASTJFACai .at* nf TL'EI BK "wt. u.faa ***J nnteai. _at4.

aa. anci ani: Baving nar.a*r siteoer. aad «aa.t bnt Btart raar trrar- naac ar.o)t .: ;3li>«i- waaa aveor u,Sd mam rai






a term of LET OP.wtttLiAJSE.For Uiara*.. BMBbabB

Lar imprweojaui** Snot an. <j , frwmt Owclhiar Htewr ai.« B.M _acn.:>* .tr« i«w A.*»_ C Ajbb raj-Lai aaaa a" aTKi. i"-' In-ntiii* «*~. -itx oa feli>-«. tiie ae~-« of caw ta -absW >>t_«_CB. kc. eonatMe <«* Mstweaa r"~**wa a~ui ¦ Ev to I ii (rom h". BBs^vVBL



A FEW it t_> beant twt to o-ov-vl ttm cuaoe-t ite. uf YoaAt » aod dwrdflaf B-.ueet wtuae ouet RT7: tact. wr_aoaa adau-ooa! eor.. 7* ;uj««-rtigfef fcti IMaVaB_,__a emaije-l o< w:.'»a*f of Voakera wbiskw

V\- \-n**mttdBOOM& f-poLK; It-jnir*ef I waiba-.t Steam Nwaa, eny







25 by \xm imtk. laiaw 8 jv_e_mg rtlixp* _.f at dobt. noe ey t m Ht*d*je kivtt __t_-ad with* vtxtrt vaik ot Utt Ra__-ad tieiot atd s^a_-b.-_i Lt* c ta Two bccaeaart aow boilda- r oe iou darjcxted ae tba ___a m "lo*. Va a_c HL wbi-i it esact__| andar eoct-»c. io .*r. f^oeaeh 7-e doUirt to t. ftx oe lafliwy af arrvaateet.$2" ac tbt i'i of Se;*'*-r_ber aexl. ax.i i> my rea air. ol oort art mcrtgtrr l r U ne yr_>a (t t f*r -.*_-. 7 1 cr»w*.-| i-verio'Of cf Intt w_j rorscvaiy takt a>»« ln ts* viiage ct Voerert, oe dhet-ke. aepteaibfr o*xu and tfca pe.-K-i flaftaa iuu H sod M ¦__ ba obu__M k. *-»t


tionscB tDarued.



tm a lebbb of thife or *iv* y»»' ia a .<.*.*.*»'.* Beifb.citrod. okvoa 4'.b r and ob .-:.* wea*: ade ot the '.ity, ne*r all ae -.udera Broadway. Tba b^_* most be i.-ge. m*fo*>r~Bt», snd tandBn-nely firr-»hed. Any parpoa nodaia*p-a-i»i* teo_t »y add-es*'3*vlag***cb*irf>*J8ei:.*y ng a Bte-e, rating keatioc aad terc-a*, to Broadway P*«ft.0_ce, Boa No.



4»._ NE M ENT 8 WAHTED..Taro nx^em-built TMaaSwe.B ln good cr-i**. coa-


acd hii Wife.


)To_ OBVa, Naw Ycik.

Let \\TANTED.To y Astoiu Rsvenr,- .-id. w

s r


.noderate a




irea* Bf.y Nc »*3 N*w Yrrk

tf hoaae. locatioe.


tz.c »rr_








SALE or *.o reoeatly erocirt aad 1-orgroar-og v-.^og* alYtmkom \b'-*r.-






bwR ada8aH ;*ttery »To t ta*»: .*. .? .' .* weriug w J. at ioni,d _»«?: o»«i:i: ' t fiata. Apfi.j_a*-xa n _y tt aac. to W. H aEl'MOl K. H: I Cbathf ic-tcjit-a. o: al V__ke.-«. tc _3t p-_rpote






suv»OYSTERPLANTERS.Tne teriber two Biirt

d ree f JBPoeua th* prri_sea a atiippuxg -aoaat aaoa the railroad. .bera all Bsrutatr. Umbet. ai.^.a.t-a A.c_ caa be aent u> tbia ¦ity. BacDfstetg. £ia_r. oa aoy otbei toint aaoa -.ha Un* uf raliroad* la _ta Sutav 1..* advarusar b.v-.og u.wt of tw isaae BavyBaaad v> i. othar U_j**a wJl aail U* pa.jerty at a bantaia. Tb* taed U hee-i'y b.BcseaV and u ta-ortb or *i^aB*aB<-t lt^a.i ta.>u,g Ba aa Oa* balf of .* pairchaa* money aaa ramaia ¦« *>oad nsnaaM enc-n the pr'aaae. a terai of yeara Th* athei half woald k* r-*v*a.-to dowa. Or tha ad*a-*b*ar arould take far thr balf to ba "aid etrwn siapi* dry food*. al Maw-Yaak r_b prnes ssaa a* lanaaUo_a caaac-irre*. c.laacl^d e*°da, sntrdn^a. hoa.ry, be.eB to be fre.. svid f-rarir-tahse good* aad at tha u*-a. pnees .0 th* aaid n_rs>e~ For th* aat-eaa oi .e ii-c-u-* at FAYNE k FlSifER'*!. Xo. » Dapat. -

of the verv beat tbart to*. owne \ .ax tltg Oyttera nacn Yo*k K t. is t_e atata of I _-zla-_. rt 1* B** i* tfa* nvti ut tb* lt.^1 Ota'ao. 'ta wl -_h -. « -*ro: trt rn--*! hifhir *ia jr»4 Ovatara arr rr Se fr_Be W'hea be tayi tba: Caabotat" i* t_t* nattt of bi, fai-c ha bas aaid all tbat ii -eotttary to teomawal it to s great vera-ma ia Htw- Yort acd its aaignav. _;«* xxco hava been m tbe Oysrer tradt. Tiit \ irginia itw forbMi aor-reindetu of uw Statt :_ it *.-.._.*. ibe f.bla Indartk^ atate of t_a_ki be may daaase oi a pxr. of bu ahort cxm ¦ arvttia-ecnt terma. to taoat e:rt_* Oj*ter ucrx _ea by div.diag ti* t_trt ara aoruuB of u tat*





BfaBaai --

rvoLboraf Jora tna tert amoxxyh to each f par^ cf rrectirg biuidtaga. 'Uid of r__ar,g froiu and SS» iit.r* -..- -._« Ncrtbera otitri Tbf laad _,ad-_baWy t-detixg ra-bctra Vi_r Ktoatad oo tbf teath t ie of Iba r.vtr. aaariy t___t auiot vut wb.cb aarrtt u tesper '.be txnb trt weat w.tdt of tba aariaf. tbereby afloraiBg moe; e-kieat pruact__a agaiaat tbe Ux:e froaa of tba: fentoc. *l*tit oSer __Jtdt ifar a m»_tratt fca> tbf toeaai I f gs_ri=g a rt«dr_-< is th* Btate aad ui' aoqamag :._nt asd of tndiag gwwrauy ia tbit l.aa. 1! tbe fabfcr.ber eax, find pc_cr aten for foa»t f ju.* or tbete lota be w_. »_U. bai wnnad aot bs wi__a| to 11 oe J dbcm ite. Ho :. ¦ ot par_.rua_.-iy aax-oat tc t* tevxxtxu, pa: _f <*ae wx>Ud like to psrchatt t porooa .a-yt aaoaab to ^aaofy t_a tt..;ng tba fobfcr.aer wi. acoot__e> otte rr. npcr xtrrt iiwti > irrm bettr-t adaratted to *. ai W'llliaa»bar:. I'a w.i. Se alencsd lf ua__ t_t Sf-tfc of Beptaoiber at whieb -nt bf « IR ietva kt New-tovh. oa iat:tj*r ef bamaeta fcr t tbort time II .-...* u ne bt letaadi r-.Kt-.Lg 8tate_ liiand By referr__f :o taat- Jaaat Pott. ,f St-tee Itlaad. fej ¦fiisaahimu i

r-t t





)8*,o*rf of.. aaw staaM ib tta Ciry of Bl w»w ecaapad a* a Kionj aad teei *_.e. aafl esxab'uhad, eiteoaive *_a MavbMBM trade. Aay paraoa aaddciagaa to eaaer watut.f sa etter Mto tato tb* wiil hear aa sa c*> ttt* at».te **>.va boaiaaaa, waiui^ ptm-bbsi, an.l 1 t- a- Rat. Imb, yK>**L- ty -a**r-,a*»r ry add.aa^t r£rl) Sl ORL Brooklva Po-avOSoa. a_.og .arre .a .Mert-aar may M had. N.B. C*;:_l raqoirad, .-


n t Cooaty. Tuetnuaamg it *.:-atotw»t of tbf niiiaa. aad ¦aartk


LAND3. Th* a^vertase* c8e:i fof aale a va'aaoia --.n.bertd tract oi ataat' Of acre* et laad. with a aew amara .aaw mJL (ir.. mm i aac aa adger.) sost of aull uvar BoV-ssT; aad arveral c;.*ap aweJi^g r_a**a, bama, ba. npoa tbe preniae*. Th* Uart na* wiuia t^tuteea milae of Horae?*. wlVe, Stet.'jttx. C©^ u Ou* *»*are. w una half a mile ¦ S .Uier'- I'.a-'-cad. aia mkkg m .-* tt B i- -ft:**-- -* -y


aboc IBMB8-

PRIVATE SALE. Lv COLE k AT -Tw>**ory Tkmt-anrj

tar.U II BBB. CULLTON. No I Wa..-st aad Lot, Ne. S*A nrooaae-*:. oaar 1 asreae**. Hou**. aad Ua, Ma b» We**.3'.-**., BMVtMMBL A nial Faraa * ¥> acrea at Hecpsteaa. L. 1, f*:d'.Bg lii'B.. ke-. Cataa*. aad rlo; »f (.rc-aad. at LwL, X. J I Lota, aa _c at. oaat Mi. *v 3 Lou, oa itJaVat. aaai iih-a* ttree-ata.. bnU liausa. aad S.bia X. E. soreM Ble*.ker Tb* aalaabia Frapatty * W ac.ter Oreea snd t',r,Ut r 111 IVeeata. bnck Hoaa*. ia 31a*-.-. aaar Lau.gtoo *v

m*} bthrrt.


CITY \\1LL1AMSBURGH a ? lu: -ALE.Two v»l__i_* BaiiArg Lo

LOTS . oa


Itcoad QB-fteeaciTa lli toat rrt>» P ftkat, oaa ot taid lots be-_g _-Att frcat. tbt otber _5 Cast fcaatt, aad aaek lot t«t»i lRsiras laafl. Part of tbo paiakass ____e) soay oa Baonaaaa. Aaaly to A C W .LLMABTH. Ra Ol Rath Iscsad **. tt-




-^-na -. ia- :«*_B__Bl C _*aad raac. ahdJag dacaa itar mtv'uae mar.talt; .ot,HaKA Oood V3< t> a *b* r.ver.y* Warawrtai-av aal .» waik froai l*r-att, laqa-ffot JAMES J MANb a the ynaXiggr*. er C. H BIXTll lera.jer rara..: ^ .the-v rr R. ,.'Ab._.». N : VI .__m-r.


PROPERTY.O-.e b tdrea >ea :t:-.i:y r.r__4 ri.oai Lou oa Mucra* aa. Madiara *U aac l*WbBBB .. Be ¦> ava. eaar lnvMeaa> ia ibe Hizit Wara w tot v. ity af Kiiak-. Abe twa aea Hr.)*« *«d__^oiiari»a_d u abova. eaca, c.t-h*-'caa- _e baiaaca ca brni aad KiMsti,!-*' I mortL»g: »: « BMBMS A *, :» wir.rt.r. 18: ai .<h-st aaar Xertb Tth-M, tb* City of ".> BI'w8>u_M aa Pno* tlOH' aaeh. ea lanm* sar_ a* above. tisaaairgb. Appiy al Ka J\2 Hmtwam-au New Y

piai-a* rroct






SEAT FOR SALE.For AEBOTTS COUNTRY Laeab^g. aaaM-nac WiMBaaafi *


ftiactka. aal tte outxima o' Lertcrea ara of t cbaraetar ia, at fcr at kaaaaa '_Mtra_._L-V-U-s caa, aa aaaaaa* f .-'C C ¦-.*.*. rfk.-a ; Tv-tOu* trt -rfliL.11 itr adiinaaiM. ara rrptcted Bt ha preoaat ot tho epercas e-ercfta. piiOBfly CBsalaia mty ke ohtauxd hy lactat, ar at tbe !_aK_=*aja. at: ;irea_* lattmrw* wnh tba ."rimap**. *I-*t -**?*- S NivYuk, Aaa 19. ISBt




^SFK3£&**-iSB« aBB__B8abMB_S--S AHOME Z2T_avaMl r^at _*_!>,,B_lV^fc« "irTtf tt**!**|»aokiy» i:******!**.9>m*rZmti

l*a«rt«4wa~eii«»i_.g .*. -'--***t r* piaakiaad aai at tnt nuaaflbeW Cbe mnmtaae t rasa .«, aaa a mrpy saai a.aaapaa>.1 Bsarrisa* aswaa^ wau. two »,«_ w ^ aUsat aa Tv%^. .^ ^5-, ^t ar-asary*e.*.b«__a«. ^^ aear. *_.¦.. plaas aad y.oa *.sav <*f th* cMmm^*a vlota;. :**».* .asmca aboat

A 1*0. ?.-:--..¦ «

atoa* o* tbe faraa Tba .'ar.ta* . *r_ a* .*.- «asba_a&dUriaaa, k Ca.'. aamatij mkwat mmyntmg mmt a.aaaa, M > ac Wyvk uf aac ebaei IM reSs tram tm haWM. V\ -asy pi jaaai). Appiy to HOMER MOROAN. Ka 1 TPDpment Hooaa aaai SALE.A I_?OR r l_c K* jw M-batry **, Ate*. a Hoaaa and Lot Ma irt A-iea-st Apply to BOBERT FISHEE N* tti lamp Bt, Iraa* IM » A M. aad o tc t F. M naw. _


TlTIOfl for TOI'NG LADIES-Sr-uler Iascttsu. Maa Pwb I ***** GORHAM 0 ktkOTT Pn___sa_ Tbe tig-ib BBB-BBBBI y«w uru caomroepca Wt-.V'tS* DAY. *-*, Tbf aafoiM_-ffj_i aad aTa_ff_Baa_s of __W laatirofloc ars of *J_s Ufbtet erdrr. Itt Proaetxxa-e aad Teacben. :u Dbrary. aid A^fararva iu raagt aad syaai af ta*

saia at Mia.a. i ofa s.1* trom the tbe Bamititr* .* u *ta_l* Bvas% acrea, .ae l trtMsia. Carrk^aa. Hortaw, *.: .La. IBaiakai .am. awry tanelM* of f.trtt U fal! baacbat TU hoaaa kl 1.t, taamm tka Had.w kitat. -.-auy aamotia eot.kmma tw0 parlora. d.turg-fooaa. fiora., ' roesB. tuvbac .aaraiacaa. 4x, BBaaas atwd ae d a* w, aad «_*.!***** aa th* yiaoa aad M th* baaaa, aSiiabaaj *fe***t*aa. ke oecaay al gati a bmsssbI^ *W»)lsHoMIi. MuBttAN. No 1 Pa»aat. *.aat

ia tha COUNTRY foc

RO* A withia -sxteea trSxm at H ABTPOID -Tba oaiy tea- toya aad taooo eadar taa yean -f af* aad will t**t**l* b_i wboit ___a;a_ac-oa_.- to a**ut cBcral. r^ywcai aad *._te.>eer_i_ tra_siag Terajt |*. _5 ter -ac_ft AO-rta, Box No Mk Paal Ofioe. Ha.-rf'.ira. Ca R_fe.-r._-e. C C. Bcaa. Rai). at tbt _flaa af taa Board of aVdnoarma ta ttmerty

aatar-aer w_J taat


-Tie ie,;r-«-wr*iarf Bmeetk





at^wr.-i t_««

aB . iBLaiae*


xhxaptun mlTb*um traxxm ) wi_ otrxxfuderag-ed orogrataad Lady ROHFRT'rR* x .1: *t>*-rr.¦ .-







cmraewr. i_t :r»ae txpa

'* » taiar**.

kavwa vy * ftigati t-a.-t iNkm a*.w* <i»-*|k.7 irTm-iwar'nit -aut-o* wrt Uu* lawmr-a *_*_e_i of *.:a.its*c _¦»... aad BsaaM l. C

jC t:.



















ft.Tbf *-*cOaWa.*' ^¦ BfB5r*.ird. ha iorTjfet-ioa Bt teacber


SALE a: s r**y ',.** f-rrr* .fjn* x: $.'» BBM a*. |._\ |ll*'. aad the other e: $>*' Thev me s-rr a: RfNCE*- T-.aiic fort* wx-er-K.-c N'i .S lti.:r. oomat of H-fcry-st. Brockiyn._



ihry *«.-.* *a_<y *C

F_eber ma___kctor7 and wararouo. ancb st. o-raer of Doy f_ P__t--> orva. warraated. witb r-reose br.dr* t*c patast mae. we_ eaxaia^. lor seer_^ ta taa* Piaao-'w-et ranee. reyaired aad exa___-grd N R. Auo-E-tar s




of aa

t* savastts.*


C F1SCHER. (lare Naona k :.-.*.N


b*__.v s_i to av_

0-)t*A _BB-KJ

o_t at


.aoe-r. k.u t_ w_* *cdc*_jb

Anencar, Piei:




rebiC-_£ u. a baanufJ part af S^oU Br.kiyn, a.c*l f_t...v a few ?oai<r-1 .«> hoan **i*aaw:«ua be ca ef_la ai-



:_r*e oo trv i-to

-xi-uxm*' Pi_«»-Tbe, nearth. to rtastjt-xtt i* ra.-: tt ef je_*i_ htt ___oe a.__ge_i»-_i _> ar_ aatonea New Yort ani Bo*toe Pis_-t. aad ba trotn* tbt coc v« >racB of fca*_ng Bt baal fMBtaad __Kj-ab>«__l tnd hnt Ic-.* a_^Tj»:r*__<« vBB ls* BahBc, ar... -j> ssarv e*_fide_ot -ji his jedgnnat tad teenre MaaRMaal Braoad honi4 Planot axcnang-d. for anare t»f jaxrzooatt tk.t thi u. tt*. <j-u*tn hat-. abroed ocaesaaily a_tr_aed ta.

twaaeh of a Fiuatti *>di_aPc*_ dae_ed tae-a liUfltBsi oe-krtsaamv ei! the «ta_*sa_ ta pr.i«_ ti * aoXBa* uape; -ve F_ei*t *alB-4tf*roa. a. e u<^ ee**~kg a ot_t^p^ueaarig. oc-^ca-ai w.. aajoy to« euy *»-_:*->._ Ciaatra oe»« w-.xa aty Bc-'ar._ge C>. rrirbe bad of Meaw* JO-IS MLHA!* Ni *>*-it OF.i.: CK.' N. 8*1 B-...*.» and No I B-m.. ¦ ta-*v iBOl LOCEW K>[. a SJs. N-. i CJ>-tswbv G.a H H.LLK.E No f«i Brnac.? | *earaj of a: M: F.'s re-Beii*, No. iM f* 4'L^ \



ROOX No 4JS B-rad-wiT

at e\ ery

_B ve.-fcty p'.ra._




aaai EV





-A fj.' ,fET. G-1BH SCHOOL. No Mlr-stn, I_rjtu_. m ootr.-oecra


of the::

f__a--Por_s_3rB__s._ in LTG'HTE k NEWTON. ^nrtTBaed o' hr

:«rrat»r<: _*_:.___.


1 lANO-FuRrE*. ha-1 eve_4e:

wf* _..:y te-a^-Bovc and *_»*-- Huea art t»b*c s w ti-rootn :n Rroadway. Rj 6W. aa_i-*a_b*B^r-e_Wbo_* wbere we t_e. eoofurtir keea t dhslaa sakcnoa cf ocr * oi. me tmgat u-a»cb«a 9'* per ar_e_ Fr*a*_ bbbI aaaes .* qaai-rif from vt kl ": jcutc. ir taooewort -aata. vflh p*v*h*t A- l)l.M.l>ti, _M < *_.-»> B_a BB la^^-knaa a1.PUncrFo-:e*. tne t-**: jd: rt ^-c pt'i'.iii- We N- 5 Wyt_dT. a a.* Cc*bt--r_ Brao-ya. M BBl Mkaitaaory tal. to* I e kampW t-fle a^ Cart.-a: Afl Piaao-P.r^i of oar .





Parenta -*_bii^ to ftod



a w__

'ot nm from Ri te tli' per No. baa RV .-: %'. We Rroa-tny Ne» -York. SAPFORD a

_d BAT BCHraOLfor TO" HO LAD'E< He B-stcwav Not oi Vmoa-ecra.***. Mra LKVC1ETT. r>a. Tna Bcnoo' w-lii a* re:*«r--c oa KONDIY, aai for pr-rn fLevlert>i^- II Appir»aat * fo* 'u. BaVthMsBM Pt xbsrt _*.aa. pperuaaa may neinaae .:


lor O-vsa ta B._a__ai.y easr: woold r-it a saall ehcn*. oct Falicwt' m' lodga. A (glaadld PHor ul '-rtiiaire. n-ntr. ita f-..d noa. Ca* b» t"er tt Na.

I)AY SCH'.MJL. No T. rnt)ts*)a--< -Tn* lot rw.pes lhair a*Ur_*bm __-» PALAC 1 v oc Voaag LaeaaB K-.'NI'AY. Sept 6 ..


a -.r

tr.8 u>i-^

Hwuuaet .-.d Ja-a*«



stady M


tba C.*_._*..-)



case ai _tr














..auaw-*.: it*


.v-.-k -:.-.




t-.- ; ..-r ia .



af P___.-Fc.rtei ta tbe ertv mtt bt foond Bt tbe tx-ameX.nat »i_».-_ i_* Df N P B Cl'BTll A CaJ. No Ifl ni nl* Oin rri Hrrr'i ee_e-.a-.rd A__«rr i*.fie liualaoy tai P_t«_t A-uuz Piano* T GLbert A Co't pxonua- M*> i_aa f.«r.-. O-bfr: i snd otban' Boadout. Alao. a vanety of aew aaa BBBBBJ htrt Piaaof far taia or to iea. Ko A41




rXta- ..

MAJKSH'S B»k-aMep_j.





Bl M VfWeB tarm, t'-Jtr VasMija. tet ti Ie admptes. iESDAT, -.




u* :



atpmtmt : *>k 'em

Draa ri -e »a i.':-s-:*-i

.- ¦:




B-.aewav, ooed'jor abcTt T-ooipaua . _a->oe Pera:ii *««*: tarchaang P__--a tn mwtlti '-. ca_ a: tba War_rxcis of BENNETT h CO, wDort tey w-Jl f-rt oh HBrtMfl :f P.-*ewo« P.BOO-F'Jrlos. of ir-^«X «ylf Lirrj_rrrr*Lt wa-rar'-ed far rwo yeara Bbaclg doaata he e__ina:_«« u te -.__:y. *_:e paytueut msy bt defcned aaci BBBfe c?o&i are re_xTvd O^ Piaaos reoeved ia part otet N-w xz.. t,ewid-h_nd Pieaotts _jet pH-Baal icr oew and-13 __vTer_«-s». MacLf«-..-o N« >






B:Alw.y r.-^> I




te IM a-:*' _M Ml


p*; ear*




mi_ia>de6ns^. PrtT.ra Mtaodeoa. vt__b bat rood taa

1 nc_T& co.s

PR^ryt**x__dFroved:t-t:fffr?er1^r'._ar_Tin.rnt oaiy


At ortr«* t tt of tho toie ae**-. W'M. it axy ovaer tt.tAt*. oaa ke had tho t*< Park.) aAll a 80R. N Rroacwiy. (of»oatoa














ftva d ay aaai B v-



^f* u.: r_*v-.rg rt-^e




t J ..-=.:

i :


be piaK-e"'.B

N- 4



Lat*. ."



i' -





at* 188 t.. nm*J ii year Ai_e»-

.we: .











his n:.s t ¦aaaRhafl 71'i H'a-e*oomt t-on: No- 23 Can. tt. to. No M Menar-*t. e*tr Grar-c-tt. wb.ra __iv br L_nJ a fBiebCid aannxriest uf P;_n> Fun«f



:.-i raaia



L).-*t.i^x. kl'.i



jrca-i-g* '*':



MMM :.Vit3ilta.










htat ......-






jpt-zt. aa



IPIANO FORTES.St* and Sec* f{i "aal MflaV- oltb aal smboat Cole-nae'i s_r>-rat-4






WJ |



**Cujit.. f.r Siif or 'jo Let. tN-^ :t i*-r:' tkt Bate. koa-jua Pia__«- HuleL DttTt C_ ,j»*nsa Hewi T -.itier: a Cc. Lord k Camstoa: L. GUbert: k W Mi-st New-Ycrt.G k H Rarmore; I>sbon k W'arrtaer Boarcmat k Gray Djae* Campanf. C 8. beabary; U Y.Crer.t.- -ls otban-ail ofwaicb art oBerad a: very low pre-e*. Tbaa* la arant of rx*i a-e icnted ts talla: ocr Pian>. or*-e Wtrerogma. No «41 Rroaowty, barreea H.-ward aad Grand-sta LINCOLN k THOMPROS.



M~RS. SLY^iii Fa*urria~iieF MIJSTc P~r7aCT1 CAL~BOOK KEEPlNiIBB oo tb* 1*: of 5*pt«&.ber.


caa lea'i tte .



t w

Mor.. ti^ory aa we. aa me prae-ca1 panlhaofprr. yet BaMBaaiy i-rpr ve. aI* Mar-ay-at BBbyapi

Her fTWrm.

a* *.




Do-.b_ Ex'jy Boek-keepiaa. :a ti. sa braaeno*. ta* tit^ni FaiiBlioa of Payflaeaia koeoo.-' Sa'.aa. Asowcr^*. Ac, MMSl.aBj taacat, by u^ C LEWI8. Lo_,t_| Boo_. Ko 8b4 B._w.y Tanoa tavo-al*aB Beltraooe* p«.a.


FEMALE" INSTITU TE, T- r.-it Aaaiemie


Na 2fc Mad







JdoNUAi. *-ne taf ::.rr.:",.' bb'? BrV-.*Bt_. adasat. :.*re p;Brtic*>i£. j .-*tra^e« tv..ueitceoc

l_fc of BcBMc.Ml. IkSi. Tlie s*_«. Bot ai.i '.*. a~


I] trr^i. :tf .1 »i* reat Pcf-.Bcaa. v. a.- s.

c kraa




P-.pu-.a B8BCBQ a-e ca. afl eatrs t:-o-^r-

;.e a: r>a.-*-u*





-:¦_*> pt.val* Bua.'> :c*crBX*.

MbM af lie ai .^t ar^e :*.» le-ns of rmaoaa MBaoa _ay Ba had ai tha InarTcie. or aay be BBMMad ty oo .:em.ig t.itte: of imp fjujwjte Bez.i_B.BB. whe actu**.-!!-'* Ultt B.*.-i2 .' Ti u*M*»: i AAC FEEEiS, D D. P.-fcdeat E D Br.:-» f. T:*a*c_r_. J W C Livta.;>.t. Sawa'-a.. I*al Haw'ay, Jcaerr. 2-.-i.a ?»jt Pr:o i- i Js_e* E BaBMea Ebena*«r Caaaswali, H.c Geo M Ci-w. I). B Eee*;. JobB OfW. A B « .oe*. Ba_a*l lltfbaak. _g be_ei





A. SMITH. SCHOOL for BOYS.B. Sapttm-*rr .».»?.

t>* ;-_ Weetieaday t fai By sc:







Fair Ha.-i, . 'B TT»e BtmiSer **-.__. be ntt*d H 7a« iec.)ea ts deb«h*i_, aad papUs w_ tod ia BM ._t.v of Mr 8 a pleaaatit nc*D* atl e».y pa-ei-a. care Hii paat eipe-vn.-e anl sasceas as a teaeher are a **-BSrct*..: g-Baraaty :t*: ._* -.e*^B»*: al b> Bt.icr_a will M aBoraae, Far futbM .taraa*.t add.-ca. B a BsVITI Eirtii*-.l>.TbeP ea.d_: a»d Prcfeaao.** of Taie CoiLT J Boltoc. No. ll Eart IBb_B. T_.:_a Deaay. Eac ha c iMBaaj Coart. E Sara*.. a. «*_*, B Pea¦. sr D S Appaeuc. Eao X*. le* Broad.ay A Raai, Lor N .= t aiua-tn .New i art City Eev ^airgp Aaaea, Wac eat-ef

rx*_ ls



A SCHOOL of ENiilNEERLNO. Kaa_*er_|

Bebeal of CW aad Mecher.jwili he eagttt oa -« \'y.--.imeaytamhmaaxx. ra i _tCoiMga.inooa Tbe aat.aawito_eDaparia*MofF_laaepb)aadr*taAria aaaa-eof mbcbcooe a_ awtaae* tha tighar Ma.*t__ca aad a- dM Mwbarasnral aad Mntawiiai braaeaes tm.eeiatoly eo._xed t*_k Vagaiaanag .t. B eta ajf Atrtoaa ; a BO.piate cat.f cf Ma*_*zac-. Draw-vg. s .- -g asd t_~)|' 6tuvay_g r_ _i Braacc.a; Ear> tee.-_| Fkeld Work .a Saeiac* *f Cuarti aaa., aad .e c» M Artrelafar rai I_a_.Maea Tb« srusVent may tatu a tail or par.W aaaxaa. tm f-..*_- pa.*_-eJan bain aa W a NOETOX. PiolBsacr af Ei*-eer_s, Taie C*-e#v New.



S ELECT ..-: ,


rTW I^r YOeXG LADIL?. -aoda-red by HA.--L;- R s: : W e*r. *:¦ : .-.-» \ -i -1

Thto eaal tahaaaat arj.: kt opaacc artU..' 5ap


'-r ,r::u:

f.MMHMMM Bi; BBBI BM ha n ad* tc toe P.-_ciaaa. Na Waet lSta-c to RF A**TiF. ttfi U Waorera. aad mM-. E'.E LOCk.






SCHOOL. Ba.r_b Bpa 8a.-_-.aa Coa.ry. N Taaxt T-s.i w_ BBB aianaa ea the tm of tam aamkm Ot aat of tka la.ltar.m to ua_ y._g .aa b E*;» BBBM aad oaa Tna. of Caaaaa, a* araa. a* B M* lai .aaaa of Ia- A Ob*.M, BMIaaj *a«a-a.ta. aaa* T.OY POW'U__ by rat-aaaa atraea. ipurtpa- u



oead-t npi rarta * Ice taa-aaa* yeara, aad

wpai bawwai. Tb. r.«pt .a.oti.i. ic t it ar-*aaa aad MaVr Maaiiisa tf m. Erg ad a_.. to* laua aad Oraak. toe Bra.**. ¦aa~¦ ta af h.(.*.k a* wr*: m a aartl. mxaarrm t» aad aau -r. a tsaaa.-**I tc aac*. ail Stal Baer pa aasBM i d tt aVadi11 a Bti paaal '.LliMrU'Wi ,U)MHl> IABU JrtaagU-s ..






P.8.pal BMUVajr*"-.'


Owcara of Bails-.njra. &._, BUILDERS. t*m'yn*x*c'*mtafv*cM.

rmraeated kt 'tat-rtmt W tbr 0B-aar_kar*a, tbf Oaa aamtmmtf *aw adrnaotimot *_-l.i.,ned bnck c-ntx. t< tta.**** waa _____-*. for ;.ti-_-^a arI b> "i" !___¦§a tbaa. balf tl* r__t af ii- tattrnt. Vanr-w *ta*a bbbbBBBBR aa haoa BAITLFTT RENT J^-No aflt **__¦¦_. ar*

Oxtmu tba





rprtmm ¦ fla .B 1 beraey g.vo aioaa l __. maacfactxrt^ iiwa' axxU »'ar_a aaa fo-neriy aufl ba _*aaaby K_ai J BOK.N_.B A I 0 wl_ hatiuafcitMBfeBaa Ba. ,.uSa_»«c_.. bj -tao ok*u.* mamowt H-_«IBT I. 1 BBCn Y* a: u_> Bur*. fla _1» Paariat. N»w-Y_r*. wber* a fall fappiv tn.. anTaail) ht haa* aa bead aad ef a 0_a- -l ft_> ec ua' fc. .__» taa t_tpar»*-d Fitea.Orotoc PJa




Au,!*;, na JOHN A~mZLL. _



C.-EL Oea



hafl aad

Bhaaaafl arthflB bb*< Ele-ri ri 1,.1 a Capa. WV* Car*-«_¦.* aoe --p-e-irg Mate-ieja. Powder. r.a*t_ *_t A iaraa an_ eoo-p*** taa-nmea. of the far *a_* by _kt attaa PRANCU T*'S_J_- k RONS. Ba C Wi diw Iw



waRZ, J£WX___Y aad FANCT .OOOR n_ANc;s tomej a aosa, Ni C Mtllea iane urtte taa attanocw ef buyeri tc tttait oa_».._-,_ MH_-.«*aiuf th* abe*. guo8a at_c_ tbey oBar fcr caah tr aee-rfee ermf.t a_if






*-»f.j oTC^iaTI Pl-TOLS. of RMBB

KELGJT RATES a__d FENDERS.-H. Maaafactt^ry, Bowery

No »tf LZY'S Grvt aad Feoder Broa-Bt-ft. ttras doort weat uf tbf at>aa__| Oc Ccati Cburch. Zsrtera a_« uLiaxtt woc an ahoa: pmrecaoiaa wT-rtio w__ to aa_L a* _a 1* ooaCdan tbat aaiflfl.fl fcr ruCtry a_0 rhrttnata ara uaatu-f _¦.!




Mac- farr-ren af ai. k'ncs cf Muf_s_; and Deatai latr-aTrawet _rrjtg_i me ia* Cu-iary. wt_sfc art el.««d tc Deue-i rpcr tat __att uoerai unna. mn-










*- ue


pnaa^al ofica lor me n_t o' in-tt m»> _M Bruadway, *a«_*j saaoeKaa ia I » kfff tiie p-cjp::-': -.. y to Bemna-



-tt t:.. »_. ca..


lul -A:_-A:M-c__ caCo. rytba A__encae Losea Ttieta ai friiowi I Carda f . ¦ kytzL-8t__9i_t. II x-perx. Pttmeo, tr L>artv CReeea BflBBBi kfla.Aa A_. of wtiac aI gr.oo*bo .


pot oe_*.



u.__ tae





Wooi Flax t-d Rslk M____-«ry. c___fact»..g ky Parr. Crrti* k Co. Manoarer. t-cpurtee io uraar Piytaeal tx New-Y -rk. Aocreat for pnoea Ae. _ae*~- aataat* flad BBflBBB _s tat luiirt BBBBaa, JA*» C <EEB k CO M Job»-au New-Yo-h




Bkat ol C-otxoe. W'ocJ trt f*rt Utoark w -ia_s k 800a. U Rartanaa. Lu ap^.y *« __b ai No. ?1

l'i__ed Sec«a far tha

tAwttAmmy ___Dt_r_cta-ed rt Maa-baabBt, W'aJ-oL r*|-a-rl


SALE.The Endne. Boiler. R ^OR te.x Ca.?r* Cuclrr. M.!


i Shai.:: 1 .. t -t :a_-*rd ik. tkna_e-«_. aod ronaeriy o** ood isc kre :j I -a-eeand >yi-t M.^-« turt m ih* preiriar* aMve ataaneutd. oe Fr_i*y. :.*.-.-. I i t: _L.»«* ;rM-.j-^.y Bitpatadol s»J * » at B-:tb:* taie To :* ie__ov»d tr;u__. ^_ ds-i afi r s_e .

la'e. Terca cafli.


1 arrr_3)»e bao far flaif HBBBBl new aad ttrvad_a_d _igi i.-taia-t Eegtoet. bigb at- rw pi m liaiiert, arflk -kcj-1: f_nea_acra and oa* teter,- ..and Piaair. Marr.-.a_- Ano t avm :*r c t ttde arbeeJ aad pcp-Ltr af itmtr*. of rarvai _aiei,-Ctiiina-. e_a*-ai_a, gaaeral ar deu.. S-ar.-p faniabed far aawira. eag_>ef er _-a_h_B ery.of ali k:__t aadc: » CHAS. W uPE'atfD. * Enflaaar. No U Broadw.




CHl.VERY I>EPa;T-*-**m Eaataea. fraaa '.? ta BB h-tar poxtej lroa Fiaaera I eiucal aad HenaBaral D.-JJa, tmoiat Latb-t. Tthf Haj-aera. large Soea-s, Pewar Paaiini. aa_ -tbar arft v_i»m.-« of MacbtBitar' T-on, .


or ia ibc_ p.Hfnat tnat orctct bt rroce tot warat ti * **¦ r: nc:iot II tt aad ,rw-

ooar-ae'-j ctty oapabaf t-r*xxu,r* aiaara Eanaei aad RaM'jeri, of aay w 6* xar IfiOa Tar-taa Water Whaaav laar C-.n-r. aad W -«, Hadktaory naa, to order. Pa.'>rs- fcaad. aad _.ah» lu _____

ha. t oa c«der. Loooi_na%aa aad Fr*igat Cara. ti-t E*t-t C- ^r*nv. nf La»~rcr. Maat. banaeaae Of tbt :_ryeft cac.. re-*_oa* ia tbo t'uned Stataa. arm- oxtaxamn faahrflf Ibr it aaaf_e-a:M>| Mtdiiaaia a-t e____rf le fan_a s got. _.-__- aad c8-r R u a \«rv icw -rt_a RDON M.KAY. Ag__*. -. N: M Sra^-tt. N T. OB-re tzd !' ¦

Cullmi, fiarb_oarr, **\*t.




¦--it~* E-\.-T POWDER-. B T B%BBIT» BM* t**.8 M11 aam ftt* f*B.u» I«_v *JM. * *ae* *J aaa m a** M bm *a ________»

tt oa eaaa

pat *.?_' t.a *_a

sa* taaa- t..


a> -t

MAbERsT-Z a*wm\mia\\ ^~





aa.. m.

'.A*r*m Pa**al M tB* t artod htar«w anw ^^ to » M K v- ,k\i t* ta*;*"_ av imy. kr pro- >o-r» tt p.a» a8 aiasadai MaaiB, .«t.d-»\, ^ ' ar. letaet ¦««.. «,*- apaii » BB* a*» M !_...»,__, ^|| Biamr atoatooa* aaa arai. -sbu a»l *nM aawmtmoT'm ..> BBB .-) «.¦ dMaa laftaai w pataax. as* r .-? u, atmr tattmx Ail ta* maaamey B.k .f Saaa !M pa* day wfll -.a* ae ta isaa < ft taa parausato. '> t.uui.I ta. ataeo* r * .. .'ar-fsa Ra_ai_ MeaaB*a*l*>* Ma th* aaaa* iB'SBBa. fv_- a rf-~tj ** _> -





a aaaaa¦


Bta* McCi_t_B Ba M


AfcHIIHJ Fl r!l>

ffiiaaa?8 Oa-


B v tr-se a .e aa'y f-e*-.* Mapr.aiMiBat fa gaaaa Skhar a*>s* »8T--fia*-. Bi.c **-*"g lta.a*a aars ata. WBMai tt.*a. ii *i* .**.._ B«te: to tha _t-e Hjbw. »-ai |7 ©r~.s resv-ra. . D*><. Ba II* *av ..*. :ab_I a>\ Ut. . v Biam.»_:r.r aa. ._-.._ , _.... ______! ^.a F> _____¦

Sl GEtfl aasal


m Lbde. Cu'-a



sastahs* ir *»pp Caaaaa aat-.«*.





b--_M W 00, Ba etSoauc



Tba art-cle Ua kaea oo ra b mpremei bj Bta .AaraV kar that hr »a*.aa* u ar.-e .sajn. ss aay afl.r aaa> poaac^iattoe i..'w Pual.. w.Ir a a.i f.. baa *aa.* rtob* *.a>* Sa* in CoAttar-* om'i*wmt* mi ra aarma mt ant -*»- lt ai-uiBpa). uacaaa aad aaMa* aaaa aaaa toai tb* um-::. a. Aao. tta api* pw* DuaU* B-fiaad Bai*"**-* Fa Ov*. Sada Crmam lartat. tmap fowtrnt .Art, mo* tal makk Coar aaa-chat. aad ou*rr* caa *.'«a-i .*«. *4m*g a ._*»... trecar or itvggm u itm et* » -a ii~ini|M fcr tb* g-sst.aa art.aa a* laat fra* f aaa :* aet. ** th* .aaafceeaa*'. ThOMAB AVD8I.WS.Ha IXCada'ar. K t. .



ICE tt. o 'NTKACTiiiL "\ UlP.pua.a for I.ttu we 11.torpma il .ScaxK., Ba 14 tr. Nc '..aatw_l «u Mai foi f_

CLTLER Y^-Th^Soflth Rim


aac P.t*r_. i V. urt ee.a ¦*_ FBiLAY.

>apaa toa aaaa*. .B Mia Aag.iZ? Tl* pa** oot «ahs> baarfcta. of rh* p.attr* kat apn .tn* >.'.».»* toTHOMA> E JAtEStvX _. fM ne twe-a. Ba tt.a Th* Haaaab bbbM a brtacaray. eoratr . f Ma rlaa ul ttie atbee «, ag **a^ af u. Ut tat. i~*pi tt yH FLaCEacav Tea-* Charn-r. af .e Boa. af SoBaal CH.ass uf M* M «««. Oeas caa ha tarm, and



Cb.b_ I tr\ aai. Sae-*4a.-f


inrnilnrr. Sai. bli c-«JTl Au- sETI. T^NAMELLD J_J -MATHF« B OILUEB a.

pmt r urcutur* \\ ar*_*&.* No .. Irasnt -mr **aa. mmt Mas.ufo<tu>. Uw 4* Q-omma sc Cuiiery Ccnipt :y ca t* e-_t»r__j*d t I>epocofat Na tl GrhbO-KTbr acMcnb* a uavio* kaea aawapa* *a. lae-vaay a *M Jui-n-tt.. oy azmra. woen t eott-pie-je t_tcn-_vnt ox%ma~g On a*-i O.aaaafital of FaaBsalad FaiaiBlid on* C.uaa* I *.. Tx ** Cx-te** F *x'~. C/xA. end Soot E__vea. kc- may a.yru. M fijat tatrodact.a f*.m Ea.p*. a. *Bar-«M b* foar^ to wriek tney »-r_<_ irrt-a ta* at_.-._oa of tba aaab.e* _ma»* w.« aapanewoa M oBar s aryjg.¦_< .-Baa P. flf. GAl.I.AL UET. krace aad ._.-g* :-cj_ra 1 85 par arr. **«ea ooa.p er.i. Eraaareal aad CaamBer .**. baaaaa ta to* maat aapk and awavlastoBBii .cbbi..It.rt taaara. r.-ba sapencr galraaized Cttr.a. vr.te tarned aod Pef.aa ftvw u»a avejia are par i. >*-ty -aaaeaaM m mt neia. kc. toe. aad taa.a* oaa aacraey aff aeyaa* o* Ei-*-i»«.s a_ Op. tuueing. akahbtaBflai tiitly -BJabad ia-t»e'.a. * wr^e-*aar a»o .*** Baaaaa>t*i Faa_Bta, by awaapt-aaaty lu. toa fcBBBaa ¦aaB-haBaao-iM.CLABY a POi> iF. Seaera Palav N T a-vket I L.a* all atkat astariha.bsbw lv .a snta w_ aapaM armlt ea itati B r*»«ia«o. *or tBaaa w at-li aaa*. waaund oat -.owner ahM qaattty of rt-Wrttss wmre mmt mtma Tools Sraba and T'' M»*er**. LS-WkU. |! wrwoBio iah*.-taepaa.-to«*a_BBl*BB*| muafla *j.iat-i-ei).* B| Le:_a«t '-'*af iui 0/ea _r aniprted. ctttnrod by as w asaae MroaaBBM aaBw oar amaam. mrtkm V. hf H Cbt:_aa. at e b m\*-?Y Pa are naai Ih MdMMefto* Btr s aiinaa. jc-i fro: C_**- 'jr-tei New-V -x unlta.i>aa of Eosear.sC Oaa. Saaaa >¦<- ha ba s)*r s oa heaat Tb* tn.i«t r**y ult ls cJf'tg Pu-a****** aa, a as











(-f tbe HENRY CLAY. and

BRa. -:*'. E_nT*f] '. ? Ll« Rl WM taouid ha

! -t: m a-cing -r .1*7 irerunrT U pn>,-.Ot fclm or ouo Bh oa* of DA Y S Pa__n: Lit* Pr-»erTara .¦_.<_» ocaS bc: s _-J>. aad raa aiways bf toaaa Bt tu tri- aflBBBBRi No 33 Co<_ i.erti-*\. 11



PATENT I^HEAP-lt Baaak for ^^

4^ r*-n-» y** foot

aa K

gle*. -t «-xt» _r_T wvTuiao. Bt. near Lnrirai

u*e.' rm ar or raa

by GOuI* WLN, No. _b3 fbpr _,

M uaurwunre .a dw_o~ wm.ut

.. aa* u

aa-.e.ea. Favia.aa, Pii..>wa_. hai


Ro 4X. Bfuf.. wa>

aaaa 'flLU-T^ ifaMa.

.*. s»<*.*t

MATHE1*!) *

sas'aea aea:


Oirandoira Vsjaea Hall < -ocArry '.iihW|> a Te* Setoa Taa Tra>a. ( Maaa M*a art Csps ai C .'bbiiisis for ptew-nt. and _aty P8_* trlit> c.ea. ail aelhag cheoa-r thaa ary tX'j. riw*s it tae aay, p C A BALhVt Iti's ho 54 hoartri a.aa aPeae Be -

BARG*\lNSir FE\7HERS, SCOTTS REPORT of FALL PASO- GRE*\T IONS- J_st pabiiabec and for aaa a: No. IX' Broad ng tu.:n Pro* Ri t* i-rt eupy A_bu THE Cl'TTER. k wutg ot C Btttag ht taiiara. .na*

Babiifo-d a: tbe tame 0-K.ber Pncet-' t-.:

1^ Etanata. Prrw.t a_d G-rtriai Fa«cy G-ao* Novataeo bott eaer_. a_C ur_a_«ntai. eauaolo far praaaosa Nj hii B- acotj

at ..*

ril'B leArr}.t.*«*«E* Ae atCEAWBl'CB-BBa.

0-aao-au ie oour eaat ol a~aara-a_ Hew-\ urt.Catap [ '.rio-wtery auc Faatoer ->u*v> .Tn* anear.j. af MaMte bbom Biiii'basTng a r-watlalij ir.tad u a* la gt aad Baaot/i., aaai..ect of beM. **axzimaaA ftt aaw. 8*d* aeaM Cota, Ac a.. ul wfeicb ba.t baaa awaMaaa* sl Isw xot

.¦at re_BB, aad wili M Bt-rt at *i.e pnoaa as to aaM * aa UtOBceiucB'. for aI b ca.. aad cAajnior toe aaa*. a_rt pea*-i3B* :a BDekaag t.sir piiruBaaps. keooM saat M aey part af toe aty. Bt-aoah a aad VA at.sort arat fre* af ewta*. 014 -.a.aiee aad aaade i-ver

Va .C.AVkBIClE. Nc BMIOtasVst,


ROIICSfl B'. .'LI>En5ar»-COVTIUCT"8§ -Tbe unrt.-rgijjs- bti-.rg .-ect_--iy cart-C 1 actury witb tceaai fiean. Rhad. and prwr* tor uit r.u.uiac Pace. wo-t, woaii

frc::u r. "x cs_. 1 .fto Axj _-_.;_- ao: oc


tbt _rt_B_,ae of Bai_-en.hor_ro -.ohmwa flc M W*bt»oaa_d v_ ve ItvWWtai at fbort aoLEE. 6oe


HARLOW. desier b Doara, Baah, Nrtrr.. -oruor ot Bt?_

.tx. a art B' rr. I far__ai t_* anc- fl York J B paeadta¦n-jil .. 1 and warraatawT k.-. ilfly m r-pr _w*ieA Oreeii t.Led aad aaat thwrt atabor*. _>om. '



MACHINERY OIL.Refined Neat'a Too-. tm. a-t-TB-t-d eoaai a, taa haat Raana CiL, for rn*:*** tot eait ky PF-IB C<X>PLR. N_.

it door aaat at P.m*. N T.



BEDBl **


paataraa wb._ .id ba way tba! makrattia. very eoavaaaaaL oaeaipy.B aa aaa tt tka own a*« atBBBBJ Ta* c* t.aartaaa .paos .aa * au BsMk-ad byHALLaCaj, B* 8M Aatrta, oa cttai..asasaa Ad..aa* aaade B N Mt--*-u

tk Irot Beca-*-ad8 tf



aaaa una na* au.rai Uy aa aa.I. aaa .bb af aaaa* u. D'ta* or Btl.*. t*>a«t a* V\ aiaat. ac N B Mo*** k*f*-d M te Bl Back Bogaay. aeavart a.anrr. antt Coaatct*. s.aavtts. Sbarag bbsb, Sa, B K PFESlM MabMtBa-arsby Ma 184 GrtBc M X T, Idaanaart al BimbI».

A lar.

a.ry d*«cr.»>*va







Br<j< Paper. ai- tu-et * engnm tne caa-irias T-wat Paner taarv coiort bbo trfcita uf tht Baal qoattfy Eai.rtn* I'aper. wt-.tte aad ooimec diflerec: anltha fiacerv Paper. tt._. anc ofthe b_i;Q_a_i«v S.oT P» -a-t-y x**m ar,_ 4-ilh fiKrn » -* nr BbBb fcr M B!i_L Barda ar* Paper. t ,arw MBBflBBBB Jast trr va* i_v bas: ^ut Szanihitf Paper r<_.» fl ra ^i-._r Pti. ra, t=e »_____Tet Pager of diBsnsat stsea Ta.* KuxoSrg Pafer. atdtah-S far rooa. it ra_a






a-e taew




ty. W9*4 aWB

puoiu aiienaaa u> _aa lai They in»u.» Beainat Aeen.i *.ts, P.tAiV.-U, BUMm.-!. Iaaaa n BBd rxnor b.b.y aad at..mi aflafiiM pert7rabei.t.t t ua'.urig the Itaso.c N U.h _*.rdat i MBda**. _IBaM af preodam M iii. ir Fr vr aprtm aed for tos kssasfc sf sM a>

serf *a »tn r. st u.rtia^ aaadanaaeB r^aaaMBBM **aaase aaa.t ic Btake ii^or u. "uai p*yc.f»A af art:* *»*y n..t ba e.BBsee t- cuB*.ir.ue t.rir _aasBBaa, ta wbeia at ta

pan. Ti iif7.. BBl _s.ed at f vg per e*M ii BU. rt-si..* ratta. Tb* <.<B.|e*.y Lat* a.tiled thfCiW.'Tes of tae of the itoem ba.* Bra: sahna of aau prerruT* tmI tta hal ixfu-BrTc ua .ac -atelfiacot aaafpaa, aad uf toa MM of a ft... cf-n pe'eet ar.*'_r>. la prspar_g tm tka l*-e>r

8OUMT-C00B A RIRR, laponacsof t-ery oeacrpoua of unloiad Leatbor far booi-biLi;-* a_d buca zsa-e:*'i.«e Akr? Ec_.^_ i_o*_r, Ma *¦ »..''. poeltl IHr*»iO. BC 4 erarr _r*tc ¦ rKrciro- Ui the trmi* Coutoa-on a* auattrrs to toe prtrtsbf. wbo boy ta iarpe oaacU-.ta tr-JJ tzi R Bbetr Uiieraal 10 I t-K* T*b* Ihrrciers twtag deauaas l* . exj-tnxtaa oar atock. ¦Mteet witfc tl.* ryttam of Uh l^e .atrfy. P 8 Ri -ag Ma-b-nea. Bjaadug fraiae* and CasR-g Ma- ar.p a* v. as bm U- .:Ber praasaaa to th* |..g psvi t*aM anizMB f-T-Jtbad oa ahort aoooa. rhe «.. tirgrt-ie* to « ... af* baaaa. >'¦' *-' ttgae rosn i, bAfe b*m^> ea ibc«r i_«* M't-r. ou: au.. jtmdtm tC tl< K>*.ice (rttfltp. Ii *rc" -e 'e toe poii.ta refer.f? tt, ar.* » 'Bia* ai » t BBfl-BBI Bf :¦'*' jl ibal ba* neaa BM Btol fl I >- M -.b* tttne tiQaneaa, wbiafc wiH it. to tti C : paay tn* o*.L r*arinw tf Ut. it*amm* bf ao'-C 1 l*rgt_B M lit (.arner hat nof.r-jH.raa* lo.- M_ traaaact. c i> u- ar>« pcJK.a -p**s.. w._ m **** Na am ca»*' pax iurai)o* k* paaSM, r .* .t, aay M had ob tspbaaat eitorr petrx-a »¦ Ci -ta: t s of>c*. or b> .ttrw of " * e*»ea u OO. -LA.-s *^-tr*ary. LJeilAEOH trvi Plaaeaafl a-t _n-::n_ by iij* caJarramed aa taa Na I PJLtAtmatyt. » aart af tba N.A UtA FALr_a INTI JN.-cL RB.DuE d. Mi ANIE-t, fur ib* coaotracoaa of tba wm cal 1. tha Raibaad Maeprntajt B .cre, of ma, feet ipan. C/>-PA«kV ofXeas- Y.vt-OtbeaNa IS*. t-sat*3 u br artnatai ux-ttt th* Niarara kixmtt. aetow t*>* Falla tot TY.W Cttampaey ie*ag tt *aeeaa*l_ oparanau, mrrm p*mt fl'.NE MILLION OF P.X Na>? »F i ION W 1KE o: ar y p mn» of :._ ix : '.-»tbaa ."v,*h» !ka. at _ka of toaarar. ttp.i tta Ma.Bi. ar J a_t sf.jk an*-' A .* the aat taitsahst .raaa, eaaeIsteat wuh *..r* *****" c:« ald-i hrtdjto -* __t foOovnag r^aaiSMas. I Tit nn ^ to hf of No loaua, ae tbat Jr teat vRI _a liaortc Aay ibvc.oat.b r.peraag L:a i*-*Baaa> « .art-v caae pouud Antomr ke. a.t.- ha ana.B.1 oa at !M 08a c*f UicCoatapaay ¦, x*> Imm thaa 11 Ib. ii othxt fcr Mtr.ruai ta w_U ha rn' v r>*rrrrc E W Hswaa Jacob E*ra*. 3 Ital 1 < x* iotixxite* aukab_i*e_a-.0-_MCh«_l * ** f 8 iaaui.romag, evee. both rnd* .4 tbe tem* thickaeaa H Fatw. ^UBll.l J'*r B e.ey«an < ¦ tn*: be ______* ia hotea or aearty tt hard as JoM Or_ Henff Be..H. fgr^ f-wi*a Jta. L Kaa_toy i»«ot**» *. ?as*. 5 T-« Baa catt bav* aeea maaefer_arad ofthe beat qaalto p A PabBBt, Ttf.-B*. Ifeaa. ty of ci BBBaal btoaaa a aicr w-.ii naxt eara wm ot graat W Na:hat ttwt. Joha BjatB*.aa. fbr* a_d tnoghaatt. elafocty. f?-C.g_to H B ti:.*** i Tbe htorv-t tztror btr* beea i_a-r_fa_-erad of ootd Mal Gaorye Clark. LfWBial B*MB Eotwft **_*-, ei--:n__i rj aad _at ot aatb-aote ptg. aar of b_t-biaat pig J.*isiHa-tM 7. 8a__ia_-ory ertatnof vMl ha reqaired bafar-banc af Jaf-oSjAia.. H '* * Hetvv r- Letfenck. N tbe tt..¦¦¦. tbaa :f *uct iht tutu to r*e arawa J *Y E*Ba» lanta S baacf-el I Tbe an-* matt br dru-a ac bi;*c_J of ao laai Uaa twa _,


hert ta n» loogar any exr-rr.^jett :o naing tr.rte :bt*JBthtt labor-tt' _ag***. wt.-h»xecs:» a:. ttrti ofnt-atag s itTit uf great Oeac-v and daralahry Tbey art _dap>d kvMjiit-:e«.ci i-d-* t_*_c :j .adiet oa air..- :*»% carxx w^rk Tb* grei* «_-ii_,_ Rr ir.-e* __ac_..nea aad t_e aarvMBBl ***--,arTX*T 'nry fctre g-ren. ta no tm-. : -»_*t

ptac-Btad T 1 K-4111: b,



to'etrniapei. ail f*y*t. trelcbt* a__ raatlnea





r-»oftr- ki- tw* trarr a a.-** fCu_t .<< *u aU wWtti. t,.e» ar* Bawftae- <t ***« tr-jo. Bba mann far* atta. a_A B owa 'M w-jtutmt 'etaa itorn,-


fu..aad baa*.






WAREHOUSE..J. T. DER- < IUGLE LIFE bsbI H-ALl'H LlMCSfC EJCK-*- H 4. G N Nl FLfcon-au o_ar lor safe LANCE COMPAXV. *rcxad aome aaaa Ba J_d Bl-'ers-1 IsOAl ob iht J-'trBBi tanna W'rcng Papera BaR___b P-etct aud l r.y. N J .Tta C«r.p»ty ba m .taaa*. ^.-y a»-* Ancriaaa HaaaBBBBMMl toe u.t.wttt»sa rsf sbbbb b*-_bsb* u llkkt

:.'-":-.'. I

va.-'e to-v-fl*





ELEPINO -T*is at* att! beanrfd srxE pr*_tod ry.'Tp mt aaJ* ai tm Atz.ori C.x__-Ba>~na. fx :bs

Pracnc. of"






'wattof No ...i K G^ll a u. . M -iay aad roooBr.ittii A r»-»n- at«uod Piaoof i_tL u: aorrjrto paae* D- a.. rs wppiied oa :*mi tenna. eaae **-*¦**.'' k CO, Re IWFi ujc-tt.

T>>* prr.' pa ar_ be ia *'. Mr E » tv S P M J NI.'.EI. Fde P«

0O0S8I 0¥ BOUK-




PI ANO-FORTES.PerRaRaaal, MaaalBa-ary,





Tha fine-t



»1 Y. BO A R DIN i

BCHO >L tor Y- )Y8 T_* tasotaTtaa. rtaatad HocaiC S :.* 'al of bt-pi*r__.--t Ttie ..._' »r.







FOR SALE..A be-aurifiil par-



KW nd 8ECOND-HAin> PlAlfO-


1 FCRTE- .ll'* haaaaeos oe hand t iarat aft_rt_:mt ot new art iecot.d-la_d Pianoi fcr aut asd to fctre. r_ui3f




'. P:.f-**.-v BJBEufBCTure sr* wamcted *_s et ry icai-i..-, aie lhaaa trtt x..r poit BMiiksalBfl fcrt rotj>*>ct..». .:_e:i k_-**x3. AMbRi *.e« fliea c:y h y :i' or oo-f.ry p-sctca iy Bxecc:ed.

.lar B _i___ed cy «a t'.i.r MB aad rspii liupiipstauaet, aaecred by t_s.aea aa.m u ta* cosn_**-aia .»**-' *.. *** aan r ¦Baaaaa, r 8*8188 *-~*fc Battr. t»c BJ Hear.-a _* *.-,-,-*, ** aOLOMOll JET-JTB. FrMatpel i_r_._st


FX". t*u



po -Tbe f* taa.. uf thl* *>*.... I M* Kuija** Oep aaa-e te -Van b . '. -r.s ki. tt* pBffie .a: b* ba* tjeapir-^i ca a--r_*ea>*L-a fof tiaa eaaiuag seaao**, wto_ w_ a-' re. to tu* pi^_. *.*.? t--.*»»et.ts Ml -*m.' *..".'. w* ¦: '¦* ****" . coaw tu f».af*B* ensIa cof_i»J-l li* ewato.stswet p. » ,V | gaet »va a -j:.«- of th* ooeasajt. : ..t :.e-ataee*****, aad tbetr of -43 a* raaa fctTv aay -caf* prrpa.« far C'aaife «r B BBBB raa Tsapasnaawill IBufowahly MM A B.i>* _«**if*CT, TL* Fw-nef Uae-itf a *-**e la tbe seb-foL and Ui_r*. three t*ei'» e_y 1 ne _»~act.or. »* pras*"at aad th* mor.



KAGAZI5E ibsibbb

r Aa....s ati- ruaaiaa Bw-wr-i Faruaias a/ I.mb w bm Baya bbtibsi k* m EE.Urs Ba ;*:




te:a-i .tc otbrr f*xr ic bflra




oe* atr*r*. wi.,



p__L__B_UTED \_/ Noc_* lf Bardwara laavortera fla_h.B__B.Bad

Oraagv-ft-oemv? H«*rv. Lrookiyt .Tb* r. "I I -r w_Uoe*___*»etu_ W EIN: >tait Tb* Tra.*. va. ieea ia -BSiatii*. l aa Lat tary na .ol o***y m um*:*'. by i i atie: c' w » . *- .| JacJr* _cr«a for ta**rr*agh Br.__._t -tt :--

b* a.*>..?.* a* '.. t-pas.ig of uer ¦i i iratraaoa w-.'. smbsb.e -a tte <~d rer- a ta Weaiiaweaj. to* ls* of Brp._**-.ooertma tv: acaei*»-.oa, ie i OOWICE. Sacrot*-y of e Fa BZli : b


rtten-t:.- BENBT: :BBOTsnjr«fK»w-TBr_, r4 p_.-_u_ad tbo astira thlarmt ot tht -Cettaa PUe **¦ i-xxf at Satg Blas R T. aad epp-ii.-ad me e_p_*_*_»a_*f tbal tv t*a

BBBSl a-»



CMftan a*.' l*ai»-e«a_i .ut t ea'i oJt mimpven* a»fl ui**!*. Bftwa** ttiuuoa .«__. Pt__a a_r_____l try. P-»»T'._* Fir» *.._. .. hc al tu* 0*0 wmaxt tt CUAlUi Laj'TTLA V*n_a BS Fuibbb ar a.





tf Menu. .'sieLecti-fc,

IRVLNU INbTTTLTE -L FRENCH anl CLASSL O.-J.asa. Caaar. aad Com.arr.>*a8 scl.> fa'Yoa.g ea__^^ JL_I ¦pNGLISH. CAL B'lARD'NG tnd OAT RCil *01. far YO. N Ta.ywa N. Y TMs BHaad t.i aaaa la aaaLAD1L8 Vaadarh-ttai.C-ftaa, Stttaa lf___t wUhji-e. boar of New Yert-Mt J O fl't>"j:»b. i*^aci*a_ T-i ****" moe.o* ot iLj iVbooi w^l -tea Sept . drCan ¦my ba hat af H_a F-r«-__i d Karrk !_»_ fer afct i Nt 13 Br_»l-tt i cltrt Stat-t _c_w> Agtacy 111Ha »vi Br»|wt, Mrawt Ciark Autu. 1 i-m.hiRatdt R-am No JP»*k :¦» trN>r *,










<amaJMt Xtuuda v-il_ga, Lr._<*aCa fbata


TEACMERS. Kor bcaeU Houte rjLE7-A

Real (Sstatt fcr Salt.





Dl; Bawvry. cna \






7_e iwgn.fe_ariu oo:^..: of t tti ..-.* tzi -.-x--. kc 1* .: r t fa _ir>sr t, Wtrbai ei -.ce of *ikie feei tnu g- ti I -Maj T e wa-^*r .-.d to be or.. hi b tha fleai ar-:. -r.t canal oa i _e b__. aw_ tbt B-lnber* Dalfaif ._t fit..-"taaa ba aoUl w F..r I ¦ .»»:.,: cIj.VAKUM PA.X.ON. A:-.r_rj *: > B Law. Lk,* -a.iri. LbcktCc, ft n

g'.T.g pan.:.i_.i



mtri CAL! FORM A


A_a_ri-Br harewara










S rA_.K-.__ P.u.



r- ¦.*» ,-i- ba*. i *.: .p«.-:» t. i. ** A-__ta_t'i !i ::.xr In-.ttxait. .'.tn.utix-et.tZreiiahm inan ' '." I-'I f X-.3.,-t -f w .rv. |ff |-a .- 'i S f- X *i saflfft, xvd w-xili a b . T- :i

bouse fo.* *

mno-l r*-4ea at*arbe4


IB fl t r RmP M IM iilOraao-a:. frooilPM to.'P.M.


-min Gani r.iei hoaae ia

Punhaae in



.ARplen<.idber W P--w.r ud I'arni fjr on' I_«

tmf &' *:.-.oderate wilk cf lha Stu'.b aad f partMBBBa, J *J. Box No. J,CT.i 15mlnu*e*' 'irrx.kljn. .tm*.. Add****. witafull


« '^ ,

prlM **>* -Xber ptrticai'i.

to RENT- By a


arr.':* XI ._'.«. W U»«-S ki-. t ftW -1 fc r ^alr, cf K-ai Estate al Mercraetr' Exehaaga. acd H.uteUi.c. "'J kt pr.^ata rtsscen-ief. aitecctc ta o« rearmabia ALBEBT H. SICOLAV. -utztrxx. A c-.' r ***. Rrai Fvute ac3 latsraLoe Agaat. t



'altia* Stre or 8VB ronca eaca. ax* wantec od nr b-f^re tb* I'xhfji B*i«n.ber Muat ba withla two or tbree a th* City Hall: or. if in Brookira. w.'aia tea mmtrtae' walk

et, tha ctflce. ita'iBg IccMlc*

-j_tr»o., w-.Jicrct aid'ioaai ooaL . A,i rrae~-nta% oet or mort of



.-.f either Fulton or South Kerrlea. a**d tnab-t tnd good rtei»bborho->d. ReBt »nuat be rcorWrate


CHANC__^-ONLY LOTSLLPT. Lou fur o_»y R-( L.VST


LAET. IW» Av_a*C E*BiuA*_r*i«a_ u*_ucaof_*



ef O-iN H »' i-E. Nt 2: Par*-ta».

.*- E*« rftb-st-. ior rartaer paftM-uiai* iooTi>fa _e OAOeai _****/*.-anaat* ^ WM J BI BJIKTT Ka I* Wa..-*t: o» o* b C MA^ at.c

Cbr m-w: eonxiB'jems


nnd U^me-nt



uoc* H««_«. Noa

refor sale.

tna Bareatn i* arr ir a r-Kic ae^biwni'joc xnc il p* rioxr. anfe:. w-*_t all * :* D,oo*n :n -nu A* _a* l»m_ij witi, oom ccopy tne aaa** arr tont rvm.' _cg maB t_« ary. a lam aoraaa af ..* aart-Bi e*-r >_-t.-.*.trf w_fl aac. ba diannasd o_ Tba teriM r I t* I *¦«.«. a_c poffetaioa pres witaia a _jcu jetr .' oer-rv after rart For f_r__ar paru..--.-.

fla o-

yvaaa ta*


__'.._, _B_L

tc dmd-Og artt vUimv lota li n__e* d_cam f-om c' _m aate-tk tesry ot Sewtitn Criwt- and hai ter i n__e tnn_ the pia__.-raa£, ac r&act fn ¦ na emory aab toe: f_r l aenta Ol tbt pren___t thmn M t la-pe n-nta fa-r. Ae Apptj u. W AT_._N A EIKE., OraaA-tl. Naw-Torb yBr_a_wiya_i x-p-At *




-a :-*. iatix. wii; a raluaur



or V\ »»'*._





Dack LEASE-^The Ke.v 8a_faaaa-

TO LET e-ry




* _e -ax


*.'' *-r


etr.'.y Tbt Uur* J"epa--aaB: U ba wm '*! et M eariy aai aa* P.-vt^aa*.* B* Bl >. *_a.._*-¦« fa tna/lMpiiic C Oeta.t* DiaarUMaU. aatted ». ba a* f**.«.<.*-. *_.. r.ufiaau.-Bi | of Uw E-i«.* I.b.... a.1 LuerBtw* L.tat.-* 8. latiii of tfc* La*. aad U.*a LaLg.fe* ar*, riawassf-Btiip r/ PrawtBg aad Arts of Ttmara 5 riisksaiiai )i of IU.e.aaaa Hart_n.-.«. Pr >'4*->p»y. ard A*ffi»i> v y . a. Piil.s*8f*l-*p of Cteea.ery *.' t Pa.aad

fTX)XET..Rooma SALE or'K.XCHANGE-Il tV)R N.w-V *_*_«:****. ;t lr*c_ad ba_hrr J arMBea_-tas:lor C»ftc«*c* trracwav ef 3 B-Bss -'Taa^rra.->^4. 3^" Bttx-bj* Aop.y A Grac Kii. M» Mii»


_au-B_f^aaaM f* :.n i a*..u8> K anLLE- Ni. )tf B*>art-.







; Acatuau


aac «: *iiC.: L-.-n. : a_*.t aa.: B--.!**.**-


M aaa


¦BB A__^ T.i eeree o* tatox-a *&.***. Lmxxi. e-jrentt* ir tbs koun n' f«a-_-Hi't Beti_« C-r N V. lar sais oc tr-**anga Ixv f-v rf T'lS./R J. LE* TE. C-*s____r -t_-_*w. Nc _T B_BM_,I T^ary W'M 8i__La.»_.l» W'oat Rr___.





ca_.va_.oe Par jjart af a _l~/__Mee___B Iaa* «>dtr s r**e «ta* 0!BLOTHF.IL a *t_-et; tln a Ea-vra,


Haaa* **p*rate)y oTt*f**.a*r. BiiiB a Ml Ktu.ib fari-iMyse. !* a pnvaU tr- -M p.e**aat-v astaatew T*t_8B»oder*M. Crut-aa argMf tbrtraa.a**Appiy at Nc UJ Wttt ^libat, aear *th »v. Cs-j *. . .




LET.A Stoif ia





r.tos Uot-ttt. **xp*. a' a '| J".| K,", LrTfi ru.ree .-. y A-* th* tie-ttrtrot te . . im t* -.r-arr-d i_ A?:\r.x Vtmmwt r tawai t fa * '- tbo










acs-sfd a-sdHwasssa _m afwd ovi rxtmAt+rm. a-A tk n**u-**t- o.t .**_***__ * u'th* eon^g o< tert matt*. ttntwy ky ssatt »-P*"< *

a. ..*.*


MM :-.*..--aMBB I tt M PMMB eoany i>yp.sMnta arv aasMg iu w-8*ag»>br¦.*.*. - « mb aaaaa p ¦. t. * .j


-**_*_*. «^"*^ t **>*^n .****. *-**

aad KURNITURE TldCsT^-TTjCt Hoam. Bfla-Bf BaOEr-A tiamoyotirt aad e*ei





ro.** ua**"**.****'***__*_*i __* HaB-BaT nannABo. *6 u


taTPia-if "M.'rt'a: j fare*

ba taa Oftat. ofv*'* C**> Haft. 17«OR SALK or ro LET.\ r atd t F*EM. tmmted m Uoeega.*. fZrk. oxet uj* front Arur.eream l maaa tc tat Ci(i«kiv«-i'%iuri*»i Tbt term


-OL Ba




M*\THEM*\T. rAL TTFtri_S_JtTrGRA_nfAR1CaOOfa ... Mtitm II MlB a-w Ueaaia^BB- 1^ ..--.? f

*L *mA

*'*r-s->-daner ta-l.« d Mai u te^glk. C*>* s-4 w_t. aai B*B MB - >. ***eca-r leW-i-t. BV tf*-.*- * *»»iar_ss


et. 0*0-


CUW Sw_a-ta_a .


Itrel Coa-f-ay arv ¦aAiac a tnpanar artxtx** ig Cart aaatrt, ta-ia-taotrt rqut' 'o tay _, a^rhac and ar* preporoi lt, eirrota orcert tor a_! tirtt oi Hiaanrtil Cxwt txteei. a a ette. '-g Stortt ot tu.-'* ort a*v a_w f»»«ttjtl ie Tltoy rvoer.T o ien to- trt or*e, S***A, ta k* ttr -«tac ,;ifsat-»li JOdlH i,i'IN.|, Cawaaiya BV'Mae. No It ina m H g.












p.t _p *.t b-adies Uttt lha. at near as eae ha f i i i|i»l b siiibm am Im tbemaethf of Msy. Jaaa, Juy, Asgaato trt fJttpt.m of oax: year 11. lie eei.very lhe vrirr wiS bt exaruaei aad _Mtad la tbt fc... maaner. Of erery S bca&iea, cr 1.1s* iht, owt theie wiai bt^alected. aad tmtf.uovtl set»-ee_ two paMt At* feet aaa.-- the oaa aad atoac-ed to a eaaata-.. wtuca a w.ll ke iy l__j-d ea __*_ it brtaaa Tbehyrtalana ,*-.:.-¦ Bwtoaanflaai flaal i * .-t..»r -^_*ie. tMa-baa -xre-hn. wb_ah josi|-Ih1bbI Bb L»sADa_ arUS.SUB ._ . '. £ t.i t*<:..m pe: »' ;..: fattat l_m taato tb-n f-r-ai iVBiaiaanua ad tbat LMBIha. ta raataot to ot-Ser c-.xciu. ar. be eoataned hat if aot. U w_U ha r%ected aie p-aons t: tte a-.«pcaal ol tbe eoat-aoaor. U. Asreearof-ntg-eeaiaBe-bra. ea__ eag of a xkatt arill baadiagit iroart orer tbt ;twt of aferfoaaB haaasard^ af naw aaa abar* aiiara, atd heedxg u baea aga__. Tba anr* eaat su_d thn tett withoc: tbt feaat txg_ of Uilara. Ita ha.-*. na at aad claaa. :ry wiil at iba aaaaa t_a_t bt aa___taad ta bewtxt. anc 1 also by ba__a_m^, flh_M aad a. _cl irg tba aaoa, wbaca Banat part of tbo oparactua af ziaoot b*

ooae. . iti. 'i.t atna.. Mru* IB Tb* w-.r* i» -p ot drcrered ib


"¦- »¦¦*' iofe ao naw atand tbe vulooi tatta *r**thni bt aeotmeittmm**xiama**j,mrt w peraafltiic-^rtry _.__. at lai fa.; rmfa«w:_ tbaa he aaii to uia BBflflafl ¦ la *-B-*iat->a faaat 14 Tbo » aar eeat xjrAi bo BBBBPBBi far 1*u loaeer. Sboald ie that taaa, aame ** ntS-Biai jb» of tbe t* v a_y xoan dafeeUTt aaasas b* dnaiifiaAeort txwtat a_U ht rewcted aad aaaeod at tbt aeartu-. , a_ap_B_l. stgkw brua-a 01 wttofe. eaaag ar aot otiad. ta aaaa .~f*--u at fl* 1 haBBBB taaa danag tb* pmc-vat af tha wart. Tbe vaia* al tace wire. t>«*cbar anth tba U_» axptaded apoa ^^ K. wiilitbaa ba daoaeaad of tbt * par eaat. rfaarrtt W. The aadar«f»ea. at tb« E_«_-sar of tha Brutaa. wCl bt tim axrt jrtmaot U*a ahoxt taato. be wili ataag a* aa bapaxrt. amamtn krta iaa tae eoaoa-Bor aag t_t Br. W* Coatpaane* a> d tnm hai _-C_a_e tbara ahaU ba ae 3 tto y-n.u *¦.r 11111I ira ml aaai ht ami. Oaahatf or iti ..tta. r_ tri tl be aaad aa Ut Caaada atfKpted aaB aaay aa kaadal Raspecr-d hy aay 0/Naw-York. II Prepoaaa, a-S he r»or-*r. aaal tb* U of Ocrobar aart. t _-*?_*» at he duB-Oad Ba lha aadr uign*-i. at Niaaan ttoia. N fa, aad __o-i_ ha n-_-ted oa Bba aat^eaa B e_*ll|re.»P>pi*_il«_i 1* Tbwr e-_4*ac~_n, wt me gntttalia.- BBBBflflfl. wiil ba taf-ar- a. of tbt bd by __tt, fednr* ar aa tbI_Bh ot Om't'N A kOt BUNO, Axaxmt a*xt Eagiare* et Ua* Niagara ta.* Ra xxxa d_spaaa>_ R xipa Yul-a. tx \ Aa*, « '» .*?t -


J-eM Bmbm F w Tdattmte, Albart » ***¦ faa- bat< ta. Joi-sStaaB-av B*u EiawaJACOB trr.** Ptoxea* i (, H :! tfflXOTVB*. .*. iAMIIiU..\t. daaaat Wn V Psarrit Sec.'..- ._*^ JOrlffT METCILFT, K0.» ***** EDWali) fllUia MD. 'EaasSsas aitheOfteeof toe Coaiptoj a*aUy fcast -





BBBBBBHa BaiiBiaiea awaar ssf a'aBaad OtT.a, Naa laaad li gttami Searf ^ ^g ta-f Tta* ,





C«p*i ._> *'~^mL\mt

aaaa, aac aacarwy it.a.d. aaa tr*?a.» w *»*** iMBMBl aasBBf* toa. .. *ta-«f8.W TbaMsnsc af toas Ca,napaar a*a*»Mia **. *' , to*arart to the *«*_...-.«. al to* Bsrs, fc.-B.ta ol toe f«>aaa*B**a t>~~L. wlH!fc MBoaeth* aaaand _wtp¦ heaiaag aa-*» T_B'. to be rlfraaablr ta oaaB jaaa aac BBBSMl abea ae_aM M tE."~.



^^»J^ **s»f T^, J, IrtB. mmk J^3»-r f |^ar_aa»


Sa-aea S

_S_aVfl_9 Aop-t- a Ba__aa

W U.ratr H A*f~.*.

EftVSSs? »-=.»-¦ ** laBtot.

^M^atarba» ..'¦ t'»e.k-. O-roa, v»

.»»** Oa.****T S KlBBsBMj

V-Urrotr hatm Paa aaa, C***-!i,¦ ia'j fv,r* AKBf

_1~H* ^r rr^L VA




BBtroaaai i^- ,J 4^M.

LS £»B-8M tt£j B_Sla bT_bOeaaiae Obbs.

Otae.. 8 CT*W. Sataaa.*aj

1V3 EW-ENGLAND UVESTWKJ* htBANCE Co.mtkST.te *"****> ***} J\ *,.**.****. CAFTTAL. _^^

8fl^Coaa»aay_r*ta.L.-»Bwict**^-_^ -TaausBBBiattBB. ln.slnaBd*MMfaB«_¦_*! " -a-,v *



8g8] J


r B*r. ». ^t. SMi'iraia

PORSAN FRANCISCO-DIRECT. MEBCANTILE MUTOAL WJJr p..&*t*Jm^ J V< h-rV*^ bt_* Je-iemltoV"fl *_p.-*,r^l aMaMMafibM TSE_* th0t*Jx**A*9*} ANCP. COMPANY, No. «8 Wall-at-le .onfatro'ty tbo Ca-npeny tohatit . Bh tba iaq.ititk._o af 0*>tr Charter,

Amc-ut of Pien iumt not uarkrd off April 3, a****9**\*M 3d ABaoat ol PreaiioiBf oo Polteiei isrood* ftcm 1153..Wk*** 3d April, AprH,»tiLt»» 30 Total a__oun» of tba yeor, as Tte .»_»_! of Pret-luma sseiksd oll dariag .*nT'' *"' 37 .8l,4A5.7ft2 Oi. Ai.i.-.e R-ii. ___~ ., M, M Oa l-)a_d Tr_B*ortatieo snd _-BBBfl_l--_--1 ****** «

Premluma.$I,MS,470 L Pirinlii__s.

Rl,-77.8B- s7 144.1W04





*.rr*dPr*n>Hm.fert_eyar.$L4»,«9 33

JKCKli;.fnOM-1 tattti

Na»lga»fe" Lo*tet. 14,728 08 Ba^tBranrA CoBJmutiOB. Interett, 206,110 59 935,-33 10 fcxpentt*, and Bad Debts. Prcfits to be Amcont of Earrings of AbmmbioI k't.i.inttof IM-.198,118 77 Por

dividtd._*'Q.L® 1847.!pP_M-

Earoingiof 1849...*..837,721 G8

An-tui t of

Air.ror.'.cf Kareingf of libo._G0,186 06

AD.f,-t i f* of 1851.3tll,348 60 -i i .' Eainingtof 18.52.497,966 23


Total tor **t years.|l,-_H,398 30

Ler* tmourt of Certiticstei 1847,1848, l* petttui uf IRM paid meatii.

1849, and

818.990 53

1,009,4117 86 Tba C. ii psi y ftrrthsr ro port that they bad, at tbat date, tbt

li l.wir




l_v.»t. d tn I'nited 8t_let C yet cent and otber



Rond-uid Mortgigtf. 58.000 00 Bllli r.tcrlvable. 900,596 H Casb a_d I'-fettltd Clalms, to be oloted by cath esno«ef. 143,000 97 Total A»»*ts.11,348.109 58 Tbe Tni»tee« have declared a Dividend of Thirty-five Pe Cent oo tbe ret earned Premmmi of the patt year, payable ta 6crip, «,n and after tbe tecond Monday ia Msy aext Tba Truiteei bave tlto retolved, that tbe balance of tha'-g Scrip itrued for the year endlog 3d April, lAbO, be 1*1,1, tmii llie lnternt flue thereon, on and after Monday, tbe 'Oth of .Mav aaat and ait >, that tbe iotsrett and 50 per cent of the tfcrip lttued for the yrar endtng April, 1851, ba paid ta iihe, on and after Monday, the 12th July pnx., ti.e Cc.-»lfiaat_i to hc preieiiied and oanoelled to tha extent -.? pajnutt. By order of the Board, W'. V. HLTCH1NUS, Secretary. New-York, April 24, 1852.


Jotevb Walktr, Tboinss Hunt. Jtmet Fierlnnd, F*,i> Pli.irlen, Tboinss S. Nelson, Wilann 0 Hun», glewait C Marih,

D. W.


Chat G. Carletoo, Paul N.SptaHord, Lncios Hopklnt, -eptiuiu* (rooket, Daniel O. Maviland. Charlet Payen, Levi Cook, Chai let II. Rorert, David L.Sayra, SamoelJ Bealt, Henry A. Stone. William W'att, John Steward, Jr, O. E. Maltby, Goorge i.'utings, Altnet Roed, B. M. W'hitlock, barr.i.* WiUets, Cyrui Cu-tits, James T. SontMr, Oansla* Gricr.f II, Hennan Boker, H. W. T. Mail. Eli»s Hlcks, ELl.H'OOD W'ALTER, Pretideot. Ll- WIS GREOORY, Vice-President (HAS. NEW COMB, Second Vice-President W. V. Hf ithinaa, 8-ore,ary. _

N1CHOLAS FIRE INSURANCE C O M r AN V i -,ri, i 1,1,1:nl, 150,000 Dollan. in the Inrurrit

ST. '

prufite. Tl j Coo.pany hevina oompleted their organisatloa, will aomt-ecce buiints. on Mouday, 2d August, next, at their ar i .'. i 1-oatioa, comer of 8th-avand 23 itt. Tt l-a ie* ixati-A oc all defsriprioni of Marchandlse, Btorea, Kurnltiue, Shipt ln Port, Ao., on na favorable Dwa___B_, te rrri ar .ther Citv (Wire*, with tbe sdvantafe to fararsn Bl a -tie i_ the prufiU of the Company. MB8CT0R8, M. BaajBI Mott Qs'iitt S. Mott, Henry B Boltter, Ja-.IL Del I'ee-hlo, Joaeph Bougi.ton, Elijah Ward, Wm. A. H'fcealer, Jauie* *W 0(.den, Joho A Ouun, Garritt H Striker, Jt Wm. W Campbel), Sai-nel Lymae, W. lonea, Jcaeph M Ftvagt, At*liel A Denman, Stephen D Crtne, William J. Britley, Jo_n S. Mi yer, Henrj 1 John 1 i_.... ai.,mi, MarkCoioell, Waita, Wm -R Stewart, William Wintlow, J.jl.ia, Andrew Ward, FraitoiC Saudrraoa Henrv Dnboit, f.'-o W V*n Nurt Wm. W Cornell, Dtvid L. Styra. Job-i W. Howe, Cumniliif, H. Tueber, M HOPPER MOTT, Pre-ideat Ckav O. RicHtRDsoM, Becretary. parttcipate

(Topartnerstjiji. CopwtneTrihTp I^ISSOLLTION..-The J7 tn-iu'oretxliting under tlie firmofOADY k 8'TR-

"^ *,wpo* for 2. Ha.."laLVpSITS.__5_Tft___! ^'T***1- *.-****-. -*eurnng tha Mra b*T*ofc.*<* h^a V._5 ._?* ¦1'u*,Ko*ll>.T.-eaWNhfJO, Caatorn-llmJT **-*i **t-*i ly tha Eaallfh





to SAN FRANCISCOTt rpHROlH.H 4 tO. B^KI>,k.C*tlJ IlAT>P.8^New-Yo,k Saa Fr_William C.


pHitiiersliip [VrOTICR..Tbfl LOCKWOOD A CO. 1* Uii* dty di**ol»ed by rnutual i.tauxu*e,.1. tnthorised to tot.i rither of llie uudeminned of H. .M.



fl_,t.-_o;n_-Lit_d JalySC, The Cloli.ta|


tl0CKWOOD. OEOROE RUDD. bu*lr.-s*. In a'.l lu branohes, will ba oonttn-

B_B8flA| m.LOCKWOOD^ SUBSCRIBER hepe>nr nutififli «H

*rt at tbe old tiaaid



kj IU

PISH'ER L atBR040 No. -1 '*> Usaetra «i.o fi>; i f_n»*.ted butiaft**their olamii Broa-lway, ii: lhoc:tj rf Naw-Vurk. lo preasnt looitrua) tn or LeC.-a t.'ie 2!*t of SroieuiSer next. to A*»ifueaef BROMIW'AY, »RMAN 1I8IIER V BROADWAY, Sta-iUd, O^o Datei» Au|. 24,1S52. W A\

CnlRaaa cf tbe Ute flrm cf

(Dcean BUamers, &c CHARLRSTON.SVmi-Weekly ar.d mag"i'*<,*nt 8 Mail Line..The




J. Dickiaioo Commander. will leave

ihio ER, Ptar Nr, 4, N. R. OH IVEUNE-IIAY. Au* 21, at 4 .. c ork Y M rreri-cy. Ker Ircight apply ou hoard, where all Milf of lad'mg wiil ; and for p_e>age (banug uuurpasB-d accoai-.cdi'ioni' at the offiee cl k CO No. 48 South^i Bl'OrEt 'PD. TILESTON Tr-e Iteacier M ARION, tot being _!-ia U) mako llie neneirary repaiiv, wtll n.t leavoon Sa'urday, Aug 21, but wiil leave cn her next lapJ-M u*y, Raft, 4









liafl Weekly U. B. Mail ___*.oew and "iegant _kean>impa *y"r,m _i _k i< iN .Capt. IB. Borry, roatet, BOi'TliEKNV-B.-t***J*- J.**;DlcktMoa. JAM»'8 a ADOKH.Ctpt. aad Now-Yoih .etwoea line i *rp «-ekly ts :__lowsi £,,., rey-akxt

DHION.V'.!.C_Ft.Rlch'dA_a_a_, *

wtll _a_te their inpi jjuu- -*.j.**\ i ,i..N.Siturday.Aag. 4 11 |OI TiiKRNER ....u cdnesday.Aug .1 MARiOM.8»tnr_sy.Aug. *M jaMi-s ..Uur.K....iiod_es_ay.Aug. 2S


No detention








8HIF .onneetlng PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP through U S Mail Llne fot CAUFORNIA aad OREOON, aia Aji-Mnwtli aod Par.tna.The apl.od.d oew and doubie engine U S Mail f.leaii.*hlp OIIIO, 3 0*0 tu-_*. J KiMl-y S-'i*n V l 8. N , CtMnmander. wili aail *n MONDAY, Sept. -.. at 3 o'clock P. M yt-.-iaelj frora pier st foot of Warren stNortb Biver. Tbe Paeins Bteamahip Cempaoy's' nifieent steatnei PANAMA will be ln reedlnes* at Panama the Ohio'a tu receive mail* and mlaaengers and aail immadtatelyofforibeSan Nf *ffo-ta will be rpared on the Conipain** put tbeir pa-eeryer* through with part ezpedition and eomfort. BATBIOr ratETO ASPINWA1.L

1.dle* Sai.xiD, Siato-Rootn.pM Lower Aft aad Forward Saloon, Baaood Cabin Standeee.48



Paa*enger* will U landed at th» Railroad wharf, Asptnwall, free. Traaait of tha Isthmns M the P*aaririg»rs' axFersons aecuring tairntigh ptimae by the L'nited late* Mail Bteeu.era from New-York, preforence oi accon.modation oo board of the Paeitie Mail Steamer*. Rate* of far*. from Panama to San Francltco on the most iBvurabl* tom.s. Fur ffeigbt or passag* apply to CHARLES A WHITSEY, at the Ofrfoe of tbe Co.1 No 177, Weet-rt., eorner of Wrrren, **.*_ NY.





I had lofU-infcwhlahmatha NO other fcr* »UI



81IIP COMPANY. connecting ariih the PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY.-Osly through V. 8. Mul L'ne foi CALIKORNIA ai.d OREOON, via AAPIN¬ WALL and PANAMA By order of the PiartmaMer-O-merel, toe L'nited Statei Ma'l Steeinera, with the great Cati-

foroia and Oregon Mai!* are to be eaBMBabal oo the 'ith aid 20th of eae.h direct for Aaptowall and from New-Orlea.. on the 7ib and 21d When these dates ooeur on, Ihe sailii.g tu he poasponed nntil the Monday foliowiog. The Pacilic Ma.1 Sleamers are to be ia readineM foi iinii.edi.te on arrival of the* st Panama. L'NITED 8TATE8 MAIL STEAMSHIP fj The following i* a Bai of the *tea.ahips belonging to thi* Con.i.any OKORGIA.3,000 tuDa CRE.HCNT CITY. U88 tnn* OHIO.3.000 tun* CH* KOKKK.1,300 tun* ILLINOIS.'.2,500 tuns PHII,AOKLPHIA 1.1888.B EMPIRE CITY...2.000 tuns EL DORADO.l,*»0ti.s FALCON.1,0)8) tuns. Leaving New-Yotk for A.u.wall oa tbe 5th aod 2"th of eacli The new steamshlp F.L DORADO and the PALCON wiU fo..i a direct liie tietween New-Orieao* and Aspiawalt, leaving on the 7ih ar.d 23i ol each month, and forra ing with U.e I'acific steamships a Tl.rough Line to and frora Me* Orleana and |.*rts lu Meaico, Ckuforoia and Oregon Pauaga Iron. N.i. Orl. au. cau be aecured from AAMSi'RONO. HAKKIS A CO., A..-n.aat lhat plac* THB BATKS rtOM H) W-VoBK TO ASP.P.WAL.. WILL le Ladiea'Saloon Stato Rooma.$6:5




Lower Aft and F Twarrl Saloon Becoi d Cabin BMaBBM


AsptowaJI, of exp*n*e. Tbe i*ilrt«d be'ng In operation, and car* runniiig over half tbe diatiuice frora Aapinwall to Panama. tna Irai.iit of the Istbimis may be perfonned in from etghteen U. twenty-four hoar*.th* expense, whieb varie* from $10 10 be born* by the paaaengera tib, toPAt'IKIC MAIL Hi'KAMSHIF COMPANY. The public are informed thnt, nnder tle new a*r.n__rament of il... Company, bteamer*, lnapected anS approved t>y tu* Navy, con.manrled by N.vy OrBcers. .adcarrying il.e 0. B Maila. will hereafter leave Panama immeMails, aod San Fran¬ diately onthethelstarrivall.:>ihof the Atlactto eiaco aa and di^i of eacli month, and willtoach at Acapnlco. A rteerve Boat will be kept it eich ind of tbe route to Bover .f-eideDt* Tlie following Steam Pseket*, belocging to the Pacifio Mail Steaniahip Company, a-e now on ibe Pacihc, oneof wbieh will he al w.y. m port at each end of the route OOLDEN OATEiLABi'M.1 COLCMBIA.SoOtuna

TENBjESSEE ....l,.'*-a llONITlTl'TlON ..800tun*. NORTHpRNER. .I,«i "ftina ANPt-LOPE .7%tuna RF.PlBLlC.l,i"Ofuos. I AROLINA.t30fl;uns.. OREOON .l,0«4tuns.COLLMBLS .Oaitu. PANAMA.i,">t7tnnB ISTHML'S .600tun* CALlEOHNIA....l,"y.f_a L'NICORN 9 RIMONT.6( 0 tuna The newateanihip ( OLLMB1A will ply between San Franeiaco acd ports lo Oregon, awalting at the former port the arriva'sof the roails and passensers at Panama. ai.d retortting wttiout de'ay with the maila and p**eeo«era for the

from ban Krariciaco. Peraona aecurlug U.roagh by tbe L'nited dt.tea M ul Ste.mera (rom Srw-Vork i.-tve pr» of accemmodauonoa board ll.e i'aclnc Mail Stramers. Rates of fere from Panama to San Eraaclsoo on U.e m at

favorable terrns. A regular line ef Propeller* will be kept up for th* tranaportation of freight aod tracslent passcr.gers between P*nimi and Han Kraiclico. One of th* above steamors will keep up the ecrnertion between Acapulco aod other M-.iean perta 1 ien passenger 1* allowed 2bo lha. p^rsooal haggige tree, not eiceedtug in measurement 10 ctibiti feet. rteight will be taken to Chagrcs at 7c centa per loot, and frim 1'acatr.a to Stb Krancico at tlie rate of .*Ir.i per tan. For tre*4ht tr passsge apply to CHARLES A WIIITNEY, At lhe emee ef the ( oinpani., No. 177 Weat st, coroer of W arren, New-York.



f KRANCHCO.TlMMatj lice glving tiekeU for erotafolng tlie'ne shortest and ebeapest route..Tbe PR'IMETHKI'S. Il'ai tu... yoritedoubieengln* So i Kiver. .1 3 o'clock P. M will leave from Pier steamshlp |>t»ei»el.y, en ATl RDAY. *ep: 4. for Saa loan del N*rUt, direc, ernrect'.ng with tte eeuble angine itaaiuea- B. 8. LEW H.-'.'.ti" tun.. orer the Nlcaragua traosit routa, havleg but I'i mile* ot land trariportation. Tbla routo i. uow in perfect orr>er. and pas*BQger*c*a rsly npon g jing ihrouah wi-l. dispatch, ln the most eomfortibie manner. Tle-sa ptean.eta have supericr venUUtion snd acomtnodatioB* For lnfermatiop and paaaage at the lowest ratea, apply ooly to D. B. ALl.EN, Agent, tio. 'J Battary-pl.*, up stairs. ,



new and stearrship CITY OF M AtaCHEdTER, BobF ¦lieflUVIvRPOOL^Tlie



Leiu'., CosMBaedar, wn' sail trom I'hila'-elphta for Liv* on SATI RDAY. S-p'-rn).*'4. .: yo'c'ock, A M. *t|>ot.lFaaaag* in after saloon state looms.8"° ...

Paaaa-te m n> ssl'H.n atate roo-ns.Itil saloon state rooms.tV5 rasaa'g*wiin 1fo-wars i-e provided with H.ilway Ucket* to I'hllaPaaseiigera ire*ef expense. bv tb* agent. del|.)>ia, THO.MAS Rli'HARIiSON. No. 11 Exahange plaaa.

POR LIVERPOOL.. DRAMAT1C LINK-PACKF.T Op* i'th AI'Ol'MT -The fav-ortia JT Cspf J OE Porter, aiidspleikiiidpacke(sLi|>SHERIDAN, her rratilar d.y. Kot ffight or psasace, M alTJ Mil BBtne. baviog atip*r.or acoou.u»Hiati..Da, M|

Jl -Tei,

appiy ou >x«-d at Pier No. or U> RrOKFORD. TILESTON h CONo. 4« South-rt.

Sraiaa LlVERPOOL..United ATLANTIC, Captain la.n-* Waat.

depart wtth the V. 8 M.ia' -r Europe Bepl t. 12ocl.K>h M fn*m aaabiTtri atcr.tbeSATLRDAY. fo^t of Canal st. No berth* erarn .d ti lp»id her berth atvomeaod*for. i'ci freigbt 01 paaaage, hav-.B* ui>e.|ude«i tdoni tor aad ooaiBjrt aop'y (.< No V, \\ iM kCii, tDW. K. COLLIN.> Tbe'.p ARCTIC wiil tuweed ti.* ATLANTIC and Bail SeptcmW IK, 1852._ a.d


MANCHESTER.-atorday, Sept



Vc-p.m^ax. »N ».* ,\. J9tb wil,



Jl M

11 MANCHESTER.IVsdreaday, OLASOOW.W'ed.eeday Aog Sept I Btat JB MANCHESTER.Wedoetday, OLASOOW.Wednetday Ofl V


/aon fHii.iUKi.rei* raon i.ivaaroot. Itt-ot, *n*rSUUria,Di*.|* Btlonnifitr !UUr'tt*....»YifM. 6S! B-.J.h.p II" ir.i_.-up forwani SS. ,-,-a u laelndicg _teward . faea THIRD-CLA88 FAS8ENOERJ. A llrrlted number of third-cbua psj_enien will ba takaa fr*r.i Phiiadelptiit aod Liverpool. and found ln provuiona Pn-ro Fniladelpbia.RJ" From Liverpool_Sriineaa Fr*:*!u on fine goods tc per ton. and toarta good*. hardware, e wlll be taken rabjeot to acrtament N. B. By tbe late alteraUoni ln the tailius of tbete rteaafart, and the fscibaet for qalck trtveling by railroad aad fteamert In Europe, thaae to wbom time lt an oijeel aaa vbrit Oreat Bntam. lreland. and the prindoal aootlnentaJ aitiea, alloB-ng them abont ten full dayt lo do to hafoai r» tamlng ; and be hach tn tbt United Statet, la *.' dayt ftow ftartlng Ratet of pattagt out and home.After talooa hert__,|l^, midibip. Ill'i, forward. l'i" third alaat, Ur An experieoced Burieon will be -kried aa eath ahtp Por freixht or pinwe, apply to THOMAS RIC11ARU-0N, Phtladelohlaaud New-York *.




di.-t; *nr> "-et-etja N>\\ VU ti aad LI'. KRPO-'lL >>'. -Tl.r B ataa -r- Mdy -Ih Bo.ston Kcd UVEEFOl e-e-.r^era. Ha v to _ud a»d* v









'RK. Mrde-May. Mpt. Nl *3.:?ra*xt!*K ASIA. faa BO.TOr* l\.yV.'.CA. BCaoPA Ult. temmKEW-TORE. Wiitassaay.aaM Wi

Jutikiua naai



CO. BOWMAN, New-Yorh. ailt trd only auth'ir1z»d Agen'i for theSootbtt, 81VAle LOW-TAIL LINE8 OF PACKET ddll'S. Livtsrooi. PtcscTi tail6tb:LoviK>!t Packeti tail every anrl 21 ae r.f rrery month. aiternate Tburtday.




For further lnfo-rnanon applv, tf bt lettar, po*tfaid tO BOWMAN. ORINNELL t CU, 83 8o.itb-«t New-York. and b Rrcent'* Boad. Liverpool Liverpool Pfckett lesve Now-York -tb and 21*1 of eacb

¦Donth Ij,mdon Psekeu lesve New-York every alternala Tkursdey F»r paaaaae apply



X^aTE A M ER. "fornSALL and HAL1KA PAX, NOVA yiiii ]..

tatlt expret*ly for thii line, ai.d fumlihed ln elegant ityle for the aooommodauot of pajarngert. will leavr thr end of Long W'hirf. Hottoa fur Halifnx, every SaTCKDAY, al I o'cloek P. M., aod leave Halifax for Botton. tvery TI'ESDaY, *t o'lioak P.M. Fare.Firat Ctliln, luelndlna meais, tl'*- Fare -St fond Cfhm, witbout mealt. %b for freifht or MBBIM aa Botton; B WIRR k ply to CLARK, JONEK k CO Htlifai; or, the C'spuln, on board.-Botton, Jaly, 31. r.


,!,,,, KIR

iuMS iuhw.v




PETREL. «C(, tunt W. Rai,i|-on Oimmtnder, wili tali for BERMl'OA aod BT. THOMAS on tbe m SeplemltT. fmign money to Brrmuda.9-* M Yataxge aioney to St. Tbe Petrel lia* laaeo bmll expre*t'y fur a tmpieal erinmtf, and hai wrll veutilaied aml larua autr-rooiii* with plunge andllionet baiht Wili take frei«,li' at l.w rtfe* Apply M E.CCNARI), No 4 BowHng-green.


8t. Rouan'* Weil and New. MENT.For _trk. Ctnt. Frtnlhe new acd ffft itearner OEOROE will on and alter Auguit 2>, ***A, ru,i t« eu ii'kwu followi: Will liave Ptek tllp st.6o'clo_k, A. M. do. do. Will eave Peck i!ip St.14 I'.M. Will lesve Ptck-ilip at.t" do. _,


W ill liave Flnsl.'.ng at.7} o'cloek, A. M do. FM. Will Irave hintiir.. at.2 d> do. Will leave him.'aJDf at.6 Fare.124 cintf eac'i Touchlng foot of litll-ft. ea_h way.teruit. ttken oo reaionablt Kingtit wiy. N H To Mlotary Caaapaaiaa _ui..i*y s. ho.Uand ethtr Socntiei, ibe fare wil ba only 6; ceuit eicli way



LAND DOCK, OCEAN HOLSE. (Long Br__ch.l PORT IVASHIMJToN, MOl'Nl** DOCK, BROIVN'I DOCK, tMtdoi-t.'wn.i tnd RED BANK -Tba popular ttearier EDWIN LEW ie. Capt. i. P Corli-t, alil Itavt Robin*on-*t. Pitr, North Rivtr, u followi: F.oia 8b:ewi_ury. From New-York. Ib, 7J All Monday, Aug. lo, $* P M. Mindtv. **

17, 8 ruoBOay, 5 Wednetday, lf, 88 5 --13, Thu-tday, 11 A M Kriday, tt, 9 P.M i ru 9mtmr4*y, 21, bj '.1 A.M. 2 23. Monday. l\ tdnetdsy. -I. 1 PM 3 6 A.M. 27, Friday. SJ Saturtay, 1 ist, 7 Satcid»y, Monday, -10, 3 Bo-day, 31, 4j Tneiday, ru-tdav. 31, 8 Oc nDfRATR tbe EDWIN LEW1I will ru- U. KF.7uf PORT, tonching at K^rt Hamlltjo; leavtof the f>ot Ralltiici: £ et. at l| A. M. acd R-biaaua-tt.'at | A. M. turning. leave Key Port _'. J P. M.

Tnraoay, Wednetday, Thurtdty, Satordsy, Tiietc.,, Thnnday, Fnday,

17, 18, 19, V., \\ M, 27, 'JU, 88,






















ib.aaU.eJ trtrt*






a'fitSS _*a?i-__i_rB2










New York

-y%lA 'i"'D*.Wt: V

V1P.K. Wsdo.*l.a. cr

B_toa to .



aa',r>, J'^'i sawadeab.,aOO. B.nh*n.i*-c''*.f1 u-'tl pa:d "*. tejci,d PM ret wUI ra -MBtad Mt«eeta .


..«,*__, Im au...ui.t

vaerte-al etp*r»es.

;:,;:°;^ ^^^..e^^-wfVa^r. mort pa- ftTM* Urt rOcWea For ftt^tav t^r^^tpg Oreaa.^ »*M*F-*nch Oe.i_t, tnd other Firelgu Ch-jd* MMtaMJ

rasttfe ob record. K-rf... wll >"-.ho ot -__.., y, ca boa,d, Hat rtftare early applivaroo arlU .' "r n ol ,'*.,. Nr--' H r-. Nl, f*°" 8ootlMl ROTHER3, Noal63andM8 Ta.-.fl, ,.n all deacnp'V a cf w*

N B \ tttrt t! lha A-iffa'>o ¦ HflMlf-tkkl-.' *** «>_*l<rimrntf Bill be I »r. 7* '<> net-*** t U< c«ty .sei wt _.« if r,t rmX-JXlttltOO










xi c














1>LH K, BiCEAN HOL'hE, (Loaa Branch) elllNi.TON MO! NT'8 l>0» K, BK'MVN'S DOCK. _-lr>.-_.u.a .rn BJ o HANK. -New ani iBlendidflaaaa boat THOMAS Hl'NT.Cspl. A H Higrerty, _nU Itivt foi.'





feBthkeapti*. NewbttrgA Covtsrecs, C >ld Spnag. CoraraJI ai.d Miiic-o, fr-*oi tbt «oet of Jsy-st. every aftemoon al lo'cWk. Rtnuuing. wi i leava PooghAeeBflB tvery moraIng at S o'ciurh. (Soodayt tar-pted ) tf aa1* (errad oo boarA itearner FRAN-

CI8 8K1DDT wiil «ave *.x of l*y-*l at iltoiBu"f btfort 7 o'clcra. fcr Albaoy, Far* Vi Ceeta, oe MOSDAVS, W'FDNE£DAYS and FRIDAY8, making taa fclkrwug la__laft IVtti Point. N*wbur|h, P.,ug*i*_ep_*. Kingftoo, Brlftcl, C«_*k._ and Hodaoo. return'eg oe v**r aata dayt. tba ttote landinee T.i» htU wtt not raca or pay Uit ioatt attantioa lo any other hoat, hqt t --e lai'.y along. arr.tinf in gooi ttttuo Th* owoert fe*| -onlent that pa*tenien by he- wiil pronoance ivr th»-a>**f aad mott eoiclorlabl* Uaat on tbt rrvei W'riUeo 'nttroe-'oaf bava been r.vaa to the Caataia. aad uiay ha found nanging ap oc board of tbe hoat. ta the ta j* of .!» I_*e*ctor'« <'«rt,Seata. Thi* t>.et ;« nwal Fran.-.e'* Pu*nt fleta'ie Liit Boaf*. Tat pablic _.« d*pe_d un tni* io »,l faaBBB JAMES McCl LLOIGH, Ar*ot, No I.W Front^t.

Tha SC H O O L E Y 8 JlI)DNTA1N. New-Hemptoa. New-Joney. '

bett roate from New-Ycrk tf via daily, by Centra1 RiJIroad cf Ouly lea milea by ttage, snd t good road Oo and alter Jaly __J. leave bv tteamer RED JACKET. fcom Ploi Na I, N. R_ Bt. A M, and i2 M Fare ki _% Through la Ji hoora For ticket*. or further, at HOPE'B E» boar. the boat. prou<rft.ce. No "1 Bre*d*ay, or oo apply tW Hope'i Eiprett raa* ta eonnaedoa with tbit Uae. twice



.Train* leava pier foot nf Dnane-*! tf fcllowf Exrirss Taaia at 6 A M for Dunki-k, ooanectlag tr-th llrit-clati iteamboatt fcr Cleveland, 8inJ*wky, Toledo aad Monroe. and railroarit to C ectnnati and Cbieago. M* .1. Trai* at 8 A M ',n.r«-,«i W*v Tattv arS P M tia Pi*rmont, fcr Deltvrara. Wt v Tsain at b P M via Jer**» Clty for Deliware. Nir.iiT Pxpsess TBAIB *t .> P M. for Dookirk. cenneaBliif witi. fnt^laft <"»r direct, ooane«t__| .nth Expreta Train for f hicago Fn h.vt Triim if P M vli Piermonl _CHAS MINOT, Saperfatantaat ,



snd OAMAflDAIOTA RAILROAD..-Traintleave i'i r toa.t r.f Du_ne-.t. at felte '. r »nd Dty t irtte- At » A M Canandtlfna. R'*-Wr. N:aia_a lt.\t. arrlving at tte- _**>*« ..-..,-«i placrt »i« *a-ne evrnlDf. Mail Tralr.i, leav* atti A M., ttopping over oiitht at Klmira Nlfhl Kxprj-aa.Lravat at i" P. M., arrivlrf at Caianda*guaat7.|0 aeat moruin*. ? time to take the 7} train f-r R ebe*t« r. Bu'ltlo and Niagart Fall*. Thu it the i;attk»it. l.etpert, and moiteonfortableroute to Weitfrn New-Yorl and Canada IVett CMARLKS MINOT. M-NY ' mrlK.RR. W ,;. LATHAM. Supt. C _nd It R.

rihI NEW-HAVCn "IV'EW-YORK RAILROAD -8L'MMFR ARRANOEMF.NT. Mav ll l*.b2 Truni out of Ntw-York lt*** near tarner of Caoal3,

and Rmadwav Accommoiiation and Srr.ciAL..At 7 and 11 WA. M,4. 15 P. M 'Exprett to Oremwicb. andttopplog atail Statioaf ) n.a1 I3ti P. M throagh to New Havea. b«yond At 3 V> p M. for Norwalk-at 150 A. M. and 6.10 P. M. for Pcrt I'hrarr The II 5n A. M. raniin coantctioo with train. rro-n NtwBavtc to Hartford and Spruiglitld, aod witb train over th* Canal rcsd Exp*ett Truni for N*w-i lavto, Hartford, Sprlngfield ind Bot on, ard by Connccttcut Rivarto Ogdtotburgli, M,'itrral. Thel A.M. f'jp-.Bg x' Sttmford and Brldgopirr, aoare.-t-ing witk Houitouic and Naiigato.k Italroads at Brldseport, ir d l ar i) Ritlrotd tt Ntw Haven.aud at Ul P M tti-pning tt Bttnifuid, T'orwa'k aad Brldgeport, c mnteUug with Rai'road at Bndienort. licustonicand Nangatuak TRalNS INTO NE.V-Y.iRK. Aa NMOOATIOJI ano Srti ,al.At '>30, 7 aad 9.1b A. M ind 4 M P M Ihrough froai New-Hivea. AtfiA.M from Borwal -at 5.30 A. M. an.l T> P M. from Part Chrttrr. The vl A.M receive* ra*i*«g«ri from Soring'ieldanil Hinfi rd and Caatl Uailroad at New-Haven The 4 i't P. M. nrrivei psfteogeri Harlfor.1. Spuog-old and N.rlhe-u RalHaai Rxraaai Tsains Lbavb Ni.w-Havf.n, on arrival »f trs-ni from Briton at III and *¦ 5.) P. M, fitopi.ingat aud b'tamfurii).ltavin| B..*t..u at 8 A. Bncgeport Norwalk M and3<5P M See l*r»e bill of idvtrtitenieut tt tha *UtioB-hoJ*e and OF.O. IV. IVIIISTLKR, lr laal rriccar*. I*ie!t. tt.





bv stearu-i

st redoced

TRAV'EI.ER from ivck ilip, tvery day at 3 P M. Througk B«keta rla New-Y-trk and New-Haven Railroad. For oartiaolan ipply st tht Raila-ad OfRee, No 1-2 South-it. N. Y. P. HYDE. kmot.

88certod, M S4 A M .tr-pfKt* al a.) ..fJcna, Baal arrivtaa at ToMb at»r N. *r.aecdoc wilh s.ames* to «..luaky aad C'x...'and, ard arr*.ap than to IMa* lo* _I Um o.ra lag traraa tbea* piaof. ,

A paekrt-hrat leevs* Tikdo at S A M. ta Fort Weyae aad jcrta tn the Wabaab CaaaL JOS. H MOORE. mapatimtamia* Adriaa. Jsne l, 11..




OEBatE of tbal aa__I *d ArtroJoger'* Mlh lt glvee tk* Bf.8 M are tbat aur eaatemperan** B^retaale th* MHM aad aklll rf that >ob!* Ast.-*lofer. C W. ROKACK. Th* followta* <s ... Mi'onal froen tb*> BVi***., larvA l.tUp l.u-«t>*. ot July t>, lSAi R»*d aad r****r.t A-.T.O1.0..V Mraa.. Kdttera I bav* ln*e*llf*ia>d ia ray tiiii*. a aowl aaaay 'deveiornieati' ?n-?» to lf- i-.patauraL bat must aoa baa tbat aay reararcha* la i.* way, hava oelj 'ed t* ils detasttion of '.tpportur*. 00 .* otber hand. 1 bav* within the IsM y^r. became acm.icttd wiih a vrrv maa, wbo, witaoM aaktcg aty prrtonsion to.Airaoruu.ery kaa. leoge, tb* spher* ot cf calur.) ati-acea i. refella evrnta.beyond aad warn* p**pl* ua:.t BBBBB.BBj with a itaree of prem teaca. t.atmtv a*ll stnks tb* most PPrnftk al d.iob wiih as.nle' ut*at. 1 ..-,::.. Ui C W BORACK, aa *n, neat >e-.i... p> ¦¦¦ ai.d tbe grrala-rt of liviag Ac ¦..;. g*r» Hu aa.aa, lofcpher. touoded upon thouMnda of ooetemd..l piW.crion. drawa muitltade* of avery il**t to bl* raatdeaoe, No fi White-sf He potntscut by i.Icalationa kas*d BBBB tb* m- , >m*u's of the s.ra. tb* lortuoate an.l aalurtnaat* days ef i: .-, ui I bave rvaana to kn*w, tbat h.a t*ur*w.niieg. .,».» be*n th* m< ax. ol ivnti.i g;e»i eviia. which saaal hav* oennrrad, had the |. ..* Mit dly fora-ard, ia tl.eir e.*v*f, w.tbcut has:og Uieir pa.. illeiniaated by tc* torch at pn-. p'-tcy. I do col pr. tt od to say that l b*l-« ve in tht s. .vtnplia meet ol miraele* by haman sgeacv, bul I do aver. that the fulfi.tent of tb* prealcto.o* madVby Dr C Vk ROK ICK. ls the mott .tnktpg proof of tbe pow*r oi oteult art. taat ba* ev«r come wilbia th* raage .< my ooa-tvaiiaa or readMB






Ctty pracU.* faflAfalPl



X_K RE -THif ffubbafa-nant aow ia tha exp-bthLADY. yaar D ( AMPBKLLaad iwe-huexa-o.-mpenntenaodtx *» herrt.A.r., wil! be th* l**tk *1 Mav opertd for iBvahit TirMrrf-.raldrpanraentahlied by B WILMARTH.M 5 Mr* IIILMARTH wili tttitt in tka flMBB.I tfiflafta. ¦¦¦Bl



Cl'RE. SOITH OBANOE, NEWJBR8BY..Vflfl tbi* t_srttu-.B tak* th* Bomi aad Eawa Raiiroad, a' iht foot ot Cowtlaadt-at.. al H aad 16 A M aad 4 art te.-* to



K*r.T,irg, l*ar* II .trr Ca-* ttadaa a' aed *A A M aad North Orange al 1| and So-th Oranga it *i art S.t.U. '


teqal Noticet.


Pl KSl A.M'K ©ran order ofJe**eCl

r«l .Jorrcfauot tb* Ceatty ot ttm. aoaca a Ua* *nt. to Uw, ta tt p*r*ua* k**iaf ehuaw aaauMt flART ,'a o( Ik* Cky el' M- . . -.a t*r*a**d, that l_*» ara t*S. >*d to.tkabil too atmta. antktko tote Irr* toormi, to ttt* tak.-.Ill '*>..< ho KU N_t*a* *...* tha Ckty «** Brwafj*. o* nt aatorm taa-.mtlo* ot IV»«i« M.l I^i^Jm* ii.lte*. MAS>»M MAaiLTOB.l .^^ ******'fato*.

ttraaflafl l >.','¦ .

THoaa.a NtMILToN | Pl'RSl'ANl't. afaa order of the Surrwgfataat

w0 1tw__.ll


lha t'outty uf N*w Ywt. oatt.* » Xarahf preo* U tt yaetftm kt* f a_a.aa_._ti JOHN HHKNBY. Jr Ul. u( ta* C.iy N.w. tney, tttWttk l»- fWTttt Ihr Mme toikkrr* ''Uj ik* «,.*tr*>*i,itia»-Br* o, SCOlkJ B CO'JPIB. kotra., No. » C-a*a_m tt aa tha Oly nt Nrw Y*V *a nr a*-*. Um twraty ISjt Aay ot 0*A*o,U*t aa,t.-r*,a*A N*ar Vark ik.inMrMna.1 Iay ot Jut*. 1MB ptW l.w-mlt _J * jHUL LYON. B.D Kiwratu*. .-


PlRaSlAMK of IW IkaCa-ejaty agaaa BavaatktattaaM of

tfB, IrrMiid,




i'^easei of the Olandalar Sjreui aud of lhe Om.. of !»-r*tlon. Se* th* cettiScate. Mabcn tO \X\2. Dr F Pii aaaeretf; Oaa cf m. b.-oti.*r*. vbeeaaaeal th* st*at»rt aaaay with the "H?" I.i seteral months, recovend by --Ca u*8 of voar ii.a_iiar. auUber, eot M r-adly efteeted, wu cured in a vei. il.,.,t pei od *..d 1 ha*e heard cf several drsperat* ca*esu>ni|ilateK r-i.-ned ) \ Its oae. Yonrs t-u!v, T P VAN BKN IHL'VSKN, of 1*8 V.. Tarh v.n. Pt..-* 83 fer s'e ot ihe Svrup ard ou* of MiAtur*, or tae hot- le* of e*ch for $d. Korsa.e by Dr F thallh. No lt Sd av ; Dr. O. Hiotor, No 10*b-h*v; J Loines N*. 1S2 EastBradwaV N. T.; J Ke»lrr k I'o No. IH P'ulton-.t. B.o4!vn W. B.rrtBO, Ne IM Orar.d rt. \VUIi*m»'iOigh Thjiuai T Ma\*rrll, No S.1 Won'gwn-ei-v it.. Jersey Citv. J A VA ALr-H. 1'ilncipal Atcut, No. ll"> Chanihera at. Nrw Vork. Nece bu' tha abov* e*ubli*hmeats ar* autbori/ed tueall theae raedicme*.


,>nler of the Surro(cate»

»«.» a .a.-r .a torokf m*o* \o ati feraon* Martin kki m. aa otxoo QBrtrBtw

a. .Mal


aaa ant_ vawhar. t\ K.«* *r-rt. iW*

fBhata-ff, t, te rr_d«_,*. tm.


flBfiuf Car

.,,. lork^*.rbrrorr'h.t»rBVaiU|Vftf hrw tork. U* Iwrnty we-oad tay aalj..., |)*cr»U, v*

Jlfl ItwSatWW*

*..? D-M.

THaiaas WALLACE, fi*r*ler.

J.N H KM AM K «f anl)r,Vrof tho SanofaU

of tla* Cottt* af tia* Vrrl. *.>.»*» 1* rhyfi*'t '., t" pvraea* bt'ivf Uim. J'lHB K_in Vtt* at tk* C.tyoi \am Xati, le. *****. tn p-.-r-t th* -ta* »atk raaahtfl thwr-vl tt lh. tub erriarr. .< ... r.ndrncr, aa |*i», M r,r*r Jd l*. Hkrt*«. il Ua* C.'j ,.: Nrw To.k. .<¦ er i»-*»» ,K* tw. aty I'lh ity ot PvBriM.y i.i! PiW, Nrw T»ra. <iay <W A .«...., i-xeii. .- .-.. WILLIAM KEAD. X mtt LatrnlV-

IN PUR.SI AM'K of anonler of JKSSK C.

-*".: H. Ka*., «¦.«.-. nl' tk* Coaaty oi' Kiaf*, . .« ia Xtrebr |,«rn, ai-.-«r<l._i u- M, '» a'l p*>*VH« haoaf ckue. .fa.arl ANN I'l.KKMIS, l*U*of tla* Cty .WBr--ia*. J*v****d. >h«lthry ar* rrqmrr., t» *ikik.t tk* taew. thr MB Irrt ll.rrrof. Ui lh* ¦kk*. i.'-rr *. laaa rr. 'af a a.r >>H B*«"orJ K -tai tett ritoaila *. la tka CBf ar Riaaafla, <*n or tatnr* .,. 31^ ai»y u l>«rrmk«r ant,- Datmf.Juar*!, UBB 6ILBKHT '. IXiKKB.'B, 1*







by Dr. A 0. OLMSTE AD, m El*etn>pathist, No Ml Broadway, by hia n*w ui de of m-dieal treuairiit, ia duly Paliy. Rheue.atia.ti, S ro'ult, Boneliitia, curicg auceeaal'ullv Inc1pi*nt I.ung Diseasra Nerv.Mia .ttection* "I th* llead, Slcmacb, Llvar. Ac, Deafoea*. U «.< Kyaa H'm.i --*. By«peoai*. Tetter, wuh a I arade* nt K'uptive D.aeasra, L'loera, «i..i Soreaof I.oug Si.oding. .ud l BAicera, by eorraet censtltutien.l uid l.oal irratmrnt Hour* fore.-n*ultat'.ou aad it.»........ 'i..u. iA M Ml P M My dtughter hu been so daaf for five ve.ra the' w* feared she woald to*e her voi<e; .lao, Dr Wilii.n t, io two weeks, .rtored ber pr.trelly. U. n.y great aaLsfaet'op aod uttarjastonl-.hmsnt. Margsret Plainatey. N" IPCliofon-*! Ur Williama curad me uf a Scri.f.ilu..'at.d Rheum.'ie .tec'ion of th* knee nat. whit-h diaat.ied n-e tiniii wailmg for a long while. in tbraa* ai, .1 ihai, .»>, a'rer thre* oftbe bert phyaeia.bad tried ln vain to lirlp me. C. B. RTO< KW'F.LL, No 247 Broadway.


D R.

entad with exeluslv* Koyal privilega. a* a lemed. of ni.racul"ui efbcaey, as such Kknowtedged by tl.e ini.uialiiltection lor rudiei of the lilai.Ji of Cuba aod I'o.t.i Rlo*. and appmved bv the most em'.oer.t facuhies uf Frai.ce,


the Koyal Pretector of the public luatruetion, isthe .|oick*M ard nvwt powe-t'il remedy for any kind of rh*um.ti*m, headach* and -i,-ii. .crmi as lBveterat* s* lt sver m.y be ior *ore throat, scald*. ache, gout, glandalea, p.r.lyaa, .reitafl.sand brulara, muacular coulractuna. ner.ouanaa*, scalda bermortbotd*. toinora, datulency, scistic*. lnetalgia, B -''-arb*. stittneas tbe jolLts. p*r*o>ci.ia, (or* nyea, b*» dlaeases. cbitruetluna of ih* *pl«e... spaa.ns. evrapeppatleal aia eaxdtalny, palpltaiion of th* haa/t, liyatarlca, g.dein-a. of the head, wouLds and soresof all Bold at whol*aala acd retail at the principal drpot In New-Vork, at tbe draa rer* of Measr* A rt '. I> 8.ids, No. 100 Fulton, ornar *f William it. Sold also bv dniam.tjgeueiail). The poor who are unable to buy tt, will be supplied gralis, byoalliBgootbe

proprtctor at No. fiO Whlto-rt.



an or.ler of JKSSK ('. «MITH. E>* Sur..«tt* "f <'.. C-aaty nt*. ruAin * ixxeeaof ta..,r.,a*f t.. Uw, ta. »lt prr*>»» kt.iaf Uin.a afaivat KHA8110 TOMPRIN9, Ut* "t ti* City .a fcaaafla. flsB th-y ar* rr^u.rrS to **hibit tl* winr. with lh* ...iM-hrr. UaatmU, to OAutaotetihor HKNHY YolMi. .! kit. -i. ?. No. I Uauian laaa, * tkr Cit; of Nrw I ,.ik. ..r or h«i<.r* th. Irtt Ity oi Nimailtc a*Il,


D.l*J Afnlir, !_.*¦





,_ (ai*.jte*

K'OTICI of applii-ation tht thi* ilinoharje of

au aiiJXjI.rbt fro,i.-i., paraaaal lu tk* *B*Ba_MS .4 Ita* tha rrUilr t_r Hr.l ut'. ..'tli* . l.tflM of tha. a*. auA yart oi tt>* .-....-«-..¦:». BBOflei I- tUUS. ol Kln.ira. Chwaaaa C-'itf Ma. Hr*t p.Mi»h».l 1'rr.lator. to ap*j**r t>*t..r* tb* Boa. An. IS. ThurMcn, rlirnoiai t'o'tn,* Jn.lf*, *l hi. a*-r, m Ol* »tU la«*. ¦ .i.ira. .1. il.e »<H1. »ayt*ni-a-i. I*M. tt IO..VI.wk. A B ,-, l. davis, Maaflaaa Sl m'K.W-VOKK PKKMK roiKr.-Henn l H*l aft,*., <;»..¦« Cailar. i.a <i «. .lH-r tnt Itillam -I .lo

|t_B UaieaWtgt

Sun .n. l..r *.u nry .'* *Alati Ur ORrKVUiaT-81a Yon tr. lari.l . .i.n.t.H.nrH ... *a*w*i lh* c..*a| .",1 ia Mt tc Ik* llait ef th* tity aa.1 t...n, tthit-i ktt t.m, S.c.liaU.*..-.. * !*, Auta.t. litM,*a.l wn'ti.... C..ur,yoi Nrw Y.rk. ..tti* '.* y<»ir faaatraa te Oiaaaai h .,.. fl thr OHf m N.w Voik. iw.aty daya aS*r ,h- a-r...» iaarr.ii, *i-l«ai.* .<< tt.* la».C... **rvire. *l I... la l.. an.-a.rtka .....ayUawt _. .,*r. tl-a iilaia'irt. »aK tat. iu. ,u «_t .., lh. .11111 .all.g b<i»lr***a4 tatd, t> r*. ,.aa aal tr* t_j t.rtr Rai toa_h ** ¦!¦ i*trr*.t f,-,,, ik. i**** ¦ nd oa lh* ai, miat. in 'he .mi ;' a,.t ia.ratK.ord, raUjart tj tkr rrr.l.t. tl.r.ria ..irauuar.1, hrai-t.-a th* ,-< al* of OlM trlma Ualed K. TBN BHOBCK. ITI * 1 *X,imW. tull l.wSwW" rtaintiffa' AlUrary. Hu 1*? lJr_.awaah at.

^1 PREME mi 'BT Hlj, ITI.tjr lai Ptata

|3 ,.l Nrw l..r. Anna A I'lya*, hy h*r 8*BSflM xoi UXX l'n. nJ. H..t.r,ll. Pa»* .._,«., h.-na-llyar » in.r rrlwt ' ToTHdBAl CI.IN-...a. IV ¦.. Sia-Y.m ar. hrrrl.y na B "I*' .!¦' r.|<i,r.'.l ,.. ai.'W.r It r x.muUiul ia thia a. ta<J«.o< wl.irL a rap. ia h*r*witli atr.r.1 MBB fon, anj aarra t .off of r at tt aw.i uta.n iv t .._>.. r. N. ,J> Wall .1 ,m of Naw York at.......J. watl..11 tw, n.y .l.y. tliat thu er... r XaraxJ, a,c'aax.a o. tl.a .l.y a* *u. b .*.»., r anu 1." y..-i ,*a,l U. aaawrr th* ...Oll^air.t at wil! .|aplr ... thr r... rt lor tk. eaoafiooaaadao aBra*aM.tbeplM»t»B tn lh* oolnpljaal. I'.lr.'. Naw T. >k. J>,.- 11. IHM. K.'HKHI U PIRB, I t-ntiS'a Atl*». No IS Wlll tt Tli* iumir«.it tn.i <-, ,1 pltu n lha «ti >a «*r* gu*f IM in th* 0A1. n.l iLr* t ity **al Co..ity ..1 N.w t ,,rX tttaaaui, m t -y Ht l.a >.aj ul),nu 1 . Itt iay uf, laAS. .

jul law-wWt.

F^OR BOSTTOH via NEWPORT and D~~*. r!*pt'iuaUoukuo»BMDR.TOWN>iEiWS

FALL RIVER..Tht *i.|e_did and tapenor it*_raerf BAY STATE, Capt Wui Brown. and KM r*l KE *> i'ATE, leave on aiternate dsys, (SiiridayS Capt Benja nln Braytorj, axctuted,lfroiiirier Nn S, N.R., orarthe rtattery, ttitJk* foi frrlfht, apply un hoard. or ar the offiee oo Pier No. 3. TISDALElc BOARDEN. Age.iti. Noa 7"ani 71

will coBUnu* WELLINGTON T\ ncorn JUmJBffornud patlaalf at Na. IM Ifth tt. whert a 1 tae witk Dr Nu*. A flw traaaflat Baa lart

JAMES R. CH1LT0N, thatole-

brattd Cb.niiit and Pbyalaian, ha*. aiuc* Feb.-uary, '...-.'', supeiii... B.iril «-;.i....v the iiianutai-rnre nf tb.t valua

Sl I'KfcME COL RT.-John N. Klliottflitagarnat

11.....I. aa A. J.aa... flaaaaaai Ba ar>a*y **ajaada* *a r-oa ln.. u.t.r-' TnTII kt illilKE A. J AMkS Vuu-iakar* Stata namoord ai.J ri.ur.J t.. *a*«*i lli* C-uitiUial ia ,1" Clrrl ol th* City ttii Cou.w wi ir,. i. BM o N*wY.a,k. » lh* , .» H»S, ia **ii Ci,/, aag to etrra t yy attOUUWmotUOaO .. ...mpi*,.,, "n thr .,i,wr*ili***,at lk*n ,**a*a ofl.*, Ba, f'.» J1.I1. «t. ia flB tny ,.l N.w Y«>'h, ».U.,a Saa |ay.tlt*r it .a*em, * ol tli* inni.aa. oa you, «i. lu..-. ¦* a.*> Ujlt aYiaal Ull Io »_>*ar lh* atti BBBBBBfl ol .. t'i* phuatiff i* tl a. «rt,..n w.ll ul* |«^|maal. tli* um*




SARsAPARILLA. I TO THK rtBLIC The publi:are herebv motStmi tb»' the pr*p*ra*ioa ettenii riy k.-.owo aa DR. TOWNSKND'8 COMPOI'ND EE. TRACT OK SAilSAPARII.LA i* Baw m.ntif.ctiued under via my dlrectton a.,1 supr.rvialoo. from lha ongii .1 reelp* cb> flatail, yaa Rrtba ammei lavaal i«rr ai.lUr., witn .niara*. irom ton, fcr BOSTON. PROVIDENCE, NEW'-BED- talnf d fiom Dr S. I* Towtisend V (nd I .-riiiy th« ". 's e-nn- tatuwt a***!** ,1.* **'a ,A tk.* aa-Uoo. DalW oeedof 11.1'diei.UPI'rlELY VtiKTaBLK, anl vVll'H- ll..- SA .i.y ol A t ..1,1164, FORDatidTAlNTON-Thert-amertC VANDKRBILT BRAl.ttltW. 1*W Xi'-l. WAH.IJ.*Fl_,*ur«AiWra*T* tl ir* idlat the n.,w run berealso. of thit na LT MIUCl Boa ingredienu j and COMMdDuRE. reguiarly *a,|tlaw.«W a. .. to nh am from tneni thetr greateat tofore, altemately leaving Pier No. 2 North River, fimtb wnarf clousJycoinpoupded R rrte.-t. JAMES M. Cbe-ntit I>. at PM.. medical CHILTON, above Battery p'ace, daily, Suudayt **oe|,led, 1'REMK COl/K'l' ol the 8TATE of NKWliR 8. P TOWNSKND'8 COMPOI'ND EXTRACT OF tnd St/ niugton at H o'cloek P M or BB amvai ot tba ruaii Tokh Jt'HN r. HAMILTON. plamt,*. afainat ALHEkrO aaaaaf *H ctfil'td naBAESAFABIIXS 1>*« a raaaarttaa train, whlcb leave* Bugtun nt 0 J9 I* II. ( .,* anl A5N 1.1 / l .11 II h.. » .lr. J X MK* Af'Ofinl \\ I II for PCN* AND fcr REVOVATlNO b~it a-pcA ti.miai the pr. par*/...n The itearner PERRY leavea Providenee t'i .'"'! W. hl* *>,*, IMII.I B. IIABII.TON. Iii«. Ne*-Hedtord 1UFV1N0 THE BLOOn which Sclence ha*ever ortsred to AI'.III"*' except Suuda,i.st9 A.M ^nd KPM on dtlly, HAMIf.K'N .-¦ JANK Mtlll.liAki* .-¦-. *mi to iu Pr.ii.i-l and* tiie In tbis amvai man. ExcrLLCNCE, ana Tauutor. pattenger* pr^o-ed tminediateiy A BABIL-OB, hfcflnu ..,,,,.. V t Kt aXJU-ABDRB U.iiduetts (i WIBB BBBCrB I -<f tbe mail ' .n at M mifieid. kri. Ta. kt DffladaatiihetabbbM \ ¦ ast htftlB taaMsaad whieb experlenr* «,,J rr^'.ir*) latftatf i(.r .n., 'ain11» tl... a, t.oa, wlutk wa* IM.a Iteaata.Beli th* f»**t.bla prinr-iple* Per fr-':.t or paatage, *i ply at Iba t-fliae, No 10 Bttrerythe SVSTEM (ro n DI8- thn >.*.» ol Ih* Ch-'l o, th* City t.f Couaty of N«w York l.ssprovrduseruliiiCM-.AeflNif place, or oo board tbe Ual* KASE fi'.n. ie.1 ....I ...n»..nrd with tbe hlahertstill whtih at Ua* Cny Hill in ,hr t ny nl Nrw Y'.rk, tn tht IJth gay a) tf aexta t opy .f y.ur antwrr B> lh. .aa, a ENTRAL teiaesBBSftS of mo-'em Ch*miitry enable u* tosmptny. July, A. IL,<>n ivti.axxi NEW- tl.e tlr tahniihir, tl ki* iMre. n. 1 lua. a, .* ihaWI'.Btaver mm teiairl by morti'i-d oo npeft'or* ..r fpleneds BMBfiaM Yorklo Eartam. Pa, la w Y- rk, w.U.i* twroty day* tAar lha MSSMB of tM \^J J E RS E Y -Thr, mgh from New l mii) iti tfB lhattiiis .iiedirin*iaEVKRYVV'ar.RK Four Hoort., conuneocing Auj. 1 Leave eler No. L Noitk pt,,.i.1*o*,iIi*f_'. aac**avaottheimt eteut tmrtmat auJaiy..«fca L'SED. and lhat Ita ..*« ir»atea ai tner»a»ed rlrmand. .'i *. Bfataaaaapaa, River. prr tteamer RED JACKKT, fcr E_tt.jn aad lnrer- or.c.'n.veiy t^ <.-»-. thr aa, 1 aiplaao. wi.hin th** .,.a.«.aj, lha flaaotA* iipoaaease* medlctca. ment* oi thf iirrt ia __t a t.. u w... am. I '.. <h* < oort let lot i-het JaaLaoJ-*-, ia Uk» mediate placet tt 8 A. M 12 M and 3 ib P. M t>.d foi order. Pa.^ n, Ij*;. Bomer/ille at » P. M Return'ui, leave Pini:.pil,arg (oppo DISEASES OF THE KIMALE CONSTITl'TION. eC'laHa.l.I. Ofll. IREI.ABD,.'r., PUji.UiT* AlUjri^g. jylt !*»-.wlt rd fttt Ettton) at 6 and 10.30 A. M. atd Ul P. M. DEBII.ITY. I'NNATLKAL BBTRETIONS, RLsH OF FAINTAND DIZZIN1 Ji TOTHE BLOCD HEAD, COI tha mattar of the RAILROAD INII .Tlie.ef)lslrrsaii'g*yrpp'oiB«m*v haeBtira'y iBinovad ard ai r> .. au.,u oi.k* Bar a.r, AMarn.rn an,l ,'o»oe>ral»y o, thr <a^ / for PHILADELPHIA, fiom Pt*r N«. 1, North Rivat, u.e ,f PR B P TOWNSEMD'S COMPOUaD tKe bv nSi: HI'NDHKH AW w Y,.,k.r.:»U..t. t!,* OPKNINO ol.N fcot of Batlery-place, by tteam"oat John Pntter..Twu Uces EXTRACT Oa" BAHS4PARILLA lr CtBABBBI Tlia T AkNTY I nl 11 IL BT.,*Bal tl.aOl.i ( taua.h R.M 0. Uw SUi t.aM..i.ii.i Lms leavet at 7 A M Aftemoon Expreff Btomach, Ri.i ..Tea ma Bowblb, QiirTSTiirNetves, BBf, if Ihf CMpaf BfW-Tftl. N.tJ. * I. l.-rrby Jl.-n thal thr .-oau, datly, Lin* at 2 P M throogh to Ph-I.delpl.'a ln 4i hours. Fara Pvairias raa Li.'...d, a..d SraaaeTaaBi the 8ystkm rla.'i-. BBBsaBfi ."! I¦. '..i.**atir«t», m. '.rre.. by rttaoa ,,l tht ytv Ra-turu.' P. M ,,r ii. eiatt only w,l' tatr.1 2d rnl.naH lme, la claa* eara f_. by .,,.(. |k* th**a na.lrr, by tk* f.<eioratl* For all Ye _».'¦« niurr etl Itiaily th... any other in-.licine H-, >! Y BgwarSO, n- ,i thr J--., **«, ,l..*C.:,rt,.t thr ta.lar.wi* ln. irtve Philadelphia frum foot of iV'aloutal. at 8 A M. and ln the ntlfal B*riod* er thetr livea tbis prep.ration la In 'ur nr, >u tfff ..I I.l. *Ihm-h. . hy tk* Cirrk .ef ih» (', U-n. 2 PM. Ktn.grani Line *>y iteasaboat Traniport trom P'.oi When be a valuabie. aod iliu-.lil k'?t ta every farnily. ,', m at Uf uffl. *.; n tha l ity Hall of ti.r Ci.y of N*w York, ot Nal.atlPM. t. «n rii,H, iirr .frrn^ili taan'Dg, and hegltis to cotnplaln of ».' ItfOtaflfr, inl.i, al | u'a he.k .a lh* _>r* Ihall w.l! gtve her ImmkoiaTB leaky, ilebuitv, ti.ia SARFAPARIL-LA _>..l"i h-w loik A.,| ,',. I«H. To auch it* va>-ie >.i above ai.l Aak ai.y o.-oo. HE.NtiY REK-MAN, 1 BaLlBr. YORK and PHILADELPHIA direct-l' « MAIL em wl-.. bu rnsde * fair tnal cf it, or try il yoorseli aad be HENRY 1:1 .'.IliiLr. > Cjiiuimm «a*ra. OCO. I. OIB.lilNE, > andEXFRESS LIN ES.Through in li boora-New- letvey sstiified. i,-...i BuTi.insnsf tatanu CAtTflOH. Railroad na Jeiiey ( ut, irawi t New-York at^.A M, fool To avoid iMfi.tiTiuH. .r wili he neseasaey to aae that DR. of Courtiandt-tt * A U and .$ P M Liberty-st Leavof COI/RT..ln the matter of the apPhiladelphia at I2|and 9AM and 4 P M from toot of JAMES R CHILTOB'S ( KKTIKH ATE, aa well aa th* Waluut-tt Fare redueed to $3 fcr tirrt-ciaff snd |« 6>' for SiONATI FE of Dr 8. P U *n the outrtde r1!*^!) of U* B»J.r, AU*n_*n*i_ICoi»..r.M!ty ..flhaChp -teb battle ri.'-t by the principal Oruggiit* 0 N-w York, ralati.a to th* OPENINO tod LAYUM OOT ol a BMaadataaa w.appeiof Pl Hl.U' -S'l th*-, k,r raa a* BI.O..MIMI lUIJt S«|l'AKB, la BALTIMORE. WASIIINOTON and CHARLE9TON i' tl.iu.iah*.ii Ihe eity and eountry BBtsaefl H'«rJ ti **.*, ,,y -Thw..,,***t<**^«**iJ.n*»i» .n Uie ah. ve liriet. ind 'hrotigd bvssga PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE, No *l Nassauet., Nsw York. tlr* through intickriito'id«l. and AM-a.ii"-!>, .u iao aouv* *aUtM a.ttuat, aatakyt oi M. Kroot 9 and trom aad A. M Line* New-YorB ln st the Fact eerner the Ar.d forsaie P aatri-d Bronklyn by ry, 01 fr tir,p,in.,_Btt.. U.H rrfuu.UK-Ua.l' to A.I uf "tk*AtLafi.le. wuh tl.-.M.ah co/.ductort Waab tigtoB-sts and by Mra HAV LS. No. 175 Fultoo-s*. A.i la t -u ,1 tr. i^rapl. *, tt* tttla 0, 8*w York, tat.tM ¦ u-< 1... ...t *¦-' >.! 11 Ai-tto r*dur***\*t*i aaassflBaap**EW and 1)lR K< T ROUTE to NIAt. .iii k thal .,» i^ N.w Yo.k.,a«, an* A,-..," aaatr-l ApnlSO. «n.l D1ARRHEA *n«i,M UT..,*.'and al*.. U.. A-.t.oUU.d Au A< t Uj «,n*ad*oA.I OARA PALL8 -RUCHESTER, LOCKPORT and eured by HI'NTER'S DTBEHRM li erfectually 0 r*lat ,u .'. tbai. Ilr, Uon of AMr**i'.*oU aug Ttta*. u. lha NIAOARA FALL8 RAILROAD-Ou a.,l after Mooday, CuHDlAL, or aay kind of drugs wananted wl.OBt optum N*w ».,rk,»nd for othar y^routao, yuttl Bap 'y. C'y.r.dCo.i tt arill run tuliowm Traint A-d-tt 2, IK32, Paltauger601.NG WL_T .eigfct year* u. caaand oot one Th* noat reapect*. it. laal," oaaaeA ***f 7, l*ti, w. .la* ,awn»r or-iwirr., KT'ipatt o» ble refereucea g-..eo ia P'.iI»daJpliia, wbere it .* *»t«nwv«|» u Itaattafall lr.,..*., tnd r.|>,..vrl .r w..-rei.rai hiaA* tlatVot a_cfc*atar tl« 30 A M. lat Train Erprett,.Laavtt *jrn. al.Ie to tl.e tnn" Kor ehlirlr-n and V.-relr Ouxt tixaj kara o_.*U(ad ik»-r Ut-aolaaal a*a_**wi«nt J* u*ed" Sttx » .. | U « Mail. l> BhOfa -airl-d ina-'.r tad tttol all yeraorn avx** .autaat* ar* ceraco* of daitcato aloii.ach ii j >.* in.inwae hy lha " hMf.mX | hrs*. ajgortoi tk* *' T. tnd w'io gxty Mopprjr*nolk* *am*.*rtrtt IffHf M Wty Exprett,. :*.t phvn u. pa .*,.' ti.air ..,-. uon. m wn -if, u. Motl.t MAYNARf). Jr., R..T-.".V"<S. 9 Sonth W-et, No. Wh.!**!* A#*nt R E'.ANS. B ¦,r.i.,wr.1 *l a* 'A% anl J' _. PsXIf al 7.10 A M Ea«.. tl.* LL_.,.,..o .1 -.» -.ra . litTraic-E.rp*eft Mail. leavef Nlagaia P.-.llaJeiphta. Just received and fof aai* hy O II RINO. A. Wr. la..N_ fca IV.II .1, ,. U,.( ,tr ..i N*« Tork, t ,rtp '< .ti "* cr.reff Broadway ai-d Joi.ii-at, Nrw-V.^k, and Druigtst. " W ',1.1. u.t li' ',, 'I... I t..a Aad Cat'l.a lanu.a n,hf*>*dM Ity. U Exprett, Wi! No IIM Co., r».sod-*t, iumburgh. . y*xt aax tntio tni itmaatmao*., *to to I. flo*«.'tj*l ¦* U, tay t AC by Coxmec-tnp both wtvs, a! Rocheatar, arith lhe -nfi'mt Agenta wsj.tod lo e-n» ir.,.-..,,u .,1 tbal ni..o 1... ».'*. u**,** ir yareato ian-,, ef al*, ly.-if ial b*i_f at tbf Trv.ine or the A Oany and Rvcketter R-ili-ada. Ni_.lm.ii. VI .i.|..f .J.*' .,».¦( N»w latt, tad h' i-.AaA.lamnomt No ^i'Ill ji Sur.alaiy BaginttlifnafftiUnBi u iiu t_*ay U. Uu.r.-rfth,by -,,«* atk for lha 815 A. M. <!7U »L o« Ot* ».»'!, Iay lh* . r'y Bb* iratMff fllfln -a.t!. »t Pamuogen by ih_ R-cte, l_avt_g Aibaay ayTraia. - ii artrai DfMal/ertMdM n,r>.a > Una ot ton t iattp '...ri .t l V. it.aruaf a**L ka the HOCOBTOMB PEFSIN.tb* frain, or tka7_a AJM E»pr_a eixprrttBochrrter .- j ,-. . . .**t, tt txaattt laie* pt*pa**d frotn Raaaet, or fhe Stotascb P tke Oaaatrtr ktmor a**oi tn tlmt for lha Trai. ie_*tu/ i Oastrk rv l it tamnmtxk-mt.Illth at.)ai it.4 ir.waoB th* aaa . f-orr. B.-wi l.i-.ig, th* great Phvfiulogutp kmutataat Ui... F*:li it '.'i" ." M ard wtll rr«cl. NlagBlB Ft.l. t. -.ip M < aiaaar* ui« tnd A.tuinnal >. th* 1 il'.'*.,.* u, FPuiadalaaie. Ica ( nn. at, hy I'aarnt-.i leavmt Albany b, lhe II I A M f'.tp-«Tr«_, t tlfl Ua, Sua. Cai.wina tta* <uid . ¦nl-' a*r:ve _'«tc*i at 6 17 p. M where ihey r^n iaa Bfl fh. Thla fa . OnM Bataval Herr»dy f-' .' nd maj* tatiiM, "fltf ttpmaux tn -i.. uti/ifrerNaliire'sown m* Na'.ur ;'a ,* 1 over ni|b'.-sJ proceed to Niaiara F_!i* <«i'. _»rr*i!ng tt >' Dtsprjli.r tad k.r-of -.¦ l ,: >>.:,k taaa | .jj i.-Vi P I.Bl M lbl«l ...trir.j. g.'SBl *fl oaallYA C^ain'tllors_% ppytat -. kn-»n a. 'l-a.o-..,, a-i »,a* a. ue- ».*.-. Warf o.' P M Y x -.tnu T-aln, e'taatr-: Jiiee-Uie*nt ofili* 1. g-*:.i.g I'. i_ 1.* **.*> J...m,.............'.eharfi.a Put-Beer* leavtof Albany. ',y>:.«fi-fi 1 ul Haa tatk." Bat / *_,,..'. .t tba .*> ne.t aaorahxg htvn aa .a:i: _mve .i kucbetier ai ' .-.1 t*v,,r. ux-t.a maoaatokti iiutn.r *,n to m*4o m in -s tba T-am fo« . I oraaeaXoi * '.lu u. Suu. uf N.w Yurl, al a .It ieatiaeMd Bbbb di#M Yxp.u hour for brrakfar.. Iravr at ISBfl M Baanal Tm* of tk* bim Coart, |o tta ab*!d tt Lu* C.ty Uttof tk* st,,.,,. "t;ir.g an artiMcial Dl*»«t.v-e Flutd. t.':a._ra P.ilt, *_J .....* u.r.ear * 7A M. l.'k .,«lita.,«r 'hute ,f ,f ttruxhar, lant at tka. Trt'a .ItBIBl laaT.c yr.-,t, ln :ta C.iy ...* K-. Alkaai .i. tka P fl. _-rprass l'_iBBtg*i»l«*vtn* ..... -,-r. mid ".*.*ttm t* t tt e»w*l Wa -< tor 5r**k8 w.ilainta at Koctir. . powrra, or.A f-t .-.r -r-.g \ romplrte and p.irftct aj*». . tkmmxteiu .-...*'¦*,. ¦¦* .r i, « u...«,n w n ,u* n.oittha* f -b k H a* 4 srilve Uiero » '< r N!a*t.a tal's ti me i.t-..imrf». r.r.i B^ -. tu>. Irave N-» V-' i.< IBM .U-rtp-rtU ,, '..*> WOtlid y n B'SIKI BATNtlO.Jr .-It tl I * tot i1iSl*(_r t Paaaer.g-:a *.a*v*r.g *tlt*xtx Fa'.'.t ky Brthaf M J ",n a IVEEBi, JlolPH* fl.Hh the Exp.-.ttTia'-t, «..l raaek Koch**ur .o '. .n.ijg'ia*** ct Deil. .y, En_cu'ion. NVr, .u* 0' m Bim g Dt-TU.A'turnaf. ,1-0, a* ard .'¦.¦¦-..- ( t aot Tra'n* F.a*t. a.d aime at Aibanv. New-Vork or Boe. 'tnttlg '¦:.-¦ maioet thou i.y aa» otnar mii'i |oa t. .r.aj _uurtR».»al ,-.,.:. Baarfcab'e Whole. kJl IRKMKCdl KT..In the matter. .1 *,- rio ia dirm eaaaaotioa and 'nto , trTra.o* .u tbia * s* Rnr-iererar.d l<a.N*.« tfca Me I. BALLb CO, xXttcbeoXet, baa] aaats. |3 M.yor ia.,.*. *r* C.m-norahy ,A tha* t_e__u.*dr^-l_l t 1 N.w Y rk. r.Iat, U, lha iiYlHlSC, .*. >Ht. H< NUKEl* a,-...* aloi.t th* KneCviX lh: '.iv.-ea p^r-oB of W rfsra A.M) I wt.MJ rull'.Ti, ST, Uhv tka Old Ci..oh B..I tka ._.oi baa M.IKN'tS WORLD'S HvIR Slo »v tlh*Cfg t«r..|6»i, Co.nu_**«/t*r* x--~i sf B-ccipcrt, i_aha'r d.*. nod -..t.f.iea n I .-.-¦-. »Uta*t *:,uil*d nxt'ttr txartiep v.-dii.aaod L.a.i[-*.'t t .w*vIM ei'i'M'tata "> at Attol th* La-fllBvtha tx.iue. .» m*yOmaXatoe -¦* i.a*.'Taf**d. tad T aart ara t '-.* V rl. aauiUrt * A* A.-t ie bfl Wt .i .,_*,;. r. ai.d al ibe n^i-i lo «r-Dgth tor* tf I pa Pa*_*ij«-r*u> NVvart tthamUl ukt the Cart ee taa IM c- | | f --i ii , i .'.ll- I ta A' t V. r..l tta a. tatal Uw* ralat.afyarlac tnt: abr, how*ver waak, if aapHad aaeaiMaa \a\ ., i.t ...;--....«.: D-: -t WaRREt, O'LdlRN. dopt yaatai Aut,l *...<*, j o.rjita w.'.r re'a.u oniieai ti Tl.e '^dli-ict. e.atlna .ft.aia.t* Art OOtaUai tt AuX « B-<hr«trr. Ju.) >1. 2_ -aael* tlld al | th* . Cltgb «-r»r -.1 A"*^.. hair .1 . to* Ur, »,.a f"-m'.ling ti_I N aad », Nrw Vork. hf SShff yntm.aa, fatta, May 1* aad to.--.y 8 O UT H ER-..RK IT btt^..-.. r». a*, baadaeba. persvia.i .»__r». _.. uuait,'« r* 7 1^*1, Mty JADS S.AILR NORTHERN INOIANA a *ny eript oatot ut :»_Ja ilatw i ot th-i ..ead. d«i.d *¦- .aata ,.t »" ho-*«-<. . ¦¦- x V. -,.". ROCTE T<» CHICAOC-OaaadNflaf MONDAY. 'or old aa* Urg-J ad era* m,m.c*. ib '. , -^_af_aert«-*_-er*aBd caiJlf :h. .-t. F."**'«a'the p.-.ctpal th* ab^-* rntUr-J ra'lwr; »n^ ¦» .. aal yaetne* wv*»ia>ft*U 11* af tr* .rqiattaa .1 F.luaheth; No. 'iand trtM lba.*kl.a*.' *boa_iy .*.*/-.*SANDTRAlNIGOINilWEST. -Jatr u w,._ua '¦¦. hl.NKY -V.EKMAN ¥.aa N-. [91 B.-.-adwsy; No. I7i Wei.ngt.rt.; Hprj-*r* -.iTtn'.i *.t.> »t-d*, tl ti,aiAA*o <A Qoa'ta L Va'ABD.Out f tbe firtt- laas staaioars, t'V. TH* *M :27Bi-rr.; . C.ty o/N«w Ycck, widu*. n tlu,.rna.n. .i H -"r NORTUPJIN INDIANA .1 or RMP a. 1 MICHIOAN, i t lata tamu me -.,* Bl .*.'. am.** tat tkattk«kmejt *w *.-rpi-d. ^j-A-riCHILD- tIcla M ir- * t-i kiaeag by iha (._! attaaalf a«S aaaaatawai fftktBflWt Ail.ka. OARKNTS. P M.a/.d Daah k- .2a a*. . rt.*_ -ttiir, .->*. ** uryrr. .W of lat-l. t.i..t* an- bnnf a th*T#».-J Warw i T -oo trt taara r* k . \ i .-m. Dlarrheaand'Iv*. p «,City Nrw lork, tti inoludad vn_aa iba t.a.w.ot aaot*. U. Toiaii* of. tha ut -* nrrdhy Dr PETTirri Disrrhea MiAiure ik _>*aa*t ty lh* awrtarB ka* o< t.4* of itt a*., M *4t 2P M."TTBIf>e -.1: baa M »i»'irn ,... tMt. by utarni Ln* or **\o et m* t* -, oa taa anrta, try tk* Chl- orotb*p*rjg tbat «. ' eoanorwil ..f po.ely reachfng i«' _t mu. a a_n.-lMi.Mt litu. **. tad IBMl. *.- **. lu arr.v»l of lie tc ai, oa'.y, Mocdayt t_c*pt«i, i l.a* s «-.**. nt*r.y, m with Bea« / *f'ha'uuaut lua mtum ut iiauauk teoXwaonlio-am ,-».->* * -.ever. 1* nat *:r to hot lt ls . *.J tflg m ti t l_,_*e* *J«i ei,oi. a-« anirilier porU'JO ,-»!* M'.cb. aad Ity tx,. u tta tatn* 1 .old fo «.. ef7 dise**e tka SU, a* aforata I, .* tot* o.*y*naaei ty tb* ail C'>*itri««ion*r..OB tad . ib C__al packtui trt Raiir-tdt wett«::y frcm ,, -a:* 12* a*---re c mpiaint* aod tl w-.ll do '. Fofaaa.'Vo* »i *y*ra*w forl. ttllho BtiBMfc .^.rner ( H B'.-wtwar RI'.O. Bwery, at '.h..f rrpa*" .. tt* »to** "P.vniNOEAW. BJiBroadws- .' ,'.:w -irkia-lat EOUtUT H. THAYERi. . -: maltarrf b. iu»atI .ad.,.,»., Owft af otooo*trf to tka iafram* bta atd Preadec. su 8rrx.k!ya. ,;;D-. iprrtiuai-t will,rave ChicagoafiP M, .sily, tb* Buu of Trw T.rk, al a Si. .»! T.ra, of li* fi Cut'.tix *. M'r->-* Ti'-ng.r ..y. -a-i -k* '».eic-p,ed acdw.i.rr*-h S.. tH* Nrw h*M tt H.H ut Y jrk.o* City t!«C*y*' >t»* T.l-d« every morning «x... that S*V »tS f^..- Itrtnoer, \»h ffthf o^*...^ r^ »k* Owt"CBt la-nvaJ-.f th* rrvei from to ka. 1, l tiialUu-a audt mmiiajn n-taa 1*. *a affal UeXavt wlB ha BMda wud ravort b* onaAr o*t*s B«w l.rt aid :rB.h He__lo teveral hoon pra* New1 , , ;* r-, ut ta hr riaBO for th* 5nt Expreai tr»:nf etat fsr I HK8MTBEB8MAB. SHEW'S SLTMMER WATERVr-k Aibtny acd Bo*: n HHK» PPKrH'/I.v,> Cor. __*_jt«rta. C471E EbTAHLIBHMF.NT. sl B*BB)B*toP. Vt. T*.er.*a --t.-lt-i . .*¦ v -ew-lconcectoacb wty -K'j L-OB-JiBaB. ) i -t-i.oavd r.d* fr-jin A.'aoy *&d T.->y / 1* aow Baair I. n.rTtl.A<t/.rn_f *.« Ua-MI OOINO WEST Mountain xisdrpaaaed. seehery open. W'ARD-Tb«t tratn will Invt To.deo daily. Sandtyi*_. '¦* ara inaerted in oe-x-.te. .: A A U. eoncecti_g at ****** ***.* * 'd** N. KOWLER- M. D.. will RS. Sacduaky.aad iB-.pptBf ataU t..x-vertfror-C'*.*:xrtxni -*** *i:t** **-* ****** st V. fl. i rspers 'i eocsBlt with '.odtt* medieaily, at her rar.ence, No. li itt wty itaiiona ».ii reach C^.-.tgott *l i M r-. M. : F. o. 7 M I* Vt A dai'y, P-iartya .'8veiMU'«A|«-«7 4y, r ___ai_R I GO:NO HasT". A*P-Leave Chicago





















n_ 11















19. * ."', ij

MNIIA'i, W..,day,





" *. **



i', II



T.iuraCay, r-1d»y, --.rirQav, 8LNDAY, 5:-r.Jay. T-**day.


" **

.. "







.':, 1*1 fl. 22. I PM. "

M, 2*]341)



















of tce c«-urs._

UOLDKN NRW 8TEAMROAT t. .oaat wvl '-x--"i-j/ i.iti-


oaa* Baanl




n*r fo.--


<.£¦¦¦ N




, .,.


r M






H. 11 25, U M. WBlBBB-By,*'- g, tt, fl " *, 1 PM Tuct-ay. 21. * Pridav. tl, b11 .1, '**, Satu.-day. 2S. Sat-irday, 21. 4 .. SLNDAY. 7 AM. *.. ll'NOAT, M, i 3". 7| M-oday, Morety. 51, 3 T"»*dsy, ler 31, S trfO r.tT_atl»y. w.lii twat. ln -.,nnrct1..o 1: ¦ *.«*. Sqsxm p**te_--.t to a!l p^it ^f tht *-ontiy.. S:age* to ocTvcv kaa a-t«*al bv.oa t-t aU.« _r* A.tV.C t.^__g Ail aeraoaa

t-teonxy, W*co*tc-y Trortlay. Pndiv.


Leavei N*w Ycrt




















































19. 6 ..


'.'l. I





W. 4 27, 4




t-U K i'2< v







.. -.

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rN*B-Tr..i'Bci:'»iL *M-ir*tt'.y *to| .





Fi .i, Moodav, A M saii^day.






P X-2 M.






*l Um Oaasa




"-">*?-«¦"* l,±,'l0t_

-....eri_un_adi_tf8taa-_a r-.rt___ !¦ m Ac- uu. dedea T-ain ro C*-xttmm y, or Canars. soaaaodaa wita Weatar.


fa:* t


vr1* K










OB _T--»^ "neN.*:^ -v'-'RK^d UAJR * D»i y .***re--.y**i-pt*:j x: : :loeA A M ,-t i f _«a P-.u_. eA. -i» i-i *







'affif SffiB Sfir7b5 B-rT-UT^a-ry. wttcbM ot





y " v


ALBANY.-Ficm lha wbarf


6l-.imbo..lo anb ti.iilroaoo.


Nov. 18. NIAOAKA. Slone.t. -n BOSlON] v\ ed:.esday, ...v.Njv.17. AKBICA, Har..*..- fmNE*<





f "<".




ritaio rtytbie





aPATRICK HENRT. Pertont withlr.g lo ,-nd for their frlendi and deflroia of bringing tl.em out by any ofthe xbnre macnlhceut ahip*. art Im'trfiiird that Mettri BOWMAN, URINNELL A CO. art tbe ooly AgenU for the ahovt ihlpi to thii eity. litn* Uraft* irom XI and upward, which art Thry tlio at tifht tn tny tmrr throuih lreland and Ortal


Si.-.e,'"... SlAOARA NEW.Y0RB.Wedcd-.7.0ei.6. AFB1.-A Ha.,...-'...' ri"**1"-' AUSTRALIAN QOLD I'ANADA <. La >\e<tce_tBT.O;: .' Aft A Ja-dkiBafa-NEW.VORK. *'..'-..mSi.*..'N, IvivkiCA We__atay. tl. ¦"*¦¦¦*¦ "\ .RK WBdaealir. .,,I-A, I..... trom N

















B-i-f. C«ta


Oat OLASOOW.Satorday. i.ivgayooL.


OLASOOW -TlmOiaegow




to EUROPK and BACK ln FORTY DAY8.-The LIVERPOOL and PHILADELPHIA 8TEAM8HIP CO. Ulaad aUUai tbtb Bteamtblpf u followi ^ *** ffflfll CiT¥ OF MANChEHTER, 2,Vib, Capt Ro_art Leltaa. OITT OP OLAKGOW, 1,610, Capt WtUiam Wylta. rs-,*, fHILXDBLrHIA.

Tha*a-ay."'" Frieaj, BETWEEN audNEW-YORK Stti.-oty, Now York 8.tav

STUAM £S^n'I*.',wi-,*.-*).




.45 35 ASHRIRTON, btee.age.,.'.'. Passeugers are Iwifird at lhe railroad depot, free NEW SHIP.

a^Waad cl., arab rrp.-'C tM Uca. I U:a.:.:pba*ta.lod. bo.^f«*»- Eaat w;u\?"T-ttOPA. ti- .»*», ll,it .0.,NIAOABA. BBBM, i?:!v to (. H V JutlalrVttt AN C eJe.l77Westat.e_e.Wa ADA. Ur.g, BhaBB. AbU-JcZ N. CAMBRIA -eisi Qead, greea sTfRAblA. i' cle*f t.gnia' LINRi vea*elac«vii> The*e TMSPaTCH wlll havt Btarfoard bow. ie<l port I J .,...n, laAOf ARBSI-L. *wd I -*d*y. Aa«._. toi Nr.vv..." Pa._ -iigers AF_lcXllaVT_^t_ tydirett ££.«_. u* I'ort P CANADA. Lang. d.." BOSTON, Wtdrjesdav. S.»t 1. ua


* C°" N°" '3 *¦*" krm* Y*H' JOHN Ml'NROE k CO No Rae Notre Dame das Farlt, or OEO H. DRAPER _._V 'strirei, of *-*** ****** **> not he acoounuSIa H.rrt. for gold, ii «l»er. __7,*n bBllio_, tpecie. jewelry, preciou*ttooet or metal*' unlea* Mll* ol lading are *if_ed Uieraforo, and tht valoa tbaiaet thtrein


Arply B>

freight :o Harica t irre'rht tfil a to Naw Oil'ttf at M Caafl psf cub.c -*ed lo tjsply th»

Kcbertt ud:,! mtt for PROPOSKD DATE8 OF *rCUr.d SA1LINO ¦** " fs^rday.Jaly 10,184- Wednetde* Jul* 14 1I_B

ifN.Aof. 21-7, 1852 lMi Wedaead.y.A IM3' _SU.a 1853 E2_2._"W 4.1852 W'edaaadey.Boat VS fT1"^.Bet* KiW Wrdarwi.J.££2, Q| g*ur2**.loplll. 2.D-2 Wadoaai.;.oT^S ESJS.Oct 16. 1A52 IVeduetdaV.Oct 30 IMJ ^'^«7.Oet 3*1.1852 Wedoe__.y.No* 3 £» 5*J°^»7.Oct IM"JBI.Nov13, IM Wednetdty.Nov tVtt 18-2 Wedne-d.J.Dec. n! 1 g»^rt»y.Nov_T7, ISS2 ia« 15^ 1*3 a*H"!*'.Daall. Ssturday.Dec .tk, 18.-2 WW-dnetday.Dea tdaetdav Dea.-. 8_f ^^'T."* *'1Mi *-r h*At araassaas wh to * COLUflR* CO, No. 5fi Wall-tt.N t'P ..? T STATES MAIL STEAM^ BROWN. SHlPLPaY. ACoUlverpooL with the


x-n cn

geon Bttached toeach .h-.p


Seoctnd CabiB...............;'¦. fee IneloJed


ara ana.

an experienced aurieoo is Fu TkkeU apply to DAVI8 BBOOKI k CO., Oe.era' AgenU, No 2X Baaver-et 0r JON.S k JOHNSON, No M We*t it, cornf r or Liberty-rt. PBasengen per L'mtea State* will dieembArk altxigaida tha wharf at Aapinwall, and take the Paaa ma Ra'lroad, now open nearly to Oorgona, thua avoiding U.e riak aOat.aut opon laiidtng ln beat* at Chag.-ca, and toa river na. ig*u..« to rg. ra IV The L'NITED BTATES will leara New York agsin on THL'RSDAY the iid Beptembar to coonect ot Panama witb the fine new dcuble engine eteenler " CorUs."

L_l from New-V..rk BB >W'W ^ Nov.ttlaryelxk,BtX>o. Se,,l....,i'.ooSA.i ^FirsU-.'.iD.lS-t"-"«'»"" R'b"".*\t rU>oirJ). BMM ritrt Cai-in, tMioaoip

f,eir.' k,' b larthe.*V~ Arter uain-n K-rtlit. | »r, Barthf . **


pasaed by ary on thi* route, and attached to aa. b vatel.



Thea* _k_-a k

riMct atd lt*ve Panama at tha time Theae vessels, ln accommodatlona app.ilnted and aafety. ara BOt aur e'



7o,,yf-_cdfyf aacepted) mtkloo-th* aa-tti that aod rr. i.i.d.1 Kaaut.r A_.'DA. Capt 4 laiMhrgk The P-ilriKB. ar.'.l kara Ntw-Yuk M-adata, WJaJBaBBflBB A.'bany *t tha aaaaa hoar-»«). acdPndayi,and Tbe aaw acd heaaOfuJ ***unet R .INDF.i'.R.aiatmeteday Capt 0. w. irave Nrw York. Taeadaya TWadayt and w.ll Farcfcam, aJUrna_t «acb and Meal* Aibany day aerved oe Batarday* hoard. N B. Fa further '._'..ruutc.ic apaiy to JAMES )lSHOFACo-No.3r

s? NEW and le-jant THE i Sf7SS_h__iKr_-_-aifi!**. '-^7 ^VT


ThJ reamer

pter Nu North R;«i, ******* t tt prectel"¦- tut oa ouaxiA. tnd I-* paa"**' TILEinON k CO, No. 4S Bout_ett «.eto*trt_n.«

*"*> _JL_T?r AALTIC. r'ST Caft Liioa. *

cZ^CofnateaA U°*MU,t' AT,C' <*»* SbbRRbT U,R1 bul,t eo^"* *» <**. a_S___itt_rV-_-! bcT .¦"¦"¦P tu-boViiel ********.m.**lmtt SSEiTZdL Kv:7c*? ¦__>«¦ «*ktnlntLir *S aod hflljaabflai -p_*d u.d tteir aeocmmodatli.u. f_, p-^OM. m***rt fo, tl*_anca and tomfcrt fv!.* 2 '.^a C gSl** fM*?a-faal tafcai thm oasin.|:JrTl£3 do »7t,, HltafllBBBIof extnr.n iutt trLrox R^Tfro^ tbe lithmaa, tbi. line liatdng nav«r failad dfpatture

Mfl rteamship

MAHK'N.Saturdsy.Sep»- J JAtfE- \,>0!-R....^'odnosd_y._*»t,! 1 UNION.SMiu-day.?".* W'e_oe__av .o*pL j* BOL rHFRNER


BTAT 500 tani barBerry Conii.iand.-r. den. will taker har I,..,., NVwYork f.,r AapioefJI hav, B.y, oa \V> DNESDAY, 1 I. M., aonr.rctl'.g at with 8*p!ember th- n.w dotil.legaabM steamahlp WINFIELO 8COTT. 2 |rvi Oeoige A. Cata, Coinooand*r. wl.ich str*,.,, r awsita tho armal ot paaaenge.a at Panama by the L'uitod St.-t liorxi Nrw Tork. *nd lmm*di*Jcly tber.-alUr procad. to 8an Prancisco dlreet, without stopnlng al any in^*


UNION.!fl:urday.Aag. BOl'iriERNtR ....Wedne day.8ept 1

T?£ nS.- YORK^nLIVEl_POOL 8TEAMFR3-Th-ahlat



PARTNEr.-'HP.DANIKI. RURORBa and RICH ARU A STORRH. bavi.a» forined a ned*r the firm al DANIKL R.KOE.8- CO, willcontiuuatbo Pooluhi ig bj.i1 Bo.,li»«-liii,f h_*i,ir**at tlie oM nwd, No b''lo»init DANIEL BUR'IE-M. New-Yoik, /ug 16.D-W.



,. ,



____&____! l±h^****J****mm Engtkdi lj ** h«» after ar'nined flcarfof V o____d ln tzaa___-CZTiS






Wjtwtx Care.




DR. 31






loofl Lflbop (hal wi'iill |ladl] ba omployod ct Wells, Phronolt./itia XW Fowlers IH IlMsatKst, flew-Ti k, in fnlirii i.tii'ji those wuoo prodocti fltandi ra, CtlBtoa Hall.No. aadPublab Waahlo*ton-*t.. BBstBB No 11. "FAsuiONABI.E EaLL HATt..MjJBCMi tnaPl aadjjfotU iill,- in our maarket-plaoea and rainly ;¦''" Mo 5»" 8d av bas one of lha BasM eirgant Hal HtnrfBin((*¦. IH the Day 'i'imi.. Kmitim. *../ e of H*t*. cltt iiicobi *Ol n will. h'.ewn aiin'a *M m totRia tha brRfldof bonesi ,M ar.d -ing Drai P'l-utn.lie all New-Voi* will Th* h. k*.'P fof. d'i u-icd,) menlsof v.1.1 h w. h*v*B lai ariy forapportw ky empty aii-kt ... tbe .l.ytt'oe witb ».t aaasec-^il Vinthi Conpany t» i.andothereuiei I.y t, il! C; ii it b« Rood policy whleh thui tbep'tiei|a'itvl<ie-f BBple»**otellluvi» B...1 er..p. ol. w.H leditm 128 a pri-cesa aard only .v t-u* C-amaaama, f.Bee.81 M«a >l «t. So. of Styli:.-Kmox. Eali. Tuk ,,h ogtm ,.-. t!',*|., r ri i deeper Ih debi fflf of Haa j-atorMy. aad froei FoUor-at. **>ued bi. 1.1)ofat-leaaar* v>lii' li "in owu pfloplawould gludlt, tbo-c-D,), at,,.:.. Ptayemi' _*'ha*cr*a ^.V ne. produi tt* be*.Uy and atl.acl.vr...». is aorihy -^ .£ t*7r\l il' tbey b«d bol tha cKoace ! miiU lel'odactio. h Ka Of BcuaW a*tshluh*d rit.u alii.n -'. l Alc. todqaiu-aiiekcil-.....-t I" 0- ^'.''^-^.IjarKsox um h*«ox Whnt iln », NKW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, -.iy ,,f ihe owner and cultivaden.ud promisiiU.c..i.irlpth**aPP>»- SacareyoBr inseason. torof lii'iy aerei wbo hiroa itnuigeri to ________. fV,r Fretidtmt, of (Jeotleineo's Oenin's FhII 8tylp« HKT* feed bii ^-toi k wliil,- his boyi frolk at tha the 21*t >"«*. WINFIKJ.I) rlOTT, of Ncvr^Iei-ey. Hal* wu latued No nais 2M rfroadway. opposit* Bt Faol a. tiiicin I Wbitbor Ir j»iiv.itI.* li;V tenda tha >-"££.,, Saturd.y. For f'ict-Prtiidenl, BUSINESS H0T1C LS.







Insubance CbmpaGenebal Mdtlal Marcb.rl*' Exeh**.*, No. 2. eorner of Wall aad Wll-

Mariue and Inland Insurance. TBUITETS Wm. H. Asplnwall, W. Al*op, IjBBMb J ame* Brown. Faul Spoflord. R.bcrt L Taylor, Tbo-aeP-BtaBtoa. h im IHcks Benjamln Babcock, « » Barnewall, john B Kitehlng. Jaremiuh M Hour, r A Drlano, JamesT. Bcauei, ¦aarl Thon-pavm, Cha* H. Ruasell, Mortimer L.vuigstofl, H C Marshall, Wm S.Wetmor*. J. D. H urlbat, William P. FurnlM, Famsay Croo!ks NO Rntgera, VV iliiam B. Bollea, Josepb Sand*,Rinlth, O. Metle, J Elnathan G. H.Koop, William H Macy, D. C. Kmgsland B F. Oawaon, A. rtrt) (ViriF.if Preaident. Henrv Holobece, VlM-Presldent B. C Moaaii, Secretary.___ COONTRY MeRCHANTS AND ClTT EETArLEBS-AlTUMB SALES. 18tt-PorDLAB GOODS, BiaiBBh aaa ^^


M""*V V^.""''1'




PMaa^aFBMae^ & |JS»OTaW8BB?SBi: VB%_SalcSSa. P-ehMfd early, Forelgn .

new, acd com-


Oood. ar-

Our SvsdmU grncg univorsal rtvir^«e> who terted it. a_C_2rStaBBM twtocuouw UtPABTMEPIT. -EJ^Ooo,, Stlt* and

of rtaple

JnstopenlogBvery-ruperi)r dieplay Fopllns, A'«A^n0°f Fng^X,*.()<^^comPr.,inf elinlce Parsta.Clotha, _£*' SeaaaVabBBMoalK *..>k.




co or*.


asne* oi

Dr Lame.; Kraoch Merit,o..nd De I.tlne. l Merino Snawla, E.igl'.ah, of Wtxlle.1, Silk aodWe nvitoeartiwlar atleaBcoUl.rrt.cb andolDome.tic toB toOBr diaplay ii,t* of long andsouare this in cutiutiy man manufactured Bhawls .nawis 1JK|>ABTME*4T j^JJTI fltH).sOoods, and wbich I* under the Tbe Room devoted to U.ese aa porchaeei'.ndmtui^er, Thomas P Dav.i, wpaayisiooof vistt ofa afleiiierlae The arrayof JaconeU. LeWBB Ltc*s, Linen ta>nl»1c ItandkarArtif.n.1 Floweni,Atc. ttlaemp eto ibbefa, maaktgt, Fnnge*.Al*,, Towels, Naokins, Table.Clotha. would we. tn his ke., of all qnalities-l.illon.ost line of Em')roidene*_hav1ng tbe attei.tiop Invite hehalf. the in pertatulng bart * llfe* time experience *olelyhe o»er* l*o"di to cleae buyera, to thii riepartment. tbe adva- tagea be muit br ex&mln-d and I'iled to ofappreeuted. Therurcb-ersand Msartsaai tbe Woetaa os* and Oa Cloih, Yankik. Roitoaa, aat rABTMi-NTs, ii.vit* th* iloMst scrutiuy aod Inspcotion of OaaaaiBi ««««BaT lnl.mortae* everv diecrtptlon uf Domestie Cotton Oood*,and B.own and Bleached etadiai

ZSkTmiIhBBtTtlfufdeaigns etTkind. B Cambrlri,







aTuhestyleTo/ 8-,tm*fc

pgINTAHD OlNOHAM DP.PARTMr.NT Ooods olOne of tfcr m.*t eatriisive a** of these fared to Retailar* io Ua* counuy Wa ouly aak an liuipeo-

ttOu°r prices'are undevittlng and uniform-NETTofCaih payj-rant shnrt s_ccomodBHon tlms, by ¦^Wen8rtnprcf*ared pavable BaaB._^_ Bddlng ieterert and takii.g ptper through the aid uf to


travellera, Wa sha.1 exhibit. bv tha of 8*...|>le* of our OoihU Order.i sent aauoUy, a fullfilled NsTfawith and despateh, and forbe promptneas to ot will ..."< lun. ut bxiiraata* by tbi-Noith. WBTded at>eed1l> all thr wiuter Soulh. E-t or extreme the to ke via Eailtoad* via fiau.u*. bb, & Plimitom, ggngn.Toa mtwuvm .lobbera, luiporlera and No. 47 Broadway.

tatlon foi kte'.ing . clusaof kb'UK'UI* une.|UAled iu the trade, are lnvited to exanine tha greal v.te'.y ol styleiiu tha W. T jBMBTIBa* k Co. wholraai'-dei.aiiiu.-ul of No. 231 Broadaay, Amenc.i Hotel.


Sinple eopies, wrappers, ready Will you not, regardlefli of party mailmg. can be bad at the desk. Frice Six Centa. 1 at The Africa bails from this port To Day holp us to procure this chflnge ? to prese.



jteW We ask the frienda of SCOTT and aT-AHAH to calJ at om office and exainiiie tbe following Campaign miMicaiions, whicli atider tne tupke. of thf vv :re Committee of ti*e friends of Gen. Centralpreiiared Scott at Wabhin^ton, are every way autliontjc and eflficient, and are sold at tbe bare cost of Paper and i'rii.tinj;, friend of the Canse I ca!) and see if yon don't want to supply every house in your County, Town or Ward wiih rr? TIIE

r.t "*l I'AF". > LIFE OF GE*i.

ai'OTT, with 2r> illui-trations of th»- most event-



of his illuKtrious career,



Dattloa of Chippewa, Lun.l>'s Lane, Cerro Gord'), ContreraH. Chnpt.ltepec, iVc, with hia protection

ofthe Iriril) prisonersin Canada, _c. &.c..a large, paiaplbVlt of thirtv-two pages, on fine ready at The Tribune office this morn¬ ing. I'rice $2 per buodied, *M centa per dozen, 3 cents bingle. When ordered to be aent by Maii 2 cents for .imler 500 mile. and 1 cents for over 500 milea muet be added, aa the Post Oftice Department re<uae to send without prenayment of poatage. A uo, SCENEH IN TIIK L.IFE OF GET Wi'OTT.a broad sheet to be hung up in dwellings and public places.with eighteen apirited illuHtrations.wilt alao be readv, and will beaflorded fr $10 per thou Rand, $l{per hundred, or 2 cents aingly. Terma, Caah inflexibly. If to be sent by Mail 1 cent for 600 miles and antler and 2 centa for over 500 milea must be added to prepay po«tage. WHI. E. Rf>KI\»<O.VM gPEEC'lI on New-IIamps-hire Deinocrtcy and Catholic Eman-

lingly. lf ordered to

be sent by Mail 1 errat naeh for 600 .oi'i's and nndar and 9 eents for over 800 milea must be added to prepay poatage.

._r* The New- Vork Tribune, it may gralify some friendsto state, ntver issued so large editiona of either ita Da'ly, Weekly or *semiin a'iy foimer monili as during this prea¬ Weekly, to a_TTlie Ifiw sppoiota loapactora jo.'-'e of lhe value of some u.nm.Kiilie., hut in re'at. >n to Sl.irts ent August, 1892. Our aggregate cirrulation now tlie putlle jt.dg.- fji tba.I Ivfs. Thareaul, U tbat Okk.l*fl _


la DafMBaTaiHypet auch have been aubmit rd niai.y tW No

to ao




tbo** cxbibiled by Root. No

the world


Brocdway But they have

( *nil> through all nlals, and gaioed more pa**t-d nriaet lh*n any uiher speclniens ofthe art exlaiit. Of thia fact to th* gsllery caa haveocular proof






exceeds by many tbousands that of any other newspaper printed in the world. There is no other in thia City within Ten Thousand of it. We do not care to obtrude these facts on tbe public, but the iiicepsant and outrageous bragging and


amost uncciupulous rival compels ua to break a eilence which BOOM m'jht interpret as admitting tlie sup-ri^iity claiuied by it. aa


Co>gre?s.~ln tlu. Senutf, Mr. Wellercalletlup b'a motion for a Committee to iaustigate the charg- s agai'ist the llazku JlounFulton at. dury Coiiiiiii-rtiorif r, aud it was den J. Mr. Metropolitan Hotel, Broadwak.. Iluitir, trom the Finaaca Committ -e raported Tha Metiupolitan will be completed and opened for the that Um nibjei t ci modifications in the Tariii* receptlon ol cempany Sept I Pnc- of Board, #2 per day. pnt.lic are respeetfully tnvlted to ex**nine the Prlza Picture* with a large eolleca.libited at the Wond's Fair. the dlsttnguished man of our tion ofthe portialts uf most of togeiher eouutry, at Bbauv's Oalltry, No. *>4 Broadway, lomero.

SiMEO.i Lbi.akd k Co.,


Rf.DUCED PftlCES..SlUtll't'rt

Refii.ed Sugan 4/ 71bs.; brown tj C and 3,, 7|bs. Tbe place to get good leas and Coflre, a\to, l'eaches and l'lums, cheapu at'», 211 Kioon.e coroot of Ludljw-m.

had better go over to next st ssion, there bein» no Um Baar tO com-ider it. Of coaraa, Mr. Hunter would deaiie never to fmd time for euch apurpose. Mr. Clsrke innde a judi iiou-4 and tincly spt-ech

agtiiiir-t iaeaaaaasf


aalary ofthe Commiaaiaaar

Chinii. The Kiver nnd Harbor bill wa« then taken up, the BBMBdflMata inule in Cominittee HVMri.Rr.v, No 37? Bioadway, eorner of Whtte-*t., iurt raceivfd. dneet from tho European manufietories, per late anival. fiinn Eaiajpe. a laige and elegaut aa*ortnient of concurred in, and the bill ordered t'j I.e en^roseeil lioh Mosac Velvet a>.d T«pe*Uy Carpel.ig, auipassiug any- by a voto of 3] to 17. tbiog evet bcfoie In counlry; pai'.eru* eutlrely, In the lloufe the day was occupie I iu per-onul .uvcluaively our own, aod for saie fall le per oent. laa* lhan etber stoies aellmg sim.Ur good*. ittaiaaUoaa, in wliii-h 31 r. I'olk succeeiied in tW PlnyitiK hnd Eoamalod ot* tliorougbly disgiaciiig himself and the body which evtry v*ii-ty, ihe una* splrudid ataorm.-i.t i.. ma'ket, can has tbe misfoitune to count him among ita raeiube putcbved cl.i ap at >l.a Cot.greaa Catd Manufactory, No ber*. ib Ve.aj-st. Call aad ex.mine for yourselves.

& RlLU CAIU'ETINUS.-Petkaboh hav*

tW Toilet iJoons,

Hair Rru-iliEagUall ..r.l atid white Dre.aing

**, Toolh B.uihta. Hi.Halo, sIb Con .ba, ol thr hcat qualltv, I* fon. d at W J.Dvv.s k Co wbo will sell tbe laig* invoi-e tl »_. iiisl te* aeived, on the lowest teni.i, lor u.*h or Bpf8 ivtd notos, No. M Court.tidt-at.


By Telkurai'h..We bare a coniirmatit'.iif tbe lepoited safely of Oapt Marcv, in a

dii-pntch fiom hiinstlf to Cen. Scott. The Whigs of 1'hil.tdelpliia have nominated Minor (iiljiin forrei-lection. F. S. Cleavfk's Paiu Medal Hobet A liot bas ti.ken place at 1'remont, Ohio, among Bdai'.Tl.ii incoiurarabl* artiele t* now in univeraai de.

tuai.d. lt may be had at all drug^uti and perfumers. Also, F. 8 Ci > av.k'.s it.imttahr H,.iry Shaviog Creaui, Boars' Powder. Maricw, and Sapcnacruui Toolh W. J Dav15 J. Co No. ic I' at, sole wbol.-aale ageots. ,

Hair Dye

and Wius..Batchllor's MaBBfactory tor theaa articlua ls eelebr ited Ir, all parta of Ibe wvtld persoiis «lal.iog a llght, a'.egant and durable VVig M Toupee can suialy be auite.1. Hn Hut Dye ts appiied. ia sure gu.r.ttee) or sold, wliolesal* and nkm\ al tio 4 bValiat C^py tbe addrea*-bewa-e ofin.u: ns. ,

tbe liilt'ii is on tbe railroad. One man was kiiled aid tt vi rai wounded. The liremen of IlulT.ilo have accomplished their purpoff, and disbanded their orgunisation. WOKTII (i»N|i)KKING.


It ia


fnct thnt


country is


unscourged by pestilonce, in the enof generous harraata, and every tW Va> DEt7BEii*a linpt'ovt'il V^ahpaaa jojiiifnt naturu! I'leiiient af co«t!i.B*s to he seld cl the. Geneial Dr, ,,t. He I.MC'.am aaa

b*fs st, and |.ii..i.|.*) dro.'.i.ta al tb* c.ty aud ol HrookWo. Taoaewbohav* mad* l.tal of ll ar* fally salisSsd thal tl are.tes fiesl., aud abaafM gr*y to ll* *!(.'. color. Tbu Isall'iwai.iii g

Lton's Katiiaikon.Tho


folToflel artiele, ard etlective remedy f.r Haidneas, Oray Hair, Dai.dn.fl, Ac^ tu th* wiild Sold > all the pnneipa) l>iuagists ihit'iigboul North and South America, Europe, and tha islanda of tbe ocran, tn larga bottlea, for ib cent*. The trade libei.lly dt-all wuh at a price which an ah.udsome pu*t. Pimcipal Wtu.)ea~eO.ce. No Ifil B.-oadw.y, N Tl ata.ts E. TllD.MAS Lvo.t. uj ,

Hair Drixi..Cribtadoro's Excelii-

obL.qvii.Hai8 Dii, to eol..r tbe hair or tbe raoaiat.t lt ka apeliwi, withoot injury to tbe bair or *kfn It a.i ta waahed .iaaadtaf«ly wuij'i.i.t Ihe color, auniltlng oo ba. odot, linptov int the lexttir* nni ^ lo tba h*ii lt u alasllcity appiied or sold at CaisTAOoao's W Lg BBl Bca p .*tal.!ul.me_n^ N.. 6 Artor Uotiop. I'rirato room lor applying th* dy*.

WGorjRAOD'e Uqnld Hair Dya is, axeepeioa M teom^xom, tha vary bart avar taWUjvral Medlctod -twaaBara Beah mH*,mf _*?___ Boap fof /T^ eurlag pltppie* Ir-klea, salt worma, Mtter.salkrwnaw, Ma. tou«hne^ ht rrtaa.u, Poodr* BsMBa o^ IBOt* balrf any pan of th* body. Llqold B.n** Wbltaand Hair Olos*. tl C7 W.iker a, n^ aVoa^wa, ^ -



a*ho*« berrid earDita... l.rrsarii tn bt ."n lirary. B*d b..g taa Bt*a. Tbal I**l .b" T, A.tgo, uocl'aa, W* ian ar.Bil.lm*, Fof tt.ry'late, Sl. a by nugartH att'trfoa ___**.*! I'o* d*l oo* apri.kling K.'l. keat. ia a tttiakl.Bg Tu tb* p .bli.'. .n|.f*n.*aalitf.< l._>',

mW Lton's Maiatatk Powder for da* aad hi*

tt-ytog toarcU,

pilli .ttaraiiattiog rat*. IM itoeiwaj. P «ta. |i Oaak et t%n Ne. fot

Sold at





linport.r.Laaabe of f'sshiou*. K'fa.b.n Ovricoat, Ac- Autlior t.' ihe I'l.ilosophy of M daru Ditss *nd haibiou.No. S,'il Droadw.y, comer of Antbosy-rt, N. V.

Bhlrts, wb.ih tii witb u.athe.riatical accuraey, aod aru the iu'»t eieia. l iu appeaiaoce to b* bad in tbi* counlry, are la nnlveraal demauil. No. J Atiur Houie *.\ ti.e .1 .'...I i. .... II.* iky, Or Irnely .hn.rr tI.e ...i.....r sun, Th* pr. flr Hi.. k iu raM-le" irowd. te tna lo|*lll.-»r ptitute. June



Clothinu..Auiumn and Wintor, ld.)2




T.llur aod Cl .th .M..0aaaa F. Fox. N«vv and Mibtary Inventor of tbe Oriental



iiicii.ii, haa


Fall Fashidnable Clothinu at Jencipntion.16 pngea. Piice 110 perthousand, $1 2.*) m.nBiNcs li Co.'s.The repotation acquired by thii firm for saie,! to that mtdato per hundred, 2 cente aingly. general Bfacluring Clothing furtliem tbe cuiiiiiai.d of an lmmense measure, hai given Cloth¬ trade. Theii s'.ock of elegant ready-made wholesaie DT W11Y I Alr! A WHIG-A Letand ihey invite to lt tne espeis now Ue? eal) ready, ing tot In lti town. ler to an Inquirin/? Friend.Hy Horacb UrbkCial aitrt.tion ol country in.n hanta .1 preaent tlie iidn:ipaleities and towns of the East andallWest-in the into- trr.being a calm and lacid atatement of the, S.tannah, Cbarleaton, aathewtll aa and huiah, ground* of radical diflVrenee between the t-vo beauty itr U.wn* of importttnce in ibe South, Sui- great partiea which divide the American People Drea* CoaU, tl.e style and n.aleriBl of tlu ir leady-u.ade have been ap- and the author'a rvaaona for preferring and touu, Bscks, Overe/'Bts,, Pantaloons, Ato, aupfive last tw.nt> year*. Tlie and admiited foi the preciaU'd A large and fair the asaortmect f)r tbe lall of ia believed to aurpasi tliat of porting of 16Whig party: Price in $10 per pamphlet psgea: be thousand, altogelher uiipiecedented any fortmr jear, and to -New-Yoik Merchaiit* from the counlry who deaire to give |U per hundred, 20 centa per dozen, * centa tona and eharactei to Ihtir fall BMB*. .""I * aeeure a repu-








p':.<i>lly iib r trnine'l pol- heavy dntioa under whieh IrolRndflttd [rbb .' i'A only iruo friendi ur* the^^^ probably rery littla taata for in, n proapered, until **tlie nut ion offlhop* <r;,t_. It is time that the Moudl of protecion. lii.ivri.-i.l baod- -i.alt'nm. -1 baa doubt leaa ke,'pi.,-." by idd ofbribor) and corraption, 9een timts wh.-n lu- pivfeind his own aatab-iahad Britiah firoB trade, the roaulta berctoforo coJUng.he_aae.vei Leirioo-facnnipuny to thnt of a erowd of itnuigere. of wbich nenrenoiv flritMOaaiog. Bribofj ahouldopon tlieir eye* t0 the lntUrfs -j^j Tbaaa characteriatlce, wr obaervo.are ma le iiuil coirepiion n-ne England tha control of ure prucii-ed upon them. nnd d, *m',Q9 tlie rrounda* of Bttach upon bim in ra* tho trnde of Portuizul. ns hus liaca '"''-ii tO COOM out munftilly for the tn,.n w^ rioua paJtf]f% Baonymotts anecdotea, oow the COCfl in Imliu and Turkey. all of which have alwayi., whether in tbe held or ia floarlag with otber acvra on tba rar&ce ure tuni to ln* r.inkod RmOOg t) poOTOst the cobioet, bflttled for American latflfaflfli f low order uf jorjrnala. We do and moat ontemptible communitiei of ihe when oppoaed to iboeeof Great Britafc, so i *********** A. UK\IIA»I,arNerth.Caro!lnn. policy thm this eountry is row rot believe ihey can have any BaTect; world. Bribery und con uption ara now. L«'t them give their vote, |.i Siott _ad leisly pUPRU-Ogl n*; we believe, nt work among our-elves, Gbaham, and they will not a^ain be tollt, Tht Tribune U serwd tn tht* Clty. Brooklyn, WU Fellow Countrymen! uf Rdrocatoeuch und af all evei t- his adraraariea _rawale*nt* per weak, p*y.'.!e nnd -hould in to ".ii tO hell." succied this tn If Banisbprgh aad Jersey Clty for V*\ the Post-OfBceor of them. iii! make t-.'iue can oui giving they they Peany i change in our National Policj ns will -»m to the eerrtera. Nam****Btthrongh have free trade tbe of Britiah vsliom the tlnman book* American Carrlanf a_ People country Meaeings Fort will be promptly pl*c^ Thk CoxiBKs^io.NAt, Boobs.^Io tba oar own people. now flnwillingly idlfly ta aml direct taxation.ontphaticnlly tho aya Civil ever regarded aa oneof thelr moal heroic for kc Silk, Cloth, and Diphuiiu' lii'l duu bduie the Ironi For Eurn. prodaeing now Coofrrm to Eu- tii.d effirienl defeodera in tln- War of 1812, tem of Turkey nnd of lndia.the day must «. aaa tbat "ti>.' Beeba,'1 flbiah c..<t tli«Tietdebi in Tribune weare of The wbich nuniber running next for Tlie the subi.r.liuate poaitioni cona when thia country will be quotliad to :r,im |8N to %lpmt |,)r each new me-ti\xw European Cirnilation will be isaued T H I B ropo iiiiil COVeriog our whole luml wiih Dotwithatandi.g are providrd for.but pflfidad for in a mu ;h take i»hiiiiiane it.the Bnd in he ilde oftha ruinad oaheld will con¬ It place bythe hat' (J o'clock. uniforn.ry at 9 N I II O N in of *A the ihape Railroad mortgRgei foreign way than usual, and ia a .va> to put tn emi akiUrul ilirectur ofthe remoral ofthe Clier- timis of the Eustern HeinKphee, und this toter the tain al the Latest News up to the time of going Bonds. Stiite or CompRny Stocko, kc fla fruuda that liave beeo practiced.if for in .


in 1. v'lolation of the m"st i icrod righfta" 942. In »i.t -.«> roppla aa ibey were before Ma body ri ihii brom I ,tl liern liored thrmr.'li bv in:r«ik**>t: bul's. , Ir'-hmen, nnd i' was ns u measure of tbey «re tol.l that the Whig pmy b* Br may i.-it cndiire being ovor-reachel of ledr, ei Lhat tlie Iri-h Farfiafneut iinp'iaed Rbandonad the rnuse of protcetfan, |^



2. Ii is a fuct thut wo have mines of Iron, Copper, Letnl, Zlnc. and other useful

iker-, the di-(Teet aml trillKjllilli/.ill^ Commandant iu South Carolina during the Nullilicatiou cii-i-. tbe PaciiicatOT of our EaTorth-Eaatern, and again of ourNorthern. IMII.ITUAIa n B-SO.II AMTIE*. When ii citizin conaeflta to l>e placed frontier, antl the Conttthoror ot Mexico. before lhe People ns a eond-doto for ollice, who never loal a battle where be comhe lifC'-siirily chfllleogei n scrutiny of so liiaiuled. BB. ttever ili.l BOythiog toward much of hii cbflTRCter rr roflacti li:,hton getting tate Country into a War. butrery h;s (jualifHiition- for the post ha RRpirai to. much to keep it out aml gel it nut of seve¬ lf he is Incompetent or diihoneat, or nn ral it -ii. h b m: ii can be pui down by the enemy to hii country or lier in-nitutions. .-.iii ofwnrfiirenowwaged agaiuai him, we thut U ii £(,o<l raoRon for rafiuiag him tho ahall ln lieve thal we have hitherto overoflke, mid tha foctl which provo him n ithiiated the magnanimity nnd patriottc iiinny, or trnitor are fairly ndduci- pride ofthe Americanmt People. lil,* by his poli'ical ipponents. AikI yet, I11..U KG1 AKIIIMM. Lmmenae is the prohability tlmt a party have we had to record a more Rever inch-dlpg nnion^ its members many thou* diBguatiag and diagracefol apecimen of siiri-s ofcapableihODOBt, deservingpatriots, blackguardism than may be uillnot pn^s them nll liy nnd take up an Congreaaiona] in our telegraphic diapatcfa ofyeaterfound untit, diahonofltt onworthy candidate, thut proceedinga in the Houae of Reprewhntever mny bo _..ored to his prejudice day'i No hero of aentadves. brawia, ought to bo rigidly scrutini/.ed by thc peo¬ wrought by liquor up topot-honae the duo of ple, and not accepted as truth unless it atupid ferocity, could have aurpaaaedpitch Hon. Itondl the teat of the severcst investigation. William H. Polkin the atyle of hia Ian¬ And besides, it should be considered that is now clearly Bnd behavioTi He guage nll this personalcriminution is oxceedingly entitled to aml the theglory garlands which it proves noth¬ unprolitable.thut is to say, involved. to the b'r-t blat kguaid in tho Amer¬ belong Tho ican ing bcyond tln* mere fact Congreaa. Even Borland, the greal voter who is convinced by testiinony thut imaaber ofnoseBi mual yield tha palm, (.'cn. Scott or (ien. Pieree is per-onally and admit that, with nll hia e_brte, he bai unfit to be Presidont, hus learned nothing in-tttutions nol di&graced thereby which tendi to quoliQ him Ibr the aml the RepublifJreprtaentattve States go United Of the us an his of fm ure d-JChflPge reapouaibitltiw as the member nntl -o indecently Ho i.s not ono whit deeply » nliniichised ciii/.en. fiom Tenneaaee. better fitted to chooae botwoan tho .lf any reader think-. this is aevere candidatei Rt the next Election than if he let him read the report of Mr. bfld never till n<>w east n vote nor though! Ianguage, and aepecialry of his abuso 1'olk's of un Election. But if he has docided to of Gen.aayinga, Scott. As for his insults to Mr. rote for ScoW or I'ierce because he, by lonnd Mr. White. wo can only reCullom dtscuiaion, hus been led to U'et that thoae gentlemcn reatigatioDtheor Protective have heen believe Policy right or !t .1 I.y the excitement ofshould the to moment wrongi or to nfTirin or denv the expedien- notice ao worthleaa a creature in the Ian¬ cy of lilierul npprnpriutions for River und We hear that one or Harbor ImproveiiietiH, he hus cstublished guage of pn-.-ion. in twoduelaare preparationbetween them r criterion which will aid him to decide, -hall nnd and deeply regret if any val¬ coofideotly and promptly, with reference uabiehim, li.e i.i in -uch i cauae to Micriiiced t<» principle ood public interest, queitiooi barbaroua custom the of single combat. which will icry probobly bo involved in future EieciioDs. COMsTOmV FOR D-MOCKATIC TAUIFFWe huie endeavorej, in thi- Rl ifl for¬ BIEX. Wa.siiinoion, Saturday, Aug. 21,1853. mer politicfll COntORtRi to keep |)inely porThe rcsult of the eleetion in Norih Ca¬ <nriiil crimiiintioiis as much out of lighl U rolina bai «o far arlmatel the Southern bnuir-b of tho ss to Induce lt to ceniure ard read out of the possible. Wo ceituinly think Gen. Scott party, pirty thoie ranh and fool hardy Democrats irom Perswho, on a recent OBBl-'Iea, hatre p"vii d e aylvHitia, hai serred his country for lonjjar nnd more tatitl amt-ndment to the Civil nnd Dlploma'.c

ii s

ty and ric_Basa




be- tiin btlL A Waihtcj-tunl.tterla The tiichmnndappropiltfttptprer of the 17.h lastant, c.ip.-esse* the hopo that all those Uere the vottrs ought to nnd ivill tukc tliat Baaaaberattom l'ennsylvanla may be deteate>l la the Conjiretitonal eleclloni and lf tle wl..jl>. Sut-> of fact into the account. We presumo they next PenniyiVHria were to ent9rtil*i luch wicke.l tirltltsnhnve both been paid for their .orricei timt-Lts, then nyi ho, GoJ bleu her let her g>-." Is eool, very. A year or twa ago, Pennj.r :nU nll thnt the low flllowi them. and so have Tnla whs n.iiiiuer.i! wo thspeaiin.- to, and i'ei.inylv.n:; Vi favorie hd," (the man they beat Can with") wa? oni.o claim on tho Treasury ; but if either of alcerfdtbo very einbodlment of Southern honor and tbf in hus served with eminent u.ility, do- cblvslry. Hut now, when tho-e very Iri-jdi of Mr. Buehsn»n. tbe laie Mr. liuchannn (n polltin. aro aikrotedooaa nnd eliicieiicy, he Iihb thereby ing ali'tle bonui, ln tlie shapn f a itreii^thonitig p'tfter li r tbiir beart stilcken and dliappoln ed Sti'\ th-ie RRtflbtiahed a claim on tiie g.'atitude o. his priux rhttalitri dlsmlsi tho bosgars aith a God b'eai counfvmen which wlll hurdly be disal- jou, we. lrta yuu BB," Wbere Is Governor Portar, who hss mnde special pllgrlma^-e to the Syrti of the Near1, wed. World "tofit a'l Bb.fa, and to iee tbat BVarythlaa I* ln rdf r, and no *crew leeBB I where Is ho now vsi.h As tn peraonal crimiontfoo, however. we bls tarit) rrospcits I hnd a gllmso at bis joyl'ul OCBB day l.ut It wai nierely a *unb> im, lelieie i' i.s generiilly poor business, and tfcanci tbo other Irmnedlately afterward aucceeded by darkness. the le-s we hnve of it the better. Of Geo. frotn Ihe tone ot iho Southern prerji iint thereIJ'ilge Upi r nendment, and tbat themladiof bope for anyhadUrlrl i'ierce we have not intentionu'ly suid or Ibe IILetter at pecj.le onco te surronder gracefully Itto an unavoldable nt csaslty. Gol bleai the published one word in peraonal ditpRTRge- tarii'.Itt go." ment. 11is politia seem to us ns bad a> We take the above from a letter of the bod could be, under such a fnrm of Qo/- Waahington cotreapoiident of The Philaerniiient as ours; und on their account we deljihia Ledger.¦ good Democrat in the eniiiestly deaire hii defeot. But under modern ncceptationofthe term.and do 80 what eircumatoncei he fuinted la Btexico, because we de.sire to bring it to the parti¬ whether be wns preaaat ,»r Rbeenl nt eor- cular notice of that large clnss among OUTtuin batUaRi kc. kc, nre topicfl iu whose -eivescnllad '-Turilf Deinocnits,' jthat is to di-CURaioa we havo taken no iotoreat, and aay, the men who believe in the necess-ty to which iie hiive intended to afTurd BO of protection to the American planter, tlie .pace. A lingla illuiion to his alleged American farnier, aud the American mehflbil of hnrd drinking crept into our , jl- ihiuiic nnd laborer, und yet vote for men like omni unobeerred and wu promptly repu* Frnnklin Pierce and W. R. Kin», pledged diatcd.not becuu-e the "fact of bobitufll B8 they are, to uae all their inliuence to nml nre-- intemperance would not bo a preaerve to Englantl the mooopoljsha Bimi iiilid ground of object ion to hi-* eletatioii |0 -(-t ure by aid of the system called Brit¬

el'li,-iently than


Pieree, and









deiice -ticli a

result will, as we think, Im due to the e\ertions of thut enHghtened class union: ouraahrea called TVuriff Democrots.M It is now tlirpe years since Demoeracy obtained tli,- rontrul of Congress, by put* ting Mr. Cobb, nn Anti-Tariif, in the Speaker's Chair of tlie ITouseof RepreaentatireRi aud hi** firat uct was so io constitute the Committeei thut no measure relntivo to the tnrilf coultl become even the sui'jeet of diuCUoteion, und his succeisor. Mr. Boyd, hus followed the ilie- tri,.us exuniple. Yenr ufter year the Iheudeut aml Secretary of the Trcsmy huie OTgod tbe mutter on the conaidorotioa of Congress, ur.d year ufter yenr lreuioriuls hmo been presented from firmoi-.*:, ir.echuuics, and loborera, nll of wliich bpvo goue to tle Committee of Wnys ued Bfoaufl, but thut Committee hus steadfastly udhered to the policy of making no report, either favora¬ ble or edverse, becun-ie, by so doin-j, the (juestion would be broujht under onsiderntinn of the Hon-.e, in which ihere was. rs was well known. a majority favorable to ..

l'n-ideney, to




bill can be kept a.* it was started. Alter the House voted itself " the books," tt uiual, Mr. Biook.i, of thii* City, from the

Wayi und Means, nport.-J a pruvfl* appropriation of £ I'i j,if,,fi to buv tli.* nikt,

mittteof to tlie

that the Clerk of the Hoosa fhou'd IBBart \m A,.. tail at tlie next ses-ion ahtre the bojksi-ine ftm uhtit wt* t,ie pnce, and hoie tliey w, re tli.tnliut, ed,.the o'ljrct being to th** bflfl i-dif i.i * p/am exhrtusted, and to cut ttt tli,* ll.rk ,.;' t!i>* II .llM from n penpii*ite n poit-d to be worth to iiiio^ ». Tne ''flaakflO^ and othera from $90,000tl not being in piiat IflflMfll anj thue* tike th>- <1<*uii<i4, a la'stniii is to toe tsjch memben a will tbas trade fiom one li'ii'tli, ,1 to t«v.i hu idre.l dolUrr, Ut a rectipt for then, aid thfn tJ barga Ua *

lanryfar thea htm |8QU t,> 11,000, Voht cdii't-nt, thflBfh I'l'i.n.t the h itlia.iitttiBB panc.ion af "tbeWaya and Meaaa," Hiitilai ofl bv Mr. > i aflg end WflOflflidjllt<M ta tba RaflflM r


but Mr. Kiooks t-ulis.-.ijentli P'«»*ed it with imall ;oi,e, tbat BB cnrii'd it in kj\t., of the \ oiinR oppo-ition. Tne Civil aid DpIomatV bill thfll amemlad went to tba Senate, iad tle \ oungttes af, Bf & B] t'tticit- jioctis, the I'ioai ce ('oii.uiiitte af tha Senate struck it out, aud tha l><H n.i* b>-t'i«a to


Senate is shoin ef thn .ulut.irv pronsiut.

We shall keep watch of it, aud iee nli.t iccooim of it; but we have little hope that, between thl u modilication of our revenuo lyitom. clukf, eng ,i-sers( book t.'euleis ai.d others, s_|| Vear ufter year, the friend-* of thfl tarlff B piuiif-on CBB be kept in a bill, in the ,'!>*>¦( have been t'riven to the neceasitv of »'ti- hofllB of B BQBtiOR andNeieitl.eless, we sh-U !<>ok deuvoring t<> attach their bills to the tail of shurp for tbe Ayes mMaaa. Bokroivinu Money..We are often ad* other bills, and ns uniformly havo their nmendmenls been ruled out a- l,eing "out diesttd bi pei.iui.-ut ii-L". n >¦«' wlo, re.d ot, ia mir Con "iiercial Reports thut Murey in pVnty ia of order".as they mont prob.ib'y were Wnl'-striet at 1, 5 or b per cent. a k ui to ne* to obtain it so, waa impossible and, being :_oti_te them loup' at these or hi^her rafs oa a majority of the House to reverie the RaalEaiafea inUhio, Michigan or lowa, txhieh Chair's deci-ion. But l few days since. tbey repievnt (we p.e ume trti'v) ai wiwtR such n deci**ion uj)on this Bubject was most double or ti»-!,V tl" i-.'iii they witk to bo.roiv on unexpectedly reversod whereupon a new it. Aud yet it :_ uo more -e. ir'*'.'.. iu Wal'-stntat .

than io much _elf-1J-5l1teo.19.1rBn. The louns 1111 dfl 111 Wall-.treet at I or 3 ji'rcent. are tlemnnd Loaos.that is to say: A. II. haa ratal thousand doHaii 011 laad (perlup- othar nu fl'l imnty left with bim for future orointin»«at bkelv to be wuutrd lor nom* friendl of Biitish free trude ninsterel all use) which is not it BMflJ! he eulkd lor toino.rofl, rnonths, though their forces, and were thus enaldei to sui- In all, there are --»ei .! Mil'ious of Kueh I' ia tain the Chair nnd gng the friends of \VuH--treet. The hflUeri would ble to b»ve it Ameiicnn furmers, laborers. und me- carning BBflBethrflf, but they must at aM tiiiiftibl chanics, ns hnd done for the able to put their fingei. o 1 it at rn hofll'f not'ee, as somecreJitor or ch pos:tor fliiycall for it. Now three yean pu->,. ia another set of rich men, (pei J-upi :i good We beg oor Democraltc tarlfT men therethe same nieii who It'Tt laat year.) <vhu wi»t p.u! to ol.serve thut Deiiiociacy iias now come to uie mrnei in the;r bus nesi, un I can r^i»e for touiean that the ihall rule. Ono it the niii-t tirdoubtcd aml i nine.ii'itelv ci.aivertithird of n Democratic Convention mflkes bleiecurty. Fer icatasce, oaa Rai $100,000 ia« Fninklin Pieree n candidate for tha Presi- vesli d :n (7.Statei or the very best Sf ite StrK.k^ which ure hi.s e'ear of,''br, je^ he !. wilhaf in oppo-itlon to tho claims of Bu- to n~ake more if he c_n do ii aafif'*. Ma , hun _n, Cass, Murcy, and a hoat of othera, BBJ8, ''I belitve (or Hnrlem, 0. II i.lm.a, whose best exertiona havo been given to Kii r, or MrBMBthcr) Kail.ojd St.n.k mu_t hooB tlu* iupport of the pariy. ut the saci Ilie,* of li.-e se I \v:'l r-k hu'f I am wur.h upon it." ii* hi* ow.i I .S.or StaleStockiffl pifldglflhalf their country's interestfl, aml who, there* abaloan of $.''t),MH) in cut-li at I or S per cent. on eaM fore, hnd some right to look .that is, lie must pay the loan wlu n ,iet_i<i-ed of the peopl,* of the OT the ci, tiitor 111 iy fell the sincLs pbd^ed for it tion. A Union futor Britiah free trude. but Demo- and reimbur_e himsdf. With thu fVl.OCO thal boilOMOll. he ' gpreads bhfl-Btf' on the .tockor , ratii: tarilf men aid in sendiiic to CouImy* of men, who, in their vote -tiacki* he be'ieves deiiincd to ii e,.p_rh-ipi gresbft to the extrnt cf his means, ami p_rhapfl only ing for go for party, at the >ucriiico buy ing ten times thit amount ' on time' and otttj of the interesti of their conatitaente, nnd ptiying or e'epoei'mg five to lin |.;r cent ai I

in-tuntly demnnded- und granted the by Cliaii mon, as it icoull not have been had the demand come from the oihtr ,idc of the House- Forthwith, the alurmed

count wns







majority Speakor,

the Sjieoker tukes cure thut his ComuiHteea shall li,- -o oonatitutod us to g»i;r, nol only the Whig tuiill' men in the House, but the Democraticonea too; Rndthuaii ia thm the minority rules the majorit)*, in the aome

'tnargin.' If the >tock riten, eshe uu'iiipiUd, _. n.ake.i larijely ; if it falls, he Iohcs in proporti-M

Hut in ani ca.e, tbo leuder of ihe |-,),0ii;j can §A it baek wlmnever he wantn it, beyond a iti'iralaaa* -ibility and this ii why Im laada it at nolu»8 rate of interest. cf Demoeracy. Whether Thrie is 110 mu-li thing as bcuowiiig here «t t( nnd atate of 5,1'., 7, oratea ten per cent. oadictaal KeaiK^uu corruptioii ure .at lerst trc know not wlr-.e or Imw it may ba we will not andartake to say. Imt done. Loaoa 011 Ci'y propeity ure daily nrfotisure we are. that if there were, the matter itttd at 6 to 7 per cent , but 011 no ott.ef. Tha eold not b<* rn,in* -ume men w ho Ic nl at 1 or 5 per cent. ai abova, We beg our Democratic friends now to probably wutild not hnd et tieeuty per cent.ot rcmaik that the Whig party re, ogni/es lllinois lande.nor at any rite. They rced ta of the majority to know, first, thit their steurity i» anple; thea every where the the *«f of their Convention that they may obtnin their mouey baek govern. A hour they wunt matter though tlie borrotot leleir- their candidnt»'s for the be * knave and a bankrupt. It i- id'e, ther* fora, and Yiee-Presidency, and they Rflk only iu wnte us with reCmnc* to barrBwaajMaaaf ia (ity: we de seveial kinds of baiiuan.bat thut they inny have a chunco to uscertain thia that is eiitirelv out of our line.


bribery neodtoproducothia

dexteroosly monaged*




whetlier there is. or is not. a mnjority of the Hou-e of Representatives fuvornble to cnrrjingotit the recommendations of the Admini-tration, but thfll does not suit tlie con purpose of the udvocates of British poUcy, who and they ure denied the right eien to dis-

but because no eii- ish free trade. We have recently the eatabliahmeni ot' ...i-id with many auch.-with men adefpmte chnr^o hn- ever been fldduood. If prayed aa_ionaly for a change In our sys¬ onqueatiooable tflstimony ORtabliahing that tem of policy, knowing that such change were before the public, wa -hould \\:- e.'-ential tO tlieir interests, but who charge feel bound to notiee it nnd give it wei_ht ; \i aoff.d not make up their minds tothrow bui more bar-room go-sip nnd -eiui-unon- off party trammela nnd come out boldly in ymooj ilang goei for nothing, ri it ihould, favor of the great American party the eor¬ nnd ought not to inlliieoee a vote. Tho-e ner atone of whoae lyatem is fouiid in tho llhii belirie Gen. Pi-Tco tlie -miller pnl- great principle of Protection to ihe Ameriit'ninn and more dORerviog eittzei will und ce.n li.'biirer. We desire now that they ihall ahould rote for him: thoae orho giie a 8t-e. i>o Demociit!'.- autlioriiy, what it ilike prefereoce tO Gen. Scott should lote tbal they obtuin in return for thelr votei ii, cordiogly. given in aid of the British free trade Hnl Gen. Scott nnd Gen. Pieree never lyatem thal has rniaad Ireland nnd ln en ciindidiites. it i- very likely thut thoj ln<iin, Poriugal nntl Turkay, and every nould both hnve passed through lil*' ee- other country that has rcpudiated tha greal te, uied RflneigbboPR, honored rb citi/.ens. truth -i\en to the world by Adam Smith. beloved ii- friends. Wo believe Roch of that tha jilace fur thn ai t'nan is to them is cooaiderod i Cair man by the great be found in the coutitries in wlrch the fu.. 1 mnjorit) of those who kuow him be.t. In und the wool are produced, nnd anv Mfliiliility und sunvity of address Qea. attempt to compel the producers of ra\v Piarea hus an Rdvoatoga which the lit'e- muteiials to export them in a rude form, loiit; politiciiin niiMirully RCquirea when withavien to the ratabHahmant of com* ¦etitriistetl wiih the life loni; suldier. Gen. BMrdal centinli/atioti, -is a manil'est vioScott is tlio older, sterner, gnuer, \t>a lation of the most -acied rights of mmto

alao Coal, aqomI in extent, vnri.'to any in the world. 3. lt is a fnct that we do produce Food of almost every kind, with Cotton nad Wool. and migki produce Flu\. Hemp and Silk, to an unlimiietl extent, and witii as little labor ns any other Nation. 4. It is a fact thnt we have thousamU of men, woinen and cliildren able and willing to labor, lookinganxiously for employtnent, and yet wnndei inc; from day to day in idlene.ts nnd destitution ; and ')- It is a f.ct thnt we are. and fur huve been, running more and more yeurs deeply in debt lo Europe far Iron, Laa 1. Copper, Zinc Silk, Wool, Ra-, Hemp at.,1 the Raii-, Cloths. Implements, aud various artit les of ttt or luxury theiefrom fabricated. Kellow Coiiiitiymeii .' BBB this i» right 1 (>ught we to beyou suy \m ru.,.i,m debt by Millioi.s per acnum for the producta of luropean Labor, \shil0 the Amer- couiticr-like of the two; his iiiftal-.



Croi-s n WlRTCURTn Co..Hay ba* baOR icry ligbt in our neighhoring county aml ita vii inity.not more than half a crop. jP<"<«r*f' hus bten poor, but is brtter aince the r»ini *-- **\ wera u<» opening of this month, wbi, h, howevar, whi,i <"« and brooks, we'.ls sullii ient to afl'ect the 8

»t .jtiite low. Inttinn Corn was great'y helped*." question. They would be content criticrl no* HU aml il those raios, time hy to have the (juestion of Amirican free loo» a full avern«e crop. I'otatoet trade or British free trade lub_oitted to It will be and yiel.I moderatrly well-httleo, iw*ttbrifty, the people, freed from nll connection with ta-c aniuPg tliein yet. lluckglmat il local laauea, nnd if a majority decidod tk*4U to be headiijg prettjr wtll. **Wf'*. ngainst them tliey would acpiiesce in the ¦oat abflfldant, und theyield can hardlyW'0 deci-ion, but such an appeal to the highest a gieat one. »

CUB8 the

*fj JJ


tribumil is not allowed because they would. in such cuse, as is well-known, and fearcd too, havenn ovewhelming majority. They prcclttim themselves everywheie, .North. Soutb, Kust und West,.friends to tho protec ion of tbe American laborer, in the lield und in the workshop. Their OpponontR, en the , ontrniy. Hre tOliff men in the North and free tralers in the South .tarilf men before the election in North Ciiroliiiu, nnd ufrei tlie election they tell the tnrilf Democrnts thut they may go to ht-ll." ln Pennsylvnnia and New-Jersey, the good people were told thfll Mr. Polk wns a better tarilf m_n thun Mr. Clay, nnd our tarilf Democr_tic Iriends weie mustered under the hankind.'' The ruin ofIreluuJ hun bevu due tu ner of Pylk, DkW**, and the turirt of ..



l_T Jucoh Ba't ker hus been t rcfa .f.,r Pletea um! Kia| ia .\e**<>il<'in«. *\ will begim,!er. of his broken bank note* bf ar that he is opposed to all ' 1, ..' iie and his Old cashier, Bcnj. t. R'«1 MflM tohuve ****** luih. rto widelv



ut mn.



reporti (fr-m nearly

the -i**V*%\ ¦I the State) make both branchei of Lou.ion U»

tuieieiy clo.e. Tl.e report ut .St. *§ I7ih made a Whig majority in ti.e over aa our opjmnents baflBfl *-itl> fm hah m« bue ui*jon y* our none, we presume ther have a






eoriajj MBBBJ

I'oitrait of Q8M. IT_BfII *. S- orT-very and ir.d .dn,irable-haa been e.,«raved for aala aow it of 888 typt-A, and a few copica < >rdera ncTtihune oliiae. Price %* a.*.




by KiPre« or otherar*

Missorm..T/,r St* Louis


I ..H.I Knllri,

PflBWOHT, Otilo,

of tl)*- lTi ii bn- re'urna of taa rote tot Guveraei ;.73 i'oiii.tiei-, leavina 33 (faner-._*/ amatl] toba fiom. Tll'-V



''>.-.(':'. ...a ISB'J. Wi_Bea, u $

(,PP '¦*".'





we Hn- m. ... ue i

arbaa Oaa. Tavtoa

waa aur caadicata f.r I'resiara choaa /." Member <>i ('.mgreea;


e*ei>t. Tf'W



, a.


Opp tn*jority.ll.>.'' bettai ti aa .-i t'i>- v> ar



ave two

ir-. *cff r] ^fnre ttrj

Zl, 1-",.'

A i_

ren fa <h.* Raflraafl, ia wht'-i ..n* mio ?>*. '.en ki l.-r) and ».-v, ral w The iinird- P*r'i i.Htiii-1* Ii *.., «|., f!,, ri ,, ui.,,,1 fct .n (,,,,, ., bal, rnl*».d ar.rl e tirj-d th* (.:.; .'. ,,: M Kl'Weo» )>i.rk(.i.,i. i,\ irj,,,« »-. r, ileiniMii, Kinin_ nl*n .>tl tt IU tHlllly. I; a*,, a.. -,...,, |,,r-_ ._ II, ,H OJ,A ,,,h,*.f trrtott hhrm-a. beaa made «,r ?.-. .-<;atement ure~ v_ili. r

. *



A Berloua riol baa oecurrtid hare atnone th* lah.

I,iljim s imviMs.opr





An.-. -.'l, lflSfl, I'liii.iuKLi'iiiA.Toaaiay, a mail from Wushingron morning arrtvelatiae thi*


dM M,t «v*-ntD« tniooa ¦ IR liae nri.-aill trom tbt* eity m N.'iv I Otfl,

ataarfiag aacbaagad;

wh-l* tba add Maabar did Jiistr ct) loat rii id- by about *HB1 majority. North Cabouba..It i» settled that the Whiga bavajfiwr majority in the Houae, (laat tiii.i* fffi againat Mem) and tba Oppoaitioa tix ia .e




Tl.e Houae |.'.¦! the bill creatleg

additir eal latfi


*._ nr>-i .t*.

for the purpi»« paaaed whi-ri aball remain una^tsi

A reatrlution waa

of r >;¦ ..nesa .; on from thl* t» Ibe n-u s***l m The Houae weni int Committee

of the

Depertnmi. ipj a recouuuliance d*iti- httd i.annot p<j !. eealaoa ti.- cullar. tl-t aai aaOppoai. bl I-bOoN nl C_utor_i_. arhan th.' Waifl >m!na'nd >-»n B '.Tr. ."Vlr. Mortor presented a comnmnica* atandli.ltlnifre Currituck, 1 riaya that men from It w*» uiirf>-rit'..>d tt t :i I> l. .u\t-r, _.ain. to b« ail..w.-d t, be Clain>eil to i.e t-ln t. il by one ii.aj.r.ty. Tliere is llonfroaaBea Keataeay, 1 e-jDeaae.. ard Vliglr I* b*d agreed to ro-ne I.. _rd iu i/ upon lhe Bubject of tti.- r mlft'll a divpete nt to wiu. ie thosen ia thia District, and wtan.7iln.teJ ol f'., nd., a_d ohowltn* that tn.. i; to Si'u ti.',,. atd the na\ lhat I Reaatoiahly the twoShetifla h.ive made cooflicting retui.l t. tnd eirt-d id tr.elr report oe th.- tohjoth li w.a showft-l the bargafal had b-en made. t.i..:. t.-.d ibe itttilann ordm-d t-> upj.ij v-,j.intnd. lut tlu Oppoaitioa atorj (tha onlv ooe ara have Mr. CULLUM.I can'l hear m. Mortor offered a reaolutioo thut hear.i) inaKes it pnttv ileur tln' iw tiitei.ti'jri of Mr Mr. I DXS8 ba h*-a,d at tb>f bar ,,f tbe S-n-t- np tie lea.ue. |ha vot era electa Sbaar, Opp., by one majovitjr. *ur..,t ol lhe ciiteat-d ek-ctloa of a 8c_«tjr troa |Tbe*e c^ntletr.»n oeeapled s.-ats na opp >f|-<» a: if. of I.Hlnoier. Aml om- vott deeidaa tlie complexion af the -I _.>-. era Ij begaa lu maalfiat eddl the h_.ii. Mai Mr. tul.e moved lo Wrller ap the iiei- ti.-i Intereat tr. t praeei Bf.I Jo'tit llalli.t, nnd will probablj eleut al. S. tti,D to recouilder tne tote roorlnx Co n-n ll* n; Iq. th.-n, tint tlu Beoatr, (Ital time ( ar) countinj tion tha Seaator from <'.'in.ili it aod






i't Ub maa, aad vold _id thU will rutD BeoMTi feme.

t- r..



Mr. 1'oi.k.I did c_w»rd, bal

there li



t.i.for six \ Whips of ever) State! trraaora thi and keep ever in mind tl.e importaaec ot

Massai iu'sktis..Tlu*

inc'dent, vote .'



Deii.o.i.itir Smte Ci.i.ventioii will


b. Id et Lawall

Bept. 15.

Mr. Polb



(in reply).1 wish.


i-hhriiri pr.-lerred hkhIijsI M,' Rirti**u, tbe Mexlcan Boundury l'uirii'iit*i ttrr, and cornminted i, ju-ly upon the conduct ot Mr Ba-tiett.

Wou'd BB ib»en up, and tbe Senate re:ut*-d lid. r.

¦orrebin-j aboat a b.-trajal ut tbe Suuth 1 Mi'. PoLE.1 pay thr* man who OOW





remarhaby Mr. CftARKCthe Mr. Fian preaented petitiona agaiasi iie il.inieit. Mt After aome


ta, con*


come a



¦taee B a well ka aa that enele are ma :-rn taa land la th-ae aaraaha, aaa ta n1 aaa .>t '.h.. is'aD.t*. d ./ ns ..f th* ait-td "Jt.u-a a-r enMaT bail . reutury :.."o*a .ay ».-iu*l lotarrupt 4 ; . bf tne Peravtaa ftoveraewtl ar myb. dy e.i>' thrir . -'ts 10 them h.Tln* c aa at latst m earre as i:>\ A.l thi* u wtt haowa to tuthatsf tha ii.mmarclai wprlti Now, f. ov,.r t-inaa : aaai p ni >.ied t.ll. ave.-r.iKht thi* dshtag aear the iBare. aad aats aurs Baaai

wu i



ia jv tv.

Ptartaaaaa ward rea wae aaoward, Beofl Har ar.d othotl wbo i...y io are lltra. Mr. t'i LLOM gentleman hai b'.-J ex^iettia n 1 b-'t'.i ci mtn deo >u»a_ I ¦_ ,,.,'y

wai u








tctl ;*rc-.




Mr. Camprrll i<> r

i' .-i '. 1-


bi* d.itn^uco;






-h*- I



Tba Couioilaee

t. n.




Me*sra. How

ir.n nn > a»ked to be exruied t.'"in ,-rvin_ .' tbe facti r» .*-. I, t*t ,'. ii.i..;r> e to.-; (ia.cini-r clali. t'.- r- rarj t..*-r,- » t_ I .




rtMrataated_ tBsjiralaanst





ippaar.adeereawasIsaaedbythePisravtea -in :.«-. i< t r ..i-r*




a antm.lj on taa ih. rea »tid ul m la an;': *nd itclaiiQK thra t*..-capt doi ei forelgavse 1. 1 vti : .'.i.'.iice. "J as ..,%.< that tlia de. rea ft ts Irr;.. ,d atte.- tne pu'.-i.caum ol ('.. t-iiu M iniis


» .

wi: i afl

(Tenn.) npoalbe




mustha.a bettu a matter o| .nuc.i linjorta.n-a H her (ioyernue >__*. N. 1 'rtheleai. u C ..nji .lut ¦»., ti i apBoaati raeofth.g*,i unt;. >fyt--rrv>er. Lr_*J ln a .-ii 111 n'h. Mlt

iato Com ittee


*hea eeveral ipneeiwe


Ing tu a r

c ni


..'¦. ai ,


.-., to


Tbe Bouae


lake I, bal di



i *-t-te* a* an I 1 bf ber t,. ptiss.'sa tae eaclaeiv* .unt, Beppoeiag watch be*e a and daati luilna nf




aaa as t;"1) tn1 ,' s..verr|k- ity n* ts tha t.Kl ig >t n. *. N >f w.i ib cise so unl n,n>"-

utt as ;.. r.i ti.urn h«»efclaeue t th« ul

bae-gatty Itfalobfluafortaaatetbalmye ;:¦¦._.... eeaaMertef th* gaafl-mea'i w_i,._, ;t wtt







l ¦-,'.-,





Wl y thl* i«.Teru,iM>Q' <i. 1 n,n al* pr,**tt t.aln-t tht IV u.tan decre*-* ut tn.. -.''a»t i Bt-cn aad II h al flay, | artii- « ut iti* t,,r,ner aud tle ] i tt tha lat." t.y whl.- Ma peiatyofc. ntii.-atlontt deti .io. fli -a. laal aiy u.iia.nai m mrrtgavaMalwblaflahall *.¦ e*. r at ur a pr.mrh ti.e l.'.r.-i* m pl. -.*. In wht.'h there mty be jiuaoo wlth *u- ih-t aaaai ti, aa Raa tha authi nitei e iipower-d to luuutl*, tt may ha an.wered tr -t lhe very exuten .- ,,f \h ,*>¦ J.scr-v* wta n,,t Iti'Vii to im* »i Ae'iiment until th"V appearel ta th* Rrltlih I'a'llamentary d.H'U-nen'i ain th*t iu'u.-*l nf ..». 'ilai dv pr. *e, ted ... the Hoaaa oti'.un noM laat Tn-re uo.thtnt wai a tha iba tih of Iffre'f-aed c*n nnd te thi- de.paieSea of the <*_»-«* ,i At.!-,- .>t the l',.lt**d lafi at I m. M ih >w that tbe il., reei were aimmur.i,-afed ti ar known to him. lf thete ,lerre*i had IWn koown here al an ear'l-r date, they would bave iis-eled the atieutlon ot tbli (ioveraui-*nt li t'the rla'.mof l'eru t.. th u* lilanli. I 'tioded oa the wol roxla-Rf) Iba '*t! a wtt appear t ba tr. ,., t d.u'il I'tie »*l Mfli ,1 ru]-. tt rn .letn publte lla, mtt me ii.tit af (arMataaVaa af aaa n*ti, n \« hooe tonflurtaa ma> b wderoa thema, e\t**ula ro o' * i-a-inun ihat "r tO'ee maa-ln** mllea ,'i.itt t, tbe ... m the ahara ti-ii b tegtoaeapane*! teafl la »hioh .«\:, .«¦'. noa il tli'- eOOM 1 ia lhe lani RaaM Can



hU ins ot ampe much *a jruani' I'r m *n. tu

i 1 r,,.

.Jt.*" tny col e*^_e ta ml aach blmenlf tn h*e inal. anrl miln r.l




air- ; : y,. :.*.¦... ai.-s Uaa *-.. wroag, r.- htt i.i to tbe Admi__.t.



0Ccuplea a poiiti.-u a* a 8>-LHt«.r fr. m T.-nneas.- aai to hava Beaa r."»ted with r .Hm >re i.n tho tic*>-t, an 1 tliHt h- t" t-Mjed hia liit'-re.r. My f- VAnpgue raa an . wer wh'lhi-r I.e wm et t- i w.u: I'cr.t b.-tr.y.l.

evldence lo





Mr. Cullom.I underatood yon to


aay Scott




u tny Qea. _a-)tt



of Ibat provtnce. a propoailiea wbich ion >l ba aapd. portt In ttli en»t\ theref.i*e, th« authotity of AlreA > eaaoot be marflaa *. d-<*iai»e lo ,,'drr tbai lt en >uld b* ie ,; f.'Ved th** UUdrrtif "A BNfl ba tof r¦-.-. i wtllt Hr R **.»» *xor,-.* -I urer :.¦*.* ilc'1 *n Mi <'» a t* lr; *. I. anda. Tn*u<-a.l na '.,.,».>. I .dtani ,r >-n the wll.*h flr Ot r.i rxlwa, ctniot nr-»«hN>r!naei>ntlt>'-ut. te ti. tbe Raaapflji »f ival*, oe be»«l.t li. bate i-tipwei the (loveronent "f IVru even, a* gurt a Utie lo Ih.we 1*ai tbeb*5:t-al ren.rt tbiih»*r o» tb* veaa^ie ul <*!..., .» lunjt *ud uuloWruptediy | ,iUa u.>i lor tb< aaatarlaaeoB-i oa taafraflaaoflj atd *r.<*i |0 the »Jit.*ent n¦ -to. wu 1 .1 _1>- to tba l'n"i>ai g a"-* Tne ui^ nf tbe** l*l*ndi by tae Teruvi an Indiam f.<r the Art hat aaaflan 8m n> d xibi **B vnMiy IrMlhan bt t. e eid **n* ut 'he l .itied Mataa, ar.l. upoo <he gu uod oi U ''« na t m***k**k * bet¬ ter tilli. o u!d be aaaened r*y p >».-mI >o oo lhe part ot lh- I'ulieJ ;j»tri >h*n cu'd ba noalnta'ned bi I'eru Tne uo.iertignei f*ee'y a.l.mti that aaaiaf tbe I'era vi*n trtTyraaeai.fcaaaird ra .'ip^e-ied r'_hu, waea n, l oh ecre-l te, a^e bt to b>- r .t'd.-dM hevtflBoi >r» OC IM »..! on tb* .q oi ri«ht . far at that H*ht deuen.,| i ttte-rf.r*. tt b* atk-d


tnd n MC r





tadaaoaaoaGea ficoflaaa


IB .t

exclaataa r'.ht t.. tfca Ulaoii jy Prru baa n*t.T be.-n i..u't-d or dupuUta. n It*ie*a de. .rs'lms >t Taaqasatl Mi Oa aa -.-...' y h aaraai BBjaaB.*d 1. an.*i sa their aame im;> .rt*. Ba iu v mtamimt :n- :*¦ _e ..r -nl-iy mil . :ro u tbawteetaf Parn Tney «r-. na Mr Obbbib*) nlta. nfkra barran n>ek* in the sa*. lum-taMU' 1 .a 1 uotm aail < HsrerW-s, .nd tb" p.rsuit ( * aul,nal*, » a the *e. i.ivr .ck b"»n earriad oa aniaM ... . rr., »_d area on ta>.ae in irr* la ..





an auulde f the r**e rl. butwn-nbe trampleion n>i»cr.d b»n.,r, wtt i-t :;;.n k_u» tnat bo.d bltn a.,,.* LU br-ir.-aid <!u be !> tc< la uU.-r cjotemp:. and >. t. Uirrrr : Jeaaa, I will m«re y r 'p-*'. th-* cltr.e ¦ u a 1! al, ac.i tbe *ta:,*rn^nt li . ttt »nd ln.. -'i tair., .!. ilai,d»r. I acn..t iup> .- Ibe I"-n-.-'aey hu






tb* rr» >r i


over eie n

tn Para, aa th*m tttrntt y trtey ."v-in nn.i th.t Iro .1 tm* 1 .ti.n .n.l tn<* Pr>'avt*_ IndiaaoBave ("-n ln tha Babat oi rlntioc ti ¦ ,nl _ft'h-"tia purp.*..di*. »od tha* th'a





l!ar, md I iay m a.aln


Whol* oa tbo Dl tmktng appropriation! fortheiupport of I. aaa*, tbe pr-on-al debate having te-n pre-

llmlud to or.e h..ur. X.XXIId OONGRj_SS... First Sessior. v.ouily Mr. Polb said it waa nol hia purpoae ti Aaeaaa ihe bt.l l.-f>r« iben. bat t*> shawanior. REMATI.Wab-ubbtub, Abr. R4, i he Chair preaeoted a the otber tbln^i tbat the W-1.- p.rty h-ne j:>ne lnt'idjilfrom repori War _»¦!. thk* e ,,I

tIghl of Tern ta all thaT.-tbi* latandi. iflflt).Ilflld JOU nre | tbitt ahe ha* a! a.y* avrciar.' irtty bel.'oe

Mr. PoLR 'in his

ln »vrr*7 year

tt.*m t>



uifd, and


bj/droiudc preasjra. lo .1: the ».,; \mg p-* t'luwd eBBBBi tbi*. re pro --:in^ further the morniog .


¦.II Kiillnri-.

ofthf five el.r-fit, tbe DistrirtS



tot l al Lim* t <-.;v oi acttag up in It w 8Bl-Bi II* l.r:-I.t' (; t.'ly adt theMiali 11. wotcr., aliaoai fjrmal-j

Judicifliy ..I u*-- Ot j,.'.,. 'ii|j-d c inat ¦' n te, rt j.i.ried the HoOMblll d, Urtiitf ih-VVher-llng M MM'..A letter to Thr gvribune, dat Ur I'i.MiN .-*'_.. i trutn aorvtag a.awiul uructuo--, witb a i.-('..iriin>-i.dMi'.n tbat biiaif.f dreaasd laoteoi aeva: fkubora, lag.20, I8.V2, Ut-t,rl. i!y itut-d the r,aai i_n nuvr-rnlDK the -ii ." ma le to lne Mr. Cullom.Mj coUeague in the Scn¬ Ki atd ii it >¦¦'.'., l.'tid.d. At h verj,;, aod eothuaiaatic ('on- ConimttiM ..ii a_a__Bg tbls report, and moved that tt -. .t>IJ.yr.l bl'll. rha whole dtoeoail a, thereftwa aaarttaiaafloalUfl In_i th. p*l ate C ¦!. BBSWer l.r hlmte :. I pr.)r-:*im h.-re tatt 1 t,r i.,.» eotiUdered. 1 v i.t.. ii, iu o.. i J. (.ii m \% I'.-.).. .t Bruaswiek, bo* l>in_ I tti i"«,i .? »o far im.i he undei said St Mr. >.i ni -1 rerau flattabfl SS t" >!.> r».' .v. ii the ^ i t* ii imii ition 'or Itf-praaaiitetive Mr. BhoniiKAii iflid i* urai un important aaU red Into no colluslun, pubBe or prtvut*. anl ; pr tium [. my o.iiti , , I .rat. ihat luuntty bv the Iaa ip'»\lnuy ,>r aijalo ('mn re-s f oui the I I.l < .'oogiea iional (fiatrict. hiil, _i._tiW.-l!ea_uH, wholelt aniiatereitln lt, deitred B0BBC8 tbe JBahlBBtlOB, gratattoaa, ublounJed,'.h- p«ri ,tit wh-. bav* ctainf b 1! i o. .-tt owed .... .n.i n. baa iim (. waraaeat of tbai aoaatryas* b- hcaidouii, -uthewai mw abient and tbe bill T. A. 1>. fr'eeernden, Lx), Ueciin.d being con- 10aiu.-tu lul and utterly falie t!..i..-o tbia, kaowtag mai ibe ."v-ak-r. m h,* remar, l, it,.< .,.,-h iin.-,iuiv..,-.i a.-t* ,.i aeeohMa . *.,r,-i.utf i iv Ial .v. r. c,,ul,i ttk>- gr*-at pleaiure ln bavtag thia evil c rt-c. I. I'.l. I, ll I ili.ll.hlte. t'-'i hi,,i tnmt ih.-m *. ilva tu her * n*ht >., th»ir k CBAianAn unf-lei.. The alted owaeraMa (Mr. Venable) The bill wn* to prevenl the executioo of A-.uurii-d. Mr. ('iltiiiiii i- ii man oftba right at imp, aml will «*'¦' ¦," fla i ttk* Si't » aad wn t. ander*l_foad, et) eaelualvapraaaaatoa. to orde-. and mucb excH-ment ¦"ma everyw ^wmio! ii juilfiu .-nt, l tlu- -aiipieme Cuuit. wis ..-r-r made t.. t 1 tnn Im;ideotDt U."i.. tt. a*tr*ac* t.t .t y tn,> U« a.t lialu,. ita'ue p itt Htea * re','7 m> of the mben t n of Ko«*>nt'i. thelr aud Thr il.tog MaaMfavara feii.d, leet, many i. .'rl.i:. ihall Had the a deralgned rapwata thal «hla Ib aot a iflaa MenBTs. Bj-Aior und Hai.k lupported Tothe y.Ai'-T ef 7lr V 1 T-. Thf. Shakzbs. -A correspondenl who ink>, | up me bill. l latarrep. tetweea Pera aad othar OovaraoMrta «b mm hare rush bf-toft mad'.- by tje lob'>y oecapaat-i to the bir. » ni'i" ,r leaa di.i'no y .,ii*ilit <i he* Mib», but li a a thii u M.;., Wll m«in, liitwfrnp. UkMMl etteCo, Mr. .Broohkao called for theYeaa und Mr. Polb reaumed, aaying there waa> phid a vieit t tt'. Cbriatian communtty l'.41 ...'.. -I.tlrrt I'.tu ,n 111-- i,i--.i st.iea wto-ava 1 qaead n bataraaa wl.icb, beloa taken, dtclded in lhe nei-ativ.-. at 1 leri'laad ibat right aad reaMaflratol a^ainit ut one way t. «rrl7>' at tl 8 bett, and tbat a ... a nicknaat-ed 'BhaaeiB' in Wateivliet, N, lf.fwritea Naya, .- there 'kk- 81,M_)s3_, ain* N weeka I.i la .. t .. .! thl* app the I tttsH many e Jooes beBa la wttBoVriag admiiation of their neatneaa, quiet, ai Mr. Hi rter, from the Committee oo itrhi^btfo:«ard c nn I repeot, 8 t.r la the The (ioverameal lhe Itattad Rtatoa, b,.we»er, la r aa of K Malbl aatl ri make la T'.t .-.'oaideratl ni ta all fa :* t.»n tln< ea*. onl.r, iadaatry, aohrii ty, and Chriati in |>"-t\ aad i¦'iij.i,<¦>., i. p.itt.-. bacl M'-atri Jatn.'t and Mj, kton'l Itayed tae Whig party of Teaaaaaeei tae laal number I reoelved, atd teMa eapaniee; thl4 Into I to ('..i.f.'i to *ai>w p.ti. *.|.>n ur a>.-i-ui<aney ,>t tb,' I..,'.<. Itlanda a in, i!it:chtii,n ot tbe Tartff, t>y thlos; go provtdlng lor a anolh*r cbart"-.ktad oi t '.t-iln-'.l B li I liuiiiiiity. Ile haa a good deal tosaj in coramen* loiV-llU>tlon ;,ial ii j t', rtM or pr.«,-iu,le Maaaa uf aotlaaRaed <a| Importl lilltf-ad ot the |lf'_ll\_ IV * wtll lt ¦ahe rsaponsibitity dut ion of their tbeological teneta, (which diectia- ii. ii, with a ie.-ijiiiriiJ-udj-ioti tb_t tbe mbj.ct oe poit. BB.dotrnBa om. bul .t-, H .I i.utll tl.e whalr* iiia'-,-r th la* th Oi u.hly i.i.e*tj bll d.-parture, witb a re ere- a tod particular rcanti a oi 'h. I. i l. t one. I eey whea aay oolloaaae aaade thaa* lixed K e nr,tli.'a t* fa mds o» arau-nent. wm.-h h*»a I* tatsaad any l flrt aext flaafl m.thmtm bcin. ao ttans lar Ita aaa* ally hli «wn want t-i'.ii i- not ni ordi r in our columne,) aad of their mitt--d by aomeb _v, itroai Bl the Clty Htll It. inia Clty, tlitt r'ranrt.iu i'K-rce or tits of abaracter Pei Bei rd tt r. broufM ta Itt »i i- ratlua, they ih*n -,* i'a Mll lallH II. li kueeolh tmi bi ia<l ag, fflil.acy, arhich ioentirely their owa nilnir, nnd, 1 .--.tle^, it reapeetfal aad frlaadlv aflaadoa lf lt *h«ll .tl/ .t't I, he I'.-d' t.*i , ian l Civil nnd Diplomatic Approprifltion tm u uul that, ai baa heen lntl,iiai"«l aioi ¦*, thoie Itlanda al UOdlspUted .¦ f .in nobod] citi. it, we i-er no reason for b IIThe ia ileal .-.....-¦. y. -i. i Americaa pcnH vtM* Ibkrn up, KHO niHiy hiiiet.dineMi tt-er** H.lnyt"d. nnd others calli I to or¬ i-uurie, Chairmab The a.- ai BBtehabliab .*, tn,t iherefure loeaaolnbablted wl .1 1 f\. ktia.w hnd 'u I atonaalremoostraaee oa Ihe u.rtof 1*., J i_.t- u lur t'uitaim II oui at K! riprnif.ii.pit. PuraeeliMc) ia coademnedby few j*|ihi (toI j-..,!Hj/pr.,pi i, Ina kflally ^.¦ ur hea.l a,.y natha I'lUe-t *.t«ir, H^.:-t der, snd there wai mu:h :-xdtemt*nt, and appreh'-nii >n ll.!. 'll,at;,.u. 1 tt niii- iiinaiunt lor tlia eulhi^'mieul of ai.d ia nn geaeralli held ia honor. And tln- t: 6 tutti in Llouie ,-aa|ll.'Ut* >Ml*l Le Clla- alereal a| |h.* lbi BBd th..y : 1 11. hu. ..". s. Ai I live iwt, ra Iba W, ol a penonal ooafll. t ut i;_lll ul>a*t.«.l i- pr, jj. r«y ut all. Or il. uiiphy tht tn».m. 1,1 luit nu. 1. have v.rv a aiade hava wrltten rr oi tbe put tion wiil, uka-'y. ippeara, wasatvea,aor ..>? {jbakera geaerally uf reruvlan authutl.lii and wt'hou'. ae'ual Mr. Hoatcb moved an amendmenl ¦j Mr. Collom.Wlien my colleag In- you 1 re.t. mtrtu-.- lha dacrBB :til* r"a.-n.-i y.-i. l.'ate tt'.lt ii. et. r M their debta i their coi*B mm


Mr. Ijiim.kk. from the




». i ULt





















































































n ,i.>

,'..ii.iii -».-r i-.-


faithfully, pi.yu.__: (.roMallLji tbat bt-realtet n eie irihll be a ''ml-t-r Pl-ni t.txes promptly, Bl d tnr:;.ig oat as b-w \ns,x- ,,.l> 1. > la'( I.Lih, li,tte«d .1 l_ nu i.ioDer. ami a niiiiry ii. Turkey,lu*tJ-ad ol Miuliter I la to pray oaaocittj aa aoy other portion ol .'.Itaiiteii.t. ll.-L.ip 11.- t«laiy ol Hlnfltffr to Chioa to be lnt-it-ii.a t, ..:»,'oe. tbe loiiimiinity. Mr. ClaARRE BBid thut the dutiea of the la aaa reepeet, boaravar, tbaydo wrong, aml uiltii, b B < line.' lt wbi aBtaBHabed, bad In Ve cannot ex. use them for it.tbat is, ini refnsing (.'on ihct b,-< n dUrba1-.-,! by I) -t ,r Parkar, »i..i recalvafl *. to vote. We ii-ed their votea for Peace, Tempe* .alHiy ol fri .'¦UO a y. hr. AUthOM ahl bui i.n bad reeeived but fl-,000 yeir, rene, Iree Seliools, hiuI worka which j-nn I.ri .iit-d t.i (Jiit-a tad b.en made. li,etsd t thu <>l, ouipemutiun n auotber m.iuud Mr. Mar* ihey could ntit lu-lp tavaringj it ia not. light locrmei-i-iiiplhiijii liad t,.-.,ii 1 it auuiUD'-.'d, iad bf-n Ki.iuiliy, oa their part to withhold them. The *8oae of n^poim. d C. inrialt-lii >r tu ,'tiloa, kBOWl J't Imi* are nll f-nrt* to I.e found ntthf l.allot-bt.xea, tt.Hi M r. MarrBtll wtt * BBBBiber of lha prenut C a Ik int;









ilnir.p thii. inisti'i's work | aad the devoteea of

fnritv, peace, order and morality oaght all to ba ll..

Meroa,' saita the Book. tW The ISew-York Tribune make- ¦ l'ltta'.ur-h alao.



Curae ye

a iiiu i ii




iim tul wiihiii a l-w we-ki pntt 'I'no Coaflttadofl ibna, bo a^ji ai.,1 that ia ii.f-iiilier ol i.. f.i.y !: ea, d, uf UM er_oluin.utt ol tvblcli shall .



be duiln^r the Ciiii*ieia lur wbbh lie ihall bave beea elected Tba euanlBBlonal obJaafloB w*i u.Mjpeiable in li * mind tu tht- lncieai.' ut ihe eompent.ili. n. Ileial-ttiHl ilnie wre teveral eoonul* pro\io.d tot in CBIaa Ttmri were no d'pli.iiiat'.- reiatiuij* lo be kept up witb Chlta. A tht dutlei ii. i-e p> ib rmed wre puiely coinuiercial, and c.iuld be peiti iii.i d a* Wbll by a ner u* by a tull

aitack upon JohaP. Hile a>,d the, |.Milaa..kee Free D.-ri. CoaVfBtioa. .No, Sir' ire bave made no " attack," pitif ,1 or otherwia**, oa Joha P. Hale. We hava siiii- Mii .it. r. ply rrgretted tbe "attack" aaade ttpoa biai by Mr. Pearcr said that the Committee or tho.-e whu made him ii candidate againal his Hi a, ee, wiib a u.-w tn uvi'icim,,' ihe e .uit'iutiunal vill and jiiilftiiuiit, iii the faeeaf h_ pereaaptovy r.itti u ly, bad reported thii aai. BdflM nt, cbaaglsg the ol Con. miieioLei lo tbal ol MiuUfr PlMtlpotaatl. cleaeiao. Wa *..> ttie aecret contrivera of that <tiaiy. the. of it electioo aid to iioiniiiitii.n designed It being now 1 o'cloek, the bill araa poati'i. ree. We Mty 'Jiiiipe' Bpalding, whu was J.a( lh,* River nnd Hnrluii' bill araa then J'n aideat pro U te. of tbe Pittabargh Coavaatioa, t-,. i i.[.. Tae i|i.i tiaiai, pendlag waa oaooaauntagla i.-nt hi-uri a Pierce man, and ie figuring for hia llie .im luinieiilt- to the bill inad.- in Caiiuailit-r nl tbe 11 ln ,*, Iba ttnfl ot wlneh wm the approurlatlun ol i 0.. tl.'1'ti..ii. ls thia atlarkmg Hale I ...


ibe MimBi ppi fl 0,000 loi t Oblu, ai d -1 fl b lor th.- Aikhna;,,- ai.ii Mi.tmiti Ri vera, aad i.'jU.uoo i.i it, (.uii- hi. i.i ina^t -uati, dit-dgiii- macnlne*. ,Vc, Iui lii.te river*



By TelegrapD to T/ie lew-Torfc Trihtuie. J vtAtra TettpritftA Ofit*.


nf Hoatttr aod fl«a»«r-.ii





geauine aymptoma of a real Cullom and Wm. H.

between Oen.

and alao between the

Polk, of Teiim *--.'e ;

WhiteofKy., Bli growing oui ol the debate to-day, Inthe Jl..u*.e. Polk'a apeech la admitted by all Mr. P"ht and Addiada


to have been the moat abuahre and indecent ever uttered ln Congreea. The preHmittariea for b duol are now in Brmngement.

Mr. Dodor (1,'iiit) urged the friends of nl, hii.t'ndiiieiaU. It wu the

Mr. SuiBLDs m;is for adopting l» Mr. Ri bh waa oppoaed to the enlarge* fenale ihoild


the prli.iiple.ibat ibe llouie would

neii i>i at.y i-Ch BOblll laai le:u lL""- . i* i

Mr. Ca88

inll, ai.d nmde

Ibto itoa huiaty

Tueiday, Aug. Jl,

1- -'

The River and Barbor bill willcertainry kpriog baeai ngroaaed in tba Seaata to-day.

amead.jhe Hoaaa will diaagree ta tba Benatamatured aaongioalt* Upaaa iueatalaadtbebUI« in tbe Hooaa. Hen. Loraaao Butrowe, are taara, Ucaeralahip, decliaee tl.e IWn.fist.w .,.l llon. Jaaaaa Brookaia now apokeaofaalikdy tobeappoiated. between ben.l nUom aad Maj. .i'he.iith.i.ity

J»a-,t*>*day>likel3 toleadtoadaal. i,il|.m for rc lei tion.

I,,, the












B-_. **$** >t*i.',Bi.a tl.ife..«f.'..otir.e.i...i..rii.utto-nii:hiinc«.' t\ ..^IveflUiatibB Beraeaa'aaaaww-lBi to ury l.»yt otCvtt


Hitrei-i t< .\ eai, Ji Na.yl,


tbe Ono,wbicB,aftareoaa-MraWa j ,: in,-r_.:*.'i wm aimml'-il io ai t> provtda lor aa ettlmate kr a»lat|-Bg iba LouAvtUa Ht.d Fertland t'anal, and Iba tbar wm t >r a Break waier wm. Ib. ii agrard t ai VN aiaki ji*u, whkh w_- al*.,, mter debate, conv,

d, D-te,

Mr. Polb




al'/*¦_*. !.»-'¦«.. undsr


anylng thal nfter nll

the llllleral, uufair, nnd sh.metul Bttaeka t.n was 08088* ry ti. red.-w Bcott'* history, and hinl down BO pOBtavrtt) rid>t.l«) th.t Scott la all that h!a trler.di cUlm br him, atd bsatory woald show this. He Beott'l perieci >n ..I VVorih, Dunr.ntbeaepOhBofPiii.iw and othere, i't-lt.i? aavloaa ef tlieir PtrMaaoa, fama, and aot them to iharethe h..n>rsof tio iKnipa'jin. Tnese i-.!.ji-rs were the vlc'.i ns ..1 B .'.'. t, and Ba tt arai .. .t <>nly unwurthy aa a, but Is . mn;r.-.::r.'nt h Faeta prove theae thlL_.'8. Aft-rr m.'i.t. i.i. many thin_<8 t<-Id to him by ll.e late (.en. Wortta, he said tbat Beott WBB slttin_; le ],roud state wben .^.r.'.n AflBB'S Commissloners cvm to know whether ,*-.-ott tvoald ti^ht at Cha^jltep-if or Di t ^cott plajed lha (irandee and luhmllteil to lt, and tbui sfciri'.ced 790 Hvaa ni M .llno del Key. he uaMr. White, roae, d-rstood tbe ({etitli>iii.ii t> BMkl an nlluslnn to ao al lf(jt-d underst«L.dliii,- ....ttA.iu Beott and .-.inta Annt llo wlshe.l lo kaow whether the leatleiBaa <. .uld pn. duce no other evi laaea fn tb., than by (.' to tho grave-yaid I



Mr. Polb.I >y whal I bave Btat. ict, aml 1 can prove it. Mr. W_itb.1 call for the proof. Mr. Polb.l vsill bbt in annwer to the


BOt my putpnse to eagage ic per sonai coiitroversy, bul I learnibathe has ue-n pltted lieie to BJihll me, nnd I i..y be underitandl Ibe rule, wbich poiern (eMiemen of h.>n>>r In hli c >ai.try and mine; wheuever be 1 wil: acsaer bim aak the t>. Mi. * f.y ijr a pataoaal evplaa .:. -n. Mr. Polb Of courae.






gentleman aeUded to be

saya h>-

pitt-d a,'».n-t hi'it

Tbe excttemenl



b MMW ls alaailej

the fever





p,reat>.»t ron'u.i -e, am d whi -b Mr. Cn ivdlm aaid tho aaaaa waa e.graeefal, aad aaoved, ia a iuud loaa^thal Ui.- c h arittea rlae aad there »'.f idri ol 1.iChaaraaaa i^n.-"'i with mnoti,""order,order." his k'.fll, an.l i.y thii t.m- evaryBody wa* ou ttj*. .e Cr.r-s of down in front,' "order. Baa| he Mt-nt tba bammer. w j to Mr. Mr. Polb refuaed to CinsrL8B, saji-i,:, I have the o >r.


t,. ti

tt try.u.',-Bubaeqo-Btly, .1



w, ia aa ai maa lo pn te,'. II ¦'

Uungary ou*caat; ad wordi ol kladaaai aad ayiapathy a rer for au aaplrant for p ip lar favor, it would ,1 -tl, m | . t Aim, v.haa i r .-> i it.



f?3 We



thal tha Bffinuation or inainuation th _t Koaaut. liiin-.-lf miiiv of debauchery iliirm^ hia to ll through the I uited Statei ur favored or winked at tlie aame amoDg I i- companiooa, ia ama falaehood. We do not recollect tha article in The f >i t rrr above alluded to, nn,l do not k'i,,«r timi w»h


hIhuiIiI Iiiv»* DOtieed il ii>,al we seen it, luit il lproper bere to Bay tleit it ia do guarantee for the truth or the fairneaa ol aatatement thai it app,'nrs in tha coIuibbb of ili-t paper, which, ia by a natural itiHtin, t, opp aea nn.\ malifaa * is ni.l'le, E.-n.roiiH, aad iniiiiane m tha aapira^iona we

orpartiea. {Kl. l'n!,. THF. GUANO QUESTION.

an.l ten, ien.


ui maa

ln Monday the Presidenl ra' to tha Senate auadry official documenti i

i i

itioo.a l-ttJ*r la




Mr Oanta'i

relating Peravtaa tt 35, It

larj '>'. , dal 1 immeata f tba Brirleb aewapaj ¦-

liUndt, wbicb



o prot-tc: th n.» thrir < .'.v.'ictnetit u io 1 wlao inlul;t g" there, but whloh wai refaaad.I tl.,- , nt, rpiUei ln thii c.mi.try. anl Iba pru'.e.t ,n whlfh b».i been pnaflaad them.ciilmi tii" lalaadaaa n.»w .. tu l'.-rt;,ai bey t-.rni.«r!y did tu ^paln.iu¦lata that thi y wtre known tu na. Ifatan at early at the da)i ut J'1/i.r,,,, i_(lnfi,! fraquaalad by lha Paraviaa -uy glvaa Ihll ¦: rria' tb .ry underi'.ai.d lhe me, iad MBI bim t adopl m"aiur_« Ij i.t Ibe iufrint'-i.-.ent i.t th**»,- ll ag -d r'.'htl. The iec, nd letter u! B, ,r iima tt) .^-nr-'ary W-ult, r it dated Julj ¦'.. ':. i.-' ri t a *:t mtl mterk'1-iw. te wbicb Mr Wabator aaid tbal Para bal aoexeluiiva ri.-httuthel .bui lilanda, and tha. th* n:t"l Btataa (.. T,'tr.ii.,'t t x. ni In Ukic |


Baap -¦¦¦irril in leadiBM


Frain Texna.


,.l u

t >i l.'tiL-.whlch thay




>t' t'.rne, 'i-.,l t.r .11 the purpj*a*i r kaowa t<> ha faluable, ia tn e«*e al.


ol i«*h ntarpiliea,el dndagto bai IHzaaaa*lba Uaflad ,^a^t,.«. whu may nadertaha i> Mhad tbaaaaaBaaBat lh, ir vrt '¦ .ij ' ,,*, ln the proiecut'ou ul any eom-

lered whea thes are fouadetpabla oi * t .* *.h i, lioference eitharthAt Psrunevai .i. ia, oi lhat, a i -h i .'..-i.r ovev tho i .-. bad beea aaade :.y yforaaa I ni i. .t 1; [aim bnd "-il l.a-t * laras clt'z ui ot the Ited Btataa wa eerni d. M (Maaa rafet to a deetatoa "l tti- KogH -i '¦ irnirieiit, BBd li >rvee th.t a* .> >t!i hihI iftrlcaltural o'.hs-.-s in th.. Brldsh Btapira Bave -. reat sdvarse t>. t. ulaira '.i Paru, .i t.i" Bt.SD '.".. rn-n 'i.t hai d-- le.l m foyoc ,.t t_l, tbal Vi-.. ti iu .at tn aieribed to eon^darattoBI . it'.irut to outwel| ti a r.-^ard I t thn laBwesH .wii'-ra. But tha ta»eaaaa Itiit.i '. mers aod trmy jnslly be eoosldarad as aiSisreat t\h.n ih.- decree >.i appearad, Mr. v^'.U >a. ihe |:.l*jih c>'lil! Oeaeral *t I'i. ., i.. .. unaraal iad >n to hl* C vrnii ent, I ! "Fi r ii..i.y uo :) 'l*h t rtaael i.hb baea erjgiu.-d lu tnls, ti.;. abasca hava been commtttad i.y Aire-rioau vm»nli," nr >:: ot thn ll"' the ai..) sii-);' y. aftatward, w.ltlua iii.11'! sel/iirn "t ih>- itiitl.t; »,-h i. Caatpeador* (or killiog aeals Ht lhe tbi . Iil.ii'li, be sdinlUnil tho right oi Pera tiHi.d*. Al . auw tu.- >ha iddsi "L r.l .1 ,u Tnwnsheti I, t bls Ma aty* * -.t rn« iihvbI foreea ln the Pti ide, tik... .t *«.:. ii. nnd hn hi.r...ii t,i<: ma n.-.- be xMldarod tk i hi. Majraty . *ubJroti bad * ill . ery oa aii '-eie i.isnds, aalesa they au uiil ba »..'tu illy by iame Psrnvtea aatistiirity or praaaeesd *>y occiipled tha r nsti..'.' prea iaee uf aouiM Perarl m ¦ ia.of.war to .

merrlal eatarprb n to ta, -¦¦ lalaada Raah aet* would bnaetaol private war, and th.-lr a,,th ,ri wa.uld thereby miy (orfelt the proterttra <*t Ibalr aaa Oavarfl. I!e und.*ril_ne.| BVaRl hlmielt ut th'i 88888888 l» ¦'. i t.. lli iitna a rmeared a**iirai,*e ul hi« »..ry high cn--lii.-raiion. Daatat WK-iT«a. Iiuii Juaii I de lnm*, Ita. Tu bi.i.r



KMiliANI). The ChuriUt*.

l.i.vii.'V. I'ue.ilay, Aug l<\ IMl While thaTorien, tl.e Wlilga, the P,-,*litea ii .iiei, nll tha partiaa ara hava hithatta eeaa* ii




ypon.l.elon^ more m

Traden niie


had reached NewTbe Bteamer Mexico Utar 8a8 har d.tea-era Qatma-avea Oalveeloa, than tboaf. prfvi .ly leaalrai. Gen. Persiier Smita. came paaaenger in ont at Victmia. etlioU°ra had Bgain bn.kena Ball. Fatal AtlraVat Pi.iL.tPK.riiiv, Tueaday, Auu.'-I, W9*. Ai a fJar-au ball, last nlght, in l*«x-ognamed l'otu wai no


tonat, a riot occun«d, and a German *-lod by a pUtol thob OWera at-ro b*di/ wouaa-.O.

\t--x to tli>-

paat| tlie

of tha Maflehaataa


,1 I rn ni iii iJ.-lorinera,) nre ml rrfiretrn' of modern Cn^/ttk torii/y, tlu* repreaaatativaa <>l tliat l.ngl,in,| Which nileatlie iniiket ol tlie world. Tliey repraaeat the party <>f the aalf-coaacloiia llonrgwoiaie, of induatrial, atriviaR to make avadBl le it-< su,ml power na a political power a-a well, uii.I to Btadieate tlie laat nrrucant remnant-, of l.-'iilal mn letv. Thia purt v i, l",| on dv the moat ve nnd moat eoargttte portioa of the l-iuirii^h

the I'miIi uio'iit


ralua of gtiaiio as a maaura was u raial lalaod. i-i. hiwsver, tha Rridsb 'lov Baforo that caie wai .i al n:ny '-". tait U hava "tiy n.itt.-d t. nn achoow .- Ifroent oftfa 11 iltie ¦ Islaads, by tbeir aequlasMBce m preseed bj Mi WiIsob, thelr dialometfc -.»¦ -nt, h-..i m-anewerto that com nu leattoa m ihe i-.r-i.'n 0 (. r :t tt i| uaw a ler dam ii w .i.l therafore n;>,>-inr I. i.l I'alt. erstoii s*l -

rv ih

maaBfWfarara. What they eampiaia ami aadB-faiaad ttewuA* inal oftha Koargaoiaia,tba opaa,official aubiectioa oi' aociety it larija aadai tha li wm of inudeni, bourgeoifl productioa, and aadar th«- mle of thoaa I' BB who nre tlie ilire. toM of tleit Bourgooiaia


demand i* th.-

..i.i. iramaat h*v.- a right lo priaats improlui-t. th..i>- ,ii«uf)a, .. well .s up tiuii. I'.v I ,.e I mile I hey tiieatl tf|e uulet tereil medlateiy adjoia.g >.ti ih> ifaeeoaataol Peru itself, there beiag s svidaoc* niovemenl ui cap tai, lr.->-,l irom ah |,.,|iti.-il, natraasmittad of aav rigat tioaal 'tul ri ligioua B the papers whlch yoa h ahachlaa. I ne aaal ia to ha a y ling nnd u'.iritarr.i>,)»-t'( usaue und the axptoMatioa of commodity, It is cle.r, thrre|,.re, t:i>tt tha i.'lilsh i. yernmant marhetable aa accordiag te tha e.imthe potat pretli--ly bacnu*e it hal n> *.ich lhe -ul ii to carrird yielded n ..ii iinmflirrial \aw*. Tflara are to he nunu* .... ,td to "thiid i, I.i beb Jl of Bl )*n ntil a«-u a* tn.) ul Ijo.I ni -xr\\ nt iii'tnuti*itBflM1 ol ., aerameal ol the United Statei doei poaaaaa, aad m.y fs.ywn3ltl/"u«. AadBawy twiatand cottoaa,bui ao loagei aaj laadaol tha wallataodoa,tabehalf<d .1 .n still opaa la KagUad dows lo land. Thera me, ia ibort, not to he lalaratad ¦.' Mavoi tr;.. h l irtI reatrictioaa reguU'ion-* ,ir l.ityt'H' mn tmliticaj or thatyeer ler Beeretary ol Stala fcr ^'.r..'^n 40 drs, in monopvliea, unleaa they procead frum Mthfl t-tvrBtaaii y, ...ter iroin Mr Weatwortb Bull ..i.ys: Hin^.r to

.h>.t tl.




. .









r -tr-

lawaofptditicaJeconomy,' tbal te,Aaattfla ondition under wbi ii t.'aj.ital produeaa aad <lieTlie atriitiile ol tli a pirtv ngu. nat (hn t liafa in-fiiuiiuii*. |iru,hi« t-, ot n H'ip-ranii'in'eil B!i,--,: n' a,rii;e <>! loiial iletelopt.t. ia te*-iine.l in tha watchword: Pratmetwe i.,,i

wh"ther th-i lilaadl t Tfp\y, <'r> I'i. -rm '¦¦¦j llo dmed ->> I'eru hs dep.-nitmcM, Ilia

to(8*8*1 y




aud l..,'...a


i ir protafla



dedarati. n. Tbethl.-d '..-tter ol Be w oima'u










B.-U, llwWI

l»r,:^ J-ii.--

















ai r


'ihe Hiiiendmeuta add §530,000 to the la'.UIL.-O.


M.--I*. John-

H. word. D.ucan, Chaptn-n and I'reit ¦ K;t.. t'. eRi * >. .-i.'i. it-,- : lavaallfaM the fact* t ihlu.ti, i.aid' afl-BB, and the connection ofSe>;.n therewl h.


d.-^racetal. rbeexc'iameut

i are


Mr. Polb

biaapeei h in pr: iae

repret-ntinir t anythluK b-it a I 'fi ''m Hgfat, .ud w..^ud -p by tnaktre r.frr. i ce t a .artal.'i document dlstrlL.utei by the Whi^st tijare On tiete la mn Berth, they ha-.-Pierce and In detra tl



.*;.- tt,

ter ln


the Ianguage u- -1 in Mr. tfcli Houie 1* Irrlthlli.f, leeil.110 ...'nrreli and p»rhapi to Uoadahad.I .pp* ai ie th" ii uie to lu.tain lti dlfal loon

l'._d|ier b(idp%lre.i





'¦: ,a' En, ihoa / ir_; reprlnt«*d an ar.icle :r 11.- that I'lerce la a friend ,.f ~.a.. ry.wh..o djcjmenU of a contrary charactar baaed on tbe nea I .: pp< tcb are I d . '.'. I >uth. to m .*..¦ Mr. Cor lom -


tbe b

u ir t«


i I'eru, ..! tie .' b Cr '.'ll .mll i










t., U.**. tba




i.iatliti, li-neT^r. ill.l n | -.iiwl-dgei f Jaly, aitar be had left Wubtegtoa for a ¦-*. Ha vary mnah reareli thi cei t.a. t..t, ai iha tba imt ii ua r'-r'!y. < l, aU will aow i wiai r^ma-k ti Mr. 'bal ti*» .¦iT.'rrio-tj' :ce atted .':*:..* ba* not -.oi had, «ny :ct.'i. atl ihe . pi.rp.»>'i ot txuy p*-r* r.i i.cb ai '.' parl'.cuiar c»,ai *; muiaiiir*. t .nn**r '.riaia th -j arp ***t -¦*¦ -.* j. i to taa *«». of the i 0 ivera -ut _nowi of a I L'.tru .-pai t ¦». bo *¦.>-¦ auoai .1 tr-rttk--. iay ie, ta whlcb all the cfl it.* oCtba .-, . »,.»*»^ed ;n aonaaeree h.r iad thal .lLir-'*-»t aaly reapeatel bytfla ill : lalea, r_-.




gl'da'li In tb-'


tha h_t- MatRwaaaol ur**.!)- *.




g, re ,m





'-rlty of thelireeof puitn-

V'arioui ameodmenti orere aeted upen al tbe pwvtoaa qaaaRoa Among u4artflaopera_fla lhe BBBM tB i" 't»Dt "' thl1"* -****V*it WsJ one .'"k!a« ort tbe BbflflBBtoa "f a Ufe b.»t (ur every I'ifty pait.n. oi from three to ilx a u-d lubitltutioii


laaaiga, Bba Itup.-rtori being river. only mtthaoxalMrt********** ********* «TV»ilrg hereln ibe ob i|atlon tu carry the Ma bOBM vida-d lor, e ^cvptone, the lame bulog ol aulu.'le Almtm bv_U, aceurd'rn M

all tbe necewary iluti* roade of mtt**, lurtiil.ed witn f-r uie end lafety-iuch iteanwri having lUe ln ud, r luitable ***! iiioet la>r ibe pre^rvarlon of caae ol trt or otber dlaaater. the were



adopted mahing

of pa»aengera-etr_t. eipeclally apply to lhe carrtage wbere they aod navigition, wordi, , tbe property ut |DK bill' occur.

Tte boliera oi ateamWatt

are to


tbat he ihould ocenpy one mumect of the time House. at b peri fd, loo, when ihey were about t > shtte bands and return lo ihelr ht.Tisa. Ue had bean ra*p.- t



world kn-wi tbe raf



erlea, tenaed, -i bave beeu ir-tted

$ptlo, cariir-tt



tba »





aniu-^fil Pierce aith cowatdlce. he Husheal Mr. ("ci t.e>t


at t±e


coaduct of his coiiaagiiea.

Tha Si'EAk»:a -The -entlernan ia out of arder. Mr. CcLLOH.M> remuiks ihall ba kind. My coile*|ue hu »ou(tht a kind et Botoriaty I do aot envy. Hs ha* been rioglnf aimislf Into trvery u aftiasl every speecb dellvered here. and his hand man. He BMaila on the right and oa the left, aad l am aiKniacrd at the (jrtwertaoeuf genUeme-


li fully aopaars

fr j



tb.t ir.a


»a t.




B fl s.







u»l*vl BBat. -i









'v. i

n to the '..'1" ''*'








l.tin^ tojsry p.rt ol t«a K -..-¦¦ n.i ¦-.-. kare, \rri t. th»»t fof_erlf under tne domint.n ot ssperlally acknowie.i^es th.t A.fedo li **^aln.*d IbeD underslgcr-d almoit _iplicii eoi.d*>oee b:t, ln the -rtit Mr. oimt raaara he wa* apititwbich to paaaaaea tns merely g-j.-raphi -aJly. Ila was bfil dlseus«lnk' n fuunded of n.-bt elt.iar on di*co"ery .uesL dty ,t aoy political consldarttlon tnd lf, I i i .stna aays, that /reat gao.rapnar, u spoak a* Mr < -.nda, usea wjrd* . piaialy. or i.y mg f t>b, uiigning to **p*Jn the ajvsrelgnty over lrnpllcitl a*. his thi* be ribed U lilandi. those loyallv as a may rub;*ct »nd an offl er ln the klng'f aervice, a .?pani*h lenrJmant which woald not allow bim to aoter.ia a doubt of tha right of his soverelgn to any regtons which ha ffli^ht'It'm, by whatever 1.le. Alcado, therefore, descrloeslhe Lotaos is.ndsasbalon^ng to tbe coaat, snd to a partlruiar profince ol Pera. Tha fact thal leavos tha queatioo open as th-y are ulands. however, then and the coast of Pera, to the dlstanre between and he seems to have tahen lt for grtnted, that bec.ise they happened to be aeareet to the provtace ot soutn

nation Iron .anti'y nt tli*- l^a«-

competition b wbi 1

rulea aiipreme



thereremaiaaaltafethar um aadi of (oaaraaaflt ataeh'-


,T* .¦* tB '"

i'aru oui

ahichfulCllsBo otharpflrpoaabflttfl produeiag tfla gfl pu-.i'.le exie-ut**, ita prodocta ia freadoai. Ne,:e»ixelutPfa 1*. tne tlinr laat flOfd aariiv. BttWgtwit ll'p'ibitc, jif.-teiit the

in which fter

t-lU! la."

he ag usage wblea t- . .*»¦.

anth my ul a

ti. y

tt t*


']r« ui,f3-.i._.u-i baa to thr- uM


.-'-'¦> I I ,f tba


Law, aith ita -Jaait of hm 'iult ut productioa. .National /"" frait ut productioa. tSngtearl caa .'.rea.-ti imt oaa aaora haaply wlnle at

paai a aith them. Y.,u iao, t.j thaae ehaiBBioaa of the li,iti*b me Naflaaaatflr iaia, to ttie maa o< fMd*Un<l appeara every ioetitutioa >.i oi -, t.':*- light pu-.e machioary a., amtXy tn it




Morreli, menu ned Capiala coi reiird up-n by tbe ucder»I--_<»d ai fM_Ba_a| aa >*xcluiivr rtgbt lo Uie Lobaa Iiiacdi on Ibe part of ibe l clt.-d State* It wm unly mrttioned ai a tact ht t-. be ennx'.Aert-ti ln c .tntnon witi otberfacti and ice arr^ocea. 1 be truth appeari to be tb 4 Captaio M-rrrell wai <.n a v yi.** ot dlaoery, aad dtd ln tact dluMtar, ur wu to bare dlacovered. __ano on theae lalaada iupp<>«rd U eertaln tbal no bc-.k ceneral'y kuown and clrrulated In thn country mendot ed tbe fact of tbe eziat_nce c f guano ,-n theae Uiandi until Capt. MjrriU'a narraUve wai pubuabed tc Afw-r tr.n«e preilmlnary remarbi, the underiigned now procaedi to lhe eonalderatlon )f the maln lubje. L ln bitieveral c..mmu_-._tl-ni, Mr. Oiuia waerta Rio




'I'ue whole



ol I-' gliah





I Igia to tbe prei- tt -ajr gireo Ibelr Tbe undfril|iDed wiil make a I'urtber re- xx. tn pret^li nlttijie ri I i.lj riu.nutn< Bpaa Mr. OBBM'a *i*'Tad. n u>,n the BoavanaabM batwaaa a¦._ aad Mi. Polk here exphined, aaying he al¦algaad Ib tb.* Dapartaaaal af -tite,11k-ontae .1 ol he July and tbat ii, tbat tbe I'lp^i.J wheo luded to what Cullom said at the C.ty Hall. ln tfial conrera^tiua wai

ful and ktnd U. all W'bl^s an.i Democrats, aad bad do of caalon to hl* ro!le*(t*u» for an attack.


cl *h.t

liMMead ..i^l Ja oi ol c. orae those t ! oboe, the .-.nh'n/ reseeia 4 tae dtataa N.w,; tach w* L'n'B-d *.iia*ip*l .I aaai .¦ .¦'r'. t h<*rs*)if sd wtth taaIdee that aha raa

ur^y a_y Inti-


atf emboati.

* -






aay ex-

ruit.e-it ln re..l.aieit . -a/ib or




freely with


r- 4. ni


rtaadBBfl productioa. pnelu.',un. Ill" ' .loril. a f.HJ I T.e State 'hur, h, wuh ita pruiliutioii. tu- of plunder or ol inendicity ? ol f'rait produati hi. Itei paraOBI .'onipeta one them eaeh other, aml

/,;,/, Inll, 'rtiu ul

-.t- i


irpoae, j



ta has -.¦¦.-. eaowa, the rapraseoiadre f of the la th¦< iitiir.' of tBa i Aoi ti is a aurtlii.t .






» h'a xtn




sj \








or nat

raraid aecarrad, aior.-- iat. e natiterati. n, lo ei mm (ot tt.a I which t!..' British | .nht p- r^ar II .wai-r t. s t>j adopt ln r.'^n.-d |o tidt .' Bd

. 'tna.



Can; -al'..-.

,t r.'.n



ti urt a',»-1

objected, th tl. intt t The BrKAREfl aaid.Oo reflectioBi the fround lhat the _-ener»l du:ui*i n bad tt-rm.*t''d by null Ihall Bgl ei.* iba etrta itauc*i itaieii, es- j,rf>viou» orcer o! Ibe II -use. ,..[,,!:. hare tjeen li tt.** ii.--**ct gB.*d to <' the lhe Mr. Cvllom, Ctitd ge_ti*i_-u To accommodate The H»"..*e reaumed the coosidoration mitu e rose, when tbat ftentleman expressed his r*>aT*t to be ti tba pari of tta .




ii \M.i.KR.

ty auth i r.ii.'.'ii!:



that |



.> *


B_LTT.OBB, Tuesday, Ans; .',. U Tl.e mail from Nwai CMeaaa baa arrived.

abaadaaad mt

,,,1er all tha .'I', U'lialaneei. Ma 1'ieaiient Ihmkl It la .u'aect 'lt a.lvitihle that lul Init.Urtinil un ' t.< ih>« ,'har^. ,i iflidra ,>( tbe I nl'ed .'tate* a' Intt, and thul pr .per orderi ihuuld be -ii !.. Hm naial f. .I uf tli" al'e.l *<t.t"a'n tnat aiart.-r t.i tirevent eolHtloB until fur.ner e- in ii'I.'H ,»f Nu-., aiit-n-n--' wlll h^^'len tu the Lithora






R Vr-SS'-'S It will b.t b>rne In mind that when thn c ua of tha lor.occurred,ihe u*« an.l peraaaeavaa t.ia




iu wn.i-ti lia asserti be 0 rersal "i,,| absol'tte s)ven (nly o| .'-<ru have beea dealed er lesti.I -.y aayOiv* . erannBtl Aad 11 I'ernhaiBi leredtheea


n.'t i-.l lioeui,ir*nl*i.

to tli.-1

Caa probi Ited ..i.t.!.,.-i



can aaaure our

,Raa seen i.y i.








nuih lia



,- i,,-.-,.,-.i. wBhnal ItmltaRaa <>f tim.*, t., eWi«aa ,( the feneral 1 Ita .rras, it was ..t ..1'¦ 111 t t.ra .ng pertod, ur rtaMad la aaaaa* thal i.u.-d Htal-e, aftlastcklzaiuol clally I'leni*,*, lha reillutiatratue ul thl* , 1 .,v»ni>ii,*iit ,<r lia th« labjeitt ol th> r .ntr'.-a iii.l ua p.rtak* tbaa ao >Be*a*tve u.»n»rthlpeHn bepretended any conaidertble 'Mei.t lo the rtahe. » w-ilch ageata, n- H|*ln>t th.- I nlte<l BtaBBI at lea.t



waa fnuafl tbat a part oi "ir ctd, llylelml al tp K ¦-¦.--. ,ul .urrtr hai trom ibal tln. baea 1' ttei OB '.'* »ti;i;..d tai him, ani lt taamed t'> OM lt* retia'rit. n M» d> perl una wi i .arl y i.uku ii. v i: hU leai Ing ..ur iborea a eountry lo receive Bim, or a plaaelo l.y ln-, il.i ..r tmerleu Deputatloe from In eootraataHtl rairty th** court ol ir--.,,'iti tne Ume tbai trtod uiea'a aonla, r. i.i.

,-..»*...tin tht



Hsh^.t htr-r Pera bad leparaied lt..-l: v agateet tfcfl but lt appears to Ixird Pa'meraano taal tl Ir / im rap in V"'' "". Bad do ii"ait-iy wiih mtt lhe urioeto Pera would gi i to thal Btateapraas/av <cU!-nto Initt iii piutinriion. (with 1-i.rred in. auparfluoaa, Webabar BeeraUry peBaaatBprodBclioa.) Andiln*wai.hMr. DonoR (lowa) moved to in-er; t .'. '.!>. .¦.. -a fl dated Aag Be referab bfl pravtoaa l-tien and ide tha re*aarye N,w,it is t |Si uooRh RMlaapfovaaaaalaftbaRoak lUrer Rapidi, 1 w-uril ia H.1'!i»-ri.-e,l nut onlv tO the prirate iiuhvidar eet this last obser ratlo a of I bl* aad ruleofpa lha t o"-litn ol oi give arfftintenta repaafl h-florj J t"lt w»i .|(i'*. to the nntuinal Itrfi |-rm. ip-illv. 10, 'jrcHi'ie Ihe i.-lnr.i-IVru to Iba I. boa U.mdi. witn ,ta '*barbaroaa aalaaaira," ita for iur.'.da ii n-..- r ila i!'n>-a gr>ni-¦- thaa Ih c th Numeroaain other amendmenta Koyalty, iti civil liat nr.,1 ita laahaya flhal elae the motion of Tba f. u-ta >tter in the «>-.¦- -i !i t o E said ,.\.- al nvei* Caliiuroia, 1 u.rlda, Mliiltilppl and court, Batlev Mr. (Va.) .1 acd all re eall d. ra i| I..IIL* I" but to thO /""' /rtlittifpnnUliiad l« ai well unra-itO") tn,! h p .warlul class 0 Chandler would not e:l 'rt tb- b eet deiire!. nru th .... at rneriiiants tad l.r ri ra, ',..1, Tha itkm caa m j,i a aad eir-hange l.lluWl I (Bii Mi>-i-. tini> and Wi:iikr both "p- Mr. >ti toe /d* the refu the motion of Tho C main '. igoai. without royalty 1 n*a wtth thm troam* TBaaa* *Na ih -t it w-n uru, red to t>e ib»- bUI, aal ri li i'eru rl f.l pr.-.-ut Ibslr ;r'rti gut'.n i. wi: oi tii, nohiiit v, tba II" iaa mt I.ord- faar. The i,':,!,:-'. -:. >.- ..-. M...^.at Ul, Na»t L-entleman eoald not b> l.'.- rtaiaeJ, Mr. Polk not ll !. »>. Bot ba Botirely sarlsfado f iherafure, Ba.,rlaud.l'.i--*. i b_»e,Cl_rka, Tht \*rg* ,.( Ha\ard. army'








b" ^, Ml tbe Bra baUa r.-g ihB-ovameBt BU. "^^081^^haVO ¦»,.... ituu.uchi.aied.-- aarl .».««?«; ofthe f iMttuP.M- Aapecialmwung

ey tht d upl MBIM 0l.bBi.d-tl ita

C.n.r,on Council

l., be read.

Mi. k.M.ti ii*.ke.! to be excusedfrom t-Apltcficn. r. ibe ComP-Utee, betag already a meaibcrof them from lha k******* t.. .; .¦-> Mr. Stcabt




All the other iiineiidnients intule in Com11 ltl, e were cuiii'urr.d ln at one vote, e\o< pt two. .1 rM Wi i.', Ibe 0«e HlBBM an «ppri,prl_tl,,n lor a lur-

ta e he ia

^-.SdB -*S i-:;r--N.i-;^;'-^;;




tl e

Mmii. t.wln and

nutnTh.- Fire.o*i'_ Baada 11 aaaaVa, aad tn taii a_.. u moralaa, l.,. \ is u BBBwti ,ro»dad .itliei). t,


point all over tbe hall. Mr. I'olk.Ker fear of miaapprehenili.u, 1 tell the g.'Dtleintn he I- liar. A ili'/t-n gi Dtlemeo here jumped to their tht fe. wliile oth.-rs ihH.iI t'i o-J*ir, anl th-'ra


Kt.flaio ruaaaaa BaeaA-aaM Beaeaai ihe t.r.sJay, Aug.iV 16

.tASTSiu ,,p aiii'ieisto

Mr. Cullom.That'- whht I iy. Mr. Kik.i KTii.v.I a-1. thal the finality

maa aa i




to come

1 say llis falie. und that wheuever 1 know w!.a: to r«s>rt to.


received a Capt. Mareytha!


Mr. Poli.1 nsk aome friend tome.

utderstood that I

un argument againat Mr. Hi vi-K mode ol ilvei and barbor impruiementi. Mr. BoaiaARD replied. Mi. IU tii ¦ oppoaed the bill at length. ^Ir. BflOOER was in favor of omonding tul. The question wns takeo nnd the Irat





pait coBiaa on the iubj^ct ol t.ieie

Vctt-Meein-VI ...,,


diapatcb »**»*

i a

tkii pian

to-nighl Mayor

aad haaari


-l hle




(Tenn.) lavored the iiinendtr.t i.'i, hi al ib.inbt Ibey itienctberied tbe bill.





sd. (t U



tggcmllemamkmmim^ W-U-BOTOB, Tue.tlay, .,..,,.,

to ninendini, the oppoaed ut ln tivorof the bl.l, _'ln_


Mr. JoifRB

taalriy of fs|.t. Har. 7. Y. Tribun*.

Gen. Scoti

slaaalaa th.t I made a t.lse repres<-nl*li


t ihv ebl .!*.. ,1. baa beea rrj fatbei . Guntly peper. I b li eoB-deneeln ir* teaebiag illl.bave venerated u Ai firat, u« reo .rk», .ln.,- y. ir iwn. aere Mi.d. ano I lynpatbiataR, nol wi-.h K aMoib'i f-r l«.-i



.liayor liili'l" Kr-nomlnnied. iv, r.Tt ** *hmwMtktHom*ummTm l-i.ii.Ai.Ki i in v, Tueeaay, A«g SI

The Whiga iH'ininntoil

dlia^ree wilh

bl ii.


WnaMnatnn Kuiiior*. SgmXmytDanamathto TkaK. IMVAsaaa




only all ihe g*ntleman, tbat !t li

tl :.,: t,a \, i. Uaawn way ti. aava tbe bill.




U'l. I-IIH 1

iim-i-i ita Praaaeets ;.-;,, tft' tka§mtrhP TAt ti Y. intiunt. \\.i nin..ii.n, laaaday,Aag.M,










i* lhat "<<¦¦' [enen'. \y |,,r tlie adiriitintration/iirerntllv and es> thai bnb <¦'. ibb, nti'i hu*.ineaa ofthe Boflrgaaiaiei aad where thii aaMaaBMa tt a..

_,,\eruii ent aa



iaaHH>l,erly,aBeaaOBBkaMf or_ ,rii_a_d a Such

party, in other comfriea, ia n-eenaa/icomplete anmin atiou of

would ba ,a.leii di.- .iorra/tc. I'jilt it \x




a- an ari-tor-raln; .-outitrv 1* the end i!d|l-lngland foUewi wlr.h more or l»ea conaeiotie-

up Ila neareat obj-.t, howeter. ia tne aftainment ofaPailiamenta'v reform which*houl Itranartl '- hanoa^the legi^lative power neceaeary for iu'Ii a laaaBBtioa. Bat tha Brttiab Boaffaaai are n»t aicitaitte to aany a P«rFrcaehaaaot Whto thay ialaaal make a Kevoluwill not liaxrieutary reforu, they 1 the On tion of lehruary. ontrtry. Haviag ol>over the landed Uined, io IMC, a grand olvieUiry I'orn l.awa, they therepeal the tlie ariatocracy by with material adfollowing up were aatiified De^lectedto vautagra of thii victorv, whileaodtliey econoiinealcoa* draw the neceieary political Uie enaked Waiga tn clusiona from it, and thu* neaa.

re.naiate tneniHeWeainto their hriediUiry inoreiptbej were aaceaaarUy tndaded withla the Umrii oly of gov.ruiiient. Uuring all Uie me, froia

yaie *o iXQ,

themselveH to ridicale they exnosed and pra. iiBread

Tbe employer baya the laho*-

M tbabargaln. a pront, cheiu- be lelia, »nd on the uie bc uiuit make taihe work tne man himK'lf-and thm rvery b«r 1* deilherata a and employel (tle between employer ln

.nt lora

and the clear »tarel*ar*.l m tl.e inaiked at. once by newcnnier*, heautilul. trance, though it will probably .»bafouad When by a p*» hf Blghtfl BIB entpAjtniiii-ty course ofthe seas4.11.

The athar

the iikmu, «hincH it haa ru) Wttt around it, nn I the clear lirht it -heds ifl aloiOOt like dui Su.netimre I claiiilier up a ruggeij Inll nenr my houie to

r.vine, ... the ,.,-pt . 01 leading thi.mgh a nnrrorv rg30« all this ahich a livetv, wbich skirta tha laCh hal (read ia are ot the etnpljjer. Thm labor 808*» its tran-p-.r.,Bt wai 818 vie* i.\ mii.iiiiiL'ht the Bflaa aheatonthe part and foODM every violent itinaeuient they lend.dashes tfecau** aapqad awwiBtaina the vorking tkttt, And if alnk ihrough eternal Ion, tbat capital may riee throughii Bataeyfow from tbe eave over a aaw) td aeowabfired to appealiitotlieir ol the CaaCflRe rnnee, and oh, more heaiitiivilera itopi not here. Thit the Hut fraud *** ********* Ixitlrg afdtaoaoed*. peahl aaoarar a vnnishing baa tbe ariatocrai y aaad, spaikl-ng hnill n"«r t t* op. ntea r..r rtil than my fcetrie pen cnn tell are theaa lovaly pre- brovght to hear on foreign ctunpetiuon.trhirh meant, trt white workmf class ia their arising Min>»>. Tftev raetk Ihune hoaae iaviait Hofld and St. Heleti*,-ii !'.. " .'n.fhe ********* muit rutn tht trade nf other c-iuntrie*. at ire hare rutned A right-' Mt-wiitviivi* oi ae, w.'i hghta aadre. i.uiu.i (er to con.priM.iise witii tlia vMii.shmgenemy. an.l fie foitar one huodrwd to tht labor of one orn, l!_w,doci tt work f The high- tbe ac..mmo.iat...ii ita piUars wtth archad Thentraoer, rather than to strenethen the tbe low-u«ed. f.eebmer.ts. un^eraell haa to c, taxrd untry Coaap* I7^RRI ot a -treamb-r piBh* and tittv niitea ui'iv. Hood towera ap aml tba sandstone, brighl whom the future Mi.ngs, Lv cim.ess.ons white u of titton abraaa lnoreaiing.esaaaaaaaiy aaaaMatfyconitantly al*o. Th*>refore, i-rt above the leeel oftheeea, almoet a perfect they cheaprieiimuit Increaie ....'. aidr, laoked iatoreatia* i on -nt*-r st out mort than appa.ant importance. Therefore ii,e or i. <*, eteraally the tbe datbghr, tna eoi e, BBd "i ii on aka. thaia inoa r.nglaEdmuit k"rp conitantly Ullinir. And a witidiig nasaaga. and * ion strive to avoid even torcible collision tba BMwn'a raya, aad an.l the I o- wacriln how do they etlect the fall I By lur/dui Itbor. How do ¦trvatn rarcomiDg larger a...' nwre lK»Mtrrou«, till there, glwt**na liha eihar aristocracv Imt hiitoricul aeoaaaitv wild oountbe oaor throara aRadoa ful- tbey obuintheiurpltiilaimr Ry rnonopoly ofthe land on lha h-i i dark .-. ha BTil uke FiPs prr ss them Tney ctnnot Old nrriung at 8 DBIToaei riat, a roar ayiu. l.nga moat atriking aad mapn* more haisdi than ar" wanted inM tne wbich drlvea preaanta of Iry beyund bowela tha ia l.i.tteriugto a eoaeealed eataiaet tillinfthiiraiisrion, of the Paatl nnd the vary factory. By m_nopolj ot machinery, which drivei tbat of ta- n iu-. Si. II* l.'i"\ tnnogh bui so high aa Mt. land the Kngland which etirth. . Ir.,11, markaita out lme upon the iky, aad with a exelOBiva thoiebandi int.> the itrret-hy amaafl lahor BOiled feet BBd iiiia.l wet wbo not do Thoae momrnt when they will liave t ..n.piered drivei the man from the ihuttle.hy chlld |*f""" .1 ii (. ht-glaea you are the terrihle gul.hi an ttn.l .loniioion aeveral to when |m tharock*. ««n dominion, iv political ii, dr. loom. ascending ed, |.r... the political the woman frr.-n caverna brought near,aad can trace oot th,* e-.tii it c m a I.e uniietl in lhe stime whlce drlvea aee the ot lurpim, and baie rapid*) econonnCitl eupreinacy will cbambara, that living their foot ipackroe upon ptinilrg imct raler, !',.i it waa ooce rulcaao and tli their h-.'l. ann tbis ea eii'.ll- thei-.-e nn ward the>pa«r iinor. hands, when, therefore, the st/ueele neaioat capi¬ tbey preai lu arhing heart benoath 'in ine tn.- clilTa hu.! rucka everywhere about ita work «..'.. narrowaagan*.anduar paaetratioa did not tal will ¦eloaferba watiaet frotn the atraggk crv ..rJunallin' Who'll -and iJ*m%_\L__\ the Wtflbteg mt.i extead furtber. Na dmiM the haaury o« 'ba niggi .1 -¦,'. the existwg < 'overnmeiit.from timt veijr beuer lhan no bread at ill against ot liaar, I -i.i uld, perhapa, hare ipoken berora of f!ie termi. Loodcnet rv ward aewrch; but aa there* waa ao in,.ment will date umtoeitt rerolution ol Em\*> graipi greedlly atU Ihelr m. place would BMBBerol the lyitem kt U* worklng.n "' in th" Badh appnacningOivg'to by aea,imly th I hear"] i.l I."|.m.-any IBBBi }.i.,-f»eit ib fiwling it i.p*refon y.ii, huw.luei ii t. i-inir altogetber the -*ofl udd tale ol mlendi Oaetoral bowdoel to bo&or tefi tba we an.l rai W'e now come to the Cknrthtt, the po'iticnlly ItRut.atleet .:*-r..n., atalactitea trade. rhe fhopkoepar. pnori-rnw. ruey I.. the I'acilic I muat no travrlera. active pottion of the Britiah iroikiiii,' r/ax*. Tne toietlo". home peisavrriog lor erery increaie ,,t c.i.npetltloni.'.hr nd, buiI apeak nl Ihe coaat and inirn.u- before view oi tbi country in thia dnva waa a sis point* of the Charter whieli thev contend for There muit be an In.r.ate ol abaaaaea. at bnrne. The to deaeribe the couotry in lab .r la ba*ed on lo* ll. ions feature thtt eao give varied atti inpttiig contain nothing Imt the i.t Inirtml Snt- Kverv Liiaaaa id ahaapaaii everj obtained by Thi i 'u iiiiibi. Itivi an Puget'i Soun I aflord waa there,aad oae could without which t'ni- ceaie ol lab- r lurplui. and thi* m-plui ll doei toa laadaeapn f'rece. and of ttie conilitiotis beauty thii "iphow al theeaaewith which tba) the only ^,.,1 harb-ri na the Coaafi- of Or term. anlncreiie ol inachlnery. I repoat, Vrsal Sutlrngi would be illusory for tl.e working erate belpwoodenng M.nct,e»ter Liberal on my lefl r.,t Tbe BB he aubdoed t yi* Id poit Oiliiid, on I...- aouthern patt, *ue_epiible you of tl. land ment mernbere, the aa itile and pa\ auch l.allot, : fi clars lightful oftancultivation. madi a harbor for bmmi ofthe year; at eitabllibei a nrw patei.t. ard IbrOWl three huridre.l Perhapa iipn being ibe cboiceat annual general eleetion*.. But I mtersal Sutlrage men rnree prodneta m a snrplui In the itreet*. -hipkxeoeri' nail eral'i oui* approaci M nr, -t. ..i,.. al il think will romaatie ia the e<|Uivalent for political power for the worktba p Tare«^.nndr<d Katepayen' mark huDdr.dcuHimrrileif. all the trade of Ora* Neary .':'.¦ I. crop is ll,... forma ino^t Tae tbe nt nf m'*' pr the -:.\ where thnt ti. proletariate ._<.-<. But, I.iud more. pi.'.-. _gekaaaf Kngland, paupen rarrieil nn Ihrough t ie Colu nhia Hin r, nn men i.lnlthttenth.-t.tll Inafea the large iimjoritv ol the population. where, in a evil itopi not theie. Tl,e|e three huodred thoie years potatoea. ,i .|i ie ii ta fore xp< ri- need in croa M tbe town, rnclosing tbe plain aa in an any th,. long, though iiiiderground civil w ar, it his g-uned operate hrit to brlng indownthrlrth<*own ,t. ,i are n«>w nhviated, aud large ihipa may trade. Ina cir.-le in-iv be apriokled wrth conntrj i>-iaclear conscionsness of its posifion as a class, wbo remialn it worb pliitheatrr, redaae airnr wagea*ee dences, bo .ating more ndvanl iBeaof lo ition th in ral, I* i-.'<. ii.' ii during -t navi, "N'.,w and where even Um rural district* know no onger implover ....ui .1 ia, perhapa, one of the flneal I',, Tbe rt.en dn'.iur. Tben lie ad.n- MDo you ******** cti'"m theie n.t of the j>r..i! l.-t Buropenn vilht*. have j ut waikel who nny peasants, but onlv laadlotaa, men hundred thrre in ibe world. Ita i.iimer«ru« narrow baya hailM.ra .11ne carry I iaatill.ihe laborers. ol ihore liired und Tbe oppoaite IMisaissippi talistetfarmerf) *** may change p'.are* if**U r'.e. tbey're BghUlf ".j larhacfc inti tln nriJet ol n. ia Kngland woald,there. out. 'lne ed the Sioi.-. eouatn," ti- it araa 111 reality he- nrinb-lr. on any term*, lur tbey'"' Weivlog. ing of l aiveraal Boflraga um or inlet capanle .¦,.,. than any- tocomeln Ali1 you Mttl.'he.ter last \> ¦¦..'- Ire ly,and Ia atillby occupttiun, ulliae|!ii,,-.i foie be a far more socnli-t.e mc.i.-ure men feel i-, inn at« cruihed ii.- !¦.!.¦-.eia ever built, un.i veanane on .m tbetha* timt witb ni tb>n.l maa nre ii.tenin.. u, poRtl .¦*' th, of himored the been Pharlaaa etaigr wbich haa Dotwitbstnoding Ltbaral thing bare I e,t you cow Rat Iba evU alopa aot yet rnoia b.. n let 1.roee thia ae leoa. Manj Siotu and Wtn- -,l- ii,.\ >i.. t,, rlu tery either aide tliei ontinent. ia often heen aaeo, exteading own irade, ieek emptoynieot ln lh. result, here, m the poltlicol tu- m»n. dtiven from their are to t.e m .-a wandenngin aad a> ml lha tbeir Itsineaitable vorkim: othen, wbeatbey bwBU ihe aerptae, aad orleg wagai nebagoea <*/./«*. oa tba prairia into tbe forrei |! .1> 'Bder. thia nt once the moat tbeir baving lodgrng ptacs-a town, jnemacy of tke on another were ot t.i tha tnd. . htth pnld or in tbet'....!- ... tlia vicinity, where fsv ncreaail h i' t,,r r> up<m tlie enr-ire occasion, on the revi- down. The low p-I 1 ot" t. d dav I ehail report,<- l.igh pi>i<i -.;,* »il be iba tea p»ld n .1, u...i harbor, ul tbia it I'.,,.. in1 im.i.li1..liti'! imit kettb-s raland the ivorgaa.atiooof lhe Ctiarust Party. BOOa. leirpbteeof uf the WOI tla| Ti'Ut tl.e power mon ni.aaii. For the present 1 have only to treat ofthe recent el.lteil* rtimiDilhedpiiM+ating ncampment. 1'hey live ebii Ily on the 6»li erery day, ari'i wph lt diei bome A-,."in ia the porl ,i rnlryf<irtbe Columbia, eleetion. Ma>k lt. ihoukeeperi' v«ur curt.mirri grow gnme they procure. M-end I, while hontiog trade. preaent- anyoi r. To I.e a voter for the IJritish I'arhament, a man pi orer, ai.d your proht* Ini, wbile v>)'jr paupen iirow cornehana un tba Miaaiaaippi aa<*re, --itli amoe t, n n.i- from the bar.and inth a hoaae rated at b| I- rarce a you approach more riinret. n» aml >uur poir'i rat-i and v»ur laieu ourselvei arith watching aSioux l\ ., mustocctipv. 'n the Boroegha, othera, (if it can digo d by the n.irn peurexpendttorelanio-a woman cookiag a heron ooe of the suvagaa had Tl loan, .in to tbe poorB'rate, aad, ia the couatiea, be rlie. lfo«rit-»lptaaraa_8__i-T, rat b aa aad pay m .re. Ho* do you Hketbe buili -.' ii: ii narrow, rugn it beach or bank of the i; firebj astomp, brought must be a fret-hulder to tha annu'il amount ef 40 large Yc.u On built She landcapturwd. and urer rlcb mirnifa" the yu .yttitii least-holdcr to th- amount of £50. lo'd apura of tbe river, _,-baeknf of if nae bruken i.f water Irom the livt. ....-I e shillmgs,thisor astateii.ent ibrowi the weigbt of p..r> rata hi -.I'vatiin. hIh ut i]iinrt l.t,a«i niountaina, and over the town 8*008 it follow s, that the m t a p rl .-'". divi led it, I From tbe bird ing Btt atethn midd!.'claw lhe of ycu tax-oaylog M«B ol analnm l impenetraldofbr* part in r.liiue ot tbe rich. Thet ereata the p, iv.-rty 'htt eraatOI hinl placingtha rmgineuta.uftei onesJight ishing, -t itheahado* Chariiste could take. oninally. l.ut little orl <i, orge," or Aal ln order to thalr ol i.i in- < Md tha aaai total battle (oai cawetaded. rtebea aad tbey maka yoa pny lur ibe p; >».».../ over tbe tire toatnw. Tbe clnwaaadentra beloa the new town, and rei* a mile must I li*Af in took it. tt.e actu.l pait tbey have creuted The lar.d'urd eacap, t it hy prlvi- i. a-^t, ,1 Bnd tn'.'t to her companions in a canoe, to pn.p.-r. they eiplmr. ui thn eataarboice att.-ai;- |i-riiiip« fitty cheap wimhI n luildinga. I call> of tbe Britiah elcctoral leee, the eri'itbcrurer l.y repayine hlmielf out moraele, while tna aupper wus in cannot wngei of bi- men, Hnd that rnacts onynd. II ,w doyou evstem predi, I for either or both a rerj llattering preparntion. tba lyrtem I Wall, tbal I* flw eyetara upbeld l.y tt.- will do a "¦ future, ut they poaaeea no n i*erial advantage in bo Nomtratior-i!av aad lleclaration day Show of Uke tbe from \ arrived jnat do I I \Miat th»n en left. Ibe g.-ntirmen my pripose liBPfls and I'oll! nwned hy pofnl "i i' tation, and ci ita nly aant many req ii« I have ihown the BTOBff. That to aomethiof, Butldo to aeenre placea atonM inthe itagea ahich The ocean itearner, t-iieei', are When the cari'irfafei huve made the.r appear- more driversof the A jv_ lt io. Powere, and ihow tho I itand here lo VYillougbhy pr right, hi re, ahere there ia i h-:r, hi* iii, i ii ihea ii'i'i ance on the day of eleetion and have publ'cly Imrare «eat t>. tba IVI' of Bt. ti.iTbree cheer* I.itid dairj ategi the firrt :,c _<.<- on t> St. II, Ien- aud l'n : tlected, in angued the people. theyof ara KraeetJonea then went oa to expoRa hia owa Antbony and three are alwavi at tha Undinaon tmg iinnds. aml every Band vienH hmiI the arrival ti tbebueta. Foi tbe accouimodation I'. itland aith p cononiical ..ii political and iristance, by tBB BBOW reform, :,-i en milea wi le a little The i has tl.e ri^l.t to be laiaed, the hand of the mmof peraona who are in a h.irrv aml inaat return mtinned n» followi: aa you ro on, elector hs well as that "f ti.e eleetora. For wh>nnnoa olertnra, hav.* now brooght bafcra down the riverl.\ the irne boat, itageearenro» above lai uia, tho ghiti iriei n tu h two Etoekaaaad mui tne linsoever the nmjority t.f lhe IjhiuIh nre raiead, li.le.l ta take paaa ngvtra on what ia called "the aon 'M., iu, appenriiig more tban you ol the r ciai and political meamrei, me. late ndopt'.onof wbich 1 advocavle now, ai I did in by the re'ur.iine aflicer,toba t.i tothe gretl obj.fthe leaa Thi rcenery all aloi-f i4e_tcredingly wdd, of¬ eii.tii! tour," per-tn is dic and, driving tu I e\t«nd trled becauie 1-47. I'ut. tjYU/rlibert!.*, tapea. (pr. elected by show ol htuds. Inthony'i Kalle, and B.brding time f.r ten pn ¦! ling rure nnd ..m-r Im autiful landa journey, 8t. The alaetioa werecurtalled. [Hear, le-ar ) Recime I tried t tear aaurvey ahere covimw tbe Hieiihl shows ir.« reveree. of tbis wondatful >>>>r>- nfNature; tbea Tbe finn ry ia very brokeii wae thrown lat" tne I a «.( Ireedomfor the ail, y temple ..ith an aet mere n was ered.even ta the topof tb-higl bv show f l.snds eeremoay, ceRof alelen'i jail and there, on my leit, liti one of cr. ing tbe ri vi raad praira- t LakeaCalhounand *i ii ian ir* r\.-,m Ri of ftrnial patiteaeaa toward the -soiereign peo¬ my -'¦!>. .-is imk.-il* dinner b- aide oae irt..'. -'.,*.l II the ntinued anrl « chief |.' :ruari,*iir.jtileri. and |Jm poHt**neaa cea«e* aisnrmas privi- towaidi the left [I.oud Hec-iute I tri- A 10 glvn voice to tru'h, baautitul aheeta ol waterj ttMiaee t>> row, thn, hundred frei in h>ght! Tne channel ple," h ng the ibore for lea, and pei is mtnaceil. Fof af the show of baadsdoea I w*l rondernned to *'lence. Kur two yari and .Mini.ebiil.a Falla aad l'..rt Snelliog, aod >>-i>-k to ilege he I ioai-uii, urp e'o iu r ka, ia lli, I' not rt-tii'ii lha caadidat>s of rtie pmil-jred rdact* one'wrek be eait uae Into a piiion in loilUry cou- _<t I'iui I.v tl..- cave ,-.f. reniention. .;. Thei ulihout .. oalv tha hnnnent on the iller.t rytlem, o near you pen, Ink, rkirt potl; er, and the or-., ll.e.-e eaadidetea uVflaead aeen oa Iht* round wiil (ilt up n dty a- it i. n ». a oikuin hut rabiRlule.. or aad tha ta I pieklag otlier «ide, paper, eleetora caa take pert who caa .,! mat iiloii.'-t jump on aborp. potl, po filled in one lifetime, aad tb Bavvi'fged turn CharJea ll W8J Rh Ah Rl IVood.j your |turelng is de¬ votes ol ol he ii.'.i,-' c I'ormi il tln ln,, tii,ti.e waaaaawf haa there t .rsiic" m tr.'.-. bool i m th.- running brooka," iaejarity for two yean and one week; it li mlDO thii dty. I e. ahow C tbe ol firat moiiutainri ei.cted. i..r Tbe range, m oulv clared rleetioa, by for a BOOMBOB the arg^l ti retriSitlm from the heart of will I.i ivi-. i and bappier tha nn-iing. y. i of. mal bea.-en, and from certaiu pointa of hfiiiila. is hI.ow BatisfaCtJoB allo>aed, \ri iinm't,!" barit rpoken every KiiglLhm.n here praaeat than \ nna, atill furtl Mi. r ni it, of Hnrk yu fre\ the Intinln? of hli wlncs momrnt, to p>ib',ic opinion, in order to eooviaee applame. 'i in theaua like jewela 'i ll,,,!,! or S*. II.!. ~RK<iON. tbe next nio.i.ent. the mort striking'v ot ita im- ln tbe brcain of tbia v»*t BBoWtude fltaaaaad ehaar* -l and \tt watera ri»er ia The iu tli.not apuhiic atill, very log. toagOOOl-BUed.] biwi may aay tleili poiency. Geaeral "lew af the Ceaafry. lt la a pu'i'ic qeaaclear, wim-h, with ihe romautic rock* an wood* It migbt appear that thia eleetion I.v show of ouettiuD. Butitli! [Hear, hear. tor t'i_ ol Tt* N. T. Tr.i. feel hilla covered wbo thewtfaol the men eaanot ite Ihe 8< lor rr*.pf>*nt* landa Iim.1 hem tion, banka, irregu'ar Invaated alobg tbi. liande, dang.iroaaformality, wi'.l rot 'eel for tbe wife of Ihe workiag man. i in 1 Miimm KXB, Oregon, Krid>.y, April >. 1wiih eik lorert, anl the whit, in order ta mlicule aniv. rsal sutVruge, and to enjov prlioner, He wbo will n,.t feel for th- ebUdran of tne eaptlve wiil 'bol, er w ilil und del nce, giv« tli aome little sristoi-ratic fnn et tta. expense of the own ob«ervation«i lam n >t |ireFrom for the ehRdrei ofthe labor tlave |'-ll_ar, my notfc in tee orher V<>'i lands, ioun* en hantm, ut. maj rabble," (exprrssion of Major Bereaford. Secre¬ hear." and cheen | Hii p«af life prnvei lt, hli nroniW* of War). But this would be a deluaton, and cl today ,n,i not eontradlctlt Who votedforIrflb paredto give you aa fine a ptctnre, ao flattering taina covered with ano* in auiumer, when all tary the old nsagea, eaannon origioaUly to ali Teutonic ciii'iiioii. tbe paffgia| MH, aml taBrpertaa with tbe Iriih an account ofthe preaeal aapectol thin_;s here, as ia ...-iiliire around you; bnt nowhere can auch h trtnluionallv .lown to tbe praaal The Wbig Tbere he »iti! Tarn him out! I could wish, or ns perhapa a moretborougta know* .,-, ne t'.- f, und in *o temperate n cliine, and u here, toiild frug itseli vot.'d ti'teen lim.'i acalntt 11 nn'x moflOB fur the the wateri are pure like tbe Columbia. aiaateaalh eaatary, because it give t.> tba British Wbo I an Loeka Ktea'i ea tha eonatlea'; Ewart'afor ledgeef tbe coontry willelicit. C.-ri'i-.i The V. illamette,(pronoui cedVi ii th. 4-lBss-piirlit.ii.etit, cbeaplv nnd without danear, nn iratichiie rxBtate \x*i Tne of a cr-at and lor the ( elementa ballol ihort the Pi that keley'i rllam-iiti; however, i.t poputarity. The ruling claaaes liis-t cuoaideiable tributa j to t ie Columbia ttpp.m.ii ^^ Wh h*, turn him out! i VQtad elti; i» Wblg.thera its tii.ii. this u-iif.' tln- t-atiflaetiou thut tlie aealnitthe re'eneuf l'rctt, WU'imni, hi..1 Jcn"« Tn. ial bere,and that ffaie *vill Houtl and joina tbiarrt about one hundred milea develope ^Ailrrw tiful nver, ii'iviaiass of tln- people took part, with nj.>rc or less toria. lt ia a, ^m M'hlc.there ho titi inrahlmout! Whovotadagalart aourcea. N >»v, it is feeble its r.:¦:!:...i inils, v-ist n their aa ita aational ctioBal interaeta ^r inierest-. Bbuaea and in favor ol Ward p'aii.a, aad Iieeatirblvalley8,ara untamed, and the ghhie for large reaaelaor tteamerato Portland, 18 paaaiaa, ia iAmi ii waa only aiace tbe Bour^eoiaic aid Iroeiry Into <oli.r,lal milea from ita month,.ani during the Tontogtoo, tbe tyrarti ot lonla and Cayloat. took sn im'ep i.ilfiit sfi.tina (it tlu- ai.le ol tlia I wo | Tbe Whig.there he titi tiira hhn out' Who few people. wbo nre wi.le Htir.-.i-l ..ver.t-. aurfe ie, reaaon, when lhe wai ra ie( baek fromtheCj. ofllcial partiee, tba \\ iii^-. hihI rories, that tlie vot>d *gain*t redmirirf the Daka of Cambrluge'i have to contend againat a'.i tha evila incident t.> IiiiiiIiiii. Orrgon City, 14 milea further, iathe ln tbe army n n <tt- bordei woikiiitr inaaaea ateod up, an tbeitomination <\n\ i j ikli.ry ol £18000, agalnil ali redu^tloni .1' t>n. At thia point me the graat b_11s ol lattJeinante, «n<l othera j"-.-ulinr to ni;:aii ara.i oavy Bgatarttha-Opaalo^ tbe window taa, aod il flu-ir own name. liut in BO tor n.-r venr tbe time* in.- rit'i r. perpendicular, and about furty leet. otber reduetion ot taxatiun, t it oara tbe Pacific coaat. agateatevery contrast of show af haada and I'oll, of iN'omi'iHPortland h the tergeat town in tha rcrntory, inciuded f Tr,e Whig thera ba liti tu n him lt is ii Iiiinl about which so many extravagant called tion dny aml Declanit.ontl-iy. haa beea 80 aeriooa, i«)«ry n in nml confaina perhapa torelve out1 IIHo v.t'il agalafl repeal of th<* oxuor du'y, ao well ilefii.etl I.y oppoaad priaeipfea, ao throat* t<. hue iu heen ita reaoiircea. him, t atoties ati.eriiei t>.\.*l on knowlede*'' thimiatlr, 0 inlinhit mtv. is prettily ntuated on thr told, regard ,'uty, BBd tha aaaay, ro general, upon tbe whole aurfaea of ti.« 'ibe he .itt; turn him out! W b,. votad for incxiiiiustii.le minea of gold, rich agricultural pro werttatikol he rivei uiul haa ieveral quite re* t!. alehaa of aow hiahnpa, rlcar ran^ the M.ynjoth rom.t.y, as in thia last eleetion ni 185*2. ¦pectable looking blockaol itorea ;.nc atorehouaei And what it contrast! It was suilicicnt te ba gratl k| .if'tt lf* re_i.',»i.,ii, nnd au'tlntt ah"|v ne dii du. te, with little labor,.C.tbat bnmlreds hava tbree neai little churchea, four hateb, aod aboui t .entiri trom f.'huri h ratei Tho pivinc lin tbeir indnced leave Weatern with to Whig.thora bomea, named I.y show t.f luintlM in order to be l.eittan at hc utt turn him out' Who voted tw,.'. atorva- Two atrreta running parallel all lnuulry barely aufficient the poll. It vt ns suiiicit nt to lime had the major ii.t,. tle «dnlterati in of l.ud ThaBgalafl meana to enable them to reich ttiih ihe river are provided with ptenk BBiearaifca \\ nl..-.there he l»I.v 11 in or.lei at to B niluteil. cn BiBga. >u iii aa improvement- ht\e ity POll, people, ilri; tiuti lnm uut' Wbo voted lowerlngtbe bere with their .miliea. Arriving too late iu t ie with rotten apples and blickbata. Tna duly eleit- dctv oo separ. ard repaalteg tteBgaiaM t>,\. Oflaull Tin seast n to isis.- a made, a itrict regard tu regular iti aud crop.aith a loog, ..renry. niinv 1*1.1 l\ h't- th, ie I.e fiti: tienhimout' Who voted agalafl eil n.embers aa I'arlininnit, before nll, bad a ^re-it i...n',s- prevajia.' Ti..- people Bie ven entei* before them, iit aubjecta often for chiba umi ilcal to do, tn order to keej) their own partiameat* ihoi leaiag Ibe atehtamrb ol i,R»e,s. agalaal ii,j .(ry pri ing, aml to their exertrum much credtt ia due ol frarrewutk kaittetl n_-iin-1 inedi.-il ia aafoty. Oaone side tba aia- tu ll e<, rano'itl.-nwork fe>er, an.l u variety of biboua complainta.tlu -re Ibropeningroad. t,> ihe interior, and ineetabliih* arj aodily*aalv8*a b-iuii ol f. aciliiit little Inrpec.. ofthe people. on tiieotli.-i Die twelfth-part prcveullug ,;n tbe river. Two .:.¦..-jonty rl.iKir, n *r. m worktag Lifore lix lu lhe murnlng, ft>l!..w often want and deatitution. Othera come ing ln.i's ofateamera of lhe whole population, ninl the lifrh part of the a.aii.n reli^i p.r prwcoaal **.men of the poor, br tbe fa>a. aml two*tiiirda of all who come in tiiis pa,. is nre pub'iabed heie, \eii creditable lookinu ptritn Miin total ol tbe niale ailult iofeabitantaof t*ie ila. A Female Seminary jual complete I, and'agai, »t the Ten Huuri BUI Tha Whig.thorn be wny nre from tln- loiij.-.a of CaUfornia, ptithotU tlnciimtri. Oa ooe aida aathaaiaaoL on tha othar tie metitut ion, witb able teachera already nn .ltl; tum him out Turn him out ln r!n* aaoM uf hubiil>erv. Oa one side prtrtiaK diaowning t Li^.|r aaaiilty aad of Ood I Mra of HallCix! M-n tlu-re. hiiie ao I'amilirat ¦¦.', luii- fair to tluiin-'i. Other achoolaara Tln-y ol Eag gold they BOUght own mtiaetiva signs, Liberala pfaadinf tae coa* laadl lhe two ayitoaa are befbra yoa. Noajadgaaad wbo come in thia way, nnd of course tba malea eatal hed, and the causeof education iireceivinj ber, inlii h utt' lifiuli Baavaraaa, Coaaervativea tbe libera!- ebooae h la impoialbla to deaerlba the enthuiimin ifm ol thev.ews; onthe othar, tbe people., |>..>- klnd'ed by tbli ipeech, ar d eapaciafiy at the clme, th>- greatly pieponder-itt.this is a intc-loruine, an ....-^ ii inile- from Portl ro town vail V, lra the h. of is Id breathl.'ri isa rt-n.cilv. It te thut time m»t enl lioma, iiultltuile, mapOBIO only tluir Bfeaeace nnd plen.Jiiig their own <>f Milaaukea, eertainl* n mi^aomar, for while 'he elaim.n^ each canu* at evh pime liK** the rlmirg paragraab, aaaaa. <hi aaa snle a wora-ool engine which, wife, notber or siste. ia m>t' Tbera caa town ol tbat uama bey ottd the mountains h i ul iiturning wave, ln execratl in of tho wbere t.iriiing iaeaaaaatly ia KavKioofl circla, ia never thuriM* aad daaa rate Alloarthai. be no society,.m. n beconae careleee, loee reetrainl parallel for i.ipiJ growtb, thii is eiuctlytbe r,*repreienia'ivect WMggery able to mo vi.- n aiagia ftep t. th.* aod I, impo- lt waa a iccne that wlll luue be aatorgottea. "i the and ayaapatby. The fmer feeliagv, ooly conceived tu,t.-.i.a Nearly oppoaite,.-1». a eautiful i*.>.rir. ia tani paaaaeaof frictioa by wbieh «li tbeorticial ihow ol haada belaatabea, vary few, tntiat-nt llouae. built for the fluperintendaadtfloaa abtetly and wbere baramile r.'i^n->, are ft>r_*:.»*t.-:i .it.i Indian Aflaira, with iti Uoric lolumna, and piittn s graduallv crui-l m-h otl.a. int idust; OB ol the blred or iniimluated, were held up tor Mir C. but r'mut every ono preaent ralieil tiuth handi h>-rc. am-'l tbe t.>ils aml eeaaeleaa ,-tiif.- for gold. grern biinda, and around it tiie pretty lawn pre* tteotiier, the idvaaoina aaaaa ol then ition, threat* Wood] rneit Ju_i>«. amidtt |ir atnl enibuililtn It h-eiiiu: tlto* rheertul, home-like appi, I um eonvinced tben that far tbe better plun for enu.p to l.iow np tha vicioiis circle aad t" deatroy wou'd he Impaaalkte to deierihe ] li z 1 it ia the prettiret location the iV.cial iicmt-. The Mavor dectan d Mr rneit Jon' i tnd Mr. Hnnrv thoae who seek tlns golden land, ia to come in grther *.t ii in Oregon. Beven milea I slmll not fullow up, over t.ll tbe BUlface of the bate dwirdi to be fii'cttd 1.^ ihowolhanda. SirC. M uod coloniea over tiie mountaina and make pennanent tbi i.uihe orindinga ofthe nn among rocka eaaaliy. Ihia eaotraat betaeen nominatioa aod and Mr. Croiiley then dernunded a poll. hoiiii iu wbich caBB tbe t'ainily aud often tlu* u:i- ind -t.e| liil!-.-:,l,--, ta Oregon C The ri". ol tbe tln tora! tlein >a<frn'ion of tlirenteaiiie poll, te.i he bad What Jonea wai look predi, pUea the working cla*s, the timid electioaaar'ng n.'initiateil inetliate ConnactWBBjoin and theie is !es- looging or, m ne properly, rillage.i* built long hut Sir the \Vhi_; vot.-n, by 20,000 innt'etiters ot' the iiilin:; .¦li--.'?. I tak. one bo.-t-.-.t [.'.rulicl with ti.e river, aud immediately home arnl drive their «mI the olil i frienda «h Man for Wood tbe Charb Maacheater they Croaaley !¦:... ;..r thete is (,.iii rooiti foi om -!i.- a roiigh ln ni tbe BBl where tlie i-oiiti i-it is .-..ti. KtBI M\'v. aml bring birniiiig impleuiants, so iinii..* en8able,aad li _,-ui rocka one hundred feet high, nearly per* eeatiated ia a foeas: the Halifox rtection. Here flrcte flt't'ted by _00 votes. tbe anpoeiof eaodidBtea ware K, ( fory); for wl.ici. great pricea have noa to be paid here. ji, -.,.ih i, loobiog much lika maaou-work in a SUMMER RAMBLES. he ooe tbouaand inbabitanta Sir ("harleB Wood (late Whig Chancellor of the In this case, too, none ar>- auppoeed tojoin a c!- wmII. 'I'i .-re may t!,.-ie ln rc aad certainty are tenantleae houaea foi K\c.hi i|.ier, Lio'her-iii l.-iw ti. I'.arl (.rev) i-'rank WtBaaaalBt arri¬ n. lneans one after subaiat year ony wttbout -a Crosslev. i.Mai. lu ster and finally Grnaat C»,-*.p. ifierent *af T...N. ». Trahain*. val, tnihotit dependitg vpon tke countrm to tehick nu';, miuea. 'J' mo two flouri g i -I ''ire Joot s, thr moat lab-Bted, coosiafnt un I energ. ti 1'ai i., (Wa. Tar.J Monday, Au^*. 2, 1893, Rt, iha in operatioii bere, sereral beary arbole. repief.eiiti.tive oi Chartis n. Halifai i>ein^ a manTlu* -iniiition ot'St. I'niil i_ onaurpaBsad theyTbemiariitt. aaWturiag towa, tne lorv had little cbaace. is truly deligbtrttl; no r'. n n auttle cBtabliahmei ta, nii,\ ilir-'.- or i mr of cUmate Oregon The Mai.i liirtei maa i*.t.s«|ev.waa leacaed witii tm beuuty ol'iiew. It BtBflda on a loffv MnT hit*'-; ne Cougregational Church, oue Baptiat, tlia \Vhii:-». rhe aeriooa "truggle, theo. lay only uveilookin? the wiading Mil-ippt, now dimin- Btate upon tbe Atlantic aide eaa eompara with ooe .M.:! odiet; und lately the Rpbicopaliana hav, iu tl ia not a contieuous it ia Il rain ia ti bVoi aad between the reapect. betweea "\\*lii^ aod Jouee, organiz a- achnrch. There an threeacademiei

prin. .plan bVtheir battle-cry tnmll) meaanrea. And why






























> .,















-ii. \>




















r »* >. i.














the i'harti-t Sir Charles Wood ina.dea i-jeech of aiout hill' an hour parta. t y'e .t th.- i- >min.-nc»m>-nt, and, g i.t latiar hnlt, lor Iba dlaappi '.twlliail pf |l|fl

menir-rro. t tiu'e lllsspeich, ua leported bythe inporter, who iat etaaatohha, wai m--r*ly a rr. npituUHaa oi lha free Trade BMaearas ptesed, aad aa attaak



D.-rby s(u>

ernmeut. .ta a laudati.n.: -¦¦ Ml 'untni aud iht psSBBa*.'" .,..t p oae tnnji*n.iv

¦Hntjawplet pro'Jtrit illtar, bear.l Ile old


meaaureof r«f. nn avl Imt «i- t'y. in .ay f-jw word', htnted at Lord Johu Kaaasll'l bBl (or the ir<.chlse. 1 give h more ex'an i >¦ abatract of 1.. Joues's spi ech, as y..n wt'l not find il in any of tbe great l.otirJ< ii runng class imp. rs Krne»t Ji.nes. wf.. w;.s re. .-.vndarl b itnmense ent! "i, sia.n ,th t. spi.keasd Etectoraaad Nua-elaeloia, you hava netup.t. .k'reat ar.l a. le- n festival. Today. ibei'onsi. uti<.. recopal -s ivrrs«i.*-j-'ra__:aintheo y tbat lt may, p*rhap«, d. ny it ln _>i<i t'C" oalhe raorrow. TodaysL.ltba rapresei.Uli' .-« ol iwu lyiirmi at.nd bef -re you. yuu navo to n>-cij.- orLeath whi h you ahall ta rul.-d lor leven yr.r- tfevrn years.« little ble I sumrtt.n paa lo pau.e 1.1 at ti>*e api a IBa ihraaki aad seven yeara to-day ti.. y sball cai'ti y j.saa aluwly in isttrw lafoie you tn day detiJa, you SU,000 i, u tbat t*rbfpa hvt baadred m.y aado yoar wili t. n.i.rrow. 1 |l!ear, h»-*t th*. r«p.--.aitaiiy. * id two sysu-fi* -t.nJ bafara say v'.n. Whitf, 1'ory and monajmunpera ar.- n ny leu. lt ls tm*. bai ihey are all ai one. Tbe,>er savs buy .-h-.;. .nd aail daaa. Th.- T.ry .«>-.. ., da.;, saii dearaiF. Ilolh *re lha ,.,.. )o. .., ,{jt ,hf, , |n-tf tam 1* ln the k..d raaatea at tta roof lhat sj.ten, i. l)M,,tp.uperl.m ,,. ,,, n tltiim. N.w, MBBrt, th..t under tne buy chsap and sell dear pnnilple. brovghl to bear on t..rn,m eompati. Um.tbe ruiuit the w..r* and tmM Xrmeu,.. ciB.,.. b..i Isth*. cr*.a»...r must ajB oo. Why' A must work t>af.ue a irraln ia »roan, i.r a yard ts woreo. But there 1* no aell .-mpli.j. ..,.nt |,,r tllH ln tl.Ucountiy. I.atx>r la . hlr. i <..,..,n,,jlty._ lai...r U» ibiiiK ln tba market th.t is b uitht aLd to',1 coiinoiif ctiy, a* la'.'.r creaf'i .11 w.-slth, U ,r i» t;,,. Brst thlbs b'»_.-ht "Boyeheap! buv cha.p l.H.Sijr l* bou-jblla lha cfHaapest markat. BotBOWfl .n-a thn " naat d.-.r sell dear'' -llwhatt Ittte/t prpdu.t. To ahom r Tothe i'.iraiaoer.ava .n-1 t,. ii. laiirrtr himmif. ior i.'.or, i.>-t fa-ii.f. aaH-awplevad, lha l.lnjrar li oot the oxrt.k^r ot lha tint frutu I his lai "iJuy ahoaaa aaU plaar. liowdo y >u .Dx"'.: *'Hoy cbcap, sall dear I'.uy the wf>k:nir m*t.'* l.'H.r rriaapik.and *aii t.i.k tn ihst v.-ry ,v .rkHg .an the pioouiecfbi* iwo'ator d"..r Tce priac , ,,



i.-.hed to an ordiaarj itream by the loaroeaa oi ita watri^; tba plnin is just aadulatiagaodbrobaa enotich to aava it from the uoifoMiity <>f t perfect le\|l. i.r.d preeent uu Bfroeablo vnriety in tha BR* |>< nrmue of the town. The etreet- are Iaid oat repultuly hiiiI ur<- of aropla width, not built ap ns. yet witli Bubattntial houaea,bu! rapidly improving' is Burprising how much hne beenae* coit.pliahetl within three yaara, Bl lhe he^innb? of Wbich ihere were BCBTCa B ilo.'.en hoil.ies ill tlie pUcr. Noa the ouinbrr of ubabittBti ia aome

tiventy-tiie hunilreii, aad

lairofbriak nbieh with itiad* progrras and life about th vnntaces of location, beiag al the head "I aai ig iitirci oftba eouotry, tion, and the iocrrai will, in a eltort tirie, inike it a <"ty of nn;. trtam e. ln portiaoa ol tha toao, nol yat improved l.y bNildmgs, it ia curioui t.. ae the primitive under* aod even treei, left. In |rowth of the wooda, I '. trai Hotel to a houae ia what walk' um be called the brart ol the town are through quite a little forett crosaed a mountain* Btiaamflinfing it*elf impetuoualj down the hill* aida, aad aaw a bear'a cub ai ;>'..\.,*.u incideat in keeja^ig with tlie scene. SoBM i. rv biadannM ogi are ia progreta the new State Houae, ,t Ual ln church, and or.her puilic tdifieea, rhe c.ti Umita exiat,,: lar enough to provide Air tha luvh ... rettleiB for many yeara to loma. I caBBol liiip inimikui* tbe hequeocy with i* the of an u;,i u,- |uautanci. Tht Newlork Tii.'iint.t ua everywhere hereab, Tha papei aopeara ta have a n,..-t ext.-,]N,>e cir* ¦ii ai: ti.. whole North*V*<,- .*, ft:,,) t,} \... -n_. nad u i confidential ^oaaip .¦.,, | rrieqd hv a l who r"*"i "'¦ '****].dd aot do without tna paper no huw," aaid an lndiana geatieman, .eakiag laadi in Minneaota; "wa look to ,t for every Mi. j*_.-nml hia beaotifol aad aeeompliihed wife rive

.. *




n<-*v -a\e tt-,.

-n.-r-- ''nve ag I




e. ¦.




well*regulated reguk ti d her,




ichoois; withali

pa, a nn- i (l/eg mul ia rain contiauea frH.|iient, ble, river al thii point, and preeent tbe sprin;: aeason ia well advan ted aa l tbe roada, tranget one ol t;i_ mi t rugged, wUd* ti ara nn reraalty I .1 during the winl -r mi ith*. I ot- imagioda*'.- joumei al ive thi point, j \ et uiier ti.e raim bave u-'iie tbr- si_amer sn* on ao beautilully, withi il the many aml sudden tte, but tiery of th, ofth, leave nl 1 ri!... r!>. c will des, a ol aumtner' to md, change apnng beyond w hii i. uch lai_without the lornadoea '.t... roaeultie natuie io fn |nent there, and, muat importaot >>i bel ev, il. viea ol Lower Oregon fby atteodant eomgke and other ;ro iluperl'icial w .-. II the trv betwi>en tne CaaI. ts to oui tnga. There are ahowera >. M cade I. aeaautial rain*, tl irii m it :.» ao interra tbe ion "i that no in. n- r.i,n may 11 expe. ted uutil the i.i-: g itnpr.-uiul impenetrable t.,r, -t ol tui'.'i tln ,:, boa ev'i .. l!;.to me But t here are ope : tnd n.'.i ii. it\ il ii mt and product nfthn garden have iiriu and -..i.tii lidea of the Columbia, aud tera though the .'*



I ie hilla

t in ol tbe

Olher j









wiatrr, aa baa beea rvpreeented i nor conat gla ring lun in autntner. Tbe a int. r is diaagi








ile ul N rven and Loarr Oregon, and alei The tre **


bere Ibr


\r-,;d yaars. i li in J aarinest i.l. t.n tbe t nti- side uf th. i. i i, al 0 Fahn be t dui townr.! >¦-.. ning il






l.r. e/e, bo

plan. s rn

i i,. ht ve i' un ..r,.n-.>.¦;



MTae c .nti..u .u.a

er, littii

a coini ennrae ofl



trgularly, ui w


ra -1

certain tben iathe tti il I)

ol 'ii*


l aid before the sum-ner

,i (be -I-.

.t ;¦






_- .' -t,




raal j..i«! ¦. -xi I.


iid for,

at tb. .

t: ra

ty of t'l"

ti-iaperatura bealth Ui i»" much


,_[.. .'. ..-.


ti unt

biiit-iie to your puii- n- :111v iiiul.-i. b.'Hvi-,,.

Donote :'i without purse." Ol all eoi ti'.-. .. poor tnnu i* the poorest here. Lii I Mine , Puget'a Sound, I', nnd liei ... niv next. o. ii, .-1-.111¦ i»



followingi letter,giving some .letuih


of tbe loaa of tna Atlaatic, is from one <»f tl.e paa* The wife ot n ers, to hia rrlativea in City. the writer tinil a brotlier and sstri OB board of tlie ilenit Clrt- both of whom wercsaveil, unhari.ied, thougfa ou the ateni aiter al a a ia i 1. >-, on tbe >ttl .Ul. V



i.tan a,

ri) .*..-.-



groai x,t\ fo ii d witb tli,





tree fo

ii vera, but they an t ol their naiui mpi n Um '* wl.irh ci bi -I xtriii/ti'i















hr and



the .'«¦ both Masnaeri wara smptoye ( la plaaiag up those wbo were lo tha water aad attil allve. Tr. > dead c ruld not claim Btteo.. whea llte was In parll, ard con'equantlv ou'y ona body (a chil.l*. wa* »w-ay. We could nol lael altogetbar aafe broogbt wai badly itovo la at IBe .et, as tu-- propeller owi, and l.-aked .* tbat the pumpi were full. Sb-i at :->-u. o'c'.t rk met lha Sal and lor Lrie, BOW Harted out of Krla llaiijor, l.ot.tid tnr I)-'.- .it We tbovgbt beit to take lt and go Immedlalely ui our

I <>rfor inaide lin -Imu_. There rr-- iii I ).



-\ ..I IV,





1 ,





Webave loH everythlagexeapt jou'iu-y. wat h and ai.d w-t l,..d ol our





,,...- ,...;,. .. -.r BMkor, ~i) yean ot a^e, io*I.i"J ia Bf c.v. ,.\. V..,'a rdlS y»ari, aoa of J"»- r-'/or/ 01 R. -a'l -:ret-r A-reuitu* hreuder, aged 1 yearr, ion o; QafllMI 1", d -r. Mua t.'.-n ,-rv »t:< , t *


Vataadaa,agad SOyoora, laborar, WBbbI



Ji atmii liumlrey, ascd '."J yeari, icrvatt of Dr. Ford, !n U asbtneti n-ar... Reiuard Oi,!. I-i lyiiian. ag-'A .! yean. Maitlij Marpby, »^ed W yea'i, laburer. Philip, ng, d iV ycri. J, npb -J-'rarjIm. cleik of Mi. Suurbery. nr-A .:<) yean. A n.a... uakw wn,*uppo«ed to belong iu l'r.jy.aoijut 3 l yeara ot ug*. 1 ne tul.'-wtD.' aro that cimci of thoi* i,.ved. Thera aie iome otbere, whoaa iianiei we could n..i learn Anthony Miber, a naldeaBof l'hl'M«lelj..i!.. «t:.ri I/,,.- -ier, a re»ldent of thll c.ty. A ieRa ilarilty, a n ildent «f Y.atl Albany. Hlebaal Doum lly, a lad 12 y.-ara of a.-.-, * i°eaideot of *

crki, purie, ao il i my wehava money enough to bsy ti.e aeeeaaary clothlag nirrj.<.:r other |n inlili nurjou'iiey and -i\peu ...-. Aa what I baileva tt> uav« btwn <ro»* Bwasoaiythr agh eareleasaesa t-,«t il '.* taiaii.ity lia* hti.paued, 1 prasasse we ahan recover i.t ba i -, wbl.-h at thpierent momaalaeoma of butlittio tea--nat. Aceovdtn to the beil laforaaaBoa I liave been a')!e ti get, thero could n. t nat.-been '.-*» tlian '),">.) live. lost. I presume I naa.i not oill upon ycu to l'ti.itlue aoyibii.u ..ftha awli.lness ..I tho sctne, ou*. of i:_{ht of lai.i, i( wn ijuiu; daik., ln deap water.and at oaa ti na tlai. ,-iry t. ,th bariily a hope ot aisiatauce. To be aure thare w<a Nene of drowned, we !,nrn. leavo 'amtllei. uo tf*, but w- had uo land, aa ln the i-bj-j ot thoie on Ihe lili'rht Attorney, ln connect,.m w'.th tlie Cortbe lienry ( lay,to looh to. V. e wer'-. altoijether, ab >ut ure,-, wai englged tbli BMUlBg taking te«il.nouy, aod sti hoar and a ha t wilh scarcely a bope.death iiariiic it would appear iha* the accident wai wh,>! y th't reiolt ua in t'i.. i.tce. aad numbers droaraad aaddrowaiag the boat. When ihe Ut'r thodoik ibe aroaadaa I bb aoaax.tyforaayowabte,batUta otw_iovertoaatag loaded down to wlt_iu two incbei of ihe *at*r daar onrs whi. of courie clung t) ma were all l thought Ateaaj A'.ln, Hi. oi savinjj. I felt no fear ot death fer myi'- f. iilll I fully e>pect»-d it, not on y for myi»-ii .ut for Mary A R.MLBOAII ARD (rOLD IN CaP-SON .1 ibe dearcbllireo. Wo hardly heped. l.ut poraevardd .1. R. Carter, of Bt Charlei, Mo, Wm Coa.Ld were isva.l. \\ bile we w*r>- away from th.^wreck i Bl .Mr .it.oI lihnoli, an.i Wm llutn'ile, of <>b.u, arrived ln in tr.e water, Iiaw seyaral Cencl bodies n^ r DS,aad oua tntde the Irln fr.m U*a|* Ol a cama so near ti; .t w.i under the puafol n-- tb'.i ctv en Iba Ith. having dayi The of puihl: g lt away witb rr.v int, fea-tne, 'ife t.,iAf,, Callfornla, lodt J *eph iu 47 trHvein< c-aalty were *.". miiei o.yonl Sall Ibat mtt, p-11 rlngext.ct eatlrely, we ihot.i be c.uijht holdof. trai -BdgrBBBl v. en: r._t lhe fott* ."' hatidi ol course were tied.Iranky ln oue, wiih hia Lake cn taa 7th ot June. but thoie ot theen.l_ratlon ; owi__ to Lklin/ the .f-'att f.lka little a'ti.s around my r.eek.aci Mary lu tha Otber, I n.oit .I... i.oi naol thoae Ibal weni ;> a new cut ..iti... wai .bliged to propel entlrely wtth myfeet,BO st*y c_, dlacovered ltl*- *p-h*fr. whleh theie gent'eoen ** ar for even the beat aarlauaer, I belia eweware '.i trt 'ii ******* about 1 <) mllei, BtO__teg tce N tnli** ot tt >. n'v aompany who .afi the boat aad K'.t b.^k aet Ay. L H_ia,iy to l.reen River. Tbt w- ro n (era s;u^le meu srho we^t wh-n «.-. ), 4ett it boa They Inioriiie.i m gold had been dli.' aver-jd ln Cirai.d ior tce lau.t rrasoni. _arvw_ perfectly cala, .on i aliey, in a gOMh ihis i'do ol tfte Ian lf mle ar... a.inssr.'fci.ia throughouttl >t whole daa* aod leented ; iroi.i the eaaaaaal tht *m*k deaert. aboat t.. '.mr t... the On ,y more thaa hrrsalt. Frankay, wn>-;i m"" »l 'A0J* lo lhe wnr.._\ erl a some, acd said, nti :ey wanta 11 N'VaiiH Muui-Ulii theie were abuul'. '<I'eegmt dlipaii^d, av.-'Mjji.ij. f.*. ad*y. go la tba boat agaia," aad " raBkeydoal arant to go ln v.\ien ihey th'' water aay more," air) neny other tblage, wbieh I fteaky waatbev-nntof water; they bad b3_iara.iri.ij. three milei Ictg a__k_B| tb ..f wa.a^i tire* wol'in taow ii.--:. '. I find tbat tbe propeller m t!.. y iialhftred the ,i,-iert, .-invei.oi ip thal m*iner .i At'ar.tb- nrnr n b the h\rl .¦ t aide. We tbe <iir» to tba water. Thoaa gaaMBflfl luPP0-"-1 b \ t rea provided aitb .iry clotht a by th-s p*84"r._;..-¦ the pr-ient e_.:_ratt ,n would romain tn tnu on thia 11 st tnd all h»a ht. n d. ue bf lha captain and laryol V, at Ull next tprlng. TbBJ88808888 '« i that wss ia their pow#r I pul .nt uupi,:,.,:. u ti. be hI.'uik tf*. waliared oo*Uk A vt-ry few alj ca.-i oa tfceir war m the b .at. p || ,.,r, tu tr- ,-,-... t ..'ie Itlg Iieirrt, about ¦-,***"!' ¦..'..-. th.¦,..'. ¦. Ishallmaiithi* riti't tak.--:. .. at ( levelaBd at the b«al * lii louch for Canon \alleyn onool tbo BMBt beeadfal aaa**** n the two .<¦ an, and lhe day li *.* f*T dlBanl a We ahall probably get to Detroit to aaorrow asorn whtn it vt a l».-ge populvlon. t -a[Ri joieFhi Ut i &.. »¦» _










Fm ihcr Fnri'ciilnr. In reicnrrl to the Atlantic. rraa













rrett, t






a'-...-it cbarge, I AlIanthatir.- b.^t mml""ra -a rimethera



P leaata


Rome. .W''


:e,.'n frum Thp Jbam fltefteallhala hlghway mn* v ai committed cn «n Iriibman, a eho:: dlit-oct ot the raUn ad 11 M ln Rooaa, oa Wedneiday araaiioa lut. Batagaot nwhaf Inirirlraiad. ha araa ooarrlri.y a y< .-ym*- te on thc ciri. «^>rt bim mc at K_me hli bi l.-'.cnd propoied ^ loa botel, aad ooa. actad Maa oot oflba ****** rfoort" ly alu tbaywera¦> ovartakea bya tnlrd 'Ibelrflk¦'. ".'.nr trotn him






loncu'j not sr,;




juitlceof *****h leerry tbe when R Iba

but eoaehidad t,, pay rloliar, ***.**_*_bJ lahn he eoald aot de ao aflfluut er;:-*i*a*all rr: r. >-y. I!..*th**n. ndadod 10 cROT hiai ah bflabaBBRj hu haadiafclap .-,t t.. doaa n *nbewu aadpttf *. Izad Ly tbe *t.._t inaa aad inrown u^-'n Iba "Txyoni. and all hi* luoney ta'«en aw*y trom him, wti-b berave ta* th** yosBg man, wbo took ttand ran. T-erobw t_cn told :.'o i:.»i maa thal if he would pr.xniiemiie Mlll a...i ii.-ke podUturbaaefl b« woold I-' n._io_ uahanaed; tefllfbewoii , not, ne wnuld put bini'u'uoo ia ibatba could nol m*tn aayaaaaryaaa aould. i.e promh I, a.d iba robbor -;i » waUr.l i.'i., oe«, aadlbaa rar. ..t.'i^'-1th iborobbera w,*r_ aubienuentiy err.'ited, and the

whea !¦ -. .rd. \'.. took to* at iba Weatetn I!. t.-l. ai.oui suaaat, after I bad retarned agala to laa boat, Ibeardthe elarklnform .- ...: thaiuti-r. above were lakm. llti gava, hai a sUo rooatoB n.alu deck She was amoogtbe loat. There a time Oor Bsoraaa b. rd. nat expected lia> lat. re-a c r: >. ln >n tn-; a miflBBt traln, to prOBBad fcuagormadalaunadlataa .¦¦*. a ti Freeport, III, to aork on tf.a liBaoli Ceatral Ball r. sd, ol wi irh | am iLterr.'.tl ,11 a eOBlract I t'"t".¦.>! T-e lli'ttoti tV We a la-ija 1 i:m'..i-r ofeadgreeta oa t> ard, ard icppiae t*"' those wero ttrincg them. 1 reaaarkad to Mrs.Cora> I-. ,r. thtt i'.<-- e.t Hiie.Se.ick baa de<*".ed \/r.c-l,f tbe Ma«»achu«eii* lltar.l ttnil Ihnt ihe had BO 1'1> a t tha iiuiiiber >>n board. R_erttaryablp cjrta i.-, wricbbai te-:i lei.der.d t. bim. I: h.i'meo At ler »u.itf.'*il>>n I wei t »'th her b.-l-.a. \\a wa.,t rcrllv n.. rt. .I'I I*. riad re.i^'ned the I'r. iM-,cy ui a alcp BV ta.) down lha a>,.ir», praoaadfaag 10Iba am'baAu !>eni College, ui ¦ ua fi n Iba i.m--i ftatt an niai.t '-a'.in. It was llterh'ly ra i,r V. e weie unab'e to get further, aad iy mat tblili tot Ibe i oe, .





"<"/ bnt .1 for



Yeeterda) at-ernooa,

I. vei.i. en j araoaa.Maea aaataaaad Iwo t.-rnalei.took p*»-a e m oneot tbe imall ferry BfcJfl. at tha ol Wai-nr. lane. ir. charge ol a man nai.aed Rernard l.llt, Ibr the oppoabe ilde of tba river. Tnoru iaaa n pretty ?ti:1 breese blow!n» at the time, and the witer wa-'

loBirabot frnagh Mteodofbeadtaa R-Bbaatdtega i.aiiy aeroaatba rtrar,tbafarnaiaa t»._ n dbaei aaaraa tba i'liti ut tthlch wa», the biat lh pped a iwvfl Bbd eapil d, wh.-n a'eiat balfwiy a WOOB Out ol tbe levei'e.n penoni. only Boa bad prei"nce ut ni."..'. eaovab, or ware »<> fortoaate, aa *aaaaa_fla hold ppOB tln ..I BBd «.ive themielve,.. iine |emtl», ntii fd ti.ellHt.srrlty, a reit.lent of I ..*. Mbaoy. me raaoldfli towbaat *****$ ceeded, by oliwlmmtag ,n Ten »aiik boforo a*»i*t*nce tbe pier. a'liiil-e m ..lieved feellng lhat Fraakvwaasafe. Weaoa mui ii thi in, aud were drowned ihe or ii itiutn before -0 WHitid MMB8 15 propeller Tbe «nt utic rt.*-nt ot tne accideat apraad thraagh retorned to ua Dtulu;; thlslspiaot timt, t.-.ose thu wl'li itreat raptdRy, aud te aabort tlmethe agsta v -ve-.-sii'l -n Ibe wreck were qateted by a rop ;rt pl.r city wai ci i»d d arlib ebtzena. T a Maj-.r, (^blef of m> In tbat tbe boat waa oa tbe bottoaa, aad they were I'ull.e., t.i a number of Aldoraaaa wera nromjtiyon Tbi* feellng the daagar, (Sofslboa.tlnfouad .... b >t'...n.) aad r eaaorei ;.:r the reeovery ot tbedr.,wie4 ?t->-' .ity'icd aloogai'le io ,v re.i',iImanadtetary propellar t)wecome takea, aad the kodlaa of the tu'Aomoa all aooa aid by good maaagement wara ».*i_ Uam up lr.-in near the i-iene of tba .afety, t':;s tlu." ',u,'uc.MiL* b(*rd.'.rid lu ci.nipar.tivr. s.t.-ty. t

der i>.y

tho gr



The LakO F.rtr t'atnstrophe. Bi rrai o. Taaaday, Anc -*t. l- '. iuto the ln*,* Tli,* Conamittee ,»i BWfol cataitrapbe, bavo bOOB proaeeutlnu tbelr tabori. Ibe evialeuci- weiit |o ioctilpi.te th« propell-r ilrun|ly, but wai, of eiurie, exparte, though clear and itndjrli: forward. i here nppean little doubt thut the oro^nller brl'.evcd ihe could pa.i tlie iteamef'i uw*, and weni ahead aci ,.tdti,i;Iy, wbile the rulei it navl^atlon re..uired ber to pul lier helm aport and pi«* mtorn Tba Cl nimlttee tind, attor an Invi iti.alini, hit ihe ateamer wai weli provldiil with llfepreierver-, but the Iom »( uf mind prevented tbe paiaeni;»ri avalllni; liiemselvci ot them. m Terrible Accident on thr Itlvrr.A Itnar I p* *«.! iiti-l Ten I'ii .ona Drowned!


the baby, Aecordisgly my dear wite. with in my a:.n.. anl 1 with our dear little l.-tt ar.d paahad hwny Irom tl.e wrar-.i to BVOM brl.o/ orawn unt.T wuh lt. ...Mary had a Uf- pre aer-.-i il; We weie therefore, wholty depen.lent on a sib^le liieprtservM rl.1 iry dexterBf as a ii all tb.t aaved our II ai swlmmer, vtiiit-;,ln i.*t the wa-er lome )or 15mlautea, Afii-i remaUilng had spparently oaaaad aettllag, tnat th<' boat aad reeisg weretarned oa and ttieiu sat aad wait.i r caaM scn.r: change or raUef, whlch at laat t hand. After a few mlnutei, the pn>p.-!l-'r, auhoofa t.i our returoed lo ;uilitai.c->,aad irer.tly'.*'¦<!dbtbled, ." .'-.'..1, pro.iably, wus very u.uti >u» abaut prud. would atf'ord s'ban-'-ifor a tha: usln way spproscblng tn re th»n a very few to get on li .ard at one". It .w came b. xs oa .rectlyto whnra w9 w ra Fraakey as hlgfa aa I e aid atandlng,aadandh>* *»ir :u..l t.ikeii aafaiy cn board. I theu reach, m> <*"b.a and haiidil l.'m op, caegbl i oaa rcicliini; for bim. at:J thu propeller ii,. rluc lf, ! '¦'..«. bliged t" iM'.d h;m ai-k t aftrj to-A snd take HA- cl.a.n-.' at aw_»rdag »«*in, sa ii.- ooi ii the propeller,and her movlng "i i.t ma ... « a Into the w.t'r, aud 1 was drawn aaa;. by tb.i curreat .for ti e propeller, to »>> na dlataoce froaa tbe wr.. t, bat as aooa as I eotiM get clear oi that, I sw.-q bai again bi d wis tir,C" with Mary and th>- ba'jv,

wat. r.


[nr T-l-*r.i>l,.l


t l..:.-.u l:

bollow, The

raibedteto Ibaeabta aad eeUM t*.,* -lalaavaroaaa I mi i-.¦ .i .Lu... ,.,ie. theMaaaahlaa Rtel Baay wera IbeaaoUflii i.rvan Rohnotaa me ia*--, we are tat-. red.waa oeti-r provUadwhh mear« i praaerra tion tbat Ibe AtUnt:,-. Rba ha.l tw.iut raada'alroB lfe buata aad a large >*»', aflber tbeaa eaaablB "i lut'alr'' 'r, a t u.-iltu a inin.ired aadtlflf paoplo, Twool theie were threwn 0001 Baild y tbe puien gen, hnd ln the Lurry were ca.t ln boMaai p« *,.|, aud, ot ci.ii'ie, uiihv.ilal.le. Tlieyatil w«* ma.le u*e it* apaaRjp \tnear. nearly tu rhe enteiitot of, tut nut een BBC-ftaiai d, about two hundred pOBBBBR ly ai bai were talam trom tbe appat da k. at;d aaa baadrad fr,ni tbe water. Aboat fortj wtod thamaabraa bythe m the *tiH«l preie,\eri 1'bere were three btradred Ot them on hcard. Ah<*ut twentv penom -!aan to tha boatl whleh werfliwamp.*<i at th-'uuUet. Tbe foRowtaa li ihe aatbn >te ,>t paaaaafaaa on b-.ard,

Iheie lav^d ami tl:o».t lott: Number ol cabin p«**en_cn. l'-M Ramberofeadgvent paaaaafara,*A Includlng .-hiidrea '.'17 Peeoad-eteai pae..enj;eri. M Crew. ToUl. 3_i Number laied. m . Kombor droflaod

Ebie, -ta mo 30, 1J"-'.

We leu Bail*. laat eveolag >t ''.¦ Atlatit'.c, tbe los* ol e'clock, in the tll-tsted ateamer wbich you will ha\>- learned before tii* reac -i v when 3 Biorataa aboat o'clock, opaoslte Krvaud within six n.lles I the Canada iBOie ( LoBg P .ln'. ourboal came in co.liiijn wl. the propeller ii.-Jens bureb, bouad toBatfa Ourb wwaa atovaio,aad tbeboel _Mnrdietely begaa to aiok ro rapkily that la tr. ea miaabaa tl..* lalooa or promeoade deck v.-.trj na Th* ait.-r part belnn dir watar as far back ae ti d ataid near tbe starn uutil blshei we weiit baektothe wa a.tted till woare dtlu ii ty tbe water raliiu,.'. .ut lhe w*ter cau.a SDOtM our leat. I thon thought ltaeaab la* ta lime to leave, aa l txpeetedaaevery momaal the a'l WOOdWOfB « wilh ilovtii iie.ily t. sl IO piBBge, tbat could buoy Ibe coal and SBgUM waa then Ut.OT IiK.tii I





Tht- Leaa ot tlie Allnnilt*.

I w t,i oa board tbe Atla aayn mlng. I purcbBta














.d that he wai i"- la*t mtn that IW, the vr*,-, II ball ¦'. tt- ttttm tt wai n.'t r.icg af er !..¦* eotllatoa, bot waa bhe engtea atoapod oatR tba ttra aoea putuut. I h.-a>d nu ,'d^r* frum nny nut*. I tllnk ar> ,nl f..iiy or




AA of




feet in diametei b tr, 8 is 1 thi Ibe Bap aith bii will i-'.in down nritbotii tl.e u, ,,: ia -ii iilled w.rn pitel tl ly, and when I I,


l Tr m* ka a: itt .J |. |u_i a,.. .ri!I Ujx n tny pntp of tbee, ' I MWthe a!er« elfojin^to a rOBO, Al :. V ".;'_ tt ha -re_ me BU |nr,d, ,-it.d .' laeceedi ,i ia gateloa kfl v flUoa ; oar pen-oi wwraholdol ny !.-».. Tha veaael aow ..,<«,.-rM, We bared uptba ropa,aad a. I did to, lold ol B v iegi r*!** ed their h aid anrl iar.1. Altb-Hfam I had Ibe aartafaedoB ol re., .*it my hanr: m.j| re., a.ii ,- a felluw »n'lar*r, ah,i-h'ng tru tim <a |ca* witb exbauettoa. at dda time tn* -ier_ a.tur*. u» tbar a vei*"l w*i comlngto our re'tef He | ..unusd t.i BBOl ***** at..! Bboer tha,*. ab >ut him until we were icaiued. II.laaaflfl l me Into a baal and I wa* lo-





.mi you iiicri. remttpm rleu








tigi is alwaya a light nnrtherly ever ariad




aod lir.e (hia il

when iater, and lo

:> ni .t- .t

nu* .-»

n ti li. profe ion, BRyeabieaadt; ooabaadtaa naarage paaaaagan were :i f**w hundred dotlara in liavegood raacatd bf ',. IT. Toe ttoti hfa unirrvari you ure.ha industrious provi d w.itt;, M, b-..t I think all wbo had tlie m .1 p.ii. i, un.I try and be contenled, "'Tia ..« robber w**raaavaa Albon <**: \*. Io'lta ;.........".'.-. Ifyau aeek dirtance Irud* Wethtektbe '»t.*.* * Mr. C____M.flMtflwaiB8l '"¦¦-..'!..' oin**: your chance bys -., Hfe preiervcri wer w rtbU'i., ii teeorreet, '. e.-y few lur.gainl. «lt.. :., Ul the-H wa* a i;.i h tbe 'rn i.i .. much better than rbe ,,f Ihriii we i j| '. itf.ul to each berib la avary BBaflareoai flfa areio robu >'..-> hcalthy, nud once h-- you may ,,.ri..e.i that tn.- paaaoagara, wtag p.n*>* .t miod, heart'* conteut aii

.1 m p




lune ¦.'..! July, nnd ooly A too, dbea ibe wmd '.io*-


iu pi t'i ng i'i i . Itt'i-i 'cannot >












conscqtience but

aoet true of

inc .l.'.it











:....*...-,; my *

sppeartob rith *oUaml healthful climate.tet told-.its .' aud einbana .ment* to ie diil th. i,.



pulled, *>y at >t*t" irpirim

Wbere r. Hi tbe li i gue, and b. an to . I *-t\a bia owa daahlogs". it I. ns still and quiet now. However ailvan-




I "«t , we-* nnmbt-r* . gU,{ t-> it tu 1'tb.T .-¦ pe. '.n* ..H>ri ( .-..:.-. t n t ...


lituaten.its mm







tt* an.j'r.


also .. wdd,



perbip* || leet Ieoaldawtaarte At&laleaa_M I aaaghl hold .i * rope, hy et* oratea I t\\% r*±*\u*A erreeh t \- bmRb ia i ..- ucder tbe waicr tc tce mut ut tha




ly deal


;.> re



a-d. I taah


\\ e have prtx re w iny parti '' dumbia t.. la:i!:: n ... rd to nahap ij evei -. as srytaxng e arrrkuown. ii i at thl* tl.* le, time, pal y inter .'.-.._ VVillamette We ste iadebu., for tlie lollowing state lentof lfr. 1 On Z' ii r r. oi,t. m groorth ut ....a. to Mi C.H.Baldnta. EUute a --.¦. the .. i, -i lii pine, i -._.-. that in t, 1[1K, osf, pj Bu snd IUUroad. Itwashanded t aiwin- juirriitj itraight, and raryii t tor pnbUeadon : fron one e hun Ired and ' Itati liei ef Mr 4.C ti ifi. Tbey are ven often twelve f< eu vrry uni* ,.. ba ir,.but oi i¦' r tiie


et'- S



loeeeedH Wa aow it*ri*d f.,r pertteRy li, wbere, '. I wr* c.rrl«d by tb-*

with no« ln ih r.ludiiig rhi* letter, I would »V to thoaa n .¦'... juuiney toOregoi teekii g a rotitriupla' i..»lii'.'. >.ntrv, (or in tb nu- .nu- tn find \

-it.d-r- |

xt, occuptidl** -itranmr

Iborabhbb. Tao water h*id now rino .** ¦_* **_, Oath uppcr .1x1. a, .1 a, -y araaOB-M the »*iielw»i flaktia l en, *»...... ia, |..a n m Baaaal aaa aad

eutirely killed



'lr Learte,, baorrapeaa, n to tbee.

holh w.-r.t



wbich i



to n». abfl I lapp, r* at*At loit aa I have n,t »**- ht(B um |..-«r,I an awfii! »J-'e»j,i Irum ab r,d ad v..e*, whirh i.'-w Mcytlnmy ean alm*«t ag ftMAhf hl WH !, rr-If-t lhat tfce ..i.'t'de . my -.wrtu, ca-ned iwo?, n.d why I did not fi:: cutlot lie Wat-I I C.l.l.,.1 r I now evtne iJ-d te»*«-;f *p.| th.>f* araaai me {-,,*»


(. ri, >i t;>>. -rn t|. -i, noi '>>>'.'







nn u




lea m'l-* ¦nt, *nrt IMB tell \tt\n

>iuiett:.uii,-er I waa »w*ke_ed by tbe ii y| pro. duci d v tbe c.,|litl..ii | ncc.pled B,, i nn tbe lartnarl tl.Ie .tu. fr.t I r-.ii/e.l. the berth »ivt or.* a

thaa otber j1 beea lecttedin t te Many tanaenaodhava Oregon braeveo bave lar.ce lields under leara,, berd* of fiitsi -tm k, aml I'ru-r. m gre.r ¦e. ('oi,-..|.'i-.i>!e an.-o'l.i I...-. been paid to taising pa*. bi », bul I tbink < Iregnn wdi -. th* I.- sl .'i ty, aitho igh io aii prodm b tbeir etjuai roa % n >r betiiuudel ipiautilj Ul i >t cei t ain, vrry abuiMlaiit.aud exeallatil :>;;...: ii1-" go "'. crop. ¦-.-I tn Ih. iiiiM-tl iii MiV p.t.t ol C.b; mia, < aiii I., hy tbi aay, ptoduces ihi* vegetabl proba nerior ti any country km vn.) Oregon is a co int..!.,.'..i to graxing, butter trylie-p.-irti.-ilailv -e iio'. for the le>- « wioter aod



txa>.| ¦ pMieetevana r.tired wben a' ..ut


i* ii ..r>-



waa 1 aAjnpm tie .venln.j flaOBI bxd er,,,* trc-mt\* a large mmOtUam ul ciMe paaaenaen eatrt* tmmt th',#e iralni. ard I al uld judge tbal abea we Vftifc, d, ck «e bad i.t 1. ai 900 finl-cUae, and mn em._r«_t

atvoth, aloeg the Iturty milea, aml extending anl fifty milea. Thii part river, nn* mindred anv Itlv -et'li il




for rha fnriiit-r.




part rf thr fa,,,a.| Wesl ba-t aatora baan iv.-h ,n sprai.iimi* uit an karitiag proapeet Tba -ml ih yery rnb. and ... >.( k.i.i's ot graia, ani tba fmii ofthie latitude, grow loxariantly, and vitlda au abundai.t. hirt.-.t. Tbi* gieea valley (lor it ia ateraally craen ) mlls, ik.- aravea ... tha oceaa, trom t'i- rivar'a l.a..* an either tha loot i.f tbe Ceacede nnl Coa-' ii,. in.* it ii. raagee, vary ing in width fiom Ifbaaa to rt. no i



An bm at Ly.i-..-At n bte hour on rjifb), Cotwtable Art*m8*d Caaae, waa r-.Ued :J*turdsy oot of bls bonse at tindar pretf*nc« thtt ha wai w aated to qtiell as dlsturbance, bi.t linovdlataly aa ha b.I ihe house he wai surroaodad I.y . num *ter of Irlsh who mad« ao MBsult upin hlra anl beat him BB b*d'y that bl* llfe wu at Ita* deapa'rod of. Wa leaa thii BBorrolBiflfcatbeli ttattar.anl will probably rfawiver.. Tbraa oi the f i.-leis have been .rr-t*t»d aad am to ba exarotaed today. IBwton Traveiler, aft Mut«. tW OVorgo Miitc a a-on of Jonephcomajuntof Mulford. Mlch dlad Aug. 17, from potson aatt-d ta*. hl* *yit* tr: by a bba Iram a c*t supposod to be mad, M.y :w. l-.'.s tW Mr. Joseph Ii. Fr-nno, wife and Ohild were drrwned by tka up**.og ot a smalt boat In the Uarbar of II. II, Ma#sacbu»etU, on Satur.y arsnlng ,



THE NKVV MOTIVE POWER. -Ispt i:rir.i»* aad bta Calarlc dblp-A Oreat Kaperlfiifiit at Haad.

We took


liu*.ty glunco




ateamship, building by Perrine, P&tterson 8. Stark, in Williamsburgh, and intended to teat thoiooi'bly the celebrated Caloiic Kngine, invented by Oapt. Elicsaon, and which, if succeasful, bids fair te fupereede steam in all the innumerable ueee to which that power ia appiied. Capt. John Eriosoit, a distinguished theoretiead and practical mechanic, meiiiber of many seieatrfic aocietiea, and Kn'irht of the Order of Vaaa, was ben. in Vermeland, Central Sweden, in tbe


IfVXI. His itrang taete for mechanics while a child wi. noticed by Count I'laten, an influential .tisMiiber of the Swediah Couit, who procured for Ericaaon (when only nine years old) a place aa cadet ia an I'r gineer Corpa, and at 13 years old he wbh made a leveller in the aurvey of the proposed *thip Canal from the Baltic to the .North Sea. Subsequently, he left the corps and en'ere.i the army of rjwadaa, at first with the rank of ensign; jtdl he upeiil iniich of his time in uiechanical studiea and speculations, and projected one of hia earlieat notftble inventions.a Kiame Engine," intended to woik by condcnaing flime inatcad of #t< am. Ii. 1891 t.e went to Kngland with tha idea of pi.tting hii engine iu operation, but was -Mtriotiely d>appointed in leurning that mineral fuel woubl ..ot answer. (lf course tbe maehine was a>- nnd waa never rrv.ved. Kut the in¬ ventor was not disheartened, ior in W.l he comIfeted foi tle f,r/,e ollered by the Liverpool aml -Vtaaclieet -. Railroad for the best l.oeomotive, anJ built one wh'cii run at the (them incrcdible speed of fifty n.iles per hour. A few years alterward -



Mr. J-'rtasaon came to this country, where his name baa basoario wisMj known In cnnrnxtlon with numerous lnveatlons nf ffraal utillty. HN Imorovf d manacement of guna. ia appiied on board the I. S. steamer Prince toa his propeller,. bli semi-cyllndrleal engine,.his centiiiuga! i.Ioweri, Ac, are wcll-known. Il-i adilod .not a Ittila to aur departmont of the (ireat Exhlbltion (aat year, wfacre he bad a new lnstrument for meaaur. tna fhmtaaeee at ss a, a hydrostatie guai_;e for mewurlng >.l.'s under pressure, a reclprocatlng tbiid-meter, an *lsrm baton eter, a pjrometer, a rttary fiuld metar, a naw a. a '.)»), modf of a _.-*¦< engine, t -. Hut of all his tnventiODS, tbat whlch has aitracted maI attendon, and wblcb (lf MOaaaaf.D will work a revolation ln motjve

steam ltself, Is the Csl pawaa bardly aecond to that otwas lirst brought before otlc Knitlne. Tbi* InvenUon the'c tn HXl, at l.ondon, wbere ha made an engine of tivf-hotia powtr, and oxhlbited lt In operation to screral tcfenPtic gentlemen. Il wai timldly but genera"y tpproved by intelltgt-nt n.en but Hrunel (tbe engtneer of tl e Thamei Tunnel.a must extraordlnary andniuf'.. lidlculad untlertaklng,) and I'rol'. Faraday, .the emlicnt chemlil,) decided sgalntt the feulblllty of the macklne. aod by meani af the powerful Indtrectln.'lieiit of tbat declilon, the Kngllib (loretnment. t

whlch h*d ai hr»t seemed Inclined to _.-'..*> the matter thelr att*ttion.let tt drop, and lt was soon forgotteo by the public. 1 atterly Mr. 11. bas revlved the Caloric Knt-tiie tn tbis country, snd butil two or three whlch hava bten in ivc. tuful tperatlon f.r nearly a jear. In rrgatd lo thls wonderful e. gine, we hardly know If we ean convey to U.e rnati-r any acsurate Idea,

bul, with the valuabie aid of tbi SBBBf of Hutu'i Mtr. phamki ktogoiine, we will make the attempt. Two Caloric eoglnta are at work ln the lounlry of Meisrs io,« A D-'.amater, foot of Thltteeoth st, N. H one of ire aLd tbo otber alxty horse-powet, the latter has four ieventy-twj lu.;hai io ditmtter, cylit Jfra. Twi-, of Orer each ot tbaie ls placed ona ttaud aiJ... by tide. ,

aaaeh laaal'ar. Wttbin theia,


Reiibe- rOpaaiiia ryUbd"*'.aDd

piitoni, e_ictiyfit 50

eaDM*A*i th,t

CJOfi^T* *tr*m*tf.

ttcie within Ito lowor aud uppef getbe*. I'nder the bottom of ea-h of tho lower cyilnJers a hm Is appllt 1. No otber lurnaccs are employed. N>4 h.-i bt Bava nor water am u.< d. Toe lower ii called -),. w.i.n i>ili dr: thn upptit tha supply cyllnder. Aa the ptatoti la tbe supply cjllud.-r nu.ves down, v.lre-. placed in Its top rpen, and It becomes tilled wtth cold a0» mI. Ai tba ,.iiu>n rlit . within tt, theae valea close, and the atr within, uuable to eicape al it came, paises aet of valve*, luB) a recelver, from Ihroaah *n .tt..-r It bai to pass Into the w.trkti.g cylln¬ der, t'< foic-t up the wotking ptslon withla lt As il leave* tbe i. civar t) peilorm thi* duly, it pa**e» thn wbst ta called the nyanerator, whtch we .ball soon *kplain, where tt becumei heated to ab jut four bundrad and titty degraaaL and upon entering tbe cylinder, ll li turiber beated by tho tire under wotking neittl. Wi- have aaid tha w .rkini; eylinder la much Isruei ln dlamater tban the supply cyllnder. Let us, tor lha sakn ot lllustr uloii meraly, luppisa u to ootain doubie the ai et. The cold alr whlch euiered ihe uppar wil'. Ibsrefore, bul hall till the lower one. In cylitiiier tle eeeaaa I iu pas*as« aB tbe laltar, h-iwever, wa h.»e lal.f il i>.t*** through a icganttrator, and let 1 us suppos*. tb.t aa ll enters the wnrklug bas eeesaa heat*-d lo abjut fJur hundrtd and elghty datepiper.ture, atanapheric air expanda yttie*. At tbis I to doubleits fi-luma. TIimsbiiim ntmoapaeric a'r, thareI h rrt, whtch waa conta'ned aitbln tbe *u;>ply cylloder, ls ot latoa oaealtwteeBB) aiaa. withihu I the worktog cyllnder. Wo anlarged c.prcby. lt entara it will further lha area oi tha plston wiihinthl* *>* cyllnder to aaaaa.I a thouaand .ouart* luchea, and tbo area nf tbe piatou ln the *up(jly cylindar nbore, to but nve hundred. The alr praa»a* upin of about tb . aith a mean fo'ce, we will luppjae, eiV\.'ti potuti* to aaeh aqutte inch or tn other lhe*urf*ce word* with s we'gbtof 0,500 pounds. Ipt.n yttmer, pr«aiin>z of tbo lowt r pkhm, tha heated *lr ts, h lti forea upon each af one ihvuaand upward wllb ** llk* a af 11,000 with in other words, squartt Incl' or. licrt-. Ui.'n, U a force whtch, oyercomtng pouuds. the weU. above leavea a surplus ot 8,900peaMk lt ae u.ahe no allowanc*) for frimion. Tni* mrplui turnlsbes the woiktng power of tbe ei-tlue. lt will bu reafllv aeen that, af cr one stroke uf tt* plauni ls ma-ie, tt will conltnue to woik aith thls forca, 11 laag a* *utb¬ eir i.t ba«t 1* aa* pllcd to expand lha atr lu lha worklag lo tha e .tct-t stated lar, so l.ins ai the are* of cyllnder lia lowar piat JO is «f aator Iban that ot tbe uppar, and a like p'«a*-ii a 1* upon evety ajuate inch of eacb, .) long wtll tha grr aa* piston pu*b loi ward the imaller, a* a two p.iattl tte*.iu uood one end ot a bal-uce wtll bc }..t:a ati*r> to oaar down aaa pnodat.ciplacad upon tha tbaalrlo.0 We r.a.d bardly aay, that bu forced upibe piat .n althtn lt, a wtuklngcyfUder valve i-pats, and bi tl pasac* ott, the piatoa*, by force 11 rravtiy, de*. end. and co'd alr ay ain ruih-i into, and .

\ tu.wYapabie


tHIaiho aupp'y cyllndar, a* we bave b*t >ra da*orlt>ei. in tbi* mannai-iba two cj l.r.Inr* ara *upcauslc^ iba pk*A tt* ln eai-h t > play pttadsudaod dlschargnd, dt an. aalatantia'ty aa tbey d>> la tbe steam enBf will ba" .bl* Ij.idJ* rstand at readrrs We fuitonr slor. le.s'. tha 49081 al principle* uptio ahi.-hthli riiAChlof ope r.le*. Iii . j'sridei* diaw thelr lup^'y irom lhe oe cjllndirs of tbe atean-aogine acaldirg T*por, d.-*wn from hlialng SBBptled b] it rtiere. Tae a'oilo eaalne draws lo lti l*on lungs, tb* aanaa iltmsnt whlch expandi tho** of tha most deilcaia bkld. and deitvrS it* mottfn and It*

aim atS

«pbdia i

^ottar fit.' that aouroa up .n wfat :h depet. stbB4>AU>t'*nc4of all anlmata Wa. We hars en d'atrorad to ex; lala tbe cooitructioo of tbe 8888881 eaitua I'B most atiiklsg feature consim lu ahat is aa'led 6y lulcrenmr tba -geearalor. B-fore doacrlt>lo« thl*. WO wrll prrsaat tbe lioa upon wbl.ia lt ls baa'd. Klrit, let lt be'emen.ber.-d that tha tx.w^r ,rf th.-iteam soglns dei>0B4tH upon the baat amployad to produc* staam*. Il wili be swa i>.ai from tae very aatareof aiaom the beat raoulred topr^Ju, r ti,a _mat-


lost by cod. nwiti >n the rt>g to abf at i .tt. is tnomOit U ba* axrrtad tti for.-a up n the ul-t.n lf, lt stoad ui tRtlo o loat, ali the baat u*-.d tn crettun* tba .taaa employed . oald, at the momeut tl c mdeasa. ." n. ha i orrjed tothe fjrnace, tbare again l> aii ln predbdng steam tn tba batlers, but a very HttU fual ¦* ..ul 1 be ne eastry aoae, in fact, except juit eaougb ,


tba bsal kat by r*dl*iion. Tha raa*oB la us tba ateam ba* pwsai from Ibe oWprtr, huauppcae lattered the ayhudar, b** drlvaa U»e paloa fjrward, aad i* about to p.s* into a.* coadeBUr. tLar* to Its form. aad baagala cuev*rtad Into v. ater ehangs Tbla ateturi, j tbe cyltBder, ***d ¦»t.oJan*ed. pj**t>aaas allah* ye:: baat lt attatained "¦tora *****lag ot.t of ihe buler ll lia* d.-ifai. the pi*tun u.ra ., bul n tbat eflo'l It ha* Ij*I no beat Tbat pov-ar tt still coattlo*. l.otlt be 1*1 tt.»¦. ._ -. ,u -i te tha Unb conld. atiupp*aad tha rno m.yi'.ua.



ment It la converted icto water witla tbe e-n.em**,

tc taved, aad by aome derlce be a«a'n uied to ereate a»eatn trom water wtthtn tbe boiler, wlth what exceed< he.pne** could the power af the iteam-engl ne ba

iig hul It li qaite _BBBBBB_la thui to reemploy tmployedof iteam It cannot lhaa beiavrd aad henoe

tba beat t-'-'v

t:'. 11 to ecooomlze In thia manner would Ue


a»alil,ag ua aow attempt to deacribe tbe regeoerator, to wbich we bave referrel Witboat thn, tbe mvhioe we e_an-ilned woul 1 poieeii, in p.tnt of aconoxy, no advantage over tha beat coaatru*ted Witb It, tha advantaie* aia lncaleulabte. We bave before rtatrd tbat atmoaoberic air ti firat drawn into the lupply aylinder, wbeaee It la foreed into a recet- er, and tbat from thii it proceii toward tbe working cytindar, bafore reachlng whlcb R paaeei tbr.,uih lhe regenarator. Thia atructure U c -rapoaed of wire net, aomewhat like tbat uied ir tbe manufacture of itevea, placed ilde by ilde, until the leriei attain a tblcknoaa. iay nf twelve incbee. Through tbe almoit lnnumerable celli, furmed br ibe Intanectlon of tbeae wlrei, the air muit paaa, on Iti wiy to the worklne cylinder. Ia peiitng through tbeee, lt ti aomlnutely lubdtvl ted tbat tbe parflclea compoalni tt are brought into cliie crntact witb the metal wbtc.h formi the wire*. Now, let ui luppoee, what aetually takei place, tbal tbe ilie of tbe regeoerator neareat the working cylinder la heated lo a high temperature. Tnrougb tbli beated rub*tance tbe air muit piaa before enterlr-g tbe cylinder, and ln effeeiing ti.l* ptiaage, It t*k*i up, aa la demonitrafld by the thermometer, ahout M of tbe i*-0 of heat required, aa we t, Ion- itated, to double Ita volutna. The addlnonal ':<¦. _re c.imn unlrated by tbe flra beneath tbe cyllodar. The air baa thui become erpanded; It forcea the pliton done Iti work.valvae open.and the upwad. lt buhealed to air, pain-i from tbe cylinder, Impriioned and again entera the regeoerator. through whlcb tt muat paal before leaving the machine. We hare aald that tbe ilde of thii tnitrument neareit tbe working eyitee'er li bot, and it ihould be bere itated that the other ilde li kept cool, by the iction up m lt of the air ln tbe oppmlte dlrection at each np of entering tbe piitoni. Coniequently. ai the air from tbe working oui, the wlrei abaorb tu beat io effeetcylinder paiaei the regenerat or, lt hai been ually thit. Itwben lt leaveiabout 30 In otlier wordi, ai robbed of all, exeopt the air paiaei Into ibe workir-a eyllnder lt gre.ualle recel'ii from tbe regeoerator about 190 of heat; and ai ltpaii, I out, thii li returned to ihe wlrei, and li tbua u»ed over and over, the only purpoae of th** lirea beneath the cyltnderi b*lm to lupply tha 30 of heat we have n-fbtla n.d. aod that wbich la loat by radU'.i n aod exKxtraordlnary aa tbli italement m_y ieem, It nevertheleei Ineontrr,* ertlbly provei by the ther m> meter te be qulte true. Tbe regenerator, contalned in the ilxty hone englne we bave exan.lned, meaiurea twenty ilx Inchei ln hi.-ht and wldtb intemally. Kach dlic of wire rnmpoilng it cotataini BM luperticlal inchei, and the net hai ten methei tothe Incb. Kacb'iuperflcial Inch, therefore, contalni UA) rreah'-i, whlcb, muldplled by '.7-., glvei i.' njt) meihei, in eicb dtic, andai 2W diici are employed, lt followi tbat the regeaeratir contatni M,.V.-0OOU Baabea, and. coni. m-ntiy. ai there are ai many imail «,.*.* between the dlici ai there are meihei, we tar.d that tbe air within ti dlitributed In about -7,000,000 mirute cella Hence, it li evldent, that nearly every pattli le of the whole volume of air, in paailng through tbe regenerator, ii brouiht Into vny cl ne contart with a lurfM-e I nietal, whi h heati and cooli aiternaMy. The extent of tbli lurface, when accurately eatlmatod, alinoat inroaaaei bellef. Tbe wire cont»ln«d ln each di,< I* 1,140 feet fong, and that contalned in the regen¬ erator ii coniequently 288,000 feet, or IUI mllei ln lengtn. tb0 luperticlal m'aiurement of which ii equal to tl.e entire lurface of four iteam-.oileri, each forty feet long, ind four feet ln dlameter; and yet the regen erator, preientirg thii great amount of beatlng luruce, li only about two feet cubr.Ien than 1 1980 ofthe bulk of tl.i'ief .ur bolleri. Involved tn thii wonderful proceu, of the tranifer and retramfer of beat. li a dlicovery wbich juitly raoki ai one ol the moit remarkable ever made in phyaical iclence. ltl author, Cautaln Kriciaon, teag tince aacertaiced, and upon lt baied the lublimeit feature of bii calorlc-englne, that atmoipb. rlc air and other p, rirar.nt gaiet, ln pmiing through a dlitance of ilx Inchei, in thn tit'.leth part of a lecund of time, only are capable of acqulrlng, or parting wlth, upwird of four bundied degreti of heat. He baa been flntto dlicover tbli marvelcui property af calorlc, without whlcb, atmoipburlo alr could not be eil'« ciivt-ly e*nployed aa a motlve-pow-r. Tne reaaon li obvloui. Ua* tli, tpciidi d by beat, lt can exeri no force upon the pii> ton. If much Ume were required to ertiect thl*, the moveinmi of the pliton would neceiaarlly be io ilow i te rer.der the machine tnefficient Cipt dn Krtciion bai dcnnnitrated, however, that heat may be cemmui taaaad to, and expamlon etiected lu, etmoip.erio alr, wlth almoit electrlc ipeed; and that ll lt, therefore, to give tbe greateit deilrahle rapldlty eminently of motion te all klndi ol machinery. Tho ibip, of wbich we ipokc brlefly some weeki .ince. li now npproacblng comp'etlon, and I* the fineit .peclmen of Naval Archltecture (eipeciallyThelu p ilnt of englnei .trengtb) ever created in thU country. being placed In the center of the veiiel admlt of a bet¬ ter form of midiblp lecUon tban In iteamiblpi. Of thia tbebullden bave availed themielvea by glvlng iucb a tiie to the :1oor tbat itrength and eaiy llnei for puiing tbrouph the water are approprlately comblned. The llnei of the ihlp U the entrance are lingularly fine acd yet, hy a vorp judkloui app'lcation of the " wavo line, ai it ll lechalcally called, tbe bow poaicuei all the fullncii requlilte for a _ood iea boat. The run U alike pecu'.tar for eaiy llnei, comblned with itabllitj and rea.uiitte bearlng. The it.ength of floor, which lt built enilrely iclld from rtem to itcrn, turpaiiei anylhlng we have uen In tbii count*- uwt-_ __,. ;, for *** m to give id Ing the beit iblpi ln tbe wotld. In order ditlonil itrength to lhe ample tlmbeti, Ihe entire fra ue li bandtil hy a double leriei of dligonal bracei, or liat bariof Iron, lot Into the Umberl at Intervali of ub mt tbree feel, each icriei being rlvlte.l together at all the pointi of Intenectlon. ln adiltlon to the ordinary cen¬ tral ker Imm. there »re ilx englne keelmm, b_ltel on th* top of tbe f.oor tlmberi, fir thrre lourthi of the lentrth ot the ahip. On theie the bei pUtee o! tbe englnei are lecur, d by bolta paitiag through the _o_r tlmhen. Tiieie bed platei extend over tho enUiearei t ccupied by tbe englnei, and preaent a continuation ol iron floorlng, not wltneaied in any iteamihip. The lecurily tbui attalnrd li further enhanced by dl*peijiing entlrely wlth the numeroui holn Rirm^h tbe boitom of the veiiel, wbich ln iteamert are aooar aary, md have ofirn brougbt tbat cl*** of veaieU to being arranged In aiinklng cocdllion. Tbe englnea are not cut of! ai lu tbe center ol the vaiael, the deck* itearner* and a* ib>- whole ol the micblnery ti conhned within a v.rtlcil tiunk N feet long and U feet wide, ol the ahip for itateample ipace !. left cn each <ldewith unbroken paiiagea, rootri _!i r.- tti entire lergth, fLi e and aft, on either ilde. The freight deck alia prelenti »n vubrx-Um area lore and aft, dlminkhed only ln w idth ln the central pait of the veiiel. The coal being canled in tte bottcm, at ilde of the englnea, the fore and aft hold are clear for freight. The central ar -ment of lhe englci Invulvei, of neceiiity, a rtir r»i trai cnuk, and thui tbe ipar deck preienti an unlnter nipted aret, on both lidei, the ordinary obiectionible cietk hatcbci being diipenied witb Tae il. w eomhuitlon pimllar to the calorlc englne renden lhe hu^re inoke funnel unneceaiary. Ai-Ort plpe to carry od tbe gieci prcduced by the combuiiion in tlie furnacea tekaa lu place in theoaloiieihlp. The abienee of iteam iu every form ii iu!_.lently Importent ln prodndnga mi ie pleuiint I'moapheia than ln eteameri, but far mureiimarkible ti lhe fact tttt lhe quantlty of alr wllch atd be draan out of tbe thip by lhe action o^







luppty cyllEurri of tbe en|inei, wiil exceed rttly

BBM in

xctight erery hour Captaln Kilaaioa, ln ealllng

Lfl tbia fact, furuUbed ui with a fen tiguree fed certaii. our read era w_! need, u much u wa iilJ, to c.mprehend bow io vait a veaillatlon U ctfecttd. Kicb lupply pliton pr-ienti an aret of 10.' lu¬ perticlal feel, a Ith a itr. ke of il. feet IU cublc feet of atm-ipbeiic air will therefore be drawn Into tbe en¬ glne at eicb flroha and when tbi* eeijine makei tourteen »tn kei per BBflflBB, ?,-<:¦ cubic leel. Bui ai there are K'uritipp'yfiiiideri, Ihey wlll Intbinpaceof time, diaw In M.-i'-'i cubic leet; aad ln ho minutei there will be thui ctrculited 2.0."..,f.l) cubic ieet. Tne welght of afmeipheile alr li nearly YA** cublc feet to Ihepjund. aud tb. . it will be ieea that ¦ tuna of alr are drawn iron. the latertor cf tbe iklp, tbroueh the englnei, aod our


atUilu n we, every b.ur. Tne ef¬ feet of sich an rxtraordlnary lytt.m of veatUaRoa, ln puxifylng the atinupbere of the it.lp, U lei. evldant Tbe itmpie comtructioa of tha calorlc eogiae, aad


m:o the

tha imall quantlty of coal to be baadled, w.K raduca tbe nrmber of erglaeen aad tiremea, te the aggre gate, to l«ia tb rn one-fourth tbe conplemeat reqalred for eteameri Tbli great reduction ba the number of men, mbeae duiki are laooDpatikle wilh atrlct clean :

Is Irnportant The followtng ara some of the dtmeo.lons aad (Utlailcs of thls allp Leort*. 2M f.*»t be*m 40 ; hold, 'S tunna_ps, 2,00>) to 2 iflO dUmetev of abeels, 32 feel. fsce of wbeel, llVtj fo«t p>wer of taginea, *M borte ; conaumpdon of coal par day, (34 houra.. I tun* number ef man ln aogine iepartm nt I'i; number of salllng crew. 30; paaaenger a-r .-n-o datieu for 2oo, with room for enlarg*>aent to doab'ethe capacity; room for 1,500 tuns freight, cost, la tha aeighborbood of glOO/sal. lha buildera expect to hsve tha thlp aJ >*t by the middle cf Septernber The heavy portion* uf the englnas wt: be to.the shtfts, wheaI framea, aVc, being already io plsce. The engine* are bullt by H>gg_ Delaa.ter, tnd put up under the immadltta au; <*r-.-;*i n af Ctpt. EiicMos, wbo direct* every'-.« bia.olf Cspt Lowukb, a well known and highly asteemsd BBT cer is to hsve eommand. John B. Kitchiko and oth, en are ths lnterested capltall*U. Tbe .dentifir *ad com-rerclal world wfl wat -h wtth deep anxiety the rasult of thl* grand expettmeut wtth tha Chb.rti Knglna. Shculd tt falt, a conllngmcy by tha way, whlch 11* fiiand* deam moat lmprobablai th* world wtll lo*e no'htr*. and the expertalenter* c r.-.parat'- ily little, aince tbe strong and sauttful ahip may be put to other u*»'i io ordlnary tt.m tavigatlon Should it sue. oai, tbe dsys of steam are nnn ... md, and exploalnaa and '>urolng* wfll be bo more the Irr.partant redu- tion ln tbe cost >>'. power aill Intrcduca tha new eoelna everywhere. snd we .hall soon record the arrival of the U. S. Mail Alr 8hipfrrm Ltverpooi, the rine Alr Boat from Albany, kc i.sf»rr.l!l*rly u ara now note ou rtteamihtp* and aat.,



NEW PUBLICATIONS. ABOIRO IN THK SIPREMV, RF.ror.TS OKCASKS COI RT OK THK iTATK or CAL.IKOIVI A By NiTiiAMill. B8B*rBVT. Vol. I. 8ro. pp 811 Saa Prssa.MS sMwvin i. Hitcheock. Nev-York Charlei B Norton. f

riaxgi'l Me, ind beld to bafl ia tfce rem of t'W eaoH,lo

keep lhe palace (.., o->e ytntr.

The above it,,. ment \t tbe nt balance of an a-1 lavlt made ly Capt H*. n- g-n '-» fire Jaatice Stoart o

Albam .Militaby Company..Th* Albany Rrput.llcan Artillery, Capt Frendeadal, arrlred at aa early hour oa T_e».i*y morning, and were re-

aetved aad eacorte.l to lb«*lr qoartenat tbe Aaericaa Hold, by tbe r uebVri, under commaad >f Lleut. McCaaley, Capt. Fieneh belog Ul At 11 o dock tbey sarched, under the eacort of tbe Fiulilera, to lhe Battery, anl entered Caatle Carden. T_ry retaraed at 1 o clock, and were revlewed in tbe Park, te froct of the Clty Uafl", by tbe Mijor aad C .mrnon Couodl. Tary partiH.k ol' a col'od in at i reoeh . Hotel at lhe eioie ef tbe review, aad afterward reaumed their march up to Ualon-i ,uare, where, at tbe invitalioo of M D. Green, Ei.., of tba Kuiilien, they partu .k uf a eollitl >n at the Delann Il.iuie. Thence tbey aiarcbed down Broadway to tbe botel comer of Broadway and Walker rt., wbere tbey dtned at tablei luxuriouily ipreed witb the " f»t of tbe lind. Many toaita were aad good ipeecbe* aiede te reiponae by Capt Frendandal, Capt Irencb, I.leut. Turer, Lleut. McAuley, LieuL llart, Lk-ut Young, Mr Oxbury, Mr. Woolley and othera. LleuL McAuley mentluiMd, lo bii re<narai, thtt whlie partaking of tbe coi lat! >n at French i, he notked a reporter of Tht Tribune taking notei, aad about 1. mlautea after, he iaw the Evenlog K.ttion wlth a good ac. count of their reception up to the time the nu.e* were taken. The companlei tben gave nlna cbeen for The Tribxnt, and nine for the Preei ln general. Th -y are accompanled by tbe ri .id and tteS off.eera of tbe Twenty -fifth R >g__ent, who beloeg la Albaay. Tbli Ucneof the cl leit miiitary organl/atlona te lhe State, having been formed In UM and wu engag^d on tbe frunller battb* of !»:¦_-'.! Capt. Milli, then la com¬ mand of thl* Company, waa killed on the 2"ib of Miy, IRM, near '>V_tertown, at the time of th. battle of Sackett'i Harbor. The very t!ag that wu thrown over bl- coffin at the time a.t bia death, U now aanted by the

Thia record ofthe intrixluotiiin of Amt-rif-an jurispriulanca into a new ('o.nrtionwealth Cnnpany. Tbey are accompanled by Capt. Cook'i must poB*es8 a peculiar interest for the le>»al pro- Albiny B.-ait Baud, and tbe Fuillien by n.dworth'i Cornet Band.

fts-ion; nor is it without claima up >n the curiTiday tbey Brooklyn and Jamii:a,at whleh osity ofthe readcr who ia r*tHy tempted to dive latter plice they dlne. Tbe Wuhln^ton '.uird, Capt. into the mjstciies of a volume bound in"law Krraid, ar>-their eiooit lo Biooklyn. in difliculties The j.ulicial proceedinga ol.eep." before tbe formation oftba State Constitution in Thf. C.-Mi-AidN So>',i_..Tln* coUoctioa California are forcihly described in the preface to of Whig longi by D. E. flavit li c-ln.' wlth a petfect this volume. It waa necessary to aearch for au- ruih ic tbe Clty. Tbe llero of Chtppewa li b irne on¬ thorities in unfamiliar antl forei^n the ward on tha tide of long, wbich wikri the echoei in ol.l S|...nish eoaV s.- in tbe roval ani vice royal or- hli pralie. In lli-cbeip little volutne may be fjund a dina.iftea and tha transactions of the larleiy of p-pular r.nd laiplnog ain, which iraescel* imperitl and republican con'resses .and in a vast lently adapted to arouie a p-itiloti ardor, and to In¬ forert afdaciaaa, acts, and decisions of various le¬ creaie the enthuilura of public meeting*. gal functionarias. Ipon the discoveiy of gold, P©BTBAIT OK IIOBV CltAT. Wo llrll',« extetii-ive lanil speculations were commance.l j reeeived fn m N. Cunier an admlrable full por immense amounts of property tralt at lienry Clay, engraved by Sartaiu fromlon^th ijuestions involvinig a ple'ure cun.e up for adjudication while tha whole legal palnted by Heagb ln 1843. No likenen that we hive systrin wa-in a state ofchaotic diso der. The ¦een of tbe lilmtiioui itateiman doei better jitloe to firfct jodgea ofthe tsupreine Court under tl.e new th* prcullar ixpreulon of hli featurei, and we believe conatitution were appointed by the Iegislature thnt lt wtll be eagerly luught l.y hli admtreri ihroogho _». wbi> h mat in Dec, 1819. Thev ware authorir.ed tte country, wbo deilre to potaeM a aulttlile m-winrltl to sit on nppeals from Courta of First Instance, ot tbe depnrted chlei It ll publlihed by 1' P. l\,ter_on. from District Courts, and in certain cases from rbfladilfhla Alcaldes. The present i*o!ume embraens the. de¬ A H.ARii Toiii.-on, n cisions of the Supreme Court on such appeals, young ierman, c«w itaylng at No. II Degraw-place, from its first or^aniuation in Mareh, 1890, to the I'.rooklyn, iiifurmi ui that be wu lomellme iloce ar¬ end ofthe June term, 1851. I'nder *.» h uniquc reit, d on a rlurge uf robblng hii employer, a wealthy, these Keports, apirt from thrir cltlztn of hro'.kljn, ind kept In jail ilx monthi wttheut aben Ihe cornpla'nt wai abandened ai un'ounded, legal meiits, muat be repardedas an irnportant r.nd triil, .nd he .¦ nt idillt, peanllei*, homeleu, in a Und of curious histcri al landmark. ,


foC S»'|>?.

HE KNM KERROCKKR," Tbis ls a model number, fully sustainlng the charaeter of the magazine for vlvaclty, variety, and admirable adsptatlon to the popular tute. It" c.ntalns an "unusual number of descrlptlve artieiea, as Bybarry," Ree >l lectlons of New Orleen* by Ralph Roanoke, " Sietchu from the Cove," aud " Sketches of VVeatern I.ife." A " new and invalu.ible vein Is opened la th* I.'.'.tars from uptheltlver, by a correspondent who wlelds a bonoy" dropplni; pen. Hii plcture* of country llfa are g>-nuin-) uiaster deacrib.a the f»mllUr fact-tol natiral hlatory whlch daily p**» before hl* eyes vrlth all tha charnilng naivet- of old White ol t-elborne ;-and ilyly Introducei into his pliuant narratire a ro *ulah hum >r that is .,uite lrreslstlble. I mr praise of ttieie b-tter* li tot prempted by lhe fama of iba author, for ws had learned l» admlro them beforo w>- dls.-overed they aie from tbe pen of a wrlter whose orlgloallty and vtfW



bave already made him a favorlte with tba,. TnU lun.ber contain. much excellent poetry, aad t.e Kdl. t.i s Table 1* furnlshai wliha profa.lirii BT eotic1"^

vlandi. (Ssrruel Uueiton)

tW Thy. -triaa "


itlgma on hli haracter whleh prevtnti hli obtalbtei: in/ili.ynient. ll there any g.x>d -amnltan wbo wlll Inqnire into the truth ofthii iiury I i.r..r,gen, ar.d wiih a


Ruoou'ii cVbbbt,


R iilrii in A, rinK.NT.Tfl o Lu ks Lost. .A lenljle acitdent happened 11 at o'cloek yeiter-



nlgbl evprea* train, due

Odnktrk, yeiterday It hippened tr im


Jeriey dty, at 1114 o'cloek hbout eljtbt mllei bejond I'tleriuD We gl ihe partlculan ai gathered trom dltterent lourcei, b Jt milnly <¦

tf the puieogen. The train wai beblnd fr.m titi.e and runninc eiceedingly fait.our luformant judged 10 or 91 rnl'ei an hour.and when turning a curve, j'Ht out al tbe Huhocui cur, one of tbe wheeli of tbeloiumo'.ive bruke. Tne tiaia ran ab iui SMA t on i'i* track befbta the I icom itlve got otf. lt than ran 110, teaiing up the flaaR, and tbe locomotive -«nd ten ler wu preclplttted down a :i*n ifi -ea or twenty t-c; ami ihe terder on top of tt. Tbe luggage car paiied hy and il pp"d on the b:lnk of tbe bank The tirit p'aiienger car waa piled on to lhe locomotive and tender, and lhe lecond pauenger car ran into tha one

flrit. The third mi fonrth were i.ireely ramofod from tte track. N» pmengeri were killed. When tfce Iteam itupped l-suiog from the loeonotlve, the rir-** man wm lound d>*ad in th. ruini, th * ui.u engtg-j.l iu

laa novel wl.ich appeared for Ihe tl rat lima ln the Publln L'nlverslty M..a/!oe, and wa* republlthad In the Intarnallona), up to U.e of that work. It Is m w tasucd in a oheap cunvenient cctavo by Slrlnger

I in-1 *,. i,-a|.i.*d aod bruiied tbat lt wai tbought he could not Ure until luniet. Tae eagtneer waa *<>__ewbat lojared. A 'rakemin wai io


releueblm, but be


Of PlOl'IDK.M K" I'V A. \.k.\oi:a Cabson I* an expoaltlon of the Divloe a.1mlniatralion lllu*trate.l by ecamplea from Srlpture bbtory. lt ii adapted to give aid and corafort to a largo c!a.-s i.i mlnds (U_akPp.SK Klward Iletcher.)


IW Tlie Filth Volume oi Purkei's illuatrat.d edition ot the "Wavkblv Novkls" contain* Tiik Blai k IfWAEf and' Olu Mortalitv." Sold by J. B, KedBeld. ^^^^^^^^ or thi T_aaaoaaica \t 4 CfitrVs) -.'O'i Wall tt. (fvrmetly Lyn.k N'OB. i P M. I IV M I A. M > 75 76 Aug.-L3.07 ni.Nti!

.4. J Ptlatour'i.


ASlCSIMEIiTS, *C, TNI* OAT ADD CVfHIHB. t C Btls C.rl-a Trsa. b t)p»ra C, M.-. >:»«> Bta. i'.rk f'r-afh ... Seaoi.h D ll'irtt.-i'. T'.*at*r-Br*arb ¦..«¦ klor. tU y Bn.r... Barauat'. Baaaon;.Whita'. Snr.UMl*r»;, ... otlv l '.tat*, l(jt> kau Irr* Coir rrt

tW Our





Hiilug wood to bim


fut In tbe rulm th tt h

requlr'-d an h 1 jr





balf to

A Httle

paiatnger, wu tomewhtt 1 ilded hy he iteam, aod of the puiergen wu burt about the eye. Tne train wu delayed tor three luuri. Tne bod/ of the

ftiemin wai huugbt ou to Jeriey Clty. I'. R.Mr. Roawell Slanly and I. Houie, Y.t". , ot Mount Morrii, pautnieri In the ii rat car, wereiome wbat lnjured ln the head and !-gi. Toey came on to tbe City, ard put uu at the Manhattan Il-auie, in i- ult 10 it, where Ur. I arr,-11 dreued their woundi, and tbey are

dclng well.

A number


othar ptaienger*


lnjured, but ta

A perion wai dlipatchedto the natea from the wrei neareat town ln learch of a pbyilclan, but lt wu »,mi hotri belore one wu in attendmce. Atter a detentlon of leveral bouri clher can were pro*ured. and tha inxloui ir.d ludertng pauen^eri wera broagbt to tbe



.Uit.koiovs Coxnrrr at a Polick BvATtoa/ Oa Sunday nlght two men, nsmed Uaeo Bradlcy and Jas. Friary, lt 1* charged, went to tha house ut _r*. Mary

Dusltvy. tn Seventh-sv near Tblrtythird sl, broke tn ber front door tnd othervris. condacted themsaives ln a veiy dliordetly manner. On the sollotaing dsy cam. plainu were made before Ju*tic- S*__it astlnst themj snd a warrant wu l**ued for thelr arrest. In the eourse ef the same nlght the wtrraat wu served, and tbe two men were arrested and locked up La lhe Ntaetcentt Ward .-'tation-lluu*a. About 3 o'oiook ln tha mornln,- Aid Dougberty, of the Nlnateenth Ward, tc companlad by i.eor^e D luvis and a man na-ned Pat rlck Kriary, wsntto the*-'atlon Ucmse, whsre Ibe Alier maa demtnded of Ctp* 11 innegan that the priiwner,

Janae* Krlany, should be dlic'-ttrged. Capt Usnncgaa ren*oB-trated wt:h ihe Ali*>r_an, aad ref.ed D dtieliarge lhe pilsoner unWaa be would procure the attend aaoe of Aid. leck, tf the Twaandeth Ward. Taat geatlemaa wu then sent lor, but he ref.ed to eoxe ta the BtttioB U te Aid. Dougberty then ukad CaH. IL lor the warrant upon wbich the pri*oeer t,i rtary had been ui.ted. tnd It wai bandad to bim. The Al ierman then direct* Capt U to brisc tha prttooer bafore him. The pilsoner wu then bro'igkt out uf his call, tad the Csptaia 6a_ly coa¦BBBi that tba Aldarm«n *bould dr*charge him, oa condltioo that ha ab >uld app -ar at tha Poliee Court al a o dock la tha moralag. Dat-is thaa Ba_aai tha varrant, wblth wa* lytc* upon the de*k.


BCR.MNG OF THE He.NBT CLAT.. II. S. Diatrict Auornty'i Ofse. The examlnatbn of the part'r . charged wlth maaelaughter, in reiation to thii mat ter, wu to have tiken place on yeaterday forenjon, but tbe couaael for defenie were not ready and Ibee-tmlna_k n wu poitponed to tbli forenoon.

tjT Tlif* R. M. at,'aiii9liip Afri< fi will

lall from ber dock at 1 P. N thii day. ....

CF* Ailflim' BRprooa Company bave te bank k___ tn their Iron cbeat, wbl< b lunk te 190,000 tbe Atlantic ob lake Y.rle. On M. Mr.

Adama nday, itarted for tbe lake, accompanled by M .n*. Malllefert, conhdeatbe can do. 5be ia luak ia 179 feet of water.

to te ralie tbe ateamer, wbicb Mon*. M U

Rrcoo-tizED-.On Monday morning, a lying 00 lhe pier foot of Jetferaoa-at, lup* to bekng ln lhe maa teen to drown there by two poaed boyi, wu reoogal.ed by Mr. llolllgan, who uyi it becoal founl

1 nga te bia fitber lo law, mflaia | ain¦ e r riday laat.

Hugh Brown,

wbo bu beea

a_F*A re-iii'tit of Neiv-Hi'tTi, Conn., 50 and

iupKaigbt yeara of age, 10 be ineaae, wu takea te charge by tbe Eleventh


poaad V.

Rnd. about

ard Poilce oa Moaday.


lyTli,' ohl Mnrki't in (ioverneur-.lip, at auction. aad wlll ba removed hu beea aold lor forth with


i ma


fraiein uratfe .1


from Bergen jail a iew dayi flnc**, bu beeo aeen la thia .ity, with hia hair cut cloae aad weaxiag telee erhlikera.

to a

ma i mai-a. iu.-o. U *Oa*a BsTBB9


gtoda ot

Pai.nter..Yrsfcfduy 1 tha

City llji^ui eoadtiioa, by some taborers, wbo fell a diatance of '2b teet from o buUdlB.1 ln IVail tf., -a whlch ha was p.totaf. bl* or rwatdeaca Ile ta a Thry did n<>t know rather stout bullt man. ti.ll taaed, apparantly 85 to 30 yeara cf are. bu dark curly bair, snd hlsck whiskers a .aa waa m.¦*¦ i-rtuln an Insansibre .aii that ba aaa a paiater aad


under bl* BBB*.

Arrest or a Houserobber..A man nantad John Haanc. k, «..** H.-nry. *»a* oi*t*.>*rerad, oa Ib tbe houie Mo.-id Y.'nxet, oea«. sfocday evanirj, Ha pi.d iy Caroiia BoBal','pb I)*y and othar*.»f tha wm l.:ro»dt*ta)y arrested by OlBcar Campball, bis and In Taoth Ward. who had b<en eailcd ln, poasa*bank blllt, *4aa weretuunda _.hrwab. and *V'in whlcb. ttU ai esad, had beart efleu from the apart-tt iri-au if Mr 1) ty. Oa' through ibe houws . ss JUc »ert-d tnat #'30 ln oin and bank t>llls bad bi ea stol. n trom a buraau In tha r>»m of Mra B inatl, tke deor ef whlcn bad fcean brokcn pen. N >ne ot lti* m )nay wa*, bowarar. founi lo p>aias*lon of Haancck but, from th»> l-tct i t hl* aivi<i< baan *aan ln tbe rcotr, tt ts auppoaed lhat he st-ila U and than pa**ad tt totn sccotrpltce who bid ttatlined hini.lf up ic tha roof. Hann.-nk was taken before JVstl *e Wood and llt« >i for r\anilli*ti B -Tha .CCl-etl tf Bail lo b* a brothar to tha nKonoua Kr_.kHrnuock.or Hano*awho bu heretofore sy. iigured atv-nstialy ln criminal rr all era.

Thk Recent Case ok Perjcrt..Tlto aei aaawaWaaAeaaay, wao w**.na*.ad i< tre ahort time aiocc, ehariei by W tn Louti Keyeser, i.f New Ut leaa*, wtth panury. ha* t>a-n pctrnoaieg for s. tt.r time before Juatice K sJBIt The ).. it t (o-rmans, tba tes'tn.-.r.y 1 ..1 io be tn tarprei-*d, .nd Jotn I.ealK, I'sq , acted in that 888*888*. Tbe n .uer w*s trougftt .>> .. alaaa y**«f»*rdsr, *..d tha *eeu*rd was r* ju'red to tind Ib tha aum of 8 .',000 ta

BM cta*;e. HrRoLAR Cauoht..A maa wh- canght st 1 i yeiifiday mnralng ia thsdaeliiu^ of Mr. Jas. H II. aro, c of F>riytM'dsi ani Elevertha, whlch he bad ertered wlih aNeg"-! laBBBt IO abaaL A Ifctted cardie atd a bottia full of c.mphcoe were tound in hia n. SVhi.j d> t o-d, ha a .' >rt ao **a*p*. »o>i -i-<;>-* Mr ii upon tha trlfaaaaa. Offthead with lha botlia. Ile w.« rir.t'S i.«-.|.ed .ri.wt i

by ctrs Wood ruff and M*rab, ofthe Nlue-.-wnth Ward, arho ba.l '.aen .-alled Ip, and t.k- o t>elore J-^U.-e -j.iiirt, Who lji-ktd btm up lo an»w«r lha cha'-e



Stkai. HoBB.

\ with atta >np ig to

rday arrested. charged lai«a pleca ul hiie, f. r tha p.irp >*¦» of staalH»a Canlaje Na M Aasabar fdaowwaa ham m§it, w.ih bim, .cd thayjbad a birs-and c.rt aith ahi.-h, il ia i'h.i, ttcy wera <oliu to taka ott tha h .ta ter, >.i. rlndi. g thnt he taaa dis.-or.-fea, -tim .--.i lutJthe Hts wai l>efre ott' taken aac .mpllc-e c.rt and drava Jt.ip.-e **tuart iad locked up. veit>


cut i.rl a

Sboao olU|M "»«.<.

Mm >i>i.afr. 4*oi>-

ardertlandieg *pp-an t> b. ve oecu *,el in the p.v-t >f tbt-Board of. reehoWe-., w.!'b re8»*eao»to tre itie*e tx tbe rihariR li-y rt'<t*rt r.ivrtat itjeir ree »i'l ibe ex*mlnaii n o' .*¦' s 11. tn Hergew l *h, rvepecrieg f- rr wbich tbe cotorliui bun.V. IttaJu ,h f*.*^e_-

Tb« Board did aot proporly o ¦«'> hia .1 mtk* J*lre, bavingilmply pabiflh-d ia tv* daily papen th-a* r*a»"I."- wt»h *rf. ren.-- to tbe .-Timioan i. ol aail eeO.

Tbe Siteiitt a»« call* upoe the Baarl for lha t*_t_4\ rneat of a commbtee to aitaeu hia ecaMieaflea af aald celL







t^ourt COUBT Cai.K.M.AR.. Cirruil |. |.




Monday in Srptetnber-No.. l. .?, 4'i-l, l»l, \ *."", I'", afistj itt, 1.0, 171, i:.t, 171.

KROOkl.YN ITEMS. Board or Supkrvisors..TIih


met at tba County J.tll y, ai.-rd.y. Superviaor K -m 11'.< latiug In the absen. e ol tbo Cbairman Mr. Atter tba readlog and adoption of the tr.tnutaa SuperTi.i.r Muchmore submitted the foliuw iuk as a t irract atatanitnt ut the aceounu ot the i-iupei.landanU of


tb* r.i with tbe County of hmmy Dr. S'i, mntr dc'it. nt I'or, To l.alancaon hand July; 11, |KI. .11,1. Jl Au.ount ~0*l'...t from ('o>t>tj Tr>' nuroron Penliw l*Btl..y a ...unt.l,'«n> Acicunt lacatvad fnr auppllcH. Jic fur Almsti ».as, | lloapi'sl, A.yluru at.d trn.p ,r»r\ rrll.f.





AA, -umed._

IHARKIBD. >.a..».Ur. -M aaat.. ar K*» Ow>*a» 11*11. Mr. uRidHr taB__i.oi itt t Oo IV .Jw. ,aj nwa o|. I«th e .,.. », Ta|. la-- la... M.a* M 1111 BKAl.L. J»'i|hr*r«l Et latm xio*. Beoil. lo Baa. UtVl II8BHM ,*J Bilvtul-t


U1B9. IBVS K aafl .r.*of Jm .. i, J K*r», »|».l la |**ea. It.* r-..t. ..J acaaaaaaaaai nt t1. ,«-.,.. *. ,ri.-iaiw« t<-i¦.< h*r i..n»r*l ,'aoa V* II, li .Ty th . da/ tt :..','..» t P O. Oa tuxxttae, 0** l.h BB., nf mninlaioni, Mitl'l l.tat'.R, Baaataw xt Joa*t* **a 8_ae_aa flaafl, *a*i i r*tr *u rt .MJ..ib*. II Jk taaa. M. l, *_p*ra pl»a -. co»T. Tu.f'.j r*r- i.t i li a-i..t. ¦¦ I..**.. '.' il* Uaci.Bb. RPa tl(l» lllla,. tfj-.| *. raa-* tn.i moalhi. kk*liwala tt* lawMalBmwni tha nxwral tk,. a_*rw»a al I . ,lli.l.l«lmwl.M*. rr.»UM'< Hii. I.l * -.l.t tti .«.-. al Jaiaat City. I-BIKI. S C>>\, _f*J M 7»-ar« MM * i',.--tl»«. H>. r- ¦¦.¦-,. aaiii a i.l -n lo Bonal Brnol Iv t :'. -rn. >»' ...a* -amm J





>i Obaaaabavv, ,'««¦ ttitmatp, .:.-*, l>r

E-BBBK, xt

Xj*.i. H

<aat jii * ¦'WB



lhoil/ad tu r> etva eat'rtiitaa f.r atnkiug a pr.. urtiig mateiials l.r .....iplatlng the oortl ol tha PenltentUry. atag .^ap.-r.iaor B--r^an moyed tbat tbe (.' itimtttae on I'llntti..- ba diiecad tobava SOOfloplai ai tbe Report of tha .-'up.-rlnlf nd'-nl* >.f tha V.ntr or.i.ted. Aid. f-.liwall inovid tbat tl*e LuB.-l; A.ylutn (7omtiuit a h« dlrected to view and ascertaln tbe prtee )f tha (aiin ol I>a*.lel lUchard* *t Yelloa Book, and p -:t ta 11 the aHgibtlUy of the loc.tloi. for tna ,n < *¦¦! et I.uiatic Aayluin building. A lopted, aud the Id.ard adJourted to Tueadxy next al') I\ .VI. bea temtaty wi and


TlMI'FRAl9CI PlC Nl. ..--Ytt-.I'M'.lav

ir.orB.t.-.- lha teinpar.nce people 11 irooklya proceed-d to shrt-p a Head li.y. on a plc nic rBiiuratio. I'h*y weiu coaveyed tht.ber by furniihed I.y M>ssr*. Jobustm i dudson, t-lria In num'.-r, an.l ware 1. d od t>y 'ha M.n.mothomnl'rus. '76." I'.-.epnty am aaa >mpanii .1 * y an excellent oand o: u.uii. and r.-r.irce.1 aVul * o'i Icck lu tha eretilng hiithly deB^'ited wi.b

tte spoita of the d .y.



»|.".r II., rtmaXXU

ol .eatm..).. ...> ru lil ia A. H.ila. -I Harltm. M, aoyet X a-rn.*|, ._., .*., Hrt l.RICI r




mtt . (at*. I" .r ,nl»r--wat .' *¦ M'aafck-atH c... ..* Yaa-lal. Mfl ta }. B4B RlKl ri.OK.., u.»l.i.-r ol S.m. .1 .mtt .!.--»iooJ »*-l i iemra mm waafl |i, ,...,. ,,a tnal 'rM.i»,« ,., (K* l.milv ar* n,,,*l ta tneU fla .'

f.a.-ral fi..». l«.'i,-....», aa II r.ioa*l.». al..lK an.l tl I *'.-U.| f B II.¦,,.,.!.., ,.«. I,. t.terl." i*tl Lu,,.-a,f tf.xtmeaW t- ll ./I M. al , *'a iMl


the fltaeb Kxrflaa«e-...At<i. il





lr.,..., J.l W


a,.._. Il-.'t ,«'. ..uie ti T. .¦¦*, .* .VI ."*

.i ..




.,...-. 1,.

a. t>V .1 tt .aai ., MaBrwB K.« i.«i *ai ar io. l» IM .,.,.no m M'«.- BUI," 1,N ,». < .n*l I B.r. <" a ..*a.*^i i>. ..-. ii. >.«¦.... i*. m\ 1..1 *,,.,....rr.-,» /. I. An.I^»W Ao. utflnri-.Caaal. ', M" '»W«|| i. i ', ........waal Tl Har'jM* K R _a. |\ m^'liM " -,. '".-** " <r.4 ,., ¦" tw* ¦a, ,,..~e a t*....... !.¦ nu a m -,.,.its, I. .OlITl *AAl.*ll .H.a J... l.alNrw J*r..| /.ot. ll», Ki »IS -... .',..l.a' II, ll*J ...U.llta -I .'. I.\' al ln|l....laol It H ...alll .«¦ Ilt| li,.a'*> HU ll', lai rl.. ; .1 .1. 11 V, ..<> .*xn W l.t, ,1. -, uo An..»';l», l..M lin i.. tt% ie_» MB<_ aal W.r. IUI .11 M K"r*»n t.-.ICo. f*i III ':<» K**d.m KR J Klj ^. d.i.b*».ll'.^ alSV. 11 ...... .aiUw, M r.a.1 Ca "',', "' A.,.*l^ (W B .j- KR IM Hoin..* i Kr.poi. ,:>»..¦'H.I-.* BJ d..?.*'*.* IMl dl.i.ll.rlll '-" N \ Wil II RK ...Uf. |, !i.i,,'.ill'i,....-ai,Ji d....mll .i.i i.baaaak *<> loeatUvrMweOa i. .>B,.i. i..,,._ Hit .nis I io.Ill W .'. ¦ KR ia IM .1.1 AW IS ti. li.ltaiM I'.R. -.r

..,..>.,i... ki. *7i.







di.t* IM



ikcond aoian.

i.iniiii'.s.'*.,w. ,.ia ta...

iih^.ivi an





100Nirarama 1.ttVUn:*)






»«> .'.


do .-»*}Tt«, lo bJQTI Ao.kdu Tl*,



M i ant. Ca.T''i> m ia


i*.»i .,<..t-i.) H Hirl»m Kallrau,.Tl

di.b-M.*,^ a> Ut ,1,.bu,".', tai Co.US



n .!.¦.. i,.n\ Ii,e,l.



;,u .'ai

CoalCo.Tli', Ml,.

H.... K K.






.^ l'n,,.. Cal


.¦..) M

io.toarf *.


di..«nii, ¦>¦..war A.,.aw.. .i Im ainm\ i. Ml UU I.l.I.l\ do..a>.l-.l|



.1...*JlV. ,-. d. .1% :m,



fl lK.aa.1. * N r ll II l.« o U.Uaa RuIimI I,.. K-a_ia| Railroad....*l ,1 V'.l Jo .,.,. VI',1 .




ai., | m




PbBBOMAB 1n-.ii!.'

Aldermen..An a.l:>urna«l


ling of the Board wu held at l.veeu-n Halt laat A p-dtiou from tbe Waier ComwiifloBara, e-<-nlag atl" « the t'.-n mon (\>._<*ll to ailot then a p»ro >a of the laad at the loot of ll _»hi_gteu tx a* a plv>aUa wbich to prove aad alao lur » barf purpoaaa.rt* feired A reioluiloo wu i.i-int. d dlreettng Iba ereedoa ot a Mhovl bttuae ln lhe Taltd Wa*d. l h»tai ordaaance for l- .'wu takea up, aaaealed aad paaaed


'Hie actual coit of *uppirttng tha f a lT thfl dloi! July .11, IStt, BBSoaaBj .. |iol .v.ij sa loconUialr .idti>» ; Pp0,t tjj. C.ii,n|t.t-'<* rac .inmei.d lhat tha lUhl 07 al l5-,.'"'j«" ralsad tu IBralth tbe n pilslto sup"T fut the Mrru-lb use. .*.-.. lor tha c miinr yaar. Acaud l.'.r.d cept.d Aid. Broeks trovcd that tha Comn.ltt-'e on AluiiHouse be auihori/ed to procureea-lmatnator tii-r p'. .u.b icgwork aid beatleg. 10 c.inp.etfj lha ueaaxtension ot the (' ui ty Hospli.l, on tiie piaos ani *paclic*ttoua fumlsbei by Meisrs Ku.g .nd Koilum, arshltact*. 1 aai Am iiiolh moved tbat the Oawattlaa on Naw Penl¦.




Total.188,881 79



Ml from the H.I Ferry trt oa Buoday evealaa. A rope wu throwa hlaa, wbicb ha graeped, aad wu thm drawn frixn the waMr ia an .aba-Mad coaOitioa.

AniO'iot .rcelvfd f.-om Coiintiia*li.n*.aul Etnigration. In.V'ib BT An ount racd.fd from Huar.1 of 1,185 81 441 00 Amount rrcalved Ixsl.rdy case*. A.r.ouDt rrieivril frutn |.ru.liic. aad stock sold.... I, I.i 37 An o.ini received frurn pcckrta uf dscrsaed par226b HSB. 'i> '*> AnmuDt recei-cd tiu.i. lnstirBJue Cctnp.p). Ca. Snj-rrrnleridintii-f l-or, By * tasTiturt* paid on account ut Aliiuluraa, lliw.'ital, \- p* pat uucban I'aiBiahsd.| t>>r leuijairiry raliel.. 1,198 '» By e-ipt/Dfliti.rfs Ily it] rimiturfs for 1'eiiitsntl.iy. J.IM 71 ..| Pf nltai.liirj .-c.union liai.d.|ll »*.. / Ba.aBcar,f'A.MbSBM.i.nbl W S


Ovfbroabd..-A rtiiddle



P.e,tora Judja Rooaavelt Har'itt H. sa.Ma Bgt Ja*. tf Mnlrelm..Suit lor I'iforce. Motion tor AHtnoay raei'ii tbat detendani pay to pl.tinitrt. fur support .nd,ai.d el ,ihio« >r baraalt and live ehlllran, th>- wi.kly s-...iii of l (. during the pendency of thisacti. n, .-< frotn -.'Mh April last, the arrearagea to t-a pald in rire days after the sarvt.e ot thi* order.and also |73 as counsel fee for pro*ecutlu* tbe suit for di-

ClTT..Thfl Ctty IA


away parti coedaaea te a tihby coa-fltea. aad aa raeaaurei bave beea takea tolleaaae them. Oa S-veathW., aad .-n the n rtb ilde ut Newark-ir Wairea-at, tbar* a-» a- -utmlatlooj of aulaaae* txrite, general dflarreeltoa te tbe reapocrive aelgbbar*



Bsooklin. 1 iii* po> tion ol tba city appaari t>*iilufriied wuh a »et ol rowdtei, wbo ai.iuti lhatn*elve* by ci n.adt'lug repealed aml acgr.ra(i*d crti-lriai u^.u p'a-. .'.le citl-can*. On Monday alghlahoat I.' tf lock. a'.'imi.n gi. cer, n»«r th>-'r ot llttdit.naf aad Coi.imbiast, obattvrd four teilini aaariag BBl of s driiklrn placa, c t Iad the t>e\ti ice IhaaV *, *-.l aaiault a tam et, who wa* d.i>li.< p.atln a aagon. Aftar beatIng bl.u ln tke moat aatTagaaaa mant.-r, taoy aoaBWhaad id kadeeeal aiiault up.u a femala, woo was raturolog to har BBWe nt Kad tl ak. Itsermi tbera are no PoUc rw-n in that bnme.litta victnit






Stoies.Tnewliiy, tt,

or *¦ Fir.t Bxu.r-1 -|| r^B. 11. K Vi| lia./Ofl .1 ..¦ rt It R I*. Vtltem. II. |IM ti,. Y<-',:th,. tm Lat,*i, Im .'.,'.. * .'¦*, Baal ,*,to,m, HM , <r oa. .-. :t. nny,; i. llam.b .,« ll u u. uw ll.ail. I,, ,. ',,,"'.1 it* K,-a-l ,T l-e I, 17'. ^ Banf ltl »-i, Ht .,., ,i.-i.i. Bav., a. ti.'Ui Patt. ,*, BRi M M.* rr .,,.».. II. I, ,.ilt.,,.i ,. ,,,. anl AmlnT II ll IMl t 1 <_M lo,-. II, ¦iaid Bav. r*W.,ll| ai _.-, i*1. aiA>w L«bia_ l«i I*.



-,"|- B-nk '" *.

. .

h-.,-..l|, IIIH. »r»7 IVn,. I-, '',l%' m



m 1


TvEsoar, Aug .'l-PJl

taodooCaJ «>l tho StoiW almoet market >o_ilnu,d l/diy, but lhe decliae Tlie iluWMWnnl


to the 1'anciM. fllcarag-e wu itlB tbe beavleat -tock, and cloied at m\ dull. A traoafer ol 1 cCO ibarei, lt li itated, wu made lu day by one of lha it. i .-it i-.rti.-i ooneeted wlth tbe Company. Ai far

entinly cunhned

the legltlmate buaineu of the Company U c mcerned, told theattaln of lhe Comptoy ara pr japeroaa. Il.lewu heavy during the day, but after Ibe Heeoad Bcard It reeovered, ind *7 wai bld. A leading operator ¦'¦ r-d --, t/u>(ir 1 n,< nlh'. fur .<nn aharet NorwioB,


we are

I or« Ii'and, Cinton, Harlem, A\et, were baavy. Of tkt latter, 1 ,.,00 ibirM were uld at tbe 8-oond B._rd, cl. .tug it "17» f*tonington wu tirm at .'.!i bld. Read-

Ic waa an eaceptlon to lhe teul.-ary Bf tbe mirkel, and clcitd at !'l, the full price ol yeaterday. 'Iaa Ia veitmeLt riiurka are tn fr<lr re,|ueat, and are well iu Uti.ed. There li no amount preielng on the marfcet( .»i -tocki are alio iieady, but not active. iijvora** are wdl held, and la fair ii nt and Hiatei .demand At the cloae, ihe appearance ol tha market li.. 1, -ted a geteral edranoe tu tn rrow.

Tli*' iimrket fnr


hn-i decllntyi

', per cent. from tbe h!,l..*it point, and Ant clau lAlte ¦reieltliif 10 'IO'*, the balk ofthe bailnaia betef dona at 10'... Tbe demand haa been mode*ite -j- thia .te* .-r wldi a little tx.-tter lupply Tlie aurkat wm dull at the cloie. fianca are 5 I.'i1, Rl I *.-"_¦ Amiter dain 11 rt Mhx Uremen .'rrT'" i Uamburi- :.*,'¦ t Pi*,. ..

The Miarket i- lower for Frcighta to without much Liverpor.1, £ngigeqMeta tW' Tlie Coroiioi's Jury in tln* ta,s« of 300 balei Cofloe, ,d l.loO movaraeat. or 1,-00 bbla. Fioar, VAw I at.ick Hurksr, wbo was farally Injured a (em dtys sgo led.; -0,fl.Cir. 5,(00 buib. t;r_ln, '1 ia bulk, 5\ . tn llfib-*v by being run over by dlrf can, rrndared a ve.db t Itcu patlng the brakeman, liarnard Silmon, for Vhd iblp to ba? lt To London, 30 tuxa h un, 30/, i>00 oot uilng b» ceiaary precautlun io sUriing tha ctrs bbla. Hour, :sd, SCOdo. OliCaka, l/ft TeBavrathMa -a. li nol much doing. Lar«e>t..A bri__: Iviiii.' Ht tho Atlantic Tlie Maney mnrk.'t rontinue-. morn bca-.


friday nl_<ht i**f. and tobbal beloBa.g to the mata. Mr J .hn Brown, ia value lo aScut ffO Yaateri.y Coa> stabia Ilytie, of lha aaven'h W.rd, arrested a man ln .'hrrry st ,N.».'. ork, on suaptcloyj He wa* com nltted Lock


broben Into cn

tf property »U'




WILLlAMSBlRt'II ITEMS. fyThf- (rfriimn Hor-efJuinl- afNaW-

Y. Hct,aeyt with aareuty Tartt, camu.ndad by Capt (.raod U, Wiluamsbur.b,

throu«h trrday momlng on thelr aay lo .**r.edak«i i, moaket* paaaed



ob a



tW The City authori'.ie-drtigii protcedthe Ul t-a ttie uroacctjUun*

*<alnst at once wiih *gal ln st'oog drlak. It ls repor ed thtt the case.* of ooe and -!\ty rlnlatiob of thi* law *re to b* ent.ed to imo-.tiate legal alteat.b.




txjT Reiidolph, the prl>oiier who escaped

to Brewetv* BBBB elgued a pelitno <it t. "t

rebiiiid ob tha Old Brewery atts the *r.*t is raiseaL


tnet.t, be aieertalr d The namei of tlie iojured peracm, ercept tlmie menil ned ibove. ,-ou!d not be bar md. Th ¦-.. purecireri wbo were .¦-, fortunate aa to r icapo iinhurt uied every flBBBBI ta illevlate the lufferingi ol tbeir leu fortunate comradei Tbeconductor of tbe train, and other attachei of lhe roid who wera ua board, were active in extricating the unforw

Caof'd-aTBEET..The Ti th



conaioerably revlred last nlcnt by tba healtitiiBJ drl/^1* tvhlch came moat relucUntly frotn the un-. ;.,ln,- clouds. Theie wu, however, m.th_g uorth ipreading an umbetla for up to 10 o'clock.




what eztenl could not, lo Ih? exclternent of the


Grade or teesol ihe "Old

Caviphem: AtciDE.fT..On


a wotaan MB_R| S.iuth i-oarth-sr., named Bild.-at Gormaa, while irt.suOm a cimpbeas

aftaraooa laat,

tlv*. ta con««<{ueace of Ibe draio oa tbe vaolfl oi


uf the K*nk* for paymenti Into the riu. Treuury, aad for l.ret _n iblpment. Theae Banki are obliged v> eafl I, ii ;r... I-a_i, whlcb makei a new demand for Moaap to that extett I hu demand, h .aever, !* freely mat by tther Bank., anl by private CipttaJ.iU. ind ratee Wa >|U(4a luaaa. oa are tot mateiUUy apprecUt. J eall, at I a ». cent, moaly :. Af cent Tba oUartega at Bank are eomearfaat increaied by tbe adraora of tbe u-u n bui tte iscreue b __Jaip artaui Th,' itooowr to-morrow will t»b,s prob«l,ly o_l) hiA,i), -') or ITUO.000, wai, b ia le** tbaa w»i aotktpot-d. A ooriioa ot tyi mey. however, ha ounterroanded. #>n;»rl wu wtthdrawn ttedey Tbe i* i. *_d for biili b_4 not beea e<{ual to aa-clpafloa, aad*-. bowi tr-aaaaflooa wera mada. whieb t..»k*a ;.*._¦«. of cr ia. <

Tho RROOOjAl of the Lon^ Ialao'l Road,

sre....RS/m !t 8,iflJ Tl _a_Mflme, l.-tl Into ber hand. It aoctd8Btaily cainphene a-.tlc_.J--h lt and to she thrurt her tooh lato haad fi-e, * Bormed.. ralrkk anl told bia to Severelt It tk bi'.o itaie of atma threw a __i Fiar.Child bat, Frtary IncreoM.¥>** purer i:. ii, aill atill further promote a nitcber whlch sbe -rapposed cntalned water, bul ta a Ire broke out aleain*ra. Again, ai no it away. Capi II, up n teeisg this, refused to lst tha Aboui 1 -t o'cloek oa Taeaday morning, pbeieiacalcrlc ibipathaa ia whaa W _it it, occupied wueh tbera wu oampbette. 1 ae damu commualTl.e amount reeeived at tlie Sub-Treaau0. houae Ho. 2 aecond la the itory j wh told riavis for warrant. aed ashed tte anthraclie coal li priscnarr g", catad with the campbene, aad ber hand aad ana were ****** wbilever ii prodacad, Aileo u 1 porter aad boardteg houie. The Mr. by la klluo.vfut paid, 0.4,1.0 balacce, aV>,m,7Si iy burned. She at aad the a aad and h not, oalrd tke Capt.a liar, appiied DUpeasexy, tUmei ipread wlth great reptdity, aod bei ire the fire. stven'ly .mploy ed, tke mafla and riggteg of Iba calorlc ahip alll bim lhat he tohaditrtfce w r- liaved Boaaewfaat of her luitarii.s by the spplihl*_ P.triok Friary thaa weat men ct oid lubdne Iherr. the balldteg wu parflalry de- cadon Weexaa_iaed the tbreakntd e a* i -an a* la laiilng 80-000. Tlie Dry Good- tradi- Li fluurishiag vtg'h of reatadice. ll wu oaly witb the greateet dirhculty tbat a eteedy, fall aad heaithy demand for every ieeortpaea combuttl.n of ibe h ty borie eal.iic-eojrine moat critl oot with Oti.r-ar Gatters aad got the warraat, and da- aroyed. wRh their Hxt*. afihe the eaoaped BBBflBBBB_ proouaei at g od p' ieea Trt nt trt ktrtlt. Pay aaaaa ware atnmr cally. No lattoke eauld be delected Irom lr, aad wa ar. Hvared il at tbe dealt. laa C-ptala tben locked up D*> Tbe bre ia ii.pp ied to bave origiaaied from a moarjmio iERSKV CITY ITEMS. of M ir,J Iba proeperte are oalm tdng (or aa ecflvw rlved at tba conrlualon, that witb auch * ttow comboa- vt* ua! Vtiaiy Ib tba morritng tbay wars ttkam before cettteg aro«Dd Mr AUea 1 bed. Aa IlCi t ehlld betaer, li'e dei la A. wai ao a-var*4y tmroed BbU ita Ln et m S. bool. Thi* iQ8tituti>n. aoJ prof.taUe btiAaeM tl nryio t tbe uum Brown tl.a a_J eity lirtng amoko cannot p m:*y etnanale JvttAoa -tttart. who b«id thetn both U ball to a_iwar fur trt tire. burned nla Mr Ailea aad wtfa of wai-eaeverely oaflfld hu bsea aaaeded wi_ emiaeel su .-au a.ce fiom tba --thracfle flBBBBBfll ln the furnacea. Karope a mUdemesnor. ibe fsraur in 0m aum of #1^)00, aad about ar. very aeU.e at full p evteaa SblrRaga tba b»n<i*. tn eodeavortng to eattagulab tbe burn- wbirh wtll re-. on dspaasBbw K, Ha rofyimeii baa icarceJy «ay of Ibfl fuel, and te a nafloaal pornl ot tbr t-ter b |BBt IhoUwar t**k%m ctedMa ahout RtbOH Taa b*>.r_rnto tbia^.-va wbich la tba etaextt. tag p.'oea-tbeManut-mr.actU-a-U^ *->*.>m 6-Vaath ainM beataataf vf Ua Bu'e* aad Mmui-rUry ware tktt tahaa b**t~si'M xo*c-allevabia p-oparry. .law, theref*>re. tbe lagrodwrdoa of On enhorh: rnxg_a Bimp


frwiu the 1-iato Ibe'.'lit,


.-ot some






--m^^^-aKEat ^gCTlSji* lo'tb'a'report r:r.;^vr»'2,fr,-7'«pr^ SJ.. M.e..ed

and firm. Daat-B qulchof*aie ip.Ja ratbto.Babur.b. a 9*. Tlck. are m ode7 at \ ite but ady .,ul.t of ther ledlum grades aud nlery active, but prtnclp.Uj are iv br<ter re,.ue.t for h3«a




8JBBla*V '',,.., ;:,rhof..e.luk'ingrat,. Ther'la ^j^S, Olnghnm. 101 "f^gS^ ttM-a forward D£-^ ^good^ .jawtaa regular pricea demand good ^ toZtt"bu-yaC _fn aV'SX «* ln ixeeu





^ Tba

and btaeta.

^P^trebuoytnt for

i Md.. un







Cu.f or medlnm mere. mcve ver, iraely .1 rUlng price. the favorltci for Ud fine aaaa-ea. Bbrtpa patterns are and pricea better tn aie reque.t, Lln.ey. fancles. the are dcll. Tnere U Jeans and Tweedi arelmproving. ior r lannels at firm ratai. Blanketa are a aood df maid requmt. Inforelgn ateady. Sbawli are tn rnoderati*itocki are not '.arge fur ftbrlc. the trade ls very brlik; favor the season or for ih«a existing demaod, and prtces lhe Itxporter and ic-llfr. The active demand nmbracei gn xii, all kinds. Stlha, eolored. platn and figured, drcss clotha, ilbboBS, Jaconots, delalnes aud prlnU, r»s ss lu oo-rosnd full rate*, and are dlmlmahlog mpldly activ ty. la the ibare goccrsl British fully stock. good. Statea, TheexpoiU from Liverpool In a'.l July tothe




, ,1. \\ .....-¦

Naw-York, in.ijTO- P«*<*«*" Boeton, M»ia,l psrta, L » PhUadelpbla, l.V.K) do., SoutherngaaaaaaaawFitati









Naaal Slorrs. .. .-4) M,.. "'.«.* N.'.a! 8t«r**, 1. ;' tat. .1 '»'). 1.8).. R'lm, |




Braad.f ** 4... st.p'...,. ¦ ' Ju *'..' d.. '..> H 1 *.f. __.____._. ,., :,.. I.'-. A-hss. v..i.. !»««¦ -3 " w.,.-, 10/00 llavas, ... easa* taaa k -' '.







s. i..










I', rk






¦«a| Bi,.t


:. sa




good* ".o.,V'T ..;.........(... Md comml-lon. ca be evoldcJ-lndeed, '.1 .r.-.:u:s.:-.. ba ¦*."i-'-'" *".¦ saie. Meiin. CsBilw.*. Ros* l.8n»**Ha*it.- 10bts.8Up.l0do Jeureadl'y a» aoctlon iban onof p.lvale waa ...'a "v .;¦, n*ao.tatatlast San ll.--. ,..:,.. -t.s'l. w Wl'merdlng A Mount. iale t,o_baalr.ea wor- 88 d Tr. aks. 2 pk| Uil B SerO.N, lOSpsrs. Vkar* I ll.-.-*. Jl'- I' nna.tractlve, though hOO pleceiof i J 4 i.-fi Psiat., 0 rataa else, tbao anytblng I at 77' rall IB Thii roarki, more ,...,.. T)r>..-, 8 1... ls. Currsn-.., lOCBSWC* .."



tl .l*a<





get has Philadelphia Led Inforroatlon










1 :"' ¦'¦"¦

******* ** ******

..-.. .' ( ,n..,|-











Miil, -i ImaBnt-'M, IJM ka, Cepp-r. i mat t.v.. .r ir, bo_*.»-*p.W phr s' >'« aaadarj :: pte*. Hardwar*. ...... |B Ale, >I »3_t,l-.CornM**l.»l do. Bavalltora*. .- I .!.'!, ¦'¦lo. Varu.h, li ln. ! 8 -, p00Oknf,il do. Mttch*., 1*000 ltai Blu kitl. 11 s ...





Tbe New-Vork corrMpondent of Tkt London Timt. vre think muit be in commuiih-tion wilh Tlu Ltdger.

The contnet fior buildiog tha Road Irom Ilecheiter to Port <,eoeiee hai been awarded. lt wB] be about icven miles ln lf ngtb. It wlll be perpetiially leued tothe Kocheiter,



Niagara Fa!U


A Convention wn- held Rl RociflC 011 the ltlth Init for the adoptlon ot meamrei to promoto tho ol the I.ake Shore Railroad, to extend from Mllwaukee, Wla , to Cbleaeo, III.


uii! ahow tha eofldifollowiog toblo Banki in tbe leading iterai on

Rod of the N_w Orleanl


¦r *. Loou oa, ... Dur-e. MO 2,,H|.II'I 2,1.7,160 2,834, a_f***M_.1,117,711

.-at.. Oil Sila, 1 I'.i.i-r. 1 pl|i. Ilru|., .'. CWt Drv< i8iBl,l de.Gre*lClott,8M K-t.uce "al, 2" Ao. I.u,»tn, !.. ' '-¦ *"¦" '.' ''"¦ ***** M**'' * ,lj' ^ork. P .'.¦., f ¦>.¦." .1 p, iato**, I" lo. Bi.inn-.l .lo. Appl--. ¦!'¦ II.. l.'.-1-lo H»t..ii»ii.-' a',, B.,*,.r, "'»'*> HerriM'. WttettU I't l 1,0.M ln ei er ii -a 7j-n tiVr. ii'. b,..\*- Caadla*, 10 lo. Parfumarv.) ..>«! Hoop*, 1 rate P.M*, Oakum, I.Ojl*.. Bai Kr.t.l.Kllfi.-t.,*k«,BrtnalV. |all«D« ,, ,1. I ,.li.l ., .Uii ll, Caall*. .«.-__, I), t ii Win Ibvih Tlbbh F .r. J d.-.St.ip Bread, 3 do. Braf, 3*. b«lf> Baj.aMfla. maat T.abn. .., :i7do. Batwr. II taa* Cal. Btani.-Ml l.bla. Haiur. 10,lo. Naval Sti.rat, 16 .. S!io« P*|t, ].<i baxcaTacki 13 I.i, i.ToMcm Ictn*DafMrrertjr*Articlae, ni. Bbr_iaa.9raMaLeat_erBek*,8 d.,. I.itapt, l llri.-i M_cbio* 'i .3? lt.. Lard, a* n»ra, aw. k.c« Bail* :u.i pt|* n lie* d.. IV.-...I IVar., it. do. Hard War*. 10 Griadiae Bi!l«, lil

bbl*. ISrown St.,-¦'.





l.urnher I




5 ...


Il<.r«! lt v*t*- Ma.h.x.-rr. tai.'a.i C.iar., lul

i« ¦»*- fir* Cr*. trr.. Stiawlltta, -1 tale* Baf.r.*. I'M ..¦ M.dt. Tobt,,,., 1.". I.l.'t, Uiirn, Ar..- . ,- i-|« i'i .-.r-t.,-*. 31 ix,- int. nber. n<«l mrellaa, m lai. CetteaCeria, m c.

Butter, 1 MB Iwfle, M la. »«.», l*»"Cuii«| Ba|"


Bssbw _%





¦:., I.'.lr UV.


H ,, Trr.... Tn.ot V. j; », Ti.i.'t * Co.



16 und 38 mllei.

A letter in The Dahloneiia

Sentinel ¦¦






















|.t V.


Rra/oa Rtren. The third, branchlng fixim tho Oal* veaton road, croiiine the Rraioe near Columbia, aad tbt I.,. b- iv .-. tbe Hi, .1* aod the Colurado u> Amtto Md, laaly, a road branchlng from the lul, croMing the Han Beruard and Iho Colorado to San Antonio. To eRect tbia, U U propoied lo borrow trom twelve to


laecalpta af Predace....Ac_. 21. P; th. Hudtm Riret,351 bbla. flour, 71 ,-oAiiie*. .,' fikaa t heeue. Rl A I l.ard, V do. Butter, 6<i0 doMeal, i.i uo. Leather, I. do. Wbiaky. I'.Odu. Woo' L7l* baab, 0*U, 7» do. fgfjey, l_,tyB do. *tk**k




g f.lten. _i,iM -» . .11,0 .








kr* 8 II Hajk..?«. I.-. l-»,Pinlal*itil.i»; ' irr *mh v H.Baw. rr'.n. Pi.i'fS!i 9. ...-«. VI na. Il'nii.t. KoJ^-r., N-rf...k, ¦ £WAI .1 i H..m* 64ir.y, Boatoa. _._____.-. """''". I A». .1 I




¦|5w BEdJoIU).


'.il.if. frnm M<-».'


WkVs.K BtilaifB. rub, fI

V C Mt, V B.. w,-.h


Kajr, .UJday. ffsBsIs.



B. C,wak atval


|r.nd ".. w thiapaa, t. C ,wttk wkaot, a,.i, Man " '">¦¦(' " «¦"*?' '' ¦;''*'"... s^Kr.'Bf».Laa»,4«B>i s. ,.r. EraiM«t,Saa)aaw,Labci. I say*, pia»i*raad .,-..*.. B-» , I.y.. pl,.-t»r snd lath toBr* t, Bt-a'r.Mi taa.Hcl I'.l I day., Ume. R. ki-ind. Mar.dra, » . I Jarr', 8c1 «il r r,fitsrmr,VViti<.n. Bl'.* Hill, >. <lay-, «para. S. t,r lri.,..u.,H,1.r.B...-Mn...*.r.,ip»r.. S ir. M.t.n"Hlr...Bi.|bw, V,r|,...» i..r, I. ft, 1 .)«>*. wh*r. tl.» v, n Virtotia. Wrirht. .sta rr... wrt), .'laru.-..-. PUt" M .yl.*'."., SCa. S,l,r | -,, t r'li-rv.S..... Hr



"sau'v .**...'V. a.' .-.cti.t:, laays Ba, s-w Sehr.Bps*.

t \-



y \


ll tihiBtsQB, nrotn Baa .luand* I t ro*. .t , witb suiar to Maths wa, riBt-i f. day. baaai C.f.-laa, .la otu.a ta B. U



iv. n.









Sihr.B L .<¦kll.II. 8lrk« 1 >r- », (Br.) Hs.vry, i-.irb.-r, rr,ri..laa. Pi '-'. ao.; Korms, llr*..) Brrai w f.ttemea; Aaa H ¦.r»n.Br»m*n; br f- K.v BtSW, Br Cocbran, St J ihn», B.B.J Macdonald, Ma-llaad, N.S., t. (llr.) trso, ,,»,(lir.)-; otl.BKI i.VV-t'nsship,oD«brif. iv inu- i.ut.i.iti.* aag, tam I v. I ls Ba .





li'.a-' tarrroat.S


K Kaadatl, 1

i*bb| wie

i. '-'.


I . it HAM >'. a . BBW'.¦ -V"' ; N' fi ..... .' BIW LOBDOB Iui ''".;' fof ARraa P.nn. H.laa. Fran.¦!,. Ph.l..l--li-...a fof aa r >-£. Id *r';r W T'M.rn. I',f.*y.l.' ,p.TI.. , n ¦, 8U. laa i .







i.. D





" '.'''.


BABTUCb.i Ar-. ai.i: "*J ****. ia,,. ,Bcbr.Bai_a*b_ba.,w*bb,_.aa PRB8ACOLAtr. Bof.S. .-_,_..,». Ksln*'.h. Olsr. hr. H.fh Vuit.nt, V .0. ent. Arr 17th. III N .


pl ,M 01 W-' Ird ¦.

CU l« fhl I

n.i.n, F..rr*«t*r, do.

irt brat 1 I* ir. a.*ss*v^Bof; A » . rHILADKLPHIA, LamstUB* grr.-.r.N-w Hnr,, Roamaf.Ni ho -. B Prar. Bsawi Cflsa. Ma, Bsws, Troy, H.'i.n 8al.r. Weymnutb. F. Tyhrr, R.;)bi**., Ka-t

sX."T»!*A| .,,.,

Cld. schr.*r. .lady of tb. Oc*aa,l

H.."m.n.\V..o,.ll..ton. Cambi 'i-. v.




\" «l


f IloU. ,BI*ri ., r





Plt.'Ml.INtK. A.!..! Kl .|),'.l»v,H..i.k:....'l... .'!." Itr.r 11,,'. Au A. J. H..r-on, COMBB, Irlph.a Mirp ,!,,. trrjn.. VV.....AI...n»i M.-ry* Baaaa, M.r *,. !.ibliB,SM N..'l..ik r.nfCrydr, Br Wbipfl*. Pttttfa bf* Aaa C. «






at to

.pj-h ll.J.r

:..- Arr. ..

Hf.fl.-N, A..».








Baw Y-rk. J... naw sbi|.< *la.t>al, ol W*w Vork, St. J. Ln, S. B.. to load I.r batk llr.K.nnd, B.(aSBj Bw, br i Ar.oa *rlar|.r-ttt. *t. arp»ol| Ib.- krija Hn.i.ata, -t. Iiommio M.r.r.r, J... k- l8»; star*. Maiy Bb., A ji Caya., H. II .lior, Al f.

.tr.n.tri ity t-t







B '< *."". '',"1 Cb-w». P. W»lk*r. I v I'.tkrr. Phil.lalplii*. Sll.-Bn| I. .,, y Calai", (or*'pl'*. f.cOfdlBI to WIBd); -.'hr. Ann i Ba ird r ..-i.pwn, Kb.Caka.B a Bary C. TarbaB. BfB.a*. Cun.mui«t, I'b.ladrlphu ; p. raass I"..>

tho v '-


A*S« trr KwTorb. l.r R. *H K-trll. -




taa tark.





BBcborel a.,wlil*tt Biiler, Laws, t>i.,h earmd

ruaiatohrtt* T.'a i.bbooaa,

aw.y t..- <:.

.ard b :!*r.rk.. t.. Tb* .kr. apparrntly . ,.'«rrd i.tUs irtb.r mtl: trani.i tl.r lt.rr._ol. mod at *-trir»t*d. or -if. r) ry, a« ab* mad* of) a« i. san ..'th.i laaiaB B..a, ... 11, ¦. «-t..n,; Csst V .. ,th araiBOtal .--ortad tt«. W. pattOB t***01k in.t.. I..r s: K »:l »al'.*d al al> tlAPtO. About pri ttsioaa .r.i ...rr- lumb*r,iB ournt to tl.* a;di.'|ht i.n S'.t.'iiy she tr ok Srs at tl* S. VV. 3p.\ s*d C* tk* aiatk taaal oa tl.- b* ch i-t tow tK>at I.n II n. Ib- M> Mirn wa- a |. rai fBBMl, kaih »t \\ srrrn, M-., la ll-4".'2lk tnn* r*|i.tsr, snd i.t'T irtly iti-nrrl. SI.e »l" worlli A4.1.C is .:.-'.rri sl tl r Kmtwar.l. wai >..._. I'.'i -i.taa »IT,'«»). and n.ur-din Wa'l -t. in ditlrrrm is.l -, t i.t Hal.fat, for t^u'b -. rnt-r ri l .r».t*ti,w.i. I'. K. I.. i.n tb* n.|l,t ofth* 1 Hh in-t., S84 s.hor* ».. f..t otl wubnut Hanial* py ri.-ukri a l.|l.t ,n-.l.r i.arbt.r; .1,*anl »i< abla to Irati- on ilia I¦¦. i.y ..-, bar|:t | a p'.it. wliarral.sar.iv.d .... tbe 19th. Sior T**ric.Bttract Irt.rr, a Ir-.trr from VV.Iham K.-nt.p.itr' t»r .a.... ... ,b"tr from Nrt» \.rk ts San I'nn, ia.,..pTr..pi'.»' from '-'t *n bbsb. iB-atil, J y 14, UM I f.'1 'ir TOU8*1. sr.Saili**. Bf t'..a winl July l,*lt..n|tt nl- S ¥...* ll B.I I.y E.;al4 P. M.,larkrd slep tfl tb* B.V?.| w.tb all prul.-Bl sa.l sat Bt .' iii A. H. an.» m rollia.on with tb* bark UIbudbh. Ca. I t.r, !ft.u. Ba),.*. tx.uoti .'. t .ln ..'..)>, Irnlantl, at**ria| to Ih* h"...r,*.c!. ind or. to tb- S.VV ., lU I' U'l it tli* ratr of in B.ft prrmod toward Iba bark tam* upioto tl.r SBipioaiBlbaad o-irsbip's ):*..! aUx.t u-.i-lstupor tl.a >. .rk. IhsB K., ttliiib '.r...i|).t ,tt.t| l.rr all di wn ... ib* ttatrr, onr ibrp'i l.*»d so»n hatl" w.y >" krt ¦Haataasntb. tl.rf..ih tb* bark, wbich eaasM b*fl**tU rli.ri.,.| to l.*r ri, rpt Hm . rrw t.ry all «..l »a bc.r oi orr il. p with Botbia* bn t).*y had on.aotna of tb*m wiU. haJ to 0..1 thr.rpantaloona. Tb* ..faa af th* bark BBl hi.rt. Wh*n tf* d.i.p UaHB to -ate li.wa.ll. Oi.« maoAt|ot badlr ,. ..twaUr sad .tara, aiid atri.< k tb* bark, wr trokcolt bow.pnt. ca.i.ed tha >h.p lo l*.k vrry badly and, a. thr i.rk .w unt on Bai rokr af loiiailam n.a«t, ma.n yarl, and a rjB.brr.if Safla. D"n* ib Nt. HM S.and lorf. 14 H VV. Tl.abar. ba.l on boarJ fot 11, asra .i-1 BWtT «wtea taaa of sasBf." l..i, r U'l. ai.a .l.ita.n about lr*t ... .tar. ¦.





Whalera. Chi alN*w Br.'.ford ."I. ih.p Abtflail, Dfsw, i'.r In.lianOr*an. of

!|arlo»n .lit, -bip Conr.titut.on, W.nilow, BSBtackSt, -., y Pa. .'.i. ticaan. 8ld.l" Nrw andsa ITth, .. h. L.on. C!»tk, Falk'tad I.lanJ«,ai t*ndtrltO -l..p .1 I Ha, rsatAacal bb,>.Z.,Msseh.">,Lise,Nk'ik.!-, o. I'rot.deu.r, t ¦. r laa .-1 krrr -Ji.'y .':, I..-. .'¦:,.1- ., ,l..p N.mri-1, :r .n. N.w Bedfor.i for WV.tarr. l.lan¦¦¦*. (.. r*p.rt*d. Iba K.mrod, Carry HB M 8p..t*n-Au|. 1*, at. 0 BO, aMk. TS Ot,,1. >,h. I.ojiia, frotn Fro*U if, l hatl '.one, :mos. out, w.ii, A. I



Forelffe 1'orts.

L.»*rpoo!, A i -l, VV. t-r K J..-.».. C"»t, C«1.-.i!'a. Ia ..utttsH bouuJ,»11, VV rbatrr, .N.w lofk, Par b.u..nt, Brown, B Arr. il laa faa Am. ', Raat*d.-,Law, N*w T rk. CM 8tb, Ftv ,, j BBd Baa Ir. Arr. tt or. ..:. ih, Sl. I'rter.l.uri. M'I.«7-iB, Cal Bl ,-.r Arr. st -r


k-8 7. Flla, A'» ¦ Antw.rt 0 *. f' i-.ob Au|.', Mcr. r. .... ViSSBaBBB. ira. Nawt*.-. for Bott' n. A | e. V\ lhaaa, Hall, Port an,i. M* st .N* 1 l> . Arr st Car' A I -, 1 - arr, Bayo, Nrt. Y rk. Cld It Nswta.t. AaB I Air BtOraw t A |.', Harr.rl, Spurr.St., 5. B. Arr. at iyu«rn.-. wn A i ,N lory t- |*B, BakitBBf* ii-

.>...;. ..'..






Baltjixofr, (both tba.a»*w*l« l,.tt,f .rr pri babl, II, I .« l | l k. VVau.t»f.N-w \ -. Arr. at Br*n,-ri.attn Ai.| f>,ii.ando, Hift.n., Tr.mdad, Cub*.. VwY rk '-..., l ;.ap-air, l^mH . .uilb>r. batt Bi....-.('P Hart-f /.-i*t*rt, Cha.r. a >. .-, II .. r *«.» I.l. 1 lisa M.r r, *A'ar.tkr. 11. . t . Habur.t, 1 t t.n.. Ar ttt-ri A'.| '. A''.n\. .. r Nrw fi rk. Arr. at Bt.rdfaui Au|. ntaa.Jane., Baw Orl*.r- I .'. ., II'( «t»«. CharL-.ton ith, rulcin, Gr»»ti, ,lo Si s, I . >\n.. H.Uhtoii. Ctinway, I T J . . « A.t.'.ro S;,rp-r. BsaBTaft. v... C..I BtPaaUlai Ai.|. 6, Loiiisa Otr.i. fi.r Krfw-O.Vtp.. i ._..-.» L B*van. N.iOtr, /,-.:* A i Cld. «. "' BU ¦¦. Ju'y!l,Harr:*:»pauld-|. Ibr Baw Taark. .. ,r. ... Btl I-. Arr. at Bahfo J..l.y I . An .1, P. ir.r... RobioHin, Maranllaa, (s.aca re¬ porl.1 lt'|. for B art C .-.r*.r. Wl.-». Cip*T..wn, and Arr. atZaaa .i1d. .-. s-ti. J a 4, ^t.| 1' '.an, (of Pfo»I Bo, at A- faBU rityBt. alup Juaiata, Burnhsir., irom! i Iilands, it bak rrorr i mm. A' l(. r.-rfajuna if,, bark VVyuw.., Harnrftoa, f. tc Salam (B.< *, ..r At l '.. lr| Dr. Bttpet*, G\,.\.r. tm Tu-k. Iiland aaaa -. hfl K Iti.B, Br.) l,. k>ad Tor Boaton. i At z« «, ,r bwot, aaa*> fet Bsw-Tssk. Ma BSSSf. tbt'!, 8* II. 8»w Tc k. C'! Arr. a: i, ba-k Battai '. H Bi M I -







I ,.-.«' Oflr.r.

b« 1,,'rHatr* Bedata !.-

A i 14, lat i>rk-an. j











T' 'k. -u..',« i


c .


A |*u m*b auip tuphrasta, ..oro .N.w k)A Ib ^,wa.a*aaatjipP*t*rMary-in. B*w

I.y Br. .' 10 S ». st, *.t.i»id-«y


July i, lat.



r. ****




taas.l .rr .i tt Paroarnba... tad Btata* fcr l .



ur*» alU-a



.IT ttgi.i Bnr

Prrhici, W dayt fm. Oot


Jul? II. lat iuzo, .», ii-ip Rot-kaway, from L. arpool for 5'w t rt A-.f lf., r., lat A , was »» ,n « ktf pr»p*n..r bouod t., .ay tor Uvaffaai. poaad h. C.ty ol titntptn. trom Pbt.Wlpbu Mo d.t*. lat. -. Ion II, .l.ip Hu *"''"«. ,m- Ut arpool li.r B. Vork. wo dat»,a,i 17 ., ka 17 iwr nco,iii.m

Baw Tvrk'Asl!)



H Fhafc.Vi at.aad Lycuraoa, \m*r.ra,8t..rf*.. N'-w Y..rk. SkllM A..|. :o-Aff. knea Mrrms.... I.»'.*a, CBfMB*| 11l P.rsy. and M.ry Pfftins, Bi. hsrsoa, Pbi'sdelpaia. Au* Arr. I.r.«. Mirv P.rr *. M.t- b- II. Sal- It-t. r rk. I. a..-l B. M. I'r,. ,,it,ll«ir I.St. Jobn.N. B.; Cl.a.trna. I. .ar.'l md J_H. Loafl, Pli.lad.-al.i. Cl. i.ark Eaib V\ Hrr, J..i.n H H-.hart,; a. hr. Chal!'«,«, CntaoB, aad Ora hr-t Adetpbi J. G*4_*B.N M.l.ia B. A f M-Arr. br.f F-nma I ran. r., lo., I....,m., K. Arry, Ar*t. >r,mitr._ btl. )-".. B.rtlr.t. PI..1...1-Iihla i Joha -¦' Arr.arbrs C P W.BIama, ) .Ik.nburg. « >, k Vs Admnal, Pliiladelphi. f-.r Warrham II t-Arr ..hrs OforssJ Joa**i I.*k, Philad*lph,a for Salam for B.ckffBOB, J... for du.; T*!*|rapb. fiili. do. Sarah VVsrrh... Col. Hsn»..n, [lai-ftt. Naw York forI. rPofUSBOUth C..rdr:,..B..rr..l... Naw Ynrk A Csrt.r.'d.. f..r Brls.-t; ; ».hr. Khxa Jsnr, K.llry, VVAIUHA.M, A | «- Arr frw |, Y..'k ISU), bl « luBBB, L 14th. -lof P Pr.nlrt.t. BoWBTd.S«w»*r. PmUmi BOlb,aaktp. Aou.i.-t, IMb. bark Paoae, Schr. B.w, P..'.,.. A.'., (.ar.(..*r. Drls'.var* C.ty. BalM 14th do f. ..rry, N.-w Y.rk; lOlb.S.f, Aiawam, Bs.t*. W, l..t.rrty, VVII.M1N(.T"N N. C.Ataj 2i-Arr.Ff>..nt,,n II- , Clir..-t,n. CH. IWb, br.f'.n hia tl,.n,pi.n,0.born,Charl*-ton, S. C; S. Morn. VV .lo. S.lli


at 4 A -i, r. Maff


i vv ,1:.-.



By Telegmph.

Btartfa st. M.r. y. WillBtts sarnt B'.lt.m, TaUW.aa Bsk'rr. V oet Cor»OB,Ph la lelph a; Alnbama, Powlar, >»« T..rk; BDa, ,


ISMnJaw^ad "


DEPARTMENT. Stnte of NewBANK appointmentof

York.-A(..iasv, Auguat 21. 1852-The I'UTNAM of COl'NTY- BANK has thls day filoi in this ctrice a notice THK ALBANY CTY BANK, in tho Uie itaciiculatin* of the for a* of Uf'nt redemption cttj Albroiy, with a re\ocatlon ofthe appointment of notfs, tos*U>«r Washburn ic Co. as .uch Ment, agreeabla to the acfcantitleti " An aet to amend the asvt-ral aet* relatins to Banks Bar.k-ri A'sociatiocs and Individual Bankaia,' pa*-ad Apnl 17, 1851. DANIF.L B. 8T. JOHN, SuperlntendanL


Anso!* Wii.i.i*, Sacretarx_^_



CO.. Bankers, / -Mtsirs. DI'NCAN, 8HKRMAN Kxchanfte, available at New-York, istrae Credit* and Billsof n^ht, un tlie following place* on tha WeatCoaat: Panama, Linia, 8an Frtcolsco. \ .Ipartiso,




Boatd ot DirecDIVIDEND..The day BONDS FOR SALE..New-York and

declared a *eml-*nnual dividend of tors have thi* after Tueaday, tbe id of per cent. payabl* oa and Aurust next. until which time 8 * the tranafnr books are uloseA


JOHN WRAY. Becretary.

New-Haven Seven per Cent Railroad Bonds, dae 1366. New-York tnd Harlem Baaaa per Cent. Railroad Bonds, dne 1E72. Illiocii Central Seven per Cent. Railroad Bonds, due 11-75. Mansfield and Satdniky Ten per Cent. Second Mortgageand Incom*. Railroad Bonds, dae 1857.By KETCIHM, ROGERS ic BE.MENT, No. 45 William st


on BE RAILROAD, failing due snd the lst d.yof A.-guat, 1888. at the Bank ofil»» State ot Newbe paid at the offioe of Meatrs. DL NCAN, SUERYork, wiil MAN i. CO., No. 48 Willia.m-«t_




CO. No. I« IVaU-fl.

BlBEOB Dkii'cr, A'i'-'i.ineer

BY SIMEON DKAl'KK, Offica Ko. 46



ahout.T.. .


CO., No.


]\_ _*%









SOLD on the moit favorable terma, by COLKMAN k DKAKE. No. 63 Wall-it., near Hanover-it. to be genulaa l'jo, 80, and 4d acri Warranti, juarantied and receivable at any Lend-Ottice tn the United State*,ofeontha all to forwarded parti Warrante Bantly on theband market price, on the recelpt of remittencee. eounlry at the huheit piieei for Land WarranU

era are

Offic., No. I


.The hlgheit pricei paid for Land WarranU. Miii¬ and other clalnii on the United etiiciently proeectited tary Infonr.etion given topenoni wiihlng to locate Land War¬ ranti un valuable public landi. Money loaned on bond and R- CLAOUETT, No.35W_llit. mortgage.


aml ERIE RULR0.4D.

-EXCIRSION to POKTAOK-Petaons to attend tlie relebra'.ion of the completion of th* Hip tbe Bulialo aod New-York City Biidge, at Portage, ooonWK.1NES JAY, the :"xh imt, arlll Railr.4kd, to be MM of Duaneat, hy Mail Tnun d I leave Ne»-Yotk, foot ov*r remsin Btght eitberat I Imira and on M ? Tueid.y.Extra Tra'n tailllea^e Eltntraall A. *L An or


W.deesday an.l run direct to Horn»llsvill», and Poitt**. Retunilog will leave Portage at BJ8F.IL.aad run dlract to HomellsMll* and Elmir*.ii.vitati.m frotn the Pre.ideat ef carda ot


r*rtor* holdinc wiU ka the Bulialo axd New-Yorh (ity Hailroad Company RtiIroad by tttb paaaed free over the New-YorlandtndEriehaving thelr U-fB ibi at the orhYe of the Comptnr or Secretary. lountenlgufd by tbe Siipeniitendent New-York tad i.itermarWB Excursiim Ttckets from rattiro. wtll be aold fo* onehaT' and potnts to Horoellsville, m lhe usual1 tare, tobe good'on Ihe .'l h. i'.'l., and *oih.



WANTED *J\J**J -Of thewhich Florida and 1812 Wan, and alao of thi the hirheit ea*hprice wlll be oald, Meilcan War, for Ulinoli Patenta tor the War of 1812; by O. H. illV-





W. HASSLER, Phtsicia.i, Sc*v>

DR. SPECTACLES rtcii'iitilically luljusted payable Stepherson iO«_ _fig «gg« Pearl-rt._ geoo*tothe UN CURRENT iMONEY--We bay- U~~S. PASSPOR^lbr"ali "pnrta of t^ STATES UOUNTY LASn WANTKD.*.A loaa of UNITED *W\mXi\ i\i\i\ Application* tRjeJlJy"/"

alio, fELDT, No. 3 Naann it. 8 doori from Well-et

Belfait Binkicg Co. of lreland. National Bank of Scotland. We are, by ipeclal authoritv, aurhorized to heee DrafU oa a«M. ** at lhe above _e_k_, 71 Wall No. it., corner of

geok and Occlist, N* 92 lYtit ISt*-*', *).._# coosulted gratta, from 8 to » o'clock A. M, evwy day, 8fl8»

dayi excepted._j



one-auarter of


$3n,ooo wanted for twelve monthi, to be reeured by State Btocli. Any perion or eorporatiou having thu amount to loan may addreie W. J., Box No.


with tiueiring accuracy, by M» imperfrct vislon, Maker, No. ti Bowery. N Y. ».»*¦ KKANKS, SpectacleWilkes. .nd Ilalated. Surgr-io* to BB Dulois, sneet.Dr*. and Nsw-Yotk Eve Intirmary; Dn an.l DrWallacaand Dr BaB N Y. Eye lioapital,

Eaitern at one-elghth, Jervey lng State atoneone-tbird, per cfent- and other money proportionately MEOAREY k JOHNSON. 9 Wall, oor. New-et .

to traveler*.Isaaed by world.lndtaperaable J. B. NUNES, Notary, No 06 H vlwijf

OKKICE. No. 66 Chatham, oppotdto Ch*akaMtmade for Warrant*. alded by mnatar raUB Wurrant* boaght or located oo the be*t selected ki. fc*J and i*aniis for saJe. etamiuation, peiscDal


3,010 Poit-Ottice, appointicganlnterview._


JDrrj t&oobs. iRY GOODS.- -For_a!e,a full a_..ortn_ent of Linen*, TableClotlu. NapkinaH-ndkercbtefa, Black

Cl.thi, Caiilme.ei, Printi, De Lainei, CaihinerM, liJki, Oingbami, Muillni, Iic a- wholeaale and retail, by W. MAT 11LW 3



CO., Noa. 52 and bi Catharine-it.







Kibbona, illki. velveta featbera and mllltnery goedi; for BBBB and mantilla truuniingi; alto for bonneti, ceck rlbbuna, wrlitleti, bowifor hair »_*hei-ail of the richMt quality aod deiign, and largeit vartety ever exblbited in thn country. Kor tale very eheap, at wholeaale or retail. at No l'i Bowery, corner of lieeter-at. M. 11.


TIIK ribboniadapted







of DIRECTOS of the BOARD MININO COMI'ANYhiveord*re<ltn



MAT1NICI NK ISLAND.-bj r.f an aet ,,t the Lcgial.tare et the Sute of N*b*> ersey, and by the authonty t.f . ingal Town M**:lng otthp ns ol Butl.i.gton City will oe aold at publio tal. a 11 o'c'.ork. M.. on tne fit); day of Septembet nitVat Belden's City Hotel. la tbe city of ButlinglatB. N J. oe*. balf or tl.e Iow*t p-_xtof Bu.i.. i-t.n >.r Mt.'.tr mh lslaat nbout 1*4' arrea This valuabie pr..p..rty I. aftB> eoinpriairg ated in lhe Oelawaie Riter.*. the clty uf N, J-, 20 n..l-i thejeuy of Philedrlphta, ar.d .pm tba great highway between the two sreat com.nart.ia. eit.N p th* I'nion. .nd op|..;t* iheontlet of tk* Utlfl. ware Div.sion of the Per.uayit arr.. Cnala. .1 rlriatoL thiouih which piuse* lhe great bulk of eoal wbich Issklppisj from Ph:lad*I| Theelig'ble sitcatloa of thls Island, th* depth of aater. and the boMi eas of the ahoree, combiae to readar il oa* sl the mest desiraf.l* prop*rt)es which have been otfared to sap. Italist* or m.r utvt.irrra for * long time The purchaser will be re.iutred to givs salls.itory staaiitf Ibr the p**fi>rt»*nce of the contract JAMES W WALL. Mayor CHAB H KKNNIMOKK, Preaident of ConaelL THOMAS MILNOR, Pr**'t MniageisofSchooi ru*. Burllngton. N. J., July .">. 1858. -"~



and South.

LOAN.3,i(K),ii>ti DOLLARS.-bValed propaal* vrlD be received tt tbe office of the Company, ii Philadelphla, asttl the lHh day of 8eptemb*r next, at lunset, Ibr Ibs whole or any portion of tbe abovs-named Loan. Tbe Loan will be secared by * firat mortgage ob the Rail¬ road of the Company.248 mile* in lengtn.and il* equipment, which, when placed ln eomplete operation betweea Harrliburgh and Pituburgb, wUn aitgie track andMdlnga, will losttU,888,888. The amount of aoeondltloaal sntwcrlptton* to the eapttal stock' ot the Company on tbe 3lat May. waa |-i.7>«. m), whlch will shcrtly be fncreased to Ten Ml'bou. Oa thua robav r.pnon* there aia paid at tbat date f). 117,896. Tbi* brt.d ba*is. with the larga reeeiptsof tbt C< mpaay from the bi_.ue** ofthe road tn It* uni.uisi.ed coadttn.n, (demon.rating beyoad s doabt. the alulity of tha to pay not only intereat on iudebt, but tmpledlrlCompany lends tu st.,cklloldera.) eoablea the Director* to offerthls loan to capltalista, with an ucijaalilied asaurtnee that lt wili afl^rd s* safe an lnvestn.ent of their fur.a, and a* certain la Ib* ponetuaiity with wblcb tha latarasl arlll ba oet, u tba be*'. fovernroeot securitle*. The Bond* wiU be Issoed la sums of One Thooeand ledlars, with lntsrest at the rate of aix per cent .**¦ tached. payable on tbe firat dayiof January and Juiy, ofe*c<* at tha ottiee ofthe Company, la this city, or In lumi of [2(8 iterliui, with tnlerut coapons. at the rsteof five pei unt payabis La London.88881 wiinout .ny deducdoa fo BJB Tbe Bond* wiil be radenme! where th* lnterest ta tr.8a payable oa the 31st of December, 1880, or they may be ooaverted. at tha optloa of tbe owner, into tha capital stock of Ibs ( "-pany, at par, st any Ume prsvloa* to th* Jlst Daaaaa* bar, 1860. Twibiv lv* ter 9t*k 9t eeab aaaayUti M| b» *M mtt

SALE PUBLIC ?urat!tui<-e


of corauiisaion matin* return*. at th» current CORN1NG i. CU No. 63 Wall-st.

IRR1ER. Sec. Am. Mining ComyaLy.


JHl'LVMUl, ROXKUd'.llJ an-l M.l|i)0_\» llltNIll RK PIANO roCTBB, rt*-0* lott «oo__f *:| aun.* uv.r |.' ¦" I r a»ji.iaja.,.i ¦.«¦.tt BiW erei-.t OnltURSDAYai.d r-'HUiAV n*\t,at the at lame Hall, N fl Broadway, t rraaly thuiamt fl(! . . ¦eani I*-!.,' i, -i r.t- ann Pn R ,' lall at aurii n. a* above. a larg* am ipleroMd imK.MPw_| ,t nent 0f CaMn.-t Kur. tiu-e, a el tta* _< *t qualily. aad a.. wt wuiah wiil be p » i.'. w.ihoi're**r.e, md «**c-i*ia'a fir the trade. ho'ei ..,, h '.iek»ep*r* t_ cpportunlty IMBiaalvil Wll,. tlia mc*t oe.' ab..- (t-tcilpUtn aal riip.f SZ The K-iiii'tur, bat ill btoen m*.le ia tha beet aad ui»;tu>. .tai.Ual Oianr rr. lur C'ty cu- rn trtd*. aid c,>n«*(| p*m laige aod tpiendid a«* it-u-nt of licnly carvad iotew.»4. n ahoiany and black aalaat rarlo,-, dtni-ur ru-im, ,n| ib.iai'.r Kuri itirt*. compiuing tvery art'cle olMWray elaiMM ai.d i.'i'nv found in iba itt-n and fanhuweble f .m tara wa:e-io, im, a_d m a much l_uer»o,i mora vartrd xomrt* mmrnt tbaa caa he tcund io aay oaa iat'a.iibra*_t in t fl city Notoo-iwill be adiintted into tii:i *e!e but tuch uoaa I.reli-d up .n ai.d itariaut'ii, . :d nu II i.itad g -ait w.ll be, u ir M tba im, n'l, n of tba owi.eri fla Vhala tha 1 -*. »_'d wuhi ut ie.jr .*. PlAK, i 0B111 Ten turertur r, »*wrv>d .' ar-d 7-octWB Tlin. ti.riri. m rtv -kei< ..i r-puUl'.on, aad ifl of which wlll hn tulj warranted, tlie tame 1 ie (ae.e piai.aiare ptl.atp-ut-r.larly woithy of fla Bttaaliaa ul tho*e iii wentoi goud in*trum«oU al aacllM ancea. Airang*ments w'll )«. m»ds tn p*ck gooct fot shippinfi| a rea*. i.nb'e ch.rge. I'atalogu.s ua taa Bisraiag ol sal*.


fr*e Tesni, rate of


Hsll-tL, tn wi.otn apf'» n i 'erunend R C Klir, Al<-'tn*»*rr.

(ptrenroions, £"c.

CITY DEBT.We .fVKW-ORLEANS I 1 will eolleat tie matnred det.t, payable in New-Or-

Datad Aog l& W.VHREN

K,.(|J ..^J

TKN THOUSAND DOLI.ARS RUTLAND AND W1IITLIIALL RAILROAD STOCK, eutitle.t ll dividendi at tbe rateof 7 fcv cent. per annum, pay¬ qua.-terlv able iu thii city, wiihoutany delay or reduction. The Rutlai.dtmd Whitehall Railroad e«tendt trom Caitleton Vil¬ to tlie New Vork State line, at lage. V. rinont, leven in'Iea, Kairhaveo, co-in>-ctlDg the Rutland and Burlington, aod the Kui land and Waihington Railroadi, on the North. with the Rail¬ Saratcgaand Waibin.-tun, atid Reniielaerand Sarit'ntaNorth aad NEW-YORK roadi on the South, und torming wiih them tbe only RAILROAD-A Unnd Cel.-I.ration wiU be hel. d aud Lake Sararnia Ma from Spnngi aod South line Troy th* 2'aIi mat., in coiiiine*aa> W on BDNESDA1 Portage. Rutland. Burlington and Lower tion Champlaip.Theat Whiteball, iitoout ol the c»mpletion .! tl.e Bigh Bring* ..r.t th* Oaa*. of debt, with no eoatioaaal Canada '¦'*. teet long .ti.i ilt teet Ingb. aai Company at ( I'ortace, aee River, babl'ltie* whaiev*r. Tli>- ceal .if tlie rotd a* repre*euted by Road (rom lIornell«vil>*. to Attica. the Capital St. .ck. all paid up, i* 8118,008 aad 1ti* l.-ated in o|!Athe welslnos 3,888 lha will t* served upfcg Mammothbv Ox perpetuity, tothe Baratoga aud Waihington Railroad Com Mr. BLOllMKIt, i.i ItutUlo. under wbssa the occwit.n ot $12.33) payable querterly,'in panyforan annualat rent rel .-shments wtll l>e prepared tor thetuaHA New-Voik, being the ratlo of 7 |> cent. pe- annum, wiih auperviiioo Several bamls tf mnslr have been engag*tl t r the occasua. a further mm lutlicieut br the expemei ot keeptng up iti All ol whuli, tog.-th.-r with the uarlvaleil scenery abo«| '*¦. will mduce tl.ouaauda to ittend. it is e. and Whiteball Company full Portsge, Tiama. ieaie glvei the Rutland at hall regular fare, will tun d.inag thedaf Extra tbeir road. power to reenter upon aid take pouewwn nf ever a..d Allica ai.d P'.rta.-e. in connao. between llori.ellaville, in fal th.auldthe Saratogaand Waihington Company or with Traina on the New-York aud line Railrjadatd of the dividend ahove named. negt-ct tion punctual payment ail roa. 1 R Rorhester and BuIiaJo road Thii in panet good rrpair. to keep lhe property S SEYMOl R, Kngiaeerau.i SuperinteodeaL and a throurh a thrtvlni marble and woolen manufacturing, outletto it li the md diurict, only prcductiveafricuitural RAILROAD Lake Cramplaln and the Weil for a large pirtol I ennont. of NEW.JERSEY.-EXCl RSION TRAINiIt iirow earning a haul.ome locome fur the lenoi*. and. Irom iti iKiitlon ai in indiipeiiiable Itnk in a great North NEVV-YORK to EASTON, P. -This (ompiny aill raa ta ar.d South chain of lailroadi. aod from Iti local traflio, lt Ex.-ur.ii.ii Train from New-York to Pliilltpaburg aod rrttira, oaTLE8DAYS, tlie l>>th. 17th. H_aud Jlstdayaof Aiutist, muit ever continue to be a protitable working Instant. Leave* pter No. 1 North River per steamer RKfJ J Al' K KT, Bt 8 A M., and frum foot of CuurtisoU it (coa* E k necting st Kli*a*>athtown) at same hour, stopptng laa mia* Bankeri, No. 23 Place St Oeorge, Paria. Letterv of utea at thu lligh Bridge to alfordan totflea tke eredtt upon ui are given by our oorreipondenta, Menrt same. laatal arnvtog at Phillip*'.urg at 12 M R-jiurmai, DUNCAN, BHERMAN k CO, Bankera, New-York. i 15 P.M, *ame day, arriving it N«a-York Pbilnpiburgat on thsaaf the eacarnon 7 M for Tfcket* (good P only tt 29 _t oo board tha boat, or al tha >>!tie*.fa"l Sold) n.ay beprocured * Stock Comniimon atd C,-'eetion Brakeri. Courtlandtat. Fare from New York to Pii.lJ.p.l>iir|8al STOCKS bought ind loid ; State,, Clty, and of return by Meamer lt«d la.ket and care, |l 75. kare (ront other l.oani aegotiated. New-York to Philllpabuig and return via Naw Jeisey Raia. COLLECT10NS trade in all parta of the nlled Statei road, and the Canadai with promptneei._

tn itore and ready Ibr tale, a luperb aaeortment of the neweit and moat deiirable Oooda in their 11 oa, to which they call tha aUention of buyera from tha Wa*



fn? i thet'w,!2





new tfiika, luper-full Chtnu, all wool; french De Lainei, and almoit every il.ade and quality ot Lupin'i beit Merino*. which they otfer on reaaonable termi, wholeaale and retail. TIK.ANY k CUTTINO, No. -aijlroadwayj

Atacasment ..f TwflBtJ Iv* Cenn ot. each share of St*. k. of th* \\ arwick Mine. nunib*r*d fiom No. 1 to No. 2»,..s>lurluaivr, payable nn or befbre tbe .at diy of Beptember na-it.




TVTEW SILKS, DRESS GOODS and of the NEW-YORK and ,1,1 MERINOB.The luhienben have reeeived lome of COM¬





L1YERFOOL L*. S MAIL 8TEAMSH1P book* 17, 18)2.-The PANY, No. 5b Wtll it., N. Y.,cfAuftist f.r siif.crlpnon tothe baiance the Stock of thl* Company not sobsci.hed for previous tothe passage of th e aet for ioeressed mail pay by the Governmett. wiil be opened al thelr offlce, u above. from the 101b to tbe 2btb of Bept«_b«r neit, inclusive, by order of the Beard of Directors. WM. L. YOl'LE. Secra.ry._





i;R»KJMe*sr.. "'"*'*.' ''*r.' la-cili »T

Atflc wi OM-BMet Siflh H

FOR SALE oiTtha _\?1JL DRAFTO on SAN FRANCISCO.. xa**mf Union Bank of London.

COOKK BROTHERS ic CO., San Franclsco, in sums to *uit. Kor sal* by AMOS R. ENO, No. 99 Llberty-st. Oiricc or thb Broadway Ihsurawcs CoMPAiiy,) Ncw-York, July 77, 1852. J



.'."..¦>*«,*_* to the Borih w*« r.,n>» r .f Ltu *.ia and ,r ,»».,. j' ."¦ i-t r-i.t t- 1 r-t- and !'..t | PiaMaaoa »nd a,i ..r>. r Cid be K-*n at arij. tl 'He *»aloaaaiB_

from 10 A.M.


to I P. M..Tlie eharter of thia Inatitution sacures to minor* tnd females, msmed or tirmanied, the eotirs control oi all in their names. .__.. monejs Preaident., WILLIAM W. CAMPBEI.L,

tl»io*u>., BAI

J. I

WARRANTS .-The subscrib* BANK OF THE UNION, WaahioK- LANDWjl,paying ofNew-*t.RKY ^ J0HN_0^ WARRANTS, MONEY, kc. coroerof23d-st-Open daily KNICKERBOCKERSAVINGSIJANK LAND depo*ited tun, I). C.The Notuof this Bank are redeemed by tbe lubscribi't* at a discount of one l.alf of one per cent. MEOARKY A. JU1INBON, Nj. i) Wall, tx>r. Newnt.


( BILTO.N »11ImI1_I f.c at 12 o'cloek. at iha M»rch«nt.'K«


Pine, corn, rol William tt.-Till RSU W A>i« ln. at lt o'cloek, at tha Merche-U' Ba-baaaa, HKTY THOl'SAND DOLI.ARS in the CAPITAL ITOCK of tha TROY and RL'TLAND RAILROAD COMPANY.Co.Thl. al B,_dextei,di from rhe Troy eod Bo*f,.n Rulroad to Silem. ln Waahingtim County, r.aglr Brldge, I7| tni'n, witb tbe Rutland and IVa*h'aatoe N Y whriH it conuect* with the Rntland and Railr-ad, whicl, at Rutland unitea Railroad tba Troy and Rutland Burlington Railroad. Thechatn and South eoinmuof North tonm imk in thegrear aicatlon between lhe Citiei of Montreai and New-York II li Iocated In oae of the mott fernle and wei'thy tec'.ioniol tl *. Statei of New-York and 1'ermoot.the entire buitneai ol u! 'ch muit 10 over it, there heing no other facilitiei fo, rraniporting paweogenend freiiht. the Road ll Tln* whole amount of paid itock ln |*i0 OOf It ewee a fundud debt, beanng 7 per cent. lnterof..V.. UflBfl rit, Iti enti e co*-. il. fljM The Road ii now tn full runn'.ng eond'.tion acd furni*ued with all oteenary en'iipment lt haa b*en leeard to the Rut land and Waihington Railroad Co. for 47 yean at a reut of for the currrtt year, and of,' per annum, afte, |7,iM',' lit Jiiauary next, over and above all taxee and a_*-a«ni*nt. and the leaae entitlei thu Road to a rateable proportion ol ebovi one-balfof tbe net earnlngi of both Roadi over and 4 p»r cent per ann'im. acd of the Alhany aaid Northern and Rutland and the Rutland, both Troy Ri ad. with which and Waihington are to be connected by the termi of thi This leaae aecurea beyond qneition a eertatn nioderate ln oometo the atockholderi. and the proipective increaie ol thiiiccuna which will inevitablv ariie out ofthe growini tralrir overthiimaln North and S> uih route, cannot falldetc make the itock ofthe Troy and Rutland Railroad a very ilrable inveitiner.t. The recipfe ofthe Company, working botb linei. have, lince the full openlug ol the line, been mum



*ub*cnptu -, ti. th* ( ii>j-.iii. .tl, ilinina'ou, and vi .r Railroad. 7 p«r crnla, r,aup<.a, in B-»d« "I g!.".*1 * B_,i' 1" vt-jiii'-o ruu, pnncipil and intereat at N*w-York. $S_,e«J K.IRKIEI.D COI'NTY CONVERTIBLE BONDS. of *an* dttc lprir n atd f. r lame Road |_.-.,'jO" CLINTON COINTV O iNVKRTIBIaE BONDS, ot muo* ietxription ial fcrMBM Read ..-¦¦ ¦.¦ KAYKTTK COUNTY CONII.RTIBLE |_i',0Wi nf *an>de*>tla,b. and tor wiw Kotd. BONDS, Thi**e n di.ned, and prompt payment c-upooi gueranto-d hy tlio RaMroajl U>aiofrniaciealand eitAx pany, rorreiponi-'-f aimmnt of it-«k mUie R_ad. ai well aa tl.e fa'th and 'txx lllt ofthe County, are alio to lhe MBM and the eeaaflbi Co'irt on a caae r BONIH. 1" yeeri. ftf.ui' l NION COUNTY and i-_rant_ed by the Spnog'ield and perernii iu.lor»*d m ueaed wore Macitirld Railroad Company, to winch Ihey pt \ iii»nt lur ttock .__ $..-,, ¦* CLEVELAND and PITTSt.rRi. RAILROAD CO.MI'ANY INCO.MK BONDS, ouly 5 j.<__- to run, 7 per PKR CENTS of the MISSISSIPPI end W1LIVAI KEE RAil.ROAD COMPANY. at par *

p;;11,7iki J_


ROMPS-fZyieO -Weoffrr, atpnvete *«Je, PICK-, LOAN, tapei/.tne* AWAY CiM'NTY dNVERTIBI.K II



--,*., ., y, rr-a.ib* .'. ,-. hyxiTj T LEKTW w.ii ..ii _,.... -ta* ,¦,.!,K.-oadaai ,f. t*y c*-b tJlvu.r... ail ()r wlneh »re ,.. on-iuo ¦,,,itm_^ Conantlr.g .'*.*r ard nrh /a .ny f .|.l*.,i I <*,,____.__*» m<j_d ie*. Rriiari**, ard Kiuia MMO of wkieb am ».. valuab.e; ti.e UoM Patent Le*M H'alekaa, l>-'a*Za_ Y.u.-' *h ,'.,... Uver HaT: Vlafche*. O, ,-t aid *- *-r L*»ib-i. euitahle for L*d__, Oar t*; fi_- OilA t.ui.d I h, f"' di atd Si ver.,l*'*« Ko k* aud Bouutxt S_u! H i.a. wrh «__. lat*, ry..ii;d wlth *poA ; Btogt* St. ,.e D.eawrf 2,' poiat otier I'!.. Ririt. r-tc IIU I'alMli |t. Aleci, ebrtit « nne teelent aid rmdaria Oil Pain'lrr« III,jf wt.ieh are *.mI} \ ort trt mmtmo. i d»\ bef-u-


S.mpBBB, P


Th* ¦svr**-SfftctsbiB S. M.l'ox, for Hatr*. hai aacuorsJ lfar.l.' il.r .1 ips PsvsaSBB**, r"i I-.ndon, anl A'.itrala.for do., w*nara (tam li.r S. W. Sp.t.






| GIoROKTOWN, "a.' , '. ftOt fX MARBLXHBAI1 dnI ¦, | w, , lu| HOBILI ..-.-.i.


.;, *i Jtriey are n.or»- plei.ty laleiof new at .'-!_ t'o. Corn li emer, aud the demand llmited and con'ined to lhe home ind l.aiteio tiade. Nothing dotng for ihipping the lupply ii un derate. Hi.'ei of _0,'>((i buih. it UtnxAc for umound, furnli-.i the followiog iccount of the gold mine of ar.d'1 cr 7 ic tor II eitern mi__a: lound yellow it nomical Wr. Dorne, ln Abbevlllo Dlitricl. South Carolina it 18971c \l li irregular, with a fair buiineti 11I8KV.Tliemaik'-t limi i-i*ht h___* oi >ielded--8.110 Mirrh thr month In loi* command more rneiipy than imall parreli. doing.of I.nrge In lhe month of Apnl right hand* jielded.17. \Ti Salci 700 bbli. at iiaibc. foi Ubio, cloring at about il'.c, In Iba montb of Maj eight handi yielded.11.4-i'J ai',1'.,{c. li.i I'maiu Drudiie li better ; laleiof ib llbda. at ln Jure and Julv up Ui ihe 23d.II," 19 _i-o. nme ud teleraat l'Riil 1SIONS.\l'e have no change to note in our Pork Total.IMai| maiket. The trani-ctioEi are nn _tly of a retail eharacter, Making In all Irom Ihe lit March lait, to Ibe 23J imt, and there ii little piemng on tlie market. Salei of ibu bbls tbe ium of elghty four tbouiaud ilxty-one and a half at $111 :."; I, r Men, and 117 Ib loi I'rlme. lie,- f t* in iteady foribe tradaand ulnp*' uie, and pricei areunchanged,: dwti, wilh 01 ly elgbt handi, and a imall clrcle mill lequri-t tb!,-.. of '5o bbli. al R149R1- for blrat, and .7B!$., f_r about whlcb two fjiae Men u uulet at hfiL*>ki%. Beef llamiare I'linie: inulei, only pulver'zei by propelled wm.;- d at 9lt .'0 l> 2.0 tb. Cut Meati are not plentv ialei fifteen buihel* of oreperday. I have no doubt that of 75 tc* Iiry Balted Slioulden at o$c..x%a;c, and llauu at one of our beit pouidtng-millt in Lumpktn, ln one day, U"c. Lard it tn ruoilerate re.;ue«t lor hoiuauae; tl.e at .k ii ubi'.it l(i,i iki bbli., which ii not conndired lirge Lo inch ote ai tbli mine prcducei, wov.ld m_ka in itore for the u-aiinn: the rere'pti are limited rale* of 17i) bkli twenty-tive or tldrty ih.uiand dollan. The vein'ia Butler lt Il|d>l2<. a'.ll,-ll'.c.aiidkrgun loUat13_)imj. for W_t*rn wileiii te It got* down, and retaini Its uiual rich- in fair reoueitat lift I5|c. lor Uhto; Ciieeee 1* tor and Orange County. New-Yoii, llia.'ije. neu. They are not yet within forty icet of water rUii.g .teai'ily ut x for common to pnme. level. Shculd tt pui water level and retaln la I.I.MF.The market hu been active and at lower nricM. ol 13,'nhi hb'i. it ilx. for commoo. and $1 S"' for Luiup. ient ilte and tlcbnr-i, the probabllity ii lhat Siie. A gceddemind lor F.aitem Pine and Spruee LL'MBKR. ti end wlll never be le&cbed by the preientgeneratlon. 50 for the former, and $11 60d$l2 for the latter. lf Ihe rl. h iboot tbat be 1- now operatlng on ihould BtalS9$18 _E*.D_. A good demand for Ttmotby. Saleiof la.*0hb.i. ont al water level, he hu then got the Leit gold old moved it aifir_$i!, 5,', and 30 tci. new reaped at |JI ti give Mine that I know acythtng about Tbe vein ahowi n 25: old ii leiim* at eni tttfii- Clover firm and in furden ii d _¦ alei ot .0 tci. at I !c. Hough Flax u i.rm but not on tbe lutiace, a dlitauce of three-quarteri of a plalnly mlll" ln lengtb, acd bai been teited ln it-veral plac-n, htU\e al $1 25TA I.LOW.We na.>te lalei of 15,000 lh prime country and and whlcb ibowi a width of lom.-tbing like four feet, a' 9\ n 10a, eaib. teiti- to ba worth from one or two dolltri per buihel, cityBAY.A finn market: tbe mpplv i* not large, and tbe and irveaty or el.hty f, et of tbat above water leveL honiedrmandl* better. Saleiof i,OOB ba' Rlv,.- _ad Kaitat $l,r$l 08|, nml Rh- emillliKSiue ofthe The in demaiad, l>ut Ihere are uo mppllii of the kind 4,800 l'orto Cabciloi. II IB, told at jc., « mo*. lelgh Railroad Company, fiom November X), 1891, to belter 1 KA'-IIF.U flateaij, witli a |cod demaud t.r liemlock Augmt 5, xafm% (leuthan I monthi) havo been DM,109 Sole, tor all paita. OII.S. Llmeid hai advar d, and il now h'-ld at 7JC. 1-2, u followa: *old in whole i>arcel* ar 70c., and from itore, 9,(01i. gillora IUM.Rl»S ThrouiahpaiWDgeri, Jr-' in thn edayi at 71 albc, cloiu..' atthe latter pnce. ""-.' U . do. Way at!'- ,i moe. PRtCS. l2c_ikiOmbroM_dd.-riold 93 tkkit Kraight. IHON.Scotch Plg hai riten to $-2, t, moi.. tor tlie bei: 3-i,i braeds tuni lold at badhii. oo caihauaiume 919 Total.e-u4,2i>9_2 5.roebagi Rio lold it B99l notiee*, the Sf COFFEKlirooreutive. The 0 hagi Java at 1"' .c "; moi: md flfl pockcti do. it l".c; JCK' La»:u*\raat S'ic; -,'o Maracaibo at **.{ l.uoe Sl. Domingo dolro of iu Internal Improvement Convention, recent- at: _Ua ly uicmbkd at Cilveiton, Texai, whlcb ended lu MOI.AS.-f.Sarer-ni. t. i'm hhdi Muicova.lo lold tt2bti> Ubori unihe uit, by adopting a report and plan Tle: 'i'do clayed, 18c. Sl'UABS ar- luulaiBlalyactiva. II ca»k* Dutch ruihed fcr a ccmprebenilve icberrecf Internal Improvement, sold al .-.;.. ti monthi; 1,600 HoaaOfadO Ot 4;'t"*iC; I5C do Pi :-.o hico at .''.c. 00 lhe part of the Btaie. Thc followiog ti a lyn.piii ol INDIllOiila request. Sn catei Mamlla loldat t>3c.; i do. the report Maa,- nt. ISc acd 9 cenHir.i Caracca* at 9U A State lystem ti iketehed f.r ihe odmlutitritloa of Sl'ICKSaredaill. l.ioo irala Cawiaiold at 2Sc; HOWga -dbU'iual teajawveaaaal luuJi aud tbe oonitructlon of Itlce f.ingrr at i-.c: 50 hagi Pirmento at ISJc lmbagi The Swte U l*> undertake on her own IV| rir at l«io ; II caiei Peoacg it Ma, aud 15 bbli. Hutch publlowoiki. blii-Clovc* ai ltc account tbe conitructli'ti ofthe rallroadi recommended, atilte ir. tt nure iitlve Diy Cod h»t advinced. We no¬ aad to have the excluilve control oi them, tieetlmB iCii .ju;nt*:i at S3«>*3-0. I.OOo bbis. Mickla.'wof ani! ¦¦ 'inipank*- being pe: mit'.i -J lo en^age ln the buit- eiel at 110 76 for No 1. >: 7.1 for No 2; $t> i. (or No. 3. t*e*e ig iraniportnth n upon them. 1 ne whole to be aml !,((<' Icxei Hening al 25c., acd 6i_. lor No. 1 aud a Board of State Coiim'ul neri, contUtlng Bcabd. mamged by *4 8 ve aciing Commiiiionen. aad the Secretary of State, Conlnllerand tbe Aitorcey lleneial of tbe ute. Philadelphia Mabkkt For tbe meaaa, it ti reao__u>'nded that 50,iaX).'K-0 of Aug -4- The ian, t,.-day ha* retircVd out-ni-dow bulloetacre* of the public licdi, or tbe prooeedi of tha lala v '. )eu tc!,\e. amt pncei :u lavor of tbe buyeri. ther. oi, ihall be approprialed for an Uternal Improve- i raoa I'.xyh i» very *cnr. e, aod holder* now .'emand awnttoad; lhat OUO <d tbe lurplui ofthe l'nl:_d l^iia r tovaa ce. Tiirieuaa increaae export M_aaad for SutJi fundi be alto aulgned t > Wie un*, tr.veited tn FLOCB, aud -..IdenLava beeu enihled to maWn full ntei. L'nlted Statei t-tccki, and pledged (Ot th_ of Saku !._.**.<> Iiaj-rrli freih groiiDd at i»l 37^ dz-l b<>, the latt»r Intereat oa lotni lor Inicrca! impnivemen, payment theae pro- late for belter racdi Thrre ii a iood demand far city conviit, ni to be Inci rporated te the Conitltafltfa, lrre,*eHl- tomptiom Ot 4i 17 <;-i r-t for o_uiuoe«ili-.xt.-» biaad*. _t able by nry )^»Bl*lature. The U market ingualHy. n*arly hare of lt. Floi r aud It U further atipulated tbat tbe Ir.'c-rc.t oa all loani Coaa S.rai. aud i.'_ tal»i of either hive ooma utier out .*t*j«.'<j for Internal lmprovemerit*. or for tbe renewal ttoiire. We quote M >-o le bot liuie ot any dercrirticn of Oraia arrlviag. « iucb loan, ihall t.i providtd Iu. uy annualtixition. li There t. tea tnd. and pricei have furtht-r advasced. To make tbe ncehiiry char_ei ln tbe J'tate Comtilu- ..-a.ei>*i)i /.,.«'buiheliai prime new >out'iern WhlM ; Uon tba Coaveiitloti ricommended lhe call of aa extra old I'ei.iiyhania Wbfla»Iat fur $1 03. A lot of new Ced at »-. Su"- 1-«,_»»'«»ure Ic January a*xt Bv, m wanted at 72 a 76e Cokv na'eain demand; taleicf **t_-vv tnW' ifceae lundi It U to bulid a iyite__ ol Ul b-*helt Y*;iow at 73, aml Wbile at 7.c (l.Tiha^a, peaafladna to deilgncd all of the Sute, M .dvaiaced; 5,000 buih. cew uthern told a:*:'jic. ^ buih. all termtnatte* at Clveatoa.aectloni There are to be four ** ii' kv imcatce; aatoaef '.'" bbl.. at_5c. Irunkr. 10 couitrueted M to be wlth brancbea lhat may be required herealier.connected Theie are to be proeecuted Bllirketn....Rejaottid >,y T-legraph. ud rt u __,_, I < nr, Aog. M l> Uf* f,.r iha Jail 24houn Floi*i paflfl lhe flrrt, or rnain tra-i,i to ,.___ (ioAr**tc,r,, croulr. Weit hay acd leadin, to _l__.ton,and b.-abal Coaa, 1,711 bu- alai thonco |l i. <>i 3B^H It.i. Small aalr* cf new < 1. neiea II ii BA i are oeroia tbe country to Ued River. Thoncond lo branch ropo, ted at 11 VJe lor 1,,* to arrive, 116e. fi dotuande.1 from Ibu ro_d, turnlcg 0" Into M .ngotnery Couuly, t*n_e,.i ( o»N wll it mta, for \\ eitern Mixed. l l.t 11 ara at and r cnlog n--rthward between the Trteitv and tne i._ i

tance ii between


!.y, .r.nly,



kl Mrrr*. N.rt..n. B*w Tork | v. Il« I'r.l ¦-. I'- r > L'flit l '¦ ""''. r*a, 8 N |,.rk. |i . «Jobn BaMi, Howard, |tt-* I.-.!. I" ¦,,.. r-.K,r|.Vr# y.rk Il'li.

l.lll K. lu|._U M


i .,

-. A.., i




1 .

IHa.ketB....CAicru__T RrroaTio roa Thb Tautriri. Ti BBBAt, Aug 24. [ From onr Corra.pond»nt*. J PlIlI.ADr'.LPHl.k, 4 c. Cty o. Ba ASHK8-Tliema'ketii firm, witli a modeiate butinew !' I Hirward, P.rlrr, Uf*fy°* and lor $5 I. in. I.ylor, Bu.ton; LiS.I PoU, doing. alei of 4« bbli. at 11 7-_i.l I1J Dut. li lall.i.t Abda PstWsBa, Potjaayd, _,. lor I't-arli. ll.,-tn,I.n. ».i|> krap.r*, Cr-.»all. B'..'..n; Mtnzaml a, B-rry, i**d 700 to balei lold diy, pncei Ra.-TarkiJ.etri C< n "i'OaN centinuei dull; I' A. H*atl.,.. p,. *..... NS -ii ihcaw a decl'i e of ;c. tince lait Friday. ,i _is*,Bo*toai J. C v\ i,,o.-i.ri»-. I'.,«¦!¦¦.. I'.i.fa, H.OIR ANU MKAIa.Our Flour tnarket open-d beivy do; Tuttl*. K-I'y, Hsnw. I.; Capitol, lt.«|.n., Pall H.trr; teenma, Or**a.B*« VaifS Malabar. C.rttrel. Brtni... t. 9. at the dtcline roticed ln our lait. bnt witli M0M ab.temant Dul.toa; in freighti; it clciei with a good degtee of BraOBBB and a I|,f..,(.-...i,. F -1 ar, Raa H..-D; A VV. Uada, Ka*.Stt, BsDOBBSf, KiBsaaa, B.,-' t.r..- Darlnrf. Barrhrtt, Biidsvpo. f&ir lci,ulry for export. There li Ien doing in tlie bett.r fra H. B. l.linJ Browa, Pfoaidaae*; Coniatt, Pr,.B,Sut*n P. reeeioti rl, Thare itill Irregular. gradei, _n_ pricei ot theie b.Conon, Kotbuf] Aaaaa, Veamt, tattm* Jh. Bl**, II aie rr.oderale. Tl.e inleiur graden are dull md pticei nnitA j.,.- J. 0... ..[ Biddlati aa. W. Lopar,.Us_a,Pi i.rt, with 1* a aod i* better tn limi, re.iunt, uon inal. ('anadian Darl, Sotnrri, F..I h.trr, A. VV. Vmsl, An iersos, talaif ltmit-d ropply rn the maiket. balei ot'2,VK» bbli. fr-tli ia****. Lii.-y Ar,n.K*:iy.ra;i U.t*f. 41, ln bond. Tlie i»le* of Dotneati: K.rk Botr, I'.rri", Tork*. Boiton; !>r.|t Btar, l.r.) grc.i.nditfl MVkkki rt la. at |3 tn-11%1 tot tunt; $4_>$l li'. foi H . as, Halilali Joha (iutralaora, Boatoa i Hsmal K are 18^000 to lor State; a 11 common 1 MaBi.t.ills. B*rry, do. st.B, B!oorii*r, Ri.aa, M 2. *) straight No. MBOii-e: 97| tri ti-an, do.; ri 11 '.a. I't mixetl to fancy Mlr,hl|aa an.l lndiana ; tiea,L.:.i.i«*<>rt ra* K*pr,rtsr. i.*tn, do.; Prospa t, h .tl-r. i,t«r.,..; B.-t..B, CorrM.n, do.; Sl.: for lt-rtr., V'i B. f w, Ohio *-i i'S CH. common bn'tl^i for crR-t togocd ( lt*. Roibury llafaaad, ti. I> IflBB, ard QaaiMa j 01111906 12; fa.r extra Oh'o ; .«A IIffy.Tl fiocy dlaio nr.-. H r. r. < Pr.. ¦., AatOfia | /.. Stra' S., M !'!_ >.. for evtraOeneiee. Southum ). tirm, the nipply ("', Hr aa, Baarwi C. 9. Bsaatoa, 1'.- ¦¦'. t. ii modeiate and tlie demand moitly coutiui d to the livme Bawbaa OarUS, II. .', A. VV. l.rr.l., K.r.ilr. .'t, Proti,|*n.r; liri. tiade ; the better graie* are *c_rie acd in requert. Sale* of B Itlftt, Bn. |[..rt H. W, B.iton, CafBta, Ktt* to lor coinmon good nraiglil a. ,f tottt, W/ Lopaf.Saaa, B. Barrai Lacy Ann,Rai l.iOU bbli. at >r-l _,i,a.f I liHl buiidi, and I i7jRR5 bi) for fancy. Kye Flour ii MOTM ty.VVs iPsiBtl A. Bsyar, Haalrll. Boaton; >r.| TaaeU, l" and ia baa Balei of UM bbli at Rl ,i2J Corn Meal li tirm .ni,d.<. » and net pleniv. Salciof M Lbi-. Jeriey at t *il. UBAIN.Mheit ingiin better.the deramd ii more ac¬ lll-n-trr-. iVp. tive fii expert at the cloie. priiue n not abucdant, an.l pri¬ r«.. t".«»ai> T. Pkiladr!|,h.a, lf.... BestBB.BBfBB .IaSBt, cei eat.11 lavor the holder. Tlie illgbt de:l,ne iu fre.ghU flKarrui 'lot.k, tt.t

4,W6,408 l,flW.WI 6,<>40,0G1 8,U-,.R3 ****** *_\ W* JMg Ur-* __'__ Au.n.VtAtk 3,937 76,7-9 17,5-17 'I'otai.i**-*e**4 M8RR88 o,'_l_,8_l 8,ii-,M8 The Chicago Trihune Btotea, that thc Union Bank la the name oi a new Stock Se.urlty B mk J. Brown, Preiident, organl/ed in that clty-Andrew and Henry L Forrcit and Thomu I.. Forreii, Jotal Caiblcn. Tbo capiUl itock of tho bank ia t*i<»0,OO(>, and tbe bai ¦ ti Vlrgtnla ,1 f tent. itocki. A Railroad CoofeotioB haa been i-alled to anemble at Wanaw, Koicluiko Co Ind., on the ith el Sept, to eftect an organl.ntion under the f.'eneral Railroad law of that State, to conitruct a RaUfflafl, which li lo unlte wlth the Penniylvanla and Oal > loa I, and form 11 direct line to Chicago via Fort W_y_c, vor ii.ip_.enti. The lalei are 6,bf(l .m.i.-l* new 8 luLhe.-n Red atfll; «,«" tiuih. Southern II hite, par: tn arrive, at Wariaw, Plymoutb, I.aporte and Valparalio, Ind. 10,(1(1) biith. Canadian, part unaound, at Hc; i'>.'"0 A iuiv Riiilmad is projected to be built |1lau*h.10;gixid luixed Ohio at il 1", and ***** bu»h. Upper Lake 7('c. Jtye I- «ar»e; imall la'e* of new sold a'. :,'i_J_lc. from Mlm ral Point, In lowa Co Wla to a po'nt on lhe at are Ien pleaty. rtpecially State, the demand is good Oa'i lliinoia Central Uailroad, weit of Frecport. The dii- .ali* ol I'* r.t, rn and tintcis.i _'. Uu I',;c and State ai UA



J.ys. mds..a-

bbbm ta S.-.,.ti. k


,. ...

.rti.a.1 .'ll. arr .¦ -na Ct', utt, B.|,inpj.rt. th* ab^rr | .¦ ,ir Si.ali (_rl<r» in. i.ri'itly r*p,.rt'.t lil.i* K An.t* |ia,n..r. R.. .-', ,i Fl

lumbar, Miyt-», TOsa*

CVs..., IBdafS,

br.i( Utea, Brow.,,

Bra .'.





ir.r .**.» V rk '.r t,. ie .. r **.«» V rk

|f*at BBfaUr*



"Sfr'i B**as, BaasaB, Bai bat, I sast, Hr., Alli*.!,

«, hr


aivclj tbe followlm ImpTtant "New York hia long been fl >od,*d wlth the very M Ml. Ci'l.r, '.. » io SUn-h. 300 rio. Sh,..*l-, paper. Tne tatc-t '-,,.- ir.. r*K. I'aa.-r worit dciciipiui, of dlrty, depreclated Idr. Clock*, elie Bilver coln HiKji" -11''I'a Han,«. 1,111 Butter, i eaj-afiaa,i.;.*. enrrency th.kt U icarcely anytbltg Ci..e, I0*» BrieU, Cmkery. tbat to a fiallira.ShMt. is 10 .traoger, Id and great gte i.i.kiow_, r. ,i .!. :.'¦," baeebai Oatau, 3,ao wa. Ian, tVri I',. wlth god- M ti-rr-eBice.l R»f<i«*r*tor, ITJpIp Pan lare, : __n_l*a C.teven teMlHgem people have beea BefraadelI t.*« l'.r,i,.l'i. L*tt>i*r, l raaM 8a.ldl.rr. IMaarki eolored tokeni, clrculattog u builneu 9t**_ 80 sel ti.n iv«>t*,3. eaaki Poan-a Mo..-, ¦"t.n. n ,-»*. L«.i.p*, 1,1.-. Hm*. domlilhe aaaakM ealB aeea.tbat it li icarcely to be Biit.i Irr.n.rK, bbla. I'tiDia. 30Tru*k*. -' att* Baittona. . 1 11 wonderrd that thc fr..ud ll lucceulul.




'. 'rr- Piiii.t'i

' JacU | .'.. xtkra. Ctt*-,










:-.., I*-.

wr.rr..; .»« B* ,-r, but a .

"-', &


..|«, Br*n.-B. 49d89*,flBl*S. ,_;,,. v tt. 41. 30. tei.:il,ru* l ta D ra BmHtt, J dayi f.n. Ci. il






l.ok.r.ial. 14. ".I.'.








rblladelpbla, luly l'i. Itt*_





BBb .


***** Cwee, ial I

imih* \rr KaBar, *°d t bark.f.M' H. -r-..-i Pa. lard. '-, Aaa-BB.ATT. KDGARTUWa, '« 8o« Han i.Ha-.Gt ¦ ,.rl or K. lit, W

BB.4W I.



r.M.M b'.,*»..,,t-l'telrttr'..*«

I. u'i

01. -J....



j. lt-

Kr.- ...-,..-,




*,',',' "j ...1 1. pa -.-i-r-t..r

..h'.. lt. In ri fl-BB improa .'uluie imp.rUtlon. muit be j..,. si,.,.. omoa, itsaa Bai.8,11 pi*-«* beblndihi.dcmai.d, aad bef.r are few and Ibbiss- W kUa. rTsar, n la tork, O k\Ctrn "taanWaa UBBsdvance. Tba auril'm sakaauctioneera "- ta, IMd*.C*tB*»t, Nava a*af|« v.'.i and iween The trado la too good, lell ...'M'B.r.k. r-4 ir, Harr... 1,801 Sa ttPtd,






I i ,-,.... r



|8, i".p-aaSw-



OxileH. rbraeai AaMbe, <fr.) Bert BeaveUe < a i

u ..,,-...


.-. ParVar. Hum V. a,br* la 1 B >,.'¦ ,|, -. .lil I'niNT m part ihip J






Bav... Md* Be*

,,... ..,..,


,,. ti



B_*t_a Fa.r


IIrhit T Lrt'.t, Ao.tloiiaer

JAMONDS, WATCrfK?., _/ HY. kr.. at Atiett n. THII I'AV. atIBWB 4

o' *.


MGBTOK; t«» Birth. i









.r'T,".",ri' b.D.«




"lpl. llVhl. BreMtela-i






*-'« '. 8ea I ... Daf. aatai * »ark_l ,k. J. !,la tt. I>nr.l1. * krr- I, 8 i- ¦'. l, flaUatl B ..Um ¦...--*,<.» maaa. B»»n v Krub*n Ct I:..-,, y -._ , -,-...,. ..I ,. Sar.h i.... I l' .¦..¦ s. i C A..,'r A ' .... MU-H'i.A ¦ -'I Art. .. kr. ,.uld-o,l»,e. Bnf.* CM b.rir'artC B*' <.'¦.>'. A-r.










Meeaateirm mmaammmwt. large d )>'._«. active, wtth a llghl mmt, ln f«ce of IbeWuoienCloth .re buoyrmt. Ltnen. ticproducUoB*.at lag rales. Tr.e lupply U rather


M Bf; kl











A kV




j u

A, -|. i .'..j.-

r* -






,1: r.


tbe lubordl..*lhe srtat healthlneai of tho lra<!c ; and tbu tirm Uon of the supply lo tho demaud, wbich m«rk* or rtiliR rriirket.



K I'. Ba

... t. <


RUIIVUM Cb.rl.-_... ,i forAu .-

BB b Bavia, I.*as,W.W.n

...a-*awa*ato,aa.JtaaB_ft1 v.^.k. ayaaWc. .''K nn |. II. H *

_--. '.rr-

h -wr im«** M.r.i.'au II


.. ,




tii3 l-ka«. TaB,


OU | H'.rr. *-v






Laxr. CareBB*,





« % .- a. .. t t|,_a, HottM l'i .1-1 lr',,. .; ...-*--..Br I.. .. ,r,>rAix-f.C B .rkr lit-.-l W-'a.-'. I . V. i-> K' Oa T:. Im,thu Biatilnl i. AI!..oy. Ild. ' ¦x n*ltw»r*; ,|- I'.'- Ht-"." »¦' .*» Bl ia! ,..,-. j ., I'..r_ i'.r,. "trtr .1 ltl ,. I.T. 10 .... | a,, K.r» Amtalt nkv

tat twta a j»a.. ...a**1 ,.,',D.l.|8*«u...,ir^.'.K tl'".












M ..t.i





""k1,'.A": -n.rr.'a.j


PWad.lplua. lL/ao.***>*.



wlth'n twe.ty dayi *rnt the rectpt of not*.** ot ita *ie*.ri. aace at Ijonrton, if fo, Sterlti jt B ud* tad rh'.ial-'n..'*, 1/ for Dol'ar Boudi; the <. inainH-r tn n* paid *o in*tall,ntoa every #< dayi ,.li*i.*aftcr, antil tbe who'oatu.iu .t u aafl -I oi I'jb full in-* eaai he paid ta al oo** il datired TbaMeaaMB *ill >a<Mra__*d U> OK'lROB V Tl»aturrr Pbilarfelphia, ar.d tndone* Pr:>a*<a_]* to- laoan. ijfcify lha prioe eftered tor Dollar aad -Mrtlag Tbey wlll Bor.d*. or either. _¦___. and 4*-er_:!ned Thn hid* will he18-6openedof 8e-4.iiiber. by tna l-oerd ol Direct .<». <>n tt.* day Any ftirther hrlrnaaB ¦ ln nkttt m tn lh*, read _n<1 ¦ ¦ro*r* wi I Se '.irnithed <in atplifatloo at th^oflee ofthe MII.LKR. Cbiaf Ca«lB*ar, lha .-y. or to KD'VABD .oair-'al Af tl' of 'b* ' ' ( *c> la I. ad * **w*iAtu j THOMMON, frerldaal. *.



li*.r. !-.. ..l...a.

.*,».' -8*



ilBTies lt .i

"t* M.


,1Mb*!** 0*8*








** ..... larue. MM .'»", I 'tf

BarvhraBBtf .,












of the demand at



na, ftom

eatent st full



*M- '.:.-* r.. *-'t. Ol ¦¦. l-w1'- P atnm &>«. A1BA ItfllflT. -i B..iii,.l<. ,lti>. d.. lahin.,1, lera ..I, n Ha* Ha-'n, Cl. Bl i x « Baatarkeli tk, kril*, Lndu T.\ 8.Bai l'--.< I , -.,.-. ., t ail ,n, I... \ rairh, BaUWt, gnk*. He* ti;*" Ox-. N* Hpn. Ol .. br.. <ir». Cari.l... I-r I'N*«l. '. Btltwjra; H»hm. |. N-w H*»*n 8. B P«r»'*r. ,,.> . W.rtr I r,H_. \\ r tl.t. I" V-rlaraf, W*ll* l,ia'l'IJa!l. , r vrr h.,k. K.I..T. !i ¦-'.',' BewO, tOSTI I taw.Bat-aw*, Ht t.m. r» br.|t S«l lln.l.aBr. l't|«, I' V ri l.tlTi.fth* t. ,k-. that.', V»n,lia. I'.l- I Ba*


rOBT OF NEW-TOBE.Aogurt 24.

ending Aug.

for the week


The 24

CbAba '.'-'

undartake ,o .bow |(i. ;n|>| l<%a ()f .debt of fifteen .nl.lloo. of

dollar* to butld theie roads.

pileea are tirm. r-trli'. Cwton Fl.niel. are l.rm pricea rcgulBr. tti to t Wr

¦Brt^atSta^te^SlWi*^ MARLSE JOURNALs.



^ !;.rf%CZTn.aU"n



payment «f a 5 pei cent. ln-

la. h,r lhe

1-1 I -111- Perta Ponv-atlr*a* .t.i*.*.**t* Bi*. n.JW.__ I .< S.W.1 « ***»-»,rt». '




tet..J pw»3

PAINTS. Wurninteir INC VVaithouss The NEW

li 5f Dey-st.,


JERSEY ZINC CO, are prepared to lupply their .uc 1'alaU ** U»BB» lowingpnces. No. 1 White, grotmd in oil, 9c. per poond. No. 2 White, ground in oil, 8c. per pound. No. 3 White, gro'iod ln oil, Tc. per pound. Brown .nd Black, ground in ..if, VJc. p«r pe«.. Dry White of '/inc, St. per pound WHITE ZINC PAINT, (_1After thorotigh t>?st in Europe the LatKd *'*v*^\*w been found to retain it* beauty and protactive I"*"1'*' ZW at than any other pamL Bor wlnu.Bei* snd .*****EJmm\ unrtvaled; it is free from all po^inonipropartiusoeoaww tnd daiigrrotis in other pigtnent*, will cover--888*' letd. .''J **'\'*\\\ ¦.*"*£ from 10 to 100 per cent. mote epace U*B ** taltle pmwnm fore m.icbch**perto the cuatomer. kl will not turn yellow, even when expo*"*i to gfuise* of coal lirea or the foul *ir maatjkm** -^Wi . Zuic groui.d in vaniuh prcduoe*lhe porcoltla h..i.r.. BBOWN ASD BLACK In a few baar* lorm a hard and aolld wood, brick, iron and otl.rr metaillc ,¥ ^uS* for their lire-proof propertie*. for n nme purpose*. baving bt.n BBBBlaB__^g. qmA 9** oth*. ing actioa of salt water, n d- atrticUv. to


0"_£__2_B*8^ __*»J5Z52B

wlv-**r", TlkVVim****mr*mVmtgpm\

"2_ggi^a^WABgggg UJanteb ani) loan. to


Clotijing, &t. HATS, FA8HIONABLB %* KROWN,

Ibgaat .ik llata at $-.$1 leai than Broadway prloM. Neat Uaia at 50. No IW Canal it, one door from Sulhvan.

Apply to ANI"O*" thUcltyor Brooklyn. EB, Auetionear. No 7 Brcsd at. _¦


____._*.-' fjj

haa in RUBBER SHOES.200,000 sOOALr~The^ 4 OAL.. 1 uo aobacribcr vatioo* ki** ^a- all th* r**ch f&Inof DAT'i Patent Vuicai.iz-d Rubber audJapanned |B_y mdlseoostsji'ly ****\**\ Ortht na: Overthoc*.



Theae grodi reeeived the firat premium illver medal at tha laat annual Fair of lhe American Imtitute." Exporten and exteniive dealen are adviied to rave a pro* lit ln ordericg and purchaiing. Day'i faeilitiei equal '/,O"0 pairiaday. Bay*n are cautloned lh .t tha "cumtiination" are again at their old not of threatemog proevuti.w tomy euitoinen.aU for eloct, lhat they may mll tor oae year more piui dcr the pecketi of the people. IIORACE 11. DAY, Oideit Mannfacturar of lndia Rubber Si.oei iu tua Umted 8ta>a, owner of over 20 patent righta. Warehouie, No. 2% Couniacdt "

rt., New-York.

galee A. M.

bg 2lnction.

M-BW-iN, Auctioneer.



Trade Balei

Roomi, Aug. 25, at 7J o'cloek P. M. Ak A-viuMi'Nr or Stamdud ano Mi»C-i.i.tMV.oil Books.- -JU OMri-gm wiil bei-wadtha moramg ttfoi* theiala. No. 13 Park-row.

^.'0rrel #f i^'X,'£$~r^At^r*

Anthis-.u. acd B.tumino"




«>nti.ii» to

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