MUSE September October 2020

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Inside This Issue Montbello In The News...6-9 Elected Officials Speak Out...10-15 Voices From The Neighborhood...16-24 Resources For Residents...25-29 Montbello Viewpoints ...30 Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition • Volume 4 Number 6 • September/October 2020


LOOKS LIKE Photo by Khadija Haynes


Eyes wide open for clearer vision... As I sit at my computer on the last morning of August, 2020, with eight months behind us I am thinking about the benchmarks of 2020.

been there. Finally, our eyes are opened to the fact that it will take families, communities, businesses, churches “pivoting” toward new and reachable sets of benchmarks.

There are many ways to measure a year. If we talk about economics we might discuss projected earnings or losses as we near the end of third quarter. If we talk about school years, we are at the beginning of the first semester of school year 20-21 with a whole year of learning ahead of us. Or, as one Broadway musical proposes, “525,600 seconds, how do you measure, measure a year?”

The point of these ramblings is that we have an opportunity to know better and do better. Do we continue down a path of injustice and structural racism or do we make a world where Black Lives Matter? Do we continue to let our lives be driven by the Amazons, big Pharma, and Oil and Gas barons? Do we continue to sit back while world leaders let our Earth become a planet on fire where the least resourced are the most vulnerable and where self-centered, egotistical criminals take whatever they want and crush those who are not like them? Will we reshape a world where family work is as important or more so than the all-consuming world of “work work” we have built our lives around?

Way back at the end of 2019 much of the conversation was about the hopefulness of coming into a new year and a new decade. People joked about having clear (20/20) vision and many organizations had marked 2020 as the year to set a new strategic direction. All the benchmarks and possible milestones were in front of us and few could have guessed how those might change.

I believe that 2020 has been the year where we have come within reach of 20/20 vision. Our eyes are open – what now will we do with that clear vision?

Looking back at the first three quarters of this year, most of us have experienced some level of fear, depression, anger, confusion against a backdrop of sickness, loss, chaos, and varying shades of truth. Nothing is as it was. Or is it?

Stay well and peace,

In some ways I believe we might actually be seeing with 20/20 vision what we have refused to see for a very long time. The inequities have always been there, the signs of an economy that is built on a house of cards just waiting for an ill wind to blow has

MONTBELLO URBAN SPECTRUM EDITION PUBLISHER Montbello Organizing Committee/Denver Urban Spectrum EDITOR AND LEAD WRITER - Donna Garnett CONTRIBUTING WRITERS - Stacie Gilmore, James Coleman, Christopher Herdon, Zarah Levy, Mary Ann Bash, Dave Bechhoefer, Khadija Haynes, Nizhooni Hurd, Deanna Jamison Ramer, Alejandra Colmenero, Narcy Jackson PHOTOGRAPHER - Khadija Haynes TRANSLATOR - Marta Welsh ART DIRECTOR - Bee Harris AD SALES - Mary Etta Curtis

Donna M. Garnett Editor - MUSE

The Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition (MUSE) is a bi-monthly publication produced and published by the Denver Urban Spectrum (DUS) and the Montbello Organizing Committee (MOC). MUSE is circulated throughout Denver’s Far Northeast community. Contents of MUSE are copyright 2020 by Denver Urban Spectrum and the Montbello Organizing Committee. No portion may be reproduced without written permission of the publishers. MUSE welcomes all letters, but reserves the right to edit for space, libelous material, grammar, and length. All letters must include name, address, and phone number. We will withhold author’s name on request. Unsolicited articles are accepted without guarantee of publication or payment and may be submitted to the editor at For advertising information, email or call 303-292-6446.

MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020


In the midst of a pandemic and social unrest, Montbello is a resilient community. No matter the challenge, we are a community that comes together to tackle the big issues. Despite many losses to our neighborhood and regardless of larger outside institutions not always following through on commitments, we are listening to and taking care of our own. Exemplifying that fact is the Struggle of Love Foundation’s reveal of a beautiful mural created and installed on the walls of Crown Market and in proximity to Escalante Biggs School. Through the creative talent and amazing patience of artist, Ulises Villa, Jr. and 15 kids ranging in age from 9 to 16 years, this not particularly aesthetically appealing building has been transformed into a work of art. Many community organizations and individuals worked together to find the funds and other resources to make it happen. This Is What Community Looks Like Nowhere has that listening to people and taking action been more evident than in the planning and implementation of the Montbello FreshLo Hub. This complex initiative is the result of 2500+ people express-

This Is What Community Looks Like By Donna M. Garnett, Editor, the MUSE Photo by Khadija Haynes

ing their passion and vision for the community. After almost three years of actively pursuing that vision, the support and funds that are necessary to make it a reality are all coming together. Since the beginning of 2020 this has happened: •The former RTD Park and Ride at 12300 Albrook Drive has been purchased by Montbello Organizing Committee on behalf of the community; •Denver City Council has approved a $700,000 loan to pay for the site; •Locally-owned FLO Development Services has worked with a crew of architects and engineers to design a sevenstory building that will include a grocery store; a cultural center featuring performance and meeting spaces, store-front retail; and 97 units of affordable housing; •A $54mm fundraising campaign has been launched to begin construction in late 2021; •More than 1000 residents and stakeholders were engaged to get input into the design and programming of the FreshLo Hub; •22 FreshLo Partners (local organizations and schools) are

collaborating to build out a sixmile walkable/bikeable loop through the heart of the community. This Is What Community Looks Like Montbello has come together to take on other issues identified by our neighbors. Not least among those are the ongoing efforts of Struggle of Love Foundation, Montbello Organizing Committee, Colorado Changemakers Collective, and Montbello Walks — with the help of scores of volunteers – to provide access to food as the pandemic continues to jeopardize the wellbeing of our residents. Literally, hundreds of backyard gardeners have been growing food for themselves and others for months. Through the commitment and actions of community organizations like Families Against Violent Acts, RISE Network, FaithBridge, Struggle of Love, Steps To Success, and Mental Health Centers of Denver we are not waiting for someone outside our community to step in to stop the violence and save our children. The community is actively

MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020


forming a circle of love and action around our young people with youth safe zones, virtual and in-person mental health services, creative programming for out-of-school time, and securing the resources to open a community center where young people can drop in to a place where trusted people who look like them and have lived experience can help form a bridge to resources and support systems. This Is What Community Looks Like Finally, this community is lucky to have the tireless support of Councilwoman Stacie Gilmore and her staff, who advocate for the organizations and people who are on the ground making everyday differences large and small. The District 11 crew shows up by helping to secure resources and by even being on the ground pitching in to do the work. As always, the MUSE makes a call to action. Want to know how you can be involved in the multitude of efforts that make this community resilient? Send an email to montbellonews@gmail to be connected to any of the efforts mentioned in this article or contact City Council District 11 office at 720-337-7711 or email This Is What Community Looks Like.Y


n medio de una pandemia y disturbios sociales, Montbello es una comunidad resiliente. No importa el desafío, somos una comunidad que se une para abordar los grandes problemas. A pesar de muchas pérdidas en nuestro vecindario e independientemente de que las instituciones externas más grandes no siempre cumplan con los compromisos, estamos escuchando y cuidando a los nuestros. Un ejemplo de ese hecho es la revelación de la Fundación Struggle of Love de un hermoso mural creado e instalado en las paredes de Crown Market y en las proximidades de la escuela Escalante Biggs. Gracias al talento creativo y la increíble paciencia del artista Ulises Villa, Jr. y 15 niños de entre 9 y 16 años, este edificio no particularmente atractivo desde el punto de vista estético, se ha transformado en una obra de arte. Muchas organizaciones comunitarias e individuos trabajaron juntos para encontrar los fondos y otros recursos para que esto sucediera. Así Es Como Se Ve La Comunidad En ningún lugar ha sido más evidente escuchar a las personas y tomar medidas que en la planificación e implementación de Montbello FreshLo Hub. Esta compleja iniciativa es el resultado de más de 2,500 personas que expresan su pasión y visión por la comunidad. Después de casi 3 años de perseguir activamente esa visión, el apoyo y los fondos necesarios para hacerla realidad se están uniendo. Desde principios de 2020, esto ha sucedido: •El Comité Organizador de

Así Es Como Se Ve La Comunidad Por Donna M. Garnett, Editor, el MUSE - Photo by Khadija Haynes esfuerzos en curso de la Fundación Lucha del Amor, el Comité Organizador de Montbello, el Colectivo de los Changemakers de Colorado y Montbello Camina - con la ayuda de decenas de voluntarios - para proporcionar acceso a los alimentos a medida que la pandemia continúa poniendo en peligro el bienestar de nuestros residentes. Literalmente, cientos de jardineros de patio trasero han estado cultivando alimentos para ellos mismos y para otros durante muchos meses. A través del compromiso y acciones de organizaciones comunitarias como Familias Contra Actos Violentos, RISE Network, Faithbridge, Lucha De Amor, Pasos Para El Éxito, y Centros de Salud Mental de Denver, no estamos esperando que alguien fuera de nuestra comunidad intervenga para detener la violencia y salvar a nuestros niños. La comunidad está formando activamente un círculo de amor y acción alrededor de nuestros jóvenes con zonas seguras para jóvenes, servicios de salud mental virtuales y en persona, programación creativa para el tiempo fuera de la escuela y asegurando los recursos para abrir un centro comunitario donde los jóvenes las personas pueden visitar un lugar donde

Montbello compró el antiguo sitio de RTD Park and Ride en 12300 Albrook Drive en nombre de la comunidad; •El Ayuntamiento de Denver aprobó un préstamo de $700,000 para pagar el sitio; •La propiedad local de FLO Development Services, ha trabajado con un equipo de arquitectos e ingenieros para diseñar un edificio de siete pisos que incluirá una tienda de comestibles; un centro cultural con espacios para presentaciones y reuniones, tiendas minoristas; y 97 unidades de vivienda asequible; •Se lanzó una campaña de recaudación de fondos de $54 millones para comenzar la construcción a fines de 2021; •Se contrató a más de 1000 residentes y partes interesadas para que participaran en el diseño y la programación del FreshLo Hub; •22 socios de FreshLo (organizaciones locales y escuelas) están colaborando para construir un circuito transitable a pie / en bicicleta de seis millas a través del corazón de la comunidad. Así Es Como Se Ve La Comunidad Montbello se ha reunido para abordar otros temas identificados por nuestros vecinos. Entre ellos se encuentran los

MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020


personas de confianza que se parecen a ellos y que han vivido experiencias pueden ayudar a formar un puente hacia los recursos y los sistemas de apoyo. Así Es Como Se Ve La Comunidad Finalmente, esta comunidad tiene la suerte de contar con el apoyo incansable de la Concejal Stacie Gilmore y su personal, que defienden las organizaciones y las personas que están en el terreno haciendo que las diferencias cotidianas sean grandes y pequeñas. La tripulación del Distrito 11 se presenta ayudando a asegurar los recursos e incluso estando en el terreno lanzando para hacer el trabajo. Como siempre, EL MUSE hace una llamada a la acción. ¿Quieres saber cómo puedes participar en la multitud de esfuerzos que hacen que esta comunidad sea resistente? Envíe un correo electrónico a montbellonews-gmail para estar conectado con cualquiera de los esfuerzos mencionados en este artículo o póngase en contacto con la oficina del Distrito 11 del Ayuntamiento al 720337-7711 o por correo electrónico a Así Es Como Se Ve La Comunidad.Y


Denver Department of Public Health & Environment Awards Nearly $6 Million in Grants to Feed Hungry Kids An estimated 22% of Denver’s population is struggling with hunger during the COVID19 pandemic, doubling the city’s previous hunger rates. The Denver Department of Public Health & Environment’s (DDPHE) Healthy Food for Denver’s Kids Commission is awarding $5,961,555 in grant funding to feed hungry children in our city through the Healthy Food for Denver’s Kids (HFDK) Initiative. In November 2018, voters approved the HFDK Initiative to establish a sales tax (an increase of 0.08%, which amounts to less than a penny for every $10 spent) to help feed one in five kids in Denver who don’t have enough to eat each year. The tax added up to about $11 million in 2019 and is estimated to total $110 million over the 10 years of the program, depending on the economy. Those funds are now being used to feed Denver’s children and provide education about food and nutrition. The funds were distributed through competitive grants to nonprofits and local government agencies who lead communitybased food programs. “The Healthy Food for Denver’s Kids Initiative is a profound step forward in ensuring Denver’s kids, especially those from low-income or at-risk families, have year-round access to healthy meals and snacks. These grants help assure that kids in metro Denver have enough to eat to keep them healthy—both physically

and mentally. Hunger and food insecurity clearly impact our physical health, and hunger can cause emotional and behavioral problems, potentially limiting social development,” said Robert McDonald, Executive Director of DDPHE and Public Health Administrator for the City. “The grant funds will also help local government and non-profit organizations provide hands-on education and public health programs.” DDPHE requested proposals on how to best improve children’s access to healthy foods and food-based education and skills, such as cooking and gardening. Ultimately, DDPHE awarded close to $6 million in grant funding to 25 organizations that applied for the Healthy Food for Denver’s Kids first round of funding. The 25 organizations awarded funds include: 16 non-profits, eight schools or affiliates of Denver Public Schools, and one city agency, Denver Public Library. Projects include providing healthy food to youth through school food pantries, snack programs, and no-cost grocery distribution. Organizations are also educating and empowering youth through food justice curriculum, cooking classes, and building and teaching in school gardens, greenhouses, and hydroponic classrooms. Projects will take place across the entire city, impacting approximately 129,500 Denver youth. Nathaniel Cradle with Venture for Success Prep knows

how much this funding means for the children of far northeast Denver, “We are fortunate for the support from the HFDK Emergency Hunger Relief Grant. The far northeast (Montbello) is home to thousands of children, many who fall below the federal poverty guidelines. Many of our enrolled families were already struggling financially and the pandemic has exacerbated their financial woes. Our team of volunteers has been thoughtful and dependable by ensuring that every child has a plate of food and a box of perishable and non-perishable items for each family. As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases continues to rise in communities of economic hardship, specifically communities of color, this grant has gone a long way to support more than 320 families with food.” The Montbello FreshLo Farm-School Network – Healthy Food for Montbello Kids project is a three-year collaborative impact project among several local schools and nonprofit organizations that have come together to ad-

MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020


dress the shared mission to work with children and youth to grow food for their community, teach them where their food comes from, and work with families to change nutritional habits and consumption patterns. The FreshLo Farm-School Network is premised on an assumption that multiple efforts must work in concert to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of community-level efforts to reduce food insecurity and ensure that children and their families have access to affordable, healthy food. Partners include Montbello Organizing Committee, Struggle of Love Foundation, Children’s Farms in Action, Consumption Literacy Project, Marie L. Greenwood Academy, Academy 360, and Monarch Montessori. This grant opportunity was the first of a series of grants over the HFDK Initiative 10-year period (2019-2029). There will be future opportunities to apply for funds, and the focus of future grants may shift based on data gathered through evaluation, as well as Commission and community priorities.Y


El Departamento de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente de Denver Otorga Casi $ 6 Millones En Subvenciones Para Alimentar A Niños Hambrientos Se estima que el 22% de la población de Denver está luchando contra el hambre durante la pandemia de COVID-19, duplicando las tasas de hambre anteriores de la ciudad. La Comisión de Alimentos Saludables para Niños de Denver del Departamento de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente (DDPHE) de Denver está otorgando $5,961,555 en subvenciones para alimentar a niños hambrientos en nuestra ciudad a través de Healthy Food for Denver’s Kids (HFDK) Initiative. En noviembre de 2018, los votantes aprobaron la Iniciativa HFDK para establecer un impuesto a las ventas (un aumento del 0.08%, que equivale a menos de un centavo por cada $10 gastados) para ayudar a alimentar a uno de cada cinco niños en Denver que no tienen suficiente para comer cada año. El impuesto sumó alrededor de $11 millones en 2019 y se estima que totalizará $110 millones durante los 10 años del programa, dependiendo de la economía. Estos fondos ahora se están utilizando para alimentar a los niños de Denver y brindar educación sobre alimentación y nutrición. Los fondos se distribuyeron a través de subvenciones competitivas a organizaciones sin fines de lucro y agencias gubernamentales locales que lideran programas de alimentos comunitarios. “La Iniciativa de Alimentos Saludables Para Los Niños de Denver es un gran paso adelante para garantizar que los

organizaciones que solicitaron la primera ronda de financiación de la Alimentos Saludables Para Los Niños. Las 25 organizaciones que recibieron fondos incluyen: 16 organizaciones sin fines de lucro, ocho escuelas o afiliadas de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver y una agencia de la ciudad, la Biblioteca Pública de Denver. Los proyectos incluyen proporcionar alimentos saludables a los jóvenes a través de despensas de alimentos escolares, programas de refrigerios y distribución de comestibles sin costo. Las organizaciones también están educando y capacitando a los jóvenes a través del plan de estudios de justicia alimentaria, clases de cocina y la construcción y la enseñanza en huertos escolares, invernaderos y aulas hidropónicas. Los proyectos se llevarán a cabo en toda la ciudad y afectarán a aproximadamente 129,500 jóvenes de Denver. Nathaniel Cradle, de Venture for Success Prep, sabe cuánto significan estos fondos para los niños del extremo noreste de Denver. “Somos afortunados por el apoyo de la subvención de emergencia para el alivio del hambre de HFDK. El extremo noreste (Montbello) es el hogar de miles de niños, muchos de los cuales se encuentran por debajo de las pautas federales de pobreza. Muchas de nuestras familias inscritas ya tenían problemas económicos y la pandemia ha agravado sus problemas económicos. Nuestro equipo de voluntarios ha sido considerado y confiable al asegurar que cada niño tenga un plato de comida y una caja de artículos perecederos y no perecederos para cada familia. A medida que el número de casos confirmados de COVID-19

niños de Denver, especialmente los de familias de bajos ingresos o en riesgo, tengan acceso durante todo el año a comidas y refrigerios saludables. Estas subvenciones ayudan a garantizar que los niños del área metropolitana de Denver tengan suficiente para comer para mantenerse saludables, tanto física como mentalmente. El hambre y la inseguridad alimentaria impactan claramente nuestra salud física, y el hambre puede causar problemas emocionales y de comportamiento, limitando potencialmente el desarrollo social”, dijo Robert McDonald, Director Ejecutivo de DDPHE y Administrador de Salud Pública de la Ciudad. “Los fondos de la subvención también ayudarán al gobierno local y a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro a brindar educación práctica y programas de salud pública”. El DDPHE solicitó propuestas sobre cómo mejorar el mejor acceso de los niños a alimentos saludables y educación y habilidades basadas en alimentos, como cocinar y jardinería. En última instancia, el DDPHE otorgó cerca de $6 millones en subvenciones a 25

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continúa aumentando en comunidades con dificultades económicas, específicamente comunidades de color, esta subvención ha contribuido en gran medida a apoyar a más de 320 familias con alimentos”. El proyecto Montbello FreshLo Farm-School Network - Alimentos Saludables Para Los Niños De Montbello, es un proyecto de impacto colaborativo de tres años entre varias escuelas locales y organizaciones sin fines de lucro que se han unido para abordar la misión compartida de trabajar con niños y jóvenes para cultivar alimentos para su comunidad, enseñando de dónde provienen sus alimentos y trabajando con las familias para cambiar hábitos nutricionales y patrones de consumo. La red FreshLo Farm-School se basa en la premisa de que múltiples esfuerzos deben trabajar en conjunto para aumentar la eficiencia y la eficacia de los esfuerzos a nivel comunitario para reducir la inseguridad alimentaria y garantizar que los niños y sus familias tengan acceso a alimentos saludables y asequibles. Los socios incluyen el Comité Organizador de Montbello, la Fundación Struggle of Love, Children’s Farms in Action, Consumption Literacy Project, Marie L. Greenwood Academy, Academy 360 y Monarch Montessori. Esta oportunidad de subvención fue la primera de una serie de subvenciones durante el período de 10 años de la Iniciativa HFDK (2019-2029). Habrá oportunidades futuras para solicitar fondos, y el enfoque de las subvenciones futuras puede cambiar según los datos recopilados a través de la evaluación, así como las prioridades de la Comisión y la comunidad.Y


Denver to Vote on Climate Change Tax in November By Donna Garnett MUSE Editor


here seems little doubt in the minds of most observant citizens, that the increasing numbers of extraordinary weather events pummeling our country over the last few years are most likely proof that climate change is responsible for these events and the horrifying impact that they have on the human condition. It is hard to argue that the Category 4 hurricane that slammed into Louisiana in late August and the smoky haze from Colorado and California wildfires that have cloaked our neighborhood for weeks this summer aren’t tied to warmer oceans and hotter, drier temperatures. Whether you believe in climate change or not, there is no doubt, as the facts demonstrate, that these catastrophic events have devastating effects on people least able to access the resources to mitigate those economic, health, and socialemotional impacts. In recognition that as Colorado continues to experience more and higher temperatures, Denver Department of Public Health and Environment maintains a story map that evaluates Denver’s vulnerability to extreme. The data show that those communities that are most vulnerable in terms of socioeconomic, health and environmental conditions are also the ones where residents suffer the highest heat vulnerability. On August 3, 2020, Denver City Council passed a measure to the November ballot which would increase the city’s sales tax rate by a quarter of a per-

learn more about this ballot initiative and others on the November 2020 ballot, visit tent/denvergov/en/denver-elections-divison. Regardless of your position on this ballot initiative, the most immediate and important way to be heard is to VOTE on November 3.Y

cent to fund renewable energy goals over the coming decades. That means that if voters approve the tax, shoppers would pay an extra 2.5 cents on every $10 purchase of goods and services. Food, water, fuel and medical supplies, among other necessities, would be exempt from the tax. If approved, the tax would raise $36 million a year with the funding earmarked for climate solutions like renewable energy, building efficiencies and multimodal options like transit, walking and biking infrastructure (half the dollars must go to communities most impacted by climate change). The Denver Post reported that, according to Councilman Jolon Clark, funds could be used to directly benefit communities of color and lower income communities, which are disproportionately hurt by long-standing, environmentally harmful practices in Denver and around the country. Editor’s note: For more information regarding when and how to vote in Denver and to

Denver Votará Sobre el Impuesto del Cambio Climático en Noviembre Por Donna Garnett Editor, el MUSE Parece que hay pocas dudas en las mentes de los ciudadanos más observantes, que el número creciente de eventos meteorológicos extraordinarios que han azotado a nuestro país durante los últimos años son la

MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020


prueba más probable de que el cambio climático es responsable de estos eventos y el impacto espantoso que tienen en la condición humana. Es difícil argumentar que el huracán de categoría 4 que se azotó a Luisiana a finales de agosto y la niebla humeante de los incendios forestales de Colorado y California que han cubierto nuestro vecindario durante semanas este verano no están vinculados a océanos más cálidos y temperaturas más calientes y secas. Ya sea que crea en el cambio climático o no, no hay duda, como demuestran los hechos, que estos eventos catastróficos tienen efectos devastadores en las personas menos capaces de acceder a los recursos para mitigar esos impactos económicos, de salud y socioemocionales. Reconociendo que a medida que Colorado continúa experimentando temperaturas cada vez más altas, el Departamento de Salud Pública y Medio Ambiente de Denver mantiene un mapa de la histo-

MONTBELLO IN THE NEWS ria que evalúa la vulnerabilidad de Denver al extremo. Los datos muestran que las comunidades que son más vulnerables en términos de condiciones socioeconómicas, de salud y ambientales son también aquellas donde los residentes sufren la mayor vulnerabilidad al calor. El 3 de agosto de 2020, el Ayuntamiento de Denver aprobó una medida en la boleta electoral de noviembre que aumentaría la tasa del impuesto sobre las ventas de la ciudad en un cuarto de por ciento para financiar los objetivos de energía renovable en las próximas décadas. Eso significa que si los votantes aprueban el impuesto, los compradores pagarían 2.5 centavos adicionales por cada compra de bienes y servicios de $10. Alimentos, agua, combustible y suministros médicos, entre otras necesidades, estar-

ían exentos del impuesto. Si se aprueba, el impuesto recaudaría $36 millones al año con los fondos destinados a soluciones climáticas como energía renovable, eficiencias de con-

strucción y opciones multimodales como infraestructura de tránsito, para caminar y andar en bicicleta (la mitad de los dólares deben ir a las comunidades más afectadas por

el cambio climático). El Denver Post informó que, según el concejal Jolon Clark, los fondos podrían usarse para beneficiar directamente a las comunidades de color y comunidades de bajos ingresos, que se ven desproporcionadamente Lastimado por prácticas de larga data y ambientalmente perjudiciales en Denver y en todo el país. Para obtener más información sobre cuándo y cómo votar en Denver y para aprender más sobre esta iniciativa de votación y otros en la boleta de noviembre de 2020, visite a tent/denvergov/en/denver-elections-divison. Independientemente de su posición en esta iniciativa de votación, la forma más inmediata e importante de ser escuchado es VOTAR el 3 de noviembre de 2020.Y

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MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020



2021 City Budget: How to Get Involved! By Councilwoman Stacie Gilmore, Denver City Council District 11 I am humbled and honored to have earned the support of my colleagues on Denver City Council, who voted for me to become the President of Denver City Council on Monday, July 20, 2020. I look forward to bringing together the council’s collective voice and fostering equity at the forefront of our council decision-making. For council’s discussion around their racial equity framework and priorities, watch the City Council retreat held on July 17th, 2020 here: Bit.Ly/2YxNj4C. It is undeniable that we are at a transformational period in our country’s history. It is our time to re-learn the true history of America, to ask hard questions, and to change how we serve our communities. We still have a long way to go on the road to dismantling systemic racism in our city, and it will really take all of us working together to make impactful and equitable change to improve our current and our children’s way of life. Get Involved in the Upcoming 2021 City Budget Process! Denver City Council will receive Denver’s mayoral 2021 City Budget on September 15, 2020. This will begin the budget process for Council:

The Mayor proposes his initial budget and then Council uses their budgetary powers granted by the City Charter to give input and change it as needed for their districts and citywide requests. This will be a different year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic where we will see historic reductions to our city budget and difficult decisions will need to be made so that we can continue to provide Denver residents with timely emergency relief efforts and resources. I also created a new committee called the Budget and Policy committee where Council members and the community will have more time to study and ask questions about the 2021 budget. There will also be briefings on COVID-19 impacts, relief efforts and 2020 budgets from a priority list of agencies. This will help create a baseline for our 2021 budget discussion. The committee meets every Thursday at 9:30am – 11:00am and you can watch past briefings here: Once the 2021 City Budget is released, we will ask for your input on what you would

like to see funded for 2021. Look for all the details in our next email newsletter and on our Facebook page! The city’s 2021 Proposed Budget Hearings will begin on Wednesday, September 16, 2020. Tune in every day from Sept. 16 through Sept. 25 at 9:00am on Denver Channel 8 or via Zoom (go to l for the Zoom link.) More Retail Access in District 11! My District 11 office and the community continue to advocate for bringing more retailers, groceries, and amenities to our community. Ace Hardware at Chambers Place Shopping Center opened its store in July this year and had their small ribbon cutting on August 21st with the District 11 Council Office. We are excited to welcome our first full-service home improvement store in the neighborhood! As always, you are our priority. Please do not hesitate to contact us at 720-337-7711 or with anything!

MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020


Participe en el Proceso de Presupuesto de la Ciudad 2021 By Presidenta del Concejo Stacie Gilmore Me siento honrada de contar con el apoyo de mis colegas del Concejo de Denver, quienes me eligieron como Presidenta del Concejo el pasado lunes 20 de julio de 2020. Con mucho interés y empeño, espero reunir la voz colectiva del concejo y fomentar la equidad durante el proceso de nuestra toma de decisiones. Si desea conocer más sobre la discusión que el concejo tuvo sobre la equidad racial y las prioridades, vea el retiro del Ayuntamiento de Denver celebrado el 17 de julio de 2020 aquí: Bit.Ly/2YxNj4C. Es innegable que estamos en un período de transformación en la historia de nuestro país. Es nuestro momento de reaprender la verdadera historia de los Estados Unidos, hacer preguntas difíciles y cambiar la forma que le servimos a nuestras comunidades. Todavía

ELECTED OFFICIALS SPEAK OUT - OFICIALES ELEGIDOS HABLAN tenemos un largo camino por recorrer para desmantelar el racismo sistémico en nuestra ciudad, un proceso que tomará de todos trabajar juntos para hacer un cambio impactante y equitativo para mejorar nuestro modo de vida actual y el de nuestros hijos. ¡Participe del Proceso de Presupuesto 2021 de la Ciudad! El Concejo recibirá la propuesta de Presupuesto de la Ciudad 2021 del Alcalde de Denver el 15 de septiembre de 2020. Esto iniciará el proceso presupuestario para el Consejo: el alcalde entrega la propuesta de presupuesto inicial y luego el Consejo utiliza sus poderes presupuestarios otorgados por la Carta de la Ciudad para dar su opinión y cambiarlo según sea necesario para acomodar las necesidades y los deseos de sus distritos y otras solicitudes de la ciudad. Este año, el proceso será diferente, pues la pandemia de COVID-19 ha hecho que todas las agencias y el concejo haga reducciones históricas al presupuesto de nuestra ciudad. Tendremos que tomar decisiones difíciles para que podamos continuar proveyendo recursos de emergencia a tiempo y otros recursos a los residentes de Denver. También creé un comité nuevo llamado Comité de Presupuesto y Política donde los miembros del Concejo y la comunidad tendrán más tiempo para estudiar y hacer preguntas sobre el presupuesto de 2021. También habrá sesiones informativas sobre los impactos COVID-19, los esfuerzos de ayudas y los presupuestos del 2020 de un listado de agencias. Esto ayudará a crear un punto de referencia para nuestra discusión sobre el presupuesto de

2021. El comité se reúne todos los jueves a las 9:30am – 11:00am y puede ver las sesiones pasadas aquí: Una vez se publique el presupuesto de la ciudad de 2021, le pediremos su opinión sobre lo que le gustaría ver financiado para el 2021. ¡Busque todos los detalles en nuestro próximo boletín de noticias por correo electrónico y en nuestra página de Facebook! Las Vistas Públicas del Presupuesto Propuesto de 2021 comenzarán el miércoles 16 de septiembre de 2020. Sintonice todos los días del 16 de septiembre al 25 de septiembre a las 9:00 a.m. en Denver Channel 8 o a través de Zoom (vaya a tent/denvergov/en/denver-citycouncil.html para el enlace Zoom.) ¡Más tiendas en el Distrito 11! Mi oficina del Distrito 11 y la comunidad continúan abogando por traer más tiendas y comercios minoristas, de comestibles y comodidades a nuestra comunidad. La ferretería Ace Hardware en Chambers Place Shopping Center abrió sus puertas en julio de este año y tuvo una pequeña ceremonia de apertura el 21 de agosto en la que mi Oficina del Distrito 11 participó. ¡Con mucha emoción, le damos la bienvenida a la primera tienda de mejoras para el hogar en nuestro vecindario! Como siempre, usted es nuestra prioridad. Por favor, no dude en comunicarse con nosotras llamando al 720-337-7711 o envíe un mensaje de correo electrónico a!Y

Montbello Be Heard – Vote and Complete the Census By Councilman Christopher Herndon, Denver City Council District 8 With the November General Election and the deadline to respond to the 2020 Census quickly approaching, I wanted to share some very important information on how the Montbello community can engage and participate in the next couple of months. Important voting information for the November election Starting October 9, Denver will begin mailing out ballots for the November 3 General Election. The deadline to register to vote or update registration and still receive a ballot in the mail is October 26. In Colorado, you can register to vote and vote in person up to 7 p.m. on Election Day, November 3. Montbello Recreation Center and the Montbello Branch Library will have 24hour ballot drop-off boxes beginning October 9. The Montbello Recreation Center will also be available for drivethrough drop off and curbside ballot pick-up services. The Montbello Campus vote center will be open November 2, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. and November 3, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. for ballot dropoff or to vote in person. Denver Elections is expecting high turnout and encourages residents to vote before November 3.

MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020


Ballot TRACE allows voters to track their mail ballot envelope from the times it’s printed through each phase of processing. Voters can receive messages by signing up at to get automatic tracking updates via email or text message. Election judges will wear appropriate PPE and disinfect all surfaces, secrecy sleeves, pens and clipboards voters touch, including voting booths and tablets, between each use at vote centers and hand sanitizer will be widely available. Six feet of physical distancing will be observed at all times inside and outside of vote centers. Plexiglas shields will also be set up in front of all registration judge stations to protect voters and election judges. Community members can also work as election judges. Tasks include assisting voters, verifying information and processing ballots. All assignments are paid between $13 and $17.50 per hour. For more information, visit for more information on registering to vote, Vote Center and 24-hour ballot drop-off locations, sign up for Ballot TRACE, precautions being taken during COVID-19 and how to become an election judge. Why does the Census matters to Montbello? Every 10 years the federal Census Bureau counts every person living in the U.S., and the results of that count determine the allocation of hundreds of billions of dollars for vital programs such as health care and education and the drawing of the lines for political districts at all levels of gov-

ELECTED OFFICIALS SPEAK OUT - OFICIALES ELEGIDOS HABLAN ernment – from City Council to the U.S. House of Representatives! People of color, newly arrived immigrants, renters and people living with low incomes have historically been undercounted in the Census. This leads to less money going to the people that truly need it and less political power for those same communities. For each person that goes uncounted in Colorado, we lose $2,300 a year – for 10 years! Not to mention we may not have an equal say in the House of Representatives. As we work to recover from the pandemic, Denver needs this money and representation more than ever. What does this mean for you? If you are not counted in the Census, you will not be represented in government and you and your family may not get all the services that you need and deserve. The great news is that responding to the Census is

very easy, and it will take most families about 10 minutes to complete. A 10-minute investment in the next decade! As of August 24, two-thirds of Denver households have self-responded to the Census. Montbello is divided into four Census tracts – and the self-response rates in those tracts vary from 64 percent to 70 percent. Montbello needs a complete and accurate count. Go to and respond today. Everyone needs to respond before September 30! If you’d rather respond by phone, call 1-844-330-2020 (English) or 1844-468-2020 (Spanish). Phone support is available in 13 languages and online support is available in 59 languages. Do your 2020 Census, then ask your family, friends and neighbors if they did theirs and offer to help them complete it. This civic action is as important as voting and everybody counts: children, seniors, new immigrants, everyone.

Montbello Be Heard - Vote y complete el censo Por Concejal Christopher Herndon, Distrito 8 del Concejo Municipal de Denver Con las elecciones generales de noviembre y la fecha límite para responder al censo de 2020 acercándose rápidamente, quería compartir información muy importante sobre cómo la comunidad de Montbello puede involucrarse y participar en los próximos meses. Información importante sobre la votación para las elecciones de noviembre A partir del 9 de octubre, Denver comenzará a enviar por correo boletas para las elecciones generales del 3 de noviembre. La fecha límite para registrarse para votar o actualizar el registro y aún recibir una boleta por correo es el 26 de octubre. En Colorado, puede registrarse para votar y, votar en persona hasta las 7 p.m. el día de las elecciones, 3 de noviembre. Montbello Recreation Center (Centro de recreación de Monte bello) y Montbello Branch Library tendrán buzones de entrega de boletas las 24 horas a partir del 9 de octubre. El Montbello Recreation Center también estará disponible para los servicios de entrega y recogida de boletas en la acera. El centro de votación de Montbello Campus estará abierto el 2 de noviembre de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m. y el 3 de noviembre, de 7 a.m. a 7 p.m. para entregar la boleta o votar en persona. Denver Elections (Elecciones de Denver) espera una alta participación y alienta a los residentes a votar antes del 3 de noviembre.

MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020


Ballot TRACE permite a los votantes rastrear el sobre de su boleta por correo desde el momento en que se imprime hasta cada fase de procesamiento. Los votantes pueden recibir mensajes registrándose en para recibir actualizaciones de seguimiento automático por correo electrónico o mensaje de texto. Los jueces electorales usarán el equipo de protección personal apropiado y desinfectarán todas las superficies, fundas de discreción, bolígrafos y portapapeles que los votantes toquen, incluidas las cabinas de votación y las tablets, entre cada uso en los centros de votación y el desinfectante de manos estará ampliamente disponible. Se observarán seis pies de distancia física en todo momento dentro y fuera de los centros de votación. También se instalarán escudos de plexiglás frente a todas las estaciones de jueces de registro para proteger a los votantes y jueces electorales. Los miembros de la comunidad también pueden trabajar como jueces electorales. Las tareas incluyen ayudar a los votantes, verificar la información y procesar las boletas. Todas las asignaciones se pagan entre $ 13 y $ 17.50 por hora. Visite para obtener más información sobre cómo registrarse para votar, el Centro de votación y los lugares para dejar las boletas las 24 horas, inscribirse en Ballot TRACE, las precauciones que se toman durante el COVID-19 y cómo convertirse en juez electoral. ¿Qué es el censo y por qué es importante? Cada 10 años, la Oficina del Censo cuenta a todas las personas que viven en los EE.

ELECTED OFFICIALS SPEAK OUT - OFICIALES ELEGIDOS HABLAN UU., Y los resultados de ese recuento determinan la asignación de cientos de miles de millones de dólares para programas vitales como la atención médica y la educación y el trazado de las líneas para distritos políticos en todos los niveles de gobierno - ¡de la alcaldía a la cámara de representantes! Las personas de color, los inmigrantes recién llegados, los inquilinos y las personas que viven con bajos ingresos han sido históricamente subestimados en el censo. Esto lleva a que llegue menos dinero a las personas que realmente lo necesitan y menos poder político para esas mismas comunidades. Por cada persona que no se cuenta en Colorado, perdemos $ 2,300 al año, ¡durante 10 años! Sin mencionar que es posible que no tengamos la misma voz en la Cámara de Representantes. Mientras trabajamos para recuperarnos de la pandemia, Denver necesita este dinero y representación más que nunca. ¿Qué significa esto para usted? Si no lo incluyen en el censo, no estará representado en el gobierno y es posible que usted y su familia no obtengan todos los servicios que necesitan y merecen. La buena noticia es que responder al censo es muy fácil y la mayoría de las familias tardará unos 10 minutos en completarlo. ¡Una inversión de 10 minutos en la próxima década! Hasta el 24 de agosto, dos tercios de los hogares de Denver han respondido por sí mismos al censo. Montbello está dividido en cuatro secciones del censo, y las tasas de respuesta propia en esas secciones varían del 64 al 70 por ciento. Montbello nece-

sita un recuento completo y preciso. Ingrese a y responda hoy. ¡Todos deben responder antes del 30 de septiembre! Si prefiere responder por teléfono, llame al 1-844-330-2020 (inglés) o al 1844-468-2020 (español). La asistencia telefónica está disponible en 13 idiomas y la asistencia en línea está disponible en 59 idiomas. Haga su censo 2020, luego pregunte a su familia, amigos y vecinos si hicieron el suyo y ofrézcase para ayudarlos a completarlo. Esta acción cívica es tan importante como votar y todos cuentan: niños, ancianos, nuevos inmigrantes, ¡todos!Y

A Resilient Community By James R. Coleman, State Representative House Majority Co-Whip State of Colorado, House District 7 This very strange - and often difficult summer is coming to a close, and we are about to enter what I suspect will be an equally strange - and potentially also equally difficult - fall. Despite the current difficulties and future uncertainties, I continue to remain ever hopeful and ever encouraged - because of so many of you. Throughout this summer, I have heard story upon story that have left me so impressed and inspired by the strength and resiliency of our community. Everyday people doing every day acts of kindness, passionately caring for

each other, advocating for those who need help, selflessly serving others, doing everything from small thoughtful gestures to large acts of love and justice. I have seen and heard so many examples of kindness, strength, and courage in this time, and am strengthened myself by it. By continuing to live your lives in the midst of many legitimate obstacles and struggles - and not just live but love, serve, and thrive - you are fighting not just the hardship and discouragement this pandemic has thrust upon us, but the hardship, injustice, and evil that still exists in so many other parts of our culture and institutions as well. I believe there truly are dark forces in our world - we see them at work all around us (my heart is broken again by the recent unjust, vicious attack against Jacob Blake, yet another reminder of the deep brokenness that exists in so many people, in our culture, in entire systems). But I also believe in a God of justice, who WILL win and who is actively fighting the evil we see around us, even now. And he is doing it through so many of you.

MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – July/August 2020


So be encouraged, friends keep on living, loving, showing up for each other, serving each other, seeking justice in big and small ways in our communities. It is not in vain. Keep persisting and have hope- we are all moving the needle in small ways, and together we are making change. We won’t let this pandemic - and the other darkness we see around us - tell us otherwise. I want to take a moment to specifically shout out to all the educators, other school employees, parents, and our kids for their amazing examples of strength and resiliency right now. I can’t imagine being so young and having to walk through this current season in our world. I am so impressed and inspired by the students I’ve talked with - including my own kids - who are still hopeful, joyful, and taking this new, strange, season in stride. I am proud of you - and again, you can have hope. I know things will not be like this forever. To our educators and other school professionals - I continue to be blown away by your strength, adaptability, and tireless passion for our kids. Thank you for going above and

ELECTED OFFICIALS SPEAK OUT - OFICIALES ELEGIDOS HABLAN beyond and making sure our students are still cared for, taught, and served. As a state legislator - but most of all as a PARENT - I can’t say thank you loudly enough. And parents - WOW. I am feeling so many emotions with you all right now. Watching my twins start school online this year was hard. It’s hard on them, and it’s hard on us. Allow yourselves to feel all the different emotions - except for guilt. No guilt right now! You are all - WE are all - so resilient. Take it one day at a time, do the best you can, and we will all get through this. Take care of yourselves, and take care of each other - reach out to a parent, friend, or to parents in your neighborhood. Make sure they’re ok, and that they and their kids are getting what they need in this time.

A shout out to my wife, who always amazes me - taking this new journey in stride, moving our days forward, and holding us together – all with grace, kindness, and love. Thank you to my wife for showing me and so many others what true strength and resiliency look like. She and moms everywhere are the true MVPs, now and always! Lastly: remember that a huge opportunity we have to SHOW UP and keep pushing, fighting, advocating, and loving our neighbor is through voting. Don’t forget to vote on November 3rd! And don’t forget to vote all the way downballot! Let’s show our resiliency and determination through showing up and voting the right people in office this November.

Una Comunidad Resiliente Por James R. Coleman, Representante Estatal, Co-Whip de la Cámara Mayor de Colorado, Distrito 7 de la Cámara Este verano muy extraño - y a menudo difícil - está llegando a su fin, y estamos a punto de entrar en lo que sospecho que será un otoño igualmente extraño - y potencialmente igualmente difícil. A pesar de las dificultades actuales y las incertidumbres futuras, sigo siendo siempre esperanzado y siempre animado, gracias a tantos de ustedes. A lo largo de este verano, he escuchado una historia tras otra que me ha dejado tan impresionado e inspirado por la fuerza y la resistencia de nuestra comunidad. Personas cotidianas que realizan actos cotidianos de

bondad, se cuidan con pasión unos a otros, abogan por quienes necesitan ayuda, sirven desinteresadamente a los demás, hacen de todo, desde pequeños gestos reflexivos hasta grandes actos de amor y justicia. He visto y escuchado tantos ejemplos de bondad, fuerza y coraje en este tiempo, y me fortalezco. Al continuar viviendo sus vidas en medio de muchos obstáculos y luchas legítimas, y no solo vivir, sino amar, servir y prosperar, están luchando no solo contra las dificultades y el desánimo que esta pandemia nos ha impuesto, sino también contra las dificultades, la injusticia, y el mal que todavía existe en muchas otras partes de nuestra cultura e instituciones. Creo que realmente hay fuerzas oscuras en nuestro mundo; las

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MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020


ELECTED OFFICIALS - OFICIALES ELEGIDOS vemos trabajando a nuestro alrededor (mi corazón está roto nuevamente por el reciente ataque injusto y cruel contra Jacob Blake, otro recordatorio del profundo quebrantamiento que existe en tantas personas, en nuestra cultura, en sistemas completos). Pero también creo en un Dios de justicia, que GANARÁ y que luchará activamente contra el mal que vemos a nuestro alrededor, incluso ahora. Y lo está haciendo a través de muchos de ustedes. Así que anímense, amigos sigan viviendo, amándo, mostrándose el uno al otro, sirviéndose unos a otros, buscando la justicia en grandes y pequeñas formas en nuestras comunidades. No es en vano. Siga persistiendo y tenga esperanza: todos estamos moviendo la aguja de pequeñas maneras y juntos estamos logrando cambios. No dejaremos que esta pandemia - y la otra oscuridad que vemos a nuestro alrededor, nos diga lo contrario. Quiero tomar un momento para agradecer específicamente a todos los educadores, otros empleados de la escuela, padres y nuestros hijos por sus increíbles ejemplos de fortaleza y resistencia en este momento. No puedo imaginarme siendo tan joven y tener que atravesar esta temporada actual en nuestro mundo. Estoy muy impresionado e inspirado por los estudiantes con los que he hablado, incluidos mis propios hijos, que todavía tienen esperanzas, están alegres y están tomando esta nueva y extraña temporada con calma. Estoy orgulloso de ti y, de nuevo, puedes tener esperanza. Sé que las cosas no serán así para siempre. A nuestros educadores y otros profesionales escolares, sigo asombrado por su fuerza, adaptabilidad y pasión incans-

able por nuestros niños. Gracias por ir más allá y asegurarse de que nuestros estudiantes sigan siendo atendidos, enseñados y servidos. Como legislador estatal, pero sobre todo como PADRE, no puedo agradecer lo suficiente. Y padres - WOW. Estoy sintiendo tantas emociones contigo ahora mismo. Ver a mis gemelos comenzar la escuela en línea este año fue difícil. Es difícil para ellos y para nosotros. Permítanse sentir todas las diferentes emociones, excepto la culpa. ¡Sin culpa ahora mismo! Ustedes son todos, NOSOTROS somos todos, tan resistentes. Tómelo un día a la vez, haga lo mejor que pueda y todos superaremos esto. Cuídense y cuídense unos a otros: comuníquese con un padre, un amigo o con los padres de su vecindario. Asegúrese de que estén bien y de que ellos y sus hijos obtengan lo que necesitan en este momento. Un saludo a mi esposa, que siempre me sorprende - tomando este nuevo viaje con calma, hacer avanzar nuestros días y mantenernos unidos. Todo con gracia, bondad y amor. Gracias a mi esposa por mostrarme a mí y a tantos otros cómo es la verdadera fuerza y resistencia. Ella - y las mamás de todas partes, son los verdaderos MVP (Jugadoras más valiosa) ¡ahora y siempre! Por último: recuerde que una gran oportunidad que tenemos para PRESENTARSE y seguir presionando, luchando, defendiendo y amando a nuestro prójimo es votando. ¡No olvides votar el 3 de noviembre! ¡Y no olvide votar hasta el final! Demostremos nuestra resistencia y determinación presentando y votando a las personas adecuadas en el cargo este noviembre. Y MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020



Importance of Intergenerational Boards of Directors: A Conversation Between Two Board Members Editor’s Note: Nonprofit organorganizations are required by law to operate under the guidance of a board of directors. Like all nonprofits, Montbello organiorganizations need passionate, committed, and responsible members across the age span to help carry out their service missions. Following is a converconversation between Gen-Xer (al(almost a baby Boomer), Angelle Fouther and millennial, DanDaniela Young, two members of the Montbello Organizing Committee’s (MOC) Board of Directors. Here they talk about the importance of intergenerintergenerational boards.

Angelle — What made you get involved with MOC? Why did you join the MOC Board? Daniela — I had been serving alongside some resident leaders on a project in Montbello for about two years when you approached me with the opportunity. I went back and forth for a while about what I could offer to the group. Ultimately it seemed like a way to better integrate what the project was doing with the greater community. I had lots of doubts going into the application process because I had never served on a board before. Your following up and encouraging me to apply was really helpful. Angelle — What have you learned from being involved on this board and what is unique to you that you brought to the table?

Daniela — I’ve learned so much about what it means to be on a “working” board, where you’re not just there for your thoughts and opinions but also your actions. I’m still learning how to navigate my place on the board, knowing I continue to be a guest in the community and how to support others on the board who actually have lived in the community for years while also using my voice to contribute. Daniela — What do you think is the benefit of having young people on the MOC board? Angelle — I think having all generations on the Board is helpful. I see that younger generations have a keen perspective about the world and about community. While I grew up in an era where media, news, communications were primarily uni-directional, the millennial and Z generations have come along with an ability and expectation of seeing not only the “corporate” view of things, but the “citizen” and “grassroots” views. I think they have a wider and often more realistic perspective about what’s going on. I also recognize that the longer you live, the more wisdom you gain. That’s true. But it is possible that you get more set in your ways and views. Having younger folks on a board helps to challenge those viewpoints.

Daniela — What should young people know about joining a board? How can we best prepare? Angelle – As we invite young folks to boards, we should be prepared to share expectations and not just throw them into the deep end. Boards are primarily responsible for fiduciary oversight and contribution. While everyone need not be able to write a big check, you should contribute something and make contacts and connections with those who can give money or time. Commitment is key. Sometimes meetings are tedious and seem useless, but if you make a commitment to show up for an organization, you have to follow through. Lastly, new board members of any age must ask questions and share thoughts. Do not hold back your contributions of thoughts, words, or deeds. Angelle — What do you think are some of the biggest needs in Montbello right now? Daniela — The biggest need is for local health, housing and community investment systems to change priorities and strategies so health, safety and stability are improved. The “needs” in Montbello are outcomes of system. Daniela – What are your thoughts? Angelle — Addressing the needs of our youth is priority. We are a community where 50% of the population is 25 years old or younger. We need infrastructure for quality schools and programs where youth can go as outlets. We need mental health programs and campaigns to remove the stigma of seeking help. This

MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020


will help address the deep sense of despair and isolation felt by so many, especially in the wake of the pandemic. We must address the needs of the youth before we lose this generation. Angelle — How can we create more intergenerational spaces across community? Daniela — “Build for the oldest old and youngest young” is a phrase I heard recently. While this phrase could be problematic depending on your biases of what the “oldest old” and “youngest young” need or want, it’s a helpful perspective to keep in mind when thinking about events, activities, organization culture, and community layout so every resident has equitable access to those opportunities. Daniela – From your perspective? Angelle — We have to be intentional about creating these spaces. As a society, we have lost our villages, at least proximally. For Black, Brown, indigenous peoples, especially, having a village of support has been our means of survival emotionally, financially, and physically. It has also instilled a sense of identity and respect for other generations. Many of us are far from our extended families so we have to work harder to build those connections. This takes work and we have to prioritize it. Angelle and Daniela and the MOC Board would like to talk more about intergenerational connections. Join us virtually on Thursday September 17 from 6 – 7 pm on Zoom. Feel free to email us with any thoughts or questions you have at or


La Importancia de las Juntas de Directores Intergeneracionales: Una Conversación Entre Dos Miembros de la Junta Nota del Editor: Las organizaorganizaciones sin fines de lucro están obligadas por ley a operar bajo la dirección de una junta directiva. Como todas las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, las organizaciones de Montbello necesitan miemmiembros apasionados, comcomprometidos y responsables de todas las edades para ayuayudar a llevar a cabo sus mismisiones de servicio. A continuación se muestra una conversación entre la GenerGeneración-X (casi un babyboomer), Angelle Fouther y la millennial, Daniela Young, dos miembros de la Junta DirecDirectiva del Comité Organizador de Montbello (MOC). Aquí se habla de la importancia de las juntas intergeneracionintergeneracionales.

Angelle — ¿Qué te hizo involucrarte con MOC? ¿Por qué te uniste a la Junta del MOC? Daniela – Había estado sirviendo junto a algunos líderes residentes en un proyecto en Montbello durante unos dos años cuando tu te acercastes a mi con la oportunidad. Fui de un lado a otro por un tiempo sobre lo que le podía ofrecer al grupo. En última instancia, parecía una manera mejor de integrar lo que el proyecto estaba haciendo con la comunidad en general. Tenía muchas dudas en el proceso de solicitud porque nunca había servido antes en una junta de directores. Su seguimiento y estímulo para aplicar realmente fueron muy útiles. Angelle — ¿Qué has aprendido al participar en esta junta y qué es algo exclusivo a ti que has traído a la mesa? Daniela — He aprendido muchísimo sobre lo que sig-

nifica pertenecer a una junta “trabajadora”, donde no sólo estás ahí para tus pensamientos y opiniones, sino también tus acciones. Todavía estoy aprendiendo cómo navegar mi lugar en la junta, sabiendo que sigo siendo un invitado en la comunidad, aprendiendo cómo apoyar a otros en la junta que realmente han vivido en la comunidad por muchos años, y mientras tanto, también usando mi voz para contribuir. Daniela — ¿Cuál crees que es el beneficio de tener jóvenes en la junta del MOC? Angelle — Creo que es útil contar con todas las generaciones en la Junta. Veo que las generaciones más jóvenes tienen una perspectiva aguda sobre el mundo y la comunidad. Mientras yo crecí en una era en la que los medios, las noticias y las comunicaciones eran principalmente unidireccionales, las generaciones millennial y Z han llegado con la

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capacidad y la expectativa de ver no solo la visión “corporativa” de las cosas, sino también puntos de vista del “ciudadano” y “de base”. Creo que tienen una perspectiva más amplia y, a menudo, más realista sobre lo que está sucediendo. También reconozco que cuanto más vive, más sabiduría gana. Es verdad. Pero es posible que se establezca más en sus formas y puntos de vista. Tener gente más joven en una junta ayuda a desafiar esos puntos de vista. Daniela — ¿Qué deben saber los jóvenes acerca de unirse a una junta? ¿Cómo podemos prepararnos mejor? Angelle – Al invitar a los jóvenes a las juntas, debemos estar preparados para compartir las expectativas y no solo lanzarlas al extremo profundo. Las juntas son principalmente responsables de la supervisión fiduciaria y la contribución. Mientras que todos no necesi-

VOICES FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD - VOCES DEL BARRIO tan ser capaces de escribir un cheque grande, usted debe contribuir algo y hacer contactos y conexiones con aquellos que pueden dar dinero o tiempo. El compromiso es clave. A veces las reuniones son aburridas y parecen inútiles, pero si se compromete a presentarse para una organización, tienes que seguir adelante. Por último, los nuevos miembros de la junta directiva de cualquier edad deben hacer preguntas y compartir sus pensamientos. No retenga sus contribuciones de pensamientos, palabras o hechos. Angelle — ¿Cuáles crees que son algunas de las mayores necesidades en Montbello ahora mismo? Daniela— La mayor necesidad es que los sistemas locales de salud, vivienda e inversión comunitaria cambien las prioridades y estrategias para mejorar la salud, la seguridad y la esta-

bilidad. Las “necesidades” en Montbello son resultados de fallas del sistema. Daniela– ¿Cuáles son tus pensamientos? Angelle — Atender las necesidades de nuestra juventud es una prioridad. Somos una comunidad donde el 50% de la población tiene 25 años o menos. Necesitamos infraestructura para escuelas y programas de calidad a los que los jóvenes puedan acudir como salidas. Necesitamos programas y campañas de salud mental para eliminar el estigma de buscar ayuda. Esto ayudará a abordar la profunda sensación de desesperación y aislamiento que sienten muchos, especialmente a raíz de la pandemia. Debemos abordar las necesidades de la juventud antes de perder esta generación. Angelle — ¿Cómo podemos crear más espacios inter-

generacionales en la comunidad? Daniela— “Construir para los viejos mas viejos y los jóvenes más jóvenes” es una frase que escuché recientemente. Mientras esta frase podría ser problemática dependiendo de sus prejuicios sobre lo que los “viejos más viejos” y los “jóvenes más jóvenes” necesitan o quieren, es una perspectiva útil tener en cuenta al pensar en eventos, actividades, cultura de organización y distribución comunitaria para que cada residente tenga acceso equitativo a esas oportunidades. Daniela – ¿Desde tu perspectiva? Angelle — Tenemos que ser intencionales en la creación de estos espacios. Como sociedad, hemos perdido nuestros pueblos, al menos en el nivel aproximado. Para los pueblos

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indígenos, negros, marrones, especialmente - tener un pueblo de apoyo ha sido nuestro medio de supervivencia emocional, financiera y físicamente. También ha inculcado un sentido de identidad y respeto por otras generaciones. Muchos de nosotros estamos lejos de nuestras familias extendidas, así que tenemos que trabajar más para construir esas conexiones. Esto requiere trabajo y tenemos que darle prioridad. Angelle y Daniela y la Junta del MOC quisieran hablar más sobre las conexiones intergeneracionales. Únase a nosotros virtualmente el jueves 17 de septiembre de 6pm a 7 pm en Zoom. No dude en envíarnos un correo electrónico con cualquier pensamiento o pregunta que tenga a o


Parents Empowered to Increase Educational Equity By Zarah Levy, CLLARO Education Programs Manager and Policy Advocate “Our community is very low on information about different education resources. This is why my goal is to educate, train, guide and support parent involvement to improve the opportunities for our children.” PALS graduate “My vision for change in education is for students to receive quality education that is well rounded in culture and diversity, has scientifically driven academics with a strong focus on business, and provides leadership and advocacy support. I will work to make that happen.” PALS graduate Recent graduates of the Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy, and Research Organization (CLLARO) program Parents Advocating for Local Schools (PALS) are passionate about educational equity. PALS is an education advocacy leadership development program in its third year. Already, it is having a great impact. “Parents drive the agenda. They know the challenges that block their children from learning. PALS gives them the opportunity to work with other courageous and like-minded parents who want to bring about change,” said Mike Cortes, CLLARO executive director. The parents work together in small groups to identify and prioritize issues affecting their children today. They strategize about how to work together to

make changes to improve their children’s education and address community issues. The PALS curriculum is flexible and responsive to each group’s chosen topics. Through PALS, parents have increased their involvement and leadership as education advocates. In early 2020, CLLARO trained community leaders in two groups: a Spanish speaking group of mostly Latinas, and an English-speaking group of primarily African American parents. Both received support in creating their own advocacy plans. They addressed issues in classrooms and communities. And they supported each other through pandemic schooling at home. They have been to the State Capitol to speak up about multiple issues affecting their families from housing to immigration to education funding. After graduating, PALS alumni have continued to advocate on a variety of topics from racial justice work to forming a Spanish speaking counterpart to the PTA: Madres Empoderadas de Ashley Elementary. The long-term goal of the work is to support parents in advocating for better education, opportunities, and equity for their children and their communities. Each session will be responsive to and grounded in the topics and issues that the participants choose. Meeting times will be set by participant need and stipends are provided. When PALS returns to in-person, childcare and meals will also be provided. CLLARO is recruiting its Fall PALS cohort soon, please reach out to us for more information! PALS en Espanol: gladys.soto@cllaro. org. PALS in English:

Editor’s note: Zarah Levy is the CLLARO Education Programs Manager and Policy AdvoAdvocate. The Colorado Latino Leadership Advocacy, & ReResearch Organization (CLLARO) was founded in 1964 as LALARASA. CLLARO is headquarheadquartered in Montbello.

”Graduado de PALS Los recién graduados del programa de la Organización de Liderazgo, Defensa e Investigación Latina de Colorado (CLLARO) Los Padres Abogando por las Escuelas Locales

Padres empoderados para aumentar la equidad educativa

(PALS) son apasionados por la equidad educativa. PALS es un programa de desarrollo de liderazgo de defensa y abogacía de la educación que va en su tercer año y ya está teniendo un gran impacto. “Los padres impulsan la agenda. Conocen los desafíos que impiden que sus hijos aprendan. PALS les da la oportunidad de trabajar con otros padres valientes y de ideas afines que quieren lograr un cambio ”, dijo Mike Cortes, director ejecutivo de CLLARO. Los padres trabajan juntos en grupos pequeños para identificar y priorizar los problemas que afectan a sus hijos hoy dia. Ellos elaboran estrategias sobre cómo trabajar juntos para hacer cambios para mejorar la educación de sus hijos y relación con las escuelas y abordar los problemas de la comunidad. El plan de estudios PALS es flexible y responde a los temas elegidos por cada grupo.

Por Zarah Levy, Gerente de Programas Educativos CLLARO y Defensora de Políticas “Nuestra comunidad tiene muy poca información sobre los diferentes recursos educativos. Es por eso que ahora mi objetivo es educar, capacitar, orientar y apoyar la participación de los padres para mejorar las oportunidades para nuestros hijos. ” Graduado de PALS Mi visión para el cambio en la educación es que los estudiantes reciban una educación de calidad que sea integral en cultura y diversidad, tenga clases académicas impulsadas por la ciencia con un fuerte enfoque en los negocios y brinde liderazgo y apoyo abogacía. Trabajaré para que eso suceda.

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VOICES FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD - VOCES DEL BARRIO A través de PALS, los padres han aumentado su participación y liderazgo como defensores de la educación. A principios de 2020, CLLARO capacitó a líderes comunitarios en dos grupos: un grupo de habla hispana de mayoría latinas y un grupo de habla inglesa de padres principalmente afroamericanos. Ambos recibieron apoyo para crear sus propios planes de incidencia. Abordaron problemas en las aulas y las comunidades, y se apoyaron mutuamente a través de la educación en el hogar a causa de pandemia. Han estado en el Capitolio del Estado para hablar sobre múltiples problemas que afectan a sus familias, desde la vivienda hasta la inmigración y la financiación de la educación. Después de graduarse, los alumnos de PALS han continuado abogando en una variedad de temas, desde el trabajo de justicia racial hasta formar una contraparte de habla hispana de la PTA: Madres Empoderadas de Ashley Elementary. El objetivo a largo plazo del trabajo es apoyar a los padres en la defensa de una mejor educación, oportunidades y equidad para sus hijos y sus comunidades. Cada sesión responderá y se basará en los temas y cuestiones que elijan los participantes. Los horarios de las reuniones se establecerán según las necesidades del participante y se proporcionarán estipendios/ dinero. Cuando PALS regrese en persona, también se proporcionará cuidado de niños y comidas. CLLARO está reclutando a su cohorte PALS de otoño pronto. Comuníquese con nosotros para obtener más información. PALS en Espanol: gladys.soto PALS in English:

Putting the “E” in STEAM Education at Marie L. Greenwood Early – 8th Grade By Mary Ann Bash, Parents for Parity Board Member Each One Teach One (EOTO) is best known for increasing literacy achievement, but students’ joy in EOTO’s STEAM education is a close second. Through our school garden, students have been mesmerized observing and documenting the Biology of pollination while studying the Botany of blossoms. We harvested 220 gallons of “Black Gold” to enrich our soil from students’ active composting contributions of paper waste and food scraps from home – hands-on Chemistry and Environmental Science. Latoya Erskine, former Marie L. Greenwood Academy student and 2018 Cornell University graduate, reflected on how Science through the Garden prepares students for success in college. “The science that goes into gardening and composting are some of the ‘fundamental stepping stones’ to kids’ success in college. College is about growing and finding what kind of footprint you want to leave in the world. Some people take four years or more of college to build this kind of mindset. How fortunate for our students that they’ll have a leg up before they even begin.” Now it was time to introduce students to Engineering through a study of solar energy. In collaboration with engineer Joe Callahan, founder of energilab, students built two styles

of solar ovens using a Mason jar and cardboard box. Students’ first exposure to the clean, renewable energy of the sun was both tasty and inspiring. As they sampled delicious vegan chocolate chip cookies, pizzas and kale chips (using kale harvested from the school garden) baked by the sun, students’ and teachers’ commitment to playing a role in protecting the environment from pollutants and from consumption of non-renewable energy sources like coal and oil skyrocketed. Engineer Callahan was encouraged by the students’ questions as they deepened their scientific curiosity and literacy by studying Running on Sunshine: How Does Solar Energy Work? “The questions posed by the Greenwood students show the maturity and forward, solution-based thought process that they are going through and perhaps even display true passion for the subject.” COVID has robbed both students and adults of their joy in interacting in the classroom. The solar oven build partnered one teacher with one student outdoors (masked and not sharing materials) to reignite adults’ joy in teaching/learning. Noel Nieves, PE teacher and Principal candidate remarked, “After not working in-person with students for over five months, what really stood out to me was how comfortable [the students] were during the activity, taking the initiative in building the solar oven. They

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exemplified willingness to collaborate, attention to the lesson presented, and knowledge of the EOTO method to problem solving.” “It was amazing to see the determination and tenacity the students displayed, whether they were building an oven or prepping food to cook. There were huge smiles behind everyone’s mask and so much camaraderie that I didn’t want our time to end,” observed Terri Baldwin, an EOTO community tutor. Engineering is an applied science and the students proved the sun is a free, clean energy source for cooking and for inspiring others to save our planet. After the lesson they cooked for their neighbors, posting a sign next to their solar oven: “Solar Oven Experiment! Please look but DO NOT TOUCH. We are using the sun to bake dinner rolls and steam vegetables harvested from our school garden,” and raised significant questions about solar power in the US. The solar oven build was a joyful hands-on problem-solving activity that stimulated students’ engineering curiosity and imagination for future needed innovations while treating their bodies to sun-baked treats!Y Editor’s Note: Participants at Children’s Farms in Action summer camp at Academy 360 also enjoyed energilab’s lesson on solar ovens. Photos below capture the experiexperience of children in both proprograms.


Poniendo la “E” en la Educación STEAM en Marie L. Greenwood Early – 8.º Grado Por Mary Ann Bash, Miembro de la Junta de Padres por la Paridad Cada Uno Enseña A Uno (EOTO) es mejor conocido por aumentar los logros en lectoescritura, pero la alegría de los estudiantes en la educación STEAM de EOTO está en segundo lugar. A través de nuestro jardín escolar, los estudiantes han quedado hipnotizados observando y documentando la Biología de la polinización mientras estudian la Botánica de las flores. Recolectamos 220 galones de “Oro Negro” para enriquecer nuestro suelo a partir de las contribuciones activas de los estudiantes al compostaje de desechos de papel y restos de comida de la casa: Química Práctica Y Ciencias Ambientales. Latoya Erskine, ex estudiante de la Academia Marie L. Greenwood y graduada de la Universidad Cornell en 2018, reflexionó sobre cómo la Ciencia a través del Jardín prepara a los estudiantes para el éxito en la universidad. “La ciencia que se destina a la jardinería y el compostaje son algunas de las

‘piedras fundamentales’ para el éxito de los niños en la universidad. La universidad consiste en crecer y encontrar qué tipo de huella quieres dejar en el mundo. Algunas personas toman cuatro años o más de universidad para construir este tipo de mentalidad. Qué afortunado para nuestros estudiantes que tendrán una ventaja incluso antes de comenzar”. Ahora era el momento de introducir a los estudiantes a la Ingeniería a través de un estudio de la energía solar. En colaboración con el ingeniero Joe Callahan, fundador de energilab, los estudiantes construyeron dos estilos de hornos solares usando un tarro Mason y una caja de cartón. La primera exposición de los estudiantes a la energía limpia y renovable del sol fue a la vez sabrosa e inspiradora. Mientras probaban deliciosas galletas de chocolate vegano, pizzas y patatas fritas de kale (usando la cerveza obtenida del jardín escolar) horneadas por el sol, el compromiso de los estudiantes y los profesores de desempeñar un papel en la protección del medio ambiente frente a los contaminantes y el consumo de fuentes de energía no renovables como el carbón y el petróleo se disparó. El ingeniero Callahan se sintió alentado por las preguntas de los estudiantes mientras profundizaban su curiosidad

científica y su alfabetización estudiando Corriendo con Sol: ¿Cómo Funciona La Energía Solar? “Las preguntas planteadas por los estudiantes de Greenwood muestran la madurez y el proceso de pensamiento avanzado y basado en soluciones que están atravesando y tal vez incluso muestran una verdadera pasión por el tema”. COVID ha robado a estudiantes y adultos de su alegría al interactuar en el aula. La construcción de horno solar se asoció con un profesor al aire libre con un estudiante (enmascarado y no compartiendo materiales) para reavivar la alegría de los adultos en la enseñanza/aprendizaje. Noel Nieves, profesor de educación física y candidato a Director, comentó: “Después de no trabajar en persona con los estudiantes durante más de cinco meses, lo que realmente me llamó la atención fue lo cómodos que estaban [los estudiantes] durante la actividad, tomando la iniciativa de construir el horno solar. Ellos ejemplificaron la voluntad de colaborar, la atención a la lección presentada y el conocimiento del método EOTO para la resolución de problemas”. “Fue asombroso ver la determinación y tenacidad que demostraron los estudiantes, ya sea que estuvieran construyendo un horno o preparando comida para cocinar. Había grandes sonrisas detrás de la máscara de todos y tanta camaradería que no quería que terminara nuestro tiempo”, observó Terri Baldwin, una tutora de la comunidad de EOTO. La ingeniería es una ciencia aplicada y los estudiantes demostraron que el sol es una fuente de energía limpia y gra-

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tuita para cocinar y para inspirar a otros a salvar nuestro planeta. Después de la lección, cocinaron para sus vecinos, colocando un cartel junto a su horno solar: “¡Experimento del horno solar! Por favor vengan a mirar pero NO TOQUEN. Estamos usando el sol para hornear panecillos y cocinar al vapor las verduras cosechadas en el jardín de nuestra escuela”, y plantearon preguntas importantes sobre la energía solar en los Estados Unidos. ¡La construcción del horno solar fue una alegre actividad práctica de resolución de problemas que estimuló la curiosidad y la imaginación de los estudiantes de ingeniería para futuras innovaciones necesarias, mientras trataban sus cuerpos con delicias horneadas por el sol!Y Nota del Editor: Los participarticipantes en el campamento de verano en las Granjas de Niños en Acción de Academy 360 también disfrutaron de la lección de energilab sobre hornos solares. Las fotos a continuación capturan la exexperiencia de los niños en ambos programas.

Warriors for High Quality Schools Selects Founding Principal By Samantha Silver, DPS Regional Communications Specialist In August 2019, leaders from the Warriors for High Quality Schools community organization stood before the DPS Board of Education to propose a new kind of high school in Far Northeast Denver. A school modeled after Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), designed to serve students

VOICES FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD - VOCES DEL BARRIO through S.T.E.A.M. (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math) and project-based learning approaches. The Board unanimously approved the school’s application.

After a national principal search, Ms. Shakira AbneyWisdom was selected as the school’s Founding Principal. We sat down to learn more about her and details on the new school. The conversation left us excited for what’s to come. Q. What path led you to become the Founding Principal of this school? A. The desire to have impact, to make a difference, has driven me throughout my life. I’ve also held on to the optimistic belief that anything is possible when you try. In return, the hope and passion I invested produced results that created more opportunities. Each experience refined skills within me and prepared me to lead this work. My experiences as a Founding Corps Member of City Year at Montbello High School, as a Teacher and Instructional Coach at Collegiate Prep Academy, as a Ritchie Principal Resident at North High

School, and as a Doctoral student at Florida A&M University, have equipped me to lead authentically. Q. Who do you consider a role model? What difference have they made in your life? A. My mom taught me to do all things in excellence. She models the importance of trusting yourself and holding firmly to what you believe. She instilled the importance of independence, taught me to speak my mind and to find joy, even in difficult times. Q. What are the main goals for the school? A. The purpose of this school is to nurture the next generation of leaders through deep understanding of self, reverence for a powerful past, and hope in the possibility of the future. There are three central elements: Blackness— an understanding of and pride in one’s self, history of Black people and culture in the world; Inclusion— normalizing difference and creative collaboration in the classroom and community; An Interdisciplinary Focus— the ability to see connections between different subject areas and develop solutions that create lasting change. These components are grounded in authenticity, relationships and community, qualities that make a world of difference in the classroom and in a person’s life. Q. Tell us about the three main components of the school. A. These include: • Being a scholar and learner at an HBCU is an experience that influences every facet of your life. There is nothing on earth like being in a space that is created with the sole purpose of building a

sense of self, pride and purpose. Creating a similar space for scholars in the secondary school setting will have a significant impact. • STEAM education establishes a framework where students can experience concepts firsthand by developing solutions to real issues. Understanding the impact of something you create builds a sense of self that encourages inquiry and discovery. • “Why are we learning this? Will I ever use this again?” In a space where each aspect of the content contributes to something tangible, something the students get to craft and create, these questions are readily answered. Ownership is a central component of projectbased learning. Project Based Learning requires creativity, teamwork and the willingness to take risks in order to contribute something in a way it hadn’t existed before. The school will open its doors to their founding Freshmen Class in August 2021. Interested families can learn more about the school and receive updates by visiting:

Faces of Steps to Success By Dave Bechhoefer, Project Director of the Youth Violence Prevention Center-Denver With so many folks wearing masks these days, it can be hard to tell who is who. We thought we’d show you who are behind some of the masks at the Steps To Success youth violence prevention initiative in Montbello, as we have had some changes in our team.

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Angelia Baker recently started as the Community Site Representative for Steps To Success Montbello in August of 2020. She has worked with this organization in a few different capacities since 2017 working directly with community organizations and youth. Ms. Baker is a graduate of George Washington High School in Denver, Colorado and a graduate from Texas College, an HBCU, in Tyler, Texas. Her parents have resided in Park Hill for over 40 years. Her goal in the next 90 days is to utilize the Communities That Care Model to grow the community board membership through community engagement opportunities, peer support and resources. Angelia believes in the “The Power of One.” One Voice, One Community, and One Goal will help to reduce youth violence. Angel Amankwaah attends Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Early College as an incoming sophomore. She was born in Ghana, Africa and moved to New York at age 5 in then later to Brooklyn, Richmond, Atlanta, finally arriving in Denver, Colorado. Angel plans to attend an Ivy League college or HBCU after graduating in 2023 and earn her PHD to one day own her own business. Ms. Amankwaah is an effective advocate for the black community, youth, criminal

VOICES FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD - VOCES DEL BARRIO justice reform, school choice, women, and all POC and is a co-host to the podcast Know Justice Know Peace - DMLK’s “the take” alongside four other young black women in DMLK’s Black Student Alliance (BSA). She recently started work with Steps to Success as a youth ambassador under the supervision of Ms. Angelia Baker. She believes youth have a perspective most adults do not, which is the ability to understand both generations, and come to a middle ground. She believes youth violence prevention isn’t a surface level issue. It’s one that comes with heavy backgrounds — toxic and abusive homes, absence of positive adult figures, peer pressure, trauma, unstable mental health, and much more than the eye can see. It’s more than a one-person effort indeed, but she wants her work to contribute to the success of the community. Sharikia Towers-Fulcher is a wife, mother of three and resident of the Montbello community since 2007. She has been a Juvenile Diversion Officer with the City and County of Denver for over fifteen years. During those years, she has been given opportunities to work in Montbello High school, neighborhood nonprofit agencies churches, and other initiatives. Sharikia loves the Montbello community and wants it to reach its full potential. She has been a co-chair of the Steps to Success community board since its inception in 2011, and has also been on the board of the Steps to Success nonprofit since its creation in 2016.

Dave Bechhoefer has been the Project Director of the Youth Violence Prevention Center-Denver (YVPC-D), a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that supports Steps to Success, since June 2018. Prior

to working for the CSPV Dave worked at the Families Forward Resource Center in Montbello for 18 years, and was the Executive Director for 9 years. Dave holds a Master of Public Administration, with a Nonprofit Concentration, from the University of Colorado – Denver. Mr. Bechhoefer was one of the original co-chairs of the Steps to Suc-

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cess community board from 2011 through 2016 and has been the Board Chair of the Steps to Success nonprofit organization since 2016. Who are we? Steps to Success is primarily funded through The Youth Violence Prevention Center-Denver (YVPC-D), a 5-year grant initiative funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-

VOICES FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD - VOCES DEL BARRIO vention (CDC). Its purpose is to reduce violence among 10to 24-year-olds in Denver’s Montbello and Park Hill communities. Steps to Success initiative uses the Communities That Care (CTC) framework to identify and implement appropriate individual-, peer-, and family-level strategies to address factors associated with youth violence. What are our Strategies? Media Campaign: Using the campaign name Power of One, the campaign seeks to change community member perceptions of Montbello through an array of different messages. The Power of One campaign is guided by youth for youth. Community Mini-Grants: Mini-grants are provided to Montbello organizations and initiatives to increase community engagement in the neighborhood. Positive Recognition Campaign: The Positive Recognition Campaign shines the spotlight on youth, adults, organizations and other community entities making a difference. Recognition occurs through social media platforms and virtual community events. How can you get involved? All of the work conducted by Steps to Success is guided and driven by the voice of Montbello community members — those who live, work, play, pray, study or care about the Montbello community. Any Montbello member may support the work by joining the Key Leader Advisory Board, the Community Board, the Implementation Workgroup, or the Campaign Committee. For more information about Steps To Success, email or visit

World Renowned Visual Artist Headquarters in Montbello By Khadija Haynes, CoFounder, Colorado Black Arts Movement Shhhh! It’s a secret… Montbello is home to the studio of a world renown visual artist. Co-located with Montbello headquarters of Gilmore Construction is the studio of Denver’s own Mr. Darrell Anderson. Many people think an artist’s studio looks like an art gallery, but that is far from the truth. Stepping the doors of Darrell’s studio is like stepping into his brain – full of finished and unfinished thoughts, musings, explorations and possibilities. Large-scale finished paintings hang on the 2-story walls, surrounded by sketches, drawers and drawers of past work and brand new, stillwrapped canvasses with the promise of art to come. Darrell is down to earth, funny, and you’ll often find him painting and teaching in his Montbello

studio or playing 18 holes at GVR or City Park golf courses. He has a particular passion for working with young people and has mentored some of our city’s well recognized visual artists. Recently he worked with elementary school children in Park Hill to transform trees that were felled at City Park into beautiful art pieces. From his website,, “Darrell’s work is rooted in his desire to unite the world through art. He has represented his hometown of Denver in its sister city of Brest, France as an ambassador of art and cultural exchange, making return visits to create a community mosaic there. He has taught art workshops on a Navajo Reservation in Arizona; in Australia; in Beijing; in Burkina Faso, West Africa; and in small communities throughout Colorado’s rural, eastern plains. He also has completed a wide range of projects aimed at building community and raising money for several nonprofit organizations, including Children’s Hospital Colorado Springs; the Denver Center for the Performing Arts; The Women’s Foundation of Colorado; and the Colorado Ballet, where his beautiful paintings are showcased in the company’s downtown studios.” After living in Europe as a child, and later serving in the U.S. Army as a race relations instructor during the Vietnam War, and working for 12 years as Frontier Airlines’ first male flight attendant, Darrell Anderson has become a keen and well-traveled observer of life. His public art projects delight passersby at train stations, public universities, government buildings, and include a 47-

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foot multi-media music/lights/art installation at the Federal Courthouse, floor mosaics at Denver International Airport, and the walls of the Denver Health Medical Facility. His commissions include works for Dick VanDyke, Dionne Warwick, Tiger Woods, Aaron Neville and many, many others. As Montbello Organizing Committee’s large community development project (the Montbello FreshLo Hub) moves ever forward, the arts and cultural partner Colorado Black Arts Movement (CBAM) - also located in Montbello - has front-burnered the process of reaching out to our community to find Montbello artists. In the coming weeks we will put out an online survey to find artists to learn what they would like to see in the Cultural Arts Wing of the project. Be on the lookout for a social media posting to the Montbello organizing Committee, Colorado Black Arts Movement, Montbello Alive!, and other Montbellorelated Facebook pages for a link to the survey. Y Editor’s note: For more inforinformation on Darrell Anderson, visit www.DarrellAnderson. com or email coloblackarts@ or visit


Urban Rangers A Summer to Remember By Nizhooni Hurd, ELK Urban Ranger Assistant Coordinator The Urban Rangers of Environmental Learning for Kids (ELK) have had a summer for the books. Amidst a pandemic, the Urban Rangers have managed to sweep algae out of hatchery raceways with metal brooms, plant flowers in old chicken feeders, hand out 75 backpacks to ELK families, learn and get active with environmental justice efforts, and even get on the path to becoming Certified Interpretive Guides.

The Urban Rangers program is a summer youth employment opportunity offered by ELK in partnership with The National Park Service and Colorado Parks and Wildlife. A “normal” summer would consist of weekly fishing clinics across lakes and ponds in Denver, family camping trips and so much more. Maybe more hugs, and just maybe more time in person. Unfortunately, this summer needed to adapt to a new normal (at least for the time being). We didn’t spot any moose at CSU’s

mountain campus during training. Rather we all gathered via video call, imagining the aromas of each other’s coffee and wondering how we will all maintain our connections. Connecting young people and attempting to build a team, especially with new members, over Zoom calls is quite the challenge. Breakout rooms were an option, but we also opened our minds and schedules to some dedicated virtual escape rooms and even exchanged playlists to learn what our teammates jam out to. This summer was re-designed to have two Urban Ranger crews of five, to maintain a group of 10 or less people. Each crew was able to spend a week out in the field completing some sort of educational service project. Urban Ranger Crew 1 (they call themselves The Avengers) was able to first complete a full week of service at Barr Lake State Park. There we got a tour of the park, where the Rangers were able to enjoy the view of some of their service from previous summers. The next few days consisted of some help in the garden near the Nature

Center. Other lessons at the Park included learning about boat safety and inspection. Zebra mussels are the main issue and must be monitored in order to keep the water source healthy. The Rangers also did some maintenance for the archery range, rotating the targets for the 3D range. And, what better reward than to spend the afternoon learning and practicing archery! Crew 2, who call themselves 2 Fast 2 Furious, traveled to the Druid Mine to partake in a mine project with the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety. The Rangers all got a great lesson on the importance of reclamation, but also the challenges that are aligned with it. Crew 2 was able to complete nearly 30 transects, over 9 acres of land, collecting data to access the progress of the reclamation sites. And now, as the school year starts, this crew will still be chugging along with a written report for the data they collected. While these are just a few examples of some activities we were able to gather for in per-

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son, it is no lie that this summer was ROUGH. And at many times, it really sucked. As a coordinator for the crew, I hated knowing that their summer was flipped upside down and nearly canceled. It was important for ELK to consider all that students are going through at this time and how for our young adults, they need work and encouragement. Even as events were canceled abruptly, the Ranger still showed up ready and eager to participate with what they could, in person or virtually. This group of young people is a true testament for what drive and passion can look like, even in the middle of a global pandemic. The Urban Rangers all have hearts on fire for their communities and the natural world and will deliver this spirit whether in person or from behind a computer screen. I commend this group for all they have learned and achieved, for their well adaptability and flexibility this summer! Y Editor’s note: For more inforinformation on the Urban Rangers, visit the Instagram account at @denverurbanrangers.


Pioneer and Leader in Online Education Opening in Montbello By Deanna Jamison Ramer Assistant Principal, Montbello and Gunnison Pagnotta, Communications Coordinator GOAL High School has opened a drop-in center at 4644 Peoria Street to better serve the Montbello community. GOAL is a statewide free public charter school, accredited by the Colorado Department of Education. GOAL Administration and Operations were aware that Montbello High School had closed and transitioned into various academies. With this in mind, GOAL wanted to position itself to meet the needs of this community with a public-school option where students can receive a fully-accredited high school diploma. Our mission is to develop productive members of society. At GOAL, we understand that this looks different for every individual. Therefore, we offer a regular course of study which meets the 22-credit requirement for the state. GOAL also offers an accelerated course of study, Senior Recovery, which is specific to over-aged, undercredited students. Additionally, GOAL offers concurrent enrollment for students to obtain college credit for free each semester, and GOAL has career and technical education where students can earn college and workforce-readiness certificates in various fields. By offering this variety of courses, GOAL continues in its vision of helping all students achieve their full potential in a caring,

supportive, and personalized environment. The difference between GOAL and regular “brick and mortar” schools is the fact that the curriculum is offered online; and the difference between GOAL and other online schools is that GOAL students have access to student drop-in centers. These are friendly, warm, centers where students can get various types of assistance, including: high school and college planning, tutoring, in-person learning, social-emotional support, and food. Along with quality interaction at the drop-in centers, GOAL has a tremendous extracurricular program known as THRIVE. As mentioned earlier, students attend college courses; moreover, there is leadership/student council, on and off-site hands-on activities, volunteer opportunities, sports at local high schools, e-sports, and National Honor Society. GOAL students almost always cite the staff as their reason for following through with their diploma. In a recent graduation speech, a graduate was quoted as saying that, “GOAL offered me a second chance, not just to get a diploma, but to better understand the world. It was the first time that I ever felt like I mattered.” Another 2020 graduate claimed that the blended online model “taught

me discipline, integrity, and accountability in my life.” GOAL Academy is ideal for any student who desires a better option for their high school education. Many students are just not comfortable in their current high school setting. Issues can range from boredom, social anxiety, bullying, disciplinary issues, life challenges, or just the desire for a change. GOAL is a solution. GOAL has been getting better and better each year since 2007! GOAL has only Colorado-based certified teachers and administrators with many veteran teachers who switched from traditional campuses to GOAL to better fulfill their passion for helping students to succeed! In short, GOAL is both the pioneer and leader of successful online education! We are taking enrollments until September 29. For more information call 719725-2178 or go to our website at

¡Pionero y líder en la apertura de educación en línea en Montbello! Por Deanna Jamison Ramer Subdirectora, Montbello y Gunnison Pagnotta, Coordinadora de comunicaciones GOAL Academy High School acaba de abrir un centro de entrega en 4644 Peoria Street para servir mejor a la comunidad de Montbello. GOAL es una escuela charter pública gratuita en todo el estado, acreditada por el Departamento de Educación de Colorado. Esta es la escuela charter más grande en el estado de Colorado y uno de los campus de educación alternativa más

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grandes (A.E.C.s) en los Estados Unidos. La Administración y Operaciones de GOAL eran conscientes de que Montbello High School había cerrado y transicionado a varias academias. Con esto en mente, GOAL quería posicionarse para satisfacer las necesidades de esta comunidad con una opción de escuela pública donde los estudiantes puedan recibir un diploma de escuela secundaria totalmente acreditado. Nuestra misión es desarrollar miembros productivos de la sociedad. En GOAL, entendemos que esto se ve diferente para cada individuo. Por lo tanto, ofrecemos un curso regular de estudio que cumple con el requisito de 22 créditos requeridos por el estado. GOAL también ofrece un curso acelerado de estudio, Senior Recovery, que es específico para estudiantes mayores y con pocos créditos. Adicionalmente, GOAL ofrece inscripción simultánea para que los estudiantes obtengan créditos universitarios de forma gratuita cada semestre, y GOAL tiene educación profesional y técnica donde los estudiantes pueden obtener certificados de preparación para la universidad y preparación para la fuerza laboral en varios campos. Al ofrecer esta variedad de cursos, GOAL continúa con su visión de ayudar a todos los estudiantes a alcanzar todo su potencial en un entorno de CUIDADO, APOYO y PERSONALIZADO. La diferencia entre GOAL y las escuelas regulares de “ladrillo y mortero” es el hecho de que el plan de estudios se ofrece en línea; y la diferencia entre GOAL y otras escuelas en línea es que los estudiantes

RESOURCES FOR RESIDENTS - RECURSOS PARA RESIDENTES de GOAL tienen acceso a los centros de entrega. Estos son centros amigables, cálidos, donde los estudiantes pueden obtener varios tipos de asistencia, incluyendo: escuela secundaria y planificación universitaria, tutoría, apoyo socioemocional, comida y transporte. Junto con la interacción de calidad en los centros de entrega, GOAL tiene un tremendo programa extracurricular conocido como THRIVE. Como se mencionó anteriormente, los estudiantes asisten a cursos universitarios; además, hay liderazgo / consejo estudiantil, actividades prácticas dentro y fuera del sitio, oportunidades de voluntariado, deportes en las escuelas secundarias locales, e-deportes, y la Sociedad Nacional de Honor. Los estudiantes de GOAL casi siempre citan al personal como su razón para conseguir su diploma en GOAL High School. En un reciente discurso de graduación, un graduado de GOAL citó diciendo que, “GOAL me ofreció una segunda oportunidad, no sólo para obtener un diploma, sino para entender mejor el mundo. Fue la primera vez que me sentí como si yo importara”. Aun otro graduado de 2020 afirmó que el modelo en línea mezclado “me enseñó disciplina, integridad y responsabilidad en mi vida”. Cualquier estudiante que desee una mejor opción para su educación secundaria es ideal para GOAL Academy High School. Muchos estudiantes simplemente no se sienten cómodos en su entorno actual de la escuela secundaria. Los problemas pueden ir desde: aburrimiento, ansiedad social, acoso escolar, problemas disci-

plinarios, desafíos de la vida o simplemente el deseo de un cambio. GOAL es una solución. Al considerar en elegir una escuela en línea, uno debe tener en cuenta cuidadosamente. Un aspecto a tener en cuenta es la longevidad. ¡GOAL ha ido mejorando cada año desde 2007! Otro factor importante es la calidad del personal. GOAL solo tiene maestros y administradores certificados en Colorado; con muchos experimentados veteranos que cambiaron de los campus tradicionales a GOAL para cumplir mejor su pasión por ayudar a los estudiantes a tener éxito! En resumen, GOAL es a la vez el pionero y líder de la educación de éxito en línea! Para obtener más información, llame al (719) 7252178 o visite nuestro sitio web en

CLLARO Capitol Fellowship Program By Alejandra Colmenero “Every Latinx college student should have the opportunity to be a CLLARO Capitol Fellow. This is a transformative once in a lifetime opportunity that empowers Fellows to become the next generation of leaders our communities need. We need leaders that look like us, that show us what we are all capable of, and leaders that empower us to advocate for Latinx every day and anywhere.” - Andrea Colmenero, CFP Alumna 2017 The CLLARO Capitol Fellowship Program is a paid internship that helps college students –– sophomores, juniors, seniors, grad students and

recent graduates –– concerned about social justice to develop leadership skills and first-hand knowledge of how proposed legislation can become law. Fellows work part-time throughout the Colorado legislative session, from January until early May. In addition to the monthly stipend, fellows can earn academic credit, and receive support from CLLARO throughout the entire program to ensure their success. Students get paired with their mentor based on policy priorities, compatibility, and skills they can offer. The fellowship is open to students of all majors. While their majors differ, the main commonality between all is they’re interested in transformative change. They’re all seeking to improve themselves and their communities. As the popular Gandhi quote states, “be the change you wish to see in the world,” the CLLARO Fellows know what change they want to see, and they make that change during and after the program. Due to the name of the program, many are under the impression this is an opportunity strictly for those wanting to be involved in policy making. While that is partly true, it is also true that Fellows benefit from the CFP in their personal and professional lives, regardless of the profession they select. Standing up for the Latinx community and other marginalized communities should be something we’re all interested in. The program empowers participants to be advocates for change, regardless of the environment they find themselves in. It’s also important to note that the fellowship isn’t strictly for Latinos. Our mission is to

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strengthen our state by empowering Latinos. However, we know that in order to uplift ourselves, we must also extend a hand to our brothers and sisters that are allies, and those that face the same issues as we do. We are proud to say racial equity and inclusion has been a priority during the admissions process for each cohort. We are currently looking for the next CLLARO Capitol Fellows for 2021. To learn more, visit our website at, or contact program manager .

Programa de Becas de CLLARO Capitol Por Alejandra Colmenero “Todos los estudiantes universitarios latinos deberían tener la oportunidad de ser miembros de CLLARO Capitol. Esta es una oportunidad transformadora única en la vida que permite a los becarios convertirse en la próxima generación de líderes que necesitan nuestras comunidades. Necesitamos líderes que se parezcan a nosotros, que nos muestren de lo que todos somos capaces y líderes que nos empoderen para abogar por Latinos todos los días y en cualquier lugar ”. ––Andrea Colmenero, CFP Alumna 2017 El Programa de Becas de CLLARO Capitol es una pasantía remunerada que ayuda a los estudiantes universitarios – – estudiantes de segundo, tercer y cuarto año, graduados y recién graduados– preocupados por la justicia social a desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo y conocimiento de primera mano de cómo la legislación propuesta puede convertirse en ley. Los becarios

RESOURCES FOR RESIDENTS - RECURSOS PARA RESIDENTES trabajan a tiempo parcial durante la sesión legislativa de Colorado, desde enero hasta principios de mayo. Además del estipendio mensual, los becarios pueden obtener créditos académicos y recibir apoyo de CLLARO durante todo el programa para asegurar su éxito. Los estudiantes se emparejan con su mentor en función de las prioridades políticas, la compatibilidad y las habilidades que pueden ofrecer. La beca está abierta a estudiantes de todas las especializaciones. Aunque sus mayores difieren, el principal punto en común entre todos es que están interesados en el cambio transformador. Todos buscan mejorarse a sí mismos y a sus comunidades. Como dice la popular cita de Gandhi, “sé el cambio que deseas ver en el mundo”, los becarios de CLLARO saben qué cambio quieren ver, y hacen ese cambio durante y después del programa. Debido al nombre del programa, muchos tienen la impresión de que esta es una oportunidad estrictamente para aquellos que desean participar en la formulación de políticas. Si bien eso es parcialmente cierto, también es cierto que los becarios se benefician del CFP en su vida personal y profesional, independientemente de la profesión que elijan. Defender a la comunidad latina y otras comunidades marginadas debería ser algo en lo que todos estemos interesados. El programa empodera a los participantes para que sean defensores del cambio, independientemente del entorno en el que se encuentren. También es importante señalar que la beca no es estrictamente para latinos. Nuestra

misión es fortalecer nuestro estado empoderando a los latinos. Sin embargo, sabemos que para elevarnos a nosotros mismos, también debemos extender una mano a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que son aliados y a aquellos que enfrentan los mismos problemas que nosotros. Estamos orgullosos de decir que la equidad racial y la inclusión han sido una prioridad durante el proceso de admisión para cada grupo. Actualmente estamos buscando los próximos compañeros del programa de CLLARO Capitol para 2021. Para obtener más información, visite nuestro sitio web en, o comuníquese con el gerente del programa al .

Athletics and Beyond Hosts Summer STEM Program for Youth By Narcy Jackson, Executive Director, Athletics and Beyond Following CDC guidelines 12 young men from Green Valley Ranch/Montbello participated in the Athletics and Beyond (A&B) Summer STEM program. In Phase I of the program, seven middle school students learned how to build Lego robots and learned about construction with remote control construction vehicles. Another group of five students learned how to start a business from scratch. Students sold two-sided COVID19 face masks purchased from womanowned business Wrap-N-Mat and Black Lives Matter t-shirts from a Black-owned t-shirt company earning over $1,800.00 in gross profit. The young entrepreneurs learned

about purchase orders, inventory, sales, how to write a receipt, breakeven point, balance sheets, and income statements. An account will be opened at Young America Bank at the end of the month. They learned how to tie a tie and present it to adults. Phase II students were introduced to the construction industry through remote control construction vehicles. During Phase III of the Summer STEM program all 12 students built a go-kart and got to drive it. Our STEM program was run by Ammon Johnson CSU-Pueblo class of 2020 Mechanical Engineer graduate and Machi Cross and Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Early College high school student graduate in 2020. A&B distributed over 400 face masks, many gallons of hand sanitizer, thermometers, and boxes of rubber gloves to various youth organizations in the Far Northeast. The young entrepreneurs opened bank accounts and kept 100% of the net profits, stipends were paid out, and incentives were given to mentors and participants. Athletics & Beyond is a resident-led nonprofit organization that is designed to increase and expand the educational trajectories of Denver students at-

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risk of high school and college incompletion. A&B’s mission is to create opportunities through exposure. By using athletics to capture the attention of student-athletes, A&B incorporates robust services that also provide participants with the opportunity to develop life skills, explore alternative careers, and have access to preparatory rigorous academic support. Such services have enabled A&B to engage students academically and dramatically increase the likelihood that marginalized students graduate high school, attend and are prepared for higher education as well as obtain the discipline and fortitude to graduate with a post-secondary degree or apprentice program. We are a sports-based youth development & college readiness program that consists of four components: 1) Educational Success, 2) Life Skills Building, 3) Career Options, and 4) Athletic Development. For families needing tutoring and are experiencing WiFi connectivity issues, we will have some hotspots based on need and household situations. For more information visit or call 303-725-0811.


Montbello Parents – Are You Looking for Child Care? Choosing a school is a big and one that can help successfully set the stage for a lifetime of learning. To support families with the often-complicated process of finding and enrolling in a preschool, the Denver Preschool Program (DPP) announces the addition of a Preschool Navigator — Blanca Silva.


As a Preschool Navigator, Blanca is able to assist a family with the following needs: •Understanding the importance of a quality early childhood education; •Finding the right preschool for their child - whether that be a neighborhood school, a Denver Public Schools classroom, a faith-based school, or a home-based school; •Accessing and making use of available tools to aid in their decision-making, such as the Find a Preschool and Tuition Calculator tools on the DPP website. •Helping families determine DPP-eligibility and assisting them in applying for tuition support; •Directing families to additional ECE resources when needed. Blanca is fluent in Spanish

Order your green compost cart today


Did you know? Organic material such as leaves, branches, grass clippings and food scraps make up almost 50% of what Denver residents send to the landfill each year. We can change this, and it starts with more green carts! ORDER YOURS TODAY: Call 311 (720-913-1311) or order online at

and English and can provide this support virtually, in-person through home/community site visits, over the phone, and through email and text. The Preschool Navigator can be reached at , or you can call DPP’s main line at 303-595-4377 for requests. The Denver Preschool Program makes quality preschool possible for all Denver families with 4-year-old children through a dedicated sales tax first approved by voters in 2006 and renewed and extended in 2014. Since 2007, DPP has provided over $122 million in tuition support to help more than 55,000 Denver children attend the preschool of their family’s choice, establishing each child’s foundation for lifelong learning and success. Y Editor’s note: For more inforinformation, visit Denver Preschool Program at

Padres de Montbello – ¿Están Buscando Cuidado Infantil? Elegir una escuela es una decisión importante, y una que puede ayudar a sentar las bases para una vida de aprendizaje. Para apoyar a las familias con el proceso a menudo complicado de encontrar e inscribirse en un preescolar, el Programa Preescolar de Denver (DPP) anuncia la incorporación de una Navegadora Preescolar — Blanca Silva. Como Navegante Preescolar, Blanca puede ayudar a una familia con las siguientes necesidades: •Comprender la importancia de una educación infantil de calidad;

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•Encontrar el preescolar adecuado para su hijo, ya sea una escuela del vecindario, un aula de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver, una escuela religiosa o una escuela en el hogar; •Acceder y hacer uso de las herramientas disponibles para ayudar en la toma de decisiones, como las herramientas bajo de “Find a Preschool y Tuition Calculator” en el sitio web del DPP. •Ayudar a las familias a determinar la elegibilidad para el DPP y ayudarlas a solicitar ayuda para la matrícula; •Dirigir a las familias a recursos adicionales de ECE cuando sea necesario. Blanca habla con fluidez en español e inglés y puede proporcionar este apoyo virtualmente, en persona a través de visitas a sitios de la comunidad/hogar, por teléfono, y a través de correo electrónico y texto. El Navegador Preescolar puede ser contactado en, o puede llamar a la línea principal de DPP al 303-595-4377 con su solicitud. El Programa Preescolar de Denver hace posible un preescolar de calidad para todas las familias de Denver con niños de 4 años a través de un impuesto a las ventas exclusivo aprobado por primera vez por los votantes en 2006 y renovado y ampliado en 2014. Desde 2007, el DPP ha proporcionado más de $ 122 millones en apoyo de matrícula a ayudar a más de 55,000 niños de Denver a asistir al preescolar de su elección familiar, estableciendo la base de cada niño para el aprendizaje y el éxito de por vida. Para más información, visite el Programa Preescolar de Denver en


See the Rainbow Editor: Take a deep breath. Take another. Now, can we acknowledge that these are challenging times for all involved? Across the spectrum of human endeavors, employment, and engagement, we have seen a landscape shift like we never have before. All that was, no longer is, and we don’t know if what was will be or should be again. We have hopeful but hesitant hearts because health matters. We long to be together doing the things that we were doing but we also exercise great caution because we value the lives of our neighbors, our families. So, we mask up, we socially distance, and we live our lives zooming on the computer rather than down the highway to see one another. FaithBridge works in community with faith leaders, education leaders, teachers, community leaders and families. All have been traumatized and tested by our new realities, and they have been left to adjust to a world that would probably not be their first choice. The face-to-face worlds that have been the staple of our being for centuries, now require meeting ids, passwords, and still the host must let you in. If you pre-registered the night before that is.Yes, we are grateful for technology, but really, we just want to turn to our neighbors, high five and say, “it’s going to be alright.” It’s going to be alright. We have to resist the urge to resign, to disconnect completely from what is happening. We definitely need to listen to our bodies, our close confidants and friends, our colleagues and neighbors and practice self-care and equally, collective care. But no resigning. We need all brilliance on deck! As we grieve and go through, we have to take care of one another or we don’t win. The

pressures are great. The landscape is new. WiFi never stays on for a full day. It can seem like it just keeps piling on. Some days it will. We have to resist the urge to resign and be resolute in our hope for a greater tomorrow. This moment represents a loss. A great loss of life, normal routine, and even dreams that have been deferred. That’s why it is so important that we grieve in healthy ways and go through this together. If not, we will look up and have greater problems because critical people will have tapped out from critical places that make us better and stronger. Times are challenging. Times were challenging before this for many of us and our communities. So, we have to grieve, and understand the cycle of grief. We must be resilient and not resign. We can be in very different places with grief. Situations are different person to person, house to house, neighborhood to neighborhood, industry to industry. We have to go through together. No silos. No, “I’m good” or “we’ve got this.” No “we’ve never been this way before.” We have to grow together. No missing the lessons. No continuing cycles of insanity. No going back to a normal that was failing so many. Pray for one another. Be gracious. Give people space to vent in healthy ways. Give time to process and to plan. Share with one another so that needs are met. Love in word and deed! Times are challenging but we believe in a better tomorrow because of what we will do today together. We will not resign but will be resilient, pressing through this storm, seeking the rainbow that GOD always puts in the clouds. For Our Children, Vernon Jones Jr. Director of Operations & Strategy, FaithBridge

Our State is on Fire, Here’s What You Can Do! Editor: Last weekend, the smoke bothered me so much, I went indoors. I found myself standing in front of a bookcase full of Pothos plants, which I had propagated a few weeks back. I could smell the oxygen. The zip code 80216 is the most polluted zip code in the United States. It is home to Globeville, Elyria-Swansea (GES). Babies born into this community develop asthma at a young age. I don’t have asthma, or any underlying respiratory issues, and the smoke bothered me. I can’t imagine what the people of this community are going through. There are the two sides of the Justice coin- Environmental and Social. The environment has a direct link to the social well-being of a community, and vis-versa. Redlining practices from the 1930’s have shaped our city; those with less wealth tend to get the short end of the stick. So, what can the 99% do? In order to create the world you wish to see, you must first have the power to change it. There are two types of power: organized money and organized people. The big corporations that extract from this planet, and leave the taxpayers to pay for THEIR mess, are organized money. Throughout my career, I’ve had the honor of witnessing the power of organized people. It is the thought that comes to mind when someone is telling you about their passion project. The connection you can provide that person to help achieve their goals, and vis-versa. We weave the social fabric of our communities and in turn, we

MUSE - Montbello Urban Spectrum Edition – September/October 2020


shape our environment. Here are the top five things you can do to help yourself, your community and the planet. 1. Build healthy soils through composting! Composting food and yard waste creates healthy soil which sequesters carbon from the atmosphere, helps water retention within soil and provides the perfect medium for growing healthy food! 2. Plant trees! Too much pavement and asphalt create the “urban heat island” effect. Ballot 2A, passed in 2019, has money for those in Denver to plant street trees along the curb to create a denser tree canopy, this keeps the asphalt from getting too hot. 3. Have indoor plants! NASA has a list of top 10 indoor plants to filter out chemicals from your home’s air as well as generate new oxygen. Creating a “green wall” of indoor plants could help you establish a “breathing zone”. 4. Talk with your neighbors and networks! Organizing for a better planet is taking a stance against corruption and climate change. Everyone is often facing the same problems and issues, be vulnerable and talk about it with your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors! You’d be surprised what others may have to say. 5. Become an Eco-Warrior. Take a personal pledge to rescue an aluminum can from the trash can (or any recyclables from the trash!). A pledge to stand up for yourself, your community and your planet whenever you can. A pledge to be vulnerable and open and fight for this planet and its people. By Jasmin Barco Eco-Cycle Community Organizer Editor’s note: Jasmin Barco works for Eco-Cycle and us an Outreach Coordinator and for Groundwork Denver. She can be reached with com ments or questions.

Be Wise and Learn how to Protect your Real Estate Nest Egg!! Colorado Black Residents owning a home for 20 years or more are being targeted for the equity in their property. An offer to Buy your Property may include a cash transaction, a quick sale, no inspection, and the freedom to leave your problems behind. But before you consider the offer this is what you need to know!! In Colorado’s hot real estate market, homeowners might not know the True Market Value of their property, which is what unscrupulous investors want. Ultimately unscrupulous investors are trying to drive down your property value with misleading and confusing information. They then hope to make a profit by turning around and selling your property at True Market Value. This can happen to anyone because people who perpetrate fraud are good at what they do, separating you from your money.

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